From stygian at  Tue Feb  1 00:01:39 2005
From: stygian at (Glen)
Date: Tue Feb  1 00:01:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie struggling with Tkinter/canvas tags
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1107212499.4944.5.camel@localhost>

> > Have you tried the addtag_withtag() method?  It looks like it should be
> > able to do what you're thinking of.  The documentation here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > should talk about addtag_withtag().
> itemconfig() also looks promising.
Thanks Danny and Kent, I see it now.
With so many options on offer it's easy to miss the obvious.
All of this new information should keep me occupied for quite some time.
Thanks again.

From mlaberge at  Tue Feb  1 00:27:24 2005
From: mlaberge at (Michiyo LaBerge)
Date: Tue Feb  1 00:27:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing files, Counting Value
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

I'm very new to Python and have been trying to write a script to 
compare data from 2 files and getting a total. One of the two files 
contains x, y positions of pixels and a color value(z) of each, so it 
has three columns in the file. The other file has two columns; x1, y1. 
I'd like to get only x, y positions which match to x1, y1 of the second 
file and then look up the z value. If the z value is greater than a 
certain number, it counts 1, otherwise it moves on the next x, y 
position. Finally, I'm able to get total count of the pixels that are 
over the threshold. The script I'm using is below step by step, 
however, I haven't been able to figure out the error massage 
"IndexError: list index out of range" on z value. Any comments would be 


file 1:								file 2:
     299     189       8.543e-02					260	168
     300     189       0.000e+00					270	180
     301     189       0.000e+00					299	189
     302     189       0.000e+00					300	170
       0        188       5.095e-02					301	189
       1        188       5.108e-02					  .	   .
       .		.		.						  .         .
       .		.		.						  .	   .


import sys

i=open("file 1") #value data
o=open("file 2") #look-up file
l=open("result", 'w')#result



while line:
     x1=fields[0, 1] in i    #x,y position in file 1
     z=fields[2] in i           #value data in file 1
     x2=fields[0, 1] in o   #x,y position in file 2

     if x1 == x2:

        if z >= 5.000e-02:
           print>>l, count(1)


From apple_py at  Tue Feb  1 01:01:59 2005
From: apple_py at (Victor Rex)
Date: Tue Feb  1 01:02:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] carriage return on windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <><>	<>	<001b01c50675$0a2f00c0$275328cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>	<000601c5067b$ca454ad0$d25428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

Orri Ganel wrote:

> Jacob S. wrote:
>> Thanks Kent and Max!!!!!
>> Wow, I didn't know it did that. I'm too dumb to figure it out on my 
>> own I guess...
>> Oh well! I found a cool new thing to play with at least!
>> Thanks,
>> Jacob
>>> On Jan 30, 2005, at 02:40, Jacob S. wrote:
>>>> I don't think that's what he wants. I think he wants to *overwrite* 
>>>> what's in the shell with new output.
>>>> For example.
>>>> so that the whole line is overwritten. In my experience, this is 
>>>> not possible and if anyone can show me how to do it,
>>>> I would be grateful.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Jacob
>>> It *is* possible, that's exactly what my code does (well, as long as 
>>> you don't run it on Mac OS 9). The carriage return (\r, as opposed 
>>> to the linefeed \n) moves the cursor to the beginning of the 
>>> *current* line.
>>> -- Max
>>> maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
>>> "Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
>>> and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you 
>>> challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -
> Just a note: This does not work on IDLE, so for those who try this and 
> are frustrated when it fails, try it in the dos-box (command prompt).
I played around with this output issue and I love the way it works.
Now, how do you do this in *nix? I tried the same approach and I get a 
blank line for 5 seconds (or whatever number of cycles you have on your 
example) and the a final line with the last value of the iterable.

Do you happen to know how this in done?

worked around this problem and I love the solution.
From bill.mill at  Tue Feb  1 01:13:27 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Tue Feb  1 01:13:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing files, Counting Value
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


When you ask a question to the list, you should be more careful to
highlight your problem so that it doesn't seem like you're asking
people to write a script for you. I don't think that's what you were
doing, but just try to reduce your problem to a minimal example in the

I don't know what your script is doing; array[0, 2] is not legal as
far as I know in python (it is legal on numarray.array types, but not
on regular python lists AFAIK). I also don't know what that "in i"
stuff you're doing means. When I run your code, I get a "TypeError:
list indices must be integers" on the fields[0, 1] line. You should
try to write your code in small bites to make it easier to debug.

That said, I dig doing this sort of text processing, so I wrote my own
script to do it. Perhaps it'll help clear up some ideas for you; if
you have any questions, feel free to ask me about them:

==========begin file
one = open('one')
two = open('two')
out = open('out', 'w')


#build dict of {(x,y): z} from 'one'
pts = {}
for line in one:
    x, y, z = [float(i) for i in line.split()]   #convert strings to floats
    pts[(x,y)] = z                                  #insert point into

#now check to find each pixel in 'two' in the pts dictionary
bigpixels = 0
for line in two:
    x, y = [float(i) for i in line.split()]       #convert strings to floats
    if (x,y) in pts and pts[(x,y)] > THRESHOLD:
        bigpixels += 1

print "%d pixels over %f" % (bigpixels, THRESHOLD)
============end file==============================

Bill Mill
bill.mill at

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 15:27:24 -0800, Michiyo LaBerge
<> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm very new to Python and have been trying to write a script to
> compare data from 2 files and getting a total. One of the two files
> contains x, y positions of pixels and a color value(z) of each, so it
> has three columns in the file. The other file has two columns; x1, y1.
> I'd like to get only x, y positions which match to x1, y1 of the second
> file and then look up the z value. If the z value is greater than a
> certain number, it counts 1, otherwise it moves on the next x, y
> position. Finally, I'm able to get total count of the pixels that are
> over the threshold. The script I'm using is below step by step,
> however, I haven't been able to figure out the error massage
> "IndexError: list index out of range" on z value. Any comments would be
> appreciated!
> Regards,
> Michiyo
> file 1:                                                         file 2:
>      299     189       8.543e-02                                        260     168
>      300     189       0.000e+00                                        270     180
>      301     189       0.000e+00                                        299     189
>      302     189       0.000e+00                                        300     170
>        0        188       5.095e-02                                     301     189
>        1        188       5.108e-02                                       .        .
>        .                .               .                                                 .         .
>        .                .               .                                                 .        .
> #!usr/local/bin/python
> import sys
> i=open("file 1") #value data
> o=open("file 2") #look-up file
> l=open("result", 'w')#result
> results={}
> line=i.readline()
> line=o.readline()
> while line:
>      fields=line.split()
>      x1=fields[0, 1] in i    #x,y position in file 1
>      z=fields[2] in i           #value data in file 1
>      x2=fields[0, 1] in o   #x,y position in file 2
>      if x1 == x2:
>         read(z)
>         if z >= 5.000e-02:
>            z=1
>            count(n=0)
>            print>>l, count(1)
> i.close()
> o.close()
> l.close()
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From guillermo.fernandez.castellanos at  Tue Feb  1 01:15:51 2005
From: guillermo.fernandez.castellanos at (Guillermo Fernandez Castellanos)
Date: Tue Feb  1 01:15:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Traffic Network simulator
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Don't know if there's any network simulator.

But I know about SimPy:

Looks well documented. Check the examples, it seems you can do pretty
robust things with not toomuch code.
I readed about it in the charming python section of IBM developers works:

Check also the SimPy Wiki:



On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 14:50:34 -0800 (PST), Shitiz Bansal
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need a traffic network simulator(for roads) for my
> project work.I would prefer the simulator to be in
> python so that i can reprogram/modify it according to
> my needs.
> does anyone know where i can find something of the
> sort or are there any special modules available which
> can help me build one?
> Shitiz
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> All your favorites on one personal page ? Try My Yahoo!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From kent37 at  Tue Feb  1 01:18:28 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb  1 01:18:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] carriage return on windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <><>	<>	<001b01c50675$0a2f00c0$275328cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>	<000601c5067b$ca454ad0$d25428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Victor Rex wrote:
> I played around with this output issue and I love the way it works.
> Now, how do you do this in *nix? I tried the same approach and I get a 
> blank line for 5 seconds (or whatever number of cycles you have on your 
> example) and the a final line with the last value of the iterable.

It sounds like the '\r' is erasing the line, not just moving the cursor. Try putting the '\r' at the 
beginning of the output rather than the end:

for i in range(10):
   print '\r', 'i is', i


From dyoo at  Tue Feb  1 01:21:53 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb  1 01:22:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Comparing files, Counting Value
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Michiyo,

Ok, let's take a look at the code.

> i=open("file 1") #value data
> o=open("file 2") #look-up file
> l=open("result", 'w')#result

We strongly recommend renaming these names to ones that aren't single

It's difficult to tell here what 'i', 'o', and 'l' mean, outside of the
context of the assignments.  The letters 'i' and 'o' often stand for the
words "input" and "output".  The way that you're using these as variable
names for input files will break the expectation of people who read the
code.  Futhermore, 'l' can easily be misread as 'i'.

In short, those names should be changed to something readable. This is a
pure style issue, but I think it's important as programmers to make the
code easy for humans to understand.

> results={}
> line=i.readline()
> line=o.readline()

This looks problematic.  The 'line' name here, by the end of these two
statements, is bound to the value of the look-up file's line.  I believe
you need to keep those values distinct.

> while line:
>      fields=line.split()
>      x1=fields[0, 1] in i    #x,y position in file 1
>      z=fields[2] in i           #value data in file 1
>      x2=fields[0, 1] in o   #x,y position in file 2

There are several fundamental issues with this.

Conventionally, a file-loop has the following structure:

for line in inputFile:
    # ... do something with that line

and anything that tries to iterate across a file in a different way should
be looked at with some care.  The way that your code is trying to iterate
across the file won't work.

We strongly recommend you read through a tutorial like:

which has examples of how to write programs that work with files.

The way the program's structured also seems a bit monolithic.  I'd
recommend breaking down the problem into some phases:

    Phase 1: read the value-data file into some data structure.

    Phase 2: taking that data structure, read in the lookup file and
    identify which positions are matching, and record matches in the
    output file.

This partitioning of the problem should allow you to work on either phase
of the program without having to get it correct all at once.

The phases can be decoupled because we can easily feed in some kind of
hardcoded data structure into Phase 2, just to check that the lookup-file
matching is doing something reasonable.

For example:

hardcodedDataStructure = { (299, 189) : 8.543e-02,
                           (300, 189) : 0.000e+00,
                           (301, 189) : 0.000e+00,
                           (1, 188)   : 5.108e-02

is a very small subset of the information that your value data contains.

We can then take this hardcodedDataStructure and work on the second part
of the program using 'hardcodedDataStructure'.  Later on, when we do get
Phase 1 working ok, we can use the result of Phase 1 instead of the
hardcodedDataStructure, and it should just fit into place.

Does this make sense?  Don't try writing the program all at once and then
start trying to make it all work.  But instead, try building small simple
programs that do work, and then put those together.

The statements:

>      fields=line.split()
>      x1=fields[0, 1] in i    #x,y position in file 1

won't work.

'fields[0, 1]' does not represent the first and second elements of
'fields': it means something else, but you should get errors from it
anyway.  For example:

>>> values = ["hello", "world", "testing"]
>>> values[0, 1]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: list indices must be integers

So you should have already seen TypeErrors by this point of the program.

What you probably meant to write was:

fields = line.split()
x1 = (fields[0], fields[1])


fields = line.split()
x1 = fields[0:1]

The significance of accidentely using the comma there won't make too much
sense until you learn about tuples and dictionaries, so I won't press on
this too much.

I'd recommend that you read through one of the Python tutorials before
trying to finishing the program.  Some of the things that your program
contains are... well, truthfully, a little wacky.  There are several good
tutorials linked here:

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!

From dyoo at  Tue Feb  1 02:27:15 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb  1 02:27:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <000301c507a3$f3828c90$7d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Jacob S. wrote:

> I think this thing is screaming for better structure, but previous attempts
> at using oop for it have failed.

Hi Jacob,

Ok, I see one big refactoring that should help things quite a bit.
There's a large case-analysis off if/elif/elif statements that involves
'y'.  Let me just grep for the lines here:

>     if y == 'clear':
>     elif y == 'quit':
>     elif y == 'remove lines':
>     elif y == 'return lines':
>     elif y.startswith('gatl'):
>     elif y.startswith('ganl'):
>     elif y.startswith('gotl'):
>     elif y.startswith('gonl'):
>     elif y.startswith('getpt'):
>     elif y == 'regraph':

The structure can be improves by using that dispatch-table method we
talked about a few days ago.

We can't directly apply the dispatch technique, because there's a little
bit of nonuniformity.  Some of the statements compare y by equality, while
others use 'startswith' checks.  But I think we can handle it by making
everything a little bit more uniform: we can make everything an 'equality'
check against the first word on the line.  Here's some pseudocode for the
proposed fix:

### Pseudocode
commandDispatchTable = {'clear'  :  clearCommand
                        'quit'   :  quitCommand
                        'remove' :  removeCommand
                        'return' :  returnCommand
                        'gatl'   :  gatlCommand
                        'ganl'   :  ganlCommand
                        'gotl'   :  gotlCommand
                        'gonl'   :  gonlCommand
                        'getpt'  :  getplCommand
                        'regraph':  regraphCommand

def evaluate(line):
    """Evaluates the line."""
    pieces = line.split()
    cmd, rest = pieces[0], pieces[1:]
    if cmd in commandDispatchTable:
    elif isAssignment(line):

The evaluate() function tries to handle the common-case stuff with a
dispatch-table method, and otherwise follows up with special-case stuff to
handle the rest of the case analysis.

One other neat feature of this is that, because we split() against the
whole line, we've broken down the line into 'cmd' and the 'rest' of the
arguments to that command.  This might also help clean up some of the
logic that grabbing the argument on the rest of the line,

    step2 = float(y.lstrip("gatl "))
    x = float(y.lstrip('gotl '))
    x = float(y.lstrip('gonl '))
    y = y.lstrip("getpt ")

You can avoid doing so many lstrip()s by using the 'rest' argument list.

Best of wishes to you!

From p.hartley at  Tue Feb  1 17:35:41 2005
From: p.hartley at (Paul Hartley)
Date: Tue Feb  1 03:33:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
Message-ID: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>

I am trying to get Python established here in the Philippines. Currently I am in charge of operations at a business based in Manila and I have asked my IT staff to start using Python (with some success).

A local university has now asked that I give a talk to their IT people on Python - so here is an opportunity to spread the word and get some more converts and maybe introduce python into their computer science courses.

Any help I can get would be much appreciated - such as language comparisons, companies and systems that use python, debates about what python is good for (almost everything), examples of elegant code..

When I was a member of the Forth Interest Group in the USA we learned that Forth was used on the buggy that went to mars, that it started life controlling huge radio telescopes which only had 4k (yes 4k) of memory for both language and application.

Anything like the above concerning python would be useful.

Any other suggestions would help also, the audience will have computers, so a demonstration of small workshop would also be good - the presentation/session is for 4 hours on the 10th February.

-------------- next part --------------
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From maxnoel_fr at  Tue Feb  1 03:43:32 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Tue Feb  1 03:43:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
In-Reply-To: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>
References: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 1, 2005, at 16:35, Paul Hartley wrote:

> When I was a member of the Forth Interest Group in the USA we learned 
> that Forth was used on the buggy that went to mars, that it started 
> life controlling huge radio telescopes which only had 4k (yes 4k) of 
> memory for both language and application.
> ?
> Anything like the above concerning python would be useful.

	Well, that's probably not as awe-inspiring, but BitTorrent is written 
entirely in Python (with the wxPython graphical toolkit for the Windows 
and X11 versions, and PyObjC for the Mac OS X version). Google also use 
the language extensively, although I don't exactly know why, thanks to 
their obsession with secrecy.

	You could point out that Python's greatest strength (aside from its 
extreme readability -- unlike most people, The Whitespace Thing always 
struck me as an excellent design decision, although had I been Guido, 
I'd have forced the use of either tabs or spaces but not allowed both) 
is the fact that it's multi-paradigm. You can work procedurally, 
object-orientedly, and even in some cases functionally. And you can 
mix-and-match those 3 paradigms depending on your needs. This can be 
very useful.

	Oh, and make sure you mention iterators and list comprehensions at 
some point.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From carroll at  Tue Feb  1 04:18:58 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Tue Feb  1 04:19:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
In-Reply-To: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, Paul Hartley wrote:

> When I was a member of the Forth Interest Group in the USA we learned
> that Forth was used on the buggy that went to mars, that it started life
> controlling huge radio telescopes which only had 4k (yes 4k) of memory
> for both language and application.
> Anything like the above concerning python would be useful.

I just did a google on "Pyton success stories," and found this page, which 
you may find useful. 

See also the two O'Reilley links on that page.

Since you mentioned use in space exploration, always a sexy example, I 
search for "Nasa Python" also turned up these:

 NASA Ames Processing in Python:

 Space shuttle engineers use Python to streamline mission design:

... and others.

From keridee at  Tue Feb  1 05:34:09 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Tue Feb  1 05:34:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <000301c507a3$f3828c90$7d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <001701c50817$6f454d90$6d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>

>> def start():
>      .... lots of lines...
>>     global xaxis
>>     global yaxis
> Its traditional to put global statements at the top of the function.
> Also you only need one line to list all of the global variables
>>     global radiusaxis
>>     global radiusaxis2

What, like
global radiusaxis, radiusaxis2

> Similarly here., and again you can put all four in one place.
>>     radiusaxis2.visible = 0

> And since there is no input parameter and no return statement
> and you only call start() once...

Not true. If y == 'clear', then start is called to "redraw" the window.
Very important part.

>> def graphit(type,f,range2,step):
>>     li = curve(
>>     if type in ['y','x']:
>>         x = -15
>>         radiusaxis.visible = 0
>>         radiusaxis2.visible = 0
>>         while -15 <= x <= 15:
>>             if eval(range2):
>>                 try:
>>                     a = f(x)
>>                     if -15 <= a <= 15:
>>                         if type == 'y':
>>                             li.append(pos=(x,a,0))
>>                         elif type == 'x':
>>                             li.append(pos=(a,x,0))
>>                     else:
>>                         li = curve(
>>                 except:
>>                     pass
> This is iffy. If *anthing* happens you ignore it.
> Now suppose due to a bug you go into an infinite
> loop and you try to stop using CTRL-C -  it won't work!
> If you must use a catch-all except then do something
> with it - print a message at least!

I think I'll do that, but of course I'll have to add ValueError -- because 
of math domain errors on
my function. That's what the try except block is for. Otherwise I wouldn't 
need it.

> I got a sore head after that... I'll leave the rest for
> others to remark upon. :-)
> Alan G.

I'd send some Advil or something, but it doesn't work too well through 
email. ;-)
Thanks for the help,
Jacob Schmidt

From keridee at  Tue Feb  1 05:38:03 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Tue Feb  1 05:38:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <>
Message-ID: <001b01c50817$d6846cc0$6d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>

Ah, I like.

BTW, it was a few months ago, not days... but the thought still counts. At 
least you remember.
I was getting stumped by the difference in comparing y
The check for seeing what the first word is made me slamp my forehead...

Jacob Schmidt

> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Jacob S. wrote:
>> I think this thing is screaming for better structure, but previous 
>> attempts
>> at using oop for it have failed.
> Hi Jacob,
> Ok, I see one big refactoring that should help things quite a bit.
> There's a large case-analysis off if/elif/elif statements that involves
> 'y'.  Let me just grep for the lines here:
>>     if y == 'clear':
>>     elif y == 'quit':
>>     elif y == 'remove lines':
>>     elif y == 'return lines':
>>     elif y.startswith('gatl'):
>>     elif y.startswith('ganl'):
>>     elif y.startswith('gotl'):
>>     elif y.startswith('gonl'):
>>     elif y.startswith('getpt'):
>>     elif y == 'regraph':
> The structure can be improves by using that dispatch-table method we
> talked about a few days ago.
> We can't directly apply the dispatch technique, because there's a little
> bit of nonuniformity.  Some of the statements compare y by equality, while
> others use 'startswith' checks.  But I think we can handle it by making
> everything a little bit more uniform: we can make everything an 'equality'
> check against the first word on the line.  Here's some pseudocode for the
> proposed fix:
> ### Pseudocode
> commandDispatchTable = {'clear'  :  clearCommand
>                        'quit'   :  quitCommand
>                        'remove' :  removeCommand
>                        'return' :  returnCommand
>                        'gatl'   :  gatlCommand
>                        'ganl'   :  ganlCommand
>                        'gotl'   :  gotlCommand
>                        'gonl'   :  gonlCommand
>                        'getpt'  :  getplCommand
>                        'regraph':  regraphCommand
> def evaluate(line):
>    """Evaluates the line."""
>    pieces = line.split()
>    cmd, rest = pieces[0], pieces[1:]
>    if cmd in commandDispatchTable:
>        dispatchTable[cmd](rest)
>    elif isAssignment(line):
>        ...
>    else:
>        ...
> ###
> The evaluate() function tries to handle the common-case stuff with a
> dispatch-table method, and otherwise follows up with special-case stuff to
> handle the rest of the case analysis.
> One other neat feature of this is that, because we split() against the
> whole line, we've broken down the line into 'cmd' and the 'rest' of the
> arguments to that command.  This might also help clean up some of the
> logic that grabbing the argument on the rest of the line,
>    step2 = float(y.lstrip("gatl "))
>    x = float(y.lstrip('gotl '))
>    x = float(y.lstrip('gonl '))
>    y = y.lstrip("getpt ")
> You can avoid doing so many lstrip()s by using the 'rest' argument list.
> Best of wishes to you!

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  1 05:39:00 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  1 05:38:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Traffic Network simulator
References: <>
Message-ID: <004e01c50817$f39e6040$68b78851@xp>

> I need a traffic network simulator(for roads) for my
> project work.I would prefer the simulator to be in
> python so that i can reprogram/modify it according to
> my needs.

I don't jnow of anything ready made. But a Google search 
may find someting somewhere...

> does anyone know where i can find something of the
> sort or are there any special modules available which
> can help me build one?

These kinds of simulators usually entail a set of 
interacting queues. There might be python modules 
around for building queues. You might also find a
math book or web site on queuing theory useful...

Also you will certainly want to use the random 
module for this.

Alan G.
From andrewm at  Tue Feb  1 08:01:41 2005
From: andrewm at (Andrew McNamara)
Date: Tue Feb  1 08:01:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Traffic Network simulator 
In-Reply-To: <004e01c50817$f39e6040$68b78851@xp> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I need a traffic network simulator(for roads) for my
> project work.I would prefer the simulator to be in
> python so that i can reprogram/modify it according to
> my needs.

Have you looked at SimPy:

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft
From kraus at  Tue Feb  1 09:15:53 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Tue Feb  1 09:16:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Presentation
In-Reply-To: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>
References: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>
Message-ID: <ctndr4$h6s$>

Paul Hartley wrote:
> When I was a member of the Forth Interest Group in the USA we learned
> that Forth was used on the buggy that went to mars, that it started
> life controlling huge radio telescopes which only had 4k (yes 4k) of
> memory for both language and application.

Well, the rover used Forth, but the rover-website is Plone powered:
Plone is a CMS built on top of Zope, which itself is Python powered. For 
more sites running plone see:


From dyoo at  Tue Feb  1 10:21:29 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb  1 10:21:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <001b01c50817$d6846cc0$6d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Jacob S. wrote:

> BTW, it was a few months ago, not days... but the thought still counts.
> At least you remember.

Hi Jacob,

Wait, was it really a few months ago?  Let me check the archive...

You're right.  Wow, I'm getting that much more senile by the minute.

> I was getting stumped by the difference in comparing y The check for
> seeing what the first word is made me slamp my forehead...

I'm glad that you enjoyed one of those "ah ha!" moments.  *grin* If you
ever get the chance, you may want to take a look at a book called
Programming Pearls:

for a few more examples of "ah ha!" moments of enlightenment.

As a side note: it's possible to do the same sort of thing that we did in
the last post --- with class instances --- but it's slightly more
heavyweight compared to using first-class function values.  Let's see what
that looks like, just for comparison.

The following variant will probably feel more comfortable to Java
programmers: here's a sketch of how we can do this dispatch technique with
classes instead of first-class functions:

class Command(object):
    def execute(self, args):
        raise NotImplementedError

class ClearCommand(Command):
    def execute(self, args):

class QuitCommand(Command):
    def execute(self, args):


commandDispatchTable = { 'clear' : ClearCommand(),
                         'quit' : QuitCommand(),

def evaluate(line):
   """Evaluates the line."""
   pieces = line.split()
   cmd, rest = pieces[0], pieces[1:]
   if cmd in commandDispatchTable:
   elif isAssignment(line):

It's the same general idea.  But just more typing.  *grin*

An advantage of using the class approach is that it is easy to extend the
commands to respond to different methods besides direct execution.  For
example, we might want to add a "help()" Command that provides a
functionality similar to the one provided by the builtin Python help()
function.  If each of the Commands implements a help() method, then we can
do something like:

class Command(object):
    def execute(self, args):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def help(self):
        return self.__doc__

class HelpCommand(Command):
    """Displays help for a command.
    Syntax: help [command name].
    Example Usage: help clear

    def getHelpString(self, commandName):
        if commandName in dispatchTable:
            return dispatchTable[commandName].help()
            return "Unknown command."

    def execute(self, args):
        if not args:
            commandName = 'help'
            commandName = args[0]
        print "help on %r: %s" % (commandName,

We can get more complicated from here.  I'm not sure if this help()
Command is a good idea, but it's an option.

And perhaps not coincidently, if we look at your program's structure again
now, we might notice that it's gradually looking more and more like an
interpreter.  *grin*

Best of wishes to you!

From kent37 at  Tue Feb  1 11:49:13 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb  1 11:49:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
In-Reply-To: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>
References: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>
Message-ID: <>

Eric Raymond's "Why Python?" essay is a classic:

Bruce Eckel's "Why I love Python" presentation is here:

This page has lots of links you might be interested in:

This page has links to language comparisons:

Good luck!

Paul Hartley wrote:
> I am trying to get Python established here in the Philippines. Currently 
> I am in charge of operations at a business based in Manila and I have 
> asked my IT staff to start using Python (with some success).
> A local university has now asked that I give a talk to their IT people 
> on Python - so here is an opportunity to spread the word and get some 
> more converts and maybe introduce python into their computer science 
> courses.
> Any help I can get would be much appreciated - such as language 
> comparisons, companies and systems that use python, debates about what 
> python is good for (almost everything), examples of elegant code..
> When I was a member of the Forth Interest Group in the USA we learned 
> that Forth was used on the buggy that went to mars, that it started life 
> controlling huge radio telescopes which only had 4k (yes 4k) of memory 
> for both language and application.
> Anything like the above concerning python would be useful.
> Any other suggestions would help also, the audience will have computers, 
> so a demonstration of small workshop would also be good - the 
> presentation/session is for 4 hours on the 10th February.
> Paul
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Tue Feb  1 11:57:06 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb  1 11:57:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Jacob S. wrote:
> ### Pseudocode
> commandDispatchTable = {'clear'  :  clearCommand
>                         'quit'   :  quitCommand
>                         'remove' :  removeCommand
>                         'return' :  returnCommand
>                         'gatl'   :  gatlCommand
>                         'ganl'   :  ganlCommand
>                         'gotl'   :  gotlCommand
>                         'gonl'   :  gonlCommand
>                         'getpt'  :  getplCommand
>                         'regraph':  regraphCommand
> def evaluate(line):
>     """Evaluates the line."""
>     pieces = line.split()
>     cmd, rest = pieces[0], pieces[1:]
>     if cmd in commandDispatchTable:
>         dispatchTable[cmd](rest)
>     elif isAssignment(line):
>         ...
>     else:
>         ...
> ###
> The evaluate() function tries to handle the common-case stuff with a
> dispatch-table method, and otherwise follows up with special-case stuff to
> handle the rest of the case analysis.

Jacob, if you like this you might want to look into the cmd module, it supports dispatching on the 
first word of a command with support for help, etc.

>     step2 = float(y.lstrip("gatl "))
>     x = float(y.lstrip('gotl '))
>     x = float(y.lstrip('gonl '))
>     y = y.lstrip("getpt ")

This code is broken. lstrip('gonl ') will remove *all* leading g, o, n, l and space, in any order:
  >>> s='go long on log buddy!'
  >>> s.lstrip('gonl ')

Instead of y.lstrip('gonl ') you should use y[5:] or maybe y[len('gonl '):]


From polatel at  Tue Feb  1 12:08:39 2005
From: polatel at (Ali Polatel)
Date: Tue Feb  1 12:09:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Programming Challenge C++ and Python
Message-ID: <>

I need a favor.I play chess at a chess server with the name
ICC( I want to write a plugin for their interface
using Python.
   I don't have any idea about how to write a plugin but I found out
that the server administrator has written a Plugin Development Kit in
C++ for those who wish to write plugins for the interface.I don't know
C++ so I cannot convert this kit into python scripts.Can anyone do
this for me? or can anyone examine those scripts and tell me a way how
to write those with python?The development kit is avaliable at the
under the name
Any kind of help is appreciated.
Ali Polatel
From cyresse at  Tue Feb  1 12:37:50 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue Feb  1 12:37:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <001b01c50817$d6846cc0$6d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

That link seems to be dead. Pity. My whole programming experience is
comprised of Ah-Ha's followed by Um's...

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From godoy at  Tue Feb  1 13:14:21 2005
From: godoy at (Jorge Luiz Godoy Filho)
Date: Tue Feb  1 13:16:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Better structure?
References: <001b01c50817$d6846cc0$6d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <1289640.DAVN76bQ42@jupiter.g2ctech>

Liam Clarke wrote:

> That link seems to be dead. Pity. My whole programming experience is
> comprised of Ah-Ha's followed by Um's...

It worked here.

Godoy.      <>

From mi.janssen at  Tue Feb  1 13:40:36 2005
From: mi.janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Tue Feb  1 13:40:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] How does import work?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 18:40:53 +0100, Johan Nilsson
<> wrote:

>  >>> from scipy.signal.signaltools import *
> /Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>     from scipy.signal.signaltools import *
> ImportError: No module named signaltools/
> So I try the methodic way and this works, giving me access to the
> functions I need
>  >>> from scipy import *
>  >>> from scipy.signal import *
>  >>> from scipy.signal.signaltools import *

seems like overkill (and I don't understand why it works better than
the above, but that's more an issue about my understanding and not
about python ;-). Try

from scipy.signal import signaltools # don't import everything from signal

and go on using functions from signaltools like this: signaltools.function

> Now what confuses me is that when I put the above three lines in a file
> (of course without the >>>) and execute them I get a long error message.

perhaps different python versions?

> / Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/johan/pyton/", line 5, in -toplevel-
>     from scipy.signal import *

note that the error occours while importing everything from
scipy.signal . The chance are well that this error goes away when
using a reduced import statement.

[snip long traceback talking about scipy and Numerics imports]

>     import lapack_lite
> ImportError:
> /usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Numeric/ undefined
> symbol: dgesdd_/

given the fact that I'm no c-programmer this seems to me like a broken
c module. I would try to reinstall Numeric/ scipy (After hunting the
problem down to a specific import).

The most obvious reason why the import in idle works is that idle uses
another version of python (ask sys.version)

From mi.janssen at  Tue Feb  1 14:30:37 2005
From: mi.janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Tue Feb  1 14:30:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] carriage return on windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<000601c5067b$ca454ad0$d25428cf@JSLAPTOP> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 18:01:59 -0600, Victor Rex <> wrote:

> I played around with this output issue and I love the way it works.
> Now, how do you do this in *nix? I tried the same approach and I get a
> blank line for 5 seconds (or whatever number of cycles you have on your
> example) and the a final line with the last value of the iterable.
> Do you happen to know how this in done?

you might want to flush stdout after printing to it. "print" will
cares for this only when not using that trailing comma. "flush" means
to write immedatly instead to wait for a fair amount of data.

import sys,time
for i in range(8):
    sys.stdout.write( "step: %s\r" % i) 
    # or: print "step: %s\r" % i,

There's still another possibilty using ansi control sequences. The
dirty way is to print (without trailing comma) and go back to previous

import time
for i in range(8):
    print "step: %s\033[A" % i
    # print subsystem has done stdout.flush

It's dirty cause the next line was already entered and thus is written
(as an empty line) and content of older "steps" will stay an screen,
when subsequents lines aren't long enough to overwrite them. Which
also applies to \r:

import sys,time
for i in range(8,0,-1):
    # printing 8**8, ..., 0**0 on line. Forget to overwrite
    sys.stdout.write( "step: %s\r" % (i**i))

Fixes are to add whitespace to the line. Stepping back with \033[D
fixes the empty newline issue (which is most often not worth the

import sys,time
for i in range(8,0,-1):
    # fixing output length to 30
    output = "%-30s" % "step: %s" % (i**i)
    length = len(output)
    # "print output," would be different, because of implizit spaces
    sys.stdout.write("\033[D"* (length))

From mark.brown at  Tue Feb  1 15:40:06 2005
From: mark.brown at (Mark Brown)
Date: Tue Feb  1 15:40:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Test
Message-ID: <>

Test, please disregard.

From apple_py at  Tue Feb  1 17:28:31 2005
From: apple_py at (Victor Rex)
Date: Tue Feb  1 17:28:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] carriage return on windows
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
	<>	 <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Janssen wrote:

>On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 18:01:59 -0600, Victor Rex <> wrote:
>>I played around with this output issue and I love the way it works.
>>Now, how do you do this in *nix? I tried the same approach and I get a
>>blank line for 5 seconds (or whatever number of cycles you have on your
>>example) and the a final line with the last value of the iterable.
>>Do you happen to know how this in done?
>you might want to flush stdout after printing to it. "print" will
>cares for this only when not using that trailing comma. "flush" means
>to write immedatly instead to wait for a fair amount of data.
>import sys,time
>for i in range(8):
>    sys.stdout.write( "step: %s\r" % i) 
>    # or: print "step: %s\r" % i,
>    sys.stdout.flush()
>    time.sleep(.5)
>There's still another possibilty using ansi control sequences. The
>dirty way is to print (without trailing comma) and go back to previous
>import time
>for i in range(8):
>    print "step: %s\033[A" % i
>    # print subsystem has done stdout.flush
>    time.sleep(.5)
>It's dirty cause the next line was already entered and thus is written
>(as an empty line) and content of older "steps" will stay an screen,
>when subsequents lines aren't long enough to overwrite them. Which
>also applies to \r:
>import sys,time
>for i in range(8,0,-1):
>    # printing 8**8, ..., 0**0 on line. Forget to overwrite
>    sys.stdout.write( "step: %s\r" % (i**i))
>    sys.stdout.flush()
>    time.sleep(.5)
>Fixes are to add whitespace to the line. Stepping back with \033[D
>fixes the empty newline issue (which is most often not worth the
>import sys,time
>for i in range(8,0,-1):
>    # fixing output length to 30
>    output = "%-30s" % "step: %s" % (i**i)
>    length = len(output)
>    sys.stdout.write(output)
>    # "print output," would be different, because of implizit spaces
>    sys.stdout.write("\033[D"* (length))
>    sys.stdout.flush()
>    time.sleep(.5)
Excellent. Thanks Kent and Michael.

Great tutorial ;-)

You're right Michael. This last one works nicely but it is probably not 
worth the effort.

I likes the previous one but adding fixed formatting to the number 
output, something like
"step: %9s\r"

instead of just

"step: %s\r".

Thanks again.

From jsmith at  Tue Feb  1 17:40:18 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Tue Feb  1 17:40:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Matching with beginning of the line in the character set
Message-ID: <>

I want to match a string which is preceeded by a space or occurs at the
beginning of the line.  I also don't want to catch the preceeding
character as a group.

I have found both of the following to work

But would prefer to use the more concise [] notation.  However
Does not work and
throws an exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\", line 180, in compile
    return _compile(pattern, flags)
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\", line 227, in _compile
    raise error, v # invalid expression
error: internal: unsupported set operator

Why don't either of these work (particularly the latter)?

From mark.kels at  Tue Feb  1 18:08:41 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Tue Feb  1 19:08:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter questions
Message-ID: <>

I got some Tkinter questions that I need the answer for to complete a
little project of mine:
1. How can I make the program to open in a X*Y sized window ?
2. How can I open another window from the first one (without closing it) ?
3. How can I add a file browser for my app (like the one you get when
you press "Save as..." in windows apps) ?
4. How do I configure the font size on the Text widget (its realy
huge, and I would like to change it to somthing like 12).
5. [OT] Do you know any web-sites that I can store my project at (like
sourceforge and others) ?

This is all for now :)
Thanks in advence .

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From kent37 at  Tue Feb  1 19:15:18 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb  1 19:15:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Matching with beginning of the line in the character set
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Smith, Jeff wrote:
> I want to match a string which is preceeded by a space or occurs at the
> beginning of the line.  I also don't want to catch the preceeding
> character as a group.
> I have found both of the following to work
> 	re.compile('(?:^|\s)string')
> 	re.compile('(?:\A|\s)string')

How about r'\bstring' ? It doesn't mean quite the same as \sstring but it might work for you.

> But would prefer to use the more concise [] notation.  However
> 	re.compile('[^\s]string')

As the first character in [], ^ means 'not'.

> Does not work and
> 	re.compile('[\A\s]string')

I guess \A doesn't count as a 'character class'? Or do you need to be using raw strings?


From jsmith at  Tue Feb  1 19:30:44 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Tue Feb  1 19:30:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Matching with beginning of the line in the character set
Message-ID: <>


I think \b will work for me since I was really looking for [\A\W]

That still doesn't answer the generalized question about something like
[\A\d] for instance.


BTW, I was using raw strings although I forgot to put that in.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kent Johnson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Matching with beginning of the line in the
character set

Smith, Jeff wrote:
> I want to match a string which is preceeded by a space or occurs at 
> the beginning of the line.  I also don't want to catch the preceeding 
> character as a group.
> I have found both of the following to work
> 	re.compile('(?:^|\s)string')
> 	re.compile('(?:\A|\s)string')

How about r'\bstring' ? It doesn't mean quite the same as \sstring but
it might work for you.

> But would prefer to use the more concise [] notation.  However
> 	re.compile('[^\s]string')

As the first character in [], ^ means 'not'.

> Does not work and
> 	re.compile('[\A\s]string')

I guess \A doesn't count as a 'character class'? Or do you need to be
using raw strings?


Tutor maillist  -
From kent37 at  Tue Feb  1 19:49:20 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb  1 19:49:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Matching with beginning of the line in the character set
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Smith, Jeff wrote:
> Kent,
> I think \b will work for me since I was really looking for [\A\W]
> anyway.
> That still doesn't answer the generalized question about something like
> [\A\d] for instance.

I know :-)

The docs say [] is "Used to indicate a set of characters." So it kind of makes sense that it works 
for \w and \s, which are just shortcuts for sets of characters themselves, but not for \A which is 
something different.


> Thanks,
> Jeff
> BTW, I was using raw strings although I forgot to put that in.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent Johnson [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 1:15 PM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Matching with beginning of the line in the
> character set
> Smith, Jeff wrote:
>>I want to match a string which is preceeded by a space or occurs at 
>>the beginning of the line.  I also don't want to catch the preceeding 
>>character as a group.
>>I have found both of the following to work
>>	re.compile('(?:^|\s)string')
>>	re.compile('(?:\A|\s)string')
> How about r'\bstring' ? It doesn't mean quite the same as \sstring but
> it might work for you.
>>But would prefer to use the more concise [] notation.  However
>>	re.compile('[^\s]string')
> As the first character in [], ^ means 'not'.
>>Does not work and
>>	re.compile('[\A\s]string')
> I guess \A doesn't count as a 'character class'? Or do you need to be
> using raw strings?
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From ternary at  Tue Feb  1 19:58:49 2005
From: ternary at (Mike Bell)
Date: Tue Feb  1 19:58:52 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Matching with beginning of the line in the character set
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alternatively, you could .split() your string and not invoke the
mechanisms dealing with regular expressions.

Is this considered stylistically sloppy in the event that the split
results in a very long array?  Sloppier than REs are to begin with?

I think that the problem with [\A\d] is that \A is zero-length, which
doesn't make sense in the context of [].  Brackets aren't shorthand
for "'or' a bunch of small things together" but rather "'or' a bunch
of these single-character matches together"


On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 13:30:44 -0500, Smith, Jeff <> wrote:
> Kent,
> I think \b will work for me since I was really looking for [\A\W]
> anyway.
> That still doesn't answer the generalized question about something like
> [\A\d] for instance.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> BTW, I was using raw strings although I forgot to put that in.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent Johnson []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 1:15 PM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Matching with beginning of the line in the
> character set
> Smith, Jeff wrote:
> > I want to match a string which is preceeded by a space or occurs at
> > the beginning of the line.  I also don't want to catch the preceeding
> > character as a group.
> >
> > I have found both of the following to work
> >       re.compile('(?:^|\s)string')
> >       re.compile('(?:\A|\s)string')
> How about r'\bstring' ? It doesn't mean quite the same as \sstring but
> it might work for you.
> >
> > But would prefer to use the more concise [] notation.  However
> >       re.compile('[^\s]string')
> As the first character in [], ^ means 'not'.
> > Does not work and
> >       re.compile('[\A\s]string')
> I guess \A doesn't count as a 'character class'? Or do you need to be
> using raw strings?
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From ps_python at  Tue Feb  1 20:14:21 2005
From: ps_python at (kumar s)
Date: Tue Feb  1 20:14:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Append function
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Danny:

 I have ~50 files in this format:


680:209	3006.3
266:123	250.5
62:393	117.3
547:429	161.5
341:311	546.5
132:419	163.3
98:471	306.3

File 2:
266:123	168.0
62:393	119.3
547:429	131.0
341:311	162.3
132:419	149.5
98:471	85.0
289:215	207.0
75:553	517.0

I am generating these files using this module:

f1 = open("test2_cor.txt","r")
ana ='\n')
ana = ana[:-1]
pbs = []
for line in ana:
	cols = line.split('\t')
	pb = cols[0]
##########CEL Files section ########
files = glob.glob("c:\files\*.cel")

def parSer(file):
    f1 = open(file,'r')
    celf ='\n')
    celfile = celf[24:409624]
    my_vals = celParser(celfile,pbs)
    f2 = open(file+'.txt','w')
    for line in my_vals:

def main():
    for each in files:

Because, I asked to write a file with the name of the
file as output, it is generating 50 output files for
50 input files. 

What I am interested in is to append the output to one
single file but with tab delimmitation. 

For example:

for each file there are 2 columns. Cor and val
file 1    file 2    file 3 file 4
cor val  cor  val  cor val cor val
x:x 1345 x:x 5434  x:x 4454 x:x 4462
x:y 3463 x:y 3435  x:y 3435 x:y 3435

Could you suggest a way. Thank you. 

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do? 
From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  1 22:12:09 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  1 22:11:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <000301c507a3$f3828c90$7d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <005f01c508a2$b14ec1e0$68b78851@xp>

> What, like
> global radiusaxis, radiusaxis2


> > And since there is no input parameter and no return statement
> > and you only call start() once...
> Not true. If y == 'clear', then start is called to "redraw" the
> Very important part.

OK, I missed that, but its still better to hide the call to
start inside an
if name== main
clause since otherwise you can't ever import your file without
drawing the screen.

> I think I'll do that, but of course I'll have to add ValueError -- 
> of math domain errors on my function. That's what the try except
block is for.

In that case just put the ValueError clause in and leave other erors
to raise an error stack - that way you get to see the source of
the problem.

Then wrap your call to start in a try/except to catch the errors
and print a message at the outer level. That way its easy to turn
error reporting on/off

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  1 22:23:24 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  1 22:25:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
References: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>
Message-ID: <008f01c508a4$43947a30$68b78851@xp>

> Any help I can get would be much appreciated - such as 
> language comparisons, companies and systems that use python, 
> debates about what python is good for 

Most of that can be found under the General FAQ on 
the python web site. And links to other similar material.

Alan G

From ps_python at  Tue Feb  1 22:36:32 2005
From: ps_python at (kumar s)
Date: Tue Feb  1 22:36:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Append function
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kent, 
 Thank you for your suggestion.  I keep getting
IOError permission denied every time I try the tips
that you provided. I tried to lookup on this error and
did not get reasonable answer. Is this error something
to do with Windows OS?

Any suggestions. 

Thank you

>>> allColumns = [readColumns("C:\Documents and
Settings\myfiles")for filePath in file_list]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#167>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    allColumns = [readColumns("C:\Documents and
Settings\myfiles")for filePath in file_list]
  File "<pyshell#159>", line 2, in readColumns
    rows = [line.split() for line in open(filePath)]
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Documents
and Settings\\myfiles'

> def readColumns(filePath):
>      rows = [ line.split() for line in
> open(filePath) ]
>      return zip(*rows)
> # list of all the files to read
> allFiles = [ 'f1.txt', 'f2.txt' ]
> # both columns from all files
> allColumns = [ readColumns(filePath) for filePath in
> allFiles ]
> # just the second column from all files
> allSecondColumns = [ cols[1] for cols in allColumns
> ]
> # a representative first column
> col1 = allColumns[0][0]
> # zip it up into rows
> allRows = zip(col1, *allSecondColumns)
> for row in allRows:
>      print '\t'.join(row)
> Kent

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  1 22:37:34 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  1 22:37:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <>
Message-ID: <00ad01c508a6$3e727910$68b78851@xp>

> ever get the chance, you may want to take a look at a book called
> Programming Pearls:

I'll second that. Personally I try to read both books 
(I have the original 2 volume version!) every couple of years 
- they are that valuable. Most newbie programmers can learn 
a lot from Bentley's book(s) - especially about programming 
for performance. But loads of other tricks too.

Alan G.
From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  1 22:40:31 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  1 22:40:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Programming Challenge C++ and Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <00c601c508a6$a7bf4290$68b78851@xp>

>    I don't have any idea about how to write a plugin but I found out
> that the server administrator has written a Plugin Development Kit
> C++ for those who wish to write plugins for the interface.I don't
> C++ so I cannot convert this kit into python scripts.

Caveat: I've never done this so don't know how easy it is but...

There is a tool called SWIG which is for creating Python(or Perl
or Tcl etc) wrappers around C/C++ APIs.
So SWIG might be able to wrap your plug-in API for you.

But I've no idea how easy that is!

Alan G.

From jhomme at  Tue Feb  1 23:15:33 2005
From: jhomme at (jhomme)
Date: Tue Feb  1 23:17:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Introductory Links
Message-ID: <>

-----Original message-----
From: "Alan Gauld"
Date: Tue,  1 Feb 2005 16:15:14 -0500
To: "jhomme"
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Dictionary Nesting

> > Um, thanks for reminding me about the prompt.
> > my way through some other stuff before wasting people's
> time.
> It was your own time I was thinking of. Its much quicker to
> experiment briefly if you think you might know the answer
> than to compose an email, send it and then wait for replies!
> Then if you do send a mail you can be much more specific too,
> because you know what doesn't work! :-)
> Alan G.
Is it possible to get a copy of the message sent to us when we first join? I want to follow the links in it so I can learn how to do the research and ask questions on the list.


From kent37 at  Wed Feb  2 00:00:45 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb  2 00:00:52 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Append function
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You seem to be giving a path to a directory rather than a single file. Also you are putting it in 
the wrong place, you should edit the allFiles list.


kumar s wrote:
> Hi Kent, 
>  Thank you for your suggestion.  I keep getting
> IOError permission denied every time I try the tips
> that you provided. I tried to lookup on this error and
> did not get reasonable answer. Is this error something
> to do with Windows OS?
> Any suggestions. 
> Thank you
> K
>>>>allColumns = [readColumns("C:\Documents and
> Settings\myfiles")for filePath in file_list]
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#167>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>     allColumns = [readColumns("C:\Documents and
> Settings\myfiles")for filePath in file_list]
>   File "<pyshell#159>", line 2, in readColumns
>     rows = [line.split() for line in open(filePath)]
> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Documents
> and Settings\\myfiles'
>>def readColumns(filePath):
>>     rows = [ line.split() for line in
>>open(filePath) ]
>>     return zip(*rows)
>># list of all the files to read
>>allFiles = [ 'f1.txt', 'f2.txt' ]
>># both columns from all files
>>allColumns = [ readColumns(filePath) for filePath in
>>allFiles ]
>># just the second column from all files
>>allSecondColumns = [ cols[1] for cols in allColumns
>># a representative first column
>>col1 = allColumns[0][0]
>># zip it up into rows
>>allRows = zip(col1, *allSecondColumns)
>>for row in allRows:
>>     print '\t'.join(row)
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From bvande at  Wed Feb  2 00:09:01 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed Feb  2 00:09:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Introductory Links
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

jhomme said unto the world upon 2005-02-01 17:15:


> Hi, Is it possible to get a copy of the message sent to us when we
> first join? I want to follow the links in it so I can learn how to
> do the research and ask questions on the list.
> Thanks.
> Jim

Hi Jim,

I don't still have a copy of my Welcome msg. But the following links
all are good places to look:

The Python wwiki's beginner's page

Search com.lang.python

The Python Wiki page -- not the front, but the recent changes which is
how I like to enter it.

The Python Sidebar for Mozilla -- works for FireFox, too. A useful 
tool if you're using the right [ambiguity intended ;-)] browser.

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way by Eric Raymond.
The Tutor list won't bite you if you don't follow any of the advice in
that essay. But it is a very useful thing to read to learn how best to
frame your questions so as to get maximum return from everyone's
effort (your and those who answer you both).


Brian vdB

From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  2 00:11:00 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  2 00:10:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Introductory Links
References: <>
Message-ID: <012701c508b3$546a0690$68b78851@xp>

> > Then if you do send a mail you can be much more specific too,
> > because you know what doesn't work! :-)
> >
> Is it possible to get a copy of the message sent to us when we first
>I want to follow the links in it so I can learn how to do the
> and ask questions on the list.

I'm not sure which message you mean, but assuming its the one
you get when you start a new thread on tutor then I guess thats
a question for the list admin team. It sounds emminently sensible
to send a welcome message with some kind of set of intro links in it.

Its so long sice I joined I can't recall what happened!!


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From ismaelgf at  Wed Feb  2 00:08:19 2005
From: ismaelgf at (Ismael Garrido)
Date: Wed Feb  2 00:28:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Classes
Message-ID: <>


I was just wondering, what magic can you do with classes? I mean, things 
like "class Name(Exception)" or "class Name(threading.Thread), which 
other classes are interesting to subclass? I've seen Object too, but I 
don't understand what it does.

From maxnoel_fr at  Wed Feb  2 00:44:28 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Wed Feb  2 00:44:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Classes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 1, 2005, at 23:08, Ismael Garrido wrote:

> Hello.
> I was just wondering, what magic can you do with classes? I mean, 
> things like "class Name(Exception)" or "class Name(threading.Thread), 
> which other classes are interesting to subclass? I've seen Object too, 
> but I don't understand what it does.

	Basically, Object is the class all your classes should be deriving 
from (when you do that, you're using "new-style classes"). It's the 
root in the class hierarchy of Python. This gives you access to a lot 
of nifty features for free, such as properties.

	Oh, and the best classes are those you create yourself, of course :D

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From kp8 at  Wed Feb  2 00:53:13 2005
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Wed Feb  2 00:53:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] permutations, patterns, and probability
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I am working on a program to produce patterns. What would like is for 
it to  exhaustively produce all possible permutations of a sequence of 
items but for each permutation produce variations, and also a sort of 
stutter based on probability / weighted randomess.

Let us say we have tiles of four primary colors: ['Red', 'Blue', 
'Green', 'Yellow']. Now we also have 4 alternatives or substitutes for 
each color ['Maroon', 'Navy_Blue', 'Forest_Green', 'Dark_Brown']

We pick a unique permutation, say: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']

Now I would like to pick the primary colors substitute (say 30% chance 
for each element) so instead of our plain

['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']

we might end up with:

['Red', 'Navy_Blue', 'Yellow', 'Forest_Green']


['Maroon', 'Navy_Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']

Whatever... The main point is that sometimes the original color is 
retained and sometimes the dark color is substituted.

Now I want to take this list and sometimes stutter an element so that 
there is, let us say a 50% chance for each element, that it is 
stuttered, and it may be repeated 1 (34%), 2(66%), or 3(33%) times. So 
that we could get:

['Maroon','Maroon','Navy_Blue', 'Yellow','Yellow','Yellow','Yellow', 

The program would quit when all 24 (in the case of 4 elements) was 

I have code that makes weighted randomness. I have code that makes 
permutations, but I am having trouble putting this all together... 
While i work on it though that i might ask for help... I'd like for the 
code to be reusable and am building a library of functions for 


### This is not mine, it is from a python book... I believe the Lutz 

def permute(list):
     if not list:                                        # shuffle any 
         return [list]                                   # empty sequence
         res = []
         for i in range(len(list)):
             rest = list[:i] + list[i+1:]                # delete 
current node
             for x in permute(rest):                     # permute the 
                 res.append(list[i:i+1] + x)             # add node at 
         return res

mport random

### This this is mine, but seems to work anyway hee hee

def windex(lst):
         '''an attempt to make a random.choose() function that makes 
weighted choices

         accepts a list of tuples with the item and probability as a pair
         like: >>> x = [('one', 0.25), ('two', 0.25), ('three', 0.5)]
         >>> y=windex(x)'''
         n = random.uniform(0, 1)
         for item, weight in lst:
                 if n < weight:
                 n = n - weight
         return item

From apple_py at  Wed Feb  2 02:32:50 2005
From: apple_py at (Victor Rex)
Date: Wed Feb  2 02:33:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179> <>
Message-ID: <>

This is a great series of links. I found the following on Pythology too:

Python Spotting

Best of luck.

Kent Johnson wrote:

> Eric Raymond's "Why Python?" essay is a classic:
> Bruce Eckel's "Why I love Python" presentation is here:
> This page has lots of links you might be interested in:
> This page has links to language comparisons:
> Good luck!
> Kent
> Paul Hartley wrote:
>> I am trying to get Python established here in the Philippines. 
>> Currently I am in charge of operations at a business based in Manila 
>> and I have asked my IT staff to start using Python (with some success).
>> A local university has now asked that I give a talk to their IT 
>> people on Python - so here is an opportunity to spread the word and 
>> get some more converts and maybe introduce python into their computer 
>> science courses.
>> Any help I can get would be much appreciated - such as language 
>> comparisons, companies and systems that use python, debates about 
>> what python is good for (almost everything), examples of elegant code..
>> When I was a member of the Forth Interest Group in the USA we learned 
>> that Forth was used on the buggy that went to mars, that it started 
>> life controlling huge radio telescopes which only had 4k (yes 4k) of 
>> memory for both language and application.
>> Anything like the above concerning python would be useful.
>> Any other suggestions would help also, the audience will have 
>> computers, so a demonstration of small workshop would also be good - 
>> the presentation/session is for 4 hours on the 10th February.
>> Paul
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Wed Feb  2 02:43:52 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb  2 02:43:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] permutations, patterns, and probability
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

kevin parks wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am working on a program to produce patterns. What would like is for it 
> to  exhaustively produce all possible permutations of a sequence of 
> items but for each permutation produce variations, and also a sort of 
> stutter based on probability / weighted randomess.
> Let us say we have tiles of four primary colors: ['Red', 'Blue', 
> 'Green', 'Yellow']. Now we also have 4 alternatives or substitutes for 
> each color ['Maroon', 'Navy_Blue', 'Forest_Green', 'Dark_Brown']
> We pick a unique permutation, say: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']
> Now I would like to pick the primary colors substitute (say 30% chance 
> for each element) so instead of our plain
> ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']
> we might end up with:
> ['Red', 'Navy_Blue', 'Yellow', 'Forest_Green']
> or
> ['Maroon', 'Navy_Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']
> Whatever... The main point is that sometimes the original color is 
> retained and sometimes the dark color is substituted.
> Now I want to take this list and sometimes stutter an element so that 
> there is, let us say a 50% chance for each element, that it is 
> stuttered, and it may be repeated 1 (34%), 2(66%), or 3(33%) times. So 
> that we could get:
> ['Maroon','Maroon','Navy_Blue', 'Yellow','Yellow','Yellow','Yellow', 
> 'Green']
> The program would quit when all 24 (in the case of 4 elements) was 
> exhausted.
> I have code that makes weighted randomness. I have code that makes 
> permutations, but I am having trouble putting this all together... While 
> i work on it though that i might ask for help... I'd like for the code 
> to be reusable and am building a library of functions for patterns.

If you had a randomizeList function and a stutterList function then your top-level function would 
look like this:

permutations = permute(['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green'])
permutations = [ randomizeList(list) for list in permutations ]
permutations = [ stutterList(list) for list in permutations ]

In other words you start with the basic permutations, then apply the randomize function to each 
permutation, then apply the stutter function.

The randomizeList function should walk through the list, find the right randomize list for that list 
element (a dict could help with that - look up the list element and get the randomize list), and 
build a new list with the randomized values.

The stutterList function walks through the list building a new list with possibly repeated elements.


> cheers,
> kevin
> ### This is not mine, it is from a python book... I believe the Lutz book
> def permute(list):
>     if not list:                                        # shuffle any 
> sequence
>         return [list]                                   # empty sequence
>     else:
>         res = []
>         for i in range(len(list)):
>             rest = list[:i] + list[i+1:]                # delete current 
> node
>             for x in permute(rest):                     # permute the 
> others
>                 res.append(list[i:i+1] + x)             # add node at front
>         return res
> mport random
> ### This this is mine, but seems to work anyway hee hee
> def windex(lst):
>         '''an attempt to make a random.choose() function that makes 
> weighted choices
>         accepts a list of tuples with the item and probability as a pair
>         like: >>> x = [('one', 0.25), ('two', 0.25), ('three', 0.5)]
>         >>> y=windex(x)'''
>         n = random.uniform(0, 1)
>         for item, weight in lst:
>                 if n < weight:
>                         break
>                 n = n - weight
>         return item
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  1 05:42:12 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  2 02:58:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] carriage return on windows
References: <><>	<>	<001b01c50675$0a2f00c0$275328cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>	<000601c5067b$ca454ad0$d25428cf@JSLAPTOP><>
Message-ID: <005301c50818$6620f380$68b78851@xp>

> I played around with this output issue and I love the way it works.
> Now, how do you do this in *nix? I tried the same approach and I get
> blank line for 5 seconds (or whatever number of cycles you have on
> example) and the a final line with the last value of the iterable.

On Unix it is easiest to use the curses library.
There are so many different terminals in use on Unix that
no single set of control codes can be guaranteed to work.
Curses provides an abstract terminal that you can control
by positioning the cursor at x,y coordinates etc.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From keridee at  Tue Feb  1 16:20:28 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Wed Feb  2 03:02:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <>
Message-ID: <000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>

I don't know who's going crazy here... but I checked that straight from the 
python 2.4 interpreter...

Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a = "go on long buddy"
>>> a.lstrip("gonl")
' on long buddy'
>>> a = "go long on log buddy!"
>>> a.lstrip('gonl')
' long on log buddy!'

In both cases, lstrip just removed the first word... I don't see how this 
code is broken.

Hope we figure it out.

> This code is broken. lstrip('gonl ') will remove *all* leading g, o, n, l 
> and space, in any order:
>  >>> s='go long on log buddy!'
>  >>> s.lstrip('gonl ')
> 'buddy!'
> Instead of y.lstrip('gonl ') you should use y[5:] or maybe y[len('gonl 
> '):]
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From keridee at  Wed Feb  2 03:12:00 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Wed Feb  2 03:11:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter questions
References: <>
Message-ID: <001d01c508cc$9e02ee70$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>

I suggest looking at Introduction to Tkinter.


> Hello,
> I got some Tkinter questions that I need the answer for to complete a
> little project of mine:
> 1. How can I make the program to open in a X*Y sized window ?
> 2. How can I open another window from the first one (without closing it) ?
> 3. How can I add a file browser for my app (like the one you get when
> you press "Save as..." in windows apps) ?
> 4. How do I configure the font size on the Text widget (its realy
> huge, and I would like to change it to somthing like 12).
> 5. [OT] Do you know any web-sites that I can store my project at (like
> sourceforge and others) ?
> This is all for now :)
> Thanks in advence .
> -- 
> 1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
> day they start making vacuum cleaners.
> 2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
> 3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
> And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From jeff at  Wed Feb  2 03:14:10 2005
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Wed Feb  2 03:13:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob S. wrote:

> I don't know who's going crazy here... but I checked that straight from 
> the python 2.4 interpreter...

 >>> a = "go on long buddy"
 >>> a.lstrip('gonl')
' on long buddy'
 >>> a.lstrip('gonl ')

Note that in the second case, I've included a space in the lstrip() 
parameter.  lstrip() is essentially saying "remove all leading 
characters until you find a character that's not in this sequence" -- 
a space counts as a character.  (Took me trying it out before I saw 
this, so don't feel bad. ;) )

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From keridee at  Wed Feb  2 03:23:10 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Wed Feb  2 03:22:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>

So, how would one go about this in a non broken code way? Don't they have 
something like what I'm requesting.
It seems to me that a few things are flawed in the standard distribution. 
Little things like the overlooking of adding a method or function to decimal 
for returning an instance with x places right of the decimal. I know of 
quantize, but that's junk and not simple. Also why shouldn't string methods 
include stuff like lstrip which do precisely what I request?
Maybe because they don't want to bother putting

def mylstrip(string,stripstring):
    return string[len(stripstring):]

as a method or something?
Messy, just plain messy.

Jacob Schmidt

> Jacob S. wrote:
>> I don't know who's going crazy here... but I checked that straight from 
>> the python 2.4 interpreter...
> >>> a = "go on long buddy"
> >>> a.lstrip('gonl')
> ' on long buddy'
> >>> a.lstrip('gonl ')
> 'buddy'
> >>>
> Note that in the second case, I've included a space in the lstrip() 
> parameter.  lstrip() is essentially saying "remove all leading characters 
> until you find a character that's not in this sequence" -- 
> a space counts as a character.  (Took me trying it out before I saw this, 
> so don't feel bad. ;) )
> Jeff Shannon
> Technician/Programmer
> Credit International
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From jeff at  Wed Feb  2 03:37:00 2005
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Wed Feb  2 03:36:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob S. wrote:
> So, how would one go about this in a non broken code way? Don't they 
> have something like what I'm requesting.

No, but it's pretty easy to do:

def exact_lstrip(astring, stripstring):
     if astring.startswith(stripstring):
         astring = astring[len(stripstring):]
     return astring

> [...] Also why 
> shouldn't string methods include stuff like lstrip which do precisely 
> what I request?

Maybe it's because other people would have different expectations?

The current implementation of strip() (including lstrip() and 
rstrip()) seems to work well for the most common case, and I'm not 
sure that your expectation is necessarily more generally useful than 
the current behavior.  Especially given that your behavior is the one 
that's easier to hand-code if it's desired.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From kp8 at  Wed Feb  2 03:42:13 2005
From: kp8 at (kevin parks)
Date: Wed Feb  2 03:42:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] permutations, patterns, and probability
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tremendously helpful!!!! One question though. How can i pluck a unique 
item from my exhaustive list of permutations without repeats making 
sure that each one is used once? Like filling a bag, shaking it, and 
then picking from the bag and removing that item from the bag so it 
isn't used again....


On Feb 1, 2005, at 8:58 PM, wrote:

> f you had a randomizeList function and a stutterList function then 
> your top-level function would
> look like this:
> permutations = permute(['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green'])
> permutations = [ randomizeList(list) for list in permutations ]
> permutations = [ stutterList(list) for list in permutations ]
> In other words you start with the basic permutations, then apply the 
> randomize function to each
> permutation, then apply the stutter function.
> The randomizeList function should walk through the list, find the 
> right randomize list for that list
> element (a dict could help with that - look up the list element and 
> get the randomize list), and
> build a new list with the randomized values.
> The stutterList function walks through the list building a new list 
> with possibly repeated elements.
> HTH,
> Kent

From p.hartley at  Wed Feb  2 17:57:57 2005
From: p.hartley at (Paul Hartley)
Date: Wed Feb  2 03:55:58 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
References: <003f01c5087c$117cb6c0$012118ac@SP1179>
Message-ID: <016a01c50948$5877aae0$012118ac@SP1179>

Thank you for all your feedback on this - powerpoint presentations and all!!

Not only is the language amazing but the community is fantastic!!
-------------- next part --------------
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From carroll at  Wed Feb  2 04:04:01 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed Feb  2 04:04:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
In-Reply-To: <016a01c50948$5877aae0$012118ac@SP1179>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Paul Hartley wrote:

> Not only is the language amazing but the community is fantastic!!

The community is one of the things I particularly like about Python.  I
always hated asking a question in the Perl newsgroups; although you
usually got an answer, you were almost certain to be told you're stupid
for not already knowing it.

From kent37 at  Wed Feb  2 04:38:49 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb  2 04:38:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] permutations, patterns, and probability
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

kevin parks wrote:
> Tremendously helpful!!!! One question though. How can i pluck a unique 
> item from my exhaustive list of permutations without repeats making sure 
> that each one is used once? Like filling a bag, shaking it, and then 
> picking from the bag and removing that item from the bag so it isn't 
> used again....

