[Tutor] Re: programming theology questions

Mike Hansen mhansen at cso.atmel.com
Mon Nov 1 21:09:48 CET 2004

I know you posted this on Saturday, but I get digest mode and the list 
sends to my work address, so I just read your message.

Anyway, the book The Pragmatic Programmer suggests that you learn a new 
language every year. I haven't done that, but I think learning different 
languages is a good thing. Someday I'd like to try Smalltalk or Lisp. I 
think those two are different enough from what I know(VB/VBA, VBScript, 
Perl, Python, COBOL, DCL) that they'd warp my brain exposing me to new 
and different ways of doing things.

Sometimes I get concerned about learning another language. I worry about 
mixing them up when I'm coding.(Vthon or PyBOL =) ) But that really 
hasn't happened. You'll manage to keep it straight. I just try to make 
sure I get over the initial learning curve of one before learning another.


> Subject:
> [Tutor] programming theology questions
> From:
> Rene Lopez <RenX99 at gmail.com>
> Date:
> Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:21:09 -0400
> To:
> Python Tutor <tutor at python.org>
> To:
> Python Tutor <tutor at python.org>
>How many programming languages can safely fit in your head before you
>get confused, or think it's not worth it?   :-)
>Is there any programming language blasphemy?  Like learning C++ and
>then VB?  Is that a sin or a exercise in insanity?
>Just curious as to what languages you keep in your mental toolboxes :)

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