[Tutor] Function problem

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Nov 5 21:55:19 CET 2004

On Fri, 5 Nov 2004, Eri Mendz wrote:

> The problem of my script below is in the proceed function: if Y is
> selected, instead of staying in the option menu, the program just shows
> the option menu then exits.

Hi Eri,

Ah!  Check the 'break' statements in the main loop of the program:

>      choice = raw_input("select options: ")
>      if choice == 'c' or choice == 'C':
>          try:
>              getftemp = int(raw_input("enter fahrenheit temperature: "))
>              print "temp in C is: ", c2f(getftemp)
>              proceed()
>          except ValueError:
>              print "error: not a valid input!"
>          break
>      elif choice == 'f' or choice == 'F':
>          try:
>              getctemp = int(raw_input("enter centigrade temperature: "))
>              print "temp in F is: ", f2c(getctemp)
>              proceed()
>          except ValueError:
>              print "error: not a valid input!"
>          break

The breaks cause us to jump out of the while loop if either temperature
choice gets selected.

I'm guessing that you're using a C switch statement idiom.  But since that
idiom isn't applicable in Python, you should just drop them.

Good luck to you!

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