[Tutor] time.sleep does not return at turn of the hour!!!

Kent Johnson kent_johnson at skillsoft.com
Sun Nov 7 05:03:00 CET 2004

What if you take out the file stuff and just do the sleep? For example this 
works fine for me (Win2K, Python 2.3.4):
 >>> from time import strftime, sleep
 >>> while True:
...   sleep(1)
...   print strftime('%H:%M:%S')


At 10:03 PM 11/6/2004 -0500, Mohamed Lrhazi wrote:
>Hello all,
>I am stuck with is strange problem. Here is the srouce:
>while 1:
>                         self.where=self.fp.tell()
>                         inbuffer=self.fp.read(self.inbuffersize)
>                         if not inbuffer:
>                                 if self.onefile:
>                                         self.lines=["DONE"]
>                                         break
>                                 new_filename=self.makeFileName()
>                                 if not new_filename == self.filename:
>                                         old_filename=self.filename
>                                         self.fileShift()
>                                         fileshifted=1
>                                         passe=0
>                                         break
>                                 passe=passe+1
>                                 #if not passe % 60:
>                                 log.logLine('logStream.refillLines',"%d: 
> Waiting for new lines..."%(passe))
>                                 time.sleep(1) #It seems at the turn of 
> the hour, we dont wakeup at all from this call!!!
>                                 log.logLine('logStream.refillLines',"%d: 
> Woke up..."%(passe))
>                                 self.fp.seek(self.where)
>                         else:
>                                 self.bytesRead = self.bytesRead + 
> len(inbuffer)
>Here is the output:
>1106 20:59:56:logStream.refillLines: 7: Waiting for new lines...
>1106 20:59:57:logStream.refillLines: 7: Woke up...
>1106 20:59:57:logStream.refillLines: 8: Waiting for new lines...
>1106 20:59:58:logStream.refillLines: 8: Woke up...
>1106 20:59:58:logStream.refillLines: 9: Waiting for new lines...
>1106 20:59:59:logStream.refillLines: 9: Woke up...
>1106 20:59:59:logStream.refillLines: 10: Waiting for new lines...
>It just hangs there... till I control-C and then:
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "./parseDaemon.py", line 355, in ?
>    l=zeusLog.getNextLine()
>  File "./parseDaemon.py", line 237, in getNextLine
>    self.refillLines()
>  File "./parseDaemon.py", line 206, in refillLines
>    time.sleep(1) #It seems at the turn of the hour, we dont wakeup at all 
> from this call!!!
>This happens systematically and only when we turn to the next Hour!!!
>I tried with both python python-2.2.3-7 and python2.3-2.3.3-2pydotorg
>I am using Fedora Core 1
>Any ideas?
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

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