[Tutor] random number equations . . .

Glen Wheeler gew75 at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 3 17:42:42 EDT 2004

  Well, the random module is pretty easy to use.
  Here is a an example:

>>> import random
>>> l = []
>>> for i in range(10):
..  l.append(int(random.random()*10))
>>> l
[4, 2, 0, 3, 7, 8, 5, 9, 9, 8]

  random.random() gives a floating point number between 0 and 1, so I just
multiplied it by 10 to get from 0-10 then cast it to an integer with int().
  To get a more accurate representation (since int() truncates the argument)
you could use int(round(...)) instead.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Dragonfirebane at aol.com
To: tutor at python.org
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 7:32 AM
Subject: [Tutor] random number equations . . .

I don't want to write my own equations for creating random numbers (based on
'time.time()'), but i need random numbers to create account id's and assign
starting money in the program segment below . . . i would use [import random
*] but i'm not sure which section of random is a random number generator or
the syntax necessary to apply it.  Any help would be appreciated.

def newuser():
    new = raw_input("Are you a new user [y/n]? ")
    while new not in 'yYnN':
        new = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Are you a new user? """)
    if new in 'yY':
        import math
        vowelcount = 0
        name = raw_input("Please enter your first name. ")
        name = name[:6]
        namel = raw_input("Please enter your last name. ")
        namel = namel[:6]
        name = name + ' ' + namel
        vowels = ['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I','O','U']
        for letter in name:
            if letter in vowels:
                vowelcount = vowelcount + 1
        global startmon
        global tim
        tim = time.time() % 100000
        startmon = vowelcount * tim
        startmon = math.sqrt(startmon) * 3141.5962
        startmon = str(startmon)[:7]
        startmon = int(float(startmon))
        print "Welcome, %s.  You have $%d to use in BankSim 1.0." % (name,
def newacc():
    global newac
    newac = raw_input("Would you like to create a new account [y/n]? ")
    while newac not in 'yYnN':
        newac = raw_input("""
        Please enter 'y' for yes or 'n' for no.
        Would you like to create a new acount [y/n]? """)
    if newac in 'yY':
        import math
        global newacid
        newacid = int(raw_input("Please enter your birthday [ddmmyyyy]. "))
        newacid = newacid * tim
        newacid = math.sqrt(newacid) * 314.15692
        newacid = str(newacid)[:6]
        newacid = int(float(newacid))
        initbal = int(raw_input("How much money would you like to put in
your account? "))
        print "Account number %d created with $%d in it." % (newacid,
        mon = startmon - initbal
        print "You now have $%d in account %d and $%d out of the bank." %
(initbal, newacid, mon)


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