From alan.gauld at  Sat May  1 04:39:51 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat May  1 04:39:37 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Looking for feedback
Message-ID: <005001c42f57$de9455e0$6401a8c0@xp>

I've just uploaded the first few pages of my re-written tutorial.
The look and feel is a bit more modern (only slightly!) and is 
based on the style sheet created for the Czech version by Petr Prykl.

The rewritten chapters contain more material, more diaghrams and 
use VBScript and Javascript instead of QBASIC and Tcl as 
comparison languages. There is more info on the alternate 
languages too. They also try to address most of the comon 
questions raised by newbies on this list - like how to stop 
programs running and immediately closing etc...

I'd appreciate any early feedback on the new look, the new content,
and the use of VBScript and Javascript.

The new pages are the ones from the top down to "Add a little style".

The pages are here:

Further chapters will be added as I get round to them, but don't 
hold your breath, as it's a slow process and my time is short 
at the moment.

The original tutor will still be around, at least until the new 
version is completed, and probably in zip format for longer still.

Send feedback to me directly rather than to the list please.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From project5 at  Sat May  1 05:28:15 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Sat May  1 05:28:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: double backslash in Windows paths
References: <>
Message-ID: <km5ofuhwdtj4$.1wf7opeo2cti9$>

<> wrote on Fri, 30 Apr 2004 16:21:34 -0700 (PDT):

> hi everybody, what do you guys use to convert a Windows path, with single
> backslash, to double backslash ?  I ask this because I've been using
> os.path.normpath, and it leaves A LOT to be desired.  If you pass it a
> path, and say some directory in the path starts with a number,
> os.path.normpath WILL mangle the path by inserting a '\x{hex value}'
> instead of the desired behavior, '\\{dirname}'.  Then you have to go back
> and clean up and add in the extra backslash in the string before using it.

I use forward slashes in paths. Works in Windows too from Python and you
don't have to escape them.



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
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From thorsten at  Sat May  1 06:10:38 2004
From: thorsten at (Thorsten Kampe)
Date: Sat May  1 06:10:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Looking for feedback
References: <005001c42f57$de9455e0$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

* Alan Gauld (2004-05-01 10:39 +0100)
> I've just uploaded the first few pages of my re-written tutorial.
> The look and feel is a bit more modern (only slightly!) and is 
> based on the style sheet created for the Czech version by Petr Prykl.
> The rewritten chapters contain more material, more diaghrams and 
> use VBScript and Javascript instead of QBASIC and Tcl as 
> comparison languages. There is more info on the alternate 
> languages too. They also try to address most of the comon 
> questions raised by newbies on this list - like how to stop 
> programs running and immediately closing etc...
> I'd appreciate any early feedback on the new look, the new content,
> and the use of VBScript and Javascript.

You'd probably get more feedback if the the new version would be
downloadable for offline browsing - at the moment the download links
lead to a 404.

I'd prefer a white or beige (or perhaps light grey) background for
readability reasons.

By the way: frames are generally not useful and make the use of a
website more difficult.


From magnus at  Sat May  1 11:42:06 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sat May  1 11:38:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

At 15:20 2004-04-29 -0500, David Rock wrote:
>* Olavi Ivask <> [2004-04-29 23:14]:
> > David Rock wrote:
> > >
> > >label = Label(root, text="Label1").grid()
> > >
> > >assigns the grid object to the variable label, while

Does the .grid() method return a "grid object"? What is a grid
object? In my experience, the .grid() method returns None, so

label = Label(...).grid()

is as meaningless as

x = [1,4,2,7,4].sort()

You really must understand the return type for each method/function
to understand these things. E.g. the Twisted networking framework
uses the practice of having many methods return "self", so that you
can write:

x = AClass().method1().method2().method3()

instead of

x = AClass()

I'm not convinced this is a good thing though...

> > >label = Label(root, text="Label1")
> > >
> > >assigns the LABEL object to label. The second one is probably better
> > >because you are working with the primary object that you can call ALL
> > >methods for, not just grid(), while the first is limited to JUST grid()
> > >
> > >
> > can i do something like that:
> > I "define" several widgets:
> >    label = Label(root, text="text")
> >    label = Label(root, text="text2")
> >    ...
> >    label.grid()
> >
> >    right now, it shows only second widget.
>No. you are overwriting the first assignment with the second. You would
>have to use label1, label2, etc. Ideally, label would be something
>vaguely descriptive so you could tell at a glance _which_ label it is
>and what it's for.

If you have plenty of labels and don't want to repeat yourself, you
can do something like:

for text in ["text", "text", ...]:
     label = Label(root, text=text)

For other controls, it's likely that you want to keep some kind
of handle to it, so that you can do things like enable/disable
etc, but with labels, we often don't care about keeping references
after we made them.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From magnus at  Sat May  1 11:55:43 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sat May  1 11:52:02 2004
Subject: [Tutor] env shebang with options
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0404292233560.15000-100000@hkn.eecs.berkeley .edu>
References: <1cau2djhoe168$>
Message-ID: <>

At 22:50 2004-04-29 -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
>Ok, after reading this a bit, I'm guessing that
>     #!/usr/bin/env python {options}
>might not be so portable, as the shebang feature seems to behave subtly
>different between all the the Unices.

Yes, it seems that

#!/usr/bin/env python


#!/usr/bin/python -Ot

works, but not

#!/usr/bin/env python -Ot

in Linux.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From hloughf at  Sat May  1 12:00:03 2004
From: hloughf at (Marina _)
Date: Sat May  1 12:00:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] module re
Message-ID: <>


I need to write a program, that delete white spaces, comments, tabs etc. I 
used module re.compile(text, re.X). The problem is: the result is not a 
string, but an sre object, so I can?t print it. Does anyone knows how can it 
be done? I have python2.3, Suse Linux 9.0


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From magnus at  Sat May  1 12:21:56 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sat May  1 12:18:05 2004
Subject: [Tutor] double backslash in Windows paths
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 16:21 2004-04-30 -0700, wrote:
>hi everybody, what do you guys use to convert a Windows path, with single
>backslash, to double backslash ?

I don't understand what your problem is.

You typically don't convert strings to double up backslashes.

You use backslashes as escape characters in string lterals. This
means that the string literal "hello\tthere" in your Python source
code conweys the message to Python that you want the letters h, e,
l, l, o, followed by a TAB character and then there is t, h, e, r
and e in your string. There is no way you can change a tab character
to a backslash followed by a t by trying to change \ to \\.

So, if you type string literals, you either need to use raw strings,
such as in d = r"c:\this\there", or use double backslashes as in
d = "c:\\this\\there". Both those strings contain exactly the same
thing after the Python interpreter has parsed them. They contain
just what the first (raw) string suggests.

If you for instance read strings from files or from raw_input, this
is not an issue. You need to use eval() etc to make Python read \t
as if it would be a tab character.

Alternatively, you can use d = "c:/this/there" instead, and about
the whole issue.

The exception to this is when you will pass your strings to some
external program or library that expects strings with backslashes
being escapes, such as the regular expression library (re) or some
external OS command. In those cases, the string escapeas will be
interpreted twice, by two different systems, so that "\\t" will
be translated to "\t" and that will be translated to a tab in
the second step, and if you actually need "\t" after the second
step, you might need to write a string literal as "\\\\t" which
is the same as reading in a string containing \\t.

Confused now? ;^)

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From magnus at  Sat May  1 12:31:55 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sat May  1 12:28:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] module re
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 18:00 2004-05-01 +0200, Marina _ wrote:
>I need to write a program, that delete white spaces, comments, tabs etc. I 
>used module re.compile(text, re.X). The problem is: the result is not a 
>string, but an sre object, so I can't print it. Does anyone knows how can 
>it be done? I have python2.3, Suse Linux 9.0

I'm not sure what you did, because re substitute functions
return strings. Deletion is the same as replacing with "",

 >>> import re
 >>> x = re.sub("s", "z", "see his snowy sidewalk")
 >>> type(x)
<type 'str'>
 >>> print x
zee hiz znowy zidewalk

Anyway, you can certainly extract text from regular
expression objects, but I don't see why you want that.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From thorsten at  Sat May  1 19:42:25 2004
From: thorsten at (Thorsten Kampe)
Date: Sat May  1 19:42:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] except AttributeError, TypeError:
Message-ID: <>

What is the best way to except two errors, when the except handling in
both cases is the same?

"except:" would just except every error and not just those I want.

except Attribute error:
except TypeError:

is bad because of the duplication and

def do_it():
except Attribute error:
except TypeError:

would work but is rather unelegant? What is the best way to except to
errors with the same exception handling?


From dyoo at  Sat May  1 20:16:56 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat May  1 20:17:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] module re
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 1 May 2004, Magnus [iso-8859-1] Lyck=E5 wrote:

> I'm not sure what you did, because re substitute functions return
> strings. Deletion is the same as replacing with "", right?

Marina used re.compile(), which returns a 'regex' object.  I think there's
some confusion in the usage:

> > I used module re.compile(text, re.X).

What Marina probably wants to do is first compile a pattern, and then
apply that pattern to text.  For example, if we have something like this:

>>> space_pattern =3D re.compile(' ')

then what we are holding now is a regular expression "pattern" object that
knows how to look at spaces:

>>> space_pattern
<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x60a20>

This 'space' pattern object can be applied to things like string

>>> space_pattern.sub('*', 'hello world this is a test')

But note that trying to re.compile() the text we're trying to manipulate
isn't too effective:

>>> pattern =3D re.compile('hello world this is a test')   ## ??

because we're inadvertantly reversing the roles of the text and the
pattern.  We need to make a distinction between the "pattern" we're trying
to recognize, and the "text" we want to apply the pattern on.  Maybe this
is the point of confusion; I'm not sure about this, though, since I
haven't seen more of Marina's program.

Marina, have you seen the Regex HOWTO tutorial yet?  It has quite a few
examples of doing regular expressions in Python, written by A.M. Kuchling.
It's quite nice, and may help clear things up.

Here's a link to the tutorial:

From dyoo at  Sat May  1 20:24:08 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat May  1 20:24:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] except AttributeError, TypeError:
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 2 May 2004, Thorsten Kampe wrote:

> What is the best way to except two errors, when the except handling in
> both cases is the same?

Hi Thorsten,

Ah!  There's an slightly cleaner way to do this.  Let's say that we have

def do_it():
    except AttributeError:
    except TypeError:

Here's another way to write the same thing:

def do_it():
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):

We are allowed to pass a tuple of exceptions that we want to handle
uniformly.  The Official Python Tutorial covers this usage here:

and it shows another way to do a kind of 'wildcarding' except clause that
captures everything.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck!

From rick at  Sun May  2 02:03:39 2004
From: rick at (Rick Pasotto)
Date: Sun May  2 02:03:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] env shebang with options
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <1cau2djhoe168$>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, May 01, 2004 at 05:55:43PM +0200, Magnus Lyck? wrote:
> At 22:50 2004-04-29 -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
> >Ok, after reading this a bit, I'm guessing that
> >
> >    #!/usr/bin/env python {options}
> >
> >might not be so portable, as the shebang feature seems to behave
> >subtly different between all the the Unices.
> Yes, it seems that
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> and
> #!/usr/bin/python -Ot
> works, but not
> #!/usr/bin/env python -Ot
> in Linux.

I believe that's because '#!command' can take only *one* option string.
In the last case the command is '/usr/bin/env' and that option is
'python'. Anything after that is ignored.

" a stateless society there would be no regular, legalized channel for
 crime and aggression, no government apparatus the control of which provides
 a secure monopoly for invasion of person and property." -- Power and Market
    Rick Pasotto

From alan.gauld at  Sun May  2 13:47:32 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun May  2 13:46:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] module re
References: <>
Message-ID: <00bc01c4306d$8bf5d950$6401a8c0@xp>

>I need to write a program, that delete white spaces, comments, tabs
etc. I
>used module re.compile(text, re.X). The problem is: the result is not
 >string, but an sre object,

The sre object is what you use to perform the replacements.

myRE = re.compile(reString,re.X)
myString = myRE.replace(myString)

myString now has the modified version of the original according
to the re you compiled in the previous step.

Is that anything like what you did?

Alan G

From magnus at  Sun May  2 14:27:55 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Sun May  2 14:23:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] except AttributeError, TypeError:
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0405011717120.15647-100000@hkn.eecs.berkeley .edu>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 17:24 2004-05-01 -0700, Danny Yoo wrote:
>    try:
>         do_much_stuff()
>     except (AttributeError, TypeError):
>         do_it()

Note that you *must* *not* forget the parenthesis here.
It's perfectly legal to write...

except AttributeError, TypeError:

...but it won't do what you expect!

Remember that you can write:

except AttributeError, my_attribute_error_object:
     print my_attribute_error_object

In other words, the except statement takes two parameters,
first an exception class (or a tuple of exceptions classes),
and secondly the variable you want to reference your
exception object.

Both arguments are optional, but since they are positional,
you can't write the second argument without writing the
first, i.e. you must write a class name (at least) to be
able to get the exception object to a variable.

This isn't a problem though, since you don't need to write
the concrete class that the exception object belongs to.
Any super class is also fine, so the base class for all
exception will catch all exceptions. I.e.

except Exception e:

will catch all exceptions, and you will get a reference
to the exception object through the variable 'e'.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From isrgish at  Sun May  2 18:01:46 2004
From: isrgish at (Isr Gish)
Date: Sun May  2 18:01:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] RE: [PythonCE] shutil import failure
Message-ID: <>

It seems that the module shutil needs a DLL file in the windows directory called shutil.dll.

After looking in my windows directory I see that I have one.

If you need it I can e-mail it to you.
My machine is a xscale witch is compatible with StrongArm. so if you have either it should work for you.

All the best,

-----Original Message-----
   >From: "Richard Deeley"<>
   >Sent: 5/1/04 9:08:44 PM
   >To: ""<>
   >Subject: [PythonCE] shutil import failure
   >After processing a set of import statements OK, the thing died
   >on importing shutil. I checked the lib directory and there is
   >a shutil.pyc there. The error message is 
   >NameError: Can't find file for module shutil
   >(filename shutil.dll)
   >Any ideas how to resolve ?
   >(imports that were processed OK include os,time,re,string)
   >Do you Yahoo!?
   >Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs  
   >PythonCE mailing list

From tpc at  Mon May  3 04:22:22 2004
From: tpc at (
Date: Mon May  3 04:22:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list iteration
Message-ID: <>

hi everybody,

when iterating through lists, may I assume that for all intents and
purposes, 'for item in itemslist' is the same as
'for item in itemslist[:]' ?  I first encountered the latter statement
today, and am puzzled why one would use it as opposed to the former, which
seems simpler and more straightforward.

From dyoo at  Mon May  3 04:50:16 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon May  3 04:50:24 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list iteration  [iteration and mutation?]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 3 May 2004 wrote:

> when iterating through lists, may I assume that for all intents and
> purposes, 'for item in itemslist' is the same as
> 'for item in itemslist[:]' ?  I first encountered the latter statement
> today, and am puzzled why one would use it as opposed to the former, which
> seems simpler and more straightforward.

Hi tpc,

The second approach,

    for item in itemslist[:]:

makes a copy of the list 'itemslist', and then iterates across this copy.
In contrast:

    for item in itemslist:

iterates directly across itemslist.  So the difference is the list

Offhand, I'd prefer the first approach, unless we were doing something
funny, like mutating itemslist within the loop.

Mutating the same list that we're iterating across is often a bug-prone

For example, the following code is broken:

>>> def removeEvens(numbers):
...     for i in range(len(numbers)):
...         if numbers[i] % 2 == 0:
...             del numbers[i]
>>> upToTwenty = range(20)
>>> removeEvens(upToTwenty)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in removeEvens
IndexError: list index out of range

Do you see why we're getting an error here?  If not, then look at it more
closely.  *grin*

Without seeing the context of the code that you're looking at, my best
guess is that an issue similar to the one above is possible if the loop
iterates directly on the list.  But by iterating on a copy of the list, we
try to work around the issue of things like having indicies being yanked
right under our feet as we iterate.

If that's case, it might be nicer to explicitely rewrite:

    for item in itemslist[:]: ...

as two statements:

    copiedList = itemslist[:]
    for item in copiedList: ...

The intent, to iterate across the copy of a list, is odd enough that it
probably needs explanation, either with a comment, or with the
two-statement breakup that we have above, so that we make that intent very
clear to a human reader.

Good luck to you!

From flaxeater at  Mon May  3 10:34:17 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Mon May  3 10:34:24 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list iteration  [iteration and mutation?]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> If that's case, it might be nicer to explicitely
> rewrite:
>     for item in itemslist[:]: ...
> as two statements:
>     copiedList = itemslist[:]
>     for item in copiedList: ...
> The intent, to iterate across the copy of a list, is
> odd enough that it
> probably needs explanation, either with a comment,
> or with the
> two-statement breakup that we have above, so that we
> make that intent very
> clear to a human reader.
> Good luck to you!

  I wanted to chime in a moment about this.  I
recently ran in to this very bug where I needed to
remove items from a list.  I was making a GUI two list
box's you click on a button to send items from one
listbox to the other and backand forth.   Naturally
when deleted items  I got an out of index error.  What
I did was built a list of index numbers then iterated
over them from highest to lowest using .reverse().  

		for v in self.buildlist:
		for v in self.buildlist:
			del self.emotionlist[v]

Nothing fantastic.

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs 

From magnus at  Mon May  3 13:42:14 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Mon May  3 13:42:26 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gbGlzdCBpdGVyYXRpb24gIFtpdGVyYXRpb24gYW5kIG11dGF0aW9uP10=?=
Message-ID: <>

Chad Crabtree wrote:
>   I wanted to chime in a moment about this.  I
> recently ran in to this very bug where I needed to
> remove items from a list.  I was making a GUI two list
> box's you click on a button to send items from one
> listbox to the other and backand forth.   Naturally
> when deleted items  I got an out of index error.  What
> I did was built a list of index numbers then iterated
> over them from highest to lowest using .reverse().  
> 		self.buildlist=list(self.origin.GetSelections())
> 		for v in self.buildlist:
> 			self.destlist.append(self.emotionlist[v])
> 		self.buildlist.reverse()
> 		for v in self.buildlist:
> 			del self.emotionlist[v]

Often, it's simplest to just iterate over a reversed range, such as in:

l = <some kind of list we want to remove from>

for i in range(len(l)-1, -1, -1):
    if we_want_to_remove(l[i]):
        del l[i]

Modification of a list while we iterate over it, is probably something many
Python programmers have stumbled over at some time (but we learn...)

Here is a little study to display the phenomena in a simple case. Remove
all strings in a list that start with 'm'.

>>> l =['molly', 'monkey', 'polly', 'dolly', 'mike', 'pike', 'moo', 'mew']
>>> for name in l:
..     if name.startswith('m'):
..         l.remove(name)

>>> l
['monkey', 'polly', 'dolly', 'pike', 'mew']

Oops. This trivial implementation fails when there are adjacent strings that
start with 'm'. After the first turn in the loop, 'molly' has been removed, so
'monkey' is at index 0, but we've done that location in the list, so we go on
with index 1, which is now 'polly'. 'monkey' never gets tested.

>>> l =['molly', 'monkey', 'polly', 'dolly', 'mike', 'pike', 'moo', 'mew']
>>> for ix, name in enumerate(l):
..     if name.startswith('m'):
..         del l[ix]

>>> l
['monkey', 'polly', 'dolly', 'pike', 'mew']

Since the problem was in our test, it doesn't make a difference whether we
try to delete with "l.remove(name)" or "del l[ix]". Same result as above.

>>> l =['molly', 'monkey', 'polly', 'dolly', 'mike', 'pike', 'moo', 'mew']
>>> for name in l[:]:
..     if name.startswith('m'):
..         l.remove(name)

>>> l
['polly', 'dolly', 'pike']

This time it works, because we iterate over the copy, find all names, and
use "l.remove(name)" which doesn't care about indices to manipulate the
list. It doesn't matter that l and l[:] gets unsynched. No reversal here,
but it still works.

>>> l =['molly', 'monkey', 'polly', 'dolly', 'mike', 'pike', 'moo', 'mew']
>>> for ix, name in enumerate(l[:]):
..     if name.startswith('m'):
..         del l[ix]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#54>", line 4, in -toplevel-
    del l[ix]
IndexError: list assignment index out of range

On the other hand, if we try to do "del l[ix]" repeatedly while we iterate over
l[:] we obviously get in trouble, since l[i] and l[:][i] will point to different 
things once we start to modify l.

>>> l =['molly', 'monkey', 'polly', 'dolly', 'mike', 'pike', 'moo', 'mew']
>>> for ix in range(len(l)-1, -1, -1):
	print ix, l[ix]
	if l[ix].startswith('m'):
		del l[ix]

>>> l
['polly', 'dolly', 'pike']

Here, we use range with arguments that looks strange the first time you see
them. Reading from right to left, we have: step = -1, i.e. step backwards, 
5, 4, 3, etc, stop = -1, i.e. 0 should be the last number included in our
range, and finally, start = len[l]-1, i.e. start with the index for the last 
object in l.

By iterating backwards, we will only change location in the list for items
that we have already processed.

I think there are three lessons we can learn from this:

1. Modifying a list that we are iterating over is error prone.
2. Iterating backwards, from the end to the beginning, typically
   makes this problem go away.
3. Identifying objects by *what* they are, is often more robust
   that to identify them based on *where* they are.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From sigurd at  Mon May  3 15:26:07 2004
From: sigurd at (=?iso-8859-1?q?Karl_Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Mon May  3 15:30:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list iteration  [iteration and mutation?]
In-Reply-To: <> (Magnus Lycka's
	message of "Mon,  3 May 2004 19:42:14 +0200")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On  3 May 2004, Magnus Lycka <- wrote:

> Here is a little study to display the phenomena in a simple case. Remove
> all strings in a list that start with 'm'.

[some approaches to delete items from a list]

> I think there are three lessons we can learn from this:

> 1. Modifying a list that we are iterating over is error prone.
> 2. Iterating backwards, from the end to the beginning, typically
>    makes this problem go away.
> 3. Identifying objects by *what* they are, is often more robust
>    that to identify them based on *where* they are.

Right.  But there is a forth lesson to learn.

4. Try a functional approach. e.g.:

filter(lambda i: predicate(i), lst)


[i for i in lst if predicate(i)]

So with your example:

>>> filter(lambda s: not s.startswith('m'), l)
['polly', 'dolly', 'pike']
>>> [s for s in l if not s.startswith('m')]
['polly', 'dolly', 'pike']

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From flaxeater at  Mon May  3 17:19:15 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Mon May  3 17:19:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list iteration  [iteration and mutation?]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Right.  But there is a forth lesson to learn.
> 4. Try a functional approach. e.g.:
> filter(lambda i: predicate(i), lst)
> or
> [i for i in lst if predicate(i)]
> So with your example:
> >>> filter(lambda s: not s.startswith('m'), l)
> ['polly', 'dolly', 'pike']
> >>> [s for s in l if not s.startswith('m')]
> ['polly', 'dolly', 'pike']

That's pretty cool.  I keep seeing cool tricks like
this but I can never think of them.  In addition I
have been unable to teach myself a functional
language.  Someday.  The neet thing is that is just
about as comprehensible as Haskell.  Which is
comprehensible like gabriels horn is comprehenisble.

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs 

From glingl at  Mon May  3 17:26:20 2004
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Mon May  3 17:25:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list iteration  [iteration and mutation?]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Chad Crabtree schrieb:

>Which is
>comprehensible like gabriels horn is comprehenisble.
OOPs! What's gabriels horn? (Did I miss something?)

>Do you Yahoo!?
>Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs  
>Tutor maillist  -

From magnus at  Mon May  3 18:01:49 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Mon May  3 18:01:56 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gbGlzdCBpdGVyYXRpb24gIFtpdGVyYXRpb24gYW5kIG11dGF0aW9uP10=?=
Message-ID: <>

Karl Pfl?sterer wrote:
> > I think there are three lessons we can learn from this:
> > 1. Modifying a list that we are iterating over is error prone.
> > 2. Iterating backwards, from the end to the beginning, typically
> >    makes this problem go away.
> > 3. Identifying objects by *what* they are, is often more robust
> >    that to identify them based on *where* they are.
> Right.  But there is a forth lesson to learn.
> 4. Try a functional approach. e.g.:

Ok, but the real difference between your approach and the examples
I showed is that you avoid the entire problem by making a new list
containing the objects that I wouldn't remove.

It took me a long time to grok map, filter and reduce. Once I
did, they were obvious, but I was still reluctant to use them,
since I feared other people reading my code would be as confused
as I had once been. It seems to me that the problem is smaller
with list comprehensions, so I don't avoid that on purpose. :)

>>> l = [s for s in l if not s.startswith('m')]

is basically just a different syntax for...

>>> new_list = []
>>> for s in l:
...     if not s.startswith('m'):
...         new_list.append(s)
>>> l = new_list; del new_list I think your lesson is maybe rather "avoid modifying your
list. Make a new list instead."

This usually works well, but sometimes, it isn't practical due to 
memory size reasons, if the list we manipulate is very big, but 
all my examples suffer from the same problem. :(

This memory problem with two big lists can easily be fixed by
changing my "range(len(l)-1, -1, -1)" to "xrange(len(l)-1, -1, -1)".
(The range function actually builds a list of integers, but xrange
handles this with an iterator instead.)

Also, we're not always working with a Python list as I did in my
example. The sequence we're iterating over might be a GUI listbox
or something like that. It could really look something like this:

for i in xrange(lb.count_items()-1, -1, -1):
    if lb.get_item(i).startswith('m'):

> filter(lambda i: predicate(i), lst)
> or
> [i for i in lst if predicate(i)]
> So with your example:
> >>> filter(lambda s: not s.startswith('m'), l)
> ['polly', 'dolly', 'pike']
> >>> [s for s in l if not s.startswith('m')]
> ['polly', 'dolly', 'pike']

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From chyumm at  Mon May  3 21:20:25 2004
From: chyumm at (Jay Li)
Date: Mon May  3 21:20:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Where can I get the
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,
I'm very new to Python. I need to run a program written in Python, but it always had such an error "from Numeric import *
ImportError: No module named Numeric" 
I searched online archive. Seems should be a common class in Python. I installed the Python-2.2.3.exe downloaded from the Python website on Windows XP, but there's no on my computer. Where can I get Could anybody give me a hint? Thanks a lot in advance.

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From flaxeater at  Mon May  3 21:42:44 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Mon May  3 21:42:49 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Where can I get the
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Jay Li <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm very new to Python. I need to run a program
> written in Python, but it always had such an error
> "from Numeric import *
> ImportError: No module named Numeric" 
> I searched online archive. Seems should
> be a common class in Python. I installed the
> Python-2.2.3.exe downloaded from the Python website
> on Windows XP, but there's no on my
> computer. Where can I get Could anybody
> give me a hint? Thanks a lot in advance.
Sure sure.

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs 

From John.Ertl at  Tue May  4 16:55:25 2004
From: John.Ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Tue May  4 16:51:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Logging with different formats
Message-ID: <>


I am looking at using logging for a program that I am working on but I
cannot figure out how to have logging use different formats for different
types of 

For instance the output needs to look like:

<APPSTART name="tc_tcw.job: time="20040122125821" userid="opsu"
platform="aos" devlevel="ops">
<APPEVENT name="tc_tcw.job" event="decode" time="20040122125856"
platform="aos" devlevel="ops" productid="wp012004.tcw" msgtype="I"
msglevel="good data" msg="decoded tcw file for storm 01W 2004012212Z valid
<APPEVENT name="tc_tcw.job" event="decode" time="20040122130201"
platform="aos" devlevel="ops" 
productid="sh032004.tcw" msgtype="C" msglevel="bad data" msg="decode tcw
file for storm 03S 2004012212Z valid time">
<APPERR name=tc_tcw.job" subprogram="tc_deco chkdirspd.f90"
time="20040122130201" platform="aos" devlevel="ops" msgtype="C"
msg="direction and speed error in storm  03S 2004012212Z warning summary --
METTECH must correct" endtime="0">
<APPEVENT name="tc_tcw.job" event="trigger windp.job" time="20040122130059"
platform="aos" devlevel="ops" msgtype="I" msg="calling process to create
WindP/StrikeP messages">
<APPDONE name="tc_tcw.job" time="20040122130108" userid="opsu"
platform="aos" msgtype="O" msg="Completed OK" status="0" cpuuse="10">

As you can see there is a lot of info that needs to be in each TAG but most
of it is the same for each "type".  I cannot see how to easily switch the
formatter to look like APPEVENT, APPERR or one of the others that I need to
log.  I am new to OO programming but I was originally logging this with a
class that I created and just called different functions and used the print
statement...this worked but I think using logging would be better if I could
figure it out.

Any examples or advice is appreciated,  Thanks.  

John Ertl 

From alan.gauld at  Tue May  4 16:54:14 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue May  4 16:53:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Looking for feedback
References: <005001c42f57$de9455e0$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <010101c43219$f53ca4e0$6401a8c0@xp>

A couple of folks have pointed out that the new version of my tutor 
doesn't have working zip or tarball links, that's deliberate because 
it is changing so frequently just now the continual maintenance 
would be too messy (yes I could write a Python program to automate 
it but I'd rather spend time finishing the tutor! :-)

So sorry, but its read it online only for now.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "denis" <>
To: "Alan Gauld" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Looking for feedback

> Couldn't download your new version from that place : neither
> nor
> seem to be available.
> denis

From alan.gauld at  Tue May  4 17:01:49 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue May  4 17:01:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list iteration  [iteration and mutation?]
References: <>
Message-ID: <011101c4321b$046acb30$6401a8c0@xp>

> Often, it's simplest to just iterate over a reversed range, such as
> l = <some kind of list we want to remove from>
>for i in range(len(l)-1, -1, -1):
>    if we_want_to_remove(l[i]):
>        del l[i]

I haven't seen it mentioned yet but list comprehensions can often
be used for this kind of task. Re-working Magnus' generic code:

L = [some kind of list we want to remove from]
L = [ item for item in L if not we_want_to_remove(item)]

In other words create a new list containing those items we
don't want to remove. It's even fairly readable! By reversing
the logic of we_want_to_remove() so that it represents
we_want_to_keep(), it becomes the even more readable

L = [item for item in L if we_want_to_keep(item)]


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue May  4 17:04:23 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue May  4 17:04:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list iteration  [iteration and mutation?]
References: <>
Message-ID: <011801c4321b$60773f30$6401a8c0@xp>

>> have been unable to teach myself a functional
> language.  Someday.  The neet thing is that is just
> about as comprehensible as Haskell.  Which is
> comprehensible like gabriels horn is comprehenisble.


Have you tried my tutor topic on functional programming with Python?
It tries to explain both the concepts of FP and how they can be 
applied in Python and also gives some ideas about how rigourously 
we should apply them!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From chyumm at  Wed May  5 11:46:03 2004
From: chyumm at (Jay Li)
Date: Wed May  5 11:46:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is Python module case sensitive?
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,
I'm trying to use Atamai Viewer which is written in Python. I've installed Python and numarray package and Scientific package. When I tried to run that that program, it always showed an error "from Numeric import *
ImportError: No module named Numeric" 

I checked the sys.path by useing the "Path Bowser". Python22\lib\site-packages which includes numarray package is there. there's a file named in the package. I doubt if Python's module is case sensitive, if so, can I just modify the to without any latent problems? Thanks a lot!

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From magnus at  Wed May  5 12:50:55 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed May  5 12:51:05 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gSXMgUHl0aG9uIG1vZHVsZSBjYXNlIHNlbnNpdGl2ZT8=?=
Message-ID: <>

Jay Li wrote:
> I'm trying to use Atamai Viewer which is written in Python. I've installed Python and numarray package and Scientific package. When I tried to run that that program, it always showed an error "from Numeric import *
> ImportError: No module named Numeric" 
> I checked the sys.path by useing the "Path Bowser". Python22\lib\site-packages which includes numarray package is there. there's a file named in the package. I doubt if Python's module is case sensitive, if so, can I just modify the to without any latent problems? Thanks a lot!

Are you sure that's the right Numeric?

There is a Numeric package which predates numarray, see

I suspect that's what the Atamai Viewer is looking for...

As far as I understand, Numeric is no longer maintained, and 
people are encouraged to use Numarray instead, but I don't
think that you can expect programs written for Numeric to work
with Numarray.

Try installing the last version of Numeric from

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From Chad.Crabtree at  Wed May  5 13:22:11 2004
From: Chad.Crabtree at (Crabtree, Chad)
Date: Wed May  5 13:22:26 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list iteration  [iteration and mutation?]
Message-ID: <>

> Have you tried my tutor topic on functional programming with Python?
> It tries to explain both the concepts of FP and how they can be 
> applied in Python and also gives some ideas about how rigourously 
> we should apply them!
I had used your tutorial about 2 years ago I didn't get it then but I get it
more now.  Thank you for reminding me.

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From pinvest at  Sun May  2 03:15:06 2004
From: pinvest at (msp)
Date: Wed May  5 13:40:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Inter-related modules
Message-ID: <>

I have a problem with several modules all needing to use
another module.  This is quite common, but I'll use curses
as an example as it's familiar to many.

I start my main program which imports curses and calls initscr().
It asks the user what they want to do, and they select something from
module 'a'. Module 'a' needs to use the screen to interact with the user.
If module 'a' imports curses, this copy of curses knows that initscr()
hasn't been calledand fails. If it calls initscr(), I have two sets of 
talking to the screen at once. This may be OK for curses (it saves and
restores the starting screen state) but not for some other modules which
I also have this problem with.

Some might suggest that I have an intermediate interface module so that
all screen i/o is done in one place. This is fine, except that I now 
have the
same problem with that module instead.

For some of my own modules (i.e. not curses) I could instantiate a class at
the top level and pass it to everything which needs it. The problem with
this is that the class is unknown at parse time, so errors wouldn't be found
  until a piece of code was actually used. This might be months later 
for some
obscure bits.

Having a basic moduile which is needed by many others must be a common
problem. How is it normally handled?

From robertf at  Mon May  3 00:52:31 2004
From: robertf at (Bob Fleming)
Date: Wed May  5 13:40:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Output to a printer
Message-ID: <>

I am learning Python on a Windows system (Win95).  All of the tutorials,
documentation, and a book that I am studying all assume printing to the
console (stdout).  I live in the real world and will need to print out to
my laser printer or other device.  How do I modify the print or write
statements, or redirect stdout, to print to a printer?

Thank you,
Bob Fleming

From CMAnastasi at  Tue May  4 23:07:12 2004
From: CMAnastasi at (
Date: Wed May  5 13:41:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] module problems
Message-ID: <>

I'm importing the string module and using the functions but getting no result 
from any of them. I have version 2.2.3 and am using widnows 2k pro, aside 
from this no other modules are working either.
Please help!
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From ajay_4may at  Wed May  5 04:45:10 2004
From: ajay_4may at (=?iso-8859-1?q?ajay=20singh?=)
Date: Wed May  5 13:41:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Help: CGI Error in a Python Application
Message-ID: <>

I have wriiten a Python Script, which runs through a
Webserver. The script generates a form, where the user
feeds data and submits the form. The values submitted
by the user, populates a MySql database.

The problem is:

After submitting the values, the database gets
updated, but an error is generated which is quoted
below, as seen in the browser:

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers
it did return are:

The Python code is as below:


import cgi
import sys,os
import string
import MySQLdb
print "<html>"
print "<head>"
print "</head>"
print "<body>"
cursor.execute("insert into

print "</body>"
print "</html>"


Can any one help me on this??

Ajay Singh

Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner online.

From dyoo at  Wed May  5 13:46:48 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed May  5 13:47:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is Python module case sensitive?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 5 May 2004, Jay Li wrote:

> I'm trying to use Atamai Viewer which is written in Python. I've
> installed Python and numarray package and Scientific package. When I
> tried to run that that program, it always showed an error "from Numeric
> import * ImportError: No module named Numeric"
> I checked the sys.path by useing the "Path Bowser".
> Python22\lib\site-packages which includes numarray package is there.
> there's a file named in the package. I doubt if Python's
> module is case sensitive, if so, can I just modify the to
> without any latent problems? Thanks a lot!

Hi Jay,

Numarray is the next-generation version of Numeric.  I'm not sure, though,
if they both are interchangable.  You may need to install Numeric as well,
since it seems that Atamai Viewer is using Numeric.  You can find Numeric

To answer your original question: yes, modules are case sensitive.  But
don't rename Numarray.numeric: that will probably break anything that
depends on Numarray.  *grin*

Instead, install Numeric; I think the latest release of it is 22.0.
Numarray and Numeric are designed not to conflict with each other.

You may also want to talk with the folks who have written Atamai and see
if they'd be willing to retarget their code to use Numarray.

Good luck to you!

From Chad.Crabtree at  Wed May  5 13:46:03 2004
From: Chad.Crabtree at (Crabtree, Chad)
Date: Wed May  5 13:47:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Help: CGI Error in a Python Application
Message-ID: <>

> ------------------------------------------------
> CGI Error
> The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
> returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers
> it did return are:
> -----------------------------------------------
> The Python code is as below:
> --------------------------------------------
> #!c:\python23\python
> import cgi
> import sys,os
> import string
> import MySQLdb
> db=MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="",db="power")
> cursor=db.cursor()
print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"
You need this so that the server and the browser know what to do with the
content.  Some browsers will choke others will work or not format it.  

I found this helpful when I was writing my first python cgi's

> print "<html>"
> print "<head>"
> print "</head>"
> print "<body>"
> s=os.environ['QUERY_STRING']
> q=cgi.parse_qs(s)
> sname=q['txtname'].pop()
> scapacity=q['capacity'].pop()
> sstate=q['txtstate'].pop()
> sregion=q['region'].pop()
> sfre1=q['frequency1'].pop()
> sfre2=q['frequency2'].pop()
> sfre3=q['frequency3'].pop()
> sfre4=q['frequency4'].pop()
> cursor.execute("insert into
> station(name,region,capacity,state,fre1,fre2,fre3,fre4)
> values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)",
> (sname,sregion,scapacity,sstate,sfre1,sfre2,sfre3,sfre4))
> print "</body>"
> print "</html>"

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From dyoo at  Wed May  5 13:52:03 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed May  5 13:52:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] module problems
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 4 May 2004 wrote:

> I'm importing the string module and using the functions but getting no
> result from any of them.

Hi CMAnastasi,

Can you show us what you're doing?  Do a cut-and-paste of the text that
you're typing, as well as the response from Python, and send the reply
back to the list.  We need more information to see what's going on.

(There are several problems that fit the symptom of "not getting any
result" --- that's why we need to narrow down the possibilities a little

The Official Python Tutorial has a sample that shows how to use a module:

Test to see if you can import the 'sys' module from the interactive

From Chad.Crabtree at  Wed May  5 14:05:28 2004
From: Chad.Crabtree at (Crabtree, Chad)
Date: Wed May  5 14:05:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Output to a printer
Message-ID: <>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Fleming []
> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 12:53 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Tutor] Output to a printer
> I am learning Python on a Windows system (Win95).  All of the 
> tutorials,
> documentation, and a book that I am studying all assume 
> printing to the
> console (stdout).  I live in the real world and will need to 
> print out to
> my laser printer or other device.  How do I modify the print or write
> statements, or redirect stdout, to print to a printer?
> Thank you,
> Bob Fleming
I couldn't find much but check out this thread.

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From kp8 at  Thu May  6 04:51:49 2004
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Thu May  6 04:53:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random floats in range func
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

One of the things i am constantly having to do, (and one of the odd 
things left out of the random
module is to get a random FLOAT in a certain range, like say i want a 
random value from 4 to 9
i would do:

x = ((random.random()*5) + 4) # give us random floats in range 4-9

my scripts are full of these. What might be nice, would be to wrap this 
in a func that i can put in
a module and then just import and make my code more readable and easier 
to write. I could do:

def irand(base, upperbound):
     scale = upperbound - base
     return (random.random() * scale) + base

which works fine... but i would like to have it be smart and not just 
barf if some one puts in erroneous values
like making the base higher than the upperbound, etc. Is there a way to 
make this more rubust like that AND
i wouldn't mind being able to quantize the out put so that i would say 
round to the nearest .1 or .25 or .333 or something.... of course in 
the case of rounding to 1 we already have randrange in the random 



From pan at  Thu May  6 05:57:18 2004
From: pan at (
Date: Thu May  6 05:57:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] cgi cross import problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I have 2 modules:

Each is used for cgi, so they both start with:

print 'Content-type: text/html'

And they both perform cgi function normally. 

Now, in mod2, I want to use the classes in mod1, so in mod2 I added:

import mod1

Unfortunately, this import results in a 'Content-type: text/html'
showing up as the first line on the webpage when calling 

I tried to import only the class I need:

from mod1 import MyClass

But the 'Content-type: text/html' still shows up.

Can I avoid this in any way??? 
(certainly, I want both mod1 and mod2 able to perform cgi normally)

thx in advance.


From jmatthews at  Thu May  6 08:51:11 2004
From: jmatthews at (John Matthews)
Date: Thu May  6 08:52:05 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How can I format rows of irregular sized strings to print
	in colu mns?
Message-ID: <91CC7C2A28D4D7118CFE0007E97E358B17629D@MCBFS1>

I wrote a little program to look for graphics files and tell me the image
size and the file size of each file. The data prints out like this:

(292, 240) 35638 defender.bmp
(1024, 768) 2359350 evolution3.bmp
(78, 76) 17990 GRID1A.bmp

How can I make it so that it looks more like this:

( 292,  240)    35,638  defender.bmp
(1024,  768) 2,359,350  evolution3.bmp
(  78,   76)    17,990  GRID1A.bmp

Below is the code. I am not really a programmer, so it probably looks clunky
to you guys!

import os, glob, Image

print "\n  Where are the .bmp graphics?"
path = raw_input("  example:  C:\\foldername\\ >")

bmpfiles = glob.glob('*.bmp')
print '\nThere are',len(bmpfiles),'bmp files: \n'
while len(bmpfiles)>0:[-1])
    print imagesize, os.path.getsize(bmpfiles[-1]), bmpfiles[-1]

raw_input('\nPress Enter to end the program')

John Matthews
McDonald, Cassell & Bassett, Inc.
600 West Spring Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 628-0630
(614) 628-0633 Fax
-------------- next part --------------
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From denis.spir at  Thu May  6 06:08:41 2004
From: denis.spir at (denis)
Date: Thu May  6 09:54:49 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random floats in range func
References: <>
Message-ID: <009401c43371$90b33080$2627933e@spir>

----- Original Message -----
From: kevin parks <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] random floats in range func

> One of the things i am constantly having to do, (and one of the odd
> things left out of the random
> module is to get a random FLOAT in a certain range, like say i want a
> random value from 4 to 9
> i would do:
> x = ((random.random()*5) + 4) # give us random floats in range 4-9
> my scripts are full of these. What might be nice, would be to wrap this
> in a func that i can put in
> a module and then just import and make my code more readable and easier
> to write. I could do:
> def irand(base, upperbound):
>      scale = upperbound - base
>      return (random.random() * scale) + base
> which works fine... but i would like to have it be smart and not just
> barf if some one puts in erroneous values
> like making the base higher than the upperbound, etc. Is there a way to
> make this more rubust like that AND

Here, you obviously write the solution along with the problem...

> i wouldn't mind being able to quantize the out put so that i would say
> round to the nearest .1 or .25 or .333 or something.... of course in
> the case of rounding to 1 we already have randrange in the random
> module.

something like that (?) :

>>> def fraction_round(x,fraction_int):
...  x *= fraction_int    # trick 1 of 2 : mult
...  x = round(x)
...  return float(x) / fraction_int    # trick 2 of 2 : div

round to 1/3 :

>>> for i in range(10):
...  print fraction_round(random.random(),3)

of, course, the range may be other than 0->1 ; say 10->15, and round to 1/2

>>> for i in range(10):
...  print fraction_round(random.random()*5+10,2)

> cheers,
> kevin


From pythonTutor at  Thu May  6 10:12:38 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Thu May  6 10:12:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] cgi cross import problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 05:57, wrote:
> I have 2 modules:
> Each is used for cgi, so they both start with:
> #!C:\python22\python.exe
> print 'Content-type: text/html'
> print

The python import actually executes the statements it finds in the file
being imported.  You may have seen scripts with the line
if __name__ == '__main__:

This line allows a file to detect if it is being imported or being run. 
__name__ == '__main__' is only true when the file is being run.

To use your cgi script as an importable module, add this if test and fix
your code so that the statements that only pertain to running the script
are only executed when it is actually run and not simply imported.

if __name__ == '__main__:
	print 'Content-type: text/html'

It is often preferable to package the "run part" into a function and
only call that function when the file is run.

> And they both perform cgi function normally. 
> Now, in mod2, I want to use the classes in mod1, so in mod2 I added:
> import mod1
> Unfortunately, this import results in a 'Content-type: text/html'
> showing up as the first line on the webpage when calling 
> I tried to import only the class I need:
> from mod1 import MyClass
> But the 'Content-type: text/html' still shows up.
> Can I avoid this in any way??? 
> (certainly, I want both mod1 and mod2 able to perform cgi normally)
> thx in advance.
> pan
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From mhansen at  Thu May  6 10:48:32 2004
From: mhansen at (
Date: Thu May  6 10:48:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] RE: Help: CGI Error in a Python Application
Message-ID: <>

----- Original Message -----
>From  	"Crabtree, Chad" <>
Date  	Wed, 5 May 2004 13:46:03 -0400
To  	"'ajay singh'" <>
Cc  	"''" <>
Subject  	RE: [Tutor] Help: CGI Error in a Python Application

> ------------------------------------------------
> CGI Error
> The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
> returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers
> it did return are:
> -----------------------------------------------
> The Python code is as below:
> --------------------------------------------
> #!c:\python23\python
> import cgi
> import sys,os
> import string
> import MySQLdb
> db=MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",user="root",passwd="",db="power")
> cursor=db.cursor()
>>print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"

Shouldn't that be ..

print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"

or does it make a difference?

Also, this is a nit, but it should also print the doc type

for HTML 4 or 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html 
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
for XHTML transitional...

In any event, it might be a good ideas to check your output through the w3c's validator...

I realize if you are just experimenting/testing code, then the doc type and validator probably isn't necessary. If it's production code, then I strongly suggest putting in the doc type and validate your output to make it clean HTML or XHTML.


From at  Thu May  6 12:05:23 2004
From: at (Tim Peters)
Date: Thu May  6 12:05:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] random floats in range func
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[kevin parks]
> One of the things i am constantly having to do, (and one of the odd
> things left out of the random module is to get a random FLOAT in a
> certain range, like say i want a random value from 4 to 9

For that much, you can use random.uniform(4, 9):

From Chad.Crabtree at  Thu May  6 12:59:57 2004
From: Chad.Crabtree at (Crabtree, Chad)
Date: Thu May  6 13:00:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Logging with different formats
Message-ID: <>

> If you have some time...I am digging myself a deep hole and I 
> can't seam to
> climb out.  I have tried to modify my old log script that 
> used a class with
> different functions that just printed statements to standard 
> out.  Standard
> out was directed to file.  When I try to use I 
> either loose most
> of the functionality or can't make it work.  I have attached my latest
> failure.  Any ideas.  I need to have different formats for 
> different events
> but I want to keep the .info .error  etc of
I've carefully looked over your code.  But I still don't know what you are
trying to do and how it's failing.  Would you post a traceback or something.
I just don't know what's going wrong for you.  I'm not sure but I think
perhaps you should just roll your own.  It wouldn't be that hard and you
wouldn't have to spend time learning the logging api.   

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From kpage at  Wed May  5 20:01:25 2004
From: kpage at (Krista Page)
Date: Thu May  6 13:06:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Relative Paths
Message-ID: <>

Does anyone know how to set relative paths in Windows?

For example:

I have a file called C:\Student\PYTH\Database\Coordinates.txt on my machine.
Is there anyway to just specify \Database\Coordinates.txt and have it look
on my machine for that folder?
I thought four backslashes would do it, but I can't seem to get it to work.

Any help would be appreciated.

From Chad.Crabtree at  Thu May  6 14:01:37 2004
From: Chad.Crabtree at (Crabtree, Chad)
Date: Thu May  6 14:01:59 2004
Subject: FW: [Tutor] Relative Paths
Message-ID: <>

> Does anyone know how to set relative paths in Windows?
> For example:
> I have a file called C:\Student\PYTH\Database\Coordinates.txt 
> on my machine.
> Is there anyway to just specify \Database\Coordinates.txt and 
> have it look
> on my machine for that folder?
> I thought four backslashes would do it, but I can't seem to 
> get it to work.
to go up a tree you would need to do 
'./subdir/subdir/filename'  it's the '.' infront that says this directory
'../siblingdirectory/subsibling/filename' the '..' in this case moves down
one dir. so your could go down
four levels bye typeing '../../../../dir/filename'

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From alan.gauld at  Thu May  6 14:06:09 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu May  6 14:06:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Output to a printer
References: <>
Message-ID: <002401c43394$cf8c95d0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I am learning Python on a Windows system (Win95).  All of the
> documentation, and a book that I am studying all assume printing to
> console (stdout).

