[Tutor] front end 101

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jan 23 03:15:26 EST 2004

> that did not talk to the world through html and a browser, and I am
> tired of tripping over this limitation in myself. And this means
> learning about TL/TCL I am going to bet.

I assume you mean Tcl/Tk? The toolkit behind Tkinter?
In fact the Tkinter stuff is so well done that you very
rarely need to delve into Tcl.

> So in this thread, I invite 101 level information about the subject
> general, and any tutoring on the subject you care to provide.

Visit my tutor and look at the GUI page. It covers the most
basic concepts of GUIs in general, some simple Tkinter scripts
and a comparison with wxPython.

The semi-official tutor on Tkinter (linked from the Tkinter
area of python.org) will then provide the detail needed to
dig deeper.

Once you undestand the basics you might then want to invrestigate
a GUI builder like Glade or PyCard. I've never used Glade for
anything serious but I see good reports about it from others.

Alan G.

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