[Tutor] parsing email

Karl Pflästerer sigurd at 12move.de
Wed Jan 28 13:41:37 EST 2004

On 28 Jan 2004, Mike Hansen <- mhansen at cso.atmel.com wrote:

> Getting attacked by MyDoom at our site, our NT Admin asked if we could
> write a script to delete messages. In the time it would have taken us

It's nice to have an admin who gives you such freedom.

> thought I'd try to write a script for when this happens in the
> future.(Another virus, another mess)

Right.  And don't forget the fun of learning how to do the task.

> Is there a method of the email parser that can retrieve the subject? 

I think you mix two different subjects: parsing the e-mail and fetching

> Is there a dictionary that has a key with the subject? Is using the
> email parser the best way to do this?

IMO no.  If you use pop3 to fetch the e-mails use poplib.  Then fetch
the header of the e-mail and look at the values; perhaps you could use
TOP to fetch some of the first lines of an e-mail to filter on those
first lines.  That will help decreasing traffic.  Alternatively use

If you have the whole e-mail already in your spool and you just want to
decide if they are to be deleted you may want to look at

But if you want to use the email parser you can read the files and then
there is indeed a dictionary with the header entries names as keys.

Suppose I had a message in the file 64856.msg then I could parse it

>>> import email
>>> msg = email.message_from_file(file("64856.msg"))
>>> msg.keys()
['Received', 'X-Hamster-Info', 'From', 'To', 'Date', 'Subject', 'Message-ID', 'Return-Path']

Now I could use these keys to retrieve the values and decide if the
e-mail is spam.

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