[Tutor] Re: Creating an object with a string

Riccardo Lemmi riccardo at reflab.it
Mon May 24 10:26:44 EDT 2004

Martin Hjort Eriksen wrote:

> I am parsing an XML file, and based on certain tags, i want to create
> certain objects. During the parsing i generate a string, with which i
> determine what type of object I want to create. The simple way is to
> have som if statements to determine it, but I was wondering if there is
> not a more "smart" method. I also do lot of PHP programming, where it is
> possible to do:
> <?php
> $object = "ClassToCreate";
> $newObject = new $object();
> ?>
> In that way I am able to with very few lines, to create an object based
> on a string. Is there any way of doing something similar in Python?
> regards
> Martin Hjort Eriksen

>From shell:
>>> class ClassToCreate:
...     pass
>>> newObject = globals()['ClassToCreate']()
>>> newObject
<__main__.ClassToCreate instance at 0x4029e98c>

If you use a module, for example:
>>> import UserDict
>>> ClassToCreate = getattr(UserDict,'UserDict')
>>> x=ClassToCreate()
>>> x

                             Riccardo Lemmi

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