Use random.shuffle() to 'shake' the list. Then use pop() to remove an item:

  >>> import random
  >>> l=range(10)
  >>> random.shuffle(l)
  >>> l
[4, 5, 0, 8, 9, 6, 2, 1, 7, 3]
  >>> l.pop()
  >>> l.pop()
  >>> l.pop()
  >>> l
[4, 5, 0, 8, 9, 6, 2]


From nbbalane at  Wed Feb  2 08:10:36 2005
From: nbbalane at (jrlen balane)
Date: Wed Feb  2 08:10:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to separate hexadecimal
Message-ID: <>

i have a 4 digit hex number (2 bytes) and i want to separate it into 2
digit hex (1 byte each) meaning i want to get the upper byte and the
lower byte since i am going to add this two.
how am i going to do this?
should i treat it just like a normal string?
please help, thanks.

ex. hexa = '0x87BE"  # what i want to do is:
      a = 0x87, b = 0xBE    # so that i could do this:
      c = a + b            #which should be equal to 0x145
From kraus at  Wed Feb  2 09:12:55 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Wed Feb  2 09:12:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: how to separate hexadecimal
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ctq1um$gp7$>

jrlen balane wrote:
> i have a 4 digit hex number (2 bytes) and i want to separate it into 2
> digit hex (1 byte each) meaning i want to get the upper byte and the
> lower byte since i am going to add this two.
> how am i going to do this?
> should i treat it just like a normal string?
> please help, thanks.
> ex. hexa = '0x87BE"  # what i want to do is:
>       a = 0x87, b = 0xBE    # so that i could do this:
>       c = a + b            #which should be equal to 0x145

Not sure where you get hexa from, but given your example you can use 
int(x, base) with base = 16 to convert your string to an integer and 
then use the %x formatstring:
 >>> hexa = '0x87BE'
 >>> upper = int(hexa[2:4], 16)
 >>> lower = int(hexa[4:6], 16)
 >>> print '0x%x + 0x%x = 0x%x' % (upper, lower, upper+lower)
0x87 + 0xbe = 0x145


From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  2 09:32:59 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  2 09:32:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Classes
References: <>
Message-ID: <014d01c50901$cde680e0$68b78851@xp>

> I was just wondering, what magic can you do with classes?

You can define your own types. Thats what classes are for.
Those types can be as 'magic' as your imagination
(and programming skills!) allow.

> other classes are interesting to subclass? I've seen Object too, but
> don't understand what it does.

It's 'object' - lowercase o - and that is the way to tell
Python to use "new-style" classes, which are not very new now!
Essentially all the basic types in Python are descended from object
and the object class provides access to some special features that
won't be available if you don't subclass object (as in classic style
classes) OTOH subclsassing object does add overhead to your class
and so makes it a bit slower.

You can also subclass any other Python type, thus

class bigfloat(float): ....

would provide a special type of floating point
number - maybe with unlimited precision, provided
you wrote the code to allow that...

Finally classes are themselves objects and can be used as a
way of monitoring and controlling a collection of objects.
This is often called meta-programming and if you want to
twist your head in knots read the paper that Guido wrote
on meta programming in Python :-)

Read the OOP topic in my tutorial for more about using classes.
(but not about meta programming!! :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  2 09:35:47 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  2 09:35:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <><>
Message-ID: <016101c50902$323efae0$68b78851@xp>

> I don't know who's going crazy here... but I checked that straight
from the
> python 2.4 interpreter...
> Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
> >>> a = "go on long buddy"
> >>> a.lstrip("gonl")
> ' on long buddy'
> >>> a = "go long on log buddy!"
> >>> a.lstrip('gonl')
> ' long on log buddy!'
> >>>
> In both cases, lstrip just removed the first word... I don't see how
> code is broken.

It removed all the g,o,n & l's up till it found a character
that wasn't in your list - a space. Thats what you told it to do.
If you want the space stripped add one to your list...

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Wed Feb  2 09:40:56 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb  2 09:41:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, Jacob S. wrote:

> Also why shouldn't string methods include stuff like lstrip which do
> precisely what I request?

Hi Jacob,

I think the confusion here is that, in Python, strings can be considered a
concrete single thing, but they can also be considered an ordered
collection of characters.  And we might not even care about order.

As a concrete example, we might write a function that sees if something is
a vowel:

>>> def isvowel(letter):
...     return len(letter) == 1 and letter in "aeiou"

Here, we're using a string simply as a collection of characters, but our
definition doesn't really depend on the order of the vowels.

So some functions will use strings merely because they're good containers
of letters.  lstrip() (and rstrip()) are designed so that they consider
their arguments a collection of characters to strip off, but it doesn't
care about the order of the characters.

Admittedly, the documentation of lstrip() doesn't really spell this out
with perfect clarity:


Return a copy of the string with leading characters removed. If chars
is omitted or None, whitespace characters are removed. If given and not
None, chars must be a string; the characters in the string will be
stripped from the beginning of the string this method is called on.

So this can definitely be improved.  The documentation of lstrip() should
emphasize that 'chars' here is used to define the set of characters that
it'll toss out, to keep people aware that it doesn't care about the
sequence-y nature of its input string.

> Maybe because they don't want to bother putting
> def mylstrip(string,stripstring):
>     return string[len(stripstring):]

The implementation of rstrip() (the cousin of lstrip()) does come in
really handy when we're dealing with line terminators, since we can
"chomp()" a line by doing:

def chomp(line):
    return line.rstrip('\r\n')

It is debatable what lstrip() and rstrip() should consider as the common
case.  The library designers decided the behavior they felt would help
people the most, but that may not handle all the ways we might like to use

But, then, that's why we have 'def'.  *grin*

Best of wishes to you!

From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  2 09:52:20 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  2 09:51:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>
Message-ID: <016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp>


Writing library code is a difficult and unrewarding task
- I've been there so I sympathise, however...

> So, how would one go about this in a non broken code way? Don't they
> something like what I'm requesting.

Its not broken, its just different to what you want.
What you want is much simpler than what lstrip does
so you can easily code your requirements.
Try writing the code to do what lstrip actually does
- its much harder. So the library includes the more
difficult function and lets you code the easy ones.

> It seems to me that a few things are flawed in the standard

No library is perfect - you should try using C!

But the Python library isually has good reasons for its
apparent limitations.

> Little things like the overlooking of adding a method or function to
> for returning an instance with x places right of the decimal.

But there is very little need to do that. Usually you only want
to do that in presentation - ie printing. Thus the mechanism
for doing that is in the string formatting code - where it
makes sense. Why would limiting the precision of the internal
number representation be something you'd want to do? Very
occassionally maybe, but in those cases its easy to fake
(and it is a fake because the number is in binary and not
true decimal so its always an approximation - in any language!)

> quantize, but that's junk and not simple.

You mean it does a complex job and not the one youd like it to do? :-)

> Also why shouldn't string methods include stuff like
> lstrip which do precisely what I request?

strings do include lstrip() but as I said they couldn't predict
what you thought it shjould do, so they built it to do what
they thought would be the most generally useful function.
Stripping off a string literal is such a trivial programming
task that you can easily write that yourself. You can even
subclass string and make it a method if you like.

> Maybe because they don't want to bother putting
> def mylstrip(string,stripstring):
>     return string[len(stripstring):]
> as a method or something?
> Messy, just plain messy.

Such a method would indeed be plain messy.
Do you really want code like this:

>>> s = "Here is a longish string"
>>> s.mylstrip('foo')
>>> print s
e is a longish string
>>> s.mylstrip('supercalifragilisticexpalidocious')
>>> print s


I suspect your function should probably be:

def mylstrip(str,stripstring):
    if str.startswith(stripstring) and
       len(stripstring) < len(str):
       return str[len(stripstring):]

But thats just my guess at what *you* really want...

And finally remember that Python is built by volunteers mostly.
You should be pleased the *bothered* to write any of it!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

> Jacob Schmidt
> > Jacob S. wrote:
> >
> >> I don't know who's going crazy here... but I checked that
straight from
> >> the python 2.4 interpreter...
> >
> > >>> a = "go on long buddy"
> > >>> a.lstrip('gonl')
> > ' on long buddy'
> > >>> a.lstrip('gonl ')
> > 'buddy'
> > >>>
> >
> > Note that in the second case, I've included a space in the
> > parameter.  lstrip() is essentially saying "remove all leading
> > until you find a character that's not in this sequence" -- 
> > a space counts as a character.  (Took me trying it out before I
saw this,
> > so don't feel bad. ;) )
> >
> > Jeff Shannon
> > Technician/Programmer
> > Credit International
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> >

From dyoo at  Wed Feb  2 09:59:44 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb  2 09:59:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> The community is one of the things I particularly like about Python.  I
> always hated asking a question in the Perl newsgroups; although you
> usually got an answer, you were almost certain to be told you're stupid
> for not already knowing it.

Hi Terry,

Just to act as Devil's advocate: the programming language communities are
large enough to support subcultures.  So the experiences you have had in
the seedy corners of comp.lang.perl are probably not representative of the
Perl community as a whole.

Some newsgroups are notoriously noisy, and even comp.lang.python can get a
little hairy at times.  The mailing list communities tend to be a bit more
civilized because they have a strong topical focus.

For people who do want to learn Perl, the web site:

and Casey West's 'beginners' Perl mailing list:

appear to be excellent resources.  So the Perl community there is also
doing what they can to help folks learn Perl.

We, as Python programmers, should do one step better: we should help folks
learn programming as well as Python.  *grin*

Best of wishes to you!

From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  2 10:07:32 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  2 10:07:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: how to separate hexadecimal
References: <>
Message-ID: <018101c50906$a14d5220$68b78851@xp>

>  >>> hexa = '0x87BE'
>  >>> upper = int(hexa[2:4], 16)
>  >>> lower = int(hexa[4:6], 16)

You don't need to strip the '0x' from the front, int() is 
smart enough to do that automatically for base 16 

Alan G.
From cyresse at  Wed Feb  2 10:12:07 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb  2 10:12:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Presentation
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Danny, 

I think that learning Python naturally leads to learning programming.
It's like learning to fly, you learn to fly in a Cessna or Piper
Cherokee. Simple, elegant, easy to operate. You can then focus on the
art of flying, not on how exactly you lower the flaps. Then, once
you're good at flying, you move to the Pitt's Special.

(Actually could you imagine a plane built by Perl enthusiasts...

How do I lower the flaps?
Well, you can push this button, or pull that lever, or lean to the
right, or you could install this cool module that lowers them when you
wink your left eye twice in 5 seconds. Remember, there's more than one
way to do it!)


Liam Clarke
On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 00:59:44 -0800 (PST), Danny Yoo
<> wrote:
> > The community is one of the things I particularly like about Python.  I
> > always hated asking a question in the Perl newsgroups; although you
> > usually got an answer, you were almost certain to be told you're stupid
> > for not already knowing it.
> Hi Terry,
> Just to act as Devil's advocate: the programming language communities are
> large enough to support subcultures.  So the experiences you have had in
> the seedy corners of comp.lang.perl are probably not representative of the
> Perl community as a whole.
> Some newsgroups are notoriously noisy, and even comp.lang.python can get a
> little hairy at times.  The mailing list communities tend to be a bit more
> civilized because they have a strong topical focus.
> For people who do want to learn Perl, the web site:
> and Casey West's 'beginners' Perl mailing list:
> appear to be excellent resources.  So the Perl community there is also
> doing what they can to help folks learn Perl.
> We, as Python programmers, should do one step better: we should help folks
> learn programming as well as Python.  *grin*
> Best of wishes to you!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Wed Feb  2 10:58:47 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb  2 10:58:51 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
	<> <000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

Hello all, 

> > So, how would one go about this in a non broken code way? Don't they
> have
> > something like what I'm requesting.

If not,it's a challenge you can implement yourself! Ever use QBasic?
Had a command -

a$ = inkey$(1)

Which would return a key press as a$. 
Very handy for 'press any key. It's next to the space bar. Honest' dialogues. 

Anyway, I come to Python, I want inkey$ damnit! 

So, I examine, and build it - 

import msvcrt

def inkey():
   print "Press any key. It's next to the space bar. Honest."
   while not msvcrt.kbhit():

Save it, and et voila. Anytime I want my inkey, I import a file called
pause, and call

Now, how many other peoples would need that?

I use string.lstrip() in the same way you do - to strip prefixes. What
Kent has mentioned is a caveat on using it, that's all.

> And finally remember that Python is built by volunteers mostly.
> You should be pleased the *bothered* to write any of it!

Exactly. You shouldn't complain that something free doesn't have the
precise features you require. If you installed Linux and you can't
play your DirectX capable games, should Linux support DirectX just for
you, or should you install Windows?

Don't mean to sound too censorious, but the Python library is
fantastic, and it's free. It's got some twists, but it's mostly
documented and usually works. Not bad for $0.00 eh?


Liam Clarke

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 08:52:20 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> Jacob,
> Writing library code is a difficult and unrewarding task
> - I've been there so I sympathise, however...
> > So, how would one go about this in a non broken code way? Don't they
> have
> > something like what I'm requesting.
> Its not broken, its just different to what you want.
> What you want is much simpler than what lstrip does
> so you can easily code your requirements.
> Try writing the code to do what lstrip actually does
> - its much harder. So the library includes the more
> difficult function and lets you code the easy ones.
> > It seems to me that a few things are flawed in the standard
> distribution.
> No library is perfect - you should try using C!
> But the Python library isually has good reasons for its
> apparent limitations.
> > Little things like the overlooking of adding a method or function to
> decimal
> > for returning an instance with x places right of the decimal.
> But there is very little need to do that. Usually you only want
> to do that in presentation - ie printing. Thus the mechanism
> for doing that is in the string formatting code - where it
> makes sense. Why would limiting the precision of the internal
> number representation be something you'd want to do? Very
> occassionally maybe, but in those cases its easy to fake
> (and it is a fake because the number is in binary and not
> true decimal so its always an approximation - in any language!)
> > quantize, but that's junk and not simple.
> You mean it does a complex job and not the one youd like it to do? :-)
> > Also why shouldn't string methods include stuff like
> > lstrip which do precisely what I request?
> strings do include lstrip() but as I said they couldn't predict
> what you thought it shjould do, so they built it to do what
> they thought would be the most generally useful function.
> Stripping off a string literal is such a trivial programming
> task that you can easily write that yourself. You can even
> subclass string and make it a method if you like.
> > Maybe because they don't want to bother putting
> >
> > def mylstrip(string,stripstring):
> >     return string[len(stripstring):]
> >
> > as a method or something?
> > Messy, just plain messy.
> Such a method would indeed be plain messy.
> Do you really want code like this:
> >>> s = "Here is a longish string"
> >>> s.mylstrip('foo')
> >>> print s
> e is a longish string
> >>> s.mylstrip('supercalifragilisticexpalidocious')
> >>> print s
> >>>
> I suspect your function should probably be:
> def mylstrip(str,stripstring):
>     if str.startswith(stripstring) and
>        len(stripstring) < len(str):
>        return str[len(stripstring):]
> But thats just my guess at what *you* really want...
> And finally remember that Python is built by volunteers mostly.
> You should be pleased the *bothered* to write any of it!
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
> >
> > Jacob Schmidt
> >
> >
> > > Jacob S. wrote:
> > >
> > >> I don't know who's going crazy here... but I checked that
> straight from
> > >> the python 2.4 interpreter...
> > >
> > > >>> a = "go on long buddy"
> > > >>> a.lstrip('gonl')
> > > ' on long buddy'
> > > >>> a.lstrip('gonl ')
> > > 'buddy'
> > > >>>
> > >
> > > Note that in the second case, I've included a space in the
> lstrip()
> > > parameter.  lstrip() is essentially saying "remove all leading
> characters
> > > until you find a character that's not in this sequence" --
> > > a space counts as a character.  (Took me trying it out before I
> saw this,
> > > so don't feel bad. ;) )
> > >
> > > Jeff Shannon
> > > Technician/Programmer
> > > Credit International
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Tutor maillist  -
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From ewald.ertl at  Wed Feb  2 11:19:45 2005
From: ewald.ertl at (Ewald Ertl)
Date: Wed Feb  2 11:19:51 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to separate hexadecimal
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Using binary operations: 

>>> a='0x87BE'
>>> str(hex(int(a,16) & 0xFF))
>>> str(hex((int(a,16) & 0xFF00) / 0xFF))

HTH Ewald 

on Wed, 2 Feb 2005 15:10:36 +0800  jrlen balane <> wrote :

jrlen balane > i have a 4 digit hex number (2 bytes) and i want to separate it into 2
jrlen balane > digit hex (1 byte each) meaning i want to get the upper byte and the
jrlen balane > lower byte since i am going to add this two.
jrlen balane > how am i going to do this?
jrlen balane > should i treat it just like a normal string?
jrlen balane > please help, thanks.
jrlen balane > 
jrlen balane > ex. hexa = '0x87BE"  # what i want to do is:
jrlen balane >       a = 0x87, b = 0xBE    # so that i could do this:
jrlen balane >       c = a + b            #which should be equal to 0x145
jrlen balane > _______________________________________________
jrlen balane > Tutor maillist  -
jrlen balane >
jrlen balane > 

------------------- end ----------------------

From kent37 at  Wed Feb  2 12:05:39 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb  2 12:05:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] How to sum rows and columns of a matrix?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> There's a specific package for arrays 
> that implements array mathematics. I use it for pixel map manipulation
> in pygame, so it's relatively fast.

Here is one way to do what you want using numarray:

  >>> import numarray

Create a 4x4 array:
  >>> m=numarray.array(range(16),shape=(4,4))
  >>> m
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
        [ 8,  9, 10, 11],
        [12, 13, 14, 15]])

Row access:
  >>> m[1]
array([4, 5, 6, 7])

Column access:
  >>> m[:,1]
array([ 1,  5,  9, 13])

Sum all the rows:
  >>> [sum(m[i]) for i in range(4)]
[6, 22, 38, 54]

Sum all the columns:
  >>> [sum(m[:,i]) for i in range(4)]
[24, 28, 32, 36]


> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 19:09:59 +0100, Gregor Lingl <> wrote:
>>Hi all of you,
>>I'm representing a 4x4 matrix as a 16-element list, e.g.
>>first 4 elements first row, second four elements second row etc.
>>I want to sum rows and columns like
>>i-th row:
>>and ith column:
>>This seems to be slow because of the formation of the slices.
>>I wonder if there is a way using generators or generator-expressions
>>(which I didn't study yet) to compute these sums without copying
>>parts of the matrix to a new list. (I'd guess that there should exist
>>some canonical generator for sequences, which produces their elements
>>..., maybe also for slices ?)
>>All comments, hints, solutions are welcome.
>>Gregor Lingl
>>Reisnerstrasse 3/19
>>A-1030 Wien
>>Telefon: +43 1 713 33 98
>>Mobil:   +43 664 140 35 27
>>Autor von "Python f?r Kids"
>>Tutor maillist  -

From maxnoel_fr at  Wed Feb  2 12:31:09 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Wed Feb  2 12:31:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to separate hexadecimal
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 2, 2005, at 10:19, Ewald Ertl wrote:

> Hi!
> Using binary operations:
>>>> a='0x87BE'
>>>> str(hex(int(a,16) & 0xFF))
> '0xbe'
>>>> str(hex((int(a,16) & 0xFF00) / 0xFF))
> '0x87'
> HTH Ewald

	Actually, the int conversions aren't even necessary.

 >>> hex(0x87BE & 0xFF)
 >>> hex((0x87BE & 0xFF00) / 0xFF)

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From kent37 at  Wed Feb  2 13:54:53 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb  2 13:54:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] How to sum rows and columns of a matrix?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
>> There's a specific package for arrays
>> that implements array mathematics. I use it for pixel map manipulation
>> in pygame, so it's relatively fast.
> Here is one way to do what you want using numarray:

Here is another way, probably more idiomatic and faster. (I'm just doodling with numarray so there 
may still be a better way to do this...)

  >>> import numarray
  >>> m=numarray.array(range(16),shape=(4,4))

  >>> numarray.add.reduce(m)
array([24, 28, 32, 36])

  >>> numarray.add.reduce(m, axis=1)
array([ 6, 22, 38, 54])


>  >>> import numarray
> Create a 4x4 array:
>  >>> m=numarray.array(range(16),shape=(4,4))
>  >>> m
> array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
>        [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
>        [ 8,  9, 10, 11],
>        [12, 13, 14, 15]])
> Row access:
>  >>> m[1]
> array([4, 5, 6, 7])
> Column access:
>  >>> m[:,1]
> array([ 1,  5,  9, 13])
> Sum all the rows:
>  >>> [sum(m[i]) for i in range(4)]
> [6, 22, 38, 54]
> Sum all the columns:
>  >>> [sum(m[:,i]) for i in range(4)]
> [24, 28, 32, 36]
> Kent
>> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 19:09:59 +0100, Gregor Lingl <> wrote:
>>> Hi all of you,
>>> I'm representing a 4x4 matrix as a 16-element list, e.g.
>>> m=range(16)
>>> first 4 elements first row, second four elements second row etc.
>>> I want to sum rows and columns like
>>> i-th row:
>>> sum(m[4*i:4*i+4])
>>> and ith column:
>>> sum(m[i::4])
>>> This seems to be slow because of the formation of the slices.
>>> I wonder if there is a way using generators or generator-expressions
>>> (which I didn't study yet) to compute these sums without copying
>>> parts of the matrix to a new list. (I'd guess that there should exist
>>> some canonical generator for sequences, which produces their elements
>>> ..., maybe also for slices ?)
>>> All comments, hints, solutions are welcome.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gregor
>>> -- 
>>> Gregor Lingl
>>> Reisnerstrasse 3/19
>>> A-1030 Wien
>>> Telefon: +43 1 713 33 98
>>> Mobil:   +43 664 140 35 27
>>> Autor von "Python f?r Kids"
>>> Website:
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tutor maillist  -
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From pierre.barbier at  Wed Feb  2 14:09:04 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Wed Feb  2 14:06:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] How to sum rows and columns of a matrix?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Even better :

>>> import numarray
>>> m = numarray.arange(16,shape=(4,4))
>>> numarray.sum(m)
array([24, 28, 32, 36])
>>> numarray.sum(axis=1)
array([ 6, 22, 38, 54])


Kent Johnson a ?crit :
> Kent Johnson wrote:
>> Liam Clarke wrote:
>>> There's a specific package for arrays
>>> that implements array mathematics. I use it for pixel map manipulation
>>> in pygame, so it's relatively fast.
>> Here is one way to do what you want using numarray:
> Here is another way, probably more idiomatic and faster. (I'm just 
> doodling with numarray so there may still be a better way to do this...)
>  >>> import numarray
>  >>> m=numarray.array(range(16),shape=(4,4))
>  >>> numarray.add.reduce(m)
> array([24, 28, 32, 36])
>  >>> numarray.add.reduce(m, axis=1)
> array([ 6, 22, 38, 54])
> Kent

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68

From klappnase at  Wed Feb  2 16:40:52 2005
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Wed Feb  2 16:38:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tkinter questions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 19:08:41 +0200
Mark Kels <> wrote:

Hi Mark,

> Hello,
> I got some Tkinter questions that I need the answer for to complete a
> little project of mine:
> 1. How can I make the program to open in a X*Y sized window ?

from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()

This makes a window of 600x400 pixels placed in the upper left corner of the screen (+0+0 is the x- and y- offset;
both of the window size and the offset may be omitted, so you can use '600x400' or '+0+0' as arguments for geometry()
as well).

> 2. How can I open another window from the first one (without closing it) ?

Use instances of Toplevel() to create new windows as children of the root (Tk()) window.

> 3. How can I add a file browser for my app (like the one you get when
> you press "Save as..." in windows apps) ?

import tkFileDialog
filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename()
if filename:
    # save the file...; if the user presses the 'Cancel' button, filename should be set to an empty string.

> 4. How do I configure the font size on the Text widget (its realy
> huge, and I would like to change it to somthing like 12).

text = Text(parent, font=('helvetica', '-12', 'normal'))# "negative" size -> pixel size
text.configure(font=('helvetica', '12', 'normal'))# "positive" size -> point size

You can use any 3-tuple of the form (family, size, weight) as font descriptor; if the requested font is not
found, the widget should fall back to some (probably ugly) default; tk guarantees that at least 'times',
'helvetica' and 'courier' font families are available, the availability of other fonts depends on your system.

I hope this helps

From stygian at  Wed Feb  2 22:44:24 2005
From: stygian at (Glen)
Date: Wed Feb  2 22:44:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python 2.4 with Mandrake 10.0 query
Message-ID: <1107380664.2964.0.camel@localhost>

My setup is Mandrake 10.0 which came with python 2.3 and a standard
Python 2.4 build/install.
I always start Idle from an icon on my taskbar, when I click the icon,
Idle starts after a second but a small rotating timer appears over 
the taskbar for 30 seconds and then disappears.
If I close Idle immediatly, the timer still remains for the 30 seconds.
Idle/Python has always seemed to run perfectly so I have ignored 
the timer until I recently thought to run Idle from a console.
Idle/Python still works great but this output appears in the console...

[glen@localhost glen]$ idle
set([34, 36, 38, 39])
Failed to load extension 'CodeContext'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib/", line 737, in
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib/", line 747, in
    mod = __import__(name, globals(), locals(), [])
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib/", line 15, in ?
    from sets import Set
ImportError: cannot import name Set
[glen@localhost glen]$

I have only just discovered the set command in python, 
and it seems a bit of a coincedence that some of the console output

set([34, 36, 38, 39])
    from sets import Set
ImportError: cannot import name Set

...appear connected to code I was playing with a few days ago.
I have looked at, and line 15 is 'from sets import Set'
which Python 2.4 doesn't like, as set is already built in.
I have rebuilt/installed Python 2.4, but it made no difference.

Can anyone give me a clue as to what may be going on?


From dyoo at  Wed Feb  2 23:02:55 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb  2 23:03:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python 2.4 with Mandrake 10.0 query
In-Reply-To: <1107380664.2964.0.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Glen wrote:

> [glen@localhost glen]$ idle
> set([34, 36, 38, 39])
> Failed to load extension 'CodeContext'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib/", line 737, in
> load_standard_extensions
>     self.load_extension(name)
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib/", line 747, in
> load_extension
>     mod = __import__(name, globals(), locals(), [])
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib/", line 15, in ?
>     from sets import Set
> ImportError: cannot import name Set

Hi Glen,

Ah!  Check to see if there's a "" program somewhere in your current
working directory.  It's very likely that Python is picking that up,
instead of the 'sets' standard library module.

This is one thing that does bite people every so often, because it's all
too easy to accidently write a program uses the same name as a standard
library module.

I wrote a small module a while back as a proposed solution to the issue:

but I don't think it's really being used.

Best of wishes to you!

From kent37 at  Wed Feb  2 23:07:22 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb  2 23:07:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <000301c507a3$f3828c90$7d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <000301c507a3$f3828c90$7d5428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

I would at least introduce some functions. For example each case of your command handling loop could 
be broken out into a separate function. If there is a lot of shared state between the functions then 
make them all class methods and put the shared state in the class. Maybe all the drawing commands 
should be in a class with xaxis, yaxis, radiusaxis, radiusaxis2 at least as member fields.


Jacob S. wrote:
> I think this thing is screaming for better structure, but previous 
> attempts at using oop for it have failed.
> I think Derintegral is okay, I'm focusing on 
> you can comment on both.
> (To Johan Nilsson: I haven't had time to implement Simpson's rule 
> instead of Reimann's sum yet... but I have gotten it to work faster 
> anyway.)
> I will probably expand the code yet... Add extra things like find area 
> between curve and x axis in interval [a,b]...
> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. If you want the code to work on 
> your machine, you'll need to have my sys.path, obviously.
> #### Start of ###################
> from __future__ import division
> from visual import *
> import Derintegral
> import os, random
> from math import *
> ja = 0
> scenexdefault = 375
> def start():
>    for objects in scene.objects:
>        objects.visible = 0
>    scene.title = "Function Grapher by Jacob, Inc."
>    scene.x = scenexdefault
>    scene.visible=1
>    scene.exit=0
>    scene.userspin = 0
>    scene.range=(10,10,1)
>    scene.background=(1,1,1)
>    global xaxis
>    global yaxis
>    xaxis = curve(pos=[(100,0,0),(-100,0,0)],
>    yaxis = curve(pos=[(0,100,0),(0,-100,0)],
>    global radiusaxis
>    global radiusaxis2
>    radiusaxis = curve(pos=[(-100,-100),(100,100)],
>    radiusaxis2 = curve(pos=[(-100,100),(100,-100)],
>    radiusaxis.visible = 0
>    radiusaxis2.visible = 0
> start()
> d = 1
> print """\
> List of Commands:
> clear
> quit
> remove lines
> return lines
> gotl # (Graph One Tangent Line) w/optional x coordinate
> gatl # (Graph All Tangent Lines) w/optional step
> gonl # (Graph One Normal Line) w/optional x coordinate
> ganl # (Graph All Normal Lines) w/optional step
> Function Syntax:
> [y,x,or r] = function [range] ["s" followed by float for step]
> Brackets mean that it's not required.
> So, in effect, you don't have to type a function
> """
> def graphit(type,f,range2,step):
>    li = curve(
>    if type in ['y','x']:
>        x = -15
>        radiusaxis.visible = 0
>        radiusaxis2.visible = 0
>        while -15 <= x <= 15:
>            if eval(range2):
>                try:
>                    a = f(x)
>                    if -15 <= a <= 15:
>                        if type == 'y':
>                            li.append(pos=(x,a,0))
>                        elif type == 'x':
>                            li.append(pos=(a,x,0))
>                    else:
>                        li = curve(
>                except:
>                    pass
>            else:
>                li = curve(
>            x = x+step
>    elif type == 'r':
>        exec "def m(t): return f(t)*cos(t)"
>        exec "def n(t): return f(t)*sin(t)"
>        t = 0
>        while 0 <= t <= 10*pi:
>            if eval(range2):
>                try:
>                    li.append(pos=(m(t),n(t),0))
>                except:
>                    li = curve(
>            t = t+step
> print 'Please type in functions in below. '
> while 1:
>    lists=[]
>    y = raw_input(">")
>    if y == 'clear':
>        scene.visible=0
>        start()
>        print "-"*36
>        continue
>    elif y == 'quit':
>        scene.visible = 0
>        del scene
>        break
>    elif y == 'remove lines':
>        a = [radiusaxis,radiusaxis2,xaxis,yaxis]
>        for x in a:
>            x.visible = 0
>        d = 0
>        continue
>    elif y == 'return lines':
>        a = [radiusaxis,radiusaxis2,xaxis,yaxis]
>        for x in a:
>            x.visible = 1
>        d = 1
>        continue
>    elif y.startswith('gatl'):
>        try:
>            step2 = float(y.lstrip("gatl "))
>        except:
>            step2 = 0.5
>        x = -20
>        while -20 <=x<= 20:
>            try:
>                der = Derintegral.diffatpt(f,x)
>                if abs(der)<=25:
>                    if type == 'y':
> curve(pos=[(-15,eval("der*(-15-x)+f(x)")),(15,eval("der*(15-x)+f(x)"))], 
>                    else:
> curve(pos=[(eval("der*(-15-x)+f(x)"),-15),(eval("der*(15-x)+f(x)"),15)], 
>            except:
>                pass
>            x = x + step2
>        continue
>    elif y.startswith('ganl'):
>        try:
>            step2 = float(y.lstrip("ganl "))
>        except:
>            step2 = 0.5
>        x = -20
>        while -20 <=x<= 20:
>            try:
>                der = Derintegral.diffatpt(f,x)
>                if abs(der)<=25:
>                    if type == 'y':
> curve(pos=[(-15,eval("(-1/der)*(-15-x)+f(x)")),(15,eval("(-1/der)*(15-x)+f(x)"))],color 
> =
>                    else:
> curve(pos=[(eval("(-1/der)*(-15-x)+f(x)"),-15),(eval("(-1/der)*(15-x)+f(x)"),15)],color 
> =
>            except:
>                pass
>            x = x + step2
>        continue
>    elif y.startswith('gotl'):
>        try:
>            x = float(y.lstrip('gotl '))
>        except:
>            x = float(raw_input('What x coordinate do you want the 
> tangent line at? '))
>        der = Derintegral.diffatpt(f,x)
>        try:
>            if abs(der)<= 25:
>                if type == 'y':
> curve(pos=[(-15,eval("der*(-15-x)+f(x)")),(15,eval("der*(15-x)+f(x)"))], 
>                else:
> curve(pos=[(eval("der*(-15-x)+f(x)"),-15),(eval("der*(15-x)+f(x)"),15)], 
>        except:
>            pass
>        continue
>    elif y.startswith('gonl'):
>        try:
>            x = float(y.lstrip('gonl '))
>        except:
>            x = float(raw_input('What x coordinate do you want the 
> tangent line at? '))
>        der = Derintegral.diffatpt(f,x)
>        try:
>            if abs(der)<= 25:
>                if type == 'y':
> curve(pos=[(-15,eval("(-1/der)*(-15-x)+f(x)")),(15,eval("(-1/der)*(15-x)+f(x)"))], 
>                else:
> curve(pos=[(eval("(-1/der)*(-15-x)+f(x)"),-15),(eval("(-1/der)*(15-x)+f(x)"),15)], 
>        except:
>            pass
>        continue
>    elif y.startswith('getpt'):
>        y = y.lstrip("getpt ")
>        if y:
>            m = float(eval(y))
>        else:
>            m = float(eval(raw_input("f(?) ")))
>        try:
>            print f(m)
>        except ValueError:
>            print "Math Domain Error"
>        continue
>    elif y == 'regraph':
>        graphit(type,f,range2,step)
>        continue
>    if y.count(" = ") == 1:
>        y = y.split(" = ")
>        type = y[0].lower()
>        y = y[1]
>        y = y.replace("y","x")
>        if type == 'r':
>            defaultrange = '0<=t<=5*pi'
>            y = y.replace('x','t')
>            if d == 1:
>                radiusaxis.visible = 1
>                radiusaxis2.visible = 1
>        else:
>            defaultrange = '-15<=x<=15'
>    else:
>        type = 'y'
>        defaultrange = '-15<=x<=15'
>    y = y.split(" ",1)
>    tempfunct = y.pop(0)
>    if y:
>        y = y[0]
>        if y.count('st'):
>            if y.startswith('st'):
>                y = y.lstrip('st')
>                step = float(y)
>            else:
>                y = y.split(" ")
>                step = float(y.pop().lstrip('st'))
>                y = " ".join(y)
>            range2 = defaultrange
>        else:
>            range2 = y
>            step = 0.005
>    else:
>        range2 = defaultrange
>        step = 0.005
>    y = tempfunct
>    range2 = range2.replace('and','or')
>    range2 = range2.replace(',','<=x<=')
>    try:
>        exec "def f(x): return %s" % y
>    except:
>        continue
>    graphit(type,f,range2,step)
> ###### End of ###########
> #### Start of ##########
> from __future__ import division
> import psyco
> psyco.full()
> from math import *
> def diffatpt(funct,pt):
>    """Return the derivative of a function at a specific point. """
>    sminc = 1e-10
>    x = pt+sminc
>    y2 = funct(x)
>    x2 = x
>    x = pt-sminc
>    y1 = funct(x)
>    x1 = x
>    slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
>    return slope
> def defintegral(fofx,x,max1):
>    total = 0
>    step = 1e-5
>    exec "def f(x): return %s" % fofx
>    while x <= max1:
>        try:
>            total = total+f(x)
>        except:
>            pass
>        x = x+step
>    return abs(total*step)
> ######End of ##########
> Like I said, any comments appreciated.
> Jacob Schmidt
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From cyresse at  Thu Feb  3 00:18:00 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu Feb  3 00:18:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>


Had the *ahem* joy of learning Perl last night. Egad. Wrote the script
in Python to get it right, and then 'translated' it to Perl. Does the
style of coding Python engenders suit the Perl environment in anyone's
experienc? AFAI can see there is no real 'style' to Perl, apart from
white noise of non alphanumeric characters.

Just wondering if I should bite the bullet and code from scratch in
Perl, or if my Python - Perl is Ok.

Two codes are here - 


[OT begins]

By the way, I'm only learning Perl because I need to script some
routine HTML maintenance, and I can't be bothered applying to head
office IT for an install of Python, as the justification involved is
ludicrous, especially considering that my role as defined does not
include scripting.

First impressions of Perl - 

1) I'll use Perl for the regex stuff from now on, Perl is obviously
built for this.

2 ) There's More Than One Way To Do It makes debugging hard - i.e. 
close INFILE; & close (INFILE); are both valid. I like one syntax, cos
it's easier to remember.

3) Some stuff is counter-intuitive - 
$lenOfModList = @moddirList is the Perl equivalent of lenofModList =
@someArray = (@someArray, $newValue) is the same as someArray.append(newValue)
I couldn't figure this one out until I read that Perl automatically
flattens lists.

Also, why doesn't if ( not $d eq "a" && not $d eq "c") evaluate to
true for $d = "b" when
if (not $d eq "a") evals to true and if ($d ne "a" && $d ne "c") evals
true also? What's with that?


I'm not referring to the $ & @, I can see how they could be useful,
although with a list -

@dude = (1, 2, 3), to obtain the 2nd value I would expect $d = @dude[1], 
not $d  = $dude[1], that's counterintuitive also. 

Oh, no, what I'm referring to is stuff like @_, and @!, and @indexFile
= <INFILE> to read a whole file, and this - I hate Perl for this -
open OUTFILE, ">c:/python23/j/index.htm"

What's the difference between
open OUTFILE, "c:/python23/j/index.htm"   and
open OUTFILE, ">c:/python23/j/index.htm" ?

The first will open index.htm with the handle OUTFILE, to read... 
The second will open index.htm with the handle OUTFILE to write!.

Of course, the documentation I had didn't mention that. It just said
to open it and use
print FILEHANDLE $value; to write. Oh no, I had to find a CGI Perl
tutorial, which mentioned using &lst; to open and &gst; to write (or
something), which I guessed as lesser/greater than.

Why is the read/write modifier part of the filename??? Why is it a > ?
In my opinion, there's only one place a > sign should be, in an
inequality test.

So, Perl in my opinion - 

great for regexes
obviously based around *nix conventions.
Big hodge-podge, oozing with inconsistency. I'd hate to work
collaboratively on a Perl project.
Two steps up from Brainf**k in parts.
Obviously in need of a benevolent dictator a la Guido.

But then, I've been spoilt by clean, smooth (usually) Python. Lovely,
usually consistent Python. Aah, Pythonnnn.... *dreamy look*

[end OT rant]

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From johnp at  Thu Feb  3 00:24:32 2005
From: johnp at (John Purser)
Date: Thu Feb  3 00:24:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Glad someone else thinks so.

I tried getting into Perl.  The rational made perfect sense and I had picked
up several languages by then.  Tried.  Hated it.  Bounced off it.  It's like
reading alphabet soup.  IMHO they took what was wrong with Shell scripting,
AWK, Sed and a few other languages and rolled them into one.

That's when I came across Python.  Never looked back.

John Purser 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Liam Clarke
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 15:18
To: Tutor Tutor
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]


Had the *ahem* joy of learning Perl last night. Egad. Wrote the script
in Python to get it right, and then 'translated' it to Perl. Does the
style of coding Python engenders suit the Perl environment in anyone's
experienc? AFAI can see there is no real 'style' to Perl, apart from
white noise of non alphanumeric characters.

Just wondering if I should bite the bullet and code from scratch in
Perl, or if my Python - Perl is Ok.

Two codes are here - 


[OT begins]

By the way, I'm only learning Perl because I need to script some
routine HTML maintenance, and I can't be bothered applying to head
office IT for an install of Python, as the justification involved is
ludicrous, especially considering that my role as defined does not
include scripting.

First impressions of Perl - 

1) I'll use Perl for the regex stuff from now on, Perl is obviously
built for this.

2 ) There's More Than One Way To Do It makes debugging hard - i.e. 
close INFILE; & close (INFILE); are both valid. I like one syntax, cos
it's easier to remember.

3) Some stuff is counter-intuitive - 
$lenOfModList = @moddirList is the Perl equivalent of lenofModList =
@someArray = (@someArray, $newValue) is the same as
I couldn't figure this one out until I read that Perl automatically
flattens lists.

Also, why doesn't if ( not $d eq "a" && not $d eq "c") evaluate to
true for $d = "b" when
if (not $d eq "a") evals to true and if ($d ne "a" && $d ne "c") evals
true also? What's with that?


I'm not referring to the $ & @, I can see how they could be useful,
although with a list -

@dude = (1, 2, 3), to obtain the 2nd value I would expect $d = @dude[1], 
not $d  = $dude[1], that's counterintuitive also. 

Oh, no, what I'm referring to is stuff like @_, and @!, and @indexFile
= <INFILE> to read a whole file, and this - I hate Perl for this -
open OUTFILE, ">c:/python23/j/index.htm"

What's the difference between
open OUTFILE, "c:/python23/j/index.htm"   and
open OUTFILE, ">c:/python23/j/index.htm" ?

The first will open index.htm with the handle OUTFILE, to read... 
The second will open index.htm with the handle OUTFILE to write!.

Of course, the documentation I had didn't mention that. It just said
to open it and use
print FILEHANDLE $value; to write. Oh no, I had to find a CGI Perl
tutorial, which mentioned using &lst; to open and &gst; to write (or
something), which I guessed as lesser/greater than.

Why is the read/write modifier part of the filename??? Why is it a > ?
In my opinion, there's only one place a > sign should be, in an
inequality test.

So, Perl in my opinion - 

great for regexes
obviously based around *nix conventions.
Big hodge-podge, oozing with inconsistency. I'd hate to work
collaboratively on a Perl project.
Two steps up from Brainf**k in parts.
Obviously in need of a benevolent dictator a la Guido.

But then, I've been spoilt by clean, smooth (usually) Python. Lovely,
usually consistent Python. Aah, Pythonnnn.... *dreamy look*

[end OT rant]

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
Tutor maillist  -

From carroll at  Thu Feb  3 00:25:10 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Feb  3 00:25:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I got nothing on your Perl rant, but in response to the subject line...

From maxnoel_fr at  Thu Feb  3 00:33:44 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Thu Feb  3 00:33:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 2, 2005, at 23:18, Liam Clarke wrote:

> 1) I'll use Perl for the regex stuff from now on, Perl is obviously
> built for this.

	Actually IIRC Perl *invented* regexes as we know them. The "standard" 
regex syntax is known as "Perl regex syntax".

> 2 ) There's More Than One Way To Do It makes debugging hard - i.e.
> close INFILE; & close (INFILE); are both valid. I like one syntax, cos
> it's easier to remember.

	I don't find it that bad. Ruby does it as well, and it's perfectly 
readable. It's more or less equivalent as if condition: and 
if(condition): both being valid in Python.

> 3) Some stuff is counter-intuitive -
> $lenOfModList = @moddirList is the Perl equivalent of lenofModList =
> len(moddirList)

	You sure of that? I was under the impression that len(moddirList) in 
Perl was $moddirList (@moddirList is the list itself).

> Also, why doesn't if ( not $d eq "a" && not $d eq "c") evaluate to
> true for $d = "b" when
> if (not $d eq "a") evals to true and if ($d ne "a" && $d ne "c") evals
> true also? What's with that?

	This probably has to do with operator precedence. It's been lifted 
from C, so chances are that && has a higher precedence than eq. Use 

> I'm not referring to the $ & @, I can see how they could be useful,
> although with a list -
> @dude = (1, 2, 3), to obtain the 2nd value I would expect $d = 
> @dude[1],
> not $d  = $dude[1], that's counterintuitive also.

	This will be fixed in Perl 6. Then again, Perl 6 is supposed to be 
pure heaven, as the Parrot virtual machine can theoretically be used 
with any language and is heavily optimized. Python and Ruby with the 
speed of Perl, and the possibility to interface your code with CPAN 
modules. That's really cool.
	Once Perl 6 is released, of course.

> Why is the read/write modifier part of the filename??? Why is it a > ?
> In my opinion, there's only one place a > sign should be, in an
> inequality test.

	This is consistent with UNIX redirection. ./foo > bar.txt executes the 
command foo, and redirects its STDOUT to the file bar.txt. ./foo >> 
bar.txt does the same, but appends to bar.txt instead f overwriting it.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From maxnoel_fr at  Thu Feb  3 00:39:32 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Thu Feb  3 00:39:40 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

(damn, forgot to add the main part of my argumentation)

	I learnt Perl as well, a few years ago. It was the first scripting 
language I came across (all I knew before that were C, Turbo Pascal, 
and a few calculator programming languages), so I immediately fell in 
love with its string manipulation capabilities. I came across PHP a 
little while after, and while it had some things which I liked ( 
being the main one), I preferred Perl. However, I never got the 
opportunity to really use it, and after a while the inconsistency of 
the syntax grew on me, and the language itself kept eluding me. I was 
never able to grok it, and thus systematically reverted to C every time 
I had to code something.

	Fast forward to last summer. In the span of 1 week, I discovered both 
Python and Ruby. Fell in love with both and immediately ditched Perl. I 
never looked back, even though I know Perl is still the fastest 
scripting language around. I value debugging time more than CPU time 
these days.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From stygian at  Thu Feb  3 00:53:29 2005
From: stygian at (Glen)
Date: Thu Feb  3 00:53:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python 2.4 with Mandrake 10.0 query
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1107388409.3726.6.camel@localhost>

On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 22:02, Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Glen wrote:
> > [glen@localhost glen]$ idle
> > set([34, 36, 38, 39])
> > Failed to load extension 'CodeContext'
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib/", line 737, in
> > load_standard_extensions
> >     self.load_extension(name)
> >   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib/", line 747, in
> > load_extension
> >     mod = __import__(name, globals(), locals(), [])
> >   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/idlelib/", line 15, in ?
> >     from sets import Set
> > ImportError: cannot import name Set
> Hi Glen,
> Ah!  Check to see if there's a "" program somewhere in your current
> working directory.  It's very likely that Python is picking that up,
> instead of the 'sets' standard library module.
> This is one thing that does bite people every so often, because it's all
> too easy to accidently write a program uses the same name as a standard
> library module.
> I wrote a small module a while back as a proposed solution to the issue:
> but I don't think it's really being used.
> Best of wishes to you!
You're a genius! That's exactly what I'd done.
It also explains the odd results I was getting when I did import 
the sets module.
Thanks, I'll have a look at your module.

From cyresse at  Thu Feb  3 01:42:10 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu Feb  3 01:42:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I don't find it that bad. Ruby does it as well, and it's perfectly
readable. It's more or less equivalent as if condition: and
if(condition): both being valid in Python.

Yeah, but you'd never call a function foo like this- 

 x = foo

in Python. It's just good to be able to say that a function always has
<some rule here>.
That improves readability (imao).

 >You sure of that? I was under the impression that len(moddirList) in
Perl was $moddirList (@moddirList is the list itself).

Well, my one's correct, but I think yours is also. And this is what gets me. 

@mod = (1,2,3)
$mod = 3
$mod[0] = 1

Is inconsistent. Or at least, the logic behind this is not immediately
apparent to me. I'm always open to illumination on these things

>> if ( not $d eq "a" && not $d eq "c") = False for $d = "b"
>> if ($d ne "a" && $d ne "c") = True

>This probably has to do with operator precedence. It's been lifted
from C, so chances are that && has a higher precedence than eq. Use

Ah... Ironic, I got misled by TMTOWTDI. I figured that if not x=="a"
and not x == "c" evaled as True in Python, and "if (not $d eq "a")"
evaled as True in Perl, that
if ( not $d eq "a" && not $d eq "c") would also eval as true. 
Of course, what's even weirder to me is that 
if ($d ne "a" && $d ne "c") does eval as True, as far as I can see, 

'$d ne "a"' is the same as d != "a" in Python, which is the same as
'if not d == "a"', which, logically, would mean that $d ne "a" is the
same as 'if(not $d eq "a") in which case both tests should handle the
addition of an AND the same.

Once again, illumination is welcomed, as I have a finally that some
subtlety of Boolean logic is eluding me, and a 'x != a' test is
different to 'if not x == a' in a small but significant way.

Max - the foo > std.txt thing explains it, but what about @dude =
<FILE>, where do the brackets originate from?

This is another issue I'm having with Perl as opposed to Python - Perl
is very much written by *nix users for *nix users, it's implementation
of *nix conventions shows, including the
`` things. Whereas (correct me if I'm wrong), but Python was written
by *nix users for everyone. Python seems very non-OS-denominational in
it's current incarnation, it may have been very *nix orientated prior.

So here comes me, the guy who installed Linux once, failed to see the
big deal and uninstalled it. Up until 3 months ago, my comp was used
for gaming, pure and simple, me being a certified Day of Defeat freak,
and so Windows has always best served my purpose.

Now, I want to programme, so I have to learn Unix conventions to use a
crossplatform language!  It's like asking *nix users to sign a
Microsoft EULA!! (Well, not as bad, but still as anathemic.)

>Fast forward to last summer. In the span of 1 week, I discovered both
Python and Ruby. Fell in love with both and immediately ditched Perl.

How's Ruby? I bookmarked the homepage, but never got around to looking at it.

Oh, and I will say this - Perl > Java (and that's an inequality test,
not a redirection of output)


Liam Clarke

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From lumbricus at  Thu Feb  3 01:52:50 2005
From: lumbricus at (
Date: Thu Feb  3 01:52:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


> 	Actually IIRC Perl *invented* regexes as we know them. The "standard" 
> regex syntax is known as "Perl regex syntax".

Regex are way older than Perl. The roots are in the Fourties(!). 
They were first used in the editor qed, then ed, then sed and eventually
Then awk, emacs, vi lex and finally Perl.

> -- Max

HTH and Greetings, J"o!

Wir sind jetzt ein Imperium und wir schaffen uns
unsere eigene Realit?t. Wir sind die Akteure der 
Geschichte, und Ihnen, Ihnen allen bleibt nichts,
als die Realit?t zu studieren, die wir geschaffen haben.
        -- Karl Rove zu Ron Suskind (NYT)

Sparen beginnt mit GMX DSL:
From dyoo at  Thu Feb  3 02:46:28 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb  3 02:46:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python 2.4 with Mandrake 10.0 query
In-Reply-To: <1107388409.3726.6.camel@localhost>
Message-ID: <>

> > Ah!  Check to see if there's a "" program somewhere in your
> > current working directory.  It's very likely that Python is picking
> > that up, instead of the 'sets' standard library module.
> You're a genius! That's exactly what I'd done.

Hi Glen,

I'd attribute it not to genius, but more to pattern matching:  I've seen
that particular problem a lot.  *sigh* But I'm very glad that the
problem's identified and fixed.

> > I wrote a small module a while back as a proposed solution to the issue:
> >
> >
> >
> > but I don't think it's really being used.
> >
> It also explains the odd results I was getting when I did import the
> sets module. Thanks, I'll have a look at your module.

You probably won't need it; PEP 328 is supposed to handle this issue

My __std__ package is a kludge, and I know it's a kludge.  *grin* I
noticed that someone else had run into limitations using it:

so it's not as useful as I had first thought.

Best of wishes to you!

From maxnoel_fr at  Thu Feb  3 02:49:22 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Thu Feb  3 02:49:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 3, 2005, at 00:42, Liam Clarke wrote:

>> I don't find it that bad. Ruby does it as well, and it's perfectly
> readable. It's more or less equivalent as if condition: and
> if(condition): both being valid in Python.
> Yeah, but you'd never call a function foo like this-
>  x = foo
> in Python. It's just good to be able to say that a function always has
> <some rule here>.
> That improves readability (imao).

	Yes. That, and the fact that you can use function pointers very easily 
that way. For example,
x = foo
will call foo. Which is cool.

	I do prefer the Python style as well. Just like variable naming 
conventions should tell you something about their nature, function 
calls should have something that explicitly gives them away as such.


> @mod = (1,2,3)
> $mod = 3
> $mod[0] = 1
> Is inconsistent. Or at least, the logic behind this is not immediately
> apparent to me. I'm always open to illumination on these things
> however.

	Yeah. As with most things in Perl, there is no way to guess it. This 
is actually what I hate the most about that language, and what makes it 

>>> if ( not $d eq "a" && not $d eq "c") = False for $d = "b"
>>> if ($d ne "a" && $d ne "c") = True
>> This probably has to do with operator precedence. It's been lifted
> from C, so chances are that && has a higher precedence than eq. Use
> parentheses.
> Ah... Ironic, I got misled by TMTOWTDI. I figured that if not x=="a"
> and not x == "c" evaled as True in Python, and "if (not $d eq "a")"
> evaled as True in Perl, that
> if ( not $d eq "a" && not $d eq "c") would also eval as true.
> Of course, what's even weirder to me is that
> if ($d ne "a" && $d ne "c") does eval as True, as far as I can see,
> '$d ne "a"' is the same as d != "a" in Python, which is the same as
> 'if not d == "a"', which, logically, would mean that $d ne "a" is the
> same as 'if(not $d eq "a") in which case both tests should handle the
> addition of an AND the same.

	Again, no, because IIRC (it's been a while since I last used Perl) eq 
and ne are the Perl operators with the lowest precedence. In effect, 
your last statement is evaluated as if((not $d) eq "a").
	Use == and !=, they work on strings as well. Or (and?) use parens.
	Also, don't forget that Perl, like Python, uses lazy evaluation.

> Once again, illumination is welcomed, as I have a finally that some
> subtlety of Boolean logic is eluding me, and a 'x != a' test is
> different to 'if not x == a' in a small but significant way.
> Max - the foo > std.txt thing explains it, but what about @dude =
> <FILE>, where do the brackets originate from?

	I have no idea. Somehow I think it makes sense. It's one of the few 
things that I think make sense in Perl. Couldn't tell you why I think 
so, though :p

> This is another issue I'm having with Perl as opposed to Python - Perl
> is very much written by *nix users for *nix users, it's implementation
> of *nix conventions shows, including the
> `` things. Whereas (correct me if I'm wrong), but Python was written
> by *nix users for everyone. Python seems very non-OS-denominational in
> it's current incarnation, it may have been very *nix orientated prior.

	Not really. The thing is, Python in itself does very little. You have 
to import modules whenever you want to do something that involves the 
system (aside from file operations). That's an advantage IMO, since the 
default modules are quite good and allow for some nice cross-platform 
	However, if the redirection operators and pipes are what make you 
think that way, you should know that MS-DOS (and WinNT's DOS shell) 
does handle pipes and redirection. Perhaps not as powerfully as *NIX, 
but it does.

(however, I would appreciate it if the Python standard distribution 
came with a "real" XML parser, 'cause DOM and SAX just plain suck -- by 
the way, thanks guys, I tried dom4j on my Java project and it changed 
my life)

> So here comes me, the guy who installed Linux once, failed to see the
> big deal and uninstalled it. Up until 3 months ago, my comp was used
> for gaming, pure and simple, me being a certified Day of Defeat freak,
> and so Windows has always best served my purpose.
> Now, I want to programme, so I have to learn Unix conventions to use a
> crossplatform language!  It's like asking *nix users to sign a
> Microsoft EULA!! (Well, not as bad, but still as anathemic.)

	Well, in Perl's defense, Windows does implement a fairly large part of 
the POSIX standard.
	And believe me. I'm a UNIX user (Mac OS X is my primary OS, but I also 
use Windows and Linux on a fairly regular basis). Perl doesn't make any 
more sense to me than when I was still a Windows-only guy.

> How's Ruby? I bookmarked the homepage, but never got around to looking 
> at it.

	Very, very nice. Cleanest object-orientedness I ever saw in a language 
(not that I have that much experience -- people like Alan would 
probably be better judges than me on this).
	I find it more elegant than Python, however I end up using Python 
anyway because Ruby has a huge flaw: it's Japanese (AFAIK it's also the 
only "Made in Japan" programming language, apart from stuff like ASM 
68K), and so is a large part of its community. As such, English 
language documentation is flaky at best.
	And as far as I know there is no Which, as you 
will probably agree, sucks.

> Oh, and I will say this - Perl > Java (and that's an inequality test,
> not a redirection of output)

	I'll have to disagree with you there, unless vi/emacs is the only IDE 
you have access to (did I ever tell you about Eclipse?), and perhaps 
even then.
	From what I remember, if you're programming in an object-oriented 
style (which I now tend do by default unless there is a painfully 
obvious and optimal solution in procedural style), Perl is the ugliest 
thing ever created since Visual Basic. Last time I checked, its OOness 
was frighteningly ugly. Java was built as an OO language from the 
ground up, if you except the presence of the basic C types. As such, it 
is very clean, although it clearly lacks the elegance of Python (then 
again, what to say of Perl?).
	Java code always makes sense when you read it (and in the worst-case, 
when you have access to the API documentation, which is available as 
long as you have Internet access). Sure, it requires a lot of typing 
(in both meanings of the word), but it's rarely -- if ever -- 

	Also, Java has the added advantage of being very easy to learn: I 
learned it in 1 week 4 months ago (doesn't beat Python's record, 
though: I was doing useful stuff with it within 24 hours of learning 
about its existence), and now feel confident enough with it to do just 
about anything. Of course, my C/C++ programming experience probably 
helped me a lot with this.
	In my opinion, Java has only 2 big flaws:
1) The Java Virtual Machine is a horrible resource hog. Sure, your 
program runs quite fast, but unless you've got multiple CPUs the 
responsiveness of your machine goes *down* (especially noticeable on 
machines with slow CPUs such as the G4 867 with which I'm typing this 
right now).
2) Sun didn't ever encourage anyone to write [insert language 
here]?compilers that compiled to JVM bytecode. The JVM was supposed to 
run Java code and nothing else. That's stupid. Microsoft got it right 
with .NET; Sun should have thought of it at least 5 years ago.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From dyoo at  Thu Feb  3 03:19:26 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb  3 03:19:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, Liam Clarke wrote:

> Had the *ahem* joy of learning Perl last night. Egad. Wrote the script
> in Python to get it right, and then 'translated' it to Perl.

Hi Liam,

I strongly recommend sending the Perl code to that Perl-beginners mailing
list referenced earlier.  I'm sure that there are some Perl idioms that
can simplify the code there.

For example:

### Perl ###
$wrkDir = "c:/python23/j/j2";
opendir( TGTDIR, $wrkDir);
@dirList = readdir(TGTDIR);
foreach $fileName (@dirList) {
    if ($fileName ne ".." && $fileName ne ".") {
        @moddirList = (@moddirList, $fileName);

can be greatly improved by Perl's globbing operator instead of readdir():

$wrkDir = "c:/python23/j/j2";
@dirList = <$wrkDir/*>;

This has a fairly close Python equivalent in the glob.glob() function:

wrkDir = "s:/toolkit/retain/sustainableEmployment"
dirList = glob.glob(wrkDir + "/*")

> @someArray = (@someArray, $newValue) is the same as someArray.append(newValue)

This is actually doing much more work than a list append.  The list-adding
code that you had earlier is equivalent to:

### Python ###
someList = someList + [newValue]

which is just bad.  *grin*

More idiomatic Perl is:

### Perl ###
push @someArray, $newValue;

which should have the same performance as a list append().

> Of course, the documentation I had didn't mention that. It just said to
> open it and use print FILEHANDLE $value; to write.

Perl's documentation system 'perldoc' command is one of the really nice
things about Perl.  In some cases, I think it might be even more
comprehensive than 'pydoc', since perldoc also directly links to tutorial


$ perldoc perl

I guess I'm trying to say: language idioms take time to learn, and unlike
syntax errors, weird idioms aren't really detectable by the runtime
system.  *grin*

If you continue to learn Perl, talk with the beginners's group there, so
that the community there can help.  And if the Perl programs that you're
writing seem suboptimal, get it vetted by someone who knows Perl well; you
may be pleasantly surprised.

Best of wishes to you!

From keridee at  Thu Feb  3 03:47:55 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Thu Feb  3 03:48:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>
Message-ID: <001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>

Interesting topic.

> Jacob,
> Writing library code is a difficult and unrewarding task
> - I've been there so I sympathise, however...

I wouldn't say that...

>> So, how would one go about this in a non broken code way? Don't they
> have
>> something like what I'm requesting.
> Its not broken, its just different to what you want.
> What you want is much simpler than what lstrip does
> so you can easily code your requirements.
> Try writing the code to do what lstrip actually does
> - its much harder. So the library includes the more
> difficult function and lets you code the easy ones.

def lstrip(string,chars=' ')
    string = list(string)
    t = 0
    for x in string:
        if x in chars:
        t = t+1

Okay, so it's not that difficult, but I get your point.
Since all of these are not too hard to write, my library structure is
probably what's flawed. I have so many miscellaneous functions
that I am copying and pasting (oh no!) that I finally decided to move them
to a different module. Unfortunately, they are quite random and I will have
to find someway of seperating them.

>> It seems to me that a few things are flawed in the standard
> distribution.
> No library is perfect - you should try using C!
> But the Python library isually has good reasons for its
> apparent limitations.
>> Little things like the overlooking of adding a method or function to
> decimal
>> for returning an instance with x places right of the decimal.
> But there is very little need to do that. Usually you only want
> to do that in presentation - ie printing. Thus the mechanism
> for doing that is in the string formatting code - where it
> makes sense.

Uck. True usually in printing. String formatting doesn't cut it for a type
that's not a string. Especially something not builtin.

>Why would limiting the precision of the internal
> number representation be something you'd want to do? Very
> occassionally maybe, but in those cases its easy to fake
> (and it is a fake because the number is in binary and not
> true decimal so its always an approximation - in any language!)
>> quantize, but that's junk and not simple.
> You mean it does a complex job and not the one youd like it to do? :-)

It does precisely what I would like it to do. I guess I just looked at it 
said, they are making it too difficult.

quantize -- a method of class Decimal in module decimal
arguments -- exp - a Decimal instance that has the required amount of places 
to the right of the decimal pt.

So, it seems to me that one could possibly add to the decimal module.

userprec = 10  ## A default
def q(decinst):    ## simple name -- unfortunately might conflict -- decinst 
stands for decimal instance
    return decinst.quantize(Decimal("0.%s" % ('0'*userprec)))   ## Creates a 
Decimal instance w/userprec places right of #### decimal pt. then uses the 
given argument decinst method quantize to return decinst w/ userprec places 
right of the decimal.

Which, of course, I did.

>You can even subclass string and make it a method if you like.

Ooooh! How do I do that?

> I suspect your function should probably be:
> def mylstrip(str,stripstring):
>    if str.startswith(stripstring) and
>       len(stripstring) < len(str):
>       return str[len(stripstring):]
> But thats just my guess at what *you* really want...

Well yeah. I didn't think it through that far.
But that also contributes to my probably poor library structure.
Where would I put such a function?

> And finally remember that Python is built by volunteers mostly.
> You should be pleased the *bothered* to write any of it!

Excuse me...  I didn't mean to offend those volunteers in any way.
I'm beautifully happy with python! Just little quirks here and there...
Maybe someday I'll become one of those volunteers.

Jacob Schmidt 

From kent37 at  Thu Feb  3 05:11:06 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb  3 05:11:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>	<002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob S. wrote:
>> Try writing the code to do what lstrip actually does
>> - its much harder. So the library includes the more
>> difficult function and lets you code the easy ones.
> def lstrip(string,chars=' ')
>    string = list(string)
>    t = 0
>    for x in string:
>        if x in chars:
>            string.remove(t)
>        else:
>            break
>        t = t+1
> Okay, so it's not that difficult, 

Well, after fixing the obvious syntax error I tried
print lstrip('abcd', 'abcd')

and got
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "D:\Personal\Tutor\", line 11, in ?
     print lstrip('abcd', 'abcd')
   File "D:\Personal\Tutor\", line 6, in lstrip
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

so maybe it's not that easy either. Don't forget the unit tests! :-)


From singingxduck at  Thu Feb  3 05:23:03 2005
From: singingxduck at (Orri Ganel)
Date: Thu Feb  3 05:23:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>	<002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp>	<001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:

> Jacob S. wrote:
>>> Try writing the code to do what lstrip actually does
>>> - its much harder. So the library includes the more
>>> difficult function and lets you code the easy ones.
>> def lstrip(string,chars=' ')
>>    string = list(string)
>>    t = 0
>>    for x in string:
>>        if x in chars:
>>            string.remove(t)
>>        else:
>>            break
>>        t = t+1
>> Okay, so it's not that difficult, 
> Well, after fixing the obvious syntax error I tried
> print lstrip('abcd', 'abcd')
> and got
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "D:\Personal\Tutor\", line 11, in ?
>     print lstrip('abcd', 'abcd')
>   File "D:\Personal\Tutor\", line 6, in lstrip
>     string.remove(t)
> ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
> so maybe it's not that easy either. Don't forget the unit tests! :-)
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
Actually, its not all that difficult. Instead of removing characters 
from the list, just replace them with an empty string and return 

 >>> def lstrip(string,chars=' '):
    string = list(string)
    i = 0
    for x in string:
        if x in chars:
            string[i] = ''
    return ''.join(string)

 >>> lstrip('abcd','abcd')
 >>> 'abcd'.lstrip('abcd')
 >>> 'go on long log buddy'.lstrip('gonl ')
 >>> lstrip('go on long log buddy', 'gonl ')
 >>> 'go on long log buddy'.lstrip('gonl')
' on long log buddy'
 >>> lstrip('go on long log buddy', 'gonl')
' on long log buddy'

So its not a brute force thing so much as a change in how you look at it 
that makes it difficult.

Email: singingxduck AT gmail DOT com
AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.

From singingxduck at  Thu Feb  3 05:28:04 2005
From: singingxduck at (Orri Ganel)
Date: Thu Feb  3 05:28:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>	<002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp>	<001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Orri Ganel wrote:

> Kent Johnson wrote:
>> Jacob S. wrote:
>>>> Try writing the code to do what lstrip actually does
>>>> - its much harder. So the library includes the more
>>>> difficult function and lets you code the easy ones.
>>> def lstrip(string,chars=' ')
>>>    string = list(string)
>>>    t = 0
>>>    for x in string:
>>>        if x in chars:
>>>            string.remove(t)
>>>        else:
>>>            break
>>>        t = t+1
>>> Okay, so it's not that difficult, 
>> Well, after fixing the obvious syntax error I tried
>> print lstrip('abcd', 'abcd')
>> and got
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "D:\Personal\Tutor\", line 11, in ?
>>     print lstrip('abcd', 'abcd')
>>   File "D:\Personal\Tutor\", line 6, in lstrip
>>     string.remove(t)
>> ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
>> so maybe it's not that easy either. Don't forget the unit tests! :-)
>> Kent
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -
> Actually, its not all that difficult. Instead of removing characters 
> from the list, just replace them with an empty string and return 
> ''.join(string):
> >>> def lstrip(string,chars=' '):
>    string = list(string)
>    i = 0
>    for x in string:
>        if x in chars:
>            string[i] = ''
>        else:
>            break
>        i+=1
>    return ''.join(string)
> >>> lstrip('abcd','abcd')
> ''
> >>> 'abcd'.lstrip('abcd')
> ''
> >>> 'go on long log buddy'.lstrip('gonl ')
> 'buddy'
> >>> lstrip('go on long log buddy', 'gonl ')
> 'buddy'
> >>> 'go on long log buddy'.lstrip('gonl')
> ' on long log buddy'
> >>> lstrip('go on long log buddy', 'gonl')
> ' on long log buddy'
> So its not a brute force thing so much as a change in how you look at 
> it that makes it difficult.
By the same token, to do rstrip just [::-1] - ify string when you make 
it into a list and when you join it to be returned:

 >>> def rstrip(string,chars=' '):
    string = list(string)[::-1]
    i = 0
    for x in string:
        if x in chars:
            string[i] = ''
    return ''.join(string)[::-1]

 >>> 'abcde'.rstrip('cde')
 >>> 'abcde'.rstrip('ecd')
 >>> rstrip('abcde','cde')
 >>> rstrip('abcde','ecd')

Email: singingxduck AT gmail DOT com
AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.

