[Tutor] methods versus functions (using lists as an example)

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Wed Oct 20 02:01:45 CEST 2004

> 	I'm hitting a roadblock, though, when it comes to web programming
> with mod_python. The documentation I've found about it is quite terse,
> and mod_python's logic seems completely alien to me (I was expecting
> something that works exactly like CGI but faster). Are there any good
> tutorials on the subject, by the way?

Hi Max,

Have you worked through:


If you are getting stuck on sections in the mod_python tutorial, it'll be
good to bring those problems up.

Their documentation may need some more work: perhaps we can help to
improve their documentation by working through an example with you?

Good luck to you!

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