[Tutor] Python & XML

Isr Gish isrgish at fastem.com
Sun May 9 11:56:14 EDT 2004

Don't know anything about XML. But just wanted to mention that it's not advisable to assign anything to a built-in function name, or keyward.  The line:
print = '\t\tPSETI'
is doing just that. "print" is a built in keyword.

All the best

-----Original Message-----
   >From: "justinstraube at charter.net"<justinstraube at charter.net>
   >Sent: 5/6/04 7:21:36 PM
   >To: "tutor at python.org"<tutor at python.org>
   >Subject: [Tutor] Python & XML
   >Ive used the httplib module and the examples given in the 2.3 docs to 
   >retrieve my or a given users stats from SETI,
   >(where XXXX is the registered email address)
   >The string retrieved is in XML format. Ive begun looking at the some of 
   >the docs for the different XML modules in 2.3 but this is a bit 
   >confusing. Im not sure where to start.
   >I am guessing that this should be a fairly simple project as the tags 
   >for the fields in the user stats shouldnt change. I would just need to 
   >extract the wanted data for display.
   >Can anyone can point me to anything on how to go about this?
   >import httplib
   >SETI = "setiathome2.ssl.berkeley.edu"
   >print = '\t\tPSETI'
   >usrmail = raw_input('\nYour Email Address: ')
   >addr = '/fcgi-bin/fcgi?cmd=user_xml&email=' + usrmail
   >conx = httplib.HTTPConnection(SETI)
   >conx.request('GET', addr)
   >response = conx.getresponse()
   >print response.status, response.reason
   >data = response.read()
   >print data
   >raw_input('Press Enter to continue')
   >Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

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