[Tutor] to/from binary to/from integer (i.e.'01010101' =85)

"Jörg Wölke" lumbricus at gmx.net
Fri Jan 16 19:58:08 EST 2004


> I have no idea how  that works. A more legible, but
> somewhat more verbose, way to do that would be:

Most straightforward IMVHO opinion is this approach:

loop {
    Look wheather the least significant bit is a 1: "number & 1"
    Store result as char ( '0' or '1' ) into String.
    Shift number to the right: "number >>= 1"
} until number == 0 ( because right shifting fills unsigned ints with 0 ) 
return String.
> Daniel Ehrenberg

Greetings, J"o!

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