[Tutor] Class mind boggle

Chad Crabtree flaxeater at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 5 19:07:01 CET 2004

Liam Clarke wrote:

>Hello all, 
>I have a little prog I'm writing, and I'm creating a GUI with
>The actual functions accessed by the GUI are in a separate module.
>Now, I would like to call a dialog box if needed in one of the
>separate functions, if a password is wrong, get it via a nice little
Ok here's an example from one of my projects.

        if results.accepted:
            if DEBUG: print 'Accepted'

I hope this helps.  I don't think it's quite as bad as you think. 

def getPassword(self):
    get the password
    if password==isgood:
       then do stuff:
       self.results=dialog.textEntryDialog(self, 'Enter Password,

now the self in this psuedo code means you can access this
outside of the function.

'Uhoh' , 'Python')

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