[Tutor] formatting and pretty printing nested structures

Gregor Lingl glingl at aon.at
Mon Feb 23 04:01:20 EST 2004

kevin parks schrieb:

> Hi. I have a list of lists. Inside the list are lists that are made up 
> of strings and floats. When i print the list it prints the floats in 
> the usual insane long wierdo format and i want to print them with 
> string formatting so that they are more readable, so i somehow have to 
> pick apart the nested items so that i can print:
> 0 ['C', 8.0, 8.0]
> 1 ['C#', 8.0099999999999998, 8.0833349227905273]
> more like this:
> 0 ['C', 8.00, 8.000000]
> 1 ['C#', 8.01, 8.083333]
> or even betterererer:
> 0    C    8.00    8.000000
> 1    C#   8.01    8.083333
> What is the best way to format and print nested srtucres like i have 
> here?

Hi Kevin!

Not having a module named rtcmix at hand nor knowing the
function octpch and even not knowing if the following is
the *best way*, I recommend

 >>> mylist = [['C', 8.0, 8.0], ['C#', 8.0099999999999998, 
 >>> for i, item in enumerate(mylist):
    print "%2d   %-2s   %4.2f%10.6f" % tuple([i]+item)

 0   C    8.00  8.000000
 1   C#   8.01  8.083335

or, if enumerate doesn't exist in your Python version:

 >>> for i in range(len(mylist)):
    print "%2d   %-2s   %4.2f%10.6f" % tuple([i]+mylist[i])

 0   C    8.00  8.000000
 1   C#   8.01  8.083335


> cheers,
> kevin
> -- -----
> from rtcmix import *
> c = ['C', 8.00, octpch(8.00)]

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