[Tutor] using the enter key

Michael Lange klappnase at freenet.de
Tue Apr 5 11:55:39 CEST 2005

On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 06:28:54 +1000
"Diana Hawksworth" <dianahawks at optusnet.com.au> wrote:

> Hello list!
> At the moment I have some user input tied to a button that allows the input to be "submitted" and then an answer is supplied.  How can I get rid of this submit button, and have the user just press the "enter" key and have the same result happen?
> TIA.  Diana

You need to create an event handler for the Entry widget that is called each time the Enter key is pressed over the widget:

    entry.bind('<Return>', submit)

where "entry" is of course your Entry widget and "submit" the function to be called.

Please note that the "enter" key's event descriptor is "'<Return>'" in Tk (there's an '<Enter>' event, too, which is when the mouse
pointer enters the widget) and that the callback gets an event instance passed, so the function definition
has to look like this:

    def submit(event):

I hope this helps


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