[Tutor] get a list of all IPs on a lan

Marco gaedol at softhome.net
Thu May 27 13:26:15 EDT 2004

On Wed, 26 May 2004 13:55:18 -0400
Andrew Fant <fant at pobox.com> wrote:

> Ping the broadcast address and see who answers?

Not "everybody" answers to broadcasts, usually even "lightly" firewalled machines avoid answering to some ICMP types. 

my 2 cents, 


Sorry Andrew will receive two of this message cause i hit the wrong buttons.. i was in a hurry! excuse me, Andrew
Telefono, s.m.:
	Un'invenzione diabolica che annulla alcuni dei vantaggi del
	tenere una persona antipatica a debita distanza.
		-- Ambrose Bierce

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