[Tutor] Should I be thinking of threads for this ?

Nick Lunt nick at javacat.f2s.com
Sat Aug 27 18:22:30 CEST 2005

Hi Kent,

> >
> > [code]
> > # filewatcher.py
> > from twisted.application import internet
> >
> > def watch(fp):
> >         fp.seek(fp.tell())
> >         for line in fp.readlines():
> >                 sys.stdout.write(line)
> >
> > import sys
> > from twisted.internet import reactor
> > s = internet.TimerService(1.0, watch, file(sys.argv[1]))
> > s.startService()
> > reactor.run()
> > s.stopService()
> > [/code]
> >

> What performance problems you you anticipate? I don't know much
> about Twisted but my understanding is that tasks are run in a
> single thread when they are ready. In your case you are
> scheduling a simple task to run every second. I would think that
> you could schedule several such tasks and they would each run
> every second. If your task were time-consuming you might have to
> worry about doing something different but in this case I think it
> will be fine. Just try something like
> for name in sys.argv[1:]:
>   s = internet.TimerService(1.0, watch, file(name))
>   s.startService()

That's one way I was thinking of doing it. I'll run it like that on about 10
active files and see how it stacks up.

> twisted.protocols.basic.FileSender and
> twisted.internet.stdio.StandardIO look like they may be starting points.

Thanks for the twisted pointers. I've been using twisted for a little while
but it's such a massive thing that it can be difficult to fully understand
whats happening.

Thanks for you help,
Nick .

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