That's coz its easy! :-)

> I live in the real world and will need to print out to
> my laser printer or other device.  How do I modify the print or
> statements, or redirect stdout, to print to a printer?

On Win 95 its also easy for text at least.
Just open the 'LPT1:' or 'PRN:' device as if it were a file for
writing and squirt the text to it. Unfortunately that won't work
on later versions of Windsows (NW"K and XP variants specifically).
Nor does it work easily for fancy formatting.

THis is a problem in all programming languages on Windows because
basically Windows treats documents to be printed as graphics, so
you have to convert your document into something windows can print.
Its possible but painful (unless you find a module somewhere,
in which case let me know!)

Meantime I generally generate HTML as a temporary file then print
that via my web broweser, either by hand or using COM or the os.system

You can also generate PDF or RTF via supporting modules and print
them in a similar way (using Acrobat/ghostview/Word etc)

On Unix its slightly easier because the printer is again a file
type device...


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Thu May  6 14:07:01 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu May  6 14:06:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] module problems
References: <>
Message-ID: <002c01c43394$edda9c80$6401a8c0@xp>

> I'm importing the string module and using the functions but getting
no result
> from any of them. I have version 2.2.3 and am using widnows 2k pro,
> from this no other modules are working either.
> Please help!

Its easier for us to answer if you give us an example of what you
Otherwise its hard to guess what exactly you are doing!

Alan G.

From pythonTutor at  Thu May  6 15:04:19 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Thu May  6 15:04:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Relative Paths
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

filepath = os.path.join('Database','Coordinates.txt')

filepath will have a relative path that will work from

While forward slashes will usually work within Windows, it can confues
people if the path appears in an error message.  os.path will do the
right thing should you upgrade to Linux and keep a similar directory

On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 20:01, Krista Page wrote:
> Does anyone know how to set relative paths in Windows?
> For example:
> I have a file called C:\Student\PYTH\Database\Coordinates.txt on my machine.
> Is there anyway to just specify \Database\Coordinates.txt and have it look
> on my machine for that folder?
> I thought four backslashes would do it, but I can't seem to get it to work.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Krista 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From justinstraube at  Thu May  6 19:21:36 2004
From: justinstraube at (
Date: Thu May  6 16:15:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python & XML
Message-ID: <>


Ive used the httplib module and the examples given in the 2.3 docs to 
retrieve my or a given users stats from SETI,
(where XXXX is the registered email address)

The string retrieved is in XML format. Ive begun looking at the some of 
the docs for the different XML modules in 2.3 but this is a bit 
confusing. Im not sure where to start.

I am guessing that this should be a fairly simple project as the tags 
for the fields in the user stats shouldnt change. I would just need to 
extract the wanted data for display.

Can anyone can point me to anything on how to go about this?

import httplib

SETI = ""

print = '\t\tPSETI'
usrmail = raw_input('\nYour Email Address: ')
addr = '/fcgi-bin/fcgi?cmd=user_xml&email=' + usrmail

conx = httplib.HTTPConnection(SETI)
conx.request('GET', addr)
response = conx.getresponse()
print response.status, response.reason
data =
print data

raw_input('Press Enter to continue')




From missive at  Thu May  6 18:31:31 2004
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Thu May  6 18:31:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How can I format rows of irregular sized strings to
	print in columns?
Message-ID: <>

>I wrote a little program to look for graphics files and tell me the image
>size and the file size of each file. The data prints out like this:
>(292, 240) 35638 defender.bmp
>(1024, 768) 2359350 evolution3.bmp
>(78, 76) 17990 GRID1A.bmp
>How can I make it so that it looks more like this:
>( 292,  240)    35,638  defender.bmp
>(1024,  768) 2,359,350  evolution3.bmp
>(  78,   76)    17,990  GRID1A.bmp

Please post only in plain text.

You will want to look at the string formatting operator:

One handy example:

>>>a='(292, 240)';b=35638; c='defender.bmp'
>>>print '%10s %10s %20s' % (a, b, c)
(292, 240)      35638         defender.bmp

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

From dyoo at  Thu May  6 18:35:08 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu May  6 18:35:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is Python module case sensitive?
Message-ID: <>

>>> I'm trying to use Atamai Viewer which is written in Python. I've
>>> installed Python and numarray package and Scientific package. When I

>> Numarray is the next-generation version of Numeric. I'm not sure,
>> though, if they both are interchangable. You may need to install
>> Numeric as well,

> Thank you very much for your help. The viewer is looking for Numeric
> package not the numarray package. Now it's working fine.

Hi Jay,

No problem; I'm relieved that it's working now.

If you have any Python-related questions, please feel free to send them
over to Python-Tutor.  Talk to you later!

From bgailer at  Thu May  6 21:43:12 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Thu May  6 21:42:57 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How can I format rows of irregular sized
	strings to print in columns?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 04:31 PM 5/6/2004, Lee Harr wrote:
>>I wrote a little program to look for graphics files and tell me the image
>>size and the file size of each file. The data prints out like this:
>>(292, 240) 35638 defender.bmp
>>(1024, 768) 2359350 evolution3.bmp
>>(78, 76) 17990 GRID1A.bmp
>>How can I make it so that it looks more like this:
>>( 292,  240)    35,638  defender.bmp
>>(1024,  768) 2,359,350  evolution3.bmp
>>(  78,   76)    17,990  GRID1A.bmp
>Please post only in plain text.
>You will want to look at the string formatting operator:
>One handy example:
>>>>a='(292, 240)';b=35638; c='defender.bmp'
>>>>print '%10s %10s %20s' % (a, b, c)
>(292, 240)      35638         defender.bmp

This solution is close, but I think the OP wants the numbers in () to be 
individually aligned in columns. The desired output in proportional font 
doesn't show this, but if you copy/paste into a fixed font editor you will 
see this more clearly.

So the challenge is to parse the numbers out and format them individually. 
I think this is best done using re:

import re
m = re.match(r'\((\d+),\s*(\d+)\)', im.size) # generates a match object 
with 2 groups
# m.groups() is ('292', '240')
'(%4s, %4s)' % m.groups() # is '( 292,  240)'

re can be daunting at first but is well worth the learning curve. So let''s 
break the regular expression \((\d+),\s*(\d+)\) into pieces:
\(      # match a left parentheses
\s*     # match 0 or more "whitespace" characters
(\d+)   # match one or more digits and place them in a group
,       # match a comma
\s*     # match 0 or more "whitespace" characters
(\d+)   # match one or more digits and place them in another group
\)      # match a right parenthesis
The result is placed in a "match object". m.groups() returns all the groups 
in a tuple, which is the desired right argument type for %

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 
-------------- next part --------------
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From tim at  Thu May  6 23:11:10 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Thu May  6 23:08:22 2004
Subject: [Tutor] problem with str.count and str.split
Message-ID: <>

    I am importing TAB-delimited text data.

    Each line is read in as a string with the newline removed.

    Each line is parsed into a list with TAB as a delimiter.
      vals = line.split('\t') 

    It is expected that this line should have 75 TAB characters
    imbedded, and that the resulting list (vals) should have 76 members,
    An exception is thrown when a line is 'split' into a list
    with only 44 members, and when the exception is thrown, 
    I use line.count('\t') to retrieve the number of embedded
    TABS and line.count('\t') returns the number 43.

    Visual Inspection:
          If I look at this line in an editor that allows 
          TABS to be visible, I can manually count 75 TAB characters.
    Alternative Methods:
          This service was prototyped in another
          programming language (rebol) and all lines are
          being split successfully, finding 75 TABS and returning
          a list with 75 members.

   I'd welcome comments, suggestions on this matter. I'm not about
   to get goofy and claim I've found a bug in python, I'm guessing
   that I should be using a more pythonesque approach to parsing
   these lines.

Tim Johnson <>

From tim at  Thu May  6 23:58:27 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Thu May  6 23:55:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] problem with str.count and str.split
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Correction below:
* Tim Johnson <> [040506 19:17]:
> Hello:
>     I am importing TAB-delimited text data.
>     Each line is read in as a string with the newline removed.
>     Each line is parsed into a list with TAB as a delimiter.
>     code:
>       vals = line.split('\t') 
>     It is expected that this line should have 75 TAB characters
>     imbedded, and that the resulting list (vals) should have 76 members,
>     An exception is thrown when a line is 'split' into a list
>     with only 44 members, and when the exception is thrown, 
>     I use line.count('\t') to retrieve the number of embedded
>     TABS and line.count('\t') returns the number 43.
>     Visual Inspection:
>           If I look at this line in an editor that allows 
>           TABS to be visible, I can manually count 75 TAB characters.
>     Alternative Methods:
>           This service was prototyped in another
>           programming language (rebol) and all lines are
>           being split successfully, finding 75 TABS and returning
>           a list with 75 members.
            a list with *76* members...
>    I'd welcome comments, suggestions on this matter. I'm not about
>    to get goofy and claim I've found a bug in python, I'm guessing
>    that I should be using a more pythonesque approach to parsing
>    these lines.
> thanks
> tim
> -- 
> Tim Johnson <>
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Tim Johnson <>

From bgailer at  Thu May  6 23:59:47 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Thu May  6 23:59:30 2004
Subject: {Spam?} Re: [Tutor] problem with str.count and str.split
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 09:58 PM 5/6/2004, Tim Johnson wrote:
>Correction below:
>* Tim Johnson <> [040506 19:17]:
> > Hello:
> >     I am importing TAB-delimited text data.

Could you attach a sample file, and your code?

> >
> >     Each line is read in as a string with the newline removed.
> >
> >     Each line is parsed into a list with TAB as a delimiter.
> >     code:
> >       vals = line.split('\t')
> >
> >     It is expected that this line should have 75 TAB characters
> >     imbedded, and that the resulting list (vals) should have 76 members,
> >
> >     An exception is thrown when a line is 'split' into a list
> >     with only 44 members, and when the exception is thrown,
> >     I use line.count('\t') to retrieve the number of embedded
> >     TABS and line.count('\t') returns the number 43.
> >
> >     Visual Inspection:
> >           If I look at this line in an editor that allows
> >           TABS to be visible, I can manually count 75 TAB characters.
> >
> >     Alternative Methods:
> >           This service was prototyped in another
> >           programming language (rebol) and all lines are
> >           being split successfully, finding 75 TABS and returning
> >           a list with 75 members.
>             a list with *76* members...
> >
> >    I'd welcome comments, suggestions on this matter. I'm not about
> >    to get goofy and claim I've found a bug in python, I'm guessing
> >    that I should be using a more pythonesque approach to parsing
> >    these lines.
> >
> > thanks
> > tim
> > --
> > Tim Johnson <>
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
>Tim Johnson <>
>Tutor maillist  -

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From david at  Fri May  7 00:22:58 2004
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Fri May  7 00:23:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Relative Paths
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Lloyd Kvam <> [2004-05-06 15:04]:
> While forward slashes will usually work within Windows, it can confues
> people if the path appears in an error message.  os.path will do the
> right thing should you upgrade to Linux and keep a similar directory
> structure.

"Upgrade", funny ;-)

David Rock
-------------- next part --------------
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From tim at  Fri May  7 00:32:22 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Fri May  7 00:29:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: .....str.count and str.split/solved
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Duh! Found it. Lines ended with a '\t'. Had used rsplit to
strip newline, also stripped all ending '\t', I'll bet....
<grin> Thanks for listening - wonder what perl->chomp would do...

* Bob Gailer <> [040506 20:05]:
> At 09:58 PM 5/6/2004, Tim Johnson wrote:
> >Correction below:
> >* Tim Johnson <> [040506 19:17]:
> >> Hello:
> >>     I am importing TAB-delimited text data.
> Could you attach a sample file, and your code?
> >>
> >>     Each line is read in as a string with the newline removed.
> >>
> >>     Each line is parsed into a list with TAB as a delimiter.
> >>     code:
> >>       vals = line.split('\t')
> >>
> >>     It is expected that this line should have 75 TAB characters
> >>     imbedded, and that the resulting list (vals) should have 76 members,
> >>
> >>     An exception is thrown when a line is 'split' into a list
> >>     with only 44 members, and when the exception is thrown,
> >>     I use line.count('\t') to retrieve the number of embedded
> >>     TABS and line.count('\t') returns the number 43.
> >>
> >>     Visual Inspection:
> >>           If I look at this line in an editor that allows
> >>           TABS to be visible, I can manually count 75 TAB characters.
> >>
> >>     Alternative Methods:
> >>           This service was prototyped in another
> >>           programming language (rebol) and all lines are
> >>           being split successfully, finding 75 TABS and returning
> >>           a list with 75 members.
> >            a list with *76* members...
> >>
> >>    I'd welcome comments, suggestions on this matter. I'm not about
> >>    to get goofy and claim I've found a bug in python, I'm guessing
> >>    that I should be using a more pythonesque approach to parsing
> >>    these lines.
> >>
> >> thanks
> >> tim
> >> --
> >> Tim Johnson <>
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> >
> >--
> >Tim Johnson <>
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Tutor maillist  -
> >
> Bob Gailer
> 303 442 2625 home
> 720 938 2625 cell 

Tim Johnson <>

From david at  Fri May  7 00:31:11 2004
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Fri May  7 00:31:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How can I format rows of irregular sized strings to print
	in colu mns?
In-Reply-To: <91CC7C2A28D4D7118CFE0007E97E358B17629D@MCBFS1>
References: <91CC7C2A28D4D7118CFE0007E97E358B17629D@MCBFS1>
Message-ID: <>

* John Matthews <> [2004-05-06 08:51]:
> I wrote a little program to look for graphics files and tell me the image
> size and the file size of each file. The data prints out like this:
> (292, 240) 35638 defender.bmp
> (1024, 768) 2359350 evolution3.bmp
> (78, 76) 17990 GRID1A.bmp
> How can I make it so that it looks more like this:
> ( 292,  240)    35,638  defender.bmp
> (1024,  768) 2,359,350  evolution3.bmp
> (  78,   76)    17,990  GRID1A.bmp

You should probably look at the printf style formatting:

In general, your output string will probably look something like this:
print "(%5d,%5d) %12d %s" % (x,y,size,filename)

This is _very_ generic, and probably breaks often, but it should give
you an idea of what to look for.

David Rock
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From alan.gauld at  Fri May  7 04:41:26 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri May  7 04:41:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] problem with str.count and str.split
References: <>
Message-ID: <006d01c4340f$15ad28c0$6401a8c0@xp>

Hi Tim,

>     Visual Inspection:
>           If I look at this line in an editor that allows
>           TABS to be visible, I can manually count 75 TAB

Any chance we can have the same insight? ie Can you  post such a
line for us to look at.

My immediate suspician is that there is a newline character or
somesuch in the middle of the line that fools Python. But
without seeing it I can't tell.

Alan G

From sciboy at  Fri May  7 05:08:19 2004
From: sciboy at (
Date: Fri May  7 05:08:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What is a fun basic game project.
Message-ID: <>

Hi, this is my first message to this mailing list.

Anyone know of a fun game project that is good for beginners, and what aspects they involve.

eg. conditions, arrays etc.

From wilson at  Fri May  7 07:33:46 2004
From: wilson at (Tim Wilson)
Date: Fri May  7 07:33:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What is a fun basic game project.
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5/7/04 4:08 AM, "" <>

> Anyone know of a fun game project that is good for beginners, and what aspects
> they involve.

Hangman is a classic. I created the following assignment for my programming
students a couple years ago. Most implementations of this sort of program
use simple lists as containers for guessed letters and the list of words to
draw from.


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto:   aim: tis270   public key: 0x8C0F8813

From bgailer at  Fri May  7 09:21:44 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Fri May  7 09:21:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How can I format rows of irregular sized
	strings to print in columns?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 07:43 PM 5/6/2004, Bob Gailer wrote:
>At 04:31 PM 5/6/2004, Lee Harr wrote:
>>>I wrote a little program to look for graphics files and tell me the image
>>>size and the file size of each file. The data prints out like this:
>>>(292, 240) 35638 defender.bmp
>>>(1024, 768) 2359350 evolution3.bmp
>>>(78, 76) 17990 GRID1A.bmp
>>>How can I make it so that it looks more like this:
>>>( 292,  240)    35,638  defender.bmp
>>>(1024,  768) 2,359,350  evolution3.bmp
>>>(  78,   76)    17,990  GRID1A.bmp
>>Please post only in plain text.
>>You will want to look at the string formatting operator:
>>One handy example:
>>>>>a='(292, 240)';b=35638; c='defender.bmp'
>>>>>print '%10s %10s %20s' % (a, b, c)
>>(292, 240)      35638         defender.bmp
>This solution is close, but I think the OP wants the numbers in () to be 
>individually aligned in columns. The desired output in proportional font 
>doesn't show this, but if you copy/paste into a fixed font editor you will 
>see this more clearly.

OOPS. I have now done my "homework" and realize that im.size returns a 
tuple of numbers rather than a string. So we don't need re after all. The 
solution now is

     print '(%4s, %4s)' % imagesize, '%10s' % 
os.path.getsize(bmpfiles[-1]), '%12s' % bmpfiles[-1]


And now for some code refinement:

while len(bmpfiles)>0:[-1])
     print '(%4s, %4s)' % imagesize, '%10s' % 
os.path.getsize(bmpfiles[-1]), '%12s' % bmpfiles[-1]

Can be simplified using a for loop:

for bmpfile in bmpfiles:
     print '(%4s, %4s)' % imagesize, '%10s' % 
os.path.getsize(bmpfiles[-1]), '%12s' % bmpfiles[-1]

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 
-------------- next part --------------
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From jmatthews at  Fri May  7 09:57:59 2004
From: jmatthews at (John Matthews)
Date: Fri May  7 09:58:51 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How can I format rows of irregular sized strings 
	to print in columns?
Message-ID: <91CC7C2A28D4D7118CFE0007E97E358B1762A1@MCBFS1>

<stuff snipped; I hate Outlook>

At 07:43 PM 5/6/2004, Bob Gailer wrote:

At 04:31 PM 5/6/2004, Lee Harr wrote:

I wrote a little program to look for graphics files and tell me the image
size and the file size of each file. The data prints out like this:

(292, 240) 35638 defender.bmp
(1024, 768) 2359350 evolution3.bmp
(78, 76) 17990 GRID1A.bmp

How can I make it so that it looks more like this:

( 292,  240)    35,638  defender.bmp
(1024,  768) 2,359,350  evolution3.bmp
(  78,   76)    17,990  GRID1A.bmp

Please post only in plain text.

You will want to look at the string formatting operator:

One handy example:

a='(292, 240)';b=35638; c='defender.bmp'
print '%10s %10s %20s' % (a, b, c)
(292, 240)      35638         defender.bmp

This solution is close, but I think the OP wants the numbers in () to be
individually aligned in columns. The desired output in proportional font
doesn't show this, but if you copy/paste into a fixed font editor you will
see this more clearly.

OOPS. I have now done my "homework" and realize that im.size returns a tuple
of numbers rather than a string. So we don't need re after all. The solution
now is 

    print '(%4s, %4s)' % imagesize, '%10s' % os.path.getsize(bmpfiles[-1]),
'%12s' % bmpfiles[-1] 

And now for some code refinement:

while len(bmpfiles)>0:[-1]) 
    print '(%4s, %4s)' % imagesize, '%10s' % os.path.getsize(bmpfiles[-1]),
'%12s' % bmpfiles[-1] 

Can be simplified using a for loop:

for bmpfile in bmpfiles: 
    print '(%4s, %4s)' % imagesize, '%10s' % os.path.getsize(bmpfiles[-1]),
'%12s' % bmpfiles[-1] 

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell

Thanks Bob, this is exactly what I was looking for!

To the others that provided input, thankyou too! 

John Matthews
McDonald, Cassell & Bassett, Inc.
600 West Spring Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 628-0630
(614) 628-0633 Fax
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From alan.gauld at  Fri May  7 10:41:52 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri May  7 10:41:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What is a fun basic game project.
References: <>
Message-ID: <009301c43441$701bdf90$6401a8c0@xp>

> Hi, this is my first message to this mailing list.
> Anyone know of a fun game project that is good for beginners, and
what aspects they involve.
> eg. conditions, arrays etc.

A couple of easy games to start with are OXO and Conway's Game of
Both involve arrays and conditionals and loops and some degree of
graphical representation plus user input.

Paper/Rock/Scissors is another that can be easily implemented in plain
text and later have a graphical wrap added.


Alan G

From Andy at  Fri May  7 11:08:40 2004
From: Andy at (Andy Joslin)
Date: Fri May  7 11:08:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What is a fun basic game project.
In-Reply-To: <009301c43441$701bdf90$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Add the "Towers of Hanoi"  puzzle/game to the list.  It is the one with 
3 pegs and a few disks of various sizes that start stacked biggest to 
smallest on one peg...  The goal is to move the whole stack from one peg 
to another, only moving one at a time and never putting a large disk on 
top of a smaller disk.  Try to figure out the algorithm to solve it 
automatically.  You can build the engine to use a text display, or try 
to use a gui.

This is one that many CompSci students have to do in the first year... 

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>Hi, this is my first message to this mailing list.
>>Anyone know of a fun game project that is good for beginners, and
>what aspects they involve.
>>eg. conditions, arrays etc.
>A couple of easy games to start with are OXO and Conway's Game of
>Both involve arrays and conditionals and loops and some degree of
>graphical representation plus user input.
>Paper/Rock/Scissors is another that can be easily implemented in plain
>text and later have a graphical wrap added.
>Alan G
>Tutor maillist  -

From godoy at  Fri May  7 12:25:22 2004
From: godoy at (Jorge Godoy)
Date: Fri May  7 12:41:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: What is a fun basic game project.
References: <>
Message-ID: <ihqsm1-9sp.ln1@wintermute.g2ctech>

On Sex 07 Mai 2004 12:08, Andy Joslin wrote:

> Add the "Towers of Hanoi"  puzzle/game to the list.  It is the one with
> 3 pegs and a few disks of various sizes that start stacked biggest to
> smallest on one peg...  The goal is to move the whole stack from one peg
> to another, only moving one at a time and never putting a large disk on
> top of a smaller disk.  Try to figure out the algorithm to solve it
> automatically.  You can build the engine to use a text display, or try
> to use a gui.
> This is one that many CompSci students have to do in the first year...

I have one school project to write -- as if I didn't have to write clients
programs... -- for a project management class (I am graduating in August --
I hope -- in Electrical Engineering, in the telecommunications area) and it
was requested that we did one simple thing: write a program that divides a
squared area in four equal parts, allowing the user to draw one of the
divisions and replicating it to other.

There are infinite solutions for this problem and it might go from too
simple to too complex. Since I don't know if I'll have time to write it
myself or we'll have to hire someone -- it is allowed, since we're having
engineering stuff and not software programming classes -- to do it, I would
really like to see some solutions for this on Python :-)

There are a few constraints that you might come up while solving the
problem, depending on how you approached it. For instance, if you divide
the squared area into four smaller squares, you can't allow the user to
make two lines join and create a fifth visible area. It prevents the user
from drawing a line/curve/whatever from the lower left point to the upper
right point.

Got the idea? ;-)

Oh! It has to be used with the mouse, for keeping end user's sane and
interested on it. I think this might become something that will be donated
to schools and/or to entertain children.

Be seeing you,
Godoy.      <>

From areedades at  Fri May  7 08:43:57 2004
From: areedades at (Alexander Ades)
Date: Fri May  7 13:49:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner in need of help!
Message-ID: <>

I wrote a program in IDLE and I tried to run it in python command line but no matter what I tried it never worked. What do I do to run my simple calculator program in python command line?
                                                                  Please help,

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs 
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From sciboy at  Fri May  7 04:34:23 2004
From: sciboy at (
Date: Fri May  7 13:49:37 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What is a fun basic game project.
Message-ID: <>

Hi, this is my first message to this mailing list.

Anyone know of a fun game project that is good for beginners, and what aspects they involve.

eg. conditions, arrays etc.

From wilson at  Fri May  7 13:59:47 2004
From: wilson at (Tim Wilson)
Date: Fri May  7 13:59:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner in need of help!
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 5/7/04 7:43 AM, "Alexander Ades" <> wrote:

> I wrote a program in IDLE and I tried to run it in python command line but no
> matter what I tried it never worked. What do I do to run my simple calculator
> program in python command line?

Was an error message generated? If so, please include that in your message.
It's always the first question.


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto:   aim: tis270   public key: 0x8C0F8813

From magnus at  Fri May  7 14:06:56 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Fri May  7 14:02:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Inter-related modules
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 15:15 2004-05-02 +0800, msp wrote:
>I have a problem with several modules all needing to use
>another module.  This is quite common, but I'll use curses
>as an example as it's familiar to many.
>I start my main program which imports curses and calls initscr().
>It asks the user what they want to do, and they select something from
>module 'a'. Module 'a' needs to use the screen to interact with the user.
>If module 'a' imports curses, this copy of curses knows that initscr()
>hasn't been calledand fails. If it calls initscr(), I have two sets of curses
>talking to the screen at once. This may be OK for curses (it saves and
>restores the starting screen state) but not for some other modules which
>I also have this problem with.

This isn't really a problem with modules, but with any object, where
you just want one occurence. You could as well call some kind of
initialization routine several times in the same module, and run into
similar trouble.

Right? The problem is that you have some kind of shared resource, and
you want several clients to use the same resource, not to get a copy
each. This should prefereably happen without the different clients
needing to know about each other. (In the case of curses, I suppose
you will get total chaos if several parts of the code tries to update
the same screen independently of each other, but there are certainly
other cases when you want something like this to work.)

You should be clear about one thing though: You can only import a module
*once* in Python with the import statement. Let's imagine that you have
two modules, main and sub, and they look like this:
import curses
import sub
def m():
import curses
def s():
     <some more code>

This code is equivalent with:
import curses
import sub
sub.curses = curses
def m():
def s():
     <some more code>

Or prefereably...
import curses
import sub
def m():
def init_curses(curses_module):
     global curses
     curses = curses_module
def s():
     <some more code>

On other words, unless you use the reload() function, you can only
import a module ONCE. Any subsequent call of 'import' on the same
module will only create a new variable name in the local scope which
refers to the import module you already loaded.

>Some might suggest that I have an intermediate interface module so that
>all screen i/o is done in one place. This is fine, except that I now have the
>same problem with that module instead.


Don't be so sure. Look at the Borg pattern at the Activestate Python
Cookbook, or any implementation of the Singleton pattern.

>For some of my own modules (i.e. not curses) I could instantiate a class at
>the top level and pass it to everything which needs it. The problem with
>this is that the class is unknown at parse time, so errors wouldn't be found
>  until a piece of code was actually used. This might be months later for some
>obscure bits.

This is always a problem with a dynamically typed language like Python. I
don't see how you can avoid that by avoiding parameter passing. Or do you
mean  that you don't want to set a global variable in a module like I did
above? I can understand that you don't want that. It make themodule which
expects an importer to set things up difficult to use and understand.

But I don't think you can escape the need to test your code in such a way
that things like this are found during development. There might be *any*
fault in a piece of code, related to logical errors as well as to imports.
Deploying them and just hoping that they will work untested a few months
from now is not a good idea. This is why we write test programs to test our

>Having a basic moduile which is needed by many others must be a common
>problem. How is it normally handled?

Sure, and as I said, this problem exists for many objects, not
just modules.

Alex Martelli's Borg pattern looks like this.

class Borg:
     __shared_state = {}
     def __init__(self):
         self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
     # and whatever else you want in your class -- that's all!

You could imagine something like this:
 >>> class InitOnce:
     __shared_state = {}
     def __init__(self):
         self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
         if not self.__dict__:
             print "First Call, initialize"
             self.init = 1
             print "I'm already initialized, not need to repeat"

 >>> x1=InitOnce()
First Call, initialize
 >>> x2=InitOnce()
I'm already initialized, not need to repeat

Or with curses it might be something like:

class CursesWrapper:
     __shared_state = {}
     def __init__(sef):
         self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
         if not self.__dict__:
             import curses
             self.curses = curses

(I never used curses, but I hope you understand how to apply this)

I guess you might be able to replace

     import curses


     import curseswrapper
     cw = curseswrapper.CursesWrapper().curses

I know, it's a bit long and repetetive, but I'm sure you can adapt it.

Naturally, you don't need to call initscr in __init__. You can have a
CursesWrapper.initscr() like this:
class CursesWrapper:
     __shared_state = {}
     def __init__(sef):
         self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
         if not self.__dict__:
             import curses
             self.curses = curses
             self._init = 0
     def initscr(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if not self._init:
             self.curses.initscr(*args, **kwargs)

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From dyoo at  Fri May  7 14:06:00 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri May  7 14:06:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Using the 'csv' module to parse tab-delimited data
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 6 May 2004, Tim Johnson wrote:

>     I am importing TAB-delimited text data.

Hi Tim,

Glad that you found the problem (stripping the "empty" record at the end)!

The Standard Library has a nice 'csv' library that takes care of parsing
delimited lines:

For example:

>>> import csv
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> sample_file = StringIO("this\tis\ta\ttest\ndo\tyou\tsee\tthis?\n")
>>> reader = csv.reader(sample_file)
>>> for row in reader:
...     print row

Ooops!  I forgot that the default delimiter in 'csv' is the comma
character.  Let me fix that... let's see what other kind of dialects are
supported by 'csv'.

>>> csv.list_dialects()
['excel-tab', 'excel']

Ok, let me switch the mode to 'excel-tab'; that sounds like it should use
tabs as the column delimiters:

>>> reader = csv.reader(sample_file, dialect='excel-tab')
>>> for row in reader:
...     print row
['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']
['do', 'you', 'see', 'this?']

Better.  *grin*

Hope this helps!

From dyoo at  Fri May  7 14:17:04 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri May  7 14:17:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What is a fun basic game project.  [uselesspython not
	being maintained?]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 7 May 2004 wrote:

> Hi, this is my first message to this mailing list.
> Anyone know of a fun game project that is good for beginners, and what
> aspects they involve.
> eg. conditions, arrays etc.

Hi Sciboy,

The Useless Python page might be fun for you... wait, it's down?

There's a link to the old URL here:

But this is sad news that it's not being maintained!

From bgailer at  Fri May  7 15:27:51 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Fri May  7 15:27:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Beginner in need of help!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>On 5/7/04 7:43 AM, "Alexander Ades" <> wrote:
>  I wrote a program in IDLE and I tried to run it in python command line 
> but no
>  matter what I tried it never worked. What do I do to run my simple 
> calculator
>  program in python command line?

Please show us the program. Please tell us how and where you got the 
"python command line" and what you typed there. What did you see happen?

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From glingl at  Fri May  7 15:32:15 2004
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Fri May  7 15:31:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] What is a fun basic game project.  [uselesspython not
	being maintained?]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo schrieb:

>Hi Sciboy,
>The Useless Python page might be fun for you... wait, it's down?
>There's a link to the old URL here:
>But this is sad news that it's not being maintained!
Yes, really sad news. Thanks to Rob, he did a good and huge job.
So big, that he apparently didn't find anybody to follow him in
maintaining the site? (It was veryhelpful for me, when I started to
learn Python some 3 years ago.)

And concerning game-programming for beginners, there is the
notable livewires-package,
which is "intended to teach the Python <> 
programming language to
people who have never programmed before", and which
contains a set of funny and interesting games.

Regards, Gregor

From dyoo at  Fri May  7 19:38:59 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri May  7 19:39:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: .....str.count and str.split/solved
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 7 May 2004, Tim Johnson wrote:

> This was caused by not taking into consideration the differences in line
> enders between linux,windows and Mac, and compounded by processing on
> linux what is produced in windows.
> I need to whip up a read_lines routine for python that's as predicatable
> as the read/lines routine in rebol.

[bringing back to CC]

Hi Tim,

Ah!  You probably don't need to do anything too special.  If you open the
file in "universal newline" mode, then Python will automagically handle
platform-specific newline stuff.  See:

Look at the 'U' mode for universal newlines --- I think it should do what
you want.

Hope this helps!

From tim at  Fri May  7 22:01:34 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Fri May  7 21:58:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: .....str.count and str.split/solved
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Danny Yoo <> [040507 15:50]:
> On Fri, 7 May 2004, Tim Johnson wrote:
> Ah!  You probably don't need to do anything too special.  If you open the
> file in "universal newline" mode, then Python will automagically handle
> platform-specific newline stuff.  See:
> Look at the 'U' mode for universal newlines --- I think it should do what
> you want.
  I'm currently using ver 2.2 on RH 9.0 --- mode 'rU' is recognized.
  I commented out the code that removes '\r'
  '\r' remained in the line, 

  Using "U" throws IOError

  I'll read through those doc some more.

Tim Johnson <>

From pan at  Sun May  9 01:02:06 2004
From: pan at (
Date: Sun May  9 01:02:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] import problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I wanna import a class MyClass from a module but something
weird just happened :

[1] import myModule   ===> ok

[2] from myModule import * ===> ok

[3] from myModule import MyClass ===> ImportError: cannot import name MyClass

[4] But when I put [3] inside a class:

    class NewClass(object):
      def __init__(self):
         from myModule import MyClass    # <======= 
         self.item = MyClass()
    x = NewClass()
    print x.item.__doc__

    ===> THIS IS OK !!!

How come a class can't be imported when the statement:
"from myModule import MyClass" is placed globally, but 
no problem at all when it is inside a class ????

This is really confusing ...


From flaxeater at  Sun May  9 09:55:23 2004
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Sun May  9 09:55:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] import problem
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanna import a class MyClass from a module
> but something
> weird just happened :
> [1] import myModule   ===> ok
> [2] from myModule import * ===> ok
> [3] from myModule import MyClass ===> ImportError:
> cannot import name MyClass
> [4] But when I put [3] inside a class:
>     class NewClass(object):
>       def __init__(self):
>          from myModule import MyClass    # <======= 
>          self.item = MyClass()
>     x = NewClass()
>     print x.item.__doc__
>     ===> THIS IS OK !!!
> How come a class can't be imported when the
> statement:
> "from myModule import MyClass" is placed globally,
> but 
> no problem at all when it is inside a class ????
> This is really confusing ...
Well I do not believe there is quite enough
information.  If the code you showed is all that is in
the script then it would apear to work but not really
work because it has not been instantiated.  

Investigate a little.  You should at the interactive
prompt type import myModule 
then type dir(myModule) and see if your class is
there.  If not then something strange has happend I'm
sure.  In addition when you do this paste a traceback
of the error.

Do you Yahoo!?
Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at Yahoo! HotJobs 

From isrgish at  Sun May  9 11:56:14 2004
From: isrgish at (Isr Gish)
Date: Sun May  9 11:56:17 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python & XML
Message-ID: <>

Don't know anything about XML. But just wanted to mention that it's not advisable to assign anything to a built-in function name, or keyward.  The line:
print = '\t\tPSETI'
is doing just that. "print" is a built in keyword.

All the best

-----Original Message-----
   >From: ""<>
   >Sent: 5/6/04 7:21:36 PM
   >To: ""<>
   >Subject: [Tutor] Python & XML
   >Ive used the httplib module and the examples given in the 2.3 docs to 
   >retrieve my or a given users stats from SETI,
   >(where XXXX is the registered email address)
   >The string retrieved is in XML format. Ive begun looking at the some of 
   >the docs for the different XML modules in 2.3 but this is a bit 
   >confusing. Im not sure where to start.
   >I am guessing that this should be a fairly simple project as the tags 
   >for the fields in the user stats shouldnt change. I would just need to 
   >extract the wanted data for display.
   >Can anyone can point me to anything on how to go about this?
   >import httplib
   >SETI = ""
   >print = '\t\tPSETI'
   >usrmail = raw_input('\nYour Email Address: ')
   >addr = '/fcgi-bin/fcgi?cmd=user_xml&email=' + usrmail
   >conx = httplib.HTTPConnection(SETI)
   >conx.request('GET', addr)
   >response = conx.getresponse()
   >print response.status, response.reason
   >data =
   >print data
   >raw_input('Press Enter to continue')
   >Tutor maillist  -

From Ralf.Steckel at  Sun May  9 23:53:26 2004
From: Ralf.Steckel at (Steckel, Ralf)
Date: Sun May  9 23:53:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] bug in eval() ? or doing something forbidden ?
Message-ID: <>

Dear Tutor,

I'm trying to get the string representation of a string variable containing
the unicode representation of a string via eval(). This works fine as long
as I don't have any ' or " preceeded with a backslash in the representation.
Is there a bug in eval() or am I doing something wrong?

>From the first statement in the snapshot of Idle (see below), I would expect
that eval() should processes backslashes in the representation of unicode
strings and ' or " preceeded by a backslash is a valid token for an unicode

Thanks for any help,


Python 2.3.2 (#49, Oct  2 2003, 20:02:00) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.

    Personal firewall software may warn about the connection IDLE
    makes to its subprocess using this computer's internal loopback
    interface.  This connection is not visible on any external
    interface and no data is sent to or received from the Internet.
IDLE 1.0      
>>> print u'\'abcd\"'
>>> a="u'\'abcd\"'"
>>> print eval(a)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    print eval(a)
  File "<string>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> a="u'\'abcd\''"
>>> print eval(a)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#9>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    print eval(a)
  File "<string>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

From george at  Mon May 10 04:33:50 2004
From: george at (George Patterson)
Date: Mon May 10 04:34:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multiple Dimension (array/list/whatever it is are).
Message-ID: <>

Hi All.

A could of quick questions:

1. What is the data structure below called? Apart from G :-P  Is it an array, a list or something else. The original article was very vague on the commenting. See bottom of email for URL.

G = {'s':{'u':10, 'x':1},
     'u':{'v':1, 'x':2},
     'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
     'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}

2. How would I alter the above data structure such that all instances of 'x' ends up being equal to 5. As per sample below.

{'s':{'u':10, 'x':5},
     'u':{'v':1, 'x':5},
     'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
     'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}

For those that want the rest of the code see

George Patterson

From thomi at  Mon May 10 05:09:51 2004
From: thomi at (Thomas Clive Richards)
Date: Mon May 10 05:10:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multiple Dimension (array/list/whatever it is are).
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Monday 10 May 2004 20:33, George Patterson wrote:
> 1. What is the data structure below called? Apart from G :-P  Is it an
> array, a list or something else. The original article was very vague on the
> commenting. See bottom of email for URL.
> G = {'s':{'u':10, 'x':1},
>      'u':{'v':1, 'x':2},
>      'v':{'y':4},
>      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
>      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
>     }

This is a dictionary....containing other dictionaries. They're used to provide 
key->value mappings.

> 2. How would I alter the above data structure such that all instances of
> 'x' ends up being equal to 5. As per sample below.
> {'s':{'u':10, 'x':5},
>      'u':{'v':1, 'x':5},
>      'v':{'y':4},
>      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
>      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
> }

not sure what you mean here.. doing "G['x']" would return "{'u':3, 'v':9, 
'y':2}". i.e.- another dictionary, not a numeric value...



Thomi Richards,

From Janssen at  Mon May 10 05:25:06 2004
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Mon May 10 05:25:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multiple Dimension (array/list/whatever it is are).
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 10 May 2004, George Patterson wrote:

> Hi All.
> A could of quick questions:
> 1. What is the data structure below called? Apart from G :-P Is it an
> array, a list or something else. The original article was very vague on
> the commenting. See bottom of email for URL.
> G = {'s':{'u':10, 'x':1},
>      'u':{'v':1, 'x':2},
>      'v':{'y':4},
>      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
>      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
>     }

it's a dictionary mapping keys s,u,v,x,y to subdictionaries. Read more
tutorials to get this:  Section 5.4  Chapter 9

> 2. How would I alter the above data structure such that all instances of
> 'x' ends up being equal to 5. As per sample below.
> {'s':{'u':10, 'x':5},
>      'u':{'v':1, 'x':5},
>      'v':{'y':4},
>      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
>      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
> }

first you will need to iterate through the toplevel dictionary. Then you
should test if the dictionary has a key "x" and set it to 5.

So you have to figure out, how to iterate ("for-loop") through a
dictionary, how to test the existence of a key and how to reassign it.
Might be a good training for you, so I won't spoil it with a solution.


From Janssen at  Mon May 10 08:21:24 2004
From: Janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Mon May 10 08:22:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] bug in eval() ? or doing something forbidden ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 10 May 2004, Steckel, Ralf wrote:

> Dear Tutor,
> I'm trying to get the string representation of a string variable containing
> the unicode representation of a string via eval().

eval evaluates python expressions.

>>> eval("1+1")
>>> a="abc"
>>> eval("a")
>>> eval("(a == 'abc')")

and things like this. "string representation" is done with repr():

>>> print repr(a)


From python at  Mon May 10 12:24:40 2004
From: python at (Raymond Hettinger)
Date: Mon May 10 13:09:00 2004
Subject: [Tutor] RE: Tutor Digest, Vol 3, Issue 14
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <006f01c436ab$4b8177a0$e841fea9@oemcomputer>

> 1. What is the data structure below called? Apart from G :-P  Is it an
> array, a list or something else. The original article was very vague
> the commenting. See bottom of email for URL.
> G = {'s':{'u':10, 'x':1},
>      'u':{'v':1, 'x':2},
>      'v':{'y':4},
>      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
>      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
>     }

It is a directed graph, with path weights.

Think of airline routes. 

>From airport S you can fly to either airport u or airport x.   It takes
10 hours to get to u but only one hour to get to x.

> 2. How would I alter the above data structure such that all instances
> 'x' ends up being equal to 5. As per sample below.
> {'s':{'u':10, 'x':5},
>      'u':{'v':1, 'x':5},
>      'v':{'y':4},
>      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
>      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
> }

for airpost, destinations in G:
    for dest, cost in destinations:
        if dest == 'x':
            destinations['x'] = 5

Raymond Hettinger

From dyoo at  Mon May 10 14:30:21 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon May 10 14:30:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multiple Dimension (array/list/whatever it is are).
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> On Monday 10 May 2004 20:33, George Patterson wrote:
> > 1. What is the data structure below called? Apart from G :-P  Is it an
> > array, a list or something else. The original article was very vague on the
> > commenting. See bottom of email for URL.
> >
> > G = {'s':{'u':10, 'x':1},
> >      'u':{'v':1, 'x':2},
> >      'v':{'y':4},
> >      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
> >      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
> >     }

On Mon, 10 May 2004, Thomas Clive Richards wrote:
> This is a dictionary....containing other dictionaries. They're used to
> provide key->value mappings.

Hi George,

And in this particular case, G lets us get from a given vertex to its
"edges".  We can interpret:

G_simpler = {'s': {'u':10, 'x':1},
             'u': {'x':2} }

as representing a directed graph.  Graphs are made of vertices and edges
--- circles and arrows.

      s  -----------> u
        \         /
         \       /
        1 \     / 2
           \   /
            \ /


If it helps, treat the graph as an Abstract Data Structure: don't
explicitely touch the graph itself, but write helper functions that touch
the graph for you.

def neighbors(graph, vertex):
    """Returns all names of the neighbors of the vertex."""
    ## ...  [fill me in]

def setEdge(graph, start_vertex, end_vertex, cost):
    """Sets an edge between the start_vertex and the end_vertex with a
    ## ... [fill me in]

def getEdgeCost(graph, start_vertex, end_vertex):
    """Looks up the cost for the edge between start_vertex and end_vertex.
    If no such edge exists, throws LookupError."""
    ## ... [fill me in]

Something like that.  All of the implementations need to be filled in.

The advantage of writing helper functions is that we can then manipulate
graphs at a more meaningful level.  Instead of saying:

    G['s']['x'] = 42

and worrying about managing a dictionary that contains another dictionary,
we can say:

    setEdge(G, 's', 'x', 42)

where the "graphiness" of our problem become more transparent.  The code
in the Cookbook doesn't do this ADT stuff only because the author assumed
that a dictionary within a dictionary is "obvious".  Obviously, this isn't
obvious.  *grin*

> > 2. How would I alter the above data structure such that all instances
> > of 'x' ends up being equal to 5. As per sample below.
> >
> > {'s':{'u':10, 'x':5},
> >      'u':{'v':1, 'x':5},
> >      'v':{'y':4},
> >      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
> >      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
> > }

The question is ambiguous.  Are we trying to make all edges that go into
'x' into five?  Or are we trying to change all the edges that go out of x
into five?  Or something else?  The main problem is that the question is
in terms of dictionaries, but the intent is not clear to us.  Can you
rephrase your question in terms of graphs?

What's nice about Python is that it's very easy to create compound data
structures with dictionaries.  What's not so nice is that it's all too
easy to treat all compound data structures as dictionaries.  *grin*

You may find it less confusing to write helper functions, like the
"Abstract Data Type" stuff above, and manipulate your graph through these
ADT functions.  That way, you don't have to worry about manipulating
dictionaries within dictionaries: instead, you can think in terms of the
graph problem you're trying to solve.

Good luck!

From alan.gauld at  Mon May 10 18:40:35 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon May 10 18:40:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multiple Dimension (array/list/whatever it is are).
References: <>
Message-ID: <008e01c436df$cf3461a0$6401a8c0@xp>

> 1. What is the data structure below called? 

> G = {'s':{'u':10, 'x':1},
>      'u':{'v':1, 'x':2},
>      'v':{'y':4},
>      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
>      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
>     }

A dictionary of dictionaries.
( key1:value1, key2:value2,...} 
is how to declare a dictionary, and in this case each value 
is also a dictionary.

> 2. How would I alter the above data structure such that all 
> instances of 'x' ends up being equal to 5. As per sample below.
> {'s':{'u':10, 'x':5},
>      'u':{'v':1, 'x':5},
>      'v':{'y':4},
>      'x':{'u':3, 'v':9, 'y':2},
>      'y':{'s':7, 'v':6}
> }

I assume you mean during program execution?

for key in G:
    try: key['x'] = 5
    except keyError: pass

Or something similar...

You might find the section on dictionaries in my new tutor helpful:


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From george at  Mon May 10 20:37:56 2004
From: george at (George Patterson)
Date: Mon May 10 20:38:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multiple Dimension (array/list/whatever it is are).
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 10 May 2004 18:03:50 +0930
George Patterson <> wrote:

> Hi All.
> A could of quick questions:
snipped:- no longer relevant.

> For those that want the rest of the code see 

Thanks to everyone that gave me some pointers. 

A couple of people were confused as to why i wanted to set the value of several edges to the same value, well you can have a point that is equal distance from at least three points on a plane. Also what if the plane is not regularly spaced but virtual?

I am involved in a computer network project that uses OSPF which happens to use the same algorithm (Dijkstra's algorithm). The length of the edge translates into cost of sending data over that route.

Two main rules

1. Use the shortest path through the least number of vertexes or hops. This involves not routing a packet from one end of the network to the other. Hence keeping local traffic local, subject to rule two.

2. Don't send traffic through a possibly congested node. This involves setting the cost higher as the bandwidth is used and routing around the node. As you do so the congested node can clear the back log and you can go back to routing via that node.

I gotta say that this mail list is a great idea. No spoon feeding!! Give someone the directions on opening the tin and let them feed themselves. Works for me. :-D


George Patterson

From dyoo at  Mon May 10 21:36:04 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon May 10 21:36:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multiple Dimension (array/list/whatever it is are).
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 11 May 2004, George Patterson wrote:

> I am involved in a computer network project that uses OSPF which happens
> to use the same algorithm (Dijkstra's algorithm). The length of the edge
> translates into cost of sending data over that route.

Hi George,

OSPF?  Googling...

Ah, ok.  I see it:

    16.1.  Calculating the shortest-path tree for an area

        This calculation yields the set of intra-area routes associated
        with an area (called hereafter Area A).  A router calculates the
        shortest-path tree using itself as the root.[22] The formation
        of the shortest path tree is done here in two stages.  In the
        first stage, only links between routers and transit networks are
        considered.  Using the Dijkstra algorithm, a tree is formed from
        this subset of the link state database.  In the second stage,
        leaves are added to the tree by considering the links to stub

        The procedure will be explained using the graph terminology that
        was introduced in Section 2.  The area's link state database is
        represented as a directed graph.  The graph's vertices are
        routers, transit networks and stub networks.

[text cut]

Wow.  Sounds like heady and exciting stuff.  I wish I were taking a
networking class...  Well, good luck in implementing it!  *grin*

If you have more Python related questions, please feel free to ask.

From pan at  Mon May 10 22:04:41 2004
From: pan at (
Date: Mon May 10 22:04:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: import problem (Chad Crabtree)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> --- wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I wanna import a class MyClass from a module
> > but something
> > weird just happened :
> > 
> > [1] import myModule   ===> ok
> > 
> > [2] from myModule import * ===> ok
> > 
> > [3] from myModule import MyClass ===> ImportError:
> > cannot import name MyClass
> > 
> > [4] But when I put [3] inside a class:
> > 
> >     class NewClass(object):
> >       def __init__(self):
> >          from myModule import MyClass    # <======= 
> >          self.item = MyClass()
> >   
> >     x = NewClass()
> >     print x.item.__doc__
> > 
> >     ===> THIS IS OK !!!
> > 
> > How come a class can't be imported when the
> > statement:
> > "from myModule import MyClass" is placed globally,
> > but 
> > no problem at all when it is inside a class ????
> Investigate a little.  You should at the interactive
> prompt type import myModule 
> then type dir(myModule) and see if your class is
> there.  If not then something strange has happend I'm
> sure.  In addition when you do this paste a traceback
> of the error.

