[Tutor] py2exe - supress console window with GUI app?

Liam Clarke cyresse at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 07:49:18 CET 2004

If you're running on a Windows system, try using Pythonw.exe instead of Python.
It's what IDLE runs through.

: )

On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 22.07.51 -0800, justinstraube at charter.net
<justinstraube at charter.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 21:17:45 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >I think you need to use
> >   windows = ["myprogram.py"]
> >instead of
> >   console = ["myprogram.py"]
> >
> >Look at py2exe\samples\simple\setup.py for an example.
> >
> >I don't know if Jacob's script supports this, you might have to modify
> >it or make your own setup.py...
> >
> >Kent
> Thanks Kent,
> heh, I had just sent my last reply when I got this. It seems my change
> to Jacob's script did have the fix but I now need to remove the
> 'console = listed' line.
> So then setup.py now has:
> setup(windows = [{"script": "My_Script.pyw",
>                   "icon_resources": [(1, "My_Icon.ico")]}])
> regards,
> Justin
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