[Tutor] variable from input?

Jeff Shannon jeff at ccvcorp.com
Tue Oct 26 02:46:32 CEST 2004

Liam Clarke wrote:

>On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 19:53:22 -0400, Rene Lopez <renx99 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>is it possible to have the user input something with a raw_input
>>command, and then base upon the input make that into the name of a
>>for example:
>>answer = raw_input("what is your name?")
>>user types in Rene, and some how we end up with a variable named Rene?
>That's an interesting one... 
>You could have the variable contained in a separate module, [...]
>But I've wondered that myself, but the implementation doesn't seem to
>be worth the effort.
>Once again, I could be entirely wrong.

IMHO, you're not wrong.  It seems to me that, when one is looking at 
creating variables with names based on user input, then one should 
probably be looking at using either a dictionary or a class (or possibly 
both) instead.

    user_input = {}
    answer = raw_input("What is your name?")
    user_input[answer] = SomeUserSpecificInfo()

Variable names only have significance to someone who's actually looking 
at the code (whether reading it or writing it).  This means that it 
makes no sense to have a variable name depend on something that happens 
only at runtime -- you want the variable name(s) to be consistent every 
time the program runs. 

On the other hand, if you want your code to have a way to refer to a 
chunk of information based on something that a user types in, then 
dictionaries are exactly what you want.  All of the information is held 
in a reliable variable name that the programmer can easily find, and 
it's stored in a way that maps the information (dictionary value) to the 
"name" given by the user (dictionary key) in a simple and 
straightforward manner.  It prevents the potential problem of a user 
entering a variable name that's already used by the program.  (Consider 
what might happen, for instance, if the user entered their name as 
"print", which is a reserved keyword and thus a syntax error to use as a 
variable name... or if the user entered a name that just happened to be 
the same as one of the functions in your program...)  It also makes it 
very easy to store multiple copies of the information -- for example, 
one variable for each of several different users -- and to act on each 
set of data in a consistent and rational manner.  (In the O.P.'s 
example, it would be relatively difficult to run a function for each of 
Rene and Thomas and Eric and John; with a dictionary, it's trivial to 
put the function call into a for loop.)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

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