Thx for who replied. I found a solution to fix the problem (although I 
still can't fully explain some weird behaviors). In myModule, there's a 
function 'cgiBrowser' placed BEFORE the class definition of MyClass. 
That function has error in some circumstances, resulting in a termination 
of myModule loading. After modifying that function, the problem is gone. 

The funny thing (before the problem was corrected) is, when the 
test_MyClass is executed the first time, it returns:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-
packages\Pythonwin\pywin\framework\", line 301, in RunScript
    exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
  File "D:\Pan\PC\Prog\lang\py\cgi\", line 8, in ?
    from myModule import MyClass
  File "D:\Pan\PC\Prog\lang\py\cgi\", line 6, in ?
    from test_MyClass import cgiBrowser     #<========================== [a]
  File "D:\Pan\PC\Prog\lang\py\cgi\", line 8, in ?
    from myModule import MyClass
ImportError: cannot import name MyClass

But if it is executed from the 2nd time and beyond, it returns:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python22\Lib\site-
packages\Pythonwin\pywin\framework\", line 301, in RunScript
    exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
  File "D:\Pan\PC\Prog\lang\py\cgi\", line 8, in ?
    from myModule import MyClass
ImportError: cannot import name MyClass

Note that at the first time it reports the error @ cgiBrowser (marked as
line [a] ), but since then more executions only report that it can't import 
the class MyClass. 

From isrgish at  Tue May 11 00:16:17 2004
From: isrgish at (Isr Gish)
Date: Tue May 11 00:16:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with os.walk
Message-ID: <>

The docs say that you can del the dirnames list. But when I tried doing it, it didn't work. 
Here is the help info:

Help on function walk in module os:

walk(top, topdown=True, onerror=None)
    Directory tree generator.
    For each directory in the directory tree rooted at top (including top
    itself, but excluding '.' and '..'), yields a 3-tuple
        dirpath, dirnames, filenames
    dirpath is a string, the path to the directory.  dirnames is a list of
    the names of the subdirectories in dirpath (excluding '.' and '..').
    filenames is a list of the names of the non-directory files in dirpath.
    Note that the names in the lists are just names, with no path components.
    To get a full path (which begins with top) to a file or directory in
    dirpath, do os.path.join(dirpath, name).
    If optional arg 'topdown' is true or not specified, the triple for a
    directory is generated before the triples for any of its subdirectories
    (directories are generated top down).  If topdown is false, the triple
    for a directory is generated after the triples for all of its
    subdirectories (directories are generated bottom up).
    When topdown is true, the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place
    (e.g., via del or slice assignment), and walk will only recurse into the
    subdirectories whose names remain in dirnames; this can be used to prune
    the search, or to impose a specific order of visiting.  Modifying
    dirnames when topdown is false is ineffective, since the directories in
    dirnames have already been generated by the time dirnames itself is

I tried del and dirnames = dirnames[0:0]
Both didn't work. The only thing that wOrked was.
for d in dirnames[:]:

And if I didn't make a copy it didn't work correctly. (it seems that for i in list works with indexing behindethe seigns).

All help in this will be appreciated.

All the best

From pan at  Tue May 11 02:10:04 2004
From: pan at (
Date: Tue May 11 02:10:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] documentations for attributes/properties ???
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I know that python uses 'documentation string' __doc__ for 
functions and classes. Is there something similar for attributes and
properties ???


From justinstraube at  Tue May 11 07:23:58 2004
From: justinstraube at (
Date: Tue May 11 04:21:49 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python & XML
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 9 May 2004 11:56:14 -0400, Isr wrote:
>Don't know anything about XML. But just wanted to mention that it's 
not advisable to assign anything to a built-in function name, or 
keyward.  The line:
>print = '\t\tPSETI'
>is doing just that. "print" is a built in keyword.

Thanks for pointing that out. That was just sloppy, sorry.

Ive managed a way to extract the wanted data from the xml string, 
though Im not sure if Im going about this in the best way. I think this 
should work for any SETI user.

#####   PSETI   #################

import httplib
from xml.dom import minidom

_name_ = 'PSETI'
_auth_ = ''
_date_ = 'May 11 2004'
_ver_ = '0.0004'
_inf_ = 'Python 2.3'

SETI = ""

while 1:
    print '\t', _name_, _ver_, '\t', _date_
    print '\n\tCreated by:', _auth_
    print '\tWritten in:', _inf_
    usrmail = raw_input('\nYour Email Address: ')

    if usrmail == '':
        usrmail = _auth_

    add = '/fcgi-bin/fcgi?cmd=user_xml&email=' + usrmail

    conx = httplib.HTTPConnection(SETI)
    conx.request("GET", add)
    response = conx.getresponse()

    if response.status == 500:
        print response.status, response.reason
        print """\n\t\tServer Error\n
        The page or site is temporarily down or disabled.
        Sorry for the inconvienience.

        Please try again later.\n"""

    data =

    if data[-33:] == 'No user with that name was found.':
        print """\n\t\tNo user with that name was found.
        Please check the email address and try again.\n"""


    xdata = minidom.parseString(data)

    ud = {}     #users dictionary

    usr = xdata.childNodes[1].childNodes

    for item in usr:
        if item.nodeType == item.ELEMENT_NODE:

            if item.tagName == 'userinfo':
                for node in item.childNodes:
                    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if node.tagName == 'name':
                            uname = node.toxml()
                            ud[1] = uname[6:-7] + ' <' + usrmail + '>'
                        elif node.tagName == 'numresults':
                            num = node.toxml()
                            ud[2] = num[12:-13]
                        elif node.tagName == 'cputime':
                            cput = node.toxml()
                            ud[3] = cput[9:-10]
                        elif node.tagName == 'avecpu':
                            avg = node.toxml()
                            ud[4] = avg[8:-9]
                        elif node.tagName == 'resultsperday':
                            rpd = node.toxml()
                            ud[5] = rpd[15:-16]
                        elif node.tagName == 'lastresulttime':
                            lrr = node.toxml()
                            ud[6] = lrr[16:-17]
                        elif node.tagName == 'regdate':
                            regd = node.toxml()
                            ud[7] = regd[9:-10]
                        elif node.tagName == 'usertime':
                            usrt = node.toxml()
                            ud[8] = usrt[10:-11]

            elif item.tagName == 'groupinfo':
                flist = ''  # if user has started multiple groups.
                for node in item.childNodes:
                    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if node.tagName == 'founder':
                            found = node.toxml()
                            found = found[82:-14]
                            flist = flist + ', ' + found
                        elif node.tagName == 'group':
                            group = node.toxml()
                            ud[10] = group[80:-12]
                    # founder list is added after all tags have been
                    # sliced,if user has started multiple groups
                    ud[9] = flist

            elif item.tagName == 'rankinfo':
                for node in item.childNodes:
                    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if node.tagName == 'rank':
                            rank = node.toxml()
                            ud[11] = rank[6:-7]
                        elif node.tagName == 'ranktotalusers':
                            total = node.toxml()
                            ud[12] = total[16:-17]
                        elif node.tagName == 'num_samerank':
                            same = node.toxml()
                            ud[13] = same[14:-15]
                        elif node.tagName == 'top_rankpct':
                            pct = node.toxml()
                            ud[14] = pct[13:-14]

            elif item.tagName == 'certinfo':
                for node in item.childNodes:
                    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if node.tagName == 'cert':
                            # Should be the highest certificate.
                            cert = node.toxml()
                            cert = cert[69:]
                            cert = cert[len(usrmail):]
                            ud[15] = cert[45:-11]
    # if user has not founder of a group
    if ud[9] == '':
        ud[9] = '<none>'
    #if user has no certificates yet
    if ud.has_key(15) == False:
        ud[15] = '<none>'

    print '\nUser:\t\t', ud[1]
    print 'Finished Units:', ud[2], 'over', ud[3]
    print 'Results/Day:\t', ud[4], ' Avg:', ud[5]
    print 'Last Result:\t', ud[6]
    print 'Registered on:\t', ud[7]
    print 'User for\t', ud[8]
    print 'Founder of: \t', ud[9][2:]
    print 'Member of: \t', ud[10]
    print 'Rank:\t\t', ud[11], 'of', ud[12], 'users total.'
    print 'Your Rank:\t', ud[13], ',', ud[14], 'users share the same 
    print 'Highest Cert: \t', ud[15]




From justinstraube at  Tue May 11 07:31:04 2004
From: justinstraube at (
Date: Tue May 11 04:25:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python & XML
Message-ID: <>

Sorry, for the repost but I accidentally sent before I could ask for a 
small bit of help. Can anyone spare a minute to look over this and give 
any points as to what I may be doing wrong or what could be done better?

Ive managed a way to extract the wanted data from the xml string, 
though Im not sure if Im going about this in the best way. I think this 
should work for any SETI user.

Thanks for your time,


#####   PSETI   #################

import httplib
from xml.dom import minidom

_name_ = 'PSETI'
_auth_ = ''
_date_ = 'May 11 2004'
_ver_ = '0.0004'
_inf_ = 'Python 2.3'

SETI = ""

while 1:
    print '\t', _name_, _ver_, '\t', _date_
    print '\n\tCreated by:', _auth_
    print '\tWritten in:', _inf_
    usrmail = raw_input('\nYour Email Address: ')

    if usrmail == '':
        usrmail = _auth_

    add = '/fcgi-bin/fcgi?cmd=user_xml&email=' + usrmail

    conx = httplib.HTTPConnection(SETI)
    conx.request("GET", add)
    response = conx.getresponse()

    if response.status == 500:
        print response.status, response.reason
        print """\n\t\tServer Error\n
        The page or site is temporarily down or disabled.
        Sorry for the inconvienience.

        Please try again later.\n"""

    data =

    if data[-33:] == 'No user with that name was found.':
        print """\n\t\tNo user with that name was found.
        Please check the email address and try again.\n"""


    xdata = minidom.parseString(data)

    ud = {}     #users dictionary

    usr = xdata.childNodes[1].childNodes

    for item in usr:
        if item.nodeType == item.ELEMENT_NODE:

            if item.tagName == 'userinfo':
                for node in item.childNodes:
                    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if node.tagName == 'name':
                            uname = node.toxml()
                            ud[1] = uname[6:-7] + ' <' + usrmail + '>'
                        elif node.tagName == 'numresults':
                            num = node.toxml()
                            ud[2] = num[12:-13]
                        elif node.tagName == 'cputime':
                            cput = node.toxml()
                            ud[3] = cput[9:-10]
                        elif node.tagName == 'avecpu':
                            avg = node.toxml()
                            ud[4] = avg[8:-9]
                        elif node.tagName == 'resultsperday':
                            rpd = node.toxml()
                            ud[5] = rpd[15:-16]
                        elif node.tagName == 'lastresulttime':
                            lrr = node.toxml()
                            ud[6] = lrr[16:-17]
                        elif node.tagName == 'regdate':
                            regd = node.toxml()
                            ud[7] = regd[9:-10]
                        elif node.tagName == 'usertime':
                            usrt = node.toxml()
                            ud[8] = usrt[10:-11]

            elif item.tagName == 'groupinfo':
                flist = ''  # if user has started multiple groups.
                for node in item.childNodes:
                    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if node.tagName == 'founder':
                            found = node.toxml()
                            found = found[82:-14]
                            flist = flist + ', ' + found
                        elif node.tagName == 'group':
                            group = node.toxml()
                            ud[10] = group[80:-12]
                    # founder list is added after all tags have been
                    # sliced,if user has started multiple groups
                    ud[9] = flist

            elif item.tagName == 'rankinfo':
                for node in item.childNodes:
                    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if node.tagName == 'rank':
                            rank = node.toxml()
                            ud[11] = rank[6:-7]
                        elif node.tagName == 'ranktotalusers':
                            total = node.toxml()
                            ud[12] = total[16:-17]
                        elif node.tagName == 'num_samerank':
                            same = node.toxml()
                            ud[13] = same[14:-15]
                        elif node.tagName == 'top_rankpct':
                            pct = node.toxml()
                            ud[14] = pct[13:-14]

            elif item.tagName == 'certinfo':
                for node in item.childNodes:
                    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if node.tagName == 'cert':
                            # Should be the highest certificate.
                            cert = node.toxml()
                            cert = cert[69:]
                            cert = cert[len(usrmail):]
                            ud[15] = cert[45:-11]
    # if user has not founder of a group
    if ud[9] == '':
        ud[9] = '<none>'
    #if user has no certificates yet
    if ud.has_key(15) == False:
        ud[15] = '<none>'

    print '\nUser:\t\t', ud[1]
    print 'Finished Units:', ud[2], 'over', ud[3]
    print 'Results/Day:\t', ud[4], ' Avg:', ud[5]
    print 'Last Result:\t', ud[6]
    print 'Registered on:\t', ud[7]
    print 'User for\t', ud[8]
    print 'Founder of: \t', ud[9][2:]
    print 'Member of: \t', ud[10]
    print 'Rank:\t\t', ud[11], 'of', ud[12], 'users total.'
    print 'Your Rank:\t', ud[13], ',', ud[14], 'users share the same 
    print 'Highest Cert: \t', ud[15]




From denis.spir at  Tue May 11 04:15:51 2004
From: denis.spir at (denis)
Date: Tue May 11 06:14:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data>
Message-ID: <002601c43740$a5cc97e0$3e25933e@spir>


I'm starting a new thread, rather a thread class in fact ;-), about Python's
'art' of bindind variables and data. I have been and still am surprised
about that --maybe because I didn't learn programming with this idiom.

In a short series of messages prefixed like this one, I'll try and introduce
my own surprises & discoverings, leading to temporary conclusions &
questions. Thus, much of what I introduce may be wrong ! I hope this will be
useful to many, expecting comments, corrections and... wonders.


PS: The first thread starts today. There may be 3 to 5 threads abouts
several aspects of the var:data topic.
Hope you welcome.

From op73418 at  Tue May 11 06:41:04 2004
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Tue May 11 06:38:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] documentations for attributes/properties ???
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Em Tue, 11 May 2004 01:10:04 -0500, atirou este peixe
aos pinguins:

>I know that python uses 'documentation string' __doc__ for 
>functions and classes. Is there something similar for attributes and
>properties ???

For properties yes (After all, they are syntactic sugar for function
calls) for attributes no. Any info pertaining to attributes is usually
in the class's docstring ot the class's __init__ docstring.

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

From sigurd at  Tue May 11 08:28:38 2004
From: sigurd at (=?iso-8859-1?q?Karl_Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue May 11 08:30:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with os.walk
In-Reply-To: <> (Isr Gish's message of
	"Tue, 11 May 2004 00:16:17 -0400")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11 May 2004, Isr Gish <- wrote:

> The docs say that you can del the dirnames list. But when I tried doing it, it
> didn't work. Here is the help info:


> I tried del and dirnames = dirnames[0:0]
> Both didn't work. The only thing that wOrked was.
> for d in dirnames[:]:
>     dirnames.remove(d)

What did you write exactly?  I tried the example from the docs and it
worked as expected

import os
from os.path import join, getsize
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
    print root, "consumes",
    print sum([getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files]),
    print "bytes in", len(files), "non-directory files"
    if 'CVS' in dirs:
        dirs.remove('CVS')  # don't visit CVS directories

I ran that in a directory where if have a CVS subdirectory and that
didn't get visited.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list

From at  Tue May 11 10:56:00 2004
From: at (Tim Peters)
Date: Tue May 11 10:55:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with os.walk
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Isr Gish]
> The docs say that you can del the dirnames list.

"the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place (e.g., via del or slice

"in-place" means things of the form

    del dirnames[1:]


    dirnames[:] = ['new directory']

> But when I tried doing it, it didn't work.

You have to show the exact code you used, else nobody can guess.


> I tried del

That's not enough to guess.  Maybe you did

    del dirnames

?  That indeed would not work.

> and dirnames = dirnames[0:0]

The binds dirnames to a brand new object, so is not an in-place modification
either.  If you want to empty dirnames entirely, two ways to do it in-place

    del dirnames[:]


    dirnames[:] = []

> Both didn't work. The only thing that wOrked was.
> for d in dirnames[:]:
>     dirnames.remove(d)

The two above will also work.

> And if I didn't make a copy it didn't work correctly. (it seems
> that for i in list works with indexing behindethe seigns).

Yes.  This is documented in the Language Reference manual (not the Library
Reference manual), in the section on "for" loops.

From denis.spir at  Tue May 11 12:14:07 2004
From: denis.spir at (denis)
Date: Tue May 11 12:15:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> assignment
Message-ID: <001401c43773$10e92ca0$262ae4d5@spir>

[first thread of the 'var:data' class :-)]

Q: what happens with 'myVar = myVal'?
Qbis: why such a question?

When a variable is assigned for the first time, the language
itself --python's 'decoder' which is not written in python, but in C
instead-- has to yield a link between the variable and its associated data .
There are at least to things (not to say: onject') involved: the variable's
name and the value itself.
The value must obviously be stored somehow, if it's not already, which
actually means it must be put somewhere in a memory site --that is: yield
data. Then, Python must draw a kind of name --> value mapping to recover it
when needed, let's call that 'registration'. This is of course, you have
noted it ;-) the structure of a Python dictionary:

name1: value1, name2: value2, name3: value3, ...

or a pair of associated lists (by indexes):

name1,  name2,  name3, ...
  |        |       |
value1, value2, value3, ...

Consider this:

class C:
    l=['voici', 'mes', 'articles']
    d={1:'un', 2:'deux'}

>>> dir(C)
['__doc__', '__module__', 'd', 'i', 'l', 't', 'x']

>>> C.__dict__
{'__module__': '__main__', 'd': {1: 'un', 2: 'deux'}, 'i': 1, 'l': ['voici',
'mes', 'articles'], 't': 'text', 'x': 1.0, '__doc__': None}

Now, this doesn't mean that in the language's blackbox (in C), variable
registration is really implemented as a dictionary. Yet the language needs
not know where actually the value is. And if someone used python to design
another language, and dictionaries for variable registration, the actual
memory location of the data would be unknown and un-needed.

Now, consider the following line, using particuliar Python features:
>>> t1='salut'
>>> t2='salut'
>>> t1==t2, id(t1), id(t2), t1 is t2
(True, 18654912, 18654912, True)
>>> t2='hallo'
>>> t1==t2, id(t1), id(t2), t1 is t2
(False, 18654912, 18655776, False)

'id()' returns the so-called 'identity' of a variable, if fact the memory
address of its bound data, and 'is' checks if two variables have the same
id-s. The above lines tell us several things:
First, when a value already exists, it isn't created again and stored in
another place.
Second, two variables can thus share same value *and* same id: there
synonyms, or aliases.
Third, conversely, when a value changes, its place changes, too.

All of this leads (me) to question the above dictionary-like model. It seems
that, instead of values, the id-s are bound to variable names. This better
explains the three comments above:

name1: address1, name2: address2, name3: address3, ...    (address=id)

or a pair of associated lists:

name1,     name2,    name3, ...
  |          |         |
address1, address2, address3, ...

Of course, both of the models would be possible; the second one is right in
python, as other noticeable facts will show it. These models can be better
designed and distinguished by another picture:
[you'll need a fixed-width font]

>>> a=1; b=1; c=2
>>> id(a), id(b),id(c)
(7742480, 7742480, 7748592)
>>> a is b, a is c, b is c
(True, False, False)

'a' --> | 1 |
'b' --> | 1 |                 first model
'c' --> | 2 |


'a' --> | adr1 | \
         ------   \   ---
                   > | 1 |
         ------   /   ---
'b' --> | adr1 | /           second model

         ------       ---
'c' --> | adr2 | --> | 2 |
         ------       ---

In other words, in the second case we have on one side a set of name:address
pairs, and on the other side a set of data (see C pointers).

In the first case, we could see a variable as a kind of labeled box holding
a simple value, hence representing an assignment with:
a <- 1    (a) 'gets' 1
Or we could see variables like names whose purpose is to label data, the
data beeing boxes holding values, and thus an assignment could be
a -> 1    'a' 'is fixed to' 1

Neither (?) of these pictures match the actual variable processing by
Python. In python, we could eventually see variables as labeled boxes
holding adresses,
pointing to data ; while the data would be unlabeled boxes holding values:
a --> 1    a 'points to' 1 (C pointers, bis)

Now, consider the case of compound data:

>>> l1=[1,2]
>>> l2=[1,2]
>>> l1 == l2, l1 is l2
(True, False)

This contredicts the first rule saying that if a data exists, it needs not
created again. l1 and l2 hold the same data --there're equal--, but not at
same place --they're not identical in the sense of Python's idiom.
We can explain this (at first sight) strange behaviour by recursively
applying the other rule, the one saying that a variable isn't bound to a
value, but to an address instead. If we compare a list to an object holding
(named) data:

object data:     list data:
line_count       item#0
file_name        item#1

In the case of the object, it's obvious that both attributes, say
'sub_variables', will behave like 'real' variables, that is names associated
to addresses, where is actual data take place. Hence, the consequence is
that the object's data won't be a list of values, but a list of name:adress
pairs instead!

                   -----       ------------------------
'object_name' --> | adr | --> | list of name:adr pairs |
                   -----       ------------------------
                                              '--> actual data

The same for a list; except that names are replaced by indexes (thus, an
index is a particuliar form of a key, indeed).

                   -----       ------------------------
'list_name' --> | adr | --> | list of indexed adresses |
                   -----       ------------------------
                                              '--> actual data

If you think you have understood the mysteries of pythonesque data , read

>>> l1=[1]
>>> l2=[1]
>>> l1 is l2

>>> l1=l2=[1]
>>> l1 is l2

>>> l1=[1]; l2=[1]
>>> l1 is l2

>>> l1=l2
>>> l1 is l2



From bgailer at  Tue May 11 12:29:24 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Tue May 11 12:28:57 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> assignment
In-Reply-To: <001401c43773$10e92ca0$262ae4d5@spir>
References: <001401c43773$10e92ca0$262ae4d5@spir>
Message-ID: <>

At 10:14 AM 5/11/2004, denis wrote:
>[first thread of the 'var:data' class :-)]

I'm having trouble understanding the purpose of this thread, and especially 
its presence on a Tutor list. Could you tell us what you want from us?

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From denis.spir at  Tue May 11 13:29:36 2004
From: denis.spir at (denis)
Date: Tue May 11 13:31:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> assignment
References: <001401c43773$10e92ca0$262ae4d5@spir>
Message-ID: <003201c4377d$985eb600$3942933e@spir>

corrections, comments, critics... such things

It's a trial to explain (also to myself).
As I say in the text, I'm not sure that the model is right.


PS : Is tutor a right place for this? Who knows?
(The title prefix makes it easy to delete overloading messages if ever

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Gailer <>
To: denis <>; tutor python <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] <var:data> assignment

> At 10:14 AM 5/11/2004, denis wrote:
> >[first thread of the 'var:data' class :-)]
> I'm having trouble understanding the purpose of this thread, and
> its presence on a Tutor list. Could you tell us what you want from us?
> [snip]
> Bob Gailer
> 303 442 2625 home
> 720 938 2625 cell

From pan at  Tue May 11 14:16:32 2004
From: pan at (
Date: Tue May 11 14:16:40 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: documentations for attributes/properties ???
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >I know that python uses 'documentation string' __doc__ for 
> >functions and classes. Is there something similar for attributes and
> >properties ???
> For properties yes (After all, they are syntactic sugar for function
> calls) for attributes no. Any info pertaining to attributes is usually
> in the class's docstring ot the class's __init__ docstring.

So, how does the docstring for properties work ? Can you give 
an example ?

From jfabiani at  Tue May 11 14:22:27 2004
From: jfabiani at (John Fabiani)
Date: Tue May 11 14:20:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] tutorial for dbapi 2.0 how to use data
Message-ID: <>

mycur.execute("select * from sosord")

The above works and returns data.  But know I need to understand how to 
view the data.  Maybe there is a way to convert the returned list into a 
dictionary.  A dictionary would allow me to get information by key (the 
field name).  Anyway, is there some paper or tutorial I can read on how 
to view the return data?

From mruiz at  Mon May 10 14:58:05 2004
From: mruiz at (mruiz)
Date: Tue May 11 14:32:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] 1 quick question

We have an intranet and we use python for searching our web server for
documents(pdf, ppt, doc, and etc.).  Right now if we do a search by text
it finds all docs and list them but I wanted to tweek it so that it can
show 1st 50 characters of document.  A programmer before put this in
place but with no documentation.  I was wondering is there a script that
I can tweek to make this happen. 

Michael Ruiz
Polymedco, Inc.
Please visit our educational websites:

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From magnus at  Tue May 11 14:50:50 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue May 11 14:50:59 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gMSBxdWljayBxdWVzdGlvbg==?=
Message-ID: <>

For instance, Nuxeo's CPS does this. See
CPS does a lot more than that, and I don't know how easy it is to
extract the relevant parts, but the transforms seems to be here:

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fr?n: mruiz <>
Skickat: 2004-05-10  20:58:05
?mne: [Tutor] 1 quick question

> We have an intranet and we use python for searching our web server for
> documents(pdf, ppt, doc, and etc.).  Right now if we do a search by text
> it finds all docs and list them but I wanted to tweek it so that it can
> show 1st 50 characters of document.  A programmer before put this in
> place but with no documentation.  I was wondering is there a script that
> I can tweek to make this happen. 
> Michael Ruiz
> Programmer/Analyst
> Polymedco, Inc.
> Please visit our educational websites:
> and

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dyoo at  Tue May 11 14:51:29 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue May 11 14:51:37 2004
Subject: [Tutor] tutorial for dbapi 2.0 how to use data
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 11 May 2004, John Fabiani wrote:

> Hi,
> mycur=con.cursor()
> mycur.execute("select * from sosord")
> mydata=mycur.fetchmany(10)
> The above works and returns data.  But know I need to understand how to
> view the data.  Maybe there is a way to convert the returned list into a
> dictionary.  A dictionary would allow me to get information by key (the
> field name).  Anyway, is there some paper or tutorial I can read on how
> to view the return data?

Hi John,

If you are using MySQLdb, then yes, there is a way of getting a customized
cursor that returns dictionaries instead of tuples.  For example:

>>> import MySQLdb.cursors
>>> cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
>>> cursor.execute("select * from pub_term where is_obsolete='n'")
>>> cursor.fetchone()
{'parentage': None, 'definition': 'A complex containing a heterodimer of a
catalytic subunit and a regulatory (adaptor) subunit of any
phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K).', 'pub_object_id': 47030L,
'public_comment': None, 'date_entered': <DateTime object for '2001-05-31
00:00:00.00' at 400fdc98>, 'name': 'phosphoinositide 3-kinase complex',
'reference': None, 'date_updated': <DateTime object for '2003-10-07
00:00:00.00' at 40115640>, 'is_obsolete': 'n', 'pub_gene_id': None,
'entered_by': None, 'tair_keyword_id': 1L, 'go_external_id': 'GO:0005942',
'is_temporary': 'n', 'replaced_by': None, 'type': 'comp', 'id': 291L,
'date_last_synchronized': <DateTime object for '2003-10-10 00:00:00.00' at
40115678>, 'updated_by': None}

Hmmm... that was a little messy.  Let me use the pprint module to
pretty-print that output:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(cursor.fetchone())
{'date_entered': <DateTime object for '2001-05-31 00:00:00.00' at
 'date_last_synchronized': <DateTime object for '2003-01-21 00:00:00.00'
at 40115720>,
 'date_updated': <DateTime object for '2002-07-23 00:00:00.00' at
 'definition': None,
 'entered_by': None,
 'go_external_id': 'GO:0005943',
 'id': 292L,
 'is_obsolete': 'n',
 'is_temporary': 'n',
 'name': '1-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate kinase, class IA complex',
 'parentage': None,
 'pub_gene_id': None,
 'pub_object_id': 47031L,
 'public_comment': None,
 'reference': None,
 'replaced_by': None,
 'tair_keyword_id': 2L,
 'type': 'comp',
 'updated_by': None}

There you go.  *grin*

Even if other database modules don't support this dictionary cursor
directly, the DBI API 2.0 reference at:

says that all cursors need to have a 'description' attribute that gets set
whenever we execute a query:

>>> cursor = conn.cursor()   ## using the default cursor
>>> cursor.execute('select * from pub_term limit 1')
>>> pprint(cursor.description)
(('id', 3, 3, 12, 12, 0, 0),
 ('go_external_id', 253, 10, 20, 20, 0, 1),
 ('pub_object_id', 3, 5, 12, 12, 0, 1),
 ('name', 253, 33, 200, 200, 0, 1),
 ('type', 253, 4, 4, 4, 0, 1),
 ('date_entered', 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 1),
 ('entered_by', 3, 0, 12, 12, 0, 1),
 ('definition', 252, 133, 65535, 65535, 0, 1),
 ('reference', 253, 0, 100, 100, 0, 1),
 ('pub_gene_id', 3, 0, 12, 12, 0, 1),
 ('is_temporary', 254, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1),
 ('date_updated', 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 1),
 ('updated_by', 3, 0, 12, 12, 0, 1),
 ('is_obsolete', 254, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
 ('replaced_by', 3, 0, 12, 12, 0, 1),
 ('parentage', 252, 0, 65535, 65535, 0, 1),
 ('tair_keyword_id', 3, 1, 12, 12, 0, 1),
 ('date_last_synchronized', 10, 10, 10, 10, 0, 1),
 ('public_comment', 252, 0, 65535, 65535, 0, 1))

and given this, we can probably cook up a 'fetch_dict()' function from any

Hope this helps!

From magnus at  Tue May 11 16:47:44 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue May 11 16:47:54 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gPHZhcjpkYXRhPiBhc3NpZ25tZW50?=
Message-ID: <>

Hi Denis, I think it's a really good initiative to bring something like 
this up on the Tutor list. (This is obviously the right place to bring 
up such questions.) I hope it will enlighten more people on the list.
To really understand these kinds of fundamental aspects of a programming
language, and of programming in general, is certainly a big advantage if
we want to be able to write working programs in a predictable manner.

You are very close to the Pythonic view of variables and names when you 
draw the parallel with a dictionary. You are slightly off target though. 
The id() function *does* tell you the location of the actual object in 
question. There is no extra level of indirection involved.

Denis wrote:
>          ---
> 'a' --> | 1 |
>          ---
>          ---
> 'b' --> | 1 |                 first model
>          ---
>          ---
> 'c' --> | 2 |
>          ---
> or:
>          ------
> 'a' --> | adr1 | \
>          ------   \   ---
>                    > | 1 |
>          ------   /   ---
> 'b' --> | adr1 | /           second model
>          ------
>          ------       ---
> 'c' --> | adr2 | --> | 2 |
>          ------       ---

Both these models are wrong. What happens is that for some kinds of 
immutable objects, that we are likely to use repeatedly, such as small 
integers and short strings, Python doesn't create duplicates, but
reuses already created values/objects. This is called interning. In 
other words, the correct model is as simple as this:

'a' \
     \   ---
      > | 1 |
     /   ---
'b' /

'c' --> | 2 |

Note that it's only for particular object that this interned use
is utilized. E.g.

>>> i1 = 5
>>> id(i1)
>>> i2 = 5
>>> id(i2)
>>> i3 = 123456789
>>> id(i3)
>>> i4 = 123456789
>>> id(i4)


'i1' \
      \   ---
       > | 5 |
      /   ---
'i2' /

'i3' --> | 123456789 |

'i4' --> | 123456789 |

>>> s1 = "Hello"
>>> s2 = "Hello"
>>> s1 is s2

's1' \
      \   -------
       > | Hello |
      /   -------
's2' /

>>> s1 = "Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world?"
>>> s2 = "Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world?"
>>> s1 is s2

's1' --> | Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world? |

's2' --> | Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world? |

If you know that you use a particular string often, or need to make it
faster to i.e. speed up dictionary access with this string as a key,
you can force Python to intern it. (It's only for strings you can do

>>> s3 = intern("Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world?")
>>> s4 = intern("Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world?")
>>> s3 is s4

's3' \
      \   --------------------------------------------------------
       > | Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world? |
      /   --------------------------------------------------------
's4' /

I'm not sure exactly what algorithm Python uses to decide which objects to
intern automagically.

Python never interns mutable objects. Why?

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 11 17:11:47 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue May 11 17:11:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> assignment
References: <001401c43773$10e92ca0$262ae4d5@spir>
Message-ID: <006101c4379c$921852f0$6401a8c0@xp>

Hi Denis,

Some quite profound things here, slightly confused because you
have happened to stumble on some special optimisations in
Python for your examples!

> data. Then, Python must draw a kind of name --> value mapping to
recover it
> when needed, let's call that 'registration'. This is of course, you
> noted it ;-) the structure of a Python dictionary:

Indeed, almost everything in Python is implemented upon dictionaries.

> Now, this doesn't mean that in the language's blackbox (in C),
> registration is really implemented as a dictionary.

But in fact it is.

> Third, conversely, when a value changes, its place changes, too.

Not quite. When a value changes a new value is stored in its place.
The old value is lost. Or at least it is for immutable types such
as the numbers and strings that you are using.

For mutable types such as lists the pictire changes.

> All of this leads (me) to question the above dictionary-like model.
It seems
> that, instead of values, the id-s are bound to variable names.

No, in these cases they are bound to addresses as you point out later.
There are no names involved, either in Python or even in C.

> Python. In python, we could eventually see variables as labeled
> holding adresses, pointing to data ; while the data would be
> boxes holding values:

Absolutely correct, and the variables therefore are the labels. That
is variable names in Python are just that names. Names used as keys
in a dictionary and the values are the addresses of the data objects.

> Now, consider the case of compound data:
> >>> l1=[1,2]
> >>> l2=[1,2]
> >>> l1 == l2, l1 is l2
> (True, False)
> This contredicts the first rule saying that if a data exists, it
needs not
> beeing created again. l1 and l2 hold the same data --there're
> but not at the same place --they're not identical

Correct because lists are not immutable. Python has a clear
in the way it handles mutable and imutable data.

> We can explain this (at first sight) strange behaviour by
> applying the other rule, the one saying that a variable isn't bound
to a
> value, but to an address instead.

Correct, the address of the list in this case.

> >>> l1=[1]
> >>> l2=[1]
> >>> l1 is l2
> False

Which is as you would expect since the two lists are different
they hold references to the same object

l1 -> [] -> 1
l2 -> [] ---+

> >>> l1=l2=[1]
> >>> l1 is l2
> True

Because they point to the same list

l1 -> [] -> 1
l2 ----+

> >>> l1=[1]; l2=[1]
> >>> l1 is l2
> False

Exactly the same as the first example

> >>> l1=l2
> >>> l1 is l2
> True

Exactly the same as the second example except that the list doesn't
contain any data. BTW This is all explained in the Python Language
Reference albeit in fairly technical words... And if you read C you
can always read the source! :-)

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 11 17:18:17 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue May 11 17:18:00 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> assignment
Message-ID: <007401c4379d$7a214390$6401a8c0@xp>

> Correct because lists are not immutable. Python has a clear
> distinction in the way it handles mutable and imutable data.

Actually as Magnus pointed out it's not really the immutability 
that's the issue here it's the internalisation of short strings 
and low value integers. The fact that they happen to be immutable 
is somewhat orthogonal to the discussion.

However I don't think that minor faux pas changes too much of 
the rest of what I said!

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Tue May 11 17:24:28 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue May 11 17:24:38 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gPHZhcjpkYXRhPiBhc3NpZ25tZW50?=
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> If you know that you use a particular string often, or need to make it
> faster to i.e. speed up dictionary access with this string as a key, you
> can force Python to intern it. (It's only for strings you can do this.)
> >>> s3 = intern("Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world?")
> >>> s4 = intern("Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world?")
> >>> s3 is s4
> True
> 's3' \
>       \   --------------------------------------------------------
>        > | Hello there, how is it out in the dark and cold world? |
>       /   --------------------------------------------------------
> 's4' /
> I'm not sure exactly what algorithm Python uses to decide which objects
> to intern automagically.

Hi Magnus,

According to:

the names that are used in Python programs are interned for performance

The word "intern" really should apply to strings; I don't think intern()
works on arbitrary objects.  Let's check:

>>> intern(100)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: intern() argument 1 must be string, not int

Yup, just strings.

As an optimization hack, the integers in the half-open interval range

    [-5, 100)

are created in advance and are kept alive in the Python runtime, so that a
request for a small integer is quickly fulfilled by dipping into this
"small integer" pool.

[For the C programmers here: the relevant performance hack lives in the
Python source code under Objects/intobject.c.  Here's a small snippet:

#define NSMALLPOSINTS           100
#define NSMALLNEGINTS           5
/* References to small integers are saved in this array so that they
   can be shared.
   The integers that are saved are those in the range
   -NSMALLNEGINTS (inclusive) to NSMALLPOSINTS (not inclusive).
static PyIntObject *small_ints[NSMALLNEGINTS + NSMALLPOSINTS];

This is an optimization hack, and the code explicitely shows that Python
can easily do without it: if we set NSMALLPOSINTS and NSMALLNEGINTS both
to zero, and recompile Python, we should see no difference in behavior
(although we'll probably see a drop in performance.)  At least, I think
the C code can handle this situation... *grin*]

> Python never interns mutable objects. Why?

Aliasing reasons.  If strings were mutable, then something like:

### Pseudocode
word1 = intern("hello")
word2 = intern("hello")
word2[1] = 'a'

would raise havok: what would we expect word1 to contain, "hello" or

Interning is a caching technique, and caching objects like strings works
best when we treat object as immutable "value" objects.  But as soon as we
try caching mutable objects, there's a lot of complex aliasing behavior
that might happen.  So Python doesn't provide us an automatic way to do

Hope this helps!

From dyoo at  Tue May 11 17:30:51 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue May 11 17:30:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] tutorial for dbapi 2.0 how to use data (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

[Forwarding to Tutor: please make sure to keep in CC; if
I'm busy, we still want you to be able to get responses from the group.]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 13:36:38 -0700
From: John Fabiani <>
To: Danny Yoo <>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] tutorial for dbapi 2.0 how to use data

Danny Yoo wrote:

>On Tue, 11 May 2004, John Fabiani wrote:

>>mycur.execute("select * from sosord")
>>The above works and returns data.  But know I need to understand how to
>>view the data.  Maybe there is a way to convert the returned list into a
>>dictionary.  A dictionary would allow me to get information by key (the
>>field name).  Anyway, is there some paper or tutorial I can read on how
>>to view the return data?
>If you are using MySQLdb, then yes, there is a way of getting a customized
>cursor that returns dictionaries instead of tuples.  For example:
>>>>import MySQLdb.cursors
>>>>cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
>>>>cursor.execute("select * from pub_term where is_obsolete='n'")
>{'parentage': None, 'definition': 'A complex containing a heterodimer of a
>catalytic subunit and a regulatory (adaptor) subunit of any
>phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K).', 'pub_object_id': 47030L,

[text cut]

This is a great first step!  I'm using the Postgres pgPySQL module.  How
can I tell if the module supports the cursors that MySQL supports?
description appears to return a tuple that contains tuples.  The first
column returns the field name - any chance you know what the other
columns mean?
So how do I setup the dictionary as in
{"id": 123, "go_external_id": 456, "name":"john", "type": "dumb",
"date_entered": 01/01/04 ...........}

The bottom line is I want to be able to access and change the data.
Isn't there some tutorial or something I can read that explains how this
is suppose to work?

I'd like to do things like the following:
loop thru the data
    make some test
         change some of the data in the current row/ list
 Save the data...
The above would be just normal database activities.....

From dyoo at  Tue May 11 18:41:21 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue May 11 18:41:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Python & XML
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 11 May 2004 wrote:

> Sorry, for the repost but I accidentally sent before I could ask for a
> small bit of help. Can anyone spare a minute to look over this and give
> any points as to what I may be doing wrong or what could be done better?

Hi Justin,

Code review time!  *grin* Here are some suggestions:

It might be good to break out some of the functions into separate
functions.  For example:

>     print '\t', _name_, _ver_, '\t', _date_
>     print '\n\tCreated by:', _auth_
>     print '\tWritten in:', _inf_

could be given a name like printWelcome():

def printWelcome():
    print '\t', _name_, _ver_, '\t', _date_
    print '\n\tCreated by:', _auth_
    print '\tWritten in:', _inf_

Another part that can be broken out is the grabbing of the XML data:

>     add = '/fcgi-bin/fcgi?cmd=user_xml&email=' + usrmail
>     conx = httplib.HTTPConnection(SETI)
>     conx.request("GET", add)
>     response = conx.getresponse()
>     if response.status == 500:
>         print response.status, response.reason
>         print """\n\t\tServer Error\n
>         The page or site is temporarily down or disabled.
>         Sorry for the inconvienience.
>         Please try again later.\n"""
>         break
>     data =
>     if data[-33:] == 'No user with that name was found.':
>         print """\n\t\tNo user with that name was found.
>         Please check the email address and try again.\n"""
>         break
>     conx.close()
>     xdata = minidom.parseString(data)

This block can be given a name like 'getXmlDomTree()':

def getXmlDomTree(usrmail):
    add = '/fcgi-bin/fcgi?cmd=user_xml&email=' + usrmail

    conx = httplib.HTTPConnection(SETI)
    conx.request("GET", add)
    response = conx.getresponse()

    if response.status == 500:
        print response.status, response.reason
        print """\n\t\tServer Error\n
        The page or site is temporarily down or disabled.
        Sorry for the inconvienience.

        Please try again later.\n"""

    data =

    if data[-33:] == 'No user with that name was found.':
        print """\n\t\tNo user with that name was found.
        Please check the email address and try again.\n"""


    xdata = minidom.parseString(data)
    return xdata

Breaking things down into smaller functions is not really for the
computer, but for us humans.  *grin* It's a little easier to understand a
small function, because we can limit the scope of what we're look at to a
"paragraph" of program text.

The block of code that starts of as:

>                 for node in item.childNodes:
>                     if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
>                         if node.tagName == 'name':
>                             uname = node.toxml()
>                             ud[1] = uname[6:-7] + ' <' + usrmail + '>'
>                             node.unlink
>                         elif node.tagName == 'numresults':
>                             num = node.toxml()
>                             ud[2] = num[12:-13]
>                             node.unlink
>                         elif node.tagName == 'cputime':
>                             cput = node.toxml()
>                             ud[3] = cput[9:-10]
>                             node.unlink
>                         elif node.tagName == 'avecpu':
>                             avg = node.toxml()
>                             ud[4] = avg[8:-9]
>                             node.unlink
>                         elif node.tagName == 'resultsperday':
>                             rpd = node.toxml()
>                             ud[5] = rpd[15:-16]
>                             node.unlink
>                         elif node.tagName == 'lastresulttime':
>                             lrr = node.toxml()
>                             ud[6] = lrr[16:-17]
>                             node.unlink
>                         elif node.tagName == 'regdate':
>                             regd = node.toxml()
>                             ud[7] = regd[9:-10]
>                             node.unlink
>                         elif node.tagName == 'usertime':
>                             usrt = node.toxml()
>                             ud[8] = usrt[10:-11]
>                             node.unlink
>                         else:
>                             node.unlink

is repetitive.  Long chains of if/elif/elif/elif can often be simplified
if we put some of the program as data, rather than as explicit program

What does this mean?  Here's another way to get a similar effect:

# dispatchTable is a mapping from the tagName we're looking for, to a
# triple (ud_offset, left_slice, right_slice)
dispatchTable = { 'name'         : (1, 6, -7),
                  'numresults'   : (2, 12, -13),
                  'cputime'      : (3, 9, -10),
                  'avecpu'       : (4, 8, -9),
                  'resultsperday': (5, 15, -16),
                  'lastresultime': (6, 16, -17),
                  'regdate'      : (7, 9, -10),
                  'usertime'     : (8, 10, -11),
for node in item.childNodes:
    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
        if node.tagName in dispatchTable:
            offset, left_slice, right_slice = dispatchTable[node.tagName]
            ud[offset] = node.toxml()[left_slice : right_slice]

We can get rid of the repetitive logic, and keep the thing that is really
changing --- the index into 'ud' that we assign into, and the left and
right indices of our slice.  Not only is the code shorter, but it probably
is a little easier to debug: if we find that one of the numbers is wrong,
we can quickly zoom in, since all the numbers are visually collected

We did lose a little, because now 'name' is being handled the same way as
the other tags.  But we can fix this by treating it as a special case:

dispatchTable = {
                  ## name is treated as a special case
                  'numresults'   : (2, 12, -13),
                  'cputime'      : (3, 9, -10),
                  'avecpu'       : (4, 8, -9),
                  'resultsperday': (5, 15, -16),
                  'lastresultime': (6, 16, -17),
                  'regdate'      : (7, 9, -10),
                  'usertime'     : (8, 10, -11),
for node in item.childNodes:
    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
        if node.tagName in dispatchTable:
            offset, left_slice, right_slice = dispatchTable[node.tagName]
            ud[offset] = node.toxml()[left_slice : right_slice]
        elif node.tagName == 'name':
            uname = node.toxml()
            ud[1] = uname[6:-7] + ' <' + usrmail + '>'

So we benefit of treating the general case in a uniform way, but also
leave some room for doing special-case stuff if we really need it.

One other thing, though: we don't have to do the node.toxml()/slicing
technique to get at the text within a node.  That approach is error prone,
since it tries to work with indices that can change at the whim of an XML
DOM implementation.  Instead, take a look at the example in:

The example uses a 'getText()' function that's more robust.  Look at the
example, and then just cut-and-paste it.  *grin* This alone should cut
down on a lot of the manual string-slicing that you must have calculated
by hand.

With the techniques above, you can probably cut down the program
considerably to something very concise and sweet.

Please feel free to ask questions on any of this.  Good luck to you!

From lbblair at  Tue May 11 19:28:39 2004
From: lbblair at (Larry Blair)
Date: Tue May 11 19:29:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] tutorial for dbapi 2.0 how to use data (fwd)
Message-ID: <AEDF6343B4BDD41195AF00508BEEF26D070E8462@EXCHANGE_SERVER>

I am doing the same kind of stuff currently. Here is what I am using for
oracle and using cx's modules. To see the data I put a print row after the
last line in the for. This creates a list. A dictionary is any harder to do.

    cur.execute("select file_name,tablespace_name ,bytes from dba_data_files
where tablespace_name not in (select DISTINCT TABLESPACE_NAME from
dba_rollback_segs where owner <> 'SYS')")

    for row in cur.fetchall():
        item = [row[0],row[1],row[2],"DATAFILE"]

-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Yoo []
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:31 PM
To: Tutor
Subject: Re: [Tutor] tutorial for dbapi 2.0 how to use data (fwd)

[Forwarding to Tutor: please make sure to keep in CC; if
I'm busy, we still want you to be able to get responses from the group.]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 13:36:38 -0700
From: John Fabiani <>
To: Danny Yoo <>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] tutorial for dbapi 2.0 how to use data

Danny Yoo wrote:

>On Tue, 11 May 2004, John Fabiani wrote:

>>mycur.execute("select * from sosord")
>>The above works and returns data.  But know I need to understand how to
>>view the data.  Maybe there is a way to convert the returned list into a
>>dictionary.  A dictionary would allow me to get information by key (the
>>field name).  Anyway, is there some paper or tutorial I can read on how
>>to view the return data?
>If you are using MySQLdb, then yes, there is a way of getting a customized
>cursor that returns dictionaries instead of tuples.  For example:
>>>>import MySQLdb.cursors
>>>>cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
>>>>cursor.execute("select * from pub_term where is_obsolete='n'")
>{'parentage': None, 'definition': 'A complex containing a heterodimer of a
>catalytic subunit and a regulatory (adaptor) subunit of any
>phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K).', 'pub_object_id': 47030L,

[text cut]

This is a great first step!  I'm using the Postgres pgPySQL module.  How
can I tell if the module supports the cursors that MySQL supports?
description appears to return a tuple that contains tuples.  The first
column returns the field name - any chance you know what the other
columns mean?
So how do I setup the dictionary as in
{"id": 123, "go_external_id": 456, "name":"john", "type": "dumb",
"date_entered": 01/01/04 ...........}

The bottom line is I want to be able to access and change the data.
Isn't there some tutorial or something I can read that explains how this
is suppose to work?

I'd like to do things like the following:
loop thru the data
    make some test
         change some of the data in the current row/ list
 Save the data...
The above would be just normal database activities.....

Tutor maillist  -

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for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain information
that is confidential privileged and/or exempt from disclosure under
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sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.
Thank you.

From magnus at  Tue May 11 20:25:56 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue May 11 20:26:06 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gPHZhcjpkYXRhPiBhc3NpZ25tZW50?=
Message-ID: <>

I wrote:
> > If you know that you use a particular string often, or need to make it
> > faster to i.e. speed up dictionary access with this string as a key, you
> > can force Python to intern it. (It's only for strings you can do this.)
> > I'm not sure exactly what algorithm Python uses to decide which objects
> > to intern automagically.

Danny responded:
> The word "intern" really should apply to strings; I don't think intern()
> works on arbitrary objects.

I just wrote that! But I guess I am a bit sloppy when I use the same 
word for basically the same thing being done on integers as on strings. 
God forbid using the name of builtin functions for any other purpose! ;) 
Do you have a better term for this sharing of objects?

