From bwinton at  Tue Jun  1 16:05:45 2004
From: bwinton at (Blake Winton)
Date: Tue Jun  1 16:06:05 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list comprehension question
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <003501c44813$d9c918f0$>

> I have two lists of keys that I have from creating edge 
> dictionaries for the altered and original mesh, then
> using list comprehension to find the unique edges.
> giving, for instance, the following.
> ListAUniqueEdges = {(1,5), (2,6), (3,7), (8,9)}
> ListBUniqueEdges = {(2,7), (3,5), (1,6), (10,11)}

Just one question, you have those listed as dictionaries, but
I've found it easier to work with if I converted them to lists.
ListAUniqueEdges = [(1,5), (2,6), (3,7), (8,9)]
ListBUniqueEdges = [(2,7), (3,5), (1,6), (10,11)]

Was that a typo?

> I need to create two dictionaries from the above, showing
> how the edges from lista relate to those in listb and vice
> versa, ie the resulting Dict would be
> DictA = {(1,5): {(1,6), (3,5)}, (2,6): {(2,7), (1,6)},
> (3,7): {(3,5), (2,7)}, (8,9):{}}
> is there some elegant way to do this, I think it should
> be doable via list comprehension, but for some reason I
> can't think of the solution right now, and the power of
> google isn't helping...

I can do it with a list comprehension, but I'ld like to see
what you came up with first...


From martin at  Tue Jun  1 16:48:06 2004
From: martin at (Martin Hjort Eriksen)
Date: Tue Jun  1 16:50:51 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
Message-ID: <>


This is a question on how references work with Python.

I have several objects, which use the same class definition. Within this 
class definition, there is an attribute of the type dictionary. During 
the run of the application, this dictionary, will be slowly filled up 
with references to other objects.

I would expect that the dictionary attribute will not be the same 
accross the objects. But everytime i add an object to one dictionary, it 
is also added to all the other dictionary.

When I compare the addresses in the memory for the objects, I can only 
conclude that they are not the same.

Here is an sample of when i put the references into the dictionaries:

    def examineParticipations(self):
        for id, participation in self.Participations.iteritems():
            # lets first figure out what type it is
            connection1ObjectType = 
            connection2ObjectType = 
            # attr =======================================================
            if connection1ObjectType == "attribute":
                connection1Object = 
                # attr 
                if connection2ObjectType == "entity":
                    connection2Object = 
connection2Object.attributes[participation.connection1] = connection1Object

Now for the question:
Why is a references added into one dictionary attribute also added to 
all other dictionary attributes, in objects of teh the same class 
definition, when one would expect that they where different dictionaries?


Martin Hjort Eriksen

From pythonTutor at  Tue Jun  1 17:29:49 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Tue Jun  1 17:30:00 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I assume that you made the dictionary a class variable.  Class variables
are common to the class.  When they are immutable such as strings or
numbers, the CHANGED values will be per instance (when assigned to
self).  This is a handy way to provide default values within a class.

(I simply typed this in.  There could be minor typos)
class A:
	foo = 3

	def change_foo(self):
		print	# 3 = 10
		print	# 10

print	# 3 unless class variable is explicitly changed

Since the dictionary is mutable, all changes are shared among
instances.  To have separate dictionaries for each instance move the
dictionary creation to the __init__ method and delete the class variable
from the source.

If the dictionary is NOT a class variable, please let us know.  Then it
will take further investigation.

On Tue, 2004-06-01 at 16:48, Martin Hjort Eriksen wrote:
> Hello
> This is a question on how references work with Python.
> I have several objects, which use the same class definition. Within this 
> class definition, there is an attribute of the type dictionary. During 
> the run of the application, this dictionary, will be slowly filled up 
> with references to other objects.
> I would expect that the dictionary attribute will not be the same 
> accross the objects. But everytime i add an object to one dictionary, it 
> is also added to all the other dictionary.
> When I compare the addresses in the memory for the objects, I can only 
> conclude that they are not the same.
> Here is an sample of when i put the references into the dictionaries:
>     def examineParticipations(self):
>         for id, participation in self.Participations.iteritems():
>             # lets first figure out what type it is
>             connection1ObjectType = 
> self.findDiaObject(participation.connection1)
>             connection2ObjectType = 
> self.findDiaObject(participation.connection2)
>             # attr =======================================================
>             if connection1ObjectType == "attribute":
>                 connection1Object = 
> self.Attributes[participation.connection1]
>                 # attr 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 if connection2ObjectType == "entity":
>                     connection2Object = 
> self.Entities[participation.connection2]
> connection2Object.attributes[participation.connection1] = connection1Object
> Now for the question:
> Why is a references added into one dictionary attribute also added to 
> all other dictionary attributes, in objects of teh the same class 
> definition, when one would expect that they where different dictionaries?
> regards
> Martin Hjort Eriksen
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From dyoo at  Tue Jun  1 18:32:53 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Jun  1 18:32:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, Martin Hjort Eriksen wrote:

> This is a question on how references work with Python.
> I have several objects, which use the same class definition. Within this
> class definition, there is an attribute of the type dictionary. During
> the run of the application, this dictionary, will be slowly filled up
> with references to other objects.

Hi Martin,

Let's look at two possible implementations of a class with an attribute:

class FirstExample:
    names = []
    def __init__(self):
    def add(self, name):
    def report(self):
        for n in names:
            print n

class SecondExample:
    def __init__(self):
        self.names = []
    def add(self, name):
    def report(self):
        for n in names:
            print n

Does your class definition resemble either one of these?

The difference between the two here is that the FirstExample uses a shared
"names"  class attribute.  The SecondExample uses an instance-specific
"names"  attribute that's created anew for each instance.

My guess is that the FirstExample's approach fits your problem
description, but then, I guess wildly.  *grin*

Please tell us a few more details on your class.  A small, simplified
example of the problem with source code will help us a lot, since then we
can duplicate the same problem.

Good luck to you!

From tommusgrove__ at  Tue Jun  1 18:43:45 2004
From: tommusgrove__ at (Tom Musgrove)
Date: Tue Jun  1 18:43:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list comprehension question
Message-ID: <>

>Was that a typo?

Hi Blake, it was indeed a typo, new to the whole python thing...

Here is the solution I came up with

>>>ListAUniqueEdges = [(1,5), (2,6), (3,7), (8,9)]
>>>ListBUniqueEdges = [(2,7), (3,5), (1,6), (10,11)]
>>>NewDict = {}
>>>for k,v in ListAUniqueEdges:
>>>	listTemp = []
>>>	for m,n in ListBUniqueEdges:
>>>		if((k==m)or(k==n)or(v==m)or(v==n)): #seems there should be a better 
>>>method here
>>>			if (listTemp == []) :
>>>				listTemp = [(m,n)]
>>>			else:
>>>				listTemp.extend([(m,n)])
>>>	NewDict[(k,v)] = listTemp
{(3,7): [(2,7), (3,5)], (2,6): [(2,7), (1,6)], (8,9): [], (1,5):[(3,5), 

So, it seems to work ok

I'd be interested if there is a 'better' or more elegant way.  Especially


(I tried (k or v) == (m or n) but didn't give the result I'd hoped for...)

>I can do it with a list comprehension, but I'ld like to see
>what you came up with first...

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From bwinton at  Tue Jun  1 20:58:22 2004
From: bwinton at (Blake Winton)
Date: Tue Jun  1 21:15:23 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list comprehension question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 at 10:43:45PM +0000, Tom Musgrove wrote:
> >Was that a typo?
> Hi Blake, it was indeed a typo, new to the whole python thing...

No worries, just checking.

> Here is the solution I came up with
> >>>ListAUniqueEdges = [(1,5), (2,6), (3,7), (8,9)]
> >>>ListBUniqueEdges = [(2,7), (3,5), (1,6), (10,11)]
> >>>NewDict = {}
> >>>for k,v in ListAUniqueEdges:
> >>>    listTemp = []
> >>>    for m,n in ListBUniqueEdges:
> >>>        if((k==m)or(k==n)or(v==m)or(v==n)):
> >>>            if (listTemp == []) :
> >>>                listTemp = [(m,n)]
> >>>            else:
> >>>                listTemp.extend([(m,n)])
> >>>    NewDict[(k,v)] = listTemp
> >>>
> >>>NewDict
> {(3,7): [(2,7), (3,5)], (2,6): [(2,7), (1,6)], (8,9): [], (1,5):[(3,5), 
> (1,6)]}
> >>>
> So, it seems to work ok
> I'd be interested if there is a 'better' or more elegant way.  Especially
> the
> if((k==m)or(k==n)or(v==m)or(v==n))
> (I tried (k or v) == (m or n) but didn't give the result I'd hoped for...)

Yeah.  How about:
if k in (m,n) or v in (m,n):
If you use the "in" trick, you don't really need to split out the tuples
in ListBUniqueEdges, so you can shorten it to
for x in ListBUniqueEdges:
  if k in x or v in x:

I feel that there should be something a little nicer, but I'm not
entirely sure what it is.  Is there any way of taking advantage of the
fact that the pairs are in some order?  I think there should be, but I
can't see it...

(I kind of want to write:
 if (k,v) in (m,n):
 but I know that's not going to work, and I don't think it should work,
 particularly.  Still, it would be nice.)

> >I can do it with a list comprehension, but I'ld like to see
> >what you came up with first...

The other trick I used was the dict() method, which takes a list of
tuples and turns them into a dictionary.  i.e.
>>> dict([(1,2),(3,4)])
{1: 2, 3: 4}

And finally, here's my list comprehension (a one-liner, even!) :
dict( [((a,b),[x for x in ListBUniqueEdges if a in x or b in x]) for a,b in ListAUniqueEdges] )
and the output:
{(3, 7): [(2, 7), (3, 5)], (2, 6): [(2, 7), (1, 6)], (8, 9): [], (1, 5): [(3, 5), (1, 6)]}

I don't think it's particularly more readable than your solution, though.


From Dragonfirebane at  Tue Jun  1 21:46:25 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Tue Jun  1 21:46:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
1.	Allow creation of accounts with unique id's (based on birthday [ddmmyyyy] times pi times 1000 times 'time.time()' % 100000000)	CHECK
2.	Allow these accounts to be manipulated (deposits, withdrawals, transfers to existing accounts, and transfers to new accounts)
3.	Allow account info (including account id, balance, date of opening, date of last use, a log of transactions, time since opening, and time since last use (but NOT the password)) to be saved.
4.	Allow retrieval of this saved information only when the CORRECT password for the account id is entered.
5.	Allow a directory of stored account id's to be visible without a password (but NOT their balances).
6.	Allow compound interest to take effect compounded quarterly at 3 percent.
7.	Allow the bank to charge a .5% commission on all transactions.
8.	*optional* Allow the bank to hold a certain amount of money (expressly from aforementioned fees) to be used in loans at 25% interest compounded semi-annually, with payments to be made once a month.
9.	Allow each user to be assigned a certain amount of money to begin with, based on the number of vowels in their name times  'time.time()' to the power of pi split into at most 6 digits. IN PROGRESS
-------------- next part --------------
def newuser():
    new = raw_input("Are you a new user [y/n]? ")
    while new not in 'yYnN':
        new = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Are you a new user? """)
    if new in 'yY':
        startmon = raw_input("Please enter your first and last name [------ ------]. ")
        vowsearch = re.compile('[aeiou]*', re.IGNORECASE)
        print, startmon).group()
def newacc():
    newac = raw_input("Would you like to create a new account [y/n]? ")
    while newac not in 'yYnN':
        newac = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Would you like to create a new acount? """)
    if newac in 'yY':
        newacid = int(raw_input("Please enter your birthday [ddmmyyyy]. "))
        newacid = 3141.5962 * newacid
        newacid = newacid * time.time()
        newacid = newacid % 100000000
        initbal = int(raw_input("How much money would you like to put in your account? "))
        print "Account number %d created with $%d in it." % (newacid, initbal)      
        return newacid
import time
import re
From gew75 at  Tue Jun  1 22:18:00 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Tue Jun  1 22:18:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Hi Dragonfirebane,

> I'm having some trouble understanding the use of the re module in
searches, etc.
> What I am trying to do in the attached code is get the user's first and
last name
> with a maximum of 6 characters each (I don't know how to get only the
first six
> characters of each name (first, last). I'll probably divide that into one
for each
> name to make it easier) and find the number of vowels in it.  I am utterly
> regarding how to do this . . . any help would be appreciated.

  Well, for such a simple task I would not use the re module.  Regular
expressions can be hard to understand, and especially for someone who is
relatively new to programming.  More intuitive is to roll your own!

  The standard string object has plenty of builtin functionality.  If you
want to only get names of maximum 6 characters, then use a while loop with
len(name) as a check.  For example:

name = raw_input("Please enter your name > ")
while len(name) > 6:
    print "Six characters maximum.  Please try again."
    name = raw_input("Please enter your name > ")

  Or if you want to get the first six characters of the input string, use a
slice.  For example:

>>> name = "Jimbiusmongius"
>>> shortname = name[:6]
>>> shortname

  To find the number of vowels in a name, try something like :

>>> vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
>>> name = "Alista"
>>> for letter in name:
..  if letter.lower() in vowels:
..   vowelcount = vowelcount + 1
>>> vowelcount

  The reason .lower() is required is to ensure that the name contains no
uppercase letters, which are not present in our vowels list, since uppercase
and lowercase are not the same according to python.


From tommusgrove__ at  Tue Jun  1 22:25:02 2004
From: tommusgrove__ at (Tom Musgrove)
Date: Tue Jun  1 22:25:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list comprehension question
Message-ID: <>


I think I'll stick with my code, but replace the k,v with vertA and vertB, 
and m,n with edge for a slight readability improvement.

I can't believe I forgot about the in thing - duh!  I guess I'm just not 
used to seeing it in a programming context.

Tom M.

Stop worrying about overloading your inbox - get MSN Hotmail Extra Storage!

From gew75 at  Tue Jun  1 23:54:46 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Tue Jun  1 23:55:00 2004
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Yes it would, but I am lazy so tried to save a little typing :).


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] (no subject)

Thanks.  Wouldn't it also be possible to add 'A','E','I','O','U' to vowels
so that capital vowels are caught as well, removing the need for a
case-sensitive match?

In a message dated 6/1/2004 10:18:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

  Hi Dragonfirebane,

> I'm having some trouble understanding the use of the re module in
searches, etc.
> What I am trying to do in the attached code is get the user's first and
last name
> with a maximum of 6 characters each (I don't know how to get only the
first six
> characters of each name (first, last). I'll probably divide that into one
for each
> name to make it easier) and find the number of vowels in it.  I am utterly
> regarding how to do this . . . any help would be appreciated.

  Well, for such a simple task I would not use the re module.  Regular
expressions can be hard to understand, and especially for someone who is
relatively new to programming.  More intuitive is to roll your own!

  The standard string object has plenty of builtin functionality.  If you
want to only get names of maximum 6 characters, then use a while loop with
len(name) as a check.  For example:

name = raw_input("Please enter your name > ")
while len(name) > 6:
    print "Six characters maximum.  Please try again."
    name = raw_input("Please enter your name > ")

  Or if you want to get the first six characters of the input string, use a
slice.  For example:

>>> name = "Jimbiusmongius"
>>> shortname = name[:6]
>>> shortname

  To find the number of vowels in a name, try something like :

>>> vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
>>> name = "Alista"
>>> for letter in name:
.  if letter.lower() in vowels:
.   vowelcount = vowelcount + 1
>>> vowelcount

  The reason .lower() is required is to ensure that the name contains no
uppercase letters, which are not present in our vowels list, since uppercase
and lowercase are not the same according to python.


From bobhe at  Wed Jun  2 01:42:31 2004
From: bobhe at (Bob Heasman)
Date: Wed Jun  2 01:41:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing two lines of print
Message-ID: <>

First of all thanks to those who have assisted me thus far!!!!!

I am trying to write a simple program which compares a line taken from a
file with one which I have typed into a script.

Herewith the script :-

# Window analyser
# To select a phrase and send a cmd to the parallel port

# print "\a"
print "\nReading one line at a time."

text_file = open("window2", "r")

print text_file.readline()

# [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0] #This a is copy of the line which
# is supposed to be compared with the next line down.

if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
     print "UA6ADV, beam heading 000 deg. Activate relay #1"

# elif phrase == "[PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - F3KT-0]":
#    print "F3KT, beam heading 350 deg. Activate relay #2"

# elif phrase == "[PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - HS0ZDZ-0]":
#    print "HS0ZDZ-0, beam heading 67 deg. Activate relay #3"

# else:
#    print "\n\n\t\tPhrase does not match. Return to 000 deg. Relay #1"

raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")


When I attempt to run this script I get a syntax error:-

[root@penguin bob]# ./
   File "./", line 14
     if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


I just cannot figure out why this is happening. HELP.



From chidorex-pytutor at  Wed Jun  2 01:54:15 2004
From: chidorex-pytutor at (Rex)
Date: Wed Jun  2 01:54:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing two lines of print
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm not a Python expert at all, but in this case, your error comes from
missing the capturing quotes and the final colon. You do have these on
the subsequent elifs:

if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]

should be

if text_file.readline() == "[PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]":

Best regards,


--- Bob Heasman <> wrote:
> First of all thanks to those who have assisted me thus far!!!!!
> I am trying to write a simple program which compares a line taken
> from a
> file with one which I have typed into a script.
> Herewith the script :-
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # Window analyser
> # To select a phrase and send a cmd to the parallel port
> # print "\a"
> print "\nReading one line at a time."
> text_file = open("window2", "r")
> print text_file.readline()
> # [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0] #This a is copy of the line
> which
> # is supposed to be compared with the next line down.
> if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
>      print "UA6ADV, beam heading 000 deg. Activate relay #1"
> # elif phrase == "[PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - F3KT-0]":
> #    print "F3KT, beam heading 350 deg. Activate relay #2"
> # elif phrase == "[PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - HS0ZDZ-0]":
> #    print "HS0ZDZ-0, beam heading 67 deg. Activate relay #3"
> # else:
> #    print "\n\n\t\tPhrase does not match. Return to 000 deg. Relay
> #1"
> raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
>                             *******************************
> When I attempt to run this script I get a syntax error:-
> [root@penguin bob]# ./
>    File "./", line 14
>      if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
>                                       ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>                              ****************************
> I just cannot figure out why this is happening. HELP.
> Cheers
> Bob
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun  2 02:55:22 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun  2 02:54:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] gui tks and encodings
References: <>
Message-ID: <011b01c4486e$935992e0$6401a8c0@xp>

> but could you tell me why do i always get 0, 0, 0, 0 for
> print text_widget.bbox('insert') ?

Not without knowing more about what's inside the text box.
The manual says of bbox:
Return a list of 4  numbers giving x,y,width and height (relative
to the widget) of the visible area occupied by the character
at the index. If the character is not visible an empty list is

So if there were no characters in the text box you would
indeed get 0,0,0,0.

But if you insert some characters and move the insert into the
middle of them, then you should get a different result.


Alan G.

From martin at  Wed Jun  2 03:01:20 2004
From: martin at (Martin Hjort Eriksen)
Date: Wed Jun  2 03:04:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>Hi Martin,
>Let's look at two possible implementations of a class with an attribute:
>class FirstExample:
>    names = []
>    def __init__(self):
>        pass
>    def add(self, name):
>        self.names.append(name)
>    def report(self):
>        for n in names:
>            print n
>class SecondExample:
>    def __init__(self):
>        self.names = []
>    def add(self, name):
>        self.names.append(name)
>    def report(self):
>        for n in names:
>            print n
>Does your class definition resemble either one of these?
>The difference between the two here is that the FirstExample uses a shared
>"names"  class attribute.  The SecondExample uses an instance-specific
>"names"  attribute that's created anew for each instance.
>My guess is that the FirstExample's approach fits your problem
>description, but then, I guess wildly.  *grin*
>Please tell us a few more details on your class.  A small, simplified
>example of the problem with source code will help us a lot, since then we
>can duplicate the same problem.
>Good luck to you!
Hello Danny

Thank you very much..that helped, my program now reacts the way I want. 
I understand what is going on in your explenation, but there is still 
one funny thing that I still do not understand.

This is how part of the class definition looked like, before I edited 
according to your recomendations:

class DiaObjectEntity:
    # attributes of the entity
    attributes = {}
    # keys of the entity
    keys = []

    # wheater or not it is a weak entity
    weak = 0
    # the name of the entity
    name = ""
    def __init__(self, DiaId):
        self.DiaId = DiaId

I moved the generation of the attribute "attributes" down into the 
__init__ method, and now they are instance specific, instead of shared. 
The funny thing however is the attribute name. Eventhough it is defined 
like the above, the content is still instence specific, and not shared. 
Meaning, that I have given each instance an unique name, at some point 
efter the instantiation, and that name is only hold for that instance, 
and is not given to the other instances.


From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun  2 03:14:45 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun  2 03:14:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
References: <>
Message-ID: <012401c44871$48af2a40$6401a8c0@xp>

> I have several objects, which use the same class definition.

I assume you mean they are all instances of the same class?
Not that they have a reference to the class?

> class definition, there is an attribute of the type dictionary.
> I would expect that the dictionary attribute will not be the same
> accross the objects.

If the dictionary is defined as a class attribute it will be
shared across instances. That is what class attributes are for.
If you want it to be per instance you need to define it within
the __init__ method.

If OTOH you are holding a reference to the class within other
objects then again the objects will all point at the same
class object and share the dictionarey.

All three scenarios are illustrated below:

class C:
   sharedDict = {}   # class attribute shared by all instances
   def __init__(self):
       self.uniqueDict = {}  # this is unique per insance
   def printDicts(self)
       print self.sharedDict
       print self.uniqueDict

class D:
   def __init__(self):
       self.c_ref = C  # reference to the class
   def printDict:
       print self.c_ref.sharedDict

c = C()
d = C()

c.sharedDict[1] = 'one'
c.uniqueDict[1] = 'ONE'
d.sharedDict[1] = 'CHANGED IT!"
d.uniqueDict[1] = "WON"

e = D()

> Here is an sample of when i put the references into the
>     def examineParticipations(self):
>         for id, participation in self.Participations.iteritems():
>             # lets first figure out what type it is
>             connection1ObjectType =
> self.findDiaObject(participation.connection1)
>             connection2ObjectType =
> self.findDiaObject(participation.connection2)
>             # attr
>             if connection1ObjectType == "attribute":
>                 connection1Object =
> self.Attributes[participation.connection1]
>                 # attr

Off topic, but looking at this code I can't help thinking it
doesn't look very object like... Couldn't the connectionObjects
themselves figure out what to do? Rather than have a 'if type==XXX'
statement? Such statements are very rarely needed in OO designs
and are a common maintenance headache in the future. On of the
big bendefits of OO is to avoid those types of if statements.

But without more understanding of what the various objects do
I can't be sure, so maybe you do need to do it that way.

> Why is a references added into one dictionary attribute also added
> all other dictionary attributes, in objects of teh the same class
> definition, when one would expect that they where different

Hopefully my example above has demonstrated that - assuming that
my guess is right and you have created them as class attributes.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun  2 03:18:34 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun  2 03:17:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list comprehension question
References: <>
Message-ID: <012d01c44871$d11560c0$6401a8c0@xp>

I'll leave someone else to dop the list comprehension answer but...

> I'd be interested if there is a 'better' or more elegant way.
> the
> if((k==m)or(k==n)or(v==m)or(v==n))

Personally I'd do:

if k in (m,n) or v in (m,n)

Alan G.

From martin at  Wed Jun  2 03:41:59 2004
From: martin at (Martin Hjort Eriksen)
Date: Wed Jun  2 03:44:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <012401c44871$48af2a40$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <> <012401c44871$48af2a40$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you  very much for your answer.

>If the dictionary is defined as a class attribute it will be
>shared across instances. That is what class attributes are for.
That depends in what language you are working.

>Off topic, but looking at this code I can't help thinking it
>doesn't look very object like... Couldn't the connectionObjects
>themselves figure out what to do? Rather than have a 'if type==XXX'
>statement? Such statements are very rarely needed in OO designs
>and are a common maintenance headache in the future. On of the
>big bendefits of OO is to avoid those types of if statements.
>But without more understanding of what the various objects do
>I can't be sure, so maybe you do need to do it that way.
You are totally right, and normally I would not work in this way. The 
problem is that this is the first time I work with Python, and I am 
still learning all the little quirks of the language. Later versions of 
this program will be better designed.


From orbitz at  Wed Jun  2 04:43:12 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Wed Jun  2 04:44:23 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing two lines of print
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Just take the time to compare what you have with all the other elif lines. 
When you hit a snag just take a deep breath and look at the code for awhile and
think about what you are trying to do.

On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 07:42:31 +0200
Bob Heasman <> wrote:

> First of all thanks to those who have assisted me thus far!!!!!
> I am trying to write a simple program which compares a line taken from a
> file with one which I have typed into a script.
> Herewith the script :-
> #!/usr/bin/python
> # Window analyser
> # To select a phrase and send a cmd to the parallel port
> # print "\a"
> print "\nReading one line at a time."
> text_file = open("window2", "r")
> print text_file.readline()
> # [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0] #This a is copy of the line which
> # is supposed to be compared with the next line down.
> if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
>      print "UA6ADV, beam heading 000 deg. Activate relay #1"
> # elif phrase == "[PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - F3KT-0]":
> #    print "F3KT, beam heading 350 deg. Activate relay #2"
> # elif phrase == "[PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - HS0ZDZ-0]":
> #    print "HS0ZDZ-0, beam heading 67 deg. Activate relay #3"
> # else:
> #    print "\n\n\t\tPhrase does not match. Return to 000 deg. Relay #1"
> raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
>                             *******************************
> When I attempt to run this script I get a syntax error:-
> [root@penguin bob]# ./
>    File "./", line 14
>      if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
>                                       ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>                              ****************************
> I just cannot figure out why this is happening. HELP.
> Cheers
> Bob
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun  2 05:17:11 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun  2 05:16:41 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
References: <> <012401c44871$48af2a40$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp>

> >If the dictionary is defined as a class attribute it will be
> >shared across instances. That is what class attributes are for.

> That depends in what language you are working.

Nope, that is a basic tenet of OOP. The only language dependent 
feature is how class attributes are implemented. For example 
in C++ and Java they are prefixed with ''static', in Smalltalk 
they are defined within a separate pane of the class browser 
(they have a unique syntax too but I can't remember it! :-)
and in Objective-C they are prefixed by '+' rather than the 
'-' used for instance members.

But the idea of class attributes is the same in all OOP languages.

Sorry to be picky, but for the sake of other newbies who might 
be reading, the distinction is important :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun  2 05:23:25 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun  2 05:22:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing two lines of print
References: <>
Message-ID: <016001c44883$41f16030$6401a8c0@xp>

> When I attempt to run this script I get a syntax error:-
> [root@penguin bob]# ./
>    File "./", line 14
>      if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
>                                       ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

You are comparing a string (from raw_input()) with a list.
I assume you need quotes around the [PORT....-0] stuff?

Alan G

From martin at  Wed Jun  2 05:37:16 2004
From: martin at (Martin Hjort Eriksen)
Date: Wed Jun  2 05:40:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <> <012401c44871$48af2a40$6401a8c0@xp>
	<> <013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

>Nope, that is a basic tenet of OOP. The only language dependent 
>feature is how class attributes are implemented. For example 
>in C++ and Java they are prefixed with ''static', 

agreed....and in php5 it is also prefixed with a static.

But I do disagree that the basic idea that attributes should be shared 
across objects. The basic idea of objects, is that they can take 
different states. These states are described through the attributes that 
the object has. This requires that the attributes are not shared between 
instances. But in some cases it is necessary that you have the ability 
to share attributes, but that should be rather rare, since the best 
practice is that each object is as much as possible encapsulated from 
everything else.


From bobhe at  Wed Jun  2 09:00:05 2004
From: bobhe at (Bob Heasman)
Date: Wed Jun  2 08:59:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing two lines of print
In-Reply-To: <016001c44883$41f16030$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <> <016001c44883$41f16030$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>>When I attempt to run this script I get a syntax error:-
>>[root@penguin bob]# ./
>>   File "./", line 14
>>     if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
>>                                      ^
>>SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> You are comparing a string (from raw_input()) with a list.
> I assume you need quotes around the [PORT....-0] stuff?
> Alan G
Hello Alan,

Yes I now see what is happening. When I had the quotes in it appeared
to be ignoring two lines of code. Now I see that it IS comparing them 
and, due to the quotes, it says they are not the same. Sorry, I am so 
new to this game I cannot see the wood for the trees.

Phew, back to the drawing board.



From dr_mirror at  Wed Jun  2 09:39:46 2004
From: dr_mirror at (
Date: Wed Jun  2 09:39:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] gui tks and encodings
Message-ID: <>

" So if there were no characters in the text box you would
indeed get 0,0,0,0.

But if you insert some characters and move the insert into the
middle of them, then you should get a different result. "

yes i know i should, but i don't. the widget is full of characters and i move the cursor to the middle, this has always been the way i tried. this bbox method does not seem to care about it. i would be happy if somebody had an evidence that it actually works at all.


From Janssen at  Wed Jun  2 10:28:39 2004
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Wed Jun  2 10:28:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing two lines of print
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <016001c44883$41f16030$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Bob Heasman wrote:

> Alan Gauld wrote:
> >>When I attempt to run this script I get a syntax error:-
> >>
> >>[root@penguin bob]# ./
> >>   File "./", line 14
> >>     if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
> >>                                      ^
> >>SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> >
> >
> > You are comparing a string (from raw_input()) with a list.
> > I assume you need quotes around the [PORT....-0] stuff?
> >
> > Alan G
> >
> >
> >
> Hello Alan,
> Yes I now see what is happening. When I had the quotes in it appeared
> to be ignoring two lines of code. Now I see that it IS comparing them
> and, due to the quotes, it says they are not the same.

it's very likly due to the trailing newline: lines captured with
raw_input have a newline (because you type ENTER).

Run this:

inp = raw_input("Type Enter: ")
print repr(inp)

the "repr" shows the newline in raw representation: "\n".


From dyoo at  Wed Jun  2 14:29:25 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Jun  2 14:29:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing two lines of print
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Bob Heasman wrote:

> Alan Gauld wrote:
> >>When I attempt to run this script I get a syntax error:-
> >>
> >>[root@penguin bob]# ./
> >>   File "./", line 14
> >>     if text_file.readline() == [PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]
> >>                                      ^
> >>SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> >
> >
> > You are comparing a string (from raw_input()) with a list.
> > I assume you need quotes around the [PORT....-0] stuff?
> >
> >
> Hello Alan,
> Yes I now see what is happening. When I had the quotes in it appeared to
> be ignoring two lines of code. Now I see that it IS comparing them and,
> due to the quotes, it says they are not the same.

Hi Bob,

Let's elaborate on this point a little.  When we say things like:

>>> msg = "hello world"

then the 'msg' itself won't have quotes embedded in it.  The value of the
name 'msg' is the string

    hello world

(The indentation, too, isn't part of the string, but is there just to set
it off from my explanation.)

The quotes allow us to tell Python that we're defining a "string literal".
This is a detail that matters, since the following:

>>> "hello" + " world" == "hello world"

is True, even though we can see four quote characters on the left side,
and only two quote characters on the right side.  And so is:

>>> 'hello world' == "hello world"

The quote characters are really for us, to tell the Python system: "Ok,
I'm defining a string constant.  Anything between the quote characters
should be treated as a string."

We could live without using string literals, since we can construct string
values based on the individual ASCII character values:

>>> chr(104) + chr(101) + chr(108) + chr(108) + chr(111) + chr(32) + \
...     chr(119) + chr(111) + chr(114) + chr(108) + chr(100)
'hello world'

but this is just... well... painful.  *grin*

Anyway, getting back to the subject: the quote characters themselves are
probably not the reason why the expression:

    text_file.readline() == "[PORT 6 (PTCPACTOR) - 19 - UA6ADV-0]"

is evaluating to False.  Instead, it's better to assume, for the moment,
that the value of text_file.readline() isn't exactly equal to that other
string value, and to find out why.  So keep the quotes there:  removing
them, just because the comparison was failing, was a wrong turn.  *grin*

Michael Janssen's suggestion to make sure that the "newline" character
'\n' isn't interfering with the comparison, on the other hand, sounds

Hope this helps!

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun  2 14:54:20 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun  2 14:54:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
References: <>
	<013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp> <>
Message-ID: <019101c448d3$0394a8b0$6401a8c0@xp>

> >Nope, that is a basic tenet of OOP. The only language dependent
> >feature is how class attributes are implemented. For example
> >in C++ and Java they are prefixed with ''static',
> >
> But I do disagree that the basic idea that attributes should be
> across objects.

Class attributes are shared by definition, thats what makes them
class attributes - they belong to the class rather than the instance.

> The basic idea of objects, is that they can take different states.

Absolutely but objects  are not classes. (Although classes are
objects but thats getting too far into meta theory for this list
I suspect!) Instances have their attributes and they are unique
to the instance. Classes have their attributes andthey are
unique to the class and shared by the instances of that class.

If that were not true basic OOP would not work since OOP relies
on the ability to create instances which utilises the class
constructor which in turn is an attribute (or more specifically
a method) of the class. Indeed all methods are attributes of
the class shared by the instances. (Python is one of the few
OOP languages which allows you to define attributes in the
instances which are not in the class, but again that's verging
into the esoteric)

> These states are described through the attributes that
> the object has. This requires that the attributes are not shared
> instances.

[irrelevant aside: In fact it doesn't, it can be represented by
a single state attribute (which in turn can be stored by the
class itself). Some early OOP languages investigated such an
approach but it was very inefficient. ]

> But in some cases it is necessary that you have the ability
> to share attributes, but that should be rather rare,

In practice, in most large scale systems there will be class
attributes around somewhere, and indeed in Smalltalk it is
common practice to define a few class attributes for almost
every new class. In any system where persistence is implemented
(storing objects between program invocations) it is common to
implement class attributes and methods to manage the instances
(keep a count or object pool/cache for example, or to implement
an object search mechanism). However, I do agree that classs
methods are far more common that class attributes.

> practice is that each object is as much as possible encapsulated
> everything else.

Yes, but class attributes have very little to do with objects (except
the class objects themselves) and everything to do with the class. So
anything you need to know about the class rather than the object
should be stored in a class attribute.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun  2 15:02:51 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun  2 15:02:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] gui tks and encodings
References: <>
Message-ID: <019601c448d4$34284ee0$6401a8c0@xp>

> >But if you insert some characters and move the insert into the
> >middle of them, then you should get a different result. "
> yes i know i should, but i don't. the widget is full of characters
> and i move the cursor to the middle, this has always been the way i

>>> tk = Tk()
>>> t = Text()
>>> t.pack()
>>> def printBbox():
...    print 'bbox returned: ', t.bbox(INSERT)
>>> b = Button(text="BBOX", command = printBbox)
>>> b.pack()
>>> tk.mainloop()
bbox returned:  (3, 3, 480, 13)
bbox returned:  (61, 3, 6, 13)
bbox returned:  (92, 29, 6, 13)
bbox returned:  (260, 3, 6, 13)

Seems to work OK for me.

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Wed Jun  2 15:10:53 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Jun  2 15:11:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I understand what is going on in your explenation, but there is still
> one funny thing that I still do not understand.
> This is how part of the class definition looked like, before I edited
> according to your recomendations:
> class DiaObjectEntity:
>     # attributes of the entity
>     attributes = {}
>     # keys of the entity
>     keys = []
>     # wheater or not it is a weak entity
>     weak = 0
>     # the name of the entity
>     name = ""
>     def __init__(self, DiaId):
>         self.DiaId = DiaId
> I moved the generation of the attribute "attributes" down into the
> __init__ method, and now they are instance specific, instead of shared.

Hi Martin,

I'm glad it's starting to come together a little beetter.  *grin* So what
does the class definition look like, now?

> The funny thing however is the attribute name. Eventhough it is defined
> like the above, the content is still instence specific, and not shared.
> Meaning, that I have given each instance an unique name, at some point
> efter the instantiation, and that name is only hold for that instance,
> and is not given to the other instances.

Hmmm.  Ok, let me guess the situation again.  Do you mean something like

class Person:
    name = "Foobar"

    def __init__(self):

    def greet(self):
        print, "greets you with great joy"

    def rename(self, newName): = newName

[Advance warning: we'll see that the code above is actually not such a hot
idea to write.]

Let's see what happens here:

>>> class Person:
...     name = "Foobar"
...     def __init__(self):
...         pass
...     def greet(self):
...         print, "greets you with great joy"
...     def rename(self, newName):
... = newName
>>> p1 = Person()
>>> p1.greet()
Foobar greets you with great joy
>>> p2 = Person()
>>> p2.rename("Martin")
>>> p2.greet()
Martin greets you with great joy
>>> p1.greet()
Foobar greets you with great joy

If you're doing something like this, don't!  *grin*

What's happening here is a mixture of class and instance attribute stuff,
and it's potentially confusing.  The class defined above,

class Person:
    name = "Foobar"
    def __init__(self):
    def greet(self):
        print, "greets you with great joy"
    def rename(self, newName): = newName

is very bug-prone, because it first defines a class attribute named
'name', but also allows one to use an instance attribute named 'name'.

Any new Person that's instantiated here doesn't yet have a instance
attribute to make it unique, so when we call greet(), we get the class
attribute value:

>>> p1 = Person()
>>> p1.greet()
Foobar greets you with great joy

But when we rename a person, we end up adding a new instance attribute to
our Person.  Instance attributes, if defined, will shadow class

>>> p2 = Person()
>>> p2.rename("Martin")
>>> p2.greet()
Martin greets you with great joy

And the real reason this is really not a good situation is because our
method, greet(),

    def greet(self):
        print, "greets you with great joy"

has two different behaviors here, depending if rename() had been called
previously.  greet() will print out the class attribute if that instance
attribute hadn't been defined yet, but will print out the instance
attribute if one is defined for the instance.

Beginners will often try to use class attributes to define default values
for attributes.  However, it's probably a better idea to set those
defaults up in the initializer:

class Person:
    def __init__(self): = "Foobar"

    def greet(self):
        print, "greets you with great joy"

    def rename(self, newName): = newName

and avoid the whole class-vs-instance attribute mess.  In fact, I'd
recommend avoiding class attributes altogether... well, at least for a
while.  *grin*

If you have Java/C++ experience, and if you're familiar with things like:

/*** Pseudo-Java ***/
class Person {
    String name;
    Person(String name) { = name;

then the appropriate translation of this into Python is:

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

and there's no need to declare the attributes of a Person elsewhere.
Class attributes follow a similar model to the way we use local variables
in Python: we just assign to them to define them.

Good luck to you!

From martin at  Wed Jun  2 19:05:42 2004
From: martin at (Martin Hjort Eriksen)
Date: Wed Jun  2 19:08:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <019101c448d3$0394a8b0$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <>
	<013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp> <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan....either we both totally agree but we cannot understand each 
other, or we have been going to two very different schools of thought. :)

I think instead of commenting on your comments on my comments...etc. I 
will just come with a short summary of the basics, from what I have been 
tought in the ways of OOP. Hopefully it can help to clear any 
misunderstandings between us. ;)

As a starter, you have classes and objects. The class definitions are a 
blueprints on how the objects should be built, and these deifinitions 
are usualy not interesting when they are not instantiated. The basic 
purpose of class definitions is to provide blueprints for the objects. 
But of course all rules have an exception, meaning that sometimes it can 
be necessary to have a class definition that never will be instantiated, 
where the different part will be called staticly. But to work in the 
best OOP maner, this should be kept to a minimum. Well it even lies in 
the name...Object Oriented Programming.

To understand the difference between the class and object, we can use 
one of the classic examples...a sail boat, or to be more precise, the 
sail of a sail boat. Roughly the different states of a sail can be the 
size, whether or not it is op or down, what color it is and so forth. 
These different states of the sail will be described through the 
attributes of the object, and theses attributes are defined in the 
class. Multiple instances of the class, means different sails. This idea 
of modeling is the basic idea of OOP, and this modeling has as a basic 
idea, that the attributes should not be shared.

This leads back to what it was that i origanally objected in one of your 
e-mails, that the idea of attributes is that they should be shared.

"If the dictionary is defined as a class attribute it will be
shared across instances. That is what class attributes are for."

Hope my writing clears any misunderstandings in my position. :)


Martin Eriksen

From glingl at  Wed Jun  2 20:51:47 2004
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Wed Jun  2 20:51:05 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<012401c44871$48af2a40$6401a8c0@xp><>	<013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp>
	<>	<019101c448d3$0394a8b0$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

> This leads back to what it was that i origanally objected in one of 
> your e-mails, that the idea of attributes is that they should be shared.
Do you agree, that there are two kinds of attributes in Python: instance 
attributes and class attributes?
The latter are not shared beween objects (instances) of the same class, 
whereas the former are.

What do you think, that "class attributes are for"? And keep in mind: 
you need not use them,
if you don't like them ;-)


> "If the dictionary is defined as a class attribute it will be
> shared across instances. That is what class attributes are for."
> Hope my writing clears any misunderstandings in my position. :)
> regards
> Martin Eriksen
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From cwaigl at  Wed Jun  2 21:51:05 2004
From: cwaigl at (Chris F Waigl)
Date: Wed Jun  2 21:50:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python
Message-ID: <>

I am thrilled to find that there is a list where beginners can find 
guidance. Thanks for taking the time to help!

I'm interested in natural language processing, and chose Python as a 
programming language. I'm working my way through various tutorials 
right now, but I've only just begun. I've also changed over from W98 to 
Debian GNU/Linux and am not yet familiar with the modules installed on 
my box with Python 2.3. I use Idle, which I find very convenient. 

Right now I'm mostly interested in not adopting bad habits -- learning 
"good" style from the very beginning. In a different life, I used C for 
number-crunching type programming (solving equations and the like), but 
I never particularly enjoyed it. 

Here's my first script not copied from a tutorial. It works, so the only 
question is, should I have done something differently? (Well, it's so 
short, there's not much to _do_.)

from random import *  # or "... import choice" ?
adj1 = []
adj2 = []
nouns = []
file = open("ElisabethInsults", "r")
for line in file.readlines():
    words = line.split()
print "Thou", choice(adj1), choice (adj2), choice(nouns) + "!"

ElisabethInsults is a file containing three rows, 2 x adjectives, 1 x 
nouns, of derogatory words taken from Shakespeare. (If you're 
interested, it's here: )
The script creates a random insult, e.g.
"Thou clouted onion-eyed pigeon-egg!"

I'm planning to put together something like a very simple tokenizer, 
something that reads in a text, counts sentences and words, handles all 
the punctuation correctly, tells me something about word frequencies 
and the presence or absence of grammatical structures I might be 
interested in. I'm certainly going to run into a lot of problems soon.

Any comments and recommendations are warmly encouraged.


From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun  3 03:38:54 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun  3 03:38:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
References: <>
	<013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp> <>
	<019101c448d3$0394a8b0$6401a8c0@xp> <>
Message-ID: <001701c4493d$d2a13730$6401a8c0@xp>

> Alan....either we both totally agree but we cannot understand each
> other, or we have been going to two very different schools of
thought. :)

Possibly different schools :-)

What you are describing below is the fairly basic version
of OOP as typically implemented in languages like C++/Java etc.
It relegates the class to being a kind of cookie cutter with
no interesting behaviour of itself. The longer you use objects
the more you come to realize that this is an inadequate model.

The early OOP languages (Lisp, Smalltalk, Actor etc) all
recognised that classes had behaviour and attributes of their
own. In fact in Smalltalk, where everything is an object, it was
recognised that classes were objects too - they were instances
of the class 'class'. (classes are objects, in the same way
that functions are objects, in Python too)

The purpose of class objects is amongst, other things, to act
as factory objects. Thus constructors are class methods - you
send the create message to the class, not to the instance
- the instance doesn't exist yet!

Similarly if you have a large collection of instances of a
particular class which are not related to each other in an explicit
collection, you may want to find out how many instances currently
exist - that is something that the class knows - it created them
after all... Another class responsibility would be to find a
particular instance out of the pool of objects

In a large database environment you may want to create an object
from scratch, or to instantiate one from a database given an ID.
The two different creation mechanisms are again the responsibility
of the class. Related to this is the idea of type convertion,
you may want to convert a piece of text to RichText, so the
RichText class provides constructors that can take an ASCIItext
object, a Postscript object, an HTMLobject etc.

In a network application a process wants to send a message to a
particular instance of a class, it can do so by directing the
message to the class object in the receiving process which in
turn locates the instance and forwards the message - acting
as a proxy for all received messages for its instances.

Languages like C++ implement class behaviour using static methods
and attributes, which is an adequate if slightly inelegant way of
doing so. Lisp, Smalltalk and Objective-C have explicit provision
for class  methods. Python lies somewhere in between with similar
implementation to C++ but with some of the extra capabilities of
Smalltalk. For example you can create an attribute that refers
to the class - you can't do that in C++

For example:
class A: pass
class B: pass

classes = [A,B]
instances = []
for cls in classes:
    # create 5 instances of each
    for n in range(5):

for obj in instances: print type(obj)

You can find some more about this in Guido's paper in the new
type system and meta classes, but beware its a confusing read!
Also the excellent book "Putting Meta Classes to Work" by
Foreman and Danforth.

> As a starter, you have classes and objects. The class definitions
are a
> blueprints on how the objects should be built, and these
> are usualy not interesting when they are not instantiated.

Mostly that is right, except that the class is what is used to
instantiate the instances...

> purpose of class definitions is to provide blueprints for the

And to manage the instances once created, if necessary.

> But of course all rules have an exception, meaning that sometimes it
> be necessary to have a class definition that never will be
> where the different part will be called staticly.

But this is very rare and usually an example of bad design or an
attempt to hide what is really a set of related functions
- Java is rivven with this kind of horror.

> best OOP maner, this should be kept to a minimum. Well it even lies
> the name...Object Oriented Programming.

Absolutely. But classes are ojects too :-)

> To understand the difference between the class and object, we can
> one of the classic examples...a sail boat, or to be more precise,
> sail of a sail boat.

OK, Now consider that sail boat being an ocean going schooner.
It has dozens of sales, including spares in case of accidents at
sea. The captain wants to find a specific instance of sail
- the pink one with green stripes, say. What object does he
ask to find that instance? It could be the cupboard where
the sails are kept, or ot could be the ship to ask all the
cupboards - but it should also ask the masts since it might
be aloft already - oh yes and maybe ask the sailmaker who
is repairing a rip.... or he could just ask the sail class....

> Roughly the different states of a sail can be the
> size, whether or not it is op or down, what color it is and so

Yes, absolutely. And the different states of *the sail* class
(as opposed to *a sail object*) are whether any sails exist,
whether new sails can be created (the singleton pattern is
usually most easily implemented through class methods!) etc.

> class. Multiple instances of the class, means different sails. This
> of modeling is the basic idea of OOP, and this modeling has as a
> idea, that the attributes should not be shared.

Absolutely correct. Instance attributes are unique to each instance.
Class attributes are shared across all instances. For example the
set of characters that may be permitted in a string object could
be stored in the string class, rather than every instance having
to carry its own copy around.

> This leads back to what it was that i origanally objected in one of
> e-mails, that the idea of attributes is that they should be shared.

And the difference between class attributes and instance attributes
and the fundamental importance of the distinction. This is why I was
so picky about it, thee is a very real but subtle difference which
many newbie OOP programmers find confusing.

[ It might help to have a play with a Smalltalk class browser
- Squeak or Dolphin are free to download. There you can explore
the built in classes and see the kinds of thing that smalltalk
defines as class attributes and methods. ]

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From vijaykumar at  Thu Jun  3 05:42:28 2004
From: vijaykumar at (Vijay Kumar Bagavath Singh)
Date: Thu Jun  3 05:42:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python
Message-ID: <>

The best thing about python is that you get to write very little code for even the most complicated thing. Check out this super compressed code, that acheives the same result?

from random import choice

fil = file("/tmp/ElisabethInsults.txt", "r")
adj1, adj2, nouns = zip(*[line.split() for line in fil])
print "Thou", choice(adj1), choice (adj2), choice(nouns) + "!"

To understand this program you will have to understand
1) List comprehension
2) Unpacking argument lists
3) Zip function
4) Multiple assignment

List comprehesion is a short hand for creating complicated lists. The following example illustrates list comprehension.
>>> [i*2 for i in range(0, 10)]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

The arguments to a function can be passed on in a single tuple or list. The tuple/list has to be preceded by a * for the unpacking to happen. The following example illustrates unpacking of argument lists.
>>> range(0,10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> arg=(0,10)
>>> range(*arg)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

The zip function(added in Python 2.0): This function returns a list of tuples, where the I-th tuple contains the I-th element from each of the argument sequences.
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> alpha = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> zip(numbers, alpha)
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c'), (4, 'd')]
>>> z = zip(numbers,alpha)
z = zip(numbers,alpha)

Using unpacking of argument lists in zip function results in inverse operation of the zip function.
>>> zip(*z)
[(1, 2, 3, 4), ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')]

Following is an example of multiple assignment
>>> a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
>>> print a, b, c
1 2 3

With recent versions of Python(2.2 and above) you can use
file("filename", "r")
to open files instead of
open("filename", "r")
also "r" is the default mode so you could use

With recent versions of Python(2.2 and above) you can use
for line in fil
instead of
for line in fil.readlines()


> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 03:51:05 +0200
> From: Chris F Waigl <>
> Subject: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python
> To: Python Tutor <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="us-ascii"
> I am thrilled to find that there is a list where beginners can find 
> guidance. Thanks for taking the time to help!
> I'm interested in natural language processing, and chose Python as a 
> programming language. I'm working my way through various tutorials 
> right now, but I've only just begun. I've also changed over from W98 to 
> Debian GNU/Linux and am not yet familiar with the modules installed on 
> my box with Python 2.3. I use Idle, which I find very convenient. 
> Right now I'm mostly interested in not adopting bad habits -- learning 
> "good" style from the very beginning. In a different life, I used C for 
> number-crunching type programming (solving equations and the like), but 
> I never particularly enjoyed it. 
> Here's my first script not copied from a tutorial. It works, so the only 
> question is, should I have done something differently? (Well, it's so 
> short, there's not much to _do_.)
> from random import *  # or "... import choice" ?
> adj1 = []
> adj2 = []
> nouns = []
> file = open("ElisabethInsults", "r")
> for line in file.readlines():
>     words = line.split()
>     adj1.append(words[0])
>     adj2.append(words[1])
>     nouns.append(words[2])
> print "Thou", choice(adj1), choice (adj2), choice(nouns) + "!"
> file.close()
> ElisabethInsults is a file containing three rows, 2 x adjectives, 1 x 
> nouns, of derogatory words taken from Shakespeare. (If you're 
> interested, it's here: )
> The script creates a random insult, e.g.
> "Thou clouted onion-eyed pigeon-egg!"
> I'm planning to put together something like a very simple tokenizer, 
> something that reads in a text, counts sentences and words, handles all 
> the punctuation correctly, tells me something about word frequencies 
> and the presence or absence of grammatical structures I might be 
> interested in. I'm certainly going to run into a lot of problems soon.
> Any comments and recommendations are warmly encouraged.
> Best,
> Christine
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From martin at  Thu Jun  3 06:25:13 2004
From: martin at (Martin Hjort Eriksen)
Date: Thu Jun  3 06:27:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <001701c4493d$d2a13730$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <>
	<013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp> <>
	<019101c448d3$0394a8b0$6401a8c0@xp> <>
Message-ID: <>

>Possibly different schools :-)

We are... :)

Now it all makes sense to me, thank you very much. I had no idea that 
OOP also worked in that direction.

2 small questions if it is ok...

1. "self" is that a reference to the class or an instance of the object?
2. Since that there are different paradigms within the OOP framework, 
which one is the most "correct"? (I know it is a wierd question.)


>What you are describing below is the fairly basic version
>of OOP as typically implemented in languages like C++/Java etc.
>It relegates the class to being a kind of cookie cutter with
>no interesting behaviour of itself. The longer you use objects
>the more you come to realize that this is an inadequate model.
>The early OOP languages (Lisp, Smalltalk, Actor etc) all
>recognised that classes had behaviour and attributes of their
>own. In fact in Smalltalk, where everything is an object, it was
>recognised that classes were objects too - they were instances
>of the class 'class'. (classes are objects, in the same way
>that functions are objects, in Python too)
>The purpose of class objects is amongst, other things, to act
>as factory objects. Thus constructors are class methods - you
>send the create message to the class, not to the instance
>- the instance doesn't exist yet!
>Similarly if you have a large collection of instances of a
>particular class which are not related to each other in an explicit
>collection, you may want to find out how many instances currently
>exist - that is something that the class knows - it created them
>after all... Another class responsibility would be to find a
>particular instance out of the pool of objects
>In a large database environment you may want to create an object
>from scratch, or to instantiate one from a database given an ID.
>The two different creation mechanisms are again the responsibility
>of the class. Related to this is the idea of type convertion,
>you may want to convert a piece of text to RichText, so the
>RichText class provides constructors that can take an ASCIItext
>object, a Postscript object, an HTMLobject etc.
>In a network application a process wants to send a message to a
>particular instance of a class, it can do so by directing the
>message to the class object in the receiving process which in
>turn locates the instance and forwards the message - acting
>as a proxy for all received messages for its instances.
>Languages like C++ implement class behaviour using static methods
>and attributes, which is an adequate if slightly inelegant way of
>doing so. Lisp, Smalltalk and Objective-C have explicit provision
>for class  methods. Python lies somewhere in between with similar
>implementation to C++ but with some of the extra capabilities of
>Smalltalk. For example you can create an attribute that refers
>to the class - you can't do that in C++
>For example:
>class A: pass
>class B: pass
>classes = [A,B]
>instances = []
>for cls in classes:
>    # create 5 instances of each
>    for n in range(5):
>        instances.append(cls())
>for obj in instances: print type(obj)
>You can find some more about this in Guido's paper in the new
>type system and meta classes, but beware its a confusing read!
>Also the excellent book "Putting Meta Classes to Work" by
>Foreman and Danforth.
>>As a starter, you have classes and objects. The class definitions
>are a
>>blueprints on how the objects should be built, and these
>>are usualy not interesting when they are not instantiated.
>Mostly that is right, except that the class is what is used to
>instantiate the instances...
>>purpose of class definitions is to provide blueprints for the
>And to manage the instances once created, if necessary.
>>But of course all rules have an exception, meaning that sometimes it
>>be necessary to have a class definition that never will be
>>where the different part will be called staticly.
>But this is very rare and usually an example of bad design or an
>attempt to hide what is really a set of related functions
>- Java is rivven with this kind of horror.
>>best OOP maner, this should be kept to a minimum. Well it even lies
>>the name...Object Oriented Programming.
>Absolutely. But classes are ojects too :-)
>>To understand the difference between the class and object, we can
>>one of the classic examples...a sail boat, or to be more precise,
>>sail of a sail boat.
>OK, Now consider that sail boat being an ocean going schooner.
>It has dozens of sales, including spares in case of accidents at
>sea. The captain wants to find a specific instance of sail
>- the pink one with green stripes, say. What object does he
>ask to find that instance? It could be the cupboard where
>the sails are kept, or ot could be the ship to ask all the
>cupboards - but it should also ask the masts since it might
>be aloft already - oh yes and maybe ask the sailmaker who
>is repairing a rip.... or he could just ask the sail class....
>>Roughly the different states of a sail can be the
>>size, whether or not it is op or down, what color it is and so
>Yes, absolutely. And the different states of *the sail* class
>(as opposed to *a sail object*) are whether any sails exist,
>whether new sails can be created (the singleton pattern is
>usually most easily implemented through class methods!) etc.
>>class. Multiple instances of the class, means different sails. This
>>of modeling is the basic idea of OOP, and this modeling has as a
>>idea, that the attributes should not be shared.
>Absolutely correct. Instance attributes are unique to each instance.
>Class attributes are shared across all instances. For example the
>set of characters that may be permitted in a string object could
>be stored in the string class, rather than every instance having
>to carry its own copy around.
>>This leads back to what it was that i origanally objected in one of
>>e-mails, that the idea of attributes is that they should be shared.
>And the difference between class attributes and instance attributes
>and the fundamental importance of the distinction. This is why I was
>so picky about it, thee is a very real but subtle difference which
>many newbie OOP programmers find confusing.
>[ It might help to have a play with a Smalltalk class browser
>- Squeak or Dolphin are free to download. There you can explore
>the built in classes and see the kinds of thing that smalltalk
>defines as class attributes and methods. ]
>Alan G
>Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From martin at  Thu Jun  3 06:30:14 2004
From: martin at (Martin Hjort Eriksen)
Date: Thu Jun  3 06:32:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<012401c44871$48af2a40$6401a8c0@xp><>	<013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp>
	<>	<019101c448d3$0394a8b0$6401a8c0@xp>
	<>	<001701c4493d$d2a13730$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry sorry...

let me refrase

1. "self" is that a reference to the class or an instance of the class?
2. Since that there are different paradigms within the OOP framework, 
which one is the most "correct"? (I know it is a wierd question.)


From Janssen at  Thu Jun  3 06:36:21 2004
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Thu Jun  3 06:36:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing two lines of print
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <016001c44883$41f16030$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

[self correcting me]

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Michael Janssen wrote:

> it's very likly due to the trailing newline: lines captured with
> raw_input have a newline (because you type ENTER).

as Bob has claimed in private mail, he didn't use raw_input. With further
investigations I have found out that "lines captured with raw_input"
doesn't have a newline. So to say, the part after the colon is rather
silly ;-) Perhaps I should have run my testcode myself.

OTOH line read in with the readline-method are likly to have a newline
(the last line in a file might be without newline). The reported problem
comparing lines with strings might be due to this.


From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun  3 08:02:41 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun  3 08:02:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
References: <>
	<013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp> <>
	<019101c448d3$0394a8b0$6401a8c0@xp> <>
	<001701c4493d$d2a13730$6401a8c0@xp> <>
Message-ID: <003001c44962$ac7cf6f0$6401a8c0@xp>

> >Possibly different schools :-)
> We are... :)
> Now it all makes sense to me, thank you very much. I had no idea
> OOP also worked in that direction.
> 2 small questions if it is ok...
> 1. "self" is that a reference to the class or an instance of the

Depends on the language, but in Python self in a classmethod means
the class, self in an instance method means the runtime instance:

>>> class C:
...   def f(self):
...     self.x = 42
...   f = classmethod(f)
...   def g(self): self.y = 27
>>> C.x
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: class C has no attribute 'x'
>>> C.f()
>>> C.x
>>> c = C()
>>> c.x
>>> c.g()
>>> print c.x, c.y
42 27

> 2. Since that there are different paradigms within the OOP
> which one is the most "correct"? (I know it is a wierd question.)

There is only one paradigm for class attributes and methods, its
just a matter of how well supported it is in different languages.
C++/Java support it partially, Python, Lisp, Java etc support it well.
Delphi supports it slightly beter than C++ but not as well as
etc. Lisp/CLOS probably support the full theoretical OOP model best.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun  3 08:07:21 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun  3 08:07:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with references
References: <>	<012401c44871$48af2a40$6401a8c0@xp><>	<013e01c44882$6342ff60$6401a8c0@xp>
	<>	<019101c448d3$0394a8b0$6401a8c0@xp>
	<>	<001701c4493d$d2a13730$6401a8c0@xp>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <003501c44963$52f0f6d0$6401a8c0@xp>

> let me rephrase
> 1. "self" is that a reference to the class or an instance of the

OK, I'll rephrase too.

In a class method self refers to the class object itself.
In an instance method it refers to the runtime instance of the class
in which it is defined.

> 2. Since that there are different paradigms within the OOP
> which one is the most "correct"? (I know it is a wierd question.)

The real problem lies in the broken way in which C++ and its
define a class. They treat a class as a weird mix of type definition
namespace rather than as a full blown object in its own right. Adding
static methods/attributes to the class namespace only partially solves
the problem. IMHO of course, Bjarne Stroustrup may disagree :-)

Alan G.

From wilson at  Thu Jun  3 10:11:15 2004
From: wilson at (Tim Wilson)
Date: Thu Jun  3 10:11:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Tricky parsing problem
Message-ID: <>

Hey everyone,

I've got a stack of old MS Word document that need to be converted to HTML.
Unfortunately, Word's HTML export is not an option because the document's
are essentially large outlines and the original author didn't use Word's
outlining features, but created the outlines manually using spaces for
indenting. As a result, the HTML output from Word doesn't use HTML ordered

We can export as plain text, of course, but the documents can be fairly
complex and it's a time-intensive task to manually create all the proper

Naturally, I thought of using a Python script to process these files and
create the nested outline structure. If you're interested, a typical
document can be viewed at in all
its ugliness. As you can see if you view the source, the structure of the
document is a real mess.

Can anyone recommend a module that might have some features that would
assist in this task?

Any general programming principles that would be good to keep in mind?


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto:   aim: tis270   public key: 0x8C0F8813

From lumbricus at  Thu Jun  3 10:15:19 2004
From: lumbricus at (Joerg Woelke)
Date: Thu Jun  3 10:22:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Tricky parsing problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20040603141519.GB1375@linux.local>

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 09:11:15AM -0500, Tim Wilson wrote:
> Hey everyone,

[ snip ]

> Naturally, I thought of using a Python script to process these files and
> create the nested outline structure. If you're interested, a typical
> document can be viewed at
> in all
> its ugliness. As you can see if you view the source, the structure of the
> document is a real mess.
> Can anyone recommend a module that might have some features that would
> assist in this task?

Easyest is to use Wordview:
> Any general programming principles that would be good to keep in mind?
> -Tim

HTH and Greetings, J"o!

From wilson at  Thu Jun  3 10:31:39 2004
From: wilson at (Tim Wilson)
Date: Thu Jun  3 10:31:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Tricky parsing problem
In-Reply-To: <20040603141519.GB1375@linux.local>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/3/04 9:15 AM, "Joerg Woelke" <> wrote:

> Easyest is to use Wordview:
> ""

I thought of that too, but I don't think it will help in this case because
of the haphazard way in which the original Word document was created. The
original author created the outline forms completely manually by inserting
the roman numerals and letters and using spaces for the indentation.

Perhaps I'm not giving the Wordview authors enough credit, but I assumed
that it wouldn't be possible to infer the proper outline structure from a
such a brain-dead document.


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto:   aim: tis270   public key: 0x8C0F8813

From nick at  Thu Jun  3 12:32:16 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Thu Jun  3 12:32:18 2004
Subject: FW: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python
Message-ID: <>

My apologies to Vijay, who accidentally sent my original reply to instead of
to the list.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Lunt []
Sent: 03 June 2004 10:52
To: Vijay Kumar Bagavath Singh
Subject: RE: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python

Im not the starter of this thread, but many thanks Vijay for taking the time
to explain those concepts.


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Vijay Kumar Bagavath Singh
Sent: 03 June 2004 10:42
Subject: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python

The best thing about python is that you get to write very little code for
even the most complicated thing. Check out this super compressed code, that
acheives the same result?

from random import choice

fil = file("/tmp/ElisabethInsults.txt", "r")
adj1, adj2, nouns = zip(*[line.split() for line in fil])
print "Thou", choice(adj1), choice (adj2), choice(nouns) + "!"

To understand this program you will have to understand
1) List comprehension
2) Unpacking argument lists
3) Zip function
4) Multiple assignment

List comprehesion is a short hand for creating complicated lists. The
following example illustrates list comprehension.
>>> [i*2 for i in range(0, 10)]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]

The arguments to a function can be passed on in a single tuple or list. The
tuple/list has to be preceded by a * for the unpacking to happen. The
following example illustrates unpacking of argument lists.
>>> range(0,10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> arg=(0,10)
>>> range(*arg)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

The zip function(added in Python 2.0): This function returns a list of
tuples, where the I-th tuple contains the I-th element from each of the
argument sequences.
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> alpha = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> zip(numbers, alpha)
[(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c'), (4, 'd')]
>>> z = zip(numbers,alpha)
z = zip(numbers,alpha)

Using unpacking of argument lists in zip function results in inverse
operation of the zip function.
>>> zip(*z)
[(1, 2, 3, 4), ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')]

Following is an example of multiple assignment
>>> a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
>>> print a, b, c
1 2 3

With recent versions of Python(2.2 and above) you can use
file("filename", "r")
to open files instead of
open("filename", "r")
also "r" is the default mode so you could use

With recent versions of Python(2.2 and above) you can use
for line in fil
instead of
for line in fil.readlines()


> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 03:51:05 +0200
> From: Chris F Waigl <>
> Subject: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python
> To: Python Tutor <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="us-ascii"
> I am thrilled to find that there is a list where beginners can find
> guidance. Thanks for taking the time to help!
> I'm interested in natural language processing, and chose Python as a
> programming language. I'm working my way through various tutorials
> right now, but I've only just begun. I've also changed over from W98 to
> Debian GNU/Linux and am not yet familiar with the modules installed on
> my box with Python 2.3. I use Idle, which I find very convenient.
> Right now I'm mostly interested in not adopting bad habits -- learning
> "good" style from the very beginning. In a different life, I used C for
> number-crunching type programming (solving equations and the like), but
> I never particularly enjoyed it.
> Here's my first script not copied from a tutorial. It works, so the only
> question is, should I have done something differently? (Well, it's so
> short, there's not much to _do_.)
> from random import *  # or "... import choice" ?
> adj1 = []
> adj2 = []
> nouns = []
> file = open("ElisabethInsults", "r")
> for line in file.readlines():
>     words = line.split()
>     adj1.append(words[0])
>     adj2.append(words[1])
>     nouns.append(words[2])
> print "Thou", choice(adj1), choice (adj2), choice(nouns) + "!"
> file.close()
> ElisabethInsults is a file containing three rows, 2 x adjectives, 1 x
> nouns, of derogatory words taken from Shakespeare. (If you're
> interested, it's here: )
> The script creates a random insult, e.g.
> "Thou clouted onion-eyed pigeon-egg!"
> I'm planning to put together something like a very simple tokenizer,
> something that reads in a text, counts sentences and words, handles all
> the punctuation correctly, tells me something about word frequencies
> and the presence or absence of grammatical structures I might be
> interested in. I'm certainly going to run into a lot of problems soon.
> Any comments and recommendations are warmly encouraged.
> Best,
> Christine
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Tutor maillist  -

From michele.alzetta at  Thu Jun  3 12:39:13 2004
From: michele.alzetta at (Michele Alzetta)
Date: Thu Jun  3 12:37:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How to control list input ?
In-Reply-To: <> (added by
References: <>
	(added by
Message-ID: <1086280753.10408.7.camel@localhost>

For a program I'm fooling about with I created the following class
(still largely incomplete):

class Template:
    def __init__(self,doctdbname): =, writeback = True)
    def addDoctor(self, doctname, doctlist):[doctname] = doctlist
    def printDoctor(self, doctname):[doctname]
    def alterDoctor(self, doctname, index1, index2, newvalue):[doctname][index1][index2] = newvalue

For my purposes doctlist can't be just any arbitrary list of lists; it
will have to be made of a precise number of elements, that musn't be
hardcoded but definable; how do you suggest I try coding a) a way in
which to define what the structure of my list ought to be like and b) a
way of checking the input to make sure it corresponds ? 


From jfabiani at  Thu Jun  3 13:30:11 2004
From: jfabiani at (John Fabiani)
Date: Thu Jun  3 13:30:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Qpixmaps
Message-ID: <>

I using PyQt as my GUI.  When I build a app from the QT designer and add 
menu's and toolbars the designer creates a bitmap of the icons for the 
app.  As follows
fileopen = [
    '16 13 5 1',
    '. c #040404',
    '# c #808304',
    'a c None',
    'b c #f3f704',
    'c c #f3f7f3',

I think I understand that this a description of a bitmap and is painted 
(displayed) using QPixmap().  My question is how was the fileopen (a 
list) bitmap created.  Are there any tools that convert from a bmp file 
or some other file type to what is used by PyQt?   It seems that 
wxPython uses something similar. 


From dyoo at  Thu Jun  3 14:57:59 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun  3 14:58:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Chris F Waigl wrote:

> from random import *  # or "... import choice" ?
> adj1 = []
> adj2 = []
> nouns = []
> file = open("ElisabethInsults", "r")
> for line in file.readlines():
>     words = line.split()
>     adj1.append(words[0])
>     adj2.append(words[1])
>     nouns.append(words[2])
> print "Thou", choice(adj1), choice (adj2), choice(nouns) + "!"
> file.close()

Hi Chris,

This looks fine.  You may want to avoid using the 'from foo import *'
statement.  I agree that explicitely pulling out the 'choice' function is

from random import choice

There's a section on the official Python tutorial that talks about the
reasons why it's a good idea to avoid it:

One other improvement is to use direct iteration across file objects: we
can avoid calling the readlines() method.

> file = open("ElisabethInsults", "r")
> for line in file.readlines():
>     words = line.split()
>     adj1.append(words[0])
>     adj2.append(words[1])
>     nouns.append(words[2])

Python supports iteration directly across file objects, so this can be
simplified to:

file = open("ElisabethInsults", "r")
for line in file:
    words = line.split()

That is, the file looks almost like a 'sequence' of lines.  In Python
terminology, it's an 'iterable', which means that the for loop works on it
directly.  By avoiding readlines(), we dodge loading the whole
ElisabethInsults file into memory at once.  There are a few things in
Python that are iterables, including strings, files, and lists.

> ElisabethInsults is a file containing three rows, 2 x adjectives, 1 x
> nouns, of derogatory words taken from Shakespeare. (If you're
> interested, it's here: )
> The script creates a random insult, e.g. "Thou clouted onion-eyed
> pigeon-egg!"

Awesome.  Your program looks very clear; I like it.  Keep the questions
coming!  *grin*

Good luck to you!

From magnus at  Thu Jun  3 15:08:38 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun  3 15:08:45 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gSG93IHRvIGNvbnRyb2wgbGlzdCBpbnB1dCA/?=
Message-ID: <>

> For my purposes doctlist can't be just any arbitrary list of lists; it
> will have to be made of a precise number of elements, that musn't be
> hardcoded but definable; 

So it's not a list!

> how do you suggest I try coding a) a way in
> which to define what the structure of my list ought to be like and b) a
> way of checking the input to make sure it corresponds ? 

Don't use a list. Use a class. If you want to be able to access attributes
in your instance objects as if they were list members, just implement the
__getitem__ method.

>>> class ListLike:
	def __init__(self, name, address, phone):
	def __getitem__(self, i):
		return [, self.address,][i]

>>> a = ListLike('Santa Claus', 'North Pole', 123)
>>> for i in a:
	print i

Santa Claus
North Pole

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From Dragonfirebane at  Thu Jun  3 17:32:54 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Thu Jun  3 17:33:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
Message-ID: <>

I don't want to write my own equations for creating random numbers (based on 
'time.time()'), but i need random numbers to create account id's and assign 
starting money in the program segment below . . . i would use [import random *] 
but i'm not sure which section of random is a random number generator or the 
syntax necessary to apply it.  Any help would be appreciated.

def newuser():  
    new = raw_input("Are you a new user [y/n]? ")   
    while new not in 'yYnN':    
        new = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Are you a new user? """)
    if new in 'yY': 
        import math
        vowelcount = 0  
        name = raw_input("Please enter your first name. ")
        name = name[:6]
        namel = raw_input("Please enter your last name. ")  
        namel = namel[:6]   
        name = name + ' ' + namel
        vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I','O','U']  
        for letter in name: 
            if letter in vowels:    
                vowelcount = vowelcount + 1 
        global startmon 
        global tim  
        tim = time.time() % 100000
        startmon = vowelcount * tim  
        startmon = math.sqrt(startmon) * 3141.5962    
        startmon = str(startmon)[:7]  
        startmon = int(float(startmon))    
        print "Welcome, %s.  You have $%d to use in BankSim 1.0." % (name, 
def newacc():   
    global newac    
    newac = raw_input("Would you like to create a new account [y/n]? ") 
    while newac not in 'yYnN':  
        newac = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Would you like to create a new acount [y/n]? """)   
    if newac in 'yY':   
        import math 
        global newacid 
        newacid = int(raw_input("Please enter your birthday [ddmmyyyy]. ")) 
        newacid = newacid * tim  
        newacid = math.sqrt(newacid) * 314.15692   
        newacid = str(newacid)[:6]  
        newacid = int(float(newacid))
        initbal = int(raw_input("How much money would you like to put in your 
account? "))  
        print "Account number %d created with $%d in it." % (newacid, initbal)
        mon = startmon - initbal
        print "You now have $%d in account %d and $%d out of the bank." % 
(initbal, newacid, mon)

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From gew75 at  Thu Jun  3 17:42:42 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Thu Jun  3 17:42:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Well, the random module is pretty easy to use.
  Here is a an example:

>>> import random
>>> l = []
>>> for i in range(10):
..  l.append(int(random.random()*10))
>>> l
[4, 2, 0, 3, 7, 8, 5, 9, 9, 8]

  random.random() gives a floating point number between 0 and 1, so I just
multiplied it by 10 to get from 0-10 then cast it to an integer with int().
  To get a more accurate representation (since int() truncates the argument)
you could use int(round(...)) instead.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 7:32 AM
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .

