[Tutor] Re: Calendar question

John Carmona jeannot18 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 6 02:05:16 CEST 2005

Roel you wrote:

A dictionary is a data structure containing keys and values that defines
a mapping from each key to its corresponding value. You define it like this:

 >>> squares = {1: 1, 10: 100, 4: 15, 5: 25}

Or an empty dictionary:

 >>> emptydict = {}

Once defined, you can access individual elements via their keys:

 >>> print squares[4]

This way you can also assign values to existing elements:
 >>> squares[4] = 4*4
 >>> print squares[4]

Or add new elements:
 >>> squares[6] = 16
 >>> squares[7] = 49

Python raises a KeyError exception if you try to read an element with a
non-existing key:
 >>> print squares[9]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    print squares[9]
KeyError: 9

I used numbers for the keys and the values, but in fact any Python
object can be used as a value. Any immutable object can be used as a
key; for now, just remember that you can use numbers, strings and tuples
as keys.

So what you could do is create a dictionary with the names of the months
as keys and the corresponding numbers as values and use that dictionary
to convert the names in the numbers.

Thanks Roel for the reply   (same to Kristian and Alan- I will check that 
website, thanks)

OK below you can see what I have written so far, I am a bit confused when 
you say
<<to convert the names in the numbers>>. At this stage when I run the script 
it is asking me to use a string or a number, and if I remove the line 
converting the string into an integer, it is asking me to use integers.

import calendar

MonthName = {'January': 1,'February': 2, 'March': 3,'April': 4\
         ,'May': 5,'June': 6,'July': 7,'August': 8,\
       'September': 9,'October': 10,'November': 11,'December': 12}

##By the way do the number have to be under that format??

              ##setfirstweekday change the day to what you want it be
              ## 0=Monday, 6=Sunday.
year = int(raw_input("Enter a year: "))
month = (raw_input("Enter a month: "))
MonthName_int = int(MonthName)

print calendar.prmonth(year,month)


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