[Tutor] KeyError

Dragonfirebane at aol.com Dragonfirebane at aol.com
Mon Jun 14 16:59:58 EDT 2004

Hello all,

Using the command prompt to run my program, the following error occurs. I do 
not believe it is because I'm using the command prompt because the same error 
occurs in IDLE.  Since I used the same structure to convert text to binary as 
I did to convert text to hexadecimal (see code below error), I do not 
understand why the hexadecimal conversion doesn't work but the binary does. 
Additionally, much of the commenting had not been updated and is no longer correct, so 
please disregard any apparent misunderstanding through comments.

C:\Program Files\Python 2.3.4c1\Programming\Programs (Complete)>python 
Please enter numbers or text to be converted. "Hello. My name is Bob," said 
Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
3: Decimal
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Hexadecimal-Binary-Text.py", line 128, in ?
    convertxthex()  ##convert text to hexadecimal
  File "Hexadecimal-Binary-Text.py", line 36, in convertxthex
    res += hexadec[c]  ##same deal
KeyError: 'C'

def convertxtbin(): ##convert text to binary
    for char in original:   ##loops over the entire entry
        x = 0   ##allows checking every character against the entire alphabet 
        if char in punct:
            res += char
        elif char in alphabet:
            while x <= 26: ##if the character is punctuation or a lowercase 
                if char in alphabet[x]: ##if its in the dictionary
                    asOctal = "%o" % int(number[x])
                    global res
                    for c in asOctal:
                        res += binary[c]   ##add the corresponding entry in 
the binary list to the res list
                    if char not in punct: ##if the character isn't punctuation
                        res += ' ' ##add a space at the end to separate 
                x += 1  ##adds 1 to the value of x so the loop doesnt go on 
            while 26 < x <= 52: ##if the character is an uppercase letter
                if char in alphabet[x]: ##if the character is in the alphabet 
                    asOctal = "%o" % int(number[x - 26])
                    global res
                    for c in asOctal:
                        res += binary[c]  ##print the corresponding entry in 
the binary entry (A = entry 36, so 36 - 26 = entry 10 = '01' = a)
                    if char not in punct:    ##if character isn't punctuation
                        res += ' ' ##add a space at the end
                x += 1  ##adds 1 to x so the loop ends eventually
def convertxthex(): ##convert text to hexadecimal
    for char in original:   ##same deal
        x = 0   ##same deal
        if char in punct:
            res += char
        elif char in alphabet:
            while x <= 26:  ##same deal
                if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
                    asHex = "%X" % int(number[x])
                    global res
                    for c in asHex:
                        res += hexadec[c]  ##same deal Line 36
                    if char not in punct:    ##same deal
                        res += ' ' ##same deal
                x += 1  ##same deal
            while 26 < x <= 52: ##same deal
                if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
                    asHex = "%X" % int(number[x - 26])
                    global res
                    for c in asHex:
                        res += hexadec[c] ##same deal
                    if char not in punct:    ##same deal
                        res += ' ' ##same deal
                x += 1  ##same deal
def convertxtnum(): ##convert text to decimal
    for char in original:   ##same deal
        x = 0   ##same deal
        while x <= 34:  ##same deal
            if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
                res.append(number[x])   ##same deal
                if char not in alphabet[:8]:    ##same deal
                    res.append(' ') ##same deal
            x += 1  ##same deal
        while 34 < x <= 60: ##same deal
            if char in alphabet[x]: ##same deal
                res.append(number[x - 26])  ##same deal
                if char not in alphabet[:8]:    ##same deal
                    res.append(' ') ##same deal
            x += 1  ##same deal
def convertnum():   ##converts numbers
    if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): ##if user 
wants to convert to binary
        if int(original) <= 0:
            print "Please enter a positive number. "   
        except ValueError:
            x = 0
            if char in punct[x]:
                print [punct[x] for c in original] ##prints the corresponding 
binary entry (if '12' is entered, it is treated as a string, so 
binary[int(original) - 1] converts it to an integer and subtracts one from it so that the 
corresponding entry can be printed since the first entry in a list is 0
                x += 1
            asOctal = "%o" % int(original)
            print ''.join([binary[c] for c in asOctal])     
    elif whichconv 
in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'): ##same deal
        if original >= 0:
            print hexadec[int(original) + 8]    ##same deal
            print "Please enter a positive number. " 
    elif whichconv in('3','Text','text','T','t'):   ##same deal
        if int(original) <= 26: ##if the number is between 8 and 27 (the 
lowercase letters of the alphabet list
            print alphabet[int(original) + 8]   ##it prints the corresponding 
entry in the alphabet list
        else:   ##if its not one of those numbers
            print "Sorry, you didn't enter a valid number. Please enter only 
numbers between 0 and 26." ##prints message

import time ##for time.sleep(1.1) at end
import string

alphabet = [' 
##define the alphabet list
punct = ['.',',',';',':','?','!','"',"'"]
binary = {'0':'000','1':'001','2':'010',
             '6':'110','7':'111'}  ##define the binary dictionary
number = 
31','32','33','34']    ##defines the number entry. goes up to 34 so 
convertnum() will work under the text conversion
hexadec = 
##defines the hexadecimal list

res = ''    ##makes an empty list so all the conversions will work
again = True    ##beginning condition for loop
while again:    ##starts loop
    original = raw_input("Please enter numbers or text to be converted. ")  
##enter text to be converted
        int(original)   ##distinguishes the numbers from the text, needs to 
be revised to distinguish binary and hexadecimal
##    except TypeError:
##        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
##1: Binary
##2: Hexadecimal
##3: Decimal
##        if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'):
##            convertxtbin()
##            print ''.join(res)
##        elif whichconv 
##            convertxthex()
##        elif whichconv in('3','Decimal','decimal','Dec','dec','D','d'):
##            convertxtnum()
    except ValueError:  ##if its not numbers
        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
3: Decimal
""")    ##what conversion?
        if whichconv in('1','Binary','binary','Bin','bin','B','b'): ##if 
            convertxtbin()  ##convert text to binary
        elif whichconv 
in('2','Hexadecimal','hexadecimal','Hexadec','hexadec','Hex','hex','H','h'): ##if hexadecimal
            convertxthex()  ##convert text to hexadecimal Line 128
        elif whichconv in('3','Decimal','decimal','Dec','dec','D','d'): ##if 
            convertxtnum()  ##convert text to decimal
        print res  ##print the list entries together on a line
    else:   ##if the text is numbers
        whichconv = raw_input("""Convert to:
1: Binary
2: Hexadecimal
3: Text
""")    ##which conversion?
        str(original)   ##convert numbers back to a string
        convertnum()    ##convert numbers to whatever
    more = raw_input("Would you like to convert more text or numbers [y/n]? 
")  ##more?
    if more in 'Yy':    ##if so, continue loop
    elif more in 'Nn':  ##if not,
        again = False   ##break loop
print "Thank you for using Multivert.  Multivert will now close"    ##loop 
broken, prints message
time.sleep(1.1) ##waits for 1.1 seconds so message can be read
##end of program; program closes

Thanks in advance,
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