From sandip at  Thu Feb  3 05:51:50 2005
From: sandip at (Sandip Bhattacharya)
Date: Thu Feb  3 05:52:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>	<002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp>	<001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

>    for x in string:
>        if x in chars:
>            string[i] = ''

I just have a hangover from other languages, but I really wanted to know 
how Python handles iteration over a variable which is being changed 
within the loop itself. Is the "for" condition evaluated in every loop?

- Sandip

From shaleh at  Thu Feb  3 06:01:09 2005
From: shaleh at (Sean Perry)
Date: Thu Feb  3 06:01:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> I'm not referring to the $ & @, I can see how they could be useful,
> although with a list -
> @dude = (1, 2, 3), to obtain the 2nd value I would expect $d = @dude[1], 
> not $d  = $dude[1], that's counterintuitive also. 

(I am an ex-perler gone clean. Been straight for 5 years now with only 
the occasional work forced binges.)

Perl was designed by a linguist. He wanted it to act like human language 
-- which is not very consistent.

That said, perhaps I can shed some light on the symbols.

Ever learned a Romance language? latin, spanish, french, etc? The 
dollars and at signs can be thought of in relation to plural endings.

$foo --> dog
@dog --> a group of dogs
$dog[0] --> a dog in the group

So when you mean "the whole group" use the plural spelling and when you 
want to refer to a member use the singular spelling. Likewise with other 
parts of the language.

Personally, the thing that keeps me away from Perl is nested datastructures.


my_list = [....]
a_dict = {.....}
b_dict = {.....}

if my_list[0].has_key("foo"): print "Yes"

easy. Try that in Perl.

my @my_list;         # remember those semicolons
my %a_dict, %b_dict;
push @my_list, %a_dict;
push @my_list, %b_dict;
if (exists $my_list->[0], "foo") print "Yes\n";
# yes, references required, in Perl ick.
From singingxduck at  Thu Feb  3 06:05:24 2005
From: singingxduck at (Orri Ganel)
Date: Thu Feb  3 06:05:58 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>	<002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp>	<001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:

>>    for x in string:
>>        if x in chars:
>>            string[i] = ''
> I just have a hangover from other languages, but I really wanted to 
> know how Python handles iteration over a variable which is being 
> changed within the loop itself. Is the "for" condition evaluated in 
> every loop?
> - Sandip
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
AFAIK, the for condition in this case *is* evaluated at the beginning of 
every iteration, but this is misleading. For example:

 >>> string=list('banana')
 >>> for x in string:
    print string

Does not print

['a', 'n', 'a', 'n', 'a']
['n', 'a', 'n', 'a']
['a', 'n', 'a']
['n', 'a']

But rather:

['a', 'n', 'a', 'n', 'a']
['a', 'a', 'n', 'a']
['a', 'a', 'a']

Let's figure this out. First, string is ['b','a','n','a','n','a']. So x 
== 'b'. 'b' is removed, and string printed: ['a', 'n', 'a', 'n', 'a']. 
Then, the for loop grabs the second character in string (which has 
changed) because it has already used the first one. So x == 'n'. 'n' is 
removed and string printed, etc. In general, it is A Good Idea to not 
change the length of sequences as you loop over them.  If you use a for 
i in range(len(string)): style, you will get an IndexError because in 
this case Python does *not* check len(string) every iteration. If you 
use a different style, you will just get weird results.


Email: singingxduck AT gmail DOT com
AIM: singingxduck
Programming Python for the fun of it.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb  3 09:41:22 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb  3 09:41:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>
Message-ID: <01e601c509cc$240f2d80$68b78851@xp>

> > Try writing the code to do what lstrip actually does
> > - its much harder. So the library includes the more
> > difficult function and lets you code the easy ones.
> def lstrip(string,chars=' ')
>     string = list(string)
>     t = 0
>     for x in string:
>         if x in chars:
>             string.remove(t)
>         else:
>             break
>         t = t+1
> Okay, so it's not that difficult, but I get your point.

I assume you didn't try testing that.
It doesn't work. Its close but there are some extra wrinkles
you need to consider. And its the wrinkles that makes writing
library code hard! But even this is more complex than the
simple front slicing that you were looking for.

[As an aside, estimates vary, but it is reckoned to take between 5-10
times as much effort to write generic reusable code as it does to
write specific code. One of the things proponents of the argument
that "reuse is cheap" often forget! Its only cheap if someone
else develops what you reuse!]

> to a different module. Unfortunately, they are quite random and I
will have
> to find someway of seperating them.

And another hard part of designing any library is figuring out
the best logical structure, which module has which bits.

> Uck. True usually in printing. String formatting doesn't cut it for
a type
> that's not a string. Especially something not builtin.

It does if you override the __Str__ method of your newly defined type.
Then you can print it using %s...  Although you did trigger the
interesting thought: I wonder if there is a way of hooking the
formatting characters to tailor the representation, hmmm,
some research required...

> >You can even subclass string and make it a method if you like.
> Ooooh! How do I do that?

class MyString(string):
   # your methods go here, and don't forget __init__...


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb  3 09:59:28 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb  3 09:58:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <01f701c509ce$ab5933b0$68b78851@xp>

> Just wondering if I should bite the bullet and code from scratch in
> Perl, or if my Python - Perl is Ok.

Its nearly always a bad idea to just translate code structures from
one language to another. It will usually be sub optimal and non
idiomatic - thus harder for the 'native' programmers to

Bjarne Stroustrup made the same observation when C++ first came out
and lots of Smalltalkers tried to use it like Smalltalk. He said
"C++ is not Smalltalk, if you want to write Smalltalk use smalltalk"

> 1) I'll use Perl for the regex stuff from now on, Perl is obviously
> built for this.

Yes, or PHP. Both have RE baked in.

> 2 ) There's More Than One Way To Do It makes debugging hard - i.e.
> close INFILE; & close (INFILE); are both valid. I like one syntax,
> it's easier to remember.

I can cope with that - BASIC does the same kind of thing - but
its the zillion ways to handle errors that bug me!

do thing until die
do thing or die
die unless do thing

> 3) Some stuff is counter-intuitive -

A huge understatement! :-)

> Also, why doesn't if ( not $d eq "a" && not $d eq "c") evaluate to

I don;t know but in cases like these I use parentheses like amaniac:

if ( ((not $d) eq "a") && ((not $d) eq "c") )

Or did you mean

if ( (not ($d eq "a")) && (not ($d eq "c")) )

Or was it

if ( (not $d) eq ("a" && not ($d eq "c") )  # OK thats a bit


Clever abbreviations apparently!
I don't even like the $ and @... one reason I can never quite feel
happy with Ruby. It has fewer of them but still more than I like.

> In my opinion, there's only one place a > sign should be, in an
> inequality test.

Nope, I'm quite happy for it to be used in file indirection and
even for right/left bit-shifting. But I don;t like it being part
of the filename - I agree with that!

> great for regexes
> obviously based around *nix conventions.
> Big hodge-podge, oozing with inconsistency. I'd hate to work
> collaboratively on a Perl project.
> Two steps up from Brainf**k in parts.
> Obviously in need of a benevolent dictator a la Guido.

Good summary! Perl reflects the fact that its inventor is a
natural-language student not a computer scientist. It tries to
incorporate the "richness of expression" of natural spech.
But when dealing with machines that's a flaw IMHO!

Alan G.

From kraus at  Thu Feb  3 10:09:26 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Thu Feb  3 10:10:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <01f701c509ce$ab5933b0$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ctspmt$5ug$>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>>1) I'll use Perl for the regex stuff from now on, Perl is obviously
>>built for this.
> Yes, or PHP. Both have RE baked in.

Beware! Overcome the temptation!
Try this:

HTH ;-)

From pathall at  Thu Feb  3 10:24:06 2005
From: pathall at (Patrick Hall)
Date: Thu Feb  3 10:24:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <ctspmt$5ug$>
References: <>
	<01f701c509ce$ab5933b0$68b78851@xp> <ctspmt$5ug$>
Message-ID: <>

> Beware! Overcome the temptation!
> Try this:

While I have no problem personally with Perl or PHP, I'll second the
recommendation for kodos -- it's very useful for learning to use
regexes in Python.
From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb  3 10:48:38 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb  3 10:48:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><><><>
Message-ID: <021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp>

> > How's Ruby? I bookmarked the homepage, but never got around to
> > at it.
> Very, very nice. Cleanest object-orientedness I ever saw in a
> (not that I have that much experience -- people like Alan would
> probably be better judges than me on this).

You knew I couldn't resist! :-)

Ruby OOP is OK although I don;t like the @ stuiff for members,
theres simply no need for it!

ONe thing I really like about Ruby is its implementation of iterators
and generators - much better than Pythons IMHO.

And their anonymous code blocks (aka lambdas) show how it can bve
Pythons lambda feature is a bare minimum (and Guido wants to remove

> anyway because Ruby has a huge flaw: it's Japanese (AFAIK it's also
> only "Made in Japan" programming language, apart from stuff like ASM

Yes the Japanese thing is an issue.
THere are a few English books now, and the original one by Thomas
and Hunt is free on the web.

> And as far as I know there is no

No English one at least.

> From what I remember, if you're programming in an object-oriented
> style (which I now tend do by default unless there is a painfully
> obvious and optimal solution in procedural style), Perl is the
> thing ever created since Visual Basic.

VB is a thing of beauty compared to Perl for OO!
In fact I actually don't mind VB OOP at all, especially in
its .NET variant which includes inheritance and polymorphism.
But Perl OOP is a hideous bodge.

> was frighteningly ugly. Java was built as an OO language from the
> ground up, if you except the presence of the basic C types.

But unfortunately built very badly as an OOP environment. Its
more accurate to call it a class based language since its
perfectly possible to build a Java program with no objecs
but lots of classes! I'd go so far as to say that if you
followed Java's lead on OOP you would pick up some very
bad OO habits and write code that was not really very OOP
at all!

Thats not to say you can't write good OO code in Java just
that Java does little to encourage it. You need to read a
good OO book, like BRuce Eckels Thinking IN... series) to
see how to do it properly!

> ...Sure, it requires a lot of typing
> (in both meanings of the word),


1) The Java Virtual Machine is a horrible resource hog.

Most virtual machines are, especially those that try to
be the OS as opposed to simply wrap the OS... The old
UCSD Pascal virtual machine was the same, it ran great
on a mainframe but the little Mini computers we had
in the labs were woeful!

> 2) Sun didn't ever encourage anyone to write [insert language
> here] compilers that compiled to JVM bytecode.

I don't think they discouraged it, there are JVM compilers
for Python, Smalltalk, Lisp, Tcl and Perl at least...

And whats worse is that there are few native code compilers
for Java. The JVM thing is a big hype factor IMHO. We've been
writing C/C++ programs for years that ran on Windows/Unix and
IBM boxes with only minor #ifdefs inserted. The performance
(and hence costs for servers!) differences are huge! Its no
coincidence that 2 of the biggest supporters of Java
(IBM and Sun) are hardware vendors!

A slightly cynical

Alan G.

From kent37 at  Thu Feb  3 11:50:32 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb  3 11:50:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<01f701c509ce$ab5933b0$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Patrick Hall wrote:
>>Beware! Overcome the temptation!
>>Try this:
> While I have no problem personally with Perl or PHP, I'll second the
> recommendation for kodos -- it's very useful for learning to use
> regexes in Python.

Or, if you don't have Qt available, use the regular expression tester that comes with Python - it's 
at C:\Python24\Tools\Scripts\ (or whatever the *nix equivalent is).


> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From maxnoel_fr at  Thu Feb  3 14:00:02 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Thu Feb  3 14:00:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp>
References: <><><><>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 3, 2005, at 09:48, Alan Gauld wrote:

> Pythons lambda feature is a bare minimum (and Guido wants to remove
> it!).

	Does he? Damn, just when I was learning functional programming! (in 
Haskell, if you're curious ^^)

> Yes the Japanese thing is an issue.
> THere are a few English books now, and the original one by Thomas
> and Hunt is free on the web.

	A little bit outdated, however. Ruby lacks a proper series of O'Reilly 
books; last time I checked the only one available was "Ruby in a 
Nutshell", which is a few years old and covers Ruby 1.6 (2 versions 
behind the current one).
	What Matz needs to do IMO is to gather a couple of the l33test Ruby 
hackers in the world in a nice house in the Japanese countryside, pick 
a cool-looking animal (what about an eastern dragon?), and sit down 
with them to write a thousand-page "Programming Ruby".

>  is a thing of beauty compared to Perl for OO!
> In fact I actually don't mind VB OOP at all, especially in
> its .NET variant which includes inheritance and polymorphism.
> But Perl OOP is a hideous bodge.

	I haven't tried VB.NET (and don't intend to, I don't like BASIC-style 
languages), so I can't comment on this.

> But unfortunately built very badly as an OOP environment. Its
> more accurate to call it a class based language since its
> perfectly possible to build a Java program with no objecs
> but lots of classes! I'd go so far as to say that if you
> followed Java's lead on OOP you would pick up some very
> bad OO habits and write code that was not really very OOP
> at all!
> Thats not to say you can't write good OO code in Java just
> that Java does little to encourage it. You need to read a
> good OO book, like BRuce Eckels Thinking IN... series) to
> see how to do it properly!

	Well, of course, it all depends on how you're learning it. I'm sure 
there are some C tutorials out there that teach you (and encourage you) 
to use GOTO statements. :-D

	Me? I learnt Java by reading Eckel's "Thinking in Java" (and then 
followed with Wigglesworth/McMillan's "Java Programming: Advanced 
Topics"). I agree with you: it's an excellent book, that encourages 
good coding style and proper OOP.

> And whats worse is that there are few native code compilers
> for Java. The JVM thing is a big hype factor IMHO. We've been
> writing C/C++ programs for years that ran on Windows/Unix and
> IBM boxes with only minor #ifdefs inserted. The performance
> (and hence costs for servers!) differences are huge! Its no
> coincidence that 2 of the biggest supporters of Java
> (IBM and Sun) are hardware vendors!

	Agreed. I'm no compiler programmer, but it seems to me that they could 
just have written a nice cross-platform API and then platform-specific 
compilers, while keeping the specification of the language intact (i.e. 
platform-independent endian-ness, type sizes, etc.).
	The reasoning behind the JVM is that you don't need to recompile your 
code to run it on a different platform. But most existing Java projects 
have platform-specific versions, if only to make the GUI (try to) look 
native. You can spot a Java app from a hundred meters away.
	(then again, the same critic could be made of Python's and Perl's 
"standard" GUI toolkits)

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From amonroe at  Thu Feb  3 14:29:41 2005
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Thu Feb  3 14:30:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> code to run it on a different platform. But most existing Java projects
> have platform-specific versions, if only to make the GUI (try to) look 
> native. You can spot a Java app from a hundred meters away.
>         (then again, the same critic could be made of Python's and Perl's 
> "standard" GUI toolkits)

Amen. This drives me absolutely bonkers!


From Nicholas.Montpetit at  Thu Feb  3 14:43:01 2005
From: Nicholas.Montpetit at (
Date: Thu Feb  3 14:43:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

Well, here's my $0.02. 

I would recommend caution regarding the trashing of Perl.  One thing I've 
been very impressed with on this list (and other segments of the Python 
community) is the _fairly_ cordial relationship between the supporters of 
the two languages.  Contrast that to a lot of PHP literature I've seen, 
which doesn't even acknowledge that Perl exists.  My theory is that many 
who use PHP got kicked around by trying to learn Perl, and bitterness set 
in.  But that's a digression...  Anyway, I'm on the fence as to whether I 
want to learn Python (not exactly a "core competency" for statisticians, 
but I do line the numerical computation capabilities which look _much_ 
better than those of Perl), and I wouldn't want this negativity to push me 
(or others) away.

I'll try to speak to a few of the points below, from my limited 

> Had the *ahem* joy of learning Perl last night. Egad. Wrote the script
> in Python to get it right, and then 'translated' it to Perl. Does the
> style of coding Python engenders suit the Perl environment in anyone's
> experienc? AFAI can see there is no real 'style' to Perl, apart from
> white noise of non alphanumeric characters.

Actually, because there is "more than one way to do it", you can impose 
any style you want on your code, and (in my opinion) the onus _should_ be 
on the user to use "proper" style, however you want to define that.  As 
Larry Wall says in the excellent "Natural Language Principals in Perl", 
"It's officially okay in the Perl realm to program in the subset of Perl 
corresponding to sed, or awk, or C, or shell, or BASIC, or Lisp or 
> 1) I'll use Perl for the regex stuff from now on, Perl is obviously
> built for this.

No tool is better than Perl for that, IMO.
> 2 ) There's More Than One Way To Do It makes debugging hard - i.e. 
> close INFILE; & close (INFILE); are both valid. I like one syntax, cos
> it's easier to remember.

Many people see "there's more than one way to do it" as a good thing.
> 3) Some stuff is counter-intuitive - 
> $lenOfModList = @moddirList is the Perl equivalent of lenofModList =
> len(moddirList)
> @someArray = (@someArray, $newValue) is the same as 

It's only counter-intuitive if you don't know the language.  Once you know 
the language, it's very intuitive.  One could say that the theory of 
relativity is counter-intuitive, but to a physicist (or even anyone else 
who's thought about it for a while) it _is_ intuitive.  It's all about 
context and perspective.  Speaking of context, once you understand the 
concept of "context" in Perl, the statements above are very intuitive -- 
and elegant -- in my opinion.

> Also, why doesn't if ( not $d eq "a" && not $d eq "c") evaluate to
> true for $d = "b" when
> if (not $d eq "a") evals to true and if ($d ne "a" && $d ne "c") evals
> true also? What's with that?

Must be an order-of-operations or logic thing, and I can assure you -- 
without even looking at it much -- that the problem isn't Perl's.
> I'm not referring to the $ & @, I can see how they could be useful,
> although with a list -
> @dude = (1, 2, 3), to obtain the 2nd value I would expect $d = @dude[1], 

> not $d  = $dude[1], that's counterintuitive also. 

The definition of "counterintuitive" is based on context.  That stuff is 
very intuitive when you understand the language.
> Oh, no, what I'm referring to is stuff like @_, and @!, and @indexFile
> = <INFILE> to read a whole file, and this - I hate Perl for this -
> open OUTFILE, ">c:/python23/j/index.htm"
> What's the difference between
> open OUTFILE, "c:/python23/j/index.htm"   and
> open OUTFILE, ">c:/python23/j/index.htm" ?
> The first will open index.htm with the handle OUTFILE, to read... 
> The second will open index.htm with the handle OUTFILE to write!.

So?  That's the syntax of the language. I don't know why that would be 
> Of course, the documentation I had didn't mention that. It just said
> to open it and use
> print FILEHANDLE $value; to write. Oh no, I had to find a CGI Perl
> tutorial, which mentioned using &lst; to open and &gst; to write (or
> something), which I guessed as lesser/greater than.
> Why is the read/write modifier part of the filename??? Why is it a > ?
> In my opinion, there's only one place a > sign should be, in an
> inequality test.

Nicholas Montpetit
Deluxe Business Services
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From scilamed at  Thu Feb  3 14:53:31 2005
From: scilamed at (alieks laouhe)
Date: Thu Feb  3 14:53:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] i have a question???
Message-ID: <>

This is from a tutorial

Use the math library to write a program to print out
the sin and cos of numbers from 0 to 2pi in intervals
of pi/6. You will need to use the range() function." 
 Range won't let me use pi/6 as an incremator
is there some other way i can accomplish this task
im new to programming so all the help i can get is
greatly appreciated.

Do you Yahoo!? 
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From Nicholas.Montpetit at  Thu Feb  3 15:03:27 2005
From: Nicholas.Montpetit at (
Date: Thu Feb  3 15:03:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> (I am an ex-perler gone clean. Been straight for 5 years now with only 
> the occasional work forced binges.)
> Perl was designed by a linguist. He wanted it to act like human language 

> -- which is not very consistent.

And from what I gather, quite effective.  :-)

> Personally, the thing that keeps me away from Perl is nested 
> Python:
> my_list = [....]
> a_dict = {.....}
> b_dict = {.....}
> my_list.append(a_dict)
> my_list.append(b_dict)
> if my_list[0].has_key("foo"): print "Yes"
> easy. Try that in Perl.

OK, sounds like fun:

my %a_dict = (...);
my %b_dict = (...);
my @my_list = (\%a_dict, \%b_dict);
if (exists $my_list->[0]{foo}) print "Yes\n";

And if you want to do it another way:

my @my_list = ( (...), (...) ); #define hashes in the (...)'s
print "Yes\n" if (exists $my_list->[0]{foo});

Btw, I'm skeptical that the code below does what you want it to do.  :-)
> my @my_list;         # remember those semicolons
> my %a_dict, %b_dict;
> push @my_list, %a_dict;
> push @my_list, %b_dict;
> if (exists $my_list->[0], "foo") print "Yes\n";
> # yes, references required, in Perl ick.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
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From mi.janssen at  Thu Feb  3 15:26:31 2005
From: mi.janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Thu Feb  3 15:26:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] i have a question???
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 05:53:31 -0800 (PST), alieks laouhe
<> wrote:
> This is from a tutorial
> Use the math library to write a program to print out
> the sin and cos of numbers from 0 to 2pi in intervals
> of pi/6. You will need to use the range() function."
>  Range won't let me use pi/6 as an incremator

correct. The range is for integers only. You _can_ do the exercise
with the range function but it would be easier without (eg. with a

Hint-no-solution: You will need a certain number of intervals, which
(the number of intervalls) is plain integer. Then translate from
current-intervall-number to pi'ish (sorry for that, my english ;-)

From pierre.barbier at  Thu Feb  3 15:32:38 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Thu Feb  3 15:30:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] i have a question???
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Janssen a ?crit :
> On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 05:53:31 -0800 (PST), alieks laouhe
> <> wrote:
>>This is from a tutorial
>>Use the math library to write a program to print out
>>the sin and cos of numbers from 0 to 2pi in intervals
>>of pi/6. You will need to use the range() function."
>> Range won't let me use pi/6 as an incremator
> correct. The range is for integers only. You _can_ do the exercise
> with the range function but it would be easier without (eg. with a
> while-loop).

I disagree ... :P And your next remark makes it clear range (or even 
better : xrange) is exactly what's needed for that problem !

> Hint-no-solution: You will need a certain number of intervals, which
> (the number of intervalls) is plain integer. Then translate from
> current-intervall-number to pi'ish (sorry for that, my english ;-)
> value.
> regards
> Michael

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From jsmith at  Thu Feb  3 15:45:30 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Thu Feb  3 15:45:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

Well put.  I come from a physics FORTRAN background and when I decided
to learn C and start using it I heard the same arguments: it's too hard
to read.
It's a silly argument to use against a language.  It's like an
English-only speaker claiming he won't learn Greek because he doesn't
understand it :-)
I've been programming Perl for about 10 years and Python about 6 months.
Most of what Python programmers find counter-intuitive about Perl seem
perfectly reasonable to me and I find something in Python quite
counter-intuitive although I understand the rationale.
For the non-Perl people here, let me defend Perl by saying it is VERY
good at what it was built for and not so good (but passable) at what it
was not built for.
What it is good at:
    Very rapid development of small scripts
    Replacing sed/awk/ksh/etc for scripting
    Manipulating strings
    System administration tasks
What it is only passable at
    Large scale team development
Most of what Python developmers complain about in Perl are aimed at the
rapid development thing.  Perl is very terse which allows you do quickly
script up small filters and data miners.  I still use Perl for this and
don't think that will ever change. 
Someone also complained about the "many way to exit" issue.  Personally,
I love that and use it to clarify my code.  On a normal if statement I
will put the test first:
    (test) && (stuff-to-do);
whereas if the test will affect code flow in a more major way I use the
inversion, as with:
    return if (test);
It allows me to quickly re-read my older scripts and understand the code
flow faster.
Having said all that, I'm also a big fan of Python which I can see will
be very good at the two things Perl isn't so good at.  However (and I
know most here will disagree) there's still things I don't like about
Python.  My top two are:
1. Lack of closure on flow statements.
I've already been bitten by:
if test:
    do this
    do that
where "do that" should have been out-dented.  For a non-Python
programmer, this "feature" can lead to some very non-intuitive coding
should someone be so perverse as to write it :-)
2. Lack of "use strict" semantics.  I know that pychecker can supposedly
do this but I still believe it belongs in the language.
Don't try to defend them.  I've read all the arguments but I just don't
agree with the design choice.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

Well, here's my $0.02.   

I would recommend caution regarding the trashing of Perl.  One thing
I've been very impressed with on this list (and other segments of the
Python community) is the _fairly_ cordial relationship between the
supporters of the two languages.  Contrast that to a lot of PHP
literature I've seen, which doesn't even acknowledge that Perl exists.
My theory is that many who use PHP got kicked around by trying to learn
Perl, and bitterness set in.  But that's a digression...  Anyway, I'm on
the fence as to whether I want to learn Python (not exactly a "core
competency" for statisticians, but I do line the numerical computation
capabilities which look _much_ better than those of Perl), and I
wouldn't want this negativity to push me (or others) away. 


Nicholas Montpetit
Deluxe Business Services

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From Nicholas.Montpetit at  Thu Feb  3 16:11:47 2005
From: Nicholas.Montpetit at (
Date: Thu Feb  3 16:11:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Jeff,

> Well put.  I come from a physics FORTRAN background and when I 
> decided to learn C and start using it I heard the same arguments: 
> it's too hard to read.
> It's a silly argument to use against a language.  It's like an 
> English-only speaker claiming he won't learn Greek because he 
> doesn't understand it :-)

Now that's well put.
> I've been programming Perl for about 10 years and Python about 6 
> months.  Most of what Python programmers find counter-intuitive 
> about Perl seem perfectly reasonable to me and I find something in 
> Python quite counter-intuitive although I understand the rationale.
> For the non-Perl people here, let me defend Perl by saying it is 
> VERY good at what it was built for and not so good (but passable) at
> what it was not built for.
> What it is good at:
>     Very rapid development of small scripts
>     Replacing sed/awk/ksh/etc for scripting
>     Manipulating strings
>     System administration tasks
> What it is only passable at
>     Large scale team development
>     OOP

I'll second your thoughts on Perl's shortcomings.  What brought me to 
Python was the shortcomings in Perl that you've mentioned, along with 
Python's better numerical computation and GUI creation capabilities.  If 
people on the list are to criticize Perl, I wish they would stick to the 
things that are Perl shortcomings for people who understand Perl.  I'm OK 
with that, but I can't stand by and let people criticize something just 
because they don't understand it.

I don't know anything about Python, so I'll reserve judgement until I do. 
I am confident that I will learn to like Python as much (or maybe even 
more :-) ) than I like Perl, and then I'll be able to choose the best tool 
for the task at hand.
> Most of what Python developmers complain about in Perl are aimed at 
> the rapid development thing.  Perl is very terse which allows you do
> quickly script up small filters and data miners.  I still use Perl 
> for this and don't think that will ever change. 
> Someone also complained about the "many way to exit" issue. 
> Personally, I love that and use it to clarify my code.  On a normal 
> if statement I will put the test first:

I like the "there's more than one way to do it" thing as well.  Your 
example below is very illustrative of that concept.
>     (test) && (stuff-to-do);
> whereas if the test will affect code flow in a more major way I use 
> the inversion, as with:
>     return if (test);
> It allows me to quickly re-read my older scripts and understand the 
> code flow faster.

One thing I really like about Python is the community:  you folks are very 
friendly and helpful.  I look forward to learning as much as I can about 
Python from this list!

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From mi.janssen at  Thu Feb  3 16:49:13 2005
From: mi.janssen at (Michael Janssen)
Date: Thu Feb  3 16:49:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] i have a question???
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

[the problem provided by alieks]
> >>"EXERCISE 3.9
> >>Use the math library to write a program to print out
> >>the sin and cos of numbers from 0 to 2pi in intervals
> >>of pi/6. You will need to use the range() function."

> > You _can_ do the exercise
> > with the range function but it would be easier without (eg. with a
> > while-loop).

> I disagree ... :P And your next remark makes it clear range (or even
> better : xrange) is exactly what's needed for that problem !

[Michael's next remark]
> > Hint-no-solution: You will need a certain number of intervals, which
> > (the number of intervalls) is plain integer. Then translate from
> > current-intervall-number to pi'ish (sorry for that, my english ;-)
> > value.

You're right, I've described the range-solution. But what makes you
think, that the range-solution is actually the best/ simplest/
easiest? Within a while-loop you would increment your variable each
time by pi/6 and test if still lower-equal than 2*pi (need care for
float comparision) . With range you need to compute the "certain
number of intervals", then for-loop through the range-generated list
and compute the "pi'ish" value.

There's a loop one way or another ;-) Unless one want to add some
extra exercises like list comprehension and the map function. With the
while-loop, you don't need to know certainly which number of intervals
are needed, you just check if the upper boundary is reached.

Don't know, perhaps I should post examples but alieks might still be
working on the exercise and I don't want to spoil anybodies joy for my
own one ;-) So, please alieks, post your results to us!

From marilyn at  Thu Feb  3 18:33:06 2005
From: marilyn at (Marilyn Davis)
Date: Thu Feb  3 18:37:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <01f701c509ce$ab5933b0$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0502030931260.6017-100000@Kuna>

I once heard that Larry Wall said, "Perl is worse than Python because
people needed it worse".

And I've heard it said that "Perl is the Write-Only language"


From scilamed at  Thu Feb  3 19:17:55 2005
From: scilamed at (alieks laouhe)
Date: Thu Feb  3 19:17:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] got it
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

i came up with 

while z<= 2*pi:
 print z

"while" makes alot more sense than using range
i still don't know if its the most efficient way
to do it this is day two with python, im pushing 30hrs
straight lots of coffee and ciggarettes!
So far I really like python...alot. it's so intuitive
I started trying to learn c but it's lack of intuitive
string handling made me shudder... so, i tried perl
and it was a breath of fresh air after c.
then i stumbled upon python. it's the most intuitive
 anybody here have any experiance writing scripts for
processing audio data?
 so, im glad python has alot of learning resources.
thanks for your help

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From kent37 at  Thu Feb  3 19:24:53 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb  3 19:24:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] got it
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

alieks laouhe wrote:
> i came up with 
> z=0
> while z<= 2*pi:
>  z=z+pi/6
>  print z
>  z=z+pi/6

I don't think you're quite there. You are incrementing by pi/6 twice in the loop, so the printed 
values will differ by pi/3. And the first value printed will be pi/6, not 0.

Where are you getting the value of pi? You can import it from the math module with
from math import pi


> "while" makes alot more sense than using range
> i still don't know if its the most efficient way
> to do it this is day two with python, im pushing 30hrs
> straight lots of coffee and ciggarettes!
> So far I really like python...alot. it's so intuitive
> I started trying to learn c but it's lack of intuitive
> string handling made me shudder... so, i tried perl
> and it was a breath of fresh air after c.
> then i stumbled upon python. it's the most intuitive
> yet.
>  anybody here have any experiance writing scripts for
> processing audio data?
>  so, im glad python has alot of learning resources.
> thanks for your help
> alex
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From scilamed at  Thu Feb  3 19:26:02 2005
From: scilamed at (alieks laouhe)
Date: Thu Feb  3 19:26:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] oops.
Message-ID: <>

sorry way off heh...
i think i'll sleep and try later.

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From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb  3 19:36:34 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb  3 19:35:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>	<002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp>	<001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<><>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <024e01c50a1f$4a4ab0c0$68b78851@xp>

> >    for x in string:
> >        if x in chars:
> >            string[i] = ''
> I just have a hangover from other languages, but I really wanted to
> how Python handles iteration over a variable which is being changed
> within the loop itself. Is the "for" condition evaluated in every

Its bad practice to delete a member in the collection being iterated
but Python copes OK if you just change the current item.

Alan G.

From scilamed at  Thu Feb  3 19:37:20 2005
From: scilamed at (alieks laouhe)
Date: Thu Feb  3 19:37:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] v.00001
Message-ID: <>

from math import *
while z<=2*pi:
	print cos(z)

ok i think this is right...

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From maxnoel_fr at  Thu Feb  3 19:40:53 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Thu Feb  3 19:40:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] got it
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 3, 2005, at 18:17, alieks laouhe wrote:

> So far I really like python...alot. it's so intuitive
> I started trying to learn c but it's lack of intuitive
> string handling made me shudder... so, i tried perl
> and it was a breath of fresh air after c.
> then i stumbled upon python. it's the most intuitive
> yet.

	C is very good for a number of things (chief among those: speed). But 
string manipulation is definitely not one of them.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From dyoo at  Thu Feb  3 19:52:09 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb  3 19:52:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] In-place changes on loops
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:

> >    for x in string:
> >        if x in chars:
> >            string[i] = ''
> I just have a hangover from other languages, but I really wanted to know
> how Python handles iteration over a variable which is being changed
> within the loop itself. Is the "for" condition evaluated in every loop?

Hi Sandip,

Strings are immutable, so the above code won't work.  *grin*

But let's change it to what I think you were thinking of:

def lstrip(string, chars):
    scratchspace = list(string)       ## get a mutable list of characters
    for x in scratchspace:
        if x in chars:
            scratchspace[i] = ''
    return ''.join(scratchspace)

This works fine.  In-place list changes that don't modify list structure
will do ok.

When we do structural changes to a list that we're iterating across, then
we do have to be careful.  The Reference Manual does mention caution near
the bottom of:

When we have an statement of the form:

### Pseudocode ###
for <var> in <some expresssion>:

then Python does evaluate <some expression> just once.

However, what it gets back is an "iterator", an object that marches across
a sequence.  For example:

>>> message = list("this is a test")
>>> iterator = iter(message)

In effect, the for loop repeatedly calls next() on an iterator until it
exhausts itself.  The iterator doesn't try to be smart, so if we start
mutating the list that backs the iterator, we do risk skipping elements.

Let's try an experiment:

>>> message = list("testing")
>>> iterator = iter(message)
>>> message.insert(0, "x")

The 'insert()' shoves all the elements one place right.  But, blissfully
ignorant, the iterator doesn't shift itself, but instead stays in place.
So the next call to next() revisits that 'e' character.

Does this make sense?  Please feel free to ask more questions about this.

From dyoo at  Thu Feb  3 20:18:36 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb  3 20:18:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] In-place changes on loops
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> But let's change it to what I think you were thinking of:
> ###
> def lstrip(string, chars):
>     scratchspace = list(string)       ## get a mutable list of characters
>     for x in scratchspace:
>         if x in chars:
>             scratchspace[i] = ''
>     return ''.join(scratchspace)
> ###
> This works fine.

Hi Sandip,

Doh.  I hate people who make blanket assertions like that without even
doing a minimal test.  Even if it is myself.  *grin*

The code above is just broken, since there is no index 'i'.  Let me try to
fix it.

def lstrip(string, chars):
    scratchspace = list(string)       ## get a mutable list of characters
    for (i, x) in enumerate(scratchspace):
        if x in chars:
            scratchspace[i] = ''
    return ''.join(scratchspace)

I'm not going to make the same mistake twice: we're going to test this
sucker.  *grin*

>>> lstrip("hello world", "he")
'llo world'
>>> lstrip("hello world", "eh")
'llo world'

Everything looks peachy... except:

>>> lstrip("hello world", "aeiou")
'hll wrld'

Ah!  That's not right either!

Ok, one more time:

def lstrip(string, chars):
    scratchspace = list(string)       ## get a mutable list of characters
    for (i, x) in enumerate(scratchspace):
        if x in chars:
            scratchspace[i] = ''
    return ''.join(scratchspace)

Quick sanity check:

>>> lstrip("hello world", "eh")
'llo world'
>>> lstrip("hello world", "he")
'llo world'
>>> lstrip("hello world", "aeiou")
'hello world'

Finally.  *grin*

Anyway, I wanted to apologize; I should have tested my code.

From dyoo at  Thu Feb  3 20:29:56 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb  3 20:30:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] v.00001
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, alieks laouhe wrote:

> from math import *
> z=0
> while z<=2*pi:
> 	print cos(z)
> 	z=z+(pi/6)
> ok i think this is right...

Hi Alieks,

This looks ok, and is probably the most straightforward way to do this.

For safety's sake, you may want to modify the top import statement

from math import *

to something a little more limited:

from math import pi, cos

The reason is because the other form, the one with the '*', pulls
everything into the current namespace, and that can be problematic in
larger programs.  There's a note about it here:

There are some cute things we can do with some advanced Python.  You don't
have to understand this yet, but here's a variation of your program:

>>> def stepper(start, end, step):
...     i = start
...     while i <= end:
...         yield i
...         i = i + step
>>> from math import pi, cos
>>> for z in stepper(0, 2*pi, pi/6):
...     print z, cos(z)
0 1.0
0.523598775598 0.866025403784
1.0471975512 0.5
1.57079632679 6.12303176911e-17
2.09439510239 -0.5
2.61799387799 -0.866025403784
3.14159265359 -1.0
3.66519142919 -0.866025403784
4.18879020479 -0.5
4.71238898038 -1.83690953073e-16
5.23598775598 0.5
5.75958653158 0.866025403784

stepper() acts like the range() function, but it can work on floating
point numbers.  range (and xrange) only work on integers:

If we want to do some stepping across a range with floats, we can use the
stepper() definition above.

Best of wishes to you!

From shaleh at  Thu Feb  3 20:42:32 2005
From: shaleh at (Sean Perry)
Date: Thu Feb  3 20:42:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> wrote:
> Btw, I'm skeptical that the code below does what you want it to do.  :-)

that was kind of my point. In python I just type the obvious and it 
works. In Perl I have to muck with references, slashes, arrows and the 
like. Every time I have had to write a nested datastructure I have spent 
my time debugging that structure.
From bill.mill at  Thu Feb  3 21:27:32 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Thu Feb  3 21:28:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<01f701c509ce$ab5933b0$68b78851@xp> <ctspmt$5ug$>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 04:24:06 -0500, Patrick Hall <> wrote:
> > Beware! Overcome the temptation!
> > Try this:
> While I have no problem personally with Perl or PHP, I'll second the
> recommendation for kodos -- it's very useful for learning to use
> regexes in Python.

Ok, I have to ask: why? Whenever I write and debug regexes (as I had
to do this morning for the first time in a while - I try to avoid
them) I always create a function in the interpreter that looks like:

def test(regex, line):
    print re.compile(regex).match(line).groups()

and then test my regexes incrementally:

>>>l = '8 this is my line to test'
>>> test('^\s*(\d)+', l)

until I have it right. How is using this tool easier than that?

Bill Mill
bill.mill at

> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From Nicholas.Montpetit at  Thu Feb  3 21:30:53 2005
From: Nicholas.Montpetit at (
Date: Thu Feb  3 21:30:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Btw, I'm skeptical that the code below does what you want it to do. 
> > 
> that was kind of my point. In python I just type the obvious and it 
> works. In Perl I have to muck with references, slashes, arrows and the 
> like. Every time I have had to write a nested datastructure I have spent 

> my time debugging that structure.

Same here, Sean:  whenever I work with nested data structures, I end up 
doing some debugging.  However, I think that has more to do with my 
less-than-perfect understanding of references than with any Perl 

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From keridee at  Thu Feb  3 22:04:25 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Thu Feb  3 22:05:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] i have a question???
References: <>
Message-ID: <001601c50a34$2b196970$3d5328cf@JSLAPTOP>

>From what I understand, range() no longer allows you to use floats as 
arguments. (Or it gives you a deprication warning)
This tutorial must be old.

Not the only way, but.

import math
num = 0
while num <= 2*math.pi:
    ## Do stuff to figure pi/6 things

    num = num + math.pi/6.0   ## Don't forget .0 or you'll get an integer 
    print ## Result thingy

Another way is to use Numarry (Numeric) arange() but that takes extra work. 

> This is from a tutorial
> Use the math library to write a program to print out
> the sin and cos of numbers from 0 to 2pi in intervals
> of pi/6. You will need to use the range() function."
> Range won't let me use pi/6 as an incremator
> is there some other way i can accomplish this task
> im new to programming so all the help i can get is
> greatly appreciated.
> NI!
> alex
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From keridee at  Thu Feb  3 22:07:04 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Thu Feb  3 22:06:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <>	<><000001c508cb$5a67e9f0$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><>	<002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp>	<001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<><><>
Message-ID: <001901c50a34$5b58f1a0$3d5328cf@JSLAPTOP>

You can also iterate over a copy of the list and change the original.

a = range(10)
for x in a[:]:
    if x % 2 == 0:
print a

And yes, I did test it this time.


>> >    for x in string:
>> >        if x in chars:
>> >            string[i] = ''
>> I just have a hangover from other languages, but I really wanted to
> know
>> how Python handles iteration over a variable which is being changed
>> within the loop itself. Is the "for" condition evaluated in every
> loop?
> Its bad practice to delete a member in the collection being iterated
> but Python copes OK if you just change the current item.
> Alan G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From keridee at  Thu Feb  3 22:11:39 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Thu Feb  3 22:11:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] v.00001
References: <>
Message-ID: <002901c50a34$f9e5a0c0$3d5328cf@JSLAPTOP>

I should have thought of that! Here I looked at the concept of generators, 
what they can do, and totally overlooked a user defined range type function 
that allows floats. Any reason why range doesn't? Is it for speed, or to 
keep the arguments pure (without floating point errors)?


> There are some cute things we can do with some advanced Python.  You don't
> have to understand this yet, but here's a variation of your program:
> ###
>>>> def stepper(start, end, step):
> ...     i = start
> ...     while i <= end:
> ...         yield i
> ...         i = i + step
> ...
>>>> from math import pi, cos
>>>> for z in stepper(0, 2*pi, pi/6):
> ...     print z, cos(z)
> ...
> 0 1.0
> 0.523598775598 0.866025403784
> 1.0471975512 0.5
> 1.57079632679 6.12303176911e-17
> 2.09439510239 -0.5
> 2.61799387799 -0.866025403784
> 3.14159265359 -1.0
> 3.66519142919 -0.866025403784
> 4.18879020479 -0.5
> 4.71238898038 -1.83690953073e-16
> 5.23598775598 0.5
> 5.75958653158 0.866025403784
> ###
> stepper() acts like the range() function, but it can work on floating
> point numbers.  range (and xrange) only work on integers:
> If we want to do some stepping across a range with floats, we can use the
> stepper() definition above.
> Best of wishes to you!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From miles at  Thu Feb  3 22:13:45 2005
From: miles at (Miles Stevenson)
Date: Thu Feb  3 22:12:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Ogg Tag Module recommendations
Message-ID: <>

Can anyone recommend to me a Python module to work with ID3v2 tags in Ogg 
Vorbis files? I tried using the EyeD3 module, but it only supports mp3 right 
now, and I couldn't get the pyid3tag module to work reliably, or I'm just not 
understanding the documentation.

I just need to retrieve all of the ID3v2 tag info from a collection of ogg 
files, store them in a file, and then insert them back into different ogg 
files. Anyone have a module/library they recommend?

Miles Stevenson
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From ternary at  Thu Feb  3 22:30:42 2005
From: ternary at (Mike Bell)
Date: Thu Feb  3 22:30:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] i have a question???
In-Reply-To: <001601c50a34$2b196970$3d5328cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>    num = num + math.pi/6.0   ## Don't forget .0 or you'll get an integer

the division operator returns a float when either of the operands are
floats -- in this case math.pi is, so you don't have to worry about
passing it 6.0 instead of 6

>>> import math
>>> math.pi
>>> math.pi / 6

>>> type(math.pi)
<type 'float'>
>>> type(6)
<type 'int'>
>>> type(6.0)
<type 'float'>


On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 16:04:25 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> >From what I understand, range() no longer allows you to use floats as
> arguments. (Or it gives you a deprication warning)
> This tutorial must be old.
> Not the only way, but.
> import math
> num = 0
> while num <= 2*math.pi:
>     ## Do stuff to figure pi/6 things
>     num = num + math.pi/6.0   ## Don't forget .0 or you'll get an integer
> result.
>     print ## Result thingy
> Another way is to use Numarry (Numeric) arange() but that takes extra work.
> ;-)
> Jacob
> > This is from a tutorial
> >
> > "EXERCISE 3.9
> > Use the math library to write a program to print out
> > the sin and cos of numbers from 0 to 2pi in intervals
> > of pi/6. You will need to use the range() function."
> >
> > Range won't let me use pi/6 as an incremator
> > is there some other way i can accomplish this task
> > im new to programming so all the help i can get is
> > greatly appreciated.
> > NI!
> > alex
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do?
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From shaleh at  Thu Feb  3 22:34:10 2005
From: shaleh at (Sean Perry)
Date: Thu Feb  3 22:34:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Ogg Tag Module recommendations
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Miles Stevenson wrote:
> Can anyone recommend to me a Python module to work with ID3v2 tags in Ogg 
> Vorbis files? I tried using the EyeD3 module, but it only supports mp3 right 
> now, and I couldn't get the pyid3tag module to work reliably, or I'm just not 
> understanding the documentation.
> I just need to retrieve all of the ID3v2 tag info from a collection of ogg 
> files, store them in a file, and then insert them back into different ogg 
> files. Anyone have a module/library they recommend?

The Ogg guys actually made a wrapper for Python, pyvorbis I think it is 
From keridee at  Thu Feb  3 22:40:24 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Thu Feb  3 22:40:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <007c01c50a38$fecfba40$3d5328cf@JSLAPTOP>

MessageI hate to be a spoiled sport and do exactly what you said to not do. 
But I present two counter examples
1. The indentation IS the closure on flow statements. Indenting starts a 
flow, then removing indentation on next line closes the flow. Again its all 
about the language. If your English then don't look at Greek words and not 
want to learn them because you don't understand them.

2. The lack of "use strict semantics" is just one python's ways of using the 
term "There is more than one way to do it"


1. Lack of closure on flow statements.

I've already been bitten by:

if test:
    do this
    do that

where "do that" should have been out-dented.  For a non-Python programmer, 
this "feature" can lead to some very non-intuitive coding should someone be 
so perverse as to write it :-)

2. Lack of "use strict" semantics.  I know that pychecker can supposedly do 
this but I still believe it belongs in the language.

Don't try to defend them.  I've read all the arguments but I just don't 
agree with the design choice.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

Well, here's my $0.02.

I would recommend caution regarding the trashing of Perl.  One thing I've 
been very impressed with on this list (and other segments of the Python 
community) is the _fairly_ cordial relationship between the supporters of 
the two languages.  Contrast that to a lot of PHP literature I've seen, 
which doesn't even acknowledge that Perl exists.  My theory is that many who 
use PHP got kicked around by trying to learn Perl, and bitterness set in. 
But that's a digression...  Anyway, I'm on the fence as to whether I want to 
learn Python (not exactly a "core competency" for statisticians, but I do 
line the numerical computation capabilities which look _much_ better than 
those of Perl), and I wouldn't want this negativity to push me (or others) 


Nicholas Montpetit
Deluxe Business Services

Tutor maillist  - 

From jeff at  Thu Feb  3 22:59:38 2005
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Thu Feb  3 22:58:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <><><><>	<>	<021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Max Noel wrote:

> On Feb 3, 2005, at 09:48, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> Pythons lambda feature is a bare minimum (and Guido wants to remove
>> it!).
>     Does he? Damn, just when I was learning functional programming! (in 
> Haskell, if you're curious ^^)

However, Python doesn't need lambdas to be able to write in a 
functional style.  Functions are first-class objects and can be passed 
around quite easily, and IIRC Python's list comprehensions were 
borrowed (though probably with notable modification) from Haskell.

Keep in mind that both lambdas and named functions are created at 
runtime, so the creation of both is fully dynamic.  Indeed, there are 
only a few differences between lambdas and named functions in Python:

   - Anonymous vs named
   - Single expression vs suite of statements
   - Inline vs. pre-created

Note that the second of these is a consequence of the third -- given 
Python's block-indentation-based structure, there's no good way to 
inline a multi-statement suite (how many of those statements belong to 
that 'if' suite?).  Statements need to have a clear indentation level, 
and while one can sometimes fudge that for a single statement, it gets 
exponentially messier as the number of statements goes up.

I'd also argue that the inline nature is the *true* differentiating 
feature of lambdas -- the fact that they're anonymous is relatively 
minor.  Consider, also, that if they weren't inline then you'd need a 
name to refer to them by... and at that point, you *have* a 'normal' 

So, while there are some advantages to having single-use callables be 
defined inline (i.e. lambdas), their removal from Python (which 
wouldn't happen before the mythical Python 3k anyhow) isn't likely to 
be as devastating as some might lead you to believe. ;)  It certainly 
won't prevent you from using Python for functional programming...

(And personally, I suspect that if lambdas *are* removed, they will be 
replaced with a different construct that will fill the same needs in a 
more Pythonic way...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From shaleh at  Thu Feb  3 23:10:07 2005
From: shaleh at (Sean Perry)
Date: Thu Feb  3 23:10:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <><><><>	<>	<021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Jeff Shannon wrote:
> However, Python doesn't need lambdas to be able to write in a functional 
> style.  Functions are first-class objects and can be passed around quite 
> easily, and IIRC Python's list comprehensions were borrowed (though 
> probably with notable modification) from Haskell.

Note, it is haskell convention to name a list of objects with a plural. 
So xs -> list of x.


[ x | x <- xs ]
[ foo x | x <- xs, x > 2 ]


[ x for x in xs ]
[ foo(x) for x in xs if x > 2 ]

still mastering haskell, but loving it. Like python for functional 
From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb  3 23:13:52 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb  3 23:12:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <02b101c50a3d$a5574550$68b78851@xp>

> > For the non-Perl people here, let me defend Perl by saying it is
> > VERY good at what it was built for and not so good (but passable)
> > what it was not built for.
> >
> > What it is good at:
> >     Very rapid development of small scripts
> >     Replacing sed/awk/ksh/etc for scripting
> >     Manipulating strings
> >     System administration tasks

Absolutely true and the reason I used Perl for several years before
I used Python - even though I was aware of Python and had even fired
up the interpreter a couple of times. But then I had the advantage
of using C and C++ and Pascal(Delphi) and Lisp and Smalltalk for
more complex programs.

And I still used awk because Perl makes a lousy awk replacement!
But as a shell replacement its great, and for string manipulation
only Snoball beats it.

The only reason I initially took Python seriously was as a
teaching language for my tutorial, but once I got into it
I realised it was a lot more powerful than I had originally

> > What it is only passable at
> >     Large scale team development
> >     OOP

Passable is optimistic, I used Perl with a team of only
6 programmers and it was a disaster!

> > Most of what Python developmers complain about in Perl are aimed
> > the rapid development thing.  Perl is very terse which allows you
> > quickly script up small filters and data miners.  I still use Perl
> > for this and don't think that will ever change.

Absolutely and I agree. The things I don't like are not the rapid
development things, the $,@ symbology is completely unnecessary
and is extremely counter intuitive even for experienced Perl coders.
We still have arguments about references versus scalars etc yet
after 10 years of using Perl in prodsuction code... It was a side
effct of shell programming that should never have happened
(although I will grant it yields a marginal speed increase
by improving optimisation in the compiler!)

> > Someone also complained about the "many way to exit" issue.
> > Personally, I love that and use it to clarify my code.  On a
> > if statement I will put the test first:

And for one person projects, where a consistent style is used
its fine, but the minute you get beyond small projects its
another complication waiting to bite.

But again thats Perls background showing through. Python was
never intended just for quick n dirty scripting it was from
the outset designed as a general purpose language so
embodied "best practice" - or Guidos take on that - as
discovered by computer science research. Larry Wall simply
created a language to do a job, it turned out to be powerful
and got used a lot more than he expected!

There is no perfect language, and very few truly bad
languages - they never get out of the lab - they all
have something that they are good at and from which
we can learn!

Alan G.

From jsmith at  Thu Feb  3 23:21:51 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Thu Feb  3 23:21:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>


As I said I'm well aware of the defense of these peculiarities of Python
but I still disagree with them from a language design choice.  That
doesn't stop me from learning and using and enjoying Python but I feel
that both of them introduce some instability to the langauge.

In only 6 months of programming, I've already seen one case where

if test:

Was accidentally coded

if test:

(In fact, I suspect variations on this this may be the reason for the
line spacing suggestions in PEP-8.)

I've also seen several cases where an unbound variable caused an
exception at runtime.

True, these could be caught by extensive unit testing but know the
reality of that happening :-)

Perl and Python both resist the introduction of a switch statement which
I (and many others) feel is the most elegant way to express what it

I also wish Python would take up the C ternary operator which is also
quite clear and elegant.

Of course, there are things I disklike about every other language I've
used.  To paraphrase the famous quote:  There are no good programming
languages, just some that aren't as bad in some situations.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob S. [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 4:40 PM
To: Smith, Jeff;;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

MessageI hate to be a spoiled sport and do exactly what you said to not
But I present two counter examples
1. The indentation IS the closure on flow statements. Indenting starts a

flow, then removing indentation on next line closes the flow. Again its
about the language. If your English then don't look at Greek words and
want to learn them because you don't understand them.

2. The lack of "use strict semantics" is just one python's ways of using
term "There is more than one way to do it"


1. Lack of closure on flow statements.

I've already been bitten by:

if test:
    do this
    do that

where "do that" should have been out-dented.  For a non-Python
this "feature" can lead to some very non-intuitive coding should someone
so perverse as to write it :-)

2. Lack of "use strict" semantics.  I know that pychecker can supposedly
this but I still believe it belongs in the language.

Don't try to defend them.  I've read all the arguments but I just don't 
agree with the design choice.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

Well, here's my $0.02.

I would recommend caution regarding the trashing of Perl.  One thing
been very impressed with on this list (and other segments of the Python 
community) is the _fairly_ cordial relationship between the supporters
the two languages.  Contrast that to a lot of PHP literature I've seen, 
which doesn't even acknowledge that Perl exists.  My theory is that many
use PHP got kicked around by trying to learn Perl, and bitterness set
But that's a digression...  Anyway, I'm on the fence as to whether I
want to 
learn Python (not exactly a "core competency" for statisticians, but I
line the numerical computation capabilities which look _much_ better
those of Perl), and I wouldn't want this negativity to push me (or


Nicholas Montpetit
Deluxe Business Services

Tutor maillist  - 

From jsmith at  Thu Feb  3 23:27:26 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Thu Feb  3 23:27:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>


We'll just have to have to disagree about awk.  I starting learning Perl
to avoid learning awk :-)

I also disagree about the symbology.  I am never confused by it.  In
fact, I find it clarifies the language although I agree its ugly.

When I see a random variable in Perl I can tell at a glance whether it's
a scalar, list, or hash.  That isn't true in Python (or most other
languages).  I realize that doesn't mean much in large OOP programs but
in medium to large single-purpose scripts it does simplify debugging and


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 5:14 PM
To:; Smith, Jeff
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

> > For the non-Perl people here, let me defend Perl by saying it is 
> > VERY good at what it was built for and not so good (but passable)
> > what it was not built for.
> >
> > What it is good at:
> >     Very rapid development of small scripts
> >     Replacing sed/awk/ksh/etc for scripting
> >     Manipulating strings
> >     System administration tasks

Absolutely true and the reason I used Perl for several years before I
used Python - even though I was aware of Python and had even fired up
the interpreter a couple of times. But then I had the advantage of using
C and C++ and Pascal(Delphi) and Lisp and Smalltalk for more complex

And I still used awk because Perl makes a lousy awk replacement! But as
a shell replacement its great, and for string manipulation only Snoball
beats it.

The only reason I initially took Python seriously was as a teaching
language for my tutorial, but once I got into it I realised it was a lot
more powerful than I had originally thought.

> > What it is only passable at
> >     Large scale team development
> >     OOP

Passable is optimistic, I used Perl with a team of only
6 programmers and it was a disaster!

> > Most of what Python developmers complain about in Perl are aimed
> > the rapid development thing.  Perl is very terse which allows you
> > quickly script up small filters and data miners.  I still use Perl 
> > for this and don't think that will ever change.

Absolutely and I agree. The things I don't like are not the rapid
development things, the $,@ symbology is completely unnecessary and is
extremely counter intuitive even for experienced Perl coders. We still
have arguments about references versus scalars etc yet after 10 years of
using Perl in prodsuction code... It was a side effct of shell
programming that should never have happened (although I will grant it
yields a marginal speed increase by improving optimisation in the

> > Someone also complained about the "many way to exit" issue. 
> > Personally, I love that and use it to clarify my code.  On a
> > if statement I will put the test first:

And for one person projects, where a consistent style is used its fine,
but the minute you get beyond small projects its another complication
waiting to bite.

But again thats Perls background showing through. Python was never
intended just for quick n dirty scripting it was from the outset
designed as a general purpose language so embodied "best practice" - or
Guidos take on that - as discovered by computer science research. Larry
Wall simply created a language to do a job, it turned out to be powerful
and got used a lot more than he expected!

There is no perfect language, and very few truly bad
languages - they never get out of the lab - they all
have something that they are good at and from which
we can learn!

Alan G.

From maxnoel_fr at  Thu Feb  3 23:39:54 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Thu Feb  3 23:40:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 3, 2005, at 22:21, Smith, Jeff wrote:

> Perl and Python both resist the introduction of a switch statement 
> which
> I (and many others) feel is the most elegant way to express what it
> does.

	I echo that.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb  3 23:47:21 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb  3 23:46:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <02ee01c50a42$52f6ea40$68b78851@xp>

> I also disagree about the symbology.  I am never confused by it.  

I'll believe you, but its interesting that computer scientists 
have done lots of studies to test people's comprehension of programs 
and in every single case there has been clear evidence that 
additional prefixes/characters etc obscure undestanding. Even 
by those who thought they were fluent in the language concerned.

Check the book Code Complete for some references, or try searching 
the Software Engineering Institute stuff at CMU.

Its like the old argument in C over whether

int f(){


int f()

was clearer. Many people claim to prefer the second but 
objective testing repeatedly shows that the first form 
produces measurably better results.

In both of these cases its not about style its about what works.
I suspect Guido was aware of that research and applied it to 
Python's design. Larry wasn't and didn't... (although he sure 
is now! :-)

Alan G.
From jsmith at  Thu Feb  3 23:49:20 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Thu Feb  3 23:49:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

I think the point is that different people are...different.  It probably
won't surprise you to find out that I am in the C camp that prefers your
second example.  I'm sure what those studies show is what the "majority"
find easier not what "everyone" finds easier.  Who knows, maybe it's a
left-brain, right-brain thing.  And it wouldn't be the first time I was
told my brain was "wired differently" from the general public.  Just ask
my wife :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 5:47 PM
To: Smith, Jeff;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

> I also disagree about the symbology.  I am never confused by it.

I'll believe you, but its interesting that computer scientists 
have done lots of studies to test people's comprehension of programs 
and in every single case there has been clear evidence that 
additional prefixes/characters etc obscure undestanding. Even 
by those who thought they were fluent in the language concerned.

Check the book Code Complete for some references, or try searching 
the Software Engineering Institute stuff at CMU.

Its like the old argument in C over whether

int f(){


int f()

was clearer. Many people claim to prefer the second but 
objective testing repeatedly shows that the first form 
produces measurably better results.

In both of these cases its not about style its about what works. I
suspect Guido was aware of that research and applied it to 
Python's design. Larry wasn't and didn't... (although he sure 
is now! :-)

Alan G.
From lumbricus at  Fri Feb  4 00:10:32 2005
From: lumbricus at (
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:10:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Alan,
> We'll just have to have to disagree about awk.  I starting learning Perl
> to avoid learning awk :-)

But awk is smaller and simpler than perl. So it should be faster
(esp. at startup) for small and simple tasks.
As usual: Right tool for right task.

> Jeff
Greetings, J"o! (being glad to have a choice)

Wir sind jetzt ein Imperium und wir schaffen uns
unsere eigene Realitaet. Wir sind die Akteure der 
Geschichte, und Ihnen, Ihnen allen bleibt nichts,
als die Realitaet zu studieren, die wir geschaffen haben.
        -- Karl Rove zu Ron Suskind (NYT)

DSL Komplett von GMX +++ Supergünstig und stressfrei einsteigen!
AKTION "Kein Einrichtungspreis" nutzen:
From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 00:17:11 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:16:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><><><>	<>	<021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp><>
Message-ID: <02ff01c50a46$7d75d570$68b78851@xp>

> >> Pythons lambda feature is a bare minimum (and Guido wants to
> >> it!).

> However, Python doesn't need lambdas to be able to write in a
> functional style.

I disagree Jeff. It does need lambdas to do FP properly, and
better lambdas than we have currently. What it doesn't need
is the lambda keyword and syntax - although pesonally I like
lambda since it is descriptive!

> Functions are first-class objects and can be passed
> around quite easily,

Yes, but lambdas are more than first class functions, they
are anonymous functions! In fact really just callable code
blocks, not necessarily functions in the strictest sense
(except that every callable in FP is a function...! ;-)
Having to define every function before using it would
be a big hassle and make code less readable IMHO.

> borrowed (though probably with notable modification) from Haskell.

Conceptually not much modification, but the two syntaxes
are poles apart!

> only a few differences between lambdas and named functions in
>    - Anonymous vs named

the key feature

>    - Single expression vs suite of statements

A python restriction.

>    - Inline vs. pre-created

A key usage point

> Note that the second of these is a consequence of the third

Again a Python restriction. And hard to see how you avoid given
Pythons structure.

> I'd also argue that the inline nature is the *true* differentiating
> feature of lambdas -- the fact that they're anonymous is relatively
> minor.

I agree, if I had an inline mechanism that forced me to
provide a name I could just use 'f' over and over and
not feel too cheated, but its nicer not to have an artificial
name when theres no need.

> So, while there are some advantages to having single-use callables
> defined inline

The other advantage is the huge conceptial advantage that
real lambdas confer. The breakthrough idea of

def f(x): return x+x

being the same as

f = lambda x: x+x

is only possible to demonstrate if you have lambda to start with.
And yet that concept of a function name being just another variable
and the callable code being an object in its own right becomes
much more obvious in my opinion. lambda is a learning tool which
shows what is really happening whereas def is just syntactic sugar.

> (And personally, I suspect that if lambdas *are* removed, they will
> replaced with a different construct that will fill the same needs in
> more Pythonic way...)

I believe (and hope) this too. Certainly the stink it has created on
c.l.p should hopefully convince Guido that there is a groundswell
of demand for the facility if not the name...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 00:19:15 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:21:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><><><>	<>	<021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp>	<><>
Message-ID: <030401c50a46$c7d41280$68b78851@xp>

> haskell:
> [ x | x <- xs ]
> [ foo x | x <- xs, x > 2 ]
> python
> [ x for x in xs ]
> [ foo(x) for x in xs if x > 2 ]

Sean, what book/tutor are you using for Haskell?
I learned it from "The Haskell School of Expression" which 
was OK but very graphics focused, I'd be interested in 
recommended second source on Haskell.

Alan G.
From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 00:28:36 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:27:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <030b01c50a48$15e2df00$68b78851@xp>

> Perl and Python both resist the introduction of a switch statement 
> which I (and many others) feel is the most elegant way to express 
> what it does.

Interesting. What do you feel is the problem with elif?
Its not even much more typing and allows for much more 
expressive test conditions. Switch is really only useful 
for a single subset of tests. And of course switch statements 
are notorious bug factories and maintenance nightmares - 
the reason why OOP tries to eliminate them wherever possible.

> I also wish Python would take up the C ternary operator 
> which is also quite clear and elegant.

You joke I assume? ':?' is clear? Its succinct but also 
prone to abuse. I don't think the Python equivalent 

foo = x and y or z

is much less elegant than

foo = x ? y : z

> ... To paraphrase the famous quote:  There are no good programming
languages, just some that aren't as bad in some situations.

Absolutely true.
I still use assembler occasionally, and I even like bits of COBOL
(although not much, its my least favourite language!). And probably 
my favourite language of all is Logo even though I've never used 
it for any serious projects.

Alan G.
From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 00:30:37 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:31:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <031001c50a48$5e1cb570$68b78851@xp>

> We'll just have to have to disagree about awk.  
> I starting learning Perl to avoid learning awk :-)

Really? Why for? awk is far easier to learn than Perl 
- and far less generally capable! - but it makes Perl seem 
positively verbose!

Alan G.
From jeff at  Fri Feb  4 00:41:25 2005
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:40:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <02b101c50a3d$a5574550$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

> There is no perfect language, and very few truly bad
> languages - they never get out of the lab - they all
> have something that they are good at and from which
> we can learn!

Heh, I'd look at that a bit differently -- I think that there's a 
*lot* of bad languages, it's just that we're spared ever hearing about 
the majority of them because they don't ever get very far. ;)

(But then, at my job I'm stuck using a horrible Frankenstein's monster 
of a proprietary language on a daily basis, so I can't help but 
believe that there's plenty more awful languages around that didn't 
happen to be "rescued" from oblivion by an accident of history...)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 00:41:33 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:41:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>

> second example.  I'm sure what those studies show is what the
> find easier not what "everyone" finds easier.

