[Tutor] glob is driving me berserk

Shawhan, Doug (EM, ITS) Doug.Shawhan at ge.com
Tue Mar 30 18:35:36 EST 2004

I am officially going insane. Really. I am sitting in a corner picking my nails and singing "que sera sera.".

This worked.

May the lord smile on me and put me to work on an os that does not require such a skull-melting gymkhana to SIMPLY READ A PATH *&^*^%$&^%&%&%$!!!!!

*ahem* Excuse the outburst.

I think I see what was happening now. Thanks very much, Danny.


Hi Doug,

Are you sure you need to double up the backslashes again?  You don't do so
universally on your first glob,

> 	users=glob.glob("\\\\%s\\d$\\users\\*"%host) #<-- works great!

Perhaps you may want to do:

    mailboxes_path = "%s\\\\MYDOCU~1\\Exchange\\" % user
    mailboxes = glob.glob('%s*.pst' % mailboxes_path)


Good luck to you.

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