[Tutor] Database questions

Jay Mutter jmutter at uakron.edu
Wed Nov 24 01:56:12 CET 2004

Good evening;
I am using OS X 10.3.6 on an ibook where I have python 2.3.3 and 
wxPython installed with mxDateTime, Postgresql and psycopg.

What i would like to know ( remember I have not really started using 
python or any of the others) is what would you suggest as a GUI 
designer to work with the above for someone who wants to develop a GUI 
client interface for a RDBMS system.  I have looked at wxGlade, 
Pythoncard, wxDesigner, and Boa constructor and am currently clueless.
If I wanted to hone my skills by creating a GUI checkbook 
register/balancing program would I be best off to simply use the DB 
modules built into Python.
Remember I am definitely a newbie.


Jay Mutter

jmutter at uakron.edu

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