They are statistical its true, but they were based on the folks
who actually used the second style indent and they actually
got worse scores in the tests using their own style than when
they used the style they were less used too.

The tests have been repeated many times using multiple
languages and thousands of subjects ranging from students
through to professionals with years of experience.

The reasons for the K&R style of brace winning is to do
with the way the brain process structure and despite
the subjects stated preference for the 'Pascal' style
they still had lower perception scores.

As I said its not a style issue its to do with how the
brain works and the outcome of a lot of studies over at
least 30 years produces a pretty solid case.

> left-brain, right-brain thing.

Nope they tried that too, comparing creative types with
science types etc. Same result.

> told my brain was "wired differently" from the general
> public.  Just ask my wife :-)

And they tried mixing up the sexes too, no difference.
There may be a few individuals for whom it doesn't apply
but in the vast majority of cases its a fact.

In fact the best style of all is neither of the two I showed,
its actually this - which early everyone hates when they see it!

inf f(x)

After reading the studies I changed my C style to the above,
it certainly hasn't made my code harder to debug and I don't
see any increase in bug count, but I can't honestly say I
notice a reduction either, but it helps to know that I'm
increasing the chances of my code being understood by
someone else...

Alan G.

From maxnoel_fr at  Fri Feb  4 00:47:47 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:47:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <030401c50a46$c7d41280$68b78851@xp>
References: <><><><>	<>	<021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp>	<><>
	<> <030401c50a46$c7d41280$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 3, 2005, at 23:19, Alan Gauld wrote:

> Sean, what book/tutor are you using for Haskell?
> I learned it from "The Haskell School of Expression" which
> was OK but very graphics focused, I'd be interested in
> recommended second source on Haskell.

	I'm not Sean, but I'm using Simon Thompson's "Haskell: The Craft of 
Functional Programming", which I find quite good. However, it's a bit 
odd, in that it almost reads like a mathematics book, which is 
something you may or may not like.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From maxnoel_fr at  Fri Feb  4 00:51:41 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:51:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<02b101c50a3d$a5574550$68b78851@xp> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 3, 2005, at 23:41, Jeff Shannon wrote:

> (But then, at my job I'm stuck using a horrible Frankenstein's monster 
> of a proprietary language on a daily basis, so I can't help but 
> believe that there's plenty more awful languages around that didn't 
> happen to be "rescued" from oblivion by an accident of history...)

	Yeah. Sometimes I read a little bit of Wikipedia's "Esoteric 
Programming Languages" page, and some of them just leave me in awe. 
Brainfuck (and its variant Ook!) and INTERCAL ("GOTO is considered 
harmful, so we removed it -- INTERCAL uses COME FROM instead") are 
already quite impressive, but the very idea of Befunge makes my brain 
want to explode. Especially that extension to the language that allows 
one to write N-dimensional programs. :D

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From maxnoel_fr at  Fri Feb  4 00:57:16 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Fri Feb  4 00:57:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 3, 2005, at 23:41, Alan Gauld wrote:

> The reasons for the K&R style of brace winning is to do
> with the way the brain process structure and despite
> the subjects stated preference for the 'Pascal' style
> they still had lower perception scores.

	Little nit-picking here:


	Is not K&R style, but Allman style. K&R style (also known as One True 
Brace Style or 1TBS) is this:

if(foo) {

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From jeff at  Fri Feb  4 01:06:55 2005
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Fri Feb  4 01:06:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <02ff01c50a46$7d75d570$68b78851@xp>
References: <><><><>	<>	<021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp><>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>However, Python doesn't need lambdas to be able to write in a
>>functional style.
> I disagree Jeff. It does need lambdas to do FP properly, and
> better lambdas than we have currently. What it doesn't need
> is the lambda keyword and syntax - although pesonally I like
> lambda since it is descriptive!

Well, we'll have to continue to disagree on that. ;)  Personally, I 
can't help but think that 'lambda' is descriptive only to people 
who've experienced it elsewhere, and that that does *not* include the 
majority of the programming community, but I could be mistaken. :)

>>Functions are first-class objects and can be passed
>>around quite easily,
> Yes, but lambdas are more than first class functions, they
> are anonymous functions! In fact really just callable code
> blocks, not necessarily functions in the strictest sense
> (except that every callable in FP is a function...! ;-)

Well, given that in Python a function is just a callable code block 
that's bound to a name... ;)  Personally, I fail to see why having an 
anonymous function is such a huge conceptual advantage, no matter how 
many times this is proclaimed as truth by lambda-users, but again this 
is just my own impression.

> Having to define every function before using it would
> be a big hassle and make code less readable IMHO.

Here, ISTM that you're emphasizing the in-line nature of lambdas as 
being their key usage point...  And personally, I prefer to have a 
glossary of terms rather than having to decipher jargon by context. ;)

>>only a few differences between lambdas and named functions in
>> Python:
>>   - Anonymous vs named
> the key feature

Again, I fail to see why this is such an advantage -- I've seen 
assertions that it is, over and over again, but never any convincing 

>>   - Single expression vs suite of statements
> A python restriction.

Well, I *did* specify that I was talking about 'in Python'... ;)

>>I'd also argue that the inline nature is the *true* differentiating
>>feature of lambdas -- the fact that they're anonymous is relatively
> I agree, if I had an inline mechanism that forced me to
> provide a name I could just use 'f' over and over and
> not feel too cheated, but its nicer not to have an artificial
> name when theres no need.

Personally, I prefer to have the opportunity to provide a meaningful 
name, and don't see where a generic name is any more restrictive than 
having no name, but again, maybe that's just me.

>>So, while there are some advantages to having single-use callables
>>be defined inline
> The other advantage is the huge conceptial advantage that
> real lambdas confer. The breakthrough idea of
> def f(x): return x+x
> being the same as
> f = lambda x: x+x
> is only possible to demonstrate if you have lambda to start with.
> And yet that concept of a function name being just another variable
> and the callable code being an object in its own right becomes
> much more obvious in my opinion. lambda is a learning tool which
> shows what is really happening whereas def is just syntactic sugar.

Hm, I understood the idea of functions being just code objects that 
were bound to a name, and could be passed around, stored in 
collections, and effectively renamed, well before I really got a hold 
on lambdas as anything more than some confusing bit of magic.  Of 
course, I started in C, where I was fairly comfortable with the idea 
of function pointers; function objects are a pretty simple step up, 
abstraction-wise, from that.

I suppose that one might argue that I *still* just don't really get 
lambdas (and I wouldn't argue with that).  I can see some advantages 
to small inline functions, though I suspect that a more-explicit 
currying mechanism (such as the proposed partial() higher-order 
function) could easily replace such uses.  I'm sorry to say, though, 
that the supposed advantages of anonymity come across as little more 
than handwaving assertions to me, no matter how sincerely they're 
intended.  (I've just started to read through SICP, to pick up some 
lisp/scheme, in hopes of understanding the appeal a bit better, so 
maybe there's hope for me yet. ;) )

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From keridee at  Fri Feb  4 01:23:25 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Fri Feb  4 01:23:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] i have a question???
References: <><001601c50a34$2b196970$3d5328cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <008001c50a4f$d76aec10$3d5328cf@JSLAPTOP>

Sorry, over paranoid. ;-)

>>    num = num + math.pi/6.0   ## Don't forget .0 or you'll get an integer
> the division operator returns a float when either of the operands are
> floats -- in this case math.pi is, so you don't have to worry about
> passing it 6.0 instead of 6
>>>> import math
>>>> math.pi
> 3.1415926535897931
>>>> math.pi / 6
> 0.52359877559829882
>>>> type(math.pi)
> <type 'float'>
>>>> type(6)
> <type 'int'>
>>>> type(6.0)
> <type 'float'>
> mike
> On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 16:04:25 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
>> >From what I understand, range() no longer allows you to use floats as
>> arguments. (Or it gives you a deprication warning)
>> This tutorial must be old.
>> Not the only way, but.
>> import math
>> num = 0
>> while num <= 2*math.pi:
>>     ## Do stuff to figure pi/6 things
>>     num = num + math.pi/6.0   ## Don't forget .0 or you'll get an integer
>> result.
>>     print ## Result thingy
>> Another way is to use Numarry (Numeric) arange() but that takes extra 
>> work.
>> ;-)
>> Jacob
>> > This is from a tutorial
>> >
>> > "EXERCISE 3.9
>> > Use the math library to write a program to print out
>> > the sin and cos of numbers from 0 to 2pi in intervals
>> > of pi/6. You will need to use the range() function."
>> >
>> > Range won't let me use pi/6 as an incremator
>> > is there some other way i can accomplish this task
>> > im new to programming so all the help i can get is
>> > greatly appreciated.
>> > NI!
>> > alex
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> >
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> _______________________________________________
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From cyresse at  Fri Feb  4 01:25:31 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb  4 01:25:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <02ff01c50a46$7d75d570$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

>I suppose that one might argue that I *still* just don't really get
>lambdas (and I wouldn't argue with that).  I can see some advantages
>to small inline functions, though I suspect that a more-explicit
>currying mechanism (such as the proposed partial() higher-order
>function) could easily replace such uses.  I'm sorry to say, though,
>that the supposed advantages of anonymity come across as little more
>than handwaving assertions to me, no matter how sincerely they're

I'm with Jeff on this one - I've yet to see the light regarding
lambda's. I understand they're used through-out Tkinter GUI stuff, can
anyone put up an example of why a lambda is better? I would like to
'get' the concepts.

Is this one of those conceptual things like OOP?

Or is it a subtlety that a Masters in COSC is necessary to appreciate?

On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 16:06:55 -0800, Jeff Shannon <> wrote:
> Alan Gauld wrote:
> >
> >>However, Python doesn't need lambdas to be able to write in a
> >>functional style.
> >
> > I disagree Jeff. It does need lambdas to do FP properly, and
> > better lambdas than we have currently. What it doesn't need
> > is the lambda keyword and syntax - although pesonally I like
> > lambda since it is descriptive!
> Well, we'll have to continue to disagree on that. ;)  Personally, I
> can't help but think that 'lambda' is descriptive only to people
> who've experienced it elsewhere, and that that does *not* include the
> majority of the programming community, but I could be mistaken. :)
> >>Functions are first-class objects and can be passed
> >>around quite easily,
> >
> > Yes, but lambdas are more than first class functions, they
> > are anonymous functions! In fact really just callable code
> > blocks, not necessarily functions in the strictest sense
> > (except that every callable in FP is a function...! ;-)
> Well, given that in Python a function is just a callable code block
> that's bound to a name... ;)  Personally, I fail to see why having an
> anonymous function is such a huge conceptual advantage, no matter how
> many times this is proclaimed as truth by lambda-users, but again this
> is just my own impression.
> > Having to define every function before using it would
> > be a big hassle and make code less readable IMHO.
> Here, ISTM that you're emphasizing the in-line nature of lambdas as
> being their key usage point...  And personally, I prefer to have a
> glossary of terms rather than having to decipher jargon by context. ;)
> >>only a few differences between lambdas and named functions in
> >> Python:
> >>
> >>   - Anonymous vs named
> >
> > the key feature
> Again, I fail to see why this is such an advantage -- I've seen
> assertions that it is, over and over again, but never any convincing
> evidence....
> >>   - Single expression vs suite of statements
> >
> > A python restriction.
> Well, I *did* specify that I was talking about 'in Python'... ;)
> >>I'd also argue that the inline nature is the *true* differentiating
> >>feature of lambdas -- the fact that they're anonymous is relatively
> >>minor.
> >
> > I agree, if I had an inline mechanism that forced me to
> > provide a name I could just use 'f' over and over and
> > not feel too cheated, but its nicer not to have an artificial
> > name when theres no need.
> Personally, I prefer to have the opportunity to provide a meaningful
> name, and don't see where a generic name is any more restrictive than
> having no name, but again, maybe that's just me.
> >>So, while there are some advantages to having single-use callables
> >>be defined inline
> >
> > The other advantage is the huge conceptial advantage that
> > real lambdas confer. The breakthrough idea of
> >
> > def f(x): return x+x
> >
> > being the same as
> >
> > f = lambda x: x+x
> >
> > is only possible to demonstrate if you have lambda to start with.
> > And yet that concept of a function name being just another variable
> > and the callable code being an object in its own right becomes
> > much more obvious in my opinion. lambda is a learning tool which
> > shows what is really happening whereas def is just syntactic sugar.
> Hm, I understood the idea of functions being just code objects that
> were bound to a name, and could be passed around, stored in
> collections, and effectively renamed, well before I really got a hold
> on lambdas as anything more than some confusing bit of magic.  Of
> course, I started in C, where I was fairly comfortable with the idea
> of function pointers; function objects are a pretty simple step up,
> abstraction-wise, from that.
> I suppose that one might argue that I *still* just don't really get
> lambdas (and I wouldn't argue with that).  I can see some advantages
> to small inline functions, though I suspect that a more-explicit
> currying mechanism (such as the proposed partial() higher-order
> function) could easily replace such uses.  I'm sorry to say, though,
> that the supposed advantages of anonymity come across as little more
> than handwaving assertions to me, no matter how sincerely they're
> intended.  (I've just started to read through SICP, to pick up some
> lisp/scheme, in hopes of understanding the appeal a bit better, so
> maybe there's hope for me yet. ;) )
> Jeff Shannon
> Technician/Programmer
> Credit International
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Fri Feb  4 01:33:30 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb  4 01:33:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
In-Reply-To: <024e01c50a1f$4a4ab0c0$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
	<001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP> <>
	<> <>
	<> <024e01c50a1f$4a4ab0c0$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Alan said -
> Its bad practice to delete a member in the collection being iterated
> but Python copes OK if you just change the current item.

Yeah, that's very bad. Makes for all sorts of subtle errors. I usually
do the iteration as a for i in range(len(someList) type thing, and
collect the indexes - like so

j=[1, 2,3,4, 5,6,7,8]

for index in range(len(j)):
     if not j[index] % 2:

for item in delIndexes:

print j

[1, 3, 5, 7]

Although, (and this will be rough) a list comprehension would be
probably do the same thing
j=[1, 2,3,4, 5,6,7,8]

q = [if not item % 2 for item in j]

I really think I've got that 'if not item % 2' wrong, as I can't test
it, but I'd be hoping for
print q
[1, 3, 5, 7]

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From budr at  Fri Feb  4 01:43:36 2005
From: budr at (Bud Rogers)
Date: Fri Feb  4 01:44:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thursday 03 February 2005 17:41, Alan Gauld wrote:
> In fact the best style of all is neither of the two I showed,
> its actually this - which early everyone hates when they see it!
> inf f(x)
> ? ? {
> ? ? bah()
> ? ? }

Ugh.  Alan, I won't even try to dispute the study.  But if I have to 
write code like that, I'll just take up gardening instead.   :}

Bud Rogers <>  KD5SZ

From keridee at  Fri Feb  4 02:26:05 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Fri Feb  4 02:25:51 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <><><002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp><001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <00d801c50a58$83f68c20$3d5328cf@JSLAPTOP>

> Although, (and this will be rough) a list comprehension would be
> probably do the same thing
> j=[1, 2,3,4, 5,6,7,8]
> q = [if not item % 2 for item in j]
> I really think I've got that 'if not item % 2' wrong, as I can't test
> it, but I'd be hoping for
> print q
> [1, 3, 5, 7]

Backwards. ;-)

q = [item for item in j if not item % 2 == 0]

A word of warning. You want odd numbers, so even if the syntax was correct 
for your list comprehension, you would have gotten even numbers -- item % 2 
would register False if item %2 == 0, then not False would be True so you 
would get all of the items that were even. Does that make sense?
You could also do

q = [item for item in j if item % 2]

Which says if item % 2 is True (not equal to False, 0) then append item to 
q. Okay, so that's not exactly what it says

From jeff at  Fri Feb  4 03:22:01 2005
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Fri Feb  4 03:21:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<02b101c50a3d$a5574550$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Max Noel wrote:

> On Feb 3, 2005, at 23:41, Jeff Shannon wrote:
>> (But then, at my job I'm stuck using a horrible Frankenstein's monster 
>> of a proprietary language on a daily basis, so I can't help but 
>> believe that there's plenty more awful languages around that didn't 
>> happen to be "rescued" from oblivion by an accident of history...)
>     Yeah. Sometimes I read a little bit of Wikipedia's "Esoteric 
> Programming Languages" page, and some of them just leave me in awe. 
> Brainfuck (and its variant Ook!) and INTERCAL ("GOTO is considered 
> harmful, so we removed it -- INTERCAL uses COME FROM instead") are 
> already quite impressive, but the very idea of Befunge makes my brain 
> want to explode. Especially that extension to the language that allows 
> one to write N-dimensional programs. :D

The difference here is that those are languages that were *intended* 
to be brain-melting.  The language I'm talking about (Pick Proc, aka 
UHL) was intended to do real work with -- though at times I think it 
was designed by a brain-damaged lemur that was huffing paint fumes.

For example, every line (except flow-control statements i.e. 'if' and 
'go' (there's a few other exceptions as well, but anyhow...)) must 
begin with a single character that denotes what the line does - 'c' 
for comment, 'o' for output (print to terminal), 'h' to build a 
command, 'p' to execute that command... empty lines are forbidden. 
Note also that the position *after* the final newline character is 
considered a line, and therefore a file cannot end with a newline.

Especially when combined with several of the utilities that it's 
commonly used to script for, it begins to approach Perl in 
indecipherability, without even having the excuse of being largely 
non-alpha characters.

I'd consider writing a Python extension that would interact with the 
system such that I wouldn't need to use this awful little scripting 
language, but that would require more effort and thought than I'm 
willing to invest in learning the details of this system.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From flaxeater at  Fri Feb  4 03:54:18 2005
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Fri Feb  4 03:54:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

How about a concrete example where lambda is more elegant than a
block of code

bList=aList[:] #deep copy
assert not bList is aList

def sortByLength(item1,item2):
    return cmp(len(item1),len(item2))

assert bList==['a', 'bb', 'ee', 'ccc', 'dddd']

aList.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(len(x),len(y)))
assert aList==['a', 'bb', 'ee', 'ccc', 'dddd']

Now this is a concrete example of how lambda simplifies code, at
for me because it does not clutter my mental name space.  Also it is 
much shorter.  However it should be said that this is very much a 
question of taste.  However I must say that lambda's are very useful 
even necessary for using Tkinter.

Here's something else, while not exactly the same but an

def x():
    print "one"
def x():
    print "two"
def x():
    print "three"
for item in aFuncList:
In summary there has been a great deal of argument about lambda's,
on this mostly sanguine mailing list.  I feel that it's one of those 
strange things about python true.  Guido purposely made it very
because it could get hairy very fast with more powerful lambda's, the

functional people would make code that would break newcomers heads. 
knows I had a hard enough time with them at first.

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From flaxeater at  Fri Feb  4 07:39:43 2005
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Fri Feb  4 07:39:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] This Deletes All my Files
Message-ID: <>

I've tried this and I cannot figure out why this does not work.  I 
figure this has something to do with order of operations.  I figured 
someone would know exactly why it doesn't work.  Wouldn't this start 
inside parens then from left to right?


I tried this on the shell just trying to do some quick text
because I could figure out how to get awk to do it, and I didn't want
spend 5 hours RTFM.  I got it to work by breaking it up to several 
statements, but I would like to know.

Do You Yahoo!?
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From pierre.barbier at  Fri Feb  4 09:07:26 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Fri Feb  4 09:05:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] This Deletes All my Files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ok, so in Python, arguments are evaluated first, left to right !
The outer-most function used in your sample is :
file.write(self, filename, mode)

So the first argument evaluated is "self" ... and in your case "self" is 
"open(item, 'w')" so the first thing your line does is opening for 
writing the file named by "item" and as "w" empty the file ... you can 
read it afterward, it will be empty !


PS: general in programs: do NEVER rely on arguments evaluation order, 
unless you have no other choices and you are damn sure of what you're 
doing. In any case, do NEVER do that if you're no expert in the 
programming language used.

Chad Crabtree a ?crit :
> I've tried this and I cannot figure out why this does not work.  I 
> figure this has something to do with order of operations.  I figured 
> someone would know exactly why it doesn't work.  Wouldn't this start 
> inside parens then from left to right?
> open(item,'w').write(open(item,'r').read().replace('&nbsp;',''))
> I tried this on the shell just trying to do some quick text
> replacement 
> because I could figure out how to get awk to do it, and I didn't want
> to 
> spend 5 hours RTFM.  I got it to work by breaking it up to several 
> statements, but I would like to know.
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From shaleh at  Fri Feb  4 09:13:29 2005
From: shaleh at (Sean Perry)
Date: Fri Feb  4 09:14:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <030401c50a46$c7d41280$68b78851@xp>
References: <><><><>	<>	<021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp>	<><>
	<> <030401c50a46$c7d41280$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> Sean, what book/tutor are you using for Haskell?
> I learned it from "The Haskell School of Expression" which 
> was OK but very graphics focused, I'd be interested in 
> recommended second source on Haskell.

as with Max I am reading Haskell: Craft of Functional Programming. I am 
about half way through it (have not got to Monads yet which are the mind 

So far I really like it. Thought provoking examples and exercises. 
However there are no answers to the exercises. Which for a relative 
newbie to functional programming would have been nice.
From maxnoel_fr at  Fri Feb  4 09:15:04 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Fri Feb  4 09:15:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] This Deletes All my Files
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 4, 2005, at 06:39, Chad Crabtree wrote:

> I've tried this and I cannot figure out why this does not work.  I
> figure this has something to do with order of operations.  I figured
> someone would know exactly why it doesn't work.  Wouldn't this start
> inside parens then from left to right?
> open(item,'w').write(open(item,'r').read().replace('&nbsp;',''))
> I tried this on the shell just trying to do some quick text
> replacement
> because I could figure out how to get awk to do it, and I didn't want
> to
> spend 5 hours RTFM.  I got it to work by breaking it up to several
> statements, but I would like to know.

	It's quite easy: evaluation starts from left to right. The program 
opens item for writing (thus deleting it), creating a file object, then 
executes its write method on the argument in the parens. However, since 
at that point item is now empty, there is nothing to read from.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From project5 at  Fri Feb  4 09:51:57 2005
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri Feb  4 09:52:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: This Deletes All my Files
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Chad Crabtree <flaxeater <at>> writes:

> I've tried this and I cannot figure out why this does not work.  I 
> figure this has something to do with order of operations.  I figured 
> someone would know exactly why it doesn't work.  Wouldn't this start 
> inside parens then from left to right?
> open(item,'w').write(open(item,'r').read().replace('&nbsp;',''))

Well, what your code says is this:
1. open item for writing and return a file object
2. call on that file object the write method (at this point its contents are
wiped out)
3. open that same file for reading (but it's empty now)
4. read everything from it (nothing)
5. write nothing back to the file.

You can test it by implementing a dummy open method and a dummy file class which
log what happens to them:

>>> s = "d:/tests/test.txt"
>>> class dummyfile(object):
...     def open(self, *args):
...         print "", args
...     def write(self, *args):
...         print "dummyfile.write:", args
...     def read(self, *args):
...         print "", args
...         return ""
>>> def dummyopen(filename, type):
...     print "dummyopen:", filename, type
...     d = dummyfile()
..., type)
...     return d

>>> dummyopen(s, 'w').write(dummyopen(s, 'r').read())
dummyopen: d:/tests/test.txt w ('d:/tests/test.txt', 'w') <--- first open for writing
dummyopen: d:/tests/test.txt r ('d:/tests/test.txt', 'r') <--- then for reading ()
dummyfile.write: ('',)

> spend 5 hours RTFM.  I got it to work by breaking it up to several 
> statements, but I would like to know.

And that's the way you *should* write it - code like this doesn't deserve to
work anyway :). 



From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 09:58:41 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 09:57:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <034301c50a97$b9b7b110$68b78851@xp>

> > We'll just have to have to disagree about awk.  I starting
learning Perl
> > to avoid learning awk :-)
> But awk is smaller and simpler than perl. So it should be faster
> (esp. at startup) for small and simple tasks.
> As usual: Right tool for right task.

awk starts faster but perl is more efficient because it compiles
the code prior to execution. So for any long files or big programs
Perl is significantly faster than awk. But awk is just so elegant
and quick to write that I use it for everything except huge files.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 10:05:04 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 10:04:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><><><>	<>	<021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp>	<><><>
Message-ID: <035401c50a98$9e54ee00$68b78851@xp>

> > Sean, what book/tutor are you using for Haskell?
> I'm not Sean,

Oops, sorry, I picked the name from the post I was replying
to, apologies!

> but I'm using Simon Thompson's "Haskell: The Craft of
> Functional Programming", which I find quite good. However, it's a
> odd, in that it almost reads like a mathematics book, which is
> something you may or may not like.

FP generally is math oriented, all the Haskell books I've
seen are the same. In fact the reason I chose mine was
because it seemed the least math oriented, but in practice,
because I'm not much into graphics, I spent a lot of time
trying to think how to apply the principles elsewhere...

I'll have a look for your one.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 10:09:11 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 10:08:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <035b01c50a99$31229070$68b78851@xp>

> > The reasons for the K&R style of brace winning is to do
> > with the way the brain process structure and despite
> > the subjects stated preference for the 'Pascal' style
> > they still had lower perception scores.
> Little nit-picking here:
> if(foo)
> {
> bar();
> }
> Is not K&R style, but Allman style. K&R style (also known as One
> Brace Style or 1TBS) is this:

Correct. The style you show (which I called Pascal style) is
the one that doesn't work. K&R style

> if(foo) {
> bar;
> }

Is the one that won the shootout.

With the outsider(which I dont know a name for!) beating both...

if (foo)

Which is the one that Python uses...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 10:28:24 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 10:27:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><><><>	<>	<021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp><>	<><02ff01c50a46$7d75d570$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <036001c50a9b$e0a33c50$68b78851@xp>

> > I disagree Jeff. It does need lambdas to do FP properly, and
> Well, we'll have to continue to disagree on that. ;)  Personally, I
> can't help but think that 'lambda' is descriptive only to people
> who've experienced it elsewhere, and that that does *not* include
> majority of the programming community, but I could be mistaken. :)

I would agree, in the same way that complex numbers only make sense
to those who've used them.

But lambda calculus is the foundation of all programming and
all formally trained programmers *should* have had a grounding
in Lambda calculus.

Unfortunately the nature of the industry is such that many
programmers have no theoretical understanding of programming,
they just know some languages and get on with it. That's OK,
and most programmers can quite happily ignore lambdas - and do!
[The analogy is that you don't need to understand electron
 mechanics to be an electrician, but a electronic component
 designer probably should!]

But lambda is just as much a valid mathematical term as
"function" or "set" or "complex number", its not a *construct*
from another language, its a mathematical concept with whole
books written about it.

> Well, given that in Python a function is just a callable code block
> that's bound to a name... ;)  Personally, I fail to see why having
> anonymous function is such a huge conceptual advantage,

Because often you just want to pass in a bit of code that
doesn't have a very meaningful function, typically as a
parameter to a control structure. In fact, thinking about
it, I'd guess the most common case for anonymous functions
is when defining new control structures. Now you can give
arbitrary names "codeBlock" or similar

def codeBlock():


But its more appropriate to the task to do:


It keeps the code block at the execution point.

> Here, ISTM that you're emphasizing the in-line nature of lambdas as
> being their key usage point...  And personally, I prefer to have a
> glossary of terms rather than having to decipher jargon by context.

But a glossary of terms is only useful if it means something.
Its especially useful for things that hang around and get reused,
but for something you use once and throw away labelling it is a
lot of work!

> collections, and effectively renamed, well before I really got a
> on lambdas as anything more than some confusing bit of magic.  Of
> course, I started in C, where I was fairly comfortable with the idea
> of function pointers; function objects are a pretty simple step up,
> abstraction-wise, from that.

I started wth C then moved to Lisp.
When I saw Lambdas in Lisp C function pointers suddenly took on a
new lease of life and that was what started me reading up on
lambda calculus.

Like most programmers I don't use lambda a lot, but its really
nice to have it there for the few occasions I want it...

> intended.  (I've just started to read through SICP, to pick up some
> lisp/scheme, in hopes of understanding the appeal a bit better, so
> maybe there's hope for me yet. ;) )

Maybe. It'll be interesting to hear what you make of it.
Keep us posted.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 10:37:03 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 10:36:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><><><><><021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp><><>
Message-ID: <037301c50a9d$15b40630$68b78851@xp>

> I'm with Jeff on this one - I've yet to see the light regarding
> lambda's. I understand they're used through-out Tkinter GUI stuff

They often are in practice although they are rarely (never)
necessary(*). But they are a convenient way of defining a one
liner function without the overhead of certing lots of defined

(*)Except that all function definitions are really lambdas,
they just don't use the keyword lambda anywhere....

> anyone put up an example of why a lambda is better? I would like to
> 'get' the concepts.

I gave a pseudo coe example in my reply to Jeff.
Also in my Functional Programming page there are some examples.

> Is this one of those conceptual things like OOP?

Yes, but its a bit more fundamental than OOP
Its about how programming languages are constructed
and function. Its like the theory behind how elictricity
flows in a circuit - you can change a fuse without knowing
that stuff but its more important if you have to design
the fuse!

Lambdas really start to work when you start building
new language constructs and the like.

> Or is it a subtlety that a Masters in COSC is necessary to

Certainly a Masters in CS should teach you about Lambdas
but you don't need that to appreciate them. They really
aren't that hard, its just the fancy Greek name puts folks
off I suspect :-)

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 10:39:40 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 10:38:40 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Better structure?
References: <><><002501c508ce$294e4e10$3b5428cf@JSLAPTOP><016a01c50904$81e75db0$68b78851@xp><001301c5099a$df6c7dd0$145428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <037801c50a9d$7333b940$68b78851@xp>

> Although, (and this will be rough) a list comprehension would be
> probably do the same thing
> j=[1, 2,3,4, 5,6,7,8]
> q = [if not item % 2 for item in j]

I think you mean:

q = [ item for item in j if item % 2]

item % 2 will return zero = false on even numbers, so 
your test is true for odd numbers. No need for 'not'.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 10:42:42 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 10:41:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <037d01c50a9d$e01d0a70$68b78851@xp>

On Thursday 03 February 2005 17:41, Alan Gauld wrote:
>> In fact the best style of all is neither of the two I showed,
>> its actually this - which early everyone hates when they see it!
>> inf f(x)
>>    {
>>    bah()
>>    }
>Ugh.  Alan, I won't even try to dispute the study.  But if I have to
>write code like that, I'll just take up gardening instead.   :}

Look at it conceptually:


Thats Python! Since you are on this list I suspect you do write
"code like that" Its just Guido removed the now extraneous {}...


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 11:11:50 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 11:12:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] This Deletes All my Files
References: <>
Message-ID: <038801c50aa1$f233a350$68b78851@xp>

> I've tried this and I cannot figure out why this does not work.  

So what happens?
And how are you closing the file?

> open(item,'w').write(open(item,'r').read().replace('&nbsp;',''))

I can't see the obvious flaw, but using anonymous files(*) is not
a good idea IMHO.

(*)Unlike anonymous functions ;-)

Alan G.
From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 11:14:37 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 11:13:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] This Deletes All my Files
References: <>
Message-ID: <039a01c50aa2$55715e80$68b78851@xp>

> So the first argument evaluated is "self" ... and in your case
"self" is
> "open(item, 'w')" so the first thing your line does is opening for
> writing the file named by "item" and as "w" empty the file ... you
> read it afterward, it will be empty !

Ah! well spotted Pierre, I hadn't noticed that both input and
output files were the same file!

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 11:20:38 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 11:19:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><><><><><021301c509d5$89daa960$68b78851@xp><><><02ff01c50a46$7d75d570$68b78851@xp><><>
Message-ID: <03ad01c50aa3$36f41500$68b78851@xp>

> and function. Its like the theory behind how elictricity

Yikes! Did I really manage to type elictricity
And I can't blame finger trouble,  e and i are miles 
apart on the keyboard!


Alan G.
From maxnoel_fr at  Fri Feb  4 11:47:08 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Fri Feb  4 11:47:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <035b01c50a99$31229070$68b78851@xp>
References: <><031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 4, 2005, at 09:09, Alan Gauld wrote:

> Correct. The style you show (which I called Pascal style) is
> the one that doesn't work. K&R style
>> if(foo) {
>> bar;
>> }
> Is the one that won the shootout.
> With the outsider(which I dont know a name for!) beating both...
> if (foo)
>    {
>    bar;
>    }

	According to the Jargon file, this one is called Whitesmiths style. I 
tend to use Allman style myself, but given the code completion, 
spellchecking, etc. in modern IDEs, I suspect it's become more a 
question of personal preference than anything else.

	A bit like if(foo) versus if (foo), and whether or not to use braces 
for single-line blocks. (the latter issue being why I think The 
Whitespace Thing is an instance of Best Thing Ever(TM))

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Fri Feb  4 12:14:43 2005
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Fri Feb  4 12:15:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <030b01c50a48$15e2df00$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ctvldn$cud$>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>>I also wish Python would take up the C ternary operator 
>>which is also quite clear and elegant.
> :-)
> You joke I assume? ':?' is clear? Its succinct but also 
> prone to abuse. I don't think the Python equivalent 
> foo = x and y or z
> is much less elegant than
> foo = x ? y : z

You must be joking too... You think that

x and y or z

is as clear as

x ? y : z

even though the former is just a hack that was not meant to be used as 
such, while the latter is a well-documented feature that is designed to 
do what it does?

Ugly as I think it is, I could live with that. But it's worse:

x and y or z

doesn't even work if y evaluates to False. That alone makes me never 
want to use the construct: whether the expression evaluates to y or z 
should depend on the value of x, not the value of y or z.

As far as I'm concerned, the lack of a proper ternary if/then/else 
operator is a wart in the otherwise very clean design of Python. The 
lack of a switch statement too, but to a much lesser degree.

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Fri Feb  4 12:26:17 2005
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Fri Feb  4 12:26:40 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ctvm3d$eln$>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> In fact the best style of all is neither of the two I showed,
> its actually this - which early everyone hates when they see it!
> inf f(x)
>     {
>     bah()
>     }

Yikes. We use that style at work. At first I found it ugly, but I 
thought I'd get used to it after a while. Well, 3 years later I still 
find it ugly and, more importantly, much harder to understand the structure.

Do you have a link to these studies? I'm always skeptical about the 
methodology in those studies, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Fri Feb  4 12:31:48 2005
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Fri Feb  4 12:32:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <037d01c50a9d$e01d0a70$68b78851@xp>
References: <><031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>	<>
Message-ID: <ctvmdo$fjv$>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> Look at it conceptually:
>     XXXXX
>     XXXXX
>     XXXXX
> Thats Python! Since you are on this list I suspect you do write
> "code like that" Its just Guido removed the now extraneous {}...

My favorite, Allman style, is also Python if you remove the {} !

BTW, Steve McConnell recommends your favorite too in Code Complete. But 
he also didn't manage to convince me.

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From melnyk at  Fri Feb  4 12:38:51 2005
From: melnyk at (Scott Melnyk)
Date: Fri Feb  4 12:38:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] variation of Unique items question
Message-ID: <>

Hello once more.

I am stuck on how best to tie the finding Unique Items in Lists ideas to my file

I am stuck at level below:  What I have here taken from the unique
items thread does not work as I need to separate each grouping to the
hg chain it is in (see below for examples)

import sys
WFILE=open(sys.argv[1], 'w') 
def get_list_dup_dict(fname='Z:/datasets/fooyoo.txt', threshold=2):
    a_list=open(fname, 'r')
   #print "beginning get_list_dup"
    items_dict, dup_dict = {}, {}
    for i in a_list:
        items_dict[i] = items_dict.get(i, 0) + 1

    for k, v in items_dict.iteritems():
        if v==threshold:
            dup_dict[k] = v    

    return dup_dict

def print_list_dup_report(fname='Z:/datasets/fooyoo.txt', threshold=2):
    #print "Beginning report generation"
    dup_dict = get_list_dup_dict(fname='Z:/datasets/fooyoo.txt', threshold=2)
    for k, v in sorted(dup_dict.iteritems()):
        print WFILE,'%s occurred %s times' %(k, v)

if __name__ == '__main__':

My issue is that my file is as follows:
hg17_chainMm5_chr15 range=chr7:148238502-148239073

hg17_chainMm5_chr13 range=chr5:42927967-42928726

hg17_chainMm5_chr6 range=chr1:155548627-155549517
I need a print out that would give the line hg17.... and then any
instances of the ENST that occur more than once only for that chain
section.  Even better it only prints the hg17 line if it is followed
by an instance of ENST that occurs more than once

I am hoping for something that gives me an out file roughly like:

hg17_chainMm5_chr15 range=chr7:148238502-148239073
ENST00000339563.1 occurs 2 times

hg17_chainMm5_chr13 range=chr5:42927967-42928726
ENST00000279800.3 occurs 2 times

All help and ideas appreciated, I am trying to get this finished as
soon as possible, the output file will be used to go back to my 2 gb
file and pull out the rest of the data I need.

From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Fri Feb  4 12:38:14 2005
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Fri Feb  4 12:40:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <ctvmpq$gha$>

Chad Crabtree wrote:
> How about a concrete example where lambda is more elegant than a
> named 
> block of code
> aList=['a','bb','ccc','dddd','ee']
> bList=aList[:] #deep copy
> assert not bList is aList
> def sortByLength(item1,item2):
>     return cmp(len(item1),len(item2))
> bList.sort(sortByLength)
> assert bList==['a', 'bb', 'ee', 'ccc', 'dddd']
> aList.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(len(x),len(y)))
> assert aList==['a', 'bb', 'ee', 'ccc', 'dddd']

> Now this is a concrete example of how lambda simplifies code, at 
> least for me because it does not clutter my mental name space. Also
> it is much shorter. However it should be said that this is very much
> a question  of taste.

Indeed. In this case, I like the version without lambda. Naming the 
function serves as documentation, so I don't even need to read an 
interpret the body of the function to know what it does. Assuming that 
the name correctly describes the behavior of course, but I need to check 
that only once. From then on, sort(sortByLength) instantly explains what 
it does, while sort(lambda x,y: cmp(len(x),len(y)) needs much more parsing.

But I agree that there are cases where lambda is more useful and/or clearer.

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From kent37 at  Fri Feb  4 13:22:17 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb  4 13:22:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] variation of Unique items question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You need to reset your items_dict when you see an hg17 line.

Here is one way to do it. I used a class to make it easier to break the problem into functions. 
Putting the functions in a class makes it easy to share the header and counts.

class Grouper:
     ''' Process a sequence of strings of the form


         Look for repeated Data items under a single Header. When found, print
         the Header and the repeated item.

         Possible usage:
         out = open('outfile.txt', 'w')
         Grouper().process(open('infile.txt'), 'hg17', out)

     def reset(self, header='No header'):
         ''' Reset the current header and counts '''
         self.currHeader = header
         self.counts = {}

     def process(self, data, headerStart, out):
         ''' Find duplicates within groups of lines of data '''

         for line in data:
             line = line.strip() # get rid of newlines from file input

             if line.startswith(headerStart):
                 # Found a new header line, show the current group and restart

             elif line:
                 # Found a data line, count it
                 self.counts[line] = self.counts.get(line, 0) + 1

         # Show the last group

     def showDups(self, out):
         # Get list of items with count > 1
         items = [ (k, cnt) for k, cnt in self.counts.items() if cnt > 1 ]

         # Show the items
         if items:
             print >> out, self.currHeader
             for k, cnt in sorted(items):
                 print >> out, '%s occurs %d times' % (k, cnt)
             print >> out

if __name__ == '__main__':
     import sys

     data = '''hg17_chainMm5_chr15 range=chr7:148238502-148239073

     hg17_chainMm5_chr13 range=chr5:42927967-42928726

     hg17_chainMm5_chr6 range=chr1:155548627-155549517

     Grouper().process(data, 'hg17', sys.stdout)


Scott Melnyk wrote:
> Hello once more.
> I am stuck on how best to tie the finding Unique Items in Lists ideas to my file
> I am stuck at level below:  What I have here taken from the unique
> items thread does not work as I need to separate each grouping to the
> hg chain it is in (see below for examples)
> import sys
> WFILE=open(sys.argv[1], 'w') 
> def get_list_dup_dict(fname='Z:/datasets/fooyoo.txt', threshold=2):
>     a_list=open(fname, 'r')
>    #print "beginning get_list_dup"
>     items_dict, dup_dict = {}, {}
>     for i in a_list:
>         items_dict[i] = items_dict.get(i, 0) + 1
>     for k, v in items_dict.iteritems():
>         if v==threshold:
>             dup_dict[k] = v    
>     return dup_dict
> def print_list_dup_report(fname='Z:/datasets/fooyoo.txt', threshold=2):
>     #print "Beginning report generation"
>     dup_dict = get_list_dup_dict(fname='Z:/datasets/fooyoo.txt', threshold=2)
>     for k, v in sorted(dup_dict.iteritems()):
>         print WFILE,'%s occurred %s times' %(k, v)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>         print_list_dup_report()
> My issue is that my file is as follows:
> hg17_chainMm5_chr15 range=chr7:148238502-148239073
> ENST00000339563.1
> ENST00000342196.1
> ENST00000339563.1
> ENST00000344055.1
> hg17_chainMm5_chr13 range=chr5:42927967-42928726
> ENST00000279800.3
> ENST00000309556.3
> hg17_chainMm5_chr6 range=chr1:155548627-155549517
> ENST00000321157.3
> ENST00000256324.4
> I need a print out that would give the line hg17.... and then any
> instances of the ENST that occur more than once only for that chain
> section.  Even better it only prints the hg17 line if it is followed
> by an instance of ENST that occurs more than once
> I am hoping for something that gives me an out file roughly like:
> hg17_chainMm5_chr15 range=chr7:148238502-148239073
> ENST00000339563.1 occurs 2 times
> hg17_chainMm5_chr13 range=chr5:42927967-42928726
> ENST00000279800.3 occurs 2 times
> All help and ideas appreciated, I am trying to get this finished as
> soon as possible, the output file will be used to go back to my 2 gb
> file and pull out the rest of the data I need.
> Thanks,
> Scott
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From h-tamm at  Fri Feb  4 14:18:28 2005
From: h-tamm at (Tamm, Heiko)
Date: Fri Feb  4 14:18:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str
Message-ID: <>

I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into String or
other formats?
How can it be done?
Kind regards
-------------- next part --------------
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From pierre.barbier at  Fri Feb  4 14:34:32 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Fri Feb  4 14:32:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Given you have a number in 'a' :


returns the hexadecimal representation of 'a' as a string !
You can also try :

"%x" % a

After that, I don't know if there is some builtin to print a number in 
any base you want !


Tamm, Heiko a ?crit :
> Hello,
> I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into String or
> other formats?
> How can it be done?
> Kind regards
>   Heiko
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From kent37 at  Fri Feb  4 14:36:50 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb  4 14:36:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Use the hex() function to convert an integer to a hex string representation:
  >>> hex(54)
  >>> hex(0x54)

or for more control use %x string formatting:
  >>> '%x' % 54
  >>> '%04X' % 0xab



Tamm, Heiko wrote:
> Hello,
> I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into String or 
> other formats?
> How can it be done?
> Kind regards
>   Heiko
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From h-tamm at  Fri Feb  4 14:36:54 2005
From: h-tamm at (Tamm, Heiko)
Date: Fri Feb  4 14:37:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
Message-ID: <>

Thank you, Pierre,

But I'm looking for a solution to convert a Hex number into binary, decimal, interger numbers.


What is the the binary value of the hex number 1F4.

Is there a function available, or how can it be done?

Kind regards and a nice weekend



-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre Barbier de Reuille [] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:35 PM
To: Tamm, Heiko
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hex to Str

Given you have a number in 'a' :


returns the hexadecimal representation of 'a' as a string !
You can also try :

"%x" % a

After that, I don't know if there is some builtin to print a number in any base you want !


Tamm, Heiko a ?crit :
> Hello,
> I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into String 
> or other formats?
> How can it be done?
> Kind regards
>   Heiko
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From ewald.ertl at  Fri Feb  4 14:37:37 2005
From: ewald.ertl at (Ewald Ertl)
Date: Fri Feb  4 14:37:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <20050204143737.00006e81@sunray1>

Hello Heiko, 

I do not really know what you like to get, but the hex-number's in Python are usedd
in a numeric representation. As far as I have seen in the interpreter, this depends 
on the value:

>>> a=0xaaaaabbbbbccccccddddddd
>>> type(a)
<type 'long'>

>>> a=0xaabb
>>> type(a)
<type 'int'>

If you like to see the number as a hex-String you can use 
>>> hex(a)
the representation as an octal number
>>> oct(a)

HTH Ewald 

on Fri, 4 Feb 2005 14:18:28 +0100  "Tamm, Heiko" <> wrote :

Tamm, Heiko > Hello,
Tamm, Heiko >  
Tamm, Heiko > I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into String or
Tamm, Heiko > other formats?
Tamm, Heiko >  
Tamm, Heiko > How can it be done?
Tamm, Heiko >  
Tamm, Heiko >  
Tamm, Heiko > Kind regards
Tamm, Heiko >  
Tamm, Heiko >   Heiko

------------------- end ----------------------

From kent37 at  Fri Feb  4 14:50:42 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb  4 14:50:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You might be interested in these:


Tamm, Heiko wrote:
> Thank you, Pierre,
> But I'm looking for a solution to convert a Hex number into binary, decimal, interger numbers.
> E.g.:
> What is the the binary value of the hex number 1F4.
> Is there a function available, or how can it be done?
> Kind regards and a nice weekend
>   Heiko
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pierre Barbier de Reuille [] 
> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:35 PM
> To: Tamm, Heiko
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hex to Str
> Given you have a number in 'a' :
> hex(a)
> returns the hexadecimal representation of 'a' as a string !
> You can also try :
> "%x" % a
> After that, I don't know if there is some builtin to print a number in any base you want !
> Pierre
> Tamm, Heiko a ?crit :
>>I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into String 
>>or other formats?
>>How can it be done?
>>Kind regards
>>  Heiko
>>Tutor maillist  -
> --
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille
> INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde
> 34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
> tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From melnyk at  Fri Feb  4 14:57:00 2005
From: melnyk at (Scott Melnyk)
Date: Fri Feb  4 14:57:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: variation of Unique items question
Message-ID: <>


Kent once again you have responded incredibly quickly in a most
helpful manor.  I sometimes wonder if the old reference to a
"Kent-bot" has some truth to it.

Thanks again, I will play with it and keep on going.

From h-tamm at  Fri Feb  4 15:11:00 2005
From: h-tamm at (Tamm, Heiko)
Date: Fri Feb  4 15:11:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
Message-ID: <>


Ok, thank you.

Does anybody know how to convert a HEX into a BINARY?

Best regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre Barbier de Reuille [] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:55 PM
To: Tamm, Heiko
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue

Oh ! You meant the other way around ?

If you have a string with an Hex number in it it's very easy :

a = int("F04", 16)

you can replace "16" with every base you want :)

After that, to get an octal representation :

"%o" % a

But I don't know for binary representation ... nor for any other base :( That's somthing missing I think !


Tamm, Heiko a ?crit :
> Thank you, Pierre,
> But I'm looking for a solution to convert a Hex number into binary, decimal, interger numbers.
> E.g.:
> What is the the binary value of the hex number 1F4.
> Is there a function available, or how can it be done?
> Kind regards and a nice weekend
>   Heiko
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pierre Barbier de Reuille []
> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:35 PM
> To: Tamm, Heiko
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hex to Str
> Given you have a number in 'a' :
> hex(a)
> returns the hexadecimal representation of 'a' as a string !
> You can also try :
> "%x" % a
> After that, I don't know if there is some builtin to print a number in any base you want !
> Pierre
> Tamm, Heiko a ?crit :
>>I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into String 
>>or other formats?
>>How can it be done?
>>Kind regards
>>  Heiko
>>Tutor maillist  -
> --
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille
> INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP Botanique et 
> Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes TA40/PSII, Boulevard de 
> la Lironde
> 34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
> tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From jsmith at  Fri Feb  4 15:11:35 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Fri Feb  4 15:11:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

The problem with if/elif is that it doesn't express what is actually
gong on.

What you are try to do is "execute a block of code based on the value of
a single statement."  if/elif doesn't do that and thereby introduces the
possibility of errors.

switch on-this:
	case 'a':
		do something
	case 'b':
		do something else
	case 'c':
		do yet something else

Is much clearer and more maintatinable than

if on-this == 'a':
	do something
elif on-this == 'b':
	do something else
elif on-this == 'c':
	do yet something else

Note that the logic intended is that "on-this."  So why force the
programmer to rewrite it N times and thereby introduce the possibility
of N-1 typographical errors...particularly if the "on-this" is
sufficiently complex.

Note that I've left out break.  I'm not convinced that fall-through is
an important feature in switch and is usually the culpit in the cases of
abuse.  Of course, abuse has nothing to do with it.  Someone somewhere
will abuse any syntax you give them.  Just because it *can* be abused
doesn't mean it doesn't have value when used properly.

This is also true for the ternary operator.  The desired logic is to
assign the value of a variable based on the value of some other
variable.  The assignment is the primary action and therefore should be
the primary feature in the statement.  Using if/else makes the decision
point the primary action and leads to people stuffing other things in
the clauses which don't belong there.

IMHO, if/elif/else statements are far more abused than either switch or
ternary but I certainly wouldn't argue they should be removed from the

I also like Perl's unless statement but really prefer VBs
DO/WHILE/UNTIL/LOOP constuct.  Nothing beats it for clarity of


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 6:29 PM
To: Smith, Jeff; Jacob S.;;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

> Perl and Python both resist the introduction of a switch statement
> which I (and many others) feel is the most elegant way to express 
> what it does.

Interesting. What do you feel is the problem with elif?
Its not even much more typing and allows for much more 
expressive test conditions. Switch is really only useful 
for a single subset of tests. And of course switch statements 
are notorious bug factories and maintenance nightmares - 
the reason why OOP tries to eliminate them wherever possible.

> I also wish Python would take up the C ternary operator
> which is also quite clear and elegant.

You joke I assume? ':?' is clear? Its succinct but also 
prone to abuse. I don't think the Python equivalent 

foo = x and y or z

is much less elegant than

foo = x ? y : z

> ... To paraphrase the famous quote:  There are no good programming
languages, just some that aren't as bad in some situations.

Absolutely true.
I still use assembler occasionally, and I even like bits of COBOL
(although not much, its my least favourite language!). And probably 
my favourite language of all is Logo even though I've never used 
it for any serious projects.

Alan G.
From jsmith at  Fri Feb  4 15:17:46 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Fri Feb  4 15:17:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

Disagree to disagree again.  I certainly don't think Perl is less
capable than awk.  And awk is only easier to learn because there's less
to it.  If someone only wanted to use Perl for exactly what awk does I
suspect they would find Perl easier.  And awk's terseness is part of
what I don't like about it.  Unwrapping those statement's and puzzling
out what they do can be hellish.  Of course, I do understand that if you
use it every day, you get use to it like any other language...then
again, that was the whole theory behinf APL :-)

For what it's worth, I'm a big fan of LISP and Prolog but can't find any
reason to really use them any more.

And for whoever complained about the proprietary language they have to
use daily, I suggest you take a look at ADA.  It was intended to be self
documenting and was designed by committee.  They started with Pascal and
decided it was too terse :-)




(or something similar, it's been years...err, decades)


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 6:31 PM
To: Smith, Jeff;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

> We'll just have to have to disagree about awk.
> I starting learning Perl to avoid learning awk :-)

Really? Why for? awk is far easier to learn than Perl 
- and far less generally capable! - but it makes Perl seem 
positively verbose!

Alan G.
From kent37 at  Fri Feb  4 15:58:20 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb  4 15:58:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Please give us an example of what you would like to do since we don't seem to understand. Imagine 
there is a function that does exactly what you want and show how you would use it and what results 
you would get.

Repeating the same question is not likely to get a better answer, just more guesses.


Tamm, Heiko wrote:
> Ok, thank you.
> Does anybody know how to convert a HEX into a BINARY?
> Best regards
>  Heiko
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pierre Barbier de Reuille [] 
> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:55 PM
> To: Tamm, Heiko
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
> Oh ! You meant the other way around ?
> If you have a string with an Hex number in it it's very easy :
> a = int("F04", 16)
> you can replace "16" with every base you want :)
> After that, to get an octal representation :
> "%o" % a
> But I don't know for binary representation ... nor for any other base :( That's somthing missing I think !
> Pierre
> Tamm, Heiko a ?crit :
>>Thank you, Pierre,
>>But I'm looking for a solution to convert a Hex number into binary, decimal, interger numbers.
>>What is the the binary value of the hex number 1F4.
>>Is there a function available, or how can it be done?
>>Kind regards and a nice weekend
>>  Heiko
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Pierre Barbier de Reuille []
>>Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:35 PM
>>To: Tamm, Heiko
>>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hex to Str
>>Given you have a number in 'a' :
>>returns the hexadecimal representation of 'a' as a string !
>>You can also try :
>>"%x" % a
>>After that, I don't know if there is some builtin to print a number in any base you want !
>>Tamm, Heiko a ?crit :
>>>I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into String 
>>>or other formats?
>>>How can it be done?
>>>Kind regards
>>> Heiko
>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>Pierre Barbier de Reuille
>>INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP Botanique et 
>>Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes TA40/PSII, Boulevard de 
>>la Lironde
>>34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
>>tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
> --
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille
> INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde
> 34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
> tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Fri Feb  4 16:02:25 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb  4 16:02:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: variation of Unique items question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I will give some credit to you for asking a clear question. You included
- a clear description of what you want to do
- sample data
- desired results
- code that attempts to solve the problem

When all of these are present I am much more likely to respond. The first three elements especially 
make a big difference.


Scott Melnyk wrote:
> Hello.
> Kent once again you have responded incredibly quickly in a most
> helpful manor.  I sometimes wonder if the old reference to a
> "Kent-bot" has some truth to it.
> Thanks again, I will play with it and keep on going.
> Scott
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From bill.mill at  Fri Feb  4 17:46:23 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Fri Feb  4 17:46:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Try searching before you get snippy on a group where people are
helping you for free. This question gets asked a lot, and the answer
can be found all over the place.

A particularly comprehensive thread discussing the issue can be found

Bill Mill
bill.mill at

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 15:11:00 +0100, Tamm, Heiko <> wrote:
> Ok, thank you.
> Does anybody know how to convert a HEX into a BINARY?
> Best regards
>  Heiko
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pierre Barbier de Reuille []
> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:55 PM
> To: Tamm, Heiko
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
> Oh ! You meant the other way around ?
> If you have a string with an Hex number in it it's very easy :
> a = int("F04", 16)
> you can replace "16" with every base you want :)
> After that, to get an octal representation :
> "%o" % a
> But I don't know for binary representation ... nor for any other base :( That's somthing missing I think !
> Pierre
> Tamm, Heiko a ?crit :
> > Thank you, Pierre,
> >
> > But I'm looking for a solution to convert a Hex number into binary, decimal, interger numbers.
> >
> > E.g.:
> >
> > What is the the binary value of the hex number 1F4.
> >
> > Is there a function available, or how can it be done?
> >
> >
> >
> > Kind regards and a nice weekend
> >
> >   Heiko
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Pierre Barbier de Reuille []
> > Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:35 PM
> > To: Tamm, Heiko
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hex to Str
> >
> > Given you have a number in 'a' :
> >
> > hex(a)
> >
> > returns the hexadecimal representation of 'a' as a string !
> > You can also try :
> >
> > "%x" % a
> >
> > After that, I don't know if there is some builtin to print a number in any base you want !
> >
> > Pierre
> >
> > Tamm, Heiko a ?crit :
> >
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into String
> >>or other formats?
> >>
> >>How can it be done?
> >>
> >>
> >>Kind regards
> >>
> >>  Heiko
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>--
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Pierre Barbier de Reuille
> >
> > INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP Botanique et
> > Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes TA40/PSII, Boulevard de
> > la Lironde
> > 34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
> >
> > tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
> >
> --
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille
> INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde
> 34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
> tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 19:13:31 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:13:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <03b901c50ae5$3c94cb20$68b78851@xp>

> What you are try to do is "execute a block of code based on the
value of
> a single statement."  if/elif doesn't do that and thereby introduces
> possibility of errors.

In that case the best solution is a dictionary jump table.
That is more maintainable than either and much faster too.
And its also shorter to write.
[Especially with lambdas :-)]

> Note that the logic intended is that "on-this."  So why force the
> programmer to rewrite it N times and thereby introduce the
> of N-1 typographical errors...

Thats a fair point although the dictionary solution avoids that.
OTOH such switches tend to proliferate thropugh code and become
a big source of maintenance headaches in their own right - multiple
update syndrome across multiple files potentially.

> Note that I've left out break.  I'm not convinced that
> fall-through is an important feature in switch and is
> usually the culpit in the cases of abuse.

The problem is its so hard to tell when fall though is
happening intentionally  or by accident because someone
forgot a break sytatement.

But when it comes to abuuse the fall through mechanism is one
of the worst offenders in C, its just too tempting to be
"clever" with it.

> This is also true for the ternary operator.  The desired logic is to
> assign the value of a variable based on the value of some other
> variable.

But its not its based on the value of an *expression*. If the
test could be limited to a single valiable value it might be
justified but its an arbitrary expression. That makes it a
conditional statement, which is most clearly represented
by an if/else... Well I think so :-)

> I also like Perl's unless statement but really prefer
> VBs DO/WHILE/UNTIL/LOOP constuct.  Nothing beats it for
> clarity of expression.

I won't argue on either point, Python's minimalist
approach - there's only one way to do it - means a
paucity of looping constructs - something I point
out in my tutorial. But I can live with it for the
other niceties it brings.

Alan G.

From flaxeater at  Fri Feb  4 19:22:14 2005
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:22:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: This Deletes All my Files
Message-ID: <>

Thank you all for answering my question.  I thought it would be some 
misunderstanding on my part.  The example Andrei made was very

Andrei wrote:

>>>>s = "d:/tests/test.txt"
>>>>class dummyfile(object):
>...     def open(self, *args):
>...         print "", args
>...     def write(self, *args):
>...         print "dummyfile.write:", args
>...     def read(self, *args):
>...         print "", args
>...         return ""
>>>>def dummyopen(filename, type):
>...     print "dummyopen:", filename, type
>...     d = dummyfile()
>..., type)
>...     return d
>>>>dummyopen(s, 'w').write(dummyopen(s, 'r').read())
>dummyopen: d:/tests/test.txt w
> ('d:/tests/test.txt', 'w') <--- first open for
>dummyopen: d:/tests/test.txt r
> ('d:/tests/test.txt', 'r') <--- then for reading
> ()
>dummyfile.write: ('',)
>>spend 5 hours RTFM.  I got it to work by breaking it up to several 
>>statements, but I would like to know.
>And that's the way you *should* write it - code like this doesn't
deserve to
>work anyway :). 
>Tutor maillist  -

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From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 19:23:09 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:25:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><030b01c50a48$15e2df00$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <03e001c50ae6$94dd15c0$68b78851@xp>

> > foo = x and y or z
> >
> > is much less elegant than
> >
> > foo = x ? y : z
> You must be joking too... You think that
> x and y or z
> is as clear as
> x ? y : z

I think its clearer! It says that the first two things happen
or else the last thing. Plain English.

'?:' means absolutely nothing without somebody to explain it.

> Ugly as I think it is, I could live with that. But it's worse:
> x and y or z
> doesn't even work if y evaluates to False.

Sure I wasn't recommending that and/or is a good idea I just
meant that ugly as it was it was clearer than the meaningless ?:

> As far as I'm concerned, the lack of a proper ternary if/then/else
> operator is a wart in the otherwise very clean design of Python. The
> lack of a switch statement too, but to a much lesser degree.

Interesting, obviously a lot of support for both, yet they are
features I try to avoid in C(*) and never miss in Python. If
given the choice I'd much rather have decent lambdas or
even a repeat/until loop!

(*)And most software houses I've worked with have ternary
operators on their "do not use" list along with switch fall-throughs.
BTW I do confess that if switch exists I will use it where I can't
use OOP or a dictionary to avoid it - like in vanilla C...!

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 19:29:57 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:29:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <03e501c50ae7$882e0e50$68b78851@xp>

> Do you have a link to these studies? I'm always skeptical about the 
> methodology in those studies, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.

Check "Code Complete" by Steve McConnel, he gives the explanation 
and also several references. One that I found from a quick glance 
is "Hansen & Yim, 1987". Also a bibliography(!) on the subject of 
code style is cited: "Edward & Oman in Sigplan Notices Feb 1990".

McConnell has a new version of his book out it may have more 
recent references too, I only have the 1993 edition at hand.

Alan G.
From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 19:32:30 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:32:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>	<><037d01c50a9d$e01d0a70$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <03ea01c50ae7$e2ffb860$68b78851@xp>

> >     XXXXX
> >     XXXXX
> >     XXXXX
> >
> > Thats Python! Since you are on this list I suspect you do write
> > "code like that" Its just Guido removed the now extraneous {}...
> My favorite, Allman style, is also Python if you remove the {} !

Yep but the braces in Allman completely wreck the block structure


> BTW, Steve McConnell recommends your favorite too in Code Complete.
> he also didn't manage to convince me.

Thats where I first found it, I looked up a couple of references and
message was consistent, so I changed my style. (And my emacs settings

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 19:37:46 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:37:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str
References: <>
Message-ID: <03fe01c50ae8$9f5d4ef0$68b78851@xp>

> I like to know, if it's possible to convert a Hex number into 
> String or other formats?
Use the string format operator:

>>> print "%X" % 0xB5
>>> print "%X" % 181

Lowercase '%x' uses lowercase letters on output...

Or use the int() function with a base argument to go the other way:

>>> print int('0xB5',16)

string to integer - which is of course stored in binary format 
in the computer!

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 19:43:15 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:43:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
References: <>
Message-ID: <041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp>

> But I'm looking for a solution to convert a Hex number 
> into binary, decimal, interger numbers.

WE need to be very specific about our terminology here.
All numbers in the computer are stored in binary.
Only the string representation on the screen is 
in decimal, octal, hex etc.

> What is the the binary value of the hex number 1F4.

The binary value is the same as the hex value.
The binary representation is 000111110100, but 
unfortunately Python doesn't support binary in 
its string formatting(although it does in int()!

It does support decimal(%d) and octal(%o) though.

And if you search the list archives you will find 
several functions that you can use to generate 
binary strings.

Alan G.
From flaxeater at  Fri Feb  4 19:44:20 2005
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:44:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

Max Noel wrote:

>     According to the Jargon file, this one is called Whitesmiths 
> style. I tend to use Allman style myself, but given the code 
> completion, spellchecking, etc. in modern IDEs, I suspect it's
> more a question of personal preference than anything else.
>     A bit like if(foo) versus if (foo), and whether or not to use 
> braces for single-line blocks. (the latter issue being why I think
> Whitespace Thing is an instance of Best Thing Ever(TM))

Bracing single line expressions is something I constantly agonize
I'm always thinking may as well brace it because I may want to add
to this if clause. That's one of the reasons I like python is because

it's relatively painless to make sure that your blocks are closed 
properly, especially when you aren't using a decent IDE.

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From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 19:51:58 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:51:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
References: <>
Message-ID: <042001c50aea$9d0e1ce0$68b78851@xp>

> Does anybody know how to convert a HEX into a BINARY?

The easiest way I know is to use a lookup table on 
the octal representation.

def bin(n):
   bins = ['000','001','010,'011',....'111']
   result = ''   
   for c in oct(n):
     result += bins[int(c,8)]
   return result


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb  4 19:54:05 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb  4 19:54:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <042601c50aea$e6edb410$68b78851@xp>

> Disagree to disagree again.  I certainly don't think Perl is less
> capable than awk.  

Neither do I...

>> Really? Why for? awk is far easier to learn than Perl 
>> - and far less generally capable! - but it makes Perl seem 
>> positively verbose!

I said awk was easier to learn but less capable than Perl.

Perl is capable of things that awk can only dream of!

Alan G.

From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Fri Feb  4 20:00:15 2005
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Fri Feb  4 20:01:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <03e001c50ae6$94dd15c0$68b78851@xp>
References: <><030b01c50a48$15e2df00$68b78851@xp>	<ctvldn$cud$>
Message-ID: <cu0gmg$5o3$>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>>>foo = x and y or z
>>>is much less elegant than
>>>foo = x ? y : z
>>You must be joking too... You think that
>>x and y or z
>>is as clear as
>>x ? y : z
> I think its clearer! It says that the first two things happen
> or else the last thing. Plain English.

That's apparently subjective then. I know what it means because I've 
read about it, but I still have trouble really grokking it. I don't have 
any problem with 'x and y' or with 'x or y', but somehow the combination 
of the two is one step too many for me.

> '?:' means absolutely nothing without somebody to explain it.

But ever since it was explained to me, I can parse it in the blink of an 
eye. (x**2 for x in range(10)) didn't mean anything to me either, the 
first time I saw it.

> Interesting, obviously a lot of support for both, yet they are
> features I try to avoid in C(*) and never miss in Python. If
> given the choice I'd much rather have decent lambdas or
> even a repeat/until loop!

I don't really try to avoid them; I just use them when appropriate, 
which is not very often. But in those rare cases, I'm glad I don't have 
to resort to other, less appropriate constructs.

And yes, a decent lambda would be nice indeed. Repeat/until too: I used 
it quite a lot in my Pascal days. But I don't know if it's worth 
cluttering the language up for.

> (*)And most software houses I've worked with have ternary
> operators on their "do not use" list along with switch fall-throughs.

In my experience, such lists often go too far in that respect. I agree 
that fall-trough should mostly be avoided (except when multiple values 
should leed to the same branch). Ternary operators can certainly be 
abused (as demonstrated by much of the IOCCC entries), but can 
absolutely be useful when judisciously used. Many such lists seem to 
assume that developers can't judge such things for themselves. I think 
that if you have developers that can't do that, you have worse problems 
than a ternary operator here and there.

