[Tutor] Database questions

Huw Davies huw.davies at kerberos.davies.net.au
Fri Nov 26 06:53:24 CET 2004

On 26/11/2004, at 4:15 PM, Liam Clarke wrote:

> I would agree about user friendliness, although I strongly suggest you
> reserve judgement until you try Spectix.
> http://starship.python.net/crew/mike/src/Spectix/Spectix.html
> That said, Tkinter isn't overly user friendly either. Oh, and the
> PythonCard documentation is quite useless at times.

Has Spectix been ported to Mac OS-X? The above link says that it's 
available for Windows and Linux but doesn't mention OS-X.

Huw Davies           | e-mail: Huw.Davies at kerberos.davies.net.au
Melbourne            | "If soccer was meant to be played in the
Australia            | air, the sky would be painted green"

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