I don't want to write my own equations for creating random numbers (based on
'time.time()'), but i need random numbers to create account id's and assign
starting money in the program segment below . . . i would use [import random
*] but i'm not sure which section of random is a random number generator or
the syntax necessary to apply it.  Any help would be appreciated.

def newuser():
    new = raw_input("Are you a new user [y/n]? ")
    while new not in 'yYnN':
        new = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Are you a new user? """)
    if new in 'yY':
        import math
        vowelcount = 0
        name = raw_input("Please enter your first name. ")
        name = name[:6]
        namel = raw_input("Please enter your last name. ")
        namel = namel[:6]
        name = name + ' ' + namel
        vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I','O','U']
        for letter in name:
            if letter in vowels:
                vowelcount = vowelcount + 1
        global startmon
        global tim
        tim = time.time() % 100000
        startmon = vowelcount * tim
        startmon = math.sqrt(startmon) * 3141.5962
        startmon = str(startmon)[:7]
        startmon = int(float(startmon))
        print "Welcome, %s.  You have $%d to use in BankSim 1.0." % (name,
def newacc():
    global newac
    newac = raw_input("Would you like to create a new account [y/n]? ")
    while newac not in 'yYnN':
        newac = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Would you like to create a new acount [y/n]? """)
    if newac in 'yY':
        import math
        global newacid
        newacid = int(raw_input("Please enter your birthday [ddmmyyyy]. "))
        newacid = newacid * tim
        newacid = math.sqrt(newacid) * 314.15692
        newacid = str(newacid)[:6]
        newacid = int(float(newacid))
        initbal = int(raw_input("How much money would you like to put in
your account? "))
        print "Account number %d created with $%d in it." % (newacid,
        mon = startmon - initbal
        print "You now have $%d in account %d and $%d out of the bank." %
(initbal, newacid, mon)


Tutor maillist  -

From gew75 at  Thu Jun  3 17:52:39 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Thu Jun  3 17:52:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How to control list input ?
References: <>(added by <1086280753.10408.7.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

  Hi Michele,

  You can use len(..) to check then length of a list, eg

if len(l) == 10:
    raise "LengthError"

  Easier on the eyes is:

if len(l) != 10:
    raise ...
<rest of code here>

  There is no real need for you to strictly define the structure of your
list.  Just make sure you check the input for any errors.  Always know what
your functions are getting as input arguments.
  In other words, say you were looking for a list of lists, three lists, of
lengths 3, 9 and 27.  Then something like:

# l is the list of lists
if len(l) != 3 and len(l[0]) != 3 and len(l[1]) != 9 and len(l[2]) != 27:
    raise ...
<rest of code>

  Better would be to write some kind of list-structure-checking function.
But let's leave that as an exercise ;).


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michele Alzetta" <>
To: "Python Tutor" <>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 2:39 AM
Subject: [Tutor] How to control list input ?

> For a program I'm fooling about with I created the following class
> (still largely incomplete):
> class Template:
>     def __init__(self,doctdbname):
> =, writeback = True)
>     def addDoctor(self, doctname, doctlist):
>[doctname] = doctlist
>     def printDoctor(self, doctname):
>     def alterDoctor(self, doctname, index1, index2, newvalue):
>[doctname][index1][index2] = newvalue
> For my purposes doctlist can't be just any arbitrary list of lists; it
> will have to be made of a precise number of elements, that musn't be
> hardcoded but definable; how do you suggest I try coding a) a way in
> which to define what the structure of my list ought to be like and b) a
> way of checking the input to make sure it corresponds ?
> -- 
> Michele
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From Dragonfirebane at  Thu Jun  3 17:52:55 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Thu Jun  3 17:53:17 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/3/2004 5:43:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Thanks.  Would this:

def newuser():
    new = raw_input("Are you a new user [y/n]? ")
    while new not in 'yYnN':
        new = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Are you a new user? """)
    if new in 'yY':
        import math
        vowelcount = 0
        global rannum = []
        name = raw_input("Please enter your first name. ")
        name = name[:6]
        namel = raw_input("Please enter your last name. ")
        namel = namel[:6]
        name = name + ' ' + namel
        vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I','O','U']
        for letter in name:
            if letter in vowels:
                vowelcount = vowelcount + 1
        global startmon
        for i in range(10):
   * 1000000))
        startmon = vowelcount * rannum[0]
        startmon = str(startmon)[:7]
        startmon = int(float(startmon))
        print "Welcome, %s.  You have $%d to use in BankSim 1.0." % (name,
def newacc():
    global newac
    newac = raw_input("Would you like to create a new account [y/n]? ")
    while newac not in 'yYnN':
        newac = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Would you like to create a new acount [y/n]? """)
    if newac in 'yY':
        import math
        global newacid
        newacid = int(raw_input("Please enter your birthday [ddmmyyyy]. "))
        newacid = newacid * rannum[5]
        newacid = str(newacid)[:6]
        newacid = int(float(newacid))
        initbal = int(raw_input("How much money would you like to put in
your account? "))
        print "Account number %d created with $%d in it." % (newacid,
        mon = startmon - initbal
        print "You now have $%d in account %d and $%d out of the bank." %
(initbal, newacid, mon)

work using your example? (The relevant portion is bolded).

Thanks again,
  Well, the random module is pretty easy to use.
  Here is a an example:

>>> import random
>>> l = []
>>> for i in range(10):
..  l.append(int(random.random()*10))
>>> l
[4, 2, 0, 3, 7, 8, 5, 9, 9, 8]

  random.random() gives a floating point number between 0 and 1, so I just
multiplied it by 10 to get from 0-10 then cast it to an integer with int().
  To get a more accurate representation (since int() truncates the argument)
you could use int(round(...)) instead.

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From gew75 at  Thu Jun  3 17:57:39 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Thu Jun  3 17:57:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Yep.  Although, I'm not sure what you want to do with them, but that will
generate ten random numbers in your desired range.
  If you have any other questions, just send them along.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] random number equations . . .

In a message dated 6/3/2004 5:43:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Thanks.  Would this:

def newuser():
    new = raw_input("Are you a new user [y/n]? ")
    while new not in 'yYnN':
        new = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Are you a new user? """)
    if new in 'yY':
        import math
        vowelcount = 0
        global rannum = []
        name = raw_input("Please enter your first name. ")
        name = name[:6]
        namel = raw_input("Please enter your last name. ")
        namel = namel[:6]
        name = name + ' ' + namel
        vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I','O','U']
        for letter in name:
            if letter in vowels:
                vowelcount = vowelcount + 1
        global startmon
        for i in range(10):
   * 1000000))
        startmon = vowelcount * rannum[0]
        startmon = str(startmon)[:7]
        startmon = int(float(startmon))
        print "Welcome, %s.  You have $%d to use in BankSim 1.0." % (name,
def newacc():
    global newac
    newac = raw_input("Would you like to create a new account [y/n]? ")
    while newac not in 'yYnN':
        newac = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Would you like to create a new acount [y/n]? """)
    if newac in 'yY':
        import math
        global newacid
        newacid = int(raw_input("Please enter your birthday [ddmmyyyy]. "))
        newacid = newacid * rannum[5]
        newacid = str(newacid)[:6]
        newacid = int(float(newacid))
        initbal = int(raw_input("How much money would you like to put in
your account? "))
        print "Account number %d created with $%d in it." % (newacid,
        mon = startmon - initbal
        print "You now have $%d in account %d and $%d out of the bank." %
(initbal, newacid, mon)

work using your example? (The relevant portion is bolded).

Thanks again,
  Well, the random module is pretty easy to use.
  Here is a an example:

>>> import random
>>> l = []
>>> for i in range(10):
.  l.append(int(random.random()*10))
>>> l
[4, 2, 0, 3, 7, 8, 5, 9, 9, 8]

  random.random() gives a floating point number between 0 and 1, so I just
multiplied it by 10 to get from 0-10 then cast it to an integer with int().
  To get a more accurate representation (since int() truncates the argument)
you could use int(round(...)) instead.


From Dragonfirebane at  Thu Jun  3 18:00:33 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Thu Jun  3 18:00:57 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
Message-ID: <>

I was thinking of using the random number generator to randomly choose a 
number from the 10 numbers, but i think that would be a bit excessive.  However, i 
might need more random numbers later (hence {global rannum =[]}), so i figure 
i might as well leave all ten there.

In a message dated 6/3/2004 5:58:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
  Yep.  Although, I'm not sure what you want to do with them, but that will
generate ten random numbers in your desired range.
  If you have any other questions, just send them along.

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun  3 18:02:13 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun  3 18:02:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How to control list input ?
References: <>(added by <1086280753.10408.7.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <008701c449b6$6d131860$6401a8c0@xp>

> class Template:
>     def __init__(self,doctdbname):
>     def addDoctor(self, doctname, doctlist):
>     def printDoctor(self, doctname):
>     def alterDoctor(self, doctname, index1, index2, newvalue):
>[doctname][index1][index2] = newvalue
> For my purposes doctlist can't be just any arbitrary list of lists;
> will have to be made of a precise number of elements, that musn't be
> hardcoded but definable; how do you suggest I try coding a) a way in
> which to define what the structure of my list ought to be like and
b) a
> way of checking the input to make sure it corresponds ?

I'd solve both issues by using dictionaries insteadof lists. Then
of trying to figure out the two index values, just pass in the names
of the attributes you want - which your code doesn't give any clues
about! - and use them as keys.

Alan G.

From gew75 at  Thu Jun  3 18:04:12 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Thu Jun  3 18:04:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Well, as a suggestion, instead of using the global declaration you could
write a little function which returned a randum number in some range on

>>> def gimmeRandomInRange(rng):
..  return int(round(random.random()*rng))
>>> gimmeRandomInRange(100)
>>> for i in range(100):
..  print gimmeRandomInRange(1000)

  Of course you could just use the random.randint() function, but none of
these are as fun as writing your own ;).


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] random number equations . . .

I was thinking of using the random number generator to randomly choose a
number from the 10 numbers, but i think that would be a bit excessive.
However, i might need more random numbers later (hence {global rannum =[]}),
so i figure i might as well leave all ten there.

In a message dated 6/3/2004 5:58:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
  Yep.  Although, I'm not sure what you want to do with them, but that will
generate ten random numbers in your desired range.
  If you have any other questions, just send them along.


From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun  3 18:28:13 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun  3 18:28:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
References: <>
Message-ID: <009501c449ba$0f320ea0$6401a8c0@xp>

Some comments on general style.

I'd move the newuser() function part further down, it's usually a bad
to mix user selection with processing.

> def newuser():
>     new = raw_input("Are you a new user [y/n]? ")
>     while new not in 'yYnN':
>         new = raw_input("""
>         Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
>         Are you a new user? """)
>     if new in 'yY':

def newuser():
>         import math
>         vowelcount = 0
>         name = raw_input("Please enter your first name. ")
>         name = name[:6]
>         namel = raw_input("Please enter your last name. ")
>         namel = namel[:6]
>         name = name + ' ' + namel
>         vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I','O','U']

          vowels = "aeiouAEIOU"  # don't need a list

>         for letter in name:
>             if letter in vowels:
>                 vowelcount = vowelcount + 1
>         global startmon
>         global tim

Do these need to be global? If so its probably better practice to
define them outside the function - easier to find in future
- rather than rely on the global statement creating them by
default from within the function.

>         tim = time.time() % 100000
>         startmon = vowelcount * tim
>         startmon = math.sqrt(startmon) * 3141.5962
>         startmon = str(startmon)[:7]
>         startmon = int(float(startmon))

This duplicates the code for newacid below, so you could make it
into a function:

def makeCodedValue(seed):
    global tim  # I'll assume you really do mean this...
    val = seed * tim
    val = math.sqrt(startmon) * 3141.5962
    val = str(startmon)[:7]
    val = int(float(startmon))
    return value

Then call it like:
           startmon = makeCodedValue( vowelcount )

          newacid = makeCodedValue( birthday )

Then if you change the algorithm its only done in one place.

>         print "Welcome, %s.  You have $%d to use in BankSim 1.0." %
> startmon)

Much the same applies to newacc():

> def newacc():

move this down...

>     global newac

Does this need to be global, I don't think its used anywhere
else? Global variables are usually something to avoid if possible.

>     newac = raw_input("Would you like to create a new account [y/n]?
>     while newac not in 'yYnN':
>         newac = raw_input("""
>         Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
>         Would you like to create a new acount [y/n]? """)
>     if newac in 'yY':

def newacc():
>         import math
>         global newacid
>         birthday = int(raw_input("Please enter your birthday
[ddmmyyyy]. "))
>         newacid = newacc( birthday )
>         initbal = int(raw_input("How much money would you like to
put in your
> account? "))
>         print "Account number %d created with $%d in it." %
(newacid, initbal)
>         mon = startmon - initbal
>         print "You now have $%d in account %d and $%d out of the
bank." %
> (initbal, newacid, mon)

Then I'd put all the early user input stuff with the while loops in
either two separate functions or a single function, depending on how
you expect to use them.

Even better would be to try to move all of the user input stuiff
and have the functions only do the calculations, that way it will be
much easier if you decide to write a GUI inteface someday.

Just some thoughts,

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Thu Jun  3 18:39:42 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun  3 18:39:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, Glen Wheeler wrote:

>   Well, as a suggestion, instead of using the global declaration you could
> write a little function which returned a randum number in some range on
> demand.
> >>> def gimmeRandomInRange(rng):
> ..  return int(round(random.random()*rng))
> ..
> >>> gimmeRandomInRange(100)
> 99
> >>> for i in range(100):
> ..  print gimmeRandomInRange(1000)
> ..
> 910
> 664
> 466
> 186
> 600
> 930
> 528
> 65
> 392
> ..
>   Of course you could just use the random.randint() function, but none
> of these are as fun as writing your own ;).

Hi Glen,

But whenever we're dealing with probability, it's often a good idea to
reuse what other folks have already done.  *grin*

This kind of selection function already exists in random.randrange():

The problem with gimmeRandomInRange() is that it's biased.  It's easier to
see what this means if we use a small range.  Let's see what happens when
we use it for a range between 0 and 2, inclusive:

>>> def distribution(numbers):
...     """Calculates a distribution of the numbers."""
...     counts = {}
...     for n in numbers:
...         counts[n] = counts.get(n, 0) + 1
...     return counts
>>> distribution([gimmeRandomInRange(2) for i in range(1000)])
{0: 238, 1: 523, 2: 239}

There's a big hump near one!

Why is that?  Why are the numbers biased biased around 1?  If we draw
things out:

                A            B           C
            0       0.5      1      1.5      2

our number line splits into three regions A, B, and C.  The behavior of
the round()ing causes region B to be larger than the other two.

But random.randrange() doesn't suffer this defect:

>>> distribution([random.randrange(0, 3) for i in range(1000)])
{0: 343, 1: 344, 2: 313}

The 'random' module has many helper functions that we should use.
They're there because it's all too easy not to take into consideration
some of the subtle problems with random number generation.

Hope this helps!

From glingl at  Thu Jun  3 18:53:27 2004
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Thu Jun  3 18:52:41 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> schrieb:

> I don't want to write my own equations for creating random numbers 
> (based on 'time.time()'), but i need random numbers to create account 
> id's and assign starting money in the program segment below . . . i 
> would use [import random *] but i'm not sure which section of random 
> is a random number generator or the syntax necessary to apply it.  Any 
> help would be appreciated.
There are two or three functions in module random, which you could use, if
you didn't want to build your own:

 >>> from random import randrange   # works similar to range
 >>> for i in range(20): print randrange(4),

1 1 0 3 2 1 3 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 0 1 1 0 0 2
 >>> for i in range(20): print randrange(5,9),

5 7 8 5 8 7 8 7 7 6 6 8 5 7 7 5 8 8 5 6

 >>> from random import randint
 >>> for i in range(20): print randint(0,4),   # needs start and 
endpoint(inclusive) of interval

3 0 3 3 2 2 4 4 1 1 3 0 4 1 4 3 2 1 3 2
 >>> for i in range(20): print randint(1,6), # dice

3 5 3 3 2 2 5 5 2 1 1 1 6 2 6 5 3 6 4 4
 >>> from random import choice  # from any sequence type, e.g. strings
 >>> for i in range(20): print choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"),

p h f b a o p l n q z y k f n c k r v l
 >>> for i in range(20): print choice("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".upper()),


You may find docs here:


From gew75 at  Thu Jun  3 19:18:29 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Thu Jun  3 19:18:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Hi Danny,

  You are of course correct!  My purpose in showing the usage of creating
one's own random numbers from random.random() is for understanding and
flexibility.  I guess if I was to write a ``proper'' myRandRange(..)
function I'd probably add 1 to the range then truncate.  Actually, let's try

>>> def myRandRange(n):
..  return int((random.random()*(n+1)))
>>> distribution([myRandRange(2) for i in range(1000)])
{0: 320, 1: 331, 2: 349}

  Seems to work ok.
  Bias is one reason why someone may *want* to use their own function for
this kind of purpose.  I know that in several of my applications, I wish to
generate random numbers based on a custom distribution, so I have this set
up in a function.
  Now before you go off and point me to the docs, I do know that the random
module has builtin distributions, and do know how to express distributions
as functions of other standard distributions.  But not every single
distribution can be expressed as such, and it is easier to debug when you
know exactly what is going on.
  I guess my ``teach the basics first'' philosophy shows through in a bad
way sometimes.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Danny Yoo" <>
To: "Glen Wheeler" <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] random number equations . . .

> Hi Glen,
> But whenever we're dealing with probability, it's often a good idea to
> reuse what other folks have already done.  *grin*
> This kind of selection function already exists in random.randrange():
> The problem with gimmeRandomInRange() is that it's biased.  It's easier to
> see what this means if we use a small range.  Let's see what happens when
> we use it for a range between 0 and 2, inclusive:
> ###
> >>> def distribution(numbers):
> ...     """Calculates a distribution of the numbers."""
> ...     counts = {}
> ...     for n in numbers:
> ...         counts[n] = counts.get(n, 0) + 1
> ...     return counts
> ...
> >>> distribution([gimmeRandomInRange(2) for i in range(1000)])
> {0: 238, 1: 523, 2: 239}
> ###
> There's a big hump near one!
> Why is that?  Why are the numbers biased biased around 1?  If we draw
> things out:
>                 A            B           C
>             |--------(---------------)-------|
>             0       0.5      1      1.5      2
> our number line splits into three regions A, B, and C.  The behavior of
> the round()ing causes region B to be larger than the other two.
> But random.randrange() doesn't suffer this defect:
> ###
> >>> distribution([random.randrange(0, 3) for i in range(1000)])
> {0: 343, 1: 344, 2: 313}
> ###
> The 'random' module has many helper functions that we should use.
> They're there because it's all too easy not to take into consideration
> some of the subtle problems with random number generation.
> Hope this helps!

From vijaykumar at  Thu Jun  3 23:10:39 2004
From: vijaykumar at (Vijay Kumar Bagavath Singh)
Date: Thu Jun  3 23:10:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Qpixmaps
Message-ID: <>

This is not specific to Python or PyQt. The pixmap created by QT designer is in the XPM format. You can use Gimp, ImageMagick and most of the other bitmap tools in GNU/Linux to create such XPMs. If you have ImageMagick installed, you can convert bmp files to xpm using

convert myfile.bmp myfile.xpm


----- Original Message -----
> Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 10:30:11 -0700
> From: John Fabiani <>
> Subject: [Tutor] Qpixmaps
> To: Python tutor help <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi,
> I using PyQt as my GUI.  When I build a app from the QT designer and add 
> menu's and toolbars the designer creates a bitmap of the icons for the 
> app.  As follows
> fileopen = [
>     '16 13 5 1',
>     '. c #040404',
>     '# c #808304',
>     'a c None',
>     'b c #f3f704',
>     'c c #f3f7f3',
>     'aaaaaaaaa...aaaa',
>     '',
>     'aaaaaaaaaaaaa..a',
>     'a...aaaaaaaa...a',
>     '.bcb.......aaaaa',
>     '.cbcbcbcbc.aaaaa',
>     '.bcbcbcbcb.aaaaa',
>     '.cbcb...........',
>     '.bcb.#########.a',
>     '.cb.#########.aa',
>     '',
>     '..#########.aaaa',
>     '...........aaaaa'
> ]
> I think I understand that this a description of a bitmap and is painted 
> (displayed) using QPixmap().  My question is how was the fileopen (a 
> list) bitmap created.  Are there any tools that convert from a bmp file 
> or some other file type to what is used by PyQt?   It seems that 
> wxPython uses something similar. 
> Thanks
> John

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From rantek at  Fri Jun  4 04:12:50 2004
From: rantek at (
Date: Fri Jun  4 04:13:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
Message-ID: <[]>

Wouldn't using fixed point representation (32bit) improve the accuracy?
> From: "Glen Wheeler" <>
> Date: Fri 04/06/2004 7:18 AM GMT+08:00
> To: "Danny Yoo" <>
> CC:,
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
>   Hi Danny,
>   You are of course correct!  My purpose in showing the usage of creating
> one's own random numbers from random.random() is for understanding and
> flexibility.  I guess if I was to write a ``proper'' myRandRange(..)
> function I'd probably add 1 to the range then truncate.  Actually, let's try
> that:
> >>> def myRandRange(n):
> ..  return int((random.random()*(n+1)))
> >>> distribution([myRandRange(2) for i in range(1000)])
> {0: 320, 1: 331, 2: 349}
>   Seems to work ok.
>   Bias is one reason why someone may *want* to use their own function for
> this kind of purpose.  I know that in several of my applications, I wish to
> generate random numbers based on a custom distribution, so I have this set
> up in a function.
>   Now before you go off and point me to the docs, I do know that the random
> module has builtin distributions, and do know how to express distributions
> as functions of other standard distributions.  But not every single
> distribution can be expressed as such, and it is easier to debug when you
> know exactly what is going on.
>   I guess my ``teach the basics first'' philosophy shows through in a bad
> way sometimes.
> -- 
> Glen
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Danny Yoo" <>
> To: "Glen Wheeler" <>
> Cc: <>; <>
> Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 8:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
> >
> > Hi Glen,
> >
> > But whenever we're dealing with probability, it's often a good idea to
> > reuse what other folks have already done.  *grin*
> >
> >
> > This kind of selection function already exists in random.randrange():
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The problem with gimmeRandomInRange() is that it's biased.  It's easier to
> > see what this means if we use a small range.  Let's see what happens when
> > we use it for a range between 0 and 2, inclusive:
> >
> > ###
> > >>> def distribution(numbers):
> > ...     """Calculates a distribution of the numbers."""
> > ...     counts = {}
> > ...     for n in numbers:
> > ...         counts[n] = counts.get(n, 0) + 1
> > ...     return counts
> > ...
> > >>> distribution([gimmeRandomInRange(2) for i in range(1000)])
> > {0: 238, 1: 523, 2: 239}
> > ###
> >
> >
> > There's a big hump near one!
> >
> >
> > Why is that?  Why are the numbers biased biased around 1?  If we draw
> > things out:
> >
> >                 A            B           C
> >             |--------(---------------)-------|
> >             0       0.5      1      1.5      2
> >
> >
> > our number line splits into three regions A, B, and C.  The behavior of
> > the round()ing causes region B to be larger than the other two.
> >
> >
> > But random.randrange() doesn't suffer this defect:
> >
> > ###
> > >>> distribution([random.randrange(0, 3) for i in range(1000)])
> > {0: 343, 1: 344, 2: 313}
> > ###
> >
> >
> > The 'random' module has many helper functions that we should use.
> > They're there because it's all too easy not to take into consideration
> > some of the subtle problems with random number generation.
> >
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps!
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From michele.alzetta at  Fri Jun  4 05:28:46 2004
From: michele.alzetta at (Michele Alzetta)
Date: Fri Jun  4 05:26:40 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How to control list input ?
Message-ID: <1086341326.13373.60.camel@localhost>

Many thanks for the answers I've received so far. (I see that I probably
have to explain the nature of my problem better. Footnote for those who
are interested).

What my code actually attempts to do is create a template as a series of
dictionaries which get saved to disk (with the shelve module):

import shelve
class Template:

    def __init__(self,doctdbname,abdbname,schemadbname,shdbname): =, writeback = True)
        self.ability =, writeback = True)
        self.schematype =, writeback = True)
        self.shifttype =, writeback = True)

    def various functions to insert, delete, obtain elements 
        from my dicts

I thought that the dictionaries would be like this:

Name     ||      key      ||         value

doctor   ||   doctor name ||     list of lists containing the data 
                                 to take into account when assigning
                                 the doc to a shift: hours worked 
                                 weekly, abilities, days set off by
                                 rules, off days  etc. etc. 

ability  || name of ability ||   list of doctors having that ability

schema   || name of shift     || days of week in which the shift exists 
            (e.g. emergency   || start time end time abilities required
            ward duty mornings) 

shift     || label of each            || doctor finally assigned:
          || single specific shift    || my output !
          || i.e. 0306-08-14-int-PN

Actually, maybe some of these are redundant. 
I'll find out coding along ....

We were talking about how to control list input for the list of lists
saved as a value in my doctor dictionary; one suggestion was to make
this a class, not a list of lists:

- is it possible for a dictionary to save a class as a value ? Would
this actually make sense in this case ?

Someone also suggests using dictionaries instead of lists:

- is it possible for a dictionary to save another dictionary as a 
value ?

Another solution proposed (maybe the simplest ?) is to write a list
structure checking function.

Any comments and suggestions appreciated !


ER doctors have hectic lives and weird shifts. Preparation of a month's
shift schedule takes up entire afternoons, and no matter how many of us
check the schedule you always end up discovering somebody is supposed to
be in two places contemporaneously. So I thought a good way of learning
python might be to try to make a Python Emergency Physician Scheduler
allows one to create and save a template of what the shifts are like (in
the emergency department at a given moment there are up to 5 different
doctors on duty doing different things); the template also takes into
account that different types of shifts require different abilities; that
some doctors can be assigned to any shift whereas others may not be
assigned to certain types of shift because they do not have certain
abilities; it takes into account that different doctors have different
working hours, and that some have more days holiday left over than
others too. The program should be capable of acquiring a list of rules
(doc A must be allowed these 3 days off because he's at a Congress, doc
B must be home every wednesday evening, docs C and D are willing to do 2
consecutive 6 hour shifts of a certain type, doc E must not work nights,
doc F prefers working afternoons raher than mornings but will of course
do both etc etc). It must then fill in my template for the current
month, by assigning a doctor to each shift while taking into account
working hours, rules and incompatiblities (for instance one cannot do
two consecutive long shifts, after a night shift he must be allowed at
least 24hours rest, one cannot be contemporaneously on duty in two
shifts etc). NB it is not possible to have a regular pattern in our
shifts (can't say for instance each does 2 mornings, 2 afternoons, 2
nights then 3 days off). Eventually a tidy schedule sheet would be the
output (in pdf format, for instance), and the the whole thing would have
to run in a GUI. 
At the moment I'm forgetting about the output part (import reportlab ?)
and the GUI part (wxwindows ?), I would like to concentrate on creating
a few classes and functions to deal with some of the basic problems. 
The actual quantity of data involved isn't very high, so I would like to
avoid databases. List comprehensions, import time, import calendar seem
to be the things to study for now ...

From Cantkirby at  Fri Jun  4 11:38:33 2004
From: Cantkirby at (
Date: Fri Jun  4 11:38:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How create a grade book
Message-ID: <>

Hi My name is cliff,

I have just began to use python from the intactive screen.  I wrote a small 
program that ran fine. Now I want to write a program that accept use input and 
perform calculations.  Specifically, I want to write a grade book that 
conisist of student name, grade, subjects, average, date, and objective.  However, I 
don't know how to connect pyton to visual basic by COM.  I tried to set a com 
server and I have had no luck.  Is it because i'm using the XP operating 
system.   Also, If you have any example code for setting-up a database file or 
which do you recommend using with python.  I have many more questions but I think 
this is a load.  Please, Please  respond because I really want to learn this 
language. Thanks Cliff
-------------- next part --------------
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From project5 at  Fri Jun  4 12:23:46 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri Jun  4 12:24:00 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How create a grade book
References: <>
Message-ID: <u8u46qmo4701$> wrote on Fri, 4 Jun 2004 11:38:33 EDT:

> Hi My name is cliff,

Hi Cliff,

> I have just began to use python from the intactive screen.  I wrote a small 
> program that ran fine. Now I want to write a program that accept use input and 
> perform calculations.  Specifically, I want to write a grade book that 
> conisist of student name, grade, subjects, average, date, and objective.  However, I 

Sounds doable.

> don't know how to connect pyton to visual basic by COM.  I tried to set a com 

What does VB have to do with anything? Just looking for ways to make your
life hard? :) Perhaps you don't know that Python has other ways of being
used, not just the interactive screen. You can use it just fine for GUI
development too.

> server and I have had no luck.  Is it because i'm using the XP operating 
> system.   Also, If you have any example code for setting-up a database file or 
> which do you recommend using with python.  I have many more questions but I think 

You could use the built-in bsddb module. It's very fast and easy to use
(you can basically approach it like a Python dictionary). 

> this is a load.  Please, Please  respond because I really want to learn this 
> language. Thanks Cliff

Paragraph 7.13.1 of the Python 2.3 docs contain a simple, but sufficient
example of using the bsddb module. Note that it is possible to store just
about anythin as value, not just strings, by using the pickle.dumps() and
pickle.loads() methods.



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From magnus at  Fri Jun  4 12:59:37 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Fri Jun  4 12:59:44 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gSG93IGNyZWF0ZSBhIGdyYWRlIGJvb2s=?=
Message-ID: <>

Hi Cliff,

> I have just began to use python from the intactive screen.  I wrote a small 
> program that ran fine. Now I want to write a program that accept use input and 
> perform calculations.  Specifically, I want to write a grade book that 
> conisist of student name, grade, subjects, average, date, and objective.  However, I 
> don't know how to connect pyton to visual basic by COM.  

I don't think COM will make that any easier, but you *can* certainly
make Python work with COM. You need some kind of interface though.
Plain Python doesn't interact with COM. The most COMmon way is to
use the win32all extensions. The Python download page for Windows link
to them. (It's included if you use ActiveState Python).

Here is some excerpts of code from a program that writes stuff in an 
Excel sheet. You need to add some data in the variables etc to make it

import win32com.client


    xl = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application')
    xl.Visible = True


    for sheetNo in range(MIN_SHEET,MAX_SHEET+1):
        sheet = xl.Worksheets[sheetNo-1]
        for row in range(MIN_ROW, MAX_ROW+1):
            for col in range(MIN_COL,MAX_COL+1):
                if xl.Worksheets[0].Cells(row,col).Value:
                    values = persons.get((sheetNo, row, col), 'X')
                    sheet.Cells(row, col).Value = values[:65000]
                    sheet.Cells(row, col).Value = '.'

This was the closest example I had at hand. I don't really have time
to write you a proper, working example now. I hope you can read through
the noise and extract something intelligent from it.

There's a book called "Python Programming on Win32" which explains the
issues well, and a mailing list available through

Another option is to use ctypes:
but I don't know how mature that is.

> I tried to set a com 
> server and I have had no luck.  Is it because i'm using the XP operating 
> system.  

Well, if you used Linux, you wouldn't even try, so perhaps? ;) Seriously,
this *should* work on XP.

It's very difficult to for anyone to see what you are doing wrong if
you don't show us your code.

> Also, If you have any example code for setting-up a database file or 
> which do you recommend using with python.  I have many more questions but I think 

If you come to the EuroPython Conference at Chalmers University of Technology 
in G?teborg, Sweden next week, you can listen to my talk about database programming 
on Wednesday morning. :) Or if you can't I should be able to provide you with my 
presentaion as a PDF by then, but it's not quite done yet. I'll try to remember to 
post them on my site and to announce it here.

> this is a load.  Please, Please  respond because I really want to learn this 
> language. Thanks Cliff

If you are familiar with SQL, you could start with pysqlite. 
See You can get some examples of its
use at

If you want to access some database through ODBC you probably want mxODBC.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dyoo at  Fri Jun  4 13:59:31 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Jun  4 13:59:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .
In-Reply-To: <[]>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 4 Jun 2004 wrote:

> Wouldn't using fixed point representation (32bit) improve the accuracy?

Hi Bill,

Fixed point representation would make the calculations more exact, but
numeric accuracy isn't the reason for the bias in the old
gimmeRandomInRange() function.

For reference, here's the definition of gimmeRandomInRange() again:

def gimmeRandomInRange(n):
    """Returns a random number between 0 and n, inclusive."""
    return int(round(random.random() * n))

Ideally, we'd like to get all numbers between '0' and 'n'.  I'm assuming,
that we want every number to be equally likely to be chosen.

We can visualize the expression "random.random() * n" almost as a function
that randomly chooses a point on the number line.  I like concrete
examples, so let's do this for n=2 again.

             0                                    2

The round()ing function take a number on the number line, and forces it
either up or down into an integer.  Here's another small diagram of how
round divides the number line into regions from 0 to 2.

                [0]            [1]          [2]
             0        0.5       1       1.5       2

The bias comes from the observation that the region for [0] and the region
for [2] is simply smaller than the region for [1].  If we start choosing
random points on this line, we're more likely to fall into region [1] than
the other regions.

If we don't do the rounding, and just do the truncation, then we're
splitting the number line into something like this:

                     [0]                [1]
             0                  1                 2

The regions are of equal size, and so it's more uniform.  But there are
only two regions now.

That's why Glen modified the expression to:

    int(random.random() * (n + 1))

                     [0]                [1]                [2]
             0                  1                 2                  3

> >   I guess my ``teach the basics first'' philosophy shows through in a
> > bad way sometimes.

No, no, basics are fine.  And it's great that we're having this
discussion, since I'm sure folks wanted to see how random.random(), and
multiplication can be used to get random numbers.

I'm just trying to make sure folks see why using round() causes a slight
nonuniformity around the edges.  *grin*

Hope this helps!

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun  4 14:07:57 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Jun  4 14:07:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How to control list input ?
References: <1086341326.13373.60.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <00d801c44a5e$ddabc6a0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I thought that the dictionaries would be like this:
> Name     ||      key      ||         value
> -----------------------------------------

Actually you just described a relational data schema. You would
almost certainly be better off moving to a proper relatinal
database such as MySQL, Postgres or SqlLite. In the long term
it will be much easier to work with.

> - is it possible for a dictionary to save a class as a value ? Would
> this actually make sense in this case ?

Yes, and more usefully instances of classes.

> Someone also suggests using dictionaries instead of lists:
> - is it possible for a dictionary to save another dictionary as a
> value ?

Yes, you can store any object as a value.
Its quite common to have nested dictionaries:

D = { "first" : { "second" : { "third" : 3, "fourth" : 4  },
                  "fifth"  : { "sixth" : 6, "seventh" : 7 }  },
      "eight" : { "short" : 0},

print D['first']['fifth']['seventh']
print D['eighth']['short']


You will find more on this in the section on collection types
within the Raw Materials topic in my new tutor


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From michele.alzetta at  Fri Jun  4 14:31:04 2004
From: michele.alzetta at (Michele Alzetta)
Date: Fri Jun  4 14:33:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] working with time spans ?
Message-ID: <1086373863.16113.8.camel@localhost>

I've taken a look at modules datetime and calendar, but they don't seem
to have what I need (or maybe I ca't see it); I would like to be able to
do something like this:

say this moment is 11 a.m. of 11 september 2002 and the timespan 'a' I'm
examining is from 1 to 30 september 2002 whereas timespan 'b' is from 12
to 15 september 2002:

thismoment in atimespan

thismoment in btimespan

Any suggestions ?


From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun  4 14:39:32 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Jun  4 14:39:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How create a grade book
References: <>
Message-ID: <00e001c44a63$46f781e0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I have just began to use python from the intactive screen.  I wrote
a small
> program that ran fine.

Great start.

> Now I want to write a program that accept use input and
> perform calculations.  Specifically, I want to write a grade book
> conisist of student name, grade, subjects, average, date, and

Thats OK, no problem doing that in Python.
If you go to my tutorial (or any of the others for that mnatter!)
you will find the following topics useful:

Simple Sequences    - performing calculations
Talking to the User - getting input
The Raw Materials  - how to store your data within the program
Handling Files     - how to save your data to disk between executions

> don't know how to connect pyton to visual basic by COM.

Why do you think you need to do that? You can get Python to talk to
COM directly via the winall extensions (standard from Activestate's
version of Python or a separate download from official Python).
But I don't think you even need to go near COM here unless your
data already exists in a COM enabled application?

> Is it because i'm using the XP operating system.

No, Python and XP play together just fine.

Try my tutorial pages as outlined above, there is a simple address
book application started in "Raw Materials" and finished in
"Handling Files" that might seem similar to what you want.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From dyoo at  Fri Jun  4 16:49:37 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Jun  4 16:49:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] working with time spans ?
In-Reply-To: <1086373863.16113.8.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 4 Jun 2004, Michele Alzetta wrote:

> I've taken a look at modules datetime and calendar, but they don't seem
> to have what I need (or maybe I ca't see it); I would like to be able to
> do something like this:
> say this moment is 11 a.m. of 11 september 2002 and the timespan 'a' I'm
> examining is from 1 to 30 september 2002 whereas timespan 'b' is from 12
> to 15 september 2002:

> thismoment in atimespan
> True
> thismoment in btimespan
> False

Hi Michele,

I don't see time spans explicitely defined in the datetime module, but we
should be able to do something like this:

>>> start, end = (, day=1, year=2002),
...     , day=30, year=2002))
>>> someOtherDate =, day=11, year=2002)
>>> start <= someOtherDate <= end
>>> start <= end <= someOtherDate

And if we really wanted to, we can define a Span object that supports the
'in' containment operator, given two endpoints.

>>> class Span:
...     def __init__(self, a, b):
...         self.a, self.b = a, b
...     def __contains__(self, x):
...         return self.a <= x <= self.b
>>> s = Span(5, 6)
>>> 4 in s
>>> 5 in s
>>> 5.5 in s
>>> 6 in s
>>> 7 in s

This should work on endpoints that are dates, too.

Hope this helps!

From michele.alzetta at  Fri Jun  4 18:50:57 2004
From: michele.alzetta at (Michele Alzetta)
Date: Fri Jun  4 18:48:37 2004
Subject: [Tutor] working with time spans ?
In-Reply-To: <1086385426.16441.2.camel@localhost>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1086389457.16484.12.camel@localhost>

Thanks to Danny Yoo's suggestion I got to this, might be interesting:

from time import mktime
class TimeSpan(object):
    def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
        self.starttime = mktime(startimetuple)
        self.endtime = mktime(endtimetuple)
    def __contains__(self, timespan):
         return (self.starttime <= timespan.starttime) and \
                (self.endtime >= timespan.endtime)

periodstart = (2004, 6, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
periodend = (2004, 7, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
shiftperiod = TimeSpan(periodend,periodstart)

shift1start = (2004, 6, 15, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
shift1end = (2004, 6, 15, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
shift1 = TimeSpan(shift1start,shift1end)

shift2start = (2004, 7, 15, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
shift2end = (2004, 7, 15, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
shift2 = TimeSpan(shift2start,shift2end)

shift1 in shiftperiod

shift2 in shiftperiod

which ought to come in pretty handy for my purposes.

Actually all I'm interested in are years, months, days, hours and
minutes so the tuples with 9 elements are a bit of a nuisance.

Would it be a good idea to make TimeSpan inherit from time and
change the mktime method for instance ?


From at  Fri Jun  4 19:30:10 2004
From: at (Tim Peters)
Date: Fri Jun  4 19:30:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] working with time spans ?
In-Reply-To: <1086389457.16484.12.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

[Michele Alzetta]
> Thanks to Danny Yoo's suggestion I got to this, might be interesting:
> from time import mktime class TimeSpan(object):
>     def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
>         self.starttime = mktime(startimetuple)
>         self.endtime = mktime(endtimetuple)
>     def __contains__(self, timespan):
>          return (self.starttime <= timespan.starttime) and \
>                 (self.endtime >= timespan.endtime)
> periodstart = (2004, 6, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> periodend = (2004, 7, 01, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> shiftperiod = TimeSpan(periodend,periodstart)

The order of the arguments is backwards there, isn't it?  That is, didn't
you want to pass periodstart first?  As written, nothing can actually be in
shiftperiod, and both tests below are False.

> shift1start = (2004, 6, 15, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> shift1end = (2004, 6, 15, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> shift1 = TimeSpan(shift1start,shift1end)
> shift2start = (2004, 7, 15, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> shift2end = (2004, 7, 15, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> shift2 = TimeSpan(shift2start,shift2end)
> shift1 in shiftperiod
> True
> shift2 in shiftperiod
> False
> which ought to come in pretty handy for my purposes.
> Actually all I'm interested in are years, months, days, hours and minutes
> so the tuples with 9 elements are a bit of a nuisance.
> Would it be a good idea to make TimeSpan inherit from time and change the
> mktime method for instance ?

You can't, because time is a module, and you can only inherit from classes
(a module isn't a class).

The better news is that there's really no need for the time module at all:
Python can compare tuples directly.

So this does the same thing (but where I swapped the order of arguments as
noted above):

class TimeSpan(object):
    def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
        self.starttime = startimetuple
        self.endtime = endtimetuple

    def __contains__(self, timespan):
         return (self.starttime <= timespan.starttime and
                 self.endtime >= timespan.endtime)

periodstart = (2004, 6, 1, 8)
periodend = (2004, 7, 1, 8)
shiftperiod = TimeSpan(periodstart, periodend)

shift1start = (2004, 6, 15, 8)
shift1end = (2004, 6, 15, 20)
shift1 = TimeSpan(shift1start, shift1end)

shift2start = (2004, 7, 15, 8)
shift2end = (2004, 7, 15, 20)
shift2 = TimeSpan(shift2start, shift2end)

print shift1 in shiftperiod
print shift2 in shiftperiod

That prints True, then False.

You'll eventually want to think about using the datetime module.  Doing so
will check that the dates passed in are sane, and provide a strong base to
build fancier stuff on.  For example, just replace the first 4 lines above

from datetime import datetime

class TimeSpan(object):
    def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
        self.starttime = datetime(*startimetuple)
        self.endtime = datetime(*endtimetuple)

Everything else works the same then, and not even the __contains__ method
needs to change.  You can easily add other interesting methods to your
TimeSpan class then; e.g., add

    def length(self):
        return self.endtime - self.starttime

and then

print shiftperiod.length()
print shift1.length()
print shift2.length()


30 days, 0:00:00

It's best to get a new job before you have to worry about daylight saving
time, though <wink>.

From michele.alzetta at  Fri Jun  4 19:47:22 2004
From: michele.alzetta at (Michele Alzetta)
Date: Fri Jun  4 19:45:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] working with time spans ?
In-Reply-To: <> (added by
References: <>
	(added by
Message-ID: <1086392842.16619.9.camel@localhost>

Il sab, 2004-06-05 alle 01:30, Tim Peters ha scritto:

> > shiftperiod = TimeSpan(periodend,periodstart)
> The order of the arguments is backwards there, isn't it? 

copied wrongly, of course

> This does the same thing (but where I swapped the order of arguments as
> noted above):
> class TimeSpan(object):
>     def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
>         self.starttime = startimetuple
>         self.endtime = endtimetuple
>     def __contains__(self, timespan):
>          return (self.starttime <= timespan.starttime and
>                  self.endtime >= timespan.endtime)

Yes, but this can contain any tuple, which means I can't extract
self.startime and feed it in to one of the time functions if I ever
wanted to.

> You'll eventually want to think about using the datetime module.  Doing so
> will check that the dates passed in are sane, and provide a strong base to
> build fancier stuff on.  For example, just replace the first 4 lines above
> with:
> from datetime import datetime
> class TimeSpan(object):
>     def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
>         self.starttime = datetime(*startimetuple)
>         self.endtime = datetime(*endtimetuple)
> Everything else works the same then, and not even the __contains__ method
> needs to change.  You can easily add other interesting methods to your
> TimeSpan class then; e.g., add
>     def length(self):
>         return self.endtime - self.starttime
> and then
> print shiftperiod.length()
> print shift1.length()
> print shift2.length()
> prints
> 30 days, 0:00:00
> 12:00:00
> 12:00:00

That's really great. 
Er ... what on earth does the "*" in *startimetuple mean ?


From gew75 at  Fri Jun  4 20:46:48 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Fri Jun  4 20:46:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] working with time spans ?
References: <>(added by <1086392842.16619.9.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

> [..]
> That's really great. 
> Er ... what on earth does the "*" in *startimetuple mean ?

  Well, it's for unpacking arguments.  For example:

>>> t = (1,20,3)
>>> for i in range(*t):
..  print i


From game at  Fri Jun  4 21:48:41 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Fri Jun  4 21:45:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Defines question?
Message-ID: <001201c44a9f$3ad1cce0$>

I know in C when you want to define something it would be #define MAX_LETTERS   25

I was wondering what the eqivalent would be in python?

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From orbitz at  Fri Jun  4 22:11:06 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Fri Jun  4 22:12:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Defines question?
In-Reply-To: <001201c44a9f$3ad1cce0$>
References: <001201c44a9f$3ad1cce0$>
Message-ID: <>

No, but generally a symbol in all capital letters suggests that it's value is
constant.  In python people use strings a lot for constants too.

On Fri, 4 Jun 2004 21:48:41 -0400
"K J" <> wrote:

> I know in C when you want to define something it would be #define MAX_LETTERS 
>  25
> I was wondering what the eqivalent would be in python?
> Kevin

From lsloan-000002 at  Fri Jun  4 07:37:17 2004
From: lsloan-000002 at (Lance E Sloan)
Date: Fri Jun  4 22:15:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

--On Thursday, June 3, 2004 11:57 AM -0700 Danny Yoo 
<> wrote:
> This looks fine.  You may want to avoid using the 'from foo import *'
> statement.  I agree that explicitely pulling out the 'choice' function is
> better:
> ###
> from random import choice
> ###

What I've been doing lately in cases like this is:

  import random
  x = random.choice( y )

What do you other experienced Pythonistas think of that style?

I admit that I don't like the length it adds to my lines of code, but I do 
like that it's clear and easy to see which module each function came from.

Lance E Sloan, Systems Research Programmer III
U-M WATS: Web Applications, Technologies, and Solutions
Full-service web and database design, development, and hosting. - "Putting U on the Web"

From at  Sat Jun  5 00:06:30 2004
From: at (Tim Peters)
Date: Sat Jun  5 00:06:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] working with time spans ?
In-Reply-To: <1086392842.16619.9.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

[Tim, switches Michele's class to use plain tuples]
>> ...

[Michele Alzetta]
> Yes, but this can contain any tuple, which means I can't extract
> self.startime and feed it in to one of the time functions if I ever
> wanted to.

Good -- you're thinking ahead.  Your objection goes away with the next step
(moving to datetime objects), and simplifying the code to get back to tuples
was a step toward that end.  Making code hairier instead is often a step in
a wrong direction!

[and then to switch from tuples to datetime objects ...]
>> For example, just replace the first 4 lines above with:
>> from datetime import datetime
>> class TimeSpan(object):
>>     def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
>>         self.starttime = datetime(*startimetuple)
>>         self.endtime = datetime(*endtimetuple)

> Er ... what on earth does the "*" in *startimetuple mean ?


is a shortcut for

    apply(f, args)

and you can read about apply() in the Library Reference Manual (in the
section on builtin functions).

If you want to pass a variable number of arguments to a function, you define
the function with this syntax:

    def f(*args):
        print args

Then all the arguments in a call to f() are gathered into a tuple (the "*"
in front of "args" *tells* Python to gather them into a tuple):

>>> f()
>>> f(1)
>>> f("two", "args")
('two', 'args')
>>> f("and", 3, "args")
('and', 3, 'args')

etc.  On the *calling* side, "*something" in an argument list is a bit like
the reverse of that:  it takes the elements of the sequence "something", and
breaks them into out into individual arguments.

    def g(a=1, b=2, c=3):
        print a, b, c


>>> g(*())
1 2 3
>>> g(*(10,))
10 2 3
>>> g(*(10, 11))
10 11 3
>>> g(*(10, 11, 12))
10 11 12
>>> g(*(10, 11, 12, 13))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: g() takes at most 3 arguments (4 given)

The datetime.datetime() constructor requires at least 3 arguments, but
accepts as many as 8 (see the docs).  If you already have a tuple in the
right form, it's much easier to use * than to break the tuple apart by hand:

>>> ymd = 2004, 12, 31
>>> print datetime(ymd[0], ymd[1], ymd[2])  # yuck!
2004-12-31 00:00:00
>>> print datetime(*ymd)  # easier and exactly the same thing
2004-12-31 00:00:00
>>> print datetime(ymd)   # not at all the same thing
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: function takes at least 3 arguments (1 given)

Using the * trick on the call side also lets you not care whether the tuple
contains just (year, month, day), or also contains hours and possibly also
minutes and possibly also seconds, etc.  *something breaks them all out, no
matter what len(something) is.

From magnus at  Sat Jun  5 07:35:07 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sat Jun  5 07:33:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] working with time spans ?
In-Reply-To: <1086389457.16484.12.camel@localhost>
References: <1086385426.16441.2.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

At 00:50 2004-06-05 +0200, Michele Alzetta wrote:
>Would it be a good idea to make TimeSpan inherit from time and
>change the mktime method for instance ?

No. Even if it was technically possible, you should think of
inheritance as "is-a". I.e. an employee is a person, a manager
is an employee. A time span is not a time, any more than a
department is a person. A time span is an interval between two
times, so the concept to use is composition, not inheritance.
That is "has a" (or "has two" in this case) rather than "is a".
That means that you use two times (start and stop) as attributes
in the TimeSpan class, just as you've shown.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From missive at  Sat Jun  5 08:36:10 2004
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sat Jun  5 08:36:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Defines question?
Message-ID: <>

>I know in C when you want to define something it would be #define =
>I was wondering what the eqivalent would be in python?


Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

From michele.alzetta at  Sat Jun  5 16:31:07 2004
From: michele.alzetta at (Michele Alzetta)
Date: Sat Jun  5 16:28:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] working with time spans ?
Message-ID: <1086467466.14545.47.camel@localhost>

[Tim, gives an interesting explanation of *]

Thanks Tim, I must say this escaped me in all my tutorial browsing !

Here is the latest product I came up with:

from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta

class TimeSpan(object):
    ''' I thought it might be useful to check if a timespan 
     is contained in another but also if a single moment
     is contained in another, so I added the isTimeSpan
     attribute and the exception '''
    def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
        self.starttime = datetime(*startimetuple)
        self.endtime = datetime(*endtimetuple)
	self.isTimeSpan = True
    def __contains__(self, timespan):
	    if timespan.isTimeSpan:
                return (self.starttime <= timespan.starttime) and \
                       (self.endtime >= timespan.endtime)
	except AttributeError:
            moment = datetime(*timespan)
	    return (self.starttime <= moment <= self.endtime)
    def length(self):
        return self.endtime - self.starttime

class Shift(TimeSpan):
    '''This derived class knows if the shift is a weekend or night
       shift, and won't accept shifts longer than 12 hours;
       doc, hol and label attributes will come in handy later on
       for the moment they're just here as placeholders'''
    def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple, doc = None, \
                 night = True, hol = False, weekend = False,   \
                 label = None):
        self.starttime = datetime(*startimetuple)
        self.endtime = datetime(*endtimetuple)
	self.isTimeSpan = True
        self.doc = doc
        self.night = night
        self.weekend = weekend
        self.hol = hol
        self.label = label
        if date.weekday(*startimetuple))) >= 5:
            self.weekend = True
        self.startday =
        self.endday =
        if self.startday == self.endday:
            self.night = False
        max = timedelta(hours = 12)
        assert self.length() <= max

Although not complete by any means, this actually seems to work, so I
was wandering if the end product of my program (not the pretty output, I
mean the 'content' i.e. the program's representation of a monthly shift
schedule) might not be a shelve list (containing an instance of my Shift
class for every single shift as elements) ... or maybe even a shelve

However - wouldn't this be __very__ laborious in terms of memory and cpu
usage ?? Probably using a postgres database would be more efficient, but
I would like to keep things as independent from other programs as
possible (if it ever comes to the point where it passes from an
excercise in python learning to something actually useful, having to
bundle python + postgresql with the program would be a major nuisance).


From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun  5 17:59:42 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Jun  5 17:59:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Defines question?
References: <001201c44a9f$3ad1cce0$>
Message-ID: <001d01c44b48$6b5d9480$6401a8c0@xp>

> I know in C when you want to define something it would be 
> #define MAX_LETTERS   25
>I was wondering what the eqivalent would be in python?


There is some discussion of adding a const facility to Python 
which would allow you to prevent changes, but heh, you can 
change it in C if you really want to - just not programmaticlly, 
you have to redefine it... :-)

But its one good reason to use the Upper case convention only
for read only variables. At least that way you get a visual 
warning that something strange is happening whe you do


later in the code.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun  5 18:03:57 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Jun  5 18:03:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New to list & first steps in Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <002601c44b49$00405b50$6401a8c0@xp>

> > from random import choice
> > ###
> What I've been doing lately in cases like this is:
>   import random
>   x = random.choice( y )
> What do you other experienced Pythonistas think of that style?

Its the preferred one at the cost of extra typing. Using this approach
is safest, ythere is no possibility of accidentally importing another
coice and hiding the "random" one. Only if you will use it a lot and
know there will never be conflict would I recommend the first option.

Even if the typing is too much you can reduce it with

import random as r

And type


That still keeps it safe (unless you import another module called
r or as r I guess!)

> I admit that I don't like the length it adds to my lines of code,
but I do
> like that it's clear and easy to see which module each function came

That about sums up the pros and cons.

Alan G

From carroll at  Sun Jun  6 01:17:30 2004
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Sun Jun  6 01:17:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Any modules for validating data?
Message-ID: <>

Are there any modules to assist in validating input data?

I'm doing a small application with a lot of user input, and want to 
validate the data before proceeding.

For example, one piece of data (call it DATA_A) may need to be an integer
between 1800 and 2004; another may need to be an integer between DATA_A
and 2004, etc.

I was wondering if there were any modules that simplify this sort of 

Perl has Data::FormValidator, which looks like the sort of thing I'm 
looking for (albeit somewhat overkill for me, but it'd certainly work).

From Dragonfirebane at  Sun Jun  6 01:21:33 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sun Jun  6 01:21:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] printing multiple values from a list in one command
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I am trying to write a number-binary-hexadecimal translator than can also act 
as a makeshift text-binary converter (a is assigned to 01, b to 10, c to 11, 
etc). However, when I try to write the code such that when the text to be 
translated is in the lowercase (the first half of ascii_letters), the program 
should print the corresponding value in binary.  Short of defining each letter as 
a binary number, does anyone have any suggestions? The code as is (not 
working) is below:

def convertxt():
        if char in alphabet[range(0-26)]:
            print binary[range(0-26)]
        elif char in alphabet[range(27-52)]:
            print binary[range(27-52)]
        elif char not in alphabet:
            print "Sorry, you didn't enter valid text. Please enter standard 
letters only."
def convertnum():
    whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','b'):
        if char in number:
            print binary[int(original) - 1]

from string import *
import time

alphabet = [ascii_letters]
binary = 
number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
again = True
while again:
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
    except ValueError:
        if char in number:
    again = input("Would you like to convert more text or letters [y/n]? ")
    if again in 'yY':
    elif again in 'nN':
        print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
        import sys
-------------- next part --------------
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From Dragonfirebane at  Sun Jun  6 01:27:03 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sun Jun  6 01:27:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] printing multiple values from a list in one command
Message-ID: <>

To clarify:

When I try to write the code such that when the text to be translated is in 
the lowercase (the first half of ascii_letters), the program should print the 
corresponding value in binary, it either says 'list index out of range' (if 
char in alphabet[1-26]:) or 'list indices must be integers' (if char in 
-------------- next part --------------
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From MBussell at  Sun Jun  6 12:28:56 2004
From: MBussell at (
Date: Sun Jun  6 12:29:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Sys.exit()
Message-ID: <>

I have switched to Version 2.3.3, and am having an issue with the sys.exit() 
function working.  Is there an argument required now?

-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun  6 12:56:26 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun  6 12:56:17 2004
Subject: [Tutor] printing multiple values from a list in one command
References: <>
Message-ID: <001901c44be7$34f3fbb0$6401a8c0@xp>

 > etc). However, when I try to write the code such that when the text
to be
> translated is in the lowercase (the first half of ascii_letters),
the program
> should print the corresponding value in binary.

> Short of defining each letter as a binary number,

You mean like ASCII?
I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve by mapping one binary
(the ASCII code) to another (your arbitrary value)?

>         if char in alphabet[range(0-26)]:

This won't work because range returns a list and a list index must
be a single integer. I suspect you just want

if char in string.ascii_lowercase:
   print binary[ord(char)]

>         elif char in alphabet[range(27-52)]:
>             print binary[range(27-52)]

if char in string.ascii_uppercase:
   print binary(ord(char))

Or replacing both

if char in string.letters:
   print binary(ord(char))

>         elif char not in alphabet:
>             print "Sorry, you didn't enter valid text. Please enter
> letters only."

And this should probably be plain 'else' just to catch any other

If you really do want to use your handcrafted alphabet you should use

if char in alphabet[0:26]:  # or just [:26]

elif char in alphabet[16:52]: # or just [26:]

BTW, It has been discussed several times in the past on tutor, how to
write a function to generate binary strings from numbewrs, you might
find a search of the tutor archives onActivestate useful. Also for
hex display the standard format string can do that for you (%x or %X)

Good luck,

Alan G.

From Dragonfirebane at  Sun Jun  6 12:57:40 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sun Jun  6 12:57:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Sys.exit()
Message-ID: <>

>I have switched to Version 2.3.3, and am having an issue with the sys.exit() 
function >working.  Is there an argument required now?

In order to use the sys.exit() function, you must first import sys:

def exit():
    print "This program will now exit"
    import sys
-------------- next part --------------
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From waghk at  Sun Jun  6 13:23:58 2004
From: waghk at (arearear reraraer)
Date: Sun Jun  6 13:24:05 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Display question
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I am relatively new to python and I have a question that I couldn't get 
answered in the tutorials.
Is there any way to display text in defined coords?
Ex: displaytext(text,coordx,coordy):

?Est?s pensando en cambiar de coche? Todas los modelos de serie y extras en 
MSN Motor.

From Dragonfirebane at  Sun Jun  6 14:02:23 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sun Jun  6 14:02:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] printing values from one list that correspond to that in
	another list
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I'm trying to get the program to take user input and, if it is in the 
'alphabet' list (alphabet = 
'I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']), to 
print the corresponding entry in the binary list (binary = 
['01','10','11',etc.]) so that when 'a' is entered, '01' is printed and so on. The current 
attempt is below and it doesn't work.  Any suggestions?

def convertxt():
    if original in alphabet[:26]:
        print binary[:26]
    if original in alphabet[26:]:
        print binary[:26]
def convertnum():
    whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','bin','b'):
        if char in number:
            print binary[int(original) - 1]
    elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','hexadec','hex','h'):
        if char in number:
            print hexadec[int(original) - 1]

import time

alphabet = 
binary = 
number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
hexadec = 
print alphabet[:26]
print alphabet[26:]
again = True
while again:
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
    except ValueError:
        if char in number:
    again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or letters [y/n]? 
    if again in 'Yy':
        again = True
    elif again in 'Nn':
        again = False
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
import sys
-------------- next part --------------
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From clavezza at  Sun Jun  6 17:17:32 2004
From: clavezza at (christopher lavezza)
Date: Sun Jun  6 17:17:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Help on Python Assignment
Message-ID: <>


This program written has a syntax error in it.  Can anyone help me out to 
fix the problem.


import time
>>>class Account:
	def __init__(self, initial):
		self.balance = initial
	def deposit(self,amt):
		t=time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + 0))
	def withdraw(self,amt):
		if self.balance-amt<0:
			print 'Not enough Mojo in your account!'
			t=time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + 0))
	def printbalance(self):
		print 'Date			Activities'
		for k, v in self.payactions.iteritems():
			print v,'	',k
			print 'Total:'+str(self.balance)

FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now!

From clavezza at  Sun Jun  6 17:18:09 2004
From: clavezza at (christopher lavezza)
Date: Sun Jun  6 17:18:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Help on Python Assignment
Message-ID: <>


This program written has a syntax error in it.  Can anyone help me out to 
fix the problem.


import time
>>>class Account:
	def __init__(self, initial):
		self.balance = initial
	def deposit(self,amt):
		t=time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + 0))
	def withdraw(self,amt):
		if self.balance-amt<0:
			print 'Not enough Mojo in your account!'
			t=time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() + 0))
	def printbalance(self):
		print 'Date			Activities'
		for k, v in self.payactions.iteritems():
			print v,'	',k
			print 'Total:'+str(self.balance)

Stop worrying about overloading your inbox - get MSN Hotmail Extra Storage!

From bgailer at  Sun Jun  6 18:24:08 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sun Jun  6 18:24:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Help on Python Assignment
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hey Chris - how goes it. Looks like you are working on the class project 
again. Is that true? What's your relationship with the school's program at 
this time?

Please, when submitting code with a syntax error, also provide the 
exception. It tells us which line the problem is on.

In this case, when I paste your code into my IDE and check it, it has no 

Here is my copy of your program with some code to exercise it:

import time
class Account:
         def __init__(self, initial):
                 self.balance = initial
         def deposit(self,amt):
                 t=time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', 
time.localtime(time.time() + 0))
         def withdraw(self,amt):
                 if self.balance-amt<0:
                         print 'Not enough Mojo in your account!'
                         t=time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', 
time.localtime(time.time() + 0))
         def printbalance(self):
                 print 'Date                     Activities'
                 for k, v in self.payactions.iteritems():
                         print v,'       ',k

And here is the output:

Date                     Activities
Sun, 06 Jun 2004 16:16:22         10
Sun, 06 Jun 2004 16:16:22         -20

There is a problem with storing transactions using the amount as the key. 
If you make 2 or more transactions with the same amount, each will replace 
the previous in the dictionary, and you will be left with only the last.

Why did you choose a dictionary? A list is the preferred way to save 
something like this, especially if you want to keep it in its timestamp 
order, and retain all transactions.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun  6 18:33:43 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun  6 18:33:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Display question
References: <>
Message-ID: <001001c44c16$52c88140$6401a8c0@xp>

> Hi, I am relatively new to python and I have a question that I
couldn't get
> answered in the tutorials.
> Is there any way to display text in defined coords?
> Ex: displaytext(text,coordx,coordy):

Unfortunately displaying things is very dependant on what kind of
you are using, since Python runs on anything from a PalmPilot to a
Sun workstation with all manner of things in between it is virtually
impossible for Python to have a standard way of displaying text at
specific locations. That's the bad news.

The good news is that various ways around this are available.

1) Use HTML and display results in a web browser
2) Use the curses library if its available, it has a coordinate
   window system whereby you can position the cursor before writing.
   The downside is its a lot harder to use than 'print'!
3) Use a GUI Toolkit like Tkinter which has a Text widget within
   which you can control where text appears.
4) There is a kind of generic console module out there which is
   written, I think, by Fred Lundh. I can't recall if X,Y control
   is one of its features but it certainly can clear the scren etc.

Welcome to the world of cross platform computing! :-)


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun  6 18:42:21 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun  6 18:42:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] printing values from one list that correspond to that
	inanother list
References: <>
Message-ID: <001801c44c17$87bf3370$6401a8c0@xp>

> def convertxt():
>     if original in alphabet[:26]:

This is fine (although using the string module constants is 
probably still a good idea!) because you are returning a list 
then checking to see if original is in that list

>         print binary[:26]

But this isn't because you are again generating a list and 
printing all of it. You need to find the index of your 
character within the list and then use that to index binary:

if original in alphabet[:26]:
    print binary[alphabet.index(original)]

When stuck it's worth reading the documentation carefully to 
check what types each action expects and returns. Also to 
browse the list of available functions and constants.

There is a saying that "Python comes with batteries included"
which means that usually you can find something in the library 
that will do the bulk of your job for you.

The pyhon >>> prompt is your friend here because it makes it 
very easy to try ideas before committing them to a module/program.

Of course sometimes we just want to experiment and do things for 
the sake of finding out how. That's OK too. :-)


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun  6 18:47:43 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun  6 18:47:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Help on Python Assignment
References: <>
Message-ID: <001d01c44c18$477f2ee0$6401a8c0@xp>

> This program written has a syntax error in it.  Can anyone help me
out to
> fix the problem.

Given that your email has lost all the indentation (it did have
indentation I assume?) itshard to tell. Try posting using plain
text next time.

Guessing at the formatting I can't see any obvious problems.

It would also help if you posted the actual error message,
Python usually gives you a pretty good clue as to where to look!

Alan G.

From bvande at  Mon Jun  7 02:01:01 2004
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Mon Jun  7 02:15:49 2004
Subject: [Tutor] A tip from someone who is clawing his way out of being a
	Python newbie
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I've struggled along and reached the point with Python where I can code 
some serious fun ;-) projects. I recently discovered something I'd like to 
share with other relative newcomers:

         Write docstrings. Write them early and often.

I don't know that all/many more experienced Pythoners would agree, and I 
know that many talented programmers dislike writing documentation. But I 
have found that the effort I put in to writing a semi-English docstring 
for my functions seems to have been more than repaid in the time saved 
tracking down bugs.

I've tried both writing the docstring before the function, and just after 
I think I have a first version. I'm not yet sure which is more effective, 
but both have saved me from a good deal of pain caused by not coding what 
I meant. The effort of rendering an explanation for existing or projected 
code has really saved me from my own sloppy thinking a few times. 
Likewise, revising a docstring to account for changes made to code has 
often exposed that the change wasn't what I thought I'd made.

I've actually come to think that at least for me, writing docstrings is at 
least as useful as running tests -- too often I miss the test case that 
would expose the bug, but in explaining my code I seem more likely to 
catch it.

Of course, docstrings are good practice anyway, and they really do speed 
up the process of understanding code you wrote weeks before. So, I'd been 
putting them in everything, but until recently only once I had a finished 
program. Doing them earlier has improved my programming more than anything 
else in the last while.

Anyway, I thought I'd throw that out there for what it is worth.

Best to all,

Brian vdB

From stella at  Mon Jun  7 10:09:42 2004
From: stella at (Stella Rockford)
Date: Mon Jun  7 11:10:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IMAP2RSS
Message-ID: <>

In constant pursuit of lowering the threshold to web publishing I have  
been experimenting with IMPA2RSS in python

here is the script --->

right about line 58 of Holger Arendt's script I get an error

pcp08247552pcs:~ stella$ /Users/stella/Desktop/IMAP2RSS
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/Users/stella/Desktop/IMAP2RSS", line 97, in ?
   File "/Users/stella/Desktop/IMAP2RSS", line 89, in makeFeed
     mail = parse(data)
   File "/Users/stella/Desktop/IMAP2RSS", line 58, in parse
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, file found


any guidance or suggestions would be appreciated


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

From dyoo at  Mon Jun  7 14:04:44 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Jun  7 14:04:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IMAP2RSS
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 7 Jun 2004, Stella Rockford wrote:

> In constant pursuit of lowering the threshold to web publishing I have
> been experimenting with IMPA2RSS in python
> here is the script --->
> right about line 58 of Holger Arendt's script I get an error
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> pcp08247552pcs:~ stella$ /Users/stella/Desktop/IMAP2RSS
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/Users/stella/Desktop/IMAP2RSS", line 97, in ?
>      makeFeed()
>    File "/Users/stella/Desktop/IMAP2RSS", line 89, in makeFeed
>      mail = parse(data)
>    File "/Users/stella/Desktop/IMAP2RSS", line 58, in parse
>      os.remove(f);
> TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, file found
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> any guidance or suggestions would be appreciated

Hi Stella,

The code appears to be buggy.  Its parse() method opens up a file as a
temporary buffer, and when it tries to remove it, the code passes the file
object 'f' to os.remove... but os.remove() takes in a file name, not the
file object:

This should explain why we're getting the error message:

> TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, file found

Let's look at the function again:

def parse(maildata):
    f = open(filename,'w')
    f = open(filename,'r')
    m = rfc822.Message(f)
    data= {'From'    : m.getaddr('from'),
           'To'      : m.getaddrlist('to'),
           'Subject' : encode(m.getheader('subject')),
           'Date'    : m.getheader('date')}
    while 1:
        line = f.readline();
        if not line:
        body = body+encode(line)
    return data

Ok, I see, so the code uses a temporary file just to feed into
rfc822.Message, since rfc822.Message expects a file object, not a string.
But rather than reinvent the wheel, the code may want to take advantage of
either the 'tempfile' module:

or 'StringIO':

In this case, StringIO looks like a promising module.  The code can be
simplified by using StringIO to put a file-like wrapper around the mail

Here is a revised version of the code, replacing the temporary-file stuff
with StringIO stuff:

def parse(maildata):
    f = StringIO.StringIO(maildata[0][1])
    m = rfc822.Message(f)
    data= {'From'    : m.getaddr('from'),
           'To'      : m.getaddrlist('to'),
           'Subject' : encode(m.getheader('subject')),
           'Date'    : m.getheader('date')}
    while 1:
        line = f.readline();
        if not line:
        body = body+encode(line)
    return data

Let's try it.

>>> text = """From:
... To:
... Subject: where have all the cowboys gone?
... Hi John,
... Do you know where all the cowboys have gone?  I'm looking
... for them.  Thanks.
... """
>>> def encode(x): return x
>>> parse([['', text]])
{'Date': None, 'To': [('', '')], 'Body': "<pre>Hi John,\n\nDo
you know where all the cowboys have gone?  I'm looking\nfor them.
Thanks.\n</pre>", 'From': ('', ''), 'Subject':
'where have all the cowboys gone?'}

I just wrote some mock data (and a mock version of encode()) just to see
if parse() is doing something reasonable.  Looks functional!

But I can't seem to find the email address of the original author
of the code.  It would be great if we could send these corrections back to
Holger Arendt.

Good luck to you!

From Dragonfirebane at  Mon Jun  7 19:25:45 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Mon Jun  7 19:26:00 2004
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with 'char'
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

As far as I know, char is a valid variable describing characters in a user response, correct?  If that's the case, why does:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\Orri Ganel\Desktop\", line 32, in ?
  File "C:\Documents and Settings\Orri Ganel\Desktop\", line 2, in convertxt
    if char in alphabet[:26]:
NameError: global name 'char' is not defined

come up when i run the following program?:

def convertxt():
    if char in alphabet[:26]:
        print binary[alphabet.index(original)]
    elif char in alphabet[26:]:
        print binary[alphabet.index(original)]
def convertnum():
    whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','bin','b'):
        if char in number:
            print binary[int(original) - 1]
    elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','hexadec','hex','h'):
        if char in number:
            print hexadec[int(original) - 1]

import time

alphabet = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
binary = ['01','10','11','100','101','110','111','1000','1001','1010','1011','1100','1101','1110','1111','10000','10001','10010','10011','10100','10101','10110','10111','11000','11001','11010','11011','11100','11101','11110','11111','100000','100001','100010','100011','100100','100101','100110','100111','101000','101001','101010','101011','101100','101101','101110','101111','110000','110001','110010','110011','110100','110101','110110','110111','111000','111001','111010','111011','111100','111101','111110','111111','1000000','1000001','1000010','1000011','1000100','1000101','1000110','1000111','1001000','1001001','1001010','1001011','1001100','1001101','1001110','1001111','1010000','1010001','1010010','1010011','1010100','1010101','1010110','1010111','1011000','1011001','1011010','1011011','1011100','1011101','1011110','1011111','1100000','1100001','1100010','1100011','1100100','1100101','1100110','1100111','1101000','1101001','1101010','1101011','1101100','1101101','1101110','1101111','1110000','1110001','1110010','1110011','1110100','1110101','1110110','1110111','1111000','1111001','1111010','1111011','1111100','1111101','1111110','1111111','10000000','10000001','10000010','10000011','10000100','10000101','10000110','10000111','10001000','10001001','10001010','10001011','10001100','10001101','10001110','10001111','10010000','10010001','10010010','10010011','10010100','10010101','10010110','10010111','10011000','10011001','10011010','10011011','10011100','10011101','10011110','10011111','10100000','10100001','10100010','10100011','10100100','10100101','10100110','10100111','10101000','10101001','10101010','10101011','10101100','10101101','10101110','10101111','10110000','10110001','10110010','10110011','10110100','10110101','10110110','10110111','10111000','10111001','10111010','10111011','10111100','10111101','10111110','10111111','11000000','11000001','11000010','11000011','11000100','11000101','11000110','11000111','11001000','11001001','11001010','11001011','11001100','11001101','11001110','11001111','11010000','11010001','11010010','11010011','11010100','11010101','11010110','11010111','11011000','11011001','11011010','11011011','11011100','11011101','11011110','11011111','11100000','11100001','11100010','11100011','11100100','11100101','11100110','11100111','11101000','11101001','11101010','11101011','11101100','11101101','11101110','11101111','11110000','11110001','11110010','11110011','11110100','11110101','11110110','11110111','11111000','11111001','11111010','11111011','11111100','11111101','11111110','11111111']
number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
hexadec = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','1A','1B','1C','1D','1E','1F','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','2A','2B','2C','2D','2E','2F','30','31','32','33','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','3A','3B','3C','3D','3E','3F','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','4A','4B','4C','4D','4E','4F','50','51','52','53','54','55','56','57','58','59','5A','5B','5C','5D','5E','5F','60','61','62','63','64','65','66','67','68','69','6A','6B','6C','6D','6E','6F','70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','78','79','7A','7B','7C','7D','7E','7F','80','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','8A','8B','8C','8D','8E','8F','90','91','92','93','94','95','96','97','98','99','9A','9B','9C','9D','9E','9F','A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7','A8','A9','AA','AB','AC','AD','AE','AF','B0','B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B9','BA','BB','BC','BD','BE','BF','C0','C1','C2','C3','C4','C5','C6','C7','C8','C9','CA','CB','CC','CD','CE','CF','D0','D1','D2','D3','D4','D5','D6','D7','D8','D9','DA','DB','DC','DD','DE','DF','E0','E1','E2','E3','E4','E5','E6','E7','E8','E9','EA','EB','EC','ED','EE','EF','F0','F1','F2','F3','F4','F5','F6','F7','F8','F9','FA','FB','FC','FD','FE','FF']
again = True
while again:
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
    except ValueError:
        if char in number:
    again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or letters [y/n]? ")
    if again in 'Yy':
        again = True
    elif again in 'Nn':
        again = False
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
import sys

any and all help is welcome and appreciated.

