[Tutor] Reviewing scripts & main statements in function

Daniel Ehrenberg littledanehren at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 15 17:33:32 EST 2004

Barnaby Scott wrote:
> Thanks very much for that. I was interested to see
> your comments, and am as pleased to receive
> stylistic
> help as much as any other kind.
> Can I ask one other question, which may have wider
> relevance for others?:
> You (or another contributor) put the main statement
> block into a function and then called it with the
> line
> if __name__ == '__main__': main()
> I have seen this before - is it universally good
> practice? What about scripts that were only ever
> intended to be run standalone?

Yes, this is considered universally good practice.
Even if this was originally only intended to be run
standalone, there is still a chance that someone will
want to reuse it without having to copy some of the
source code into a new file by using it as a module.
Your code was very well-structured and reusable, apart
from that one thing that I had to put in a function.
> It also makes me think - if this is good practice,
> should you always be prepared for someone to import
> your script as a module, and maybe even subclass
> some
> of my objects etc? If they did, they would get a
> rude
> shock, as the classes are not very 'self-contained'.
> For example they make reference to each other and to
> global variables in the module. Should classes
> always
> have every piece of data they will need passed to
> them
> at the creation of an instance, or in other ways
> make
> themselves 'available' more universally?
As long as the classes are not coppied and pasted into
another file, it will work fine. There is no real
reason to demand that everything be self-contained in
Python (although other languages have restrictions
which make it like that).

> Thanks again - I really do appreciate all these
> opportunites to learn more.

Daniel Ehrenberg

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