[Tutor] My tutorial

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Sep 2 23:56:24 CEST 2004

For those who are interested I just uploaded the final installment 
of the re-wtritten tutor. (Its not quite done because I need to do 
a brand new topic on regular expressions, which I now use in the 
case study). I will be tidying up loose ends and reorganising the 
site over the next few weeks so that the rewrite and original 
tutors effectively swap position. After that I intend to add a 
new section with topics on practical applications of Python 
- the os module, XML and CGI programming, some sockets and 
urllib etc.

But as it stands now the new version is effectively completely 
rewritten wrt the original.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

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