[Tutor] python 2.3.4 GUI

Lloyd Hugh Allen chandrakirti at gmail.com
Fri Oct 15 14:19:05 CEST 2004

Do you have any other programming languages installed on your
computer, particularly any that use Tk/TCL? Installing Ruby broke my
Python a few years ago, because Ruby had screwed with all the Tk/TCL
stuff. I submitted this as an issue to both Python and Ruby, and got
responses of "it's not OUR fault" from both sides.

And then the Ruby uninstaller didn't clean up after itself. Messy situation.

In the absence of other programming languages, I would try cleanly
uninstalling all versions of Python, and then reinstalling the most
recent one.

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 11:30:21 +0200, gil at tuckers.de <gil at tuckers.de> wrote:
> Hi greetings,
>                               I am running  Win 2000. When I download Python 2.2 and higher
>  and I call the GUI it doesn`t come. The command line is okay  the IDLE refuse to
> respond. Some tip or tips could be welcome.
>                                cheers gil
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