[Tutor] Index out of range

kumar s ps_python at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 15 01:16:13 CEST 2004

Dear Group, 
  My brother helped me to write a program for writing
a file contents into SQL statements.

I have a file with 71 columns in tab delimited text. 

A   B   D   E   F   G     A71
1   2   3   4   5   6... 71
2   3   4   5   6   3    45
5   6   7   3   7   7    34
number of rows - 10,000.

I wanted to write a python script that writes these
values like this:

INSERT INTO table-name

I have the following script
from string import *;
f = open("sql.txt","r");
text = f.read();
f = open("insert.txt", "w");
list = split(text,"\n");
tname = list[0];
for i in range(len(list)):
        col = split(list[i], "\t");
        f.write("insert into table "+tname+" values(
"+col[1]+" "+col[2]+" "+col[3]+"

"+col[40]+" "+col[41]+"

When I execute this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "insert.py", line 11, in ?
    f.write("insert into table "+tname+" values(
"+col[1]+" "+col[2]+" "+col[3]+"

"+col[40]+" "+col[41]+"
IndexError: list index out of range

I get index out of range.  I checked the number of
columns matched the col[] values here. Even then there
is some problem. Is there some easy method to get this

Please help. 

Thank you. 


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