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie
From adeleinandjeremy at  Mon Jun  7 20:47:13 2004
From: adeleinandjeremy at (Adelein and Jeremy)
Date: Mon Jun  7 20:47:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] trouble with 'char'
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

*** I had replied to this previously but not to the list, I am
sending to the list now.

--- wrote:
> Hello all,
> As far as I know, char is a valid variable describing characters in
> a user response, correct?

It is a valid variable, period. But, variables need to be assigned
values before being referenced....

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Orri
> Ganel\Desktop\", line 32, in ?
>     convertxt()
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Orri
> Ganel\Desktop\", line 2, in convertxt
>     if char in alphabet[:26]:
> NameError: global name 'char' is not defined
> come up when i run the following program?:
> def convertxt():
>     if char in alphabet[:26]:
>         print binary[alphabet.index(original)]
>     elif char in alphabet[26:]:
>         print binary[alphabet.index(original)]

Maybe I am missing something here, but if this is your actual code,
how would the interpreter know if 'char' is in the list, when you
haven't told it what 'char' is? Maybe you are confusing the if-in
construct with the for-in? ``for char in alphabet[:26]:'' is valid,
but not what you want. Perhaps you meant to pass 'char' as an
argument? And where is 'original' coming from?

Also, you have an if-elif, but no else. Maybe if-else would be more
appropriate? And the actions to be taken are the same in both cases,
so why use a selection structure at all?

If I am reading the intent of your code correctly, I would prefer the

def convertxt(char):
    return binary[alphabet.index(char)]

Note that I have changed the print statement to a return statement so
as to avoid side-effects. Print the returned value elsewhere, if
that's what's required - in this case it would be more normal to do
something like ``new_text += convertxt(next_char)'' - of course,
having first properly assigned the variables 'new_text' and

- Jeremy

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From Dragonfirebane at  Mon Jun  7 23:36:20 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Mon Jun  7 23:36:49 2004
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>

'original comes from farther down in the code:

again = True
while again:
  original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
  except ValueError:
      if char in number:
  again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or letters [y/n]? ")
  if again in 'Yy':
      again = True
  elif again in 'Nn':
      again = False
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
import sys

also, since the program is a work in progress, the if-elif-else statement hasn't been completed and won't be pending functionality of the if-elif part.  You're probably right about the "for-in" being what i thought would work, depsite not being what i intended.

Thanks for the help,
In a message dated 6/7/2004 8:46:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> > Hello all,
> > 
> > As far as I know, char is a valid variable describing characters in
> > a user response, correct?
> It is a valid variable, period. But, variables need to be assigned
> values before being referenced....
> > 
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Orri
> > Ganel\Desktop\", line 32, in ?
> >     convertxt()
> >   File "C:\Documents and Settings\Orri
> > Ganel\Desktop\", line 2, in convertxt
> >     if char in alphabet[:26]:
> > NameError: global name 'char' is not defined
> > 
> > come up when i run the following program?:
> > 
> > def convertxt():
> >     if char in alphabet[:26]:
> >         print binary[alphabet.index(original)]
> >     elif char in alphabet[26:]:
> >         print binary[alphabet.index(original)]
> Maybe I am missing something here, but if this is your actual code,
> how would the interpreter know if 'char' is in the list, when you
> haven't told it what 'char' is? Maybe you are confusing the if-in
> construct with the for-in? ``for char in alphabet[:26]:'' is valid,
> but not what you want. Perhaps you meant to pass 'char' as an
> argument? And where is 'original' coming from?
> Also, you have an if-elif, but no else. Maybe if-else would be more
> appropriate? And the actions to be taken are the same in both cases,
> so why use a selection structure at all?
> If I am reading the intent of your code correctly, I would prefer the
> following:
> def convertxt(char):
>    return binary[alphabet.index(char)]
> Note that I have changed the print statement to a return statement so
> as to avoid side-effects. Print the returned value elsewhere, if
> that's what's required - in this case it would be more normal to do
> something like ``new_text += convertxt(next_char)'' - of 
> course,
> having first properly assigned the variables 'new_text' and
> 'next_char'.
> - Jeremy

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie

From visional_freeman at  Tue Jun  8 05:17:28 2004
From: visional_freeman at (Ivan Low)
Date: Tue Jun  8 05:17:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python On RedHat?
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I had recently install linux and had been trying if make it work for me 
and the first problem I encounter was using the python program in linux. I 
can access the program using the comman window but that was like a 
interactive window for me to test some programming code.
Here's my question, are there python software preinstall in Redhat that work 
like those I use in Mac OS? Since I had chose the full installation.
I had access some of those programming tool that had very nice word editing 
function that can import or export or create a new project.
Are there such thing for python since I had found out that those are more 
for C++?


Get 10mb of inbox space with MSN Hotmail Extra Storage

From game at  Tue Jun  8 09:34:44 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Tue Jun  8 09:31:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python On RedHat?
References: <>
Message-ID: <000901c44d5d$5cc30b00$>

You can setup kwrite to work with the python code. I use it and it works
just fine.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivan Low" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 5:17 AM
Subject: [Tutor] Python On RedHat?

> Hi, I had recently install linux and had been trying if make it work for
> and the first problem I encounter was using the python program in linux. I
> can access the program using the comman window but that was like a
> interactive window for me to test some programming code.
> Here's my question, are there python software preinstall in Redhat that
> like those I use in Mac OS? Since I had chose the full installation.
> I had access some of those programming tool that had very nice word
> function that can import or export or create a new project.
> Are there such thing for python since I had found out that those are more
> for C++?
> Ivan
> _________________________________________________________________
> Get 10mb of inbox space with MSN Hotmail Extra Storage
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From reedobrien at  Tue Jun  8 10:20:19 2004
From: reedobrien at (Reed L. O'Brien)
Date: Tue Jun  8 10:30:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] SwishE web interface
Message-ID: <ca4huh$kah$>

I have an html page whose form calls the function in the following.

import SwishE


def search(searchWords):

     # make sure the user provided all the parameters
     if not (searchWords):
         return " Nothing to search for. Nothing Found."

     handle ='/usr/local/swish-e/index.swish-e')
     search ='')
     results = search.execute(searchWords)
#    return results.hits()
     for r in results:
         return r.getproperty('searchdocpath')

If I:
return results.hits()

for r in results:
         return r.getproperty('searchdocpath')

only returns the first.  I would like them all returned.  I have been 
playing around but am in a loop.  Any help would be appreciated.  I know 
it is a simple solution like converting to a dict or something.  I am 
humbled by the difficulty of programming.  This is my first non shell 

FreeBSD 5.2.1
apache 2.0.49
mod_python 3.1.3
SwishE 0.4



From pythonTutor at  Tue Jun  8 11:05:49 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Tue Jun  8 11:06:02 2004
Subject: [Tutor] SwishE web interface
In-Reply-To: <ca4huh$kah$>
References: <ca4huh$kah$>
Message-ID: <>

return marks the end of processing in a function.  control is returned
to the caller.

You have multiple results that could be returned as a list.

	return [r.getproperty('searchdocpath') for r in results]
uses "list comprehensions" to return a list of values.  This is a very
handy addition to the language that makes it extremely easy to write a
simple loop and collect the results into a list.

On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 10:20, Reed L. O'Brien wrote:
> I have an html page whose form calls the function in the following.
> import SwishE
> def search(searchWords):
>      # make sure the user provided all the parameters
>      if not (searchWords):
>          return " Nothing to search for. Nothing Found."
>      handle ='/usr/local/swish-e/index.swish-e')
>      search ='')
>      results = search.execute(searchWords)
> #    return results.hits()
>      for r in results:
>          return r.getproperty('searchdocpath')
> If I:
> return results.hits()
> but
> for r in results:
>          return r.getproperty('searchdocpath')
> only returns the first.  I would like them all returned.  I have been 
> playing around but am in a loop.  Any help would be appreciated.  I know 
> it is a simple solution like converting to a dict or something.  I am 
> humbled by the difficulty of programming.  This is my first non shell 
> script.
> FreeBSD 5.2.1
> apache 2.0.49
> mod_python 3.1.3
> SwishE 0.4

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From gew75 at  Tue Jun  8 11:09:53 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Tue Jun  8 11:10:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] SwishE web interface
References: <ca4huh$kah$>
Message-ID: <>

  Hi Reed,

  Not exactly sure what you're asking, but would this help?

 def search(searchWords):
      # make sure the user provided all the parameters
      if not (searchWords):
          return " Nothing to search for. Nothing Found."

      handle ='/usr/local/swish-e/index.swish-e')
      search ='')
      results = search.execute(searchWords)
      allHits = []
      while (hits = results.hits()):
      return allHits

  Then you'd have a list with all the _.hits() in it?  If there is more than
one `hit' to return, then there must be some way of terminating the loop, so
I have just assumed that each call to hits() is similar to pop() -- takes
the current hit off the top and deletes it from the list.
  Sorry that I can't be any more use, I've never used SwishE before.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Reed L. O'Brien" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 12:20 AM
Subject: [Tutor] SwishE web interface

> I have an html page whose form calls the function in the following.
> import SwishE
> def search(searchWords):
>      # make sure the user provided all the parameters
>      if not (searchWords):
>          return " Nothing to search for. Nothing Found."
>      handle ='/usr/local/swish-e/index.swish-e')
>      search ='')
>      results = search.execute(searchWords)
> #    return results.hits()
>      for r in results:
>          return r.getproperty('searchdocpath')
> If I:
> return results.hits()
> but
> for r in results:
>          return r.getproperty('searchdocpath')
> only returns the first.  I would like them all returned.  I have been
> playing around but am in a loop.  Any help would be appreciated.  I know
> it is a simple solution like converting to a dict or something.  I am
> humbled by the difficulty of programming.  This is my first non shell
> script.
> FreeBSD 5.2.1
> apache 2.0.49
> mod_python 3.1.3
> SwishE 0.4
> -- 
> reed
> 4.6692016090
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From reedobrien at  Tue Jun  8 12:16:05 2004
From: reedobrien at (Reed L. O'Brien)
Date: Tue Jun  8 12:15:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: SwishE web interface
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <ca4huh$kah$>
Message-ID: <ca4onj$c3i$>

I replaced for r in results with the line given

return [r.getproperty('searchdocpath') for r in results]

Now it works.  I guess I should get out my python book to find out how 
to split that to a vertical list as it rolls right of the page s to the 
right without a scroll.  But the return is there.

Thanks Lloyd.

Lloyd Kvam wrote:
> return marks the end of processing in a function.  control is returned
> to the caller.
> You have multiple results that could be returned as a list.
> 	return [r.getproperty('searchdocpath') for r in results]
> uses "list comprehensions" to return a list of values.  This is a very
> handy addition to the language that makes it extremely easy to write a
> simple loop and collect the results into a list.
> On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 10:20, Reed L. O'Brien wrote:

>>FreeBSD 5.2.1
>>apache 2.0.49
>>mod_python 3.1.3
>>SwishE 0.4



From lsloan-000002 at  Tue Jun  8 12:21:36 2004
From: lsloan-000002 at (Lance E Sloan)
Date: Tue Jun  8 12:21:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

--On Monday, June 7, 2004 11:36 PM -0400 wrote:
>   else:
>       if char in number:
>           convertnum()
>           pass

I think you don't want "if".  You want "for":

  for char in number:

And you should pass that value into your function:

    convertnum( char )

And change your function definition to accept the value, as Jeremy 

  def convertxt( char ):

Also, I think you're going to run into other problems.  For example, where 
do you define "alphabet"?

>> > def convertxt():
>> >     if char in alphabet[:26]:
>> >         print binary[alphabet.index(original)]
>> >     elif char in alphabet[26:]:
>> >         print binary[alphabet.index(original)]

Lance E Sloan, Systems Research Programmer III
U-M WATS: Web Applications, Technologies, and Solutions
Full-service web and database design, development, and hosting. - "Putting U on the Web"

From pythonTutor at  Tue Jun  8 13:19:35 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Tue Jun  8 13:19:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: SwishE web interface
In-Reply-To: <ca4onj$c3i$>
References: <ca4huh$kah$>
Message-ID: <>

If the printing is simply to help with debugging and planning the next
step, the pprint module (Pretty Print) should help do the trick nicely.

If you need to provide the formating, then you should be learning the %
format operator.  Also, the method for combining a list of strings into
one new string is surprising when you first encounter it.

If you called the list that was returned result_list,
	print '\n'.join(result_list)
	combine each of the items from result_list into one new string
	while inserting a newline ('\n') character between each item
	output the new string to stdout
	print would provide a final newline character

Warning: The str.join method requires that each item in result_list is a
string (or unicode) object.

On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 12:16, Reed L. O'Brien wrote:
> I replaced for r in results with the line given
> return [r.getproperty('searchdocpath') for r in results]
> Now it works.  I guess I should get out my python book to find out how 
> to split that to a vertical list as it rolls right of the page s to the 
> right without a scroll.  But the return is there.
> Thanks Lloyd.
> Lloyd Kvam wrote:
> > return marks the end of processing in a function.  control is returned
> > to the caller.
> > 
> > You have multiple results that could be returned as a list.
> > 
> > 
> > 	return [r.getproperty('searchdocpath') for r in results]
> > uses "list comprehensions" to return a list of values.  This is a very
> > handy addition to the language that makes it extremely easy to write a
> > simple loop and collect the results into a list.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 10:20, Reed L. O'Brien wrote:
> > 
> >>FreeBSD 5.2.1
> >>apache 2.0.49
> >>mod_python 3.1.3
> >>SwishE 0.4
> >>
> >>TIA

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From bobhe at  Tue Jun  8 13:59:26 2004
From: bobhe at (Bob Heasman)
Date: Tue Jun  8 13:58:41 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Python on Red Hat
Message-ID: <>

Hi Ivan,

I think you may need a little more than you have been given. I don't 
have KDE installed, I have Gnome, so I don't know Kedit. I suggest you 
try "joe". It is a very simple editor to use and with Python it is a 
breeze. So you know how to bring up the interactive window, that is 
fine. This is how I have brought up a window in which to write your program.

In an xterm, type in "joe (filename).py". You can use any name as filename.

Next, in the top left hand corner type in "#!/usr/bin/python" if that is 
the directory you loaded Python into. Python should be in the path.

Now you can start entering your code. To save it type "ctrl K and X". If 
you need help with joe type in "ctrl K and H" while in the joe window.
When you have saved it you will need to get permission to execute it. 
Make yourself Super User (su and password) then type "chmod +x 
(filename)". Now to recall that file use "joe" <enter>. To 
run the file type in "./(" <enter>, as Ivan, not root. You 
can use root, but it is safer not to. Root is too damned powerful. Now 
remember, you can use the up arrow to recall your previous commands, so 
it is a couple of key taps and <enter> to bring up your script.

When you have written a script and run it, and it has an error, Linux 
will show you the error, but it can sometimes lead you astray. You have 
been warned :-)

Ok, this part I have sorted out, but how to write a Python script is 
another story as far as I am concerned. I am battling like h*ll. GOOD 
LUCK :-)


Ivans message:-

Message: 5
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 17:17:28 +0800
From: "Ivan Low" <>
Subject: [Tutor] Python On RedHat?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed

Hi, I had recently install linux and had been trying if make it work for me
and the first problem I encounter was using the python program in linux. I
can access the program using the comman window but that was like a
interactive window for me to test some programming code.
Here's my question, are there python software preinstall in Redhat that 
like those I use in Mac OS? Since I had chose the full installation.
I had access some of those programming tool that had very nice word editing
function that can import or export or create a new project.
Are there such thing for python since I had found out that those are more
for C++?



From dyoo at  Tue Jun  8 14:29:15 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Jun  8 14:29:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python On RedHat?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 8 Jun 2004, Ivan Low wrote:

> Hi, I had recently install linux and had been trying if make it work for
> me and the first problem I encounter was using the python program in
> linux. I can access the program using the comman window but that was
> like a interactive window for me to test some programming code. Here's
> my question, are there python software preinstall in Redhat that work
> like those I use in Mac OS? Since I had chose the full installation.

Hi Ivan,

I suspect that the IDLE GUI might already be installed on your system, but
unfortunately, I can't test my assumption.  If you can tell us what Linux
distribution you've installed, one of us can probably figure out if IDLE
is installed by default.

IDLE usually comes bundled with Python, and I've written a brief
introduction to it:

> I had access some of those programming tool that had very nice word
> editing function that can import or export or create a new project. Are
> there such thing for python since I had found out that those are more
> for C++?

Hmmm... Yes, there are a few nice IDE's that you may want to try.  Here's
a list of them:

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck!

From Dragonfirebane at  Tue Jun  8 16:45:48 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Tue Jun  8 16:46:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>

the full code as is is below (not working). as of right now, i'm oncentrating only on the text function since the number converter works fine. the reason i'm using if and not for is that using for creates a loop where the program prints the converted number based on the number of characters in the original number (1100
                 1100) or something of the sort for 12, whereas 'if' prints the same number (1100) once, due to the [print binary[int(original) - 1]] command.

def convertxt(char):
    return binary[alphabet.index(char)]
def convertnum():
    whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','bin','b'):
        if char in number:
            print binary[int(original) - 1]
    elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','hexadec','hex','h'):
        if char in number:
            print hexadec[int(original) - 1]

import time

alphabet = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
binary = ['01','10','11','100','101','110','111','1000','1001','1010','1011','1100','1101','1110','1111','10000','10001','10010','10011','10100','10101','10110','10111','11000','11001','11010','11011','11100','11101','11110','11111','100000','100001','100010','100011','100100','100101','100110','100111','101000','101001','101010','101011','101100','101101','101110','101111','110000','110001','110010','110011','110100','110101','110110','110111','111000','111001','111010','111011','111100','111101','111110','111111','1000000','1000001','1000010','1000011','1000100','1000101','1000110','1000111','1001000','1001001','1001010','1001011','1001100','1001101','1001110','1001111','1010000','1010001','1010010','1010011','1010100','1010101','1010110','1010111','1011000','1011001','1011010','1011011','1011100','1011101','1011110','1011111','1100000','1100001','1100010','1100011','1100100','1100101','1100110','1100111','1101000','1101001','1101010','1101011','1101100','1101101','1101110','1101111','1110000','1110001','1110010','1110011','1110100','1110101','1110110','1110111','1111000','1111001','1111010','1111011','1111100','1111101','1111110','1111111','10000000','10000001','10000010','10000011','10000100','10000101','10000110','10000111','10001000','10001001','10001010','10001011','10001100','10001101','10001110','10001111','10010000','10010001','10010010','10010011','10010100','10010101','10010110','10010111','10011000','10011001','10011010','10011011','10011100','10011101','10011110','10011111','10100000','10100001','10100010','10100011','10100100','10100101','10100110','10100111','10101000','10101001','10101010','10101011','10101100','10101101','10101110','10101111','10110000','10110001','10110010','10110011','10110100','10110101','10110110','10110111','10111000','10111001','10111010','10111011','10111100','10111101','10111110','10111111','11000000','11000001','11000010','11000011','11000100','11000101','11000110','11000111','11001000','11001001','11001010','11001011','11001100','11001101','11001110','11001111','11010000','11010001','11010010','11010011','11010100','11010101','11010110','11010111','11011000','11011001','11011010','11011011','11011100','11011101','11011110','11011111','11100000','11100001','11100010','11100011','11100100','11100101','11100110','11100111','11101000','11101001','11101010','11101011','11101100','11101101','11101110','11101111','11110000','11110001','11110010','11110011','11110100','11110101','11110110','11110111','11111000','11111001','11111010','11111011','11111100','11111101','11111110','11111111']
number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
hexadec = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','1A','1B','1C','1D','1E','1F','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','2A','2B','2C','2D','2E','2F','30','31','32','33','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','3A','3B','3C','3D','3E','3F','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','4A','4B','4C','4D','4E','4F','50','51','52','53','54','55','56','57','58','59','5A','5B','5C','5D','5E','5F','60','61','62','63','64','65','66','67','68','69','6A','6B','6C','6D','6E','6F','70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','78','79','7A','7B','7C','7D','7E','7F','80','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','8A','8B','8C','8D','8E','8F','90','91','92','93','94','95','96','97','98','99','9A','9B','9C','9D','9E','9F','A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7','A8','A9','AA','AB','AC','AD','AE','AF','B0','B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B9','BA','BB','BC','BD','BE','BF','C0','C1','C2','C3','C4','C5','C6','C7','C8','C9','CA','CB','CC','CD','CE','CF','D0','D1','D2','D3','D4','D5','D6','D7','D8','D9','DA','DB','DC','DD','DE','DF','E0','E1','E2','E3','E4','E5','E6','E7','E8','E9','EA','EB','EC','ED','EE','EF','F0','F1','F2','F3','F4','F5','F6','F7','F8','F9','FA','FB','FC','FD','FE','FF']
again = True
while again:
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
    except ValueError:
        print convertxt(original)
        if char in number:
    again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or letters [y/n]? ")
    if again in 'Yy':
        again = True
    elif again in 'Nn':
        again = False
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
import sys

In a message dated 6/8/2004 12:21:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> --On Monday, June 7, 2004 11:36 PM -0400 wrote:
> >   else:
> >       if char in number:
> >           convertnum()
> >           pass
> I think you don't want "if".  You want "for":
>  for char in number:
> And you should pass that value into your function:
>    convertnum( char )
> And change your function definition to accept the value, as Jeremy 
> sugegsted:
>  def convertxt( char ):
> Also, I think you're going to run into other problems.  For example, where 
> do you define "alphabet"?
> >> > def convertxt():
> >> >     if char in alphabet[:26]:
> >> >         print binary[alphabet.index(original)]
> >> >     elif char in alphabet[26:]:
> >> >         print binary[alphabet.index(original)]
> --
> Lance E Sloan, Systems Research Programmer III
> U-M WATS: Web Applications, Technologies, and Solutions
> Full-service web and database design, development, and 
> hosting.
> - "Putting U on the Web"

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie
From lsloan-000002 at  Tue Jun  8 17:17:15 2004
From: lsloan-000002 at (Lance E Sloan)
Date: Tue Jun  8 17:17:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] number conversion problem (was: Re: [no subject])
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

--On Tuesday, June 8, 2004 4:45 PM -0400 wrote:
> the full code as is is below (not working). as of right now, i'm
> oncentrating only on the text function since the number converter works
> fine. the reason i'm using if and not for is that using for creates a
> loop where the program prints the converted number based on the number of
> characters in the original number (1100                  1100) or
> something of the sort for 12, whereas 'if' prints the same number (1100)
> once, due to the [print binary[int(original) - 1]] command.

OK.  Then I think we're back to the problem being that you are referencing 
"char" before you ever assign any value to it.  The error I get is:

      Please enter numbers or text to be converted. 1234
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "", line 33, in ?
          if char in number:
      NameError: name 'char' is not defined

What do you expect the variable "char" to contain?  A single character of 
the user's input string, one character at a time until you reach the end of 
the string?

If so, you're going to need a line like this somewhere just before you 
reference "char":

      for char in original:

I've not checked this, but it would probably go just before your "if char 
in number" statement.

Also, I don't know the details of the problem you're trying to solve, but 
there are more mathematical ways of converting numbers from one base to 
another that would not require you to include long lists of all the 
possible conversions in your program.

Lance E Sloan, Systems Research Programmer III
U-M WATS: Web Applications, Technologies, and Solutions
Full-service web and database design, development, and hosting. - "Putting U on the Web"

From Dragonfirebane at  Tue Jun  8 17:37:41 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Tue Jun  8 17:38:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: number conversion problem (was: Re: [no subject])
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/8/2004 5:17:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> --On Tuesday, June 8, 2004 4:45 PM -0400 wrote:
> > the full code as is is below (not working). as of right now, i'm
> > oncentrating only on the text function since the number converter works
> > fine. the reason i'm using if and not for is that using for creates a
> > loop where the program prints the converted number based on the number of
> > characters in the original number (1100                  1100) or
> > something of the sort for 12, whereas 'if' prints the same number (1100)
> > once, due to the [print binary[int(original) - 1]] command.
> OK.  Then I think we're back to the problem being that you are referencing 
> "char" before you ever assign any value to it.  The error I get is:
>      Please enter numbers or text to be converted. 1234
>      Traceback (most recent call last):
>        File "", line 33, in ?
>          if char in number:
>      NameError: name 'char' is not defined
> What do you expect the variable "char" to contain?  A single character of 
> the user's input string, one character at a time until you reach the end of 
> the string?
> If so, you're going to need a line like this somewhere just before you 
> reference "char":
>      for char in original:
> I've not checked this, but it would probably go just before your "if char 
> in number" statement.

thanks, that looks like it might work.
> Also, I don't know the details of the problem you're trying to solve, but 
> there are more mathematical ways of converting numbers from one base to 
> another that would not require you to include long lists of 
> all the 
> possible conversions in your program.

basically, i'm writing a program to convert text into binary into hexadecimal in all the possible combinations of those (text - bin, text - hex, bin - text, bin - hex, hex - bin, hex - text).  while more mathematical possibilities no doubt exist, i'm not up to delving into 'math' right at this moment.  also, i wanted to make it work without importing too many things.

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie

From Dragonfirebane at  Tue Jun  8 18:01:20 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Tue Jun  8 18:01:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: number conversion problem (was: Re: [no subject])
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/8/2004 5:17:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> What do you expect the variable "char" to contain?  A single character of 
> the user's input string, one character at a time until you reach the end of 
> the string?
> If so, you're going to need a line like this somewhere just 
> before you 
> reference "char":
>      for char in original:

I tried this, and it wouldn't let me run the program and highlighted the closing quote as the culprit, claiming invalid syntax . . . 

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie

From dyoo at  Tue Jun  8 19:54:21 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Jun  8 19:54:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: number conversion problem (was: Re: [no subject])
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 8 Jun 2004 wrote:

> In a message dated 6/8/2004 5:17:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > What do you expect the variable "char" to contain?  A single character
> > of the user's input string, one character at a time until you reach
> > the end of the string?
> >
> > If so, you're going to need a line like this somewhere just before you
> > reference "char":
> >
> >      for char in original:
> I tried this, and it wouldn't let me run the program and highlighted the
> closing quote as the culprit, claiming invalid syntax . . .

Hi Dargonefirebane,

Can you show us the exact error message?  The most common occurrence of
this error is due to mismatched quotes.

Here is one example of such an error:
>>> ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g', h']
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g', h']
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string

A missing quote character will do this.  And since the program has tables
full of string constants, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the entries
were mistyped.

Computers are much much better about seeing syntax problems than us
humans.  If the Python system claims that there's a SyntaxError, then it's
not just a claim: there IS a syntax error lurking somewhere in that
program.  *grin*

Going back to the comment:

> >      for char in original:
> I tried this, and it wouldn't let me run the program and highlighted the
> closing quote as the culprit, claiming invalid syntax . . .

When the 'for' loop was first introduced into the program, it's all too
easy to inadvertantly drop or introduce an extra quote.  One extra
character or one accidental backspace can do it.  Computer programs are
pretty finicky about details like this.  It may be a stupid syntax error
(like a missing quote), but that's something that's very easy to do, so I
wouldn't take it personally.

Try it again, and see if you get the same error message.  If you ever see
an error message that makes no sense, don't ignore it, but feel free to
show it to the folks on Tutor.

From Dragonfirebane at  Tue Jun  8 20:04:40 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Tue Jun  8 20:05:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: number conversion problem (was: Re: [no subject])
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/8/2004 7:54:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> On Tue, 8 Jun 2004 wrote:
> > In a message dated 6/8/2004 5:17:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > > What do you expect the variable "char" to contain?  A single character
> > > of the user's input string, one character at a time until you reach
> > > the end of the string?
> > >
> > > If so, you're going to need a line like this somewhere just before you
> > > reference "char":
> > >
> > >      for char in original:
> >
> > I tried this, and it wouldn't let me run the program and highlighted the
> > closing quote as the culprit, claiming invalid syntax . . .
> Hi Dargonefirebane,
> Can you show us the exact error message?  The most common occurrence of
> this error is due to mismatched quotes.
> Here is one example of such an error:
> ###
> >>> ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g', h']
>  File "<stdin>", line 1
>    ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g', h']
>                                    ^
> SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
> ###
> A missing quote character will do this.  And since the program has tables
> full of string constants, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the entries
> were mistyped.
> Computers are much much better about seeing syntax problems than us
> humans.  If the Python system claims that there's a SyntaxError, then it's
> not just a claim: there IS a syntax error lurking somewhere in that
> program.  *grin*
> Going back to the comment:
> > >      for char in original:
> >
> > I tried this, and it wouldn't let me run the program and highlighted the
> > closing quote as the culprit, claiming invalid syntax . . .
> When the 'for' loop was first introduced into the program, it's all too
> easy to inadvertantly drop or introduce an extra quote.  One extra
> character or one accidental backspace can do it.  Computer programs are
> pretty finicky about details like this.  It may be a stupid syntax error
> (like a missing quote), but that's something that's very easy to do, so I
> wouldn't take it personally.
> Try it again, and see if you get the same error message.  If you ever see
> an error message that makes no sense, don't ignore it, but 
> feel free to
> show it to the folks on Tutor.

I think you might have misunderstood. It highlighted the end quote on [reference 'char':].  And since the number converted works fine, the only other possible mis-typed quote would have to be in alphabet[] but there are none there.

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie

From glingl at  Tue Jun  8 20:43:23 2004
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Tue Jun  8 20:42:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: number conversion problem (was: Re: [no subject])
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> schrieb:

>basically, i'm writing a program to convert text into binary into hexadecimal in all the possible combinations of those (text - bin, text - hex, bin - text, bin - hex, hex - bin, hex - text).  while more mathematical possibilities no doubt exist, i'm not up to delving into 'math' right at this moment.  also, i wanted to make it work without importing too many things.
Hi Dragonfirebane!
I see a problem in your problem statement:
You want to make the following conversions:

text - bin, text - hex, bin - text, bin - hex, hex - bin, hex - text

Incidentally, if you output a number you always oputput
a string-representation of a number, and you want to get
representations of the same number with different bases (2, 16,
*and* 10 --- what you called 'text'). In fact all those are texts. But
there is a number (behind the scenes), which is - I suppose - 
stored as a binary number in the computer-memory.

The default way to output this number Python uses is in decimal format.
If you want to make conversions of the sort bin - hex you have
to convert a binary representation of some number into the number
(the value) and then this value again into a string representation 
with some other base.

In fact Python has a built in function, which converts the
string-representation of a number with an arbitrary base < 36
into a number:

>>> int("ff",16)
>>> int("1111",2)
>>> int("1001",10)
1001                    ;-)

The interactive Python interpreter doesn't use quotes '...'  when 
printing (the decimal representations of) numbers in order
to show that these are stored internally as number objects, 
and knowing that we cannot think of numbers without using a 
representation ... (confusing?). And moreover knowing, that 
the decimal representation is the only one we are accustomed to ...

Unfortunately Python - as far as I know - does not have
the reverse function, e.g. numstr, which would work like:

>>> num2str(255,16)
>>> num2str(15,2)


With such a function we easily could get something like

def convert(number_representation, from_base, to_base):
    number = int(number_representation, from_base)
    return num2str(number, to_base)

I fear, that this 'explanation' raises more questions than
it solves- so I'll stop here. Feel free to ask more 
questions on this, if you like. Certainly there are 
people listening and writing to this list, who will
help to clarify those things much better than I can .... 


From Dragonfirebane at  Tue Jun  8 21:22:48 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Tue Jun  8 21:23:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: number conversion problem (was: Re: [no subject])
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/8/2004 8:43:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> schrieb:
> >basically, i'm writing a program to convert text into binary into hexadecimal in all the possible combinations of those (text - bin, text - hex, bin - text, bin - hex, hex - bin, hex - text).  while more mathematical possibilities no doubt exist, i'm not up to delving into 'math' right at this moment.   also, i wanted to make it work without importing too many things.
> >
> >  
> >
> Hi Dragonfirebane!
> I see a problem in your problem statement:
> You want to make the following conversions:
> text - bin, text - hex, bin - text, bin - hex, hex - bin, hex - text
> Incidentally, if you output a number you always oputput
> a string-representation of a number, and you want to get
> representations of the same number with different bases (2, 16,
> *and* 10 --- what you called 'text'). In fact all those are texts. But
> there is a number (behind the scenes), which is - I suppose - 
> stored as a binary number in the computer-memory.
> The default way to output this number Python uses is in decimal format.
> If you want to make conversions of the sort bin - hex you have
> to convert a binary representation of some number into the number
> (the value) and then this value again into a string representation 
> with some other base.
> In fact Python has a built in function, which converts the
> string-representation of a number with an arbitrary base < 36
> into a number:
> >>> int("ff",16)
> 255
> >>> int("1111",2)
> 15
> >>> int("1001",10)
> 1001                    ;-)
> The interactive Python interpreter doesn't use quotes '...'  when 
> printing (the decimal representations of) numbers in order
> to show that these are stored internally as number objects, 
> and knowing that we cannot think of numbers without using a 
> representation ... (confusing?). And moreover knowing, that 
> the decimal representation is the only one we are 
> accustomed to ...
> Unfortunately Python - as far as I know - does not have
> the reverse function, e.g. numstr, which would work like:
> >>> num2str(255,16)
> 'ff'
> >>> num2str(15,2)
> '1111'
> etc.
> With such a function we easily could get something like
> def convert(number_representation, from_base, to_base):
>    number = int(number_representation, from_base)
>    return num2str(number, to_base)
> I fear, that this 'explanation' raises more questions than
> it solves- so I'll stop here. Feel free to ask more 
> questions on this, if you like. Certainly there are 
> people listening and writing to this list, who will
> help to clarify those things much better than I can .... 
> Gregor

I appreciate the explanation and subsequent Python examples, and I may very well end up using them, but i prefer to code using as little pre-existing modules as possible, at least while i'm still learning the language.

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie

From Dragonfirebane at  Tue Jun  8 21:33:33 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Tue Jun  8 21:33:41 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: number conversion problem (was: Re: [no subject])
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/8/2004 8:43:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> schrieb:
> >basically, i'm writing a program to convert text into binary into hexadecimal in all the possible combinations of those (text - bin, text - hex, bin - text, bin - hex, hex - bin, hex - text).  while more mathematical possibilities no doubt exist, i'm not up to delving into 'math' right at this moment.   also, i wanted to make it work without importing too many things.
> >
> >  
> >
> Hi Dragonfirebane!
> I see a problem in your problem statement:
> You want to make the following conversions:
> text - bin, text - hex, bin - text, bin - hex, hex - bin, hex - text
> Incidentally, if you output a number you always oputput
> a string-representation of a number, and you want to get
> representations of the same number with different bases (2, 16,
> *and* 10 --- what you called 'text'). In fact all those are texts. But
> there is a number (behind the scenes), which is - I suppose - 
> stored as a binary number in the computer-memory.
> The default way to output this number Python uses is in decimal format.
> If you want to make conversions of the sort bin - hex you have
> to convert a binary representation of some number into the number
> (the value) and then this value again into a string representation 
> with some other base.
> In fact Python has a built in function, which converts the
> string-representation of a number with an arbitrary base < 36
> into a number:
> >>> int("ff",16)
> 255
> >>> int("1111",2)
> 15
> >>> int("1001",10)
> 1001                    ;-)
> The interactive Python interpreter doesn't use quotes '...'  when 
> printing (the decimal representations of) numbers in order
> to show that these are stored internally as number objects, 
> and knowing that we cannot think of numbers without using a 
> representation ... (confusing?). And moreover knowing, that 
> the decimal representation is the only one we are 
> accustomed to ...
> Unfortunately Python - as far as I know - does not have
> the reverse function, e.g. numstr, which would work like:
> >>> num2str(255,16)
> 'ff'
> >>> num2str(15,2)
> '1111'
> etc.
> With such a function we easily could get something like
> def convert(number_representation, from_base, to_base):
>    number = int(number_representation, from_base)
>    return num2str(number, to_base)
> I fear, that this 'explanation' raises more questions than
> it solves- so I'll stop here. Feel free to ask more 
> questions on this, if you like. Certainly there are 
> people listening and writing to this list, who will
> help to clarify those things much better than I can .... 
> Gregor

also, to clarify: by text i meant alphabet . . . i failed to include decimal numbers in my explanation. What i am truly attempting to do is text-num,text-bin,text-hex,num-text,num-bin,num-hex,bin-text,bin-hex,bin-num,hex-text,hex-bin,hex-num.

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie

From game at  Wed Jun  9 01:07:49 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Wed Jun  9 01:04:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem
Message-ID: <000e01c44ddf$b63b4580$>

I can't seem to figure out how to make a while loop check for more then one thing.

I want the while loop to check for both y and Y and return them true while ever thing else is false.


-------------- next part --------------
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From gew75 at  Wed Jun  9 01:44:22 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Wed Jun  9 01:44:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem
References: <000e01c44ddf$b63b4580$>
Message-ID: <>

  Hi Kevin,

  Something like

while response in 'yY':
    # do stuff



----- Original Message ----- 
From: K J
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:07 PM
Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem

I can't seem to figure out how to make a while loop check for more then one

I want the while loop to check for both y and Y and return them true while
ever thing else is false.



Tutor maillist  -

From game at  Wed Jun  9 01:59:25 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Wed Jun  9 01:56:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem
References: <000e01c44ddf$b63b4580$>
Message-ID: <000501c44de6$eb838b60$>

Well sorta I want it to be able to to look for anthing like
Kevin or kevin

while name != 'Kevin': #That only checks for Kevin and not kevin

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glen Wheeler" <>
To: "K J" <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] While loop problem

>   Hi Kevin,
>   Something like
> while response in 'yY':
>     # do stuff
>   ?
>   Glen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: K J
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:07 PM
> Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem
> I can't seem to figure out how to make a while loop check for more then
> thing.
> I want the while loop to check for both y and Y and return them true while
> ever thing else is false.
> Thanks
> Kevin
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From gew75 at  Wed Jun  9 02:00:22 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Wed Jun  9 02:00:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem
References: <000e01c44ddf$b63b4580$><>
Message-ID: <>

  This really depends on the given situation.

  In this case, I'd say use string.lower():

while name.lower == 'kevin':
  # ...

  You could use a list to hold all the possible responses, all in lowercase
and use a similar construct:

valid = ['jim','bob']

while name.lower() in valid:
  # ...

  Is that better?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "K J" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] While loop problem

> Well sorta I want it to be able to to look for anthing like
> Kevin or kevin
> while name != 'Kevin': #That only checks for Kevin and not kevin
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Glen Wheeler" <>
> To: "K J" <>; <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 1:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] While loop problem
> >
> >   Hi Kevin,
> >
> >   Something like
> >
> > while response in 'yY':
> >     # do stuff
> >
> >   ?
> >
> >   Glen
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: K J
> > To:
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:07 PM
> > Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem
> >
> >
> > I can't seem to figure out how to make a while loop check for more then
> one
> > thing.
> >
> > I want the while loop to check for both y and Y and return them true
> > ever thing else is false.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Kevin
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From game at  Wed Jun  9 02:12:35 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Wed Jun  9 02:09:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem
References: <000e01c44ddf$b63b4580$><><000501c44de6$eb838b60$>
Message-ID: <000501c44de8$c26b9b80$>

Ya that help alot thanks.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glen Wheeler" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 2:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] While loop problem

>   This really depends on the given situation.
>   In this case, I'd say use string.lower():
> while name.lower == 'kevin':
>   # ...
>   You could use a list to hold all the possible responses, all in
> and use a similar construct:
> valid = ['jim','bob']
> while name.lower() in valid:
>   # ...
>   Is that better?
>   Glen
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "K J" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:59 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] While loop problem
> > Well sorta I want it to be able to to look for anthing like
> > Kevin or kevin
> >
> > while name != 'Kevin': #That only checks for Kevin and not kevin
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Glen Wheeler" <>
> > To: "K J" <>; <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 1:44 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Tutor] While loop problem
> >
> >
> > >
> > >   Hi Kevin,
> > >
> > >   Something like
> > >
> > > while response in 'yY':
> > >     # do stuff
> > >
> > >   ?
> > >
> > >   Glen
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: K J
> > > To:
> > > Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:07 PM
> > > Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem
> > >
> > >
> > > I can't seem to figure out how to make a while loop check for more
> > one
> > > thing.
> > >
> > > I want the while loop to check for both y and Y and return them true
> while
> > > ever thing else is false.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Kevin
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Tutor maillist  -
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From visional_freeman at  Wed Jun  9 04:01:39 2004
From: visional_freeman at (Ivan low)
Date: Wed Jun  9 04:01:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Value asign to random.randrange
In-Reply-To: <000501c44de8$c26b9b80$>
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I was thinking to asign some value to the program,
when random number was generated, that number will be
a question that ask the user. I found it hard to asign
number to my qustion. Does anybody know how to go
about this?


From gew75 at  Wed Jun  9 04:36:41 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Wed Jun  9 04:36:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Value asign to random.randrange
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  How about;

number = random.randint(1,10) # number between 1 and 10
number = str(number) # for comparing the number and the user's guess
answer = ''
while answer != number:
  answer = raw_input("What is your guess? ")
print "Correct!"

  It has some flaws, but you can work those out ;).


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ivan low" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Value asign to random.randrange

> Hi, I was thinking to asign some value to the program,
> when random number was generated, that number will be
> a question that ask the user. I found it hard to asign
> number to my qustion. Does anybody know how to go
> about this?
> Ivan
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From orbitz at  Wed Jun  9 11:50:23 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Wed Jun  9 11:52:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] While loop problem
In-Reply-To: <000e01c44ddf$b63b4580$>
References: <000e01c44ddf$b63b4580$>
Message-ID: <>

while x != y and z == a or not b:

On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 01:07:49 -0400
"K J" <> wrote:

> I can't seem to figure out how to make a while loop check for more then one
> thing.
> I want the while loop to check for both y and Y and return them true while
> ever thing else is false.
> Thanks
> Kevin

From michele.alzetta at  Wed Jun  9 17:25:19 2004
From: michele.alzetta at (Michele Alzetta)
Date: Wed Jun  9 17:22:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] python $i equivalent ?
Message-ID: <1086816319.25455.16.camel@localhost>

Suppose I wanted to create numerous instances of a class 
and name each istance according to an element in a list ?

for element in list:
    element = Class()

doesn't work of course; I need something like the bash '$' 
stuff here

for element in list:
    $element = Class() 

(of course this is neither bash nor python, I know !)

How would this be done ?

Michele Alzetta

From tpc at  Wed Jun  9 18:54:51 2004
From: tpc at (
Date: Wed Jun  9 18:55:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python threads
Message-ID: <>

hi everybody,
I have created a function called determinePlaytimeInSeconds that, given a
tuple of, say, 20 tuples consisting of filename and URI:

(('filename01', 'http://hostname/audio/filename01.mp3'), ('filename02',
'http://hostname/audio/filename02.mp3'), ('filename03',
'http://hostname/video/filename03.wmv'), etc...)

passes each tuple to a threaded class called FileReader.  However,
for some unknown reason, when I run the script I sometimes (though not
always) get a strange error message:

AttributeError: 'FileReader' object has no attribute 'playtimeInSeconds'
AttributeError: 'FileReader' object has no attribute 'fileType'

I somehow think this error has something to do with the thread not
sleeping; however, when I don't comment out the activeCount and sleep
code, the script just hangs.  I used the example code at:

What am I doing wrong ?

import urllib
from threading import Thread
from threading import activeCount
from time import sleep

def determinePlayTimeInSeconds(results):
        threadList = []
	for result in results:
                fileReader = FileReader(result)
        #while activeCount() > 1:
        for fileReader in threadList:
                (fileType, playtimeInSeconds) = fileReader.getPlaytimeInSeconds()
                print fileType, playtimeInSeconds

class FileReader(Thread):
        def __init__(self, result):
                self.fileName = result[0]
                self.fileURI = result[1]
        def run(self):
		if self.fileURI.endswith("mp3"):
                        self.fileType = "Audio"
			self.playtimeInSeconds = (len(urllib.urlopen(urllib.quote(self.fileURI, ':/')).read()) * 8) / 24000
		elif self.fileURI.endswith("wmv"):
                        self.fileType = "Video"
                        self.playtimeInSeconds = get_asf_time(urllib.urlopen(urllib.quote(self.fileURI, ':/')))
        def getPlaytimeInSeconds(self):
                return (self.fileType, self.playtimeInSeconds)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#239>", line 1, in -toplevel-
  File "<pyshell#235>", line 10, in determinePlayTimeInSeconds
    (fileType, playtimeInSeconds) = fileReader.getPlaytimeInSeconds()
  File "<pyshell#233>", line 14, in getPlaytimeInSeconds
    return (self.fileType, self.playtimeInSeconds)
AttributeError: 'FileReader' object has no attribute 'fileType'

From darnold02 at  Wed Jun  9 19:09:08 2004
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Wed Jun  9 19:09:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] python $i equivalent ?
In-Reply-To: <1086816319.25455.16.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

The standard way of doing this is to store the instances in a dictionary,
then access them by key.

IDLE 1.0.2      
>>> items = ['apple','boy','cantaloupe']
>>> myvars = {}
>>> for item in items:
	myvars[item] = len(item)

You now effectively have three variables named from the items in your list:

>>> print myvars['apple']
>>> print myvars['cantaloupe']
>>> print myvars['boy']

And you can use any legal dictionary key as a variable name, without its
having to be a valid Python identifier:
>>> myvars['not~a~legal~name'] = 42
>>> print myvars['not~a~legal~name']


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michele Alzetta
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 4:25 PM
To: Python Tutor
Subject: [Tutor] python $i equivalent ?

Suppose I wanted to create numerous instances of a class 
and name each istance according to an element in a list ?

for element in list:
    element = Class()

doesn't work of course; I need something like the bash '$' 
stuff here

for element in list:
    $element = Class() 

(of course this is neither bash nor python, I know !)

How would this be done ?

Michele Alzetta

Tutor maillist  -

From jfabiani at  Thu Jun 10 03:30:30 2004
From: jfabiani at (John Fabiani)
Date: Thu Jun 10 03:27:24 2004
Subject: [Tutor] using ftplib
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to follow the python 2.1 bible "transferring files via FTP".  
I'm using a XP, SUSE9.1, and a 4.1 FreeBSD OS's to learn on. 

import ftplib
import sys
remote.storbinary("STOR brssoserv.prg",filename)

the above code creates the file name "brssoserv.prg" with zero bytes on 
the FTP host. The first issue is the "remote.sendcmd('PASV')" is command 
unknown on the FreeBSD computer.  What is the right command for the 
freeBSD computer running python 2.1 and how did you discover what the 
correct command is?

Next I get the following error
remote.storbinary("STOR johntest.log",filename)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in ?
  File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 415, in storbinary
    conn = self.transfercmd(cmd)
  File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 345, in transfercmd
    return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
  File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 327, in ntransfercmd
    resp = self.sendcmd(cmd)
  File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 241, in sendcmd
    return self.getresp()
  File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 212, in getresp
    raise error_temp, resp
error_temp: 425

The above error is from the windows computer on the same network as the 
FTP server.  But I get similar errors from the other computers too.  I 
believe the 425 is a clue and thats the local IP address.  But the 
freeBSD does not give that the same error. 

I can use FTP from all the computers and using standard commands:
FTP>put johntest.log

all works without error.  So I'm doing something wrong.  I believe I  am 
following the book but there has to be something I'm missing. 
BTW I have tried changing the 'STOR" to 'PUT' - again without success.
Thanks in advance

From flaxeater at  Thu Jun 10 10:49:59 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Thu Jun 10 10:50:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] python $i equivalent ?
In-Reply-To: <1086816319.25455.16.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

--- Michele Alzetta <>
> Suppose I wanted to create numerous instances of a
> class 
> and name each istance according to an element in a
> list ?
> for element in list:
>     element = Class()
> doesn't work of course; I need something like the
> bash '$' 
> stuff here
> for element in list:
>     $element = Class() 
> (of course this is neither bash nor python, I know
> !)
> How would this be done ?
Well you are right because the list manipulations
inside the for loop is another namespace or scope, so
any modifications are droped.  This is just alittle
irritating but atleast it's consistent.  Here are two
ways to do the list

Assumption you have a list you need to iterate over
to instantiate the lists properly
for x in alist:

This will take the targelist outside of the for loop
namespace and append to it so you will have these
changes outside of the for loop.

This is a method I use often. (Standard Warning) This
is a destructive way to iterate over a list it uses
the iterator method enumerate() look it up in the docs
for a full description.

alist=range(1,101) #this the original list
for number, value in enumrate(alist):

when this is done the original list will be gone and
in the place of each member will be your class. 
Python is cool in the manner in wich it unpacks these
variables enumerates returns the value and the index
number of each list slice.  This way you can use it to
do usefull stuff.  The old way of doing this was this

for x in range(0,len(alist)):

As as usuall feel free to ask further questions.

Good Luck

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 

From flaxeater at  Thu Jun 10 11:00:25 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Thu Jun 10 11:01:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] using ftplib
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- John Fabiani <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to follow the python 2.1 bible
> "transferring files via FTP".  
> I'm using a XP, SUSE9.1, and a 4.1 FreeBSD OS's to
> learn on. 
> import ftplib
> import sys
> #test FTP LOGIN
> remote.getwelcome()
> filename=open("C:\\brssoserv.prg",'rb')
> remote.sendcmd('PASV')
> remote.storbinary("STOR brssoserv.prg",filename)
> #myans=remote.size('booktown.sql')
> remote.close()
> the above code creates the file name "brssoserv.prg"
> with zero bytes on 
> the FTP host. The first issue is the
> "remote.sendcmd('PASV')" is command 
> unknown on the FreeBSD computer.  What is the right
> command for the 
> freeBSD computer running python 2.1 and how did you
> discover what the 
> correct command is?
> Next I get the following error
> remote.storbinary("STOR johntest.log",filename)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<input>", line 1, in ?
>   File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 415, in
> storbinary
>     conn = self.transfercmd(cmd)
>   File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 345, in
> transfercmd
>     return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
>   File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 327, in
> ntransfercmd
>     resp = self.sendcmd(cmd)
>   File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 241, in
> sendcmd
>     return self.getresp()
>   File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 212, in
> getresp
>     raise error_temp, resp
> error_temp: 425
> The above error is from the windows computer on the
> same network as the 
> FTP server.  But I get similar errors from the other
> computers too.  I 
> believe the 425 is a clue and thats the local IP
> address.  But the 
> freeBSD does not give that the same error. 
> I can use FTP from all the computers and using
> standard commands:
> FTP>passive
> FTP>binary
> FTP>put johntest.log
> all works without error.  So I'm doing something
> wrong.  I believe I  am 
> following the book but there has to be something I'm
> missing. 
> BTW I have tried changing the 'STOR" to 'PUT' -
> again without success.
> Thanks in advance
> John
Ok I don't see anything wrong with you code.   HOwever
it turns out 425 is an ftp error sent by the server. 
Look at this
Has a thread on it which may be relevant also this

Perhaps you should try the PUT command instead.

Good luck.

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 

From John.Ertl at  Thu Jun 10 14:00:59 2004
From: John.Ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Thu Jun 10 13:56:26 2004
Subject: [Tutor] UCS4 
Message-ID: <>


I have not run into this before but I am working on a new system.  I have
Python 2.3.4 installed and running basic stuff.  I also have mod_python up
and running but now am trying to use ZSI and mod_python and I am getting the
following error.

ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/_xmlplus/parsers/
undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF8

>From what I can gather when I googled this it sounds like is should only be
a problem if the modules are pre compiled like an RPM?  I have reinstalled
PyXML-0.8.3 (usual build and install). Are C libraries or something
causing a problem?  Is there away to get around this or do not even have the
foggiest idea of what is going on?

My system is UCS4.  


John Ertl 

From paul at  Thu Jun 10 14:56:34 2004
From: paul at (Paul Worrall)
Date: Thu Jun 10 14:59:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] python $i equivalent ?
In-Reply-To: <1086816319.25455.16.camel@localhost>
References: <1086816319.25455.16.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

On Wednesday 09 Jun 2004 22:25, Michele Alzetta wrote:
> Suppose I wanted to create numerous instances of a class
> and name each istance according to an element in a list ?
> for element in list:
>     element = Class()
> doesn't work of course; I need something like the bash '$'
> stuff here
> for element in list:
>     $element = Class()
> (of course this is neither bash nor python, I know !)
> How would this be done ?

Does this do what you want?

for element in list:
    exec element + " = Class()"

this compiles a Python statement as a string and passes it to the exec 
built-in function for execution.  list should contain only strings.


From flaxeater at  Thu Jun 10 16:18:28 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Thu Jun 10 16:18:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] using ftplib
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> The link explain something regarding a return port. 
> So how does one 
> setup the return port???
> John

the impression I got from the board thread is that
there's possibly a bug in the ftpserver.

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 

From dyoo at  Thu Jun 10 16:56:56 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun 10 16:57:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] python $i equivalent ?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Paul Worrall wrote:

> On Wednesday 09 Jun 2004 22:25, Michele Alzetta wrote:
> > Suppose I wanted to create numerous instances of a class
> > and name each istance according to an element in a list ?
> >
> > for element in list:
> >     element = Class()
> >
> > doesn't work of course; I need something like the bash '$'
> > stuff here
> >
> > for element in list:
> >     $element = Class()
> >
> > (of course this is neither bash nor python, I know !)
> >
> > How would this be done ?
> Does this do what you want?
> for element in list:
>     exec element + " = Class()"
> this compiles a Python statement as a string and passes it to the exec
> built-in function for execution.  list should contain only strings.

Hi Paul,

Exec/eval, in this case, has a few points against it.  One is that, from a
readability standpoint, it's not so nice for people.  Let's look at the
code again:

for element in list:
    exec element + " = Class()"

It's not immediately clear what new variable names are being introduced
without looking at the content of 'list'.  If the content of 'list' is
from a file, then there's no way to know up front what variables are
coming in.

It's also unsafe --- as Don Arnold mentioned earlier in the thread:

> And you can use any legal dictionary key as a variable name, without its
> having to be a valid Python identifier:
> >>> myvars['not~a~legal~name'] = 42
> >>> print myvars['not~a~legal~name']
> 42

In particular, there are a few reserved "keywords" that aren't allowed as
Python variable names.  Things like 'pass', for example, can't be used as
variable names, but they could be perfectly legitimate elements in
Michele's list.

So the code:

for element in list:
    exec element + " = Class()"

might work or might not work, depending on the content of the 'list'.  We
could easily get SyntaxError from the code above.

(There's also the huge security risk of exec/eval which we can talk about
later... *grin*)

The dictionary approach:

myvars = {}
for element in list:
    myvars[element] = Class()

dodges these problems, which is why it's the approach that we'll push

Hope this helps!

From dyoo at  Thu Jun 10 18:14:21 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun 10 18:14:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python threads
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 wrote:

> I have created a function called determinePlaytimeInSeconds that, given a
> tuple of, say, 20 tuples consisting of filename and URI:
> (('filename01', 'http://hostname/audio/filename01.mp3'), ('filename02',
> 'http://hostname/audio/filename02.mp3'), ('filename03',
> 'http://hostname/video/filename03.wmv'), etc...)
> passes each tuple to a threaded class called FileReader.

Hi Tpc,

I have to ask a silly question: why is the class threaded?  I don't see
the need for the threading here.  Since threaded programming can be
complicated, it might be a better idea to avoid it for this particular

Jon Ousterhout (creator of Tcl) has said that threads are the wrong tool
for many coding problems:

And if he says threads are hard, that's a bad sign.  *grin*

Anyway, let's look at the code.

> def determinePlayTimeInSeconds(results):
>         threadList = []
> 	for result in results:
>                 fileReader = FileReader(result)
>                 fileReader.start()

Ok, so a new 'thread' called fileReader starts up.

>                 threadList.append(fileReader)
>         #while activeCount() > 1:
>                 #sleep(1)
>         for fileReader in threadList:
>                 (fileType, playtimeInSeconds) = fileReader.getPlaytimeInSeconds()

The problem here is that there is no guarantee that fileReader has started
processing files by the time we get to the expression:


If we want to maintain the threading paradigm, we need to use
"synchronization".  That is, we need to set up some kind of traffic cop
that will cause our program to wait until the fileReader has finished
processing the file.  In pseudocode, we'd write something like:

    while fileReader hasn't finished processing yet:
        wait until it has notified us that it's done

These 'synchronization' primitives live in the 'threading' module, and are
named things like 'Condition' or 'Lock' or 'Semaphore':

and we'd use these synchronization objects to implement the idea of "wait
until the fileReader is done"... but, again, this seems like overkill to
attack this problem with threads.  Can you do it without them?

If you really really want to use threads, we can continue talking about
it, but I just get the feeling that the complexity just isn't worth it

Good luck!

From tpc at  Thu Jun 10 19:10:11 2004
From: tpc at (
Date: Thu Jun 10 19:10:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python threads
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Danny Yoo wrote:

> I have to ask a silly question: why is the class threaded?  I don't see
> the need for the threading here.  Since threaded programming can be
> complicated, it might be a better idea to avoid it for this particular
> problem.

hi Danny, I created an application that indexes .mp3 and .wmv files
and, depending on user input, returns the files that have the
corresponding words in the filename, along with the file category
(i.e., Audio or Video) and the time-duration of the file.  I noticed a
marked increase in the time it took from the moment the user pressed
'Submit' to the results appearing in the browser when I ported
my application from Redhat Linux 9/Fedora Core 1/Fedora Core 2 to
Debian Linux.  I used hotshot profiler to arrive at an average of 2.302
seconds for the former to 42.315 seconds for the latter.  The reason I
had to go the multithreaded route was because I went to:

and at the bottom of the page you will notice:

"The urlopen() and urlretrieve() functions can cause arbitrarily long
delays while waiting for a network connection to be set up.  This means
that it is difficult to build an interactive Web client using these
functions without using threads."

From orbitz at  Thu Jun 10 19:36:36 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Thu Jun 10 19:38:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Doing things asynchronously is easy with twisted.

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 16:10:11 -0700 (PDT)
<> wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Danny Yoo wrote:
> > I have to ask a silly question: why is the class threaded?  I don't see
> > the need for the threading here.  Since threaded programming can be
> > complicated, it might be a better idea to avoid it for this particular
> > problem.
> >
> hi Danny, I created an application that indexes .mp3 and .wmv files
> and, depending on user input, returns the files that have the
> corresponding words in the filename, along with the file category
> (i.e., Audio or Video) and the time-duration of the file.  I noticed a
> marked increase in the time it took from the moment the user pressed
> 'Submit' to the results appearing in the browser when I ported
> my application from Redhat Linux 9/Fedora Core 1/Fedora Core 2 to
> Debian Linux.  I used hotshot profiler to arrive at an average of 2.302
> seconds for the former to 42.315 seconds for the latter.  The reason I
> had to go the multithreaded route was because I went to:
> and at the bottom of the page you will notice:
> "The urlopen() and urlretrieve() functions can cause arbitrarily long
> delays while waiting for a network connection to be set up.  This means
> that it is difficult to build an interactive Web client using these
> functions without using threads."
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From michael at  Thu Jun 10 21:03:20 2004
From: michael at (Michael P. Hopcroft)
Date: Thu Jun 10 20:58:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Very, very new
Message-ID: <>


    Let me state that my only experience with Python has been as an 
end-user with programs that are programmed in Python. It had never 
ocured to me that i wanted to program in the langauge until now.
    Well, armed with the latest version of Python and a program idea 
that may be too difficult for me to accomplish myself, I was wondering 
if there was a good source that would teach me how to learn the 
language. One local group in the Portland area, free Geek, is already 
teaching me how to build computers. I'd like to be able to build 
programs too.
    Anyone have suggestions on a good textbook for that purpose, 
especially that would teach me how to work with graphical interfaces and 
with databases (the sort of thing you would find in a roleplaying game 
character generator).

    Michael Hopcroft

    P.S. Isn't the popular "PCGen" program written in Python as well? It 
doesn;t seem like what i want to do si unprecedented.

From jfabiani at  Thu Jun 10 21:48:00 2004
From: jfabiani at (John Fabiani)
Date: Thu Jun 10 21:47:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] using ftplib
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Chad Crabtree wrote:

>>The link explain something regarding a return port. 
>>So how does one 
>>setup the return port???
>the impression I got from the board thread is that
>there's possibly a bug in the ftpserver.
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.
I have discovered more.  I'm now able to send data to a windows FTP 
server.  I found a great infomation site on FTP at "".  
They have a white paper on the differences between Active vs Passive 
FTP.  And another site is

To get the transfer to work I added the following

The first sets the mode to passive at the server.  And then I think the 
second sets the passive off.  I know they are the appear to be opposites 
but it works and does not without the statments.  Now I'm sure all of my 
issues have thing to do with active vs passive FTP.  Now I need to 
understand how the 'PORT ' command work from within python ftplib.


From glingl at  Fri Jun 11 00:42:13 2004
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Fri Jun 11 00:41:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] 42
Message-ID: <>

What is the most convincing way to mimick this in Python?

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIX 1 + 5
#define NINE 8 + 1

int main(void) {
  printf("What do you get if you multiply six by nine: %d\n", SIX *
  return 0;


From adeleinandjeremy at  Fri Jun 11 01:32:01 2004
From: adeleinandjeremy at (Adelein and Jeremy)
Date: Fri Jun 11 01:32:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] 42
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Gregor Lingl <> wrote:
> What is the most convincing way to mimick this in Python?
> #include <stdio.h>
> #define SIX 1 + 5
> #define NINE 8 + 1
> int main(void) {
>   printf("What do you get if you multiply six by nine: %d\n", SIX *
> 	NINE);
>   return 0;
> }

print "What do you get if you multiply six by nine: %d" % 6 * 7

Or, if you absolutely must be silly and define names for digits (and
sillier by using arithmetic to create the digits), the following:

# oops - pretend you don't see that nine is set to 8 - 1
digits = {'six': 5 + 1, 'nine': 8 - 1}
print "What do you get if you multiply six by nine: %d" %
      (digits['six'] * digits['nine'])
# that was magic

I don't think Python can duplicate this specific bug (yes, of course
it's a bug) from C, at least not without using a C extension. I think
that's probably a good thing.

- Jeremy

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 

From roeland.rengelink at  Fri Jun 11 03:10:59 2004
From: roeland.rengelink at (Roeland Rengelink)
Date: Fri Jun 11 03:10:51 2004
Subject: [Tutor] 42
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Gregor Lingl wrote:

> What is the most convincing way to mimick this in Python?
> #include <stdio.h>
> #define SIX 1 + 5
> #define NINE 8 + 1
> int main(void) {
>  printf("What do you get if you multiply six by nine: %d\n", SIX *
>     NINE);
>  return 0;
> }

Since macro's are substituted before compilation in C. You'd have to 
substitute before iterpretation in Python. This works:

 >>> SIX = '1+5'
 >>> NINE = '8+1'
 >>> eval('%s*%s' % (SIX, NINE))

Have fun,


From asc at  Fri Jun 11 08:49:20 2004
From: asc at (Aaron Straup Cope)
Date: Fri Jun 11 08:49:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] creating bitmasks (for bloom filters)
Message-ID: <1086958159.529.249.camel@localhost>


A quick introduction : I am mostly a Perl hacker, but I am teaching
myself Python because it seems like the right tool for the job in
question. [1] I am not, by any stretch, much of a math weenie.

I am trying to port the Bloom::Filter Perl module [2] for use with my
tool. I know that there is a "pybloom" sourceforge project [3] but
licensing issues aside it's reliance on Unix math libs makes it
problematic for use with a cross-platform GUI tool.

At this point, my not very deep grasp of Python and my poor
understanding of some basic compsci/math principles have combined to
frustrate my efforts.

I was hoping that the the Perl/Python operator and function set would be
similar enough that, with only a few modifications, I could clone the package pretty much "as is". All other bugs aside, I am stuck
trying to create a bitmask of a key :

"Given a key, hashes it using the list of salts and returns a bitmask
the same length as the Bloom filter.  Note that Perl will pad the 
bitmask out with zeroes so it's a muliple of 8."

   # from the docs for the _make_bitmask method

Specifically, it's not clear to me :

 * how to map the various Perl pack/unpack formats to their Python
   equivalents (things like Perl's "b*" which is "a bit string, in 
   ascending bit order inside each byte" where "*" means to use all
   the bytes from the input field")

 * how to account for the fact that unpack returns a list in Perl and
   Python returns a string

 * how to pass a salt to the Python sha module

 * how to XOR the pieces of an unpacked sha digest (which may simply
   be a function of a bad format unpacking stuff)

 * A 'vec' [4] function in Python; does one exist?

In short, I don't really have any idea what I'm doing :-(

As much as I relish the challenge purely on the grounds of learning new
stuff I am starting to reach the point of irrational frustration and
wanting to just get this done so I can move on to other things. 

The tool should be written in Python because it's the best choice for
the job. The tool needs to be able to read/write Bloom Filters. Python
needs a Bloom Filter library, so I will step up and write it. Except it
appears to be beyond my skill level right now...

Any thoughts, suggestions or clue-bats would be very much welcomed.
Pointers to an already existing implementation that I've missed would be
even better but I'll take what I can get. :-)




From gew75 at  Fri Jun 11 09:12:52 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Fri Jun 11 09:12:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] creating bitmasks (for bloom filters)
References: <1086958159.529.249.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

"Aaron Straup Cope" <>
> Hi,
> A quick introduction : I am mostly a Perl hacker, but I am teaching
> myself Python because it seems like the right tool for the job in
> question. [1] I am not, by any stretch, much of a math weenie.

  Not sure of your terminology here; does this mean you are mathematically
inclined?  Or not as such?

> [..]

  Perhaps the source of pybloom would help?  If it's only difference is
reliance on the unix math libraries, then this could be changed easily
  Sorry I can't be of any more help.


From bvande at  Fri Jun 11 09:45:57 2004
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Fri Jun 11 09:49:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Very, very new
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael P. Hopcroft said unto the world upon 10/06/2004 21:03:
> Gentles,
>    Let me state that my only experience with Python has been as an 
> end-user with programs that are programmed in Python. It had never 
> ocured to me that i wanted to program in the langauge until now.
>    Well, armed with the latest version of Python and a program idea that 
> may be too difficult for me to accomplish myself, I was wondering if 
> there was a good source that would teach me how to learn the language. 
> One local group in the Portland area, free Geek, is already teaching me 
> how to build computers. I'd like to be able to build programs too.
>    Anyone have suggestions on a good textbook for that purpose, 
> especially that would teach me how to work with graphical interfaces and 
> with databases (the sort of thing you would find in a roleplaying game 
> character generator).
>    Michael Hopcroft
>    P.S. Isn't the popular "PCGen" program written in Python as well? It 
> doesn;t seem like what i want to do si unprecedented.

Hi Michael,

I'm still a relative newcomer myself and have never used a GUI in anger, 
but perhaps the following might help.

1) You've already found one of the best resources there is -- the tutor list.

2) There are quite a few on-line tutorials, ranging from quick guides to 
book length presentations. (I certainly haven't looked at them all.) You 
can find a collection of links for ones target at beginners here 
<>. Preferences vary, but for a gentle 
starting from the complete beginning, I thought Think Like a Computer 
Scientist was very good. Its aimed at high school students so it goes down 
very easily, but happily it does not condescend. 
<> It is also available as a printed 
book. But, for printed books, I think you can do better. To wit:

3) For physical books, I'd say start with Learning Python by Ascher and 
Lutz and once you have some skills get a copy of Martelli's Python in a 
Nutshell. Both are from O'Reilly. Both have some coverage of GUI, but 
neither are too focused on them, either. So, maybe someone else can 
recommend something for this.

4) You might also try surfing to 
<>, find bits of code that 
interest you and then work out how and why they do what they do.

Hope that helps,

Brian vdB

From wilfred_y2003 at  Fri Jun 11 10:57:07 2004
From: wilfred_y2003 at (=?iso-8859-1?q?Wilfred=20Y?=)
Date: Fri Jun 11 10:57:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about the use of None
Message-ID: <>

Hi,I came across this keyword None. The document I read says "None is python's way of representing nothing. It evaluates to False when treated as a condition"So I assume, if I do start=None, then it's as good as saying start="" or start=0Now, the code to represent it's use is pretty confusing. It goes like this:start=Nonewhile start != ""     start=raw_input("Press enter to exit, or key in a string: ")The confusing part is here, since start = "", then it should never be able to go into the while loop.  (Well, at least that's if None is really == "")So to check, I tried this in the interactive window:start=Noneprint startand presto !! It prinst the string None, even though i haven't placed it in double quotes. So it seems None does have a value, which explains why it managed to enter the while loop. Is this correct ? Hope someone can help with an explanation. Thanks in advance folks !!-Wil
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From Christian.Wyglendowski at  Fri Jun 11 11:51:46 2004
From: Christian.Wyglendowski at (Christian Wyglendowski)
Date: Fri Jun 11 11:51:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] 42
Message-ID: <>

> -----Original Message-----
> What is the most convincing way to mimick this in Python?
> #include <stdio.h>
> #define SIX 1 + 5
> #define NINE 8 + 1
> int main(void) {
>   printf("What do you get if you multiply six by nine: %d\n", SIX *
> 	NINE);
>   return 0;
> }

Don't know how convincing it is, but here is my idea:

class define:
... 	def __init__(self, strnumexpr):
... 		self.val = strnumexpr
... 	def __mul__(self, x):
... 		answer = self.val + '*' + x.val
... 		return eval(answer)
... 	def __repr__(self):
... 		return str(eval(self.val))
>>> SIX = define('1 + 5')
>>> NINE = define('8 + 1')
>>> SIX
>>> NINE
>>> SIX * NINE

You could hide the define class in a module which might make it more

>>> from hhgtg import define
>>> SIX = define('1 + 5')
>>> NINE = define('8 + 1')
>>> SIX
>>> NINE
>>> SIX * NINE


From roeland.rengelink at  Fri Jun 11 12:02:41 2004
From: roeland.rengelink at (Roeland Rengelink)
Date: Fri Jun 11 12:02:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about the use of None
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Wilfred Y wrote:

> Hi, I came across this keyword None. The document I read says "None is 
> python's way of representing nothing. It evaluates to False when 
> treated as a condition" So I assume, if I do start=None, then it's as 
> good as saying start="" or start=0 Now, the code to represent it's use 
> is pretty confusing. It goes like this: start=None while start != "" 
> start=raw_input("Press enter to exit, or key in a string: ") The 
> confusing part is here, since start = "", then it should never be able 
> to go into the while loop. (Well, at least that's if None is really == 
> "") So to check, I tried this in the interactive window: start=None 
> print start and presto !! It prinst the string None, even though i 
> haven't placed it in double quotes. So it seems None does have a 
> value, which explains why it managed to enter the while loop. Is this 
> correct ?

Hi Wilfred,

I think you answered your own question correctly.

 >>> None != ''

None is a value, and that values is different from 0 or '', but it 
behaves just like 0 or '' in a condition.

The sentence 'evaluates to False, when treated as a condition' is 
somewhat misleading, because None 'evaluates to' None


 >>> if expression:
...     print 'Condition is True'

where expression can be any Python expression (for example: string!='')

The if-statement evaluates the expression, and prints 'Condition is 
True' if the result of the expression is not one of (False, None, 0, 
0.0, '', [], (), or {}).

I.e.: None, 0, etc are all equivalent to False, as far as the 
if-statement is concerned, while everything else is equivalent to True 
(Since v 2.3 of Python, True and False are also build-in values, just 
like None)

Hope this helps,


From relative at  Fri Jun 11 12:38:58 2004
From: relative at (Christoph Karner)
Date: Fri Jun 11 12:36:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] 42
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1086971938.2564.12.camel@christoph.karner>

> print "What do you get if you multiply six by nine: %d" % 6 * 7
Okay, that's quite clear :-)

Multiplying 6 with 9 to get 42 is rather a joke than
programming...see for details.

> I don't think Python can duplicate this specific bug (yes, of course
> it's a bug) from C, at least not without using a C extension. I think
> that's probably a good thing.
I don't think that this is a bug, it's rather an advised error in

#define SIX (1 + 5)
#define NINE (8 + 1)

This works as Adam Riese would appreciate. If you leave the brackets,
your computer calculates 1 + 5 * 8 + 1, and this is 42.


