[Tutor] Tutor Subscribers list.

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Nov 30 22:15:46 CET 2004

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Richard Moor wrote:

> I entered my address

[personal information cut]

> and get Tutor roster error. What am I doing wrong? Help RM.

[meta: mailing list administration]

Hi Richard,

Ok, I think I see the problem; it's a user interface issue.  I'm guessing
that you are viewing:


and that you're looking at the last three text fields on that web page.

To view the roster list, you just need to put in your email address in the
"Address" field, and your password in the "Password" field.  Afterwards,
press the "Visit Subscriber List" button.

So ignore the last text box: it is supposed to be a separate form that
people use to unsubscribe from the list.  It is not part of the roster
viewing process, although it's physically on the same page.  Our mailing
list software does need a good human-interface design review, but we don't
have the resources for that at the moment.

By the way, you've just announced your mailing list password to the whole
mailing list.  This is not a good idea, as the list is actively archived.
Please change it when you get the chance.

Good luck to you.

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