> As an optimization hack, the integers in the half-open interval range
>     [-5, 100)
> are created in advance and are kept alive in the Python runtime, so that a
> request for a small integer is quickly fulfilled by dipping into this
> "small integer" pool.

Aha. Do you know how it's done with short strings? (Don't tell me
that strings such as "Hello" are created in advance by Python! :)

As I look further, it seems that it has nothing to do with size
as I thought, but that all strings that are valid Python identifiers
are interned. 

The manual says that "Normally, the names used in Python programs are 
automatically interned, and the dictionaries used to hold module, class 
or instance attributes have interned keys."

It's obviously more extensive than that. All string *literals* that 
could possibly be names used in Python programs seems to get interned.

Note that it only happens automatically with string literals, not with 
strings that are the result of an expression (as far as I can see).

>>> s1 = 'Hexllpwioutpreoiuwptriwpwreioptwr243523452345345___'
>>> s2 = 'Hexllpwioutpreoiuwptriwpwreioptwr243523452345345___'
>>> s1 is s2
>>> s1 = 'a.'
>>> s2 = 'a.'
>>> s1 is s2
>>> s1 = 'z'*2
>>> s2 = 'z'*2
>>> s1 is s2
>>> s1 = 'z' + 'a'
>>> s2 = 'z' + 'a'
>>> s1 is s2

> > Python never interns mutable objects. Why?
> Aliasing reasons.  If strings were mutable, then something like:
> ### Pseudocode
> word1 = intern("hello")
> word2 = intern("hello")
> word2[1] = 'a'
> ###
> would raise havok: what would we expect word1 to contain, "hello" or
> "hallo"?

Yes, yes I know. This was intended as a pedagogical question for 
the "pupil", not for the "professor"! ;)

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From magnus at  Tue May 11 20:38:51 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Tue May 11 20:38:58 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gdHV0b3JpYWwgZm9yIGRiYXBpIDIuMCBob3cgdG8gdXNlIGRhdGE=?=
Message-ID: <>

John Fabiani wrote:
> mycur=con.cursor()
> mycur.execute("select * from sosord")
> mydata=mycur.fetchmany(10)
> The above works and returns data.  But know I need to understand how to 
> view the data.  Maybe there is a way to convert the returned list into a 
> dictionary.  A dictionary would allow me to get information by key (the 
> field name).  Anyway, is there some paper or tutorial I can read on how 
> to view the return data?

There are some links at:

For instance, you can use db_row:

dtuple, SQLDict and dbObj do similar things.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From isrgish at  Tue May 11 21:30:11 2004
From: isrgish at (Isr Gish)
Date: Tue May 11 21:30:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with os.walk
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Timyfor the help.
I hadn't relized that it has to be changed *in place*.


-----Original Message-----
   >From: "Tim Peters"<>
   >Sent: 5/11/04 10:56:00 AM
   >To: "Isr Gish"<>
   >Cc: ""<>
   >Subject: RE: [Tutor] Problem with os.walk
   >[Isr Gish]
   >> The docs say that you can del the dirnames list.
   >"the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place (e.g., via del or slice
   >"in-place" means things of the form
   >    del dirnames[1:]
   >    dirnames[:] = ['new directory']
   >> But when I tried doing it, it didn't work.
   >You have to show the exact code you used, else nobody can guess.
   >> I tried del
   >That's not enough to guess.  Maybe you did
   >    del dirnames
   >?  That indeed would not work.
   >> and dirnames = dirnames[0:0]
   >The binds dirnames to a brand new object, so is not an in-place modification
   >either.  If you want to empty dirnames entirely, two ways to do it in-place
   >    del dirnames[:]
   >    dirnames[:] = []
   >> Both didn't work. The only thing that wOrked was.
   >> for d in dirnames[:]:
   >>     dirnames.remove(d)
   >The two above will also work.
   >> And if I didn't make a copy it didn't work correctly. (it seems
   >> that for i in list works with indexing behindethe seigns).
   >Yes.  This is documented in the Language Reference manual (not the Library
   >Reference manual), in the section on "for" loops.

From dyoo at  Tue May 11 21:59:12 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue May 11 21:59:17 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> assignment   [Python under the hood:
	optimizations at the C level]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 12 May 2004, Magnus Lycka wrote:

> I wrote:
> > > If you know that you use a particular string often, or need to make it
> > > faster to i.e. speed up dictionary access with this string as a key, you
> > > can force Python to intern it. (It's only for strings you can do this.)
> ..
> > > I'm not sure exactly what algorithm Python uses to decide which objects
> > > to intern automagically.
> Danny responded:
> > The word "intern" really should apply to strings; I don't think intern()
> > works on arbitrary objects.
> I just wrote that!

Hi Magnus,

My apologies! I read your message too quickly, and skipped over the part
where you mentioned that it worked on strings only.

I have a bad habit of tunnel vision --- good when debugging code, but not
so good when communicating with people.  *grin* I will try to be a better
listener next time.

> As I look further, it seems that it has nothing to do with size as I
> thought, but that all strings that are valid Python identifiers are
> interned.
> The manual says that "Normally, the names used in Python programs are
> automatically interned, and the dictionaries used to hold module, class
> or instance attributes have interned keys."
> It's obviously more extensive than that. All string *literals* that
> could possibly be names used in Python programs seems to get interned.

Yes, it's done at bytecode-compile time.  In Python/compile.c, there's a
step that interns all variable names and literals that are "name"-like

PyCodeObject *
PyCode_New(int argcount, int nlocals, int stacksize, int flags,
           PyObject *code, PyObject *consts, PyObject *names,
           PyObject *varnames, PyObject *freevars, PyObject *cellvars,
           PyObject *filename, PyObject *name, int firstlineno,
           PyObject *lnotab)

[some code cut]

        /* Intern selected string constants */
        for (i = PyTuple_Size(consts); --i >= 0; ) {
                PyObject *v = PyTuple_GetItem(consts, i);
                if (!PyString_Check(v))
                if (!all_name_chars((unsigned char
                PyString_InternInPlace(&PyTuple_GET_ITEM(consts, i));


(Code taken from Python 2.3.3 C source)

Again, this is an C optimization hack that isn't documented: it's not
documented because we really shouldn't depend on this behavior!  *grin*

In fact, I have no idea what Jython does.  Let's check it:

[dyoo@tesuque dyoo]$ jython
Jython 2.1 on java1.4.1_01 (JIT: null)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> id("hello world")
>>> id("hello world")
>>> id("hello world")

Ah.  Yup, it does something different in Jython.  Hence, it's really an
implemention detail that we really shouldn't be looking at.  But I get the
feeling we've completely strayed off the original topic anyway.  *grin*

From phil at  Wed May 12 06:03:00 2004
From: phil at (Philip Kilner)
Date: Wed May 12 06:03:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> assignment
In-Reply-To: <003201c4377d$985eb600$3942933e@spir>
References: <001401c43773$10e92ca0$262ae4d5@spir>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Denis,

denis wrote:
> corrections, comments, critics... such things
> It's a trial to explain (also to myself).
> As I say in the text, I'm not sure that the model is right.
> denis
> PS : Is tutor a right place for this? Who knows?
> (The title prefix makes it easy to delete overloading messages if ever
> needed.)

I think it is - it's helping me visualise what is going on, so it's 
helping me, at least!




Email: / Voicemail & Facsimile: 07092 070518

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to learne" - Chaucer

From tpc at  Wed May 12 14:19:09 2004
From: tpc at (
Date: Wed May 12 14:19:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] index of a list of lists of strings
Message-ID: <>

hi everybody, let's say I have a list called donorValuesList that stores
lists of strings, such that donorValuesList[0] would return ['NULL',
'NULL', 'James', 'NULL', 'Smith' ... etc] and donorValuesList[1] would
return ['NULL', 'Mr', 'William', 'NULL', 'Johnson' ... etc].  Could I
find the index of a specific list if I knew only a few of the strings and
their positions ?  For example, I want to find the index in
donorValuesList of a list where 'John' is the third value, 'NULL' is the
fourth, and 'Brown' is the fifth, but I don't have enough information to
construct a complete list to pass to donorValuesList.index().  Is this
possible ?

From magnus at  Wed May 12 15:19:57 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Wed May 12 15:20:05 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gaW5kZXggb2YgYSBsaXN0IG9mIGxpc3RzIG9mIHN0cmluZ3M=?=
Message-ID: <> wrote:
> hi everybody, let's say I have a list called donorValuesList that stores
> lists of strings, such that donorValuesList[0] would return ['NULL',
> 'NULL', 'James', 'NULL', 'Smith' ... etc] and donorValuesList[1] would
> return ['NULL', 'Mr', 'William', 'NULL', 'Johnson' ... etc].  Could I
> find the index of a specific list if I knew only a few of the strings and
> their positions ?  For example, I want to find the index in
> donorValuesList of a list where 'John' is the third value, 'NULL' is the
> fourth, and 'Brown' is the fifth, but I don't have enough information to
> construct a complete list to pass to donorValuesList.index().  Is this
> possible ?

Of course it's possible. You simply loop through the list and test each 
record. I'm not sure it's an optimal solution though.

First of all, there is a particualar value in Python called None. I
assume 'NULL' is supposed to indicate that a value is missing, but one
of these days you will run into a Mr Null who prefers his names to be
written in all caps... With Python's dynamic typing, there is no reason 
to abuse strings or integers by letting particular values such as 'NULL' 
or 99999 have exceptional meanings. So, it's better to use something like:
[None, None, 'James', None, 'Smith' ... etc]
instead of
['NULL', 'NULL', 'James', 'NULL', 'Smith' ... etc]

The None value is never a string, it's just itself. It's clear that its 
noones name.

I'm not sure a list of list is the data structure you really need though.
If you want a pure Python solution, you are probably better off making a
Donor class, and a DonorCatalog class which can handle queries.

Another option that seems to fit your requirements is to store the data
in a relational database. For a small database which doesn't require any
server setup etc, look at sqlite. See

Then you create a table roughly like this:


Once you've populated your table, you can search it for people with the
surname 'Brown' like this:


All this can be wrapped in Python, either by using SQL inside
cursor.execute() as per the Python DB-API, or you can "hide" all
these SQLities behind classes using an OO-RDBMS wrapper such as
SQLObject. See Then you'd query your database
like this:

donors_called_brown ='Brown')

I realize that it might be a bit much to learn SQL as well if
programming is new for you, but relational databases are much
more convenient for the kind of ad hoc searches you seem to do,
and they provide persistence and scalability in a neat package.

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From chidorex-pytutor at  Thu May 13 01:49:36 2004
From: chidorex-pytutor at (Rex)
Date: Thu May 13 01:49:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Python & XML - coding tips
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Beautiful use of the dictionary to eliminate the endless elifs. Great
tip. Thanks Danny.


From: Danny Yoo <>
Subject: RE: [Tutor] Python & XML
Cc: Tutor <>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Tue, 11 May 2004 wrote:

Hi Justin,

Code review time!  *grin* Here are some suggestions:

<snip some>

# dispatchTable is a mapping from the tagName we're looking for, to a
# triple (ud_offset, left_slice, right_slice)
dispatchTable = { 'name'         : (1, 6, -7),
                  'numresults'   : (2, 12, -13),
                  'cputime'      : (3, 9, -10),
                  'avecpu'       : (4, 8, -9),
                  'resultsperday': (5, 15, -16),
                  'lastresultime': (6, 16, -17),
                  'regdate'      : (7, 9, -10),
                  'usertime'     : (8, 10, -11),
for node in item.childNodes:
    if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
        if node.tagName in dispatchTable:
            offset, left_slice, right_slice = 
            ud[offset] = node.toxml()[left_slice : right_slice]

We can get rid of the repetitive logic, and keep the thing that is 

<snip the rest>

From lsloan at  Thu May 13 08:34:26 2004
From: lsloan at (Lance E Sloan)
Date: Thu May 13 08:34:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] recommended CSV module?
Message-ID: <2147483647.1084437266@[]>

Looking around the Vaults of Parnassus, I see there are several Python 
modules for parsing files in CSV (comma-separated values) format.  Those of 
you that work with CSVs in Python, which module would you recommend I use?

Lance E Sloan, Systems Research Programmer III
U-M WATS: Web Applications, Technologies, and Solutions
Full-service web and database design, development, and hosting. - "Putting U on the Web"

From lsloan at  Thu May 13 08:44:11 2004
From: lsloan at (Lance E Sloan)
Date: Thu May 13 08:44:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: recommended CSV module?
In-Reply-To: <2147483647.1084437266@[]>
References: <2147483647.1084437266@[]>
Message-ID: <2147483647.1084437851@[]>

--On Thursday, May 13, 2004 8:34 AM -0400 Lance E Sloan <> 
> Looking around the Vaults of Parnassus, I see there are several Python
> modules for parsing files in CSV (comma-separated values) format.  Those
> of you that work with CSVs in Python, which module would you recommend I
> use?

*sigh* This is the second time I've made a fool of myself here asking for 
third-party module recommendations when there's one that's included with 
Python.  :P

Unless somebody has a good reason to recommend that I should use some 
third-party CSV module, I'll use the stock one.

Lance E Sloan, Systems Research Programmer III
U-M WATS: Web Applications, Technologies, and Solutions
Full-service web and database design, development, and hosting. - "Putting U on the Web"

From pythonTutor at  Thu May 13 09:16:57 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Thu May 13 09:17:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: recommended CSV module?
In-Reply-To: <2147483647.1084437851@[]>
References: <2147483647.1084437266@[]>
Message-ID: <>

It's hard to keep up with all of the available modules.  My experience
is that the standard cvs module is better than the third party

On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 08:44, Lance E Sloan wrote:
> --On Thursday, May 13, 2004 8:34 AM -0400 Lance E Sloan <> 
> wrote:
> > Looking around the Vaults of Parnassus, I see there are several Python
> > modules for parsing files in CSV (comma-separated values) format.  Those
> > of you that work with CSVs in Python, which module would you recommend I
> > use?
> *sigh* This is the second time I've made a fool of myself here asking for 
> third-party module recommendations when there's one that's included with 
> Python.  :P
> Unless somebody has a good reason to recommend that I should use some 
> third-party CSV module, I'll use the stock one.
> --
> Lance E Sloan, Systems Research Programmer III
> U-M WATS: Web Applications, Technologies, and Solutions
> Full-service web and database design, development, and hosting.
> - "Putting U on the Web"
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From rcher at  Thu May 13 09:55:13 2004
From: rcher at (roman)
Date: Thu May 13 09:51:02 2004
Subject: [Tutor] why does this raise an exception...
Message-ID: <1084456513.5514.5.camel@linuxbox>

When converting a few string values to integers with int() I found out
that trying to convert "2.1", i.e. a string that represents a floating
point value to an integer raises an exception. Why does this raise an
exception while something like float("9") does not?

From wilson at  Thu May 13 09:57:41 2004
From: wilson at (Tim Wilson)
Date: Thu May 13 09:57:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] why does this raise an exception...
In-Reply-To: <1084456513.5514.5.camel@linuxbox>
Message-ID: <>

On 5/13/04 8:55 AM, "roman" <> wrote:

> When converting a few string values to integers with int() I found out
> that trying to convert "2.1", i.e. a string that represents a floating
> point value to an integer raises an exception. Why does this raise an
> exception while something like float("9") does not?

Since 9 = 9.0, I wouldn't expect float("9") to raise an exception. But what
should the computer do with 2.1 when converting to an int? I don't think I
want my code changing 2.1 to 2, for example, without letting me know. You
can also round your float and then convert to int, if that's the behavior
you're looking for.


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto:   aim: tis270   public key: 0x8C0F8813

From denis.spir at  Thu May 13 10:04:36 2004
From: denis.spir at (denis)
Date: Thu May 13 10:08:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> value changes
Message-ID: <002801c438f3$a6cbd0c0$3043933e@spir>


Some comments and corrections about the previous message (thanks to Magnus &
Danny) pointed Python's feature called interning: the first aspect of this
feature is that integers in range(-5,100) (I didn't know about negative
ones) are generated and stored as data by python; the second is that they
be duplicated, but used 'in place' instead, each time the value is needed:

>>> x=1; y=1 ; x is y
>>> x = -1; y = -1 ; x is y

This means that x and y are at the same memory location, in other words 'x'
and 'y' are aliases:

>>> id(x); id(y)

Now, let's (try and) check this does not with out-of-range (sic!) values:

>>> x=100; y=100 ; x is y
>>> x=1000; y=1000 ; x is y

What's up ? (I've really been surprised!) A more careful trial:

>>> x=1000
>>> y=1000
>>> x is y
>>> x=100
>>> y=100
>>> x is y
>>> x=99
>>> y=99
>>> x is y

This difference of result shows that two 'equivalent' syntactic forms aren't
processed the same way. I guess that, on optimisation ground, a short-term
interning is done for multi-assignment lines (what about "x,y = a,a"?). How
long does it last ? Is it further available ?

>>> x=100; y=100 ; x is y
>>> z=100 ; x is z; y is z

Now, what about strings ?

>>> x='a'
>>> y='a'
>>> x is y
>>> x='1'
>>> y='1'
>>> x is y
>>> x='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,..."
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string    # ?$%#~!!!
>>> x='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,...'
>>> y='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,...'
>>> x is y
>>> x='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,...'; y='Freude, sch?ner
G?tterfunken,...' ; x is y  # this was one single line in IDLE

As expected, basic interning is available for small strings (what are the
criteria?); and the short-term interning form works too.
What about sequences ?

>>> x=('a')
>>> y=('a')
>>> x is y

>>> x=['a']
>>> y=['a']
>>> x is y
>>> x=['a']; y=['a'] ; x is y
>>> x=[]; y=[] ; x is y
>>> x=[True]; y=[True] ; x is y

Very probable conclusion : yes for immutables, no for mutables. It doesn't
even work for empty lists or built-in constants.

Now, I really want to explore this difference deeper. First, let's enlarge x
a bit:

>>> x+=[False]
>>> x
[True, False]
>>> x+='a'
>>> x
[True, False, 'a']
>>> a='ciao!'
>>> x+=[a]
>>> x
[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!']
>>> x+=1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#69>", line 1, in -toplevel-
TypeError: argument to += must be iterable

I typed the last line just for fun, but I am surprised that python accepts
x+='a', as
'a' is no list, and refuses x+=1 (?). I would expect to be obliged to write
x.append(item) for both strings and numbers, as both are immutable --but
strings are sequences (what about tuples?). And with a dictionary ?

>>> d={}
>>> x+=d
>>> x
[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!']    # no success ;-(
>>> x+=[d]
>>> x
[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!', {}]    # :-)
>>> d={1:'un', 2:'deux'}
>>> x+=d
>>> x
[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!', {}, 1, 2]    # the keys, only!
>>> x+= [d]
>>> x
[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!', {}, 1, 2, {1: 'un', 2: 'deux'}]

Well, interesting, isn't it? You can, as a choice, append to a list either a
dictionary's keys or its key:value pairs, both without even explicitely
calling the append() method.
Now, what about adresses? (let's not be distracted)

>>> id(x)
>>> for i in range(len(x)):
        print id(x[i])        # items' addresses
>>> id(1);id(2)
7677952    # right!
>>> id(d)
10639664     # right again!

True and False are rather close, but not aside; 1 and 2 are strangely far
(?). All items are separated from the list, they're not "in" the list. Which
means, as expected, that the list holds its elements' addresses -- only its
elements' addresses.

>>> id(d)
>>> for i in range(len(d)):
        print id(d.keys()[i])    # keys' addresses
>>> for i in range(len(d)):
        print id(d[d.keys()[i]])    # values' ones

It also clear that for a dictionary the dict. itself, its keys and its
values are totally separated.
Just as a recall about value changes by immutable types:

>>> t='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,...' ; id(t)
>>> t='? joie, divine ?tincelle de beaut?...' ; id(t)

The (whole) variable's address changes. What happens when I change x, now?
There are two kinds of changes:

>>> id(x); id(x[3])

>>> x[3]='ol?!'    # first --I mean zeroth: partial change
>>> id(x); id(x[3])

>>> x=[1,'a',d]    # first: global change

>>> id(x)

By immutable types, only the item(s) changed move(s) when they're directly
addressed: the list's address hasn't changed. But the global variable moves
when addressed as a whole.
[Just as foretaste (?) on this topic...]


From bgailer at  Thu May 13 10:43:05 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Thu May 13 10:54:41 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> value changes
In-Reply-To: <002801c438f3$a6cbd0c0$3043933e@spir>
References: <002801c438f3$a6cbd0c0$3043933e@spir>
Message-ID: <>

At 08:04 AM 5/13/2004, denis wrote:
>Some comments and corrections about the previous message (thanks to Magnus &
>Danny) pointed Python's feature called interning: the first aspect of this
>feature is that integers in range(-5,100) (I didn't know about negative
>ones) are generated and stored as data by python; the second is that they
>be duplicated, but used 'in place' instead, each time the value is needed:
> >>> x=1; y=1 ; x is y
> >>> x = -1; y = -1 ; x is y
>This means that x and y are at the same memory location, in other words 'x'
>and 'y' are aliases:
> >>> id(x); id(y)
>Now, let's (try and) check this does not with out-of-range (sic!) values:
> >>> x=100; y=100 ; x is y
> >>> x=1000; y=1000 ; x is y
>What's up ? (I've really been surprised!) A more careful trial:
> >>> x=1000
> >>> y=1000
> >>> x is y

Put these lines in a module and run it Output is True:
print x is y

> >>> x=100
> >>> y=100
> >>> x is y
> >>> x=99
> >>> y=99
> >>> x is y
>This difference of result shows that two 'equivalent' syntactic forms aren't
>processed the same way. I guess that, on optimisation ground, a short-term
>interning is done for multi-assignment lines (what about "x,y = a,a"?). How
>long does it last ? Is it further available ?
> >>> x=100; y=100 ; x is y
> >>> z=100 ; x is z; y is z
>Now, what about strings ?
> >>> x='a'
> >>> y='a'
> >>> x is y
> >>> x='1'
> >>> y='1'
> >>> x is y
> >>> x='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,..."
>SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string    # ?$%#~!!!
> >>> x='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,...'
> >>> y='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,...'
> >>> x is y
> >>> x='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,...'; y='Freude, sch?ner
>G?tterfunken,...' ; x is y  # this was one single line in IDLE
>As expected, basic interning is available for small strings (what are the
>criteria?); and the short-term interning form works too.
>What about sequences ?
> >>> x=('a')
> >>> y=('a')
> >>> x is y
> >>> x=['a']
> >>> y=['a']
> >>> x is y
> >>> x=['a']; y=['a'] ; x is y
> >>> x=[]; y=[] ; x is y
> >>> x=[True]; y=[True] ; x is y
>Very probable conclusion : yes for immutables, no for mutables. It doesn't
>even work for empty lists or built-in constants.
>Now, I really want to explore this difference deeper. First, let's enlarge x
>a bit:
> >>> x+=[False]
> >>> x
>[True, False]
> >>> x+='a'
> >>> x
>[True, False, 'a']
> >>> a='ciao!'
> >>> x+=[a]
> >>> x
>[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!']
> >>> x+=1
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#69>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>     x+=1
>TypeError: argument to += must be iterable
>I typed the last line just for fun, but I am surprised that python accepts
>x+='a', as
>'a' is no list, and refuses x+=1 (?). I would expect to be obliged to write
>x.append(item) for both strings and numbers, as both are immutable --but
>strings are sequences (what about tuples?). And with a dictionary ?
> >>> d={}
> >>> x+=d
> >>> x
>[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!']    # no success ;-(
> >>> x+=[d]
> >>> x
>[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!', {}]    # :-)
> >>> d={1:'un', 2:'deux'}
> >>> x+=d
> >>> x
>[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!', {}, 1, 2]    # the keys, only!
> >>> x+= [d]
> >>> x
>[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!', {}, 1, 2, {1: 'un', 2: 'deux'}]
>Well, interesting, isn't it? You can, as a choice, append to a list either a
>dictionary's keys or its key:value pairs, both without even explicitely
>calling the append() method.
>Now, what about adresses? (let's not be distracted)
> >>> id(x)
> >>> for i in range(len(x)):
>         print id(x[i])        # items' addresses
> >>> id(1);id(2)
>7677952    # right!
> >>> id(d)
>10639664     # right again!
>True and False are rather close, but not aside; 1 and 2 are strangely far
>(?). All items are separated from the list, they're not "in" the list. Which
>means, as expected, that the list holds its elements' addresses -- only its
>elements' addresses.
> >>> id(d)
> >>> for i in range(len(d)):
>         print id(d.keys()[i])    # keys' addresses
> >>> for i in range(len(d)):
>         print id(d[d.keys()[i]])    # values' ones
>It also clear that for a dictionary the dict. itself, its keys and its
>values are totally separated.
>Just as a recall about value changes by immutable types:
> >>> t='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,...' ; id(t)
> >>> t='? joie, divine ?tincelle de beaut?...' ; id(t)
>The (whole) variable's address changes. What happens when I change x, now?
>There are two kinds of changes:
> >>> id(x); id(x[3])
> >>> x[3]='ol?!'    # first --I mean zeroth: partial change
> >>> id(x); id(x[3])
> >>> x=[1,'a',d]    # first: global change
> >>> id(x)
>By immutable types, only the item(s) changed move(s) when they're directly
>addressed: the list's address hasn't changed. But the global variable moves
>when addressed as a whole.
>[Just as foretaste (?) on this topic...]
>Tutor maillist  -

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From lsloan at  Thu May 13 11:37:05 2004
From: lsloan at (Lance E Sloan)
Date: Thu May 13 11:37:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] reading Excel CSVs? (was: Re: recommended CSV module?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <2147483647.1084437266@[]>	
Message-ID: <2147483647.1084448225@[]>

--On Thursday, May 13, 2004 9:16 AM -0400 Lloyd Kvam 
<> wrote:
> It's hard to keep up with all of the available modules.  My experience
> is that the standard csv module is better than the third party
> alternatives.

Thanks for the confirmation, Lloyd.

I'm trying to use the equivalent of "hello, world" for csv (from the 
example given in the documentation) to read and parse lines from a CSV file 
produced by Excel.  The code:

  import csv
  reader = csv.reader(file("true-csv.csv"), dialect='excel')
  for row in reader:
    print row

Some of the CSV:

  PHRASE,ITEM,MONTH,YEAR,PAGE^M"Investments, 2001-2002",Alternative asset
  commitment approved with Yorktown Energy Partners V
  L.P.,April,2002,283^M"Investments, 2001-2002",Alternative asset
  commitment approved with BPG Investment Partnership VI

That CSV came directly from Excel.  Note that the "^M" shown here are 
actually carriage returns in the file.  I just loaded it into vi and copied 
a few lines into this message.

When I run the program, I get this error:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "samplecsv", line 3, in ?
      for row in reader:
  _csv.Error: newline inside string

I've tried telling the csv.reader that the lineterminator is '\n' or '\r' 
in place of its default '\n\r', but neither worked.

How do other folks use the csv module to read Excel files?

BTW, I'm running this on a Mac OS X machine.  I've tried this with CSVs 
from Excel running on both Windows and Mac and it comes out the same. 
(Nice that it's consistent.)

Lance E Sloan, Systems Research Programmer III
U-M WATS: Web Applications, Technologies, and Solutions
Full-service web and database design, development, and hosting. - "Putting U on the Web"

From magnus at  Thu May 13 12:32:34 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus Lycka)
Date: Thu May 13 12:32:41 2004
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmU6IFtUdXRvcl0gUmU6IHJlY29tbWVuZGVkIENTViBtb2R1bGU/?=
Message-ID: <>

Lance E Sloan wrote:
> *sigh* This is the second time I've made a fool of myself here asking for 
> third-party module recommendations when there's one that's included with 
> Python.  :P
> Unless somebody has a good reason to recommend that I should use some 
> third-party CSV module, I'll use the stock one.

The good reason not to use the std lib version would be
that you need to use a Python version prior to 2.3

I think it's the third party module called 'csv' that got
included as 'csv' in Python. I haven't noticed any difference...

Magnus Lycka, Thinkware AB
Alvans vag 99, SE-907 50 UMEA, SWEDEN
phone: int+46 70 582 80 65, fax: int+46 70 612 80 65

From dyoo at  Thu May 13 13:51:07 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu May 13 13:51:12 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> value changes
In-Reply-To: <002801c438f3$a6cbd0c0$3043933e@spir>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 13 May 2004, denis wrote:

> Now, let's (try and) check this does not with out-of-range (sic!)
> values:
> >>> x=100; y=100 ; x is y
> True
> >>> x=1000; y=1000 ; x is y
> True
> What's up ? (I've really been surprised!) A more careful trial:

Hi Denis,

[Note: really obscure CPython optimization discussion; do we really want
to talk about this?  *grin*]

It's an optimization based on what Python is doing during interactive
interpretation.  It actually does have a little bit to do with the
multiple statements that you're doing, but it's more general than that:

>>> while True:
...     x = 1000
...     y = 1000
...     break
>>> x is y

Notice that we're getting a different result from your previous

> >>> x=1000
> >>> y=1000
> >>> x is y
> False

When we run Python as an interactive interpreter, Python first does a
byte-code compilation pass over the things we are typing, and then
executes that bytecode.  That is, when we're doing:

>>> x=1000
>>> y=1000
>>> x is y

behind each statement is a mini-compile step going on.  That's what the
'>>>' is saying: that the Python interpreter is ready to compile and
execute another statement.  Since each statement is compiled and executed
separately, Python won't even try to do any global analysis: it won't try
to see that x and y are directed at the same constant '1000'.  The scope
of optimization is the "block" of code that the byte-compiler sees.

On the other hand, when we send the interactive interpreter something

>>> while True:

Python can't immediately byte-compile this: it must see the whole while
block through and through, before doing anything else.  And that's why it
prompts us for more information, with the '...' prompt:

>>> while True:
...     x = 1000
...     y = 1000
...     break
>>> x is y

So the byte-compiler is fed the whole 'while' loop.  Since it can see the
whole block as one unit, all at once, it has a bit more room to infer that
'x' and 'y' are the same thing, and can set them to the same constant
object '1000'.

> This difference of result shows that two 'equivalent' syntactic forms
> aren't processed the same way.

It has less to do with syntax, more to do with the way the interactive
interpreter is working.  If we were to run Python on a file, then we'd see
that the byte-code compiler is able to analyze the whole module file, as
Bob Gailer mentions.

All of this discussion, though, is on a really obscure optimization that
isn't advertised Python behavior.  It works only on constant "immutable"
values because it doesn't change Python's observable behavior.  All the
optimzations that Python does, behind the scenes, are supposed to be
practically invisible to us.

From denis.spir at  Thu May 13 14:22:14 2004
From: denis.spir at (denis)
Date: Thu May 13 14:23:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> value changes
References: <002801c438f3$a6cbd0c0$3043933e@spir>
Message-ID: <003201c43917$4aea0be0$cf40933e@spir>

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Gailer <>
To: denis <>; tutor python <>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] <var:data> value changes

> >>> x=1000
> >>> y=1000
> >>> x is y

Put these lines in a module and run it Output is True:
print x is y

Right! So 'ad-hoc' interning is done by python only by 'real' program run,
not in IDLE.
Or what?

From firephreek at  Thu May 13 15:13:59 2004
From: firephreek at (firephreek)
Date: Thu May 13 15:23:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return key from value
Message-ID: <004b01c4391e$72bf2c70$6f01010a@Rachel>

I thought there was a method for it, but I can't seem to find it.

Does anyone know how I can return the matching key from a dictionary if
I know the value?  I'm working with some very large data structures, and
I don't want to have to duplicate them.


From orbitz at  Thu May 13 15:37:44 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Thu May 13 15:38:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return key from value
In-Reply-To: <004b01c4391e$72bf2c70$6f01010a@Rachel>
References: <004b01c4391e$72bf2c70$6f01010a@Rachel>
Message-ID: <>

key -> value have a one to one relationship.
value -> key have a 1 to many relatinoship.

You will most likley need to iterate over your dictionary and check if the value
matches, and construct a list of keys.

If you have such a large datastructure, I wonder why you are doing this in the
first place?

On Thu, 13 May 2004 12:13:59 -0700
"firephreek" <> wrote:

> I thought there was a method for it, but I can't seem to find it.
> Does anyone know how I can return the matching key from a dictionary if
> I know the value?  I'm working with some very large data structures, and
> I don't want to have to duplicate them.
> Stryder
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From dyoo at  Thu May 13 15:49:36 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu May 13 15:49:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return key from value
In-Reply-To: <004b01c4391e$72bf2c70$6f01010a@Rachel>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 13 May 2004, firephreek wrote:

> I thought there was a method for it, but I can't seem to find it.
> Does anyone know how I can return the matching key from a dictionary if
> I know the value?  I'm working with some very large data structures, and
> I don't want to have to duplicate them.

Hi Stryder,

A simple dictionary is good for defining a mapping from a key to a value
--- but it's not so good for going the other way.  It's possible to just
do a linear scan across the items() of a dictionary:

>>> d = {1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three'}
>>> d.items()
[(1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three')]

You mentioned that the data structure is large: the linear scan might a
bad idea, then.  If so, then the most straightforward thing I can think of
at the moment is to duplicate: have one dictionary map from keys to
values, and another dictionary to go the other way.  This approach trades
off space for fast lookup.

But what are your keys and values, by the way?  Depending on what the data
is, we might be able to use something like the "range" data structures
surveyed by Bentley and Friedman.  If you have an ACM account, then you
might like to read:

which is a nice introduction to these structures.  If the keys and values
can be treated as numbers, then a KD-tree can work:

The BioPython project has an optimized KD tree implementation, so you
might be able to get away without having to write much.  *grin*

One other alternative is to cheat and use a relational database like


From zmerch at  Thu May 13 15:55:25 2004
From: zmerch at (Roger Merchberger)
Date: Thu May 13 15:54:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] reading Excel CSVs? (was: Re: recommended CSV
In-Reply-To: <2147483647.1084448225@[]>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:37 AM 5/13/2004 -0400, Lance E Sloan wrote:

I've never used the CSV module, I've always profiled my data & split it by 
hand, but...

>  Some of the CSV:
>  PHRASE,ITEM,MONTH,YEAR,PAGE^M"Investments, 2001-2002",Alternative asset
>  commitment approved with Yorktown Energy Partners V
>  L.P.,April,2002,283^M"Investments, 2001-2002",Alternative asset
>  commitment approved with BPG Investment Partnership VI
>  L.P.,April,2002,283^M
>That CSV came directly from Excel.  Note that the "^M" shown here are 
>actually carriage returns in the file.  I just loaded it into vi and 
>copied a few lines into this message.
>When I run the program, I get this error:
>  Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "samplecsv", line 3, in ?
>      for row in reader:
>  _csv.Error: newline inside string
>I've tried telling the csv.reader that the lineterminator is '\n' or '\r' 
>in place of its default '\n\r', but neither worked.
>How do other folks use the csv module to read Excel files?


Load the CSV into StarOffice / OpenOffice, then resave.

Most programs put quotes around all strings *no matter what* and only leave 
numerical fields unquoted. Excel puts quotes around strings *only if they 
contain commas*. Very odd behaviour, and fairly difficult to parse.

>BTW, I'm running this on a Mac OS X machine.  I've tried this with CSVs 
>from Excel running on both Windows and Mac and it comes out the same. 
>(Nice that it's consistent.)

Maybe across platforms, but not across different versions of Excel... 
sometimes they change the behaviour a bit during updates. Very odd.

If all your data is string-based (a.k.a. no numerical fields) I usually 
load/resave with StarOffice, then split on quotes instead of commas, then 
take every other field... but that's just me.

I have some sample code where I've done just that - if you'd like to see 
it, email me offlist & i'd be happy to forward it to you.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | "Bugs of a feather flock together."
sysadmin, Iceberg Computers |           Russell Nelson          |

From magnus at  Fri May 14 04:21:26 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Fri May 14 04:16:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] reading Excel CSVs? (was: Re: recommended CSV
In-Reply-To: <2147483647.1084448225@[]>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:37 2004-05-13 -0400, Lance E Sloan wrote:
>I'm trying to use the equivalent of "hello, world" for csv (from the 
>example given in the documentation) to read and parse lines from a CSV 
>file produced by Excel.  The code:
>  import csv
>  reader = csv.reader(file("true-csv.csv"), dialect='excel')
>  for row in reader:
>    print row

I think csv is confused by the fact that there is no line feed
character in line endings on the Mac.

Unix uses \n, WinDOS uses \r\n and Mac uses \r.

I'd try opening the files with file("true-csv.csv", "rU")
Note capital U. This is the universal line ending mode. See
file function in Library reference section 2.1.

The manual says you must open in binary mode, i.e.
file("true-csv.csv", "rb"), but I don't think that will
work with Mac file.

I think your Windows files only appear to be like the Mac files
becuase you open them in text mode, so Python converts them to
native line ending format. If you use file("true-csv.csv", "rb")
I think the Windows file (but not the Mac file) will work.

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From magnus at  Fri May 14 06:12:37 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Fri May 14 06:08:02 2004
Subject: [Tutor] why does this raise an exception...
In-Reply-To: <1084456513.5514.5.camel@linuxbox>
Message-ID: <>

At 16:55 2004-05-13 +0300, roman wrote:
>When converting a few string values to integers with int() I found out
>that trying to convert "2.1", i.e. a string that represents a floating
>point value to an integer raises an exception. Why does this raise an
>exception while something like float("9") does not?

This is just the way it's described in the manual. I guess the real answer
is that Guido felt that this was the most reasonable behaviour. If you
think more about it, I suspect you will agree.

It might seem strange that "int(2.7)" will truncate the float to an
integer with value 2, and "int('2')" will convert the string "2" to
the integer 2, but you can't do both things at once, i.e. get the
string "2.7" converted to the integer 2 in one step.

But when you look at it like this, you realize that it means that you
would either first have to convert the string "2.7" to a float, and
then truncate and convert that to an integer, or you would have to cut
the string after the first uninterrupted sequence of digits (or maybe
interpret the string in some more advanced way).

It's one of Python's mottos that "Explicit is better than implicit",
so Pythonistas generally think that if "int(float(aString))" is what
you want, you should spell that out, not let the python interpreter
guess whether "int(aString)" with "aString='3.7'" implies
"int(float(aString))" or whether the input value was actually outside
the intended range.

And if we allow "int('2.7')" I suppose we should also allow something
like "int('2e30')". "int(2e30)" works, but if you think it will return
2000000000000000000000000000000 you are wrong. It yields
2000000000000000039769249677312. This is because floating point numbers
like 2e30 are approximations. There is a limited precision in floats,
and people who work with floats should be aware of that. Ints and longs
are exact.

So, if you do "int(float(2e30))" you *should* expect to get
2000000000000000039769249677312. But what should you expect to get from
int("2e30")? Some might argue that it should be the same as
"int(float(2e30))", but it also seems reasonable to say that
int("2e30") should be the same as "int(2000000000000000000000000000000)".
I think most Python programmer would expect that. After all, 2e30 is
mathematically an integer, even if the literal "2e30" is interpreted
as a float in Python in for instance "big = 2e30". And what about
"int('2.5e1')". That should yield 25 just like "int(2.5e1)", right?

It's very useful that you allow the int() constructor to convert floats
to ints, and the decision has been made to truncate decimals towards
zero. Fine, this is something you often do, and if you want to round
to nearest, or towards plus or minus infinity, you can use int(round(x)),
int(math.ceil(x)) or int(math.floor(x)). So, int complements the other
existing functions. There is no ambiguity here.

For strings, the decision has been made to only allow a sequence of at
least one digit optionally preceeded by a plus or minus and optionally
surrounded by leading and trailing whitespace. All other strings are
rejected. I think this is a good choice, since allowing more than that
would open for various interpretations of what value to expect from
a certain string.

It's also a practical choice. It's much easier to write the C code to
handle the strings like the ones int() accepts than to write a parser
that does the right things with things like -12342.345435345e-2 without
going via floats that loose the integer precision for large integers.
It will also run faster. Even if performance isn't considered the most
important aspect of Python, I doubt that programmers in general would
like int() to be slowed down to make int("2.5") work.

If you want "int(float(x))" and think it's too much typing, you can write
a function for it:

def flint(x): return int(float(x))

If you want things like int("2.56e30") to give an exact result (which flint
won't), you have to write some more code. This is an unusual use case, and
fits better in a custom module than in the Python core.

I for one is more interested in converting local conventions for numeric
strings such as "1.000.000,00" or "1,000,000.00" or "1 000 000,00" than
scientific notations. Sometimes I want to convert unit prefixes such as
k, M, G etc as well. Neither of these things belong in the core of the

See also for a more
exotic way of converting strings to numbers and vice versa. A special
case for someone with the name Roman...

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From firephreek at  Fri May 14 12:33:12 2004
From: firephreek at (firephreek)
Date: Fri May 14 12:42:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return key from value
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <001001c439d1$26ff4c30$6f01010a@Rachel>

I'm writing a program to help with some database migration issues.  We
have an system running an inventory/sales/invoicing program.  We're
going to open up another part of the program to help automate some of
our cost control/inventory tracking.  Unfortunatly this means inputting
a vendor name/info along with all products that we purchase from said
vendor.  This is on order of several thousand items.  More even...So
we're looking at several months worth of data entry.  I type decently
fast, but not that fast.  But the way the system is, we can't put in the
data, without actually using that portion of the program, which will
conflict with the way we currently use the program.  I (re: my employer)
isn't willing to do that.  So, the idea behind this program is that
it'll read data from my Main System, and allow me to match data from my
incoming products/vendors to what exists in my system, after several
months of this when we've gotten everything together, we can run a
complete list of everything on my external db, and then have 3-4 people
do all the entry in a week.  System goes on with minimal downtime, and
we're only missing maybe 2% of total possible inventory, which is an
acceptable amount that we can make up for as time goes on.  

Bah.  So, I need to build something stupid proof for my fellow
employees.  I'm the only one here who knows his elbow from a cat5 cable
so to speak.  

I thought about duplicating my dictionary set (which will hold k/v to
match vend/# to vend/name so I can search against both.  But because the
set is going to be pretty big (I'll need to cross match item# vs.
item/name) I was looking for the most efficient route, the other option
that occurred is to do a sql query against whatever attribute is
entered, and that may be the route I go with.  We have our own MySQL
server (love! Like python!), is it very different from sqlite?  Both key
and value on all sets will be unique, so I'm not worried about that.
When is 'big' too big?  How far can I push before I see a performance
hit?  I think I'm just going to stop caring about performance and let
them suck it up. Though it hurts to think that...ugh.

That's the long and short of it.  I make no qualms about the fact that
I'm new to some of this, but I'm also not a complete idiot.  I can use a
hammer, I'll make this work one way or another. *grin*


PS: gui is gonna be wxPython, and that's a whole 'nother bag of fish.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Return key from value

key -> value have a one to one relationship.
value -> key have a 1 to many relatinoship.

You will most likley need to iterate over your dictionary and check if
the value matches, and construct a list of keys.

If you have such a large datastructure, I wonder why you are doing this
in the first place?

On Thu, 13 May 2004 12:13:59 -0700
"firephreek" <> wrote:

> I thought there was a method for it, but I can't seem to find it.
> Does anyone know how I can return the matching key from a dictionary
> if I know the value?  I'm working with some very large data 
> structures, and I don't want to have to duplicate them.
> Stryder
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

From firephreek at  Fri May 14 14:47:34 2004
From: firephreek at (firephreek)
Date: Fri May 14 14:57:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return key from value
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <001301c439e3$ebc174a0$6f01010a@Rachel>

Crazy stupid-implementation, or crazy employer asking for a lot all at
once?  For the stupid proof, I thought that I might set up combo boxes
with wxPython, using the k/v to match, but I'm gonna re-work that I
think and use sql, maybe a combination, haven't set it in stone.  Danny
Yoo mentioned SQLite, and after looking into that a little, I think it
might be just what I'm looking for.  We'll see.  Being new and self
taught, I'm not always sure about which is the best way of doing things.
I have that tendency to overanlyze myself to a standstill, and that
doesn't help.

Biggest differences between mySQL and PostgreSQL?  I've heard of the
second, I use the first currently for some minor tracking and for
temperature recording.  It was the first thing I heard of that
interfaces with php and so I picked it up.  I'm happy with it, but if
there's that big a difference, I'll happily consider moving. 


-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 11:15 AM
To: firephreek
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Return key from value

Hrm, what yo uare doing sounds pretty crazy.  IMO, let SQL handle the
referencing and have your python rely on that.  Let's face it, Python IS
The interpreter is slow at doing things.  And unless I read you wrong,
you want speed.  SQL engines were made for this sorting through things
quickly, and your SQL engine is most likely way smarter than your OS at
keeping information paged in/out that is goign to be accessed often so
it can make things fast.  On another note, dump MySQL for PostgreSQL,
MySQL is junk:), but I doubt you can since it's your employerr and it
sounds like most of what you have is already written for mysql.  Anyways
good luck.

On Fri, 14 May 2004 08:56:27 -0700
"firephreek" <> wrote:

> I'm writing a program to help with some database migration issues.  We

> have an system running an inventory/sales/invoicing program.  We're 
> going to open up another part of the program to help automate some of 
> our cost control/inventory tracking.  Unfortunatly this means 
> inputting a vendor name/info along with all products that we purchase 
> from said vendor.  This is on order of several thousand items.  More 
> even...So we're looking at several months worth of data entry.  I type

> decently fast, but not that fast.  But the way the system is, we can't

> put in the data, without actually using that portion of the program, 
> which will conflict with the way we currently use the program.  I (re:

> my employer) isn't willing to do that.  So, the idea behind this 
> program is that it'll read data from my Main System, and allow me to 
> match data from my incoming products/vendors to what exists in my 
> system, after several months of this when we've gotten everything 
> together, we can run a complete list of everything on my external db, 
> and then have 3-4 people do all the entry in a week.  System goes on 
> with minimal downtime, and we're only missing maybe 2% of total 
> possible inventory, which is an acceptable amount that we can make up
for as time goes on.
> Bah.  So, I need to build something stupid proof for my fellow 
> employees.  I'm the only one here who knows his elbow from a cat5 
> cable so to speak.
> I thought about duplicating my dictionary set (which will hold k/v to 
> match vend/# to vend/name so I can search against both.  But because 
> the set is going to be pretty big (I'll need to cross match item# vs.
> item/name) I was looking for the most efficient route, the other 
> option that occurred is to do a sql query against whatever attribute 
> is entered, and that may be the route I go with.  We have our own 
> MySQL server (love! Like python!), is it very different from sqlite?  
> Both key and value on all sets will be unique, so I'm not worried 
> about that. When is 'big' too big?  How far can I push before I see a 
> performance hit?  I think I'm just going to stop caring about 
> performance and let them suck it up. Though it hurts to think 
> that...ugh.
> That's the long and short of it.  I make no qualms about the fact that

> I'm new to some of this, but I'm also not a complete idiot.  I can use

> a hammer, I'll make this work one way or another. *grin*
> Stryder
> PS: gui is gonna be wxPython, and that's a whole 'nother bag of fish.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 12:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Return key from value
> key -> value have a one to one relationship.
> value -> key have a 1 to many relatinoship.
> You will most likley need to iterate over your dictionary and check if

> the value matches, and construct a list of keys.
> If you have such a large datastructure, I wonder why you are doing 
> this in the first place?
> On Thu, 13 May 2004 12:13:59 -0700
> "firephreek" <> wrote:
> > I thought there was a method for it, but I can't seem to find it.
> > 
> > Does anyone know how I can return the matching key from a dictionary
> > if I know the value?  I'm working with some very large data 
> > structures, and I don't want to have to duplicate them.
> > 
> > Stryder
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  - 

From dyoo at  Fri May 14 16:14:07 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri May 14 16:14:17 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return key from value
In-Reply-To: <001001c439d1$26ff4c30$6f01010a@Rachel>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 14 May 2004, firephreek wrote:

> I thought about duplicating my dictionary set (which will hold k/v to
> match vend/# to vend/name so I can search against both.  But because the
> set is going to be pretty big (I'll need to cross match item# vs.
> item/name) I was looking for the most efficient route, the other option
> that occurred is to do a sql query against whatever attribute is
> entered, and that may be the route I go with.  We have our own MySQL
> server (love! Like python!), is it very different from sqlite?

Ah, you have MySQL set up already?  Thnk it might be easiest to start with
that.  There's a nice 'MySQLdb' Python module that you can use:

So you may not need to maintain a dictionary: you can probably just use
SQL to handle the data processing for you.

Good luck to you!

From magnus at  Fri May 14 18:05:20 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Fri May 14 18:00:35 2004
Subject: [Tutor] <var:data> value changes
In-Reply-To: <002801c438f3$a6cbd0c0$3043933e@spir>
Message-ID: <>

At 16:04 2004-05-13 +0200, denis wrote:
>Some comments and corrections about the previous message (thanks to Magnus &
>Danny) pointed Python's feature called interning:

BTW I saw in that PEP 237 uses the term interning for this handling
of small integers (although with double quotes on the first use). I
suppose that means it's ok to use that term also for non-strings.

