[Tutor] I am puzzled - help needed

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Apr 1 05:19:18 CEST 2005

John Carmona wrote:
> It is WORKING NOW!! You can imagine how long I have spent on that, but I 
> have learnt so much. Many thanks to all the people that have helped me, 
> you will probably see me around asking a zillion other (very basics) 
> questions.

Congratulations! I have one^H^H^Htwo small notes below.

> ________________________________________________________
> from time import *
> b = int(time())
> b%100

If you say
b = b%100
then you remember the target number and you don't have to keep writing b%100, just use b.

> running = True
> while running:
>    guess = int(raw_input ("Guess a number: "))
>    if guess == b%100:
>        print "Bravo, you guessed the right number"
>    elif guess > b%100:
>        print "Too high"
>    else:
>        print "Too low"
> else:
>    print "just right"
> print "Done"

OK one more note, I don't see how you will ever get out of the loop, you never set running to False 
or break.


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