[Tutor] vb6.0

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Jan 29 19:45:09 EST 2004

>   I guess I am not the "sharpest pencil in the drawer", 
> cause I spent $1000.00 for a on line course for vb6.0 

Well at least there are plenty Python courses for free! :-)

> Now, am I just not made to program?  Or do you think I 
> could enhance my programming by studying Python. 

You need to study programming. Once you get it in one 
language the rest are easy. Pick one of the tutorials on 
the Python web site, maybe even the official one since 
you've done some VB.

Alternatively you could try mine as a fast conceptual 
refresher which includes comparisons with QBASIC which 
is a little like V.Basic

Give it a go, ask questions here when you get stuck.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

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