[Tutor] __setitem__ [classes and functions]

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Feb 27 16:28:31 EST 2004

On Fri, 27 Feb 2004, Christopher Spears wrote:

> Thanks!  I do have a question though regarding this statement:
> > A class is what a programmer uses to create objects.
> This is confusing to me because I always thought of classes as another
> type of data object like strings or dictionaries except a class is an
> object that can hold variables, functions, etc. like a file (which is
> also seen as an data object by Python, right?).

Hi Chris,

Here's one perspective that might help:  A class is, in some aspects, very
similar to a function.  Functions are things that we can manipulate:

>>> def makeEmptyDictionary():
...     return {}
>>> makeEmptyDictionary
<function makeEmptyDictionary at 0x8158a5c>

One neat thing about objects in Python is that they can be squirreled away
in lists or dictionaries:

>>> [makeEmptyDictionary, makeEmptyDictionary]
[<function makeEmptyDictionary at 0x8158a5c>,
 <function makeEmptyDictionary at 0x8158a5c>]

This isn't as useless as it might first appear: a variation of this is a
core idea behind the "switch" statement in other programming languages.
For example, the following snippet:

>>> def add(x, y): return x + y
>>> def sub(x, y): return x - y
>>> def math_eval(operation, x, y):
...     dispatch_table = { '+': add,
...                        '-': sub }
...     if operation in dispatch_table:
...         operator = dispatch_table[operation]
...         return operator(x, y)
...     else:
...         print "I don't know about", operation
...         return None
>>> math_eval('+', 3, 17)
>>> math_eval('-', 49, 17)
>>> math_eval('-', 49, 7)

uses a dictionary whose keys are functions.  (Sorry for the detour!

Anyway, so functions are objects.  But not only can these functions can
also be stored or passed around, but they can also be called ("applied"):

>>> makeEmptyDictionary()

And this function "calling" is traditionally what we usually do with
functions, and we usually expect a function call to return back to us some

It turns out that since functions are objects, it's perfectly possible to
have a function whose return value is itself a function:

>>> def getOperator(operation):
...     dispatch_table = { '+': add,
...                        '-': sub }
...     if operation in dispatch_table:
...         return dispatch_table[operation]
...     else:
...         print "I don't know about", operation
...         return None
>>> getOperator("+")
<function add at 0x8159704>
>>> getOperator("-")
<function sub at 0x81584c4>

but let's not get into that too deeply yet.  *grin*

Anywa, so just as we defined a function, we can create a class:

>>> class MyClass:
...     def __init__(self):
...         pass
>>> MyClass
<class __main__.MyClass at 0x8158b4c>

This class, too, is itself an object, and can be passed around as
parameters, stored in lists, and returned by functions:

>>> def getSomeClass(password):
...     if password == 'foo':
...         return MyClass
...     else:
...         print "No, you need to say the magic word."
...         return None
>>> c = getSomeClass('foo')
>>> c
<class __main__.MyClass at 0x8158b4c>

And just as we did that math_eval() example by pulling out the right
function from a dictionary, we can do something similar with classes!  We
can keep a list of classes in some dictionary, and return any particular

These classes, too, can be applied, and their return values:

>>> MyClass()
<__main__.MyClass instance at 0x8154254>
>>> c()
<__main__.MyClass instance at 0x8154264>

... are "instances".

The return value that comes off a class is itself another object, but we
try to be more formal about it can call it an "instance" to further
describe the thing we're getting back.  An "instance" is a label we attach
to object that's was born by a class.

Anyway, hope this helps!

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