[Tutor] CGI problem.

Chad Crabtree flaxeater at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 6 04:08:36 CET 2004

Ok I don't quite have all the information to give you a definitive 
answer but I believe this is your trouble.  You are loading the file 
from the cgi script which is fine however you still check for the 
password every time whether or not it's the first time to run.  so
need to check to see if it's empty or if it exists.

Mark Kels wrote:

>import cgi
>import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
>form = cgi.FieldStorage()
>print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
>def printhtml():
>    print """
>       <html><body>
>       <form><input name="pass" type="text"></form>
>       """
>def checkpass():
>    a=x.readline()
if form.has_key("pass"):

>    if a==form.getfirst("pass"):
>        print "OK, come in."
>    else:
>        print "Wrong password, try again! "
I think adding that line should make this script work.  Or you could
than line right before the checkpass statement like

if form.has_key("pass"):

Good luck

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