>the first aspect of this
>feature is that integers in range(-5,100) (I didn't know about negative
>ones) are generated and stored as data by python; the second is that they
>be duplicated, but used 'in place' instead, each time the value is needed:
[lots of experiments removed]

I think the important thing to learn here is when to use "a==b"
and when to use "a is b". From a technical point of view we can
say that "a==b" is a test on whether the values that the names
a and b refer to are equal (which is not as strict as to say that
they are identical), and "a is b" is technically a test to see
whether "a" and "b" refer to the same location in memory.

I think we can ignore those technical details though. To put it
simply, we typically use the comparision "a == b" in our programs
when we want to check if two things are "the same". "a is b" is a
fairly rare bird. Forgetting about memory locations, equality and
identity are different things.

For instance, you never use the is-operator to compare numbers or
strings in normal code. It's really pure nonsense. It's like asking
the bank clerk if this is really the bank notes you deposited when
you make a withdrawal. (Only Goofy does things like that.)

Never rely on interning. If you need to check that a value is an
integer of value 0, and not a float of that value, you can't use
"a == 0", because 0.0 == 0 returns true, but even if "a is 0"
will actually work today (on CPython) there is no guarantee that
it always will. In this case, you should use "a == 0 and type(a)
is int".

The most common use for the is-operator on normal python code is
tests for singletons. For instance, these is only one None object
in a Python program. Type objects, such as int, str, float etc,
are also singletons. So, "if a is None:" or "if type(a) is not
int:" are statement that make sense.

You can also write "if a == None:" or "if type(a) != int:", but
that's a bit like asking me "Is your name Magnus Lyck??" instead
of "Are you Magnus Lyck??" if you meet me and are a bit uncertain
on whether that guy in front of me is that guy on the Tutor mailing
list. You're not really interested in whether I have a certain name,
you are intested in whether of not I am a certain person.

Python is obviously implemented to reuse immutable objects at times,
which means that some pairs of objects that we require to return
True on a test like "a == b", will also return true on "a is b". This
might not happen, but it *can* happen for immutables.

As usual, it's safer to assume as little as possible...

>As expected, basic interning is available for small strings (what are the
>criteria?); and the short-term interning form works too.
>What about sequences ?
> >>> x=('a')
> >>> y=('a')
> >>> x is y

Those aren't sequences. Parenthesis don't imply tuples. Comma imples tuples.
Sometimes you need to use parenthesis around tuples to disambiguate things,
but in general parenthesis has the same meaning in Python as in English or
in traditional mathematical notation.

 >>> a=2
 >>> a,
 >>> (a)

See? You are always allowed to end list or tuple literals with a trailing
comma, but for tuples with only one member, it's compulsory.

x and y above are thus strings. We already know that strings that look
like identifiers are interned. Tuples are not interned.

 >>> a, b = (1,2), (1,2)
 >>> a is b

> >>> x=['a']
> >>> y=['a']
> >>> x is y
> >>> x=['a']; y=['a'] ; x is y
> >>> x=[]; y=[] ; x is y
> >>> x=[True]; y=[True] ; x is y
>Very probable conclusion : yes for immutables, no for mutables. It doesn't
>even work for empty lists or built-in constants.

It would be disastrous if Python interned mutable objects. That would for
instance mean that you can't create more than one empty list in a program.
That would really be stupid, since we often create empty list which we
poppulate with values in some kind of look or recursive process.

>Now, I really want to explore this difference deeper. First, let's enlarge x
>a bit:
> >>> x+=[False]
> >>> x
>[True, False]
> >>> x+='a'
> >>> x
>[True, False, 'a']
>I typed the last line just for fun, but I am surprised that python accepts
>x+='a', as
>'a' is no list, and refuses x+=1 (?). I would expect to be obliged to write
>x.append(item) for both strings and numbers, as both are immutable --but
>strings are sequences (what about tuples?). And with a dictionary ?

But you failed to test how it treats this "sequence" by using a list with
only one member. Does it convert the string to a list, or does it just
append the string?

 >>> a = []
 >>> a += 'hello'
 >>> a
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

Ok. That explains why "a += 1" won't work, but I'm still a bit surprised.
Does the old list.extend() method work like this?

 >>> a.extend(' there')
 >>> a
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 't', 'h', 'e', 'r', 'e']

Yes it does, so it's nothing new with augmented assignment ("a += b" behaves
just like "a.extend(b)"). I suppose this behaviour isn't so strange after
all. It's actaully consistent with how Python regularly convert sequences
to lists, or rather how python accepts any sequence as input in functions
that returns lists. It works like this in other cases too:

 >>> map(None, ['h','e','l','l','o'], 'there')
[('h', 't'), ('e', 'h'), ('l', 'e'), ('l', 'r'), ('o', 'e')]
 >>> [x.upper() for x in 'a string']
['A', ' ', 'S', 'T', 'R', 'I', 'N', 'G']

> >>> d={}
> >>> x+=d
> >>> x
>[True, False, 'a', 'ciao!']    # no success ;-(

Try a non-empty dictionary instead.

 >>> d = {'first': 0, 'second': 1}
 >>> d
{'second': 1, 'first': 0}
 >>> a = []
 >>> a += d
 >>> a
['second', 'first']

Keys. Right. Same thing would happen if you did this:

 >>> a = []
 >>> for key in d:

 >>> a
['second', 'first']

I think you need to read a bit about iterators to get on top of this.

>True and False are rather close, but not aside; 1 and 2 are strangely far
>(?). All items are separated from the list, they're not "in" the list. Which
>means, as expected, that the list holds its elements' addresses -- only its
>elements' addresses.

Yep, it's the same with other builtin singletons such as None, int, str, file

 >>> map(id, (str, int, float, long, file, True, False, None))
[504166464, 504108944, 504077792, 504119480, 504076280, 504029048, 
504029032, 504130904]

What about things like builtin functions?

 >>> map(id, (range, min, max))
[8107072, 8106912, 8106872]

Nope, they are allocated on the heap just as "normal" object.

>It also clear that for a dictionary the dict. itself, its keys and its
>values are totally separated.

Certainly. All containers in Python are filled with references to
objects, not with the objects themselves. So, if you do,

 >>> l1 = [1,2,{'three':3}]
 >>> l2 = l1

you have just one list,

 >>> l1 is l2

and then if you do,

 >>> l3 = l1[:]

you get a copy of that list, so now you have two lists,

 >>> l1 is l3

but you still only have one dict, which both lists contain as
it's last element.

 >>> l1[-1] is l3[-1]

So, it you change the first element of l3, the two lists won't
be identical any more,

 >>> l1[0]=1.1
 >>> l1==l3

but if you change the *content* if the last element, that will be
visible in both lists.

 >>> l1[-1]['four']=4
 >>> l1
[1.1000000000000001, 2, {'four': 4, 'three': 3}]
 >>> l3
[1, 2, {'four': 4, 'three': 3}]

>Just as a recall about value changes by immutable types:
> >>> t='Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken,...' ; id(t)
> >>> t='? joie, divine ?tincelle de beaut?...' ; id(t)
>The (whole) variable's address changes. What happens when I change x, now?
>There are two kinds of changes:

I try not to use "variable" in Python, because that word is ambigous.
Which is the variable? The name/reference or the actual object/value.

When you write

t = 'a string'

you create a string object which is automatically places somewhere in
the memory that Python handles for us, and a name 't' is created in the
current scope. The name 't' is bound to the string object containing
the text 'a string'. If you then do

t = 'another string'

you will create another string object, and then rebind 't' to that
object. (This will mean that 'a string' will be carbage collected by
Python is no other name is bound to it, but that's another story.)

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From bvande at  Fri May 14 19:08:34 2004
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Fri May 14 19:10:26 2004
Subject: [Tutor] a big thank to all tutors and tutees
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I just now finished a first real and genuine to-do-some-actual-work 
program and I wanted to say thanks to those who ask and answer questions 
on tutor. I doubt I could have done it as easily or at all without what I 
have learned from the list.

Not that you need be, but in case you are interested in the nature of the 

I am a graduate student in philosophy and am working for a professor 
assembling a 1000'ish page collection of articles for a book. Many people 
are going to read articles and type up plain text files of index entries 
with each line being a list of headings and subheadings followed by one or 
more page references.

What I wrote was a program to merge the various files, alphabetize the 
merged file by heading, merge lines with identical heading strings, sort 
the page references, and give it book-index formatting where it appears like:

A, 67, 78-82
<TAB>B, 81f
C, 89

where B is a subheading of A.

Also, the page reference sort needed to preserve a rudimentary markup 
coding and ignore '-mm' in 'nn-mm'.

All in all, no Fields Medal will be awarded, but it feels great to have 
created a real program to do real work.

So, thanks to everyone on the list.


Brian vdB

From pythontut at  Sat May 15 04:20:25 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Sat May 15 04:21:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Some advice on classes needed ?
Message-ID: <>

Good Morning,

I need to analyze some data, each set of data will consist of 600 
numbers, added to on each sweep of another
python program. The data structure will remain at 600, new data pushing 
oldest data out. After each 'sweep' various statistical
functions will need to be applied to this data set of 600 and results 

Multiply this by 250 sets & there is my problem.

I could make a giant matrix 600,250 then program code to sweep the 
matrix to provide the results.

But I have just read about classes :-)

If I design a class for one set of data, how do I generate all the 
instances of classes without 250 generate instances.


Following on, how can I sweep the 250 data structures instances to get 
statistical data without manually doing 250 instance calles.

What I am asking is, Is it possible to use a for loop ? ie dynamicly 
generate an instance name to then call ?

Hopefully this is an intelegent question - this is the first time I have 
ever tries OOP ! :-)


From roeland.rengelink at  Sat May 15 06:13:14 2004
From: roeland.rengelink at (Roeland Rengelink)
Date: Sat May 15 06:12:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] tutorial for dbapi 2.0 how to use data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

John Fabiani wrote:

> Hi,
> mycur=con.cursor()
> mycur.execute("select * from sosord")
> mydata=mycur.fetchmany(10)
> The above works and returns data.  But know I need to understand how 
> to view the data.  Maybe there is a way to convert the returned list 
> into a dictionary.  A dictionary would allow me to get information by 
> key (the field name).  Anyway, is there some paper or tutorial I can 
> read on how to view the return data?

The returned items of the list mydata already behave as a dictionary (in 
pyPgSQL). I.e:

 >>> item = mydata[0]    # get the first row from the resultset
 >>> item.keys()         # show the column names
['a', 'b']
 >>> item.values()       # show the data in the row
0, 123.5
 >>> item['a']           # access as dictionary

Incidently, the returned object also worksa a  list of values:
 >>> for val item:
...    print val
 >>> print item[1]

Finally, you can access the values as attributes, e.g.:
 >>> item.a
 >>> item.b

If you want to turn it into a real dictionary, this should work:

 >>> d = dict(zip(item.keys(), item.values())

Hope this helps,


From alan.gauld at  Sat May 15 07:42:23 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat May 15 07:41:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] a big thank to all tutors and tutees
References: <>
Message-ID: <007a01c43a71$b08c0ba0$6401a8c0@xp>

> I just now finished a first real and genuine to-do-some-actual-work
> program and

Congratulations, there's always a buzz when you move from
"interesting novelty" to "real value" programming.

> What I wrote was a program to merge the various files, alphabetize
> merged file by heading, merge lines with identical heading strings,
> the page references, and give it book-index formatting where it
appears like:

That's pretty impressive. However I wonder whether you have access to
either Linux/Unix or Cygwin? If so you probably could have used the
publishing tools that come with those to do the indexing etc. It
would probably have made the programming much easier I suspect.

> All in all, no Fields Medal will be awarded, but it feels great to
> created a real program to do real work.

Well done, it's no mean feat and I'm sure it won't be the last.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sat May 15 07:50:53 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat May 15 07:50:26 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Some advice on classes needed ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <007f01c43a72$e01f0ab0$6401a8c0@xp>

> If I design a class for one set of data, how do I generate all the
> instances of classes without 250 generate instances.
> data1=datastruct()
> data2=datastruct()
> ...
> data250=datastruct()
> What I am asking is, Is it possible to use a for loop ? ie dynamicly
> generate an instance name to then call ?

You don't need an instance name, you can store them ina list
There is a section at the end of my web tutor topic on OOP that shows
how to do this.

One thing to consider however is your design, remember that objects
own their own dsata arnd are responsible for processing it, so think
carefully about how that concept might change the basic way your
program functions. Are you going to pass a set of files to each
object to extract its own data? Or are you going to going to pass
each file in turn to each of the objects? Or are you going to
extract the data in bulk and then pass it to the object (so how do
you know what data each object needs if the object manages its own

Without knowing more about the details its impossible to say which
mechanism will work best. But large volume data cruunching can be
extremely inefficient if you get the approach wrong.

Alan G.

From pythontut at  Sat May 15 10:12:04 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Sat May 15 10:12:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Some advice on classes needed ?
In-Reply-To: <007f01c43a72$e01f0ab0$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <> <007f01c43a72$e01f0ab0$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>If I design a class for one set of data, how do I generate all the
>>instances of classes without 250 generate instances.
>>What I am asking is, Is it possible to use a for loop ? ie dynamicly
>>generate an instance name to then call ?
>You don't need an instance name, you can store them ina list
>There is a section at the end of my web tutor topic on OOP that shows
>how to do this.
.... can you tell me where I can read this "web tutor topic" ... I think 
I would find it helpfull


>One thing to consider however is your design, remember that objects
>own their own dsata arnd are responsible for processing it, so think
>carefully about how that concept might change the basic way your
>program functions. Are you going to pass a set of files to each
>object to extract its own data? Or are you going to going to pass
>each file in turn to each of the objects? Or are you going to
>extract the data in bulk and then pass it to the object (so how do
>you know what data each object needs if the object manages its own
>Without knowing more about the details its impossible to say which
>mechanism will work best. But large volume data cruunching can be
>extremely inefficient if you get the approach wrong.
>Alan G.

From gew75 at  Sat May 15 11:12:37 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Sat May 15 11:12:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Some advice on classes needed ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> [..]
> But I have just read about classes :-)
> If I design a class for one set of data, how do I generate all the
> instances of classes without 250 generate instances.
> data1=datastruct()
> data2=datastruct()
> ...
> data250=datastruct()
> Following on, how can I sweep the 250 data structures instances to get
> statistical data without manually doing 250 instance calles.
> What I am asking is, Is it possible to use a for loop ? ie dynamicly
> generate an instance name to then call ?

  What you are asking here is not really a nice thing to do in code.
Dynamically creating an instance variable *name* involved the use of eval;
which is not a good idea here.

  I'd suggest something more along the lines of what Alan Gauld stated; use
a list or a dictionary.

  As opposed to simply handing out the solution (where is the fun in that?)
here is a little (big?) hint:

data = []
for i in range(250):

  So this is a list of i, from 0 to 250.  Noting that unlike most languages
python's list object can hold any number of *different* types, one could
construct a list-based solution to your problem.

  Dictionaries are of course alot more fun though.  Let's leave that as an
exercise... ;).

> Hopefully this is an intelegent question - this is the first time I have
> ever tries OOP ! :-)

  I hope you like it -- it's one of the things python does *really* well.


From pythontut at  Sat May 15 14:34:51 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Sat May 15 14:35:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Some advice on classes needed ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for all your input, the solutions (sorry hints !) are excellent  :-)

OOP & loops here I come ...


From jsh47 at  Sat May 15 06:49:23 2004
From: jsh47 at (Jonathan Hayward)
Date: Sat May 15 16:03:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Text numerals?
Message-ID: <>

Is there a function that will return 'one' for 1, 'two' for two, etc.?

++ Jonathan Hayward,
** To see an award-winning website with stories, essays, artwork,
** games, and a four-dimensional maze, why not visit my home page?
** All of this is waiting for you at

From gew75 at  Sat May 15 22:25:09 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Sat May 15 22:25:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Text numerals?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Is there a function that will return 'one' for 1, 'two' for two, etc.?

  I assume you mean 'two' for 2 ;).  But no, AFAIK there is no stdlib

  This question, although a different isomorphism, was asked recently.

  The way I code such things is to use a dictionary.

  Consider these statements:

# int y
x = 'stringresult'
if y == 1:
    x = 'one'
elif y == 2:
    x = 'two'

  Consider that if you have a dictionary with key:value pairs similar to
that data above, you have a half-solution ready to go.

  The problem of converting full-blown numbers of any length into letters is
much harder.  Some years ago I remember this being coded in python; if the
author has a website, then Google is probably your best bet.

  But make sure you need that kind of complexity; better to have a solution
you understand than one which is too powerful that you don't.  It helps when
things go wrong ;).


From isrgish at  Sun May 16 00:16:23 2004
From: isrgish at (Isr Gish)
Date: Sun May 16 00:16:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] in program install
Message-ID: <>

I find some programs that have a in them. But wasn't able to figure out how and if it's to be used. If someone can explain it, or point me to where I can find an explaination, I would appreciate it.

All the best

From darnold02 at  Sun May 16 01:42:15 2004
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Sun May 16 01:42:24 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Text numerals?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Is there a function that will return 'one' for 1, 'two' for two, etc.?

  I assume you mean 'two' for 2 ;).  But no, AFAIK there is no stdlib

<snip dictionary suggestions>

  The problem of converting full-blown numbers of any length into letters is
much harder.  Some years ago I remember this being coded in python; if the
author has a website, then Google is probably your best bet.

  But make sure you need that kind of complexity; better to have a solution
you understand than one which is too powerful that you don't.  It helps when
things go wrong ;).


my reply:

Good advice, but this problem turned out not to be as complex as it first
appeared. Really, all you need to do is pad the number to a length that's
divisible by 3 and then start processing digits from the left, three at a
time. Here's my take on it:

littleNumbers = {'1': 'one', '2': 'two', '3': 'three',
                 '4': 'four', '5': 'five', '6': 'six', '7': 'seven',
                 '8': 'eight', '9': 'nine', '10': 'ten', '11': 'eleven',
                 '12': 'twelve', '13': 'thirteen', '14': 'fourteen',
                 '15': 'fifteen', '16': 'sixteen', '17': 'seventeen',
                 '18': 'eighteen', '19': 'nineteen'

tens = {'2': 'twenty', '3': 'thirty', '4': 'forty', '5': 'fifty',
        '6': 'sixty', '7': 'seventy', '8': 'eighty', '9': 'ninety'

groupings = ['decillion', 'nonillion', 'octillion',
             'septillion', 'sextillion', 'quintillion',
             'quadrillion', 'trillion', 'billion', 'million',
             'thousand', ''

def process(num):
    maxDigits = 36
    result = []
    group = 0

    if num < 0:
        num = abs(num)

    num = str(num).zfill(maxDigits)

    if len(num) > maxDigits:
        raise 'Number too large'
    for i in range(0, maxDigits - 1, 3):
        chunk = num[i:i+3]
        if chunk != '000':
            if chunk[0] != '0':

            if chunk[1] == '1':
                tensString = ''
                if chunk[1] != '0':
                    if chunk[2] != '0':
                        tensString += tens[chunk[1]] + '-'
                        tensString += tens[chunk[1]]

                if chunk[2] != '0':
                    tensString += littleNumbers[chunk[2]]

                if tensString:
            if groupings[group]:
                result.append(groupings[group] + ',')
        group += 1

    if not result:
        return 'zero'
        result = ' '.join(result)
        if result.endswith(','):
            result = result[:-1]
        return result

def main():
    while 1:
        num = int(raw_input('Enter an integer (0 to quit): '))
        print process(num)
        if num == 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':

This should handle any integer up to 36 digits long. Here's a sample run:

Enter an integer (0 to quit): 10

Enter an integer (0 to quit): 243000
two hundred forty-three thousand

Enter an integer (0 to quit): 17

Enter an integer (0 to quit): 232893
two hundred thirty-two thousand, eight hundred ninety-three

Enter an integer (0 to quit): -12
negative twelve

Enter an integer (0 to quit): -1456
negative one thousand, four hundred fifty-six

Enter an integer (0 to quit): 123456789012345678901234567890123456
one hundred twenty-three decillion, four hundred fifty-six nonillion, seven
hundred eighty-nine octillion, twelve septillion, three hundred forty-five
sextillion, six hundred seventy-eight quintillion, nine hundred one
quadrillion, two hundred thirty-four trillion, five hundred sixty-seven
billion, eight hundred ninety million, one hundred twenty-three thousand,
four hundred fifty-six

Enter an integer (0 to quit): 0


From dyoo at  Sun May 16 04:42:02 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun May 16 04:42:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Text numerals?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 16 May 2004, Don Arnold wrote:

> > Is there a function that will return 'one' for 1, 'two' for two, etc.?
> >
>   I assume you mean 'two' for 2 ;).  But no, AFAIK there is no stdlib
> implementation.
> <snip dictionary suggestions>
>   The problem of converting full-blown numbers of any length into
> letters is much harder.  Some years ago I remember this being coded in
> python; if the author has a website, then Google is probably your best
> bet.

This problem comes up quite often.  It even showed its face in PyCon 2004:

There's also a project in SourceForge that handles the problem with
impressive generality:

Converting numbers to words is a classic programming exercise.  As Don
shows, it's also a good way to practice using loops, dictionaries, and
string manipulation.

From dyoo at  Sun May 16 04:56:03 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun May 16 04:56:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] in program install
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 16 May 2004, Isr Gish wrote:

> I find some programs that have a in them. But wasn't able to
> figure out how and if it's to be used. If someone can explain it, or
> point me to where I can find an explanation, I would appreciate it.

Hi Isr,

Here you go:

'' is a hook into the distutils third-party module installer;
Python provides a nice way to install third-party modules.  The ''
defines a bunch of metadata (author, web site, version, etc...) as well as
the relevant files that need to be copied to make the module work.

Here is an example of a file (actually taken from the Distutils

setup (name = "Distutils",
       version = "1.1",
       description = "Python Distribution Utilities",
       author = "Greg Ward",
       author_email = "",
       maintainer = "A.M. Kuchling",
       maintainer_email = '',
       url = "",
       license = "Python",
       long_description = """\
A collection of modules to aid in the distribution and installation of
Python modules, extensions, and (ultimately) applications.  A standard
part of Python 2.x, but also distributed separately for use with
Python 1.5.""",

       # This implies all pure Python modules in ./distutils/ and
       # ./distutils/command/
       packages = ['distutils', 'distutils.command'],

So a '' defines a lot of metadata, but it also defines what
directory packages should be copied over to 'site-packages' for proper

In the example above, when we run the '' as a stand-alone program,
like this:

    $ python install

Distutils will read the definitions, and copy over the 'distutils' and
'distutils.command' directories over.

As I remember, we talked about this earlier in private email; you're
running WinCE, right?  I'm not so sure what the status of WinCE and the
Distutils is.  You may want to check with:

and see what the status is with WinCE and the Distutils.

Good luck to you!

From isrgish at  Sun May 16 11:50:49 2004
From: isrgish at (Isr Gish)
Date: Sun May 16 11:50:57 2004
Subject: [Tutor] in program install
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Danny,

Now I know that it needs to be run with a command of "install". That was where I  was unClear. I hAd try running it without anything. Thanks3

All the best,

-----Original Message-----
   >From: "Danny Yoo"<>
   >Sent: 5/16/04 4:56:03 AM
   >To: "Isr Gish"<>
   >Cc: ""<>
   >Subject: Re: [Tutor] in program install
   >On Sun, 16 May 2004, Isr Gish wrote:
   >> I find some programs that have a in them. But wasn't able to
   >> figure out how and if it's to be used. If someone can explain it, or
   >> point me to where I can find an explanation, I would appreciate it.
   >Hi Isr,
   >Here you go:
   >'' is a hook into the distutils third-party module installer;
   >Python provides a nice way to install third-party modules.  The ''
   >defines a bunch of metadata (author, web site, version, etc...) as well as
   >the relevant files that need to be copied to make the module work.
   >Here is an example of a file (actually taken from the Distutils
   >setup (name = "Distutils",
   >       version = "1.1",
   >       description = "Python Distribution Utilities",
   >       author = "Greg Ward",
   >       author_email = "",
   >       maintainer = "A.M. Kuchling",
   >       maintainer_email = '',
   >       url = "",
   >       license = "Python",
   >       long_description = """\
   >A collection of modules to aid in the distribution and installation of
   >Python modules, extensions, and (ultimately) applications.  A standard
   >part of Python 2.x, but also distributed separately for use with
   >Python 1.5.""",
   >       # This implies all pure Python modules in ./distutils/ and
   >       # ./distutils/command/
   >       packages = ['distutils', 'distutils.command'],
   >      )
   >So a '' defines a lot of metadata, but it also defines what
   >directory packages should be copied over to 'site-packages' for proper
   >In the example above, when we run the '' as a stand-alone program,
   >like this:
   >    $ python install
   >Distutils will read the definitions, and copy over the 'distutils' and
   >'distutils.command' directories over.
   >As I remember, we talked about this earlier in private email; you're
   >running WinCE, right?  I'm not so sure what the status of WinCE and the
   >Distutils is.  You may want to check with:
   >and see what the status is with WinCE and the Distutils.
   >Good luck to you!

From geoffrey at  Thu May 13 16:25:54 2004
From: geoffrey at (Geoffrey Bennett)
Date: Mon May 17 00:22:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] beginner's trouble with concepts
Message-ID: <>

Okay, I've never really programmed before (Yeah, I can do "hello world" 
in quite a few languages, but who can't?) aside from shell scripting and 
basic sed and awk stuff. So, I decided I would learn Python. I've been 
using the "Non-Programmers Tutorial for Python" by Josh Cogliati and 
been very happy with it. He does a wonderful job of explaining things 
and give excellent real world examples to illustrate the concepts. That 
having been said, I am tripping over a couple of things. The first 
problem is in the exercise for Booleans:


I cannot get the code to cycle through once per guess. When the user
makes a guess, if they guess correctly, the script prints out three
statements of affirmation in a row and then exits instead of one
confirmation of a correct guess and then exiting. When they guess
incorrectly, the same thing happens. (The failure message prints all
three times. So, at least the correct response is being given back to
the user based upon their input.) However, it should register an 
incorrect guess and then prompt the user for another guess, up to 
three guesses before exiting. Here's the script:


#! /bin/env python
## This script has a user guess my name.
## They are only given three tries before the script bails out.
name = raw_input("Guess my name: ")
def check_name(guess):
        if guess == "Silly":
                print "Correct."
                print "Wrong. Try again."
## There is a problem in the next section.
## The system doesn't return to ask for a new guess after a wrong one.
## It just prints out the response for a bad guess three times and exits.
## If you give it a correct guess it prints the response for a correct
## guess three times in a row and exits as well.
count = 0
while count < 3:
		count = count + 1


The second problem is in the modules section:


I am trying to set the value of the number to be guessed to the last two
digits in the current year. The value does get set correctly, but all
evaluations see the user's guess as being of a lower value than the
number set by the script to be guessed. Even guesses of numbers with
higher values than the number to be guessed are responded to by the
script as being too low. Now, here's the script:


#! /bin/env python

from time import *

# Now use the last two digits from the current time to assign the number
# to be guessed in a random fashion.
def get_num():
	ct = ctime(time())
	yy = ct[-2:]
	return yy

number = get_num()
guess = 0

# This next section evaluates the guess incorrectly. When we print out 
# the value of "number" to the screen and then choose that *exact* number,
# the response we are given is that the guessed number is too low. In fact,
# all guesses, regardless of the value guessed, get this response - even for 
# values above the number to be guessed. Something is really wrong!!!
while guess != number : 
    guess = input ("Guess a number: ")

    if guess > number :
        print "Too high"

    elif guess < number :
            print "Too low"

print "Just right"


Any ideas as to what I have missed? BTW, I am using Python v 2.3.3 on a
Gentoo Linux system. (Python was compiled by gcc v3.2.3 if anyone
cares.) Thanks for any and all help.


This space intentionally
left non-blank


From lumbricus at  Mon May 17 01:47:52 2004
From: lumbricus at (
Date: Mon May 17 01:47:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Request response
Message-ID: <>

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From dyoo at  Mon May 17 02:54:24 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon May 17 02:54:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Request response [virus warning / automatically stripping
	out MIME attachments?]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Nnot really about Python, but more about python-tutor mailing list
administrative stuff.]


Lumbricus, check your system for viruses --- we just got a mail message
that appears to be addressed by you, but is obviously something that's not
written by you.  At first glance, it looks like virus email.  Can you
double check your system?

Folks, should we institute something like a filter on attachments?  The
new version of the mailing system software does offer the option of
automatically stripping all non-ascii MIME attachments; I hadn't enabled
it yet, but am considering doing so.  There is also an option for
automatically stripping HTML from messages.

What do people think about this?  If there are no objections, I'll start
enabling the MIME/HTML filtering to prevent anything like this happening.

From rmangaliag at  Mon May 17 03:03:46 2004
From: rmangaliag at (ali)
Date: Mon May 17 03:00:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Request response [virus warning / automatically
	strippingout MIME attachments?]
References: <>
Message-ID: <006401c43bdd$19e58560$>

> Folks, should we institute something like a filter on attachments?  The
> new version of the mailing system software does offer the option of
> automatically stripping all non-ascii MIME attachments; I hadn't enabled
> it yet, but am considering doing so.  There is also an option for
> automatically stripping HTML from messages.
> What do people think about this?  If there are no objections, I'll start
> enabling the MIME/HTML filtering to prevent anything like this happening.

i will for sure appreciate it... i've been regularly receiving emails very
unlikely to come from the "real" members of this mailing list... :)

From dyoo at  Mon May 17 03:17:01 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon May 17 03:17:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] beginner's trouble with concepts
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 13 May 2004, Geoffrey Bennett wrote:

> The first problem is in the exercise for Booleans:
> <>
> I cannot get the code to cycle through once per guess. When the user
> makes a guess, if they guess correctly, the script prints out three
> statements of affirmation in a row and then exits instead of one
> confirmation of a correct guess and then exiting. When they guess
> incorrectly, the same thing happens. (The failure message prints all
> three times. So, at least the correct response is being given back to
> the user based upon their input.) However, it should register an
> incorrect guess and then prompt the user for another guess, up to
> three guesses before exiting. Here's the script:

[some text cut]

Hi Geoffrey,

I notice in the code that the user prompt:

> name = raw_input("Guess my name: ")

is outside the body of the while loop.  Anything that's outside the loop
body isn't revisited when the loop restarts, so you probably want to add
the raw_input() line in the while loop body too.

> The second problem is in the modules section:
> <>
> I am trying to set the value of the number to be guessed to the last two
> digits in the current year. The value does get set correctly, but all
> evaluations see the user's guess as being of a lower value than the
> number set by the script to be guessed. Even guesses of numbers with
> higher values than the number to be guessed are responded to by the
> script as being too low.

Ah, I see it.  The get_num() function:

> # Now use the last two digits from the current time to assign the number
> # to be guessed in a random fashion.
> def get_num():
> 	ct = ctime(time())
> 	yy = ct[-2:]
> 	return yy

actually isn't returning a number: it's returning a string of the two

There is a difference between the string "42" and the number 42, and
comparing a string and integer is "undefined" behavior in the sense that I
have no clue what happens.

To fix the problem, we can use the 'int()' converter function to go from
strings back to numeric integers:

def get_num():
    ct = ctime(time())
    yy = ct[-2:]
    return int(yy)

That should fix the weird bug you're encountering.

If we didn't have to use time.ctime(), I'd recommend using the 'datetime'
module instead:

>>> import datetime
>>> today =
>>> today.year
>>> today.year % 100

This allows us to avoid mainpulating strings, and is less error prone.
But then, the point in Josh's tutorial there is to learn how to manipulate
strings, so I guess that's not a big issue.  *grin*

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask them.  Good luck!

From bgailer at  Sun May 16 12:26:52 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon May 17 06:04:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Text numerals?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:42 PM 5/15/2004, Don Arnold wrote:

> > Is there a function that will return 'one' for 1, 'two' for two, etc.?
> >
>   I assume you mean 'two' for 2 ;).  But no, AFAIK there is no stdlib
><snip dictionary suggestions>
>   The problem of converting full-blown numbers of any length into letters is
>much harder.  Some years ago I remember this being coded in python; if the
>author has a website, then Google is probably your best bet.
>   But make sure you need that kind of complexity; better to have a solution
>you understand than one which is too powerful that you don't.  It helps when
>things go wrong ;).
>my reply:
>Good advice, but this problem turned out not to be as complex as it first
>appeared. Really, all you need to do is pad the number to a length that's
>divisible by 3 and then start processing digits from the left, three at a
>time. Here's my take on it:

In the (for me) inevitable pursuit of programming alternatives, here's a 
list/numeric version of Don's solution.

littleNumbers = [' ', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven',
                  'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen',
                  'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 
'eighteen', 'nineteen']

tens = ['', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 
'eighty', 'ninety']

groupings = ['', ' thousand', ' million', ' billion', ' trillion', ' 
              ' quintillion', ' sextillion', ' septillion', ' octillion', ' 
nonillion', ' decillion']

def main(num):
   maxGroups = 12
   maxDigits = maxGroups * 3
   if num >= 10**maxDigits:raise 'Number must have at most %s digits.' % 
   result = []
   sign = ('', 'negative ')[num<0]
   num = abs(num)
   groupSep = ''
   for group in range(0,12):
     if not num: break
     num, thousandsGroup = divmod(num, 1000)
     if thousandsGroup:
       if group:result.append(groupings[group] + groupSep)
       groupSep = ', '
       hundred, unitTen = divmod(thousandsGroup, 100)
       if unitTen < 20:
         if unitTen%10: result.append('-')
       if hundred:
         result.append(littleNumbers[hundred] + ' hundred ')
   return sign + ''.join(result) or 'zero'

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell  

From magnus at  Sun May 16 16:44:31 2004
From: magnus at (Magnus =?iso-8859-1?Q?Lyck=E5?=)
Date: Mon May 17 09:19:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Return key from value
In-Reply-To: <001301c439e3$ebc174a0$6f01010a@Rachel>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:47 2004-05-14 -0700, firephreek wrote:
>Biggest differences between mySQL and PostgreSQL?

I'm pretty sure both will work for you. I wouldn't bother
switching if there was a usable MySQL installation available.

MySQL is optimized for systems where the read/write ratio is
high. I.e. it's optimized for fast searches, but not so good
at handling many transactions going on at once. A lot of
standard SQL features have been implemented fairly recently,
and I still think a lot is missing, and in many ways, it behaves
different than the SQL standard mandates. If you are a SQL
newbie, you aren't very likely to trip over these things.

Historically, MySQL has been faster than PostgreSQL, but the
difference has decreased as PostgreSQL has improved its

Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;),
Thinkware AB, Sweden,
I code Python ~ The Agile Programming Language 

From orbitz at  Mon May 17 10:45:19 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Mon May 17 10:45:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Request response [virus warning / automatically
	stripping out MIME attachments?]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm for filtration.

On Sun, 16 May 2004 23:54:24 -0700 (PDT)
Danny Yoo <> wrote:

> [Nnot really about Python, but more about python-tutor mailing list
> administrative stuff.]
> Yikes.
> Lumbricus, check your system for viruses --- we just got a mail message
> that appears to be addressed by you, but is obviously something that's not
> written by you.  At first glance, it looks like virus email.  Can you
> double check your system?
> Folks, should we institute something like a filter on attachments?  The
> new version of the mailing system software does offer the option of
> automatically stripping all non-ascii MIME attachments; I hadn't enabled
> it yet, but am considering doing so.  There is also an option for
> automatically stripping HTML from messages.
> What do people think about this?  If there are no objections, I'll start
> enabling the MIME/HTML filtering to prevent anything like this happening.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From denis.spir at  Mon May 17 11:12:32 2004
From: denis.spir at (denis)
Date: Mon May 17 11:14:18 2004
Subject: [Tutor] how to cope with text litterals by code parsing?
Message-ID: <000c01c43c21$713b1020$4d24933e@spir>


In a module that parses Python code, I have a symbol_row class that builds a
list of meaningful symbols (about what Guido van Rossum calls 'tokens' in
the language reference) out of a line of code. It splits the line and
defines each symbol's nature (e.g. keyword) and role (e.g. operator).
Everything works fine, but I'm not satisfied of how it's done.

The splitline function, among other problems, has to cope with the
well-known problem of explicit texts (so-called 'litterals') that can hold
anything; especially all kinds of signs that will be used as marks for
splitting. I couldn't find any smart and elegant algorithm for that.
I do it so:

-1- find, read, store and replace the explicit texts by a placeholder
(' $$$ ')
-2- split the line
-3- replace the placeholder by the original texts

I don't like that solution 'instinctively', so to say it hurts my sense of
easthetics ;-)
Also, it's not an overall solution: it works only because the code can't
hold anything (any character of sequence of characters); or rather because
if it does hold anything, it's not a valid piece of code and the problem of
explicit text isn't relevant anymore.

Well I would be happy to hear about alternative algorithms.
(below the guilty function, it's named and commented in a kind of english)


    def split_line(self):
        A task that seems easy.
        line = self.line
        # First, replace the texts (that could hold signs) by
        # placeholders: '$$$', surrounded with spaces
        pos, texts, placeholder = 0, [], '$$$'
        while pos < len(line):
            if line[pos] in quotes:
                # read the text
                chars, quote = line[pos:], line[pos]
                text = self.text_read(chars)
                size = len(text)
                if size == 0:   # '' was returned by text_read()
                    print 'Error found while reading explicit text ' \
                        'at position:', pos
                    return []
                texts.append(text)  # save the text
                # replace the text with a placeholder
                line = line[:pos] + \
                       space + placeholder + space + \
                pos += 5    # size of placeholder + 2 spaces
                pos +=1
        # Then, read across the line
        # to surround all signs with spaces.
        # We can't simply use replace(),
        # k?z some signs (<) are part of other (<=).
        # The signs made of two chars are tested first.
        pos = 0
        while pos < len(line):
            sign_found = False
            for sign in signs:
                if line[pos:].startswith(sign):
                    size = len(sign)
                    line = line[:pos] + \
                           space + sign + space + \
                    pos += size + 2     # sign + 2 spaces around
                    sign_found = True
                    break               # don't check other signs!
            if not sign_found:
                pos += 1
        # now, erase useless spaces
        line = line.strip()
        two_spaces = space * 2
        while line.count(two_spaces) != 0:
            line = line.replace(two_spaces,space)
        # finally split the line...
        self.symbols = line.split(space)
        # ...and replace the placeholders with the original texts
        iText = 0
        for iSymbol in range(len(self.symbols)):
            if self.symbols[iSymbol] == placeholder:
                self.symbols[iSymbol] = texts[iText]
                iText += 1

From jmillr at  Mon May 17 12:45:42 2004
From: jmillr at (John Miller)
Date: Mon May 17 12:45:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Text numerals?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> Is there a function that will return 'one' for 1, 'two' for two, etc.?
> Good advice, but this problem turned out not to be as complex as it  
> first
> appeared. Really, all you need to do is pad the number to a length  
> that's
> divisible by 3 and then start processing digits from the left, three  
> at a
> time. Here's my take on it:

Using one of the links that Danny Yoo provided I've extended the  
solution provided by Don Arnold to accept integers with up to 306  
digits. Simply replace the groupings list with the following list, and  
change the MaxDigits value to 306:

groupings = ['centillion', 'novemnonagintillion', 'octononagintillion',
              'septnonagintillion', 'sexnonagintillion',  
              'quattuornonagintillion', 'trenonagintillion',  
              'unnonagintillion', 'nonagintillion',  
              'octooctogintillion', 'septoctogintillion',  
              'quinoctogintillion', 'quattuoroctogintillion',  
              'duooctogintillion', 'unoctogintillion', 'octogintillion',
              'novemseptuagintillion', 'octoseptuagintillion',  
              'sexseptuagintillion', 'quinseptuagintillion',  
              'treseptuagintillion', 'duoseptuagintillion',  
              'septuagintillion', 'novemsexagintillion',  
              'septsexagintillion', 'sexsexagintillion',  
              'quattuorsexagintillion', 'tresexagintillion',  
              'unsexagintillion', 'sexagintillion',  
              'octoquinquagintillion', 'septquinquagintillion',  
              'quinquinquagintillion', 'quattuorquinquagintillion',  
              'duoquinquagintillion', 'unquinquagintillion',  
              'novemquadragintillion', 'octoquadragintillion',  
              'sexquadragintillion', 'quinquadragintillion',  
              'trequadragintillion', 'duoquadragintillion',  
              'quadragintillion', 'novemtrigintillion',  
              'septtrigintillion', 'sextrigintillion',  
              'quattuortrigintillion', 'tretrigintillion',  
              'untrigintillion', 'trigintillion', 'novemvigintillion',  
              'septvigintillion', 'sexvigintillion', 'quinvigintillion',
              'quattuorvigintillion', 'trevigintillion',  
              'unvigintillion', 'vigintillion', 'novemdecillion',  
              'septdecillion', 'sexdecillion', 'quindecillion',  
              'tredecillion', 'duodecillion', 'undecillion',  
'decillion', 'nonillion',
              'octillion', 'septillion', 'sextillion', 'quintillion',
              'quadrillion', 'trillion', 'billion', 'million',  
'thousand', ''

For example:

Enter an integer (0 to quit):  
five hundred fifty-five septvigintillion, five hundred fifty-five  
sexvigintillion, five hundred fifty-five quinvigintillion, five hundred  
fifty-five quattuorvigintillion, five hundred fifty-five  
trevigintillion, five hundred fifty-five duovigintillion, five hundred  
fifty-five unvigintillion, five hundred fifty-five vigintillion, five  
hundred fifty-five novemdecillion, five hundred fifty-five  
octodecillion, five hundred fifty-five septdecillion, five hundred  
fifty-five sexdecillion, five hundred fifty-five quindecillion, five  
hundred fifty-five quattuordecillion, five hundred fifty-five  
tredecillion, five hundred fifty-five duodecillion, five hundred  
fifty-five undecillion, five hundred fifty-five decillion, five hundred  
fifty-five nonillion, five hundred fifty-five octillion, five hundred  
fifty-five septillion, five hundred fifty-five sextillion, five hundred  
fifty-five quintillion, five hundred fifty-five quadrillion, five  
hundred fifty-five trillion, five hundred fifty-five billion, five  
hundred fifty-five million, five hundred fifty-five thousand, five  
hundred fifty-five

So, where's google in this scheme? :^) (the original, not the search  

John Miller

From pythontut at  Mon May 17 12:48:26 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Mon May 17 12:48:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class question
Message-ID: <>

I guess Im one of those guys for whom classes do not come easy !

class test:

    def  __init__(self):

    def somedef(self):

In a class structure, you can use either a simple a=2 or self.a=2. OK 
Ive read the text but am still not clear.
The self.a=2 tags this variable to the genrated instance via self .... 
ok  ... and appears to be a global variable.
So what happens with plain a=2.

What I am asking is when sould I use a=2 & when self.a=2 ?

Thanks in advance

From fant at  Mon May 17 14:34:43 2004
From: fant at (Andrew Fant)
Date: Mon May 17 14:35:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] advice on idiomatic python and re module question 
Message-ID: <>

Afternoon all,
   After intending to get serious about learning python for a couple years 
now, I have finally bit the bullet and started to use python for odd jobs 
around the office.  I have run into a couple issues that I could use some 
help with, though.

First, I cannot seem to compile and use more than one regexp in a program:

if I use:


to define the patterns, I can use:

if pattern1.match(line):

to check for a comment line succesfully,but

if pattern2.match(line):

always fails, even when a file containing that string is read in.  Grep has 
no trouble finding the string, and I have single stepped through the code 
with a debugger and I see the line fail to match.   Doe anyone have any 
suggestions on what I am doing wrong?

Also, I have written a short (143 line) program to read the output of a 
program called wulflogger ( for the curious) and 
break the output out by hostname in a format that orcalator can handle and 
also generate an average of all the data that can be read by orcalator.  To 
my eyes, it is clearly the product of someone who still thinks in F77.  I 
won't post it here unless there is heavy demand, but I was wondering if 
there is someone who would be willing to read through it and give me some 
feedback about how to make the code more idiomatic and generic.

Thanks in advance,

From bgailer at  Mon May 17 16:38:00 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon May 17 16:37:43 2004
Subject: [Tutor] advice on idiomatic python and re module question 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:34 PM 5/17/2004, Andrew Fant wrote:
>First, I cannot seem to compile and use more than one regexp in a program:

You can have as many regexps as you like.

>if I use:
>to define the patterns, I can use:
>if pattern1.match(line):
>to check for a comment line succesfully,but
>if pattern2.match(line):

Note that match starts at the beginning of the line. Hence (1) the ^ is 
superfluous and (2) 'eth0' must be at the beginning of the line to match. 
If 'eth0' is not at the beginning, the pattern should be '.*eth0'. Or you 
could use search instead of match, which looks thru the line for the pattern.


Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From bgailer at  Mon May 17 16:43:38 2004
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon May 17 16:48:25 2004
Subject: [Tutor] advice on idiomatic python and re module question 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 12:34 PM 5/17/2004, Andrew Fant wrote:
>Also, I have written a short (143 line) program to read the output of a 
>program called wulflogger ( 
> for the curious) and 
>break the output out by hostname in a format that orcalator can handle and 
>also generate an average of all the data that can be read by 
>orcalator.  To my eyes, it is clearly the product of someone who still 
>thinks in F77.  I won't post it here unless there is heavy demand, but I 
>was wondering if there is someone who would be willing to read through it 
>and give me some feedback about how to make the code more idiomatic and 

I'm interested, but I can't find the program from the above link.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From fant at  Mon May 17 17:55:31 2004
From: fant at (Andrew Fant)
Date: Mon May 17 17:55:37 2004
Subject: [Tutor] advice on idiomatic python and re module question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks, Bob.

I had a feeling I was doing something stupid like calling the wrong method. 
that will learn me to try and be more clever than I am.  Either that or to 
not think in Fortran.


--On Monday, May 17, 2004 14:38:00 -0600 Bob Gailer <> 

> At 12:34 PM 5/17/2004, Andrew Fant wrote:
>> First, I cannot seem to compile and use more than one regexp in a
>> program:
> You can have as many regexps as you like.
>> if I use:
>> pattern1=re.compile('^#')
>> pattern2=re.compile('eth0')
>> to define the patterns, I can use:
>> if pattern1.match(line):
>> to check for a comment line succesfully,but
>> if pattern2.match(line):
> Note that match starts at the beginning of the line. Hence (1) the ^ is
> superfluous and (2) 'eth0' must be at the beginning of the line to match.
> If 'eth0' is not at the beginning, the pattern should be '.*eth0'. Or you
> could use search instead of match, which looks thru the line for the
> pattern.
> [snip]
> Bob Gailer
> 303 442 2625 home
> 720 938 2625 cell

From dyoo at  Mon May 17 18:27:49 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon May 17 18:28:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] advice on idiomatic python and re module question
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 17 May 2004, Andrew Fant wrote:

> I had a feeling I was doing something stupid like calling the wrong
> method.  that will learn me to try and be more clever than I am.
> Either that or to not think in Fortran.

Hi Andrew,

Don't worry about it; people get tripped up by the confusing distinction
between match() and search().  In fact, it's a FAQ!  *grin*

and everyone trips on it when they start using regexes in Python.  The
fact that everyone trips on it is a bad sign: I wonder how receptive folks
would be to rename match() to something verbose like

Anyway, if you are doing really simple patterns like:

> >> pattern1=re.compile('^#')
> >> pattern2=re.compile('eth0')

you might find it easier to use the string methods 'startswith()', as well
as the substring operator 'in':

>>> 'hello'.startswith('h')
>>> 'hello'.startswith('hola')
>>> 'll' in 'hello'
>>> 'ol' in 'hello'

We can find a list of the common string methods here:

Good luck to you!

From rmkrauter at  Mon May 17 19:21:55 2004
From: rmkrauter at (Rich Krauter)
Date: Mon May 17 19:29:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] how to cope with text litterals by code parsing?
In-Reply-To: <000c01c43c21$713b1020$4d24933e@spir>
References: <000c01c43c21$713b1020$4d24933e@spir>
Message-ID: <1084836115.5704.26.camel@vaio>

On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 11:12, denis wrote:
> Hello,
> In a module that parses Python code, I have a symbol_row class that builds a
> list of meaningful symbols (about what Guido van Rossum calls 'tokens' in
> the language reference) out of a line of code. It splits the line and
> defines each symbol's nature (e.g. keyword) and role (e.g. operator).
> Everything works fine, but I'm not satisfied of how it's done.
> The splitline function, among other problems, has to cope with the
> well-known problem of explicit texts (so-called 'litterals') that can hold
> anything; especially all kinds of signs that will be used as marks for
> splitting. I couldn't find any smart and elegant algorithm for that.
> I do it so:
> -1- find, read, store and replace the explicit texts by a placeholder
> (' $$$ ')
> -2- split the line
> -3- replace the placeholder by the original texts
> I don't like that solution 'instinctively', so to say it hurts my sense of
> easthetics ;-)
> Also, it's not an overall solution: it works only because the code can't
> hold anything (any character of sequence of characters); or rather because
> if it does hold anything, it's not a valid piece of code and the problem of
> explicit text isn't relevant anymore.
> Well I would be happy to hear about alternative algorithms.
> (below the guilty function, it's named and commented in a kind of english)

Hi Denis,

Do you have specific requirements that call for you to do everything
yourself? If not, there is a standard module called tokenize:

>>> import tokenize
>>> f = file('')
>>> [tt[1] for tt in tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline)]

[' ', 'def', 'split_line', '(', 'self', ')', ':', '\n', ...]