From michele.alzetta at  Fri Jun 11 14:19:01 2004
From: michele.alzetta at (Michele Alzetta)
Date: Fri Jun 11 14:16:02 2004
Subject: [Tutor] python $i equivalent ?
Message-ID: <1086977940.8682.17.camel@localhost>

Thanks to all for the hints; I have yet to try out the solution because
I'm just ending a binge of overwork (over 50 hours in 4 days, including
one night on duty) ... it probably won't be until next thursday that
I'll have some leisure to try this out.

Anyway, my impression is that the problem as someone correctly stated is
a question of scopes and that:
myvars = {}
for element in list:
    myvars[element] = Class()

'ought' to work as I want. 
( "exec element" seems interesting anyway. This real-life example is
bringing up no end of interesting pythonic things !)

Of course, what I'm aiming at is:

schedule = {}

list = [(label1, startdatetuple1, enddatetuple1),(label2,  \
startdatetuple2, enddatetuple2),(label3, etc. etc.

for label, starttimetuple, endtimetuple in list:
    schedule[label] = Shift(starttimetuple,endtimetuple)

(Shift and TimeSpan classes are described in earlier posts).

Thanks again to all !

Michele Alzetta

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 11 17:07:46 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Jun 11 17:07:51 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about the use of None
References: <>
Message-ID: <004601c44ff8$25509be0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Hi,I came across this keyword None. The document I read says
> "None is python's way of representing nothing.

That is to say nothingat all, not even an empty string or zero.

> It evaluates to False when treated as a condition

So its boolean value is False, just as "" is False and 0 is false.
BUt None is not the same as "" any more than 0 is the same as "",
they are three things that evaluate to False in boolean terms.

> "So I assume, if I do start=None, then it's as good as saying
> start="" or start=0

Thats right because they all evaluate to False.

> Now, the code to represent it's use is pretty confusing.

No, its totally consistent! ;-)

> It goes like this:
while start != "":
     start=raw_input("Press enter to exit, or key in a string: ")

The confusing part is here, since start = "",

No start is None wjich is NOT the same thing as "".
If the test was

while not start:

Then you would be right, because both None and "" would cause the
loop test to fail. But while start != "" will be true for anything
except an empty string which will only occur when the user hits
return with no content.

> at least that's if None is really == ""

But None is not the same as "" any more than 0 is the same as "".
They just evaluate as Booleans to False. (As does an empty list BTW)

> So to check, I tried this in the interactive window:
>>> start=None
>>> print start

Will print the string representation of None which is, not
surprisingly 'None'. Remember that the prompt uses the result
of the __repr__() function and print uses the result of the
__str__() function.

> and presto !! It prinst the string None, even though i haven't
> placed it in double quotes.

If you had placed it in double quootes ythey would not ave appeared:

>>> print "None"
>>> print None

> So it seems None does have a value,

No it has a string representation, just like almost every other Python
object. (Even though None is actually a non-object!!)

> which explains why it managed to enter the while loop. Is this

No, it entered the loop because None is something different from ""

>>> print None == ""
>>> print None
>>> print 0 == ""
>>> if not 0: print '0 is false'
0 is false
>>> if not "": print "'' is false"
'' is false
>>> if not None: print "None is false"
None is false
>>> if not None and not "": print 'None and "" are both false'
None and "" are both false

> Hope someone can help with an explanation.

Well, I've tried! :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From dyoo at  Fri Jun 11 19:47:44 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Jun 11 19:47:49 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about the use of None
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004, [iso-8859-1] Wilfred Y wrote:

> Hi,I came across this keyword None. The document I read says "None is
> python's way of representing nothing. It evaluates to False when treated
> as a condition"

Hi Wilfred,

Which document are you referring to?  We can also take a look and see if
the wording is weird.  What you're describing right now actually sounds
subtly off.  *grin*

The 'None' value is a single value that's used to represent the idea of
nothing.  It can be used in comparisons:

>>> None == 1
>>> None == 0
>>> None == ""
>>> None == None

and the only 'value' that None compares favorably to is itself the None

> So I assume, if I do start=None, then it's as good as saying start="" or
> start=0Now, the code to represent it's use is pretty confusing. It goes
> like this:start=Nonewhile start != ""  start=raw_input("Press enter to
> exit, or key in a string: ")The confusing part is here, since start =
> "", then it should never be able to go into the while loop.

[Small note: use indentation to set off your code from your explanation;
it'll make it easier for us to test and see how your code works.]

Let's look at the code again:

start = None
while start != "":
    start = raw_input("Press enter to exit, or key in a string: " )

> So it seems None does have a value, which explains why it managed to
> enter the while loop.

Yes.  None is a perfectly legitimate value.

What the author of the material you were reading was trying to say,
though, is that None is one of the values that Python considers as a
'false' value.  If we are working with an 'if' statement, like:

if foo:

then the '...' part gets executed only if 'foo' is a true-ish value.
Every value in Python is considered true, except for a few special cases.

You may find the following useful:

>>> def testTruth(value):
...     """Prints true or false, depending if the value that we get is
...        a true or false value."""
...     if value:
...         print "True!"
...     else:
...         print "False!"
>>> testTruth('hello')
>>> testTruth(42)
>>> testTruth(False)

The function above will say "True!" or "False!", depending if the value we
pass is considered True or False to the 'if' statement.

Try testTruth() on these values:

    42 - 2 * 21
    0 == 0

If you can predict when it says True! or False! with good accuracy, then
you probably understand the author's point.  *grin*

Python is actually quite loose when it comes to truth and falsehood.  In
fact, there are other computer languages that are really strict about this

From roeland.rengelink at  Sat Jun 12 05:10:33 2004
From: roeland.rengelink at (Roeland Rengelink)
Date: Sat Jun 12 05:10:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] 42
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Adelein and Jeremy wrote:

>--- Roeland Rengelink <> wrote:
>>Gregor Lingl wrote:
>>>What is the most convincing way to mimick this in Python?
>>>#include <stdio.h>
>>>#define SIX 1 + 5
>>>#define NINE 8 + 1
>>>int main(void) {
>>> printf("What do you get if you multiply six by nine: %d\n", SIX
>>>    NINE);
>>> return 0;
>>Since macro's are substituted before compilation in C. You'd have
>>substitute before iterpretation in Python. This works:
>> >>> SIX = '1+5'
>> >>> NINE = '8+1'
>> >>> eval('%s*%s' % (SIX, NINE))
>Then again, does this actually mimick macros? Or was the point simply
>to mimick the "amazing result"?
Well, it does not mimick macros in any meaningful sense of the word. My 
point was basically to illustrate how macros work in C. Macro's are 
handled by a preprocessor, and the compiler never 'sees' them. In this 
example, the string formatting mimicks a preprocessor, and eval() 
mimicks a compiler. Note that eval doesn't 'see' the string substitution 

Python of course, does not have a preprocessor. Hence, no macros.

Fortunately, you don't need macros. String substitution is better 
handled by code. For example:

SIX = 1+5
NINE = 8+1
print SIX*NINE

Conditional 'compilation' works too. For example:

if sys.platform()=='nt':
    def a_func():
          """Use this on windows""""
    def a_func():
          """Use this one elsewhere""""

> This is very interesting, using eval
>to do this - I figured it might be possible with eval but I wasn't
>comfortable enough with the behavior of it nor with the behavior of
>the string formatting, apparently. Learned something new.
As long as you didn't learn how to do macros in Python, I'm happy :)



From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun 12 13:48:28 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Jun 12 13:48:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about the use of None
References: <>
Message-ID: <006101c450a5$7803d700$6401a8c0@xp>

Oops, A cut n paste error here, this should be:

> >>> print None
> False

>>> print None == 0

Alan G.

From Dragonfirebane at  Sat Jun 12 16:20:44 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sat Jun 12 16:20:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange behavior in program
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I've finally managed to make the text converter in the code below do what its supposed to, but when i run it with more than one character ('hello', for example), it'll do the following (convert the first letter then ask if more letters are to be converted and regardless of the answer continue until the word is done, at which point 'y' begins the program again and 'n' ends it like it's supposed to):

Please enter numbers or text to be converted. hello
Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? n
Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? y
Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? 
Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? 1
Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? y
Please enter numbers or text to be converted. a
Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? n
Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close

here's the code:

def convertxt():
    x = 0
    while x <= 25:
        while char in alphabet[x]:
            print binary[x]
        x += 1
def convertnum():
    whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','bin','b'):
        if char in number:
            print binary[int(original) - 1]
    elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','hexadec','hex','h'):
        if char in number:
            print hexadec[int(original) - 1]

import time

alphabet = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
binary = ['01','10','11','100','101','110','111','1000','1001','1010','1011','1100','1101','1110','1111','10000','10001','10010','10011','10100','10101','10110','10111','11000','11001','11010','11011','11100','11101','11110','11111','100000','100001','100010','100011','100100','100101','100110','100111','101000','101001','101010','101011','101100','101101','101110','101111','110000','110001','110010','110011','110100','110101','110110','110111','111000','111001','111010','111011','111100','111101','111110','111111','1000000','1000001','1000010','1000011','1000100','1000101','1000110','1000111','1001000','1001001','1001010','1001011','1001100','1001101','1001110','1001111','1010000','1010001','1010010','1010011','1010100','1010101','1010110','1010111','1011000','1011001','1011010','1011011','1011100','1011101','1011110','1011111','1100000','1100001','1100010','1100011','1100100','1100101','1100110','1100111','1101000','1101001','1101010','1101011','1101100','1101101','1101110','1101111','1110000','1110001','1110010','1110011','1110100','1110101','1110110','1110111','1111000','1111001','1111010','1111011','1111100','1111101','1111110','1111111','10000000','10000001','10000010','10000011','10000100','10000101','10000110','10000111','10001000','10001001','10001010','10001011','10001100','10001101','10001110','10001111','10010000','10010001','10010010','10010011','10010100','10010101','10010110','10010111','10011000','10011001','10011010','10011011','10011100','10011101','10011110','10011111','10100000','10100001','10100010','10100011','10100100','10100101','10100110','10100111','10101000','10101001','10101010','10101011','10101100','10101101','10101110','10101111','10110000','10110001','10110010','10110011','10110100','10110101','10110110','10110111','10111000','10111001','10111010','10111011','10111100','10111101','10111110','10111111','11000000','11000001','11000010','11000011','11000100','11000101','11000110','11000111','11001000','11001001','11001010','11001011','11001100','11001101','11001110','11001111','11010000','11010001','11010010','11010011','11010100','11010101','11010110','11010111','11011000','11011001','11011010','11011011','11011100','11011101','11011110','11011111','11100000','11100001','11100010','11100011','11100100','11100101','11100110','11100111','11101000','11101001','11101010','11101011','11101100','11101101','11101110','11101111','11110000','11110001','11110010','11110011','11110100','11110101','11110110','11110111','11111000','11111001','11111010','11111011','11111100','11111101','11111110','11111111']
number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
hexadec = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','1A','1B','1C','1D','1E','1F','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','2A','2B','2C','2D','2E','2F','30','31','32','33','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','3A','3B','3C','3D','3E','3F','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','4A','4B','4C','4D','4E','4F','50','51','52','53','54','55','56','57','58','59','5A','5B','5C','5D','5E','5F','60','61','62','63','64','65','66','67','68','69','6A','6B','6C','6D','6E','6F','70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','78','79','7A','7B','7C','7D','7E','7F','80','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','8A','8B','8C','8D','8E','8F','90','91','92','93','94','95','96','97','98','99','9A','9B','9C','9D','9E','9F','A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7','A8','A9','AA','AB','AC','AD','AE','AF','B0','B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B9','BA','BB','BC','BD','BE','BF','C0','C1','C2','C3','C4','C5','C6','C7','C8','C9','CA','CB','CC','CD','CE','CF','D0','D1','D2','D3','D4','D5','D6','D7','D8','D9','DA','DB','DC','DD','DE','DF','E0','E1','E2','E3','E4','E5','E6','E7','E8','E9','EA','EB','EC','ED','EE','EF','F0','F1','F2','F3','F4','F5','F6','F7','F8','F9','FA','FB','FC','FD','FE','FF']
again = True
while again:
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
    for char in original:
        except TypeError:
        except ValueError:
            if char in number:
        again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
        if again in 'Yy':
            again = True
        elif again in 'Nn':
            again = False
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
import sys

if any one has any idea why this happens and how I can fix it, I'd be grateful.

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie
From pythonTutor at  Sat Jun 12 17:02:21 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Sat Jun 12 17:02:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange behavior in program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I believe that the lines where you prompt for again should be shifted to
the left so that they line up with
	for char in original

This way the program will finish processing original before it asks
about looping again.

These are the lines to shift left.
        again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more ....
        if again in 'Yy':
            again = True
        elif again in 'Nn':
            again = False

By shifting them left one level you take them out of the
	for char in original
loop, but keep them in the
	while again

I think that fits what you are really trying to do.

A minor suggestion.  Your if/elif to set again could be replaced by:
	again = again not in 'Nn'
again will be False when the raw_input is N or n or '', otherwise again
will be True.  I think this matches what you actually coded and is much
shorter.  Make sure that you follow what is happening.  (The expression
looks a little funny since again is used to refer to the raw_input and
also to the loop control.)

On Sat, 2004-06-12 at 16:20, wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've finally managed to make the text converter in the code below do what its supposed to, but when i run it with more than one character ('hello', for example), it'll do the following (convert the first letter then ask if more letters are to be converted and regardless of the answer continue until the word is done, at which point 'y' begins the program again and 'n' ends it like it's supposed to):
> >>> 
> Please enter numbers or text to be converted. hello
> 1000
> Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? n
> 101
> Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? y
> 1100
> Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? 
> 1100
> Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? 1
> 1111
> Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? y
> Please enter numbers or text to be converted. a
> 01
> Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? n
> Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close
> here's the code:
> def convertxt():
>     x = 0
>     while x <= 25:
>         while char in alphabet[x]:
>             print binary[x]
>             break
>         x += 1
> def convertnum():
>     whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
> 1: Binary
> 2: Hexadecimal
> """)
>     if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','bin','b'):
>         if char in number:
>             print binary[int(original) - 1]
>     elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','hexadec','hex','h'):
>         if char in number:
>             print hexadec[int(original) - 1]
> import time
> alphabet = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
> binary = ['01','10','11','100','101','110','111','1000','1001','1010','1011','1100','1101','1110','1111','10000','10001','10010','10011','10100','10101','10110','10111','11000','11001','11010','11011','11100','11101','11110','11111','100000','100001','100010','100011','100100','100101','100110','100111','101000','101001','101010','101011','101100','101101','101110','101111','110000','110001','110010','110011','110100','110101','110110','110111','111000','111001','111010','111011','111100','111101','111110','111111','1000000','1000001','1000010','1000011','1000100','1000101','1000110','1000111','1001000','1001001','1001010','1001011','1001100','1001101','1001110','1001111','1010000','1010001','1010010','1010011','1010100','1010101','1010110','1010111','1011000','1011001','1011010','1011011','1011100','1011101','1011110','1011111','1100000','1100001','1100010','1100011','1100100','1100101','1100110','1100111','1101000','1101001','1101010','1101011','1101100','1101101','1101110','1101111','1110000','1110001','1110010','1110011','1110100','1110101','1110110','1110111','1111000','1111001','1111010','1111011','1111100','1111101','1111110','1111111','10000000','10000001','10000010','10000011','10000100','10000101','10000110','10000111','10001000','10001001','10001010','10001011','10001100','10001101','10001110','10001111','10010000','10010001','10010010','10010011','10010100','10010101','10010110','10010111','10011000','10011001','10011010','10011011','10011100','10011101','10011110','10011111','10100000','10100001','10100010','10100011','10100100','10100101','10100110','10100111','10101000','10101001','10101010','10101011','10101100','10101101','10101110','10101111','10110000','10110001','10110010','10110011','10110100','10110101','10110110','10110111','10111000','10111001','10111010','10111011','10111100','10111101','10111110','10111111','11000000','11000001','11000010','11000011','11000100','11000101','11000110','11000111','11001000','11001001','11001010','11001011','11001100','11001101','11001110','11001111','11010000','11010001','11010010','11010011','11010100','11010101','11010110','11010111','11011000','11011001','11011010','11011011','11011100','11011101','11011110','11011111','11100000','11100001','11100010','11100011','11100100','11100101','11100110','11100111','11101000','11101001','11101010','11101011','11101100','11101101','11101110','11101111','11110000','11110001','11110010','11110011','11110100','11110101','11110110','11110111','11111000','11111001','11111010','11111011','11111100','11111101','11111110','11111111']
> number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
> hexadec = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','1A','1B','1C','1D','1E','1F','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','2A','2B','2C','2D','2E','2F','30','31','32','33','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','3A','3B','3C','3D','3E','3F','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','4A','4B','4C','4D','4E','4F','50','51','52','53','54','55','56','57','58','59','5A','5B','5C','5D','5E','5F','60','61','62','63','64','65','66','67','68','69','6A','6B','6C','6D','6E','6F','70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','78','79','7A','7B','7C','7D','7E','7F','80','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','8A','8B','8C','8D','8E','8F','90','91','92','93','94','95','96','97','98','99','9A','9B','9C','9D','9E','9F','A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7','A8','A9','AA','AB','AC','AD','AE','AF','B0','B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B9','BA','BB','BC','BD','BE','BF','C0','C1','C2','C3','C4','C5','C6','C7','C8','C9','CA','CB','CC','CD','CE','CF','D0','D1','D2','D3','D4','D5','D6','D7','D8','D9','DA','DB','DC','DD','DE','DF','E0','E1','E2','E3','E4','E5','E6','E7','E8','E9','EA','EB','EC','ED','EE','EF','F0','F1','F2','F3','F4','F5','F6','F7','F8','F9','FA','FB','FC','FD','FE','FF']
> again = True
> while again:
>     original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
>     for char in original:
>         try:
>             int(original)
>         except TypeError:
>             convertxt()
>         except ValueError:
>             convertxt()
>         else:
>             if char in number:
>                 convertnum()
>         again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
>         if again in 'Yy':
>             again = True
>         elif again in 'Nn':
>             again = False
> print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
> time.sleep(1.1)
> import sys
> sys.exit()
> if any one has any idea why this happens and how I can fix it, I'd be grateful.
> "n thats the way the cookie crumbles"
> America's Favorite Cookie
> ______________________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From glingl at  Sat Jun 12 17:16:24 2004
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Sat Jun 12 17:15:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange behavior in program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> schrieb:

>Hello all,
>I've finally managed to make the text converter in the code below do what its supposed to, but when i run it with more than one character ('hello', for example), it'll do the following (convert the first letter then ask if more letters are to be converted and regardless of the answer continue until the word is done, at which point 'y' begins the program again and 'n' ends it like it's supposed to):
>Please enter numbers or text to be converted. hello
>Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? n
>Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? y
>Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? 
>Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? 1
>Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? y
>Please enter numbers or text to be converted. a
>Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? n
>Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close
Hi Dragonfirebane!

This (to you) unexpected behaviour comes from the fact, that in

    for char in original:
        except TypeError:
        except ValueError:
            if char in number:
        again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
        if again in 'Yy':
            again = True
        elif again in 'Nn':
            again = False

the raw_input() call is made once for every char in original,
that is - in your example - in "hello": 5 times!
And only if you answer with n in the last of these five inputs
the enclosing while loop will terminate.

So, I think, you shouldn't put the last five lines into the 

Apart from this there are several flaws in your program, which
make it hard for me to understand, what it should do.
And because the program seems to be relatively complex it's
also hard to tear them apart and isolate them.

Two tiny examples:

(1)I'd much prefer if you wrote something like:
    more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
    if more in 'Yy':
        again = True # albeit this doesn't change anything, because
                     # if again weren't true you wouldn't get here
    elif  more in "Nn":
        again = False

    (I mean: why use the same name for different things?)

(2) The inner "while loop" in convertxt is a strange construction
    because it contains an unconditional break, which (unconditionally)
    terminates the loop after the first run through it.


        while char in alphabet[x]:
            print binary[x]

    I think this should equivavlently better be written as:
        if char in alphabet[x]:
            print binary[x]

    (Moreover note, on the other side, that without the break this 
     "while loop" would run indefinitely as there is nothing
     in the loop's body, which changes the condition: once True -
     - forever True

     Additionally: alphabet[x] is invariably a one-character-string,
     so char in alphabet[x] should be equivalent to
     char == alphabet[x] ---  did you think of this or did you 
     intend something completely different?)

I must confess, that i don't fully understand what your program is
intended to do. I would very much appreciate, if you could 
assemble (for instance at first with paper and pencil) a sample-run
of the program with some chracteristic inputs and corresponding
outputs and post it here. Perhaps then I ( and other people on this
list ) could support you with more fruitful hints or
propositions to make it more clear an concise.

Regards, Gregor

>here's the code:
>def convertxt():
>    x = 0
>    while x <= 25:
>        while char in alphabet[x]:
>            print binary[x]
>            break
>        x += 1
>def convertnum():
>    whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
>1: Binary
>2: Hexadecimal
>    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','bin','b'):
>        if char in number:
>            print binary[int(original) - 1]
>    elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','hexadec','hex','h'):
>        if char in number:
>            print hexadec[int(original) - 1]
>import time
>alphabet = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
>binary = ['01','10','11','100','101','110','111','1000','1001','1010','1011','1100','1101','1110','1111','10000','10001','10010','10011','10100','10101','10110','10111','11000','11001','11010','11011','11100','11101','11110','11111','100000','100001','100010','100011','100100','100101','100110','100111','101000','101001','101010','101011','101100','101101','101110','101111','110000','110001','110010','110011','110100','110101','110110','110111','111000','111001','111010','111011','111100','111101','111110','111111','1000000','1000001','1000010','1000011','1000100','1000101','1000110','1000111','1001000','1001001','1001010','1001011','1001100','1001101','1001110','1001111','1010000','1010001','1010010','1010011','1010100','1010101','1010110','1010111','1011000','1011001','1011010','1011011','1011100','1011101','1011110','1011111','1100000','1100001','1100010','1100011','1100100','1100101','1100110','1100111','1101000','1101001','1101010','1101011','1101100','1101101','1101110','1101111','1110000','1110001','1110010','1110011','1110100','1110101','1110110','1110111','1111000','1111001','1111010','1111011','1111100','1111101','1111110','1111111','10000000','10000001','10000010','10000011','10000100','10000101','10000110','10000111','10001000','10001001','10001010','10001011','10001100','10001101','10001110','10001111','10010000','10010001','10010010','10010011','10010100','10010101','10010110','10010111','10011000','10011001','10011010','10011011','10011100','10011101','10011110','10011111','10100000','10100001','10100010','10100011','10100100','10100101','10100110','10100111','10101000','10101001','10101010','10101011','10101100','10101101','10101110','10101111','10110000','10110001','10110010','10110011','10110100','10110101','10110110','10110111','10111000','10111001','10111010','10111011','10111100','10111101','10111110','10111111','11000000','11000001','11000010','11000011','11000100','11000101','11000110','11000111','11001000','11001001','11001010','11001011','11001100','11001101','11001110','11001111','11010000','11010001','11010010','11010011','11010100','11010101','11010110','11010111','11011000','11011001','11011010','11011011','11011100','11011101','11011110','11011111','11100000','11100001','11100010','11100011','11100100','11100101','11100110','11100111','11101000','11101001','11101010','11101011','11101100','11101101','11101110','11101111','11110000','11110001','11110010','11110011','11110100','11110101','11110110','11110111','11111000','11111001','11111010','11111011','11111100','11111101','11111110','11111111']
>number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
>hexadec = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','1A','1B','1C','1D','1E','1F','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','2A','2B','2C','2D','2E','2F','30','31','32','33','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','3A','3B','3C','3D','3E','3F','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','4A','4B','4C','4D','4E','4F','50','51','52','53','54','55','56','57','58','59','5A','5B','5C','5D','5E','5F','60','61','62','63','64','65','66','67','68','69','6A','6B','6C','6D','6E','6F','70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','78','79','7A','7B','7C','7D','7E','7F','80','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','8A','8B','8C','8D','8E','8F','90','91','92','93','94','95','96','97','98','99','9A','9B','9C','9D','9E','9F','A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7','A8','A9','AA','AB','AC','AD','AE','AF','B0','B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B9','BA','BB','BC','BD','BE','BF','C0','C1','C2','C3','C4','C5','C6','C7','C8','C9','CA','CB','CC','CD','CE','CF','D0','D1','D2','D3','D4','D5','D6','D7','D8','D9','DA','DB','DC','DD','DE','DF','E0','E1','E2','E3','E4','E5','E6','E7','E8','E9','EA','EB','EC','ED','EE','EF','F0','F1','F2','F3','F4','F5','F6','F7','F8','F9','FA','FB','FC','FD','FE','FF']
>again = True
>while again:
>    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
>    for char in original:
>        try:
>            int(original)
>        except TypeError:
>            convertxt()
>        except ValueError:
>            convertxt()
>        else:
>            if char in number:
>                convertnum()
>        again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
>        if again in 'Yy':
>            again = True
>        elif again in 'Nn':
>            again = False
>print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
>import sys
>if any one has any idea why this happens and how I can fix it, I'd be grateful.
>"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"
>America's Favorite Cookie
>Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Sat Jun 12 17:47:21 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Jun 12 17:47:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange behavior in program
References: <>
Message-ID: <007801c450c6$d710b6c0$6401a8c0@xp>

> while again:
>     original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be
converted. ")

The following for loop is not controlled by again, it will process
every letter regardless, as you've seen. If you want the loop to
stop at an arbitrary point rather than process every letter you
need another while loop:

>     for char in original:

      index = 0
      while index < len(original) and again:
          char = original[index]
>         try:
>             int(original)
>         except TypeError:
>             convertxt()
>         except ValueError:
>             convertxt()
>         else:
>             if char in number:
>                 convertnum()
>         again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or
numbers [y/n]? ")
>         if again in 'Yy':
>             again = True
>         elif again in 'Nn':
>             again = False

An alternative approach uses break like so:

       for char in original:
          if not again: break
          # otherwise continue as before

I'm not a big fan of break because it goes against the principles
of structured programming and can lead to obscure bugs. But in
this case it seems to me to be the cleanest solution so I'd go
with break.

Alan G.

From Dragonfirebane at  Sat Jun 12 18:06:58 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sat Jun 12 18:07:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange behavior in program
Message-ID: <>

>Hi Dragonfirebane!

This (to you) unexpected behaviour comes from the fact, that in

   for char in original:
       except TypeError:
       except ValueError:
           if char in number:
       again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
       if again in 'Yy':
           again = True
       elif again in 'Nn':
           again = False

the raw_input() call is made once for every char in original,
that is - in your example - in "hello": 5 times!
And only if you answer with n in the last of these five inputs
the enclosing while loop will terminate.

So, I think, you shouldn't put the last five lines into the

Apart from this there are several flaws in your program, which
make it hard for me to understand, what it should do.
And because the program seems to be relatively complex it's
also hard to tear them apart and isolate them.

Two tiny examples:

(1)I'd much prefer if you wrote something like:
   more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
   if more in 'Yy':
       again = True # albeit this doesn't change anything, because
                    # if again weren't true you wouldn't get here
   elif  more in "Nn":
       again = False

   (I mean: why use the same name for different things?)

(2) The inner "while loop" in convertxt is a strange construction
   because it contains an unconditional break, which (unconditionally)
   terminates the loop after the first run through it.

       while char in alphabet[x]:
           print binary[x]

   I think this should equivavlently better be written as:

       if char in alphabet[x]:
           print binary[x]

   (Moreover note, on the other side, that without the break this
    "while loop" would run indefinitely as there is nothing
    in the loop's body, which changes the condition: once True -
    - forever True

    Additionally: alphabet[x] is invariably a one-character-string,
    so char in alphabet[x] should be equivalent to
    char == alphabet[x] ---  did you think of this or did you
    intend something completely different?)

I must confess, that i don't fully understand what your program is
intended to do. I would very much appreciate, if you could
assemble (for instance at first with paper and pencil) a sample-run
of the program with some chracteristic inputs and corresponding
outputs and post it here. Perhaps then I ( and other people on this
list ) could support you with more fruitful hints or
propositions to make it more clear an concise.

>Regards, Gregor

I see the problem. Thanks for pointing it out to me. Also, I'll change the 'again' input to more and do something like:

more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
if more in 'Yy':
    pass ##because this continues the loop. after all, as you 
         ##said, 'again' is already true or this would not be
         ##arrived at
elif more in 'Nn':
    again = False

As for the second flaw, you are correct. Originally, i was attempting to have the program process the entire word inputed, not merely the first character, not realizing that happens without a loop there. That section will be changed to:

if char in alphabet[x]:
    print alphabet[x]

I tried to use that structure (if char == 'alphabet[x]':) but i encountered some problems probably unrelated. However, the structure i am currently using suits my tastes better in any case. I believe you are correct regarding the interchangeability of the two. 

This program, called 'Multivert', is eventually intended to be able to convert text (abc) into binary (01,10,11,etc.) into hexadecimal (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,etc.) into numbers (1,2,3,etc.) with any and all combinations.  Essentially, it would be a 4-way dictionary. If a person wanted to convert text into binary, they would type in text and select binary (currently the default choice until i fix bugs) or numbers or hexadecimal for those conversions. Then, the program would print the converted text. For example, "banana" in text would yield "10 01 1110 01 1110 01" in binary, "2 1 E 1 E 1" in hexadecimal, or "2 1 14 1 14 1" in numbers. Obviously, this is not all possible with the current code, which is why I'm still workin on it.  Similarly, any of the other entries ("10 01 1110 01 1110 01", "2 1 E 1 E 1", or "2 1 14 1 14 1") would yield "banana" in text and each other otherwise (each 'means' the same thing). I hope to be able to modify the program to distinguish between the four styles of input so that the user can begin with any style and convert it to any style. This would probably be accomplished in a very similar manner to what i have alread set up (try int(original), except Name/TypeError: convertxt(), else convertnum).  However, I will need to come up with a method for the program to distinguish hexadecimal from text, since both would yield an Error at int(original), and binary from numbers, since neither would yield an error. For the latter i will probably do something along the lines of:

    for char in original:
        except TypeError:
        except ValueError:
            if char in number[1:]:
                convertbin() ##not yet in code
    again = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
    if again in 'Yy':
    elif again in 'Nn':
        again = False
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
import sys

I realize this would not work exactly as is, but it is a start.

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie
From Dragonfirebane at  Sat Jun 12 18:40:32 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sat Jun 12 18:40:40 2004
Subject: [Tutor] printing without a new line
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

Thanks to all those who helped me with the last problem i had with this program, and that section now works beautifully, aside from the fact that a new line is printed at the end of each character conversion. Thus, "hello o my" yields:


using the following code:

def convertxt():
    x = 0
    while x <= 26:
        if char in alphabet[x]:
            print binary[x] + ' '
        x += 1
def convertnum():
    whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','bin','b'):
        if char in number:
            print binary[int(original) - 1]
    elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','hexadec','hex','h'):
        if char in number:
            print hexadec[int(original) - 1]

import time

alphabet = [' ','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
binary = [' ','01','10','11','100','101','110','111','1000','1001','1010','1011','1100','1101','1110','1111','10000','10001','10010','10011','10100','10101','10110','10111','11000','11001','11010','11011','11100','11101','11110','11111','100000','100001','100010','100011','100100','100101','100110','100111','101000','101001','101010','101011','101100','101101','101110','101111','110000','110001','110010','110011','110100','110101','110110','110111','111000','111001','111010','111011','111100','111101','111110','111111','1000000','1000001','1000010','1000011','1000100','1000101','1000110','1000111','1001000','1001001','1001010','1001011','1001100','1001101','1001110','1001111','1010000','1010001','1010010','1010011','1010100','1010101','1010110','1010111','1011000','1011001','1011010','1011011','1011100','1011101','1011110','1011111','1100000','1100001','1100010','1100011','1100100','1100101','1100110','1100111','1101000','1101001','1101010','1101011','1101100','1101101','1101110','1101111','1110000','1110001','1110010','1110011','1110100','1110101','1110110','1110111','1111000','1111001','1111010','1111011','1111100','1111101','1111110','1111111','10000000','10000001','10000010','10000011','10000100','10000101','10000110','10000111','10001000','10001001','10001010','10001011','10001100','10001101','10001110','10001111','10010000','10010001','10010010','10010011','10010100','10010101','10010110','10010111','10011000','10011001','10011010','10011011','10011100','10011101','10011110','10011111','10100000','10100001','10100010','10100011','10100100','10100101','10100110','10100111','10101000','10101001','10101010','10101011','10101100','10101101','10101110','10101111','10110000','10110001','10110010','10110011','10110100','10110101','10110110','10110111','10111000','10111001','10111010','10111011','10111100','10111101','10111110','10111111','11000000','11000001','11000010','11000011','11000100','11000101','11000110','11000111','11001000','11001001','11001010','11001011','11001100','11001101','11001110','11001111','11010000','11010001','11010010','11010011','11010100','11010101','11010110','11010111','11011000','11011001','11011010','11011011','11011100','11011101','11011110','11011111','11100000','11100001','11100010','11100011','11100100','11100101','11100110','11100111','11101000','11101001','11101010','11101011','11101100','11101101','11101110','11101111','11110000','11110001','11110010','11110011','11110100','11110101','11110110','11110111','11111000','11111001','11111010','11111011','11111100','11111101','11111110','11111111']
number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
hexadec = ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','1A','1B','1C','1D','1E','1F','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','2A','2B','2C','2D','2E','2F','30','31','32','33','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','3A','3B','3C','3D','3E','3F','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','4A','4B','4C','4D','4E','4F','50','51','52','53','54','55','56','57','58','59','5A','5B','5C','5D','5E','5F','60','61','62','63','64','65','66','67','68','69','6A','6B','6C','6D','6E','6F','70','71','72','73','74','75','76','77','78','79','7A','7B','7C','7D','7E','7F','80','81','82','83','84','85','86','87','88','89','8A','8B','8C','8D','8E','8F','90','91','92','93','94','95','96','97','98','99','9A','9B','9C','9D','9E','9F','A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7','A8','A9','AA','AB','AC','AD','AE','AF','B0','B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B9','BA','BB','BC','BD','BE','BF','C0','C1','C2','C3','C4','C5','C6','C7','C8','C9','CA','CB','CC','CD','CE','CF','D0','D1','D2','D3','D4','D5','D6','D7','D8','D9','DA','DB','DC','DD','DE','DF','E0','E1','E2','E3','E4','E5','E6','E7','E8','E9','EA','EB','EC','ED','EE','EF','F0','F1','F2','F3','F4','F5','F6','F7','F8','F9','FA','FB','FC','FD','FE','FF']
again = True
while again:
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
    for char in original:
        except TypeError:
        except ValueError:
            if char in number:
    more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")
    if more in 'Yy':
    elif more in 'Nn':
        again = False
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"
import sys

Any ideas about how to prevent the program from beginning a new line with each character would be appreciated. Also, to address the issue of a triple-space appearing between binary 'words' (a single space appears between letters of a word) once the new line issue has been resolved (due to:

        if char in alphabet[x]:
            print binary[x] + ' '


alphabet = [' ', . . .]
binary = [' ', . . .] ##a space in text converts to a space in
                      ##binary, so that 'a bc' converts to
                      ##'01   10 11'
                                    ), i will change binary so that a space in text is converted to an underscore in binary, meaning that 'a bc' is converted to '01 _ 10 11'.

"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie
From fusco_john at  Sat Jun 12 22:24:20 2004
From: fusco_john at (John Fusco)
Date: Sat Jun 12 22:24:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Getting started with COM
Message-ID: <>

I am not a windows programmer, but I am interested in
using Python to script some tasks on my Windows

Reading the Python win32com documentation is not
encouraging.  In one section where it discusses the
specific attributes of COM objects it states "you are
just expected to know".

One thing I'd like to do is use OpenOffice to convert
a document to PDF.  I know how to do this with the
mouse, but how do I script it with COM.

I used the COM browser to look for OpenOffice or
Soffice objects and I found some, but that's all I
know about them.  I checked the website
and searched for COM and found nothing.

Is this really so difficult?  How do I get started?

Thanks in advance.


Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 

From darnold02 at  Sun Jun 13 00:56:09 2004
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Sun Jun 13 00:55:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Getting started with COM
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Reportlab ( offers an excellent suite of Python modules
for generating PDFs. If your original document is straight text, I can
almost guarantee that using them will be less daunting than having to dabble
in COM.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of John Fusco
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 9:24 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Getting started with COM

I am not a windows programmer, but I am interested in
using Python to script some tasks on my Windows

Reading the Python win32com documentation is not
encouraging.  In one section where it discusses the
specific attributes of COM objects it states "you are
just expected to know".

One thing I'd like to do is use OpenOffice to convert
a document to PDF.  I know how to do this with the
mouse, but how do I script it with COM.

I used the COM browser to look for OpenOffice or
Soffice objects and I found some, but that's all I
know about them.  I checked the website
and searched for COM and found nothing.

Is this really so difficult?  How do I get started?

Thanks in advance.


Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 

Tutor maillist  -

From christian at  Sun Jun 13 03:45:01 2004
From: christian at (Christian Junker)
Date: Sun Jun 13 03:50:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Getting started with COM
References: <>
Message-ID: <cah0m2$2qg$>

Hello John,

you probably didn't find anything about COM on, because
OpenOffice has it's own component models concept, called UNO. The UNO has an
Automation Bridge that provides the use of WSH, VBScript etc.

OpenOffice also comes along with its own small Python core, small because it
doesn't support a lot of modules and you cannot just install extension
modules, because every module must be known to UNO.

Though you can easily write add-ons with the OOo Python core which would
then be available to others, even if they wouldn't have Python (they would
at least have Python in their OpenOffice).

So you have two options what you could do now:

1.    get to know another component model (the one of OOo called UNO, which
is pretty new, so don't expect it to be as good as COM) and write python
code to make use of it:

2.     or delve into COM by using Python code for doing something in MS Word
or Excel.

"John Fusco" <> wrote in message
> I am not a windows programmer, but I am interested in
> using Python to script some tasks on my Windows
> workstation.
> Reading the Python win32com documentation is not
> encouraging.  In one section where it discusses the
> specific attributes of COM objects it states "you are
> just expected to know".
> One thing I'd like to do is use OpenOffice to convert
> a document to PDF.  I know how to do this with the
> mouse, but how do I script it with COM.
> I used the COM browser to look for OpenOffice or
> Soffice objects and I found some, but that's all I
> know about them.  I checked the website
> and searched for COM and found nothing.
> Is this really so difficult?  How do I get started?
> Thanks in advance.
> John
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From pythontut at  Sun Jun 13 04:12:47 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Sun Jun 13 04:13:05 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Printing a progress bar
Message-ID: <>

Some of the code I have written handels a lot of data, I would like to 
add a progress bar.

Initualy I tried ...

print 'Progress ',
  print '#',

But it appears python does not send a line to the console until it can 
send a CR.
This has stumped me. How do I generate a progress bar without it looking 



PS can anyone tell me the ASCII code to move the cursor left one 
position so I can write a string of
as progress is made ?


From christian at  Sun Jun 13 04:20:31 2004
From: christian at (Christian Junker)
Date: Sun Jun 13 04:20:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Getting started with COM
References: <>
Message-ID: <cah2og$5vb$>

Doh, you made me curious about whether it is possible to connect via COM to
UNO with Python, and yes it is!
I claim to know that there is no information about how to do that with
Python (especially), but it might be useful that you read documentation
about the Automation Bridge:

What I did is easily use the lines you write in VB for Python and it
absolutely worked:

The following example will open a new writer document of OOo:
>>> from win32com.client.dynamic import Dispatch
>>> server = Dispatch('')
>>> odesktop = server.CreateInstance('')
>>> odesktop.loadComponentfromURL('private:factory/swriter', '_blank', 0,
list is the equivalent to an array type of UNO.

Now it should be easy for you to figure out how to export something to pdf,
I would just read how you do it with Starbasic (OOo's own scripting
language) and then translate it into Python (as you saw in my example it's
actually a very simple translation of how you would do it with Starbasic,


"John Fusco" <> wrote in message
> I am not a windows programmer, but I am interested in
> using Python to script some tasks on my Windows
> workstation.
> Reading the Python win32com documentation is not
> encouraging.  In one section where it discusses the
> specific attributes of COM objects it states "you are
> just expected to know".
> One thing I'd like to do is use OpenOffice to convert
> a document to PDF.  I know how to do this with the
> mouse, but how do I script it with COM.
> I used the COM browser to look for OpenOffice or
> Soffice objects and I found some, but that's all I
> know about them.  I checked the website
> and searched for COM and found nothing.
> Is this really so difficult?  How do I get started?
> Thanks in advance.
> John
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun 13 05:55:06 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun 13 05:54:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Getting started with COM
References: <>
Message-ID: <009601c4512c$8177a7d0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I used the COM browser to look for OpenOffice or
> Soffice objects and I found some, but that's all I
> know about them.  I checked the website
> and searched for COM and found nothing.
> Is this really so difficult?  How do I get started?

The short answer is yes.

COM programming relies on each application documenting 
its objects and how to use them but very few have adequate 
documentation - including Microsofts own! The best you 
can hope for is an object by object description. Usually 
you have to use the object browser and lots of trial and error.

COM programming is, in my experience, an exercise in 
frustration :-(

Sorry, I know you didn't want to hear that!

Alan G.

From roypython at  Sun Jun 13 06:44:35 2004
From: roypython at (roy ollis)
Date: Sun Jun 13 06:44:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] mepis llinux with pyton
Message-ID: <>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From sacarasc at  Sun Jun 13 07:10:30 2004
From: sacarasc at (sacarasc)
Date: Sun Jun 13 07:12:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] mepis llinux with pyton
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

for all your GNU/Linux documentation needs, try here:

Linux isnt all that hard, once you give it a proper try ;D

have fun

From fusco_john at  Sun Jun 13 10:15:16 2004
From: fusco_john at (John Fusco)
Date: Sun Jun 13 10:15:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python / Windows Question
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for all the replies on my COM question.  My
takeaway is to avoid COM if possible, and in the
example I gave it's possible.

So I have a more general question about Python scripts
for Windows.  I would like to write Python scripts
that can manage some point-and-click tasks in Windows.
 Is it reasonable to expect that anything I can point
and click can be scripted by a Python script?

Is there a common framework for this type of scripting
or  is this unique in every case?  I that COM would be
the answer, but maybe I'm missing something.

Here's another example that maybe someone can walk me
through or get me started on.  Suppose I want to write
a Python script to change my display mode.  Is this

Thanks again.


Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 

From amonroe at  Sun Jun 13 10:28:52 2004
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Sun Jun 13 10:19:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python / Windows Question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> So I have a more general question about Python scripts
> for Windows.  I would like to write Python scripts
> that can manage some point-and-click tasks in Windows.
>  Is it reasonable to expect that anything I can point
> and click can be scripted by a Python script?

Google for "Autoitx". That might do what you want.


From Dragonfirebane at  Sun Jun 13 11:17:03 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sun Jun 13 11:17:19 2004
Subject: Fwd: [Tutor] printing without a new line
Message-ID: <>

I sent this out a couple of days ago; just wondering if anyone's working on it.


"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie
-------------- next part --------------
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Subject: [Tutor] printing without a new line
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 18:40:32 -0400
Size: 11114
From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun 13 12:15:58 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun 13 12:15:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python / Windows Question
References: <>
Message-ID: <00b201c45161$b6860310$6401a8c0@xp>

> Thanks for all the replies on my COM question.  My
> takeaway is to avoid COM if possible, and in the
> example I gave it's possible.

Yes, but note that this is a problem with COM not with Python.
If oits possible in COM you can do it using Python, the difficulty 
is figuring out exactly what COM objects exist and what they expect
you to do!

> So I have a more general question about Python scripts
> for Windows.  I would like to write Python scripts
> that can manage some point-and-click tasks in Windows.
>  Is it reasonable to expect that anything I can point
> and click can be scripted by a Python script?

Not really, there is usually a better way.  Even COM 
won't let you do that. It is possible to do anything
in Windows from Python using the win32 package and a few 
other bits n pieces but its at a very technical and 
difficult level - you need dozens of lines of code 
just to emulate a simple mouse operation.

> Is there a common framework for this type of scripting
> or  is this unique in every case?  I that COM would be
> the answer, but maybe I'm missing something.

COM is the framework but sadly its different for each 
application. Even the Microsoft applications aren't 
completely consistent (Outlook is totally different 
in structure from the other office apps for example)

If you can find how to do it in COM then Python is as 
good a language to use as any other COM enabled language, 
and better than some.

> Here's another example that maybe someone can walk me
> through or get me started on.  Suppose I want to write
> a Python script to change my display mode.  Is this
> possible?

I'm sure it is although I'm not sure how! It might be 
easiest to do that via the Registry, and the WSH library 
provides COM objects for accessing the registry.

One thing I think you should do is run, don't walk, 
to your nearest bookshop(Amazoin?) and buy Mark 
Hammond's book "Python Programming on Win32". It is 
the best source of info on using Python and Windows.
(Although it could do with a second edition to 
cover XP and some of the recent Python features etc)

Alan G.

From tim at  Sun Jun 13 12:59:10 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Sun Jun 13 12:53:23 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Null Object Design Pattern Question
Message-ID: <>

I have been looking at

which has an example of using a Null() object.

Unfortunately, I'm having a problem wrapping my brain around
the usefulness of this object compared to just using None.

Does anyone have some further examples of the 'superiority'
of this approach over *None*.

Or pointers to further documentations.


Tim Johnson <>

From darnold02 at  Sun Jun 13 13:38:30 2004
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Sun Jun 13 13:38:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] printing without a new line
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'd suggest storing the individual convertxt() results in a list instead of
printing them as you go. Then, use the join() string method when you're done
to create a string from the list. Something like this:

>>> res = []
>>> for char in 'this is a test':
	res.append(' ')

>>> print res
['T', ' ', 'H', ' ', 'I', ' ', 'S', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'I', ' ', 'S', ' ', ' ',
' ', 'A', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'T', ' ', 'E', ' ', 'S', ' ', 'T', ' ']
>>> print ''.join(res[:-1])  ##sliced to lose trailing space
T H I S   I S   A   T E S T


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 10:17 AM
Subject: Fwd: [Tutor] printing without a new line

I sent this out a couple of days ago; just wondering if anyone's working on


"n thats the way the cookie crumbles"

America's Favorite Cookie

From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun 13 14:12:53 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun 13 14:12:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] printing without a new line
References: <>
Message-ID: <00ca01c45172$0bcfb5e0$6401a8c0@xp>

> aside from the fact that a new line is printed at the end of each
> character conversion.

> def convertxt():
>     x = 0
>     while x <= 26:
>         if char in alphabet[x]:
>             print binary[x] + ' '
>         x += 1

Part of the problem is that you have fallen into the trap of mixing
processing and display. This is always a bad idea. Thus if you were
to return a string from the function instead of printing it things
would be easier.

Also the while loop and 'in' test is pretty inefficient, it would
be easier to use a single in test:

def convertxt():
   if char in alphabet:
     return binary[alphabet.index(char)] + ' '

> def convertnum():
>     whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
> 1: Binary
> 2: Hexadecimal
> """)

Similarly it would be better to capture the users requirements outside
the function and pass the value in as a parameter.

binaryChoice = ['1','B','b','Binary','binary','bin']
whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
 1: Binary
 2: Hexadecimal

if whichconv in binaryChoice: whichconv = 2
else: whichconv = 16

def convertNum(number, base = 2):
   if base == 2:
      if char in number:
         return binary[int(original) - 1]
   elif base = 16
      if char in number:
         return hexadec[int(original) - 1]

Of course it's better still to use the built in convertion functions
but we've already had that debate...

> import time, string
alphabet = string.letters
> binary = ['','01','10','11','100','101','110','111',
........ double eek! ......

And it really would be easier to use a function to do
the binary conversion!

number = string.numbers

> hexadec =

And itoa() for the hex convertions...

> again = True
> while again:
>     original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be
converted. ")
>     for char in original:
>         try:
>             int(original)
>         except TypeError:
             print convertxt(char),
>         except ValueError:
             print convertxt(char),
>         else:
>             if char in number:
                 print convertnum(char),
>     more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers
[y/n]? ")
>     if more in 'Yy':
>         pass
>     elif more in 'Nn':
>         again = False
> print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"

> time.sleep(1.1)
> import sys
> sys.exit()

Since this is the end of the program you don't need to
import sys
sys.exit() the program will do that by itself.
I'm not sure why you have the sleep(1.1) there either?

This does seem to be an extraordinarily complex way of doing a fairly
simple task, is there any reason other than the fun of experimenting
why you don't just use the builtin features of Python such as
format strings and dictionaries?

Alan G.

From op73418 at  Sun Jun 13 16:55:07 2004
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Sun Jun 13 16:52:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Null Object Design Pattern Question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Em Sun, 13 Jun 2004 08:59:10 -0800, Tim Johnson <>
atirou este peixe aos pinguins:

>I have been looking at 
>which has an example of using a Null() object.
>Unfortunately, I'm having a problem wrapping my brain around
>the usefulness of this object compared to just using None.
>Does anyone have some further examples of the 'superiority'
>of this approach over *None*.

Imagine a null object as a kind of sink: it responds to all messages
without barfing. Compare the following:

>>> obj = None
>>> obj.method()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'method'

>>> class Null(object):
... 	def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
... 		return self
... 	def __getattr__(self, attrib):
... 		return self
>>> obj = Null()
>>> obj.method()
<__main__.Null object at 0x00EFECF0>

The Null() doesn't barf when method is called. This allows for simpler
coding in some situations.

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

P.S: Googling for "null object pattern" (or some such) is bound to
turn up something.

From isrgish at  Sun Jun 13 17:35:24 2004
From: isrgish at (Isr Gish)
Date: Sun Jun 13 17:36:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] OT problem reading message
Message-ID: <>

I seem to have a problem reading mail from Dragonfirebane. It  comes out to be all in one long line. I'm using pocket Outlook on a Pocket PC. And as far as I know its the first time I have this problem. Even from Dragonfirebane it only started recently.
Any ideas what I could do would be appreciated.

All the best,

From dyoo at  Sun Jun 13 23:51:27 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun Jun 13 23:51:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Printing a progress bar
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004, Dave S wrote:

> Initualy I tried ...
> print 'Progress ',
> ..
> loop
>   ...
>   print '#',
> ...
> But it appears python does not send a line to the console until it can
> send a CR.

Hi Dave,

Right; what's happening is called "buffering".  Internally, the system
keeps track of the character to be written out, and saves them in a line
buffer.  As soon as we send the system a CR, it'll flush that buffer out
to disk.

(By the way, the same thing happens when we write() to file objects.)

We can manually force a flush by calling the flush() methods on the
standard output file object:

def printUnbufferedHash():
    print '#',

> PS can anyone tell me the ASCII code to move the cursor left one
> position so I can write a string of
> ..............................................
> becoming
> #########............................
> as progress is made ?

Ah, you're looking for the backspace character '\b'.  No need to remember
the exact ASCII code: use the escape sequence.

But if you're really interested, it's:

>>> ord('\b')

Eight.  *grin*

Good luck to you!

From dyoo at  Mon Jun 14 04:01:23 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Jun 14 04:01:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Null Object Design Pattern Question  [sentinels and
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004, [ISO-8859-1] Gon=E7alo Rodrigues wrote:

> >I have been looking at
> >
> >
> >
> >which has an example of using a Null() object.
> >
> >Unfortunately, I'm having a problem wrapping my brain around the
> >usefulness of this object compared to just using None.
> >
> >Does anyone have some further examples of the 'superiority' of this
> >approach over *None*.
> Imagine a null object as a kind of sink: it responds to all messages
> without barfing.

Hi Tim,

If you're familiar with the use of a "sentinel" to simplify a program's
logic, then you can think of a "Null Object" as an OOP analogy to a

I like using concrete examples, and one of the nice examples where
sentinels come in really handy is something like a Minesweeper-like game
program.  Here's a quick link to one:

In the game of Minesweeper, we might want to report the number of mines
adjacent to a space.  For example, if we have:


we'd like to get back something like:


If we represent a minefield as a list of rows, like this:

minefield =3D ['*...',

and if we wanted to get the number of mines at an
arbitrary row and col, we might write something like:

def countMines(row, col):
    """Returns the number of mines around position(row, col)."""
    count =3D 0
    for i in [-1, 0, 1]:
        for j in [-1, 0, 1]:
            if minefield[row + i][col +j] =3D=3D '*':
                count +=3D 1
    return count

The only problem is that this code doesn't work.  *grin*

>>> countMines(3, 3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "<stdin>", line 6, in countMines
IndexError: string index out of range

The problem is that there's this special logic around the edges of the
board, so our beautiful countMines() function malfunctions around the
board edges.

One way to fix countMines() is to add special-case logic into countMines()
for counting mines around the edges of the board, maybe something like:

if not (0 <=3D row + i < 4): continue

But there's another way of fixing the problem, and it involves using
sentinels.  In effect, we take something like:


and wrap a sentinel border of '=3D' characters around the whole game board:


With this sentinel border, the code doesn't have to worry about the edge
of the board so much.  If I ask for the number of mines on the
bottom-right corner --- countMines(4, 4) --- then we're perfectly ok,
since we don't go off the board.  Does this make sense?

Null Objects perform a similar function: they are "sentinels" that allow
us to simplify our main code, so that we don't have to worry so much about
the special case of handling a reference to None.

Hope this helps!

From Francis.Moore at  Mon Jun 14 05:20:36 2004
From: Francis.Moore at (Francis Moore)
Date: Mon Jun 14 05:25:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Null Object Design Pattern Question
Message-ID: <6081EBC21D52F744B484088BBBE665C3199F05@sbserver.shaws.local>

> From: Tim Johnson [] 

> which has an example of using a Null() object.
> Unfortunately, I'm having a problem wrapping my brain 
> around the usefulness of this object compared to just using None.


I've never used a Null Object pattern (NOP) in Python but I've used it 
quite a few times in C++. The NOP is primarily handy for removing lots
conditional code. For instance, imagine a program where we have an
to log user output. We should then allow the user to switch logging on
off (to speed up the program). So, in our program we would normally need
use lots of conditional code to see whether logging is turned off or 
not i.e.

if logging_on:


An easier way is to code a base class called Logger and two concrete
derived from Logger called RealLogger and NullLogger (an instance of the
At the beginning of the program we create an instance of the correct
(RealLogger or NullLogger) depending on whether the user has logging
on or not and bind it to an instance of the Logger class. We can then 
use the objects polymorphically, by just calling Logger.Log(message) and
correct class will be called. 
There is now no need to write conditional code and check against None. 
The correct object does the right thing. The RealLogger logs all
messages, the 
NullLogger lets the message pass through. Using the same line of code.

If logging is widespread throughout your application this can provide a
reduction in the number of lines and make the application logic clearer.

Hope this helps,
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From pythontut at  Mon Jun 14 13:45:24 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Mon Jun 14 13:45:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Printing a progress bar
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for your input, I will go and give it a try  :-)


From asc at  Mon Jun 14 14:53:48 2004
From: asc at (Aaron Straup Cope)
Date: Mon Jun 14 14:53:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] creating bitmasks (for bloom filters)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1086958159.529.249.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <1087239227.536.96.camel@localhost>

On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 09:12, Glen Wheeler wrote:

>   Not sure of your terminology here; does this mean you are mathematically
> inclined?  Or not as such?

I am not especially mathematically inclined. Given enough time I can
usually start to "get" it but it is not my strong suit.

>   Perhaps the source of pybloom would help?  If it's only difference is
> reliance on the unix math libraries, then this could be changed easily
> enough...?

Pybloom is calling mpz.mpz which is supposed to : "Create a new
mpz-number. value can be an integer, a long, another mpz-number, or even
a string. If it is a string, it is interpreted as an array of radix-256
digits, least significant digit first, resulting in a positive number"

The docs for mpz indicate that it is deprecated, as of Python 2.3, in
favour of two possible alternatives.

I'm not sure that I haven't jumped from the frying pan in to the fire,
though :-)

From Dragonfirebane at  Mon Jun 14 16:59:58 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Mon Jun 14 17:00:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] KeyError
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

Using the command prompt to run my program, the following error occurs. I do 
not believe it is because I'm using the command prompt because the same error 
occurs in IDLE.  Since I used the same structure to convert text to binary as 
I did to convert text to hexadecimal (see code below error), I do not 
understand why the hexadecimal conversion doesn't work but the binary does. 
Additionally, much of the commenting had not been updated and is no longer correct, so 
please disregard any apparent misunderstanding through comments.

C:\Program Files\Python 2.3.4c1\Programming\Programs (Complete)>python
Please enter numbers or text to be converted. "Hello. My name is Bob," said 
Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
3: Decimal
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 128, in ?
    convertxthex()  ##convert text to hexadecimal
  File "", line 36, in convertxthex
    res += hexadec[c]  ##same deal
KeyError: 'C'

def convertxtbin(): ##convert text to binary
    for char in original:   ##loops over the entire entry
        x = 0   ##allows checking every character against the entire alphabet 
        if char in punct:
            res += char
        elif char in alphabet:
            while x <= 26: ##if the character is punctuation or a lowercase 
                if char in alphabet[x]: ##if its in the dictionary
                    asOctal = "%o" % int(number[x])
                    global res
                    for c in asOctal:
                        res += binary[c]   ##add the corresponding entry in 
the binary list to the res list
                    if char not in punct: ##if the character isn't punctuation
                        res += ' ' ##add a space at the end to separate 
                x += 1  ##adds 1 to the value of x so the loop doesnt go on 
            while 26 < x <= 52: ##if the character is an uppercase letter
                if char in alphabet[x]: ##if the character is in the alphabet 
                    asOctal = "%o" % int(number[x - 26])
                    global res
                    for c in asOctal:
                        res += binary[c]  ##print the corresponding entry in 
the binary entry (A = entry 36, so 36 - 26 = entry 10 = '01' = a)
                    if char not in punct:    ##if character isn't punctuation
                        res += ' ' ##add a space at the end
                x += 1  ##adds 1 to x so the loop ends eventually
def convertxthex(): ##convert text to hexadecimal
    for char in original:   ##same deal
        x = 0   ##same deal
        if char in punct:
            res += char
        elif char in alphabet:
            while x <= 26:  ##same deal
                if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
                    asHex = "%X" % int(number[x])
                    global res
                    for c in asHex:
                        res += hexadec[c]  ##same deal Line 36
                    if char not in punct:    ##same deal
                        res += ' ' ##same deal
                x += 1  ##same deal
            while 26 < x <= 52: ##same deal
                if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
                    asHex = "%X" % int(number[x - 26])
                    global res
                    for c in asHex:
                        res += hexadec[c] ##same deal
                    if char not in punct:    ##same deal
                        res += ' ' ##same deal
                x += 1  ##same deal
def convertxtnum(): ##convert text to decimal
    for char in original:   ##same deal
        x = 0   ##same deal
        while x <= 34:  ##same deal
            if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
                res.append(number[x])   ##same deal
                if char not in alphabet[:8]:    ##same deal
                    res.append(' ') ##same deal
            x += 1  ##same deal
        while 34 < x <= 60: ##same deal
            if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
                res.append(number[x - 26])  ##same deal
                if char not in alphabet[:8]:    ##same deal
                    res.append(' ') ##same deal
            x += 1  ##same deal
def convertnum():   ##converts numbers
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): ##if user 
wants to convert to binary
        if int(original) <= 0:
            print "Please enter a positive number. "   
        except ValueError:
            x = 0
            if char in punct[x]:
                print [punct[x] for c in original] ##prints the corresponding 
binary entry (if '12' is entered, it is treated as a string, so 
binary[int(original) - 1] converts it to an integer and subtracts one from it so that the 
corresponding entry can be printed since the first entry in a list is 0
                x += 1
            asOctal = "%o" % int(original)
            print ''.join([binary[c] for c in asOctal])     
    elif whichconv 
in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'): ##same deal
        if original >= 0:
            print hexadec[int(original) + 8]    ##same deal
            print "Please enter a positive number. " 
    elif whichconv in('3','Text','text','T','t'):   ##same deal
        if int(original) <= 26: ##if the number is between 8 and 27 (the 
lowercase letters of the alphabet list
            print alphabet[int(original) + 8]   ##it prints the corresponding 
entry in the alphabet list
        else:   ##if its not one of those numbers
            print "Sorry, you didn't enter a valid number. Please enter only 
numbers between 0 and 26." ##prints message

import time ##for time.sleep(1.1) at end
import string

alphabet = [' 
##define the alphabet list
punct = ['.',',',';',':','?','!','"',"'"]
binary = {'0':'000','1':'001','2':'010',
             '6':'110','7':'111'}  ##define the binary dictionary
number = 
31','32','33','34']    ##defines the number entry. goes up to 34 so 
convertnum() will work under the text conversion
hexadec = 
##defines the hexadecimal list

res = ''    ##makes an empty list so all the conversions will work
again = True    ##beginning condition for loop
while again:    ##starts loop
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")  
##enter text to be converted
        int(original)   ##distinguishes the numbers from the text, needs to 
be revised to distinguish binary and hexadecimal
##    except TypeError:
##        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
##1: Binary
##2: Hexadecimal
##3: Decimal
##        if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'):
##            convertxtbin()
##            print ''.join(res)
##        elif whichconv 
##            convertxthex()
##        elif whichconv in('3','Decimal','decimal','Dec','dec','D','d'):
##            convertxtnum()
    except ValueError:  ##if its not numbers
        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
3: Decimal
""")    ##what conversion?
        if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): ##if 
            convertxtbin()  ##convert text to binary
        elif whichconv 
in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'): ##if hexadecimal
            convertxthex()  ##convert text to hexadecimal Line 128
        elif whichconv in('3','Decimal','decimal','Dec','dec','D','d'): ##if 
            convertxtnum()  ##convert text to decimal
        print res  ##print the list entries together on a line
    else:   ##if the text is numbers
        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
3: Text
""")    ##which conversion?
        str(original)   ##convert numbers back to a string
        convertnum()    ##convert numbers to whatever
    more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? 
")  ##more?
    if more in 'Yy':    ##if so, continue loop
    elif more in 'Nn':  ##if not,
        again = False   ##break loop
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"    ##loop 
broken, prints message
time.sleep(1.1) ##waits for 1.1 seconds so message can be read
##end of program; program closes

Thanks in advance,
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From orbitz at  Mon Jun 14 17:40:49 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Mon Jun 14 17:43:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] KeyError
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This reply may come off as harsh, but I beleive it is in your best interest to
follow it.

Delete this code and start from scratch.  What you are trying to do can be done
in atleast half the amount of code you have given, and much cleaner.  You should
really be passing parameters and using more generic functions.  This is really
not like anything any python tutorial teachs from what I've seen. Looks like you
are taking bad practices from other languages an dusing it here.

Please, just rewrite the whole thign from scratch. If you take the time to think
it over you should come up with something that works better, in less time, and
far easier to debug.

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 16:59:58 EDT wrote:

> Hello all,
> Using the command prompt to run my program, the following error occurs. I do 
> not believe it is because I'm using the command prompt because the same error 
> occurs in IDLE.  Since I used the same structure to convert text to binary as 
> I did to convert text to hexadecimal (see code below error), I do not 
> understand why the hexadecimal conversion doesn't work but the binary does. 
> Additionally, much of the commenting had not been updated and is no longer
> correct, so please disregard any apparent misunderstanding through comments.
> C:\Program Files\Python 2.3.4c1\Programming\Programs (Complete)>python 
> Please enter numbers or text to be converted. "Hello. My name is Bob," said 
> Fred.
> Convert to:
> 1: Binary
> 2: Hexadecimal
> 3: Decimal
> 2
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 128, in ?
>     convertxthex()  ##convert text to hexadecimal
>   File "", line 36, in convertxthex
>     res += hexadec[c]  ##same deal
> KeyError: 'C'
> def convertxtbin(): ##convert text to binary
>     for char in original:   ##loops over the entire entry
>         x = 0   ##allows checking every character against the entire alphabet 
> list
>         if char in punct:
>             res += char
>         elif char in alphabet:
>             while x <= 26: ##if the character is punctuation or a lowercase 
> letter
>                 if char in alphabet[x]: ##if its in the dictionary
>                     asOctal = "%o" % int(number[x])
>                     global res
>                     for c in asOctal:
>                         res += binary[c]   ##add the corresponding entry in 
> the binary list to the res list
>                     if char not in punct: ##if the character isn't punctuation
>                         res += ' ' ##add a space at the end to separate 
> numbers
>                 x += 1  ##adds 1 to the value of x so the loop doesnt go on 
> forever
>             while 26 < x <= 52: ##if the character is an uppercase letter
>                 if char in alphabet[x]: ##if the character is in the alphabet 
> dictionary
>                     asOctal = "%o" % int(number[x - 26])
>                     global res
>                     for c in asOctal:
>                         res += binary[c]  ##print the corresponding entry in 
> the binary entry (A = entry 36, so 36 - 26 = entry 10 = '01' = a)
>                     if char not in punct:    ##if character isn't punctuation
>                         res += ' ' ##add a space at the end
>                 x += 1  ##adds 1 to x so the loop ends eventually
> def convertxthex(): ##convert text to hexadecimal
>     for char in original:   ##same deal
>         x = 0   ##same deal
>         if char in punct:
>             res += char
>         elif char in alphabet:
>             while x <= 26:  ##same deal
>                 if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
>                     asHex = "%X" % int(number[x])
>                     global res
>                     for c in asHex:
>                         res += hexadec[c]  ##same deal Line 36
>                     if char not in punct:    ##same deal
>                         res += ' ' ##same deal
>                 x += 1  ##same deal
>             while 26 < x <= 52: ##same deal
>                 if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
>                     asHex = "%X" % int(number[x - 26])
>                     global res
>                     for c in asHex:
>                         res += hexadec[c] ##same deal
>                     if char not in punct:    ##same deal
>                         res += ' ' ##same deal
>                 x += 1  ##same deal
> def convertxtnum(): ##convert text to decimal
>     for char in original:   ##same deal
>         x = 0   ##same deal
>         while x <= 34:  ##same deal
>             if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
>                 res.append(number[x])   ##same deal
>                 if char not in alphabet[:8]:    ##same deal
>                     res.append(' ') ##same deal
>             x += 1  ##same deal
>         while 34 < x <= 60: ##same deal
>             if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
>                 res.append(number[x - 26])  ##same deal
>                 if char not in alphabet[:8]:    ##same deal
>                     res.append(' ') ##same deal
>             x += 1  ##same deal
> def convertnum():   ##converts numbers
>     if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): ##if user 
> wants to convert to binary
>         if int(original) <= 0:
>             print "Please enter a positive number. "   
>         try:
>             int(original)
>         except ValueError:
>             x = 0
>             if char in punct[x]:
>                 print [punct[x] for c in original] ##prints the corresponding 
> binary entry (if '12' is entered, it is treated as a string, so 
> binary[int(original) - 1] converts it to an integer and subtracts one from it
> so that the corresponding entry can be printed since the first entry in a list
> is 0
>                 x += 1
>         else:
>             asOctal = "%o" % int(original)
>             print ''.join([binary[c] for c in asOctal])     
>     elif whichconv 
> in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'):
> ##same deal
>         if original >= 0:
>             print hexadec[int(original) + 8]    ##same deal
>         else:
>             print "Please enter a positive number. " 
>     elif whichconv in('3','Text','text','T','t'):   ##same deal
>         if int(original) <= 26: ##if the number is between 8 and 27 (the 
> lowercase letters of the alphabet list
>             print alphabet[int(original) + 8]   ##it prints the corresponding 
> entry in the alphabet list
>         else:   ##if its not one of those numbers
>             print "Sorry, you didn't enter a valid number. Please enter only 
> numbers between 0 and 26." ##prints message
> import time ##for time.sleep(1.1) at end
> import string
> alphabet = [' 
> ','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s'
> ,'t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L',
> 'M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']    
> ##define the alphabet list
> punct = ['.',',',';',':','?','!','"',"'"]
> binary = {'0':'000','1':'001','2':'010',
>              '3':'011','4':'100','5':'101',
>              '6':'110','7':'111'}  ##define the binary dictionary
> number = 
> ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','
> 17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','
> 31','32','33','34']    ##defines the number entry. goes up to 34 so
> convertnum() will work under the text conversion hexadec = 
> {'0':'0','1':'1','2':'2','3':'3','4':'4','5':'5','6':'6','7':'7','8':'8','9':
> '9','10':'A','11':'B','12':'C','13':'D','14':'E','15':'F'}    
> ##defines the hexadecimal list
> res = ''    ##makes an empty list so all the conversions will work
> again = True    ##beginning condition for loop
> while again:    ##starts loop
>     original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")  
> ##enter text to be converted
>     try:
>         int(original)   ##distinguishes the numbers from the text, needs to 
> be revised to distinguish binary and hexadecimal
> ##    except TypeError:
> ##        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
> ##1: Binary
> ##2: Hexadecimal
> ##3: Decimal
> ##""")
> ##        if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'):
> ##            convertxtbin()
> ##            print ''.join(res)
> ##        elif whichconv 
> in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'):
> ##            convertxthex()
> ##        elif whichconv in('3','Decimal','decimal','Dec','dec','D','d'):
> ##            convertxtnum()
>     except ValueError:  ##if its not numbers
>         whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
> 1: Binary
> 2: Hexadecimal
> 3: Decimal
> """)    ##what conversion?
>         if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): ##if 
> binary
>             convertxtbin()  ##convert text to binary
>         elif whichconv 
> in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'):
> ##if hexadecimal
>             convertxthex()  ##convert text to hexadecimal Line 128
>         elif whichconv in('3','Decimal','decimal','Dec','dec','D','d'): ##if 
> decimal
>             convertxtnum()  ##convert text to decimal
>         print res  ##print the list entries together on a line
>     else:   ##if the text is numbers
>         whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
> 1: Binary
> 2: Hexadecimal
> 3: Text
> """)    ##which conversion?
>         str(original)   ##convert numbers back to a string
>         convertnum()    ##convert numbers to whatever
>     more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? 
> ")  ##more?
>     if more in 'Yy':    ##if so, continue loop
>         pass
>     elif more in 'Nn':  ##if not,
>         again = False   ##break loop
> print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"    ##loop 
> broken, prints message
> time.sleep(1.1) ##waits for 1.1 seconds so message can be read
> ##end of program; program closes
> Thanks in advance,
> Orri

From Dragonfirebane at  Mon Jun 14 17:50:59 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Mon Jun 14 17:51:22 2004
Subject: [Tutor] KeyError
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/14/2004 5:43:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
This reply may come off as harsh, but I beleive it is in your best interest to
follow it.

Delete this code and start from scratch.  What you are trying to do can be 
in atleast half the amount of code you have given, and much cleaner.  You 
really be passing parameters and using more generic functions.  This is really
not like anything any python tutorial teachs from what I've seen. Looks like 
are taking bad practices from other languages an dusing it here.

Please, just rewrite the whole thign from scratch. If you take the time to 
it over you should come up with something that works better, in less time, and
far easier to debug.
Whether or not I take your advice, I would like to have something to build 
off of for the new attempt, which means that i will need a semi-functional 
program (the one i'm working on now). So regardless of whether or not i start over, 
i must first finish this attempt.
-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Mon Jun 14 18:33:25 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Jun 14 18:33:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] KeyError
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 wrote:

> Using the command prompt to run my program, the following error occurs.
> I do not believe it is because I'm using the command prompt because the
> same error occurs in IDLE.  Since I used the same structure to convert
> text to binary as I did to convert text to hexadecimal (see code below
> error), I do not understand why the hexadecimal conversion doesn't work
> but the binary does.

Hi Dragonfirebane,

Ok, let's take a look.

> Additionally, much of the commenting had not been updated and is no
> longer correct, so please disregard any apparent misunderstanding
> through comments.

If the comments don't follow the code, drop the comments.

Incorrect comments do much more damage than good.  And comments that just
say "same deal" are, frankly speaking, not useful.  We can tell that it's
similar to the other conversion functions by just looking at them.