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Fri Feb  4 20:02:46 2005
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Fri Feb  4 20:11:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <03ea01c50ae7$e2ffb860$68b78851@xp>
References: <><031901c50a49$e5142440$68b78851@xp>	<><037d01c50a9d$e01d0a70$68b78851@xp>	<ctvmdo$fjv$>
Message-ID: <cu0gr6$5o3$>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>>BTW, Steve McConnell recommends your favorite too in Code Complete.
> But
>>he also didn't manage to convince me.
> Thats where I first found it, I looked up a couple of references and
> the
> message was consistent, so I changed my style. (And my emacs settings
> :-)

I'll have to read that part of the book again. But I don't have my hopes 
up since three years of using it at work didn't change my feelings about 
it (and not for a lack of trying).

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From dyoo at  Fri Feb  4 20:15:51 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Feb  4 20:15:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] switch vs table dispatch
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:

> What you are try to do is "execute a block of code based on the value of
> a single statement."  if/elif doesn't do that and thereby introduces the
> possibility of errors.
> switch on-this:
> 	case 'a':
> 		do something
> 	case 'b':
> 		do something else
> 	case 'c':
> 		do yet something else
> Is much clearer and more maintatinable than
> if on-this == 'a':
> 	do something
> elif on-this == 'b':
> 	do something else
> elif on-this == 'c':
> 	do yet something else

Hi Jeff,

if/elif chains like this can be improved by using a table-dispatch

### Python Pseudocode ###
def doActionA():

def doActionB():

def doActionC():

dispatchTable = { 'a' : doActionA,
                  'b' : doActionB,
                  'c' : doActionC }

We perfectly agree with you about the hideousness of using if/elif/elif to
do a 'switch'-style control flow.  But that's not the only tool in our
arsenal.  *grin*

switch() in other languages like C or Java have other limitations that are
hard to explain to beginners.  As one concrete example: we can't use a
string as the dispatch value in Java's switch.  We're restricted to use
chars, bytes, shorts, or ints, due to the low-level implementation nature
of 'switch':

(I believe the expression is used as an index into a jump table, which
limits it to something small and numeric.)  Ultimately, this restricts the
use of 'switch' to simple dispatch tasks, and we can already handle those
nicely with a dictionary lookup.

Hope this helps!

From jeff at  Fri Feb  4 22:23:06 2005
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Fri Feb  4 22:22:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Smith, Jeff wrote:

> IMHO, if/elif/else statements are far more abused than either switch or
> ternary but I certainly wouldn't argue they should be removed from the
> language.

IMHO, if it's true that if/elif/else statements are more abused than 
ternaries, then it's only because they're *used* far more often than 
ternaries.  I'd say that the percentage of uses which could count as 
abuse is *far* higher for ternary than for if/elif/else.

And I avoid (and recommend against) Python's "a and b or c" trick for 
similar reasons -- it *is* a trick.  A 'real' ternary operator is 
confusing enough; this trick is more readable (words instead of opaque 
symbols) but more difficult to write correctly given the constraints 
on 'a'...

Maybe I'm just weird, but I just don't find so much benefit to putting 
*everything* in-line.  Occassionally it improves readability, but more 
often it obscures and obfuscates.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From jsmith at  Fri Feb  4 22:36:44 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Fri Feb  4 22:36:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>


That was well put.  Too many people complain about certain language
features because of the way they are abused independent of whether or
not they have any value when used properly.  In that case it's throwing
the baby out with the bath-water...and won't achieve anything since bad
programmers will be bad programmers no matter how much you try and
constrain them.  And in doing so you manage to prevent good programmers
from creating clear conscise statements that exactly express the logic
that they are trying to impliment.


-----Original Message-----
From: Roel Schroeven [] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 2:00 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

In my experience, such lists often go too far in that respect. I agree 
that fall-trough should mostly be avoided (except when multiple values 
should leed to the same branch). Ternary operators can certainly be 
abused (as demonstrated by much of the IOCCC entries), but can 
absolutely be useful when judisciously used. Many such lists seem to 
assume that developers can't judge such things for themselves. I think 
that if you have developers that can't do that, you have worse problems 
than a ternary operator here and there.
From patrick at  Fri Feb  4 22:47:58 2005
From: patrick at (Patrick Kirk)
Date: Fri Feb  4 22:48:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Small GUI toolkit and executable creators
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I'm writing an application that will distributed by download and want it 
to be as small as possible.  The target platform is Windows.

For the GUI toolkit, I am looking at wxPython and tkinter.  For a small 
application with only 4 working forms, which can be expected to produce 
the smaller programs?

To create executables, I'm looking at using
py2exe -
Installer -

Has anyone any comments on which produces smaller executables and and if 
either is qualitively better than the other.

Thanks in advance.

From jsmith at  Fri Feb  4 22:55:53 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Fri Feb  4 22:56:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

Now who's joking?  Are you saying that 

switch var:
	case 'a':
		print 'a'
	case 'b' or 'c':
		print 'b or c'
	case 'd':
		print 'default case'

Is less clear and maintainable than

def do_this_function():
	print 'a'

def do_that_function():
	print 'b or c'

def do_pass_function():

def do_default_function():
	print 'default case'

ftable = { 'a' : do_this_function,
           'b' : do_that_function,
           'c' : do_that_function,
           'd' : do_pass_function }
ftable.get(var, do_default_function)()


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 1:14 PM
To: Smith, Jeff; Jacob S.;;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

> What you are try to do is "execute a block of code based on the
value of
> a single statement."  if/elif doesn't do that and thereby introduces
> possibility of errors.

In that case the best solution is a dictionary jump table.
That is more maintainable than either and much faster too.
And its also shorter to write.
[Especially with lambdas :-)]

> Note that the logic intended is that "on-this."  So why force the 
> programmer to rewrite it N times and thereby introduce the
> of N-1 typographical errors...

Thats a fair point although the dictionary solution avoids that. OTOH
such switches tend to proliferate thropugh code and become a big source
of maintenance headaches in their own right - multiple update syndrome
across multiple files potentially.

> Note that I've left out break.  I'm not convinced that fall-through is

> an important feature in switch and is usually the culpit in the cases 
> of abuse.

The problem is its so hard to tell when fall though is happening
intentionally  or by accident because someone forgot a break sytatement.

But when it comes to abuuse the fall through mechanism is one of the
worst offenders in C, its just too tempting to be "clever" with it.

> This is also true for the ternary operator.  The desired logic is to 
> assign the value of a variable based on the value of some other 
> variable.

But its not its based on the value of an *expression*. If the test could
be limited to a single valiable value it might be justified but its an
arbitrary expression. That makes it a conditional statement, which is
most clearly represented by an if/else... Well I think so :-)

> I also like Perl's unless statement but really prefer
> VBs DO/WHILE/UNTIL/LOOP constuct.  Nothing beats it for clarity of 
> expression.

I won't argue on either point, Python's minimalist
approach - there's only one way to do it - means a
paucity of looping constructs - something I point
out in my tutorial. But I can live with it for the
other niceties it brings.

Alan G.

From marilyn at  Fri Feb  4 23:07:14 2005
From: marilyn at (Marilyn Davis)
Date: Fri Feb  4 23:12:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0502041401230.27971-100000@Kuna>

I think Danny was saying that if you don't like:

if var == 'a':
   print 'a'
elif var == 'b' or var == 'c':
   print 'b or c'
elif var == 'd':
   print 'default case'

you might like his dispatch scheme.  And it has been mighty nice and
handy for me since he taught me, in some special cases.

I'll whisper that I'm a tiny bit disappointed to see the vaguely
demeaning 'are you joking' theme that has emerged in here.  It's
unusual for us to be anything but generous and kind with each other.
I guess this is a hot topic.  :^)


On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:

> Now who's joking?  Are you saying that 
> switch var:
> 	case 'a':
> 		print 'a'
> 	case 'b' or 'c':
> 		print 'b or c'
> 	case 'd':
> 		pass
> 	default:
> 		print 'default case'
> Is less clear and maintainable than
> def do_this_function():
> 	print 'a'
> def do_that_function():
> 	print 'b or c'
> def do_pass_function():
> 	pass
> def do_default_function():
> 	print 'default case'
> ftable = { 'a' : do_this_function,
>            'b' : do_that_function,
>            'c' : do_that_function,
>            'd' : do_pass_function }
> ftable.get(var, do_default_function)()
> Ugh!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Gauld [] 
> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 1:14 PM
> To: Smith, Jeff; Jacob S.;;
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
> > What you are try to do is "execute a block of code based on the
> value of
> > a single statement."  if/elif doesn't do that and thereby introduces
> the
> > possibility of errors.
> In that case the best solution is a dictionary jump table.
> That is more maintainable than either and much faster too.
> And its also shorter to write.
> [Especially with lambdas :-)]
> > Note that the logic intended is that "on-this."  So why force the 
> > programmer to rewrite it N times and thereby introduce the
> possibility
> > of N-1 typographical errors...
> Thats a fair point although the dictionary solution avoids that. OTOH
> such switches tend to proliferate thropugh code and become a big source
> of maintenance headaches in their own right - multiple update syndrome
> across multiple files potentially.
> > Note that I've left out break.  I'm not convinced that fall-through is
> > an important feature in switch and is usually the culpit in the cases 
> > of abuse.
> The problem is its so hard to tell when fall though is happening
> intentionally  or by accident because someone forgot a break sytatement.
> But when it comes to abuuse the fall through mechanism is one of the
> worst offenders in C, its just too tempting to be "clever" with it.
> > This is also true for the ternary operator.  The desired logic is to 
> > assign the value of a variable based on the value of some other 
> > variable.
> But its not its based on the value of an *expression*. If the test could
> be limited to a single valiable value it might be justified but its an
> arbitrary expression. That makes it a conditional statement, which is
> most clearly represented by an if/else... Well I think so :-)
> > I also like Perl's unless statement but really prefer
> > VBs DO/WHILE/UNTIL/LOOP constuct.  Nothing beats it for clarity of 
> > expression.
> I won't argue on either point, Python's minimalist
> approach - there's only one way to do it - means a
> paucity of looping constructs - something I point
> out in my tutorial. But I can live with it for the
> other niceties it brings.
> Alan G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -


From project5 at  Fri Feb  4 23:16:12 2005
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri Feb  4 23:16:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Small GUI toolkit and executable creators
References: <>
Message-ID: <1fjuzrb22jpfw.18mlutwc2tokg$>

Patrick Kirk wrote on Fri, 04 Feb 2005 21:47:58 +0000:

> I'm writing an application that will distributed by download and want it 
> to be as small as possible.  The target platform is Windows.

Python isn't the right choice if your aim is minimum "executable" size. I
wouldn't worry too much about it though, people are perfectly used to
downloading multi-megabyte applications and service packs which run into
the hundreds of megabytes.

> For the GUI toolkit, I am looking at wxPython and tkinter.  For a small 
> application with only 4 working forms, which can be expected to produce 
> the smaller programs?

I have no idea. The number of forms is not relevant, since it's the toolkit
that takes up all the space, not the forms. I can tell you that a packaged
wxPython app is roughly 4 MB, don't know about Tkinter. wxPython looks
better (more native) though.

> Has anyone any comments on which produces smaller executables and and if 
> either is qualitively better than the other.

You shouldn't expect much difference in that respect, since they all do
pretty much the same thing: pack up the junk and put an exe stub on it, and
there's only so much compressing you can do.



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From jsmith at  Fri Feb  4 23:18:49 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Fri Feb  4 23:19:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

Please don't take offense.  I should have included the smiley.  To
reiterate an earlier statement:  I like Python...a lot.  But as with all
langauges there are some things I don't like and I believe they were
left out for the wrong reasons.

On the indentation topic.  I would be curious to know if anyone has had
an experience where a rogue process or editor has trashed the
indentation in your Python and how you recovered from it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marilyn Davis [] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 5:07 PM
Subject: RE: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

I think Danny was saying that if you don't like:

if var == 'a':
   print 'a'
elif var == 'b' or var == 'c':
   print 'b or c'
elif var == 'd':
   print 'default case'

you might like his dispatch scheme.  And it has been mighty nice and
handy for me since he taught me, in some special cases.

I'll whisper that I'm a tiny bit disappointed to see the vaguely
demeaning 'are you joking' theme that has emerged in here.  It's unusual
for us to be anything but generous and kind with each other. I guess
this is a hot topic.  :^)


On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:

> Now who's joking?  Are you saying that
> switch var:
> 	case 'a':
> 		print 'a'
> 	case 'b' or 'c':
> 		print 'b or c'
> 	case 'd':
> 		pass
> 	default:
> 		print 'default case'
> Is less clear and maintainable than
> def do_this_function():
> 	print 'a'
> def do_that_function():
> 	print 'b or c'
> def do_pass_function():
> 	pass
> def do_default_function():
> 	print 'default case'
> ftable = { 'a' : do_this_function,
>            'b' : do_that_function,
>            'c' : do_that_function,
>            'd' : do_pass_function }
> ftable.get(var, do_default_function)()
> Ugh!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Gauld []
> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 1:14 PM
> To: Smith, Jeff; Jacob S.;;
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
> > What you are try to do is "execute a block of code based on the
> value of
> > a single statement."  if/elif doesn't do that and thereby introduces
> the
> > possibility of errors.
> In that case the best solution is a dictionary jump table. That is 
> more maintainable than either and much faster too. And its also 
> shorter to write. [Especially with lambdas :-)]
> > Note that the logic intended is that "on-this."  So why force the
> > programmer to rewrite it N times and thereby introduce the
> possibility
> > of N-1 typographical errors...
> Thats a fair point although the dictionary solution avoids that. OTOH 
> such switches tend to proliferate thropugh code and become a big 
> source of maintenance headaches in their own right - multiple update 
> syndrome across multiple files potentially.
> > Note that I've left out break.  I'm not convinced that fall-through 
> > is
> > an important feature in switch and is usually the culpit in the 
> > cases
> > of abuse.
> The problem is its so hard to tell when fall though is happening 
> intentionally  or by accident because someone forgot a break 
> sytatement.
> But when it comes to abuuse the fall through mechanism is one of the 
> worst offenders in C, its just too tempting to be "clever" with it.
> > This is also true for the ternary operator.  The desired logic is to
> > assign the value of a variable based on the value of some other 
> > variable.
> But its not its based on the value of an *expression*. If the test 
> could be limited to a single valiable value it might be justified but 
> its an arbitrary expression. That makes it a conditional statement, 
> which is most clearly represented by an if/else... Well I think so :-)
> > I also like Perl's unless statement but really prefer
> > VBs DO/WHILE/UNTIL/LOOP constuct.  Nothing beats it for clarity of
> > expression.
> I won't argue on either point, Python's minimalist
> approach - there's only one way to do it - means a
> paucity of looping constructs - something I point
> out in my tutorial. But I can live with it for the
> other niceties it brings.
> Alan G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  - 


Tutor maillist  -
From budr at  Fri Feb  4 23:28:58 2005
From: budr at (Bud Rogers)
Date: Fri Feb  4 23:30:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <037d01c50a9d$e01d0a70$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Friday 04 February 2005 03:42, Alan Gauld wrote:
> On Thursday 03 February 2005 17:41, Alan Gauld wrote:
> >> In fact the best style of all is neither of the two I showed,
> >> its actually this - which early everyone hates when they see it!
> >>
> >> inf f(x)
> >>    {
> >>    bah()
> >>    }
> >
> >Ugh.  Alan, I won't even try to dispute the study.  But if I have to
> >write code like that, I'll just take up gardening instead.   :}
> Look at it conceptually:
>     XXXXX
>     XXXXX
>     XXXXX
> Thats Python! Since you are on this list I suspect you do write
> "code like that" Its just Guido removed the now extraneous {}...

Oh yes, you are absolutely right.  If you remove the braces, all three 
(four?) styles of indentation are conceptually identical AFAICS.  My 
objection is purely personal and aesthetic.  The style above is just 
plain ugly to me.  I'm not clear on which style is which, but I think 
the Allman style(?):

if (foo)

is also ugly but slightly less so.  The K&R style(?):

if (foo) {

is what I use in perl.  I wouldn't go so far as to say it's pretty, it's 
just the least ugly of the styles I know about. 

And of course from a personal aesthetic perspective, I think python 
style is much prettier.   Well written python reads like pseudocode. 
It's actually pleasant to read. If a routine is well written, with good 
variable names, etc, you don't even have to know much about python to 
understand what it does.   That's one of the things that attracted me 
to python in the first place.

Bud Rogers <>  KD5SZ

From cyresse at  Fri Feb  4 23:36:58 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb  4 23:37:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I had a problem with nested

while 1:
   ... .

blocks. So, I got some sleep, fixed it, and now do everything in my
power to not nest while 1 - break blocks.

Not that it's really relevant.

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 17:18:49 -0500, Smith, Jeff <> wrote:
> Please don't take offense.  I should have included the smiley.  To
> reiterate an earlier statement:  I like Python...a lot.  But as with all
> langauges there are some things I don't like and I believe they were
> left out for the wrong reasons.
> On the indentation topic.  I would be curious to know if anyone has had
> an experience where a rogue process or editor has trashed the
> indentation in your Python and how you recovered from it.
> Jeff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marilyn Davis []
> Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 5:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
> I think Danny was saying that if you don't like:
> if var == 'a':
>    print 'a'
> elif var == 'b' or var == 'c':
>    print 'b or c'
> elif var == 'd':
>    pass
> else:
>    print 'default case'
> you might like his dispatch scheme.  And it has been mighty nice and
> handy for me since he taught me, in some special cases.
> I'll whisper that I'm a tiny bit disappointed to see the vaguely
> demeaning 'are you joking' theme that has emerged in here.  It's unusual
> for us to be anything but generous and kind with each other. I guess
> this is a hot topic.  :^)
> Marilyn
> On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:
> > Now who's joking?  Are you saying that
> >
> > switch var:
> >       case 'a':
> >               print 'a'
> >       case 'b' or 'c':
> >               print 'b or c'
> >       case 'd':
> >               pass
> >       default:
> >               print 'default case'
> >
> > Is less clear and maintainable than
> >
> > def do_this_function():
> >       print 'a'
> >
> > def do_that_function():
> >       print 'b or c'
> >
> > def do_pass_function():
> >       pass
> >
> > def do_default_function():
> >       print 'default case'
> >
> > ftable = { 'a' : do_this_function,
> >            'b' : do_that_function,
> >            'c' : do_that_function,
> >            'd' : do_pass_function }
> > ftable.get(var, do_default_function)()
> >
> > Ugh!
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Alan Gauld []
> > Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 1:14 PM
> > To: Smith, Jeff; Jacob S.;;
> >
> > Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
> >
> >
> > > What you are try to do is "execute a block of code based on the
> > value of
> > > a single statement."  if/elif doesn't do that and thereby introduces
> > the
> > > possibility of errors.
> >
> > In that case the best solution is a dictionary jump table. That is
> > more maintainable than either and much faster too. And its also
> > shorter to write. [Especially with lambdas :-)]
> >
> > > Note that the logic intended is that "on-this."  So why force the
> > > programmer to rewrite it N times and thereby introduce the
> > possibility
> > > of N-1 typographical errors...
> >
> > Thats a fair point although the dictionary solution avoids that. OTOH
> > such switches tend to proliferate thropugh code and become a big
> > source of maintenance headaches in their own right - multiple update
> > syndrome across multiple files potentially.
> >
> > > Note that I've left out break.  I'm not convinced that fall-through
> > > is
> >
> > > an important feature in switch and is usually the culpit in the
> > > cases
> > > of abuse.
> >
> > The problem is its so hard to tell when fall though is happening
> > intentionally  or by accident because someone forgot a break
> > sytatement.
> >
> > But when it comes to abuuse the fall through mechanism is one of the
> > worst offenders in C, its just too tempting to be "clever" with it.
> >
> > > This is also true for the ternary operator.  The desired logic is to
> > > assign the value of a variable based on the value of some other
> > > variable.
> >
> > But its not its based on the value of an *expression*. If the test
> > could be limited to a single valiable value it might be justified but
> > its an arbitrary expression. That makes it a conditional statement,
> > which is most clearly represented by an if/else... Well I think so :-)
> >
> > > I also like Perl's unless statement but really prefer
> > > VBs DO/WHILE/UNTIL/LOOP constuct.  Nothing beats it for clarity of
> > > expression.
> >
> > I won't argue on either point, Python's minimalist
> > approach - there's only one way to do it - means a
> > paucity of looping constructs - something I point
> > out in my tutorial. But I can live with it for the
> > other niceties it brings.
> >
> > Alan G.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> --
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only ba  sic human duty, to take the consequences.
From pythontutor at  Fri Feb  4 23:48:55 2005
From: pythontutor at (alieks lao)
Date: Fri Feb  4 23:48:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] arrays
Message-ID: <>

in this tutorial it's telling me to

"from Numeric import *"

to load array functions
but it doesn't work is there a replacement for
"Numeric" or are arrays built in functions?

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
From dyoo at  Sat Feb  5 00:03:05 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Feb  5 00:03:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] arrays
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, alieks lao wrote:

> in this tutorial it's telling me to
> "from Numeric import *"
> to load array functions
> but it doesn't work is there a replacement for
> "Numeric" or are arrays built in functions?

Hi Alieks,

Just out of curiosity, which tutorial are you reading?

The 'Numeric' library isn't built-in: it is a third party library that's
available here:

You'll need to install Numpy first; this should make the Numeric library
available, and hopefully the error message should go away.  *grin*

Best of wishes to you!

From kent37 at  Sat Feb  5 00:13:49 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb  5 00:13:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] arrays
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Numeric is an add-on module, not part of the standard distribution. You have to download it and 
install it. (I'm surprised your tutorial doesn't point that out!) Numeric is still in use but there 
is a newer version called numarray. You can read about them both here:


alieks lao wrote:
> in this tutorial it's telling me to
> "from Numeric import *"
> to load array functions
> but it doesn't work is there a replacement for
> "Numeric" or are arrays built in functions?
> thanks
>  alex
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses. 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From dyoo at  Sat Feb  5 00:19:17 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Feb  5 00:19:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Whitespace indentation
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:

> On the indentation topic.  I would be curious to know if anyone has had
> an experience where a rogue process or editor has trashed the
> indentation in your Python and how you recovered from it.

[Meta: switching subject line again --- this conversation seems to be
veering off to other subtopics.]

Hi Jeff,

I have run into some whitespace issues, but it had more to do with
line-ending terminators for code sent between Windows and Unix machines.
But that's more of a Unix vs. Windows thing than anything else.  *grin*

On the whole, though, using indentation as blocks has worked really well
for me, and hasn't been a liability.  I do try to keep my code backed by a
version control system like Subversion or CVS:

which seems to keep me safe from my own incompetence most of the time.

Best of wishes to you!

From dyoo at  Sat Feb  5 00:25:53 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Feb  5 00:25:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] arrays
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, alieks lao wrote:

> > Just out of curiosity, which tutorial are you reading?
> heres the url...

Hi Alieks,

Ah, ok, that makes sense now.

Michael William's tutorial assumes an environment where some third-party
modules, like Numeric, have already been installed by the Sun system
administrators that the author refers to at the beginning of Chapter Two.
So there will probably be small things in that coursebook that are really
external resources.

It would have been good for the author to explicitely mention things like
Numeric though... oh well.  We'll do what we can on Tutor to help if you
run into issues like that again.

Best of wishes!

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb  5 00:39:10 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb  5 00:39:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <045901c50b12$ba9ac830$68b78851@xp>

> Now who's joking?  


> Are you saying that 
> switch var:
> case 'a':
>    print 'a'
> ...
> default:
>    print 'default case'
> Is less clear and maintainable than

I don;tthink I said (certainly didn't mean) less clear, but 
yes it is less maintainable.

But then...

> def do_this_function():
> print 'a'

> ....
> ftable = { 'a' : do_this_function,
>            'b' : do_that_function,
>            'c' : do_that_function,
>            'd' : do_pass_function }
> ftable.get(var, do_default_function)()

I did also say that it was best with proper lambdas

ftable = {'a' : lambda: print 'a',
          'b' : lambda: print 'b'

and I'd code the calling section:

try: ftable[value]()
except KeyError: doDefaultFunction()

Its more maintainable because even if the switches proliferates 
as they tend to do, the dictionary stays in one place and the 
calling code never needs changing. So the changes are much 
more localised. And of course the more complex the case 
actions are, the more effective the dictionary/function 
approach becomes.

Alan G.
From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb  5 01:18:25 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb  5 01:18:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><030b01c50a48$15e2df00$68b78851@xp>	<ctvldn$cud$><03e001c50ae6$94dd15c0$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <049901c50b18$3605fd50$68b78851@xp>

> > I think its clearer! It says that the first two things happen
> > or else the last thing. Plain English.
> That's apparently subjective then.

So it seems. You always assume that whats clear to you will be
clear to all! This discussion proves it ain't necessarily so...

> eye. (x**2 for x in range(10)) didn't mean anything to me either,
> first time I saw it.

Nor me and I knew comprehensions from Haskell. Its taken me about 203
years to get comfortable with LCS inPython.
I really wish they'd stick a marker (| or : or even a $!) between
the first item and the loop:

[x**2 | for x in range(10)]

I'd have found it much easier to grok. And I can't think iof any
syntax rules of expressions it wouuld break. Do we use | as a
bitwise operatorin Python? I don't think so...

> absolutely be useful when judisciously used. Many such lists seem to
> assume that developers can't judge such things for themselves. I

Having been involved in creating a couple such coding guidelines
lists I can say from experience that they mostly reflect the problems
the maintenance teams struggle with most. And having led a team
of maintenance C programmers for 2 years I fully sympathise
with the view that programmers can't judge very well. (And that
includes myself, I am well aware that what seems perfectly clear
to me when I write it may not be to some poor sap who has
to fix/enhance it) And remember too that maintenance accounts
for 80% of the cost on most software projects...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb  5 01:24:21 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb  5 01:25:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Small GUI toolkit and executable creators
References: <>
Message-ID: <04a601c50b19$0a2ff450$68b78851@xp>

> I'm writing an application that will distributed by download and
want it
> to be as small as possible.  The target platform is Windows.

In that case distribute Python source not executables!
Or write in assembler...

> For the GUI toolkit, I am looking at wxPython and tkinter.  For a
> application with only 4 working forms, which can be expected to
> the smaller programs?

Sorry no idea on that one, any responses will be interesting.

> To create executables, I'm looking at using
> py2exe -
> or
> Installer -

Both will make your programs much bigger and, worse still,
if you distribute updates each version with replicate the
Python engine, better to do a two part downloiad IMHO
- the python core then your programs as source(or compiled

Basically using Python for small downloads is probably not the
best approach! But the really small sizes are much more effort
to create!

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb  5 01:27:51 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb  5 01:27:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0502041401230.27971-100000@Kuna>
Message-ID: <04ad01c50b19$87635890$68b78851@xp>


> I'll whisper that I'm a tiny bit disappointed to see the vaguely
> demeaning 'are you joking' theme that has emerged in here.  It's
> unusual for us to be anything but generous and kind with each other.
> I guess this is a hot topic.  :^)

Languages (and editors) are always emotional topics on the 'net...

But I was actually thinking that here we are on a mailing list having
a mini-language war and by internet standards its extremely civilised!
Nobody has called anyone a moron or an idiot yet and an 'are you
joking' is, to me at least, just a term of speech, not an insult.
Certainly if anyone has been offended I apologise profusely it
was never meant thus.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb  5 01:29:40 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb  5 01:29:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <04c001c50b19$c87e1040$68b78851@xp>

> an experience where a rogue process or editor has trashed the
> indentation in your Python and how you recovered from it.

Only in mailing list emails!!

Alan G.

From marilyn at  Sat Feb  5 01:51:28 2005
From: marilyn at (Marilyn Davis)
Date: Sat Feb  5 01:56:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <04ad01c50b19$87635890$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.44.0502041647350.27971-100000@Kuna>

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005, Alan Gauld wrote:

> Marilyn,
> > I'll whisper that I'm a tiny bit disappointed to see the vaguely
> > demeaning 'are you joking' theme that has emerged in here.  It's
> > unusual for us to be anything but generous and kind with each other.
> > I guess this is a hot topic.  :^)
> Languages (and editors) are always emotional topics on the 'net...
> But I was actually thinking that here we are on a mailing list having
> a mini-language war and by internet standards its extremely civilised!
> Nobody has called anyone a moron or an idiot yet and an 'are you
> joking' is, to me at least, just a term of speech, not an insult.
> Certainly if anyone has been offended I apologise profusely it
> was never meant thus.

This is a great list.  Please don't apologize.  Super-super-sensitive
people like me are reluctant to post if they sense ridicule, even if
it wasn't intended.  So I'm sorry for my sensitivity.

Thank you again for all the great help I've received, and the safe
place to expose my ignorance.


> Alan G.


From keridee at  Sat Feb  5 02:18:32 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Sat Feb  5 02:22:51 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <000801c50b21$435d6e30$575428cf@JSLAPTOP>

> Now this is a concrete example of how lambda simplifies code, at
> least
> for me because it does not clutter my mental name space.  Also it is
> much shorter.  However it should be said that this is very much a
> question of taste.

Agreed. Which would make it pointless to remove in a future release. ;-)

> However I must say that lambda's are very useful
> even necessary for using Tkinter.

I'll bet that there is an easy enough way to use Tkinter without them
(Before anyone wants to argue my points, I would like to say that I'm 
neutral in
this discussion, I only wish to point out alternative views)

> aFuncList=[]
> def x():
>    print "one"
> aFuncList.append(x)
> def x():
>    print "two"
> aFuncList.append(x)
> def x():
>    print "three"
> aFuncList.append(x)
> for item in aFuncList:
>    item()

Okay, for this problem (it can be altered otherwise)

def makefunct(stri):
    def x():
        print stri
    return x
aFuncList = [makefunct('one'),makefunct('two'),makefunct('three')]
for item in aFuncList:

It's shorter, it works and it looks cool.
Thanks to Jeff Shannon for the backbone of this example.

Jacob Schmidt

From fant at  Sat Feb  5 00:27:03 2005
From: fant at (Andrew D. Fant)
Date: Sat Feb  5 02:46:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <042601c50aea$e6edb410$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> I said awk was easier to learn but less capable than Perl.
> Perl is capable of things that awk can only dream of!

Surely you jest, Alan. :-)

Both perl and awk are turing complete, hence anything perl can do, awk 
can do as well.  Now, as to which one would be easier to work with for a 
large scale development project, I will leave that flame-fest up to the 


From bvande at  Sat Feb  5 04:31:41 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sat Feb  5 04:32:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<042601c50aea$e6edb410$68b78851@xp> <>
Message-ID: <>

Andrew D. Fant said unto the world upon 2005-02-04 18:27:
> Alan Gauld wrote:
>> I said awk was easier to learn but less capable than Perl.
>> Perl is capable of things that awk can only dream of!
> Surely you jest, Alan. :-)

I'm prettry sure he means it. And stop calling him Surely ;-)

Brian vdB

From shitizb at  Sat Feb  5 04:37:14 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Sat Feb  5 04:37:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] freeze
Message-ID: <>


I intend to create compiled python binaries on linux.
I understand that freeze can be used to do this.
But I have few doubts i would like to clarify.

1. In the freeze documentation i found the lines:

"One tricky issue: Freeze assumes that the Python
interpreter and
environment you're using to run Freeze is the same one
that would be
used to run your program, which should also be the
same whose sources
and installed files you will learn about in the next
section.  In
particular, your PYTHONPATH setting should be the same
as for running
your program locally.  (Tip: if the program doesn't
run when you type
"python" there's little chance of getting the
frozen version
to run.)"

My intention is to create files which can be run on
Linux systems with python not installed.Do the above
lines mean that freeze can't do it(which defeats the
very pupose of the program i guess.).

2. While compiling with seems that it is
including all the available modules, even if they are
not required.Of course using freeze -X is one
option,but it being really cumbersome, is there a
better option available.

In case the above issues do present a problem, is
there any alternative to freeze?


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From keridee at  Sat Feb  5 04:58:06 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Sat Feb  5 04:58:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <003501c50b36$eb4da140$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>

>> an experience where a rogue process or editor has trashed the
>> indentation in your Python and how you recovered from it.
> Only in mailing list emails!!

I'll second that!!!

> Alan G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From keridee at  Sat Feb  5 05:22:12 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Sat Feb  5 05:22:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] freeze
References: <>
Message-ID: <008201c50b3a$61e5dc70$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>

My two bits.

1) Download py2exe found here
2) Make a setup file -- intructions can be found through above link, I 
(Hey that rhymes!)
3) Ask if you want my totally cool automation technique
4) Ask more questions, go on we don't mind.

Jacob Schmidt

> Hi,
> I intend to create compiled python binaries on linux.
> I understand that freeze can be used to do this.
> But I have few doubts i would like to clarify.
> 1. In the freeze documentation i found the lines:
> "One tricky issue: Freeze assumes that the Python
> interpreter and
> environment you're using to run Freeze is the same one
> that would be
> used to run your program, which should also be the
> same whose sources
> and installed files you will learn about in the next
> section.  In
> particular, your PYTHONPATH setting should be the same
> as for running
> your program locally.  (Tip: if the program doesn't
> run when you type
> "python" there's little chance of getting the
> frozen version
> to run.)"
> My intention is to create files which can be run on
> Linux systems with python not installed.Do the above
> lines mean that freeze can't do it(which defeats the
> very pupose of the program i guess.).
> 2. While compiling with seems that it is
> including all the available modules, even if they are
> not required.Of course using freeze -X is one
> option,but it being really cumbersome, is there a
> better option available.
> In case the above issues do present a problem, is
> there any alternative to freeze?
> Shitiz
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From keridee at  Sat Feb  5 05:30:19 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Sat Feb  5 05:30:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
References: <>
Message-ID: <00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>

> The binary value is the same as the hex value.
> The binary representation is 000111110100, but
> unfortunately Python doesn't support binary in
> its string formatting(although it does in int()!

Uh, question. Why not? It seems that all simple types should be included.
Since the computer stores it as binary, why shouldn't python be able to 
display a
string of it in binary? That seems to be a short coming that should be added 
to the
next release... IMHO of course.
Jacob Schmidt 

From pythontutor at  Sat Feb  5 06:23:05 2005
From: pythontutor at (alieks lao)
Date: Sat Feb  5 06:23:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] question about expressing mathematical equations
Message-ID: <>

Once again i have a question concerning something from
the tutorial im being tortured by.

x.y=  \   x (dot)y(dot)      
      /__  i  

How would i express this in python.
If the above doesn't make any sense to ya'll.
It's at the bottom of this page>>>
Again thanks in advance...

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free! 

From patrick at  Sat Feb  5 07:30:01 2005
From: patrick at (Patrick Kirk)
Date: Sat Feb  5 07:30:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Small GUI toolkit and executable creators
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

That looks fine size wise. Thanks.

Ismael Garrido wrote:
> Patrick Kirk wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm writing an application that will distributed by download and want 
>> it to be as small as possible.  The target platform is Windows. 
> Use UPX, 7Z and NSIS. ;-) (and in that order, too :-P)
> That's with Py2exe, never tryed the other one.
> I made a program with Tkinter and managed to get it all together in 
> 1.8Mb, 8kb of source :-S
> Gretz
> Ismael
From dyoo at  Sat Feb  5 07:52:33 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Feb  5 07:52:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] question about expressing mathematical equations
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, alieks lao wrote:

> Once again i have a question concerning something from the tutorial im
> being tortured by.
>       ___
> x.y=  \   x (dot)y(dot)
>       /__  i
>        i
> How would i express this in python.
> If the above doesn't make any sense to ya'll.
> It's at the bottom of this page>>>

[Note to author Michael Williams: we found a wacky typography bug on the
HTML rendering of the link above.  I'm CCing you to make sure you know
about it.]

Hi Alieks,

Ah, ok, I see it: you're talking about exercise 3.10?

The guide there is using linear algebra notation: it is defining the dot
product between two vectors 'x' and 'y'.  I think you're misreading the
diagram:  it's more like this:

x dot y=  \   x  * y
          /__  i    i

(The period at the end of the equation is really meant to be just a
typographic period.  *grin*)

As a concrete example, if we were taking the dot product between two
sequences 'x' and 'y':

    x = (3, 1, 4, 1, 5)
    y = (2, 7, 1, 8, 2)

then we'd be calculating, in effect:

    (x[0] * y[0] +
     x[1] * y[1] +
     x[2] * y[2] +
     x[3] * y[3] +
     x[4] * y[4])

    -->  ( 3 * 2 +
           1 * 7 +
           4 * 1 +
           1 * 8 +
           5 * 2 )

    -->  ( 6 + 7 + 4 + 8 + 10 )

    -->  35

Numeric Python comes with an dot() function built in:

so if you're dealing strictly with Numeric arrays, you don't need to do
any work to 'dot' two arrays together.  *grin*

... Oh, that's not good!  Warning: It looks like the typography of
Exercise 3.10 in the HTML is screwed up.  The problem as written in the
HTML is nonsensical.  Look at the PDF instead.  You'll see that the
question will make more sense in the PDF here:

The GIF images in the HTML has some strange offset error that I don't
understand, but img22.gif and img23.gif are in the wrong places on the
HTML page.  I'll CC the author to see if that can get fixed.

I notice that you're learning from the "Handbook of the Physics Computing
Course".  There are other tutorials in:

that you may find more approachable if you want less math.

Good luck to you!

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb  5 09:59:30 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb  5 09:59:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <><042601c50aea$e6edb410$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <04fc01c50b61$01535960$68b78851@xp>

> Surely you jest, Alan. :-)

Smiley noted but...

> Both perl and awk are turing complete, hence anything perl can do,
> can do as well.

This is a popular misconception.

Being Turing complete simply means you can implement any algorithm.
But if the language doesn't provide I/O access for example it is
impossible to write a device driver, or a comms stack, or any of
a host of other low level programs. awk is non extendable (unless
you have the source code!) so you can't do those things. Perl is
not only extendable but actually comes wth a heap of those kinds
of features that awk just doesn't have. And no amount of clever
algorithms can compensate. Awk was designed for one task which it
does spectacularly well but it was never intended for general
purpose use.

I/O is just one example, there are meny more...

Alan G.

From pythontutor at  Sat Feb  5 11:47:12 2005
From: pythontutor at (alieks lao)
Date: Sat Feb  5 11:47:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] question about expressing mathematical equations
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I've spent hours trying things out and I'm no better off.
I don't understand exactly what I'm supposed to do...

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From cyresse at  Sat Feb  5 12:44:43 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat Feb  5 12:44:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob - just for you, begin your agitation for the next release please ;), as attached. 
(also pasted up -

Creating this, was just a brain teaser, but I was thinking 'what if I
wanted to make this for the standard library.'

And so you can see, I had to include a flag for endianess. But that
was really a cheap trick. If this was going into a standard library,
I'd want to query the OS for endianess. As for the bits, once again,
32 bit is the norm, but 64 bit is here and spreading.

Also, should it display 11111111 as 255 or 256? Both are valid,
depending on context.

Thirdly, if I can do it in 2 minutes, (well, the main part), then
should they bother putting it in the standard library considering

- How often, really, are you going to need to present a decimal or hex
as a binary string.

Lastly - this only does base 10 to base 2. Should I include a base 6
to base 2, base 8 to base 2, base 10 to 6, 10 to 8, 8 to 6?

I wouldn't like to write for the standard library, because you can
never please everyone.

But yeah, feel free to use the above, just keep my doc strings and comments.


Liam Clarke

On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 23:30:19 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> > The binary value is the same as the hex value.
> > The binary representation is 000111110100, but
> > unfortunately Python doesn't support binary in
> > its string formatting(although it does in int()!
> Uh, question. Why not? It seems that all simple types should be included.
> Since the computer stores it as binary, why shouldn't python be able to
> display a
> string of it in binary? That seems to be a short coming that should be added
> to the
> next release... IMHO of course.
> Jacob Schmidt
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
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From dyoo at  Sat Feb  5 13:06:06 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Feb  5 13:06:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] question about expressing mathematical equations
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005, alieks lao wrote:

> I've spent hours trying things out and I'm no better off. I don't
> understand exactly what I'm supposed to do.

Hi Alieks,

What part of the problem are you working on?

If you show us what you've tried so far; we can then try to figure out why
you're getting stuck on, and help you so you get unstuck.

But again, you may have a much easier time if you use a different
tutorial.  The one you're using right now is actually aimed for

At least, it's aimed for beginning physicists, so they're assuming a
familiarity with things like vector math, a particular computing lab
environment, and a topical focus that appeals to folks who are doing
numerical analysis stuff.  This may not be the best tutorial for you.

You may like this one better:

Alan Gauld is the author of this tutorial, and he also answers questions
on this mailing list, so if you try this tutorial, you may get answers
that are quite, well, authoritative.  *grin*

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

From shitizb at  Sat Feb  5 13:08:57 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Sat Feb  5 13:09:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] freeze
In-Reply-To: <008201c50b3a$61e5dc70$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>


Do exe files generated by py2run on linux???i thought
it was only for windows.

--- "Jacob S." <> wrote:

> My two bits.
> 1) Download py2exe found here
> 2) Make a setup file -- intructions can be found
> through above link, I 
> think.
> (Hey that rhymes!)
> 3) Ask if you want my totally cool automation
> technique
> 4) Ask more questions, go on we don't mind.
> HTH,
> Jacob Schmidt
> > Hi,
> >
> > I intend to create compiled python binaries on
> linux.
> > I understand that freeze can be used to do this.
> > But I have few doubts i would like to clarify.
> >
> > 1. In the freeze documentation i found the lines:
> >
> > "One tricky issue: Freeze assumes that the Python
> > interpreter and
> > environment you're using to run Freeze is the same
> one
> > that would be
> > used to run your program, which should also be the
> > same whose sources
> > and installed files you will learn about in the
> next
> > section.  In
> > particular, your PYTHONPATH setting should be the
> same
> > as for running
> > your program locally.  (Tip: if the program
> doesn't
> > run when you type
> > "python" there's little chance of getting
> the
> > frozen version
> > to run.)"
> >
> > My intention is to create files which can be run
> on
> > Linux systems with python not installed.Do the
> above
> > lines mean that freeze can't do it(which defeats
> the
> > very pupose of the program i guess.).
> >
> > 2. While compiling with seems that it
> is
> > including all the available modules, even if they
> are
> > not required.Of course using freeze -X is one
> > option,but it being really cumbersome, is there a
> > better option available.
> >
> > In case the above issues do present a problem, is
> > there any alternative to freeze?
> >
> > Shitiz
> >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free!
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> > 

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.
From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb  5 14:08:06 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb  5 14:10:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
References: <><041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <051901c50b83$bc638ff0$68b78851@xp>

> > unfortunately Python doesn't support binary in
> > its string formatting(although it does in int()!
> Uh, question. Why not? It seems that all simple types should be

I agree it has always seemed bizarre that inary is not included
but octal is, IMHO binary is more useful as a representation
than octal... My guess is brcause the C sprintf() function doesn't
support binary... But that shouldn't really be an excuse.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb  5 14:26:05 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb  5 14:26:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] question about expressing mathematical equations
References: <>
Message-ID: <052f01c50b86$3efe17d0$68b78851@xp>

> I've spent hours trying things out and I'm no better off.
> I don't understand exactly what I'm supposed to do...
> alieks

The tutor you are using is fairly specialised.
What are you trying to learn? Python or math in Python?

To learn Python use one of the other tutorials that 
focus on Pyhon itself - if you can already program 
use the official tutor on the web site(or download it)
If you can't already program use one of the tutors 
on the Beginners page that Danny pointed you towards.

If OTOH you can grok Python and want to do math in 
it then the tutor you have is fine. So what is it 
you don't understand? The math, otr the Python?
Its hard for us to guess... :-)

Alan G.
From kent37 at  Sat Feb  5 16:48:01 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb  5 16:48:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp>	<00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>


I think you misunderstand what endianness is.

Big-endian and little-endian refer to the way a number is stored as bytes in the underlying memory 
of the computer. This is not something you generally need to worry about in a Python program.

For example, consider the number 0x12345678. On most modern computers this will be stored in four 
consecutive bytes of computer memory. The individual bytes will contain the values 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 
0x78. The question is, what is the order of those bytes in memory? On a big-endian computer, the 
most significant byte - 0x12 - is stored at the lowest memory address, so the sequence of bytes will 
be 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78. On a little-endian computer, the least-significant byte is stored at the 
lowest address, and the order will be reversed: 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12.

Most programming languages will hide this detail from you most of the time. Even in assembly 
language, you generally load and store integers without worrying about endianness. Math operations 
just do the right thing so you don't have to worry about it.

Endianness becomes an issue when you want to convert between representations, and when binary data 
is shared between computers which may have different endianness.

For example in a C program you might want to get the high byte of an integer when you know the 
address of the integer. The desired byte will be at (address+0) or (address+3) depending on the 
endianness of the hardware.

Similarly, if an array of integers is written to a file in a binary representation (not as ASCII 
strings representing the integers, but as 32-bit values), then to correctly read the file you have 
to know the endianness of the data in the file.

OK, so what does this have to do with converting a number to binary in Python? Well, nothing, 
actually. First, note that 'binary representation' can mean two different things. In the description 
above, I was talking about the actual bit pattern stored in the computer. Python works with binary 
numbers all the time, in this sense, but it is under the hood. The other meaning of 'binary 
representation' is that of a base-2 string representation of a number.

So if you ask, "How do I convert a number to binary?" you can mean either of these.

The first one is trivial. If you have a decimal string representation of the number, use int() to 
convert it to binary. If you have an integer already, it's already *in* binary, so you don't have to 
do anything!

So, "How do I convert a number to binary?", to be interesting, must mean "How do I convert an 
integer to a base-2 string representation?" And how do you do this? Well, you figured out one way 
using the mathematical properties of integers. These operations are independent of endianness, and 
so is the desired result.

The base-2 string representation of  the number (whose base-16 string representation is) 0x1234 is 
'0001001000110100'. The order of digits here is determined by our convention of writing the most 
significant digits on the left, not by the endianness of the underlying computer.

OK, this is long enough, I hope I have shed some light...

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Jacob - just for you, begin your agitation for the next release please ;)
>, as attached. 
> (also pasted up -
> Creating this, was just a brain teaser, but I was thinking 'what if I
> wanted to make this for the standard library.'
> And so you can see, I had to include a flag for endianess. But that
> was really a cheap trick. If this was going into a standard library,
> I'd want to query the OS for endianess. As for the bits, once again,
> 32 bit is the norm, but 64 bit is here and spreading.
> Also, should it display 11111111 as 255 or 256? Both are valid,
> depending on context.
> Thirdly, if I can do it in 2 minutes, (well, the main part), then
> should they bother putting it in the standard library considering
> also,
> - How often, really, are you going to need to present a decimal or hex
> as a binary string.
> Lastly - this only does base 10 to base 2. Should I include a base 6
> to base 2, base 8 to base 2, base 10 to 6, 10 to 8, 8 to 6?
> I wouldn't like to write for the standard library, because you can
> never please everyone.
> But yeah, feel free to use the above, just keep my doc strings and comments.
> Regards,
> Liam Clarke
> On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 23:30:19 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
>>>The binary value is the same as the hex value.
>>>The binary representation is 000111110100, but
>>>unfortunately Python doesn't support binary in
>>>its string formatting(although it does in int()!
>>Uh, question. Why not? It seems that all simple types should be included.
>>Since the computer stores it as binary, why shouldn't python be able to
>>display a
>>string of it in binary? That seems to be a short coming that should be added
>>to the
>>next release... IMHO of course.
>>Jacob Schmidt
>>Tutor maillist  -
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ######
> #
> # by Liam Clarke
> #(Let me know when it's included in the standard library ;-))
> ######
> """Converts a integer base 10 to a string base 2"""
> def binary(decimalInt, bigEndian = True, bits = 32, truncExcess = False):
>     """
> Integer to be converted is essential, Endianess is an optional flag;
> me being a Win32 user, Endianess is big by default, defaults to a 32-bit
> representation, most integers in Python being 32 bit. truncExcess will 
> strip place-holder zeros for succintness.
> Oh, and it will represent 11111111 as 256, as I'm not sure whether you want
> to start counting for zero with this. It's a simple matter to change."""
>     tempList = ['0' for x in range(bits)]
>     for bitPlace in range(bits, -1, -1):
>         if decimalInt - 2**bitPlace >= 0:
>             tempList[bitPlace] = '1'
>             decimalInt = decimalInt - 2**bitPlace
>     if bigEndian:
>         tempList.reverse()
>     outPut = ''.join(tempList)
>     if truncExcess:
>         if bigEndian:
>             outPut=outPut.lstrip('0')
>         else:
>             outPut=outPut.rstrip('0')
>     return outPut
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From mark.kels at  Sat Feb  5 18:19:04 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Sat Feb  5 18:19:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] A problem with a Tkinter program (using the text widget)
Message-ID: <>

Hi all.
Whats wrong here ?? :
from Tkinter import *
def p_text():
    print text.get()
button=Button(root,text="Click here!!",command=p_text).pack()

I get an error that says that nontype object has no attribute 'get'...
whats wrong ??


1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From sandip at  Sat Feb  5 19:58:08 2005
From: sandip at (Sandip Bhattacharya)
Date: Sat Feb  5 19:58:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tamm, Heiko wrote:
> Ok, thank you.
> Does anybody know how to convert a HEX into a BINARY?

Just trying my hand out on python : To convert the value of i to binary:

i = 456
s = ''
while i:
     s = str(i % 2) + s

print s

in case you have i in the form of a hex string, you can always add 
"i=int(i,16)" before the loop.

- Sandip
From kent37 at  Sat Feb  5 20:12:27 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb  5 20:12:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] A problem with a Tkinter program (using the text widget)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Kels wrote:
> Hi all.
> Whats wrong here ?? :
> from Tkinter import *
> def p_text():
>     print text.get()
> root=Tk()
> text=Text(root).pack()

pack() doesn't return a value. You have to do
text = Text(root)

I've been bitten by this one more than once myself :-(


> button=Button(root,text="Click here!!",command=p_text).pack()
> root.mainloop()
> I get an error that says that nontype object has no attribute 'get'...
> whats wrong ??
> Thanks.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb  5 20:29:32 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb  5 20:29:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] A problem with a Tkinter program (using the text widget)
References: <>
Message-ID: <055201c50bb9$05602710$68b78851@xp>

> Whats wrong here ?? :
> from Tkinter import *
> def p_text():
>     print text.get()
> root=Tk()
> text=Text(root).pack()

pack() retirns None, YOu *must* use two steps:

text = Text(....)

> button=Button(root,text="Click here!!",command=p_text).pack()
> root.mainloop()
> I get an error that says that nontype object has no attribute
> whats wrong ??

Because your text variable contains None, which doesn't support get...

Don't worry, its one of the most common Tkinter mistakes and
bites most folks at some stage...

Alan G.

From keridee at  Sat Feb  5 22:10:33 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Sat Feb  5 22:10:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] freeze
References: <>
Message-ID: <000901c50bc7$42718320$c45328cf@JSLAPTOP>

Hey! Good question! I have no idea.

Jacob Schmidt

P.S.  Here's a cool setup script for py2exe if you want to try it though.

### ###
# Run the build process by entering ' py2exe' or
# 'python py2exe' in a console prompt.

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import os

def getdir():
    current = os.getcwd()
    m = 'y'
    while m == 'y':
        print "Current directory is: %s" % current
        m = raw_input("Do you wish to change the directory? ")
        if m == 'y':
            n = raw_input("What is the new directory? ")
            if not n.count(":"):
                current = os.path.join(current,n)
                current = n

listed = []
while 1:
    ask = raw_input('What is the file you want as an executable? ')
    if ask == 'quit' or ask == 'stop':

setup(console = listed)
## End of ###

From kent37 at  Sat Feb  5 22:22:11 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb  5 22:22:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] freeze
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shitiz Bansal wrote:
> Hi,
> Do exe files generated by py2run on linux???i thought
> it was only for windows.

py2exe makes Windows executables only.


> Shitiz
> --- "Jacob S." <> wrote:
>>My two bits.
>>1) Download py2exe found here
>>2) Make a setup file -- intructions can be found
>>through above link, I 
>>(Hey that rhymes!)
>>3) Ask if you want my totally cool automation
>>4) Ask more questions, go on we don't mind.
>>Jacob Schmidt
>>>I intend to create compiled python binaries on
>>>I understand that freeze can be used to do this.
>>>But I have few doubts i would like to clarify.
>>>1. In the freeze documentation i found the lines:
>>>"One tricky issue: Freeze assumes that the Python
>>>interpreter and
>>>environment you're using to run Freeze is the same
>>>that would be
>>>used to run your program, which should also be the
>>>same whose sources
>>>and installed files you will learn about in the
>>>section.  In
>>>particular, your PYTHONPATH setting should be the
>>>as for running
>>>your program locally.  (Tip: if the program
>>>run when you type
>>>"python" there's little chance of getting
>>>frozen version
>>>to run.)"
>>>My intention is to create files which can be run
>>>Linux systems with python not installed.Do the
>>>lines mean that freeze can't do it(which defeats
>>>very pupose of the program i guess.).
>>>2. While compiling with seems that it
>>>including all the available modules, even if they
>>>not required.Of course using freeze -X is one
>>>option,but it being really cumbersome, is there a
>>>better option available.
>>>In case the above issues do present a problem, is
>>>there any alternative to freeze?
>>>Do you Yahoo!?
>>>The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free!
>>>Tutor maillist  -
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we. 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From cyresse at  Sun Feb  6 00:52:50 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb  6 00:52:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Oh... and while I hate to use acronyms like this, I did indeed LOL.

What happened was, I was feeding the strings I got out into the
Windows calculator to check it was working.

And they worked if they went backwards, and I was wondering why, and I
vaguely recalled something I read in a Java book about 'endianess' and
Windows being bigendian.
So, there you go, thought I, the biggest bit (2**32) goes first, so
Windows must be bigEndian!

Oops. Next time, I'll google.

Thanks Kent for clearing that up.

Sandip - 

Just looking at this - 
i = 456
s = ''
while i:
    s = str(i % 2) + s

This works, far simpler than mine, which is always infuriating, but my
question is, how exactly?

if I have the number 15, when it divides by 2, it will become 7. Yet
no error is introduced into the binary. Argggg. Driving me nuts trying
to figure out how. I thought maybe a larger odd number would do it,
but no.

i = 320977545
s = 10011001000011011101010001001

Chuck that into ol' calc, and I get, 320977545. 

Can anyone shed some more light on this?


Liam Clarke

On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 10:48:01 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> Liam,
> I think you misunderstand what endianness is.
> Big-endian and little-endian refer to the way a number is stored as bytes in the underlying memory
> of the computer. This is not something you generally need to worry about in a Python program.
> For example, consider the number 0x12345678. On most modern computers this will be stored in four
> consecutive bytes of computer memory. The individual bytes will contain the values 0x12, 0x34, 0x56,
> 0x78. The question is, what is the order of those bytes in memory? On a big-endian computer, the
> most significant byte - 0x12 - is stored at the lowest memory address, so the sequence of bytes will
> be 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78. On a little-endian computer, the least-significant byte is stored at the
> lowest address, and the order will be reversed: 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12.
> Most programming languages will hide this detail from you most of the time. Even in assembly
> language, you generally load and store integers without worrying about endianness. Math operations
> just do the right thing so you don't have to worry about it.
> Endianness becomes an issue when you want to convert between representations, and when binary data
> is shared between computers which may have different endianness.
> For example in a C program you might want to get the high byte of an integer when you know the
> address of the integer. The desired byte will be at (address+0) or (address+3) depending on the
> endianness of the hardware.
> Similarly, if an array of integers is written to a file in a binary representation (not as ASCII
> strings representing the integers, but as 32-bit values), then to correctly read the file you have
> to know the endianness of the data in the file.
> OK, so what does this have to do with converting a number to binary in Python? Well, nothing,
> actually. First, note that 'binary representation' can mean two different things. In the description
> above, I was talking about the actual bit pattern stored in the computer. Python works with binary
> numbers all the time, in this sense, but it is under the hood. The other meaning of 'binary
> representation' is that of a base-2 string representation of a number.
> So if you ask, "How do I convert a number to binary?" you can mean either of these.
> The first one is trivial. If you have a decimal string representation of the number, use int() to
> convert it to binary. If you have an integer already, it's already *in* binary, so you don't have to
> do anything!
> So, "How do I convert a number to binary?", to be interesting, must mean "How do I convert an
> integer to a base-2 string representation?" And how do you do this? Well, you figured out one way
> using the mathematical properties of integers. These operations are independent of endianness, and
> so is the desired result.
> The base-2 string representation of  the number (whose base-16 string representation is) 0x1234 is
> '0001001000110100'. The order of digits here is determined by our convention of writing the most
> significant digits on the left, not by the endianness of the underlying computer.
> OK, this is long enough, I hope I have shed some light...
> Kent
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > Jacob - just for you, begin your agitation for the next release please ;)
> >
> >, as attached.
> > (also pasted up -
> >
> > Creating this, was just a brain teaser, but I was thinking 'what if I
> > wanted to make this for the standard library.'
> >
> > And so you can see, I had to include a flag for endianess. But that
> > was really a cheap trick. If this was going into a standard library,
> > I'd want to query the OS for endianess. As for the bits, once again,
> > 32 bit is the norm, but 64 bit is here and spreading.
> >
> > Also, should it display 11111111 as 255 or 256? Both are valid,
> > depending on context.
> >
> > Thirdly, if I can do it in 2 minutes, (well, the main part), then
> > should they bother putting it in the standard library considering
> > also,
> >
> > - How often, really, are you going to need to present a decimal or hex
> > as a binary string.
> >
> > Lastly - this only does base 10 to base 2. Should I include a base 6
> > to base 2, base 8 to base 2, base 10 to 6, 10 to 8, 8 to 6?
> >
> > I wouldn't like to write for the standard library, because you can
> > never please everyone.
> >
> > But yeah, feel free to use the above, just keep my doc strings and comments.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Liam Clarke
> >
> > On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 23:30:19 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> >
> >>>The binary value is the same as the hex value.
> >>>The binary representation is 000111110100, but
> >>>unfortunately Python doesn't support binary in
> >>>its string formatting(although it does in int()!
> >>
> >>Uh, question. Why not? It seems that all simple types should be included.
> >>Since the computer stores it as binary, why shouldn't python be able to
> >>display a
> >>string of it in binary? That seems to be a short coming that should be added
> >>to the
> >>next release... IMHO of course.
> >>Jacob Schmidt
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > ######
> > #
> > # by Liam Clarke
> > #(Let me know when it's included in the standard library ;-))
> > ######
> >
> > """Converts a integer base 10 to a string base 2"""
> >
> > def binary(decimalInt, bigEndian = True, bits = 32, truncExcess = False):
> >     """
> > Integer to be converted is essential, Endianess is an optional flag;
> > me being a Win32 user, Endianess is big by default, defaults to a 32-bit
> > representation, most integers in Python being 32 bit. truncExcess will
> > strip place-holder zeros for succintness.
> >
> > Oh, and it will represent 11111111 as 256, as I'm not sure whether you want
> > to start counting for zero with this. It's a simple matter to change."""
> >     tempList = ['0' for x in range(bits)]
> >
> >     for bitPlace in range(bits, -1, -1):
> >         if decimalInt - 2**bitPlace >= 0:
> >             tempList[bitPlace] = '1'
> >             decimalInt = decimalInt - 2**bitPlace
> >     if bigEndian:
> >         tempList.reverse()
> >
> >     outPut = ''.join(tempList)
> >
> >     if truncExcess:
> >         if bigEndian:
> >             outPut=outPut.lstrip('0')
> >         else:
> >             outPut=outPut.rstrip('0')
> >
> >     return outPut
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Sun Feb  6 01:14:33 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb  6 01:14:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: variation of Unique items question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

When someone joins the list, they shoudl receive a welcome email that
contains -

> - a clear description of what you want to do
> - sample data
> - desired results
> - code that attempts to solve the problem

as a helpful hint of how to ask questions.

I have this bookmarked -

"Never assume you are entitled to an answer. You are not; you aren't,
after all, paying for the service. You will earn an answer, if you
earn it, by asking a question that is substantial, interesting, and
thought-provoking ? one that implicitly contributes to the experience
of the community rather than merely passively demanding knowledge from

"RTFM has a younger relative. If you get a reply that reads "STFW",
the person who sent it thinks you should have Searched The F**king
Web. He is almost certainly right. Go search it. (The milder version
of this is when you are told "Google is your friend!")"

"Q:	My {program, configuration, SQL statement} doesn't work


This is not a question, and I'm not interested in playing Twenty
Questions to pry your actual question out of you ? I have better
things to do.


How can I crack root/steal channel-ops privileges/read someone's email?

You're a lowlife for wanting to do such things and a moron for asking
a hacker to help you."

Arrogant words of wisdom to ask help by. :- )
(But, some of them seem appropriate here from time to time.)

Liam Clarke
On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 10:02:25 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> I will give some credit to you for asking a clear question. You included
> - a clear description of what you want to do
> - sample data
> - desired results
> - code that attempts to solve the problem
> When all of these are present I am much more likely to respond. The first three elements especially
> make a big difference.
> Kent
> Scott Melnyk wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > Kent once again you have responded incredibly quickly in a most
> > helpful manor.  I sometimes wonder if the old reference to a
> > "Kent-bot" has some truth to it.
> >
> > Thanks again, I will play with it and keep on going.
> >
> > Scott
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From sandip at  Sun Feb  6 02:14:50 2005
From: sandip at (Sandip Bhattacharya)
Date: Sun Feb  6 02:15:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp>	<00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:

> Sandip - 
> Just looking at this - 
> i = 456
> s = ''
> while i:
>     s = str(i % 2) + s
>     i/=2
> This works, far simpler than mine, which is always infuriating, but my
> question is, how exactly?
> if I have the number 15, when it divides by 2, it will become 7. Yet
> no error is introduced into the binary. Argggg. Driving me nuts trying
> to figure out how. I thought maybe a larger odd number would do it,
> but no.
> i = 320977545
> s = 10011001000011011101010001001
> Chuck that into ol' calc, and I get, 320977545. 
> Can anyone shed some more light on this?

If you imagine the number being displayed in binary inside your calculator,

i % 2, gives us the rightmost bit of the number (has to be 0 or 1)

1/=2 just right shifts the number by one.

So if you consider 15,
a. i % 2 will give you "1".
b.  So even if 15/2 gives you 7, it is ok, as the odd bit has been taken 
care of in (a).

- Sandip
From ismaelgf at  Sun Feb  6 04:55:00 2005
From: ismaelgf at (Ismael Garrido)
Date: Sun Feb  6 04:54:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp>	<00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:

>Just looking at this - 
>i = 456
>s = ''
>while i:
>    s = str(i % 2) + s
>    i/=2
>This works, far simpler than mine, which is always infuriating, but my
>question is, how exactly?
>if I have the number 15, when it divides by 2, it will become 7. Yet
>no error is introduced into the binary. Argggg. Driving me nuts trying
>to figure out how. I thought maybe a larger odd number would do it,
>but no.
>Can anyone shed some more light on this?
Let's step over it :
i = 15 # = 1111b
s = str(i % 2) + s # 15 % 2 = 1  so now  s = "1"
i = i / 2 # i = 7  where's the 1 missing? s has got it

s = 7 % 2 = 1 so now s = "11"
i = 7/2 = 3 ... and so on...

Remember when you do the base-conversion by hand:
(ASCII-ese graphics, use fixed font)
15 | 2
 1   7 | 2
     1   3  and so on...
You're basically doing the same thing

Perhaps that code could be improved by not using strings:
### Warning, untested code! ###
i = 15
power = 0
f = 0

while i > 0:
    f = f+ (i%2)**power
    i /= 2
    power += 1

I don't know if that's faster, but I see it as a more "mathematic" way 
to do it.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb  6 09:44:42 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb  6 09:44:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
References: <><041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp><00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP><>
Message-ID: <056f01c50c28$1ac59a30$68b78851@xp>


> Just looking at this -
> i = 456
> s = ''
> while i:
>     s = str(i % 2) + s
>     i/=2
> This works, far simpler than mine, which is always infuriating, but
> question is, how exactly?

This is the classic math treatment of how to calculate a binary
Just keep dividing by two and take the remainder into the number.
Almost any math textbook will cover this approach.
The snag is that from a computing point of view its pretty slow so
computer texts usually highlught a lookup approach 8instead.

Alan G.

From cyresse at  Sun Feb  6 09:59:32 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb  6 09:59:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <056f01c50c28$1ac59a30$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ah, yeah, gotta get me one of those textbooks.
(Wait a minute, that would mean, my approach wasn't the textbook
approach... /me salvages a little pride.)

While I jest somewhat, that highlights a serious deficiency in my
education that becomes more and more apparent, which is in maths.
Sheesh, if I'd known I wanted to use maths for something I enjoyed, I
would've paid attention in class.

But the remainder thing - would this be why we read binary the way we do?

4 is 001 (on a continuum of 2^0 to 2^n), but using the above approach
we get 100.


Liam Clarke

On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 08:44:42 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> Liam,
> > Just looking at this -
> > i = 456
> > s = ''
> > while i:
> >     s = str(i % 2) + s
> >     i/=2
> >
> > This works, far simpler than mine, which is always infuriating, but
> my
> > question is, how exactly?
> This is the classic math treatment of how to calculate a binary
> number.
> Just keep dividing by two and take the remainder into the number.
> Almost any math textbook will cover this approach.
> The snag is that from a computing point of view its pretty slow so
> computer texts usually highlught a lookup approach 8instead.
> Alan G.

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Sun Feb  6 12:57:35 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb  6 12:57:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <04fc01c50b61$01535960$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
	<042601c50aea$e6edb410$68b78851@xp> <>
Message-ID: <>

Even more OT it would seem, but harking back to the original subject,
Perl isn't looking too bad because I've been working through Java

$j = <STDIN>; is relatively intuitive for a child of Unix, and it's
also documented.

BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String j = keyboard.readline();

is not intuitive, and is hidden very well in the bowels of Sun's API's.

