[Tutor] Unexpected results with list

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Jan 29 19:41:36 EST 2004

OK, Thats better, I can see the structure this time, 
although I still don't see the missing data definitions...

> ### the code
> print '----newKeyRS'
> newKeyRS = []
> for newRecord in newRS:
>         newPk = ''
>         for nKey in newKeys:
>                 newPk = newPk + str(newRecord[nKey]).strip()

This strikes me as strange since you just keep appending to newPk.
You never reset it. Presumably newKeys is a list of numbers?
But then every time through the newRecord loop you get the same 
newPk value since you never change newKeys?

>         newKeyRS.append((newPk, newRecord))

But from the output below you are patently getting different 
newPk values... hmm.

>         if newPk[:5]=='15000': print (newPk, newRecord)

And since the original record is the second element we must 
assume that the nKey loop extracts the GroupCode value from 
the dictionary by treating the dictionary as a string? 
But how does it prepend the 1 that we see in the newPk 

I think I'm missing something somewhere?

> print '        ----'
> for newRecord in newKeyRS:
>         if newRecord[0][:5]=='15000': print newRecord

> ### the results
> ----newKeyRS
> ('150002', {'GroupCode': 50002, 'LanguageId': 1})
> ('150003', {'GroupCode': 50003, 'LanguageId': 1})
>         ----
> ('150002', {'GroupCode': 50002, 'LanguageId': 1})
> ('150004', {'GroupCode': 50004, 'LanguageId': 1})


Alan G

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