Here's converttxthex() with the comments stripped out:

def convertxthex():
    for char in original:
        x = 0
        if char in punct:
            res += char
        elif char in alphabet:
            while x <= 26:
                if char in alphabet[x]:
                    asHex = "%X" % int(number[x])
                    global res
                    for c in asHex:
                        res += hexadec[c]
                    if char not in punct:
                        res += ' '
                x += 1
            while 26 < x <= 52:
                if char in alphabet[x]:
                    asHex = "%X" % int(number[x - 26])
                    global res
                    for c in asHex:
                        res += hexadec[c]
                    if char not in punct:
                        res += ' '
                x += 1

Hmm... I'd strongly suggest reducing and simplifying the code here.  The
thing about long functions is that they're not fun to debug.  The thing
about highly nested functions is that they're hard to reason with.  Your
converttxthex is both long and deeply nested.  *grin*

Let's try shortening it first.  The bodies of both inner while loops look
almost exactly the same, so we can reduce the code by limiting the
conditional statement to the line that's varying,

asHex = "%X" % int(number[x - 26])

With this change, we can collapse those two while loops into one:

def convertxthex():
    for char in original:
        if char in punct:
            res += char
        elif char in alphabet:
            x = 0
            while x <= 52:
                if char in alphabet[x]:
                    if x <= 26:
                        asHex = "%X" % int(number[x])
                        asHex = "%X" % int(number[x - 26])
                    global res
                    for c in asHex:
                        res += hexadec[c]
                    if char not in punct:
                        res += ' '
                x += 1

At the same time, I did a little bit of reorganizing: the initialization
of 'x=0' should be close to its usage as an indexing variable, right next
to the loop: it has nothing to do with what happens if the character is
punctuation, so that's why 'x=0' belongs in the 'elif char in alphabet'

I still don't clearly understand the code's structure, since there's some
heavy nesting of the code.  I will break it out into some helper

def convertxthex():
    global res
    for char in original:
        if char in punct:
            res += char
        elif char in alphabet:

def convert_txt_hex_alphabet(char):
    global res
    x = 0
    while x <= 52:
        if char in alphabet[x]:
            if x <= 26:
                asHex = "%X" % int(number[x])
                asHex = "%X" % int(number[x - 26])
            for c in asHex:
                res += hexadec[c]
            if char not in punct:
                res += ' '
        x += 1

Ok, the structure is a little clearer here.  There are several things in
convert_txt_hex_alphabet_char() that look very fishy.  The 'hexadec'
dictionary is defined as:

hexadec =
 '9': '9',

So conceptually, it's taking in a digit string, and returning the
corresponding hexadecimal value.  But 'asHex' here is defined as:

asHex = "%X" % int(number[x])

and this has no guarantee of being a digit string.  If we try asking
'hexadex' a key/value that it doesn't have, we'll get KeyError.

In fact, take a look at what the '%X' stuff is giving you back:

>>> for i in range(16):
...     print i, "%X" % i
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 A
11 B
12 C
13 D
14 E
15 F

"%X" already does hexadecimal conversion for you, so asHex is not
guaranteed to be a digit string.  That's the bug in the program.

The approach that you're taking now is very bug-prone.  I strongly
recommend you reconsider the program's approach here.

I'd also strongly suggest that you cut down the program's behavior to just
converting between a pair of types, and get that working nicely first.
Trying to add and extend the functionality of a buggy program is not a
good idea.

A lot of the program logic can dissolve if you use 'ord()' to convert from
a character to a particular number.  ord() is a built-in function, and is
described here:

Good luck to you.

From tim at  Mon Jun 14 18:56:58 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon Jun 14 18:51:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Null Object Design Pattern Question [sentinels and
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks to all for the pointers and examples on the topic.
I believe you've given me a good handle on the NOP.


* Danny Yoo <> [040614 00:20]:
> On Sun, 13 Jun 2004, [ISO-8859-1] Gon?alo Rodrigues wrote:
> > >I have been looking at
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >which has an example of using a Null() object.
> > >
> > >Unfortunately, I'm having a problem wrapping my brain around the
> > >usefulness of this object compared to just using None.
> > >
> > >Does anyone have some further examples of the 'superiority' of this
> > >approach over *None*.
> >
> > Imagine a null object as a kind of sink: it responds to all messages
> > without barfing.
> Hi Tim,
> If you're familiar with the use of a "sentinel" to simplify a program's
> logic, then you can think of a "Null Object" as an OOP analogy to a
> sentinel.
> I like using concrete examples, and one of the nice examples where
> sentinels come in really handy is something like a Minesweeper-like game
> program.  Here's a quick link to one:
> In the game of Minesweeper, we might want to report the number of mines
> adjacent to a space.  For example, if we have:
> *...
> ....
> .*..
> ....
> we'd like to get back something like:
> *100
> 2210
> 1*10
> 1110
> If we represent a minefield as a list of rows, like this:
> minefield = ['*...',
>              '....',
>              '.*..',
>              '....']
> and if we wanted to get the number of mines at an
> arbitrary row and col, we might write something like:
> ###
> def countMines(row, col):
>     """Returns the number of mines around position(row, col)."""
>     count = 0
>     for i in [-1, 0, 1]:
>         for j in [-1, 0, 1]:
>             if minefield[row + i][col +j] == '*':
>                 count += 1
>     return count
> ###
> The only problem is that this code doesn't work.  *grin*
> ###
> >>> countMines(3, 3)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>   File "<stdin>", line 6, in countMines
> IndexError: string index out of range
> ###
> The problem is that there's this special logic around the edges of the
> board, so our beautiful countMines() function malfunctions around the
> board edges.
> One way to fix countMines() is to add special-case logic into countMines()
> for counting mines around the edges of the board, maybe something like:
> ###
> if not (0 <= row + i < 4): continue
> ###
> But there's another way of fixing the problem, and it involves using
> sentinels.  In effect, we take something like:
> *...
> ....
> .*..
> ....
> and wrap a sentinel border of '=' characters around the whole game board:
> ======
> =*...=
> =....=
> =.*..=
> =....=
> ======
> With this sentinel border, the code doesn't have to worry about the edge
> of the board so much.  If I ask for the number of mines on the
> bottom-right corner --- countMines(4, 4) --- then we're perfectly ok,
> since we don't go off the board.  Does this make sense?
> Null Objects perform a similar function: they are "sentinels" that allow
> us to simplify our main code, so that we don't have to worry so much about
> the special case of handling a reference to None.
> Hope this helps!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Tim Johnson <>

From Dragonfirebane at  Mon Jun 14 21:08:54 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Mon Jun 14 21:09:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Local/Global Variable
Message-ID: <>

It is my understanding that if python does not find a variable locally, it is 
coded to look for it globally. However, every time i attempt to run a certain 
program, it comes up with an UnboundLocalError despite the fact that i 
defined the variable outside of the loop in the outermost area of code. Short of 
inserting 'global variablename' in every loop, is there any way to remedy this? 
Relevant segment(s) of code:

def convertnum():
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): 
        if int(original) <= 0:                                  
            print "Please enter a positive number. "
        except ValueError:
            x = 0
            for char in original:
                if char in punct:
                    res += char
                x += 1
            asOctal = "%o" % int(original)
            for char in asOctal:
                res += str(binary[char])    ##heres the problem . . .

res = ''
again = True
while again:
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
    print res


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Python 2.3.4c1\Programming\Programs 
(Complete)\", line 147, in ?
    convertnum()    ##convert numbers to whatever
  File "C:\Program Files\Python 2.3.4c1\Programming\Programs 
(Complete)\", line 83, in convertnum
    res += str(binary[char])
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'res' referenced before assignment
-------------- next part --------------
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From orbitz at  Mon Jun 14 21:51:56 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Mon Jun 14 21:52:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Local/Global Variable
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The eror only shows itself when you do semthing like:

globalvar = 1

def foo():
  globalvar += 1

The interpreter see's yoau re assignign, and decides to think it's a local

The remedy is easy:
def foo():
  global globalvar
  globalvar += 1

You don't need to do it in every loop ro anything, since loops don't have thier
own scope  Anything you wish to do this with, you just can do it at the
beginning of your method, or before you use the variable atleast.

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 21:08:54 EDT wrote:

> It is my understanding that if python does not find a variable locally, it is 
> coded to look for it globally. However, every time i attempt to run a certain 
> program, it comes up with an UnboundLocalError despite the fact that i 
> defined the variable outside of the loop in the outermost area of code. Short
> of inserting 'global variablename' in every loop, is there any way to remedy
> this? Relevant segment(s) of code:
> def convertnum():
>     if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): 
>         if int(original) <= 0:                                  
>             print "Please enter a positive number. "
>         try:
>             int(original)
>         except ValueError:
>             x = 0
>             for char in original:
>                 if char in punct:
>                     res += char
>                 x += 1
>         else:
>             asOctal = "%o" % int(original)
>             for char in asOctal:
>                 res += str(binary[char])    ##heres the problem . . .
>     ...
> ...
> res = ''
> again = True
> while again:
>     ...
>     original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")
>     ...
>     str(original)
>     convertnum()
>     print res
> Error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Program Files\Python 2.3.4c1\Programming\Programs 
> (Complete)\", line 147, in ?
>     convertnum()    ##convert numbers to whatever
>   File "C:\Program Files\Python 2.3.4c1\Programming\Programs 
> (Complete)\", line 83, in convertnum
>     res += str(binary[char])
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'res' referenced before assignment

From Dragonfirebane at  Mon Jun 14 22:44:19 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Mon Jun 14 22:45:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] KeyError
Message-ID: <>

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
def convertxtbin():                                             ##convert text to binary
    for char in original:                                       ##loops over the entire entry
        global res
        x = 0                                                   ##allows checking every character against the entire alphabet list
        if char in punct:                                       ##if character is punctuation
            res = split(res)                                    ##prints contents of res into a list and names it res
            res.append(' ')                                     ##adds a space at the end
            del res[-1]                                         ##deletes the space
            res = ' '.join(res)                                 ##returns res to string form
            res += char                                         ##adds punctuation
        elif char in alphabet:                                  ##if the character is in the alphabet
            while x <= 26:                                      ##if the character is  a lowercase letter or space
                if char in alphabet[x]:                         ##redundant. only there to allow x += 1 to stay inside the while loop but outside the ifs
                    asOctal = "%o" % int(number[x])             ##converts alphabet number (a = 1) to an unsigned octal
                    for char in asOctal:                        ##for character in resulting octal
                        res += binary[char]                     ##add the corresponding entry in the binary list to the res list
                    if char not in punct:                       ##if the character isn't punctuation
                        res += ' '                              ##add a space at the end to separate numbers
                x += 1                                          ##adds 1 to the value of x so the loop doesnt go on forever
            while 26 < x <= 52:                                 ##if the character is an uppercase letter
                if char in alphabet[x]:                         ##if the character is in the alphabet dictionary
                    asOctal = "%o" % int(number[x - 26])        ##converts alphabet number (A = 1) to an unsigned octal
                    for char in asOctal:
                        res += binary[char]
                    if char not in punct:
                        res += ' '
                x += 1
def convertxthex():                                             ##convert text to hexadecimal
    for char in original:
        global res
        x = 0    
        if char in punct:
            res = split(res)                                    
            res.append(' ')                                     
            del res[-1]                                         
            res = ' '.join(res)                                 
            res += char                                         
        elif char in alphabet:
            while x <= 26:   
                if char in alphabet[x]:  
                    asHex = "%X" % int(number[x])               ##convert alphabet number to corresponding Hexadecimal number
                    res += asHex                                ##add hexadecimal number to string
                    if char not in punct:
                        res += ' '
                x += 1
            while 26 < x <= 52:
                if char in alphabet[x]:
                    asHex = "%X" % int(number[x - 26])          ##convert alphabet number to corresponding hex number
                    res += asHex  
                    if char not in punct:     
                        res += ' '  
                x += 1   
def convertxtnum():                                             ##convert text to decimal
    for char in original:
        global res
        x = 0
        if char in punct:
            res = split(res)                                    
            res.append(' ')                                     
            del res[-1]                                         
            res = ' '.join(res)                                 
            res += char                                         
        elif char in alphabet:
            while x <= 52:   
                if x == 0:
                    if char == alphabet[x]:                     ##if character is a space
                        res += '%d' % int(ord(char) - 32)       ##add a space to the string
                        if char not in punct:
                            res += ' '
                    x += 1
                elif 0 < x <= 26:                               ##if character is a lowercase letter
                    if char in alphabet[x]:
                        res += '%d' % int(ord(char) - 96)       ##add corresponding number to string
                        if char not in punct:     
                            res += ' '  
                    x += 1   
                elif 26 < x <= 52:                              ##if character is an uppercase letter
                    if char in alphabet[x]:  
                        res += '%d' % int(ord(char) - 64)
                        if char not in punct:     
                            res += ' '  
                    x += 1   
def convertnum():                                               ##converts numbers
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): ##if user wants to convert to binary
        if int(original) <= 0:                                  ##if negative number entered
            global res
            global original
            res += '-'
            original = -int(original)
        except ValueError:
            x = 0
            for char in original:
                if char in punct:
                    res += char
                x += 1
            asOctal = "%o" % int(original)
            for char in asOctal:
                res += str(binary[char])
    elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'):  
        if int(original) <= 0:
            res += '-'
            original = -int(original) 
        asHex = "%X" % int(original)
        res += asHex
    elif whichconv in('3','Text','text','T','t'):    
        if int(original) == 0:
            res += '%s' % chr(int(original) + 32)
        elif 0 < int(original) <= 26: ##if the number is between 8 and 27 (the lowercase letters of the alphabet list
            res += '%s' % chr(int(original) + 96)
        elif 26 < int(original) <= 52:
            res += '%s' % chr(int(original) - 64)
        else:   ##if its not one of those numbers
            print "Sorry, you didn't enter a valid number. Please enter only numbers between 0 and 26." ##prints message

import time ##for time.sleep(1.1) at end
import string

alphabet = [' ','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']    ##define the alphabet list
punct = ['-','.',',',';',':','?','!','"',"'"]
binary = {'0':'000','1':'001','2':'010',
             '6':'110','7':'111'}  ##define the binary dictionary
number = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34']    ##defines the number entry. goes up to 34 so convertnum() will work under the text conversion
hexadec = {'0':'0','1':'1','2':'2','3':'3','4':'4','5':'5','6':'6','7':'7','8':'8','9':'9','10':'A','11':'B','12':'C','13':'D','14':'E','15':'F'}    ##defines the hexadecimal list

allconv = ''
res = ''
again = True    ##beginning condition for loop
while again:    ##starts loop
    res = ''    ##makes an empty list so all the conversions will work
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")  ##enter text to be converted
        int(original)   ##distinguishes the numbers from the text, needs to be revised to distinguish binary and hexadecimal
##    except TypeError:
##        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
##1: Binary
##2: Hexadecimal
##3: Decimal
##        if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'):
##            convertxtbin()
##            print ''.join(res)
##        elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'):
##            convertxthex()
##        elif whichconv in('3','Decimal','decimal','Dec','dec','D','d'):
##            convertxtnum()
    except ValueError:  ##if its not numbers
        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
3: Decimal
""")    ##what conversion?
        if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): ##if binary
            convertxtbin()  ##convert text to binary
        elif whichconv in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'): ##if hexadecimal
            convertxthex()  ##convert text to hexadecimal
        elif whichconv in('3','Decimal','decimal','Dec','dec','D','d'): ##if decimal
            convertxtnum()  ##convert text to decimal
        print res  ##print the list entries together on a line
    else:   ##if the text is numbers
        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
3: Text
""")    ##which conversion?
        str(original)   ##convert numbers back to a string
        convertnum()    ##convert numbers to whatever
        print res
    allconv += res + '_____'
    more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? ")  ##more?
    if more in 'Yy':    ##if so, continue loop
    elif more in 'Nn':  ##if not,
        again = False   ##break loop
callconv = raw_input("Would you like to see all the conversions made during this session [y/n]? ")
if callconv in('y','Y','1','yes','Yes'):
    print allconv
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"    ##loop broken, prints message
time.sleep(1.1) ##waits for 1.1 seconds so message can be read
##end of program; program closes
From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 15 02:38:04 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Jun 15 02:37:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Local/Global Variable
References: <>
Message-ID: <003701c452a3$50111460$6401a8c0@xp>

> It is my understanding that if python does not find a variable
locally, it is
> coded to look for it globally.

Correct, where globally means in the same file but outside any
class or functionn definitions.

> defined the variable outside of the loop in the outermost area of
code. Short of
> inserting 'global variablename' in every loop, is there any way to
remedy this?
> Relevant segment(s) of code:

You only need to put the global declaration in the function not in
each loop.

Thus in your sample you could put the global statement as the
first statement inside the function.

> def convertnum():
      global res
>     if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'):
>         if int(original) <= 0:

>             for char in original:
>                 if char in punct:
>                     res += char

Note that if you had not been assigning a value to res you would
not need the global statement, but because you are trying to assign
to it PYthon is attempting to create a local variable called res.
But because the value of res relies on res (effectively you are

res = res + 1

which Python cannot compute)

> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'res' referenced before assignment

Which is why the error is phrased the way it is.

Python makes use of global variables slightly awkward for the very
good reason that global variables are bad pratice, so you have to
have a good reason for using them. In most cases where you might
try to use a global it is better to pass a parameter in or return
a value. Python ties quite hard to encourage good programming
habits while not preventing you from avoiding them if you really
need to.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Tue Jun 15 02:42:04 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Jun 15 02:41:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Local/Global Variable
References: <>
Message-ID: <004d01c452a3$df0685b0$6401a8c0@xp>

> The eror only shows itself when you do semthing like:
> globalvar = 1
> def foo():
>   globalvar += 1
> The interpreter see's yoau re assignign, and decides to think it's a
> variable.

Normally you'd be right but in this case the actual error he got can
be found in this situation too:

def foo():
   bar += 1

And could be solved with:

def foo():
   bar = 0
   bar += 1

In both cases the += operator needs a predefined variable to
compute the result. Whether it is global or not is a variant on
the problem but not directly related.

Alan G

From rumpy at  Tue Jun 15 17:13:38 2004
From: rumpy at (Josh Eror)
Date: Tue Jun 15 17:12:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] On-line courses.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Folks,

I'm very interested if taking a Python Course to accelerate my learning. My 
preference is for a Web Course if possible, but I'd certainly attend a boot 
camp type training. The cost of the course isn't so much of an issue. If it's 
good, and recommended here, I'll buck up for it.

BTW, the many Python Books I have are great. I have learned a great deal 
already. It's simply a matter of wanting to pick up the pace and try a 
different mechanism for absorbing the subject.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions,


From magnus at  Tue Jun 15 18:33:46 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Jun 15 18:34:00 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gT24tbGluZSBjb3Vyc2VzLg==?=
Message-ID: <>

There aren't so many commercial offerings for Python courses that I 
know of. Also, I don't know where in the world you are...

If you visit OSCON in july, you'll get a chance to attend some Python
tutorials, but note that early bird registration ends June 18!

Otherwise there are some well known Python trainers in the USA, such
as Wesley Chun and
Mark Lutz . You just missed one
of Mark's classes in Colorado...

There are more trainers out there, but these are the ones I know of
in the US who regularly give open classes. Others do on-site training 
for companies etc.

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fr?n: Josh Eror <>
Skickat: 2004-06-15  23:13:38
?mne: [Tutor] On-line courses.

> Hi Folks,
> I'm very interested if taking a Python Course to accelerate my learning. My 
> preference is for a Web Course if possible, but I'd certainly attend a boot 
> camp type training. The cost of the course isn't so much of an issue. If it's 
> good, and recommended here, I'll buck up for it.
> BTW, the many Python Books I have are great. I have learned a great deal 
> already. It's simply a matter of wanting to pick up the pace and try a 
> different mechanism for absorbing the subject.
> Thanks in advance for your suggestions,
> Josh.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From gubbs at  Tue Jun 15 21:23:03 2004
From: gubbs at (Conrad Gavin)
Date: Tue Jun 15 20:11:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
Message-ID: <1087348983.10755.6.camel@drachenfels>

Hi there. 

I'm trying to write a simple little cgi-script that executes pstree and
echos/prints the output to the webpage ..

Clearly I am doing it wrong, as it will not work. 

Here's my code:


import os
cmd = "pstree"
status = os.system(cmd)
print "Status:", status

When I run it .. I get the following error from Apache:

[Wed Jun 16 01:18:14 2004] [error] [client] malformed
header from script. Bad header=init-+-5*[agetty]:

When run from the python intepreter its clearly working:

[drachenfels][~/Desktop]$ python 
     |          |-kblockd/0
     |          |-2*[pdflush]
     |          `-reiserfs/0
     |                               `-gnome-session
Status: 0

I suspect there's something wrong with the way I am outputting .. as the
first line of the program's output is being fed directly to apache by
the looks of it, which is righlty getting very confused. 

How can I make this work out?

-------------- next part --------------
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From flaxeater at  Tue Jun 15 23:20:29 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Tue Jun 15 23:20:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <1087348983.10755.6.camel@drachenfels>
Message-ID: <>

--- Conrad Gavin <> wrote:
> Hi there. 
> I'm trying to write a simple little cgi-script that executes pstree
> and
> echos/prints the output to the webpage ..
> Clearly I am doing it wrong, as it will not work. 
> Here's my code:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import os
> cmd = "pstree"
> status = os.system(cmd)
> print "Status:", status
Ok this is an easy one.  I also had this problem at first with cgi. 
you need to put 
print "text/plain/n/n"
in this case at the begining of the script this tells apache to tell
the browser whats going on.  Otherwise apache croaks.  If you
outputing html then type
print "text/html/n/n"

The two caraiage returns are important.  There you go good luck

Do you Yahoo!?
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 

From carroll at  Wed Jun 16 01:14:54 2004
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed Jun 16 01:15:00 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Printing a progress bar
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004, Dave S wrote:

> Some of the code I have written handels a lot of data, I would like to 
> add a progress bar.

I use Randy Pargman's progress bar from ; I find it 
does the job nicely.

From dyoo at  Wed Jun 16 18:53:54 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Jun 16 19:06:49 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <1087428070.29204.4.camel@drachenfels>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, Conrad Gavin wrote:

> Btw did you test this script on your own apache before sending it to me?
> Did it work?

Good question.  No.  *grin*

I have tested the following version of the code:

import sys
import os
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n")
cmd = "/usr/bin/pstree"
status = os.popen(cmd).read()
print status

I can confirm that this works on my machine.

The major fix here is to use os.popen() instead of os.system().
os.system() returns the "errorlevel" of the program, not its standard
output.  os.popen() is probably what you want to use to capture the output
of other programs.

Good luck!

From magnus at  Wed Jun 16 20:07:47 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 17 06:13:58 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gT24tbGluZSBjb3Vyc2VzLg==?=
Message-ID: <>

BTW, I stumbled over this:

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Wed Jun 16 19:59:29 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 17 06:14:39 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gT24tbGluZSBjb3Vyc2VzLg==?=
Message-ID: <>

> Thank you Magnus. I have to say that I'm a little surprised this niche has yet 
> to filled. On-line education still seems to be struggling to develop 
> curriculum that can teach more advanced subjects. Oh well, thanks again.

I think there are two "problems" here:

One is that Python isn't so widely used in the commercial sector that
companies frequently decide to send employees on Python training. While
a lot of people (like me) use Python in a commercial environment, this
is often a grass roots effort, rather than a corporate strategy--simply
because there is no big sales force that market Python to management.

Secondly, Python is easy to learn, so people typically don't feel a big
need for formal training. But I agree that formal training might give
you a kick-start which is helpful.

There are plenty of on-line Python tutorials though, and I think the
people on the Tutor mailing list are very helpful in assisting people
who are trying to learn Python. But I think you are right. I'm wondering
what it would take to get an on-line Python-course to work...

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dyoo at  Wed Jun 16 14:33:22 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun 17 06:16:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Chad Crabtree wrote:

> --- Conrad Gavin <> wrote:
> > Hi there.
> >
> > I'm trying to write a simple little cgi-script that executes pstree
> > and
> > echos/prints the output to the webpage ..
> >
> > Clearly I am doing it wrong, as it will not work.
> >
> > Here's my code:
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/python
> >
> > import os
> > cmd = "pstree"
> > status = os.system(cmd)
> > print "Status:", status
> >
> Ok this is an easy one.  I also had this problem at first with cgi.
> you need to put
> print "text/plain/n/n"
> The two caraiage returns are important.  There you go good luck

Hi Chad,

Small correction: this should really be:

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"

according to the CGI spec:

The reason why the Content-type header is important, and why it has to be
explicitely defined, is because CGI programs can generate more than
dynamic text content: CGI's can just as easily do things like dynamic
images.  Page counters are one example of such a dynamic image CGI.

Hope this helps!

From clavezza at  Wed Jun 16 16:22:54 2004
From: clavezza at (christopher lavezza)
Date: Thu Jun 17 07:26:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] FW: Module 1 question
Message-ID: <>

Can anyone help us out with this problem in our script?

>From: Chad Varner <>
>Subject: Module 1 question
>Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 20:47:29 -0500
>	Did you get an answer from your professor on what he is looking for on
>these modules?
>Also, I've tried running our code and it keeps giving me the following
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 23, in ?
>     a.deposit(550.23)
>   File "", line 8, in deposit
>     t=time.strtime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime(time.time()
>+ 0))
>AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'strtime'
>Could you pass the error on to that guy you know in Colorado,and see if
>he can explain what the @#$# is wrong exactly?
>Chad Varner <>

Get fast, reliable Internet access with MSN 9 Dial-up – now 3 months FREE!

From gubbs at  Wed Jun 16 17:14:55 2004
From: gubbs at (Conrad Gavin)
Date: Thu Jun 17 08:15:41 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1087420495.7415.7.camel@drachenfels>

On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 18:33, Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Chad Crabtree wrote:
> > --- Conrad Gavin <> wrote:
> > > Hi there.
> > >
> > > I'm trying to write a simple little cgi-script that executes pstree
> > > and
> > > echos/prints the output to the webpage ..
> > >
> > > Clearly I am doing it wrong, as it will not work.
> > >
> > > Here's my code:
> > >
> > > #!/usr/bin/python
> > >
> > > import os
> > > cmd = "pstree"
> > > status = os.system(cmd)
> > > print "Status:", status
> > >
> > Ok this is an easy one.  I also had this problem at first with cgi.
> > you need to put
> > print "text/plain/n/n"
> >
> > The two caraiage returns are important.  There you go good luck
> Hi Chad,
> Small correction: this should really be:
> ###
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"
> ###
> according to the CGI spec:
> The reason why the Content-type header is important, and why it has to be
> explicitely defined, is because CGI programs can generate more than
> dynamic text content: CGI's can just as easily do things like dynamic
> images.  Page counters are one example of such a dynamic image CGI.
> Hope this helps!

My script still doesnt work. 

I sent an email to the list earlier in reply to Chad's original message
but it was not posted for some reason?

Anyway, here it is again .. 


That doesnt seem to work either .. 
My code now:



import os

print "text/plain/n/n"

cmd = "pstree"

status = os.system(cmd)

print status

I have tried placing print "text/plain/n/n" and the 'html'
varianteverywhere in the program it can feasably go (marked by the ^
symbol above), checked the permissions of the file etc. It still doesnt
work, the same error appears in the log:

[Wed Jun 16 13:15:14 2004] [error] [client] malformed
header from script. Bad header=init-+-5*[agetty]:

I am usingapache-2.0.49-r3, IDLE to write and save my script with and
python-2.3.4. I am then moving it as root to /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin
and chmod 755'ing it and then chmod +x _just_ to be absolutely certain.

It seems to be running tho, as the error is pretty indicative of the
line you suggested not being parsed or being ignored. 

This is why I asked really, I found a website that suggested using the
solution you offered but it didnt work .. 

I'm pretty much stumped. :(

Could you possibly place a working version on your server I could surf
too? At least then I would be absolutely certain it was a problem with
my end not the method .. 

I have confirmed my cgi works:

Sorry to be a bother!


Since Danny's message, I tried his suggestion also:


print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"

import os

cmd = "pstree"

status = os.system(cmd)

print status

Oddly. It still does not work. 

I should add .. other scripts (which do not use the os module work just

Any further advise? :(

-------------- next part --------------
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Type: application/pgp-signature
Size: 189 bytes
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From gubbs at  Wed Jun 16 09:36:12 2004
From: gubbs at (Conrad Gavin)
Date: Thu Jun 17 08:37:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1087392972.5678.20.camel@drachenfels>

> --- Conrad Gavin <> wrote:
> > Hi there. 
> > 
> > I'm trying to write a simple little cgi-script that executes pstree
> > and
> > echos/prints the output to the webpage ..
> > 
> > Clearly I am doing it wrong, as it will not work. 
> > 
> > Here's my code:
> > 
> > #!/usr/bin/python
> > 
> > import os
> > cmd = "pstree"
> > status = os.system(cmd)
> > print "Status:", status
> > 
> Ok this is an easy one.  I also had this problem at first with cgi. 
> you need to put 
> print "text/plain/n/n"
> in this case at the begining of the script this tells apache to tell
> the browser whats going on.  Otherwise apache croaks.  If you
> outputing html then type
> print "text/html/n/n"
> The two caraiage returns are important.  There you go good luck

That doesnt seem to work either .. 
My code now:



import os

print "text/plain/n/n"

cmd = "pstree"

status = os.system(cmd)

print status

I have tried placing print "text/plain/n/n" and the 'html'
varianteverywhere in the program it can feasably go (marked by the ^
above), checked the permissions of the file etc. It still doesnt work,
the same error appears in the log:

[Wed Jun 16 13:15:14 2004] [error] [client] malformed
header from script. Bad header=init-+-5*[agetty]:

I am usingapache-2.0.49-r3, IDLE to write and save my script with and
python-2.3.4. I am then moving it as root to /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin
and chmod 755'ing it and then chmod +x _just_ to be absolutely certain.

It seems to be running tho, as the error is pretty indicative of the
line you suggested not being parsed or being ignored. 

This is why I asked really, I found a website that suggested using the
solution you offered but it didnt work .. 

I'm pretty much stumped. :(

Could you possibly place a working version on your server I could surf
too? At least then I would be absolutely certain it was a problem with
my end not the method .. 

I have confirmed my cgi works:

Sorry to be a bother!

-------------- next part --------------
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From pythonTutor at  Thu Jun 17 11:55:45 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Thu Jun 17 11:56:57 2004
Subject: [Tutor] FW: Module 1 question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The error message says that strtime is NOT FOUND in the time module.

If you run pyton, import time and type dir(time), you will notice that
time contains strftime.  You can print out its docstring and get a brief
description.  I've pasted the commands and results below.

$ python
Python 2.3.3 (#1, Jan 29 2004, 12:42:14)
[GCC 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import time
>>> dir(time)
['__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'accept2dyear', 'altzone',
'asctime', 'clock', 'ctime', 'daylight', 'gmtime', 'localtime',
'mktime', 'sleep', 'strftime', 'strptime', 'struct_time', 'time',
'timezone', 'tzname', 'tzset']
>>> print time.strftime.__doc__
strftime(format[, tuple]) -> string
Convert a time tuple to a string according to a format specification.
See the library reference manual for formatting codes. When the time
is not present, current time as returned by localtime() is used.

In other words, you mistyped the name of the function.

On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 16:22, christopher lavezza wrote:
> Can anyone help us out with this problem in our script?
> >From: Chad Varner <>
> >To:
> >Subject: Module 1 question
> >Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 20:47:29 -0500
> >
> >Chris,
> >
> >	Did you get an answer from your professor on what he is looking for on
> >these modules?
> >
> >Also, I've tried running our code and it keeps giving me the following
> >error:
> >
> >Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "", line 23, in ?
> >     a.deposit(550.23)
> >   File "", line 8, in deposit
> >     t=time.strtime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime(time.time()
> >+ 0))
> >AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'strtime'
> >
> >Could you pass the error on to that guy you know in Colorado,and see if
> >he can explain what the @#$# is wrong exactly?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >--
> >Chad Varner <>
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
> Get fast, reliable Internet access with MSN 9 Dial-up  now 3 months FREE! 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From dyoo at  Wed Jun 16 18:38:30 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun 17 13:19:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <1087428029.29204.2.camel@drachenfels>
Message-ID: <>

[Conrad, please keep in CC.  That way, even if I'm gone
for the day, you'll still give the others there a chance to answer your

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, Conrad Gavin wrote:

> That didnt make much difference sadly ..
> ###
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"
> import os
> cmd = "/usr/bin/pstree"
> status = os.system(cmd)
> print status
> ###
> Produces the same error:
> [Wed Jun 16 23:17:38 2004] [error] [client] (8)Exec format
> error: exec of '/var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/pstree' failed
> [Wed Jun 16 23:17:38 2004] [error] [client] Premature end of
> script headers: pstree

That error is different from the one you were reporting earlier.
Remember, Apache originally reported:

[Wed Jun 16 01:18:14 2004] [error] [client] malformed
header from script. Bad header=init-+-5*[agetty]:

But what Apache is saying now, with,

> [Wed Jun 16 23:17:38 2004] [error] [client] (8)Exec format
> error: exec of '/var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/pstree' failed

is that it can't even execute the 'pstree' script anymore.  When we're
debugging, we have to be aware of what kind of error is being reported,
and not just that an error is occuring.

What happens if you say:

    $ /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/pstree

from your command line?  Is the magic line:


the very first line of your script?

Good luck.

From pythontut at  Thu Jun 17 13:33:52 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Thu Jun 17 13:34:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] floating point range() ?
Message-ID: <>

Is there a floating point range() type builtin ?

I need to generate a sequence for a 'for loop' every 0.5

for i in reange(0,1000,5)
    print j

The above works but seems clumbsy.

Is there a better way ?


From dyoo at  Wed Jun 16 17:09:07 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun 17 14:19:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <1087420495.7415.7.camel@drachenfels>
Message-ID: <>

> Since Danny's message, I tried his suggestion also:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"
> import os
> cmd = "pstree"
> status = os.system(cmd)
> print status
> Oddly. It still does not work.

The environment that CGI's run under is more restricted than your own.
In particular, the PATH is probably a lot more restricted when the CGI
runs under Apache.

Try using an absolute path for your executables.  If pstree lives under
/usr/bin, then:

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"
import os
cmd = "/usr/bin/pstree"
status = os.system(cmd)
print status

is better.  When writing any CGI application, all external resources
should probably be absolute-pathed to avoid these kinds of problems.

More importantly, whenever we develop a CGI, we should also use the
invaluable 'cgitb' traceback-reporting module:

If something bad happens during the CGI program execution, the traceback
monitor should capture the error so that you can get some good debugging
output.  It's a lot better than seeing "Internal Server Error".

So try doing:


import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"
import os
cmd = "/usr/bin/pstree"
status = os.system(cmd)
print status

Good luck!

From dyoo at  Thu Jun 17 13:34:28 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun 17 19:04:40 2004
Subject: [Tutor] FW: Module 1 question
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, christopher lavezza wrote:

> Can anyone help us out with this problem in our script?

Hi Christopher,

Let's take a closer look at the error.

> >Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "", line 23, in ?
> >     a.deposit(550.23)
> >   File "", line 8, in deposit
> >     t=time.strtime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime(time.time()
> >+ 0))
> >AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'strtime'

Ok, it sounds like you're trying to use a function called 'strtime' in the
'time' module:

Unfortunately, there is no such function named 'strtime'. The author
probably mistyped 'strftime', which translates a time value to a nicely
formatted string.

Hope this helps!

From tim at  Thu Jun 17 22:34:55 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Thu Jun 17 22:29:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What Eval() Hath Men Wrought
Message-ID: <>

<gr>Couldn't resist that subject since I hear
the eval (the built-in) is 'evil'. </gr>

I've been looking through the Python Cookbook, and
there's an example at
look for 
  class Eval:
     # ...... code following

This appears to be a handy class, but given the concerns about
built-in function eval, I would welcome comments and caveats.


Tim Johnson <>

From kp8 at  Fri Jun 18 13:36:10 2004
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Fri Jun 18 13:59:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
Message-ID: <>

hi all.

I have a bit of a task that i have been doing by hand, but as it turns 
out there is pages and pages more of this so i would like to make a 
python script that does this work and have it handy.

I have a list that has several columns like so:

1    1    1    00:23
1    2    2    8:23
1    3    3    9:41
1    4    3    10:47
1    5    3     11:21

What this is a list that has tape number, program number, item number 
and start time for a recording.

What i want to do is append the duration to the end of this list by 
subtracting the start of the item from the start time of the next so 
that the first line would look like:

1    1    1    00:23    08:00
1    2    2    8:23      01:18


So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and 
adding one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It is 
the time math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if 
there is a module that does time math? or a method for doing this by 


kevin parks

From michele.alzetta at  Fri Jun 18 08:29:56 2004
From: michele.alzetta at (Michele Alzetta)
Date: Fri Jun 18 14:01:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New keyword ?
Message-ID: <1087561796.3288.34.camel@localhost>

I'm still fiddling with timespans - only I've just found out that
WxPython has something with the same name but fundamentally different
( WxPythons' is an abstract periods of time, mine is a period with a
precise beginning and end, from which of course the abstract period can
be obtained) .. so I've started calling my class Period.

Besides the _contains_ function, I've added an olaps function which
returns true not only if a period is entirely contained in another, but
also if it overlaps. Here is the code:

from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta

class Period(object):
    def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
        self.starttime = datetime(*startimetuple)
        self.endtime = datetime(*endtimetuple)
	self.isPeriod = True
    def __contains__(self, period):
	    if period.isPeriod:
                return (self.starttime <= period.starttime) and \
                       (self.endtime >= period.endtime)
	except AttributeError:
            moment = datetime(*period)
	    return (self.starttime <= moment <= self.endtime)
    def length(self):
        return self.endtime - self.starttime
    def olaps(self, period):
           if period.isPeriod:
                return (( self.starttime < period.starttime \
                < self.endtime) \
                or ( self.starttime < period.endtime < self.endtime ))
        except AttributeError:
                moment = datetime(*period)
                return (self.starttime <= moment \
 		<=    self.endtime)                

As I understand it, the 'in' keyword calls my __contains__ function,

> week1 in fortnight1

Whereas to call my olaps function I have to do this:

> periodinstance.olaps(otherinstance)

Is it possible to create a new keyword (say, 'ovlps') to call my
function like this:

> week1 ovlps fortnight
If it is possible, would it be desirable ?

Michele Alzetta <>

From gubbs at  Fri Jun 18 15:56:02 2004
From: gubbs at (Conrad Gavin)
Date: Fri Jun 18 16:06:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1087588562.5793.6.camel@drachenfels>

On Thu, 2004-06-17 at 16:45, R. Alan Monroe wrote:
> > print "text/plain/n/n"
> This should probably be:
> print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"

Yes, my bad. 

NB: With regard the previous post, I am finding similar things on google
about python's seemingly dogey co-exhistence with Apache.

Seems to be more or less what I am experiencing ...

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From gubbs at  Fri Jun 18 15:50:08 2004
From: gubbs at (Conrad Gavin)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:24:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1087588208.5793.3.camel@drachenfels>

On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 22:53, Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, Conrad Gavin wrote:
> > Btw did you test this script on your own apache before sending it to me?
> > Did it work?
> Good question.  No.  *grin*
> I have tested the following version of the code:
> ######
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import sys
> import os
> import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
> sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n")
> cmd = "/usr/bin/pstree"
> status = os.popen(cmd).read()
> print status
> ######
> I can confirm that this works on my machine.
> The major fix here is to use os.popen() instead of os.system().
> os.system() returns the "errorlevel" of the program, not its standard
> output.  os.popen() is probably what you want to use to capture the output
> of other programs.
> Good luck!

Danny .. this is still not working for me! I have tested it on a remote
server running Apache 1.3 in addition to my local machine running Apache

I have ensured that the user Apache runs as owns the script and that all
paths and permissions are correct and it _still_ returns a 500
'Premature end of script Headers' error ...

I am pretty much conceeding defeat at this point since it works
perfectly well as a python script but not it seems as a cgi one. 

There has to be a bug somewhere because this really seems dumb to me ..

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From John.Ertl at  Fri Jun 18 17:50:17 2004
From: John.Ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:25:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] XSV validating XML with a schema
Message-ID: <>

I have been putting off the schema portion of a web service long enough so I
wrote a schema for the XML that I produce.  Now I need to validate it.  The
idea is this will also let me know if my schema is OK.

I loaded XSV and all of the other files.

I used the following code.

from XSV.driver import runit
import sys

xmlfile         = "tmdXML.xml"
schemafile      = "tmdschema.xsd"

res = runit(xmlfile, [schemafile])

#res[0].printme(sys.stdout) ######  this line always gives me an error
                                          ######  Traceback (most recent
call last):
                                          ######  File "./", line
11, in ?
                                          ######  res[0].printme(sys.stdout)
                                          ###### TypeError: printme() takes
at least 4 arguments (2 given)

print res

The output I get is:
(<XSV.infoset.XMLInfoset.Element instance at 0x4067d90c>, None, [],
<XSV.compile.SSchema.SSchema instance at 0x40433ecc>)

What does this mean?  I could not find documentation anywhere. 

Is XSV the best way to go?


John Ertl

From amonroe at  Thu Jun 17 12:45:18 2004
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:30:02 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <1087392972.5678.20.camel@drachenfels>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> print "text/plain/n/n"

This should probably be:
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"

From darnold02 at  Fri Jun 18 18:59:32 2004
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:33:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Just convert each time to minutes, do the subtraction, then convert back.
Off the top of my head, but hopefully close to correct:

MINS_PER_DAY = 60 * 24

startTimes = ['00:23','8:23','17:45','00:17']

def convertToMins(timeStr):
    hh, mm = timeStr.split(':')
    return int(hh) * 60 + int(mm)

def convertFromMins(minutes):
    hh, mm = divmod(minutes,60)
    return '%02d:%02d' % (hh, mm)

for i in range(len(startTimes) - 1):
    begin = startTimes[i]
    end = startTimes[i + 1]

    beginAsMins = convertToMins(begin)
    endAsMins = convertToMins(end)

    if endAsMins < beginAsMins: #rolled over midnight
        endAsMins += MINS_PER_DAY

    print 'begin: %-6s  end: %-6s  duration: %-6s' % \
            (begin, end, convertFromMins(endAsMins - beginAsMins))

begin: 00:23   end: 8:23    duration: 08:00 
begin: 8:23    end: 17:45   duration: 09:22 
begin: 17:45   end: 00:17   duration: 06:32


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of kevin parks
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 12:36 PM
Cc: kevin parks
Subject: [Tutor] time calc

hi all.

I have a bit of a task that i have been doing by hand, but as it turns 
out there is pages and pages more of this so i would like to make a 
python script that does this work and have it handy.

I have a list that has several columns like so:

1    1    1    00:23
1    2    2    8:23
1    3    3    9:41
1    4    3    10:47
1    5    3     11:21

What this is a list that has tape number, program number, item number 
and start time for a recording.

What i want to do is append the duration to the end of this list by 
subtracting the start of the item from the start time of the next so 
that the first line would look like:

1    1    1    00:23    08:00
1    2    2    8:23      01:18


So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and 
adding one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It is 
the time math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if 
there is a module that does time math? or a method for doing this by 


kevin parks

Tutor maillist  -

From rumpy at  Wed Jun 16 13:34:55 2004
From: rumpy at (Josh Eror)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:35:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] On-line courses.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you Magnus. I have to say that I'm a little surprised this niche has yet 
to filled. On-line education still seems to be struggling to develop 
curriculum that can teach more advanced subjects. Oh well, thanks again.

Quoting Magnus Lycka <>:

> There aren't so many commercial offerings for Python courses that I 
> know of. Also, I don't know where in the world you are...
> If you visit OSCON in july, you'll get a chance to attend some Python
> tutorials, but note that early bird registration ends June 18!
> Otherwise there are some well known Python trainers in the USA, such
> as Wesley Chun and
> Mark Lutz . You just missed one
> of Mark's classes in Colorado...
> There are more trainers out there, but these are the ones I know of
> in the US who regularly give open classes. Others do on-site training 
> for companies etc.
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Fr?n: Josh Eror <>
> Skickat: 2004-06-15  23:13:38
> Till:
> ?mne: [Tutor] On-line courses.
> > Hi Folks,
> > 
> > 
> > I'm very interested if taking a Python Course to accelerate my learning. My
> > preference is for a Web Course if possible, but I'd certainly attend a boot
> > camp type training. The cost of the course isn't so much of an issue. If
> it's 
> > good, and recommended here, I'll buck up for it.
> > 
> > BTW, the many Python Books I have are great. I have learned a great deal 
> > already. It's simply a matter of wanting to pick up the pace and try a 
> > different mechanism for absorbing the subject.
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for your suggestions,
> > 
> > Josh.
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> > 
> -- 
> Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
> Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
> phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From game at  Thu Jun 17 22:14:11 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:41:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Best place to learn on the web
Message-ID: <001201c454d9$f22405e0$>

I was wondering where the best tutorial on the net would be to learn def
functions.  I am having trouble learning them.


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From pythontut at  Thu Jun 17 13:40:25 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:44:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Printing a progress bar
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Carroll wrote:

>On Sun, 13 Jun 2004, Dave S wrote:
>>Some of the code I have written handels a lot of data, I would like to 
>>add a progress bar.
>I use Randy Pargman's progress bar from 
> ; I find it 
>does the job nicely.
I will combine this class with backspacing to hopefully produce a static 
line with a dynamic progress bar !


From magnus at  Fri Jun 18 06:54:38 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:45:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What Eval() Hath Men Wrought
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 18:34 2004-06-17 -0800, Tim Johnson wrote:
><gr>Couldn't resist that subject since I hear
>the eval (the built-in) is 'evil'. </gr>
>I've been looking through the Python Cookbook, and
>there's an example at
>look for
>   class Eval:
>      # ...... code following
>This appears to be a handy class, but given the concerns about
>built-in function eval, I would welcome comments and caveats.

As I see it, there are some problems with eval()
  - It's slow, e.g. eval('5') is about ten times slower than int('5').
  - It might cause unpredicted results unless you are certain about
    what you run eval on. This isn't really a problem if you only run
    eval on hardcoded strings in your source code as the Cookbook
    example does. In some programs eval could cause security problems.
    For instance, an attacker might be able to display passwords stored
    in program variables etc.
  - It makes it more difficult to analyse the code, for instance with
    some automatic tool such as PyChecker or PyLint. (Or manually for
    that matter.)
  - Debugging get's harder. You might hide syntax errors until runtime
    etc. I imagine tracebacks are less helpful too.

Besides, I'm not really sure that
     print "%(text.capitalize())s %(number/9.0).1f rules!" % Eval()
is better than
     print "% %.1f rules!" % (text.capitalize(), number/9.0)

This is some kind of ASP syndrome, and it seems to me that most
programmers seem to agree that mixing code in text as in ASP or
as in the Eval example typically causes maintenance problems.
Whether we're talking about web pages or something else, we'll
often want to separate the maintenace of the text from the
maintenance of the code. I often do things similar to:

   params = dict(capText=text.capitalize(), verNumber=number/9.0)
   print "%(capText)s %(verNumber).1f rules!" % params()
or even something like
   print "%(capText)s %(verNumber).1f rules!" % vars()
but it might be even better to use a real templating system
such as cheetah etc. See

Eval might look neat, but I think you will end up missing
the syntax coloring of your python statements if you put
them in strings, and that it will turn out to be trickier
to find bugs.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From gew75 at  Fri Jun 18 20:24:49 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:47:23 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Howdy Kevin,

  The time math shouldn't be too hard.  What format is your duration in?
Hours:Mins?  Minutes?  Hours.<percentage_of_hour>?
  To get around the time math, I would use a single intermediary
calculation; convert all pairs first into minutes.  This would be different
if you have the duration in a different format, but on the back of the tapes
that I have it says minutes, so I'll use that for the time being :).
  For each time pair, (hh:mm) simply think of the (hh) part as mm*60.  Then,
to obtain total minutes, we have an easy operation -- totalMinutes = hh*60 +
mm.  You can perform the conversion, etc yourself.  To get the original
tuple, use the string.split(':') method.
  Once that's finished we can add the duration on, then convert back to time
form again.  The easiest way in my mind for this is to use modulus.  As a
quick reminder/introduction :

  x (mod y) = remainder of x upon repeated division of y

  So that we want

  total_minutes (mod 60) = new_minutes

  Also, new_hours = total_minutes / 60, which is regular integer division.

  Python has an incredibly useful builtin with divmod(..), which performs
integer division and modulus on the two arguments.  Modulus in python is
with the % operator.
  So, recapping in code:

>>> hhmm = (2,45)
>>> total_minutes = hhmm[0]*60 + hhmm[1]
>>> total_minutes += 120
>>> divmod(total_minutes, 60)
(4, 45)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "kevin parks" <>
To: <>
Cc: "kevin parks" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2004 3:36 AM
Subject: [Tutor] time calc

> hi all.
> I have a bit of a task that i have been doing by hand, but as it turns
> out there is pages and pages more of this so i would like to make a
> python script that does this work and have it handy.
> I have a list that has several columns like so:
> 1    1    1    00:23
> 1    2    2    8:23
> 1    3    3    9:41
> 1    4    3    10:47
> 1    5    3     11:21
> What this is a list that has tape number, program number, item number
> and start time for a recording.
> What i want to do is append the duration to the end of this list by
> subtracting the start of the item from the start time of the next so
> that the first line would look like:
> 1    1    1    00:23    08:00
> 1    2    2    8:23      01:18
> etc.
> So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and
> adding one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It is
> the time math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if
> there is a module that does time math? or a method for doing this by
> hand?
> cheers,
> kevin parks
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From Janssen at  Fri Jun 18 05:30:54 2004
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:53:17 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What Eval() Hath Men Wrought
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Tim Johnson wrote:

> <gr>Couldn't resist that subject since I hear
> the eval (the built-in) is 'evil'. </gr>

AFAIK one reason eval is considered harmful, is because it's dangerous
when you eval something that might be dangerous code. So, eval'ing input
you get from a website is an enormous bad idea.

Imaging you've got the os modul imported, an attacker can do anything with
os.system . "eval" will only eval expresions no statements, wich means
that the attacker can't do an "import os" but there is a workaround:


Given you run this on Linux, the commandline tool "ls" will list the
current directory, but it could have been as easily a more destructive

So, one reason eval is evil is that it will eval anything including evil
code. OTOH, there is nothing wrong about eval'ing your own input (so long
as you know that your input will get eval'ed).

Another reason might be, that it lends to untestable and un-re-usable
code. Look at what eval does: it turns a string into functionality. The
"normal" way to get functionality is using functions. Functions have
defined input-output behaviour: they take arguments and return
return-values. Eval don't do this but uses the variables it finds in
current namespace and can create new variables. Such side-effects have to
be taken into account when you want to write test code or re-use code
containing eval. This means you will have to set up the proper variables
expected by your to-be-evaled-string and you will have to go on with the
variables created within the eval'ed- string.

Anyway, eval can be used - but keep care. Don't eval untrusted input and
keep the to-be-evaled-code short: Fixing errors within strings is harder
than in normal python code, because the traceback output tends to be less


> I've been looking through the Python Cookbook, and
> there's an example at
> look for
>   class Eval:
>      # ...... code following
> This appears to be a handy class, but given the concerns about
> built-in function eval, I would welcome comments and caveats.

From scott_hamma at  Wed Jun 16 18:13:55 2004
From: scott_hamma at (Hamma Scott)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:55:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is Python a valid business tool?
Message-ID: <>

I hope this is the area where I could post this. If
this is off topic please forgive me. I've tried
authors of articles about Python and user groups
devoted to Python (Bay Piggies to be exact) and have
gotten no response. I'm looking for direction.

I'm currently working in a company whose direction is
pointed towards Java and Websphere. We used Visual
Basic in the past and have some applications still
about. We develop software under a windows environment
to distributed unders the Windows OS. I have seen some
smaller in-roads towards .NET and some in-roads
towards Linux, but nothing that will bring Linux

My question; Is Python a language that is a good fit
in this environment or is this something just for me?
I'm just starting to learn it, but I've been met with
questions that I cannot answer

- I have read that Python can be used like Perl CGI
pages but I've heard that CGI is a resource pig.
Right? Wrong? Is there another way to use Python on
the Web?

- How can Python integrate in the above environment?
Is there a need that it can fill?

I would appreciate any response...thanks for your time
on this matter.


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. 

From darnold02 at  Fri Jun 18 22:25:45 2004
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Sun Jun 20 23:58:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
Message-ID: <>

sorry if this is a double post. maybe i'm just not receiving the tutor
emails at the moment. just in case it didn't go out the first time:

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Arnold [] 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 6:00 PM
To: 'kevin parks'; ''
Subject: RE: [Tutor] time calc

Just convert each time to minutes, do the subtraction, then convert back.
Off the top of my head, but hopefully close to correct:

MINS_PER_DAY = 60 * 24

startTimes = ['00:23','8:23','17:45','00:17']

def convertToMins(timeStr):
    hh, mm = timeStr.split(':')
    return int(hh) * 60 + int(mm)

def convertFromMins(minutes):
    hh, mm = divmod(minutes,60)
    return '%02d:%02d' % (hh, mm)

for i in range(len(startTimes) - 1):
    begin = startTimes[i]
    end = startTimes[i + 1]

    beginAsMins = convertToMins(begin)
    endAsMins = convertToMins(end)

    if endAsMins < beginAsMins: #rolled over midnight
        endAsMins += MINS_PER_DAY

    print 'begin: %-6s  end: %-6s  duration: %-6s' % \
            (begin, end, convertFromMins(endAsMins - beginAsMins))

begin: 00:23   end: 8:23    duration: 08:00 
begin: 8:23    end: 17:45   duration: 09:22 
begin: 17:45   end: 00:17   duration: 06:32


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of kevin parks
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 12:36 PM
Cc: kevin parks
Subject: [Tutor] time calc

hi all.

I have a bit of a task that i have been doing by hand, but as it turns 
out there is pages and pages more of this so i would like to make a 
python script that does this work and have it handy.

I have a list that has several columns like so:

1    1    1    00:23
1    2    2    8:23
1    3    3    9:41
1    4    3    10:47
1    5    3     11:21

What this is a list that has tape number, program number, item number 
and start time for a recording.

What i want to do is append the duration to the end of this list by 
subtracting the start of the item from the start time of the next so 
that the first line would look like:

1    1    1    00:23    08:00
1    2    2    8:23      01:18


So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and 
adding one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It is 
the time math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if 
there is a module that does time math? or a method for doing this by 


kevin parks

Tutor maillist  -

From reed at  Wed Jun 16 09:45:16 2004
From: reed at (Reed L. O'Brien)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:00:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] psp_site mmods
Message-ID: <capism$e92$>

I posted this to the mod_python mailing list the other day but there 
hasn't been a post that has gone up there since lunch on the 14th.  I 
odn't know if grisha is on vacation or what.  I really need halp to get 
this working though...  Or does this belong on the questions list?

I have been tasked to make a web interface to search (swish-e) and index 
of pdf's.  I have never done any programming (but have done some 
scripting) so I apologize in advance for any questions that may seen 
like common sense.  I feel like there will be many of them as this is 
very humbling to me.

I chose python to develop (and learn to program with) for numerous 
reasons.  I quickly found mod_python and chose that.  I saw the example 
site and thought it would be a nice simple site to modify (tries to 
conceal leeching noises).  I have it all up and running and somewhat 
modified but have reached an impass.

I have modified the three pages to be search, results and help.  I 
modified search_page.html to have text input and submit calls:

<form action="results/performSearch" method="POST">

I added it as a value passed (required by) to results (continued after 
bad code):

def results(req, searchWords):
     return _any_page(req, 'results')

         #def performSearch(searchWords):

     # make sure the user provided all the parameters
     if not (searchWords):
         return " Nothing to search for. Nothing Found."

     # do the search
     handle ='/usr/local/swish-e/index.swish-e')
     search ='')
     results = search.execute(searchWords)
     return [r.getproperty('swishdocpath') for r in results]

also I have the following in results_page.html:

<% print results %>

I have tried with it as a call to performSearch and directly to search. 
  I have tried with different indentations.  I have also tried including 
it in the page return, but either the page returns:

name error results not defined  ## wiith the <%psp%> tag in html
as a blank formatted results page with a broken menu and images.

I could keep playing around but I figured it was time to put down my 
pride and ask the experts.  Any help is appreciated.

reed (very newb programmer)

PS If (when) I get this working I will gladly roll it up  with a demo 
index and put it up as an example site with the original.

FreeBSD 5.2.1
mod_python 3.1.3
python 2.3.4
SwishE 0.4

From nick at  Thu Jun 17 18:42:02 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:03:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
Message-ID: <>

Hi folks,

Im making my way through the book 'Learning Python 2nd Edition'. I 
understand classes but I have a question.
Take the following for example -

class beer:
    def __init__(self):
       self.make = 'murphys'
       cans = 4

There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used, just 
'var' is, as in 'cans' above.
I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for 'make' 
but what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?

Any pointers in the right direction happily received :)


From dyoo at  Thu Jun 17 16:29:31 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:04:28 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gT24tbGluZSBjb3Vyc2VzLg==?=
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Magnus Lycka wrote:

> > Thank you Magnus. I have to say that I'm a little surprised this niche
> > has yet to filled. On-line education still seems to be struggling to
> > develop curriculum that can teach more advanced subjects. Oh well,
> > thanks again.

[some text cut]

> There are plenty of on-line Python tutorials though, and I think the
> people on the Tutor mailing list are very helpful in assisting people
> who are trying to learn Python. But I think you are right. I'm wondering
> what it would take to get an on-line Python-course to work...

The ACCU recently tried to do a kind of online course with Python:

As far as I can tell, it's inactive now, but it might be a good idea to
see if it can be revived.

From dyoo at  Thu Jun 17 16:23:26 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:08:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] floating point range() ?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Dave S wrote:

> Is there a floating point range() type builtin ?
> I need to generate a sequence for a 'for loop' every 0.5
> for i in reange(0,1000,5)
>     j=float(i)/10
>     print j
> The above works but seems clumbsy.
> Is there a better way ?

Hi Dave,

I don't think there is a built-in equivalent for range()  with floats.
However, it isn't too bad to write something ourselves:

def frange(start, stop, skip=1.0):
    """A range-like generator that returns numbers in the interval
    [start, stop).
    i = start
    while i < stop:
        yield i
        i += skip

Here's an example of how to use frange():

>>> for x in frange(0, 10, 0.5):
...     print x

Does this seem reasonable?

Hope this helps!

From gaedol at  Thu Jun 17 15:11:38 2004
From: gaedol at (Marco)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:11:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] FW: Module 1 question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 15:22:54 -0500
"christopher lavezza" <> wrote:

> >Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "", line 23, in ?
> >     a.deposit(550.23)
> >   File "", line 8, in deposit
> >     t=time.strtime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime(time.time()
> >+ 0))
> >AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'strtime'

I have not seen your code, so i can't say, but:
in the time module there are 2 function similar, in name, to strtime: there's one called  strftime() [-- convert time tuple to string according to format specification] and one called  strptime() [-- parse string to time tuple according to format specification]. I suppose, so, that's a typo. But, again, not seeing your code i can't really say.

pydoc, anyway is a friend of yours ;)


"Anche io sono un maschio.  Solo che non esercito."
		-- Dario Vergassola

From game at  Thu Jun 17 19:19:04 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:16:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Where to learn def's
References: <>
Message-ID: <000b01c454c1$7c0f1100$>

I was wondering where the best tutorial on the net would be to learn def
functions.  I am having trouble learning them.



From bvande at  Sat Jun 19 02:40:25 2004
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:21:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

kevin parks said unto the world upon 18/06/2004 13:36:

> hi all.
> I have a bit of a task that i have been doing by hand, but as it turns 
> out there is pages and pages more of this so i would like to make a 
> python script that does this work and have it handy.
> I have a list that has several columns like so:
> 1    1    1    00:23
> 1    2    2    8:23
> 1    3    3    9:41
> 1    4    3    10:47
> 1    5    3     11:21
> What this is a list that has tape number, program number, item number 
> and start time for a recording.
> What i want to do is append the duration to the end of this list by 
> subtracting the start of the item from the start time of the next so 
> that the first line would look like:
> 1    1    1    00:23    08:00
> 1    2    2    8:23      01:18
> etc.
> So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and adding 
> one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It is the time 
> math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if there is a 
> module that does time math? or a method for doing this by hand?
> cheers,
> kevin parks
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Hi Kevin,

I have a question for you. If you know how to do the math on paper, why
not just use the same math in your program? (If you are doing it right
with pencil you *are* doing it is base 60 ;-)

Is the problem to see how to express the math in python code?


Brian vdB

From magnus at  Thu Jun 17 12:30:09 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:24:30 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gRlc6IE1vZHVsZSAxIHF1ZXN0aW9u?=
Message-ID: <>

christopher lavezza wrote:
> Can anyone help us out with this problem in our script?

Just as the error message says, the module (time) has no attribute called
strtime. I suspect you misspelled strftime. Note the 'f' in the name. The
names comes from the C language library module "time". The Python time
module is just a thin wrapper for the standard C library.

>>> import time
>>> time.strtime

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#17>", line 1, in -toplevel-
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'strtime'
>>> time.strftime
<built-in function strftime>
>>> t=time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime(time.time()))
>>> print t
Thu, 17 Jun 2004 18:06:22

For a more "modern" and high level approach to date and time handling, 
Python has a nice module called datetime since version 2.3. Using datetime, 
it's more easy to do time calculations etc. You don't need to bother about
tuples and numeric representations. You simply use a datetime object. The 
datetime module is also safe from year 1 to 9999, while the time module is 
limited to 1970 to 2038 on 32 bit systems, just as the underlying C library.

>>> import datetime
>>> print'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')
Thu, 17 Jun 2004 18:13:44

Read the Python Library Reference for more info: and

> >Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "", line 23, in ?
> >     a.deposit(550.23)
> >   File "", line 8, in deposit
> >     t=time.strtime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' , time.localtime(time.time()
> >+ 0))
> >AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'strtime'

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From rick at  Thu Jun 17 09:46:33 2004
From: rick at (Rick Pasotto)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:27:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <1087392972.5678.20.camel@drachenfels>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 01:36:12PM +0000, Conrad Gavin wrote:
> That doesnt seem to work either .. 
> My code now:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> ^
> import os
> print "text/plain/n/n"

That should be

print "text/plain\n"

That's a newline at the end of the string and you only need one since
the print statement supplies the second.

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
	-- Derek Bok, President, Harvard University
    Rick Pasotto

From Francis.Moore at  Thu Jun 17 11:43:37 2004
From: Francis.Moore at (Francis Moore)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:28:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] FW: Module 1 question
Message-ID: <6081EBC21D52F744B484088BBBE665C32EEB1B@sbserver.shaws.local>

From: christopher lavezza []


> Can anyone help us out with this problem in our script?

You seem to have a typo in the following line:

>     t=time.strtime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' ,

The time module has two methods, 'strftime' and 'strptime'. 
Try one of these instead.

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This message has been checked for all known viruses by McAfee VirusScan. 

From rumpy at  Thu Jun 17 15:20:59 2004
From: rumpy at (Josh Eror)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:30:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] On-line courses.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Cool, thanks. I'll check it out.

Quoting Magnus Lycka <>:

> BTW, I stumbled over this:
> -- 
> Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
> Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
> phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From Dragonfirebane at  Thu Jun 17 22:04:46 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:31:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE vs. Python Command Line
Message-ID: <>

when i type:

>>>import string

in IDLE, i get:


but when i do it on the Python Command Line, i get:


is this a flaw in IDLE or the Command Line? Which is more accurate? Since one 
of my programs uses string.letters, it is important for me to know.

Thanks in advance,


>>> print string.letters

Command Line:
>>>print string.letters
-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Fri Jun 18 14:25:12 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:31:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, kevin parks wrote:

> Anyone know if there is a module that does time math? or a method for
> doing this by hand?

Hi Kevin,

Check the 'datetime' module:

'datetime' defines a bunch of types, including ones for doing date and
time arithmetic.  For example:

>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> t1 = timedelta(hours=1)
>>> t2 = timedelta(minutes=30)
>>> t1 + t2
datetime.timedelta(0, 5400)

Hope this helps!

From pythontut at  Sat Jun 19 07:16:15 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:34:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] floating point range() ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>Hi Dave,
>I don't think there is a built-in equivalent for range()  with floats.
>However, it isn't too bad to write something ourselves:
>def frange(start, stop, skip=1.0):
>    """A range-like generator that returns numbers in the interval
>    [start, stop).
>    """
>    i = start
>    while i < stop:
>        yield i
>        i += skip
>Here's an example of how to use frange():
>>>>for x in frange(0, 10, 0.5):
>...     print x
>Does this seem reasonable?
>Hope this helps!
Sure does, It also reminds me of the yield builtin.

Things are getting clearer - though I still catch myself thinking in 
terms of BASIC & forgetting to open up to the flexability of Python - 
Guess it will just take time & practice.


From orbitz at  Sat Jun 19 12:19:53 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:39:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New keyword ?
In-Reply-To: <1087561796.3288.34.camel@localhost>
References: <1087561796.3288.34.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

No, No

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 14:29:56 +0200
Michele Alzetta <> wrote:

> I'm still fiddling with timespans - only I've just found out that
> WxPython has something with the same name but fundamentally different
> ( WxPythons' is an abstract periods of time, mine is a period with a
> precise beginning and end, from which of course the abstract period can
> be obtained) .. so I've started calling my class Period.
> Besides the _contains_ function, I've added an olaps function which
> returns true not only if a period is entirely contained in another, but
> also if it overlaps. Here is the code:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
> class Period(object):
>     def __init__(self, startimetuple, endtimetuple):
>         self.starttime = datetime(*startimetuple)
>         self.endtime = datetime(*endtimetuple)
> 	self.isPeriod = True
>     def __contains__(self, period):
>         try:
> 	    if period.isPeriod:
>                 return (self.starttime <= period.starttime) and \
>                        (self.endtime >= period.endtime)
> 	except AttributeError:
>             moment = datetime(*period)
> 	    return (self.starttime <= moment <= self.endtime)
>     def length(self):
>         return self.endtime - self.starttime
>     def olaps(self, period):
>         try:
>            if period.isPeriod:
>                 return (( self.starttime < period.starttime \
>                 < self.endtime) \
>                 or ( self.starttime < period.endtime < self.endtime ))
>         except AttributeError:
>                 moment = datetime(*period)
>                 return (self.starttime <= moment \
>  		<=    self.endtime)                
> As I understand it, the 'in' keyword calls my __contains__ function,
> e.g.
> > week1 in fortnight1
> True
> Whereas to call my olaps function I have to do this:
> > periodinstance.olaps(otherinstance)
> True
> Is it possible to create a new keyword (say, 'ovlps') to call my
> function like this:
> > week1 ovlps fortnight
> If it is possible, would it be desirable ?
> -- 
> Michele Alzetta <>
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From pythontut at  Sat Jun 19 15:00:10 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:43:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] classes & required method not working
Message-ID: <>

I have a class problem. I have a script, which defines a 
class ScanData :

#!/usr/bin/env python


import os,ggdatacore3

class ScanData:
    def __init__(self,stockdir='/home/dave/gg/stockdata/'):


    def scan(self):
        datadirs=os.listdir(self.stockdir)  # Loop for stockdir days
        # ############################# debug temp #########################
        # ###############################################################
        for datadir in datadirs:
            print 'Processing Directory : ',datadir
            for key in keys:
                # A probing loop to checkout all possible combinations 
of buying and selling slots
                for offset in range(1,101):
                    for buy in range(0,101-offset):
                    # from ... start to start+offset = profit / loss
                        # buy = slot I bought from
                        # sell = slot I sold in
                        # bought = pence I bought shares at
                        # sold = pence I sold shares at
                        # pcinc = % increase of share value
                        for pcprofit_min in xrange(5,31):   # scans each 
pcinc for varing profit levels
 It has two dummy 'stub' class methods, namely self.reset() & 
self.process(). Because different instances will have different
'stub' class methods I have defined these methods in a seperate script,

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os,ggScanStock

class pcprofit(ScanData):
    def reset(self):


        if pcinc>0:
    def output(self):
        print '\n*** ggpcprofit module ***'
        print '\nTotal %% profitable transactions over full range : 
%0.2f' % self.profitcycles/self.totalcycles


It seemed like a good idea & a way to learn about classes filling in 
required methods.

However when I try & execute I get :

bash-2.05b$ ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 5, in ?
    class pcprofit(ScanData):
NameError: name 'ScanData' is not defined

Can anyone explain where I am going wrong - I imported ggScanStock so 
why cant my class pcprofit
find class ScanData ?


From pythonTutor at  Sat Jun 19 20:34:24 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:49:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] floating point range() ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

There is no builtin range for floats.  There is a Python Cookbook frange
recipe which could be useful.

An alternative for getting the list is:
	[i*.5 for i in range(200)]

On Thu, 2004-06-17 at 13:33, Dave S wrote:
> Is there a floating point range() type builtin ?
> I need to generate a sequence for a 'for loop' every 0.5
> for i in reange(0,1000,5)
>     j=float(i)/10
>     print j
> The above works but seems clumbsy.
> Is there a better way ?
> Dave
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From carroll at  Sun Jun 20 03:26:13 2004
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Mon Jun 21 00:56:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, kevin parks wrote:

> So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and 
> adding one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It is 
> the time math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if 
> there is a module that does time math? or a method for doing this by 
> hand?

This is really an ugly-looking hack, but maybe someone can improve on it:

import time
import datetime
time1 = "00:57"
dur1 = "08:05"

# get the time; give a year, etc. just to keep strptime happy
ttup1 = time.strptime(time1,"%M:%S")
print t1

# get the duration
dtup1 = time.strptime(dur1,"%M:%S")
print d1

# you can add the time and duration

print t2
time2printable = str(t2)[-5:]
print time2printable

From mjekl at  Sun Jun 20 14:55:00 2004
From: mjekl at (Miguel Lopes)
Date: Mon Jun 21 01:11:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Record Locking & Access - newbye
Message-ID: <003001c456f8$17ba9b00$6601a8c0@clixdialupadapt>


Here's my problem.
Using python dbapi I get groups of records back from a database into a list
for example to feed a "List Form" which is just a grid on a form (the db is
about 9000 thousand records - so I suppose there's not a big problem to
fetch all records in a go!).

Now when a user selects a record from a grid on screen I can send him to
another form "Record Form" where he can edit the record. This way I can have
only one query to the database and have the users working locally on there
record sets. But when a user edits an existing record I puzzled to think
that another user might be changing that record at the same time (because
they are not locking any records and are using lists with the record
contents locally)! This could cause for example that user A changes record 1
from "bar" to "foo" and updates the db, just after user A user B updates the
db with a change in the same record from "bar" to "foobar" (never seeing
user As changes)!!!

I guess this is a very common problem with a standard solution. How can I
avoid this?

Best regards,

From magnus at  Sun Jun 20 19:31:43 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Mon Jun 21 01:14:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Material from my EPC presentations on DB programming and
 testing available.
Message-ID: <>

My presentations from the Europython Conference and
some example code is now on-line. It can be reached from


Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From python at  Sun Jun 20 19:29:28 2004
From: python at (
Date: Mon Jun 21 01:15:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] changing string to integer in a script
Message-ID: <>

Hi, all. Having a problem with a script that I can't seem to lick. I 
*think* I know what the issue is, but I am powerless to fix it.

In short, it will attempt to see if myvar is located in list mylist. If 
it does, then something interesting happens. Otherwise, it will sleep 
for a bit and try again. (The script will ultimately be for logging 
someone out automagically during certain hours of the day). Ok, 
import sys, os, time, EasyDialogs

mylist = [ 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21]
# If i assign myvar to the below, it works peachy.
#myvar = 9
# If I assign myvar to the system time, it fails. always.
myvar = time.strftime('%H')
# All below this works fine. you can cheerfully ignore it.
except ValueError:
	EasyDialogs.Message('No problems. Sleeping. blah blah...')
	EasyDialogs.Message('something interesting happens here...')
Ok. if I set the myvar to time.strftime('%H') it will always fail, even 
when I try to set the clock back, et. al. I run a 'type' against it and 

 >>> import time
 >>> time.strftime('%H')
 >>> type (time.strftime('%H'))
<type 'str'>

So it looks like I am getting a string back instead of an integer. If I 
just assign it a number and run type on it again it looks OK...

 >>> myvar = 9
 >>> type(myvar)
<type 'int'>

I'm sure I have not looked hard enough, but I can't see any way to 
change a string to an int. I *imagine* it would be something kinda 


But I'm stuck and need an extra bit of cleverness to fix this. At the 
moment I am *assuming* the string .vs int. thing is the issue, would 
love to know if it's really something else I have not run into yet.
Sorry for the length, but would rather soak you with all I have than be 
inscrutable. Thanks in advance for any bits that may help out.

P.S. First newbie post! :D



Weinberg's Law:

"If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then 
the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization"

From game at  Sun Jun 20 23:00:45 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Mon Jun 21 01:17:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] This thing still working?
Message-ID: <001001c4573b$f3008100$>

Just wondering if the mailing list is still working?
-------------- next part --------------
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From game at  Sun Jun 20 23:04:29 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Mon Jun 21 01:21:37 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is this working?
Message-ID: <002101c4573c$788123c0$>

Is the mailing list working right?
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From adam at  Mon Jun 21 04:06:35 2004
From: adam at (Adam)
Date: Mon Jun 21 06:15:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Creating subclasses (newbie)
Message-ID: <20040621090635.0edff64b@debian>

I have a subclass I want to create - my intuition told me
that it would be done like this:

class MainClass:
	class SubClass:
	subclassinstance = SubClass()
mainclassinstance = MainClass()

But it seems that this isn't going to work. I'm reading a
couple of Python books, but they don't seem to cover this
topic very well (I don't see any coding examples).

What is the best way of creating (coding) subclasses?

Thanks in advance. 


From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Mon Jun 21 08:16:25 2004
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Mon Jun 21 10:57:40 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

kevin parks wrote:

> What i want to do is append the duration to the end of this list by 
> subtracting the start of the item from the start time of the next so 
> that the first line would look like:
> 1    1    1    00:23    08:00
> 1    2    2    8:23      01:18
> etc.
> So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and adding 
> one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It is the time 
> math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if there is a 
> module that does time math? or a method for doing this by hand?

I don't know if there is a module that makes this easier, but here is 
how I would do it by hand.

