[Tutor] overview of how data is handled

John Fabiani jfabiani at yolo.com
Tue May 18 23:00:39 EDT 2004


First let me say that the books and all the online tutorials (that I 
have seen) do not address how to handle data retrieved from a SQL 
database. They explain how to get the data but not how the data is to be 
handled after it is retrieved.   It appears from what I have read and my 
experiments that the data needs to be in a dict form.  OK I was able to 
convert the data into a dict.  But doing so required many lines of code 
(two loops).  If the program has to convert from list into dict for 
ten's of thousands of records it is going to be very  slow. 

The handling of data is like nothing I have ever done.  It's nothing 
like Delphi, Java, .Net or VFP.  Therefore, I think I wrong in the way I 
am thinking about how data is to be handled.  So can someone provide an 
over view of how they believe data should be handled in a data centered 
application - i.e data entry with grids, preparing reports for viewing 
or printing etc....


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