Scary, when a language makes me think Perl would be nicer. : ) Heh.

Oh, and whoever recommended Eclipse to me? Thank you very much.

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 08:59:30 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> > Surely you jest, Alan. :-)
> Smiley noted but...
> > Both perl and awk are turing complete, hence anything perl can do,
> awk
> > can do as well.
> This is a popular misconception.
> Being Turing complete simply means you can implement any algorithm.
> But if the language doesn't provide I/O access for example it is
> impossible to write a device driver, or a comms stack, or any of
> a host of other low level programs. awk is non extendable (unless
> you have the source code!) so you can't do those things. Perl is
> not only extendable but actually comes wth a heap of those kinds
> of features that awk just doesn't have. And no amount of clever
> algorithms can compensate. Awk was designed for one task which it
> does spectacularly well but it was never intended for general
> purpose use.
> I/O is just one example, there are meny more...
> Alan G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Sun Feb  6 13:27:34 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb  6 13:27:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp>	<00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>
	<>	<>	<056f01c50c28$1ac59a30$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> 4 is 001 (on a continuum of 2^0 to 2^n), but using the above approach
> we get 100.

?? 4 (decimal) is 100 (binary). Not because of how the conversion algorithm works, but because that 
is how we write numbers. The least-significant digit is always the rightmost digit. 001 is 1 in 
every number base >= 2.

Actually, generating the digits from the right complicates the algorithm quite a bit. It's hidden in 
the Python version, but s = str(i % 2) + s is a relatively expensive operation here - it has to copy 
all of s to make room for the new digit.


From maxnoel_fr at  Sun Feb  6 13:28:51 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Sun Feb  6 13:28:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 6, 2005, at 08:59, Liam Clarke wrote:

> Ah, yeah, gotta get me one of those textbooks.
> (Wait a minute, that would mean, my approach wasn't the textbook
> approach... /me salvages a little pride.)
> While I jest somewhat, that highlights a serious deficiency in my
> education that becomes more and more apparent, which is in maths.
> Sheesh, if I'd known I wanted to use maths for something I enjoyed, I
> would've paid attention in class.
> But the remainder thing - would this be why we read binary the way we 
> do?
> 4 is 001 (on a continuum of 2^0 to 2^n), but using the above approach
> we get 100.
> Regards,
> Liam Clarke

	Yes, it is 100. The most significant bit (i.e. the highest power of 2) 
is on the left, just as the most significant digit (matching the 
highest power of 10) is on the left when representing base-10 numbers: 
415 is 4*10^2 + 1*10^1 + 5*10^0.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From mark.kels at  Sun Feb  6 15:18:13 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Sun Feb  6 15:18:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] The Tkinter Text widget and .get()
Message-ID: <>

Hi all.

As I understand, .get() has to get an index argument to get the text
from the Text index...
The problem is that I dont realy understand what is this index thing
and what index do I need to give to the function so I'll get all the
text in the widget.
Any ideas ??

Thanks ! 
1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From sigurd at  Sun Feb  6 15:23:27 2005
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Sun Feb  6 15:29:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <> (Kent Johnson's message of "Sun, 06
	Feb 2005 07:27:34 -0500")
References: <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On  6 Feb 2005, wrote:

> Actually, generating the digits from the right complicates the algorithm quite
> 	a bit. It's hidden in
> the Python version, but s = str(i % 2) + s is a relatively expensive operation here - it has to copy 
> all of s to make room for the new digit.

Because of that the standard answer is to write:

s = []
return ''.join(s)

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list
From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb  6 16:10:42 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb  6 16:10:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
References: <><041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp><00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP><>
Message-ID: <058101c50c5e$0736faf0$68b78851@xp>

> While I jest somewhat, that highlights a serious deficiency in my
> education that becomes more and more apparent, which is in maths.

Yes, its a sad fact. Good programming beyond basics does require a
modicum of maths. You can learnn enough to do useful things without
math, but there reaches a point when math becomes essential. Its
no coincidence that at university Computing was traditionally
(up till the late 70's at least) a branch of mathematics.

> But the remainder thing - would this be why we read binary the way
we do?
> 4 is 001 (on a continuum of 2^0 to 2^n), but using the above
> we get 100.

Not really. The reason we read 4 as 100 is the same reason we
read 400 as 400 instead of 004 - we traditionally put the most
significant part tothe left since we (in English at least) read
from left to right.

400 = 4x10**2 + 0x10**1 + 0x10**0

110 = 1x2**2 + 0x2**1 + 0x2**0

But if we convert back again we can generate the number 400
from the value 400 by the same technique we saw for binary:

400/10 = 40 rem 0
40/10 = 4   rem 0
4/10 = 0    rem 4

So reading remainders bottom up we get 400, which is
the decimal representation of 400! :-)

So the algorithm is identical, we can write a generic
function to convert a value into a representation if we
pass in the value and base.

Alan G.

From askoose at  Sun Feb  6 18:27:18 2005
From: askoose at (Kooser, Ara S)
Date: Sun Feb  6 18:27:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Percolation model in python
Message-ID: <>


  I have been working with some high school students to create a model of small pox transmission. 
  I am somewhat new to python (my programming experience is in f77) so I have borrowed parts of Danny's code that he posted for the Game of Life. I have included the code that we are using below. 
  I have two questions. Once a MxN world is generated how would you search for nearest neighbors (to see who is connected) and then color the '*' so it's easier to see who is connected and who isn't.

For a definition of percolation theory-  
or for the wolfram fans



print """
Please pick your option:
1) Percolation model for Small Pox
3) Instructions
4) Exit

option = raw_input("Which option[1,2,3,4]? ")

if option == '1':

    import random

    perc = raw_input("Please enter a thresold between 0-1.   ")
    perc = float(perc)

    PERSON, EMPTY = '*', '.'


    def percolation(perc):
        randval = random.random()
        if randval > perc:
            return EMPTY
            return PERSON
    def make_random_world(M, N):
        """Constructs a new random game world of size MxN."""
        world = {}
        for j in range(N):
            for i in range(M):
                world[i, j] = percolation(perc)
        world['dimensions'] = (M, N)
        return world

    def print_world(world):
        """Prints out a string representation of a world."""
        M, N = world['dimensions']
        for j in range(N):
            for i in range(M):
                print world[i, j],

    n = int(raw_input("Please enter a n dimension.   "))
    m = int(raw_input("Please enter a m dimension.   "))

    raw_input("Press return to make a world")

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From cyresse at  Sun Feb  6 19:52:02 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb  6 19:52:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <058101c50c5e$0736faf0$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ah, thanks all. I wasn't thinking of base 2 numbers like base 10 -
when you describe it like that, I get i. (100 = 10^2 + 0*10^1 +
0*10^0) I was thinking strictly in terms of a base 10 number described
by flags for each power of 2, which (to me) would logically start from
2^0 and go right.

And yeah, I intend to study computer science as I can, so it's
definitely the maths papers first. I'm working through my little
brother's textbook on matrix algebra at the moment. Ick.


Liam Clarke

On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 15:10:42 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> > While I jest somewhat, that highlights a serious deficiency in my
> > education that becomes more and more apparent, which is in maths.
> Yes, its a sad fact. Good programming beyond basics does require a
> modicum of maths. You can learnn enough to do useful things without
> math, but there reaches a point when math becomes essential. Its
> no coincidence that at university Computing was traditionally
> (up till the late 70's at least) a branch of mathematics.
> > But the remainder thing - would this be why we read binary the way
> we do?
> >
> > 4 is 001 (on a continuum of 2^0 to 2^n), but using the above
> approach
> > we get 100.
> Not really. The reason we read 4 as 100 is the same reason we
> read 400 as 400 instead of 004 - we traditionally put the most
> significant part tothe left since we (in English at least) read
> from left to right.
> 400 = 4x10**2 + 0x10**1 + 0x10**0
> 110 = 1x2**2 + 0x2**1 + 0x2**0
> But if we convert back again we can generate the number 400
> from the value 400 by the same technique we saw for binary:
> 400/10 = 40 rem 0
> 40/10 = 4   rem 0
> 4/10 = 0    rem 4
> So reading remainders bottom up we get 400, which is
> the decimal representation of 400! :-)
> So the algorithm is identical, we can write a generic
> function to convert a value into a representation if we
> pass in the value and base.
> Alan G.

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Sun Feb  6 19:58:34 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb  6 19:58:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] The Tkinter Text widget and .get()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>



Indexes are used to point to positions within the text handled by the
text widget. Like Python sequence indexes, text widget indexes
correspond to positions between the actual characters.

Tkinter provides a number of different index types:


      line/column ("line.column")

      line end ("line.end")




      user-defined marks

      user-defined tags ("tag.first", "tag.last")

      selection (SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)

      window coordinate ("@x,y")

      embedded object name (window, images)


I believe you want textWidget.get(1.0, END)
But I seriously recommend the above book.

1.0 is line 1, column 0, to END of text.


Liam Clarke

On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 16:18:13 +0200, Mark Kels <> wrote:
> Hi all.
> As I understand, .get() has to get an index argument to get the text
> from the Text index...
> The problem is that I dont realy understand what is this index thing
> and what index do I need to give to the function so I'll get all the
> text in the widget.
> Any ideas ??
> Thanks !
> --
> 1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
> day they start making vacuum cleaners.
> 2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
> 3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
> And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From flaxeater at  Sun Feb  6 19:59:11 2005
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Sun Feb  6 19:59:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

Jacob S. wrote:

>> aFuncList=[]
>> def x():
>>    print "one"
>> aFuncList.append(x)
>> def x():
>>    print "two"
>> aFuncList.append(x)
>> def x():
>>    print "three"
>> aFuncList.append(x)
>> for item in aFuncList:
>>    item()
> Okay, for this problem (it can be altered otherwise)
> def makefunct(stri):
>    def x():
>        print stri
>    return x
> aFuncList = [makefunct('one'),makefunct('two'),makefunct('three')]
> for item in aFuncList:
>    item()
> It's shorter, it works and it looks cool.
> Thanks to Jeff Shannon for the backbone of this example.

My intent in showing the above code was not to really print one two 
three, but to show that a function doesn't care what it's called.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb  7 01:22:33 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb  7 01:22:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] The Tkinter Text widget and .get()
References: <>
Message-ID: <05a801c50cab$1e9e02e0$68b78851@xp>

> As I understand, .get() has to get an index argument to get the text
> from the Text index...

Thats true.

> The problem is that I dont realy understand what is this index thing

Thats not surprising the Text widget index in Tk (its not really a
Tkinter thing, its part of the underlying Tk toolkit...) is just
a little bit weird!

> and what index do I need to give to the function so I'll get all the
> text in the widget.

THe magic incantation (or one option, there are various ways) is:


Where 1.0 means first line, zeroth character (ie before the first!)
is the starting position and END is the ending position.

The index is a conceptual cursor that sits *between* characters.
Thus for a line like:

Here is a line

If we only wanted the second word we'd use

get(1.5, 1.7)

This is explained in both the Tkinter documentation (but slightly
vaguely), and,more precisely in the Tk documentation. AS with most
things Python the best bet is to experiment at the >>> prompt
till you get it right!

There are some examples of using the Text widget in my tutorial
in both the Event Driven Programming and Case Study topics.
Specifically the doReset() method inthe case study uses indexing
to delete the text in a Text box and doAnalyze shown text
being appended (inserted at END).


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From reed at  Mon Feb  7 07:58:57 2005
From: reed at (Reed L. O'Brien)
Date: Mon Feb  7 07:59:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
Message-ID: <cu73hp$7oj$>

I want to read the httpd-access.log and remove any oversized log records

I quickly tossed this script together.  I manually mv-ed log to log.bak 
and touched a new logfile.

running the following with print i uncommented does print each line to 
stdout.  but it doesn't write to the appropriate file...

a) what am I missing?
b) is there a less expensive way to do it?
c) I originally wanted to delete lines over 2085 in length but couldn't 
find a way to do that... did I miss it?



import os

srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
while 1:
     lines = srcfile.readlines()
     if not lines: break
#    print lines
     for i in lines:
         if len(i) < 2086:
             #print i


From dyoo at  Mon Feb  7 08:37:45 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb  7 08:37:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
In-Reply-To: <cu73hp$7oj$>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Reed L. O'Brien wrote:

> I want to read the httpd-access.log and remove any oversized log records
> I quickly tossed this script together.  I manually mv-ed log to log.bak
> and touched a new logfile.
> running the following with print i uncommented does print each line to
> stdout.  but it doesn't write to the appropriate file...


Let's take a look at the program again:

import os
srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
while 1:
     lines = srcfile.readlines()
     if not lines: break
     for i in lines:
         if len(i) < 2086:

> a) what am I missing?
> b) is there a less expensive way to do it?

Hmmm... I don't see anything offhand that prevents httpd-access.log from
containing the lines you expect.  Do you get any error messages, like
permission problems, when you run the program?

Can you show us how you are running the program, and how you are checking
that the resulting file is empty?

Addressing the question on efficiency and expense: yes.  The program at
the moment tries to read all lines into memory at once, and this is
expensive if the file is large.  Let's fix this.

In recent versions of Python, we can modify file-handling code from:

lines = somefile.readlines()
for line in lines:

to this:

for line in somefile:

That is, we don't need to extract a list of 'lines' out of a file.
Python allows us to loop directly across a file object.  We can find more
details about this in the documentation on "Iterators" (PEP 234):

Iterators are a good thing to know, since Python's iterators are deeply
rooted in the language design.  (Even if it they were retroactively
embedded.  *grin*)

A few more comments: the while loop appears unnecessary, since on the
second run-through the loop, we'll have already read all the lines out of
the file.  (I am assuming that nothing is writing to the backup file at
the time.)  If the body of a while loop just runs once, we don't need a

This simplifies the code down to:

srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
for line in srcfile:
    if len(line) < 2086:

I don't see anything else here that causes the file writing to fail.  If
you can tell us more information on how you're checking the program's
effectiveness, that may give us some more clues.

Best of wishes to you!

From tony at  Mon Feb  7 10:03:08 2005
From: tony at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Mon Feb  7 10:03:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to generate an HTML table, from multiple lists.

There are 4 lists total, each of which *may* have a different length from 
the other lists.
Each list has been stored in a master dictionary.

North=[Bill, Bob, Sue, Mary]
South=['Tim', ''Tom', 'Jim', 'John', 'Carl', 'Evan', 'Rich']

d1={'North':North, 'South':South, 'East':East, 'West':West]

I want to iterate over all the lists a the same time, so I can populate an 
html table.
This is approximately what the HTML table should look like, but the lists 
can be in any order, top to bottom, and left to right.

South  North East West

Tim      Bill    May  Ellen
Tom     Bob           Mick
Jim      Sue           Ron
John    Mary          Keith
Carl                      Joey

Looking through my books on Python I've found examples for zip() and map() 
both of which have serious shortcomings
That being, both of these functions can truncate the data, depending on 
certain conditions

When iterating over multiple lists, it is fine if the mechanism returns an 
empty string , or None for a non-existing list item.
I just wont display anything in the HTML table for missing items.
I know how to create the HTML table, statically. The problem is being able 
to fill the table in one pass (preferably), which means my program would 
need to iterate over
more than one list at the same time.

Even using the range to generate an index has different effects, depending 
on the order in which the lists are referenced in the for loop.

Are there any other options available for iterating over multiple lists ?

From shitizb at  Mon Feb  7 10:18:52 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Mon Feb  7 10:18:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I do see a problem.
The script is fine, the problem lies else where.

Your script is trying to write log.bak to log, it
should b other way round.

srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'r')
dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'w')

hope that fixes it.

About the efficiency, why do u need python at all...
How abt a simple shell command....
       cat httpd-access.log>>log.bak


--- Danny Yoo <> wrote:

> On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Reed L. O'Brien wrote:
> > I want to read the httpd-access.log and remove any
> oversized log records
> >
> > I quickly tossed this script together.  I manually
> mv-ed log to log.bak
> > and touched a new logfile.
> >
> > running the following with print i uncommented
> does print each line to
> > stdout.  but it doesn't write to the appropriate
> file...
> Hello!
> Let's take a look at the program again:
> ###
> import os
> srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
> dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
> while 1:
>      lines = srcfile.readlines()
>      if not lines: break
>      for i in lines:
>          if len(i) < 2086:
>              dstfile.write(i)
> srcfile.close()
> dstfile.close()
> ###
> > a) what am I missing?
> > b) is there a less expensive way to do it?
> Hmmm... I don't see anything offhand that prevents
> httpd-access.log from
> containing the lines you expect.  Do you get any
> error messages, like
> permission problems, when you run the program?
> Can you show us how you are running the program, and
> how you are checking
> that the resulting file is empty?
> Addressing the question on efficiency and expense:
> yes.  The program at
> the moment tries to read all lines into memory at
> once, and this is
> expensive if the file is large.  Let's fix this.
> In recent versions of Python, we can modify
> file-handling code from:
> ###
> lines = somefile.readlines()
> for line in lines:
>     ...
> ###
> to this:
> ###
> for line in somefile:
>     ...
> ###
> That is, we don't need to extract a list of 'lines'
> out of a file.
> Python allows us to loop directly across a file
> object.  We can find more
> details about this in the documentation on
> "Iterators" (PEP 234):
> Iterators are a good thing to know, since Python's
> iterators are deeply
> rooted in the language design.  (Even if it they
> were retroactively
> embedded.  *grin*)
> A few more comments: the while loop appears
> unnecessary, since on the
> second run-through the loop, we'll have already read
> all the lines out of
> the file.  (I am assuming that nothing is writing to
> the backup file at
> the time.)  If the body of a while loop just runs
> once, we don't need a
> loop.
> This simplifies the code down to:
> ###
> srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
> dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
> for line in srcfile:
>     if len(line) < 2086:
>         dstfile.write(line)
> srcfile.close()
> dstfile.close()
> ###
> I don't see anything else here that causes the file
> writing to fail.  If
> you can tell us more information on how you're
> checking the program's
> effectiveness, that may give us some more clues.
> Best of wishes to you!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

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From shitizb at  Mon Feb  7 10:27:14 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Mon Feb  7 10:27:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

My solution might raise purist's eyebrows but here it
How about using a try loop every time you read from
the list.

   x=nothing(or whatever)

This goes on till the all lists start returning none.
for shorter lists try throws an index out of range
exception which is caught by except.

--- Tony Cappellini <> wrote:

> I'm trying to generate an HTML table, from multiple
> lists.
> There are 4 lists total, each of which *may* have a
> different length from 
> the other lists.
> Each list has been stored in a master dictionary.
> North=[Bill, Bob, Sue, Mary]
> South=['Tim', ''Tom', 'Jim', 'John', 'Carl', 'Evan',
> 'Rich']
> etc
> d1={'North':North, 'South':South, 'East':East,
> 'West':West]
> I want to iterate over all the lists a the same
> time, so I can populate an 
> html table.
> This is approximately what the HTML table should
> look like, but the lists 
> can be in any order, top to bottom, and left to
> right.
> South  North East West
> Tim      Bill    May  Ellen
> Tom     Bob           Mick
> Jim      Sue           Ron
> John    Mary          Keith
> Carl                      Joey
> Evan
> Rich
> Looking through my books on Python I've found
> examples for zip() and map() 
> both of which have serious shortcomings
> That being, both of these functions can truncate the
> data, depending on 
> certain conditions
> When iterating over multiple lists, it is fine if
> the mechanism returns an 
> empty string , or None for a non-existing list item.
> I just wont display anything in the HTML table for
> missing items.
> I know how to create the HTML table, statically. The
> problem is being able 
> to fill the table in one pass (preferably), which
> means my program would 
> need to iterate over
> more than one list at the same time.
> Even using the range to generate an index has
> different effects, depending 
> on the order in which the lists are referenced in
> the for loop.
> Are there any other options available for iterating
> over multiple lists ?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do? 
From dyoo at  Mon Feb  7 10:32:09 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb  7 10:32:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Tony Cappellini wrote:

> There are 4 lists total, each of which *may* have a different length
> from the other lists. Each list has been stored in a master dictionary.
> North=[Bill, Bob, Sue, Mary]
> South=['Tim', ''Tom', 'Jim', 'John', 'Carl', 'Evan', 'Rich']
> etc
> I want to iterate over all the lists a the same time, so I can populate an
> html table.

[some text cut]

> Looking through my books on Python I've found examples for zip() and map()
> both of which have serious shortcomings

Hi Tony,

Out of curiosity, if it's not possible to run zip() directly on the lists
that you have, can you bend the lists so that zip() will fit?

Here's a quick function that should force a certain length on an iterator:

def ipad(iterable, length, sentinel=None):
    """Returns a new iterator whose elements are taken from iterator.  If
    there are fewer elements than 'length', we pad the rest with

    Assumptions: len(iterator) <= length.  The result from ipad never
    truncates the elements out of i, so the iterator always goes through
    all the elements in iterable.
    i = 0
    for thing in iterable:
        yield thing
        i = i + 1
    while i < length:
        yield sentinel
        i = i + 1

For example:

>>> names = ['knuth', 'mcconnell', 'bentley', 'witten']
>>> for n in ipad(names, 7):
...     print n
>>> for n in ipad(names, 2):
...     print n

So we could use something like ipad() to bring all the lists to the same
length, and that should make it suitable for zip().

Hope this helps!

From kent37 at  Mon Feb  7 12:03:50 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb  7 12:03:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tony Cappellini wrote:
> I'm trying to generate an HTML table, from multiple lists.
> There are 4 lists total, each of which *may* have a different length 
> from the other lists.
> Each list has been stored in a master dictionary.
> North=[Bill, Bob, Sue, Mary]
> South=['Tim', ''Tom', 'Jim', 'John', 'Carl', 'Evan', 'Rich']
> etc
> d1={'North':North, 'South':South, 'East':East, 'West':West]
> I want to iterate over all the lists a the same time, so I can populate 
> an html table.
> This is approximately what the HTML table should look like, but the 
> lists can be in any order, top to bottom, and left to right.
> South  North East West
> Tim      Bill    May  Ellen
> Tom     Bob           Mick
> Jim      Sue           Ron
> John    Mary          Keith
> Carl                      Joey
> Evan
> Rich
> Looking through my books on Python I've found examples for zip() and 
> map() both of which have serious shortcomings

map(None, North, South, East West) does exactly what you want:
  >>> North=['Bill', 'Bob', 'Sue', 'Mary']
  >>> South=['Tim', 'Tom', 'Jim', 'John', 'Carl', 'Evan', 'Rich']
  >>> map(None, North, South)
[('Bill', 'Tim'), ('Bob', 'Tom'), ('Sue', 'Jim'), ('Mary', 'John'), (None, 'Carl'), (None, 'Evan'), 
(None, 'Rich')]

> That being, both of these functions can truncate the data, depending on 
> certain conditions

I don't think that is true for map(); what conditions are you thinking of?


From ch_chandu9 at  Mon Feb  7 12:09:14 2005
From: ch_chandu9 at (chandrasekhar cherukuri)
Date: Mon Feb  7 12:09:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] where do we use acquisition ?
Message-ID: <>

I completely understood what is acquisition. Now can
some one explain me where it is useful and give some
contextual examples where we can see the power of


Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
From kent37 at  Mon Feb  7 13:37:26 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb  7 13:37:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] where do we use acquisition ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

chandrasekhar cherukuri wrote:
> I completely understood what is acquisition. 

I don't :-)
Can you tell us what you mean by acquisition? I see Zope has something called acquisition; I can't 
think of anything by that name in standard Python...


Now can
> some one explain me where it is useful and give some
> contextual examples where we can see the power of
> acquisition.
> regards
> chandu.

From kent37 at  Mon Feb  7 14:00:15 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb  7 14:00:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] where do we use acquisition ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

chandrasekhar cherukuri wrote:
> Hope there is no sarcasm in this.

No, none at all. A light irony, maybe. When I first read your post, I thought, "I have no idea what 
acquisition is". I thought it was funny that you completely understand it but I am clueless about 
it. I had to google 'python acquisition' to see that Zope uses that term.

I hope someone else here has more of a clue than me. If not, you might want to try a Zope-specific 
mailing list.


> --- Kent Johnson <> wrote:
>>chandrasekhar cherukuri wrote:
>>>I completely understood what is acquisition. 
>>I don't :-)
>>Can you tell us what you mean by acquisition? I see
>>Zope has something called acquisition; I can't 
>>think of anything by that name in standard Python...
>>Now can
>>>some one explain me where it is useful and give
>>>contextual examples where we can see the power of
>>Tutor maillist  -
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we. 

From pierre.barbier at  Mon Feb  7 14:09:50 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Mon Feb  7 14:07:51 2005
Subject: [Tutor] where do we use acquisition ?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I may say this is no subject for the Python _tutor_ list ! You'll at 
least want to post this message to the comp.lang.python newsgroup.


Kent Johnson a ?crit :
> chandrasekhar cherukuri wrote:
>> Hope there is no sarcasm in this.
> No, none at all. A light irony, maybe. When I first read your post, I 
> thought, "I have no idea what acquisition is". I thought it was funny 
> that you completely understand it but I am clueless about it. I had to 
> google 'python acquisition' to see that Zope uses that term.
> I hope someone else here has more of a clue than me. If not, you might 
> want to try a Zope-specific mailing list.
> Kent
>> --- Kent Johnson <> wrote:
>>> chandrasekhar cherukuri wrote:
>>>> I completely understood what is acquisition. 
>>> I don't :-)
>>> Can you tell us what you mean by acquisition? I see
>>> Zope has something called acquisition; I can't think of anything by 
>>> that name in standard Python...
>>> Kent
>>> Now can
>>>> some one explain me where it is useful and give
>>> some
>>>> contextual examples where we can see the power of
>>>> acquisition.
>>>> regards
>>>> chandu.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tutor maillist  -
>> __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You 
>> care about security. So do we.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From karen.leever at  Mon Feb  7 14:40:06 2005
From: karen.leever at (Karen Leever)
Date: Mon Feb  7 14:40:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling subroutines into program
Message-ID: <>


I've been writing some small python programs that basically do function 
analysis on the (x,y) output of a fortran code called COBRA.
The COBRA output (basin.out) is the shape of a flexed beam, of which I 
calculate the 0-crossing, x and y of max. amplitude, and cross sectional 
area between function and y=0.

I managed to make python calculate these things, so it actually works. No 
problems there.
However, I'd like to make the format a bit more elegant. Each python 
program consists of several components, some of which occur in each of the 
programs. These components comprise: (1) reading the COBRA output file and 
write the contents to an array, (2) reading a second COBRA output file for 
reference values. See below for an example.

How can I refer in my programs to these components without actually 
incorporating them in the program?
I don't see how I could define them as functions.
And "import 'component'.py" does not work either: I tried this but it will 
not recognize the array arr_xy (defined in 'component'.py) later on.

thanks for suggestion or reference,


example of (1):
#this part of the program reads the file basin.out (the data we want to 
analyze) and changes its contents to the array arr_xy
#layout of basin.out:
#1  -950.00    10.00 200        > this line contains start, interval and 
number of x values;
#    0.000000E+00               > remainder is a column of y values
#   -1.931787E-07
#   -5.713295E-07
#   -9.322559E-07
#   -1.071361E-06
#   -7.801342E-07
#    .....

import re

#open the (x,y) output file
cobra_xy_file = open('/home/tecguest/leek/Suncobra/Screen/basin.out')

#read first line and change it to a list so it can be read by the program
firstline = cobra_xy_file.readline()
p = re.compile(r'\s+')
list = p.split(firstline)

#from the list defined above, x-values have to be calculated.
#the list contains strings that are converted to integers before they can 
be used in further calculations
start = int(float(list[1]))
interval = int(float(list[2]))
n = int(float(list[3]))
stop = start + n*interval
arr_x = range(start, stop, interval)    #the calculated x-values are stored 
in 1D array arr_x (note, fake array, is really a list)

#the list of calculated x values, together with the y values in the 
cobra_xy_file have to be put in an array: arr_xy
#first define the new array:
arr_xy = []

#then fill the array with the x and y values:
for i in range(0, len(arr_x)):
     sub_arr_xy = []

#print 'These are the first values from the x,y file:'
#print arr_xy[:5]


 >>> please note new phone and fax number <<<
Karen Leever
Department of Tectonics
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

tel: +31 20 598 7278
fax: +31 20 598 9943

From cyresse at  Mon Feb  7 14:45:37 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb  7 14:45:40 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling subroutines into program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Karen, 

if I have a file called =

def la()
   return "la"

x = 15

I can do the following in =

import foo    #Notice there's no .py extension!

j =
print j
print foo.x

> la
> 15

Hope that helps

Liam Clarke

On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 14:40:06 +0100, Karen Leever
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been writing some small python programs that basically do function
> analysis on the (x,y) output of a fortran code called COBRA.
> The COBRA output (basin.out) is the shape of a flexed beam, of which I
> calculate the 0-crossing, x and y of max. amplitude, and cross sectional
> area between function and y=0.
> I managed to make python calculate these things, so it actually works. No
> problems there.
> However, I'd like to make the format a bit more elegant. Each python
> program consists of several components, some of which occur in each of the
> programs. These components comprise: (1) reading the COBRA output file and
> write the contents to an array, (2) reading a second COBRA output file for
> reference values. See below for an example.
> How can I refer in my programs to these components without actually
> incorporating them in the program?
> I don't see how I could define them as functions.
> And "import 'component'.py" does not work either: I tried this but it will
> not recognize the array arr_xy (defined in 'component'.py) later on.
> thanks for suggestion or reference,
> Karen
> example of (1):
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> #this part of the program reads the file basin.out (the data we want to
> analyze) and changes its contents to the array arr_xy
> #layout of basin.out:
> #1  -950.00    10.00 200        > this line contains start, interval and
> number of x values;
> #    0.000000E+00               > remainder is a column of y values
> #   -1.931787E-07
> #   -5.713295E-07
> #   -9.322559E-07
> #   -1.071361E-06
> #   -7.801342E-07
> #    .....
> import re
> #open the (x,y) output file
> cobra_xy_file = open('/home/tecguest/leek/Suncobra/Screen/basin.out')
> #read first line and change it to a list so it can be read by the program
> firstline = cobra_xy_file.readline()
> p = re.compile(r'\s+')
> list = p.split(firstline)
> #from the list defined above, x-values have to be calculated.
> #the list contains strings that are converted to integers before they can
> be used in further calculations
> start = int(float(list[1]))
> interval = int(float(list[2]))
> n = int(float(list[3]))
> stop = start + n*interval
> arr_x = range(start, stop, interval)    #the calculated x-values are stored
> in 1D array arr_x (note, fake array, is really a list)
> #the list of calculated x values, together with the y values in the
> cobra_xy_file have to be put in an array: arr_xy
> #first define the new array:
> arr_xy = []
> #then fill the array with the x and y values:
> for i in range(0, len(arr_x)):
>      sub_arr_xy = []
>      sub_arr_xy.append(arr_x[i])
>      sub_arr_xy.append(float(cobra_xy_file.readline()))
>      arr_xy.append(sub_arr_xy)
> #print 'These are the first values from the x,y file:'
> #print arr_xy[:5]
> #print
> cobra_xy_file.close
> --------------------------------------------------------
>  >>> please note new phone and fax number <<<
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Karen Leever
> Department of Tectonics
> Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
> Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
> De Boelelaan 1085
> 1081 HV Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> tel: +31 20 598 7278
> fax: +31 20 598 9943
> @:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Mon Feb  7 15:02:32 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb  7 15:02:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling subroutines into program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Actually, if I may rewrite some sections of your code -

> > example of (1):
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> > #this part of the program reads the file basin.out (the data we want to
> > analyze) and changes its contents to the array arr_xy
> > #layout of basin.out:
> > #1  -950.00    10.00 200        > this line contains start, interval and
> > number of x values;
> > #    0.000000E+00               > remainder is a column of y values
> > #   -1.931787E-07
> > #   -5.713295E-07
> > #   -9.322559E-07
> > #   -1.071361E-06
> > #   -7.801342E-07
> > #    .....

So to clarify the first line has 4 values? Are they likely to be
separated by whitespace characters other than space? If not, then you
could just use a = firstline.split(" ") instead of
> > p = re.compile(r'\s+')
> > list = p.split(firstline)

>start = int(float(list[1]))
> interval = int(float(list[2]))
> n = int(float(list[3]))

list[1] is a string, so if I'm not missing something,  start =
int(list[1]) will do just fine.

>>arr_x = range(start, stop, interval)    #the calculated x-values are stored
> > in 1D array arr_x (note, fake array, is really a list)
> >
> > #the list of calculated x values, together with the y values in the
> > cobra_xy_file have to be put in an array: arr_xy
> > #first define the new array:
> > arr_xy = []
> >
> > #then fill the array with the x and y values:
> > for i in range(0, len(arr_x)):
> >      sub_arr_xy = []
> >      sub_arr_xy.append(arr_x[i])
> >      sub_arr_xy.append(float(cobra_xy_file.readline()))
> >      arr_xy.append(sub_arr_xy)

for i in range(start, stop, interval):
    sub_arr_xy = []
    sub_arr_xy.append(float(cobra_xy_file.readline() ) )

Should do the same thing.

Good luck, 

Liam Clarke

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic  human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Mon Feb  7 15:04:54 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb  7 15:04:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling subroutines into program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Put all of your code into a function, maybe called import_cobra(). The function should take the path 
to the basic.out file as a parameter and return the array of data. So it will look something like this:

def import_cobra(basicPath):
     cobra_xy_file = open(basicPath)
     # All the same code as below all the way to...
     cobra_xy_file.close()  # Oops, you were missing parentheses here!

     # End with a return statement that passes the array back to the caller
     return arr_xy

If you put this in a file called (you might want to think of a more descriptive name, 
maybe, then in a client program you can do this:

from component import import_cobra
arr_xy = import_cobra

Now you can do what you want with arr_xy.


Karen Leever wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been writing some small python programs that basically do function 
> analysis on the (x,y) output of a fortran code called COBRA.
> The COBRA output (basin.out) is the shape of a flexed beam, of which I 
> calculate the 0-crossing, x and y of max. amplitude, and cross sectional 
> area between function and y=0.
> I managed to make python calculate these things, so it actually works. 
> No problems there.
> However, I'd like to make the format a bit more elegant. Each python 
> program consists of several components, some of which occur in each of 
> the programs. These components comprise: (1) reading the COBRA output 
> file and write the contents to an array, (2) reading a second COBRA 
> output file for reference values. See below for an example.
> How can I refer in my programs to these components without actually 
> incorporating them in the program?
> I don't see how I could define them as functions.
> And "import 'component'.py" does not work either: I tried this but it 
> will not recognize the array arr_xy (defined in 'component'.py) later on.
> thanks for suggestion or reference,
> Karen
> example of (1):
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> #this part of the program reads the file basin.out (the data we want to 
> analyze) and changes its contents to the array arr_xy
> #layout of basin.out:
> #1  -950.00    10.00 200        > this line contains start, interval and 
> number of x values;
> #    0.000000E+00               > remainder is a column of y values
> #   -1.931787E-07
> #   -5.713295E-07
> #   -9.322559E-07
> #   -1.071361E-06
> #   -7.801342E-07
> #    .....
> import re
> #open the (x,y) output file
> cobra_xy_file = open('/home/tecguest/leek/Suncobra/Screen/basin.out')
> #read first line and change it to a list so it can be read by the program
> firstline = cobra_xy_file.readline()
> p = re.compile(r'\s+')
> list = p.split(firstline)
> #from the list defined above, x-values have to be calculated.
> #the list contains strings that are converted to integers before they 
> can be used in further calculations
> start = int(float(list[1]))
> interval = int(float(list[2]))
> n = int(float(list[3]))
> stop = start + n*interval
> arr_x = range(start, stop, interval)    #the calculated x-values are 
> stored in 1D array arr_x (note, fake array, is really a list)
> #the list of calculated x values, together with the y values in the 
> cobra_xy_file have to be put in an array: arr_xy
> #first define the new array:
> arr_xy = []
> #then fill the array with the x and y values:
> for i in range(0, len(arr_x)):
>     sub_arr_xy = []
>     sub_arr_xy.append(arr_x[i])
>     sub_arr_xy.append(float(cobra_xy_file.readline()))
>     arr_xy.append(sub_arr_xy)
> #print 'These are the first values from the x,y file:'
> #print arr_xy[:5]
> #print
> cobra_xy_file.close
> --------------------------------------------------------
>  >>> please note new phone and fax number <<<
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Karen Leever
> Department of Tectonics
> Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences
> Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
> De Boelelaan 1085
> 1081 HV Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> tel: +31 20 598 7278
> fax: +31 20 598 9943
> @:
> ----------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From jsmith at  Mon Feb  7 15:14:55 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Mon Feb  7 15:15:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>


No use beating this dead horse...I guess that's why there are so many
languages in the first place.  Different people are comfortable with
different things.  (I did warn you that I like both Lisp and Prolog and
only wish I had more of a reason to use them :-)

As an aside, I did try to create a lambda based solution but was unable.
Let me know what's wrong:

ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
           'b' : lambda: print 'b or c',
           'c' : lambda: print 'b or c',
           'd' : lambda: pass }
ftable.get(var, lambda: print 'default case')()

  File "C:\scratch\", line 2
    ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 6:39 PM
To: Smith, Jeff; Jacob S.;;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

> Now who's joking?


> Are you saying that
> switch var:
> case 'a':
>    print 'a'
> ...
> default:
>    print 'default case'
> Is less clear and maintainable than

I don;tthink I said (certainly didn't mean) less clear, but 
yes it is less maintainable.

But then...

> def do_this_function():
> print 'a'

> ....
> ftable = { 'a' : do_this_function,
>            'b' : do_that_function,
>            'c' : do_that_function,
>            'd' : do_pass_function }
> ftable.get(var, do_default_function)()

I did also say that it was best with proper lambdas

ftable = {'a' : lambda: print 'a',
          'b' : lambda: print 'b'

and I'd code the calling section:

try: ftable[value]()
except KeyError: doDefaultFunction()

Its more maintainable because even if the switches proliferates 
as they tend to do, the dictionary stays in one place and the 
calling code never needs changing. So the changes are much 
more localised. And of course the more complex the case 
actions are, the more effective the dictionary/function 
approach becomes.

Alan G.
From hornak at  Mon Feb  7 15:27:56 2005
From: hornak at (Viktor Hornak)
Date: Mon Feb  7 15:28:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] python lists to C arrays and vice versa
Message-ID: <>

Hello All,

I've been trying to find more resources/documentation about how to 
convert python lists to C arrays (and vice versa) when writing a python 
extension. Surprisingly, there's very little one can find about this 
even though it must be a fairly common procedure. I looked through 
official python guide on "Extending and Embedding the Python 
Interpreter" but it's very terse on examples and the important topic on 
reference counting is still not very clear. I also found one or two 
examples of similar operations on this list postings (from 6 years ago!) 
but they didn't quite explain all I need to know.
Here is the code I was trying to use to convert two lists (one is a list 
of strings with the same length and the other is a list of doubles) to C 
arrays in a C extension:

typedef char Name[5];
extern void parseMask(int, char*, Name *, double *);  /* this is the 
function I am
                                                         trying to wrap */

static PyObject *print_sel(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
   PyObject *anamestr, *xdbl;
   PyObject *pylist;  /* return list of 0/1 */
   PyObject *item;
   int nat;
   int i, k;
   Name *aname;
   double *x;

   PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"iOO", &nat, &anamestr, &xdbl);
   if (!PySequence_Check(anamestr) || !PySequence_Check(xdbl)) {
      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected sequence");
      return NULL;
   /* create dynamic C arrays */
   aname = (Name *) malloc(sizeof(Name)*nat);
   x = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*nat);

   for (i = 0; i < nat; i++) {
      /* get the element from the list*/
      item = PySequence_GetItem(anamestr,i);
      /* check that item != NULL, i.e. make sure it is Python string */
      if (!PyString_Check(item)) {
         free(aname);  /* free up the memory before leaving */
         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected sequence of strings");
         return NULL;
      /* assign to the C array */
      strcpy(aname[i], PyString_AsString(item));

      item = PySequence_GetItem(xdbl,i);
      if (!PyFloat_Check(item)) {
         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected sequence of integers");
         return NULL;
      x[i] = PyFloat_AsDouble(item);

Then I call the function "parseMask" (which I am trying to wrap in this 
extension) which returns a C array (integer array, elements are either 0 
or 1). Now I need to convert this integer array to python list and 
return it back to python. Here is the code for that:

   result = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * nat);
   parseMask(...) -> returns int array result

   pylist = PyTuple_New(nat);
   for (i = 0; i < nat; i++) {
      /* convert resulting array [0/1] to PyObject */
      if (result[i] == 0)
         item = PyInt_FromLong(0);
         item = PyInt_FromLong(1);

      PyTuple_SetItem(pylist, i, item);

   /* free up all arrays before leaving */
   free((void *) aname);
   free((void *) x);
   free((void *) result);

   return pylist;

I was wondering if some 'extension guru' (or whoever has experience with 
writing extensions :-)) could see if the above code is correct, 
especially with respect to reference counting. When I use this extension 
from Python (on Fedora Core 3, Python2.3) I get the following error:

*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0x09f724e8 ***

This is supposed to mean some deeper memory allocation/deallocation 
error. I suspect I am not creating or releasing python objects in my C 
extension above correctly. Of course, it is also possible that the C 
function I am wrapping (parseMask()) is not allocating memory properly, 
but it works without problem when I call it from a C program.
I am sorry for this looong post, but I didn't see a way to make it 
shorter and still be very specific about what I am trying to do...

Many thanks for any help,
-Viktor Hornak

From kent37 at  Mon Feb  7 15:36:02 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb  7 15:36:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling subroutines into program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
>>>example of (1):
>>>#this part of the program reads the file basin.out (the data we want to
>>>analyze) and changes its contents to the array arr_xy
>>>#layout of basin.out:
>>>#1  -950.00    10.00 200        > this line contains start, interval and
>>>number of x values;
>>>#    0.000000E+00               > remainder is a column of y values
>>>#   -1.931787E-07
>>>#   -5.713295E-07
>>>#   -9.322559E-07
>>>#   -1.071361E-06
>>>#   -7.801342E-07
>>>#    .....
>>start = int(float(list[1]))
>>interval = int(float(list[2]))
>>n = int(float(list[3]))
> list[1] is a string, so if I'm not missing something,  start =
> int(list[1]) will do just fine.

No, because list[1]  is '-950.00' which will not parse as an int.


From bgailer at  Mon Feb  7 15:47:33 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon Feb  7 15:42:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <C4C644CF4ADA9448904C3E8BACC4B97C02E67461@medexch1.medplus. com>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 07:14 AM 2/7/2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:
>No use beating this dead horse...I guess that's why there are so many
>languages in the first place.  Different people are comfortable with
>different things.  (I did warn you that I like both Lisp and Prolog and
>only wish I had more of a reason to use them :-)
>As an aside, I did try to create a lambda based solution but was unable.
>Let me know what's wrong:
>ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
>            'b' : lambda: print 'b or c',
>            'c' : lambda: print 'b or c',
>            'd' : lambda: pass }
>ftable.get(var, lambda: print 'default case')()

 From the docs: lambda arguments: expression
print 'a' is not an expression

>  File "C:\scratch\", line 2
>     ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
>                                  ^
>SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From jsmith at  Mon Feb  7 15:43:07 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Mon Feb  7 15:43:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

That's kinda what I thought but a couple of people suggested that I used
lambdas to make it clearer that I figured I was doing something wrong...


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Gailer [] 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 9:48 AM
To: Smith, Jeff;
Subject: RE: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

At 07:14 AM 2/7/2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:
>No use beating this dead horse...I guess that's why there are so many 
>languages in the first place.  Different people are comfortable with 
>different things.  (I did warn you that I like both Lisp and Prolog and

>only wish I had more of a reason to use them :-)
>As an aside, I did try to create a lambda based solution but was 
>unable. Let me know what's wrong:
>ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
>            'b' : lambda: print 'b or c',
>            'c' : lambda: print 'b or c',
>            'd' : lambda: pass }
>ftable.get(var, lambda: print 'default case')()

 From the docs: lambda arguments: expression
print 'a' is not an expression

>  File "C:\scratch\", line 2
>     ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
>                                  ^
>SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From bgailer at  Mon Feb  7 16:09:57 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Mon Feb  7 16:04:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <C4C644CF4ADA9448904C3E8BACC4B97C02E67470@medexch1.medplus. com>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 07:43 AM 2/7/2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:
>That's kinda what I thought but a couple of people suggested that I used
>lambdas to make it clearer that I figured I was doing something wrong...

Well you can use lambdas. Have them return an expression which you print 
after retrieving:
ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',
             'b' : lambda: 'b or c',
             'c' : lambda: 'b or c',
             'd' : lambda: ''}
print ftable.get(var, lambda: 'default case')()

But it would be clearer to store just the expressions:
ftable = { 'a' : 'a',
             'b' : 'b or c',
             'c' : 'b or c',
             'd' : ''}
print ftable.get(var, 'default case')

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From jsmith at  Mon Feb  7 16:06:10 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Mon Feb  7 16:06:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>


Unfortunately, that doesn't do the same thing.  In the 'd' case, you get
a print rather than a pass for instance.  It was also just happenstance
that I chose to print on each switch rather than do something like
increment a counter.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Gailer [] 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 10:10 AM
To: Smith, Jeff;
Subject: RE: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

At 07:43 AM 2/7/2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:
>That's kinda what I thought but a couple of people suggested that I 
>used lambdas to make it clearer that I figured I was doing something 

Well you can use lambdas. Have them return an expression which you print

after retrieving:
ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',
             'b' : lambda: 'b or c',
             'c' : lambda: 'b or c',
             'd' : lambda: ''}
print ftable.get(var, lambda: 'default case')()

But it would be clearer to store just the expressions:
ftable = { 'a' : 'a',
             'b' : 'b or c',
             'c' : 'b or c',
             'd' : ''}
print ftable.get(var, 'default case')

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From kent37 at  Mon Feb  7 16:16:12 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb  7 16:16:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Gailer wrote:
> At 07:14 AM 2/7/2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:
>> Alan,
>> No use beating this dead horse...I guess that's why there are so many
>> languages in the first place.  Different people are comfortable with
>> different things.  (I did warn you that I like both Lisp and Prolog and
>> only wish I had more of a reason to use them :-)
>> As an aside, I did try to create a lambda based solution but was unable.
>> Let me know what's wrong:
>> ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
>>            'b' : lambda: print 'b or c',
>>            'c' : lambda: print 'b or c',
>>            'd' : lambda: pass }
>> ftable.get(var, lambda: print 'default case')()
>  From the docs: lambda arguments: expression
> print 'a' is not an expression

As a workaround to use print in a lambda you can use sys.stdout.write() instead.


From sandip at  Mon Feb  7 16:09:27 2005
From: sandip at (Sandip Bhattacharya)
Date: Mon Feb  7 16:44:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] want recommendations for interfacing with postgresql
Message-ID: <1107788967.29067.5.camel@pluto.home>

I am planning to work with postgresql and python for one of my projects.
Which library module would you recommend for the job?

I have seen:
1. (pgdb module)


Sandip Bhattacharya    *    Puroga Technologies   *
Work:   *    Home/Blog:

PGP/GPG Signature: 51A4 6C57 4BC6 8C82 6A65 AE78 B1A1 2280 A129 0FF3

From sandip at  Mon Feb  7 17:01:15 2005
From: sandip at (Sandip Bhattacharya)
Date: Mon Feb  7 16:53:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: want recommendations for interfacing with postgresql
Message-ID: <1107792075.29067.10.camel@pluto.home>

[Reposting. Didnt make it the first time - Sandip]

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Sandip Bhattacharya <>
To: Python Tutor Mailing List <>
Subject: want recommendations for interfacing with postgresql
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 20:39:27 +0530
I am planning to work with postgresql and python for one of my projects.
Which library module would you recommend for the job?

I have seen:
1. (pgdb module)


Sandip Bhattacharya    *    Puroga Technologies   *
Work:   *    Home/Blog:

PGP/GPG Signature: 51A4 6C57 4BC6 8C82 6A65 AE78 B1A1 2280 A129 0FF3

Sandip Bhattacharya    *    Puroga Technologies   *
Work:   *    Home/Blog:

PGP/GPG Signature: 51A4 6C57 4BC6 8C82 6A65 AE78 B1A1 2280 A129 0FF3

From tony at  Mon Feb  7 19:32:57 2005
From: tony at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Mon Feb  7 19:30:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Out of curiosity, if it's not possible to run zip() directly on the lists
> that you have, can you bend the lists so that zip() will fit?
It is possible, however zip() truncates the longer list, based on the size
of the smaller list, so it's just not feasible in my case.

> Here's a quick function that should force a certain length on an iterator:
> ###
> def ipad(iterable, length, sentinel=None):
>     """Returns a new iterator whose elements are taken from iterator.  If
>     there are fewer elements than 'length', we pad the rest with
>     sentinels.
>     Assumptions: len(iterator) <= length.  The result from ipad never
>     truncates the elements out of i, so the iterator always goes through
>     all the elements in iterable.
>     """
>     i = 0
>     for thing in iterable:
>         yield thing
>         i = i + 1
>     while i < length:
>         yield sentinel
>         i = i + 1
> ###
> For example:
> ###
> >>> names = ['knuth', 'mcconnell', 'bentley', 'witten']
> >>> for n in ipad(names, 7):
> ...     print n
> ...
> knuth
> mcconnell
> bentley
> witten
> None
> None
> None
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> for n in ipad(names, 2):
> ...     print n
> ...
> knuth
> mcconnell
> bentley
> witten
> ###
> So we could use something like ipad() to bring all the lists to the same
> length, and that should make it suitable for zip().
> Hope this helps!

I see- yes it does. And since it's my first use of generators, without
really having to understand them, I'm more inclined to use this approach
I will just pad the short lists with the lenght of the longest list.
However, this brings up a question about map() ing over lists of different
lengths (which is what I started to use), but I'll post that in a
different message.

BTW, is your def ipad() function the 20gb, 40gb, or 60gb model ? :-)


From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb  7 20:28:34 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb  7 20:28:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <05ad01c50d4b$37c1c040$68b78851@xp>

> As an aside, I did try to create a lambda based solution but was
> Let me know what's wrong:
> ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I did say "if Python had *proper* lambdas..."

Unfortunately Python insists on only having *expressions* as
lambdas and since print is a command not a function you can't
use it in Python lambdas! Dumb or what??!

So you are stuck with predefining a bunch of one liner
functions and then creating a dictionary or going back
to if/elif chains, which is where we came in... :-)


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb  7 20:49:24 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb  7 20:50:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
References: <cu73hp$7oj$>
Message-ID: <05d401c50d4e$2058fc40$68b78851@xp>

> running the following with print i uncommented does print each line
> stdout.  but it doesn't write to the appropriate file...

Does it do anything?
BTW YOu don;t need to touch a file, the 'w' parameter will
create a new file if one doesn't exist.

> c) I originally wanted to delete lines over 2085 in length but
> find a way to do that... did I miss it?

deleting files from a file aint so easy, its much simpler to just
create a new file with the lines you want, as you do here.

> srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
> dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')

> while 1:
>      lines = srcfile.readlines()
>      if not lines: break
>      for i in lines:

This is much easier with:

for i in srcfile:

It will automatically detect and stop at the end of the file.

>          if len(i) < 2086:
>              #print i
>              dstfile.write(i)

You should add a newline character otherwise you will just
get one enormously long line!


> srcfile.close()
> dstfile.close()

But I don't see anything obviously wrong.
What exactly does happen? A single line as explained above?
Or just a blank file?

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb  7 20:53:05 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb  7 20:52:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
References: <>
Message-ID: <05dd01c50d4e$a404df00$68b78851@xp>

> About the efficiency, why do u need python at all...
> How abt a simple shell command....
>        cat httpd-access.log>>log.bak

Because that would be a copy, well actually an append...

cp httpd-access.log log.bak

would be better!

But the OP wanted to strip out long lines in transit
not just copy...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb  7 20:56:41 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb  7 20:56:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
References: <>
Message-ID: <05e201c50d4f$25213d40$68b78851@xp>

> How about using a try loop every time you read from
> the list.

try is not a loop.

> try:
>    x=list[someno]
> except:
>    x=nothing(or whatever)
> This goes on till the all lists start returning none.

No, sorry it just does it once.
try/except is for detecting errors not a looping construct.

> for shorter lists try throws an index out of range
> exception which is caught by except.

This much is true. But to do as you suggest the try/except 
would need to be placed inside a for or while loop. However 
that would be an interesting approach. I don't know if it 
would be faster than comparing the len(), I suspect not, 
but try/except is fairly fast so it just might be.

Alan G.
From jsmith at  Mon Feb  7 20:58:03 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Mon Feb  7 20:58:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
Message-ID: <>

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 2:49 PM
To: Reed L. O'Brien;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] manipulating a file

>You should add a newline character otherwise you will just
>get one enormously long line!
>                dstfile.write(i+'\n')

In these cases, I've taken to doing
	print >> dstfile, I

...hmmm starting to look like Perl's many ways to accomplish the same
thing approach :-)

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb  7 21:06:28 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb  7 21:05:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <062001c50d50$82d50330$68b78851@xp>

> That's kinda what I thought but a couple of people suggested 
> that I used lambdas to make it clearer 

I suggested that if we had proper lambdas we could use 'em...

But of course you can still use lambdas just put the print 
at the client side:

def p(): pass
ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',
           'b' : lambda: 'b or c',
           'c' : lambda: 'b or c',
           'd' : lambda: p}
print ftable.get(var, lambda: 'default case')()

But I still had to use a def for the pass... :-(

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb  7 21:08:04 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb  7 21:07:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <062501c50d50$bc2715b0$68b78851@xp>

> Well you can use lambdas. Have them return an expression which you
> after retrieving:
> ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',
>              'b' : lambda: 'b or c',

> But it would be clearer to store just the expressions:
> ftable = { 'a' : 'a',
>              'b' : 'b or c',

True for this special case, but where the lambda has to do
some calculation it starts to make sense! :-)

Alan G.

From jsmith at  Mon Feb  7 21:08:59 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Mon Feb  7 21:09:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>


That's actually worse than you might think.  Try this:

var = 'd'
def p(): pass
ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',
           'b' : lambda: 'b or c',
           'c' : lambda: 'b or c',
           'd' : lambda: p}
print ftable.get(var, lambda: 'default case')()

And what you get is:
<function p at 0x009BDFB0>

That's hardly a pass :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 3:06 PM
To: Smith, Jeff; Bob Gailer;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

> That's kinda what I thought but a couple of people suggested
> that I used lambdas to make it clearer 

I suggested that if we had proper lambdas we could use 'em...

But of course you can still use lambdas just put the print 
at the client side:

def p(): pass
ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',
           'b' : lambda: 'b or c',
           'c' : lambda: 'b or c',
           'd' : lambda: p}
print ftable.get(var, lambda: 'default case')()

But I still had to use a def for the pass... :-(

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Mon Feb  7 21:30:59 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb  7 21:31:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Tony Cappellini wrote:

> > Here's a quick function that should force a certain length on an
> > iterator:
> >
> > ###
> > def ipad(iterable, length, sentinel=None):
> >     i = 0
> >     for thing in iterable:
> >         yield thing
> >         i = i + 1
> >     while i < length:
> >         yield sentinel
> >         i = i + 1
> > ###
> BTW, is your def ipad() function the 20gb, 40gb, or 60gb model ? :-)

Hi Tony,

Oh, I had some terrible puns I was going to use in the last message.
Here's one, just for your amusement:

import sys

def ipad_maxi(iterable, sentinel=None):
    """Applies a maximum ipad()ding on a given iterable."""
    return ipad(iterable, sys.maxint, sentinel)

But getting back on topic: I like Kent's solution with map() much better
than my own.  I had completely forgotten that map() had a special case
that applies directly to what you're trying to do.

Best of wishes to you!

From dyoo at  Mon Feb  7 21:43:42 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb  7 21:43:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] where do we use acquisition ?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Chandu,

Ah, so you're looking into "environmental acquisition".  I think the
reason you're asking about on Tutor is because one of the most visible
deployments of acquisition has been in the Zope web framework.

But just because Zope is written in Python doesn't mean that acquisition
is a concept that's exclusive to Python.  If you would like to learn more,
here's a link to a really nice web site on acquisition:

It appears to house a lot of the accumulated knowledge on acquisition.
Because this topic is very specialized, we probably won't be able to do
any justice to it on Python-tutor.  The acquisition web site linked above
should give you references for why it's cool, and what communities you can
talk with to learn more about it.

Best of wishes to you!

From shitizb at  Mon Feb  7 22:01:29 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Mon Feb  7 22:01:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
In-Reply-To: <05dd01c50d4e$a404df00$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

How about 
   cat log|grep -v -E [[:alnum]]'{2096}'>> log.bak

The issue is - will unix shell command be any more
efficient than a python script??

Also i used append because i gathered that the user
will not want to erase the previous logs. He is free
to use a single > if he does.

--- Alan Gauld <> wrote:

> > About the efficiency, why do u need python at
> all...
> > How abt a simple shell command....
> >        cat httpd-access.log>>log.bak
> > 
> Because that would be a copy, well actually an
> append...
> cp httpd-access.log log.bak
> would be better!
> But the OP wanted to strip out long lines in transit
> not just copy...
> Alan G.

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From cyresse at  Mon Feb  7 22:12:00 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb  7 22:12:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling subroutines into program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

oh? Is is the negative?

On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 09:36:02 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> >>>example of (1):
> >>>---------------------------------------------------------
> >>>#this part of the program reads the file basin.out (the data we want to
> >>>analyze) and changes its contents to the array arr_xy
> >>>#layout of basin.out:
> >>>#1  -950.00    10.00 200        > this line contains start, interval and
> >>>number of x values;
> >>>#    0.000000E+00               > remainder is a column of y values
> >>>#   -1.931787E-07
> >>>#   -5.713295E-07
> >>>#   -9.322559E-07
> >>>#   -1.071361E-06
> >>>#   -7.801342E-07
> >>>#    .....
> >>start = int(float(list[1]))
> >>interval = int(float(list[2]))
> >>n = int(float(list[3]))
> >
> >
> > list[1] is a string, so if I'm not missing something,  start =
> > int(list[1]) will do just fine.
> No, because list[1]  is '-950.00' which will not parse as an int.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Mon Feb  7 22:21:38 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb  7 22:21:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling subroutines into program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> oh? Is is the negative?

No, the decimal fraction. It's easy enough to try it:
  >>> int('950')
  >>> int('-950')
  >>> int('950.00')
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 950.00
  >>> int('-950.00')
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): -950.00


> On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 09:36:02 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
>>No, because list[1]  is '-950.00' which will not parse as an int.
>>Tutor maillist  -

From lumbricus at  Mon Feb  7 22:09:48 2005
From: lumbricus at (Joerg Woelke)
Date: Mon Feb  7 22:27:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <05dd01c50d4e$a404df00$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <20050207210948.GB19208@laplace>

On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 01:01:29PM -0800, Shitiz Bansal wrote:
> How about 
>    cat log|grep -v -E [[:alnum]]'{2096}'>> log.bak

UUOC (Useless Use Of Cat)


You're at the end of the road again.
From ternary at  Mon Feb  7 22:37:47 2005
From: ternary at (Mike Bell)
Date: Mon Feb  7 22:37:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

without the explicit newlines in file.write(i), could it be that the
file was closed before the write buffer was ever flushed?


On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 14:58:03 -0500, Smith, Jeff <> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Gauld []
> Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 2:49 PM
> To: Reed L. O'Brien;
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] manipulating a file
> >You should add a newline character otherwise you will just
> >get one enormously long line!
> >
> >                dstfile.write(i+'\n')
> In these cases, I've taken to doing
>         print >> dstfile, I
> ...hmmm starting to look like Perl's many ways to accomplish the same
> thing approach :-)
> Jeff
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From dyoo at  Mon Feb  7 22:48:24 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb  7 22:48:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] python lists to C arrays and vice versa
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Viktor Hornak wrote:

> I've been trying to find more resources/documentation about how to
> convert python lists to C arrays (and vice versa) when writing a python
> extension.

Hi Viktor,

There was a post back in 1999 that might be useful for you:

I'm not positive if there is a nicer helper function to do this.

> I also found one or two examples of similar operations on this list
> postings (from 6 years ago!)  but they didn't quite explain all I need
> to know.

Ah, so you did see that posting then.  *grin* Ok, good.

What parts of their explanation were incomplete?  Maybe one of us here can
help fill in more details for you.

> Here is the code I was trying to use to convert two lists (one
> is a list of strings with the same length and the other is a list of
> doubles) to C arrays in a C extension:

[Some code cut]

The code there seems sorta ok: you might want to add a string length check
in there somewhere: the code expects that names are at most 4 characters
long, but that condition isn't being checked by strcpy().

> Then I call the function "parseMask" (which I am trying to wrap in this
> extension) which returns a C array (integer array, elements are either 0
> or 1). Now I need to convert this integer array to python list and
> return it back to python. Here is the code for that:
>    result = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * nat);
>    parseMask(...) -> returns int array result
>    pylist = PyTuple_New(nat);
>    for (i = 0; i < nat; i++) {
>       /* convert resulting array [0/1] to PyObject */
>       if (result[i] == 0)
>          item = PyInt_FromLong(0);
>       else
>          item = PyInt_FromLong(1);
>       PyTuple_SetItem(pylist, i, item);
>       Py_DECREF(item);          /** <-- (dyoo): bug located */
>    }

Ah!  Got it.  Don't call Py_DECREF() here: PyTuple_SetItem will already
"steal"  the reference, according to the documentation:

so there's no need to decrement the reference count here.

By the way, if you're really going to do more C extension stuff, take a
look at Pyrex or SWIG:

Coding C wrappers by hand is painful: use these tools to make your life
easier.  *grin*

Best of wishes!

From kent37 at  Mon Feb  7 22:59:56 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb  7 23:00:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
In-Reply-To: <cu73hp$7oj$>
References: <cu73hp$7oj$>
Message-ID: <>

Reed L. O'Brien wrote:
> I want to read the httpd-access.log and remove any oversized log records
> I quickly tossed this script together.  I manually mv-ed log to log.bak 
> and touched a new logfile.
> running the following with print i uncommented does print each line to 
> stdout.  but it doesn't write to the appropriate file...

Is the log open for writing in another application?


> a) what am I missing?
> b) is there a less expensive way to do it?
> c) I originally wanted to delete lines over 2085 in length but couldn't 
> find a way to do that... did I miss it?
> Thanks
> #!/usr/local/bin/python
> import os
> srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
> dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
> while 1:
>     lines = srcfile.readlines()
>     if not lines: break
> #    print lines
>     for i in lines:
>         if len(i) < 2086:
>             #print i
>             dstfile.write(i)
> srcfile.close()
> dstfile.close()
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 00:15:23 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 00:14:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <062e01c50d6a$e6eaa900$68b78851@xp>

That's actually worse than you might think.  Try this:

> def p(): pass
> ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',
>           'd' : lambda: p}

That should be:

           'd': p}

ie No lambda used at all.

I wish Python had real lambdas!

> And what you get is:
> <function p at 0x009BDFB0>

Yep, coz the lambda returns a function object!
Which it should, I just shouldn't have used lambda there.

My bad,

Alan G.
From missive at  Tue Feb  8 00:48:36 2005
From: missive at (Lee Harr)
Date: Tue Feb  8 00:49:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Percolation model in python
Message-ID: <BAY2-F26A4BFE81A524FBC87C060B1730@phx.gbl>

>   I have two questions. Once a MxN world is generated how would you
>search for nearest neighbors (to see who is connected) and then color

Does this help?

import random

PERSON, EMPTY = '*', '.'

def get_threshold():
    perc = raw_input("Please enter a thresold between 0-1.   ")
    perc = float(perc)
    return perc

def make_random_world(M, N):
    """Constructs a new random game world of size MxN."""
    perc = get_threshold()
    world = {}
    for j in range(N):
        for i in range(M):
            world[i, j] = percolation(perc)
    world['dimensions'] = (M, N)
    return world

def percolation(perc):
    randval = random.random()
    if randval > perc:
        return EMPTY
        return PERSON

def neighbors(world, x, y):
    M, N = world['dimensions']
    nxmin = max(0, x-1)
    nxmax = min(M, x+1)
    nymin = max(0, y-1)
    nymax = min(N, y+1)
    r = []
    for nx in range(nxmin, nxmax+1):
        for ny in range(nymin, nymax+1):
            if nx != x or ny != y:
                r.append((nx, ny))
    return r

def print_world(world):
    """Prints out a string representation of a world."""
    M, N = world['dimensions']
    for j in range(N):
        for i in range(M):
            print world[i, j],

def make_world_option():
    m = int(raw_input("Please enter a m dimension.   "))
    n = int(raw_input("Please enter a n dimension.   "))

    raw_input("Press return to make a world")
    return make_random_world(m, n)

def show_neighbors_option(world):
    x = int(raw_input("Please enter an x coord.   "))
    y = int(raw_input("Please enter a y coord.   "))

    print neighbors(world, x, y)

def menu():
    print """
    Please pick your option:
    1) Percolation model for Small Pox
    2) Show world
    3) Instructions
    4) Show neighbors
    5) Exit

    option = int(raw_input("Which option[1,2,3,4,5]? "))
    return option

if __name__ == '__main__':

    option = None
    while option != 5:
        if option == 1:
            world = make_world_option()
        elif option == 2:
        elif option == 4:

        option = menu()

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 00:53:46 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 00:53:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
References: <>
Message-ID: <067701c50d70$43e31160$68b78851@xp>

> How about 
>    cat log|grep -v -E [[:alnum]]'{2096}'>> log.bak

OK< but you can miss the cat out

grep -v -E [[:alnum]]'{2096}' log >> log.bak

But I confess I've no idea how that works, I've never 
seen that notation in a grep before! Checking man reveals 
an "extended regex" which I interpret as:

any alphanumeric repeated 2096 times?
But I'm not sure about my interpretation...

> The issue is - will unix shell command be any more
> efficient than a python script??