You basically have times consisting of an hour part and a minute part. I 
would convert this to minutes by multiplying the hours with 60 and 
adding it to the minutes: m = 60*h + m

Then do your math on the minutes alone, and convert back to hours and 
minutes when done:

h = m % 60
m = m / 60

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From pythontut at  Mon Jun 21 13:32:01 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Mon Jun 21 13:33:02 2004
Subject: [Tutor] floating point range() ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lloyd Kvam wrote:

>There is no builtin range for floats.  There is a Python Cookbook frange
>recipe which could be useful.
>An alternative for getting the list is:
>	[i*.5 for i in range(200)]
Thanks for your input,

[i*.5 for i in range(200)]

'list comprehension' (think I got it right) is something I had forgotten about but
I can see a use for it now  :-) 


From project5 at  Mon Jun 21 14:36:25 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Mon Jun 21 14:40:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: time calc
References: <>
Message-ID: <1exhy0rsmj4oy.1n6r4ac5crxch$>

kevin parks wrote on Fri, 18 Jun 2004 13:36:10 -0400:


> What i want to do is append the duration to the end of this list by 
> subtracting the start of the item from the start time of the next so 
> that the first line would look like:
> 1    1    1    00:23    08:00
> 1    2    2    8:23      01:18
> So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and 
> adding one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It is 
> the time math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if 
> there is a module that does time math? or a method for doing this by 
> hand?

Here's a simple solution: convert the time to the base unit (I assume
that's minutes:seconds). This means that you take the part before the
colon, multiply with 60 and add it to the part at the right of the colon (a
split() combined with int() will do the trick). Then you calculate in
seconds whatever you like and convert it back to minutes. 
Converting back is done using integer division, for example 92 seconds:

  minutes = 92 // 60 # integer division
  seconds = 92 % 60 # remainder
  print "%s:%s" % (minutes, seconds)




Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From dyoo at  Mon Jun 21 14:49:08 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Jun 21 15:23:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pstree cgi-script
In-Reply-To: <1087588562.5793.6.camel@drachenfels>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Conrad Gavin wrote:

> NB: With regard the previous post, I am finding similar things on google
> about python's seemingly dogey co-exhistence with Apache.
> Seems to be more or less what I am experiencing ...

Hi Conrad,

What they're running into is a tricky interaction between the buffering
that Apache and Python is doing, combined with the behavior of
os.system().  Let's go back to the script that isn't working:

import sys
import os
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n")
cmd = "/usr/bin/pstree"

The reason it doesn't work is subtle, and I have to admit that I don't
quite understand it fully yet.  But I'll try saying something reasonable.

It appears that Python keeps its own buffered standard output stream, and
because it's buffered, Python won't write it out until it triggered to do
so.  I assumed that any writes of '\n' newlines will do it, but it appears
that later versions of Apache do something funny to the STDOUT file handle
so that even '\n' doesn't flush it automatically.

Usually, this shouldn't matter much... except that the script also calls
os.system(), which accesses the underlying STDOUT file handle as a side
effect.  What Apache ends up seeing, ultimately, is the output of 'pstree'
first, followed by the Content-type header.

The following is one way to address the problem:

import sys
import os
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n\n")
sys.stdout.flush()              ## line change here
cmd = "/usr/bin/pstree"

The explicit call to flush() guarantees that Apache will first see the
Content-type header.  And after that, Apache should be happy.

But a better way to fix this is to avoid depending on the 'side effect' of
os.system(), and to actually capture its output with os.popen() instead:

import sys
import os
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n\n")
cmd = "/usr/bin/pstree"
print os.popen(cmd).read()

That way, we avoid all the weird buffer issues that your script is running
into.  In summary: os.system() isn't meant to be used for output purposes,
and it gives no guarantee when you'll see its output on screen.
os.popen() is more appropriate for the task of capturing the output.

There are some other weird things with Apache's CGI sytem that have very
little to do with Python.  It appears that in some versions of Apache,
printing to STDERR was not a good idea:

And this just sounded insane to me.  *grin* But I'm glad the Apache folks
are getting this fixed, finally.

Anyway, hope this helps!

From project5 at  Mon Jun 21 14:54:20 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Mon Jun 21 15:31:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: floating point range() ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <mxxw5rvevw1c$>

Dave S wrote on Thu, 17 Jun 2004 18:33:52 +0100:

> Is there a floating point range() type builtin ?
> I need to generate a sequence for a 'for loop' every 0.5
> for i in reange(0,1000,5)
>     j=float(i)/10
>     print j
> The above works but seems clumbsy.
> Is there a better way ?

Write your own range function, say frange(). The implementation below is
simple and not as versatile as the built-in since it only allows positive

def frange(start, stop=0, step=1):
    result = []
    if step <= 0: # prevent endless loop
       raise "step must be > 0"
    start, stop = min(start, stop), max(start, stop)
    i = start
    while i < stop:
        i = i + step
    return result

This function might surprise you though, due to the inaccuracies of
floating point:

>>> frange(1, 2, .2)
[1, 1.2, 1.3999999999999999, 1.5999999999999999, 1.7999999999999998,

Particularly the inclusion of 1.99999999 (in fact, 2) is the one you might
not have expected here.



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From python at  Mon Jun 21 21:25:28 2004
From: python at (
Date: Mon Jun 21 21:27:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Test - ignore
Message-ID: <>

The world does not have enough test messages so I thought I would help 
out :D

Weinberg's Law:

"If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then 
the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization"

From david at  Tue Jun 22 00:34:01 2004
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Tue Jun 22 00:34:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* kevin parks <> [2004-06-18 13:36]:
> hi all.
> I have a bit of a task that i have been doing by hand, but as it turns 
> out there is pages and pages more of this so i would like to make a 
> python script that does this work and have it handy.
> I have a list that has several columns like so:
> 1    1    1    00:23
> 1    2    2    8:23
> 1    3    3    9:41
> 1    4    3    10:47
> 1    5    3     11:21
> What this is a list that has tape number, program number, item number 
> and start time for a recording.
> What i want to do is append the duration to the end of this list by 
> subtracting the start of the item from the start time of the next so 
> that the first line would look like:
> 1    1    1    00:23    08:00
> 1    2    2    8:23      01:18
> etc.
> So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and 
> adding one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It is 
> the time math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if 
> there is a module that does time math? or a method for doing this by 
> hand?

Look at the datetime module in python 2.3 I use it a lot to do date
calculations (subtract one time from another, etc).

Especially look at the timedelta and datetime objects

These are probably overkill, but they are VERY powerful date calc tools

Here is an example of how I have used these to figure out the date from
7 days ago. Where this really starts to get cool is when you are
overlapping month and year ranges, or in your case, rolling over hours.

import time
import datetime
def get_last_week():
    dtup_now = time.localtime()        # Gets current time tuple
    y,m,d = dtup_now[:3]               # Gets year,month,day from tuple
    d_today = datetime.datetime(y,m,d) # Creates datetime object from current date
    d_delta = datetime.timedelta(7)    # Creates timedelta object of 7 days
    d_last_week = d_today - d_delta    # subtracts 7 days from current day
    return d_last_week

last_week = get_last_week()
print last_week.month,, last_week.year

David Rock
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From glingl at  Tue Jun 22 01:34:34 2004
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Tue Jun 22 01:35:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Best place to learn on the web
In-Reply-To: <001201c454d9$f22405e0$>
References: <001201c454d9$f22405e0$>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kevin!

Try    -- Chapter Modules & 

and generally

HTH, Gregor

K J schrieb:

> I was wondering where the best tutorial on the net would be to learn def
> functions.  I am having trouble learning them.
> Thanks
> Kevin
>Tutor maillist  -

From python at  Tue Jun 22 03:08:46 2004
From: python at (
Date: Tue Jun 22 03:09:22 2004
Subject: [Tutor] testing - please ignore.
Message-ID: <>

emails keep getting eaten. odd.


Weinberg's Law:

"If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then 
the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization"

From robinst at MIT.EDU  Tue Jun 22 12:22:47 2004
From: robinst at MIT.EDU (Theresa Robinson)
Date: Tue Jun 22 12:23:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What Eval() Hath Men Wrought
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm really glad to see discussion about eval(), since I was wondering what
the alternatives are to it.  I'm brand new to python, and my best skills
are probably in C++ & Matlab.

Some of us want to write an optimization toolbox for python, similar to
the one in Matlab.  Many of the toolbox functions will require functions
as arguments.

For example, we'll want to write a function to minimize the return value
of another function by varying the latter function's vector argument.

The C way to do it is to pass in a pointer to a function.  This is good
because C nicely checks that the function 1) is actually a function 2)
takes the right arguments 3) returns the right type.  The Matlab way to do
it is to pass a string that contains the function name, and to use the
Matlab feval function, which is similar to the Python eval but nicer since
you don't have to construct the whole string yourself, but instead can use
the form feval('function_name',argument).  This works but is bad because
you get weird errors if the function name is wrong, or if the function
takes an unexpected kind of argument or returns an unexpected type.

What is the right way to do this in Python?  Where can I learn how to do


On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, Magnus [iso-8859-1] Lyck=E5 wrote:

> At 18:34 2004-06-17 -0800, Tim Johnson wrote:
> ><gr>Couldn't resist that subject since I hear
> >the eval (the built-in) is 'evil'. </gr>
> >
> >I've been looking through the Python Cookbook, and
> >there's an example at
> >
> >look for
> >   class Eval:
> >      # ...... code following
> >
> >This appears to be a handy class, but given the concerns about
> >built-in function eval, I would welcome comments and caveats.
> As I see it, there are some problems with eval()
>   - It's slow, e.g. eval('5') is about ten times slower than int('5').
>   - It might cause unpredicted results unless you are certain about
>     what you run eval on. This isn't really a problem if you only run
>     eval on hardcoded strings in your source code as the Cookbook
>     example does. In some programs eval could cause security problems.
>     For instance, an attacker might be able to display passwords stored
>     in program variables etc.
>   - It makes it more difficult to analyse the code, for instance with
>     some automatic tool such as PyChecker or PyLint. (Or manually for
>     that matter.)
>   - Debugging get's harder. You might hide syntax errors until runtime
>     etc. I imagine tracebacks are less helpful too.
> Besides, I'm not really sure that
>      print "%(text.capitalize())s %(number/9.0).1f rules!" % Eval()
> is better than
>      print "% %.1f rules!" % (text.capitalize(), number/9.0)
> This is some kind of ASP syndrome, and it seems to me that most
> programmers seem to agree that mixing code in text as in ASP or
> as in the Eval example typically causes maintenance problems.
> Whether we're talking about web pages or something else, we'll
> often want to separate the maintenace of the text from the
> maintenance of the code. I often do things similar to:
>    params =3D dict(capText=3Dtext.capitalize(), verNumber=3Dnumber/9.0)
>    print "%(capText)s %(verNumber).1f rules!" % params()
> or even something like
>    print "%(capText)s %(verNumber).1f rules!" % vars()
> but it might be even better to use a real templating system
> such as cheetah etc. See
> Eval might look neat, but I think you will end up missing
> the syntax coloring of your python statements if you put
> them in strings, and that it will turn out to be trickier
> to find bugs.
> --
> Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
> Thinkware AB, Sweden,
> I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From visional_freeman at  Sat Jun 12 13:30:34 2004
From: visional_freeman at (ivan low)
Date: Tue Jun 22 13:29:23 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Loop Variables
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I had come to read a book about loop variable that have i, j, k.
I don't understand why are there 3 type?
What's the different?


From tim at  Tue Jun 22 13:41:46 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Tue Jun 22 13:35:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Testing list
Message-ID: <>

Testing: Have received nothing from this list in
3 days. That's strange.
Tim Johnson <>

From scott_hamma at  Tue Jun 22 15:56:09 2004
From: scott_hamma at (Hamma Scott)
Date: Tue Jun 22 15:57:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about Python's marketablilty
Message-ID: <>

I hope this is the area where I could post this. If
this is off topic please forgive me. I've tried
authors of articles about Python and user groups
devoted to Python (Bay Piggies to be exact) and have
gotten no response. I'm looking for direction.

I'm currently working in a company whose direction is
pointed towards Java and Websphere. We used Visual
Basic in the past and have some applications still
about. We develop software under a windows environment
to distributed unders the Windows OS. I have seen some
smaller in-roads towards .NET and some in-roads
towards Linux, but nothing that will bring Linux

My question; Is Python a language that is a good fit
in this environment or is this something just for me?
I'm just starting to learn it, but I've been met with
questions that I cannot answer

- I have read that Python can be used like Perl CGI
pages but I've heard that CGI is a resource pig.
Right? Wrong? Is there another way to use Python on
the Web?

- How can Python integrate in the above environment?
Is there a need that it can fill?

I would appreciate any response...thanks for your time
on this matter.


Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage! 

From mjekl at  Sat Jun 19 08:08:15 2004
From: mjekl at (mjekl)
Date: Tue Jun 22 17:11:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Record Locking and Access - newbye
Message-ID: <cb1bf8$7or$>


Here's my problem.
Using python dbapi I get groups of records back from a database into a list
for example to feed a "List Form" which is just a grid on a form (the db is
about 9000 thousand records - so I suppose there's not a big problem to
fetch all records in a go!).

Now when a user selects a record from a grid on screen I can send him to
another form "Record Form" where he can edit the record. This way I can have
only one query to the database and have the users working locally on there
record sets. But when a user edits an existing record I puzzled to think
that another user might be changing that record at the same time (because
they are not locking any records and are using lists with the record
contents locally)! This could cause for example that user A changes record 1
from "bar" to "foo" and updates the db, just after user A user B updates the
db with a change in the same record from "bar" to "foobar" (never seeing
user As changes)!!!

I guess this is a very common problem with a standard solution. How can I
avoid this?

Best regards,

From magnus at  Tue Jun 22 19:05:08 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Jun 22 20:15:31 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gQmVzdCBwbGFjZSB0byBsZWFybiBvbiB0aGUgd2Vi?=
Message-ID: <>

Kevin wrote:
> I was wondering where the best tutorial on the net would be to learn def
> functions.  I am having trouble learning them.

The best problem is obviously the tutor mailing list! :)

(Apart from the fact that all the Python mailing lists has worked
poorly the last days.)

What's your problem?

We define functions in Python and in other programming languages
for two reasons. We want to reuse code that we use over and over
again, and we want to be able to split up our problem in separate
pieces, so that we don't have to think about all aspects of a problem
at once. We might call this separation of concerns.

An aspect of this separation of concerns is that we want to be 
able to view the interior of a function as a little world of
it's own. We want to be able solve the little problem a function
is involved with in an unrestricted way, without having to worry 
about the rest of the program when we do this. Likewise, we want
to be able to use a function without concern for that functions
interior. When we call a function, we just want to care about
what we put in and what we get pack. It should be like an automat.
If we enter coins, we get jelly-beans in return. To use the jelly-
bean automat we shouldn't have to care about how jelly-beans are
made. And to make the jelly-bean machine, we shouln't have to be
concerned with how the user got his money, or what he does with
the jelly-beans or if he calls them gottisar instead of jelly-

A way to avoid this unwanted coupling between the outside of a function
and it's interior, is something we call name-spaces, or scopes. When
we define variables, names, inside a function, these names only exist
inside the function. The code inside the function can actually see
the variables defined outside the function, and it can manipulate them
as well, it's not entirely sealed off, but it's usually best for the
function to leave exterior things untouched.

When we define a function, we define parameters that the function
requires, and when we want to use the function, we pass these into
the function by placing them after the function name within parenthesis.

We return data to the caller of the function with the return statement.


>>> def add(a, b):
        return a + b

>>> c = add(2,3)
>>> print c

Note that the variables a and b only exist inside the function.

>>> print a

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#136>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    print a
NameError: name 'a' is not defined
>>> print b

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#137>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    print b
NameError: name 'b' is not defined

This is a fairly pointless example though. Let's do something more
useful. Let's imagine that we are calculating upper and lower quartiles
and medians. Perhaps 10% and 90% percentiles as well. Without functions
that might look something like this.

There are many more features in function definitions. See for instance

Feel free to ask what you like. Tutorials aren't very interactive...

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Tue Jun 22 19:04:03 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue Jun 22 21:49:15 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFJFOiBbVHV0b3JdIHRpbWUgY2FsYw==?=
Message-ID: <>

Don Arnold wrote:
> Anyone know if there is a module that does time math

Certainly. Just read the standard library reference!
The module is called datetime. *Don't* reinvent this
wheel, regardless of what people might suggest! ;)

>>> import datetime
>>> TD = datetime.timedelta
>>> td1 = TD(hours=5,minutes=23)
>>> td2 = TD(hours=3,minutes=2)
>>> sum = td1+td2
>>> print sum
>>> td3 = TD(hours=23,minutes=2,seconds=13)
>>> sum += td3
>>> print sum
1 day, 7:27:13
>>> sum.days
>>> sum.seconds
>>> now =
>>> then = now + sum
>>> print then
2004-06-24 06:47:42.732000
>>>, 6, 24)
>>> then.time()
datetime.time(6, 47, 42, 732000)
>>> then.year
>>> then.second
>>> then.strftime('%Y.%m.%d')

Note that the time module has a strptime function:
   >>> import time
   >>> time.strptime('23:12','%M:%S')
   (1900, 1, 1, 0, 23, 12, 0, 1, -1)
but in general, datetime is much more useful.

I guess it would be nice with a datetime.timedelta.strptime
function, but I'm afraid we don't have that in the standard
library yet. You can use the components you have to turn your 
"MM:SS" strings into timedeltas though.

>>> def minsec(s):
	return (datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(s,'%M:%S')[:7])
		- datetime.datetime(1900,1,1,0))

>>> sum = TD(0)
>>> for s in "23:12 5:56 6:34 7:34".split():
	sum += minsec(s)

>>> print sum
>>> print sum.seconds

(Or was that hours:minutes? Just change '%M:%S' to '%H:%M'
and (of course) rename the function as appropriate.)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From j.ezequiel at  Tue Jun 22 23:14:30 2004
From: j.ezequiel at (Ezequiel, Justin)
Date: Tue Jun 22 23:43:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Mailing list
Message-ID: <048A40781D05D143842A596D7C78F40F01025ED4@SPI-MAIL2003.SPITECH.COM>

Is it just me or are there no new messages in the mailing list?
The last message I got was on Mon 6/21/2004 3:50 PM (GMT+8:00).

From amonroe at  Wed Jun 23 06:32:05 2004
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Wed Jun 23 06:22:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is Python a valid business tool?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> - I have read that Python can be used like Perl CGI
> pages but I've heard that CGI is a resource pig.
> Right? Wrong? Is there another way to use Python on
> the Web?

Depends on the web server and how many hits it will get. If it has to
spawn a new instance of python.exe every time someone hits a page,
yeah, it can be slow. But there are things like mod_python for apache
that fix this problem. Dunno if they make an equivalent for websphere.


From darnold02 at  Wed Jun 23 06:32:59 2004
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Wed Jun 23 08:37:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I was going to suggest using the the datetime module, but wasn't sure how
datetime.datetime() objects could be used without having the date specified.
I hadn't thought of using datetime.timedelta() objects all by themselves.
Very nice. Thanks, Magnus.


-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Lycka [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 6:04 PM
To: Don Arnold; 'kevin parks';
Subject: Re: RE: [Tutor] time calc

Don Arnold wrote:
> Anyone know if there is a module that does time math

Certainly. Just read the standard library reference!
The module is called datetime. *Don't* reinvent this
wheel, regardless of what people might suggest! ;)

>>> import datetime
>>> TD = datetime.timedelta
>>> td1 = TD(hours=5,minutes=23)
>>> td2 = TD(hours=3,minutes=2)
>>> sum = td1+td2
>>> print sum
>>> td3 = TD(hours=23,minutes=2,seconds=13)
>>> sum += td3
>>> print sum
1 day, 7:27:13
>>> sum.days
>>> sum.seconds
>>> now =
>>> then = now + sum
>>> print then
2004-06-24 06:47:42.732000
>>>, 6, 24)
>>> then.time()
datetime.time(6, 47, 42, 732000)
>>> then.year
>>> then.second
>>> then.strftime('%Y.%m.%d')

Note that the time module has a strptime function:
   >>> import time
   >>> time.strptime('23:12','%M:%S')
   (1900, 1, 1, 0, 23, 12, 0, 1, -1)
but in general, datetime is much more useful.

I guess it would be nice with a datetime.timedelta.strptime
function, but I'm afraid we don't have that in the standard
library yet. You can use the components you have to turn your 
"MM:SS" strings into timedeltas though.

>>> def minsec(s):
	return (datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(s,'%M:%S')[:7])
		- datetime.datetime(1900,1,1,0))

>>> sum = TD(0)
>>> for s in "23:12 5:56 6:34 7:34".split():
	sum += minsec(s)

>>> print sum
>>> print sum.seconds

(Or was that hours:minutes? Just change '%M:%S' to '%H:%M'
and (of course) rename the function as appropriate.)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From pythonTutor at  Wed Jun 23 09:18:24 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Wed Jun 23 09:19:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is Python a valid business tool?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2004-06-16 at 18:13, Hamma Scott wrote:
> I hope this is the area where I could post this. If
> this is off topic please forgive me. I've tried
> authors of articles about Python and user groups
> devoted to Python (Bay Piggies to be exact) and have
> gotten no response. I'm looking for direction.
> I'm currently working in a company whose direction is
> pointed towards Java and Websphere. We used Visual
> Basic in the past and have some applications still
> about. We develop software under a windows environment
> to distributed unders the Windows OS. I have seen some
> smaller in-roads towards .NET and some in-roads
> towards Linux, but nothing that will bring Linux
> company-wide.
> My question; Is Python a language that is a good fit
> in this environment or is this something just for me?

I think it is a good fit, but you may have trouble convincing others.  I
think the key argument for Python is productivity everywhere.  Java
covers a language, a runtime environment (JVM), and a platform.  Jython
would allow you to use Java the platform and Java the runtime
environment with a more productive language.  The C implementation of
Python lets you use the Python language outside the Java platform.  It
has terrific COM support if you are using Windows.  Dot-Net is a future,
but based on Jim Hugunin's talk at PyCon, IronPython proves that Python
can work in a .Net environment.  I do not know of any other language
that offers the same kind of cross platform productivity.

> I'm just starting to learn it, but I've been met with
> questions that I cannot answer
> - I have read that Python can be used like Perl CGI
> pages but I've heard that CGI is a resource pig.
> Right? Wrong? 

Sort of right.  The problem with CGI is that it creates a new process
for each web request.  If the process is simple and the number of
requests is not too high, then CGI works well.  I have a number of
python cgi scripts that work quite well for their situation.

> Is there another way to use Python on
> the Web?

Yes.  You have choices depending upon your web server.  You can run a
webserver written in Python and integrate your scripts with the server. 
Zope is one of many possibilities.  You can use mod_python to integrate
python scripts with Apache.  You can use fastCGI to avoid the new
process overhead of regular CGI.

> - How can Python integrate in the above environment?
> Is there a need that it can fill?

As you can tell from the above, I'm a bit of a Python nut.  I believe
that Python should be the default choice for most situations.  Then fall
back to C or Java or whatever would make sense to fit a specific need.

> I would appreciate any response...thanks for your time
> on this matter.
> Scott
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From flaxeater at  Wed Jun 23 10:39:26 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Wed Jun 23 10:40:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is Python a valid business tool?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Hamma Scott <> wrote:
> I hope this is the area where I could post this. If
> this is off topic please forgive me. I've tried
> authors of articles about Python and user groups
> devoted to Python (Bay Piggies to be exact) and have
> gotten no response. I'm looking for direction.
> I'm currently working in a company whose direction is
> pointed towards Java and Websphere. We used Visual
> Basic in the past and have some applications still
> about. We develop software under a windows environment
> to distributed unders the Windows OS. I have seen some
> smaller in-roads towards .NET and some in-roads
> towards Linux, but nothing that will bring Linux
> company-wide.
This talks about python vb integration pehaps you could use this as a
bridge.  There is also Jython which is a python implementation in
java which can be compiled into java classes and any java class can
be used in jython.  Applets SWING and all the other stuff can by
made/used with jython. Look up  Perhaps you could use
websphere with jython.  In addition there is Zope which is a very
useful content management system written with python.  I believe that
is what websphere is.  

> My question; Is Python a language that is a good fit
> in this environment or is this something just for me?
> I'm just starting to learn it, but I've been met with
> questions that I cannot answer

Python may be what you need.  If you could use VB before python could
be used.  It's not speedy but often fast enough.  It runs very nicely
accross platforms with little or not modifiction.  The proof of this
is all the production code that is toted as cross platform and they
are just source distributiuons.  

> - I have read that Python can be used like Perl CGI
> pages but I've heard that CGI is a resource pig.
> Right? Wrong? Is there another way to use Python on
> the Web?
Python can be used for CGI.  The reason it's a resource hog is
because an instantiation is made everytime the script is called. 
However this can be mitigated with mod_python which imbeds an
interpreter inside apache.  If you are not using apache then perhaps
this is not a good idea.  
> - How can Python integrate in the above environment?
> Is there a need that it can fill?
> I would appreciate any response...thanks for your time
> on this matter.
> Scott
This post is definatly off topic.  This list is for teaching python. 
However I feel that you needed to learn perhaps this helps.  In short
I feel python is a good platform for producing software.  It has a
plethora of mature development tools and other stuff.  Look more

Check out which is a package index and the vaults
of parasues or something google for python vault.  You will see alot
of stuff.  

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage! 

From nick at  Wed Jun 23 15:40:09 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Wed Jun 23 15:39:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Just replying to my own email :)

I sent this about 3 days ago, and it's only just been received on the list,
after being forwarded by the tutor bouncer, what gives there ?


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Nick Lunt
Sent: 17 June 2004 23:42
To: Tutor
Subject: [Tutor] class variables

Hi folks,

Im making my way through the book 'Learning Python 2nd Edition'. I
understand classes but I have a question.
Take the following for example -

class beer:
    def __init__(self):
       self.make = 'murphys'
       cans = 4

There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used, just
'var' is, as in 'cans' above.
I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for 'make'
but what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?

Any pointers in the right direction happily received :)


Tutor maillist  -

From magnus at  Wed Jun 23 15:31:16 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Jun 23 15:43:26 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gcHNwX3NpdGUgbW1vZHM=?=
Message-ID: <>

Might this excerpt from the mod_python docs be useful?


Here is an example of how PSP can be used as a templating mechanism: 

The template file: 

  <!-- This is a simple psp template called template.html -->
  <h1>Hello, <%=what%>!</h1>

The handler code: 

from mod_python import apache, psp

def handler(req):
    template = psp.PSP(req, filename='template.html'){'what':'world'})
    return apache.OK


By the way, as a general programming advice, I'd suggest that you
keep your swishE logic and your mod_python logic in different
modules. This will have two benefits:
 * It gets easier to replace mod_python with something else
   without touching your swishE code or vice versa.
 * It makes it easier to write/test/debug the swishE code without 
   having to think about mod_python problems and vice versa.

This means that your code might be something like this (entirely
untested and just guessing wildly):

from mod_python import apache, psp
import search

def results(req, searchWords):
    template = psp.PSP(req, filename='template.html')
    if not (searchWords):
        query = 'Nothing to search for.' 
        answer = 'Nothing Found'
        query = 'Looking for: %s' % searchWords
        answer = search.wordSearch(searchWords){'query':query, 'answer':answer})
    return apache.OK


  <!-- This is a simple psp template called template.html -->

and then in "":


def wordSearch(searchWords):
      handle ='/usr/local/swish-e/index.swish-e')
      search ='')
      results = search.execute(searchWords)
      files = [r.getproperty('swishdocpath') for r in results]
      if files:
          return "The files found are: %s" % files
          return "No files found."

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Wed Jun 23 15:54:53 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Jun 23 15:55:04 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gY2xhc3MgdmFyaWFibGVz?=
Message-ID: <>

Nick Lunt wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Im making my way through the book 'Learning Python 2nd Edition'. I 
> understand classes but I have a question.
> Take the following for example -
> class beer:
>     def __init__(self):
>        self.make = 'murphys'
>        cans = 4
> There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used, just 
> 'var' is, as in 'cans' above.
> I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for 'make' 
> but what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?

It's simply a local variable in the function. In this case it's
completely pointless, since you just assign to it and then the 
function ends! Compare it with

def init():
    global make
    make = 'murphys'
    cans = 4

Note that class variables, i.e. variables defined in the scope of the
class, is something completely different. Like this:

class Beer:
    cans = 4
    def __init__(self):
        self.make = 'murphys'
        a_local = 5

The class varaible Beer.cans is shared between all instances of the class.
There is a separate instance variable self.make for each instance of the
Beer class. The local varable only exists during the duration of the
execution of the __init__ method. Note that instance varables hide class

>>> class Beer:
        cans = 4
        def __init__(self):
                self.make = 'murphys'

>>> a = Beer()
>>> b = Beer()
>>> a.make, a.cans
('murphys', 4)
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 4)
>>> a.make = 'Utenos'
>>> a.make, a.cans
('Utenos', 4)
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 4)
>>> Beer.cans = 6
>>> a.make, a.cans
('Utenos', 6)
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 6)
>>> b.cans = 3
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 3)
>>> del b.cans
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 6)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Wed Jun 23 14:47:19 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Jun 23 15:56:55 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gcHNwX3NpdGUgbW1vZHM=?=
Message-ID: <>

Reed L. O'Brien wrote:
> def results(req, searchWords):
>      return _any_page(req, 'results')
>          #def performSearch(searchWords):
>      # make sure the user provided all the parameters
>      if not (searchWords):
>          return " Nothing to search for. Nothing Found."
>      # do the search
>      handle ='/usr/local/swish-e/index.swish-e')
>      search ='')
>      results = search.execute(searchWords)
>      return [r.getproperty('swishdocpath') for r in results]

I'm not sure what this is meant to do, but you should be aware
that everything after the line "return _any_page(req, 'results')"
will be ignored by Python. Since you have an uncondional return
on that line, any call to the function "results" will end there,
and because of it's indentation, the code below is considered to
be a part of the "results" function.

If you are uncertain about indentation, make sure that you 
consistently use spaces *or* tabs for indentation, never mix them. 
Most Pythonistas use four spaces for indentaion.

> I could keep playing around but I figured it was time to put down my 
> pride and ask the experts.  Any help is appreciated.
> cheers,
> reed (very newb programmer)

Did you get an unmodified version if the demo to work? Make sure
that you do.

Start with that and try to change it in *really* small steps.
Don't add any more features if you've broken your code. Always
make it work before you go to the next step. I don't know if
anyone here has used mod_python and psp (I haven't), but if
you have a working example, and then can show that it broke 
when you made a tiny change, we can probably help you sort that 

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Wed Jun 23 16:18:20 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed Jun 23 16:18:40 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gcHNwX3NpdGUgbW1vZHM=?=
Message-ID: <>

Reed L. O'Brien wrote:
> Yes the demo site was working.  I am trying to add functionality.
> If you'd like to browse the current code you can at:

Ok, now I understand a bit more:

def results(req, searchWords):
    global answer
    if not (searchWords):
        answer = "Nothing to search for. Nothing Found"
    handle ='/usr/local/swish-e/index.swish-e')
    search ='')
    results = search.execute(searchWords)
    files = [r.getproperty('swishdocpath') for r in results]
#    req.write("The files found are: %s" % files)
    answer = "The files found are: %s" % files

    return _any_page(req, 'results')

There seems to be two bugs here. 

First of all, even if you go into the if-block, you will continue 
to do the search after that, replacing the first "answer" every
time. You need to use else. (I'd also get rid of the not, and make 
the "if" more "positive".

Secondly, "answer" should be included in the vars parameter of
the psp.PSP instance if I understand this correctly. You should
pass it to "_any_page". Avoid globals. I've added a named parameter
to _any_page for that. Note that existing callers of _any_page
can go on like before, no change needed there.

def results(req, searchWords):
    if (searchWords):
        handle ='/usr/local/swish-e/index.swish-e')
        search ='')
        results = search.execute(searchWords)
        files = [r.getproperty('swishdocpath') for r in results]
        answer = "The files found are: %s" % files
        answer = "Nothing to search for. Nothing Found"
    return _any_page(req, 'results', my_vars={'answer':answer})

def _any_page(req, name, vars={}):
    body_tmpl = _tmpl_path('%s_body.html' % name)

    vars.update({"menu": _menu(req, hlight=name),
                 "body": psp.PSP(req, body_tmpl)})

    main_tmpl = _tmpl_path(MAIN_TMPL)

    return psp.PSP(req, main_tmpl, vars=vars)

I still think it's clever to factor out the swishE stuff in a
separate module. No big deal for this small program, but code
tends to grow and get more complex, and then it's a good thing
to keep different things, such as dependencies on different
3rd party modules separate if it's easy to achieve.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From python at  Wed Jun 23 17:19:18 2004
From: python at (
Date: Wed Jun 23 17:20:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] errr...
Message-ID: <>

My messages never seem to make it to the list. final test before I sadly have to unsubscribe.

From adeleinandjeremy at  Wed Jun 23 17:31:24 2004
From: adeleinandjeremy at (Adelein and Jeremy)
Date: Wed Jun 23 17:31:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Where to learn def's
In-Reply-To: <000b01c454c1$7c0f1100$>
Message-ID: <>

--- K J <> wrote:
> I was wondering where the best tutorial on the net would be to
> learn def
> functions.  I am having trouble learning them.

I think I saw this before somewhere....

Have you tried

What sort of trouble are you having? How old are you? Are you taking
a class that requires Python? Are you learning on your own? Have you
programmed before (in other languages)? How can anyone help you if
you don't explain what your real problem is?

One trouble it seems you are having is teminological confusion. def
is not a type of function - it is a python keyword which denotes a
function definition. Perhaps you mean to distinguish between built in
or library functions and user-defined functions?

No one could possibly answer this without knowing your circumstances,
but I'll lay money that you will find the answer among the links
scattered around

- Jeremy

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages! 

From nick at  Wed Jun 23 17:33:30 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Wed Jun 23 17:33:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Magnus and Danny, thankyou very much for your explanations.

>From what you've both told me, it would seem that putting a local variable
in the __init__ method
of a class is quite pointless, ie

example 1
>>>class beer:
>>>	def __init__(self):
>>>		cans = 4
>>>		self.make = 'murphys'

The variable 'cans' will not be useable in any invocation of the class beer.
When I try to use the class in example 1, I get this -

>>> b1 = beer()
>>> b1.cans
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
AttributeError: beer instance has no attribute 'cans'

When I put the cans variable outside of the init method, ie

example 2
>>>class beer:
>>>	cans = 4
>>>	def __init_(self):
>>>		self.make = 'murphys'

then instances of the class 'beer' will be able to set and get
instance.cans, just as if it was coded as 'self.cans'.
Here's what I get with the version of the 'beer' class in example 2 -

>>> b2 = beer()
>>> b2.cans
>>> b3 = beer()
>>> b3.cans
>>> b2.cans = 10
>>> b2.cans
>>> b3.cans

Which is how Magnus showed me.

As it stands now I cant see any use for a local variable inside the __init__
method, ie a variable without the self prefix.

But also, I can see no reason to use a class variable outside of a class
method with no self prefix.

I admit Im quite confused by this still. Many python programs Ive studied
mix up class variable with and without the 'instance/self' prefix.

Im also confused about whether I should put my class variable inside a
method and use the self prefix, leave them outside of a method with no
prefix, or leave them outside of a method but give them a prefix.

With the simple programs I write at the moment, it wouldnt really make much
difference how I did it in most cases, but I would like to know when I
should or shouldn't be using self. And when I should be putting class
variables outside a class method (if ever).

I apologise for not grasping it very quickly. My previous experiences with
classes comes from java, and that was a while ago, and java classes seem a
lot stricter than python classes.

Many thanks,

-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Lycka []
Sent: 23 June 2004 20:55
To: Nick Lunt
Subject: Re: [Tutor] class variables

Nick Lunt wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Im making my way through the book 'Learning Python 2nd Edition'. I
> understand classes but I have a question.
> Take the following for example -
> class beer:
>     def __init__(self):
>        self.make = 'murphys'
>        cans = 4
> There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used, just
> 'var' is, as in 'cans' above.
> I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for 'make'
> but what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?

It's simply a local variable in the function. In this case it's
completely pointless, since you just assign to it and then the
function ends! Compare it with

def init():
    global make
    make = 'murphys'
    cans = 4

Note that class variables, i.e. variables defined in the scope of the
class, is something completely different. Like this:

class Beer:
    cans = 4
    def __init__(self):
        self.make = 'murphys'
        a_local = 5

The class varaible Beer.cans is shared between all instances of the class.
There is a separate instance variable self.make for each instance of the
Beer class. The local varable only exists during the duration of the
execution of the __init__ method. Note that instance varables hide class

>>> class Beer:
        cans = 4
        def __init__(self):
                self.make = 'murphys'

>>> a = Beer()
>>> b = Beer()
>>> a.make, a.cans
('murphys', 4)
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 4)
>>> a.make = 'Utenos'
>>> a.make, a.cans
('Utenos', 4)
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 4)
>>> Beer.cans = 6
>>> a.make, a.cans
('Utenos', 6)
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 6)
>>> b.cans = 3
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 3)
>>> del b.cans
>>> b.make, b.cans
('murphys', 6)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From adeleinandjeremy at  Wed Jun 23 17:46:26 2004
From: adeleinandjeremy at (Adelein and Jeremy)
Date: Wed Jun 23 17:46:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Nick Lunt <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Im making my way through the book 'Learning Python 2nd Edition'. I 
> understand classes but I have a question.
> Take the following for example -
> class beer:
>     def __init__(self):
>        self.make = 'murphys'
>        cans = 4
> There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used,
> just 
> 'var' is, as in 'cans' above.
> I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for
> 'make' 
> but what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?

In this example, there is no use. Once __init__ has been called and
executed, the variable cans will be taking up memory space with no
way for you to access it (well, normally, anyway). Given that x =
Beer(), neither x.cans nor Beer.cans is going to turn up anything but
an AttributeError exception. On what page are you?

Perhaps you are referring to something such as the following:

class Beer:
    beers = 0
    def __init__(self, make=''):
        self.make = make
        Beer.beers += 1

x = Beer('michelob')
y = Beer('murphys')
z = Beer('busch')

After this, the variable beers is 3, and x.beers, y.beers, z.beers,
and Beer.beers will all be 3. This, of course, is very useful.

- Jeremy

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage! 

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 23 18:46:55 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun 23 18:46:37 2004
Subject: [Tutor] time calc
References: <>
Message-ID: <002201c45973$fbbdaf40$6401a8c0@xp>

> So the task is really two part : reading in a list of numbers and
> adding one more piece of data and (2) doing time (base 60) math. It
> the time math part i simply can't get my head around. Anyone know if
> there is a module that does time math? or a method for doing this by
> hand?

Look at the datetime module - new in 2.3.

Alternatively you can convert time to seconds using the older time
do the math in seconds and convert back to readable format again...

Alan g

From gew75 at  Wed Jun 23 18:55:34 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Wed Jun 23 18:55:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE vs. Python Command Line
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Hi Dragonfirebane,

  I don't use IDLE to code with, so I can't explain the output you see
there.  The command line is correct.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 12:04 PM
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE vs. Python Command Line

when i type:

>>>import string

in IDLE, i get:


but when i do it on the Python Command Line, i get:


is this a flaw in IDLE or the Command Line? Which is more accurate? Since
one of my programs uses string.letters, it is important for me to know.

Thanks in advance,


>>> print string.letters

Command Line:
>>>print string.letters

Tutor maillist  -

From bgailer at  Wed Jun 23 19:23:42 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Wed Jun 23 19:22:40 2004
Subject: {Spam?} [Tutor] IDLE vs. Python Command Line
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 08:04 PM 6/17/2004, wrote:
>when i type:
> >>>import string
> >>>string.letters
>in IDLE, i get:
>but when i do it on the Python Command Line, i get:

I can confirm that behavior, but not explain it.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From bgailer at  Wed Jun 23 19:29:53 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Wed Jun 23 19:28:45 2004
Subject: {Spam?} [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 04:42 PM 6/17/2004, Nick Lunt wrote:
>Hi folks,
>Im making my way through the book 'Learning Python 2nd Edition'. I 
>understand classes but I have a question.
>Take the following for example -
>class beer:
>    def __init__(self):
>       self.make = 'murphys'
>       cans = 4
>There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used, just 'var' 
>is, as in 'cans' above.
>I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for 'make' but 
>what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?

cans is a local variable, not a class variable. It disappears when the 
__init__ method terminates. If you move the assignment to the class level, 
cans becomes a class variable; every instance of beer will have the class 
property with value 4 unless overridden.

class beer:
    cans = 4
    def __init__(self):
       self.make = 'murphys'

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From roeland.rengelink at  Wed Jun 23 19:40:51 2004
From: roeland.rengelink at (Roeland Rengelink)
Date: Wed Jun 23 19:38:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] classes & required method not working
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dave S wrote:
> I have a class problem. I have a script, which defines a 
> class ScanData :
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> """
> AnalizeClass
> """
> import os,ggdatacore3
> class ScanData:

<snip code>

> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import os,ggScanStock
> class pcprofit(ScanData):

<snip more code>

> However when I try & execute I get :
> bash-2.05b$ ./
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "./", line 5, in ?
>    class pcprofit(ScanData):
> NameError: name 'ScanData' is not defined
> bash-2.05b$
> Can anyone explain where I am going wrong - I imported ggScanStock so 
> why cant my class pcprofit
> find class ScanData ?

You should use:

class pcprofit(ggScanStock.ScanData):

i.e.: the object ScanData from the module ggScanStock

import amodule, does not import the objects defined in 'amodule' in your 
module. It creates them in 'amodule' and you can access them using the 

Hope this help,

Author of PyORQ (, an Object-Relational 
binding that lets you write queries as Python expression

'half of what I say is nonsense, unfortunately I don't know which half'

From dyoo at  Wed Jun 23 15:57:10 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Jun 23 21:28:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Nick Lunt wrote:

> Im making my way through the book 'Learning Python 2nd Edition'. I
> understand classes but I have a question. Take the following for example
> -
> class beer:
>     def __init__(self):
>        self.make = 'murphys'
>        cans = 4
> There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used, just
> 'var' is, as in 'cans' above.

Hi Nick,

In this particular example, 'cans' is a local variable, so it lasts for
just the method call.

Hope this helps!

From Dragonfirebane at  Wed Jun 23 22:18:37 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Wed Jun 23 22:18:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] changing string to integer in a script
Message-ID: <>

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From reed at  Wed Jun 23 23:05:08 2004
From: reed at (Reed L. O'Brien)
Date: Wed Jun 23 23:05:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Is this working?
In-Reply-To: <002101c4573c$788123c0$>
References: <002101c4573c$788123c0$>
Message-ID: <cbdgd6$fgt$>

K J wrote:
> Is the mailing list working right?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

I am under the impression that a number of lists are having spam issues. 
    Perhaps mailman based lists.  mod_python is down.  I just got my 
subscription link from python-list 4 days later.  They time out after 
three days.


From david at  Thu Jun 24 00:20:28 2004
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Thu Jun 24 00:20:40 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is Python a valid business tool?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Hamma Scott <> [2004-06-16 15:13]:
> I hope this is the area where I could post this. If
> this is off topic please forgive me. I've tried
> authors of articles about Python and user groups
> devoted to Python (Bay Piggies to be exact) and have
> gotten no response. I'm looking for direction.
> I'm currently working in a company whose direction is
> pointed towards Java and Websphere. We used Visual
> Basic in the past and have some applications still
> about. We develop software under a windows environment
> to distributed unders the Windows OS. I have seen some
> smaller in-roads towards .NET and some in-roads
> towards Linux, but nothing that will bring Linux
> company-wide.
> My question; Is Python a language that is a good fit
> in this environment or is this something just for me?
> I'm just starting to learn it, but I've been met with
> questions that I cannot answer
> - I have read that Python can be used like Perl CGI
> pages but I've heard that CGI is a resource pig.
> Right? Wrong? Is there another way to use Python on
> the Web?

Yes, it can. I guess "resource pig" is a bit subjective. Apache has a
mod_python that can deal with a lot of the overhead of calling the

> - How can Python integrate in the above environment?
> Is there a need that it can fill?

Are you using it for an end-application? Is it something that you would
be concerend about letting other end-users have access to the source of
the app? Python works primarily as a script file that is run by an
interpreter, although there are ways to create executable binary
versions (py2exe, for one). 

About the best place I can think of to get information about Python as a
web tool is to look at Zope.
Zope's existience is a pretty good argument for Python on the web.
Actually, so is Google, NASA, and ILM

David Rock
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From flaxeater at  Thu Jun 24 01:03:52 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Thu Jun 24 01:03:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] changing string to integer in a script
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

ActivePython 2.3.2 Build 232 (ActiveState Corp.) based on
Python 2.3.2 (#49, Nov 13 2003, 10:34:54) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>> a='this is a string'
>>> type(a)
<type 'str'>
>>> a='11'
>>> type(a)
<type 'str'>
>>> a=int(a)
>>> type(a)
<type 'int'>

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From flaxeater at  Thu Jun 24 01:08:32 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Thu Jun 24 01:08:40 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Record Locking & Access - newbye
In-Reply-To: <003001c456f8$17ba9b00$6601a8c0@clixdialupadapt>
Message-ID: <>

> Now when a user selects a record from a grid on screen I can send
> him to
> another form "Record Form" where he can edit the record. This way I
> can have
> only one query to the database and have the users working locally
> on there
> record sets. But when a user edits an existing record I puzzled to
> think
> that another user might be changing that record at the same time
> (because
> they are not locking any records and are using lists with the
> record
> contents locally)! 
> I guess this is a very common problem with a standard solution. How
> can I
> avoid this?

I have not done this personaly but *I* would just make some file on
the system that indicates wether or not the db should be "LOCKED" or
Another way that I have tought about doing it.  Maybe not in scope. 
But to create a client server system where the server is the only one
that can make db writes.  And the server acts as a que for writing. 

As I was writing I realized the trouble.  You will need to check
wether the field has changed since the user has viewed the field. 
perhaps you should have a last_changed field in each row and if it's 
newere than last viewed by the user then notify the user that he has
new information he should consider before submiting the change.

This could get tedious for the user depending on the situation.  

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!

From flaxeater at  Thu Jun 24 01:12:40 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Thu Jun 24 01:12:51 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> class beer:
>     def __init__(self):
>        self.make = 'murphys'
>        cans = 4
> There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used,
> just 
> 'var' is, as in 'cans' above.
> I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for
> 'make' 
> but what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?
this troubled me at first and I'm not sure but I may have asked this
very question here.

self.var in this case means that it's a class variable available to
the instance.  In this case 'cans' is a function variable only
available to things inside that function.  just like this


def dosomething():
  print x
print x

>>print x

I hope this helps.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From carroll at  Thu Jun 24 02:12:33 2004
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Jun 24 02:12:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Printing a progress bar
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Dave S wrote:

> Terry Carroll wrote:
> >I use Randy Pargman's progress bar from 
> > ; I find it 
> >does the job nicely.
> >  
> >
> I will combine this class with backspacing to hopefully produce a static 
> line with a dynamic progress bar !

Don't sweat the backspacing.  Look at the examples on that web page.  The 
line printing the progress bar string looks like this:

  print prog, "\r",

This prints the string named prog, which is your progress-bar, followed 
by a return ("\r"), which sets up the curser back to column 1, no 
backspacing needed.  Then the newline that's normallt added to a printed 
statement is supressed, due to the trailing comma.

That's one thing I like about this progress bar; you just print it, and 
that's it, no counting, no backspacing, none of that.

Just remember when you're done to do that final bare "print" statement, 
because otherwise you'll still be poised at the beginning of the line for 
your next print statement, and your line will look messy, with a progress 
bar partially overwritten by your next print.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 24 02:55:02 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun 24 02:54:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Best place to learn on the web
References: <001201c454d9$f22405e0$>
Message-ID: <003701c459b8$2ca1c3f0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I was wondering where the best tutorial on the net would be 
> to learn def functions.  I am having trouble learning them.

Being biased I'd suggest my web tutor :-)

But you could also try the official tutor that comes with Python.

And if you have specific questions post them here thats what 
the list is for.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From project5 at  Thu Jun 24 03:02:31 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Thu Jun 24 03:02:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Creating subclasses (newbie)
References: <20040621090635.0edff64b@debian>
Message-ID: <>

Adam <adam <at>> writes:

> I have a subclass I want to create - my intuition told me
> that it would be done like this:
> class MainClass:
> 	class SubClass:
> 		code...
> 	subclassinstance = SubClass()
> mainclassinstance = MainClass()

Your intuition is wrong :). A subclass is not a class defined in a different
class, but a class that inherits and builds upon an ancestor class (a little bit
like a child inherits from her parents, but is not identical to them). For
example we know that all spheres have a diameter. We also know that all balls
are spheres and are intended for a certain game. However, not all spheres are
for playing games with (e.g. the sun or one of those glass "lightning" spheres).
So let's express that in classes:

class Sphere(object): # means Spere inherits from object
    def __init__(self, diameter):
        self.diameter = diameter
    def getRadius(self): # all spheres have a radius too
        return self.diameter/2

class Ball(Sphere): 
    # Ball inherits from (or is a subclass of) Sphere
    def __init__(self, diameter, game):
        Sphere.__init__(self, diameter) 
                # initializes the Sphere properties
                # (which Ball obviously also has) = game # a Ball is meant to play a certain game

football = Ball(14.0, 'football') # instance of Ball
sun = Sphere(1.4e11) # instance of Sphere

print football.getRadius() 
  # method inherited by Ball from Sphere
  # Subclassing Sphere got us all its functionality
  # for free! If you need more sphere-like objects,
  # like a Planet class, they too will inherit all
  # functionality shared by all Spheres.

print # will print game property of Ball instance.

print # will give an error message, since Sphere does
               # not inherit anything from Ball (parents don't 
               # inherit anything from their children!)

> But it seems that this isn't going to work. I'm reading a
> couple of Python books, but they don't seem to cover this
> topic very well (I don't see any coding examples).

You should look a bit better :). People on the main Python mailing list have
already pointed you to some tutorials, so read those and all will be clear(er).



From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 24 03:10:11 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun 24 03:09:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is Python a valid business tool?
References: <>
Message-ID: <005101c459ba$4a0335d0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I hope this is the area where I could post this. If
> this is off topic please forgive me. 

Somewhat off topic but we'll forgive you!

> authors of articles about Python and user groups
> devoted to Python (Bay Piggies to be exact) and have
> gotten no response. I'm looking for direction.

Have you tried the web site? There is a section about 
Python usage in "the real world"

> We develop software under a windows environment
> to distributed unders the Windows OS. 

That can be done. If you want to distribute .exes you 
need to use third party tools (such as py2exe) to 
create the .exe bundle, but its possible.

> smaller in-roads towards .NET 

There is a project underway to create a Python.NET, 
dunno how far its gotten. Search sourceforge I guess.

> - I have read that Python can be used like Perl CGI
> pages but I've heard that CGI is a resource pig.

CGI is a resource hog compared to some other technologies 
but for low volume use it is extremely portable and 
"good enough" in many cases. But there are several 
other options in Python too. Zope is the serious 
commercial level web development using Python, there 
are several books on Zope and extensive material on 
their web site, but it is a complete web development 
environment complete with object database, ORB etc 
- rather like WebSphere itself.

Lower cost(in effort terms - zope is free in cash terms) 
options include mod-cgi which reduces the resource hogging 
aspect of CGI considerably, and improves the speed.

> - How can Python integrate in the above environment?
> Is there a need that it can fill?

Python works well in Windows, you can access MFC, COM 
or WSH and even the raw Win32 API. .NET support is 
coming but probably not ready for srious use just yet.

Python is a valid alternative to VBScript and VB. 
There are a few areas where the raw power of C# or C++ 
might be needed but Python can probably do 80% of what 
you need.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 24 03:14:28 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun 24 03:14:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
References: <>
Message-ID: <005601c459ba$e36dceb0$6401a8c0@xp>

> class beer:
>     def __init__(self):
>        self.make = 'murphys'
>        cans = 4
> There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used, just
> 'var' is, as in 'cans' above.
> I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for
> but what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?

Its just a local variable inside the init function. Just like any
local variable it will go out of scope and be garbage collected when
init terminates.

However if the variable is declared outside of a method it is a class
variable (see a previous thread - last month mebbe?) and is shared
all instances:

class C:
   shared = 42
   def __init__(s,v):
     self.inst = v

a = C(24)
b = C(12)

print a.shared, a.inst   # -> 42,24
print b.shared,b.inst    # -> 42,12


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 24 03:24:58 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun 24 03:24:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] classes & required method not working
References: <>
Message-ID: <007501c459bc$5aec8430$6401a8c0@xp>

> I have a class problem. I have a script, which
defines a
> class ScanData :

> 'stub' class methods I have defined these methods in a seperate
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import os,ggScanStock
> class pcprofit(ScanData):

You need to specify where ScanData lives:

class pcprofit(ggScanStock.ScanData):

> However when I try & execute I get :
> bash-2.05b$ ./
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./", line 5, in ?
>     class pcprofit(ScanData):
> NameError: name 'ScanData' is not defined

Its looking for the name ScanData in your module but it can't find
it because its in the ggScanStock module. You only imported the name
ggScanStock not all of its contents.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 24 03:30:38 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun 24 03:30:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Creating subclasses (newbie)
References: <20040621090635.0edff64b@debian>
Message-ID: <008501c459bd$258e24a0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I have a subclass I want to create - my intuition told me
> that it would be done like this:
> class MainClass:
> class SubClass:

While Python is an intuitive language learning by guesswork 
is probably not an effective method! :-)
Even if you stumble across something that seems to work its 
unlikely to be the best way. (Unless you are genetically 
related to Guido vannROssum maybe...)

You really should try following one of the many tutorials, 
the official one if you have already programmed another 
language or one of the others if you are a complete newbie.

The short answer to your question is:

class Main:
   # main definition code here

class Sub(Main):
   # sub extensions here

> subclassinstance = Sub()
> mainclassinstance = Main()

> But it seems that this isn't going to work. I'm reading a
> couple of Python books, but they don't seem to cover this
> topic very well (I don't see any coding examples).

Dunno which books you are reading but most Python tutorials 
should cover this topic, look under "inheritance" in the index.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 24 03:36:36 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun 24 03:36:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] changing string to integer in a script
References: <>
Message-ID: <008c01c459bd$fae6b090$6401a8c0@xp>

>  >>> import time
>  >>> time.strftime('%H')
> '18'
>  >>> type (time.strftime('%H'))
> <type 'str'>
> So it looks like I am getting a string back instead of an integer.
If I
> just assign it a number and run type on it again it looks OK...

the clue is in the name. strftime returns a *str*ing.

You might want to try using localtime() instead, that returns a tuple
of values, the 4th of which is the hour:

>>> hour = time.localtime()[3]

> I'm sure I have not looked hard enough, but I can't see any way to
> change a string to an int.

int() works pretty well:

>>> int('18')

> I *imagine* it would be something kinda like:
> time.strftime('%H').something.something()

Nope, just int() :-)


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 24 07:45:15 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun 24 07:44:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Creating subclasses (newbie)
References: <20040621090635.0edff64b@debian><008501c459bd$258e24a0$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <00a001c459e0$b71639d0$6401a8c0@xp>

> On to my next related question. Is the best way to build up
> a relation of objects through the use of lists (or
> dictionaries or tuples). 

Yes, usually dictionaries for the sort of thing you describe...

> I'm writing an application to manage a catalogue of magazines 

> objects Title, Issues, Articles - there will be many titles,
> which in turn will hold many issues - so is the best way of
>  managing this giving each Title a list, which holds each
> Issue object instance? In turn, each Issue will hold a list
> (mutable) which can then hold the article instances. How
> does that sound as a design?

I'd go with dictionaries, and why would the list of articles 
be mutable? Surely the articles in an Issue is fixed?
But I'd be careful of creating too many classes. Think about 
each classes responsibilities and behaviours. In this case 
it may be that you only need data for some of the items.

Also consider data volumes, it may be that you have enough 
magazines to warrant a database solution. At least think 
about how you will store the data to/from files. Using 
dictionaries leads nicely to the shelve module (Which 
creates a file that acts a lot like a dictionary).

Just some thoughts.

> ps. forgive me for posting directly to you, but the list
> seems to be undergoing some problems at the moment. 

No probs I've CCd the reply anyway.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From gew75 at  Thu Jun 24 08:56:36 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Thu Jun 24 08:56:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] testing - please ignore.
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Not to me they don't.  I keep getting them...
  Please make a conclusion.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 5:08 PM
Subject: [Tutor] testing - please ignore.

> emails keep getting eaten. odd.
> tom
> Weinberg's Law:
> "If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then 
> the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization"
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From wilson at  Thu Jun 24 09:49:52 2004
From: wilson at (Tim Wilson)
Date: Thu Jun 24 09:50:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Loop Variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/12/04 12:30 PM, "ivan low" <> wrote:

> Hi, I had come to read a book about loop variable that have i, j, k.
> I don't understand why are there 3 type?
> What's the different?

Looping variables are often used to keep track of how many times the loop
has been executed and not for any other purpose. Using i, j, and k is a
common convention. They're quick to type and remind the programmer that
they're just for counting loops.


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto:   aim: tis270   public key: 0x8C0F8813

From magnus at  Thu Jun 24 10:07:05 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 24 10:07:53 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gQ3JlYXRpbmcgc3ViY2xhc3NlcyAobmV3YmllKQ==?=
Message-ID: <>

Adam wrote:
> I have a subclass I want to create - my intuition told me
> that it would be done like this:
> class MainClass:
> 	class SubClass:
> 		code...
> 	subclassinstance = SubClass()
> mainclassinstance = MainClass()

I'm afraid your intuition misled you completely. ;)

To be completely honest, it doesn't seem that you quite 
understand what subclasses are for and how they are used if 
you think they would be made inside the base class.

I guess the word subclass is really misleading. Maybe it's
not really what you actually need. Feel free do discuss your
design with us.

A subclass is a specialization of a base class. For instance
an employee is a kind of person, and a manager is a kind of
employee. The more abstract and generic code, i.e. the base 
class code, should only deal with the abstract and generic
issues, and should know nothing about the more concrete and
specialized uses of itself. In other words, the base class
shouldn't know which subclasses it has.

It's common that base classes are part of standard libraries
and third party libraries, and that applications programmers
subclass these classes in their own modules.

This is an example of subclassing, where Employee is a sbclass
of Person, and Manager is a subclass of Employee. Note that
Person inherits from the standard base class 'object'.

class Person(object):

    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def __str__(self):
        return "A Person called %s" %

class Employee(Person):
    dept = 'Unknown'

    def set_dept(self, dept):
        self.dept = dept

    def __str__(self):
        return "An Employee called %s working at %s department" % (
                       , self.dept)

class Manager(Employee):

    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.subjects = []
        super(Employee, self).__init__(*args)

    def add_emp(self, emp):

    def remove_emp(self, emp):

    def __str__(self):
        emps = [str(emp) for emp in self.subjects]
        return "%s at %s department is manager for %s" % (
       , self.dept, ",".join(emps))        

>>> p = Person('Peter')
>>> print p
A Person called Peter
>>> e1 = Employee('Eric')
>>> e1.set_dept('Sales')
>>> e2 = Employee('Ed')
>>> print e1
An Employee called Eric working at Sales department
>>> print e2
An Employee called Ed working at Unknown department
>>> e2.set_dept('Construction')
>>> print e2
An Employee called Ed working at Construction department
>>> m = Manager('Mike')
>>> m.set_dept('Sales')
>>> e3 = Employee('Emma')
>>> e3.set_dept('Sales')
>>> for  e in (e1,e2,e3):
	if e.dept == m.dept:

>>> print m
Mike at Sales department is manager for An Employee called Eric working at Sales department,An Employee called Emma working at Sales department

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From pythonTutor at  Thu Jun 24 10:51:10 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Thu Jun 24 10:51:23 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Record Locking & Access - newbye
In-Reply-To: <003001c456f8$17ba9b00$6601a8c0@clixdialupadapt>
References: <003001c456f8$17ba9b00$6601a8c0@clixdialupadapt>
Message-ID: <>

You can often handle this with a timestamp on the record.  The database
should support a timestamp type that will NOT BE DUPLICATED on single
record updates within a table.  The basic update algorithm is:
	lock record (or table or block depending on DBMS)
	read record
	if record timestamp == user timestamp
		do update
		refresh user copy
		notify user that record was modified by someone else

if the timestamp changed, be careful about automatically refreshing the
user's copy of the record and discarding the user's changes to the
original record.

We've been successful using this approach with MySQL.

On Sun, 2004-06-20 at 14:55, Miguel Lopes wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's my problem.
> Using python dbapi I get groups of records back from a database into a list
> for example to feed a "List Form" which is just a grid on a form (the db is
> about 9000 thousand records - so I suppose there's not a big problem to
> fetch all records in a go!).
> Now when a user selects a record from a grid on screen I can send him to
> another form "Record Form" where he can edit the record. This way I can have
> only one query to the database and have the users working locally on there
> record sets. But when a user edits an existing record I puzzled to think
> that another user might be changing that record at the same time (because
> they are not locking any records and are using lists with the record
> contents locally)! This could cause for example that user A changes record 1
> from "bar" to "foo" and updates the db, just after user A user B updates the
> db with a change in the same record from "bar" to "foobar" (never seeing
> user As changes)!!!
> I guess this is a very common problem with a standard solution. How can I
> avoid this?
> Best regards,
> Mekl
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From magnus at  Thu Jun 24 11:15:16 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 24 11:15:27 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gTG9vcCBWYXJpYWJsZXM=?=
Message-ID: <>

> Hi, I had come to read a book about loop variable that have i, j, k.
> I don't understand why are there 3 type?

In general, variable names should use descriptive names, so calling 
any variable i, j or k is probably a poor decision. It doesn't tell 
us anything about the purpose of the code.

One might say that i, j, etc are well established as loop variable
names, but typically, the loop variables in loops represent something
meaningful which we have a name for. Depending on context, better loop
varable names might be 'row', 'player', 'transaction' or whatever we
are dealing with in the program.

There is a conflict for those who write educational code examples.
On one hand, you don't want to distract the reader with a lot of
irrelevant context (such as long variable names with a meaning which
is irrelevant for the detail you want to explain). On the other hand,
by constantly using really bad variable names like i,j,k and a,b,c,
you teach your readers a bad programming habit.

The typical reasons for using several loop variables such as i, j, k is 
that you nest loops. You have several loops inside each other, and you
need to keep track of your position in these loops independently of each
other. For instance, imagine that you want to display a multiplication 

def mult(max_x, max_y):
    print '    *',
    for x in range(1, max_x + 1):
        print "%5i" % x,
    for y in range(1, max_y + 1):
        print "%5i" % y,
        for x in range(1, max_x + 1):
            print "%5i" % (x * y),

>>> mult(8,10)
    *     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
    1     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
    2     2     4     6     8    10    12    14    16
    3     3     6     9    12    15    18    21    24
    4     4     8    12    16    20    24    28    32
    5     5    10    15    20    25    30    35    40
    6     6    12    18    24    30    36    42    48
    7     7    14    21    28    35    42    49    56
    8     8    16    24    32    40    48    56    64
    9     9    18    27    36    45    54    63    72
   10    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80

I guess you understand that you need to use two different variables 
for x and y here. I do use x two times in different loop as you see.
For me, x is the x-axis (i.e. horizontal) values, and y is the y-axis
(vertical) values. I guess I could have called y 'row', and x 'col'
instead, but x and y are well established terms in this context.

You should also note that code blocks don't imply scopes in Python
as they do in i.e. C++. So, even if you don't need to access a loop
varible in any inner loop, using the same loop variable in nested
loops will mess things up. See below:

>>> for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
                for k in range(2):
                        print '    Inner', k
                print '  Middle', j
        print 'Outer', i

    Inner 0
    Inner 1
  Middle 0
    Inner 0
    Inner 1
  Middle 1
Outer 0
    Inner 0
    Inner 1
  Middle 0
    Inner 0
    Inner 1
  Middle 1
Outer 1
>>> for i in range(2):
        for i in range(2):
                for i in range(2):
                        print '    Inner', i
                print '  Middle', i
        print 'Outer', i

    Inner 0
    Inner 1
  Middle 1    <= BUG!
    Inner 0
    Inner 1
  Middle 1
Outer 1       <= BUG!
    Inner 0
    Inner 1
  Middle 1    <= BUG!
    Inner 0
    Inner 1
  Middle 1
Outer 1

You will still get the right number of iterations, since the
range functions will produce the right number of elements
anyway. A C style for loop such as "for (i=0; i<2; i++)" 
would end prematurely if the same loop variable was used.
Python is more robust, but things can still go wrong... :)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From derekp at  Fri Jun 25 11:19:47 2004
From: derekp at (Derek Pienaar)
Date: Thu Jun 24 11:19:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] a byte of python... error with while statement?
Message-ID: <>

Halo Guys.

Is there an error in the documentation or code example for
the "while" statement?

Look at the code for the example, and then read the second paragraph
under the "How it works" section... It mentions that the variable stop is
set to true BEFORE the while loop... From what I can see its not.

Ive mailed the author without but he's not responding.

The page for the abovementioned can be found here:

If this is not wrong, then I dont understand the "while not stop:"
statement right. Please explain this if so.



From missive at  Thu Jun 24 12:10:32 2004
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Thu Jun 24 12:42:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Record Locking and Access - newbye
Message-ID: <>

>Using python dbapi I get groups of records back from a database into a list
>for example to feed a "List Form" which is just a grid on a form (the db is
>about 9000 thousand records - so I suppose there's not a big problem to
>fetch all records in a go!).
>Now when a user selects a record from a grid on screen I can send him to
>another form "Record Form" where he can edit the record. This way I can 
>only one query to the database and have the users working locally on there
>record sets. But when a user edits an existing record I puzzled to think
>that another user might be changing that record at the same time (because
>they are not locking any records and are using lists with the record
>contents locally)! This could cause for example that user A changes record 
>from "bar" to "foo" and updates the db, just after user A user B updates 
>db with a change in the same record from "bar" to "foobar" (never seeing
>user As changes)!!!
>I guess this is a very common problem with a standard solution. How can I
>avoid this?

You say "...and Access" but it is not clear to me. Are you using a MicroSoft
Access database (ie Jet)?

In PostgreSQL, I think the standard solution to this would be to
SELECT ... FOR UPDATE  which would lock the record against other
UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT ... FOR UPDATE transactions.

Googling around, it is not clear to me whether MS Access has that

If not, you might have to do the locking in your application. Actually, 
way, your app will probably need to know something about the fact
that records might need to be locked so that it can let the user know
what is happening.

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

From missive at  Thu Jun 24 12:27:35 2004
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Thu Jun 24 12:46:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Loop Variables
Message-ID: <>

>Hi, I had come to read a book about loop variable that have i, j, k.
>I don't understand why are there 3 type?
>What's the different?

It would help to see some of the code that uses the variable,
so that we can see exactly why they have chosen to use those

As far as I can tell from what you have written, there are not
really 3 different types, just 3 different variables.

They are just 3 different storage areas for data that you want
to keep track of.

Let's say you want to count up to 10 twice.

>>>for count_twice in range(2):
...     for up_to_10 in range(1, 11):
...         print 'this is count', count_twice, 'at number', up_to_10
this is count 0 at number 1
this is count 0 at number 2
this is count 0 at number 3
this is count 0 at number 4
this is count 0 at number 5
this is count 0 at number 6
this is count 0 at number 7
this is count 0 at number 8
this is count 0 at number 9
this is count 0 at number 10
this is count 1 at number 1
this is count 1 at number 2
this is count 1 at number 3
this is count 1 at number 4
this is count 1 at number 5
this is count 1 at number 6
this is count 1 at number 7
this is count 1 at number 8
this is count 1 at number 9
this is count 1 at number 10

But we could have written it like this ...

>>>for i in range(2):
...     for j in range(1, 11):
...         print 'this is count', i, 'at number', j
this is count 0 at number 1
this is count 0 at number 2
this is count 0 at number 3
this is count 0 at number 4
this is count 0 at number 5
this is count 0 at number 6
this is count 0 at number 7
this is count 0 at number 8
this is count 0 at number 9
this is count 0 at number 10
this is count 1 at number 1
this is count 1 at number 2
this is count 1 at number 3
this is count 1 at number 4
this is count 1 at number 5
this is count 1 at number 6
this is count 1 at number 7
this is count 1 at number 8
this is count 1 at number 9
this is count 1 at number 10

Same result.

But we definitely need 2 different variables. If we tried to use the
same variable twice, it would not work ...

>>>for i in range(2):
...     for i in range(1, 11):
...         # not really sure what to put here ...
...         print 'this is count', i, 'at number', i
this is count 1 at number 1
this is count 2 at number 2
this is count 3 at number 3
this is count 4 at number 4
this is count 5 at number 5
this is count 6 at number 6
this is count 7 at number 7
this is count 8 at number 8
this is count 9 at number 9
this is count 10 at number 10
this is count 1 at number 1
this is count 2 at number 2
this is count 3 at number 3
this is count 4 at number 4
this is count 5 at number 5
this is count 6 at number 6
this is count 7 at number 7
this is count 8 at number 8
this is count 9 at number 9
this is count 10 at number 10

Which (surprisingly enough to me) works better than
expected. Of course the output is nonsense.

I guess what happens is that the second "for loop" is
creating a new "namespace". So the second use of
x is actually a different variable than the first use of x.

If that seems confusing, I guess I would just say
"don't do that"  :o)

It is almost always better to try to come up with some
meaningful name for your variables (rather than just
use i, j, k) Of course for every rule ...

If it is just a counter, and the value will only be used in
one small section of code, then i, j or k might be perfectly
reasonable variable names.

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

From robinst at MIT.EDU  Thu Jun 24 12:30:11 2004
From: robinst at MIT.EDU (Theresa Robinson)
Date: Thu Jun 24 12:50:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What Eval() Hath Men Wrought
In-Reply-To: <00e001c45a06$b4bc7610$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> There is no right way, mostly I would pass a function reference
> as my preferred route and apply() as a close second if, for
> example the functions took different numbers of arguments.

Thank you very much for your help.  I did a little more research and it
looks like somebody has already started on an optimization package,
although it doesn't have everything we'll need.

I think it would be a good idea for me to use the same techniques, and
hopefully even the same argument list etc. for any algorithms I add to it.
And it has:

def fmin(func, x0, args=(), xtol=1e-4, ftol=1e-4, maxiter=None, maxfun=None, fulloutput=0, printmessg=1)


fxr = apply(func,(xr,)+args)

so I think I'll just copy that.  Next I should look up apply().


From magnus at  Thu Jun 24 12:34:33 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 24 13:05:51 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gV2hhdCBFdmFsKCkgSGF0aCBNZW4gV3JvdWdodA==?=
Message-ID: <>

Theresa Robinson wrote:
> The C way to do it is to pass in a pointer to a function.  This is good
> because C nicely checks that the function 1) is actually a function 2)
> takes the right arguments 3) returns the right type.  The Matlab way to do
> it is to pass a string that contains the function name, and to use the
> Matlab feval function, which is similar to the Python eval but nicer since
> you don't have to construct the whole string yourself, but instead can use
> the form feval('function_name',argument).  This works but is bad because

It's even simpler than that in Python with the old "apply" function,
but you don't need that either... That's obsolete.

> you get weird errors if the function name is wrong, or if the function
> takes an unexpected kind of argument or returns an unexpected type.

Python obviously doesn't have static typing, but in all it's much better
than C for things like that. There are things that might not be discovered
until runtime, but you can write much, much more generic and simple code
for the kind of things you describe.
> What is the right way to do this in Python?  Where can I learn how to do
> it?

The C way, but skip the pointer thingie. Just do it. It's trivial. I will 
even refuce to show any example. Just imagine that it is as simple as it 
could possibly be. If you don't get it to work, it's probably because you 
don't believe it can be that simple, and you try to convolute your code. ;)

Almost everything is an object in Python, and objects are dealt with in a
very uniform way.

Look at the chapter about functions in the Python Tutorial, and be amazed
about how easy it is to write generic code that will pass any number of
positional or named arguments to a function.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Thu Jun 24 12:12:29 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 24 13:19:09 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gUmVjb3JkIExvY2tpbmcgYW5kIEFjY2VzcyAtIG5ld2J5ZQ==?=
Message-ID: <>

mjekl wrote: 
> Here's my problem.
> Using python dbapi I get groups of records back from a database into a list
> for example to feed a "List Form" which is just a grid on a form (the db is
> about 9000 thousand records - so I suppose there's not a big problem to
> fetch all records in a go!).

If you meant 9 000, it's no problem, if you meant 9 000 000, it might be 
a bit slow...
> Now when a user selects a record from a grid on screen I can send him to
> another form "Record Form" where he can edit the record. This way I can have
> only one query to the database and have the users working locally on there
> record sets. But when a user edits an existing record I puzzled to think
> that another user might be changing that record at the same time (because
> they are not locking any records and are using lists with the record
> contents locally)! This could cause for example that user A changes record 1
> from "bar" to "foo" and updates the db, just after user A user B updates the
> db with a change in the same record from "bar" to "foobar" (never seeing
> user As changes)!!!
> I guess this is a very common problem with a standard solution. How can I
> avoid this?

Certainly. It's also a pure SQL/database problem which has little to
do with Python... As far as I know, there is nothing particular in the
DB API that will help you with this.