If you need to do all the work yourself for some reason, the source code
in may help you out.

Good luck.


From zmerch at  Mon May 17 20:24:19 2004
From: zmerch at (Roger Merchberger)
Date: Mon May 17 20:24:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Text numerals?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Rumor has it that John Miller may have mentioned these words:


>For example:
>Enter an integer (0 to quit):
>five hundred fifty-five septvigintillion, five hundred fifty-five
>sexvigintillion, five hundred fifty-five quinvigintillion, five hundred
>fifty-five quattuorvigintillion, five hundred fifty-five
>trevigintillion, five hundred fifty-five duovigintillion, five hundred
>fifty-five unvigintillion, five hundred fifty-five vigintillion, five
>hundred fifty-five novemdecillion, five hundred fifty-five
>octodecillion, five hundred fifty-five septdecillion, five hundred
>fifty-five sexdecillion, five hundred fifty-five quindecillion, five
>hundred fifty-five quattuordecillion, five hundred fifty-five
>tredecillion, five hundred fifty-five duodecillion, five hundred
>fifty-five undecillion, five hundred fifty-five decillion, five hundred
>fifty-five nonillion, five hundred fifty-five octillion, five hundred
>fifty-five septillion, five hundred fifty-five sextillion, five hundred
>fifty-five quintillion, five hundred fifty-five quadrillion, five
>hundred fifty-five trillion, five hundred fifty-five billion, five
>hundred fifty-five million, five hundred fifty-five thousand, five
>hundred fifty-five

Yea, but what's that in Metric??? ;^>

I survived Dayton's Hamfest (barely) and am now back lurking... ;-)
Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers

What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????

From pythontut at  Tue May 18 04:47:48 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Tue May 18 04:48:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class question 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dave S wrote:

> I guess Im one of those guys for whom classes do not come easy !
> class test:
>    a=1
>    b=2
>    def  __init__(self):
>    self.c=5
>    self.e=6
>    def somedef(self):
>    self.f=7
>    self.g=8
> In a class structure, you can use either a simple a=2 or self.a=2. OK 
> Ive read the text but am still not clear.
> The self.a=2 tags this variable to the genrated instance via self .... 
> ok  ... and appears to be a global variable.
> So what happens with plain a=2.
> What I am asking is when sould I use a=2 & when self.a=2 ?
> Thanks in advance
> Dave
Doh ... got it !


From prospero at  Tue May 18 06:43:05 2004
From: prospero at (Prospero)
Date: Tue May 18 06:43:23 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multidimensional arrays
Message-ID: <000e01c43cc4$eb0bc450$2a1d9a51@Miranda>


I am sure I am missing something obvious here but I cannot see how to set up a two-dimensional array. I am hoping it can be done using lists of lists, as it were, which would suit my current program as I have written it so far. Any help would be much appreciated.

All the best,


"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom." -- Albert Einstein

Prospero's Island
-------------- next part --------------
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From dyoo at  Tue May 18 13:06:56 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue May 18 13:07:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multidimensional arrays
In-Reply-To: <000e01c43cc4$eb0bc450$2a1d9a51@Miranda>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 18 May 2004, Prospero wrote:

> I am sure I am missing something obvious here but I cannot see how to
> set up a two-dimensional array. I am hoping it can be done using lists
> of lists, as it were, which would suit my current program as I have
> written it so far. Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi Prospero,

Making a two-dimensional list is not immediately obviously --- but that's
why there's a FAQ entry about it:


You're right: the general approach is to use a list of lists.  The only
thing to be careful about is making sure each individual sublist is
separate from the others.

Hope this helps!

From paul at  Mon May 17 16:01:02 2004
From: paul at (Paul Worrall)
Date: Tue May 18 13:52:02 2004
Subject: [Tutor] advice on idiomatic python and re module question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Monday 17 May 2004 19:34, Andrew Fant wrote:
> Afternoon all,
>    After intending to get serious about learning python for a couple years
> now, I have finally bit the bullet and started to use python for odd jobs
> around the office.  I have run into a couple issues that I could use some
> help with, though.
> First, I cannot seem to compile and use more than one regexp in a program:
> if I use:
> pattern1=re.compile('^#')
> pattern2=re.compile('eth0')
> to define the patterns, I can use:
> if pattern1.match(line):
> to check for a comment line succesfully,but
> if pattern2.match(line):
> always fails, even when a file containing that string is read in.  Grep has
> no trouble finding the string, and I have single stepped through the code
> with a debugger and I see the line fail to match.   Doe anyone have any
> suggestions on what I am doing wrong?

Have you realised that the match method of a regular expression object returns 
a match object only if the regular expression matches at the beginning of the 
string?  i.e. patern2.match(line) would match:

eth0 is the first ethernet port

but not:

IP Address is bound to eth0

If you want to match anywhere in the line, use


From fant at  Tue May 18 13:53:22 2004
From: fant at (Andrew Fant)
Date: Tue May 18 13:53:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multidimensional arrays
In-Reply-To: <000e01c43cc4$eb0bc450$2a1d9a51@Miranda>
References: <000e01c43cc4$eb0bc450$2a1d9a51@Miranda>
Message-ID: <>

    If you are going to be using the 2d array for mathematical purposes, 
you might want to look at the Numeric package.  It provides a more "normal" 
syntax for multidimensional arrays as well as supporting standard matrix 
algebra operations.

Hope this helps,

--On Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:43:05 +0100 Prospero 
<> wrote:

> Greetings!
> I am sure I am missing something obvious here but I cannot see how to set
> up a two-dimensional array. I am hoping it can be done using lists of
> lists, as it were, which would suit my current program as I have written
> it so far. Any help would be much appreciated.
> All the best,
> Prospero.
> "Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the
> individual who can labor in freedom." -- Albert Einstein
> Prospero's Island

From John.Ertl at  Tue May 18 15:16:42 2004
From: John.Ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Tue May 18 15:11:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] making a log file
Message-ID: <>


I am trying to make a log file that contains different formats for different
types of events.  Because this log file will be for a web service I cannot
use my old method of just directing standard out to a file.  I am trying to
use the logging module but will little success.  I have tried to have two
separate classes that log to the same file but the output prints out the
info for both formats each time the logger is called.  For example I have
two formats one for a start and the other for an event.  The start format
should only be printed when the startLog in invoked but both the startLog
and eventLog print.  The same thing happens when I called the event
log...both the startLog and Event log formats get printed to the log file.  

I have tired many iterations of this idea (many made no sense but I tried
anyways) including just having the separate formats in separate classes and
having almost everything else in the fnmocLog class. But cannot find a way
to have one log file with different formats for different types of events. 
Below is the simple code that I am testing with.  The two formats are very
similar for the test but will be larger and very different in the real world
if I can get this to work.

Any help is appreciated.

import logging
import sys
import time

class fnmocLog:
    def __init__ (self): = "test"
        self.platform = "ATOS2"
        self.devlevel = "beta"
        self.productid = int(time.time())
        self.userid = self.productid
##        self.logger = logging.getLogger('tmdServer')
##        self.hdlr = logging.FileHandler('test.log')
##        self.formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s
%(message)s ')
##        self.hdlr.setFormatter(self.formatter)
##        self.logger.addHandler(self.hdlr)
##        self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
class startLog(fnmocLog):
    def __init__ (self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('tmdServer')
        self.hdlr = logging.FileHandler('test.log')
        self.formatter = logging.Formatter('<APPSTART %(asctime)s
%(levelname)s %(message)s >')        

class eventLog(fnmocLog):
    def __init__ (self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('tmdServer')
        self.hdlr = logging.FileHandler('test.log')
        self.formatter = logging.Formatter('<APPEVENT %(asctime)s
%(levelname)s %(message)s >')        

idstart = startLog()
idevent = eventLog()'This is a test')
#time.sleep(5)'This is the second test')
#time.sleep(20)'This is the third test')

*************** log file 
<APPSTART 2004-05-18 19:01:12,529 INFO This is a test >
<APPEVENT 2004-05-18 19:01:12,529 INFO This is a test >
<APPSTART 2004-05-18 19:01:12,529 INFO This is the second test >
<APPEVENT 2004-05-18 19:01:12,529 INFO This is the second test >
<APPSTART 2004-05-18 19:01:12,529 INFO This is the third test >
<APPEVENT 2004-05-18 19:01:12,529 INFO This is the third test >

As you see I invoke one start log and  two events but I get the APPSTART and
APPEVENT each time either is called.

John C. Ertl
Fleet Numerical Meteorology & Oceanography Center
7 Grace Hopper Ave
Monterey, CA 93943
phone: (831) 656-5704
fax:   (831) 656-4363

From denis.spir at  Tue May 18 09:42:59 2004
From: denis.spir at (denis)
Date: Tue May 18 18:01:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] how to cope with text litterals by code parsing?
References: <000c01c43c21$713b1020$4d24933e@spir>
Message-ID: <003f01c43cde$105c30a0$2227933e@spir>

----- Original Message -----
From: Rich Krauter <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] how to cope with text litterals by code parsing?

> On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 11:12, denis wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > In a module that parses Python code, I have a symbol_row class that
builds a
> > list of meaningful symbols (about what Guido van Rossum calls 'tokens'
> > the language reference) out of a line of code. It splits the line and
> > defines each symbol's nature (e.g. keyword) and role (e.g. operator).
> > Everything works fine, but I'm not satisfied of how it's done.

<snipped explainatons>

> Hi Denis,
> Do you have specific requirements that call for you to do everything
> yourself?
Well, yes and no, this is rather a first step on a personal project. There's
no requirement else than mine! ;-) But the final purpose isn't to parse
Python, I do it as training, because it's clear and stable.

> If not, there is a standard module called tokenize:

I didn't even look for a module. Stupid. Anyway, thank you very much for the
tip. It will probably find there many right ways to do all the stuff. I'll
watch that carefully.
[Funny that I first called the main function 'tokenize', too.]


<snipped example>

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 18 19:13:00 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue May 18 19:12:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] class question
References: <>
Message-ID: <005401c43d2d$aa30e410$6401a8c0@xp>

> class test:
>     a=1
>     b=2
>     def  __init__(self):
>       self.c=5
>       self.e=6
>     def somedef(self):
>       self.f=7
>       self.g=8
> The self.a=2 tags this variable to the genrated instance via self
> ok  ... and appears to be a global variable.

No its local (bound) to the particular instance. You cannot access 'a'
without using the object reference

> So what happens with plain a=2.

That applies at the class level. That is all instances of the class
share the same value for 'a', unless they overwrite it locally:

# define a class
class C:
   x = 42
   def setX(self,value): self.x = value

# create two instances
a = C()
b = C()

print 'a.x=',a.x
print 'b.x=',b.x

# now set the a instance x to a new value
print 'a.x=',a.x
print 'b.x=',b.x

> What I am asking is when sould I use a=2 & when self.a=2 ?

Use class variables when you want to set a value shared by all
instances. For example you might store the maximum size of data
the class can handle (might be limited by OS constraints say).

Or if it were a game, the class could hold the number of lives
allowed. An instance variable could hold the number of lives left.
All insatances share the limit but each instance has its own
idea of how many lives it has left. The class value in turn
might depend on the skill level being used by the player etc...


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 18 19:22:27 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue May 18 19:22:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Multidimensional arrays
References: <000e01c43cc4$eb0bc450$2a1d9a51@Miranda>
Message-ID: <006c01c43d2e$fbda8a90$6401a8c0@xp>

> I am sure I am missing something obvious here but I cannot 
> see how to set up a two-dimensional array. I am hoping it 
> can be done using lists of lists, as it were, 

Yes, a list of lists is the usual solution. 
What happened when you tried it?

The interactive prompt is a great place to try out ideas to 
see how they work:

>>> L1 = [1,2,3]
>>> L2 = [3,4,5]
>>> L2D = [L1,L2]
>>> print L2D[1][2]  # -> 5

Or directly:

>>> L2D = [[1,2,3],[3,4,5]]
>>> print L2D[0][1] # -> 2

Or neater layout:

>>> L2D = [ [1,2,3]
...         [3,4,5]
...       ]


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From rmkrauter at  Tue May 18 19:54:39 2004
From: rmkrauter at (Rich Krauter)
Date: Tue May 18 20:02:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] making a log file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1084924479.7520.45.camel@vaio>

On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 15:16, Ertl, John wrote:
> All,
> I am trying to make a log file that contains different formats for different
> types of events.  Because this log file will be for a web service I cannot
> use my old method of just directing standard out to a file.  I am trying to
> use the logging module but will little success.  I have tried to have two
> separate classes that log to the same file but the output prints out the
> info for both formats each time the logger is called.  For example I have
> two formats one for a start and the other for an event.  The start format
> should only be printed when the startLog in invoked but both the startLog
> and eventLog print.  The same thing happens when I called the event
> log...both the startLog and Event log formats get printed to the log file.  
> I have tired many iterations of this idea (many made no sense but I tried
> anyways) including just having the separate formats in separate classes and
> having almost everything else in the fnmocLog class. But cannot find a way
> to have one log file with different formats for different types of events. 
> Below is the simple code that I am testing with.  The two formats are very
> similar for the test but will be larger and very different in the real world
> if I can get this to work.
> Any help is appreciated.

Hi John,

I think the trick may be giving different names to different Logger
objects. This is what I tried:

import logging
import sys
import time

class fnmocLog:
    def __init__ (self): = "test"
        self.platform = "ATOS2"
        self.devlevel = "beta"
        self.productid = int(time.time())
        self.userid = self.productid

    def _setup_logger(self,
        fmt='<%(name)s %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s>'):
        self.hdlr = logging.FileHandler('%s.log'
        # 'name' in fmt refers to name passed to
        # getLogger, not
        self.formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt)

class startLog(fnmocLog):
    def __init__ (self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('APPSTART')

class eventLog(fnmocLog):
    def __init__ (self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('APPEVENT')

idstart = startLog()
idevent = eventLog()'This is a test')'This is the second test')'This is the third test')

I think the example in the docs may be a little misleading - it uses
'myapp' as the name passed to getLogger; I'm guessing that's just
because it's a simple example, but I could be wrong. You have more
complicated requirements, so you probably want to create different
Logger instances by passing different names to getLogger. That way you
can control each Logger instance seperately, rather than trying to make
one Logger instance do all the work. 

Good luck.


From jfabiani at  Tue May 18 23:00:39 2004
From: jfabiani at (John Fabiani)
Date: Tue May 18 23:59:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] overview of how data is handled
Message-ID: <>


First let me say that the books and all the online tutorials (that I 
have seen) do not address how to handle data retrieved from a SQL 
database. They explain how to get the data but not how the data is to be 
handled after it is retrieved.   It appears from what I have read and my 
experiments that the data needs to be in a dict form.  OK I was able to 
convert the data into a dict.  But doing so required many lines of code 
(two loops).  If the program has to convert from list into dict for 
ten's of thousands of records it is going to be very  slow. 

The handling of data is like nothing I have ever done.  It's nothing 
like Delphi, Java, .Net or VFP.  Therefore, I think I wrong in the way I 
am thinking about how data is to be handled.  So can someone provide an 
over view of how they believe data should be handled in a data centered 
application - i.e data entry with grids, preparing reports for viewing 
or printing etc....


From orbitz at  Wed May 19 00:22:50 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Wed May 19 00:23:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] overview of how data is handled
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I am confused about what your question is.  dbapi2.0 compliant modules return
your object in some sort of list like object, either a tuple or a list. (it is
iterable atleast).

The DB-API 2.0 document says this about getting a dict object:
    The database SIG often sees reoccurring questions about the DB API
    specification. This section covers some of the issues people
    sometimes have with the specification.


       How can I construct a dictionary out of the tuples returned by


       There are several existing tools available which provide
       helpers for this task. Most of them use the approach of using
       the column names defined in the cursor attribute .description
       as basis for the keys in the row dictionary.

       Note that the reason for not extending the DB API specification
       to also support dictionary return values for the .fetchxxx()
       methods is that this approach has several drawbacks:

       * Some databases don't support case-sensitive column names or
         auto-convert them to all lowercase or all uppercase
       * Columns in the result set which are generated by the query
         (e.g.  using SQL functions) don't map to table column names
         and databases usually generate names for these columns in a
         very database specific way.

       As a result, accessing the columns through dictionary keys
       varies between databases and makes writing portable code

I didn't bother looking up what these helper tools are but then again I wasn't
that interested.

Usually you know how many columns your result has so just using the index is not
very difficult.

On Tue, 18 May 2004 20:00:39 -0700
John Fabiani <> wrote:

> Hi,
> First let me say that the books and all the online tutorials (that I 
> have seen) do not address how to handle data retrieved from a SQL 
> database. They explain how to get the data but not how the data is to be 
> handled after it is retrieved.   It appears from what I have read and my 
> experiments that the data needs to be in a dict form.  OK I was able to 
> convert the data into a dict.  But doing so required many lines of code 
> (two loops).  If the program has to convert from list into dict for 
> ten's of thousands of records it is going to be very  slow. 
> The handling of data is like nothing I have ever done.  It's nothing 
> like Delphi, Java, .Net or VFP.  Therefore, I think I wrong in the way I 
> am thinking about how data is to be handled.  So can someone provide an 
> over view of how they believe data should be handled in a data centered 
> application - i.e data entry with grids, preparing reports for viewing 
> or printing etc....
> Thanks
> John
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From dyoo at  Wed May 19 02:27:56 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed May 19 02:28:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] overview of how data is handled  [getting dictionaries
	from sql cursor / generators]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 18 May 2004, John Fabiani wrote:

> The handling of data is like nothing I have ever done.  It's nothing
> like Delphi, Java, .Net or VFP.

Hi John,

The approach that the DB API 2.0 takes is similar to Java's JDBC standard.
A 'cursor' object in Python behaves like a combination of a Java's
'java.sql.Statement' and 'java.sql.ResultSet'.

When we say something in Java like:

/*** Java ***/
PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement
    ("select title, abstract from article");
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
while ( {

then an equivalent translation of this, using Python's API, looks
something like this:

### Python
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select title, abstract from article")
for (title, abstract) in cursor.fetchall():
    print title
    print abstract

The translation isn't exact.  I've tried to improve the readability of the
Python code, but I think that's perfectly fair.  *grin*

The examples above use explicit numeric indices to get at a particular
column, but you've mentioned that you might want to use a dictionary

> OK I was able to convert the data into a dict.  But doing so required
> many lines of code (two loops).  If the program has to convert from list
> into dict for ten's of thousands of records it is going to be very slow.

Can you show us what your code looks like?  And are you sure it's going to
be too slow?

Python is relatively slow, but at the same time, tens of thousands of
records doesn't sound like too much data at all.  *grin* I would strongly
recommend not to assume that performance is poor until a real performance
measurement is taken.  Human intuition on what's fast and what's slow can
be deceptive.

Here's an example that shows how to extract dictionaries from a cursor,
assuming that our database doesn't have a native dictionary cursor

>>> def getDictsFromCursor(cursor):
...     while True:
...         nextRow = cursor.fetchone()
...         if not nextRow: break
...         d = {}
...         for (i, columnDesc) in enumerate(cursor.description):
...             d[columnDesc[0]] = nextRow[i]
...         yield d
>>> cursor.execute("select id, name from pub_term limit 3")
>>> for d in getDictsFromCursor(cursor):
...     print d
{'id': 107152L, 'name': "'de novo' GDP-L-fucose biosynthesis"}
{'id': 5258L, 'name': "'de novo' IMP biosynthesis"}
{'id': 5259L, 'name': "'de novo' protein folding"}

Hope this helps!

From John.Ertl at  Wed May 19 10:16:07 2004
From: John.Ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Wed May 19 10:11:22 2004
Subject: [Tutor] making a log file
Message-ID: <>

You hit the nail on the head.  I fell into the simple minded trap of
"myapp".  Thank you for the code idea, I like how you structured it.

John Ertl 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rich Krauter []
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 16:55
Subject: Re: [Tutor] making a log file

On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 15:16, Ertl, John wrote:
> All,
> I am trying to make a log file that contains different formats for
> types of events.  Because this log file will be for a web service I cannot
> use my old method of just directing standard out to a file.  I am trying
> use the logging module but will little success.  I have tried to have two
> separate classes that log to the same file but the output prints out the
> info for both formats each time the logger is called.  For example I have
> two formats one for a start and the other for an event.  The start format
> should only be printed when the startLog in invoked but both the startLog
> and eventLog print.  The same thing happens when I called the event
> log...both the startLog and Event log formats get printed to the log file.

> I have tired many iterations of this idea (many made no sense but I tried
> anyways) including just having the separate formats in separate classes
> having almost everything else in the fnmocLog class. But cannot find a way
> to have one log file with different formats for different types of events.
> Below is the simple code that I am testing with.  The two formats are very
> similar for the test but will be larger and very different in the real
> if I can get this to work.
> Any help is appreciated.

Hi John,

I think the trick may be giving different names to different Logger
objects. This is what I tried:

import logging
import sys
import time

class fnmocLog:
    def __init__ (self): = "test"
        self.platform = "ATOS2"
        self.devlevel = "beta"
        self.productid = int(time.time())
        self.userid = self.productid

    def _setup_logger(self,
        fmt='<%(name)s %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s>'):
        self.hdlr = logging.FileHandler('%s.log'
        # 'name' in fmt refers to name passed to
        # getLogger, not
        self.formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt)

class startLog(fnmocLog):
    def __init__ (self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('APPSTART')

class eventLog(fnmocLog):
    def __init__ (self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('APPEVENT')

idstart = startLog()
idevent = eventLog()'This is a test')'This is the second test')'This is the third test')

I think the example in the docs may be a little misleading - it uses
'myapp' as the name passed to getLogger; I'm guessing that's just
because it's a simple example, but I could be wrong. You have more
complicated requirements, so you probably want to create different
Logger instances by passing different names to getLogger. That way you
can control each Logger instance seperately, rather than trying to make
one Logger instance do all the work.

Good luck.


Tutor maillist  -

From dyoo at  Wed May 19 13:39:48 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed May 19 13:39:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] overview of how data is handled  [getting dictionaries
	from sql cursor / generators] (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

[Forwarding to please keep in CC.  It
gives other folks the opportunity to help answer your questions.]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 00:37:19 -0700
From: John Fabiani <>
To: Danny Yoo <>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] overview of how data is handled  [getting dictionaries
    from sql cursor / generators]

Danny Yoo wrote:

>On Tue, 18 May 2004, John Fabiani wrote:
>>The handling of data is like nothing I have ever done.  It's nothing
>>like Delphi, Java, .Net or VFP.
>Hi John,
>The approach that the DB API 2.0 takes is similar to Java's JDBC standard.
>A 'cursor' object in Python behaves like a combination of a Java's
>'java.sql.Statement' and 'java.sql.ResultSet'.
>When we say something in Java like:
>/*** Java ***/
>PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement
>    ("select title, abstract from article");
>ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
>while ( {
>     System.out.println(rs.getString(1));
>     System.out.println(rs.getString(2));
>then an equivalent translation of this, using Python's API, looks
>something like this:
>### Python
>cursor = conn.cursor()
>cursor.execute("select title, abstract from article")
>for (title, abstract) in cursor.fetchall():
>    print title
>    print abstract
>The translation isn't exact.  I've tried to improve the readability of the
>Python code, but I think that's perfectly fair.  *grin*
>The examples above use explicit numeric indices to get at a particular
>column, but you've mentioned that you might want to use a dictionary
>>OK I was able to convert the data into a dict.  But doing so required
>>many lines of code (two loops).  If the program has to convert from list
>>into dict for ten's of thousands of records it is going to be very slow.
>Can you show us what your code looks like?  And are you sure it's going to
>be too slow?
>Python is relatively slow, but at the same time, tens of thousands of
>records doesn't sound like too much data at all.  *grin* I would strongly
>recommend not to assume that performance is poor until a real performance
>measurement is taken.  Human intuition on what's fast and what's slow can
>be deceptive.
>Here's an example that shows how to extract dictionaries from a cursor,
>assuming that our database doesn't have a native dictionary cursor
>>>>def getDictsFromCursor(cursor):
>...     while True:
>...         nextRow = cursor.fetchone()
>...         if not nextRow: break
>...         d = {}
>...         for (i, columnDesc) in enumerate(cursor.description):
>...             d[columnDesc[0]] = nextRow[i]
>...         yield d
>>>>cursor.execute("select id, name from pub_term limit 3")
>>>>for d in getDictsFromCursor(cursor):
>...     print d
>{'id': 107152L, 'name': "'de novo' GDP-L-fucose biosynthesis"}
>{'id': 5258L, 'name': "'de novo' IMP biosynthesis"}
>{'id': 5259L, 'name': "'de novo' protein folding"}
>Hope this helps!
my code
for count in range(0,len(myfields)):

for count in range(0,len(mydata[0])):
    myrowdata.append(mydata[0][count] )

d = dict(zip(mylist,myrowdata))
The above works with only one record at a time.

I'm using PyPgSQL and the resultset is a list.
 Because the of books I'm reading (O'Rielly) I was expecting a tuple but
I got a list.   OK but now the routines in the books suggest that I use
a dict.  So I figured out how to convert the data (mydata in this case)
into a dict.  But then I realized that the two loops I was going to use
(to convert the list into a dict) will take time.  I did not test how
long.  But I also realized that converting has to be wrong.  The
returned data must be used as a list - not converted  and then used.
But  it appears that's what you are doing in the "getDictsFromCursor"  -
converting into a dict ( I know to show me).

In the java code you are looping thru the resultset.  That's all I want
to do - at first.  Then I'll need some way to loop thru the data based
on the field name.  Again it looks like I have to create the dict for
each record.  This just can't be right.  Fetchone 1000's of times is
also got to be wrong.   In the VFP world we have a "SCAN" that loops
thru the resultset.  I can access the data by field name in VFP. How
does one do same thing - loop thru the resultset (could be 1000's) and
access the fields by their field name?

One nice thing about getting a list is I can change the data in the list
(can't in a tuple).  so how about something like:
replace all extPrice with Qty * price (this is a very simple thing to do
in VFP,  Delphi or Java.) in the resultset. Then open a connection and
save the changed data.
What I think has to happen at the moment is each record must be
converted to a dict and then after I can change each record based on the
key of the dict.  This does not sound right - I'm doing something wrong.

From dyoo at  Wed May 19 14:47:05 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed May 19 14:47:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] overview of how data is handled  [getting dictionaries
	from sql cursor / generators] (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> One nice thing about getting a list is I can change the data in the list
> (can't in a tuple).  so how about something like: replace all extPrice
> with Qty * price (this is a very simple thing to do in VFP, Delphi or
> Java.) in the resultset. Then open a connection and save the changed
> data.

Hi John,

Ah, ok, this part is different from my assumptions of the problem.  I had
assumed we were still trying to generate some kind of report file, so that
we needed just read-only values.  It sounds like you want to make changes
to the database.  Are you thinking of Java's update* methods in

If so, then no, I don't think that Python's DB API 2.0 supports doing
select-and-update directly through a cursor, but I could be wrong.  You
may want to ask on the Database SIG group:

> In the java code you are looping thru the resultset.  That's all I want
> to do - at first.  Then I'll need some way to loop thru the data based
> on the field name.  Again it looks like I have to create the dict for
> each record.  This just can't be right. Fetchone 1000's of times is also
> got to be wrong.

Hmmm... I have to disagree here, because I'm not seeing the difference.
How is looping through a Java ResultSet conceptually different from
calling cursor.fetchone() in Python?

In the Java code that was presented earlier, we could just as easily say
that in

/*** Java ***/
while ( {

we're calling '' thousands of times too.  The 'test' condition in
a loop is not just executed once, but every time at the beginning of each

> In the VFP world we have a "SCAN" that loops thru the resultset.  I can
> access the data by field name in VFP. How does one do same thing - loop
> thru the resultset (could be 1000's) and access the fields by their
> field name?

Hmmm!  I'm not familiar with VFP.  Googling... *grin*

Ok, I see how SCAN works.  But I still don't see the difference here
between the approach we're taking in Python and the approach that Foxpro
takes.  Let's take the example that they're giving us:

****** Foxpro code
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'Data\testdata')
USE customer  && Opens Customer table
   ? contact, company, city

Here's Python pseudocode for the above, if we pretend to have a MySQLdb
database called 'testdata', and a table called 'customer'.  (Also, let's
pretend we have that getDictsFromCursor() function from our last

conn = MySQLdb.connect(db='testdata')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT * from customer
                  WHERE UPPER(country) = 'SWEDEN'""")
for row in getDictsFromCursor(cursor):
    print row['contact'], row['company'], row['city']

There are some issues here we should address.  First, the scanning
condition in the Foxpro code,

    SCAN FOR UPPER(country) = 'SWEDEN'

can --- and should! --- be defined in the SQL query.  So I've put a
"WHERE" clause in the SQL that defines that constraint.

The following snippet, in contrast:

conn = MySQLdb.connect(db='testdata')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("""SELECT * from customer""")
for row in getDictsFromCursor(cursor):
    if row['country'].upper() == 'SWEDEN':
        print row['contact'], row['company'], row['city']

will also work, but it is inefficient because it iterates over all the
records in customer.  Is this what you were worried about?

Foxpro's SCAN function also appears to bind new variables automagically so
that we can simply name them within the SCAN block.  The equivalent Python
code is a little clumsier than the Foxpro code, since I'm accessing the
values though that row dictionary.

I'm not convinced, though, that Foxpro's rebinding is a good idea.  It's
convenient, but the names of fields in our database might be easily be
keywords in our language.  What happens in Foxpro if one of the column
names is something like ENDSCAN?  Is that possible?

That's one motivating reason to package up each result row in a container,
like a list or a dictionary.  The extra layer of indirection allows us to
avoid name-collision issues.

I hope this helps!

From alan.gauld at  Wed May 19 14:51:27 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed May 19 14:51:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] overview of how data is handled
References: <>
Message-ID: <002d01c43dd2$4a8d57a0$6401a8c0@xp>

> First let me say that the books and all the online tutorials (that I
> have seen) do not address how to handle data retrieved from a SQL
> database. They explain how to get the data but not how the data is
to be
> handled after it is retrieved.

Thats because you can handle it any way you like!
Once its out its all yours.

> experiments that the data needs to be in a dict form.

Hmm, I wonder. The normal approach is to use a cursor and
retrieve the data piece by piece or in small chunks. Are
you trying to pull back all the data at once? That will
be more problematic (albeit faster if you have enough RAM).
But if you allow the database cursor to hold and traverse
the query results for you it shouldn't be too hard.

This is normal relational database practice, but not normal
Windows IDE type practice which disguises the cursor with
table views and the like. Python takes a more server like
approach (as normally used by COBOL, C, etc).

> (two loops).  If the program has to convert from list into dict for
> ten's of thousands of records it is going to be very  slow.

Yep, that's why you normally write specific queries and insert
the results in a cursor. You can then fetch the data from the
cursor. Alternatively write more specific SQL and execute on
demand - it depends on where the CPU time gets eaten...

> The handling of data is like nothing I have ever done.  It's nothing
> like Delphi, Java, .Net or VFP.

Thats true. I don;t know of any Python environment that mimics
the way VB and Delphi present data. But python is far from
alone in its approach.

> application - i.e data entry with grids, preparing reports for
> or printing etc....

Normally to use a grid with N rows you pull N rows outof the
cursor and populate the grid. How the population gets done
will depend on the grid you use!

Preparing reports is more normally done by writing as much as
possible in SQL and then iterating line by line over the
resultant cursor.

Having said all that I haven't used Python's database interface
in earnest, my experiences are with COBOL and C!

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Wed May 19 14:57:23 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed May 19 14:57:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] overview of how data is handled [getting dictionariesfrom
	sql cursor / generators]
References: <>
Message-ID: <003a01c43dd3$1ed2c5e0$6401a8c0@xp>

> On Tue, 18 May 2004, John Fabiani wrote:
> > The handling of data is like nothing I have ever done.  It's
> > like Delphi, Java, .Net or VFP.
> The approach that the DB API 2.0 takes is similar to Java's JDBC
> A 'cursor' object in Python behaves like a combination of a Java's
> 'java.sql.Statement' and 'java.sql.ResultSet'.

For info to those who may be puzzled by John's question (and
apologies if I've got it wrong!) but I think John is referring to
the way Delphi, VB and Java IDEs have "live data" controls that
allow you to drop the data directly from the database into a table
control on the GUI without writing any code (except the SQL,
and sometimes not even that!). Once the connection is made
you can see the real data in the cells, and modify it by simply
updating the cell contents etc.

By comparison JDBCs and Python's DBAPI are both fairly primitive
tools and therefore seem cumbersome.

Again, if I guessed wrong then apologies to all,

Alan G.

From idiot1 at  Thu May 20 00:32:46 2004
From: idiot1 at (Kirk Bailey)
Date: Thu May 20 00:33:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] WTF?!?
Message-ID: <>

Ok, we upgraded critter; bigger drives, new(er) mother board, more 
memory, actually sprouted some hairs on his teenage chest. HOWEVER, we 
also upgraded to current Python- and FreeBSD. Straightaway we had 

And we fixed them. Permissions are a little different. ALSO, my page 
counters stopped working.

Here's the old script:
print result

the file count stores the page hit count; it is stored in the cgi-bin 
with the program.

Ok, it stopped wortking. FIRST off we check permissions. ok, minor 
quibbles, fix. Loog now says cannot find file 'count'. ok, we go in 
and execute from comand line, it works perfect.

Hmmm, had something like this before. Turns out that when you run a 
program via the web server, it is now defaulting to the root dir for 
that domain name (criter holds several domains, each with it's own 
seperate directory tree structure including a web cgi-bin).

ok, I noticed one site in the box was counting. THE FILE WAS IN THE 
QRONG PLACE. It was in the root directory for that site. hmmm, put it 
in the 'right' place, it stops working. 'Default dir' is indeed the 
root for the website as defined by the domain table in the apache 

ok, here is the updated counter:

print result

And it works just peachy. Now, did this arise due to changes in 
python, or in FreeBSD?

So this is the current working version:


              Kirk D Bailey, Pinellas county Florida USA

   think - $FREE$ Liberating software
+-------+ - NeoPagan
|  BOX  | - $FREE$ list hosting!
+-------+ - $FREE$ email Accounts
   kniht - My personal site

From roeland.rengelink at  Thu May 20 05:46:19 2004
From: roeland.rengelink at (Roeland Rengelink)
Date: Thu May 20 05:46:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] overview of how data is handled  [getting dictionaries
	from sql cursor / generators] (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:

>[Forwarding to please keep in CC.  It
>gives other folks the opportunity to help answer your questions.]
<snipped forwarded message, answering to reply

>my code
>for count in range(0,len(myfields)):
>   mylist.append(myfields[count][0])
>for count in range(0,len(mydata[0])):
>    myrowdata.append(mydata[0][count] )
>d = dict(zip(mylist,myrowdata))
>The above works with only one record at a time.
>I'm using PyPgSQL and the resultset is a list.
> Because the of books I'm reading (O'Rielly) I was expecting a tuple but
>I got a list.   OK but now the routines in the books suggest that I use
>a dict.  So I figured out how to convert the data (mydata in this case)
>into a dict.  But then I realized that the two loops I was going to use
>(to convert the list into a dict) will take time.  I did not test how
>long.  But I also realized that converting has to be wrong.  The
>returned data must be used as a list - not converted  and then used.
>But  it appears that's what you are doing in the "getDictsFromCursor"  -
>converting into a dict ( I know to show me).
It's probably a good idea to stress again that the (list of) objects 
by cursor.fetchone() (cursor.fetchmany())  behave like a dict. It is 
a tuple, nor a list or dict. (It's a PgResultSet object). However, in the
context of what you're trying to do, these object are read-only. That 
is, you
can't change them, and even if you transform them into a list (or dict) and
change the values, there is no way these values are going to be 
updated in the the database.

You will need additional code for that (see below).

>In the java code you are looping thru the resultset.  That's all I want
>to do - at first.  Then I'll need some way to loop thru the data based
>on the field name.  Again it looks like I have to create the dict for
>each record.  This just can't be right.  Fetchone 1000's of times is
>also got to be wrong.   In the VFP world we have a "SCAN" that loops
>thru the resultset.  I can access the data by field name in VFP. How
>does one do same thing - loop thru the resultset (could be 1000's) and
>access the fields by their field name?
If the backend of VFP is an sql database (I wouldn't know) you can 
assume that
VFP is doing something like what I show below under the covers.

>One nice thing about getting a list is I can change the data in the list
>(can't in a tuple).  so how about something like:
>replace all extPrice with Qty * price (this is a very simple thing to do
>in VFP,  Delphi or Java.) in the resultset. Then open a connection and
>save the changed data.
You're not going to be able to do this, even after you have changed the 
set from as 'tuple' into a list, to make it editable. The reason that 
this is
not trivial, is that the result set does not know from which row in the
database it came, so it's not obvious which row in the database has to be
updated once you have changed a row in the result set. And of course, 
after you
have changed an item from the resultset into a list, the list will not know
anything whatsoever about any database, making this problem even more

>What I think has to happen at the moment is each record must be
>converted to a dict and then after I can change each record based on the
>key of the dict.  This does not sound right - I'm doing something wrong.
The following code is untested and uses a lot of different python
concepts that you may not have encountered yet. But I hope this gives
an idea about the kind of work that you have to do to make this work
the way you want.

class DBRow:
    """An editable row that remembers from which row in the table it came"""
    def __init__(self, oid, cols, data):
        self.oid = oid      # row identifier
        self.cols = cols    # column names (a list) = data    # row data (a list)
        self.dirty = 0      # only save when updated

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        # used to retrieve a value for one column in this row
        index = self.cols.index(key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        # used to set a value for one columns in this row
        index = self.cols.index(key)[index] = value
        self.dirty = 1

    def save(self, table_name, cursor):
        if not self.dirty:

        terms = []
        for col, val in zip(self.cols,
             terms.append("%s=%s" % (col, val))

        cmnd = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE oid=%s"  % (table_name, terms, 

class DBTable:
    """Represent the table as a list of editable DBRows"""
    def __init__(self, db, table_name, clause=''):
        self.table_name = table_name
        self.db = db
        self.rows = []

        # get the data from the db
        cmnd = "SELECT oid, * FROM %s" % table_name
        if clause:
            cmnd = cmnd+" WHERE %s" % clause
        c = db.cursor()
        # find names, except oid
        colnames = [d[0] for d in c.description[1:]]

        # transform the resultset in a list of DBRow objects
        for row in c.fetchall():
            oid = row[0]
            data = row[1:]
            self.rows.append(DBRow(oid, colnames, data))

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.rows[index]

    def save(self):
        c = self.db.cursor()
        for r in self.rows:
  , c)

With this you should be able to do something like:

 >>> db = PgSQL.connect(...)
 >>> data = DBTable(db, "mytable", "aaa>42")
 >>> for row in data:
...     row['aaa'] = row['bbb']+3*row['ccc']

which would change column aaa for all rows where aaa>42

Note that

db = PgSQL.connect(...)
c = db.cursor()
c.execute("UPDATE mytable SET aaa=bbb+3*ccc WHERE aaa>42")

Is by far the fastest (if not easiest) way to solve this particular

Hope this helps,


From pythontut at  Thu May 20 15:10:44 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Thu May 20 15:10:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a better way ?
Message-ID: <>

A couple of hundred lines of code later ... things are getting easier ...

Is there a neater way of saying ...

    if 'SyncErr' in file:

I've got a few of these & they seems a bit of a mess !


PS Why was I scared of OOP - It rocks :-)

From kalle at  Thu May 20 15:22:27 2004
From: kalle at (Kalle Svensson)
Date: Thu May 20 15:20:10 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a better way ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

[Dave S]
> Is there a neater way of saying ...
> syncerr=False
> if 'SyncErr' in file:
>    syncerr=True

  syncerr = 'SyncErr' in file

Kalle Svensson,
Student, root and saint in the Church of Emacs.

From pythontut at  Thu May 20 16:03:29 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Thu May 20 16:03:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a better way ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kalle Svensson wrote:

>[Dave S]
>>Is there a neater way of saying ...
>>if 'SyncErr' in file:
>>   syncerr=True
>  syncerr = 'SyncErr' in file
>  Kalle
Sometimes my own stupidity amazes even me ! :-)

Many Thanks

From dyoo at  Thu May 20 20:59:24 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu May 20 20:59:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] WTF?!?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 20 May 2004, Kirk Bailey wrote:

> Here's the old script:
> #!/usr/local/bin/python
> #
> #
> f1=open("count",'r')
> count=int(f1.readline())
> f1.close()
> count=count+1
> result=str(count)
> print result
> f1=open("count",'w')
> f1.write(result+"\r\n")
> f1.close

Hi Kirk,

There's a bug here: you need to call f1.close(), with parentheses.  Even
methods with no arguments need parentheses to fire off properly.

(We may not be seeing this bug only because the code is inadvertantly
flushing the file buffer, but we can't depend on our luck to last.

> Hmmm, had something like this before. Turns out that when you run a
> program via the web server, it is now defaulting to the root dir for
> that domain name (criter holds several domains, each with it's own
> seperate directory tree structure including a web cgi-bin).

Yes --- CGI scripts shouldn't assume where the current working directory
is when they are executed.  Apache mentions that absolute paths should be
used for executable names:

and I think that the same caveat should apply to the names of data files

The change in behavior probably has nothing to do with Python or FreeBSD,
but is more likely due to changes in your web server configuration.  I
can't find anything in the CGI spec that defines what the current working
directory is, I suspect it's "undefined" in the sense that a CGI script
should not depend on the current working directory.

So instead of changing things to:


I'd recommend going one step further, and make it absolutely qualified.
If your DocumentRoot is under /var/www, then something like:

    f1 = open("/var/www/cgi-bin/count", "r")

would work.

Hope this helps!

From pythontut at  Fri May 21 13:27:41 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Fri May 21 13:28:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange variable problem
Message-ID: <>

Please excuse my poor codeing ... but I have a problem.

ftseptr is setup as a global variable, value -1,
yftseptr is setup as a global variable, value 0

When I execute the calling script I get ....

============================== RESTART ================================
Analizing directory ... 20040429

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dave/gg/", line 72, in -toplevel-
  File "/home/dave/gg/", line 62, in gg
  File "/home/dave/gg/", line 40, in file2datacore2
  File "/home/dave/gg/", line 30, in add
    print ftseptr
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ftseptr' referenced before assignment

Where the 0 after Analizing directory is from yftseptr, but ftseptr 
causes an exception - no assigned.
They were both assigned at the same time.

Can anyone help




The code causing problems ....

import gglogger



ftseptr=-1  # Pointer into ftsedata list

for i in range(110):


def add(id,mid,pence,pc,bid,offer,open,high,low,close,volume,syncerr):

    # Data cookie - is a list
    # [num consecutive loads,bad data counter,bad cycle counter]
    print yftseptr   # These are test prints where I found the problem ;-)
    print ftseptr

        if ftseptr==-1: # If ftseptr==-1 get cookie from ftsedata
    except KeyError:
        cookie=[0,0,2]  # OK no previous id ... start of new record
        gglogger.log('!!','ggdatacore2','New ftse company '+id)

From alan.gauld at  Fri May 21 15:52:56 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri May 21 15:52:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Is there a better way ?
References: <><>
Message-ID: <001d01c43f6d$367ca4e0$6401a8c0@xp>

> >>Is there a neater way of saying ...
> >>
> >  syncerr = 'SyncErr' in file
> >
> Sometimes my own stupidity amazes even me ! :-)

It's not stupidity, until you've seen it that code is 
far from intuitive to most beginners. Of course, once 
you see it and think about it it seems obvious! :-)

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Fri May 21 16:32:30 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri May 21 16:32:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange variable problem
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 21 May 2004, Dave S wrote:

> Please excuse my poor codeing ... but I have a problem.
> ftseptr is setup as a global variable, value -1,
> yftseptr is setup as a global variable, value 0

Hi Dave,

Ah!  Common gotcha: when using global variables in functions, you may need
to declare that the variable is 'global' in nature.  For example:

count = 0
def makeNextName():
    global count
    nextName = "name%s" % count
    count = count + 1
    return nextName

If the 'global count' declaration in the function is missing, then we'll
get the same UnboundLocalError that you're receiving in your program, so I
suspect the same thing is happening there.

Another example of this is in the Python Programming FAQ, under the title
"How do you set a global variable in a fucntion?":

So people do run into this enough that it's a FAQ entry.  I get the
feeling, sometimes, that globals are awkward in Python to discourage their
use.  *grin*

Hope this helps!

From op73418 at  Fri May 21 18:06:52 2004
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Fri May 21 18:03:57 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange variable problem
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Em Fri, 21 May 2004 13:32:30 -0700 (PDT), Danny Yoo
<> atirou este peixe aos pinguins:

[text snipped]

>So people do run into this enough that it's a FAQ entry.  I get the
>feeling, sometimes, that globals are awkward in Python to discourage their
>use.  *grin*

I think that is only half the story. *grin*

Globals are awkward because scope resolution of names follows some
very *simple* rules: First notice that the scope of a name is
determined at *compile* time - this is important in what follows.

1. If a name is LHS (left-hand-side) of an assignment then it is to be
found in the local scope.

2. Names in an expression are found by going from the local scope,
then the outer scopes (if any), then the global scope then the

The important rule here is number 1. In a situation like

name = 1

def foo(arg):
    name = name + 1

Since name is the LHS of an assignment it is assumed to be in the
local scope. Of course, when *actually running* the code, when
executing the expression name + 1 Python sees that there is no name
bound in the local scope => you get an error. So, by rule 1 you have
to have some way to signal Python's "compiler" (the Translator into
Python bytecode) that name is in the outer scope (in this case the
module-level one). Thus the need for the global declaration.

If you want to preserve the simplicity of rule 1 (and I for one will
shoot down everyone who wants to break it :-) you *must* have some
special notation to allow *rebinding* of names in outer scopes.
Currently rebinding is only allowed in the global scope not in other
outer scopes (as defined by functions) but it seems that Guido wants
to introduce it except that no good notation has yet been found. I for
one favour a new assignment operator, say :=, instead of a declaration
like global.

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

From blugerz at  Fri May 21 21:35:07 2004
From: blugerz at (brian illingworth)
Date: Fri May 21 21:35:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New to programming-Help
Message-ID: <>

Hi I am new to this group and new to programming.  I have 
 had this interest in learning to program because.......well 
just because.  It's just a curiosity that I have.  The reason 
 I am starting with Python, well some of the websites I went 
 to recommended Python, so here I am. 
 Ok on to the question.
 I am currently using the book "Python programming for 
 absolute beginners" by Michael Dawson.  The program I am 
 working on is a password program....dont laugh I know it's 
 really simple to some, but I am kinda stuck.  The book shows 
 how to code a password program like
 password = raw input("Enter your password:")
 if password == "secret":
      print "Access Granted"
      print "Access Denied"
 raw input("Press the enter key to exit")
 Ok that is easy enough I understand what is going on here.  
 As the book goes on it also talks about elif, and while 
 loops.  At the end of the chapter it gives various challenges 
 that the reader is asked to complete.  One of the challenges 
 is to take the password program from above and change it so 
 that the user gets only three attempts to enter the correct 
 password.  Well I ain't got it to work yet, I thought I came 
 close, but no cigar.  This is what I have so far: #Limiting 
 password atempts to three
 password = raw input("Enter your Password: ")
 count = 0
 while password != "secret":
      print password = raw-input("Enter your Password: ")
      count += 1

 if password == "secret":
      print "Welcome in."
 elif count > 3:
      print "Please come back when you remember your Password."
      raw input("Press enter to exit.")

  Ok, I know I may be way off course here but any help would be 
 greatly appreciated.  I dont want to get frustrated and say 
 the heck with it, especially if it is something minor.  
 Thanks in advance.

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From tomikaze at  Fri May 21 21:38:59 2004
From: tomikaze at (=?ISO-8859-2?Q?Moln=E1r_Tam=E1s?=)
Date: Fri May 21 21:39:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] text widget
Message-ID: <>


Could anyone help me if there is a text editor module out in space, 
which allows stepping to one line from another of a paragraph? Is has 
one linebreak, so it's actually a line, but users cannot be bothered with 
this. Maybe the text widget of TKinter can be hacked? I have been 
playing with some binding modifications and stuff like this for days, but 
solutions are too slow or likely pixel/monitor dependent. Do I really 
have to go into C too? Tell me something if you can.



From janitor at  Fri May 21 22:17:38 2004
From: janitor at (Darshan Gunawardena)
Date: Fri May 21 22:17:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New to programming-Help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I too am new to python. And I'm sure there must be many ways to
improve on this code. But for the moment I think it meets your

count = 0
password = 'x'
while password != "secret" and count < 3:
	password = raw_input("Enter your Password: ")

	if password == "secret":
		print "Welcome in."
		print "Incorrect Password"
		count += 1

if count == 3:
      print "Please come back when you remember your Password."
      raw_input("Press enter to exit.")