Usually, if you only use a single process like grep 
because they are written in C. But when you pipeline 
with cat it might slow it down enough to make Python 
competitive. Process startup tends to be the limiting 
factor in shell pipelines.

> Also i used append because i gathered that the user
> will not want to erase the previous logs. He is free
> to use a single > if he does.

Interesting, I assumed he would want to delete the 
old logs... As you say, whichever is appropriate is 
easily controlled.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 00:55:27 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 00:54:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
References: <>
Message-ID: <068201c50d70$801a4270$68b78851@xp>

> without the explicit newlines in file.write(i), could it be that the
> file was closed before the write buffer was ever flushed?

No because close() was called explicitly, which does a flush first...

Alan G.

From flaxeater at  Tue Feb  8 00:55:33 2005
From: flaxeater at (Chad Crabtree)
Date: Tue Feb  8 00:55:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>ie No lambda used at all.
>I wish Python had real lambdas!
If python had real lambda's then it would be lisp or schema.

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From shitizb at  Tue Feb  8 01:30:25 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Tue Feb  8 01:30:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I aplogise for a typo...

Please read the command as:
     cat log|grep -v -E [[:alnum]]'{2096,}'>> log.bak

note the missing comma in the previous command.
--- Shitiz Bansal <> wrote:

> How about 
>    cat log|grep -v -E [[:alnum]]'{2096}'>> log.bak
> The issue is - will unix shell command be any more
> efficient than a python script??
> Also i used append because i gathered that the user
> will not want to erase the previous logs. He is free
> to use a single > if he does.
> --- Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> > > About the efficiency, why do u need python at
> > all...
> > > How abt a simple shell command....
> > >        cat httpd-access.log>>log.bak
> > > 
> > 
> > Because that would be a copy, well actually an
> > append...
> > 
> > cp httpd-access.log log.bak
> > 
> > would be better!
> > 
> > But the OP wanted to strip out long lines in
> transit
> > not just copy...
> > 
> > Alan G.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced
> search.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

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From tony at  Tue Feb  8 01:59:56 2005
From: tony at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Tue Feb  8 01:57:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


> Here's one, just for your amusement:
> But getting back on topic: I like Kent's solution with map() much better
> than my own.  I had completely forgotten that map() had a special case
> that applies directly to what you're trying to do.

I havne't seen Kent's reply yet- will have to look when I get home from
But I 've found some inconsistnacies with map, depending on which order
the args were passed in.
If the shorter list was passed to map first, as in map(shortlist,
longerlist), it behaved one way.

If I reversed the order of the args, as in map(longerlist, shortlist),
map() behaved slighlty different. Almost like what zip() did.

Perhaps Kent's suggestion addresses this. I will see later.

From jeff at  Tue Feb  8 03:18:40 2005
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Tue Feb  8 03:17:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <05ad01c50d4b$37c1c040$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>As an aside, I did try to create a lambda based solution but was
>>unable.  Let me know what's wrong:
>>ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
>>SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> I did say "if Python had *proper* lambdas..."
> Unfortunately Python insists on only having *expressions* as
> lambdas and since print is a command not a function you can't
> use it in Python lambdas! Dumb or what??!
> So you are stuck with predefining a bunch of one liner
> functions and then creating a dictionary or going back
> to if/elif chains, which is where we came in... :-)

Well, in this particular case, if one really wants to use lambdas then 
one could (after importing sys, of course) replace the print statement 
with a call to sys.stdout.write() --

     ftable = { 'a': lambda: sys.stdout.write('a\n'), ... }

Note that sys.stdout.write() will *not* automatically add the newline 
that print does (which is why I've specified it in the above sample). 
  Indeed, print can do all sorts of odd things with whitespace, 
leaving sys.stdout.write() as the best way to have real control over 
your output anyhow...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From kent37 at  Tue Feb  8 04:32:06 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb  8 04:32:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tony Cappellini wrote:
> I havne't seen Kent's reply yet- will have to look when I get home from
> work.
> But I 've found some inconsistnacies with map, depending on which order
> the args were passed in.
> If the shorter list was passed to map first, as in map(shortlist,
> longerlist), it behaved one way.

The first argument to map() is a function or None, not one of the lists. You should try map(None, 
shortlist, longerlist).


From tony at  Tue Feb  8 07:12:08 2005
From: tony at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Tue Feb  8 07:12:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Iterating over multiple lists- options
Message-ID: <>

map(None, North, South, East West) does exactly what you want:
   >>> North=['Bill', 'Bob', 'Sue', 'Mary']
   >>> South=['Tim', 'Tom', 'Jim', 'John', 'Carl', 'Evan', 'Rich']
   >>> map(None, North, South)
[('Bill', 'Tim'), ('Bob', 'Tom'), ('Sue', 'Jim'), ('Mary', 'John'), (None, 
'Carl'), (None, 'Evan'),
(None, 'Rich')]

 > That being, both of these functions can truncate the data, depending on
 > certain conditions

 >>I don't think that is true for map(); what conditions are you thinking of?
Well, I've tried duplicating what I was seeing last night when I posted the 
message, and it's not happening the same now.
Maybe I was up too later working on this problem...

What I *thought* I was seeing was map() would return a list of a certain 
length when I called it like this map(None, North, South)
and returned a list of a different length when I called it like this 
map(None, South, North)

However, trying that now basically returns the a list that appears to be 
the same length, for both calls.

I think this will work after all. I'll add it to my program .

Thanks for your quick replies

From johan at  Tue Feb  8 08:28:35 2005
From: johan at (Johan Geldenhuys)
Date: Tue Feb  8 08:30:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] CRC-16 calculation
Message-ID: <1107847715.4673.9.camel@KMA.accesstel>

Hi everybody,
I have a data packet in Hex values and need to determine how to
calculate the CRC-16 bit checksum for these values.
0x55,0x00,0x0A,0x01,0x01, 0x01,0xFF,0x00,0xDC,0xCC
Sync|    Lenght |source addr|dest. adr |Data| CRC check|

This example shows me the CRC chechsum, but if I change the source addr,
this chechsum is no longer valid. 
Any suggestions on how to calculate that?



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From kohlerj at  Tue Feb  8 08:58:37 2005
From: kohlerj at (Johan Kohler)
Date: Tue Feb  8 08:58:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Have I run into a limitation of Pickle?
Message-ID: <opslvcfzdga89mar@condor>

In the attached code, I'm trying to pickle and unpickle
(1) an object containing a list of dictionaries.
(2) an object containing a list objects each containing a dictionary.

Case (1) seems to work (printing succesfully),
Running '/home/johan/prog/ratings/' ...
{'tel': 1234, 'name': 'Johan'}
{'tel': 12454, 'name': 'Elize'}
{'tel': 1234, 'name': 'Johan'}
{'tel': 12454, 'name': 'Elize'}

but (2) fails with the following error:

<__main__.User instance at 0x41a56fac>
<__main__.User instance at 0x41a56f2c>
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sm/", line 49, in  
     exec codeObject in mainDict
   File "<source>", line 87, in ?
   File "<source>", line 79, in loadbroken
   File "<source>", line 33, in readfromfile
   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1390, in load
     return Unpickler(file).load()
   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 872, in load
   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1083, in load_inst
     klass = self.find_class(module, name)
   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1140, in find_class
     klass = getattr(mod, name)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'User'
Exception raised while running script  <source>

I hope this is not a limitation of Pickle, because that would mean I have  
to change a large section of my code :-(

Any help will be greatly appreciated


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From johan at  Tue Feb  8 11:03:04 2005
From: johan at (Johan Geldenhuys)
Date: Tue Feb  8 11:04:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>  <>
Message-ID: <1107856983.4603.6.camel@KMA.accesstel>

Hi everybody,
I used and is a bit puzzled by the results I get when
comparing the binary of decimal 2 and the value I get when I convert the
binary to an int.

>>> binary(2)
>>> int(00000000000000000000000000000010)

Isn't the int value of this binary string supposd to be '2' and not '8'?

On Sat, 2005-02-05 at 17:48, Kent Johnson wrote:

> Liam,
> I think you misunderstand what endianness is.
> Big-endian and little-endian refer to the way a number is stored as bytes in the underlying memory 
> of the computer. This is not something you generally need to worry about in a Python program.
> For example, consider the number 0x12345678. On most modern computers this will be stored in four 
> consecutive bytes of computer memory. The individual bytes will contain the values 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 
> 0x78. The question is, what is the order of those bytes in memory? On a big-endian computer, the 
> most significant byte - 0x12 - is stored at the lowest memory address, so the sequence of bytes will 
> be 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78. On a little-endian computer, the least-significant byte is stored at the 
> lowest address, and the order will be reversed: 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12.
> Most programming languages will hide this detail from you most of the time. Even in assembly 
> language, you generally load and store integers without worrying about endianness. Math operations 
> just do the right thing so you don't have to worry about it.
> Endianness becomes an issue when you want to convert between representations, and when binary data 
> is shared between computers which may have different endianness.
> For example in a C program you might want to get the high byte of an integer when you know the 
> address of the integer. The desired byte will be at (address+0) or (address+3) depending on the 
> endianness of the hardware.
> Similarly, if an array of integers is written to a file in a binary representation (not as ASCII 
> strings representing the integers, but as 32-bit values), then to correctly read the file you have 
> to know the endianness of the data in the file.
> OK, so what does this have to do with converting a number to binary in Python? Well, nothing, 
> actually. First, note that 'binary representation' can mean two different things. In the description 
> above, I was talking about the actual bit pattern stored in the computer. Python works with binary 
> numbers all the time, in this sense, but it is under the hood. The other meaning of 'binary 
> representation' is that of a base-2 string representation of a number.
> So if you ask, "How do I convert a number to binary?" you can mean either of these.
> The first one is trivial. If you have a decimal string representation of the number, use int() to 
> convert it to binary. If you have an integer already, it's already *in* binary, so you don't have to 
> do anything!
> So, "How do I convert a number to binary?", to be interesting, must mean "How do I convert an 
> integer to a base-2 string representation?" And how do you do this? Well, you figured out one way 
> using the mathematical properties of integers. These operations are independent of endianness, and 
> so is the desired result.
> The base-2 string representation of  the number (whose base-16 string representation is) 0x1234 is 
> '0001001000110100'. The order of digits here is determined by our convention of writing the most 
> significant digits on the left, not by the endianness of the underlying computer.
> OK, this is long enough, I hope I have shed some light...
> Kent
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > Jacob - just for you, begin your agitation for the next release please ;)
> > 
> >, as attached. 
> > (also pasted up -
> > 
> > Creating this, was just a brain teaser, but I was thinking 'what if I
> > wanted to make this for the standard library.'
> > 
> > And so you can see, I had to include a flag for endianess. But that
> > was really a cheap trick. If this was going into a standard library,
> > I'd want to query the OS for endianess. As for the bits, once again,
> > 32 bit is the norm, but 64 bit is here and spreading.
> > 
> > Also, should it display 11111111 as 255 or 256? Both are valid,
> > depending on context.
> > 
> > Thirdly, if I can do it in 2 minutes, (well, the main part), then
> > should they bother putting it in the standard library considering
> > also,
> > 
> > - How often, really, are you going to need to present a decimal or hex
> > as a binary string.
> > 
> > Lastly - this only does base 10 to base 2. Should I include a base 6
> > to base 2, base 8 to base 2, base 10 to 6, 10 to 8, 8 to 6?
> > 
> > I wouldn't like to write for the standard library, because you can
> > never please everyone.
> > 
> > But yeah, feel free to use the above, just keep my doc strings and comments.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Liam Clarke
> > 
> > On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 23:30:19 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> > 
> >>>The binary value is the same as the hex value.
> >>>The binary representation is 000111110100, but
> >>>unfortunately Python doesn't support binary in
> >>>its string formatting(although it does in int()!
> >>
> >>Uh, question. Why not? It seems that all simple types should be included.
> >>Since the computer stores it as binary, why shouldn't python be able to
> >>display a
> >>string of it in binary? That seems to be a short coming that should be added
> >>to the
> >>next release... IMHO of course.
> >>Jacob Schmidt
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > ######
> > #
> > # by Liam Clarke
> > #(Let me know when it's included in the standard library ;-))
> > ######
> > 
> > """Converts a integer base 10 to a string base 2"""
> > 
> > def binary(decimalInt, bigEndian = True, bits = 32, truncExcess = False):
> >     """
> > Integer to be converted is essential, Endianess is an optional flag;
> > me being a Win32 user, Endianess is big by default, defaults to a 32-bit
> > representation, most integers in Python being 32 bit. truncExcess will 
> > strip place-holder zeros for succintness.
> > 
> > Oh, and it will represent 11111111 as 256, as I'm not sure whether you want
> > to start counting for zero with this. It's a simple matter to change."""
> >     tempList = ['0' for x in range(bits)]
> >     
> >     for bitPlace in range(bits, -1, -1):
> >         if decimalInt - 2**bitPlace >= 0:
> >             tempList[bitPlace] = '1'
> >             decimalInt = decimalInt - 2**bitPlace
> >     if bigEndian:
> >         tempList.reverse()
> >     
> >     outPut = ''.join(tempList)
> >     
> >     if truncExcess:
> >         if bigEndian:
> >             outPut=outPut.lstrip('0')
> >         else:
> >             outPut=outPut.rstrip('0')
> >     
> >     return outPut
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

This E-Mail has been scanned.
Enjoy Your Day.

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From pierre.barbier at  Tue Feb  8 11:12:22 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Tue Feb  8 11:10:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <1107856983.4603.6.camel@KMA.accesstel>
References: <>	<041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp>	<00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP>	<>
	<> <1107856983.4603.6.camel@KMA.accesstel>
Message-ID: <>

MMmmhh ... no !

The number you wrote is equivalent to '010' and any number beginning by 
'0' and not followed by "x" will be considered octal. So "10" in base 8 
is ... 8 :)

If you want to convert a number from base 2 to base 10 write :

 >>> int("0000000010", 2)


Johan Geldenhuys a ?crit :
> Hi everybody,
> I used and is a bit puzzled by the results I get when
> comparing the binary of decimal 2 and the value I get when I convert the
> binary to an int.
> '00000000000000000000000000000010'
> 8
> Isn't the int value of this binary string supposd to be '2' and not '8'?
> Johan  
> On Sat, 2005-02-05 at 17:48, Kent Johnson wrote:
>>I think you misunderstand what endianness is.
>>Big-endian and little-endian refer to the way a number is stored as bytes in the underlying memory 
>>of the computer. This is not something you generally need to worry about in a Python program.
>>For example, consider the number 0x12345678. On most modern computers this will be stored in four 
>>consecutive bytes of computer memory. The individual bytes will contain the values 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 
>>0x78. The question is, what is the order of those bytes in memory? On a big-endian computer, the 
>>most significant byte - 0x12 - is stored at the lowest memory address, so the sequence of bytes will 
>>be 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78. On a little-endian computer, the least-significant byte is stored at the 
>>lowest address, and the order will be reversed: 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12.
>>Most programming languages will hide this detail from you most of the time. Even in assembly 
>>language, you generally load and store integers without worrying about endianness. Math operations 
>>just do the right thing so you don't have to worry about it.
>>Endianness becomes an issue when you want to convert between representations, and when binary data 
>>is shared between computers which may have different endianness.
>>For example in a C program you might want to get the high byte of an integer when you know the 
>>address of the integer. The desired byte will be at (address+0) or (address+3) depending on the 
>>endianness of the hardware.
>>Similarly, if an array of integers is written to a file in a binary representation (not as ASCII 
>>strings representing the integers, but as 32-bit values), then to correctly read the file you have 
>>to know the endianness of the data in the file.
>>OK, so what does this have to do with converting a number to binary in Python? Well, nothing, 
>>actually. First, note that 'binary representation' can mean two different things. In the description 
>>above, I was talking about the actual bit pattern stored in the computer. Python works with binary 
>>numbers all the time, in this sense, but it is under the hood. The other meaning of 'binary 
>>representation' is that of a base-2 string representation of a number.
>>So if you ask, "How do I convert a number to binary?" you can mean either of these.
>>The first one is trivial. If you have a decimal string representation of the number, use int() to 
>>convert it to binary. If you have an integer already, it's already *in* binary, so you don't have to 
>>do anything!
>>So, "How do I convert a number to binary?", to be interesting, must mean "How do I convert an 
>>integer to a base-2 string representation?" And how do you do this? Well, you figured out one way 
>>using the mathematical properties of integers. These operations are independent of endianness, and 
>>so is the desired result.
>>The base-2 string representation of  the number (whose base-16 string representation is) 0x1234 is 
>>'0001001000110100'. The order of digits here is determined by our convention of writing the most 
>>significant digits on the left, not by the endianness of the underlying computer.
>>OK, this is long enough, I hope I have shed some light...
>>Liam Clarke wrote:
>>>Jacob - just for you, begin your agitation for the next release please ;)
>>>, as attached. 
>>>(also pasted up -
>>>Creating this, was just a brain teaser, but I was thinking 'what if I
>>>wanted to make this for the standard library.'
>>>And so you can see, I had to include a flag for endianess. But that
>>>was really a cheap trick. If this was going into a standard library,
>>>I'd want to query the OS for endianess. As for the bits, once again,
>>>32 bit is the norm, but 64 bit is here and spreading.
>>>Also, should it display 11111111 as 255 or 256? Both are valid,
>>>depending on context.
>>>Thirdly, if I can do it in 2 minutes, (well, the main part), then
>>>should they bother putting it in the standard library considering
>>>- How often, really, are you going to need to present a decimal or hex
>>>as a binary string.
>>>Lastly - this only does base 10 to base 2. Should I include a base 6
>>>to base 2, base 8 to base 2, base 10 to 6, 10 to 8, 8 to 6?
>>>I wouldn't like to write for the standard library, because you can
>>>never please everyone.
>>>But yeah, feel free to use the above, just keep my doc strings and comments.
>>>Liam Clarke
>>>On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 23:30:19 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
>>>>>The binary value is the same as the hex value.
>>>>>The binary representation is 000111110100, but
>>>>>unfortunately Python doesn't support binary in
>>>>>its string formatting(although it does in int()!
>>>>Uh, question. Why not? It seems that all simple types should be included.
>>>>Since the computer stores it as binary, why shouldn't python be able to
>>>>display a
>>>>string of it in binary? That seems to be a short coming that should be added
>>>>to the
>>>>next release... IMHO of course.
>>>>Jacob Schmidt
>>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>># by Liam Clarke
>>>#(Let me know when it's included in the standard library ;-))
>>>"""Converts a integer base 10 to a string base 2"""
>>>def binary(decimalInt, bigEndian = True, bits = 32, truncExcess = False):
>>>    """
>>>Integer to be converted is essential, Endianess is an optional flag;
>>>me being a Win32 user, Endianess is big by default, defaults to a 32-bit
>>>representation, most integers in Python being 32 bit. truncExcess will 
>>>strip place-holder zeros for succintness.
>>>Oh, and it will represent 11111111 as 256, as I'm not sure whether you want
>>>to start counting for zero with this. It's a simple matter to change."""
>>>    tempList = ['0' for x in range(bits)]
>>>    for bitPlace in range(bits, -1, -1):
>>>        if decimalInt - 2**bitPlace >= 0:
>>>            tempList[bitPlace] = '1'
>>>            decimalInt = decimalInt - 2**bitPlace
>>>    if bigEndian:
>>>        tempList.reverse()
>>>    outPut = ''.join(tempList)
>>>    if truncExcess:
>>>        if bigEndian:
>>>            outPut=outPut.lstrip('0')
>>>        else:
>>>            outPut=outPut.rstrip('0')
>>>    return outPut
>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>Tutor maillist  -
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From dyoo at  Tue Feb  8 11:18:10 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb  8 11:18:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] CRC-16 calculation
In-Reply-To: <1107847715.4673.9.camel@KMA.accesstel>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Johan Geldenhuys wrote:

> I have a data packet in Hex values and need to determine how to
> calculate the CRC-16 bit checksum for these values:
> 0x55,0x00,0x0A,0x01,0x01, 0x01,0xFF,0x00,0xDC,0xCC
> Sync|    Lenght |source addr|dest. adr |Data| CRC check|
> This example shows me the CRC checksum, but if I change the source addr,
> this chechsum is no longer valid.

Hi Johan,

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking: are you looking for an
implementation of the CRC-16 algorithm in Python?  Or are you asking how
it actually works?

If you'd like to learn how CRC error detection works, the web site:

has a nice tutorial that explain their fundamentals.

If you are looking for a CRC-16 implementation, there appears to be one

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 11:28:30 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 11:28:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
References: <><041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp><00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP><>
	<1107856983.4603.6.camel@KMA.accesstel>X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS
	0505-2, 05/02/2005), Outbound message
Message-ID: <06c601c50dc9$05883f90$68b78851@xp>

Subject: Re: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 10:29:07 -0000
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3
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> >>> binary(2)
> '00000000000000000000000000000010'
> >>> int(00000000000000000000000000000010)
> 8

In Python (and most C based languages) a number starting 
with 0 is assumed to be in octal.

so 010 in octal is 8 in decimal.

Alan g. 

From jsmith at  Tue Feb  8 14:37:31 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Tue Feb  8 14:37:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>


That's no good.  You still get something printed out.  In this case:



-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 6:15 PM
To: Smith, Jeff; Bob Gailer;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

That's actually worse than you might think.  Try this:

> def p(): pass
> ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',
>           'd' : lambda: p}

That should be:

           'd': p}

ie No lambda used at all.

I wish Python had real lambdas!

> And what you get is:
> <function p at 0x009BDFB0>

Yep, coz the lambda returns a function object!
Which it should, I just shouldn't have used lambda there.

My bad,

Alan G.
From javier at  Tue Feb  8 14:26:45 2005
From: javier at (Javier Ruere)
Date: Tue Feb  8 14:42:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Have I run into a limitation of Pickle?
In-Reply-To: <opslvcfzdga89mar@condor>
References: <opslvcfzdga89mar@condor>
Message-ID: <cuaed1$hs9$>

Johan Kohler wrote:
> Hi,
> In the attached code, I'm trying to pickle and unpickle
> (1) an object containing a list of dictionaries.
> (2) an object containing a list objects each containing a dictionary.
[successful usecase]
> but (2) fails with the following error:
> <__main__.User instance at 0x41a56fac>
> <__main__.User instance at 0x41a56f2c>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sm/", line 49,
> in  run
>     exec codeObject in mainDict
>   File "<source>", line 87, in ?
>   File "<source>", line 79, in loadbroken
>   File "<source>", line 33, in readfromfile
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1390, in load
>     return Unpickler(file).load()
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 872, in load
>     dispatch[key](self)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1083, in load_inst
>     klass = self.find_class(module, name)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1140, in find_class
>     klass = getattr(mod, name)
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'User'
> Exception raised while running script  <source>
> ---
> I hope this is not a limitation of Pickle, because that would mean I
> have  to change a large section of my code :-(

  Pickle can handle any object but it needs the definition of the class
of the object to be available in order to unpickle.
  For example:

.>>> class A: pass
.>>> a = A()
.>>> import pickle
.>>> s = pickle.dumps(a)
.>>> s
.>>> pickle.loads(s)
<__main__.A instance at 0x403fdcec>
.>>> del A
.>>> pickle.loads(s)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1394, in loads
    return Unpickler(file).load()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 872, in load
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1083, in load_inst
    klass = self.find_class(module, name)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 1140, in find_class
    klass = getattr(mod, name)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'A'

  The tracebacks are similar. It seems class User is not available when
unpickling in the second case.


PS: I have not actually looked at the code so YMMV. :p

From jsmith at  Tue Feb  8 14:42:54 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Tue Feb  8 14:43:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>


It looks like that finally is the simplest expression of the original
switch statement:

import sys
def p():
ftable = { 'a' : lambda: sys.stdout.write('a\n'),
           'b' : lambda: sys.stdout.write('b or c\n'),
           'c' : lambda: sys.stdout.write('b or c\n'),
           'd' : p }
ftable.get(var, lambda: sys.stdout.write('default case\n'))()

I do note that it took this group of experienced programmers several
tries to impliment this simple switch statement without actually using
switch.  I dare say with standard switch syntax we would've had it right
the first time :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Shannon [] 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>As an aside, I did try to create a lambda based solution but was 
>>unable.  Let me know what's wrong:
>>ftable = { 'a' : lambda: print 'a',
>>SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> I did say "if Python had *proper* lambdas..."
> Unfortunately Python insists on only having *expressions* as lambdas 
> and since print is a command not a function you can't use it in Python

> lambdas! Dumb or what??!
> So you are stuck with predefining a bunch of one liner functions and 
> then creating a dictionary or going back to if/elif chains, which is 
> where we came in... :-)

Well, in this particular case, if one really wants to use lambdas then 
one could (after importing sys, of course) replace the print statement 
with a call to sys.stdout.write() --

     ftable = { 'a': lambda: sys.stdout.write('a\n'), ... }

Note that sys.stdout.write() will *not* automatically add the newline 
that print does (which is why I've specified it in the above sample). 
  Indeed, print can do all sorts of odd things with whitespace, 
leaving sys.stdout.write() as the best way to have real control over 
your output anyhow...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

Tutor maillist  -
From tktucker at  Tue Feb  8 16:34:32 2005
From: tktucker at (Tom Tucker)
Date: Tue Feb  8 16:34:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Match on current line and next line. Possible?
Message-ID: <>

Hello! How can I instruct Python to match on the current line and the
next line?

- We are reading in one line at a time

BROKEN EXAMPLE (discussion)
file = open('/somefile','r').readlines()
for line in file:
        match_one ='^Python', line)
        match_two ='^\tBLAH', line)
        if match_one and nextline == match_two: 

Maybe this just isn't possible, since we are working line by line. 

Any suggestions? 

From kent37 at  Tue Feb  8 16:53:00 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb  8 16:52:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Match on current line and next line. Possible?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tom Tucker wrote:
> Hello! How can I instruct Python to match on the current line and the
> next line?
> BROKEN EXAMPLE (discussion)
> ######################
> file = open('/somefile','r').readlines()
> for line in file:
>         match_one ='^Python', line)
>         match_two ='^\tBLAH', line)
>         if match_one and nextline == match_two: 
>                do_something()

match_one = None
for line in open(...):
   match_two ='^\tBLAH', line)
   if match_one and match_two:
   match_one ='^Python', line)

Add a last_line variable as well if do_something() needs access to the line data.


From pierre.barbier at  Tue Feb  8 16:55:36 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Tue Feb  8 16:53:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Match on current line and next line. Possible?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

MMmh ... one way to do that :

Py> file_content = open('/somefile', 'r').readlines()
Py> next_file_content = iter(file_content)
Py> for (line, next_line) in izip(file_content, next_file_content):
Py>         match_one ='^Python', line)
Py>         match_two ='^\tBLAH', line)
Py>         if match_one and nextline == match_two:
Py>                do_something()


Tom Tucker a ?crit :
> Hello! How can I instruct Python to match on the current line and the
> next line?
> Assumptions;
> - We are reading in one line at a time
> BROKEN EXAMPLE (discussion)
> ######################
> file = open('/somefile','r').readlines()
> for line in file:
>         match_one ='^Python', line)
>         match_two ='^\tBLAH', line)
>         if match_one and nextline == match_two: 
>                do_something()
> Maybe this just isn't possible, since we are working line by line. 
> Any suggestions? 
> Tom
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From kent37 at  Tue Feb  8 17:16:36 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb  8 17:16:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Match on current line and next line. Possible?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hmm, this would be a good use of itertools.tee() (Python 2.4 only):

import itertools
iter1, iter2 = itertools.tee(open('/somefile', 'r'))
for line, next_line in izip(iter1, iter2):


Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
> MMmh ... one way to do that :
> Py> file_content = open('/somefile', 'r').readlines()
> Py> next_file_content = iter(file_content)
> Py>
> Py> for (line, next_line) in izip(file_content, next_file_content):
> Py>         match_one ='^Python', line)
> Py>         match_two ='^\tBLAH', line)
> Py>         if match_one and nextline == match_two:
> Py>                do_something()
> Pierre
> Tom Tucker a ?crit :
>> Hello! How can I instruct Python to match on the current line and the
>> next line?
>> Assumptions;
>> - We are reading in one line at a time
>> BROKEN EXAMPLE (discussion)
>> ######################
>> file = open('/somefile','r').readlines()
>> for line in file:
>>         match_one ='^Python', line)
>>         match_two ='^\tBLAH', line)
>>         if match_one and nextline == match_two:                
>> do_something()
>> Maybe this just isn't possible, since we are working line by line.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Tom
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -

From WilliTf at  Tue Feb  8 18:49:51 2005
From: WilliTf at (Williams, Thomas)
Date: Tue Feb  8 18:50:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] executing SAS and passing parameters
Message-ID: <592E8923DB6EA348BE8E33FCAADEFFFC0B13DC2E@dshs-exch2.dshs.wa.lcl>



I am trying to use python to run a SAS program by passing the needed
parameters.  I am able to start SAS, but unable to start the correct SAS
program with its parameters.


Any assistance you could provide will be appreciated.


Tom Williams
DSHS - Research and Data Analysis Division 
14th and Jefferson, MS: 45204 
Olympia, WA  98504-5204 


-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 19:24:29 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 19:26:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <06d601c50e0b$6e1b9e20$68b78851@xp>

> That's no good.  You still get something printed out.  In this case:
> None

Of course, silly me, p will return the default value None, you need 
to replace the pass with return '' or, I guess use the lambda...

> ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',...
>           'd' : lambda: ''}

Now it should work and is consistent again! But only for this 
trivial case of printing a label...

Alan G.

From john.ertl at  Tue Feb  8 19:31:32 2005
From: john.ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Tue Feb  8 19:30:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] What is in the traceback object
Message-ID: <>

I have a bit of code that uses a module and I am trying to get more info on
the error.
I am using this bit of code:
        rhfill    = Ngl.contour(wks,rhisobar,rh_res)
        execType,value,tracebak = sys.exc_info()[:3]
        print execType
        print value
        print tracebak
In the log file I get this:
error return without exception set
<traceback object at 0xb6cf2c84>
How do I get the actual traceback so I can read it?
John Ertl 
-------------- next part --------------
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From jsmith at  Tue Feb  8 19:32:57 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Tue Feb  8 19:33:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
Message-ID: <>

Not to be nit-picky but it's still not the same.  The switch would give
no output but yours would give a newline.  I think the sys write
solution would be the closest equivalent...and took a lot longer for us
to code correctly :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 1:24 PM
To: Smith, Jeff; Bob Gailer;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]

> That's no good.  You still get something printed out.  In this case:
> None

Of course, silly me, p will return the default value None, you need 
to replace the pass with return '' or, I guess use the lambda...

> ftable = { 'a' : lambda: 'a',...
>           'd' : lambda: ''}

Now it should work and is consistent again! But only for this 
trivial case of printing a label...

Alan G.

From dyoo at  Tue Feb  8 19:39:03 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb  8 19:39:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] What is in the traceback object
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Ertl, John wrote:

> I have a bit of code that uses a module and I am trying to get more info
> on the error.
> I am using this bit of code:
>     try:
>         rhfill    = Ngl.contour(wks,rhisobar,rh_res)
>     except:
>         execType,value,tracebak = sys.exc_info()[:3]
>         print execType
>         print value
>         print tracebak
> In the log file I get this:
> exceptions.SystemError
> error return without exception set
> <traceback object at 0xb6cf2c84>
> How do I get the actual traceback so I can read it?

Hi John,

You can use the 'traceback' module:

Use the traceback.print_exc() function within the except block: it'll
automatically pull information from sys.exc_info() for you:

    rhfill    = Ngl.contour(wks,rhisobar,rh_res)

Best of wishes to you!

From john.ertl at  Tue Feb  8 19:42:27 2005
From: john.ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Tue Feb  8 19:41:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] What is in the traceback object
Message-ID: <>


That is great...every time I have a problem someone has already solved
it...the other problem is finding that solution...Thanks again.

John Ertl
-----Original Message-----
From: Danny Yoo []
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 10:39
To: Ertl, John
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: [Tutor] What is in the traceback object

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Ertl, John wrote:

> I have a bit of code that uses a module and I am trying to get more info
> on the error.
> I am using this bit of code:
>     try:
>         rhfill    = Ngl.contour(wks,rhisobar,rh_res)
>     except:
>         execType,value,tracebak = sys.exc_info()[:3]
>         print execType
>         print value
>         print tracebak
> In the log file I get this:
> exceptions.SystemError
> error return without exception set
> <traceback object at 0xb6cf2c84>
> How do I get the actual traceback so I can read it?

Hi John,

You can use the 'traceback' module:

Use the traceback.print_exc() function within the except block: it'll
automatically pull information from sys.exc_info() for you:

    rhfill    = Ngl.contour(wks,rhisobar,rh_res)

Best of wishes to you!
From askoose at  Tue Feb  8 21:03:50 2005
From: askoose at (Kooser, Ara S)
Date: Tue Feb  8 21:04:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Printing columns of data
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,

   I am writing a program to take a data file, divide it up into columns
and print the information back with headers. The data files looks like

      0.0 -3093.44908 -3084.59762   387.64329    26.38518  0.3902434E+00
-0.6024320E-04  0.4529416E-05
      1.0 -3094.09209 -3084.52987   391.42288   105.55994  0.3889897E+00
-0.2290866E-03  0.4187074E-03
      2.0 -3094.59358 -3084.88826   373.64911   173.44885  0.3862430E+00
-0.4953443E-03  0.2383621E-02
	10.0 ...

So I wrote the program included below and it only prints the last line
of the file.

Timestep    PE
10.0      -3091.80609 

I have one question. Do I need to put ts and pe into a list before I
print then to screen or I am just missing something. Thanks.


import string

inp = open("fort.44","r")
all_file = inp.readlines()

outp = open("out.txt","w")

cols = map(string.split,all_file)
##print cols

Data = {}
for line in cols:
    ts = line[0]
#    print line[0]
    pe = line[1]
#    print line[1]

print """

Timestep    PE"""
print "%s      %s     " % (ts,pe)


-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From jeff at  Tue Feb  8 21:41:26 2005
From: jeff at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Tue Feb  8 21:40:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Smith, Jeff wrote:

> Jeff,
> It looks like that finally is the simplest expression of the original
> switch statement:
> import sys
> def p():
>     pass
> ftable = { 'a' : lambda: sys.stdout.write('a\n'),
>            'b' : lambda: sys.stdout.write('b or c\n'),
>            'c' : lambda: sys.stdout.write('b or c\n'),
>            'd' : p }
> ftable.get(var, lambda: sys.stdout.write('default case\n'))()
> I do note that it took this group of experienced programmers several
> tries to impliment this simple switch statement without actually using
> switch.  I dare say with standard switch syntax we would've had it right
> the first time :-)

I wasn't following this thread all the way through, but to be honest,
I'd have solved this differently -- that may be the best "direct
translation" of some switch statement, but that doesn't mean it's the
best-fit solution here.  ISTM that, given the desire to print some
text (or nothing) based on the contents of a variable, I would *not*
handle the output inside the "switch" -- that is, I'd (conditionally)
print a value from a string-containing dictionary, rather than use a
table of functions that print strings.

table = { 'a': 'a', 'b': 'b or c', 'c': 'b or c', 'd': None }
result = table.get(var, 'default case')
if result:
     print result

This, to my mind, is much cleaner -- you're factoring out the repeated
code, whether print statement or call to sys.stdout.write(), reducing
the complexity of the dict.  You're making flow control much more
straightforward.  You're making the whole thing easier to read.

The key, here, is that instead of saying "I want a switch, how can I
implement that in Python?", I've taken the approach of "The end result
I want is ***; what tools does Python offer to achieve that?"  This
conceptual shift is, IMHO, *the* most important mental hurdle in
learning a [second/third/n-th] language.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

From kent37 at  Tue Feb  8 21:49:21 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb  8 21:49:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Printing columns of data
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kooser, Ara S wrote:
> Hello all,
>    I am writing a program to take a data file, divide it up into columns 
> and print the information back with headers. The data files looks like this
>       0.0 -3093.44908 -3084.59762   387.64329    26.38518  0.3902434E+00 
> -0.6024320E-04  0.4529416E-05
>       1.0 -3094.09209 -3084.52987   391.42288   105.55994  0.3889897E+00 
> -0.2290866E-03  0.4187074E-03
>       2.0 -3094.59358 -3084.88826   373.64911   173.44885  0.3862430E+00 
> -0.4953443E-03  0.2383621E-02
>         etc?
>         10.0 ...
> So I wrote the program included below and it only prints the last line 
> of the file.
> Timestep    PE
> 10.0      -3091.80609
> I have one question. Do I need to put ts and pe into a list before I 
> print then to screen or I am just missing something. Thanks.

You should print the header before the loop, and the contents inside the loop. So:
print """

Timestep    PE"""
for line in cols:
     ts = line[0]
#    print line[0]
     pe = line[1]
#    print line[1]

     # The next line is indented so it is included in the loop:
     print "%s      %s     " % (ts,pe)

You probably will want to set the field width in the print format so the columns all line up, 
something like this (just guessing on the widths):
     print "%10s %10" % (ts,pe)

You might be interested in this recipe which does a very slick job of pretty-printing a table:


> Ara
> import string
> inp = open("fort.44","r")
> all_file = inp.readlines()
> inp.close()
> outp = open("out.txt","w")
> cols = map(string.split,all_file)
> ##print cols
> Data = {}
> for line in cols:
>     ts = line[0]
> #    print line[0]
>     pe = line[1]
> #    print line[1]
> print """
> Timestep    PE"""
> print "%s      %s     " % (ts,pe)
> outp.close()
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 21:51:39 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 21:50:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <06db01c50e1f$fd1e65d0$68b78851@xp>

> Not to be nit-picky but it's still not the same.  The switch would
> no output but yours would give a newline.  I think the sys write
> solution would be the closest equivalent...and took a lot longer for
> to code correctly :-)

I can't really argue with that! :-)
Me, I'm blaming the lambdas!

Alan g.

From bgailer at  Tue Feb  8 21:57:33 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Tue Feb  8 21:52:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Printing columns of data
In-Reply-To: <A0CE32554BD73A4481FE85C3F39DB6FC0B05F4@ES21SNLNT.srn.sandi>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 01:03 PM 2/8/2005, Kooser, Ara S wrote:
>Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>         boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C50E19.4E45912A"
>Hello all,
>    I am writing a program to take a data file, divide it up into columns 
> and print the information back with headers. The data files looks like this
>       0.0 -3093.44908 -3084.59762   387.64329    26.38518  0.3902434E+00 
> -0.6024320E-04  0.4529416E-05
>       1.0 -3094.09209 -3084.52987   391.42288   105.55994  0.3889897E+00 
> -0.2290866E-03  0.4187074E-03
>       2.0 -3094.59358 -3084.88826   373.64911   173.44885  0.3862430E+00 
> -0.4953443E-03  0.2383621E-02
>         etc

>         10.0 ...
>So I wrote the program included below and it only prints the last line of 
>the file.
>Timestep    PE
>10.0      -3091.80609
>I have one question. Do I need to put ts and pe into a list before I print 
>then to screen or I am just missing something. Thanks.
>import string
>inp = open("fort.44","r")
>all_file = inp.readlines()
>outp = open("out.txt","w")
>cols = map(string.split,all_file)
>##print cols
>Data = {}
>for line in cols:
>     ts = line[0]
>#    print line[0]
>     pe = line[1]
>#    print line[1]
>print """
>Timestep    PE"""
>print "%s      %s     " % (ts,pe)

Put the print statement in the for loop.
for line in cols:
     print "%s      %s     " % (ts,pe)

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 
-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 22:51:51 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 22:50:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <06fa01c50e28$65ebcc80$68b78851@xp>

As one last option... (And I confess I've kind of got off the
original thread here, this is just catching my interest now! :-)

   ftable =  { 'a' : lambda: 'a',
               'b' : lambda: 'b or c',
               'c' : lambda: 'b or c' }
   print ftable[var]
except KeyError: pass

Which is actually how I would probably code it if I wqs using
a dictionary (well actually I'd miss out the lambdas in this
case, but let's imagine we are doing something just a tad
more exciting!)

Using the get() method actrually makes it more complex in this case.
But if we really do want a specific 'd' that does nothing (or more
specifically a default that does *something*, then we are back to
that bad ol' def p() again.)

Now lets look at a putative switch version:

switch var:
    case 'a' : print 'a'
    case 'b' :
    case 'c' : print 'b or c'
    else     : pass

It is one line less, but is not reusable, so if the switch needs
to be used more than once - as is often the case in label printing
scenarios particularly - the dictionary wins. But for a one-off
the switch wins. The switch also, by using drop through has the
advantage of only a single message for 'b or c' - a maintenance
win. (But that can be ameliorated by having the messages in a
separate table someplace - which is good practice anyhow for
multi lingual code.)

The final option is the if/elif option:

if var == 'a': print 'a'
elif var == 'b' or var == 'c': print 'b or c'

Which is the shortest of all of them and for simple
label printing is probably the best option too!
But once the number of cases increases, performance
starts to wane and we go back to a dictionary or our
missing switch...

What does all of this tell us?
Probably only that the old adage KISS is right:
Keep It Simple Stupid!


> I do note that it took this group of experienced programmers several
> tries to impliment this simple switch statement without actually
> switch.  I dare say with standard switch syntax we would've had it
> the first time :-)

Oh I dunno, I've seen some pretty weird switch code.
But if the switch didn't allow drop through it might've
worked first time ;-)

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 22:56:30 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 22:55:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] executing SAS and passing parameters
References: <592E8923DB6EA348BE8E33FCAADEFFFC0B13DC2E@dshs-exch2.dshs.wa.lcl>
Message-ID: <071001c50e29$0ca16940$68b78851@xp>

> I am trying to use python to run a SAS program by passing the needed
> parameters.  I am able to start SAS, but unable to start the correct
> program with its parameters.

Not being familiar with SAS or its parameters we'll need more clues...

> Any assistance you could provide will be appreciated.

Can you show us what you used to start SAS?
Can you tell us exactly what happened? - any errors etc?
Can you show us how you'd do it outside of Python?
Can you tell us which OS you are using?

With that info we should be able to make a stab at it.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 23:02:01 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 23:02:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Printing columns of data
References: <>
Message-ID: <073801c50e29$d1c3b840$68b78851@xp>

> So I wrote the program included below and it only prints the last
> of the file.

> I have one question. Do I need to put ts and pe into a list before I
> print then to screen or I am just missing something. Thanks.

You just need to indent your last print statement so it is inside
the loop and put the heading print statement before the loop.

print """

Timestep    PE"""

for line in cols:
    ts = line[0]
    pe = line[1]
    print "%s      %s     " % (ts,pe)

You might also like to use stroing formatting to force column
widths to be constant:

    print "%20s%20s" % (ts,pe)

should illustrate...adjust the size to suit.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb  8 23:04:59 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb  8 23:04:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Are you allowed to shoot camels? [kinda OT]
References: <>
Message-ID: <073d01c50e2a$3c1128e0$68b78851@xp>

> table = { 'a': 'a', 'b': 'b or c', 'c': 'b or c', 'd': None }
> result = table.get(var, 'default case')
> if result:
>      print result
> This, to my mind, is much cleaner -- you're factoring out the
> code, whether print statement or call to sys.stdout.write(),
> the complexity of the dict.  You're making flow control much more
> straightforward.  You're making the whole thing easier to read.

Yep, the lambda stuff etc is there on the assumption that we are
trying to do something a tad more interesting than just print the
label - but as it happens printing the label has been hard enough!!


Alan G.

From WilliTf at  Tue Feb  8 23:04:43 2005
From: WilliTf at (Williams, Thomas)
Date: Tue Feb  8 23:05:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] executing SAS and passing parameters
Message-ID: <592E8923DB6EA348BE8E33FCAADEFFFC0B13DC31@dshs-exch2.dshs.wa.lcl>

I'll do my best to answer these questions for you.

I am able to start the SAS executable from python, but not the specific SAS
program in question.  When this executable is executed, the typical SAS
environment is displayed (SAS editor Window, SAS libraries, and the output
and log windows).  I want to have a specific SAS program executing with the
assigned parameters that will be read into a SAS macro.  

This SAS program was originally called from an AML (Arc Macro Language),
again, with the parameters passed to it.

OS: WindowsNT

Let me know if you need further information.

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 1:57 PM
To: Williams, Thomas;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] executing SAS and passing parameters

> I am trying to use python to run a SAS program by passing the needed
> parameters.  I am able to start SAS, but unable to start the correct
> program with its parameters.

Not being familiar with SAS or its parameters we'll need more clues...

> Any assistance you could provide will be appreciated.

Can you show us what you used to start SAS?
Can you tell us exactly what happened? - any errors etc?
Can you show us how you'd do it outside of Python?
Can you tell us which OS you are using?

With that info we should be able to make a stab at it.

Alan G.

From carroll at  Wed Feb  9 01:31:42 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed Feb  9 01:31:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] executing SAS and passing parameters
In-Reply-To: <592E8923DB6EA348BE8E33FCAADEFFFC0B13DC31@dshs-exch2.dshs.wa.lcl>
Message-ID: <>

Ah, SAS.  I used that a lot in the early '80s for general programming.  I 
felt a lot about SAS then as I do about Python now.

Enough of that.  Can you show your python code that invokes SAS; and can 
you also show what you type at a command line that makes SAS run the 
way you want?

Given the command line, it should be pretty straightforward to move the 
command line invocation into Python.

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Williams, Thomas wrote:

> I'll do my best to answer these questions for you.
> I am able to start the SAS executable from python, but not the specific SAS
> program in question.  When this executable is executed, the typical SAS
> environment is displayed (SAS editor Window, SAS libraries, and the output
> and log windows).  I want to have a specific SAS program executing with the
> assigned parameters that will be read into a SAS macro.  
> This SAS program was originally called from an AML (Arc Macro Language),
> again, with the parameters passed to it.
> OS: WindowsNT
> Let me know if you need further information.
> Thanks again,
> Tom
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Gauld [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 1:57 PM
> To: Williams, Thomas;
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] executing SAS and passing parameters
> > I am trying to use python to run a SAS program by passing the needed
> > parameters.  I am able to start SAS, but unable to start the correct
> > program with its parameters.
> Not being familiar with SAS or its parameters we'll need more clues...
> > Any assistance you could provide will be appreciated.
> Can you show us what you used to start SAS?
> Can you tell us exactly what happened? - any errors etc?
> Can you show us how you'd do it outside of Python?
> Can you tell us which OS you are using?
> With that info we should be able to make a stab at it.
> Alan G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From keridee at  Wed Feb  9 03:17:21 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Wed Feb  9 03:22:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling subroutines into program
References: <>	<>	<><><>
Message-ID: <004b01c50e4e$3dab4680$935328cf@JSLAPTOP>

> Liam Clarke wrote:
>> oh? Is is the negative?
> No, the decimal fraction. It's easy enough to try it:

Not exactly, it's a combination of string *and* decimal fraction.
>>> int('-945')
>>> int('-945.0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): -945.0
>>> int(-945.0)


>  >>> int('950')
> 950
>  >>> int('-950')
> -950
>  >>> int('950.00')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 950.00
>  >>> int('-950.00')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> ValueError: invalid literal for int(): -950.00
> Kent

From keridee at  Wed Feb  9 05:12:46 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Wed Feb  9 05:12:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] manipulating a file
References: <cu73hp$7oj$>
Message-ID: <008301c50e5d$a15a8a60$935328cf@JSLAPTOP>

> import os
> srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
> dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
> while 1:
>     lines = srcfile.readlines()
>     if not lines: break
> #    print lines
>     for i in lines:
>         if len(i) < 2086:
>             #print i
>             dstfile.write(i)
> srcfile.close()
> dstfile.close()

Okay, so how about...

a = '/var/log/httpd-access.log'
srcfile = open(a,'r')
dstfile = open(a+'.bak,'w')
for x in srcfile:
        print >> dstfile, x

1) Put filename in seperate variable because I'm lazy and didn't want to 
type it twice.
2) Implemented the file iteration technique.
3) Odd alternative way for line check. Remeber, there's more than one way to 
do it!
4) Implemented the cool redirection of print statement

Not bad, what do you thing, Reed?

Does anybody have any input on alternative length check technique? Will it 
be less efficient than just using len()?


From keridee at  Wed Feb  9 05:29:39 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Wed Feb  9 05:29:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Match on current line and next line. Possible?
References: <>
Message-ID: <00b901c50e60$09d1a270$935328cf@JSLAPTOP>

It's getting late, so if someone already suggested something like this, just 
pretend to smack me across the face, and I'll flinch later...

import re
fi = open('/somefile','r')   ## Don't do readlines and bring the whole file 
in memory...
match1 = re.compile('^Python')
match2 = re.compile('^/tBLAH')
prevline = ''
for line in fi:
    if and
    prevline = line


> Hello! How can I instruct Python to match on the current line and the
> next line?
> Assumptions;
> - We are reading in one line at a time
> BROKEN EXAMPLE (discussion)
> ######################
> file = open('/somefile','r').readlines()
> for line in file:
>        match_one ='^Python', line)
>        match_two ='^\tBLAH', line)
>        if match_one and nextline == match_two:
>               do_something()
> Maybe this just isn't possible, since we are working line by line.
> Any suggestions?
> Tom
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From james2dope at  Wed Feb  9 05:35:39 2005
From: james2dope at (james middendorff)
Date: Wed Feb  9 05:35:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help
Message-ID: <>

I want to use mysqldb to add people into a database,
but when I ask for the certain fields like Name,
PhoneNumber and such, I cannot get it to put them in
as a string? I am not sure what I am doing wrong but
here is my code thanks to anyone who helps:
import MySQLdb

username = raw_input("what is your username? ")
password = raw_input("what is the password? ")
database = raw_input("what database do you want to
enter? ")
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='',
user=username, passwd=password, db=database)

c = conn.cursor()

Name = raw_input("what is the name you want to add? ")
PhoneNumber = input("what is the phone number for the
person you are adding? ")
Address = raw_input("what is the address for the
person you are adding? ")
EmailAddress = raw_input("what is the email address of
the person you are adding? ")
BirthDate = raw_input("what is the birthdate of the
person you are adding? year-month-day")

c.execute ("""
            INSERT INTO people ()
           """)% (Name, PhoneNumber, Address,
EmailAddress, BirthDate)
print "%d rows were inserted" % c.rowcount

"I would kill everyone in this room
    for a drop of sweet beer."
     ----Homer Simpson----

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do? 
From reed at  Wed Feb  9 06:13:37 2005
From: reed at (Reed L. O'Brien)
Date: Wed Feb  9 06:14:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: manipulating a file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <cuc648$8ta$>

Shitiz Bansal wrote:
> Hi,
> I do see a problem.
> The script is fine, the problem lies else where.
> Your script is trying to write log.bak to log, it
> should b other way round.
> i.e....
> srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'r')
> dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'w')
> hope that fixes it.
> About the efficiency, why do u need python at all...
> How abt a simple shell command....
>        cat httpd-access.log>>log.bak
> Shitiz
> --- Danny Yoo <> wrote:
>>On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Reed L. O'Brien wrote:
>>>I want to read the httpd-access.log and remove any
>>oversized log records
>>>I quickly tossed this script together.  I manually
>>mv-ed log to log.bak
>>>and touched a new logfile.
>>>running the following with print i uncommented
>>does print each line to
>>>stdout.  but it doesn't write to the appropriate
>>Let's take a look at the program again:
>>import os
>>srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
>>dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
>>while 1:
>>     lines = srcfile.readlines()
>>     if not lines: break
>>     for i in lines:
>>         if len(i) < 2086:
>>             dstfile.write(i)
>>>a) what am I missing?
>>>b) is there a less expensive way to do it?
>>Hmmm... I don't see anything offhand that prevents
>>httpd-access.log from
>>containing the lines you expect.  Do you get any
>>error messages, like
>>permission problems, when you run the program?
>>Can you show us how you are running the program, and
>>how you are checking
>>that the resulting file is empty?
>>Addressing the question on efficiency and expense:
>>yes.  The program at
>>the moment tries to read all lines into memory at
>>once, and this is
>>expensive if the file is large.  Let's fix this.
>>In recent versions of Python, we can modify
>>file-handling code from:
>>lines = somefile.readlines()
>>for line in lines:
>>    ...
>>to this:
>>for line in somefile:
>>    ...
>>That is, we don't need to extract a list of 'lines'
>>out of a file.
>>Python allows us to loop directly across a file
>>object.  We can find more
>>details about this in the documentation on
>>"Iterators" (PEP 234):
>>Iterators are a good thing to know, since Python's
>>iterators are deeply
>>rooted in the language design.  (Even if it they
>>were retroactively
>>embedded.  *grin*)
>>A few more comments: the while loop appears
>>unnecessary, since on the
>>second run-through the loop, we'll have already read
>>all the lines out of
>>the file.  (I am assuming that nothing is writing to
>>the backup file at
>>the time.)  If the body of a while loop just runs
>>once, we don't need a
>>This simplifies the code down to:
>>srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
>>dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
>>for line in srcfile:
>>    if len(line) < 2086:
>>        dstfile.write(line)
>>I don't see anything else here that causes the file
>>writing to fail.  If
>>you can tell us more information on how you're
>>checking the program's
>>effectiveness, that may give us some more clues.
>>Best of wishes to you!
>>Tutor maillist  -
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses. 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
I am actually mv log to bak and write the non offening entries back to 
log.  I can not be working on log as it needs to be able to accept new 
entries as the webserver is accessed.  Plus I am learning python, I 
could have sh scripted  it easy but am broadening my horizons...


From nixonron at  Wed Feb  9 06:36:55 2005
From: nixonron at (Ron Nixon)
Date: Wed Feb  9 06:37:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] print out lines that start with a word
Message-ID: <>

Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong in this

I'm trying to get only the lines that start with
"This" for a text file.

Here's what I wrote:

>>> import re
>>> f = open('c:/lines.txt').readlines()
>>> for line in f:
	match ='^This',f)
	if line == match:
		print match

here's the error message I got:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#34>", line 2, in -toplevel-
    match ='^This',f)
  File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 134, in search
    return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string)
TypeError: expected string or buffer

Thanks in advance

Do you Yahoo!? 
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 
From dyoo at  Wed Feb  9 08:15:03 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb  9 08:15:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: manipulating a file
In-Reply-To: <cuc648$8ta$>
Message-ID: <>

> >>This simplifies the code down to:
> >>
> >>###
> >>srcfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log.bak', 'r')
> >>dstfile = open('/var/log/httpd-access.log', 'w')
> >>for line in srcfile:
> >>    if len(line) < 2086:
> >>        dstfile.write(line)
> >>srcfile.close()
> >>dstfile.close()
> >>###
> >>
> >>
> I am actually mv log to bak and write the non offening entries back to
> log.

Hi Reed,

Oh, so the web server is still continuing to write things onto the open
log file then.  Out of curiosity, what web server are you using?

One remote possiblility for the weirdness might depend on how your web
server writes new log messages into the file: perhaps it can automatically
detect log file rotation, and may be overwriting http-access.log?  It's
very hard to say.  I'll talk about this a little more below.

> I can not be working on log as it needs to be able to accept new entries
> as the webserver is accessed.  Plus I am learning python, I could have
> sh scripted it easy but am broadening my horizons...

Sure, I think that's perfectly fine.  I think there was some confusion on
the list earlier, so I'm glad you cleared that up.

I'm still trying to figure out what could be causing the problem.  You
mentioned that you were running the programs as root, so permission
problems are probably not an issue.  I don't think we have enough
information to debug this, and I hate shooting arrows in random

I feel a little nervous programs that try to do 'in-place' changes.
Conceptually, we're trying to swap out httpd_access out from underneath
the httpd process's nose, and that might not work.  If you're doing a
'mv', then the log messages should continue to log to the backup file, if
I understand how apache works.

Let's test something.  Can you try writing the truncated log to another
file, like '/var/log/http-access.truncated.log'?  This at least should
prevent any wacky writing conflicst between the httpd process and our
log-filtering program.

Also, what happens if instead of opening up explicit files you use
standard input and output?  Here's a modified program that uses sys.stdin
and sys.stdout:

"""Cut really long lines out of the output."""
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
    if len(line) < 2086:

This can be equivalent to the previous program if we use the shell's file
redirection.  It also allows us to run the program on different input and
output files with ease.  Try it on some other files first and see that it
does work on regular files first.

Best of wishes to you!

From cyresse at  Wed Feb  9 08:18:48 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb  9 08:18:52 2005
Subject: [Tutor] print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

H Ron, 

>>> import re
>>> f = open('c:/lines.txt').readlines()
>>> for line in f:
       match ='^This',f)
       if line == match:
               print match

Hi Ron, 

Welcome to the wonderful world of Python.

from ;

"Scan through string looking for a match to the pattern, returning
    a match object, or None if no match was found."

OK, so if there's a match, you get an object returned, otherwise it
returns None. So, you can boolean test this. I'm guessing you want to
print lines that start with this.

import re
f = file('c:/lines.txt) #Also, you can iterate over a file

for line in f:
   match ='^This', line) #you want to search line by line? 
   if match:
      print line
      print "No match"

Or, you could store all the lines in a list to use afterwards - 

lineStore =[]
for line in f:
   match ='^This', line) #you want to search line by line? 
   if match:
      print "No match"

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 21:36:55 -0800 (PST), Ron Nixon <> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong in this
> script.
> I'm trying to get only the lines that start with
> "This" for a text file.
> Here's what I wrote:
> >>> import re
> >>> f = open('c:/lines.txt').readlines()
> >>> for line in f:
>         match ='^This',f)
>         if line == match:
>                 print match
> here's the error message I got:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#34>", line 2, in -toplevel-
>     match ='^This',f)
>   File "C:\Python24\lib\", line 134, in search
>     return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string)
> TypeError: expected string or buffer
> Thanks in advance
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From dyoo at  Wed Feb  9 08:33:22 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb  9 08:33:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, james middendorff wrote:

> I want to use mysqldb to add people into a database, but when I ask for
> the certain fields like Name, PhoneNumber and such, I cannot get it to
> put them in as a string? I am not sure what I am doing wrong but here is
> my code thanks to anyone who helps:

Hi James,

Ok, I see a few things in the execute statement that can be fixed.  Let's
first take a look at the code:

> c.execute ("""
>             INSERT INTO people ()
>             VALUES
>                ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s');
>            """)% (Name, PhoneNumber, Address,
> EmailAddress, BirthDate)

The SQL here has an empty column list:

    INSERT into people ()

and this is probably not a good idea: instead, list out the field names

The reason is because SQL tables don't necessarily imply a specific order.
The empty column list approach is also not robust to SQL table changes in
the future: if you add a new column into people, your existing code will
certainly break since the number of values don't match the number of

More than that, though, is a silly syntax issue that's related to string
interpolation.  Let's pretend for the moment that we do fix the SQL column

c.execute ("""
            INSERT INTO people (name, phone_number, address,
                                email_address, birthdate)
           """) % (Name, PhoneNumber, Address, EmailAddress, BirthDate)

Brace yourself: you're not going to like this.  One of the parenthesis is

You meant to write:

c.execute ("""
            INSERT INTO people (name, phone_number, address,
                                email_address, birthdate)
           """ % (Name, PhoneNumber, Address, EmailAddress, BirthDate)

Don't worry, we all do this sometimes.  *grin*

Which brings up the point: at the moment, you're doing explicit string
interpolation, but there are some special cases that the code above isn't
considering.  In particular, what happens if one of the names that get
entered looks like:


Then all of the quotes get unbalanced, and we get a really messed up SQL
statement.  *grin*

Most database systems provide a system to automatically do robust
interpolation of values into a statement.  Here's your execute(), using
the robust approach:

c.execute ("""
            INSERT INTO people (name, phone_number, address,
                                email_address, birthdate)
           """, (Name, PhoneNumber, Address, EmailAddress, BirthDate)

Not much changes here syntactically, but semanically, this is nicer: the
cursor's execute() statement itself takes the tuple of values, and does
the interpolation itself.  Notice that there's no more quotes around the
string values: the execute() will add them in for you.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Good luck to you!

From kraus at  Wed Feb  9 09:00:52 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Wed Feb  9 09:01:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <cucfsm$ra7$>

Ron Nixon wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong in this
> script.
> I'm trying to get only the lines that start with
> "This" for a text file.
> Here's what I wrote:
>>>>import re
>>>>f = open('c:/lines.txt').readlines()
>>>>for line in f:
> 	match ='^This',f)
> 	if line == match:
> 		print match
Pardon my ignorance, but why is everybody fond of regexps ;-) ? Are they 
faster? What about good ol' startswith():

f = open('c:/lines.txt').readlines()
for line in f:
   if line.startswith('This'):
     print line # Or whatever match is, no regexp-expert here, sorry


From cyresse at  Wed Feb  9 09:05:00 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb  9 09:05:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <cucfsm$ra7$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

regexes are common across a lot of languages, even Java has them.
Though the pain that would be I daren't not imagine. So the syntax is
familiar, whereas string methods may not be.

On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 09:00:52 +0100, Wolfram Kraus
<> wrote:
> Ron Nixon wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong in this
> > script.
> >
> > I'm trying to get only the lines that start with
> > "This" for a text file.
> >
> > Here's what I wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>>import re
> >>>>f = open('c:/lines.txt').readlines()
> >>>>for line in f:
> >
> >       match ='^This',f)
> >       if line == match:
> >               print match
> >
> >
> Pardon my ignorance, but why is everybody fond of regexps ;-) ? Are they
> faster? What about good ol' startswith():
> Untested:
> f = open('c:/lines.txt').readlines()
> for line in f:
>    if line.startswith('This'):
>      print line # Or whatever match is, no regexp-expert here, sorry
> Wondering,
> Wolfram
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kraus at  Wed Feb  9 09:30:09 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Wed Feb  9 09:30:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<cucfsm$ra7$>
Message-ID: <cuchjg$vc3$>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> regexes are common across a lot of languages, even Java has them. 
> Though the pain that would be I daren't not imagine. So the syntax is
>  familiar, whereas string methods may not be.
But IMHO string methods are (more) explicit and readable, the name tells 
you what the method is doing. I know that sometimes regexp are really 
fine, e.g. extracting something from html or maybe speed issues (can 
anyone enlighten me on that one?), but for simple task like the OP's 
problem I'd always use string methods.


From pierre.barbier at  Wed Feb  9 09:44:15 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Wed Feb  9 09:42:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <cuchjg$vc3$>
References: <>	<cucfsm$ra7$>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Wolfram Kraus a ?crit :
> Liam Clarke wrote:
>> regexes are common across a lot of languages, even Java has them. 
>> Though the pain that would be I daren't not imagine. So the syntax is
>>  familiar, whereas string methods may not be.
> But IMHO string methods are (more) explicit and readable, the name tells 
> you what the method is doing. I know that sometimes regexp are really 
> fine, e.g. extracting something from html or maybe speed issues (can 
> anyone enlighten me on that one?), but for simple task like the OP's 
> problem I'd always use string methods.
> Wolfram

I completely agree ! Then, it will very probably be more efficient. And 
the methods (or functions) like "startwith" are avalaible in almost 
every string library !


Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From cyresse at  Wed Feb  9 10:42:34 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb  9 10:42:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<cucfsm$ra7$> <>
	<cuchjg$vc3$> <>
Message-ID: <>

>>> x= ["Dude", 'How is it going man', '     ']
>>> print x
['Dude', 'How is it going man', '     ']

>>> j=[]
>>> for item in x:
... 	if'\S+',item):
... 		j.append(item)

>>> print j
['Dude', 'How is it going man']

Now, I first did that in a Perl script, but it easily comes across to
Python. \S+ will usually mean 'one or more non-whitespace characters'.
Brilliant for when your first Perl script accidentally appended \n to
everything, even \n and \t. *embarassed*

Whereas, while I'm sure there is a string method that can do that, I'm
not sure what it is.

Also - say you have a list of words - 
j = " bag apple tomato cheese *marmite*  sausages *scones*"

and you wanted to pick up each word that was asterisked. 
I did this as a string method then a regex.

>>> try:
... 	indexes=[]
... 	lastIndex = 0
... 	while 1:
... 		x = j.index("*", lastIndex + 1)
... 		indexes.append(x)
... 		lastIndex = x
... except ValueError:
... 	pass
>>> print indexes
[4,  10]
>>>myString = j[5:10]

Now the regular expression - 

>>> x = re.finditer("\*(?P<myString>.*?)\*", j)
>>> a =
>>> print'myString')

Now, while the regEx syntax is a big harsh to begin with, once you get
the hang of it, it's OK, and the string method version I used felt too
'hacky' for me. Of course, both only work with pairs of asterisks, so
I guess that makes them both hacky. : )

That's my 2c, I use string methods for stuff like that .startswith, .endswith, 
if 'foo' in x stuff is good as well. But sometimes, a regex is the
right tool for the job.


Liam Clarke

PS Pierre, my wife asked if you could write something in French so
that she could try and read it, as she's trying to pick up her French
again. If you don't mind.

