[Tutor] Re: GUI module selection?

Lee Cullens leec03273 at mac.com
Wed Apr 13 06:03:19 CEST 2005

I'm trying to narrow down the detailed trials I need to go through in 
selecting basic GUI module approaches (just getting started in this 
Python "playground" - dev platform Mac OS X).

Maybe these old eyes are just missing it, but I can't seem to satisfy 
my curiosity on the following:

1)  Use of GTK+, PyGTK and Gazpacho with Python 2.4 in general

2)  GTK+, PyGTK and Gazpacho binaries for Mac OS X in general and more 
specifically for MacPython 2.4.1

3)  wxPython vs GTK+ (vs Tkinter?) as a starting point for developing 
multimedia apps (for building sophisticated multimedia presentations) 
potentially for cross platform (and pyObjC for Mac only)  -  
opinions/pointers anyone or maybe *another* better course?

Lee C


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