[Tutor] Python starting books

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Apr 12 21:34:20 CEST 2005

> The requested URL /hp/alan.gauld/ was not found on this server.
> Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use
> an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Hi Alexis,

Odd!  It might be that Alan's hosting service is doing something bonkers;
perhaps the service's virtual hosting setup?

Can you try visiting the page again?  Here's the URL:


I did a quick Google search: there appears to be an older mirror of the
page here:


although I'm not sure how old this mirror is.

If you are still unable to get to Alan's tutorial through the web, I'm
sure someone here would be happy to send an archive of the tutorial and
send it to you through email.

Best of wishes to you!

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