----- Original Message -----
From: brian illingworth <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 18:35:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Tutor] New to programming-Help

Hi I am new to this group and new to programming.  I have 
 had this interest in learning to program because.......well 
just because.  It's just a curiosity that I have.  The reason 
 I am starting with Python, well some of the websites I went 
 to recommended Python, so here I am. 
 Ok on to the question.
 I am currently using the book "Python programming for 
 absolute beginners" by Michael Dawson.  The program I am 
 working on is a password program....dont laugh I know it's 
 really simple to some, but I am kinda stuck.  The book shows 
 how to code a password program like
 password = raw input("Enter your password:")
 if password == "secret":
      print "Access Granted"
      print "Access Denied"
 raw input("Press the enter
 key to exit")
 Ok that is easy enough I understand what is going on here.  
 As the book goes on it also talks about elif, and while 
 loops.  At the end of the chapter it gives various challenges 
 that the reader is asked to complete.  One of the challenges 
 is to take the password program from above and change it so 
 that the user gets only three attempts to enter the correct 
 password.  Well I ain't got it to work yet, I thought I came 
 close, but no cigar.  This is what I have so far: #Limiting 
 password atempts to three
 password = raw input("Enter your Password: ")
 count = 0
 while password != "secret":
      print password = raw-input("Enter your Password: ")
      count += 1

 if password ==
      print "Welcome in."
 elif count > 3:
      print "Please come back when you remember your Password."
      raw input("Press enter to exit.")

  Ok, I know I may be way off course here but any help would be 
 greatly appreciated.  I dont want to get frustrated and say 
 the heck with it, especially if it is something minor.  
 Thanks in advance.

Do you Yahoo!?
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From gew75 at  Fri May 21 22:31:51 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Fri May 21 22:31:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New to programming-Help
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

  Hi Brian,

  Just before I say anything, please try to send plain text e-mails.
  You haven't provided a traceback, so I don't really know what is wrong
with the programs below apart from some basic syntax.
  The most glaring is that the function raw_input(...) is just one word with
an underscore in the middle; this would be causing errors.  So, for example,

print 'Welcome to the Miracle Aging salon!'

name = raw_input("Please enter your name >> ")
print 'Welcome', name+'!'

inputOK = false
while not inputOK:
    age = raw_input("Please enter your age >> ")
        age = int(age)
        if age > 0:
            inputOK = true
            print "No cheating ;)"
        print "Integral ages only please"

inputOK = false
while not inputOK:
    dAge = raw_input("Please enter your *desired* age >> ")
        dAge = int(age)
        if dAge > 0 and dAge < age:
            inputOK = true
            print "Sorry, our products only work to provide non-negative
ages\n *less* than your current age"
        print "Integral ages only please"

for i in range(age-dAge):
    print "Shaving off 1 year..."
    print "You are now", age-i-1, "years old!"

print "De-aging process complete."

print "Congratulations", name, "you are now", dAge, "years old!"

  This example, which I just concocted, would be a good one to split into
functions.  You might notice that the two while loops asking for input look
very simnilar; they are perfect candidates for turning into functions.
Allowing the program to be run multiple times with multiple clients would be
another good exercise.
  Anyway, I'll stop here ;).  Feel free to ask any more questions, and
apologies for any typos in the above code.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: brian illingworth
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:35 AM
Subject: [Tutor] New to programming-Help

Hi I am new to this group and new to programming.  I have
had this interest in learning to program because.......well
just because.  It's just a curiosity that I have.  The reason
I am starting with Python, well some of the websites I went
to recommended Python, so here I am.
Ok on to the question.

I am currently using the book "Python programming for
absolute beginners" by Michael Dawson.  The program I am
working on is a password program....dont laugh I know it's
really simple to some, but I am kinda stuck.  The book shows
how to code a password program like

password = raw input("Enter your password:")

if password == "secret":
      print "Access Granted"
      print "Access Denied"

raw input("Press the enter key to exit")

Ok that is easy enough I understand what is going on here.
As the book goes on it also talks about elif, and while
loops.  At the end of the chapter it gives various challenges
that the reader is asked to complete.  One of the challenges
is to take the password program from above and change it so
that the user gets only three attempts to enter the correct
password.  Well I ain't got it to work yet, I thought I came
close, but no cigar.  This is what I have so far: #Limiting
password atempts to three

password = raw input("Enter your Password: ")
 count = 0

while password != "secret":
      print password = raw-input("Enter your Password: ")
      count += 1

 if password == "secret":
      print "Welcome in."

elif count > 3:
      print "Please come back when you remember your Password."

      raw input("Press enter to exit.")

  Ok, I know I may be way off course here but any help would be
greatly appreciated.  I dont want to get frustrated and say
the heck with it, especially if it is something minor.
Thanks in advance.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Domains - Claim yours for only $14.70/year

Tutor maillist  -

From gew75 at  Fri May 21 22:35:39 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Fri May 21 22:35:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] text widget
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


  I'm not sure about your question.  There is an interactive text widget in
TKinter.  This allows navigation with the arrow keys (IIRC) which is what
you're asking?
  After a quick look at some docs, the following page seems helpful:

  The builtin text widget is quite powerful.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Moln?r Tam?s" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:38 AM
Subject: [Tutor] text widget


Could anyone help me if there is a text editor module out in space,
which allows stepping to one line from another of a paragraph? Is has
one linebreak, so it's actually a line, but users cannot be bothered with
this. Maybe the text widget of TKinter can be hacked? I have been
playing with some binding modifications and stuff like this for days, but
solutions are too slow or likely pixel/monitor dependent. Do I really
have to go into C too? Tell me something if you can.



Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Sat May 22 03:14:07 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat May 22 03:13:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange variable problem
References: <>
Message-ID: <005d01c43fcc$5f36c640$6401a8c0@xp>

> > ftseptr is setup as a global variable, value -1,
> > yftseptr is setup as a global variable, value 0
> Ah!  Common gotcha: when using global variables in functions, you
may need
> to declare that the variable is 'global' in nature.  For example:

Is that really the problem here?
He is not assigning to the variable merely printing it,
which shouldn't need the global keyword.

However I don't think we have the full story.
Looking at the traceback:

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/dave/gg/", line 72, in -toplevel-
>     gg()
>   File "/home/dave/gg/", line 62, in gg
>     file2datacore2(stockdir+dir+'/'+file,syncerr)
>   File "/home/dave/gg/", line 40, in file2datacore2
> ggdatacore2.add(datalist[i+1],datalist[i+3],...syncerr)
>   File "/home/dave/gg/", line 30, in add
>     print ftseptr
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ftseptr' referenced before

we have calls to gg() and file2datacore2 and then add() for
which we have the code. Plus the program seems to be run from
a python prompt rather than being executed as a program.

If that is the case a lot depends on how the imports are being
done because that's when the global variables will be set up.
Presumably, for the code to get this far, the module gg does

import ggdatacore2

But when is gg imported? Has anything changed between then
and the toplevel call to gg()?

What happens if you run your program outside the python prompt?
Does that change the error in any way?

> ###
> count = 0
> def makeNextName():
>     global count
>     nextName = "name%s" % count
>     count = count + 1
>     return nextName
> ###
> If the 'global count' declaration in the function is missing, then
> get the same UnboundLocalError that you're receiving in your
program, so I
> suspect the same thing is happening there.

Yes but in this case the error is because of the assignment which
tries to create a local variable. But Dave's code doesn't assign
to the variable merely prints it. So it should be OK,
unless he hasn't shown us the full code...


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sat May 22 03:21:20 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat May 22 03:20:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] New to programming-Help
References: <>
Message-ID: <006701c43fcd$61929b20$6401a8c0@xp>

>  As the book goes on it also talks about elif, and while
>  loops.  ...
>  that the user gets only three attempts to enter the correct

>  password = raw input("Enter your Password: ")
>  count = 0
>  while password != "secret":
>       print password = raw-input("Enter your Password: ")
>       count += 1

The while loop will repeat *the indented block* until the
condition is false. You are only repeating these 2 lines!

However there is another problem further down:

>  if password == "secret":
>       print "Welcome in."
>  elif count > 3:
>       print "Please come back when you remember your Password."
>  else:
>       raw input("Press enter to exit.")

Even if you move these into the loop you are not exiting the loop
after 3 times you only print a message. So your loop test needs
to check for two conditions:
1) The password is not "secret"
2) count is less than 3

Finally think about the value of count. You start it at 0
but test for "count > 3" - how many loops will it take for
count to be greater than 3?

Given that information try modifying your program and see how you get

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Sat May 22 03:25:05 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat May 22 03:24:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] text widget
References: <>
Message-ID: <006c01c43fcd$e7893130$6401a8c0@xp>

> Could anyone help me if there is a text editor module out in space, 
> which allows stepping to one line from another of a paragraph? 

Take a look at the scintilla component, which it the editor used 
in scite and Pythonwin.

I suspect it can do what you want, although I've never used it. 
But it seems to have lots of functionality.

Alan G

From pythontut at  Sat May 22 04:21:02 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Sat May 22 04:21:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange variable problem
In-Reply-To: <005d01c43fcc$5f36c640$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>>ftseptr is setup as a global variable, value -1,
>>>yftseptr is setup as a global variable, value 0
>>Ah!  Common gotcha: when using global variables in functions, you
>may need
>>to declare that the variable is 'global' in nature.  For example:
>Is that really the problem here?
>He is not assigning to the variable merely printing it,
>which shouldn't need the global keyword.
>However I don't think we have the full story.
>Looking at the traceback:
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "/home/dave/gg/", line 72, in -toplevel-
>>    gg()
>>  File "/home/dave/gg/", line 62, in gg
>>    file2datacore2(stockdir+dir+'/'+file,syncerr)
>>  File "/home/dave/gg/", line 40, in file2datacore2
>>  File "/home/dave/gg/", line 30, in add
>>    print ftseptr
>>UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ftseptr' referenced before
>we have calls to gg() and file2datacore2 and then add() for
Yep its part of a larger program .... :-)

>which we have the code. Plus the program seems to be run from
>a python prompt rather than being executed as a program.
Its run via IDLE

>If that is the case a lot depends on how the imports are being
>done because that's when the global variables will be set up.
>Presumably, for the code to get this far, the module gg does
>import ggdatacore2
>But when is gg imported? Has anything changed between then
>and the toplevel call to gg()?
>What happens if you run your program outside the python prompt?
>Does that change the error in any way?
>>count = 0
>>def makeNextName():
>>    global count
>>    nextName = "name%s" % count
>>    count = count + 1
>>    return nextName
>>If the 'global count' declaration in the function is missing, then
>>get the same UnboundLocalError that you're receiving in your
>program, so I
>>suspect the same thing is happening there.
>Yes but in this case the error is because of the assignment which
>tries to create a local variable. But Dave's code doesn't assign
>to the variable merely prints it. So it should be OK,
>unless he hasn't shown us the full code...
>Alan G.
I just read your e-mails this morning after staying up to 2:00 Am to fix 
it ! wish I had downloaded mail earlier :-)

The code I pasted to the group was only a section of a larger program 
calling other scripts, I editied it to what I thought was the problem 
area rather then send an unwieldy e-mail.

 From reading you guys emails, and I think I have had a breakthrough ....

What confused me whas that I could define 2x global variables at the top 
of the script, but I could only print one, the other one generated an 

adding a global inside def add sorted the problem ....

def add(id,mid,pence,pc,bid,offer,open,high,low,close,volume,syncerr):

   global ftseptr,yftseptr
   # Data cookie - is a list
   # [num consecutive loads,bad data counter,bad cycle counter]
   print yftsept   # Now works AOK :-)
   print ftseptr

However this did not explain why one variable was OK, the other not ...

However further down in def add(...) (err I didn't think this was 
important  :-[ ) I do have a single

I guess this is the same as ftseptr=ftseptr+1, an assignment

So (wing and prayer thinking here), python scanned my script (at 
'compile' time ?), found the ftseptr+=1, treated it as an assignment and 
therefore local without a global declaration, then tried executing add() 
found print ftseptr and said ....

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'ftseptr' referenced before assignment

:-) .... I think so anyhow.


PS next time I will paste all the code ... even is it is a bit unwieldy !

From heartlovecrime at  Sat May 22 12:19:28 2004
From: heartlovecrime at (Engr Godfrey)
Date: Sat May 22 12:19:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] help (Am New)
Message-ID: <>

dear reader 
am new to programming 
i dont even know the meaning of programming.
and am interested of beign a programmer 
and i choice to learn with python 
can u please tell me where to start from and how to be a perfect programmer and some materials that would help me with my programming.
but i already have the software install on my system but dont know how to write a programme
i will be greatful if an urgent reply is beign made to this 

please take your time to visit my site here
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From alan.gauld at  Sat May 22 14:16:53 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat May 22 14:16:19 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange variable problem
References: <><005d01c43fcc$5f36c640$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <008801c44028$f5d62c60$6401a8c0@xp>

> However further down in def add(...) (err I didn't think this was
> important  :-[ ) I do have a single
> ftseptr+=1
> I guess this is the same as ftseptr=ftseptr+1, an assignment

Yep, that'd explain it!

> PS next time I will paste all the code ... even is it is a bit
unwieldy !

Fragments are OK, but at least check the fragment to check it actually
exhibits the same problem! :-)

Alan G.

From olavi at  Sat May 22 14:22:32 2004
From: olavi at (
Date: Sat May 22 14:22:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] help (Am New)
Message-ID: <>


Welcome to the programmers world :), you made a good coice, choosing python your first programming language.

Best site, to understand, what language python is, is .

Good luck with discovering python & programming with python :)

Olavi Ivask

Engr Godfrey wrote:

> dear reader

> am new to programming

> i dont even know the meaning of programming.

> and am interested of beign a programmer

> and i choice to learn with python

> can u please tell me where to start from and how to be a perfect programmer and some materials that would help me with my programming.

> but i already have the software install on my system but dont know how to write a programme


> i will be greatful if an urgent reply is beign made to this

> thanks


> Godfrey

From prospero at  Sat May 22 20:38:25 2004
From: prospero at (Prospero)
Date: Sat May 22 20:38:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Odd problem
Message-ID: <002b01c4405e$4456a8d0$e5f22ad9@Miranda>


Firstly, much thanks to those who responded to my last question. That enabled me to complete a program in Python that was going to take weeks to run in the language I had been using before. As far as I can tell from test runs it should complete in about two and a half hours in the Python version, which is obviously much better for me.

Now for the weird bit. Every time I try to run the thing it gets partway through and then my computer overheats and dies. (I am working on a laptop which is slightly temperamental but not usually that bad.) The best it has managed so far is about a fifth of the full task but there is no consistency to when it dies in terms of the percentage completed.

I therefore need to either slow the program down so that the machine can handle it or cut the task into chunks, of which the latter strikes me as the more practical approach. To do that I need it to save six integer values to a text file at the end of each run and then take those values as the starting point for the next run.

I cannot find anything in the Python documentation about how to read integers from a text file into a list. I assume there is a logical opposite to str() but have not seen it as yet. Any help would be much appreciated.

All the best,


"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom." -- Albert Einstein

Prospero's Island
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From lumbricus at  Sat May 22 22:29:49 2004
From: lumbricus at (Joerg Woelke)
Date: Sat May 22 22:37:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Odd problem
In-Reply-To: <002b01c4405e$4456a8d0$e5f22ad9@Miranda>
References: <002b01c4405e$4456a8d0$e5f22ad9@Miranda>
Message-ID: <20040523022949.GA1371@linux.local>

On Sun, May 23, 2004 at 01:38:25AM +0100, Prospero wrote:
> Greetings!

[ snip ]

> I cannot find anything in the Python documentation about how to read integers from a text file into a list. I assume there is a logical opposite to str() but have not seen it as yet. Any help would be much appreciated.

>>> s="666"
>>> i=int(s)
>>> type(i)
<type 'int'>

> All the best,
> Prospero.

HTH and Re, J"o!

memento mori

From pythontut at  Sun May 23 05:32:25 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Sun May 23 05:32:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] strange variable problem
In-Reply-To: <008801c44028$f5d62c60$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <><005d01c43fcc$5f36c640$6401a8c0@xp>
	<> <008801c44028$f5d62c60$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>However further down in def add(...) (err I didn't think this was
>>important  :-[ ) I do have a single
>>I guess this is the same as ftseptr=ftseptr+1, an assignment
>Yep, that'd explain it!
>>PS next time I will paste all the code ... even is it is a bit
>unwieldy !
>Fragments are OK, but at least check the fragment to check it actually
>exhibits the same problem! :-)
>Alan G.
Thats a roger, will double check it :-)


From pythontut at  Sun May 23 05:49:19 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Sun May 23 05:49:33 2004
Subject: [Tutor] OT How to approach problem ?
Message-ID: <>

This is probarbly a Python style question ...

Having written a program to track the ftse250, I have two large lists of 
dictionaries forming 2 x 'fluid' matries. To access this data I have 
various defs which all use common pointers into the matries.

As a result I have lots of 'global' statements for each def to share 
these pointers (Cheers guys, you made it possible ;-) )

OK this works, but apparently globals are to be avoided. (Ahh ... Harp 
back to Basic + FORTH ....)

The only other way I can see is to define a class, and use self.pointer 
instead of global pointers .... Since there would only be
one instance of this class this seems a strange way to approach it.

I guess what I am asking is ... How would an experiensed Python 
programmer approach it ?


From missive at  Sun May 23 10:42:55 2004
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Sun May 23 10:43:17 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Odd problem
Message-ID: <>

>[...] I need it to save six integer
>values to a text file at the end of each run and then take those values
>as the starting point for the next run.

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

From blugerz at  Sun May 23 13:27:57 2004
From: blugerz at (brian illingworth)
Date: Sun May 23 13:28:03 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Thanks-finally got it to work
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for everyones help I finally got it to work:

#Limiting password atempts to three

count = 1
password = ""

while not password and count < 3:
    password = raw_input("Please enter your Password:
    count += 1
if password == "secret":
        print "Welcome in."
elif raw_input("Please enter your Password: "):
     count += 1 

    count == 3
    print "Try again later when you remember your
raw_input("Press enter to exit.")

It may not be the perfect way, but it is finally doing
what I want it to.  Time to move on to the next one,
and I am sure I will have more questions.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Domains – Claim yours for only $14.70/year 

From chriscasey at  Sun May 23 17:13:21 2004
From: chriscasey at (Chris Casey)
Date: Sun May 23 17:06:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] pg or pgdb?
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to teach myself how to use Python with Postgresql with what came 
with SuSE 9.0 (I believe pygresql). I've found a little documentation on the 
pg module, at least enough to get started. I noticed that there is also a 
pgdb module, but haven't found much documentation on it. Are there major 
differences between the two, & any reasons I should use one over the other?


From alan.gauld at  Sun May 23 18:20:27 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun May 23 18:19:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Odd problem
References: <002b01c4405e$4456a8d0$e5f22ad9@Miranda>
Message-ID: <00b301c44114$26730500$6401a8c0@xp>

> I cannot find anything in the Python documentation about how to 
> read integers from a text file into a list. I assume there is a 
> logical opposite to str() but have not seen it as yet. 

Yes, try int() :-)

Really, it is that simple...

The >>> prompt is a great place to try out ideas, in Python, often 
the intuitive approach just works, it's always worth a try...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sun May 23 18:27:02 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun May 23 18:26:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] OT How to approach problem ?
References: <>
Message-ID: <00bc01c44115$11e5fba0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Having written a program to track the ftse250, I have two large
lists of
> dictionaries forming 2 x 'fluid' matries. To access this data I have
> various defs which all use common pointers into the matries.

Probably twoi clases or maybe just two instances of one class
- since they are both lists of dictionaries they presumably
share common behaviour?

> OK this works, but apparently globals are to be avoided.

In principle yes, but...

> The only other way I can see is to define a class, and use
> instead of global pointers .... Since there would only be
> one instance of this class this seems a strange way to approach it.

One instance of a class is just hiding global variables. Might still
better because who knows when you find a need for multiple instances
(maybe even in another program 9in the future...). But generally a
single instance is just wallpaper over globals.

The other normal approach is to pass the pointers in as parameters of
the functions. This might mean a lot of parameters but intelligent
use of default values can often make it manageable and make the
functions much more reusable.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Sun May 23 18:30:39 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun May 23 18:29:41 2004
Subject: [Tutor] help (Am New)
References: <>
Message-ID: <00c301c44115$93871a40$6401a8c0@xp>

> Best site, to understand, what language python is, is .

And for a non-programmer even more specifically try:

And being biased I think my tutorial is pretty good :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From cybersamurai at  Sun May 23 23:55:10 2004
From: cybersamurai at (Luiz Siqueira)
Date: Sun May 23 23:48:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] some questions about dcom server,
	SOAP WSDL and Internet Explorer
Message-ID: <>

I have some questions:

1 Some one have information about some implementation of dcom server for 

2 Some one know a easy way to build WSDL for a Python SOAPpy server?

3 I need take control of Internet Explorer  on  Windows  95 or  hight:

    A - Have some way to send HTML, XML direct to IE trough COM or some 
like that?
    B - Have some easy way to send messages from javascript inside of IE 
for a python application using HTTP or some like that?
    C - Some one know some small HTTP server implementation in Python?
For me HTTP server look like a possible solution, but need to be little 
for be possible make a little and easy installation for end users.

sorry about my english

From janitor at  Mon May 24 02:02:05 2004
From: janitor at (Darshan Gunawardena)
Date: Mon May 24 02:02:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] some questions about dcom server,
	SOAP WSDL and Internet Explorer
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

For 3.c maybe you can look at

On Mon, 24 May 2004 00:55:10 -0300, Luiz Siqueira
<> wrote:
> I have some questions:
> 1 Some one have information about some implementation of dcom server for
> Python?
> 2 Some one know a easy way to build WSDL for a Python SOAPpy server?
> 3 I need take control of Internet Explorer  on  Windows  95 or  hight:
>     A - Have some way to send HTML, XML direct to IE trough COM or some
> like that?
>     B - Have some easy way to send messages from javascript inside of IE
> for a python application using HTTP or some like that?
>     C - Some one know some small HTTP server implementation in Python?
> For me HTTP server look like a possible solution, but need to be little
> for be possible make a little and easy installation for end users.
> sorry about my english
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From pythontut at  Mon May 24 03:47:42 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Mon May 24 03:47:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] OT How to approach problem ?
In-Reply-To: <00bc01c44115$11e5fba0$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <> <00bc01c44115$11e5fba0$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>Having written a program to track the ftse250, I have two large
>lists of
>>dictionaries forming 2 x 'fluid' matries. To access this data I have
>>various defs which all use common pointers into the matries.
>Probably twoi clases or maybe just two instances of one class
>- since they are both lists of dictionaries they presumably
>share common behaviour?
The second matrix is a deep copy of the first at the end of a trading 
day so stock information
for two days is retained. Statistical info is only generated & stored in 
the first matrix, then copied.

>>OK this works, but apparently globals are to be avoided.
>In principle yes, but...
>>The only other way I can see is to define a class, and use
>>instead of global pointers .... Since there would only be
>>one instance of this class this seems a strange way to approach it.
>One instance of a class is just hiding global variables. Might still
>better because who knows when you find a need for multiple instances
>(maybe even in another program 9in the future...). But generally a
>single instance is just wallpaper over globals.
 ... this confirms something I suspected.  Turning it into a one 
instance class would work but
seems a bit fruitless ...

>The other normal approach is to pass the pointers in as parameters of
>the functions. This might mean a lot of parameters but intelligent
>use of default values can often make it manageable and make the
>functions much more reusable.
I was concerned about speed, I would be passing a lot of data through 
another layer of def. Scanning the matrix via another
function which would be called 110*250*12=330,000 times a throw.

I guess the only way to find out the time penalty is to code it & time 
it :-)

I appreciate your help, Although I 'bodged' it with globals It is good 
to see other alternatives.


>Alan G
>Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From martin at  Mon May 24 04:43:01 2004
From: martin at (Martin Hjort Eriksen)
Date: Mon May 24 04:44:59 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Creating an object with a string
Message-ID: <>

I am parsing an XML file, and based on certain tags, i want to create 
certain objects. During the parsing i generate a string, with which i 
determine what type of object I want to create. The simple way is to 
have som if statements to determine it, but I was wondering if there is 
not a more "smart" method. I also do lot of PHP programming, where it is 
possible to do:

$object = "ClassToCreate";

$newObject = new $object();


In that way I am able to with very few lines, to create an object based 
on a string. Is there any way of doing something similar in Python?


Martin Hjort Eriksen

From roeland.rengelink at  Mon May 24 05:07:40 2004
From: roeland.rengelink at (Roeland Rengelink)
Date: Mon May 24 05:09:30 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Creating an object with a string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Martin Hjort Eriksen wrote:

> I am parsing an XML file, and based on certain tags, i want to create 
> certain objects. During the parsing i generate a string, with which i 
> determine what type of object I want to create. The simple way is to 
> have som if statements to determine it, but I was wondering if there 
> is not a more "smart" method. I also do lot of PHP programming, where 
> it is possible to do:
> <?php
> $object = "ClassToCreate";
> $newObject = new $object();
> ?>
> In that way I am able to with very few lines, to create an object 
> based on a string. Is there any way of doing something similar in Python?
The canonical way to do this with Python is to create a dictionary that 
maps strings to classes. E.g:

class A:

class B:

cls_map = {'A': A, 'B':B}

def create_class(a_string):
    return cls_map[a_string]()

If your strings match the class names then you could use eval()

instance = eval(a_string+"()")

Hope this helps,


From martin at  Mon May 24 05:26:53 2004
From: martin at (Martin Hjort Eriksen)
Date: Mon May 24 05:28:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Creating an object with a string
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

> The canonical way to do this with Python is to create a dictionary 
> that maps strings to classes. E.g:
> class A:
>    ...
> class B:
>    ...
> cls_map = {'A': A, 'B':B}
> def create_class(a_string):
>    return cls_map[a_string]()
> If your strings match the class names then you could use eval()
> instance = eval(a_string+"()")
> Hope this helps,
> Roeland

This helped...thank you very much...

A second question in the same area, again the start point is PHP, where 
you have variable variables. I have also looked through the Python 
litterature, and cannot find anything that helps.

The problem is, as I instantiate the objects, I will put them in an 
dictionary, where I have 4 dictionaries, one for each type of class. 
Since I have mulitple instances if the classes, I have added copy to the 
above code that Roeland sent. Based on that string I want to insert it 
into the correct dictionary, without using if many if sentences. PHP 
example again:

$foo = array();
$type = "foo";
$objectToInsert = new bar();

$$type[] = $objectToInsert;


From riccardo at  Mon May 24 10:26:44 2004
From: riccardo at (Riccardo Lemmi)
Date: Mon May 24 10:27:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Creating an object with a string
References: <>
Message-ID: <c8t0nj$vuk$>

Martin Hjort Eriksen wrote:

> I am parsing an XML file, and based on certain tags, i want to create
> certain objects. During the parsing i generate a string, with which i
> determine what type of object I want to create. The simple way is to
> have som if statements to determine it, but I was wondering if there is
> not a more "smart" method. I also do lot of PHP programming, where it is
> possible to do:
> <?php
> $object = "ClassToCreate";
> $newObject = new $object();
> ?>
> In that way I am able to with very few lines, to create an object based
> on a string. Is there any way of doing something similar in Python?
> regards
> Martin Hjort Eriksen

>From shell:
>>> class ClassToCreate:
...     pass
>>> newObject = globals()['ClassToCreate']()
>>> newObject
<__main__.ClassToCreate instance at 0x4029e98c>

If you use a module, for example:
>>> import UserDict
>>> ClassToCreate = getattr(UserDict,'UserDict')
>>> x=ClassToCreate()
>>> x

                             Riccardo Lemmi

From christian at  Mon May 24 10:50:21 2004
From: christian at (Christian Junker)
Date: Mon May 24 11:00:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] stdout Question
Message-ID: <c8t23e$41d$>

Hello everybody,
I am new to Python so please forgive me for any mistakes I do in the next
few lines.
My OS is Win2000, and my Python version is 2.3.3 with the Win Addon from
Mark Hammond, whose IDE I use (PythonWin).
What I simply want to do is print out a bold text/ or making the first
character in the text bold.
And I am having big problems how to do that and can't seem to find anything
that could help me.
I would appreciate any help.


From alan.gauld at  Mon May 24 12:51:12 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon May 24 12:50:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Thanks-finally got it to work
References: <>
Message-ID: <00eb01c441af$524e1e30$6401a8c0@xp>

> Thanks for everyones help I finally got it to work:

Are you sure?

What this does is tries 3 times to get a password 
- any password not just the right one.

> #Limiting password atempts to three
> count = 1
> password = ""
> while not password and count < 3:
>     password = raw_input("Please enter your Password:
> ")
>     count += 1
> if password == "secret":
>         print "Welcome in."
> elif raw_input("Please enter your Password: "):
>      count += 1 

And incrementing count here has no effect whatsoever 
because you are now outside the while loop.

> else:
>     count == 3

And this line just evaluates to a boolean value but 
is not used.

>     print "Try again later when you remember your
> password."
> raw_input("Press enter to exit.")
> It may not be the perfect way, but it is finally doing
> what I want it to.  

You may be right, but I wonder if you have actually tested 
it fully.

For example try these scenarios and see if they do what you expect:

1) Run the program and hit return with no password everytime.

2) Run the program but using the wrong value the first time.

3) Run the program and use the wrong value twice

4) Run the program and use the wrong value three times

5) Run the program and use the wrong value four times(!)

6) Run the program and use the right value first time.

If they all do what you expect, congratulations, it's just
your interpretation of the requirements were different to 
mine.  If not its time to pull the thinking cap back on. :-)

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon May 24 12:54:24 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon May 24 12:53:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] some questions about dcom server,
	SOAP WSDL and Internet Explorer
References: <>
Message-ID: <00fa01c441af$c4e01ac0$6401a8c0@xp>

> For 3.c maybe you can look at

Zope is probably too big, but there is a small sample server 
ships with Python in the library someplace. Check out the 
various http, web type modules. There is a very basic one, 
and one that supports CGI I think.

Alan G

From alan.gauld at  Mon May 24 12:58:02 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon May 24 12:56:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] OT How to approach problem ?
References: <> <00bc01c44115$11e5fba0$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <010101c441b0$46d3c630$6401a8c0@xp>

> >The other normal approach is to pass the pointers in as parameters
> >
> I was concerned about speed, I would be passing a lot of data
> another layer of def.

Because Python only passes references to the objects there is
very little overhead in passing parameters, the real overhead
is the actual function call itself. Adding parameters makes
the code more reusable and safer and carries very little overhead.

> I guess the only way to find out the time penalty is to code it &
> it :-)

This is always a good idea when thinking about performance...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon May 24 13:01:59 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon May 24 13:00:51 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Creating an object with a string
References: <>
Message-ID: <010601c441b0$d3d27090$6401a8c0@xp>

> I am parsing an XML file, and based on certain tags, i want to
> certain objects.

Sounds exactly like SAX to me.
I assume you are using the standard parsers and not trying to
craft something by habd based on regexs or somesuch?

SAX is an event based parser so you simply create a function
that you associate with each XML tag you are interested in.
When the parser hits that tag type it calls your function.

> <?php
> $object = "ClassToCreate";
> $newObject = new $object();

You could do something like that with eval() but using eval()
and exec() should really be a last resort, better to use the
power of the tools IMHO.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon May 24 13:16:26 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon May 24 13:15:15 2004
Subject: [Tutor] stdout Question
References: <c8t23e$41d$>
Message-ID: <011101c441b2$d8a9fe60$6401a8c0@xp>

> My OS is Win2000, and my Python version is 2.3.3 with the Win Addon
> Mark Hammond, whose IDE I use (PythonWin).

So far so good.

> What I simply want to do is print out a bold text/ or making the
> character in the text bold.

That depends entirely on where you print it.
Since your subject line says stdout I'll assume that's what you mean.
Stdout is a file, it is not a display device. Normally the stdout
file is redirected to a terminal screen, in your case a Command
Prompt (or DOS Box).

Basically the DOS BOx displays whatever the stdout file contains
so if you want to display Bold characters you need to insert
the ANSI control characters to enable/disable bold display.
ANSI control codes consist of the escape character followed
by a character, for example to clear the screen:

>>> # chr(27) is the ESC code, [2J is the clear screen combination
>>> print chr(27)+'[2J'

This used to be a common technique on PCs before Windows came along.
Its messy but works. Here is a web page with the various codes:

For it to work you will also need to ensure that ANSI.SYS is loaded
since it is ANSI.SYS that controls how DOS displays things,
it has nothing to do with Python.

In general if I want fancy formatting I opt to use a GUI like
Tkinter and its Text widget which allows me to do text
formatting more easily or if its for printouts I use HTML
and generate an intermediate file.


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon May 24 13:20:57 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon May 24 13:19:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] some questions about dcom server,
	SOAP WSDL and Internet Explorer
References: <>
Message-ID: <011601c441b3$7a1d79c0$6401a8c0@xp>

> 1 Some one have information about some implementation of dcom server
> Python?

Look at Mark Hammond's winall package (or the ActiveState version of
Also Marks book Python Programming on Win32 looks like it will be
essential reading for you...

> 2 Some one know a easy way to build WSDL for a Python SOAPpy server?

There is some web documentation around on writing SOAP with Python,
try a Google search.

> 3 I need take control of Internet Explorer  on  Windows  95 or
>     A - Have some way to send HTML, XML direct to IE trough COM or
> like that?

Winall to the rescue here too

>     B - Have some easy way to send messages from javascript inside
of IE
> for a python application using HTTP or some like that?

You can go yto a URL using Javascript, whether thats enough depends
on what you need to do. In general its a bad idea to try that kind of
thing since the browser is liely to be restricted for security
Which is why you can't open local files etc from Javascript in a

>     C - Some one know some small HTTP server implementation in
> For me HTTP server look like a possible solution, but need to be
> for be possible make a little and easy installation for end users.

The http server might do, or the cgi server, both are quite small
by todays standards.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From blugerz at  Tue May 25 01:45:45 2004
From: blugerz at (brian illingworth)
Date: Tue May 25 01:45:51 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Oh boy!!
Message-ID: <>

1) Run the program and hit return with no password
-Okay, that works 

2) Run the program but using the wrong value the first
-That works too 

3) Run the program and use the wrong value twice 
-Ok, no working so good here 

4) Run the program and use the wrong value three times

-Or here 

5) Run the program and use the wrong value four times 
-or here 

6) Run the program and use the right value first time.

-This works 
Oh boy, now I forgot where I put my thinking cap! 

Do you Yahoo!?
Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 

From pythontut at  Tue May 25 05:39:52 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Tue May 25 05:40:11 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE problems, recommend a good IDE ?
Message-ID: <>

Ive been learning on IDLE, which has been great but I have had 
occasional stability problems, which are a bit
disconcerting. It just locked up X on my gentoo system :-(  Anyhow Im 
back now -

Thanks to alt-sysreq-r I didn't have to re-boot.

Can anybody recomend a good python IDE, Something functional without too 
many gizmos !
Im running Gentoo 1.4 though I am happy to compile from source if needbe.


From cybersamurai at  Tue May 25 06:38:00 2004
From: cybersamurai at (Luiz Siqueira)
Date: Tue May 25 06:30:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Another option for bobo/zobject/zpublicher?
Message-ID: <>

Some one know another project with the same idea of "bobo"?

I need get a call from a browser using HTTP and send this direct to some 
I can implement that, but if this exist I prefer join to project.

Thanks for some help

From jsh47 at  Tue May 25 11:02:07 2004
From: jsh47 at (Jonathan Hayward)
Date: Tue May 25 11:02:48 2004
Subject: [Tutor] CGI oddity
Message-ID: <>

There is a daemon server and a thin web client which queries the server. 
If, in the server, I change configuration_class.get_action_method() to 
return "post" instead of "get" (so we have """<form ... 
method="post">"""), queries frequently hang. I'd like to have the forms 
use "post" so I don't have to worry about data size.

The thin client pickles and dumps cgi.FieldStorage() to a socket, which 
is then read and deserialized by 
multitasking_manager.handle_oracle_query() in the third line or so, in 
the server.

Can anyone offer a suggestion that will fix or circumvent the hanging if 
I use the "post" method?

++ Jonathan Hayward,
** To see an award-winning website with stories, essays, artwork,
** games, and a four-dimensional maze, why not visit my home page?
** All of this is waiting for you at

From John.Ertl at  Tue May 25 12:12:13 2004
From: John.Ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Tue May 25 12:08:20 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE problem
Message-ID: <>


	I have been given a virtual system to play with which also means I
have to load all things myself.  I think I have all the needed stuff loaded
but when I try to run idle I get:

** IDLE can't import Tkinter.  Your Python may not be configured for Tk. **

I have checked and tk and Tkinter are there.  I read some vague reference to
needing to say yes to loading Tk when python is loaded but I was not asked
(or could I find any reference in the config files) about loading Tk.  I am
not a system admin type so I probably missed something.  

Any ideas are appreciated.

John Ertl 

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 25 13:27:57 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue May 25 13:27:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Another option for bobo/zobject/zpublicher?
References: <>
Message-ID: <014c01c4427d$9ed23ce0$6401a8c0@xp>

> Some one know another project with the same idea of "bobo"?

Well Bobo became Zope which works as you describe.
I asume you looked at Zope?

Alan G

From acidrex at  Tue May 25 14:25:42 2004
From: acidrex at (acidblue)
Date: Tue May 25 14:25:49 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Using datetime module
Message-ID: <002601c44285$b219dee0$0a4ffea9@amdbox>

I'm trying to add dates together using datetime module.
I want usr's to enter a date and add a number of days to it.
import datetime
usrDate= input("Enter the date:")
T= input("Enter how many days:")
print + datetime.timedelta(days=T)
 Obviosly the '' only works for today's date What I
what is this:
Psuedo code: usrDate + datetime.timedelta(days=T)
Am I using the right module? Syntax? Arguments?

From pythonTutor at  Tue May 25 15:18:03 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Tue May 25 15:18:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] clearing traceback after exeption is handled
Message-ID: <>

When possible, I have my Python programs send an email when there is a
failure or problem during execution.  The email routine ALWAYS calls

Today I got an email with a "stale" traceback from an exception that had
been handled along with information about the real problem.  I started
researching the traceback before I realized it was not relevant.

It took me a while to find out how to clear an exception after handling
it, so I thought it was worth posting the information.

In Python 2.3, the sys module now has a function
that will clear all information relating to the last or current
exception for the current thread.  It is mostly of use to prevent
logging and reporting of exceptions that have already been handled.


Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From alan.gauld at  Tue May 25 16:50:49 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue May 25 16:50:21 2004
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Help required
Message-ID: <015401c44299$f61a6150$6401a8c0@xp>

I think this is OT, but someone emailed me from my web 
tutor but I don't know which language or what they are 
saying. I've tried the BabelFish translator for Spanish, 
Portugese, Italian and drawn blanks with all 3.

If anyone here can translate, please reply to me directly.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

------------ message follows ------------
hola a mi me intereza saver programar en python y me 
gustaria poder bajar este programa para poder practicar 
me podrias decir como?

From jb at  Tue May 25 17:34:20 2004
From: jb at (jb)
Date: Tue May 25 17:34:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Help required
In-Reply-To: <015401c44299$f61a6150$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <015401c44299$f61a6150$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, May 25, 2004 at 09:50:49PM +0100, Alan Gauld wrote:
> I think this is OT, but someone emailed me from my web 
> tutor but I don't know which language or what they are 
> saying. I've tried the BabelFish translator for Spanish, 
> Portugese, Italian and drawn blanks with all 3.
> If anyone here can translate, please reply to me directly.
> Thanks,
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
> ------------ message follows ------------
> hola a mi me intereza saver programar en python y me 
> gustaria poder bajar este programa para poder practicar 
> me podrias decir como?

here's a translation, (cc'ing to the list so that you dont receive 
thousand of them).

	hi, i'm interested in knowing how to program in python and
	i'd like to download this software to practice.  can you tell
	me how to do that ?


From op73418 at  Tue May 25 18:07:53 2004
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Tue May 25 18:04:56 2004
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Help required
In-Reply-To: <015401c44299$f61a6150$6401a8c0@xp>
References: <015401c44299$f61a6150$6401a8c0@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Em Tue, 25 May 2004 21:50:49 +0100, "Alan Gauld"
<> atirou este peixe aos pinguins:

>I think this is OT, but someone emailed me from my web 
>tutor but I don't know which language or what they are 
>saying. I've tried the BabelFish translator for Spanish, 
>Portugese, Italian and drawn blanks with all 3.
>If anyone here can translate, please reply to me directly.
>Alan G
>Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
>------------ message follows ------------
>hola a mi me intereza saver programar en python y me 
>gustaria poder bajar este programa para poder practicar 
>me podrias decir como?

Spanish. A (rough) translation, follows:

Hello I'm interesting in learning how to program in Python and I would
like to download this program so I can practice, could you tell me

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

From darnold02 at  Tue May 25 22:12:15 2004
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Tue May 25 22:12:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Using datetime module
In-Reply-To: <002601c44285$b219dee0$0a4ffea9@amdbox>
Message-ID: <>

A object can be set to a given date by passing in the year,
month, and day as parameters when you create it. So, you could do something
like this:

import datetime

usrDate= raw_input("Enter the date (yyyy/mm/dd format): ")
T = int(raw_input("Enter how many days: "))
offset = datetime.timedelta(days=T)

yyyy = int(usrDate[0:4])
mm = int(usrDate[5:7])
dd = int(usrDate[8:])

usrDateObj =,month=mm,day=dd)
print '%s + %d days = %s' % (usrDateObj, T, usrDateObj + offset)

[-----begin script run-----]

Enter the date (yyyy/mm/dd format): 2004/01/01
Enter how many days: 59
2004-01-01 + 59 days = 2004-02-29

[-----end script run-----]


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of acidblue
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:26 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Using datetime module

I'm trying to add dates together using datetime module.
I want usr's to enter a date and add a number of days to it.
import datetime
usrDate= input("Enter the date:")
T= input("Enter how many days:")
print + datetime.timedelta(days=T)
 Obviosly the '' only works for today's date What I
what is this:
Psuedo code: usrDate + datetime.timedelta(days=T)
Am I using the right module? Syntax? Arguments?

Tutor maillist  -

From kkurnia at  Tue May 25 22:28:02 2004
From: kkurnia at (Kurt Kurniawan)
Date: Tue May 25 22:24:36 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Another option for bobo/zobject/zpublicher?
Message-ID: <>

There is a cool project called TWISTED MATRIX. It has a lot of networking framework including HTTP server.
Probably you can try that.

Message: 9
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 07:38:00 -0300
From: Luiz Siqueira <>
Subject: [Tutor] Another option for bobo/zobject/zpublicher?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

Some one know another project with the same idea of "bobo"?

I need get a call from a browser using HTTP and send this direct to some
I can implement that, but if this exist I prefer join to project.

Thanks for some help

Kurt Kurniawan

CAUTION: This message may contain confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee named above. If you are not the intended
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From rantek at  Wed May 26 02:29:38 2004
From: rantek at (William Rance)
Date: Wed May 26 02:33:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Programming Style
Message-ID: <000101c442ea$f4cbe480$e24518d2@pcmaster>

A Pure Mathematician(PM) and an Applied Mathematician(AM) were put in
separate rooms and located 20ft from an Apple.They were informed that to
reach the apple they had to jump 10ft, followed by another jump of half
thedistance (5ft) followed by subsequent jumps each of which would be half
distance of preceding jump.
The PM quickly calculated that no matter how may jumps he made he could
never land at the apple, consequently he did not attempt the jumps.
The AM however immediately started jumping, as he calculated that after 5
to6 jumps he would land close enough to grab the apple.

Happy coding to all.

From op73418 at  Wed May 26 07:01:28 2004
From: op73418 at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gon=E7alo_Rodrigues?=)
Date: Wed May 26 06:58:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Programming Style
In-Reply-To: <000101c442ea$f4cbe480$e24518d2@pcmaster>
References: <000101c442ea$f4cbe480$e24518d2@pcmaster>
Message-ID: <>

Em Wed, 26 May 2004 14:29:38 +0800, "William Rance"
<> atirou este peixe aos pinguins:

>A Pure Mathematician(PM) and an Applied Mathematician(AM) were put in
>separate rooms and located 20ft from an Apple.They were informed that to
>reach the apple they had to jump 10ft, followed by another jump of half
>thedistance (5ft) followed by subsequent jumps each of which would be half
>distance of preceding jump.
>The PM quickly calculated that no matter how may jumps he made he could
>never land at the apple, consequently he did not attempt the jumps.
>The AM however immediately started jumping, as he calculated that after 5
>to6 jumps he would land close enough to grab the apple.

Actually you're wrong on the motivations: The PM knows a geometric
series when he sees one, so he proved on paper that after an infinite
amount jumps (and an infinite amount of time) he would have jumped a
distance of *exactly*

10*(1/(1-1/2)) = 20

20ft that is, which means he would land *exactly* on top of the apple.
Being satisfied with this result (which he reached after a few
seconds) he delivered a paper (on LaTeX) to the examiners, posted a
copy to the arxiv, and sent another one to the Board of Advances in
Mathematics, and then went on to do more interesting things than be a
guinea pig to *mutter obscenities against the examiners*. By God! he
didn't even liked apples!

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues

P.S: He thought about slicing off the arms of the AM, but he wouldn't
be so cruel and destroy the pleasure of such simpleton minds, now
would he ;-)

From tim at  Wed May 26 11:48:32 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Wed May 26 11:43:53 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE problems, recommend a good IDE ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Dave S <> [040525 01:56]:
> Ive been learning on IDLE, which has been great but I have had 
> occasional stability problems, which are a bit
> disconcerting. It just locked up X on my gentoo system :-(  Anyhow Im 
> back now -
  Hi Dave: Before you 'switch', are you absolutley certain that
  there aren't system problems causing your IDLE problems?

  I use gvim (graphical Vi Much Improved) and vim extensively for
  python programming. There are extensive python plugins for
  vim that make it a very nice IDE. 

  You can in fact, compile the python interpreter directly into vim so
  that you can modify or 'drive' your 'python IDE' using python code.

  There there is GNU Emacs and Xemacs. Unlike vim, these are modeless
  editors with complex key mappings and are 'driven' by LISP. So
  some level of LISP skill would help.

  Both lineages have both rabid fans and those who hate'm. I like
  them both and couldn't do without them as a programmer.


> Thanks to alt-sysreq-r I didn't have to re-boot.
> Can anybody recomend a good python IDE, Something functional without too 
> many gizmos !
  P.S. : 
  From your statement above, you want something simple? Simple is
  easy to learn are hard to make really productive IMHO.
> Im running Gentoo 1.4 though I am happy to compile from source if needbe.
> Dave
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Tim Johnson <>

From fant at  Wed May 26 12:08:58 2004
From: fant at (Andrew Fant)
Date: Wed May 26 12:09:09 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE problems, recommend a good IDE ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

--On Wednesday, May 26, 2004 07:48:32 -0800 Tim Johnson 
<> wrote:

> * Dave S <> [040525 01:56]:
>> Ive been learning on IDLE, which has been great but I have had
>> occasional stability problems, which are a bit
>> disconcerting. It just locked up X on my gentoo system :-(  Anyhow Im
>> back now -

    Good to see more gentoo-types coming out of the woodwork.  I'd check my 
optimizations settings in make.conf and steer away from excessive compiler 
flags, just as generic advice.  If you are depending on -f flags instead of 
the -O and -march/-mcpu options, wierd things can happen.

As far as IDEs go, I never got into idle myself.  boa-constructor is in 
portage, but it is a rather heavyweight tool for developing larger apps 
(particularly gui tools with WxPython).  I've played with it a little, but 
it is almost certainly overkill for those of us, including myself, who are 
still learning.  I'm doing all my coding lately in Komodo.  It's not free, 
but Activestate sells the educational/hobbiest version for about 30 
dollars.  The key bindings are a little annoying, and I am working on 
setting them to be more emacsish, but aside from that, it works very 
nicely.  It also has a nice graphical source debugger built in which has 
saved my rear several times lately.  If you use komodo as a professional 
developer, you are supposed to by their pro version which is more 
expensive, but also includes a graphical gui builder and support for tcl/tk 
(the educational version supports perl, python, and php fully, with syntax 
highlighting for many other languages).  Installation went fine on my 
gentoo systems, and it hasn't had caused me any problems yet.


From cybersamurai at  Wed May 26 13:49:23 2004
From: cybersamurai at (cybersamurai)
Date: Wed May 26 13:49:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] get a list of all IPs on a lan
Message-ID: <HYC1IB$>

Some one know how to get a list of all IPs on a lan?

From fant at  Wed May 26 13:55:18 2004
From: fant at (Andrew Fant)
Date: Wed May 26 13:55:23 2004
Subject: [Tutor] get a list of all IPs on a lan
In-Reply-To: <HYC1IB$>
References: <HYC1IB$>
Message-ID: <>

--On Wednesday, May 26, 2004 14:49:23 -0300 cybersamurai 
<> wrote:

> Some one know how to get a list of all IPs on a lan?