The solution depends on several things. Which RDBMS are you using?

One solution which works regardless of what database you use is to have a
timestamp column in your table, and only update the row if the timestamp 
is the same as when you selected the row. Always set timestamp to CURRENT
TIMESTAMP (or whatever it's called in your database) whenever you update the
table. Simply include the timestamp column in the WHERE clause of the UPDATE.
If someone else touched the row since you fetched it, your update won't
change any rows. In other words, cursor.rowcount will be 0, not 1 as expected.

For this timestamp solution to work, you need to be sure that the timestamp
isn't messed up. If you use adodbapi on Windows NT, Windows will truncate the
microseconds from your timestamp, which will cause this to fail unless you
do some special trick. One solution to that is to cast the timestamp column

The other solutions involve the use of SQL commands such as SET TRANSACTION
ISOLATION LEVEL or LOCK TABLE, but you'd better check the docs for your own
database to sort that out.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From lbblair at  Thu Jun 24 13:11:10 2004
From: lbblair at (Larry Blair)
Date: Thu Jun 24 13:27:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] regular expressions
Message-ID: <AEDF6343B4BDD41195AF00508BEEF26D070E856A@EXCHANGE_SERVER>

I am trying to use regular expressions to delete a wildcard set of tables.
My pattern is 'TEMP*' The code below is how I am implementing the delete.

My problem is that it also deletes a file 'SYSTEM' also. I can see where the
TEM parts match.  
First is why does it ignore the P from the patterns?
Second I understand that search scans through the string looking for a
match. What I am wanting to do is use the \A switch , I think, that will
match only the start of the string. I have tried puting the switch in
various places and don't seem to quit understand where it should go. I need
an example :)

Thanks for any help

    pattern = re.compile(del_pattern)
        for each in os.listdir(file_location):
                name = os.path.join(file_location, each)
        type,value,tb = sys.exc_info()
        msgs.sendInfo(str(traceback.format_exception(type,value,tb) ))

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Thank you.

From dyoo at  Thu Jun 24 13:20:25 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun 24 13:33:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Mailing list  [mail system is sick; give it time]
In-Reply-To: <048A40781D05D143842A596D7C78F40F01025ED4@SPI-MAIL2003.SPITECH.COM>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Ezequiel, Justin wrote:

> Is it just me or are there no new messages in the mailing list?
> The last message I got was on Mon 6/21/2004 3:50 PM (GMT+8:00).

Hi Justin,

The mail server that hosts us is being overwhelmed.  Someone's trying to
fix this now: there's an upgrade in progress that should help to fix the
load problem

There's a small notice at the top of:

which should tell us when the mail system is back to normal.  My
apologies;  I can't do anything on my end to help speed things up.

From dyoo at  Thu Jun 24 13:38:32 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun 24 13:39:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What Eval() Hath Men Wrought
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Theresa Robinson wrote:

> For example, we'll want to write a function to minimize the return value
> of another function by varying the latter function's vector argument.
> The C way to do it is to pass in a pointer to a function.  This is good
> because C nicely checks that the function 1) is actually a function 2)
> takes the right arguments 3) returns the right type.

Hi Theresa,

It's perfectly possible to do something similar here in Python, since
functions can take functions as arguments very easily.  For example:

>>> def find_fixed_point(some_function, initial_guess, tolerance):
...     """Tries to find the fixed point of a function within a certain
...        tolerance."""
...     x = initial_guess
...     while True:
...         new_x = some_function(x)
...         if abs(new_x - x) < tolerance:
...             return new_x
...         x = new_x
>>> import math
>>> find_fixed_point(math.cos, 1.0, 0.0000001)

> The Matlab way to do it is to pass a string that contains the function
> name, and to use the Matlab feval function, which is similar to the
> Python eval but nicer since you don't have to construct the whole string
> yourself, but instead can use the form feval('function_name',argument).
> This works but is bad because you get weird errors if the function name
> is wrong, or if the function takes an unexpected kind of argument or
> returns an unexpected type.

Right.  Don't use eval() for this purpose in Python.  *grin* Just pass the
function value around as an argument, and you should be fine.

Python's approach, in allowing us to pass around and construct functions,
is similar to that of Scheme.  You may find the "Structure and
Interpretation of Computer Programs":

very useful in learning this technique of treating functions as passable
values.  Even though the book uses a different programming language, most
of the concepts map very closely to Python.

We can take an example from:

like this one:

;;;;;; Scheme
(define (sum term a next b)
  (if (> a b)
      (+ (term a)
         (sum term (next a) next b))))

This Scheme SUM function calculates the sum of a bunch of terms.  It takes
in two functions: a TERM and a NEXT.  A Python adaptation might look
something like this:

def sum(term, a, next, b):
    result = 0
    while a <= b:
        result += term(a)
        a = next(a)
    return result

Here's how it might work:

>>> def square(x): return x * x
>>> def inc(x): return x + 1
>>> sum(square, 1, inc, 5)      ## [This calculates 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25]

I hope this gives a taste of what we can do with function passing.  If you
have more questions, please feel free to ask on the Tutor list.  Good

From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 24 12:17:11 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun 24 13:57:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What Eval() Hath Men Wrought
References: <>
Message-ID: <00e001c45a06$b4bc7610$6401a8c0@xp>

> The C way to do it is to pass in a pointer to a function.

And you can pass a function object in Python too but...

> This is good because C nicely checks that the function
> 1) is actually a function
> 2) takes the right arguments
> 3) returns the right type.

Python does none of these, although you can explicitly
check the object is callable in the receiving code.

> The Matlab way to do it is to pass a string that contains
> the function name, and to use the Matlab feval function,
> .... but instead can use the form feval('function_name',argument).

You can use the Python apply() function to do a similar thing,
it takes a callable object and a tuple of arguments to be passed
to the callable.

> you get weird errors if the function name is wrong, or if
> the function takes an unexpected kind of argument or returns
> an unexpected type.

Yes, thats always a problem with this type of eval() behaviour.

> What is the right way to do this in Python?

There is no right way, mostly I would pass a function reference
as my preferred route and apply() as a close second if, for
example the functions took different numbers of arguments.

Note that you can get the callable function object from its
name by using the local namespace dictionary.

Alan G.

From nick at  Thu Jun 24 15:40:00 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Thu Jun 24 15:39:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Aha, the penny has dropped :)

Now I see how it can be useful I can understand it much better.
In the example you've given Jeremy I see that here:

>>>class beer:
>>>	beers = 0
>>>	def __init__(self):
>>>		self.make = 'murphys'
>>>		beer.beers += 1

beer.beers can be used as a static variable. Superb. I get it know :)

Thanks very much everyone for your help.


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Adelein and Jeremy
Sent: 23 June 2004 22:46
Subject: Re: [Tutor] class variables

--- Nick Lunt <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Im making my way through the book 'Learning Python 2nd Edition'. I 
> understand classes but I have a question.
> Take the following for example -
> class beer:
>     def __init__(self):
>        self.make = 'murphys'
>        cans = 4
> There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used,
> just 
> 'var' is, as in 'cans' above.
> I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for
> 'make' 
> but what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?

In this example, there is no use. Once __init__ has been called and
executed, the variable cans will be taking up memory space with no
way for you to access it (well, normally, anyway). Given that x =
Beer(), neither x.cans nor Beer.cans is going to turn up anything but
an AttributeError exception. On what page are you?

Perhaps you are referring to something such as the following:

class Beer:
    beers = 0
    def __init__(self, make=''):
        self.make = make
        Beer.beers += 1

x = Beer('michelob')
y = Beer('murphys')
z = Beer('busch')

After this, the variable beers is 3, and x.beers, y.beers, z.beers,
and Beer.beers will all be 3. This, of course, is very useful.

- Jeremy

Do you Yahoo!?
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage! 

Tutor maillist  -

From magnus at  Thu Jun 24 16:03:51 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 24 16:04:01 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFJFOiBbVHV0b3JdIGNsYXNzIHZhcmlhYmxlcw==?=
Message-ID: <>

Nick Lunt wrote:
> As it stands now I cant see any use for a local variable inside the __init__
> method, ie a variable without the self prefix.

You use local variables for temporary storage of data that you only
need during the run of the function. Whether it's __init__, another
method in a class or a plain function doesn't matter.

Look here:

>>> def avg(values):
        n = len(values)
        sum = 0.0
        for value in values:
                sum += value
        return sum / n

>>> print avg([1,2,3,4,5])

The function avg contains two local variables, n and sum. These are
lost as soon as avg exits. Are they useless? Nope, they serve a
purpose, and when they are done doing that, we discard them.
> But also, I can see no reason to use a class variable outside of a class
> method with no self prefix.

The point with a class variable is that it can be used to share
information between all the instances of a class. A class attribute
exists in the scope of the class. There is just one copy of this
variable, regardless of how many instances of the class you create.

Let's imagine that you have a class in a GUI system which described
some kind of widget, maybe some kind of button. If you have a variable
which determines the color of the button, and you have decided that
all buttons on the screen must always be the same color, then this
variable belongs in the scope of the class. If you want different
buttons to be able to have different colors, you want this variable
in the scope of the instance object, i.e. under "self".
> I admit Im quite confused by this still. Many python programs Ive studied
> mix up class variable with and without the 'instance/self' prefix.

I hope the examples above help you understand what these different
scopes are used for. Where a variable is defined should help you
understand what it's used for, and when it contains anything of
> Im also confused about whether I should put my class variable inside a
> method and use the self prefix, leave them outside of a method with no
> prefix, or leave them outside of a method but give them a prefix.

I'm wondering if you should use any classes at all...
> With the simple programs I write at the moment, it wouldnt really make much
> difference how I did it in most cases, but I would like to know when I
> should or shouldn't be using self. And when I should be putting class
> variables outside a class method (if ever).

I hope you already grokked the purpose of local variables from the
example above.

I'll make a silly example using both instance and class variables here! :)

>>> class Animal:
        def __init__(self, weight):
                assert hasattr(self.__class__, 'legs'), 'Concrete animals need legs'
                self.weight = weight
        def weight_per_leg(self):
                return self.weight/self.legs

>>> class Insect(Animal):
        legs = 6

>>> class Spider(Animal):
        legs = 8

>>> i = Insect(0.001)
>>> print i.weight_per_leg()
>>> s = Spider(0.004)
>>> print s.weight_per_leg()

You see? All spiders have eight legs (unless you pull some off).
Each spider has an individual weight. Number of legs is an
attribute of the class spider, and weight is an attribute of the
individual spider instance.
> I apologise for not grasping it very quickly. My previous experiences with
> classes comes from java, and that was a while ago, and java classes seem a
> lot stricter than python classes.

Ok. Are you sure that you really want to use classes for the code
you are writing? Java has this stupid attitude that everything should
be shoehorned into a class whether it fits there or not, as if designs
would become better if they are in a class. It's a bit like believing
that cars run faster if we paint them red, just because Ferraris are 

In Python there is no reason to use a class unless you want to use
some of the benefits that classes give. 

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From jeff at  Thu Jun 24 16:26:37 2004
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Thu Jun 24 16:27:25 2004
Subject: {Spam?} [Tutor] IDLE vs. Python Command Line
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Gailer wrote:

> At 08:04 PM 6/17/2004, wrote:
>> when i type:
>> ##
>> >>>import string
>> >>>string.letters
>> ##
>> in IDLE, i get:
>> ##
>> 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\x83\x8a\x8c\x8e\x9a\x9c\x9e\x9f\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff' 
>> ##
>> but when i do it on the Python Command Line, i get:
>> ##
>> 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
>> ##
> I can confirm that behavior, but not explain it.

My hunch is that this is Unicode (or at least Locale) related.  The 
"extra" characters reported under IDLE are all letters that are not 
part of the standard American English character set, and are thus not 
in ASCII.  I'm presuming that the command line is reporting the ASCII 
letters, and that IDLE is reporting a non-ASCII superset.  Whether 
this is an alternate codepage or a Unicode character set would 
presumably depend upon the O.P.'s settings.  (I don't have any grasp 
on why IDLE would behave differently than the command line, though; 
it's probably due to some sort of setting in IDLE, but I wouldn't know 
where to look.)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From orbitz at  Thu Jun 24 16:34:31 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Thu Jun 24 16:35:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] errr...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

What is up with all these test messages, do people have no patience?

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 16:19:18 -0500 wrote:

> My messages never seem to make it to the list. final test before I sadly have
> to unsubscribe.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From magnus at  Thu Jun 24 16:35:39 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 24 16:35:50 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gSURMRSB2cy4gUHl0aG9uIENvbW1hbmQgTGluZQ==?=
Message-ID: <>

Orri wrote:
> when i type:
> >>>import string
> >>>string.letters
> in IDLE, i get:
> 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\x83\x8a\x8c\x8e\x9a\x9c\
> x9e\x9f\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xc
> e\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\
> xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf
> 6\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff'
> but when i do it on the Python Command Line, i get:
> 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
> is this a flaw in IDLE or the Command Line? 

Maybe... I agree that it's a bit confusing. I'm not sure why they default
to different locales.

> Which is more accurate? 

Both are accurate, but in different contexts. :)

> Since one of my programs uses string.letters, it is important for me to know.

As I'm sure you know, the set of letters is different in different
contexts. If you ask someone in Japan, they are likely to say that
both sequences fail to describe the letters.

If you run this...

>>> import locale
>>> locale.getlocale()

I assume you will get different results in IDLE and at the command line. At 
least I do in Windows. I also get strings that are constent with the locale 
settings. (Well, fairly at least, my GUI locale says 'Swedish_Sweden', '1252'
and I get all the letters in codepage 1252 as letters, but that's much more
than the Swedish letters of course...but that's how it is...)

I'm not sure why IDLE is set up to give a different default that the CLI 
version, but remember the Python mottos:

Explicit is better than implicit.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.

If you depend on string.letters to return only US ASCII letters, run this:

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, "C")

Another option is to use string.ascii_letters instead, which is always the same.

If you want the locale setting defined by the OS, use this:

import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, "")

If you always set locale in your program, you won't depend on any unclear

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dyoo at  Thu Jun 24 16:40:13 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Jun 24 16:40:24 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Nick Lunt wrote:

> Magnus and Danny, thankyou very much for your explanations.
> >From what you've both told me, it would seem that putting a local variable
> in the __init__ method of a class is quite pointless, ie
> example 1
> >>>class beer:
> >>>	def __init__(self):
> >>>		cans = 4
> >>>		self.make = 'murphys'

Hi Nick,

It's not exactly pointless to use local variables.  In the example above,
it's pointless, though.  *grin*

But here's a more concrete example where having a local variable might
help readability:

class NameMaker:
    """A class to make poor variable names."""
    def __init__(self, prefix):
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.counter = 0
    def makeName(self):
        nextName = "%s%s" % (self.prefix, self.counter)
        self.counter = self.counter + 1
        return nextName

Here's how it works:

>>> namer = NameMaker("x")
>>> namer.makeName()
>>> namer.makeName()
>>> namer.makeName()

The use of 'nextName' as a local variable is fine here, just as long as we
understand that it's not part of the state of the instance.

> I admit Im quite confused by this still. Many python programs Ive
> studied mix up class variable with and without the 'instance/self'
> prefix.

In Java, the scope of a variable is very implicit.  The example we cooked
up above could be written in several ways:

/*** Java ***/
class NameMaker {
    private String prefix;
    private int counter;

    public NameMaker(String prefix) {
        this.prefix = prefix;

    public String makeName() {
        String nextName = this.prefix + this.counter;
        this.counter = this.counter + 1;
        return nextName;

In this Java example, all the variables are explicitely scoped.  But we
could just as easily have written this:

/*** Java ***/
class NameMaker {
    private String prefix;
    private int counter;

    public NameMaker(String p) {
        prefix = p;

    public String makeName() {
        String nextName = prefix + counter;
        counter = counter + 1;
        return nextName;

Python enforces an explicit coding style that makes it clear what's an
instance attribute and what's a local variable.  If we see the following
Python snippet:

        self.counter = self.counter + 1
        return nextName

in isolation, it's pretty clear what things are accessing the object

But if we try the same experiement in Java:

        counter = counter + 1;
        return nextName;

then it's not as immediately clear what the scope of each variable is,
without looking at the immediate context.

In Java, we're often required to look at the context of the snippet to
figure out what things are local variables, and what things are instance
attributes.  In Python, we're forced to encode that knowledge more
explicitely.  It means that we type a little bit more, but we gain a lot
in code clarity.

[Digression: And it means that certain stupid scoping bugs just aren't
possible in Python.  For example, we can easily mess up the Java

    public NameMaker(String prefix) {
        prefix = prefix;

This compiles, but of course it's doing the wrong thing.  In contrast,
there's less of a danger of making this kind of error in Python, since all
object state change has that 'self' attribute.  Consistancy in variable
name access is a good thing.]

> Im also confused about whether I should put my class variable inside a
> method and use the self prefix, leave them outside of a method with no
> prefix, or leave them outside of a method but give them a prefix.

Ah!  What you've found is the equivalent of class attributes, or in Java
terminology, "static" variables.  When we say something like:

>>> class NameMaker2:
...     counter = 0
...     def __init__(self, prefix):
...         self.prefix = prefix
...     def makeName(self):
...         nextName = "%s%s" % (self.prefix, NameMaker2.counter)
...         NameMaker2.counter += 1
...         return nextName
>>> xmaker = NameMaker2('x')
>>> ymaker = NameMaker2('y')
>>> xmaker.makeName()
>>> xmaker.makeName()
>>> xmaker.makeName()
>>> ymaker.makeName()

then we are defining an attribute that is bound to the class alone, and
not to individual instances of the class.  We can see in NameMaker2 that
the 'counter' is being shared by both the 'xmaker' and 'ymaker' instances.

Does this make sense so far?  Please feel free to continue asking
questions about this.  Hope this helps!

From magnus at  Thu Jun 24 16:47:21 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 24 16:47:31 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gSXMgUHl0aG9uIGEgdmFsaWQgYnVzaW5lc3MgdG9vbD8=?=
Message-ID: <>

Chad Crabtree wrote:
> Check out .... the vaults of parasues 

Parnassus, see

The Python was a monstrous serpent who guarded the oracle of Delphi
on mount Parnassus. It was unfortunately killed by the god Apollo
with a single arrow. :(

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From gubbs at  Thu Jun 24 18:13:23 2004
From: gubbs at (Conrad Gavin)
Date: Thu Jun 24 17:01:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] errr...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1088115203.14854.0.camel@drachenfels>

Don't fret everyone has had this problem. 

On Wed, 2004-06-23 at 21:19, wrote:
> My messages never seem to make it to the list. final test before I sadly have to unsubscribe.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
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From alan.gauld at  Thu Jun 24 17:04:36 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Jun 24 17:04:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
References: <>
Message-ID: <011c01c45a2e$db81f860$6401a8c0@xp>

> >From what you've both told me, it would seem that putting a local
> in the __init__ method of a class is quite pointless,

No you often need to do that where the init does more than simple

Here is an example where init reads values from a file:

class C:
  def __init__(self,val)
     self.val = val
     temp = file("MySecretSettings.dat")
     self.setting1 = temp.readline().strip()
     self.setting2 = int(temp.readline().strip())
  def  someMethod(self):....

So temp is used as a local variable within init to hold the file
but once read the file is never needed again so it is not stored as a
class or instance variable.

Local variables inside methods are just as useful as local variables
in any other function, but they have nothing to do with classes or
objects as such.

> But also, I can see no reason to use a class variable outside of a
> method with no self prefix.

It's for shared information. Instead of every instance of the class
having its own copy of the data they simply refer to the Class object
which stores it once. It also means that changes in that class value
can affect all instances of the class in one go:

class C:
   v = 2
   def __init__(self,msg):
       self.msg = msg
   def printit(self):
      for n in range(C.v): # uses class value
         print self.msg

a = C("Hello from A")
b = C("Hello from B")

for obj in [a,b]:
   obj.printit()  # both objects print 2 messages

C.v = 3  # Change behaviour of all instances here

for obj in [a,b]:
   obj.printit()  # both objects print 3 now

So we can control the behaviour of all our instances
at one stroke by changing the Class variable value.
This can be a very powerful technique, especially if
writing simulation software - eg network traffic
predictions - where you can change the network
parameters easily and do "What If" type scenarios
etc. (Imagine a mesh of network objects and you can
change the modelled protocol from IP4 to IP6 or X25
or ATM etc by changing one single value...)

Of course you could just use a regular global variable
but that's going against the principles of good OO design
and also is making the value visible to a wider namespace.
It's also less obvious that the value is related to the
class and finally means the user has to import the module
with the global defined. A Class variable gets inherited
so the user only needs to import the module where the
definition of the subclass exists and can access the class
variable from the superclass via the subclass:

class Super:
    v = 42

class Sub(Super):

x = Super()
y = Sub()

print Super.v, Sub.v
print x.v, y.v

And of course the definition of Sub could be in a different
module to Super...

> I admit Im quite confused by this still. Many python programs Ive
> mix up class variable with and without the 'instance/self' prefix.

There shouldn't be many programs doing that, despite what I
just said class variables are relatively uncommon in most
programs. I doubt if I use them in more than about 10% of my
programs - at most!

> Im also confused about whether I should put my class variable inside
> method and use the self prefix, leave them outside of a method with
> prefix, or leave them outside of a method but give them a prefix.

Either outside a method with no prefix - a class variable,


Inside a method with a self prefix - an instance variable.

The former will be a shared value across all instances (and
even when no instances exist!) the latter will have a distinct
value for each instance.

You should never need to use a variable outside a method
with a self prefix. Note you can access the class variables either
through the class name (as I did in my example, coz I think
the intent is clearer) or using self. Python will look for it
locally and if not finding it will look in the class.

> With the simple programs I write at the moment, it wouldnt really
make much
> difference how I did it in most cases, but I would like to know when
> should or shouldn't be using self. And when I should be putting
> variables outside a class method (if ever).

Mostly put them inside init with self. Only if you want to share
the same value over all instances should you put it outside.

> I apologise for not grasping it very quickly. My previous
experiences with
> classes comes from java, and that was a while ago, and java classes
seem a
> lot stricter than python classes.

Java classes are frankly a bit weird, mainly because Java made
a lot of stupid decisions early on in an attempt to simplify things.
Then when they needed to do clever stuff they had to find weird ways
round the limitations they had built for themselves - inner classes
being a prime example. A lot of Java things are very bad OO design
but are needed because of the "simplifications" inherent in the

The Java equivalent of class methods is static variables.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From nick at  Thu Jun 24 17:56:16 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Thu Jun 24 17:56:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the explanation Magnus, it was very informative and very funny :)

I now understand when one would use a local variable and why, thanks to you
and others who have replied to my question.

Thanks again

-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Lycka []
Sent: 24 June 2004 21:04
To: Nick Lunt; Python Tutor
Subject: Re: RE: [Tutor] class variables

Nick Lunt wrote:
> As it stands now I cant see any use for a local variable inside the
> method, ie a variable without the self prefix.

You use local variables for temporary storage of data that you only
need during the run of the function. Whether it's __init__, another
method in a class or a plain function doesn't matter.

Look here:

>>> def avg(values):
        n = len(values)
        sum = 0.0
        for value in values:
                sum += value
        return sum / n

>>> print avg([1,2,3,4,5])

The function avg contains two local variables, n and sum. These are
lost as soon as avg exits. Are they useless? Nope, they serve a
purpose, and when they are done doing that, we discard them.

> But also, I can see no reason to use a class variable outside of a class
> method with no self prefix.

The point with a class variable is that it can be used to share
information between all the instances of a class. A class attribute
exists in the scope of the class. There is just one copy of this
variable, regardless of how many instances of the class you create.

Let's imagine that you have a class in a GUI system which described
some kind of widget, maybe some kind of button. If you have a variable
which determines the color of the button, and you have decided that
all buttons on the screen must always be the same color, then this
variable belongs in the scope of the class. If you want different
buttons to be able to have different colors, you want this variable
in the scope of the instance object, i.e. under "self".

> I admit Im quite confused by this still. Many python programs Ive studied
> mix up class variable with and without the 'instance/self' prefix.

I hope the examples above help you understand what these different
scopes are used for. Where a variable is defined should help you
understand what it's used for, and when it contains anything of

> Im also confused about whether I should put my class variable inside a
> method and use the self prefix, leave them outside of a method with no
> prefix, or leave them outside of a method but give them a prefix.

I'm wondering if you should use any classes at all...

> With the simple programs I write at the moment, it wouldnt really make
> difference how I did it in most cases, but I would like to know when I
> should or shouldn't be using self. And when I should be putting class
> variables outside a class method (if ever).

I hope you already grokked the purpose of local variables from the
example above.

I'll make a silly example using both instance and class variables here! :)

>>> class Animal:
        def __init__(self, weight):
                assert hasattr(self.__class__, 'legs'), 'Concrete animals
need legs'
                self.weight = weight
        def weight_per_leg(self):
                return self.weight/self.legs

>>> class Insect(Animal):
        legs = 6

>>> class Spider(Animal):
        legs = 8

>>> i = Insect(0.001)
>>> print i.weight_per_leg()
>>> s = Spider(0.004)
>>> print s.weight_per_leg()

You see? All spiders have eight legs (unless you pull some off).
Each spider has an individual weight. Number of legs is an
attribute of the class spider, and weight is an attribute of the
individual spider instance.

> I apologise for not grasping it very quickly. My previous experiences with
> classes comes from java, and that was a while ago, and java classes seem a
> lot stricter than python classes.

Ok. Are you sure that you really want to use classes for the code
you are writing? Java has this stupid attitude that everything should
be shoehorned into a class whether it fits there or not, as if designs
would become better if they are in a class. It's a bit like believing
that cars run faster if we paint them red, just because Ferraris are

In Python there is no reason to use a class unless you want to use
some of the benefits that classes give.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From nick at  Thu Jun 24 17:56:17 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Thu Jun 24 17:56:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <011c01c45a2e$db81f860$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Alan,

thanks again for the explanation. Now I can see the relationship between
pythons class variables and javas static variables I understand what is
going on.

Thanks again,

ps I apologise for replying to each response to my original email
seperately, I just thought it was the simplest way to do it. If that goes
against the etiquette of the list, please let me know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld []
Sent: 24 June 2004 22:05
To: Nick Lunt; Python Tutor
Subject: Re: [Tutor] class variables

> >From what you've both told me, it would seem that putting a local
> in the __init__ method of a class is quite pointless,

No you often need to do that where the init does more than simple

Here is an example where init reads values from a file:

class C:
  def __init__(self,val)
     self.val = val
     temp = file("MySecretSettings.dat")
     self.setting1 = temp.readline().strip()
     self.setting2 = int(temp.readline().strip())
  def  someMethod(self):....

So temp is used as a local variable within init to hold the file
but once read the file is never needed again so it is not stored as a
class or instance variable.

Local variables inside methods are just as useful as local variables
in any other function, but they have nothing to do with classes or
objects as such.

> But also, I can see no reason to use a class variable outside of a
> method with no self prefix.

It's for shared information. Instead of every instance of the class
having its own copy of the data they simply refer to the Class object
which stores it once. It also means that changes in that class value
can affect all instances of the class in one go:

class C:
   v = 2
   def __init__(self,msg):
       self.msg = msg
   def printit(self):
      for n in range(C.v): # uses class value
         print self.msg

a = C("Hello from A")
b = C("Hello from B")

for obj in [a,b]:
   obj.printit()  # both objects print 2 messages

C.v = 3  # Change behaviour of all instances here

for obj in [a,b]:
   obj.printit()  # both objects print 3 now

So we can control the behaviour of all our instances
at one stroke by changing the Class variable value.
This can be a very powerful technique, especially if
writing simulation software - eg network traffic
predictions - where you can change the network
parameters easily and do "What If" type scenarios
etc. (Imagine a mesh of network objects and you can
change the modelled protocol from IP4 to IP6 or X25
or ATM etc by changing one single value...)

Of course you could just use a regular global variable
but that's going against the principles of good OO design
and also is making the value visible to a wider namespace.
It's also less obvious that the value is related to the
class and finally means the user has to import the module
with the global defined. A Class variable gets inherited
so the user only needs to import the module where the
definition of the subclass exists and can access the class
variable from the superclass via the subclass:

class Super:
    v = 42

class Sub(Super):

x = Super()
y = Sub()

print Super.v, Sub.v
print x.v, y.v

And of course the definition of Sub could be in a different
module to Super...

> I admit Im quite confused by this still. Many python programs Ive
> mix up class variable with and without the 'instance/self' prefix.

There shouldn't be many programs doing that, despite what I
just said class variables are relatively uncommon in most
programs. I doubt if I use them in more than about 10% of my
programs - at most!

> Im also confused about whether I should put my class variable inside
> method and use the self prefix, leave them outside of a method with
> prefix, or leave them outside of a method but give them a prefix.

Either outside a method with no prefix - a class variable,


Inside a method with a self prefix - an instance variable.

The former will be a shared value across all instances (and
even when no instances exist!) the latter will have a distinct
value for each instance.

You should never need to use a variable outside a method
with a self prefix. Note you can access the class variables either
through the class name (as I did in my example, coz I think
the intent is clearer) or using self. Python will look for it
locally and if not finding it will look in the class.

> With the simple programs I write at the moment, it wouldnt really
make much
> difference how I did it in most cases, but I would like to know when
> should or shouldn't be using self. And when I should be putting
> variables outside a class method (if ever).

Mostly put them inside init with self. Only if you want to share
the same value over all instances should you put it outside.

> I apologise for not grasping it very quickly. My previous
experiences with
> classes comes from java, and that was a while ago, and java classes
seem a
> lot stricter than python classes.

Java classes are frankly a bit weird, mainly because Java made
a lot of stupid decisions early on in an attempt to simplify things.
Then when they needed to do clever stuff they had to find weird ways
round the limitations they had built for themselves - inner classes
being a prime example. A lot of Java things are very bad OO design
but are needed because of the "simplifications" inherent in the

The Java equivalent of class methods is static variables.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From nick at  Thu Jun 24 17:56:16 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Thu Jun 24 17:56:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Danny,

thanks for the explanation, and Im glad you mentioned 'static variables' as
I do understand those from a java point of view.
>From what you and Magnus have mentioned it seems that a so called static
variable can be created in a class scope or in a method scope. Which again
makes sense.

I think I've got enough info now to make sure my idea of local variables is

Many thanks for taking the time to explain it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Yoo []
Sent: 24 June 2004 21:40
To: Nick Lunt
Cc: Python Tutor
Subject: RE: [Tutor] class variables

On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Nick Lunt wrote:

> Magnus and Danny, thankyou very much for your explanations.
> >From what you've both told me, it would seem that putting a local
> in the __init__ method of a class is quite pointless, ie
> example 1
> >>>class beer:
> >>>	def __init__(self):
> >>>		cans = 4
> >>>		self.make = 'murphys'

Hi Nick,

It's not exactly pointless to use local variables.  In the example above,
it's pointless, though.  *grin*

But here's a more concrete example where having a local variable might
help readability:

class NameMaker:
    """A class to make poor variable names."""
    def __init__(self, prefix):
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.counter = 0
    def makeName(self):
        nextName = "%s%s" % (self.prefix, self.counter)
        self.counter = self.counter + 1
        return nextName

Here's how it works:

>>> namer = NameMaker("x")
>>> namer.makeName()
>>> namer.makeName()
>>> namer.makeName()

The use of 'nextName' as a local variable is fine here, just as long as we
understand that it's not part of the state of the instance.

> I admit Im quite confused by this still. Many python programs Ive
> studied mix up class variable with and without the 'instance/self'
> prefix.

In Java, the scope of a variable is very implicit.  The example we cooked
up above could be written in several ways:

/*** Java ***/
class NameMaker {
    private String prefix;
    private int counter;

    public NameMaker(String prefix) {
        this.prefix = prefix;

    public String makeName() {
        String nextName = this.prefix + this.counter;
        this.counter = this.counter + 1;
        return nextName;

In this Java example, all the variables are explicitely scoped.  But we
could just as easily have written this:

/*** Java ***/
class NameMaker {
    private String prefix;
    private int counter;

    public NameMaker(String p) {
        prefix = p;

    public String makeName() {
        String nextName = prefix + counter;
        counter = counter + 1;
        return nextName;

Python enforces an explicit coding style that makes it clear what's an
instance attribute and what's a local variable.  If we see the following
Python snippet:

        self.counter = self.counter + 1
        return nextName

in isolation, it's pretty clear what things are accessing the object

But if we try the same experiement in Java:

        counter = counter + 1;
        return nextName;

then it's not as immediately clear what the scope of each variable is,
without looking at the immediate context.

In Java, we're often required to look at the context of the snippet to
figure out what things are local variables, and what things are instance
attributes.  In Python, we're forced to encode that knowledge more
explicitely.  It means that we type a little bit more, but we gain a lot
in code clarity.

[Digression: And it means that certain stupid scoping bugs just aren't
possible in Python.  For example, we can easily mess up the Java

    public NameMaker(String prefix) {
        prefix = prefix;

This compiles, but of course it's doing the wrong thing.  In contrast,
there's less of a danger of making this kind of error in Python, since all
object state change has that 'self' attribute.  Consistancy in variable
name access is a good thing.]

> Im also confused about whether I should put my class variable inside a
> method and use the self prefix, leave them outside of a method with no
> prefix, or leave them outside of a method but give them a prefix.

Ah!  What you've found is the equivalent of class attributes, or in Java
terminology, "static" variables.  When we say something like:

>>> class NameMaker2:
...     counter = 0
...     def __init__(self, prefix):
...         self.prefix = prefix
...     def makeName(self):
...         nextName = "%s%s" % (self.prefix, NameMaker2.counter)
...         NameMaker2.counter += 1
...         return nextName
>>> xmaker = NameMaker2('x')
>>> ymaker = NameMaker2('y')
>>> xmaker.makeName()
>>> xmaker.makeName()
>>> xmaker.makeName()
>>> ymaker.makeName()

then we are defining an attribute that is bound to the class alone, and
not to individual instances of the class.  We can see in NameMaker2 that
the 'counter' is being shared by both the 'xmaker' and 'ymaker' instances.

Does this make sense so far?  Please feel free to continue asking
questions about this.  Hope this helps!

From nick at  Thu Jun 24 18:37:47 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Thu Jun 24 18:37:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thankyou chad. I replied to this yesterday but it has yet to appear on the

Thanks for your help.

There is definitely something wrong with the list at the moment.

Its now 2330 in the UK, Ill see what time this gets to the list.


-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Chad Crabtree
Sent: 24 June 2004 06:13
Subject: Re: [Tutor] class variables

> class beer:
>     def __init__(self):
>        self.make = 'murphys'
>        cans = 4
> There's several examples I've seen where 'self.var' isn't used,
> just
> 'var' is, as in 'cans' above.
> I know that each instance of 'beer' will have its own value for
> 'make'
> but what is the use of 'cans' without using self ?
this troubled me at first and I'm not sure but I may have asked this
very question here.

self.var in this case means that it's a class variable available to
the instance.  In this case 'cans' is a function variable only
available to things inside that function.  just like this


def dosomething():
  print x
print x

>>print x

I hope this helps.

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Tutor maillist  -

From magnus at  Thu Jun 24 19:12:35 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu Jun 24 19:12:46 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFJFOiBbVHV0b3JdIGNsYXNzIHZhcmlhYmxlcw==?=
Message-ID: <>

Perhaps you should have a look at

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 25 02:43:00 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Jun 25 02:43:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] regular expressions
References: <AEDF6343B4BDD41195AF00508BEEF26D070E856A@EXCHANGE_SERVER>
Message-ID: <019d01c45a7f$a89d8b20$6401a8c0@xp>

> First is why does it ignore the P from the patterns?

P* means *zero* or more repetitions of P
For one or more repetitions you need to use P+

> Second I understand that search scans through the string looking for
> match. What I am wanting to do is use the \A switch , I think, that
> match only the start of the string.

Or use the re.match() function instead. Ironically the usual mistake
is to use match() when search() was neeeded, in your case its the
way round!

Still another way would be to change the pattern to use the ^ symbol
to indicate the beginning of the string.

The fun(?!) thing about regex is that there are usually multiple ways
of achieving the same end - all with very subtle gotchas attached...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 25 02:35:34 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Jun 25 02:51:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] a byte of python... error with while statement?
References: <>
Message-ID: <018301c45a7e$9ebf8ff0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Is there an error in the documentation or code example for
> the "while" statement?

number = 23
stop = False

while not stop:
        guess = int(raw_input('Enter an integer : '))

        if guess == number:

The code above is correct.

We move the raw_input and if statements to inside the while loop 
and set the variable stop to True before the while loop. First, 
we check the variable stop and if it is True, we proceed to 
execute the corresponding while-block. 

The description is wrong. THe variable stop is set to *False* 
before the loop, which makes the while *test* (not stop) evaluate 
to *True", thus we execute the code block.

The author has confused himself(herself?) between the value 
of the variable and the value of the test. THis is a good 
reason to avoid negative tests where possible. It would have 
been more readable to write it as:

number = 23
start = True

while start:
        guess = int(raw_input('Enter an integer : '))

        if guess == number:


And would abvoid the distinction between the test and 
the variable value.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From project5 at  Fri Jun 25 02:57:53 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri Jun 25 02:58:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Loop Variables
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

ivan low <visional_freeman <at>> writes:

> Hi, I had come to read a book about loop variable that have i, j, k.
> I don't understand why are there 3 type?
> What's the different?

They're the same type (integer), but three different integers so you can loop
over three different things at once. For example you might have recorded in a
sport competition for every player in a team for every game that team played how
many points the player made. If you'd want to calculate averages per player,
you'd have  to loop over all teams, within that loop have a second loop over
each player in the team and within that loop have a third loop over the list of
points scored by that player.

In Python you'll not be using as many integer loop variables as you would in
other languages though, because you can just say:

for team in competition:
    for player in team:
        for match in

where in a different language you'd do something similar to this (only even

for i in range(len(competition)):
    team = competition[i]
    for j in range(len(team)):
        player = team[i]
        for k in range(len(
            match =[k]

From dyoo at  Fri Jun 25 02:59:06 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Jun 25 02:59:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables  [meta: mailing list netiquette]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Nick Lunt wrote:

> thanks again for the explanation. Now I can see the relationship between
> pythons class variables and javas static variables I understand what is
> going on.
> ps I apologise for replying to each response to my original email
> seperately, I just thought it was the simplest way to do it. If that
> goes against the etiquette of the list, please let me know.

Hi Nick,

That's fine.  One thing you may want to do, though, is to crop the
'quoted' part of your replies down to the part you want to talk about.  A
few lines from the last email usually is enough to restore the thread of

A strong reason for doing this kind of cropping is to be helpful to the
folks who are reading the list in "Digest mode": they probably don't want
to see the same message over and over again.  *grin*

There's a nice "Mailing List Netiquette" page here:

as well as the more colorful "How To Ask Questions the Smart Way":

Both have reasonable suggestions that will serve you well in technical
mailing lists.

Good luck to you!

From nick at  Fri Jun 25 03:42:42 2004
From: nick at (
Date: Fri Jun 25 03:42:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Quoting Magnus Lycka <>:

> Perhaps you should have a look at

Flipping brilliant Magnus. Thanks for finding that for me.

Im fortunate enough to be able to use python at work, and now I can go about
making my future programs more OOP.

Thanks again,

Everyone should have

From jtk at  Fri Jun 25 11:20:38 2004
From: jtk at (Jeff Kowalczyk)
Date: Fri Jun 25 10:20:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Need to explicitly del a file object after reading contents?
Message-ID: <>

I've been explicitly opening, reading, closing and deleting files when I
read their contents into variables. In these cases, I don't need
the file object kept around for anything. I do this mainly because I don't
know enough about when the garbage collector will delete the file object,
and I wouldn't want it left open until the gc happens.

Is it necessary to do this:

f = open(filepath,'r')
filestring =
del f

vs. this?

filestring = open(filepath,'r').read()

The same filepath *may* be read or written in the next few seconds/minutes
by other code, but it usually won't happen. Is there a rule of thumb on
when to go with the explicit file management? Thanks.

From flaxeater at  Fri Jun 25 10:57:45 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Fri Jun 25 10:57:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Need to explicitly del a file object after reading
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Jeff Kowalczyk <> wrote:
> I've been explicitly opening, reading, closing and deleting files
> when I
> read their contents into variables. In these cases, I don't need
> the file object kept around for anything. I do this mainly because
> I don't
> know enough about when the garbage collector will delete the file
> object,
> and I wouldn't want it left open until the gc happens.
> Is it necessary to do this:
> f = open(filepath,'r')
> filestring =
> f.close()
> del f
> vs. this?
> filestring = open(filepath,'r').read()
> The same filepath *may* be read or written in the next few
> seconds/minutes
> by other code, but it usually won't happen. Is there a rule of
> thumb on
> when to go with the explicit file management? Thanks.
I've been told that infact it's ok to do what you wrote.  Python will
note that it's not longer needed and get rid of it in due time.

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From project5 at  Fri Jun 25 12:34:17 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri Jun 25 12:34:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Need to explicitly del a file object after reading
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeff Kowalczyk wrote on Fri, 25 Jun 2004 10:20:38 -0500:

> I've been explicitly opening, reading, closing and deleting files when I

del does not delete the file. In fact it's not even guaranteed to remove
the file object I think. Even more, if you del a file object which is
currently open, the file will remain open and you won't be able to
overwrite it for example.

> read their contents into variables. In these cases, I don't need
> the file object kept around for anything. I do this mainly because I don't
> know enough about when the garbage collector will delete the file object,
> and I wouldn't want it left open until the gc happens.

That a file object exists, does not mean that the file is open. If you
close the file (which you do in the sample code you provided), the file on
the HD is closed and therefore it's possible to overwrite it, delete it,
open it, whatever you like. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the file

> filestring = open(filepath,'r').read()

In my experience the file is closed immediately if you use this kind of
code, but I don't know if this behavior is guaranteed.

> The same filepath *may* be read or written in the next few seconds/minutes
> by other code, but it usually won't happen. Is there a rule of thumb on
> when to go with the explicit file management? Thanks.

I usually go for the one-liner when reading files.



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From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 25 14:22:05 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Jun 25 14:21:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class variables
References: <>
Message-ID: <001401c45ae1$51bed9a0$6401a8c0@xp>

> >From what you and Magnus have mentioned it seems that a so called
> variable can be created in a class scope or in a method scope. Which
> makes sense.

No, sorry not quite.

static variables in Java equate to class variables in Python.
THese are completely different to the local variables that you
can create inside a method. Local variables dissappear after
the method finishes executing. class variables are there for
as long as the class (not just the instances!) exists.

BTW static is a pretty meaningless term in Java, it is really
borrowed from C++ which borrowed it from C to indicate a
variable created on the memory heap as opposed to the stack.
It was statically located in memory. Since this doesn't apply
in Java the term static is kind of pointless!

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Jun 25 14:27:55 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Jun 25 14:27:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Need to explicitly del a file object after reading
References: <>
Message-ID: <002d01c45ae2$224f5630$6401a8c0@xp>

> Is it necessary to do this:
> f = open(filepath,'r')
> filestring =
> f.close()
> del f
> vs. this?
> filestring = open(filepath,'r').read()


The second is fine if you only want to suck the file into memory 
and do nothing else. If you want to read bits at a time, or 
read it multiple times (rewinding to the begining with seek() 
in between) then the first method is better. But even then you 
don't need the del line, after you close the file the file 
variable will be swept away in the garbage.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From gew75 at  Fri Jun 25 20:17:09 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Fri Jun 25 20:17:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
Message-ID: <>

  Hi all,

  This is mainly for curiosity's sake, but when accessing a list component
using the -i method of indexing, in e.g.

>>> l
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> for i in range(1, len(l)+1):
..  print l[-i]

  is this exceptionally slow?  Or the preferred method?  In particular, I do
not want to reverse the list (this would add greater complexity to other
parts of the program) yet I don't really like the expression ``range(1,

  Thanks guys,

From dyoo at  Sat Jun 26 06:00:13 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Jun 26 06:00:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 26 Jun 2004, Glen Wheeler wrote:

> >>> for i in range(1, len(l)+1):
> ..  print l[-i]

[output cut]

> is this exceptionally slow?  Or the preferred method?

Hi Glen,

It shouldn't be too slow.

But doing a reverse iteration on a list is, admittedly a little awkward in
Python right now.  There's a PEP by Raymond Hettinger that makes reverse
iteration more pleasant:

That PEP proposes to introduce a "reversed()" builtin that will go through
the list sequence in backwards order.  But that's Python 2.4 stuff, which
won't come out officially for a while yet.

In the meantime, though, we can write our own version of reversed():

def reversed(L):
    """Returns an iterator that marches through the elements of L
    in reverse order."""
    n = len(L) - 1
    while n >= 0:
        yield L[n]
        n -= 1

Here's reversed() in action:

>>> for x in reversed(range(10)):
...     print x,
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Something like reversed() should make the code clearer, as you now don't
have to worry so much about maintaining those list indices by hand.

Hope this helps!

From gew75 at  Sat Jun 26 07:35:19 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Sat Jun 26 07:40:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Thanks for the reply Danny.  Succinct, informative and well-written -- as
usual ;).
  It turns out that the reverse iteration wasn't too much of a slowdown, but
since I really love generators and other wotnot I'm entering in your
suggestion as soon as I finish this mail.

  Thanks again,

> On Sat, 26 Jun 2004, Glen Wheeler wrote:
> > >>> for i in range(1, len(l)+1):
> > ..  print l[-i]
> [output cut]
> > is this exceptionally slow?  Or the preferred method?
> Hi Glen,
> It shouldn't be too slow.
> But doing a reverse iteration on a list is, admittedly a little awkward in
> Python right now.  There's a PEP by Raymond Hettinger that makes reverse
> iteration more pleasant:
> That PEP proposes to introduce a "reversed()" builtin that will go through
> the list sequence in backwards order.  But that's Python 2.4 stuff, which
> won't come out officially for a while yet.
> In the meantime, though, we can write our own version of reversed():
> ###
> def reversed(L):
>     """Returns an iterator that marches through the elements of L
>     in reverse order."""
>     n = len(L) - 1
>     while n >= 0:
>         yield L[n]
>         n -= 1
> ###
> Here's reversed() in action:
> ###
> >>> for x in reversed(range(10)):
> ...     print x,
> ...
> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
> ###
> Something like reversed() should make the code clearer, as you now don't
> have to worry so much about maintaining those list indices by hand.
> Hope this helps!

From Dragonfirebane at  Sat Jun 26 10:08:34 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sat Jun 26 10:09:37 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/25/2004 8:18:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

  Hi all,

  This is mainly for curiosity's sake, but when accessing a list component
using the -i method of indexing, in e.g.

>>> l
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>> for i in range(1, len(l)+1):
..  print l[-i]

  is this exceptionally slow?  Or the preferred method?  In particular, I do
not want to reverse the list (this would add greater complexity to other
parts of the program) yet I don't really like the expression ``range(1,

  Thanks guys,

Tutor maillist  -
It seems to me that one easy(er) way of doing this would be:

for i in l:
    print l[-i]

which would achieve the same effect with no discernable slowdown and a less 
awkward range.

AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.
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From bgailer at  Sat Jun 26 11:18:22 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sat Jun 26 11:23:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 08:08 AM 6/26/2004, wrote:
>It seems to me that one easy(er) way of doing this would be:
>for i in l:
>     print l[-i]
>which would achieve the same effect with no discernable slowdown and a 
>less awkward range.

Only for the special case where the list consists of consecutive integers 
starting with 1.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From angjohn at  Sat Jun 26 12:33:35 2004
From: angjohn at (john and angie)
Date: Sat Jun 26 12:34:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] ideas
Message-ID: <000a01c45b9b$53c95b20$ac61dc18@homesthzxom9ok>

i am extremly new to Python and need some ideas on project that will help me learn.
any help is appreciated.
i have read every tutorial i can get my hands on and need some ways to put it to use.
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From gubbs at  Sat Jun 26 15:38:30 2004
From: gubbs at (Conrad Gavin)
Date: Sat Jun 26 14:26:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] ideas
In-Reply-To: <000a01c45b9b$53c95b20$ac61dc18@homesthzxom9ok>
References: <000a01c45b9b$53c95b20$ac61dc18@homesthzxom9ok>
Message-ID: <1088278710.8492.17.camel@drachenfels>

I have been considering this myself recently. 
Certainly, while there is a wealth of resources aimed at teaching python
or general programming techniques I found myself (personally) wanting
somewhere to get some structured material. Finding excuses to program
something in python isnt always the best way to learn quickly. 

What do people think regarding the creation of a monthly or bi-weekly
'assignment' which could be posted on the list or on it's own list,
complete with relevant material/links? The following edition could
contain the previous one's solution and invite feedback perhaps.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

I'd be happy to give up a few hours to sketch together a  bi-weekly or
monthly edition. However being dependant entirely on submissions of a
suitable calibre would there be sufficient enthusiasm?

I would think it could be done without too much fuss? Specially if the
assignments were kept (purposefully) small, 15-20 lines tops?

We could concentrate on interesting modules and the kinds of simple
things; assignments, loops, arrays, tuples etc. of which all larger
programs are composed.


On Sat, 2004-06-26 at 16:33, john and angie wrote:
> hello,
> i am extremly new to Python and need some ideas on project that will
> help me learn.
> any help is appreciated.
> i have read every tutorial i can get my hands on and need some ways to
> put it to use.
> ______________________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
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From soloturku at  Sat Jun 26 15:16:22 2004
From: soloturku at (=?iso-8859-1?B?U+liYXN0aWVuIFY=?=)
Date: Sat Jun 26 15:16:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] ideas
Message-ID: <>


I m also new to Python and i would like to have a nice project in order to 
learn this interesting Language.I m student and so far i programmed mainly 
in C++ or java.
i m waiting for all project ideas:something not too difficult since i m not 
a professional developper.
thank you very much for your help


(sorry for the english mistakes,i m French and you know
french are not the best ones for English Language =)  )

MSN Search, le moteur de recherche qui pense comme vous !

From bgailer at  Sat Jun 26 15:29:20 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sat Jun 26 15:27:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] ideas
In-Reply-To: <000a01c45b9b$53c95b20$ac61dc18@homesthzxom9ok>
References: <000a01c45b9b$53c95b20$ac61dc18@homesthzxom9ok>
Message-ID: <>

At 10:33 AM 6/26/2004, john and angie wrote:
>i am extremly new to Python and need some ideas on project that will help 
>me learn.
>any help is appreciated.
>i have read every tutorial i can get my hands on and need some ways to put 
>it to use.
At 01:16 PM 6/26/2004, S?bastien V wrote:
>I m also new to Python and i would like to have a nice project in order to 
>learn this interesting Language.I m student and so far i programmed mainly 
>in C++ or java.
>i m waiting for all project ideas:something not too difficult since i m 
>not a professional developper.
At 01:38 PM 6/26/2004, Conrad Gavin wrote:
>I have been considering this myself recently.
>Certainly, while there is a wealth of resources aimed at teaching python
>or general programming techniques I found myself (personally) wanting
>somewhere to get some structured material. Finding excuses to program
>something in python isnt always the best way to learn quickly.

I have a project or 2 lying about that I'd love some help with. Some of 
these are non-trivial, and wading through the existing code would provide a 
tremendous learning opportunity, if that's a way you like to learn. These 
projects, should they bear fruit, might also have some financial return (no 
guarantees, of course). Let me know if this whets your appetite.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 
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From Dragonfirebane at  Sat Jun 26 18:36:09 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Sat Jun 26 18:36:24 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/26/2004 11:24:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Only for the special case where the list consists of consecutive integers 
starting with 1.
My apologies. You are, of course, correct. However, I also suggested a 
solution that would work on strings, etc.:

>>> i = 0
>>> for x in string.ascii_letters:
        i -= 1
        print string.ascii_letters[i]


AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.
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From gew75 at  Sat Jun 26 23:55:31 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Sat Jun 26 23:55:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> At 08:08 AM 6/26/2004, wrote:
> >[snip]
> >It seems to me that one easy(er) way of doing this would be:
> >
> >for i in l:
> >     print l[-i]
> >
> >which would achieve the same effect with no discernable slowdown and a
> >less awkward range.
> Only for the special case where the list consists of consecutive integers
> starting with 1.

  Also the ``slowdown'' I speak of is related to the [-i] usage.  This is
slower, in code, than regular indexing.
  Saving an external variable to use as the index is identical to my earlier
solution.  Except it uses a (tiny) bit more memory.
  I am personally in favour of Danny's suggestion.  It's also faster ;).


From gew75 at  Sat Jun 26 23:57:33 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Sat Jun 26 23:57:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Are you specifically looking to print it or are you just looking to
> reverse the list? Usually when Python handles things internally it is
> quicker than doing it yourself. So I would have to say reversing the
> list could best be done w/ the reverse() method.
> Alternatively as of Python 2.2, I believe, you can step through arrays
> like so:
> >>> l
> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
> >>> l[::-1]
> [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
> The above is kind of like a slice. The syntax is:
> myList[start:end:step]
> Along the same idea there is also mapping and list comprehension.
> According to O'Reily's Learning Python: 2nd Edition. map() is quicker
> than 'for' and list comprehension is slightly quicker than map().

  Yes, list comprehensions permute to C code directly.  I did not know about
your slice-like example above -- thanks for the info.  I'll do some
profiling later to see how it goes.
  Reversing the list and then iterating through it (then reversing it again)
is really way too slow (time sensitive program).


From israel at  Sun Jun 27 00:46:04 2004
From: israel at (
Date: Sun Jun 27 00:45:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Anyone know what the speed of something like the following would be?

 >>> alist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
 >>>[alist[-(alist.index(a)+1)] for a in alist]
[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

On Saturday, June 26, 2004, at 08:57 PM, Glen Wheeler wrote:

>> Are you specifically looking to print it or are you just looking to
>> reverse the list? Usually when Python handles things internally it is
>> quicker than doing it yourself. So I would have to say reversing the
>> list could best be done w/ the reverse() method.
>> Alternatively as of Python 2.2, I believe, you can step through arrays
>> like so:
>>>>> l
>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
>>>>> l[::-1]
>> [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
>> The above is kind of like a slice. The syntax is:
>> myList[start:end:step]
>> Along the same idea there is also mapping and list comprehension.
>> According to O'Reily's Learning Python: 2nd Edition. map() is quicker
>> than 'for' and list comprehension is slightly quicker than map().
>   Yes, list comprehensions permute to C code directly.  I did not know 
> about
> your slice-like example above -- thanks for the info.  I'll do some
> profiling later to see how it goes.
>   Reversing the list and then iterating through it (then reversing it 
> again)
> is really way too slow (time sensitive program).
>   Thanks,
>   Glen
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

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From adam at  Sun Jun 27 04:53:50 2004
From: adam at (Adam)
Date: Sun Jun 27 04:53:26 2004
Subject: [Tutor] ideas
In-Reply-To: <1088278710.8492.17.camel@drachenfels>
References: <000a01c45b9b$53c95b20$ac61dc18@homesthzxom9ok>
Message-ID: <20040627095350.1c1a8c53@debian>

On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 19:38:30 +0000
Conrad Gavin <> wrote:

> What do people think regarding the creation of a monthly
> or bi-weekly'assignment' which could be posted on the list
> or on it's own list, complete with relevant
> material/links? The following edition could contain the
> previous one's solution and invite feedback perhaps.

 I would really relish the idea of taking these on and
giving them ago (and the common discussion they would
generate). This would also give me the opportunity to become
more pythonic, seeing others' solutions, which will almost
definitely be different to mine. I would prefer the
assignments to be smaller rather than larger so that I have
plenty of time to think over the best way of doing it,
rather than jumping in and coding straight away. 

Thanks for a great suggestion. 


From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun 27 05:08:25 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun 27 05:08:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
References: <>
Message-ID: <002c01c45c26$4e006d60$6401a8c0@xp>

> >>> l
> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
> >>> for i in range(1, len(l)+1):
> ..  print l[-i]
> ..
> parts of the program) yet I don't really like the expression
> len(l)+1)''.

You can probably speed it up slightly by using the range step value:

for i in range(len(l)-1,0,-1):
   print l[i]

Simply because you don't need to perform he index negation each time.

Alan G.

From alex at  Sun Jun 27 07:08:39 2004
From: alex at (Alex Newby)
Date: Sun Jun 27 07:08:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: ideas
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

From: "john and angie" <>

i am extremely new to Python and need some ideas on project that will
help me learn. any help is appreciated. i have read every tutorial i can
get my hands on and need some ways to put it to use.

In terms of pedagogical pythonic projects, I must say that I have
recently become enamored with twisted.web It isn't the easiest of
frameworks to sink your teeth into, but it definitely sustains interest.
Try out the various packages available e.g. wxPython, Zope, etc. and
find something that fits. 

Alex Newby

From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun 27 07:57:09 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun 27 07:56:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] ideas
References: <>
Message-ID: <004a01c45c3d$e0539130$6401a8c0@xp>

> I m also new to Python and i would like to have a nice project in
order to
> learn this interesting Language.I m student and so far i programmed
> in C++ or java.

Try the Useless Python web site, it has several projects listed
and some interesting acedemic type challenges to solve too.

One you feel more proficient you might try joining one of the
sourceforge projects using Python, there are several to choose from.

Search for language=python

> french are not the best ones for English Language =)  )

It's much btter than most English people's use of French! :-)

Alan g.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Jun 27 08:01:55 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Jun 27 08:01:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Speed of accessing list components
References: <>
Message-ID: <005401c45c3e$8a74e1a0$6401a8c0@xp>

> >>> i = 0
> >>> for x in string.ascii_letters:
>         i -= 1
>         print string.ascii_letters[i]

This is quite close to the canonical way of doing 
this using a while loop:

L = [.......]
i = len(L)-1
while i >= 0
   print L[i]
   i -= 1

So much choice...

Alan G.

From alipolatel at  Sun Jun 27 12:57:38 2004
From: alipolatel at (Ali Polatel)
Date: Sun Jun 27 12:57:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] A problem
Message-ID: <>

 I have just started to learn python...A problem has arised as I was trying to write a programme which lists the prime numbers up to a definite number. I had problems to create a definition for this... First what I have succeded to do is :
>>> for n in range(2, 10):
... for x in range(2, n):
... if n % x == 0:
... print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x
... break
... else:
... # loop fell through without finding a factor
... print n, 'is a prime number'
This lists the prime numbers up to 10 but when I try to create a definition with:
>>> def prime(n) :
... """ Hey dirty python! Show me the prime numbers!! """
... for a in range (2,n):
... for x in range (2,a):
... if a % x != 0 :
... print a
and then when I type prime(10) or any other number python gives wrong result.What is the right command?

My second question is when I achieve to create a definition for that how can i save it into a file so that the programme will just do this.I mean how to save something you do to an exe file or something similar...(I don't know the logic of python clearly yet)

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From marilyn at  Sun Jun 27 19:54:05 2004
From: marilyn at (Marilyn Davis)
Date: Sun Jun 27 19:54:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] :0: SyntaxWarning: name 'VAR' is assigned to before global
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0406271653130.3810-100000@Kuna>

Hello again Python experts!

I ran across this warning:

#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
VAR = 'xxx'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    global VAR
    VAR = 'yyy'



./ SyntaxWarning: name 'VAR' is assigned to before global declaration


But, a little twiddle quiets the warning, and I have no idea why:

#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
VAR = 'xxx'

def set_var():
    global VAR
    VAR = 'yyy'    

if __name__ == '__main__':

No output.

Can anyone explain what is happening?

Thank you.

Marilyn Davis


From gew75 at  Sun Jun 27 20:25:14 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Sun Jun 27 20:25:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] A problem
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Hi Ali,

  The reason there is an error here is because of the seemingly innocent change 

.. if a % x != 0 :
    ... print a

  This prints a every single time there is another number x, where 2 <= x < a and x does not divide a.  Obviously, this is not what you want -- for example, 3 does not divide 4, but 4 is not a prime!
  In fact, this error persists in your first code example -- it tells me that 9 is prime?  Perhaps some more thinking is in order ;).
  Please note that there are many many better ways to accomplish this.  A quick search with Google will turn up many prime number generators for your perusal, and hopefuly conversion to python :).


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ali Polatel 
  Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 2:57 AM
  Subject: [Tutor] A problem

   I have just started to learn python...A problem has arised as I was trying to write a programme which lists the prime numbers up to a definite number. I had problems to create a definition for this... First what I have succeded to do is :
  >>> for n in range(2, 10):
  ... for x in range(2, n):
  ... if n % x == 0:
  ... print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x
  ... break
  ... else:
  ... # loop fell through without finding a factor
  ... print n, 'is a prime number'
  This lists the prime numbers up to 10 but when I try to create a definition with:
  >>> def prime(n) :
  ... """ Hey dirty python! Show me the prime numbers!! """
  ... for a in range (2,n):
  ... for x in range (2,a):
  ... if a % x != 0 :
  ... print a
  and then when I type prime(10) or any other number python gives wrong result.What is the right command?

  My second question is when I achieve to create a definition for that how can i save it into a file so that the programme will just do this.I mean how to save something you do to an exe file or something similar...(I don't know the logic of python clearly yet)

  Do you Yahoo!?
  New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!


  Tutor maillist  -
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From bgailer at  Sun Jun 27 20:46:45 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sun Jun 27 20:45:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] :0: SyntaxWarning: name 'VAR' is assigned to
	before global declaration
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0406271653130.3810-100000@Kuna>
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0406271653130.3810-100000@Kuna>
Message-ID: <>

At 05:54 PM 6/27/2004, Marilyn Davis wrote:
>I ran across this warning:
>#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
>VAR = 'xxx'
>if __name__ == '__main__':
>     global VAR
>     VAR = 'yyy'
>./ SyntaxWarning: name 'VAR' is assigned to before global declaration
>But, a little twiddle quiets the warning, and I have no idea why:
>#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
>VAR = 'xxx'
>def set_var():
>     global VAR
>     VAR = 'yyy'
>if __name__ == '__main__':
>     set_var()

Global is normally used within a function definition to allow it to assign 
to names defined outside the function (as in your 2nd example). In your 
first example global is outside any function definition, and therefore not 
meaningful, as well as giving a SyntaxWarning.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From jonathan.hayward at  Sun Jun 27 21:33:32 2004
From: jonathan.hayward at (Jonathan Hayward)
Date: Sun Jun 27 21:33:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Major computer warning.
Message-ID: <>

The following is from another list. I've verified it from other sources, 
including What it means is that if you have a PC, 
it is VERY DANGEROUS to use Internet Explorer now.

I reccommend using .


The following news articles describe a potentially serious threat
to PC's because of a flaw in Internet Explorer.  There isn't a lot of
detail at this time, but given the history of problems, what they
are describing is certainly possible.  Two articles:,2933,123712,00.html

The best way to limit your risk is to use a browser other than
Internet Explorer.   There are several good options available:

Mozilla Firefox:



Any of these three will limit the risk you have when surfing the
net.  Be sure you enable their pop-up blocking immediately after
you install them.

It's also very, very important that you have anti-virus software
installed and running on your machine, and update it on a
daily basis.

You might want to also consider getting a firewall like Zone
Alarm or Black Ice.

Finally, you should, from time to time, scan your machine with
AdAware, which will find malicious programs:

It does a good job of finding and removing malicious programs,
untrustworthy cookies, browser hijacks, etc.

This problem does not affects Apple Macintosh or Linux systems.

++ Jonathan Hayward,
** To see an award-winning website with stories, essays, artwork,
** games, and a four-dimensional maze, why not visit my home page?
** All of this is waiting for you at

From marvboyes at  Sun Jun 27 22:13:31 2004
From: marvboyes at (Marv Boyes)
Date: Sun Jun 27 22:15:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] embarrassingly basic Tkinter question...
Message-ID: <>

Hello, all. I'm roughly a week old as a Python programmer, and this is 
my first post to the list (both of these facts will become painfully 
obvious once you've read my question...)

I've been through all of the documentation I can get my hands on, and I 
have yet to find a clear answer-- can anyone tell me a good way to 
launch an application (under Linux) by clicking on a button created with 

I've been able to create windows and widgets galore, but they're not 
much use until I can convince them to DO something. I've been able to 
make a button labeled 'Close' which (drumroll, please...) closes the 
window. Beyond that, I'm not having much luck.

Basically, I want to create a simple menu application for my wife (who's 
been lost on this machine since I switched to Xfce4) so she can launch 
the programs she wants. Sure, I could slap launchers in Xfce4's panel, 
but I like to keep it relatively clean. Besides, there's a problem that 
needs solving, and I'd love to be able to do it myself, the way I want. 
My wife will also be touched by my thoughtfulness, and forget how much I 
spent on programming books last week. ;)

Here's what I have so far:

	from Tkinter import *
	from os import system   # now what?

	root = Tk()
	root.title("Melody's Internet Stuff")
	app = Frame(root)

	bttn1 = Button(app, text = "Connect to the Internet")

	bttn2 = Button(app, text = "Get, read, and write e-mail")

	bttn3 = Button(app, text = "Browse the Web")

	bttn4 = Button(app, text = "Close",command = 'exit')


Now, what I want to do is launch an application by pressing buttons 1, 
2, or 3. I'm guessing that the os module is involved, but I found that a 
simple command = system('appname') launched the application as soon as I 
ran the Python script; indeed, my Tk window wouldn't even appear until 
that application was closed. So I'm obviously missing something.

Sorry this is so lengthy--I'll work on brevity. In the meantime, can 
anyone point me in the right direction? Many thanks in advance.

Help in the research to fight devastating diseases like
Huntington's, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's-- donate your computer's
leisure time to Folding@Home.

From marilyn at  Sun Jun 27 23:29:57 2004
From: marilyn at (Marilyn Davis)
Date: Sun Jun 27 23:30:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] :0: SyntaxWarning: name 'VAR' is assigned to  before
	global declaration
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0406272026200.3810-100000@Kuna>

On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Bob Gailer wrote:

> At 05:54 PM 6/27/2004, Marilyn Davis wrote:
> >I ran across this warning:
> >
> >#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
> >VAR = 'xxx'
> >if __name__ == '__main__':
> >     global VAR
> >     VAR = 'yyy'
> >---
> >./ SyntaxWarning: name 'VAR' is assigned to before global declaration
> >----
> >But, a little twiddle quiets the warning, and I have no idea why:
> >
> >#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
> >VAR = 'xxx'
> >def set_var():
> >     global VAR
> >     VAR = 'yyy'
> >if __name__ == '__main__':
> >     set_var()
> Global is normally used within a function definition to allow it to assign 
> to names defined outside the function (as in your 2nd example). In your 
> first example global is outside any function definition, and therefore not 
> meaningful, as well as giving a SyntaxWarning.

You are so right!  I was thinking that I needed it in any indentation.

But a test showed that I could do

if __name__ == '__main__':
    var = 'YYY'

Great.  It all makes sense now.  Thank you.


> [snip]
> Bob Gailer
> 303 442 2625 home
> 720 938 2625 cell 


From rdmoores at  Mon Jun 28 02:50:29 2004
From: rdmoores at (Dick Moores)
Date: Mon Jun 28 02:50:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about order in a dictionary
Message-ID: <>

Python 2.3.4

In IDLE, if I enter
D = {"a": "first letter", "b": "second letter", "c": "third letter",
"z": "last letter"}
and then 
print D
I get 
{'a': 'first letter', 'c': 'third letter', 'b': 'second letter', 'z':
'last letter'}

Why does the order change? I'm just beginning to understand
dictionaries, and I suppose the order doesn't matter, but why would it


Dick Moores

From dyoo at  Mon Jun 28 04:22:40 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Jun 28 04:22:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Major computer warning.  [META: crossposting / mailing
	list etiquette]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Jonathan Hayward wrote:

> The following is from another list. I've verified it from other sources,
> including What it means is that if you have a PC,
> it is VERY DANGEROUS to use Internet Explorer now.

[Text cut; CC list cut down.  Putting on good-cop-admin hat.]

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the concern and the heads up.  But please try avoid doing that
kind of crossposting.  You may not have realized it, but what you just did
was a netiquette no-no.

The idea about Tutor is to keep the list centered mostly on helping people
learn to programming in Python.  There are already plenty of other
reputable places where security warning stuff is publicized, including

If Python-Tutor just becomes yet another announcement page for anything
and everything technically related, that useful focus of Python-Tutor will
be probably get drowned out.

(Pot calling kettle black: I have to admit that I've screwed up about this
before.  I have made announcements about upcoming Bay Area Python User
Group meetings on Python-Tutor, and for that, I apologize; I was stupid.)

Anyway, I hope this makes sense.  We appreciate the gesture, but it was
unnecessary here.  Crossposting is itself potentially annoying, and we
need to do what we can to avoid stressing folks who are already hard
pressed to figure out why their Python programs aren't doing what they

From project5 at  Mon Jun 28 04:44:34 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Mon Jun 28 04:44:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Question about order in a dictionary
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dick Moores <rdmoores <at>> writes:

> In IDLE, if I enter
> D = {"a": "first letter", "b": "second letter", "c": "third letter",
> "z": "last letter"}
> and then 
> print D
> I get 
> {'a': 'first letter', 'c': 'third letter', 'b': 'second letter', 'z':
> 'last letter'}
> Why does the order change? I'm just beginning to understand

For the order to change, there should be an order in the first place. However,
dictionary by definition have *no order*, so how can it possibly change if it
doesn't exist? Don't be fooled by the fact that things are printed in a certain
order; that order is for all intents and purposes meaningless and is there for
the simple reason that we are only able to read things when they're presented
sequentially (and therefore ordered).

> dictionaries, and I suppose the order doesn't matter, but why would it
> change?

You might have asked the wong question and actually want to know why
dictionaries are not ordered. That has to do with their implementation. You can
read about that in the FAQ:

By the way, it's possible (and not that hard) to roll your own implementation of
dictionary which *is* ordered. In fact, there are several available on the web
if you need one and don't much care for coding your own ;).



From project5 at  Mon Jun 28 05:03:38 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Mon Jun 28 05:03:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: ideas
References: <000a01c45b9b$53c95b20$ac61dc18@homesthzxom9ok>
Message-ID: <>

john and angie <angjohn <at>> writes:

> i am extremly new to Python and need some ideas on 
> project that will help me learn.
> any help is appreciated.
> i have read every tutorial i can get my hands on 
> and need some ways to put it to use.

This depends a lot on what your interests and/or needs are. Do you like/need
games, maths, web stuff, educational tools, text processing, system tools, image
processing, database  tools, something else? 

I have an example where you could combine a couple or most of the categories
above and do so at a very simple level or a very advanced level: a quiz/quiz
generation tool. Pick the favourite subject that you know most about and devise
a way to store questions about that subject (can be in plain text files or in
some DB) and a way to present those questions to a student or for a teacher to
select a number of those questions and print them for a test on paper. You can
go for multiple-choice questions, or for ones where some variables can be varied
(especially useful for math/sciences) in a manual or automated way, whereby your
tool computes the new answer. You could combine this with some web tool (online
testing), with pygame (show animations of a physics problem), with a PDF
generator (printing), with wxPython/Tkinter (electronic tests), database (store
questions in categories, assign points, time-to-solve and difficulty level and
allow the teacher to auto-generate complete tests based on certain criteria).



From dyoo at  Mon Jun 28 05:08:35 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Jun 28 05:08:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about order in a dictionary
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Dick Moores wrote:

> if I enter
> D = {"a": "first letter", "b": "second letter", "c": "third letter",
>      "z": "last letter"}
> and then
> print D
> I get
> {'a': 'first letter', 'c': 'third letter', 'b': 'second letter', 'z':
> 'last letter'}
> Why does the order change?  I'm just beginning to understand
> dictionaries, and I suppose the order doesn't matter, but why would it
> change?

Hi Dick,

You're somewhat right: order isn't so relevant in a dictionary.  It turns
out that when we create a dictionary, like:

D = {"a": "first letter", "b": "second letter", "c": "third letter",
     "z": "last letter"}

then that actually does two things: it initializing the dictionary, and
then it adds an entry to that dictionary, for each key/value pair we've
typed in, in left-to-right order.

The gory details about this are in the Python Reference manual.  For the
curious, here's the reference:

This left-to-right part can actually make a difference: we might
accidently make a typo when we define the dictionary, and reuse a key that
we didn't mean to, like:

D = {"a": "first letter", "b": "second letter", "c": "third letter",
     "a": "oops!"}

then the dictionary that we get back is guaranteed to have the following
key/value pairs:

    ('c', 'third letter')
    ('b', 'second letter')
    ('a', 'oops!')

since Python will overwrite the first key/value pair with the last.

So order might possible matter when we're creating a dictionary, but that
wasn't exactly your question.  *grin*

What you're asking is: why does the dictionary display in a different
order: why are the entries all scrambled up?  Python is doing its own
organizing, behind the scenes, and it doesn't guarantee at all what order
we'll get back those key/value pairs when we print out a dictionary.

That is, we deliberately sacrifice an ordering.  It seems harsh, but in
return, Python guarantees that if we ask for a specific key from a
dictionary, we'll be able to get its corresponding value very very
quickly.  It becomes a snap for Python to give us:


almost immediately, because of technical details about how dictionaries
are implemented as "hashtables", a data structure from computer science.
We can talk about hashtables later, if you'd like.

