[Tutor] Ftplib error using dir()

WEISS, MARK (NB) mw5858 at sbc.com
Fri Oct 8 20:55:32 CEST 2004

Hello Group,

I am trying to build a FTP client and I am getting a 'connection
refused' error when I call the code listed below.  I can login fine (in
my script), and I connect through a command prompt using the ftp command
(Win2K) I can list the files in the remote directory.  Also, to further
confuse the matter I can run this code against a local ftp server and
return the list of files.  

def getListFiles(ftp):
    # return a LIST of the directory contents
    dataList = []
    except socket.error, (errno, strerror):
        print "Error code(%d), Error Message: %s " % (errno, strerror)

        #  - raises - 'Error code(10061), Error Message: Connection

        print sys.exc_info()
    return dataList

Any ideas on why this is failing or to better isolate the error would be
greatly appreciated.  


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