Ping the broadcast address and see who answers?


From orbitz at  Wed May 26 13:57:09 2004
From: orbitz at (
Date: Wed May 26 13:57:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] get a list of all IPs on a lan
In-Reply-To: <HYC1IB$>
References: <HYC1IB$>
Message-ID: <>

I'm not sure how this relates to python at all, but google for ICMP.

On Wed, 26 May 2004 14:49:23 -0300
"cybersamurai" <> wrote:

> Some one know how to get a list of all IPs on a lan?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Wed May 26 14:19:22 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed May 26 14:18:39 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 3, Issue 38
References: <>
Message-ID: <003b01c4434d$f862bde0$6401a8c0@xp>

Thanks for all the translations, much appreciated.

Alan G.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:04 PM
Subject: Tutor Digest, Vol 3, Issue 38

> Send Tutor mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Tutor digest..."


> Today's Topics:
>    1. IDLE problem (Ertl, John)
>    2. Re: Another option for bobo/zobject/zpublicher? (Alan Gauld)
>    3. Using datetime module (acidblue)
>    4. clearing traceback after exeption is handled (Lloyd Kvam)
>    5. OT: Help required (Alan Gauld)
>    6. Re: OT: Help required (jb)
>    7. Re: OT: Help required (Gon?alo Rodrigues)
>    8. RE: Using datetime module (Don Arnold)
>    9. Another option for bobo/zobject/zpublicher? (Kurt Kurniawan)
>   10. Programming Style (William Rance)
>   11. Re: Programming Style (Gon?alo Rodrigues)
>   12. Re: IDLE problems, recommend a good IDE ? (Tim Johnson)


> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From pythontut at  Wed May 26 15:38:59 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Wed May 26 15:39:13 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE problems, recommend a good IDE ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Johnson wrote:

>* Dave S <> [040525 01:56]:
>>Ive been learning on IDLE, which has been great but I have had 
>>occasional stability problems, which are a bit
>>disconcerting. It just locked up X on my gentoo system :-(  Anyhow Im 
>>back now -
>  Hi Dave: Before you 'switch', are you absolutley certain that
>  there aren't system problems causing your IDLE problems?
I think they are - my system is rock solid (thats torn it ;-) ). When 
using IDLE, IDLE has suddenly crashed
disappearing off my X screen. The latest & most serious event being a 
total X lockup when trying to open a file
via IDLE.

>  I use gvim (graphical Vi Much Improved) and vim extensively for
>  python programming. There are extensive python plugins for
>  vim that make it a very nice IDE. 
>  You can in fact, compile the python interpreter directly into vim so
>  that you can modify or 'drive' your 'python IDE' using python code.
That sounds interesting .... I never knew VIM could be configured to 
become more Python friendly .. I
thought syntax highlighting was the limit. I have experience of VIM in 
the past but struggled.

Where can I find out about this ... VIM site ?

>  There there is GNU Emacs and Xemacs. Unlike vim, these are modeless
>  editors with complex key mappings and are 'driven' by LISP. So
>  some level of LISP skill would help.
Never got on with emacs ... its a personal choice thing ...

>  Both lineages have both rabid fans and those who hate'm. I like
>  them both and couldn't do without them as a programmer.
>  tj
>>Thanks to alt-sysreq-r I didn't have to re-boot.
>>Can anybody recomend a good python IDE, Something functional without too 
>>many gizmos !
>  P.S. : 
>  From your statement above, you want something simple? Simple is
>  easy to learn are hard to make really productive IMHO.
Im also looking at eric3, I was put off by the number of 'gizmos' but 
some of them gizmos seem usefull !
(Breakpoints & the like)

>>Im running Gentoo 1.4 though I am happy to compile from source if needbe.
>>Tutor maillist  -

From pythontut at  Wed May 26 16:00:13 2004
From: pythontut at (Dave S)
Date: Wed May 26 16:00:32 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE problems, recommend a good IDE ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Andrew Fant wrote:

> --On Wednesday, May 26, 2004 07:48:32 -0800 Tim Johnson 
> <> wrote:
>> * Dave S <> [040525 01:56]:
>>> Ive been learning on IDLE, which has been great but I have had
>>> occasional stability problems, which are a bit
>>> disconcerting. It just locked up X on my gentoo system :-( Anyhow Im
>>> back now -
> Dave:
> Good to see more gentoo-types coming out of the woodwork. I'd check my 
> optimizations settings in make.conf and steer away from excessive 
> compiler flags, just as generic advice. If you are depending on -f 
> flags instead of the -O and -march/-mcpu options, wierd things can 
> happen.

I think I am OK there ... System has been rock solid up till now.

> As far as IDEs go, I never got into idle myself. boa-constructor is in 
> portage, but it is a rather heavyweight tool for developing larger 
> apps (particularly gui tools with WxPython). I've played with it a 
> little, but it is almost certainly overkill for those of us, including 
> myself, who are still learning. I'm doing all my coding lately in 
> Komodo. It's not free, but Activestate sells the educational/hobbiest 
> version for about 30 dollars. The key bindings are a little annoying, 
> and I am working on setting them to be more emacsish, but aside from 
> that, it works very nicely. It also has a nice graphical source 
> debugger built in which has saved my rear several times lately.

Im learning about de-buggers .. tried the eric3 one & liked it

> If you use komodo as a professional developer, you are supposed to by 
> their pro version which is more expensive, but also includes a 
> graphical gui builder and support for tcl/tk (the educational version 
> supports perl, python, and php fully, with syntax highlighting for 
> many other languages). Installation went fine on my gentoo systems, 
> and it hasn't had caused me any problems yet.

Ill take a look at Komodo ...

OT Gentoo rocks !

> Andy
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist -

From tim at  Wed May 26 17:20:15 2004
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Wed May 26 17:15:31 2004
Subject: [Tutor] IDLE problems, recommend a good IDE ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Dave S <> [040526 11:50]:
> Tim Johnson wrote:
> >* Dave S <> [040525 01:56]:
> > I use gvim (graphical Vi Much Improved) and vim extensively for
> > python programming. There are extensive python plugins for
> > vim that make it a very nice IDE. 
> >
> > You can in fact, compile the python interpreter directly into vim so
> > that you can modify or 'drive' your 'python IDE' using python code.
> >
> That sounds interesting .... I never knew VIM could be configured to 
> become more Python friendly .. I

  Oh you can get it as friendly as you want it to!
  For python related plugins:
  In case your mail clients wraps:
  Between this line and the asterisks is a one line URL

> thought syntax highlighting was the limit. I have experience of VIM in 
> the past but struggled.
  VIM can drive you nuts with the modal editing approach. I recently
  did an LPI cert session on editors and I have a vim "cheat sheet".
  If you're interested email me OTL and I will provide it to you.

   (there are many vim cheat sheets, though)
   - and -
  The vim ML is *very* helpful.

> Where can I find out about this ... VIM site ?
> Never got on with emacs ... its a personal choice thing ...

  I don't blame you, and the online help that I have found for
  either GNU or X emacs is not as good as either this ML or
  the vim one.

> >
> Im also looking at eric3, I was put off by the number of 'gizmos' but 
> some of them gizmos seem usefull !
> (Breakpoints & the like)

 I've used pythonwin (windows only) and it has nice, intuitive
 object browser services. I don't know if anyone has done
 any thing so sophisitcated for vim, although it has nice
 taglist features. (X)emacs has an OO-browser plugin that
 will accomodate python, but I haven't used it.

Tim Johnson <>

From david at  Wed May 26 17:21:43 2004
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Wed May 26 17:21:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] get a list of all IPs on a lan
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <HYC1IB$>
Message-ID: <>

* Andrew Fant <> [2004-05-26 13:55]:
> --On Wednesday, May 26, 2004 14:49:23 -0300 cybersamurai 
> <> wrote:
> >Some one know how to get a list of all IPs on a lan?
> Ping the broadcast address and see who answers?

That's cool. Learn something new every day ;-)

David Rock
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From lbblair at  Wed May 26 17:53:43 2004
From: lbblair at (Larry Blair)
Date: Wed May 26 17:55:45 2004
Subject: [Tutor] sendmail
Message-ID: <AEDF6343B4BDD41195AF00508BEEF26D070E849B@EXCHANGE_SERVER>

Being new to Python is there a module for sending e-mail. I have browsed
through a bunch of the modules but just don't recognize it if it is there.


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Thank you.

From lbblair at  Wed May 26 18:01:11 2004
From: lbblair at (Larry Blair)
Date: Wed May 26 18:04:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] sendmail
Message-ID: <AEDF6343B4BDD41195AF00508BEEF26D070E849C@EXCHANGE_SERVER>

Sorry for the dumb question. About 30 seconds later I saw the "email"

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Blair 
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 2:54 PM
To: ''
Subject: [Tutor] sendmail

Being new to Python is there a module for sending e-mail. I have browsed
through a bunch of the modules but just don't recognize it if it is there.


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Thank you.

Tutor maillist  -

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Thank you.

From alan.gauld at  Wed May 26 19:08:59 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed May 26 19:09:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] sendmail
References: <AEDF6343B4BDD41195AF00508BEEF26D070E849C@EXCHANGE_SERVER>
Message-ID: <006c01c44376$6dd8e770$6401a8c0@xp>

> Sorry for the dumb question. About 30 seconds later I saw the
> module.


There are also smtp, pop and mime modules for getting deeper into it.
And I think there's an IMAP module too but can't reember if its a
standard library one.

Alan G.

From bjmartin98 at  Thu May 27 00:54:47 2004
From: bjmartin98 at (Billie Martin)
Date: Wed May 26 22:02:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Please remove me
Message-ID: <004b01c443a6$be138940$3f5ea30c@mark>

Unsubscribe me please.
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From lsloan at  Thu May 27 11:24:30 2004
From: lsloan at (Lance E Sloan)
Date: Thu May 27 11:24:38 2004
Subject: [Tutor] reading Excel CSVs?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

--On Friday, May 14, 2004 10:21 AM +0200 Magnus Lyck? <> 
> I think csv [the module] is confused by the fact that there is no
> line feed character in line endings on the Mac.
> Unix uses \n, WinDOS uses \r\n and Mac uses \r.
> I'd try opening the files with file("true-csv.csv", "rU")
> Note capital U. This is the universal line ending mode. See
> file function in Library reference section 2.1.

Thank you very much.  That did the trick.

I've not dealt with non-Unix files much.  I'm using Mac OS X, which uses 
Unix line endings for the most part.  So this file produced by Excel for 
MOSX is a bit of an oddity.  Maybe the programmers at MS didn't realize the 
CSV-producing part might need to be changed for MOSX.  Or maybe there's a 
line-ending option in Excel.

Anyway, using "U" mode, I don't need to worry about it, right?  ;)

Lance E Sloan, Systems Research Programmer III
U-M WATS: Web Applications, Technologies, and Solutions
Full-service web and database design, development, and hosting. - "Putting U on the Web"

From nouda at  Thu May 27 11:17:38 2004
From: nouda at (nouda)
Date: Thu May 27 11:24:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: get a list of all IPs on a lan
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 26 May 2004 14:49:23 -0300
"cybersamurai" <> wrote:

> Some one know how to get a list of all IPs on a lan?

Learn how to use a ip scanning device.

For windows something like superscan or something like that.
For Unix or Linux I should use Nmap. 

But that has nothing to do with Python, it isn't even written in it... <_<

Noud Aldenhoven

ps. I hope I send this mail to the right place! 

From gaedol at  Thu May 27 13:26:15 2004
From: gaedol at (Marco)
Date: Thu May 27 13:35:00 2004
Subject: [Tutor] get a list of all IPs on a lan
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <HYC1IB$>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 26 May 2004 13:55:18 -0400
Andrew Fant <> wrote:

> Ping the broadcast address and see who answers?

Not "everybody" answers to broadcasts, usually even "lightly" firewalled machines avoid answering to some ICMP types. 

my 2 cents, 


Sorry Andrew will receive two of this message cause i hit the wrong buttons.. i was in a hurry! excuse me, Andrew
Telefono, s.m.:
	Un'invenzione diabolica che annulla alcuni dei vantaggi del
	tenere una persona antipatica a debita distanza.
		-- Ambrose Bierce

From steegness at  Thu May 27 15:13:20 2004
From: steegness at (steegness)
Date: Thu May 27 15:13:23 2004
Subject: [Tutor] sendmail
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You might be interested in this little piece I crafted as well.  I the
low-level nature of the email-related modules started to get to me, so I
wrote this to help me out.  (and now, to help everyone out)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 12:03 PM
Subject: Tutor Digest, Vol 3, Issue 40
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 00:08:59 +0100
> From: "Alan Gauld" <>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] sendmail
> To: "Larry Blair" <>, <>
> Message-ID: <006c01c44376$6dd8e770$6401a8c0@xp>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> > Sorry for the dumb question. About 30 seconds later I saw the
> "email"
> > module.
> :-)
> There are also smtp, pop and mime modules for getting deeper into it.
> And I think there's an IMAP module too but can't reember if its a
> standard library one.
> Alan G.

From bobhe at  Thu May 27 15:36:24 2004
From: bobhe at (Bob Heasman)
Date: Thu May 27 15:36:06 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about stdin/stdout
Message-ID: <>


I have just started programming with Python using the book and disk 
supplied by Michael Dawson, and am rather overawed at the questions and 
answers that I have seen.

I am a Radio Amateur and I have a need for a program that will, when the 
program sees one of a few call signs, it will send an instruction to the 
parallel port to make one of the pins go high. I will have a series of 
relays which will operate and rotate my beam towards that particular 

Now I have devised a means of getting the "password" program to 
recognise the following line and activate the appropriate command, as 

#! /usr/bin/python
# Password
# Demonstrates the if structure
# Antenna direction changer
# Bob Heasman 25/04/04
print "\tWelcome to System Security Inc."
print "_where security is our middle name"

password = raw_input("\n\nEnter your password: ")

if password == "[PTCPACTOR - 19 - UA6ADV-0]":
     print "Activate pin 1"


if password == "F3KT":
     print "Activate pin 2"

raw_input ("\n\nPress the Enter key to exit.")

This works well as far as it goes, but it is reliant on having stdin and 
stdout being the keyboard and the screen. I have read through the book 
and see that he goes on to demonstrate how to write games which rely on 
exactly the same stdin/stdout.

I realise that "Activate pin 1" won't work, but I can sort that out. I 
just want to know about stdin/stdout.

What I want to do is get the program to read a screen display (or I can 
get Linux to save this display to a file using the "tail -f" command) or 
file, and when it recognises the line with the call sign "UA6ADV" (or 
one of the other call signs) it will then send a cmd to the parallel 
port, ttyS0, to make one of the pins go high.

So this uses a file as "stdin", and "stdout" is a pin on the parallel 
port.Can someone give me some pointers as to how to do this, or if 
necessary, point me to a book or a web site where I can find this info.

I suppose I could wade through the book in the hope that I find 
something to do this, but I really would like to get this program 
working asap, and going through the book will take me forever.

I have been a bit verbose I am afraid, but I thought rather do that then 
  be confusing by leaving out info.


From acidrex at  Thu May 27 17:33:16 2004
From: acidrex at (acidblue)
Date: Thu May 27 17:33:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] How to save user data?
Message-ID: <000d01c44432$3a149ee0$0a4ffea9@amdbox>

I have a textctrl box for usr input, do I use raw_input and assign a
variable in order to save the information?
Using wxPython2.4
Python 2.3
My code thus far:
from wxPython.wx import *
from wxPython.lib.maskededit import Field, wxMaskedTextCtrl
from wxPython.lib.maskededit import autoformats
import datetime

def create(parent):
    return Blue49(parent)

] = map(lambda _init_ctrls: wxNewId(), range(6))

class Blue49(wxFrame):
    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
        # generated method, don't edit
        wxFrame.__init__(self, id=wxID_BLUE49, name='Blue49', parent=prnt,
              pos=wxPoint(168, 148), size=wxSize(600, 427),
              style=wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title='Blue49')
        self.SetClientSize(wxSize(592, 393))

        self.panel1 = wxPanel(id=wxID_BLUE49PANEL1, name='panel1',
              pos=wxPoint(0, 0), size=wxSize(592, 393),

        self.StartDateBox = wxMaskedTextCtrl(id=wxID_BLUE49STARTDATEBOX,
              name='StartDateBox', parent=self.panel1, pos=wxPoint(192, 48),
              size=wxSize(79, 21), style=0, value='  /  /    ')

        self.StartSeedsTextbox =
              label='Enter a date for starting seeds',
              parent=self.panel1, pos=wxPoint(40, 56), size=wxSize(141, 13),

        self.FlowerTimebox = wxMaskedTextCtrl(id=wxID_BLUE49FLOWERTIMEBOX,
              name='FlowerTimebox', parent=self.panel1, pos=wxPoint(248,
              size=wxSize(24, 21), style=0, value='')

        self.staticText1 = wxStaticText(id=wxID_BLUE49STATICTEXT1,
              label='Enter days for flower period.(max-99)',
              parent=self.panel1, pos=wxPoint(40, 88), size=wxSize(171, 13),

    def __init__(self, parent):

From learn2prog at  Thu May 27 17:35:21 2004
From: learn2prog at (Lauzon, Michael)
Date: Thu May 27 17:35:42 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Just Testing
Message-ID: <>

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From missive at  Thu May 27 18:04:49 2004
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Thu May 27 18:05:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Question about stdin/stdout
Message-ID: <>

>I realise that "Activate pin 1" won't work, but I can sort that out. I
>just want to know about stdin/stdout.
>What I want to do is get the program to read a screen display (or I can
>get Linux to save this display to a file using the "tail -f" command) or
>file, and when it recognises the line with the call sign "UA6ADV" (or
>one of the other call signs) it will then send a cmd to the parallel
>port, ttyS0, to make one of the pins go high.

You may want to look here:

In answer to your questions about stdin/stdout...

Essentially, they are just files like any other files...

>>>import sys
<open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0x8132020>
<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x8132060>
>>>f = file('atempfile', 'w')
<open file 'atempfile', mode 'w' at 0x815fa60>

The magic thing is that print is hooked up automatically to
stdout, but you can rearrange that if you really want to...

>>>f.write('some test text')
>>>f.write('some test text with newline\n')
>>>print 'testing print'
testing print
>>>sys.stdout = f
>>>print 'testing print'
>>>print 'testing print'
>>>print 'testing print'
>>>[ I exited the interpreter]
17:56 >more atempfile
some test textsome test text with newline
testing print
testing print
testing print

Most likely though, you would want to just open a new file and write
to it, rather than redirecting stdout.

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

From project5 at  Fri May 28 02:36:15 2004
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri May 28 02:36:29 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How to save user data?
References: <000d01c44432$3a149ee0$0a4ffea9@amdbox>
Message-ID: <>

acidblue <acidrex <at>> writes:

> I have a textctrl box for usr input, do I use raw_input and assign a
> variable in order to save the information?
> Using wxPython2.4

You don't use raw_input if you use wxPython. raw_input is for command line
(console) applications, while the whole point of wxPython is *not* to have a
console application :). You should use some kind of wxTextCtrl and use its
GetValue method to get the user's input in that text control. E.g.:

  username = MyTextCtrl.GetValue()

You can then do with that input whatever you like, including saving it.



From allyn. at  Fri May 28 03:03:38 2004
From: allyn. at (Allyn Weaks)
Date: Fri May 28 03:03:24 2004
Subject: [Tutor] get a list of all IPs on a lan
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <HYC1IB$>
Message-ID: <p06002000bcdc92ed3b19@[]>

On 27/5/2004, Marco wrote:

>> Ping the broadcast address and see who answers?
>Not "everybody" answers to broadcasts, usually even "lightly"
>firewalled machines avoid answering to some ICMP types.

On unix, if you have root access and can turn on promiscuous mode, and
if you aren't isolated behind a switch, install the excellent arpwatch.
It watches all traffic across the network card, collects pairs of IP vs
MAC address and logs it. On a complex enough network, it's worth
analyzing the log with a python script...
Allyn Weaks   Seattle, WA  Sunset zone 5
Pacific NW Native Wildlife Gardening:
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that
we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only
unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American
public." -- Theodore Roosevelt

From dr_mirror at  Fri May 28 20:14:06 2004
From: dr_mirror at (Mirror Three)
Date: Fri May 28 20:14:16 2004
Subject: [Tutor] gui tks and encodings
Message-ID: <>

hi there,

so i am finally out of the tunnel, meant rewriting the gui of my first app 
in python from tkinter to wxpython.. thanks for the hands you gave on 
my problem with textcontrols, i started to look after scintilla, and then 
through some links i took a longer look at this wxwidgets stuff. i can 
say now that it is better than tkinter, i did not even need scintilla.. i like 
tkinter, because it is unique, and implements cross-platformity not like 
deciding what to rely on, but like shi**ing on standards. but being 
the 'official' gui toolkit of python, i think it should manage to solve some 
basic problems, like navigation on wrapped text.. (not mentioning you 
cannot move the insertion cursor from program.. or am i wrong?)

something else. i installed the unicode version of wxpython on my 
windows me, because i felt small when the download page reminded 
me i am not a native english speaker. :) somebody mentioned on some 
page, that it needs some hackjob on windows excluding 9x or so, but i 
have not spotted any problems yet. but could anyone tell me if i really 
need this? i only know about unicode that it deals with multibyte 
characters, and that is not much of my taste. my app shows now a little 
chaos with this charset and encoding stuff, i have just finished to 
rewrite a mail header decoder directly for pop3. it decodes using the 
iso-8859-2 charset, because that is what i need. the result is normal 
string wich i put in a listctrl and it works without mentioning unicode in 
that part of the program. but on the other hand a listbox suffered from 
getting some hungarian style characters in its item labels, and works 
with u'...'. have any experience?



From alan.gauld at  Sat May 29 18:42:21 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat May 29 18:41:44 2004
Subject: [Tutor] gui tks and encodings
References: <>
Message-ID: <003a01c445ce$3424c120$6401a8c0@xp>

> the 'official' gui toolkit of python, i think it should manage to
solve some
> basic problems, like navigation on wrapped text.. (not mentioning
> cannot move the insertion cursor from program.. or am i wrong?)

I'm not sure what you tried  but moving the insertion point is pretty
easy - once you know that Tk calls the insertion point the "insert

There is a method:

myWidget.mark_set('insert', index)

Where index is the usual Tk style index, typically a line.char
pair. You can also use a mark plus modifier so for example:

>>> tk = Tk()
>>> t = Text()
>>> t.pack()

>>> def move5():
...       t.mark_set("insert","insert + 5 chars")
>>> b = Button(tk,text="move 5",command=move5)
>>> b.pack()
>>> tk.mainloop()

Creates a Text widget and button which moves the
insert cursor 5 characters forward.
(Note the use of strings in mark_set()! - A Tk feature)

The other mark of note is "current" which tracks the mouse
position. If the user clicks the mouse in the text the values of
"current" and "insert" will become the same.

You can of course create your own named marks too and jump
to them etc.

None of this is exactly clear in the Tkinter docs I must say,
but the pages do explain it a little.

But I dsid have to experiment a bit to get the example
above working - even after reading the help!

However it should be obvious that Tkinters Text editing capabilities
are very much present since IDLE is itself built using it! :-)

Alan G.

From game at  Sat May 29 23:30:57 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Sat May 29 23:27:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some help
Message-ID: <000801c445f6$8628d1f0$30e57218@nonet55l04ooq3>

Hello, I am new to python and need a little help. I am trying to write to a file but wich i can the only problem that I have is that Each raw_input I want to write to a seperate line so that it will print on the screen like this:


right now it just prints to the screen like this:
here is the code that I did:
NAME = raw_input("What is your name? ")
AGE = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
SEX = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")

player = open("name.plr", 'w')
player.write (NAME)
player.write (AGE)
player.write (SEX)

player = open("name.plr", 'r')
line = player.readline()

print line

Thanks for any help 

-------------- next part --------------
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From gew75 at  Sun May 30 01:24:48 2004
From: gew75 at (Glen Wheeler)
Date: Sun May 30 01:24:54 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some help
References: <000801c445f6$8628d1f0$30e57218@nonet55l04ooq3>
Message-ID: <>

  Hi Kevin,

  Escape codes are special characters used in strings to represent things
which we find hard to put into simple letters.
  For example, the escape code for a newline is `\n'.  So,

print '\n'

  will actually print *two* blank lines.  There is a little inconsistency
with Python's file handling in that the print command will automatically add
a newline after any output, but a file.write(..) will not.

  As a further hint, string concatenation is formed with the `+' operator.
So that

d = 'dog'
c = 'cat'
s = c+d
print s // 'catdog'

  Now, I'm sure you can figure out how to get newlines into your file :).


----- Original Message ----- 
From: K J
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:30 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some help

Hello, I am new to python and need a little help. I am trying to write to a
file but wich i can the only problem that I have is that Each raw_input I
want to write to a seperate line so that it will print on the screen like


right now it just prints to the screen like this:
here is the code that I did:
NAME = raw_input("What is your name? ")
AGE = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
SEX = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")

player = open("name.plr", 'w')
player.write (NAME)
player.write (AGE)
player.write (SEX)

player = open("name.plr", 'r')
line = player.readline()

print line

Thanks for any help


Tutor maillist  -

From gaedol at  Sun May 30 06:58:26 2004
From: gaedol at (Marco)
Date: Sun May 30 07:07:07 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Peaks detection
Message-ID: <>

Hey all, 
i am tryin to write in python a peak detection algorithm to use on spectra taken from a data analyser in a lab.
The spectrum comes in a text file with 2 columns, one with the channel number and the other one with number of counts for that channel.
Making the calibration to the energy is not a problem, except for the fact that the algorithm _should_ recognize the peaks of the spectrum (those that have a fair gaussian form) and notate the centroid of the gaussian.

The problem is: i can't find an algorithm except for a labview "procedure" on the net.
Once found the "how" implementing it in python shouldn't be that hard :)

so the question is:
Anyone has a source for an algorithm of that kind? Any suggestion?

thank you all, 


"Caro, ho un...  anticipo sul ciclo!"

From darnold02 at  Sun May 30 09:23:37 2004
From: darnold02 at (Don Arnold)
Date: Sun May 30 09:23:55 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some help
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Or, you could use the decorated form of print to write directly to the file:

>>> outfile = open('c:/temp2/stuff','w')
>>> print >> outfile, 'John Smith'
>>> print >> outfile, '23'
>>> print >> outfile, 'Male'
>>> outfile.close()

Contents of outfile:

John Smith


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Glen
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 12:25 AM
To: K J;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some

  Hi Kevin,

  Escape codes are special characters used in strings to represent things
which we find hard to put into simple letters.
  For example, the escape code for a newline is `\n'.  So,

print '\n'

  will actually print *two* blank lines.  There is a little inconsistency
with Python's file handling in that the print command will automatically add
a newline after any output, but a file.write(..) will not.

  As a further hint, string concatenation is formed with the `+' operator.
So that

d = 'dog'
c = 'cat'
s = c+d
print s // 'catdog'

  Now, I'm sure you can figure out how to get newlines into your file :).


----- Original Message ----- 
From: K J
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:30 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some help

Hello, I am new to python and need a little help. I am trying to write to a
file but wich i can the only problem that I have is that Each raw_input I
want to write to a seperate line so that it will print on the screen like


right now it just prints to the screen like this:
here is the code that I did:
NAME = raw_input("What is your name? ")
AGE = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
SEX = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")

player = open("name.plr", 'w')
player.write (NAME)
player.write (AGE)
player.write (SEX)

player = open("name.plr", 'r')
line = player.readline()

print line

Thanks for any help


Tutor maillist  -

Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Sun May 30 12:49:53 2004
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun May 30 12:49:01 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some help
References: <000801c445f6$8628d1f0$30e57218@nonet55l04ooq3>
Message-ID: <005101c44666$216210e0$6401a8c0@xp>

Hi Kevin, welcome to Python.

There are several points to mke, only one of which 
actually resolves your problem :-)

> ...I want to write to a seperate line so that it will 
> print on the screen like this:

> here is the code that I did:
> NAME = raw_input("What is your name? ")
> AGE = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
> SEX = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")

First, by convention all uppercase letters are usually 
reserved for fixed values or constants. Its just a convention 
but a pretty well respected one. A mnore normal convention 
for variable names is to keep then lower case and capitalize 
any secondary words within the name., like this:


It doesn't change how the code works but makes it easier 
for other people to read your code.

> player = open("name.plr", 'w')
> player.write (NAME)

You are writing the data but the data has no newline at the end.
You need to add it. Unfortunately python files have a readline() 
method but no writeline() - for reasons which have always puzzled me!

To add the newline we use the character sequence:


so to write to the file you need to do:


> player = open("name.plr", 'r')
> line = player.readline()
> player.close()

This will only read one line of input, if you need to read the 
others you will either have to add multiple lines like the above 
or use a loop - which you may not have come across yet in whatever 
tutor you are following!


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From game at  Sun May 30 14:12:51 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Sun May 30 14:09:50 2004
Subject: [Tutor] 
	Re: Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some help
Message-ID: <002f01c44671$b8b51360$30e57218@nonet55l04ooq3>

Thank you to all that help me on that. I got it to write seperate lines with
out useing any loops. Thanks for telling my about the upper case thing I did
not know that. Here is the code I made:

name = raw_input("What is your name? ")
age = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
sex = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")

player = open("name.plr", 'w')
player.write (name+'\n')
player.write (age+'\n')
player.write (sex+'\n')

player = open("name.plr", 'r')
line_a = player.readline()
line_b = player.readline()
line_c = player.readline()

print line_a
print line_b
print line_c

The output is like this



Is there a way to bring the lines closer to gether? Sorry for all the
questions I still have not had time to go buy a Python book, I have only
been reading what I can on the internet and most of the tutorials don't
explain this stuff.
Thanks again,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Gauld" <>
To: "K J" <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some

> Hi Kevin, welcome to Python.
> There are several points to mke, only one of which
> actually resolves your problem :-)
> > ...I want to write to a seperate line so that it will
> > print on the screen like this:
> > here is the code that I did:
> > NAME = raw_input("What is your name? ")
> > AGE = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
> > SEX = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")
> First, by convention all uppercase letters are usually
> reserved for fixed values or constants. Its just a convention
> but a pretty well respected one. A mnore normal convention
> for variable names is to keep then lower case and capitalize
> any secondary words within the name., like this:
> aLongName
> It doesn't change how the code works but makes it easier
> for other people to read your code.
> > player = open("name.plr", 'w')
> > player.write (NAME)
> You are writing the data but the data has no newline at the end.
> You need to add it. Unfortunately python files have a readline()
> method but no writeline() - for reasons which have always puzzled me!
> To add the newline we use the character sequence:
> '\n'
> so to write to the file you need to do:
> player.write(NAME+'\n')
> > player = open("name.plr", 'r')
> > line = player.readline()
> > player.close()
> This will only read one line of input, if you need to read the
> others you will either have to add multiple lines like the above
> or use a loop - which you may not have come across yet in whatever
> tutor you are following!
> HTH,
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From nick at  Sun May 30 14:46:56 2004
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Sun May 30 14:47:04 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Hello new to python and the mailing list,
	need some help
In-Reply-To: <002f01c44671$b8b51360$30e57218@nonet55l04ooq3>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kevin,

you can stop python appending its own newline with a comma,


print line_a,
print line_b,


Hope that helps

  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On Behalf
Of K J
  Sent: 30 May 2004 19:13
  Subject: [Tutor] Re: Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some

  Thank you to all that help me on that. I got it to write seperate lines
  out useing any loops. Thanks for telling my about the upper case thing I
  not know that. Here is the code I made:

  name = raw_input("What is your name? ")
  age = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
  sex = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")

  player = open("name.plr", 'w')
  player.write (name+'\n')
  player.write (age+'\n')
  player.write (sex+'\n')

  player = open("name.plr", 'r')
  line_a = player.readline()
  line_b = player.readline()
  line_c = player.readline()

  print line_a
  print line_b
  print line_c

  The output is like this



  Is there a way to bring the lines closer to gether? Sorry for all the
  questions I still have not had time to go buy a Python book, I have only
  been reading what I can on the internet and most of the tutorials don't
  explain this stuff.
  Thanks again,

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Alan Gauld" <>
  To: "K J" <>; <>
  Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 12:49 PM
  Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some

  > Hi Kevin, welcome to Python.
  > There are several points to mke, only one of which
  > actually resolves your problem :-)
  > > ...I want to write to a seperate line so that it will
  > > print on the screen like this:
  > > here is the code that I did:
  > > NAME = raw_input("What is your name? ")
  > > AGE = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
  > > SEX = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")
  > First, by convention all uppercase letters are usually
  > reserved for fixed values or constants. Its just a convention
  > but a pretty well respected one. A mnore normal convention
  > for variable names is to keep then lower case and capitalize
  > any secondary words within the name., like this:
  > aLongName
  > It doesn't change how the code works but makes it easier
  > for other people to read your code.
  > > player = open("name.plr", 'w')
  > > player.write (NAME)
  > You are writing the data but the data has no newline at the end.
  > You need to add it. Unfortunately python files have a readline()
  > method but no writeline() - for reasons which have always puzzled me!
  > To add the newline we use the character sequence:
  > '\n'
  > so to write to the file you need to do:
  > player.write(NAME+'\n')
  > > player = open("name.plr", 'r')
  > > line = player.readline()
  > > player.close()
  > This will only read one line of input, if you need to read the
  > others you will either have to add multiple lines like the above
  > or use a loop - which you may not have come across yet in whatever
  > tutor you are following!
  > HTH,
  > Alan G
  > Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From game at  Sun May 30 15:31:27 2004
From: game at (K J)
Date: Sun May 30 15:28:28 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Hello new to python and the mailing list,
	need some help
References: <>
Message-ID: <001a01c4467c$b41c7770$30e57218@nonet55l04ooq3>

Ya that helped alot! thanks. I see that I can also put the 3 print lines in to one ie: print line_a, line_b, line_c and it outputs the same thing. 

    I must say this is the funnest programming language that I have ever had the pleasure of teaching my self.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Nick Lunt 
  To: K J ; 
  Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 2:46 PM
  Subject: RE: [Tutor] Re: Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some help

  Hi Kevin,

  you can stop python appending its own newline with a comma,


  print line_a,
  print line_b,


  Hope that helps

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On Behalf Of K J
    Sent: 30 May 2004 19:13
    Subject: [Tutor] Re: Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some help

    Thank you to all that help me on that. I got it to write seperate lines with
    out useing any loops. Thanks for telling my about the upper case thing I did
    not know that. Here is the code I made:

    name = raw_input("What is your name? ")
    age = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
    sex = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")

    player = open("name.plr", 'w')
    player.write (name+'\n')
    player.write (age+'\n')
    player.write (sex+'\n')

    player = open("name.plr", 'r')
    line_a = player.readline()
    line_b = player.readline()
    line_c = player.readline()

    print line_a
    print line_b
    print line_c

    The output is like this



    Is there a way to bring the lines closer to gether? Sorry for all the
    questions I still have not had time to go buy a Python book, I have only
    been reading what I can on the internet and most of the tutorials don't
    explain this stuff.
    Thanks again,

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Alan Gauld" <>
    To: "K J" <>; <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 12:49 PM
    Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hello new to python and the mailing list, need some

    > Hi Kevin, welcome to Python.
    > There are several points to mke, only one of which
    > actually resolves your problem :-)
    > > ...I want to write to a seperate line so that it will
    > > print on the screen like this:
    > > here is the code that I did:
    > > NAME = raw_input("What is your name? ")
    > > AGE = raw_input ("What is your age? ")
    > > SEX = raw_input ("What is your sex? ")
    > First, by convention all uppercase letters are usually
    > reserved for fixed values or constants. Its just a convention
    > but a pretty well respected one. A mnore normal convention
    > for variable names is to keep then lower case and capitalize
    > any secondary words within the name., like this:
    > aLongName
    > It doesn't change how the code works but makes it easier
    > for other people to read your code.
    > > player = open("name.plr", 'w')
    > > player.write (NAME)
    > You are writing the data but the data has no newline at the end.
    > You need to add it. Unfortunately python files have a readline()
    > method but no writeline() - for reasons which have always puzzled me!
    > To add the newline we use the character sequence:
    > '\n'
    > so to write to the file you need to do:
    > player.write(NAME+'\n')
    > > player = open("name.plr", 'r')
    > > line = player.readline()
    > > player.close()
    > This will only read one line of input, if you need to read the
    > others you will either have to add multiple lines like the above
    > or use a loop - which you may not have come across yet in whatever
    > tutor you are following!
    > HTH,
    > Alan G
    > Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From dyoo at  Sun May 30 20:07:02 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun May 30 20:07:08 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Peaks detection
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 30 May 2004, Marco wrote:

> i am tryin to write in python a peak detection algorithm to use on
> spectra taken from a data analyser in a lab. The spectrum comes in a
> text file with 2 columns, one with the channel number and the other one

[text cut]

> so the question is:
> Anyone has a source for an algorithm of that kind? Any suggestion?

Hi Marco,

This is a highly domain-specialized question.  Consequently, I'm not sure
if any of us are qualified to help on this.  Your question has very little
to do with Python, and more to do with computational algorithms.

You may want to try the folks at SciPy:

and see if anyone there can point you toward relevant resources.  I'm
sorry that we can't be of more help on this question.

Good luck to you!

From dyoo at  Sun May 30 20:10:54 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun May 30 20:10:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How to save user data?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 28 May 2004, Andrei wrote:

> acidblue <acidrex <at>> writes:
> > I have a textctrl box for usr input, do I use raw_input and assign a
> > variable in order to save the information?
> > Using wxPython2.4
> You don't use raw_input if you use wxPython. raw_input is for command line
> (console) applications, while the whole point of wxPython is *not* to have a
> console application :). You should use some kind of wxTextCtrl and use its
> GetValue method to get the user's input in that text control. E.g.:
>   username = MyTextCtrl.GetValue()
> You can then do with that input whatever you like, including saving it.

Hi Acidblue,

You can save certain values in your program by using something like the
'shelve' library:

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck!

From dyoo at  Sun May 30 20:21:11 2004
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun May 30 20:21:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Question about stdin/stdout
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 27 May 2004, Bob Heasman wrote:

> I have just started programming with Python using the book and disk
> supplied by Michael Dawson, and am rather overawed at the questions and
> answers that I have seen.

Hi Bob,

Don't be overawed.  *grin* If there's stuff that goes over your head, just
skip it.  And if you're finding that there are too many messages coming
from the list, you can turn on "digest mode" on your mailing list settings

Near the bottom, there's a form there where you can edit certain options
for your mailing list subscription --- this includes turning on digest
mode, to bundle messages from the list into chunks.

> get Linux to save this display to a file using the "tail -f" command) or
> file, and when it recognises the line with the call sign "UA6ADV" (or
> one of the other call signs) it will then send a cmd to the parallel
> port, ttyS0, to make one of the pins go high.

It will probably be easy to deal with stdin.  Here's a small sample
program that takes stdin, and UPPERCASES every line it can read from the
standard input:

import sys
for line in sys.stdin:

> So this uses a file as "stdin", and "stdout" is a pin on the parallel
> port.Can someone give me some pointers as to how to do this, or if
> necessary, point me to a book or a web site where I can find this info.

It sounds that, given some line of text, you'll want to look for a
specific pattern.  If the pattern isn't too complex, you can use a
substring check with the 'in' operator:

>>> 'go' in 'chess was invented, but go was discovered'
>>> 'othello' in 'chess was invented, but go was discovered'

If the pattern you're looking for is a little more complex, then the
"regular expression" library may be of more help.  There's a good HOWTO on
regular expressions here:

Finally, I'm guessing that you've had some programming experience;  you
might then want to do a quick tour through the standard tutorial at:

to brush up on Python's feature set.

Good luck to you!

From roeland.rengelink at  Mon May 31 04:21:34 2004
From: roeland.rengelink at (Roeland Rengelink)
Date: Mon May 31 04:19:58 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Peaks detection
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Marco wrote:

>Hey all, 
>i am tryin to write in python a peak detection algorithm to use on spectra taken from a data analyser in a lab.
>The spectrum comes in a text file with 2 columns, one with the channel number and the other one with number of counts for that channel.
>Making the calibration to the energy is not a problem, except for the fact that the algorithm _should_ recognize the peaks of the spectrum (those that have a fair gaussian form) and notate the centroid of the gaussian.
>The problem is: i can't find an algorithm except for a labview "procedure" on the net.
>Once found the "how" implementing it in python shouldn't be that hard :)
>so the question is:
>Anyone has a source for an algorithm of that kind? Any suggestion?
Hi Marco,

I'm only going to give you an outline of the solution, because this 
problem is a lot easier to solve in theory than in practice (code is 

Lets't define two functions:

def is_local_maximum(counts, current_channel):
    """Return True if counts in current_channel are larger than
       in neighbouring channels"""

    if (counts[current_channel] > counts[current_channel-1] and
        counts[current_channel] > counts[current_channel+1]):
        return True
        return False

def measure_peak(counts, channels, max_channel, width)
    """Return the mean (centroid) and stddev of a peak at max_channel"""

    mean = 0.0
    stdev = 0.0
    total_counts = 0.0
    for i in range(max_channel-width, max_channel+width):
        total_counts += counts[i]
        mean += counts[i]*channels[i]
    mean = mean/total_counts
    for i in range(max_channel-width, max_channel+width):
        stdev += counts[i]*(channels[i]-mean)**2
    stdev = math.sqrt(stdev/total_counts)
    return mean, stdev

To analyze the dataset we are going to assume that you know the 
background signal and the rms of the background signal (measuring them 
is left as an exercise)

def analyze(counts, channels, background, background_rms, min_sigma, 
    minimum_signal = background+background_rms*min_sigma
    for i in range(window_width, len(channels)-window_width):
        if counts[i] < minimum_signal:
            # Ignore noise
        if is_local_maximum(counts, i):
           mean, stdev = measure_peak(counts, channels, i, window_width)
           print "Detected peak", counts[i], mean, stdev

Now for the caveats:

- I assume that there is going to be only one peak within the window 
around a given maximum
- I assume that the peaks are properly sampled (channel_width < 
- I assume that the window width >> width of the peak
- I assume that the total signal within the window is dominated by the peak
- I assume that the background is flat and the rms of the background is 

These assumptions are generally not (all) true in practice

Hope this help,


From mlist at  Mon May 31 06:15:59 2004
From: mlist at (MailingList)
Date: Mon May 31 06:23:46 2004
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <080b01c446f8$44b0d5d0$7560a8c0@asesoft.intl>

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From kim.branson at  Mon May 31 06:38:20 2004
From: kim.branson at (Kim Branson)
Date: Mon May 31 06:38:34 2004
Subject: [Tutor] object question
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

i'm having a go at using classes.  below is my attempt (a long time ago 
i posted a question to this list and received a great reply from Karl 
suggesting an object based approach, i filed it away to understand at a 
later date :)  This object  sets up some dictionaries, and  these are 
then filled with the update method. This changes to the appropriate 
directory at reads in a results file.

this file looks like:

  PK=  5.38 Qual=  1.58 PMF= -75.04 PMF_rb= -75.04 SMoG= -85.09 SMoG_H= 
- - -8.51 ChemScore= -29.01 Clash= 0.00 Int=  0.00 DockNRG= -13.07 
AutoDock= -15.71

my problem is in the matching done in the update method. the assignment 
of does not
produce a object with <type 'NoneType'> and prints as None.  I've 
tested with  the test code i've attached.  I think its a scope issue as 
it seems to work when its not in the object?  Can someone explain this 
to me.



- - -----begin test code----
import re, string, os

path = os.getcwd()
results_path= path + "/dock"
os.chdir("%s" % results_path)

data =open("results_summary", 'r')
data= data.readlines()

score_lines =re.compile("""PK= (?P<score>.*) Qual= (?P<qual>.*) PMF= 
PMF_rb= (?P<pmf_rb>.*) SMoG= (?P<smog>.*) SMoG_H= (?P<smog_h>.*) 
ChemScore= (?P<chemscore>.*)\
Clash= (?P<clash>.*) Int= (?P<int>.*) DockNRG= (?P<docknrg>.*) 
AutoDock= (?P<autodock>.*)""")

for line in data:
         #print line
         #print type(m)
         print m
         for grp, val in m.groupdict().items():
                 print grp,val

- - ---- end test code---

***********Begin Code******
import string, os, re

#we get the data from the SCORER outout

class scorer_values:
	score_lines =re.compile("""PK= (?P<score>.*) Qual= (?P<qual>.*) PMF= 
	PMF_rb= (?P<pmf_rb>.*) SMoG= (?P<smog>.*) SMoG_H= (?P<smog_h>.*) 
ChemScore= (?P<chemscore>.*)\
	Clash= (?P<clash>.*) Int= (?P<int>.*) DockNRG= (?P<docknrg>.*) 
AutoDock= (?P<autodock>.*)""")
	def __init__(self):
		#make the dictionaries
		self.tables=dict([(name,{}) for name in 
	#def __str__(self):
		#s = []
		#for key in self.tables:
			#s.append(key + '\n')
			#s.append("-" * len(key) + '\n')
			#items =self.tables[key].items()
			#for key, val in items:
				#s.append(str(key) + '->' + val + "\n")
		#return ''.join(s)
	def _pull(self,program="dock"):
		os.chdir("%s"% program)
		self.results=open("results_summary", 'r')
		return self.results.readlines()
	def update(self,program="dock"):
		for line in (self._pull(program)):
			print type(m)
			print m
			if m:
				for grp,val in m.groupdict().items():
					print  self.tables
				self.counter += 1


print dock_values

Kim Branson
Diffraction and Theory
CSIRO Health Sciences and Nutrition
343 Royal Parade, Parkville
Ph +613 9662 7136

Kim Branson
Diffraction and Theory
CSIRO Health Sciences and Nutrition
343 Royal Parade, Parkville
Ph +613 9662 7136
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


From MBussell at  Mon May 31 11:42:10 2004
From: MBussell at (
Date: Mon May 31 11:42:27 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Time help
Message-ID: <>

I am playing with the Time Module, and was attempt to write a script which 
would tell me when a specific time was reached.

I am using the integer number of seconds since the epoch.  This is what I 

def test():
    now = 1086017720.0
    current = time.time()
    print current
    while now<>current:
        current = time.time()
        print current
    print "now is acheived!"

The problem is the count continues past the specific time.

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From pythonTutor at  Mon May 31 12:07:06 2004
From: pythonTutor at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Mon May 31 12:07:14 2004
Subject: [Tutor] Time help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Your loop requires that you catch an EXACT match to your desired time. 
On a system that does not round to the second, this is quite unlikely to
happen.  You could round current, but I'd recommend changing the while
test to be:
	while now > current

The loop will exit when current reaches or exceeds now.

On Mon, 2004-05-31 at 11:42, wrote:
> I am playing with the Time Module, and was attempt to write a script
> which would tell me when a specific time was reached.
> I am using the integer number of seconds since the epoch.  This is
> what I have:
> def test():
>     now = 1086017720.0
>     current = time.time()
>     print current
>     while now<>current:
>         current = time.time()
>         print current
>     print "now is acheived!"
> The problem is the count continues past the specific time.
> Thanks,
> MB
> ______________________________________________________________________
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

voice:	603-653-8139
fax:	801-459-9582

From tomikaze at  Mon May 31 17:14:35 2004
From: tomikaze at (
Date: Tue Jun  1 15:56:47 2004
Subject: [Tutor] gui tks and encodings
Message-ID: <>

ok you are right, i have finally found a few lines about mark_set and the insertion point being a mark on the page too, that Glen told me. it seems like reading the modul thirtyfour times is not enough in some special cases. :) but could you tell me why do i always get 0, 0, 0, 0 for

print text_widget.bbox('insert') ?

text_widget.update_idletasks() is done before..

do i use it the wrong way?



From tommusgrove__ at  Mon May 31 19:47:54 2004
From: tommusgrove__ at (Tom Musgrove)
Date: Tue Jun  1 15:56:52 2004
Subject: [Tutor] list comprehension question
Message-ID: <>


I'm writing some code that takes two meshes, an original, and an altered 
mesh.  Finds the added and deleted edges/vertices.  And then modifiys a list 
of targets that were applied to the original mesh and modifies them to have 
the same behavior on the altered mesh.  (Ie the targets are mesh 
deformations for specified vertices, but the new mesh might have new 
vertices that need to be interpolated, or vertices that have been deleted, 
or moved, etc.)

I have two lists of keys that I have from creating edge dictionaries for the 
altered and original mesh, then using list comprehension to find the unique 
edges. giving, for instance, the following.

ListAUniqueEdges = {(1,5), (2,6), (3,7), (8,9)}
ListBUniqueEdges = {(2,7), (3,5), (1,6), (10,11)}

I need to create two dictionaries from the above, showing how the edges from 
lista relate to those in listb and vice versa, ie the resulting Dict would 

DictA = {(1,5): {(1,6), (3,5)}, (2,6): {(2,7), (1,6)}, (3,7): {(3,5), 
(2,7)}, (8,9):{}}

is there some elegant way to do this, I think it should be doable via list 
comprehension, but for some reason I can't think of the solution right now, 
and the power of google isn't helping...


Tom M.

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