But if we really care about order, we can use a list instead of a

>>> key_values = [ ('a', 'first letter'),
...                ('b', 'second letter'),
...                ('c', 'third letter'),
...                ('z', 'last letter') ]
>>> key_values
[('a', 'first letter'), ('b', 'second letter'), ('c', 'third letter'),
('z', 'last letter')]

This list, too, can contain key/value pairs, and once we print it out,
we'll see that order's preserved.  But searching for a particular value is
just slightly more work than a dictionary:

>>> def find_value(key, key_values):
...     """Given a key, and a key/value list, returns the associated
...        value.
...        If no such key is found, raises KeyError."""
...     for (k, v) in key_values:
...         if key == k:
...             return v
...     raise KeyError, key
>>> find_value('c', key_values)
'third letter'
>>> find_value('b', key_values)
'second letter'

I hope this helps!  Please feel free to ask more questions on any of this.

From klappnase at  Mon Jun 28 06:06:34 2004
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Mon Jun 28 06:04:57 2004
Subject: [Tutor] embarrassingly basic Tkinter question...
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 22:13:31 -0400
Marv Boyes <> wrote:

> Here's what I have so far:
> 	from Tkinter import *
> 	from os import system   # now what?
> 	root = Tk()
> 	root.title("Melody's Internet Stuff")
> 	root.geometry("280x150")
> 	app = Frame(root)
> 	app.grid()
> 	bttn1 = Button(app, text = "Connect to the Internet")
> 	bttn1.grid()
> 	bttn2 = Button(app, text = "Get, read, and write e-mail")
> 	bttn2.grid()
> 	bttn3 = Button(app, text = "Browse the Web")
> 	bttn3.grid()
> 	bttn4 = Button(app, text = "Close",command = 'exit')
> 	bttn4.grid()
> 	root.mainloop()
> Now, what I want to do is launch an application by pressing buttons 1, 
> 2, or 3. I'm guessing that the os module is involved, but I found that a 
> simple command = system('appname') launched the application as soon as I 
> ran the Python script; indeed, my Tk window wouldn't even appear until 
> that application was closed. So I'm obviously missing something.

Probably you did something like:


within your code and as you told python it launched the browser and then waited until the system command had finished.
If you want to run programs in the background use

os.system('mozilla &')

The second problem is that you of course don't want the program to be started with your app, but just
when the corresponding button is pressed. To achieve this you have to define a function for
each button callback, like this:

def browse_the_web():
    os.system('mozilla &')


bttn3 = Button(app, text = "Browse the Web", command=browse_the_web)

I hope this helped


From rdmoores at  Mon Jun 28 07:25:08 2004
From: rdmoores at (Dick Moores)
Date: Mon Jun 28 07:25:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about dictionary method get()
Message-ID: <>

This is probably trivial, but it makes me suspect that there's
something I don't understand about "None".

In _Python in a Nutshell_, on p. 50, I find, under "Dictionary Methods":

D.get(k[,x])    --    Returns D[k] if k is a key in D, otherwise
returns x (or None, if x is not given)

But in my simple

D = {'a': 'first letter', 'b': 'second letter', 'c': 'third letter',
'z': 'last letter'}

D.get("v")  returns nothing, not "None".   (with version 2.3.4)

The .chm file I have of the Python documentation for 2.3, it says

a.get(k[, x])     --     a[k] if k in a, else x 

Does this imply that that my D.get("v")  will return nothing, not
"None", and that there might be an error in the wonderful _Python in a
Nutshell_? Or am I just confused about something here? Or is this a
version difference?

Uh, oh. I just now tried      print D.get("v")     and did get "None".
  Then why not with the plain    D.get("v")  ?  Maybe I've found the
source of my confusion?

Thanks again,

Dick Moores

From rdmoores at  Mon Jun 28 07:30:59 2004
From: rdmoores at (Dick Moores)
Date: Mon Jun 28 07:31:02 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Question about order in a dictionary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

My thanks to all of you for your very patient and detailed answers. I
learned a lot from them. Some of the info was over my head, but I'll
save it for later.

Dick Moores

From Francis.Moore at  Mon Jun 28 08:07:28 2004
From: Francis.Moore at (Francis Moore)
Date: Mon Jun 28 08:12:57 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about dictionary method get()
Message-ID: <6081EBC21D52F744B484088BBBE665C3199F0D@sbserver.shaws.local>

From: Dick Moores [] 

>In _Python in a Nutshell_, on p. 50, I find, under "Dictionary
>D.get(k[,x])    --    Returns D[k] if k is a key in D, otherwise
>returns x (or None, if x is not given)


There's a good explanation of the dictionary get() method in Recipe 1.3
the O'Reilly Python Cookbook. There's a .pdf sample chapter at the 
following URL with this recipe in which you can download:

It can probably explain it better than I can ;-)

Hope this helps,
This communication contains information which is confidential and may also be privileged. It is for the exclusive use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s) please note that any distribution, copying or use of this communication or the information in it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error please notify us by e-mail or by telephone (+44(0) 1322 621100) and then delete the e-mail and any copies of it.  
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This message has been checked for all known viruses by McAfee VirusScan. 

From alipolatel at  Mon Jun 28 08:24:11 2004
From: alipolatel at (Ali Polatel)
Date: Mon Jun 28 08:24:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] A simple problem
Message-ID: <>

    Dear Friends,
    I am very new to python and have a problem.I have downloaded programmes written in python from to learn about the coding and such stuff. There are four files one is a dat file the other 2 are py and I don't remember the other one(it is a calculator written in python) when I open it with python I can only view its codes but how will I run the calculator??? which programme needed for that? 

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From olavi at  Mon Jun 28 08:25:41 2004
From: olavi at (Olavi Ivask)
Date: Mon Jun 28 08:27:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] A simple problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Open py file with python ->python


Ali Polatel wrote:

>     Dear Friends,
>     I am very new to python and have a problem.I have downloaded 
> programmes written in python from 
> <> to learn about the coding and such stuff. 
> There are four files one is a dat file the other 2 are py and I don't 
> remember the other one(it is a calculator written in python) when I 
> open it with python I can only view its codes but how will I run the 
> calculator??? which programme needed for that?
> Regards
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail is new and improved - Check it out! 
> <*> 
>Tutor maillist  -

From rdm at  Mon Jun 28 08:34:34 2004
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Mon Jun 28 08:34:41 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about dictionary method get()
In-Reply-To: <6081EBC21D52F744B484088BBBE665C3199F0D@sbserver.shaws.loca
References: <6081EBC21D52F744B484088BBBE665C3199F0D@sbserver.shaws.local>
Message-ID: <>

Francis Moore wrote at 05:07 6/28/2004:

>There's a good explanation of the dictionary get() method in Recipe 1.3
>the O'Reilly Python Cookbook. There's a .pdf sample chapter at the
>following URL with this recipe in which you can download:
>It can probably explain it better than I can ;-)


Wow, what a great resource! Yes, 1.3 is an understandable explanation, 
"If you call d.get(x), no exception is thrown: you get d[x] if x is a key 
in d, and if it's not, you get None (which you can check for or propagate)."

How do I "check for or propagate" None?

Sorry for the basic questions.


Dick Moores

From Francis.Moore at  Mon Jun 28 09:47:43 2004
From: Francis.Moore at (Francis Moore)
Date: Mon Jun 28 09:53:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about dictionary method get()
Message-ID: <6081EBC21D52F744B484088BBBE665C3199F0E@sbserver.shaws.local>

From: Dick Moores [] 

> How do I "check for or propagate" None?

Checking for 'None' is as follows:

def func():
	d = {}
	d['a'] = 1
	d['b'] = 2
	d['c'] = 3

	if d.get('d') == None:
		print 'Key of "d" not found'
if __name__ == '__main__':

This will print 'Key of "d" not found'

I don't have my copy of Python In A Nutshell to hand to check the 
index for propogation of a value but I'm assuming that it means
to raise an exception. As the default implementation of the 
dictionary class does not raise an exception when a key is not 
found, you can raise your own. Like so:

	if d.get('d') == None:
		raise Exception, 'Key of "d" not found'

Someone more knowledgeable on the list might want to clarify that 
my general understanding of propagating 'None' is correct.

> Sorry for the basic questions.

No problem.

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This communication is from Shaw & Sons Limited whose registered office is at Shaway House, 21 Bourne Park, Bourne Road, Crayford, Kent DA1 4BZ. The views expressed in this communication may not be the views held by Shaw & Sons Limited. 
This message has been checked for all known viruses by McAfee VirusScan. 

From bvande at  Mon Jun 28 10:12:47 2004
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Mon Jun 28 10:35:41 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about order in a dictionary
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo said unto the world upon 28/06/2004 05:08:


> That is, we deliberately sacrifice an ordering.  It seems harsh, but in
> return, Python guarantees that if we ask for a specific key from a
> dictionary, we'll be able to get its corresponding value very very
> quickly.  It becomes a snap for Python to give us:
>     D['a']
> almost immediately, because of technical details about how dictionaries
> are implemented as "hashtables", a data structure from computer science.
> We can talk about hashtables later, if you'd like.


Hi all,

I'm comfortable with mathematics, but not a computer scientist by any 
means. I've been wanting to learn about the details of hashtables (meaning 
of the term, how implemented, why allowing for faster search, etc.). Does 
anyone know of a good presentation that gets the details covered 
correctly, but doesn't presuppose that I am at least halfway through a 
comp sci BSc?

(I'm not asking someone to wade through google results pages; if that 
needs to be done I can do my own searching ;-) Rather, I wonder if anyone 
already knows of a good resource to recommend.)

Best to all,

Brian vdB

PS Since it is my first post to any of the lists since they all went funny 
last week, thanks to those who worked/are working to heal the 
mailing list server. I'm very glad things seem back to normal at least as 
far as I can tell.

From jeffpeery at  Mon Jun 28 11:22:35 2004
From: jeffpeery at (Jeff Peery)
Date: Mon Jun 28 11:22:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] XRCed?
Message-ID: <>

I was checking out the XRCed program, and I am unfamiliar with XML... this is a markup language for web browsers? Is the XRCed a GUI builder for XML? Can someone give me a brief intro to this thing. thanks.
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From magnus at  Mon Jun 28 08:57:03 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Mon Jun 28 11:25:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What Eval() Hath Men Wrought
In-Reply-To: <00e001c45a06$b4bc7610$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 17:17 2004-06-24 +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
>You can use the Python apply() function to do a similar thing,
>it takes a callable object and a tuple of arguments to be passed
>to the callable.

There is no longer any need to use apply, since you have
the *args and **kwargs constructs since Python 2.0. See section 9.1.

 >>> import time
 >>> def callme(f, *args, **kwargs):
         print "Function:", f, "called with"
         print "positional arguments", args, "and"
         print "named arguments", kwargs
         start = time.clock()
         result = f(*args, **kwargs)
         stop = time.clock()
         print "It took %f seconds" % (stop-start)
         return result

 >>> import math
 >>> callme(math.sin, 0.7)
Function: <built-in function sin> called with
positional arguments (0.69999999999999996,) and
named arguments {}
It took 0.000017 seconds
 >>> callme(dir)
Function: <built-in function dir> called with
positional arguments () and
named arguments {}
It took 0.000029 seconds
['args', 'f', 'kwargs', 'start']
 >>> def x(a1, a2, p1=1, p2=1):
         return a1*p1 + a2*p2

 >>> callme(x,3,4,p2=0.5)
Function: <function x at 0x0098CF30> called with
positional arguments (3, 4) and
named arguments {'p2': 0.5}
It took 0.000033 seconds

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From rdm at  Mon Jun 28 11:42:42 2004
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Mon Jun 28 11:42:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about dictionary method get()
In-Reply-To: <6081EBC21D52F744B484088BBBE665C3199F0E@sbserver.shaws.loca
References: <6081EBC21D52F744B484088BBBE665C3199F0E@sbserver.shaws.local>
Message-ID: <>

Francis Moore wrote at 06:47 6/28/2004:
>Checking for 'None' is as follows:
>def func():
>         d = {}
>         d['a'] = 1
>         d['b'] = 2
>         d['c'] = 3
>         if d.get('d') == None:
>                 print 'Key of "d" not found'
>if __name__ == '__main__':
>         func()
>This will print 'Key of "d" not found'
>I don't have my copy of Python In A Nutshell to hand to check the
>index for propogation of a value but I'm assuming that it means
>to raise an exception. As the default implementation of the
>dictionary class does not raise an exception when a key is not
>found, you can raise your own. Like so:
>         if d.get('d') == None:
>                 raise Exception, 'Key of "d" not found'

Thanks very much again, Francis. Very clear, except for my not understanding

if __name__ == '__main__':

But that's OK. I'll get to that later.

Dick Moores 

From jeffpeery at  Mon Jun 28 11:42:58 2004
From: jeffpeery at (Jeff Peery)
Date: Mon Jun 28 11:43:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] boa help?
Message-ID: <>

I'm using Boa constructor to make windows GUIs, I have it running on my labtop although it doesn't seem to be working on my desktop? I get this error message:
"global name 'wx' is not defined"
-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 28 13:14:57 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Jun 28 13:14:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What Eval() Hath Men Wrought
References: <>
Message-ID: <000401c45d33$6fcdf3a0$6401a8c0@xp>

> At 17:17 2004-06-24 +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
> >You can use the Python apply() function to do a similar thing,
> There is no longer any need to use apply, since you have
> the *args and **kwargs constructs since Python 2.0. 

So you can I keep forgetting about that.
Mainly coz I think its horrible and much prefer apply.
It fits with the functional model so much more nicely.

But there is no doubt it is less efficient and slightly 
less flexible. Certainly the *args/**kwargs nonsense is the 
official Pythonic route, no matter how ugly.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 28 13:22:24 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Jun 28 13:21:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] :0: SyntaxWarning: name 'VAR' is assigned to before
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0406271653130.3810-100000@Kuna>
Message-ID: <001801c45d34$7a58a990$6401a8c0@xp>

> #!/usr/bin/env python2.3
> VAR = 'xxx'
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     global VAR
>     VAR = 'yyy'

Here there is only one scope, module or global scope. Therefore
there is no need for the global statement because the vVAR will
allways be the same one as defined previously.

> ./ SyntaxWarning: name 'VAR' is assigned to before global

And this is true, within the file scope you have already created VAR
it is too late trying to tell Python to look somewhere else. (Even
there is nowhere else it could look in this case!)

> But, a little twiddle quiets the warning, and I have no idea why:
> #!/usr/bin/env python2.3
> VAR = 'xxx'
> def set_var():
>     global VAR
>     VAR = 'yyy'

Thats a huge twiddle. You have now created a function which defines
a new scope or namespace. So the VAR in there will by default be a
local VAR unless you use global, as you have done.

If you did this you'd get the same error as before:

def set_var():
    VAR = 'yyy'
    global VAR

Because that's an equivalent error.

> Can anyone explain what is happening?

Try reading the "What's in a name?" topic in my online tutor
for more info and examples.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From Dragonfirebane at  Mon Jun 28 13:23:13 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Mon Jun 28 13:23:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] (IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor) in IDLE (wrong
	mailing list?)
Message-ID: <>

I'm unsure where to submit this, but there appears to be an error with IDLE. 
Every so often when i run a module (not a particular one), this comes up and i 
have to run it again:

>>> Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\PROGRA~1\PYTHON~1.4C1\lib\lib-tk\", line 1345, in 
    return self.func(*args)
  File "C:\PROGRA~1\PYTHON~1.4C1\lib\idlelib\", line 135, in 
    code = self.checksyntax(filename)
  File "C:\PROGRA~1\PYTHON~1.4C1\lib\idlelib\", line 96, in 
    return compile(source, filename, "exec")
  File "C:\PROGRA~1\PYTHON~1.4C1\lib\", line 116, in warn_explicit
    showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno)
  File "C:\PROGRA~1\PYTHON~1.4C1\lib\idlelib\", line 55, in 
    file.write(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno))
IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

I apologize if this is off-topic. Does anyone know, if this isn't the right 
mailing list, where to submit this? I suspect the issue may be with Tkinter 
since the exception is in the Tkinter callback, but I have very little experience 
with Tkinter, so I can't make heads or tails of the error message.    Any 
suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.
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From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 28 13:28:38 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Jun 28 13:27:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about order in a dictionary
References: <>
Message-ID: <002a01c45d35$59ac2400$6401a8c0@xp>

> D = {"a": "first letter", "b": "second letter", "c": "third letter",
> "z": "last letter"}

> print D
> {'a': 'first letter', 'c': 'third letter', 'b': 'second letter',
> 'last letter'}
> Why does the order change?

Because of the way Python stores the data internally. To make the
search fast it doesn't use the sequence that you provide but uses
a tree-like structure. When you print D it traverses the tree top
to bottom, but the position in the tree is optimised for rapid
retrieval of the keys.

> I suppose the order doesn't matter, but why would it change?

You are right the order doesn't matter to the user, and you can
always extract the list of keys and sort them if you need sorted

You might find my "Raw Materials" topic in my tutor usful it has
a section on Dictionaries which discusses these issues a little

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From tpc at  Mon Jun 28 13:40:05 2004
From: tpc at (
Date: Mon Jun 28 13:40:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] print formatting, length of string
Message-ID: <>

hi everybody,
let's say I have a list of dictionaries, and each dictionary, representing
a database record, stores a series of key, value pairs, and I want to
print out each key, value pair such that:
*) each key ends with ': '
*) the length of the longest key determines how many spaces prepend the
shorter keys, e.g.,:

*************************** 1. row ***************************
   First_Name: JAMES
    Last_Name: SMITH
Address_Line1: 2525 BANTRY LANE
         City: NORTH BRUNSWICK
        State: NJ
*************************** 2. row ***************************
   First_Name: MARY
    Last_Name: JONES
Address_Line1: 1713 RIVER CREEK RD
         City: PALM HARBOR
        State: FL

In other words, I want my colons to line up.  The code I have so far is a

def formatListOfRecordDicts(listOfRecordDicts):
        count = 0
        for recordDict in listOfRecordDicts:
                count += 1
                print "*************************** % s. row ***************************" % count
                print "   First_Name:", recordDict['First_Name']
                print "    Last_Name:", recordDict['Last_Name']
                print "Address_Line1:", recordDict['Address_Line1']

and as you can imagine I'd have to rewrite it if and when I decide to pull
out a different set of data from my database.  Is there a more elegant way
of doing this ?

From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 28 13:43:14 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Jun 28 13:42:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] embarrassingly basic Tkinter question...
References: <>
Message-ID: <003a01c45d37$63abe290$6401a8c0@xp>

> I've been through all of the documentation I can get my hands on,
and I
> have yet to find a clear answer-- can anyone tell me a good way to
> launch an application (under Linux) by clicking on a button created
> Tkinter?

You need to set the command parameter of the Button widget to a Python
function and make the Python function call an external program via

> Basically, I want to create a simple menu application for my wife
> been lost on this machine since I switched to Xfce4)

Why not just give her a login using her preferred windowmanager? Thats
what multi user operating systems are for - each user gets the
environment they prefer!

> but I like to keep it relatively clean. Besides, there's a problem
> needs solving, and I'd love to be able to do it myself, the way I

The command parameter is your friend.

Check my GUI topic on my tutorial which shows very simple use
of Buttons and the command parameter.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From pythonTutor at  Mon Jun 28 14:12:34 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Mon Jun 28 14:12:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] print formatting, length of string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Totally untest, but (hopefully) close>
def formatListOfRecordDicts(listOfRecordDicts, showKeyList=None):
	if showKeyList is None:
		showKeyList = listOfRecordDicts[0].keys() # fails empty
	keylen = max([len(k) for k in showKeyList])
	for i,recordDict in enumerate(listOfRecordDicts):
		print "**** %s. row *****" % (i+1)
		for k in showKeyList:

On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 13:40, wrote:

> <code>
> def formatListOfRecordDicts(listOfRecordDicts):
>         count = 0
>         for recordDict in listOfRecordDicts:
>                 count += 1
>                 print "*************************** % s. row ***************************" % count
>                 print "   First_Name:", recordDict['First_Name']
>                 print "    Last_Name:", recordDict['Last_Name']
>                 print "Address_Line1:", recordDict['Address_Line1']
> </code>
> and as you can imagine I'd have to rewrite it if and when I decide to pull
> out a different set of data from my database.  Is there a more elegant way
> of doing this ?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From pythonTutor at  Mon Jun 28 14:24:35 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Mon Jun 28 14:24:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] print formatting, length of string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

(complete this time.  Earlier email was sent by accident.)

<Totally untested, but (hopefully) close>
def formatListOfRecordDicts(listOfRecordDicts, showKeyList=None):
	if showKeyList is None:
		showKeyList = listOfRecordDicts[0].keys() # fails on empty list
	keylen = max([len(k) for k in showKeyList])
	for i,recordDict in enumerate(listOfRecordDicts):
		print "**** %s. row *****" % (i+1)
		for k in showKeyList:
			print "%*s: %s" % (keylen, k, recordDict[k])

Choosing the keys to print is now outside the function
enumerate is used to count the dictionaries in the list
the key list is scanned to determine the longest key
The format operator is used to control the output width

On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 13:40, wrote:

> <code>
> def formatListOfRecordDicts(listOfRecordDicts):
>         count = 0
>         for recordDict in listOfRecordDicts:
>                 count += 1
>                 print "*************************** % s. row ***************************" % count
>                 print "   First_Name:", recordDict['First_Name']
>                 print "    Last_Name:", recordDict['Last_Name']
>                 print "Address_Line1:", recordDict['Address_Line1']
> </code>
> and as you can imagine I'd have to rewrite it if and when I decide to pull
> out a different set of data from my database.  Is there a more elegant way
> of doing this ?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From project5 at  Mon Jun 28 14:56:13 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Mon Jun 28 14:56:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: boa help?
References: <>
Message-ID: <1tixq0osj43qu$>

Jeff Peery wrote on Mon, 28 Jun 2004 08:42:58 -0700 (PDT):

> I'm using Boa constructor to make windows GUIs, I have it running on my labtop although it doesn't seem to be working on my desktop? I get this error message:
> "global name 'wx' is not defined"

Do you have wxPython installed?



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From game at  Mon Jun 28 15:07:44 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Mon Jun 28 15:03:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Checking for int only
Message-ID: <001801c45d43$32038520$>

How do you test for something to make sure that it is an int and not anything else
so that when you ask them to enter a number they can only enter a number and
not any other character.

-------------- next part --------------
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From project5 at  Mon Jun 28 15:00:06 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Mon Jun 28 15:10:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: XRCed?
References: <>
Message-ID: <1ej7jjaegsbdt$>

Jeff Peery wrote on Mon, 28 Jun 2004 08:22:35 -0700 (PDT):

> I was checking out the XRCed program, and I am unfamiliar 
>with XML... this is a markup language for web browsers? Is 

It's a markup language for anything. You can view it in browser, but it's
not necessarily aimed at browsers; you can store arbitrary data for
arbitrary purposes in XML.

>the XRCed a GUI builder for XML? Can someone give me a brief 
>intro to this thing. thanks.

XRCed is a tool which generates an XML file that can be used to show
wxPython interfaces. The XML is simply the data format in which a sort of
description is stored of the elements your wxPython UI has.



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From project5 at  Mon Jun 28 15:13:30 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Mon Jun 28 15:20:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Checking for int only
References: <001801c45d43$32038520$>
Message-ID: <2dhibfyw96pw$.1dhp76kzfves3$>

K J wrote on Mon, 28 Jun 2004 15:07:44 -0400:

> How do you test for something to make sure that it is an int and not anything else
> so that when you ask them to enter a number they can only enter a number and
> not any other character.

Use try-except:

while True:
    number = raw_input('Integer: ')
        number = int(number) # will fail if the input is non-numerical
        break # stop endless loop
    except: # int() failed -> not an integer
        print '  That was not an integer.'

Above is assuming that you mean 'integer' when you write 'number'. If you
mean to include floats, try float() instead of int().        



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From game at  Mon Jun 28 17:21:31 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Mon Jun 28 17:17:22 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Checking for int only
References: <001801c45d43$32038520$>
Message-ID: <000501c45d55$e2777760$>

I tried what you said and it work good but when you picked a different  char
other than an int it would just say Please choose an number: and if you
messed up twice then it would say that is not an option. So I did some
fooling around with it and came up with this so that it will say that is not
an option the first time.
So thanks for the help.

number = raw_input("Please choose an number: ")

while True:
        number = int(number)
        print '  That is not an option.'
        number = raw_input("Please choose an number: ")

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrei <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 3:13 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Checking for int only

> K J wrote on Mon, 28 Jun 2004 15:07:44 -0400:
> > How do you test for something to make sure that it is an int and not
anything else
> > so that when you ask them to enter a number they can only enter a number
> > not any other character.
> Use try-except:
> while True:
>     number = raw_input('Integer: ')
>     try:
>         number = int(number) # will fail if the input is non-numerical
>         break # stop endless loop
>     except: # int() failed -> not an integer
>         print '  That was not an integer.'
> Above is assuming that you mean 'integer' when you write 'number'. If you
> mean to include floats, try float() instead of int().
> --
> Yours,
> Andrei
> =====
> Real contact info (decode with rot13):
> cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
> gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From fant at  Mon Jun 28 18:02:30 2004
From: fant at (Andrew Fant)
Date: Mon Jun 28 18:02:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] remote directory verification in python
Message-ID: <>

Good evening,
   I am working on a launcher script that will start a process on a remote 
system for a user.  I would like to be able to check and see if the cwd 
exists on the remote host, and if so, start the remote process in that 
directory.  Otherwise, I will just print a notification and start the 
process in $HOME.   Does anyone have any code snippets that would 
demonstrate a reasonable way to do this with python?  The systems will need 
to communicate via SSH, but they are configured with public/private keys 
that allow for passwordless connections.


From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 28 18:37:13 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Jun 28 18:37:05 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about dictionary method get()
References: <>
Message-ID: <001b01c45d60$75625a40$6401a8c0@xp>

> Uh, oh. I just now tried      print D.get("v")     and did get
>   Then why not with the plain    D.get("v")  ?  Maybe I've found the
> source of my confusion?

Python has two methods __str__ and __repr__ that convert objects
to strings.

When you evaluate an object

>>> x

You are calling __repr__ on x

When you print an object

>>> print x

You are calling the __str__ method of x.

Often str and repr produce the same result but not always.
None is an example of a difference.

Notice too the difference when dealing with strings....

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 28 18:40:03 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Jun 28 18:39:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about dictionary method get()
References: <6081EBC21D52F744B484088BBBE665C3199F0D@sbserver.shaws.local>
Message-ID: <002801c45d60$dab86e20$6401a8c0@xp>

> How do I "check for or propagate" None?

foo = dct.get('x')
if foo is None:
   # do something here


Alan G

From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 28 18:55:00 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Jun 28 18:54:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] print formatting, length of string
References: <>
Message-ID: <006901c45d62$f0ea1f70$6401a8c0@xp>

> In other words, I want my colons to line up.  The code I have so far
is a
> kludge:

Check out format strings. You can specify the minimum length of a
using a format specifier, and whether it is right or lefdt justified.
That should do what you want.

Alan G

From alan.gauld at  Mon Jun 28 18:58:28 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Jun 28 18:58:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Checking for int only
References: <001801c45d43$32038520$>
Message-ID: <007701c45d63$6ce44060$6401a8c0@xp>

> How do you test for something to make sure that it is an int 
> and not anything else so that when you ask them to enter a 
> number they can only enter a number and not any other character.

One of the Python mantras is that its better to ask forgiveness 
than permisssion.

Try converting it to an int() if that doesn't work get them 
to try again:

  val = int(raw_input(....))
except ValueError:
  print "Couldn't read that as a number, try again...


Alan G

From game at  Tue Jun 29 01:51:35 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Tue Jun 29 01:47:22 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return to main menu
Message-ID: <001001c45d9d$23ee87a0$>

Well this is the little program that I have created it is my first one and it works just
fine from what I have tested. Only problem I have with it is that, lets say you enter
1 at the prompt it will load the modual. however when it comes to the end
of the modual it terminats. How would I go about making it so that it will return to 
the menu and ask for another choice.


print """
0 Exit
1 Add
2 Subtract

number = raw_input("Enter a number: ")

while 1:
            number = int(number)
        except ValueError:
            print "That is not an option"
            number = raw_input("Enter a number: ")
if int(number) == 1:
        import add
if int(number) == 2:
        import subtract
-------------- next part --------------
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From Dragonfirebane at  Tue Jun 29 02:07:05 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Tue Jun 29 02:07:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return to main menu
Message-ID: <>

In a message dated 6/29/2004 1:48:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Well this is the little program that I have created it is my first one and it 
works just
fine from what I have tested. Only problem I have with it is that, lets say 
you enter
1 at the prompt it will load the modual. however when it comes to the 
of the modual it terminats. How would I go about making it so that it will 
return to 
the menu and ask for another choice.


print """
0 Exit
1 Add
2 Subtract

number = raw_input("Enter a number: ")

while 1:
            number = int(number)
        except ValueError:
            print "That is not an option"
            number = raw_input("Enter a number: ")
if int(number) == 1:
        import add
if int(number) == 2:
        import subtract
just put the entire thing within a while loop and put a break or change the 
condition (from True to False) if they select exit, like so:

a = True
while a:
    print """
0 Exit
1 Add
2 Subtract

    number = raw_input("Enter a number: ")

    while 1:
                number = int(number)
            except ValueError:
                print "That is not an option"
                number = raw_input("Enter a number: ")
    if int(number) == 0:
            a = False
    if int(number) == 1:
            import add
    if int(number) == 2:
            import subtract

by the way: you can just as easily make the menu be part of the number prompt 
like so:

number = raw_input("""Enter a number:
1: Add
2: Subtract
3: Exit
...    """)

using the above code, you'd have to change the program so that it read:

a = True
while a:
    number = raw_input("""Enter a number:
1: Add
2: Subtract
3: Exit
...    """)

    while 1:
                number = int(number)
            except ValueError:
                print "That is not an option"
                number = raw_input("Enter a number: ")
    if int(number) == 1:
            import add
    if int(number) == 2:
            import subtract
    if int(number) == 3: 
            a = False


AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.
-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Tue Jun 29 02:29:47 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Jun 29 02:29:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return to main menu  [use functions to collect related
	statements together, not modules]
In-Reply-To: <001001c45d9d$23ee87a0$>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 29 Jun 2004, K J wrote:

> Well this is the little program that I have created it is my first one
> and it works just fine from what I have tested. Only problem I have with
> it is that, lets say you enter 1 at the prompt it will load the
> modual. however when it comes to the end of the modual it terminats. How
> would I go about making it so that it will return to the menu and ask
> for another choice.

Hi Kevin,

Ah, I see.  It looks like you're using module import to try to execute
another program.  You have the right idea, but it'll only work once,
because of the way that Python avoids reading the same module twice.

You'll notice this problem if you change your main program to something
really simple like:

import add
import add
import add

The program that's in 'add' will execute the first time... and do
absolutely squat for the next two import statements.  *grin*

The issue is that the program above is trying to use modules to execute a
bunch of statements together, but that's not exactly what they supposed to
be used for.  Instead, we should be using a "function": functions are the
basic tools for grouping a bunch of program statements together.

Here's an example of a function:

>>> def sayHello():
...     print "hello world"
>>> sayHello()
hello world
>>> def sayHelloTwice():
...     sayHello()
...     sayHello()
>>> sayHelloTwice()
hello world
hello world

The 'def' here allows us to create a named function, and we define what
should happen when we call the function.

If you put everything that's in your 'add' module, and move it into a
function, then your program should behave the way that you expect.

(Just for your information: modules are used to group related functions
together, so it's just a different kind of grouping than the one you were

I feel that functions are more fundamental than modules, so I'd recommend
learning them cold; they'll serve you well.  If you want to learn more
about functions, you may find something like 'How to Think Like a Computer
Scientist' useful:

The other tutorials on:

also should cover functions; feel free to ask questions about them here.

Hope this helps!

From bvande at  Tue Jun 29 02:38:16 2004
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Tue Jun 29 02:39:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return to main menu
In-Reply-To: <001001c45d9d$23ee87a0$>
References: <001001c45d9d$23ee87a0$>
Message-ID: <>

K J said unto the world upon 29/06/2004 01:51:

K J said unto the world upon 29/06/2004 01:51:

> Well this is the little program that I have created it is my first one
> and it works just fine from what I have tested. Only problem I have
> with it is that, lets say you enter 1 at the prompt it will load the
> modual. however when it comes to the end of the modual it
> terminats. How would I go about making it so that it will return to the
> menu and ask for another choice.
> Kevin
> print """
> 0 Exit
> 1 Add
> 2 Subtract
> """
> number = raw_input("Enter a number: ")
> while 1:
>         try:
>             number = int(number)
>             break
>         except ValueError:
>             print "That is not an option"
>             number = raw_input("Enter a number: ")
> if int(number) == 1:
>         import add
> if int(number) == 2:
>         import subtract

Hi Keven,

A few things strike this relative newbie:

1) You probably intend the "if int(number) ==" blocks to be nested into
the while loop. (I assume you want to do something with the first choice
before asking for another one.)

2) If I am right in thinking that you will want to nest the conditional
blocks, you will have to do something about the imports. (You can only
import a module once per program run; afterwards you have to reload it.)

3) More importantly, it breaks out of the loop because you told it to ;-)
(The best thing about computers is they do exactly what you tell them to.
The worst thing about computers is they do exactly what you tell them to.)
Try replacing the "break" with "continue"; that will keep you in the loop,
but not keep asking the user for input. It won't hit the imports either if 
you indent them. And even if you don't, it won't be having any real 
effect, as the loop would then continue on its own, anyway. So, better 
still, remove it entirely.

3) To reprint the menu, put your menu-printing code into a function
definition and call that just before number = int(number). I'd also put 
the "is the input an integer" testing logic into a function.

4) Then, you'd have a while loop which asked for input via your menu and 
input function, tested it for being an integer and re-requested if not, 
reloaded the modules as requested and then after they finished went back 
to the top of the while loop and called the menu function again.

5) If I am right in thinking that you will want to nest the conditional
blocks, you will have to do something about the imports. (You can only
import a module once per program run; afterwards you have to reload it.)

Functions are your friends :-) You typed "number = raw_input("Enter a 
number: ")" twice. Try this at the start of your code instead:

def ask():
     input = raw_input("Enter a number: ")
     return input

now you can just type:

number = ask()

Expand that function to run the test on the input too, and you are on your 

And I see Orri beat me to posting; so this might be redundant in places. 
Oh well.

Best to all,

Brian vdB

From project5 at  Tue Jun 29 02:37:50 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Tue Jun 29 02:40:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Checking for int only
References: <001801c45d43$32038520$>
Message-ID: <>

K J <game <at>> writes:

> I tried what you said and it work good but when you picked a different  char
> other than an int it would just say Please choose an number: and if you

How can my solution possibly say "Please choose a number" when that string
doesn't even apppear in the code? Here's an interactive session I did with 
my code:

Integer: sdfwefafe
  That was not an integer.
Integer: waefawef
  That was not an integer.
Integer: 3.324
  That was not an integer.
Integer: .23423
  That was not an integer.
Integer: 3

> messed up twice then it would say that is not an option. So I did some

It instructs you that the input is incorrect regardless of how many attempts you
do, see demonstration above. I'm not sure what code you have been running, but
it doesn't seem to be the one I posted. Are you sure you copied it correctly?

> fooling around with it and came up with this so that it will say that is not
> an option the first time.
> So thanks for the help.
> number = raw_input("Please choose an number: ")
> while True:
>     try:
>         number = int(number)
>         break
>     except:
>         print '  That is not an option.'
>         number = raw_input("Please choose an number: ")

Your solution is basically another way of writing exactly what I did, with the
added disadvantage of having to maintain the prompt string "please blabla..." in
two different places. The solution effectively combines the disadvantage of an
endless 'while True' loop (being the necessity to use "break", which has
arguable obsfucational qualities) with the disadvantage of a non-endless loop
(being that it requires initialization and therefore maintenance of a certain
piece of code in two different places).



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5 <at> jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

> > Use try-except:
> >
> > while True:
> >     number = raw_input('Integer: ')
> >     try:
> >         number = int(number) # will fail if the input is non-numerical
> >         break # stop endless loop
> >     except: # int() failed -> not an integer
> >         print '  That was not an integer.'
> >
> > Above is assuming that you mean 'integer' when you write 'number'. If you
> > mean to include floats, try float() instead of int().

From johnnie.blom at  Tue Jun 29 02:41:29 2004
From: johnnie.blom at (Johnnie Blom)
Date: Tue Jun 29 02:41:37 2004
Subject: [Tutor] boa help?
Message-ID: <>

>I'm using Boa constructor to make windows GUIs, I have it running on my
>labtop although it doesn't seem to be working on my desktop? I get this
>error message:
>"global name 'wx' is not defined"

You can't use boa on the latest release of wxpython, go back one step.

Johnnie Blom

From dyoo at  Tue Jun 29 02:46:59 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Jun 29 02:47:05 2004
Subject: [Tutor] (IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor) in IDLE (wrong
	mailing list?)  [sending good error reports to idle-dev]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 wrote:

> I'm unsure where to submit this, but there appears to be an error with
> IDLE.  Every so often when i run a module (not a particular one), this
> comes up and i have to run it again:
> >>> Exception in Tkinter callback
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\PROGRA~1\PYTHON~1.4C1\lib\lib-tk\", line 1345, in
> __call__
>     return self.func(*args)

[traceback cut]

Hi Orri,

Ok.  Send that traceback in the direction of the IDLE developers at:

My initial impressions is that this is an legitimate IDLE bug; you should
never see errors like this as a user.

When you send the traceback to idle-dev, mention what version of Python
you've installed.  From the traceback, I'm guessing that you're running
Python 2.3.4 RC1, which is actually a "release candidate".  Can you see if
the same buggy behavior happens with the official 2.3.4 final release?

Also, show the IDLE developers the module that you're trying to run
through IDLE, at the point where IDLE goes haywire.  It may provide the
developers a clue as to why it's doing nuts.

As far as I can tell, from the traceback,

>     return compile(source, filename, "exec")
>   File "C:\PROGRA~1\PYTHON~1.4C1\lib\", line 116, in warn_explicit
>     showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno)
>   File "C:\PROGRA~1\PYTHON~1.4C1\lib\idlelib\", line 55, in
> idle_showwarning
>     file.write(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno))
> IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

that here, IDLE was right in the middle of trying to send a warning
message about your module code... but then it itself broke right in the
middle of the error reporting.  Slightly embarassing.  *grin* Your code
may help to highlight a bug in IDLE, so it would be invaluable to include
your program in your report.

Good luck!

From dyoo at  Tue Jun 29 03:30:35 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Jun 29 03:30:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about order in a dictionary [how does hashing
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I'm comfortable with mathematics, but not a computer scientist by any
> means. I've been wanting to learn about the details of hashtables
> (meaning of the term, how implemented, why allowing for faster search,
> etc.). Does anyone know of a good presentation that gets the details
> covered correctly, but doesn't presuppose that I am at least halfway
> through a comp sci BSc?

Hi Brian,

I wrote an introduction to hashing a long long time ago:

But I guess it can't hurt to rehash hashing.  *grin*

The core idea is that list lookup is really really fast as long as we're
dealing with numeric indices.

Conceptually, a Python list is a bunch of key-value pairs.  When we see:

    ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]

we might imagine that this list represents the same kind of information as
the following dictionary:

    { 0 : "zero",
      1 : "one",
      2 : "two",
      3 : "three",
      4 : "four",
      5 : "five" }

where the "key" part is implied by the index of our list.

So lists are excellent for key/value lookup, when our keys are small

Let's make the problem concrete.  The list:

>>> words = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]

makes it really easy for us to go from a single digit to its English

>>> words[0]
>>> words[4]

But if our keys aren't numbers, what can we do? What if we want to go the
other way?  That is, given a word like 'five', is it easy to get back the
number 5?  Yes, if we're willing to do a search across our list:

>>> words.index('five')

The only problem with this approach is that it's doing a linear scan
across the list.  We can do better than that.

Hashing is an approach that uses a "hash" function.  This "hash" function
transforms a key directly into an integer value, which we then use as an
index into some mangled-up list.

Python comes with a hash builtin()  already:

>>> words = ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]
>>> for w in words:
...     print w, hash(w)
zero -1293135726
one -261223665
two 323309869
three 1505609005
four -1250885616
five 202874452

But these are wild looking numbers.  *grin*

Let's make them look a little nicer by using the remainder "modulo"

>>> for w in words:
...     print w, hash(w), hash(w) % 11
zero -1293135726 8
one -261223665 1
two 323309869 3
three 1505609005 10
four -1250885616 9
five 202874452 0

(Ignore the magic constant 11 for a moment: we'll revisit it in a moment.)

Notice that the third column contains numbers that are all distinct.
This is neat because, suddenly, we can do something like this:

>>> for index, word in enumerate(words):
...     hashed_values[hash(word) % 11] = index
>>> hashed_values
[5, 1, None, 2, None, None, None, None, 0, 4, 3]
>>> hashed_values[hash('one') % 11]
>>> hashed_values[hash('three') % 11]
>>> hashed_values[hash('zero') % 11]

And now we have a fast scheme where we can go back from our arbitrary
string key back to our value.  No linear scan necessary: just a little bit
of arithmetic.

And that's what dictionaries do underneath the surface:  they maintain a
intermediate list --- a "hash table" --- where the elements are scattered
around in some wacky order based on the key hash value.  Since keys will
hash() to a predictable number, when we want to look up a key/value pair
later on, we get to later use hash() again, and take advantage of the
speed of numeric indxed lookup on that intermediate list.

Going back to that magic number: '11' here was cheating.  *grin* It's a
magic constant number I just pulled out of thin air, and it was chosen for
this example just to make all the values distinct.  If we chose a smaller
constant, we would have gotten not-so-nice results:

>>> for w in words:
...     print w, hash(w), hash(w) % 3, hash(w) % 5, hash(w) % 7, hash(w) % 11
zero -1293135726 0 4 6 8
one -261223665 0 0 4 1
two 323309869 1 4 1 3
three 1505609005 1 0 5 10
four -1250885616 0 4 6 9
five 202874452 1 2 4 0

Eleven seemed to be the right number here.

But real hashing usually doesn't have the benefit of hindsight, so
hashtables will often have to deal with the possible situation where two
keys will "collide" together with the same hash value.

A lot of computer science algorithm books will talk about different ways
of resolving hash collisions, but we probably don't need to talk about
them here right now.  These collision resolution systesm have names like
"linear chaining" or "linear probing", both of which sound slightly
painful.  *grin* They're actually not that bad, but this introduction is
already too long.

Does the idea of hashing make more sense now?  This should make it more
clear why the keys in a hash table don't appear to be ordered: they're
deliberately scrambled by the hashing function.

Hope this helps!

From alipolatel at  Tue Jun 29 03:38:52 2004
From: alipolatel at (Ali Polatel)
Date: Tue Jun 29 03:38:57 2004
Subject: [Tutor] problem with format
Message-ID: <>

  Friends I have downloaded a calculator programme written in python from ... When I open it with python  I can only see its codes but I want to run the programme.How can i do this?

Do you Yahoo!?
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From dyoo at  Tue Jun 29 04:10:07 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Jun 29 04:10:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about dictionary method get()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Thanks very much again, Francis. Very clear, except for my not understanding
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>          func()
> But that's OK. I'll get to that later.

Hi Dick,

Ah.  Unwritten community knowledge.  *grin* Take a look at:

which explains that construct in detail.  Here's a three-sentence

When a Python program file is executed directly, a special variable called
'__name__' is set to the string "__main__".

The same program file, however, can be used as a module too, and on an
'import', the '__name__' ends up being something else.

So the 'if' statement above lets us do something different if the program
is being run directly, as opposed to being imported.

Hope this helps!

From project5 at  Tue Jun 29 15:41:19 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Tue Jun 29 15:41:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: problem with format
References: <>
Message-ID: <1fqrft5qca8m8$.1k9lxhrqg1unr$>

Ali Polatel wrote on Tue, 29 Jun 2004 00:38:52 -0700 (PDT):

>   Friends I have downloaded a calculator programme written in python 
> from ... When I open it with python  
> I can only see its codes but I want to run the programme.
> How can i do this?

You have not opened it in Python if you can see the code. You have opened
it in some text editor (perhaps IDLE, the default Python editor that comes
with every Python distro?). If you've opened it in Idle, go and look for
the Run menu option (press F5). If you've opened it in some other text
editor, try double-clicking on it in Explorer. If that doesn't work, make a
new plain text file in the same directory as that calculator, call it
"run.bat" and open it in Notepad.
Write in it:

start "c:\python23\pythonw.exe"

(replace the python23 path to the path where you installed python and with whatever the name of that calculator is).

Save the changes and then double-click on it.



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From jeffpeery at  Wed Jun 30 00:29:20 2004
From: jeffpeery at (Jeff Peery)
Date: Wed Jun 30 00:29:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] help with regular expressions
Message-ID: <>

hello I am having trouble with using the re module. I have a statement:
line = FileHandle.readline(-1)
test = findall('\d', line)
where "line" is a line of text from a file I would like to read and extract numbers from. the line is simply three numbers, example 3.444456    4   84.3546354.  I want to put these number in "test" but the findall expression seems to only take whole numbers, so for example test would be for the above numbers [3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 4, 8, ....].  How is this done so that test = [3.444456    4   84.3546354]?
-------------- next part --------------
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From robinst at MIT.EDU  Wed Jun 30 01:50:24 2004
From: robinst at MIT.EDU (Theresa Robinson)
Date: Wed Jun 30 01:50:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Copying sequences of arbitrary dimension
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to pad a sequence of arbitrary dimension with zeros in order to
get a sequence of a given size.  This is what I have so far, as an
intermediate step.  I know exactly why it doesn't work: because things in
python get passed by value, not by reference.  But can anyone suggest how
I might want to tackle this?

>>> def recursecopy(x,y):
...    if type(x) is IntType:
...       y=x
...    else:
...       for i in range(0,len(x)):
...          recursecopy(x[i],y[i])
>>> recursecopy(x=A,y=B)
>>> A
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
>>> B
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]

From project5 at  Wed Jun 30 02:41:24 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Wed Jun 30 02:41:51 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Copying sequences of arbitrary dimension
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Theresa Robinson <robinst <at> MIT.EDU> writes:

> I'm trying to pad a sequence of arbitrary dimension with zeros in order to
> get a sequence of a given size.  This is what I have so far, as an
> intermediate step.  I know exactly why it doesn't work: because things in
> python get passed by value, not by reference.  But can anyone suggest how

No they aren't. The distinction is between mutable objects and immutable
objects. Lists and dictionaries are mutable objects, while tuples, strings and
all kinds of numbers are immutable objects.

>>> def modifylist(alist):
...     alist.append(5)
>>> def modifyint(aint):
...     aint += 5
>>> l = [1,2]
>>> modifylist(l)
>>> print l
[1, 2, 5]
>>> i = 2
>>> modifyint(i)
>>> i

As you can see, modifyint doesn't really modify the int at all, since ints are
immutable. Instead, a new integer object is created. If we expand this example
to follow what's going on:

>>> def modifyint(aint):
...     print id(aint)
...     aint += 5
...     print id(aint)
>>> id(i)
>>> modifyint(i)
7693072 <- same as id(i), so we have two names bound to the same integer object
7701072 <- different id, meaning different object (IOW, it 'points' to a
different object now)
>>> id(i)
7693072 <- i is still unmodified

> I might want to tackle this?
> >>> def recursecopy(x,y):
> ...    if type(x) is IntType:
> ...       y=x

At this point you've passed an integer object to the function and you can't
modify it. You should write the function in such a way that you operate on a
list, not on an integer.



From rdm at  Wed Jun 30 05:13:16 2004
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Wed Jun 30 05:13:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE question
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to enter

 >>>if D.has_key("b"):
	   print "yes"
              print "no"

in IDLE v1.0.3. by typing it in, line by line. lines 1 and 2 go OK, but 
hitting "Enter" after "yes" causes the cursor to move to just under the 
"p" of "print", as expected. If I use the Backspace key and the space bar 
to line up and indent "else:" correctly, hitting Enter after that causes 
the error, "IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer 
indentation level (<pyshell#10>, line 3)". Is there no way to get this 
entered other than typing the 4 lines in a text editor and pasting them 
all together into IDLE?

This is not an idle question. It's really been bugging me. ;-)


Dick Moores

From olavi at  Wed Jun 30 05:20:03 2004
From: olavi at (Olavi Ivask)
Date: Wed Jun 30 05:21:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

after print "yes" press "Enter", and then "Backspace".do not use 
spacebar here.
Then it's correct

 >>>if D.has_key("b"):
          print "yes"
          print "no"

Olavi ivask

Dick Moores wrote:

> I'm trying to enter
> >>>if D.has_key("b"):
>        print "yes"
>        else:
>              print "no"
> in IDLE v1.0.3. by typing it in, line by line. lines 1 and 2 go OK, 
> but hitting "Enter" after "yes" causes the cursor to move to just 
> under the "p" of "print", as expected. If I use the Backspace key and 
> the space bar to line up and indent "else:" correctly, hitting Enter 
> after that causes the error, "IndentationError: unindent does not 
> match any outer indentation level (<pyshell#10>, line 3)". Is there no 
> way to get this entered other than typing the 4 lines in a text editor 
> and pasting them all together into IDLE?
> This is not an idle question. It's really been bugging me. ;-)
> Thanks,
> Dick Moores
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From rdm at  Wed Jun 30 06:05:30 2004
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Wed Jun 30 06:05:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE question
Message-ID: <>

Olavi Ivask wrote at 02:20 6/30/2004:
>after print "yes" press "Enter", and then "Backspace".do not use 
>spacebar here.
>Then it's correct
> >>>if D.has_key("b"):
>          print "yes"
>          print "no"
>Olavi ivask

Thanks! (Looks terrible, but it works.)


From bgailer at  Wed Jun 30 08:20:20 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Wed Jun 30 08:21:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] help with regular expressions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 10:29 PM 6/29/2004, Jeff Peery wrote:
>hello I am having trouble with using the re module. I have a statement:
>line = FileHandle.readline(-1)
>test = findall('\d', line)
>where "line" is a line of text from a file I would like to read and 
>extract numbers from. the line is simply three numbers, example 
>3.444456    4   84.3546354.  I want to put these number in "test" but the 
>findall expression seems to only take whole numbers, so for example test 
>would be for the above numbers [3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 4, 8, ....].  How is 
>this done so that test = [3.444456    4   84.3546354]?

 >>> re.findall(r'\d+.?\d*', '3.444456    4   84.3546354')
['3.444456', '4 ', '84.3546354']

\d+ -> one or more digits
.? -> zero or 1 period
\d* -> zero or more digits

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From atyss4si at  Wed Jun 30 12:11:53 2004
From: atyss4si at (Bernard Lebel)
Date: Wed Jun 30 12:13:26 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New Python user on board
Message-ID: <>


I wish to introduce myself, it is my first post on this mailing list.
My name is Bernard Lebel, I'm from Montreal (Canada).
I currently work in Marseille, France, as a rendering technical director (we
are doing a full 3D animation feature film called "Magic Roundabout").

I'm already a JScript user and know VBScript to some capacity, because these
two and Python (ActiveX enabled) are available in SOFTIMAGE|XSI (as well as
PerlScript), the 3D animation software I use.

At this point I'm very new to Python but I have read the tutorial in the
documentation, it seems very promising. At this moment I'm mainly looking
into Python to in hopes to develop a rendering management software.

I apoligize in advance for the tons of newbie questions that will follow,
and thank you in advance for your time.


From karthik at  Wed Jun 30 12:16:40 2004
From: karthik at (Karthikesh Raju)
Date: Wed Jun 30 12:16:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Fastest way to write/read numerical data into/from a file? 
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

i have written a module that saves matrices in a file. Basically, a
matrix as
A = numarray.array([1,2]) will be saved as 1 2 in the file, and
A = numarray.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) as
1 2
3 4

i.e each row is a line and there are spaces between each column.
Presntly, when writing i do the following:

   i,j = data.shape
   for ii in range(0,i):
       for jj in range(0,j):
              value = "%s" %data[ii,jj]
              file.write(' ')
except ValueError:
    i = data.shape
    for ii in range(0,i):
        value = "%s" %data[ii]
        file.write(' ')

Here, i am doing an element by element access, how can i speed this up?

While reading, i do the following:

    temp = []
    list = string.split(line)
    for e in list: temp.append(string.atof(e))
    x = numarray.concatenate(x,numarray.array(temp))
    line = open1.readline()

So, while reading, i read a complete line, which i guess is faster,
any suggestions on improving the speed esp when i am writing to the file.

With warm regards


Karthikesh Raju,		    email:
Helsinki University of Technology,  Tel: +358-9-451 5389
Laboratory of Comp. & Info. Sc.,    Fax: +358-9-451 3277
Department of Computer Sc.,
P.O Box 5400, FIN 02015 HUT,

From project5 at  Wed Jun 30 14:02:49 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Wed Jun 30 14:03:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Fastest way to write/read numerical data into/from a
References: <>
Message-ID: <i8nyxidkgid3$>

Karthikesh Raju wrote on Wed, 30 Jun 2004 19:16:40 +0300:

> i have written a module that saves matrices in a file. Basically, a
> matrix as
> A = numarray.array([1,2]) will be saved as 1 2 in the file, and
> A = numarray.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) as
> 1 2
> 3 4

I've never used numarray, so I'll just assume there's no built-in method
which does this for you :).
> i.e each row is a line and there are spaces between each column.
> Presntly, when writing i do the following:
> try:
>    i,j = data.shape
>    for ii in range(0,i):
>        for jj in range(0,j):
>               value = "%s" %data[ii,jj]
>               file.write(value)
>               file.write(' ')

Don't use "file" as a variable name - you're overwriting a built-in.

It would be better to write value = "%s " and drop the write(' '). It
probably also wouldn't hurt to skip the value assignment and do the
formatting inside the write() method. Otherwise the solution is OK and
doesn't seem wasteful in any way. Any idea what the bottleneck is? I/O, the
loops or data lookup? If it's the first or the last, I don't see how you
can save any time. For the second, you could put it in a list
comprehension, but I'm not sure how much of a speed boost that would

for ii in range(0, i):
    [afile.write("%s " % data[ii, jj]) for jj in range(0, j)]

You could also try iterating directly over the array if numarray supports
it - again, not sure how much of a boost it would give:

for row in data:
    [afile.write("%s " % row[jj] for jj in range(j))]

Or you could go really to the extreme and try this (I've split the list
comprehension up over a couple of lines in an attempt to make it slightly
more readable - didn't really work :) ):

i, j = data.shape
ilist = range(i)
jlist = range(j)
                       " ".join([ str(data[ii, jj]) 
                                  for jj in jlist ]) 
                       for ii in ilist

This might consume a lot of memory though - no idea how large your data is.

> While reading, i do the following:
> while(line):

Use "for line in myfile:" instead of the while loop combined with an
explicit readline. 

>     temp = []
>     list = string.split(line)

Don't use the string module. Use line.split() instead.

>     for e in list: temp.append(string.atof(e))
>     x = numarray.concatenate(x,numarray.array(temp))
>     line = open1.readline()
> open1.close()

How about this:

nc = numarray.concatenate
na = numarray.array
for line in file('location.txt', 'r'):
    x = nc(x, na([ float(nr) for nr in line.split() ]))

If numarray.array can handle more complex (nested) lists, you could also
try to build up the entire list in-memory first (the opposite of what I
propose for writing) and then convert the whole of it to array at once.



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From duncan at  Wed Jun 30 12:20:13 2004
From: duncan at (Duncan Gibson)
Date: Wed Jun 30 14:14:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] testing new style class properties using pyUnit ?
Message-ID: <>

I had a class which used get and set methods to access a
class variable. I set up some unit tests using pyUnit.
After some fiddling about, I managed to get it all working.

I've just upgraded the source to use the new style classes
with properties instead of explicit get and set methods.
However, so far I've been unable to convert the unit tests.
I note the error message, but I don't understand why.

I include a simple example below, showing the working tests
with the old style classes, and the failing tests with the
new style classes. [In fact it's worse than this because my
real code uses class variables and classmethods, and I want
to test the derived classes, but the principle is the same]

Can anyone explain the magical incantation that I need
to test the property setter?


#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
import unittest

class A_Old:
    def __init__(self, x=0):
        self.x = x
    def get_x(self):
        return self.x
    def set_x(self, x):
        assert isinstance(x, int)
        self.x = x
class A_New(object):
    __slots__ = ('__x',)
    def __init__(self, x=0):
        self.x = x
    def __get_x(self):
        return self.__x
    def __set_x(self, x):
        assert isinstance(x, int)
        self.__x = x
    x = property(__get_x, __set_x)
class Test_A_Old(unittest.TestCase):
    def testGet(self):
        a = A_Old()
        self.assertEqual(0, a.get_x())
    def testSet(self):
        a = A_Old()
        self.assertEqual(0, a.get_x())
        self.assertEqual(None, a.set_x(1))
        self.assertEqual(1, a.get_x())
    def testSetFail(self):
        a = A_Old()
        self.assertEqual(0, a.get_x())
        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, a.set_x, 1.0)
class Test_A_New(unittest.TestCase):
    def testGet(self):
        a = A_New()
        self.assertEqual(0, a.x)
    def testSet(self):
        a = A_New()
        self.assertEqual(0, a.x)
        self.assertEqual(None, a.__set_x(1))
        # AttributeError: 'A_New' object has no attribute '_Test_A_New__set_x'
        self.assertEqual(1, a.x)
    def testSetFail(self):
        a = A_New()
        self.assertEqual(0, a.x)
        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, a.__set_x, 1.0)
        # AttributeError: 'A_New' object has no attribute '_Test_A_New__set_x'

From dyoo at  Wed Jun 30 14:29:42 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Jun 30 14:29:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Fastest way to write/read numerical data into/from
	a file?
In-Reply-To: <i8nyxidkgid3$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Andrei wrote:

> Karthikesh Raju wrote on Wed, 30 Jun 2004 19:16:40 +0300:
> > i have written a module that saves matrices in a file. Basically, a
> > matrix as
> > A = numarray.array([1,2]) will be saved as 1 2 in the file, and
> > A = numarray.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) as
> > 1 2
> > 3 4
> I've never used numarray, so I'll just assume there's no built-in method
> which does this for you :).

According to:


there is a built-in method called 'tofile()' that does this for us.
There's a corresponding 'fromfile()' function in the numarray package that
goes the other way.


and look for the header "tofile and fromfile capability": there's an
example of how to save numarray arrays to disk.

Caveat: the files that tofile() generates are, unfortunately, platform
specific, so if you need to ensure that the files can be read from any
computer, we can't use the built-in file stuff.

Hope this helps!

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 30 15:34:33 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun 30 15:34:22 2004
Subject: [Tutor] problem with format
References: <>
Message-ID: <005301c45ed9$456f6920$6401a8c0@xp>

>   Friends I have downloaded a calculator programme written in
> python from ... When I open it with python
> I can only see its codes but I want to run the programme.How can i
do this?

I suspect that when you say "open it in Python" you mean you are
loading it into IDLE (aka "The Python GUI" - whoever came up with
that menu item should be severely smacked about the head, it is
a source of endless newbie confusion!).

If so you should see a Run menu, you can simply select that and
it will run. You should also be able to just double click the file
in Windows Explorer (I'm assuming you are running Windows).

If mny assumptions are wrong write back with more specific details.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 30 15:42:44 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun 30 15:42:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] help with regular expressions
References: <>
Message-ID: <006d01c45eda$69c1da50$6401a8c0@xp>

> line = FileHandle.readline(-1)
> test = findall('\d', line)
> where "line" is a line of text from a file I would like to read
> and extract numbers

Regular expressions process text, that is characters. Thus there
is a difference between a digit and a number. A digit in a
regular expression is a *character* that can be interpreted
as a number. The regex has no concept of numbers in the mathematical
sense, it simply sees these as groups of digits.

> example test would be for the above numbers
> [3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 4, 8, ....].
> How is this done so that test = [3.444456    4   84.3546354]?

You probably don't need regular expressions here at all, since regex
best for extracting complex patterns out of complex test. In this case
the string split() method wil likely work better. You can then convert
the list of substrings into a list of numbers with the float()

test = line.split()
numbers = [float(n) for n in test]

Or all in one line:

numbers = [float(n) for n in line.split()]

You may need to strip() whitespace off the line before applying
split() too.

Regex are powerful tools but using them where they aren't needed is a
good way to make your programs hard to read!


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 30 15:51:24 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun 30 15:51:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE question
References: <>
Message-ID: <007401c45edb$a0275ec0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I'm trying to enter
>  >>>if D.has_key("b"):
>    print "yes"
>         else:
>               print "no"

Why? It's not valid Python?! :-)

> in IDLE v1.0.3. by typing it in, line by line. lines 1 and 2 go OK,
> hitting "Enter" after "yes" causes the cursor to move to just under
> "p" of "print", as expected. If I use the Backspace key and the
space bar
> to line up and indent "else:"

But the else should not be indented, it lines up with the if.
However a bug(at least I think its a bug!) in IDLE means that
IDLE ignores the effect of the >>> proimpt and thinks the if is
actually at the left margin, so your code needs to look like this:

>>> if D.has_key("b"):
   print "yes"
   print "no"

Which is what ISLE is trying to make you do but to a human it
doesn't look right...

> indentation level (<pyshell#10>, line 3)". Is there no way to get
> entered other than typing the 4 lines in a text editor and pasting
> all together into IDLE?

Well you can use IDLE as that text editor by using File->NEw to create
a new window....

But if you want to use the Pyhon prompt you are stuck with IDLEs weird
behaviour. Oddly the DOS prompt doesn't do this because it adds ... on
lines following the >>> to align everything properly!

If you want a >>> prompt with the color coding and other bells of IDLE
try the pyShell that comes with wxPython. It is now my preferred
Python interactive prompt...

Alan G.

From rdm at  Wed Jun 30 17:07:12 2004
From: rdm at (Dick Moores)
Date: Wed Jun 30 17:07:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE question
In-Reply-To: <007401c45edb$a0275ec0$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote at 12:51 6/30/2004:

> > I'm trying to enter
> >
> >  >>>if D.has_key("b"):
> >    print "yes"
> >         else:
> >               print "no"
>Why? It's not valid Python?! :-)

You mean because the indenting has shown up incorrectly in my email? I 
thought it might. Or do you mean I've used has_key() incorrectly?

> > in IDLE v1.0.3. by typing it in, line by line. lines 1 and 2 go OK,
> > hitting "Enter" after "yes" causes the cursor to move to just under
> > "p" of "print", as expected. If I use the Backspace key and the
>space bar
> > to line up and indent "else:"
>But the else should not be indented, it lines up with the if.

Yes, I had typed it in my email to line up with the if.

>However a bug(at least I think its a bug!) in IDLE means that
>IDLE ignores the effect of the >>> proimpt and thinks the if is
>actually at the left margin, so your code needs to look like this:
> >>> if D.has_key("b"):
>    print "yes"
>    print "no"
>Which is what ISLE is trying to make you do but to a human it
>doesn't look right...
> > indentation level (<pyshell#10>, line 3)". Is there no way to get
> > entered other than typing the 4 lines in a text editor and pasting
> > all together into IDLE?
>Well you can use IDLE as that text editor by using File->NEw to create
>a new window....

I've been doing this. I should have said I was trying to use IDLE's 
interactive prompt.

>If you want a >>> prompt with the color coding and other bells of IDLE
>try the pyShell that comes with wxPython. It is now my preferred
>Python interactive prompt...

To use the pyShell that comes with wxPython, I'd have to download and 
install and use all of wxPython, I suppose. I just read about wxPython on 
it's website, and I'm interested in what is said there about having the 
best GUI toolkit. But if I switch to wxPython, except for not using 
tkinter, will I be able to rely on the Python documentation, tutorials 
and books for learning Python? I'm guessing I can, but can you confirm this?

Also, on the wxPython main page it says, "Welcome to the home of 
wxPython, a blending of the wxWidgets C++ class library with the Python 
programming language." Does this mean I'd have to know C++ to use the 
wxWidgets? Or is it the case that I would no more need to know C++ for 
wxPython than I need to know C to use Python.

I'm running Windows XP Pro, and am currently using Python 2.3.4.


Dick Moores 

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 30 18:23:42 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun 30 18:23:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE question
References: <>
Message-ID: <007f01c45ef0$e6d4e350$6401a8c0@xp>

> >Why? It's not valid Python?! :-)
> You mean because the indenting has shown up incorrectly in my email?

the email formatting.

> >Well you can use IDLE as that text editor by using File->NEw to
> >a new window....
> I've been doing this. I should have said I was trying to use IDLE's
> interactive prompt.

We guessed because this is a common problem for newbies with Python.
Which is why I think its a bug... maybe someday I'll get annoyed
enough to see if I can find a way to patch it. :-)

> >If you want a >>> prompt with the color coding and other bells of
> >try the pyShell that comes with wxPython. It is now my preferred
> >Python interactive prompt...
> To use the pyShell that comes with wxPython, I'd have to download
> install and use all of wxPython, I suppose.

Not at all. I rarelyt use wxPython as a GUI framework I only use the
tools that come with it. I prefer Tkinter, I find it easier to work
wxPython is essentially a set of modules that you can use or not as
you like. But it does include some nice tools with PyCrust and PyShell

> best GUI toolkit. But if I switch to wxPython, except for not using
> tkinter, will I be able to rely on the Python documentation,
> and books for learning Python? I'm guessing I can, but can you
confirm this?

Sure, you can still use IDLE if you like - I do sometimes for working
whole files and using the IDLE debugger. wxPython doesn't change
itself just adds some new modules that you can imp[ort and use.

It is a big download for just the tools, and you might find that
Pythonwin gives you the same benefit(and every windows user should
have the winall package installed!). If you only work in Windows I'd
go there first but I use Windows, Linux and MacOS so IDLE/PyShell is
a better solution.

> programming language." Does this mean I'd have to know C++ to use
> wxWidgets?

No, but some of the wxWindows documentation is in C++ and you need
to read it to understand some bits of wxPython, at least until the
Python documentation catches up with the C++ stuff.

> Or is it the case that I would no more need to know C++ for
> wxPython than I need to know C to use Python.

Slightly more the case because the wxPython docs aren't complete yet.
Occasionally you have to read the underlyiig C++ stiff, which you
never need with standard Python. But if you don't use the
wxPython GUI classes and stick with Tkinter then you don't need to
worry! :-)

Alan G.

From pythontut at  Wed Jun 30 18:45:04 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Wed Jun 30 18:45:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange listed nest behaviour
Message-ID: <>

I have a problem with lists,

As an example the following makes sense to me and works as I would 
expect ...

 >>> b=[[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
 >>> b                      
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
 >>> b[1][1]=5
 >>> b
[[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0, 0]]

However I have to set up a large data list, so I have used 
"self.startslot=[[float(0)]*110]*36" inside a class.
This is supposed to give me 0-35 lists each containing 0-109  floating 
point 0's which I can index into & change at will.
This dos not perform as expected and one write causes the same data to 
be written to multiple locations.

A more managable example being ...

 >>> a=[[float(0)]*10]*4
 >>> a
[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 
0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
 >>> a[1][1]=5
 >>> a
[[0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 
0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]

Printing 'a' gives the generated list as I would expect, but trying to 
write to one individual 'location' causes multiple 'locations' to be 
written to. (This caused me a headache before I twigged I can tell you :-) )

It must be something to do with the list definition but I am at a loss 
as to what is happening.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong ?


From dyoo at  Wed Jun 30 19:04:09 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Jun 30 19:04:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] testing new style class properties using pyUnit ?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Duncan Gibson wrote:

> I had a class which used get and set methods to access a class variable.
> I set up some unit tests using pyUnit. After some fiddling about, I
> managed to get it all working.
> I've just upgraded the source to use the new style classes with
> properties instead of explicit get and set methods. However, so far I've
> been unable to convert the unit tests. I note the error message, but I
> don't understand why.

[some code cut]

Hi Duncan,

Ok,, what you're running into is actually not so much related properties
feature, but actually of the naming-mangling that Python does on any
property with leading double underscores.

In the 'A_new' class, you have the following methods:

> class A_New(object):
>     __slots__ = ('__x',)
>     def __init__(self, x=0):
>         self.x = x
>     def __get_x(self):
>         return self.__x
>     def __set_x(self, x):
>         assert isinstance(x, int)
>         self.__x = x

Let's concentrate on the names of the getters and setters that you've
chosen: '__get_x' and '__get_y'.  Python doesn't supports a strict way of
defining data privacy (i.e.  the 'private', 'protected' keywords in C++
and Java).  But Python does provide some token support for encapsulation
by making it very difficult to directly accessing attributes with double
underscores from outside the defining class.

Any method with double underscores in front will get named-manged, so that
accessing the methods from outside the class requires deliberate, abusive
effort.  We can see this by asking what A_New contains, once we've defined

>>> dir(A_New)

Note that the '__get_x' method has been name-mangled so that it includes
the class name with it.  So your test that tries to access the set method:

>     def testSet(self):
>         a = A_New()
>         self.assertEqual(0, a.x)
>         self.assertEqual(None, a.__set_x(1))
>         self.assertEqual(1, a.x)

needs to work extra hard to actually call this "private" setter:

     def testSet(self):
         a = A_New()
         self.assertEqual(0, a.x)
         self.assertEqual(None, a._A_New__set_x(1))
         self.assertEqual(1, a.x)

So I hope that explains why we're getting the AttributeError.  See:


for more details about this name-mangling.

Something strikes me weird though: if you're testing the set/get stuff,
why not modify your test to:

     def testSet(self):
         a = A_New()
         self.assertEqual(0, a.x)
         a.x = 1
         self.assertEqual(1, a.x)

The point about properties is to make doing get/set transparent: what
looks like property access,

         a.x = 1

quietly translates to a call to the setter.  Isn't that what you want to

Hope this helps!

From dyoo at  Wed Jun 30 19:21:58 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Jun 30 19:22:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange listed nest behaviour
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Dave S wrote:

> I have a problem with lists,
> As an example the following makes sense to me and works as I would
> expect ...
>  >>> b=[[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
>  >>> b
> [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
>  >>> b[1][1]=5
>  >>> b
> [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0, 0]]
>  >>>
> However I have to set up a large data list, so I have used
> "self.startslot=[[float(0)]*110]*36" inside a class.

Hi Dave,

Today seems like a FAQ-referral day for me.  *grin*

Here you go:

Hope this helps!

From alan.gauld at  Wed Jun 30 19:37:32 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Jun 30 19:37:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New Python user on board
References: <>
Message-ID: <001501c45efb$3786a630$6401a8c0@xp>

> I currently work in Marseille, France, as a rendering technical
director (we
> are doing a full 3D animation feature film called "Magic

Excellent, I heard that they were doing a film version. The Magic
was one of my favourite puppet shows when I was a kid :-)

> At this point I'm very new to Python but I have read the tutorial in
> documentation, it seems very promising. At this moment I'm mainly
> into Python to in hopes to develop a rendering management software.
> I apoligize in advance for the tons of newbie questions that will
> and thank you in advance for your time.

Thats OK, its what the list is for. If you read the official tutorial
you might be a wee bit more adbvanced a newbie than many of our
but you are welcome nonetheless.

Also if you know VBScript/JScript you might find my new online tutor
since it teaches basic Python but using VBscript and JScript as

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From xcentric at  Wed Jun 30 23:07:07 2004
From: xcentric at (Mike)
Date: Wed Jun 30 23:38:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] subclass / superclass methods
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to find out why the below does not work as I'm expecting. I'm
sure there is a good answer, just I'm too green to understand why. Any
help would be appreciated. My expected results are for it to say 'Hello
other OnTick'


class object:

    def __init__(self):
        print 'Hello object __init__'

    def EventTick(self):
        print 'Hello object EventTick'

    def OnTick(self):
        print 'Hello object OnTick'

class other(object):

    def __init__(self):
        print 'Hello other __init__'

    def OnEvent(self):
        print 'Hello other OnTick'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    my = other()

From Dragonfirebane at  Wed Jun 30 23:55:08 2004
From: Dragonfirebane at (
Date: Wed Jun 30 23:55:26 2004
Subject: [Tutor] subclass / superclass methods
Message-ID: <>

I, too, am farily new at Python, but it occurs to me that perhaps you meant 
to have

class object:
    def __init__(self):
        print 'Hello object __init__'
    def EventTick(self):
        print 'Hello object EventTick'
    def OnTick(self):
        print 'Hello object OnTick'
class other(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print 'Hello other __init__'
    def OnEvent(self):
        print 'Hello other OnTick'
if __name__ == '__main__':
    my = other()


class object:
    def __init__(self):
        print 'Hello object __init__'
    def EventTick(self):
        print 'Hello object EventTick'
    def OnTick(self):
        print 'Hello object OnTick'
class other(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print 'Hello other __init__'
    def OnTick(self):
        print 'Hello other OnTick'
if __name__ == '__main__':
    my = other()

(change OnEvent(self) in Class other to OnTick(self) so that when 
my.EventTick() is run, it goes to Class other's OnTick rather than Class object since 
Class other's OnTick wouldn't exist)

the proposed change produces the following in IDLE:

Hello other __init__
Hello object EventTick
Hello other OnTick

I don't know if that's what you wanted, but it has "Hello other OnTick" in it.

AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.
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