On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 09:44:15 +0100, Pierre Barbier de Reuille
<> wrote:
> Wolfram Kraus a ?crit :
> > Liam Clarke wrote:
> >
> >> regexes are common across a lot of languages, even Java has them.
> >> Though the pain that would be I daren't not imagine. So the syntax is
> >>  familiar, whereas string methods may not be.
> >
> > But IMHO string methods are (more) explicit and readable, the name tells
> > you what the method is doing. I know that sometimes regexp are really
> > fine, e.g. extracting something from html or maybe speed issues (can
> > anyone enlighten me on that one?), but for simple task like the OP's
> > problem I'd always use string methods.
> >
> > Wolfram
> I completely agree ! Then, it will very probably be more efficient. And
> the methods (or functions) like "startwith" are avalaible in almost
> every string library !
> Pierre
> --
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille
> INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
> Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
> TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde
> 34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
> tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kraus at  Wed Feb  9 11:08:40 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Wed Feb  9 11:08:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<cucfsm$ra7$>
	<>	<cuchjg$vc3$>
Message-ID: <cucnbu$ep5$>

Liam Clarke wrote:
>>>>x= ["Dude", 'How is it going man', '     ']
>>>>print x
> ['Dude', 'How is it going man', '     ']
>>>>for item in x:
> ... 	if'\S+',item):
> ... 		j.append(item)
>>>>print j
> ['Dude', 'How is it going man']
What about:
x= ["Dude", 'How is it going man', '     ']
print [a for a in x if a.strip()]

> Now, I first did that in a Perl script, but it easily comes across to
> Python. \S+ will usually mean 'one or more non-whitespace characters'.
> Brilliant for when your first Perl script accidentally appended \n to
> everything, even \n and \t. *embarassed*
> Whereas, while I'm sure there is a string method that can do that, I'm
> not sure what it is.
Well the documentation on that is not sooo big ;-)

> Also - say you have a list of words - 
> j = " bag apple tomato cheese *marmite*  sausages *scones*"
> and you wanted to pick up each word that was asterisked. 
> I did this as a string method then a regex.
> ... 	indexes=[]
> ... 	lastIndex = 0
> ... 	while 1:
> ... 		x = j.index("*", lastIndex + 1)
> ... 		indexes.append(x)
> ... 		lastIndex = x
> ... except ValueError:
> ... 	pass
> ... 
>>>>print indexes
> [4,  10]
>>>>myString = j[5:10]
That gives me  [25, 33, 45, 52], propably a C&P bug?

> Now the regular expression - 
>>>>x = re.finditer("\*(?P<myString>.*?)\*", j)
>>>>a =
> apple
Same error as above? And you said you want _all_ asteriksed words!
How about this cute lil list comprehension:
print [w for w in j.split() if words[0] == '*' and words[-1] == '*']

> Now, while the regEx syntax is a big harsh to begin with, once you get
> the hang of it, it's OK, and the string method version I used felt too
> 'hacky' for me. Of course, both only work with pairs of asterisks, so
> I guess that makes them both hacky. : )
> That's my 2c, I use string methods for stuff like that .startswith, .endswith, 
> if 'foo' in x stuff is good as well. But sometimes, a regex is the
> right tool for the job.

I didn't say that they are useless (and don't wanna troll or start a 
flameware), but IMHO they are a PITA when it comes to debugging. Ever 
touched a regexp after one year ;-)?

> Regards, 
> Liam Clarke


From kraus at  Wed Feb  9 11:26:40 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Wed Feb  9 11:28:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <cucnbu$ep5$>
References: <>	<cucfsm$ra7$>	<>	<cuchjg$vc3$>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <cucodl$hg8$>

C&P-bug here to! Is this a virus? ;-)

> print [w for w in j.split() if words[0] == '*' and words[-1] == '*']
Should be:
print [w for w in j.split() if w[0] == '*' and w[-1] == '*']

From cyresse at  Wed Feb  9 11:32:51 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb  9 11:32:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <cucodl$hg8$>
References: <>
	<cucfsm$ra7$> <>
	<cuchjg$vc3$> <>
	<> <cucnbu$ep5$>
Message-ID: <>

print [w for w in j.split() if w[0] == '*' and w[-1] == '*'] 

Wouldn't that only work if it was bug *car* jeff?

I can imagine bug*car*jeff would throw it.


Liam Clarke
'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kraus at  Wed Feb  9 11:48:23 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Wed Feb  9 11:48:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: print out lines that start with a word
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<cucfsm$ra7$>
	<>	<cuchjg$vc3$>
	<>	<>
	<cucnbu$ep5$>	<cucodl$hg8$>
Message-ID: <cucpmb$kvj$>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> print [w for w in j.split() if w[0] == '*' and w[-1] == '*'] 
> Wouldn't that only work if it was bug *car* jeff?
> I can imagine bug*car*jeff would throw it.
> Cheers, 
> Liam Clarke

x = 'bug*car*jeff*foo*bar'
[x.split('*')[a] for a in range(1,len(x.split('*')), 2)]

When you mix * and spaces I will give up ;-)!

From WilliTf at  Wed Feb  9 16:49:55 2005
From: WilliTf at (Williams, Thomas)
Date: Wed Feb  9 16:50:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] executing SAS and passing parameters
Message-ID: <592E8923DB6EA348BE8E33FCAADEFFFC0B13DC34@dshs-exch2.dshs.wa.lcl>

Here is the code I am using to invoke SAS:

	import os
	import sys

	shell = os.environ.get('COMSPEC')
	if shell is None: shell = os.environ.get('SHELL')
	if shell is None: shell = 'an unknown command processor'
	print 'Running under', shell

	os.execl('C:\Program Files\SAS Institute\SAS\V8\SAS.exe')

However, the program in question is c:\work\, with 2
parameters: incov, and outcov.  This program was initially invoked from an
aml program.  The code that invoked SAS from this aml is:

	&SYSTEM %.SASLOC% -SYSPARM %sas_parm% -log ~
%.ARCLOC%\ratios\log\%.file%.log -SYSIN ~

%.SASLOC%: the SAS executable file ('C:\Program Files\SAS
%sas_parm%: the list of parameters to be passed onto SAS
%.file%: the name of the log file that is generated during the execution of
the SAS program.
%.ARCLOC%: directory of the SAS program (c:\work)

I think this is an excellent forum to share ideas and solve problems.  Thank
you ever so much for your assistance with this.

From bgailer at  Wed Feb  9 19:56:24 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Wed Feb  9 19:50:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 09:35 PM 2/8/2005, james middendorff wrote:
>I want to use mysqldb to add people into a database,
>but when I ask for the certain fields like Name,
>PhoneNumber and such, I cannot get it to put them in
>as a string?

You can increase your chances of getting help by telling us what happens 
when you execute this code.

>I am not sure what I am doing wrong but
>here is my code thanks to anyone who helps:
>import MySQLdb
>username = raw_input("what is your username? ")
>password = raw_input("what is the password? ")
>database = raw_input("what database do you want to
>enter? ")
>conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='',
>user=username, passwd=password, db=database)
>c = conn.cursor()
>Name = raw_input("what is the name you want to add? ")
>PhoneNumber = input("what is the phone number for the
>person you are adding? ")
>Address = raw_input("what is the address for the
>person you are adding? ")
>EmailAddress = raw_input("what is the email address of
>the person you are adding? ")
>BirthDate = raw_input("what is the birthdate of the
>person you are adding? year-month-day")
>c.execute ("""
>             INSERT INTO people ()
>             VALUES
>                ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s');
>            """)% (Name, PhoneNumber, Address,
>EmailAddress, BirthDate)
>print "%d rows were inserted" % c.rowcount
>"I would kill everyone in this room
>     for a drop of sweet beer."
>      ----Homer Simpson----
>Do you Yahoo!?
>The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do?
>Tutor maillist  -

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From at  Wed Feb  9 21:14:05 2005
From: at (Jeffrey Lim)
Date: Wed Feb  9 21:14:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] python's default argument value handling in functions -
	weird syntax? problem grappling with the concept
Message-ID: <>

hey folks, i'm a relative newbie to python itself, and I am currently
learning by making my way through the tutorial found within the docs
of 2.4 (

I am currently having a problem dealing with the concept of the
"default argument value" in python functions, and just how python
handles this.

makes the statement that "the default value is evaluated only once".
While that is fine, what I don't really get is how the solution given
can even make sense - either syntactically, or conceptually.

First of all, let me quote what the doc says:

Important warning: The default value is evaluated only once. This
makes a difference when the default is a mutable object such as a
list, dictionary, or instances of most classes. For example, the
following function accumulates the arguments passed to it on
subsequent calls:

def f(a, L=[]):
    return L

print f(1)
print f(2)
print f(3)

This will print

[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]

If you don't want the default to be shared between subsequent calls,
you can write the function like this instead:

def f(a, L=None):
    if L is None:
        L = []
    return L

This leads me to at first conclude several things:

1. 'L' in this case (or by extension, all function arguments for which
a default is given in the function definition) is "static" (see 'C'
language definition). This is my conclusion, seeing as how 'L' can
seem to retain its value even though it has gone out of scope after
the 'f' function returns.

Correct me if i'm wrong here, guys.

2. (*Now this is where I start to get confused. I think the best way
to illustrate how I am having problems is to illustrate with a few
examples. The basic problem that I am having is, "Which L is which

My examples...

Example 1
>>> def f(a,L=[]):
...     if L==[5]:
...       print 'L==[5] caught'
...       print L
...       print 'resetting L...'
...       L=[]
...     L.append(a)
...     return L
>>> f(5)
>>> f(5)
L==[5] caught
resetting L...
>>> f(2)
L==[5] caught
resetting L...

Example 2
>>> def f(a,L=None):
...     if L==[5]:
...             print 'caught, printing, resetting'
...             print L
...             L=[]
...     else:
...             L=[]
...     L.append(a)
...     return L
>>> f(5)
>>> f(6)
>>> f(6)

So when the default value for 'L' is an empty list, the test
condition, _once triggered_, *always* catches?

But when the default value for 'L' is none, the 'if' never catches?

How is this possible?

Or even consider the example given -
def f(a, L=None):
    if L is None:
        L = []
    return L

How is 'L == None' even possible all the time, given that for
def f(a, L=[]):
    return L
, L isn't even [] except for the first call to 'f'?

From bgailer at  Wed Feb  9 22:12:30 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Wed Feb  9 22:06:51 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default
	argument value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling
	with the concept)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 01:14 PM 2/9/2005, Jeffrey Lim wrote:
>hey folks, i'm a relative newbie to python itself, and I am currently
>learning by making my way through the tutorial found within the docs
>of 2.4 (
>I am currently having a problem dealing with the concept of the
>"default argument value" in python functions, and just how python
>handles this.
>makes the statement that "the default value is evaluated only once".
>While that is fine, what I don't really get is how the solution given
>can even make sense - either syntactically, or conceptually.
>First of all, let me quote what the doc says:
>Important warning: The default value is evaluated only once. This
>makes a difference when the default is a mutable object such as a
>list, dictionary, or instances of most classes. For example, the
>following function accumulates the arguments passed to it on
>subsequent calls:
>def f(a, L=[]):
>     L.append(a)
>     return L
>print f(1)
>print f(2)
>print f(3)
>This will print
>[1, 2]
>[1, 2, 3]
>If you don't want the default to be shared between subsequent calls,
>you can write the function like this instead:
>def f(a, L=None):
>     if L is None:
>         L = []
>     L.append(a)
>     return L
>This leads me to at first conclude several things:
>1. 'L' in this case (or by extension, all function arguments for which
>a default is given in the function definition) is "static" (see 'C'
>language definition). This is my conclusion, seeing as how 'L' can
>seem to retain its value even though it has gone out of scope after
>the 'f' function returns.
>Correct me if i'm wrong here, guys.
>2. (*Now this is where I start to get confused. I think the best way
>to illustrate how I am having problems is to illustrate with a few
>examples. The basic problem that I am having is, "Which L is which
>My examples...
>Example 1
> >>> def f(a,L=[]):
>...     if L==[5]:
>...       print 'L==[5] caught'
>...       print L
>...       print 'resetting L...'
>...       L=[]
>...     L.append(a)
>...     return L
> >>> f(5)
> >>> f(5)
>L==[5] caught
>resetting L...
> >>> f(2)
>L==[5] caught
>resetting L...

That works as expected. I assume you are happy with the results.

>Example 2
> >>> def f(a,L=None):
>...     if L==[5]:
>...             print 'caught, printing, resetting'
>...             print L
>...             L=[]
>...     else:
>...             L=[]
>...     L.append(a)
>...     return L
> >>> f(5)
> >>> f(6)
> >>> f(6)

That also works as expected. I assume you are happy with the results.

>So when the default value for 'L' is an empty list, the test
>condition, _once triggered_, *always* catches?

No. What leads you to think that is happening? This code empties the list 
each time you invoke it.

>But when the default value for 'L' is none, the 'if' never catches?
>How is this possible?
>Or even consider the example given -
>def f(a, L=None):
>     if L is None:
>         L = []
>     L.append(a)
>     return L
>How is 'L == None' even possible all the time, given that for
>def f(a, L=[]):
>     L.append(a)
>     return L
>, L isn't even [] except for the first call to 'f'?

 From the 1st reference you cited above: 'The default values are evaluated 
at the point of function definition"

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From ternary at  Wed Feb  9 22:12:22 2005
From: ternary at (Mike Bell)
Date: Wed Feb  9 22:12:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] python's default argument value handling in functions -
	weird syntax? problem grappling with the concept
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The function's local variable L is not static, but "default argument
value" is, which is what the documentation means when it says that it
will evaluate these only once.  When the default value is a list (in
your code, not "the empty list" but a list which happens to be empty
when the default arguments are being evaluated), that same object is
used every time the function is called.

From at  Wed Feb  9 22:19:11 2005
From: at (Jeffrey Lim)
Date: Wed Feb  9 22:19:14 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default argument
	value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling
	with the concept)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 14:12:30 -0700, Bob Gailer <> wrote:
> At 01:14 PM 2/9/2005, Jeffrey Lim wrote:
> >
> >Example 1
> > >>> def f(a,L=[]):
> >...     if L==[5]:
> >...       print 'L==[5] caught'
> >...       print L
> >...       print 'resetting L...'
> >...       L=[]
> >...     L.append(a)
> >...     return L
> >...
> > >>> f(5)
> >[5]
> > >>> f(5)
> >L==[5] caught
> >[5]
> >resetting L...
> >[5]
> > >>> f(2)
> >L==[5] caught
> >[5]
> >resetting L...
> >[2]
> That works as expected. I assume you are happy with the results.

did you even read what i gave as an example properly? So tell me then
- why are you happy with the results when 'f(2)' is called? I am not
happy with the results. Calling function 'f' with argument 2 should
not (unless u are satisfied with such a result) get caught in the 'if

> >So when the default value for 'L' is an empty list, the test
> >condition, _once triggered_, *always* catches?
> No. What leads you to think that is happening? This code empties the list
> each time you invoke it.

pls read
for the whole context to my questions.

Read also my quotes from the doc in my original post. I assume that
you can cope with the level of the presentation of my questions.

> >
> >How is this possible?
> >
> >Or even consider the example given -
> >def f(a, L=None):
> >     if L is None:
> >         L = []
> >     L.append(a)
> >     return L
> >
> >How is 'L == None' even possible all the time, given that for
> >def f(a, L=[]):
> >     L.append(a)
> >     return L
> >, L isn't even [] except for the first call to 'f'?
>  From the 1st reference you cited above: 'The default values are evaluated
> at the point of function definition"

perhaps you might like to explain that further, seeing as how you seem
to be adopting a "I am smarter than you" attitude.

From at  Wed Feb  9 22:22:00 2005
From: at (Jeffrey Lim)
Date: Wed Feb  9 22:22:05 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default argument
	value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling
	with the concept)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

and have the Common Courtesy to stop hijacking or rewriting other
people's thread titles unnecessarily pls. (Like when was this thread
ever about the change of email address change on your part???)

From bgailer at  Wed Feb  9 22:51:42 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Wed Feb  9 22:46:02 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default
	argument value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling
	with the concept)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 02:22 PM 2/9/2005, Jeffrey Lim wrote:
>and have the Common Courtesy to stop hijacking or rewriting other
>people's thread titles unnecessarily pls. (Like when was this thread
>ever about the change of email address change on your part???)

I have no idea how this happened. My computer started acting funny. I had 
to reboot it.. First I knew of the problem was when I saw the posting you 
are referring to. Perhaps my box has a virus.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From at  Wed Feb  9 22:56:01 2005
From: at (Jeffrey Lim)
Date: Wed Feb  9 22:56:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] python's default argument value handling in functions -
	weird syntax? problem grappling with the concept
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 13:12:22 -0800, Mike Bell <> wrote:
> The function's local variable L is not static, but "default argument
> value" is, which is what the documentation means when it says that it
> will evaluate these only once.  When the default value is a list (in
> your code, not "the empty list" but a list which happens to be empty
> when the default arguments are being evaluated), that same object is
> used every time the function is called.

ah, thanks for the clarification! I more or less get it now (the key
was to think of everything in terms of object references).

Would you mind explaining to me in a bit more detail about how the
'==['a list']' operation works then? Frankly, the code and results i
get below nearly stumbled me...

>>> def f(a,L=[]):
...     if L==[5]:
...       print "'if L==[5]' caught - printing, and then resetting L..."
...       print L
...       L = []
...     L.append(a)
...     return L
>>> f(5)
>>> f(34)
'if L==[5]' caught - printing, and then resetting L...
>>> f('fjskl')
'if L==[5]' caught - printing, and then resetting L...

My questions:
- is the '==' operation a 'list' comparison - rather than a pointer
comparison? (my experiments seem to indicate that it is a 'list'
- if this is the case, then why does the 'if L==[5]' test still catch
later on, when the 'L' should no longer be a '[5]' list?
- if this is *not* the case then, then how do you determine the '=='
is supposed to match?
- or is this a matter of 'compare by value' first, then after we get a
match, we 'compare by reference' later on???

thanks for your time,
From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  9 23:05:15 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:05:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help
References: <>
Message-ID: <078801c50ef3$700477f0$68b78851@xp>

> PhoneNumber and such, I cannot get it to put them in
> as a string? 

I can't help in general but I did notice...

> PhoneNumber = input("what is the phone number for the
> person you are adding? ")

You shouldn't store phone numbers as numbers.
People often include spaces or hyphens or parentheses etc 
when entering them, eg:

+44 (0) 1234 567890
(542) 123 4567

etc etc...

And of course you get the alpha numerics:


So strings are the best solution (and they should be 24 characters 
long to handle the worst case international standard phone number!)

Alan G.
Who works for the phone company! :-)

From dyoo at  Wed Feb  9 23:05:23 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:05:33 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default argument
	value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling with the
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Jeffrey Lim wrote:
> > >
> > >Example 1
> > > >>> def f(a,L=[]):
> > >...     if L==[5]:
> > >...       print 'L==[5] caught'
> > >...       print L
> > >...       print 'resetting L...'
> > >...       L=[]
> > >...     L.append(a)
> > >...     return L
> > >...

Hi Jeffery,

At the beginning of a function call, if a function has default parameter
values, then the parameters get aimed at those default values.  So every
time through the call to f() here, L will initially refer to that list

I liked your experiments in your earlier post.  Let's run through your
example, and see if our explanation matches with reality.  *grin*

To make talking abou this a little less confusing, do you mind if I change
the definition slightly, to this?

initialList = []

def f(a,L=initialList):
    if L==[5]:
        print 'L==[5] caught'
        print L
        print 'resetting L...'
    return L

It should have about the same effect as your previous code, but with the
advantage of letting us poke around at the list that's being used as the
default value.

Ok, let's try this out.

>>> f(5)

Ok, at this point, the 'default value' that initialList refers to should
also be [5].  Let's check this.

>>> initialList

Ok, good.

Now we call f(5) again:

>>> f(5)
L==[5] caught
resetting L...

The reassignment to L in the 'if' block:

    if L==[5]:
        print 'L==[5] caught'
        print L
        print 'resetting L...'

doesn't do any mutation on the actual default value.  L is just a name
that can be aimed at values: rebinding L through assignment doesn't
"mutate" the list value.  We'll talk about this again later in this post.

We can look at the default value again by peeking at it through
initialValue again:

>>> initialList

So if we call f() again, since L is always bound to the default value,

Let's call f(2) one more time.

>>> f(2)
L==[5] caught
resetting L...

Yup.  The reassignment of L still doesn't do anything to the value that L
is referring to, so subsequent calls to f() should continue to say
"resetting L".

Does this make sense so far?  Please feel free to ask questions on any
part that seems wacky, and we'll try to make sense out of it.  *grin*

Looking back at the program, I think that you meant to write:

initialList = []
def f(a,L=initialList):
    if L==[5]:
        print 'L==[5] caught'
        print L
        print 'resetting L...'
        del L[:]             ## Resets the initial value to the empty list
    return L

The change here is the commented line:

        del L[:]             ## Resets the initial value to the empty list

which causes the list that we refer to as "L" to shrink down to the empty

There are a few tricky subtleties here, and we have to keep in mind the
distinction between a "name" and a "value".  'names' are like fingers that
point at 'values'.

Python handles default parameters by pointing the parameter name to a
default value when it enters a function.  So if we want to do things that
make the default parameter appear to "change", we have to mutate the value
that the parameter is pointed at.

Hope this helps!

From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  9 23:07:17 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:07:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] print out lines that start with a word
References: <>
Message-ID: <078f01c50ef3$b89a02f0$68b78851@xp>

> I'm trying to get only the lines that start with
> "This" for a text file.
> Here's what I wrote:
> >>> import re
> >>> f = open('c:/lines.txt').readlines()
> >>> for line in f:
> match ='^This',f)
> if line == match:
> print match


     if line.startwith('This'):

its easier!
But your problem above is that match returns a match object 
which is not a string. So you can't compare directly you 
need to extract the string from inside the match object!


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From bvande at  Wed Feb  9 23:05:44 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:07:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is more
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I have data files with a format that can be scheamatized as:

File Header Contents
. . .
File Header End Tag
Node Header Contents
. . .
Node Header End Tag
Node Contents
. . .
Node End Tag
[Repeat Node elements until end of file]

I'm refactoring the heck out of a file conversion utility I wrote for 
this format back when I knew even less than I do now =:-0

The main change in refactoring is moving it to OOP. I have a method 
that serves as the entry point for parsing the files. It separates the 
file header content and the nodes (or body content), sending them each 
to appropriate methods to be processed.

I want the body parser to accept a list of lines corresponding to the 
nodes portions of my file, separate out each node (everything between 
  node end tags, the bottommost end tag included in the node), and 
send each node's contents to a further method for processing. What I 
have now works and is a big improvement on what I had before. But, I 
know that I tend to employ while loops more than I perhaps ought, and 
much of the style of OOP has yet to sink in. So, any suggestions on 
how to make this method more Pythonic would be most welcome.

(body_contents is a list of file lines, with all file header lines 

.    def body_parser(self, body_contents):
.        while body_contents:
.            count = 0
.            current_node_contents = []
.            for line in body_contents:
.                current_node_contents.append(line)
.                count += 1
.                if line == node_end_tag:  # node_end_tag elsewhere
.                    break                 # defined and includes '\n'
.            self.node_parser(current_node_contents)
.            body_contents = body_contents[count:]

Another alternative has occurred to me, but seems to compensate for 
the avoidance of while by being ugly. Untested code:

.    def alt_body_parser(self, body_contents):
.        body_contents = ''.join(body_contents)
.        body_contents = body_contents.split(node_end_tag)
.        # ugly lives here -- having removed node_end_tag's
.        # with split, I need to put them back on:
.        count = 0
.        for i in body_contents:
.            body_contents[count] = i + node_end_tag
.            count += 1
.        # (The sub-alternative of having the node_parser method
.        # put them back, while easier, also seems a dangerous
.        # separation of responsibility for the integrity of the data
.        # format.)
.        for i in body_contents:
.            self.node_parser(i)

So, which of these 2 (and a half) ways seems most Pythonic to the more 
experienced? Any better ways I've overlooked?

Thanks, and best to all,

Brian vdB

From at  Wed Feb  9 23:03:36 2005
From: at (Jeffrey Lim)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:11:08 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default argument
	value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling
	with the concept)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 14:51:42 -0700, Bob Gailer <> wrote:
> At 02:22 PM 2/9/2005, Jeffrey Lim wrote:
> >and have the Common Courtesy to stop hijacking or rewriting other
> >people's thread titles unnecessarily pls. (Like when was this thread
> >ever about the change of email address change on your part???)
> I have no idea how this happened. My computer started acting funny. I had
> to reboot it.. First I knew of the problem was when I saw the posting you
> are referring to. Perhaps my box has a virus.

I will let all of posterity decide this for themselves (they will,
anyway). I have never seen a virus act this way, nor should i think it
would ever have reason to - without at least an attachment of itself.

As it is, I will be so kind enough as to give you the benefit of the
doubt, and to be courteous and friendly enough, and "equal-level
footing perspective enough" to you in answering your implied question.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  9 23:18:07 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:18:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] executing SAS and passing parameters
References: <592E8923DB6EA348BE8E33FCAADEFFFC0B13DC34@dshs-exch2.dshs.wa.lcl>
Message-ID: <07c301c50ef5$3c180270$68b78851@xp>

> os.execl('C:\Program Files\SAS Institute\SAS\V8\SAS.exe')

You might find that os.system() is all you need here,
but if execl works don't worry too much.

> However, the program in question is c:\work\, with 2
> parameters: incov, and outcov.  This program was initially invoked
from an
> aml program.  The code that invoked SAS from this aml is:

Wacky stuff it remindss me of JCL on an MVS mainframe.
What exactly is AML? Is it a SAS specific thing?

> &SYSTEM %.SASLOC% -SYSPARM %sas_parm% -log ~
> %.ARCLOC%\ratios\log\%.file%.log -SYSIN ~
> %.ARCLOC%\sas_code\ratios\

I'm assuming the ~ characters are line continuations?
So the above is effectively one long line?

If so translating it becomes:

<path>/sas.exe -<params> -log <path>/%file%.log -f(?)

If so, you could try that from your command prompt.
If it works just build the string and insert it into
an os.system() call.

I think the real issue here is extracting the actuial command
line from the AML code (and probably the SAS documentation for
startup parameters). Once you've got it working from an
interactive command line (ie Cmd.exe Box in NT) then getting
Python to replicate that should be straighforward.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  9 23:32:07 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:33:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] python's default argument value handling in functions
	-weird syntax? problem grappling with the concept
References: <>
Message-ID: <07ca01c50ef7$30c70ef0$68b78851@xp>

> This leads me to at first conclude several things:
> 1. 'L' in this case (or by extension, all function arguments for
> a default is given in the function definition) is "static"

Pretty close, yes. Especially if the parameter is mutable.

> language definition). This is my conclusion, seeing as how 'L' can
> seem to retain its value even though it has gone out of scope after
> the 'f' function returns.

Thats right, the default value is evaluated once only,
it keeps that initial value for all future invocations.
But if it is mutable the list object(in the example)
is the same list but the content of the list can be
changed on each invocation.

> 2. (*Now this is where I start to get confused. I think the best way
> to illustrate how I am having problems is to illustrate with a few
> examples. The basic problem that I am having is, "Which L is which
> L?")
> My examples...
> Example 1
> >>> def f(a,L=[]):
> ...     if L==[5]:
> ...       print 'L==[5] caught'
> ...       print L
> ...       print 'resetting L...'
> ...       L=[]

Here you reassign L to a completely new list, but the original
default one is still lurking i the background complete with
the changes you made earlier.

> ...     L.append(a)
> ...     return L

You now return your new list.

> >>> f(5)
> [5]
> >>> f(5)
> L==[5] caught
> [5]
> resetting L...
> [5]

> >>> f(2)
> L==[5] caught

So we go back to the original default

> [5]
> resetting L...

And you create another new list
> [2]

And return it.

> Example 2
> >>> def f(a,L=None):
> ...     if L==[5]:
> ...             print 'caught, printing, resetting'
> ...             print L

Should never happen unless you call f(a,[5])
that is never triggered for the default value.

> ...             L=[]

but now creates a brand new L regardless of what was
passed in

> ...     else:
> ...             L=[]

Create another new L

> ...     L.append(a)
> ...     return L

And modify and return the new list.

> ...
> >>> f(5)
> [5]
> >>> f(6)
> [6]

So in both cases you return a new list, the original
default None is still there but you ignore it!

> So when the default value for 'L' is an empty list, the test
> condition, _once triggered_, *always* catches?

No, it only catches if you pass in a value otherwise the
default will still be None. Notice your if branch was not
executed in either case above, only the return value is shown.

> But when the default value for 'L' is none, the 'if' never catches?

Because the default is None, the if only catches if you
override the default with a matching list.

> Or even consider the example given -
> def f(a, L=None):
>     if L is None:
>         L = []
>     L.append(a)
>     return L
> How is 'L == None' even possible all the time, given that for

Because the value is only evaluated *once*. The default is set
forever to None which is *immutable* - you cant change it,
only overwrite it.

> def f(a, L=[]):
>     L.append(a)
>     return L
> , L isn't even [] except for the first call to 'f'?

The value is set only once, the list is created and the same
list object is used each time. But because list objects are
*mutable* you can change the *contents* of the list, but you
can never change the default list itself.

Its just as the docs say. BUt don;t try to hard to think in
terms of C. This is Python not C and it works differently.
In C parameters etc are locations on the memory stack.
In Python they are entries in a dictionary. Very different
concepts and they result in very different behaviour!


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb  9 23:38:20 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:38:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] python's default argument value handling in functions
	-weird syntax? problem grappling with the concept
References: <><>
Message-ID: <07df01c50ef8$0f972890$68b78851@xp>

> My questions:
> - is the '==' operation a 'list' comparison - rather than a pointer
> comparison? (my experiments seem to indicate that it is a 'list'
> comparison)

Forget pointers and all you ever knew of them from C.
Trying to think of Python in terms of Pointers is ultimately
an excercise in frustration. Python uses dictionaries for its
indirection not memory addresses.

> - if this is the case, then why does the 'if L==[5]' test still
> later on, when the 'L' should no longer be a '[5]' list?

It shouldn't! Are you absolutely sue about that? I didn't
see a case in your examples where the [5] case would fail...

> - if this is *not* the case then, then how do you determine the '=='
> is supposed to match?

It should match if both are [5]

> - or is this a matter of 'compare by value' first, then after we get
> match, we 'compare by reference' later on???

The actual semanics of omparisons for all Pythons types are
described in the Language reference. But mostly you can ignore
it and it will just work...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From at  Wed Feb  9 23:30:59 2005
From: at (Jeffrey Lim)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:49:49 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default argument
	value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling
	with the concept)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 14:05:23 -0800 (PST), Danny Yoo
<> wrote:
> [snip]
> Does this make sense so far?

YES!!! Most perfectly!!! Thanks for your detailed step-by-step
analysis man - it was very helpful, and much appreciated...

> Looking back at the program, I think that you meant to write:
> ###
> initialList = []
> def f(a,L=initialList):
>     if L==[5]:
>         print 'L==[5] caught'
>         print L
>         print 'resetting L...'
>         del L[:]             ## Resets the initial value to the empty list
>     L.append(a)
>     return L
> ###

yeah man - i guess i was just still stuck in the "non-object-oriented"
thinking rut... I believe you  have just about clarified all the
doubts that i've had about the whole thing which prompted my question
to the list in the first place!

thanks a lot...
From abli at  Wed Feb  9 23:50:49 2005
From: abli at (Abel Daniel)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:50:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: python's default argument value handling in functions -
 weird syntax? problem grappling with the concept
In-Reply-To: <> (Jeffrey Lim's
	message of "Thu, 10 Feb 2005 04:14:05 +0800")
References: <>
Message-ID: <E1Cz0fZ-0001gc-K2@localhost.localdomain>

quoted lines are from Jeffrey Lim
[... I have rearranged the order of the quotes ...]

> How is 'L == None' even possible all the time, given that for
> def f(a, L=[]):
>     L.append(a)
>     return L
> , L isn't even [] except for the first call to 'f'?

This is the important point. You see, its true that L != [] for those
calls, but despite this, L _is_ []. I guess this sounds wierd, so I'll
clarify it:

Lets try it with a little modification. Instead of "def f(a, L=[])",
we will use "def f(a, L=l)", where l is an empty list. This surely
shouldn't cause any difference, should it?

>>> l=[]
>>> def f(a, L=l):
...     L.append(a)
...     return L
>>> f(1)
>>> f(2)
[1, 2]
>>> f(3)
[1, 2, 3]

So far, so good. Now lets see whether L is [] or not:

>>> a=f(4) # so now a is whatever L was inside the function
>>> a == l


>>> a is l  

So L _is_ [], isn't it? How can this happen? After all, by now L is
[1,2,3,4], right? And l is an empty list, right? Well, wrong:

>>> l
[1, 2, 3, 4]

So the strange thing is that even though L is _not_ [] (as in, its not
an empty list) it _is_ [] in some sence. That is, it is the _same_
list which was [] once. This second sentence might sound pretty
wierd. You have to keep in mind, that every time you type [], python
will create a _new_, empty list. This means that:

>>> [] is []

The big difference between the "def f(a, L=[])" and "def f(a, L=None)"
cases is that in the first, L is a list, and lists are mutable. In the
second, L is None and obviously, None is not mutable. In both cases
you give an object as a default value. In both cases, L will _allways_
be this object at the first line of the function when you call the
function. The difference is that in the first case, although you can't
change the _identity_ of the default value, you can change its
_content_ . And thats what you do with the line "L.append(a)".

Keep in mind that L=[] does _not_ copy the list. In fact, in python
even a=5 does not copy anything. In C, variables might be thought of
as little drawers that have something in them. When you say a=b, the
contents of b get copied to a. In python, however, variables are
better thought of as labels. When you say a=5, you put a label on the
number 5 object. Its like saying "I want to be able to call that
number a". When doing a=b, there is no copying, what happens is that
the label 'a' gets moved to the object which has the label 'b' on it.

In the previous paragraph, I have written "when you say a=5, you put a
label on the number 5 object". Maybe I should have written "you put a
label on a number 5 object". Notice the difference? For numbers, one
could claim that there is no difference. After all, there is only one
number 5, right? However, as we have seen above, for lists, you can't
claim the same. There is no _the_ []. Every '[]' will create a new

If you think of variables as labels on objects, and objects as having
content and identity, everything should become clear. ('==' compares
by value, that is, by content, 'is' compares by identity. Make sure
not to mix identity with eguality.)

Recommended reading: (understanding python
objects, pretty short) ("variables
as labels", a bit longer)

ps. For extra wierdness, in python "there is only one number 5" isn't
true for large numbers:
>>> a=100
>>> b=100
>>> a is b

Using a large number is important: integers up to 99 are cached, so
they _are_ unique (we would get True above). For larger numbers, the
cacheing is more subtle, for example:
>>> a, b = 100, 100
>>> a is b

Abel Daniel
From at  Wed Feb  9 23:57:54 2005
From: at (Jeffrey Lim)
Date: Wed Feb  9 23:57:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] python's default argument value handling in functions
	-weird syntax? problem grappling with the concept
In-Reply-To: <07df01c50ef8$0f972890$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 22:38:20 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> >
> > My questions:
> > 
> > [snip]
> [snip]
> HTH,

yes it did! I've already gotten it - but your explanation was just
simply beautiful (it really is). Thanks for the note about "not in
think in terms of C" as well - I'll have to remember that!

Appreciate it,

ps. sorry for the double send, Alan - i forgot to send to the list as well.
From at  Thu Feb 10 00:22:02 2005
From: at (Jeffrey Lim)
Date: Thu Feb 10 00:28:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: python's default argument value handling in functions -
	weird syntax? problem grappling with the concept
In-Reply-To: <E1Cz0fZ-0001gc-K2@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 23:50:49 +0100, Abel Daniel <> wrote:
> quoted lines are from Jeffrey Lim
> [... I have rearranged the order of the quotes ...]

thanks, Abel! Especially for the part on the 'C' concept of variables,
vs that of Python's (and the links, as well).

appreciated it, and thanks, all, for such a great "first-time tutor
list experience" already,
From dyoo at  Thu Feb 10 00:58:39 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb 10 00:58:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is more
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Brian van den Broek wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have data files with a format that can be scheamatized as:
> File Header Contents
> . . .
> File Header End Tag
> Node Header Contents
> . . .
> Node Header End Tag
> Node Contents
> . . .
> Node End Tag
> [Repeat Node elements until end of file]

[some text cut]

> .    def body_parser(self, body_contents):
> .        while body_contents:
> .            count = 0
> .            current_node_contents = []
> .            for line in body_contents:
> .                current_node_contents.append(line)
> .                count += 1
> .                if line == node_end_tag:  # node_end_tag elsewhere
> .                    break                 # defined and includes '\n'
> .            self.node_parser(current_node_contents)
> .            body_contents = body_contents[count:]

Hi Brian,

Ah, this looks like the perfect place for helper functions.  *grin*

Conceptually, the code applies the method 'self.node_parser'() on a
sequence of nodes.  We can reshape the code above so it works like this:

    def partition_node_content(body_contents):
        """Returns a sequence of node-element content."""
        pass ## FIXME: fill me in

    def body_parser(self, body_contents):
        for node_content in partition_node_content(body_contents):

Helper functions are key to making this look nicer.  We let our
'partition_node_content()' function handle the bundling up of lines for

We can yank out part of the original code to write
partition_node_content(), like this:

def partition_node_content(body_contents):
    partitions = []
    while body_contents:
         count = 0
         current_node_contents = []
         for line in body_contents:
             count += 1
             if line == node_end_tag:  # node_end_tag elsewhere
                 break                 # defined and includes '\n'
         body_contents = body_contents[count:]
    return partitions

But we can make this even nicer; some of the stuff that deals with 'count'
--- and the while loop too! --- can dissolve if we iterate directly across
the elements of body_contents:

    def partition_node_content(self, body_contents):
        """Splits apart body_contents into a bunch of node_content
        partitions = []
        current_node_contents = []
        for line in body_contents:
            if line == node_end_tag:
                current_node_contents = []
        return partitions

If we want to be fancy, we can also take advantage of Python's generator
support to avoid constructing an explicit list:

    def partition_node_content(self, body_contents):
        """Returns an iterator whose contents are a bunch of
           node_content lists."""
        current_node_contents = []
        for line in body_contents:
            if line == node_end_tag:
                yield current_node_contents
                current_node_contents = []

This generator behaves similarly, and can potentially save on memory use,
since it streams chunks of node content back.

Best of wishes to you!

From dyoo at  Thu Feb 10 01:06:25 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb 10 01:06:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is more
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> If we want to be fancy, we can also take advantage of Python's generator
> support to avoid constructing an explicit list:
> ###
>     def partition_node_content(self, body_contents):
>         """Returns an iterator whose contents are a bunch of
>            node_content lists."""
>         current_node_contents = []
>         for line in body_contents:
>             if line == node_end_tag:
>                 yield current_node_contents
>                 current_node_contents = []
> ###

Hi Brian,

Oh good grief.  *grin*

That last snippet won't work; I had forgotten about appending lines into
current_node_contents.  Here's a revision of the silly code:

    def partition_node_content(self, body_contents):
        """Returns an iterator whose contents are a bunch of
           node_content lists."""
        current_node_contents = []
        for line in body_contents:
            if line == node_end_tag:
                yield current_node_contents
                current_node_contents = []

I wanted to add that the generator approach should have the same
performance characteristic as your original code.

Your original code's approach interleaved the bundling of the body_content
with calls to the node parser.  The approach with the separate list
bundling behaves a little bit differently: it tries to build a list of all
the node_content chunks, and then processes that list element by element.
The generator approach, like your original code, interleaves the bundling
with the node_content parsing.

My apologies!

From bvande at  Thu Feb 10 01:52:18 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Thu Feb 10 01:52:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is more
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo said unto the world upon 2005-02-09 19:06:
>>If we want to be fancy, we can also take advantage of Python's generator
>>support to avoid constructing an explicit list:
<SNIP code like that below but missing the .append()>
> Hi Brian,
> Oh good grief.  *grin*
> That last snippet won't work; I had forgotten about appending lines into
> current_node_contents.  Here's a revision of the silly code:
> ###
>     def partition_node_content(self, body_contents):
>         """Returns an iterator whose contents are a bunch of
>            node_content lists."""
>         current_node_contents = []
>         for line in body_contents:
>             current_node_contents.append(line)
>             if line == node_end_tag:
>                 yield current_node_contents
>                 current_node_contents = []
> ###
> I wanted to add that the generator approach should have the same
> performance characteristic as your original code.
> Your original code's approach interleaved the bundling of the body_content
> with calls to the node parser.  The approach with the separate list
> bundling behaves a little bit differently: it tries to build a list of all
> the node_content chunks, and then processes that list element by element.
> The generator approach, like your original code, interleaves the bundling
> with the node_content parsing.
> My apologies!

Hi Danny,

Apologies, while nice, aren't needed; catching your small thinko was 
the easy part of the generator code. :-) (Of the parts of Python about 
which I am still fuzzy, generators are among the fuzziest.) And thank 
you for the replies.

Given that in my application, neither performance nor memory use 
matter too much, are there are grounds (beyond bare personal 
preference) to choose amongst the approaches? (Having rejected 
personal preference and performance as criterion, one might well 
wonder what's left? I mean something like community consensus about 
which is more elegant, etc. where there is enough agreement to take it 
out of the realm of pure personal preference. And, seeing how I've 
phrased it, I think `that's unanswerable' might well be a perfectly 
acceptable answer. :-) )

Alternatively, of the two ways you gave (the generator above and the 
helper function route), which seems better? All I have to guide me is 
unfamiliarity with generators, and that isn't the best compass.

Thanks again,

Brian vdB
From carroll at  Thu Feb 10 02:41:33 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu Feb 10 02:41:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] executing SAS and passing parameters
In-Reply-To: <592E8923DB6EA348BE8E33FCAADEFFFC0B13DC34@dshs-exch2.dshs.wa.lcl>
Message-ID: <>

I'd echo what Alan said.  It sounds more like you're having trouble 
finding out what the command line to SAS should look like, rather than 
invoking it with Python.

(I'm going to quote some of your message out-of-order to better facilitate 
my approach to this.  I will, I trust, not misrepresent the context.)

On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Williams, Thomas wrote:

> However, the program in question is c:\work\, with 2
> parameters: incov, and outcov.  This program was initially invoked from an
> aml program.  The code that invoked SAS from this aml is:
> 	&SYSTEM %.SASLOC% -SYSPARM %sas_parm% -log ~
> %.ARCLOC%\ratios\log\%.file%.log -SYSIN ~
> %.ARCLOC%\sas_code\ratios\
> %.SASLOC%: the SAS executable file ('C:\Program Files\SAS
> Institute\SAS\V8\SAS.exe')
> %sas_parm%: the list of parameters to be passed onto SAS
> %.file%: the name of the log file that is generated during the execution of
> the SAS program.
> %.ARCLOC%: directory of the SAS program (c:\work)

First, something's not jibing here: you say the program to run is 
c:\work\ , but none of the variables under AML appear to 
have "run_ratios" in it. (Not that I know what AML is).

My expectation is that this code:

> 	&SYSTEM %.SASLOC% -SYSPARM %sas_parm% -log ~
> %.ARCLOC%\ratios\log\%.file%.log -SYSIN ~
> %.ARCLOC%\sas_code\ratios\

Expands to an invocation of this:

C:\Program Files\SAS Institute\SAS\V8\SAS.exe -SYSPARM incov outcov 
-log c:\work\ratios\log\[logfilename].log
-SYSIN  c:\work\sas_code\ratios\

(where [logfilename] is actually replaced with the name of your logfile.)

As I said, no reference to "c:\work\" in this; so confirm 

My suggestion is that you open up an MSDOS window, and try variations on 
this until you find one that works.  Once you find one that works, you 
know your command; and that's going to be 95% of the battle.

In your Python code:

> 	os.execl('C:\Program Files\SAS Institute\SAS\V8\SAS.exe')

First, as Alan points out, try os.system() instead.  I would also very 
much encourage a piece of advice he gave that might have slipped through, 
which is: build a string, first, and pass that string to os.system().  
That way, you can do some debugging by making sure your string represents 
the command you cane up with earlier.

I'd also recommend using forward slashes rather than backslashes,  which 
saves you some escape heartache.  Forward slashes should still work.

You can also do something along the same lines your AML took, if 
you like:

SAS_location = "C:/Program Files/SAS Institute/SAS/V8/SAS.exe"
sas_parm = "incov outcov"
ARC_location = "c:/work/"
logfile = "ratios/mylog.log"
SAS_SYSIN = "sas_code/ratios/"

command_line = "%s -SYSPARM %s -log %s%s -SYSIN %s%s" % (SAS_location, sas_parm,
 ARC_location, logfile, ARC_location, SAS_SYSIN)

print command_line
# above line verifies the command matches what you determined from the 
# earlier testing from the MS-DOS command line

# invoke SAS

From ismaelgf at  Thu Feb 10 04:07:11 2005
From: ismaelgf at (Ismael Garrido)
Date: Thu Feb 10 04:06:47 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default argument
	value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling with
	the	concept)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:

>def f(a,L=[]):
>    if L==[5]:
>        print 'L==[5] caught'
>        print L
>        print 'resetting L...'
>        L=[]
>    L.append(a)
>    return L
Now I'm dizzy... I can't understand why there are two "L"!
L is a local variable of the function, right? (I can't imagine it being 
anything else) Then if I reassign L to something, why doesn't it keep 
that change till next run? At least, it keeps the values in the list.. 
so it should keep the reassignation, no?
I'm completly puzzled :-S

From maxnoel_fr at  Thu Feb 10 04:26:06 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Thu Feb 10 04:26:13 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default argument
	value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling
	with the	concept)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 10, 2005, at 03:07, Ismael Garrido wrote:

> Danny Yoo wrote:
>> ###
>> def f(a,L=[]):
>>    if L==[5]:
>>        print 'L==[5] caught'
>>        print L
>>        print 'resetting L...'
>>        L=[]
>>    L.append(a)
>>    return L
>> ###
> Now I'm dizzy... I can't understand why there are two "L"!
> L is a local variable of the function, right? (I can't imagine it 
> being anything else) Then if I reassign L to something, why doesn't it 
> keep that change till next run? At least, it keeps the values in the 
> list.. so it should keep the reassignation, no?
> I'm completly puzzled :-S

	It's not L you have to look at but the default value itself. L is 
local to the function and recreated each time you run it. The default 
value, however (which has no name, so I'm gonna call it "defVal"), is 
static (in the Java/C++ sense of the word -- it's only created once). 
The first time you run the function, defVal is set to [] and then it is 
assigned to L (as in, L = defVal).
	Since defVal is a list, L and defVal are actually two names for the 
same variable. Thus, when you append something to L, it is appended to 
defVal as well. However, when you do L = [], you're binding the name L 
to another variable (which you create on the spot). But the name defVal 
is still bound to the same variable! Thus, when you run the function 
again, you get defVal as you left it.

# Let's consider that defVal == [5] (say, you've already called f(5)) 
and call f(10):
if L == [5]:		# L == defVal == [5] (they are the same variable)
	L = []		# Re-binding the name: a new var is created. L == []; defVal 
== [5]
L.append(a)		# L == [10]; defVal == [5].

	See what I mean?

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From johan at  Thu Feb 10 06:43:04 2005
From: johan at (Johan Geldenhuys)
Date: Thu Feb 10 06:45:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<>  <>
	<1107856983.4603.6.camel@KMA.accesstel>  <>
Message-ID: <1108014184.4623.1.camel@KMA.accesstel>

I am not so clued up on the 'base 2' and 'base 8' stuff.
Care to explain that a little?

On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 12:12, Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:

> MMmmhh ... no !
> The number you wrote is equivalent to '010' and any number beginning by 
> '0' and not followed by "x" will be considered octal. So "10" in base 8 
> is ... 8 :)
> If you want to convert a number from base 2 to base 10 write :
>  >>> int("0000000010", 2)
> 2
> Pierre
> Johan Geldenhuys a ?crit :
> > Hi everybody,
> > I used and is a bit puzzled by the results I get when
> > comparing the binary of decimal 2 and the value I get when I convert the
> > binary to an int.
> > 
> > 
> >>>>binary(2)
> > 
> > '00000000000000000000000000000010'
> > 
> >>>>int(00000000000000000000000000000010)
> > 
> > 8
> > 
> > 
> > Isn't the int value of this binary string supposd to be '2' and not '8'?
> > 
> > Johan  
> > On Sat, 2005-02-05 at 17:48, Kent Johnson wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>Liam,
> >>
> >>I think you misunderstand what endianness is.
> >>
> >>Big-endian and little-endian refer to the way a number is stored as bytes in the underlying memory 
> >>of the computer. This is not something you generally need to worry about in a Python program.
> >>
> >>For example, consider the number 0x12345678. On most modern computers this will be stored in four 
> >>consecutive bytes of computer memory. The individual bytes will contain the values 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 
> >>0x78. The question is, what is the order of those bytes in memory? On a big-endian computer, the 
> >>most significant byte - 0x12 - is stored at the lowest memory address, so the sequence of bytes will 
> >>be 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78. On a little-endian computer, the least-significant byte is stored at the 
> >>lowest address, and the order will be reversed: 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12.
> >>
> >>Most programming languages will hide this detail from you most of the time. Even in assembly 
> >>language, you generally load and store integers without worrying about endianness. Math operations 
> >>just do the right thing so you don't have to worry about it.
> >>
> >>Endianness becomes an issue when you want to convert between representations, and when binary data 
> >>is shared between computers which may have different endianness.
> >>
> >>For example in a C program you might want to get the high byte of an integer when you know the 
> >>address of the integer. The desired byte will be at (address+0) or (address+3) depending on the 
> >>endianness of the hardware.
> >>
> >>Similarly, if an array of integers is written to a file in a binary representation (not as ASCII 
> >>strings representing the integers, but as 32-bit values), then to correctly read the file you have 
> >>to know the endianness of the data in the file.
> >>
> >>
> >>OK, so what does this have to do with converting a number to binary in Python? Well, nothing, 
> >>actually. First, note that 'binary representation' can mean two different things. In the description 
> >>above, I was talking about the actual bit pattern stored in the computer. Python works with binary 
> >>numbers all the time, in this sense, but it is under the hood. The other meaning of 'binary 
> >>representation' is that of a base-2 string representation of a number.
> >>
> >>So if you ask, "How do I convert a number to binary?" you can mean either of these.
> >>
> >>The first one is trivial. If you have a decimal string representation of the number, use int() to 
> >>convert it to binary. If you have an integer already, it's already *in* binary, so you don't have to 
> >>do anything!
> >>
> >>So, "How do I convert a number to binary?", to be interesting, must mean "How do I convert an 
> >>integer to a base-2 string representation?" And how do you do this? Well, you figured out one way 
> >>using the mathematical properties of integers. These operations are independent of endianness, and 
> >>so is the desired result.
> >>
> >>The base-2 string representation of  the number (whose base-16 string representation is) 0x1234 is 
> >>'0001001000110100'. The order of digits here is determined by our convention of writing the most 
> >>significant digits on the left, not by the endianness of the underlying computer.
> >>
> >>OK, this is long enough, I hope I have shed some light...
> >>Kent
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Liam Clarke wrote:
> >>
> >>>Jacob - just for you, begin your agitation for the next release please ;)
> >>>
> >>>, as attached. 
> >>>(also pasted up -
> >>>
> >>>Creating this, was just a brain teaser, but I was thinking 'what if I
> >>>wanted to make this for the standard library.'
> >>>
> >>>And so you can see, I had to include a flag for endianess. But that
> >>>was really a cheap trick. If this was going into a standard library,
> >>>I'd want to query the OS for endianess. As for the bits, once again,
> >>>32 bit is the norm, but 64 bit is here and spreading.
> >>>
> >>>Also, should it display 11111111 as 255 or 256? Both are valid,
> >>>depending on context.
> >>>
> >>>Thirdly, if I can do it in 2 minutes, (well, the main part), then
> >>>should they bother putting it in the standard library considering
> >>>also,
> >>>
> >>>- How often, really, are you going to need to present a decimal or hex
> >>>as a binary string.
> >>>
> >>>Lastly - this only does base 10 to base 2. Should I include a base 6
> >>>to base 2, base 8 to base 2, base 10 to 6, 10 to 8, 8 to 6?
> >>>
> >>>I wouldn't like to write for the standard library, because you can
> >>>never please everyone.
> >>>
> >>>But yeah, feel free to use the above, just keep my doc strings and comments.
> >>>
> >>>Regards,
> >>>
> >>>Liam Clarke
> >>>
> >>>On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 23:30:19 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>>The binary value is the same as the hex value.
> >>>>>The binary representation is 000111110100, but
> >>>>>unfortunately Python doesn't support binary in
> >>>>>its string formatting(although it does in int()!
> >>>>
> >>>>Uh, question. Why not? It seems that all simple types should be included.
> >>>>Since the computer stores it as binary, why shouldn't python be able to
> >>>>display a
> >>>>string of it in binary? That seems to be a short coming that should be added
> >>>>to the
> >>>>next release... IMHO of course.
> >>>>Jacob Schmidt
> >>>>
> >>>>_______________________________________________
> >>>>Tutor maillist  -
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>
> >>>######
> >>>#
> >>># by Liam Clarke
> >>>#(Let me know when it's included in the standard library ;-))
> >>>######
> >>>
> >>>"""Converts a integer base 10 to a string base 2"""
> >>>
> >>>def binary(decimalInt, bigEndian = True, bits = 32, truncExcess = False):
> >>>    """
> >>>Integer to be converted is essential, Endianess is an optional flag;
> >>>me being a Win32 user, Endianess is big by default, defaults to a 32-bit
> >>>representation, most integers in Python being 32 bit. truncExcess will 
> >>>strip place-holder zeros for succintness.
> >>>
> >>>Oh, and it will represent 11111111 as 256, as I'm not sure whether you want
> >>>to start counting for zero with this. It's a simple matter to change."""
> >>>    tempList = ['0' for x in range(bits)]
> >>>    
> >>>    for bitPlace in range(bits, -1, -1):
> >>>        if decimalInt - 2**bitPlace >= 0:
> >>>            tempList[bitPlace] = '1'
> >>>            decimalInt = decimalInt - 2**bitPlace
> >>>    if bigEndian:
> >>>        tempList.reverse()
> >>>    
> >>>    outPut = ''.join(tempList)
> >>>    
> >>>    if truncExcess:
> >>>        if bigEndian:
> >>>            outPut=outPut.lstrip('0')
> >>>        else:
> >>>            outPut=outPut.rstrip('0')
> >>>    
> >>>    return outPut
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>
> >>>_______________________________________________
> >>>Tutor maillist  -
> >>>
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> -- 
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille
> INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
> Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
> TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde
> 34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
> tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68

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Enjoy Your Day.

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From dyoo at  Thu Feb 10 07:26:38 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb 10 07:26:44 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default argument
	value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling with the
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Ismael Garrido wrote:

> Danny Yoo wrote:
> >###
> >
> >def f(a,L=[]):
> >    if L==[5]:
> >        print 'L==[5] caught'
> >        print L
> >        print 'resetting L...'
> >        L=[]
> >    L.append(a)
> >    return L
> >###
> >
> Now I'm dizzy... I can't understand why there are two "L"!

Hi Ismael,

Ok, let's ignore the default argument stuff for the moment.

Let's change the program slightly, to the following:

someList = []

def f(a):
    L = someList
    if L == [5]:
        print "L == [5] caught"
        print L
        print "Resetting L..."
        L = []
    return L

Try out Jeffrey's experiments, and see if you see anything unusual.  Does
what you see make sense to you, or is it still baffling?

Please feel free to ask questions, and we'll go from there.  Best of
wishes to you!

From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb 10 08:58:58 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb 10 08:58:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is
References: <>
Message-ID: <07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>

> The main change in refactoring is moving it to OOP. I have a method
> that serves as the entry point for parsing the files.

Not an object? If you are thinking terms of what the methods
do its probably not OOP...

I would expect to see an object for the File, another for the Header,
a third for the Body and another for the Node. The first (containing
a header and bosdy object) is responsible for cracking open the file
and reading the lines, recognising where it has a header and sending
those lines to the header object and the rest to the bosy object.

The body object then reades those lines and creates a Node object
per node feeding it lines as appropriate...

> I want the body parser to accept a list of lines corresponding to
> nodes portions of my file, separate out each node (everything
>   node end tags, the bottommost end tag included in the node), and
> send each node's contents to a further method for processing.

Or to another object? Nouns are objects, verbs are methods.

> .    def body_parser(self, body_contents):

Pseudo code:
       class Body:
          def __init__(self,content):
            self.contents = contents
            self.nodes = []

          def parse(self):
             for line in self.contents:
                 if line == NodeStartTag:
                    node = Node()
                 if line == NodeEndTag:

          def __del__(self): del self.nodes

> .            self.node_parser(current_node_contents)

       class Node:
         def __init__(self,lines=[]):
              self.lines = lines
         def append(self,item):
         def parse(self):
              # your parsing method here.

Whats the advantage? If you have different node types you
can easily subclass Node and not change the File or Body
classes, just write a slightl'y different line parser.
That way your code remains more stable - you never need
to change working code to add a new node type...

Just an alternative to consider....

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb 10 09:14:04 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb 10 09:13:45 2005
Subject: e-mail address change (was Re: [Tutor] python's default
	argumentvalue handling in functions - weird syntax? problem
	grappling withthe	concept)
References: <>
Message-ID: <083101c50f48$7ce065b0$68b78851@xp>

> >def f(a,L=[]):
> >    if L==[5]:
> >        print 'L==[5] caught'
> >        print L
> >        print 'resetting L...'
> >        L=[]
> >    L.append(a)
> >    return L
> >
> >
> >###
> >
> Now I'm dizzy... I can't understand why there are two "L"!
> L is a local variable of the function, right?

L is a parameter if the function with a default value.
That means its a special type of local variable that
has a life outside the function. But while inside the
function it acts just like a local variable.

> anything else) Then if I reassign L to something, why doesn't it
> that change till next run?

Because local variables die and their contents are garbage
collected at the end of the function. L goes back to its
external life which points at the original default L.

> so it should keep the reassignation, no?

No, the whole point of this thread is that Python, as
the documentation said, only evaluates the default
value once, at function definition time, you *cannot*
change it. After each function invocation all local
changes are lost and it reverts to the ioriginal value.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb 10 09:24:24 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb 10 09:24:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
References: <><041401c50ae9$63c21a50$68b78851@xp><00ae01c50b3b$6b55d390$215428cf@JSLAPTOP><>
	<> <1108014184.4623.1.camel@KMA.accesstel>
Message-ID: <084b01c50f49$ee57d510$68b78851@xp>

> I am not so clued up on the 'base 2' and 'base 8' stuff.
> Care to explain that a little?

base 2 is binary, base 8 is octal.
We normally use base 10 decimal.

The base refers to the biggest number that can be represented
by a single digit. (Actually one less than the base because we
start with zero!) Thus in base 10 we have digits 0,1,2...,8,9
In base 8 we have 0,1,2...,6,7 and in binary 0,1

When we need a number bigger than a single digit can represent
we add another column, so 9+1 = 10, that is 1 ten plus zero units.

Similarly in base 8 & + 1 = 10
ie one eight and no units

and in base 2, 1+1 = 10
ie one two and zero units.

So the same principles hold as we are used to in decimal but
they just kick in at different points. But these are just
representational issues, the underlying value is the same
in each of the following cases:

9  - base 10
11 - base 8
1001 -base 2

You might also find base 16 - hexadecimal, or more commonly just hex.
There the numbers between 10 and 15 are represented by letters:


So the decimal number 27 is represented in hex as


And to make it clear which base is being used computer
languages adopt a simple convention of prefixing the digit in
ambiguous cases:

012 = implies 12 in base 8 (because of the leading 0
0x12 = implies 12 in hex because of the leading 0x
12 = implies decimal 12, no prefix.

HTH, A web search on 'number bases' or 'binary numbers'
should throw up much more detailed info

Alan G.

From maxnoel_fr at  Thu Feb 10 09:27:38 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Thu Feb 10 09:28:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <1108014184.4623.1.camel@KMA.accesstel>
References: <>
	<> <>
	<1107856983.4603.6.camel@KMA.accesstel> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 10, 2005, at 05:43, Johan Geldenhuys wrote:

>  I am not so clued up on the 'base 2' and 'base 8' stuff.
>  Care to explain that a little?

	Usually, we use base 10 numbers, that is, numbers that can be 
represented with 10 symbols (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
	Binary, or base 2, represents all the numbers with only 2 symbols (0 
and 1), whereas octal (base 8) uses 8 (0 to 7) and hexadecimal (base 
16) uses 16 (0 to 9 then A to F).

	In binary, 0b10 = 2, and 0b100 = 4.
	In octal, 010 = 8 and 0100 = 64.
	In hexadecimal, 0x10 = 16 and 0x100 = 256.

	Is that clearer now?

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From bvande at  Thu Feb 10 09:34:42 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Thu Feb 10 09:35:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <1108014184.4623.1.camel@KMA.accesstel>
References: <>
	<> <>
	<1107856983.4603.6.camel@KMA.accesstel> <>
Message-ID: <>

Johan Geldenhuys said unto the world upon 2005-02-10 00:43:
> I am not so clued up on the 'base 2' and 'base 8' stuff.
> Care to explain that a little?
> Johan
> On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 12:12, Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:

<SNIP much quoting of thread on bases among other things>

Hi Johan,

here's a go:

We have 10 fingers. Not coincidentally, we have a base 10 number 
system. OK, what's that mean?

Well, we have 10 primitive numerical symbols {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}. 
So, say we have 7 widgets and then we get another. No problem -- 8 
widgets. Another -- 9. One more? Well, we are out of primitive 
symbols. 9 means nine units. If we add another to 9, we end up with 
one tens and zero units: 10. Each additional place gives us a new 
multiple of 10. So 10342 is one ten-thousands, zero thousands, three 
hundreds, four tens and two units.

And, you might be thinking `Jeeze! I know all that.' Fair enough. 
Here's the switch:

Say we had a number system with only 8 numerical primitives: 
{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7). That is a base 8 system. (It isn't really the 
reason, but you can think of `base' as "how many primitive symbols is 
the number system based upon" and not be too far off.) If we have 
seven widgets, that's 7 as before. Add one. Well, there is no '8' 
symbol. So, 7 + 1 is one eights and zero units or 10 (010 in Pythonic 
notation but put that aside for now). Twenty four is 30 in base 8 -- 3 
eights and zero units. Likewise base 8 763 is 7 sixtyfours + 6 eights 
+ 3 units or 499 in base 10 or decimal notation.

Base 2 is where we have just the two primitive symbols 0 and 1. So,
11010 in binary notation is one sixteens+ one eights + zero fours + 
one twos + zero units or 26 in decimal. Likewise 14 is one eights and 
one fours and one twos and zero units or 1110.

The general principle is in a base X number system, you have only X 
primitives. To represent more than X - 1 things ('0' being one of the 
primitives) you move a place to the left, and consider the symbols in 
that place as representing X times as many things as the previous place.

I hope I've shed more light than shadows :-)


brian vdB
From bvande at  Thu Feb 10 10:43:02 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Thu Feb 10 10:46:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is
In-Reply-To: <07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 2005-02-10 02:58:
>>The main change in refactoring is moving it to OOP. I have a method
>>that serves as the entry point for parsing the files.
> Not an object? If you are thinking terms of what the methods
> do its probably not OOP...

Hi Alan,

That may well be :-) What I've done is have a class
File_in_the_format, and have all the parsing work going on in methods
of the class. My class is called with a filepath, the __init__ method
calls the _master_parser method which breaks things into head and
body, calling appropriate methods and so on.

I was thinking it was OOP even with just the one class as I am making
use of encapsulation and the class namespace to avoid passing
parameters about.

> I would expect to see an object for the File, another for the Header,
> a third for the Body and another for the Node. The first (containing
> a header and bosdy object) is responsible for cracking open the file
> and reading the lines, recognising where it has a header and sending
> those lines to the header object and the rest to the bosy object.
> The body object then reades those lines and creates a Node object
> per node feeding it lines as appropriate...

I originally tried to see how to do it that way, but got stuck. I'll
point to where by using your pseudo code below.


> Pseudo code:
>        class Body:
>           def __init__(self,content):
>             self.contents = contents
>             self.nodes = []
>           def parse(self):
>              for line in self.contents:
>                  if line == NodeStartTag:
>                     node = Node()        # Stuck here -- BvdB
>                  if line == NodeEndTag:
>                     self.nodes.append(node)
>                  node.append(line)
>           def __del__(self): del self.nodes

I got stuck at the place where I added a comment above. I didn't see
how I could do that, since I didn't yet have all of the node lines in
hand when it would be time to build a node.

>        class Node:
>          def __init__(self,lines=[]):
>               self.lines = lines
>          def append(self,item):        # Bing! -- BvdB
>               self.lines.append(item)
>          def parse(self):
>               # your parsing method here.

Well, that flipped a switch! I *knew in the abstract* that I can
define interfaces [?] like .append and .__add__. The puzzle pieces
just hadn't come together yet. They aren't all there yet either, but a
half an hour in the interpreter has already cleared away much
puzzlement over how to pull this off. So, thanks a lot for the push!

> Whats the advantage? If you have different node types you
> can easily subclass Node and not change the File or Body
> classes, just write a slightl'y different line parser.
> That way your code remains more stable - you never need
> to change working code to add a new node type...

Well, I don't *think* these considerations are going to enter into my
particular task. I'm working with a well documented text format for a
shareware app I have where the developer has recently changed the file
format to an undocumented binary format. So, I can be fairly confident
that my particular target is one I have complete knowledge about.

But, I absolutely see the point for the general case. I'm off to scrap
the code that made me happy :-( and redo it this way to learn better
habits :-)

Thanks again,

Brian vdB

From kent37 at  Thu Feb 10 11:52:51 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 10 11:52:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach
	is	morePythonic?
In-Reply-To: <07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
>>The main change in refactoring is moving it to OOP. I have a method
>>that serves as the entry point for parsing the files.
> Not an object? If you are thinking terms of what the methods
> do its probably not OOP...
> I would expect to see an object for the File, another for the Header,
> a third for the Body and another for the Node. The first (containing
> a header and bosdy object) is responsible for cracking open the file
> and reading the lines, recognising where it has a header and sending
> those lines to the header object and the rest to the bosy object.
> The body object then reades those lines and creates a Node object
> per node feeding it lines as appropriate...

This is a reasonable approach. Having the Body and Node classes gives a handy place to put functions 
to do something with that data. But I tend to take the Extreme Programming position of You Aren't 
Going To Need It. I would probably stick with the list representation of Node, for example, until I 
had some real work for the Node class to do.

It's definitely a judgement call when to introduce classes, there isn't a right way and a wrong way. 
Some problems cry out for classes, some clearly have no need, and then there is a gray area in the 

> Pseudo code:
>        class Body:
>           def __init__(self,content):
>             self.contents = contents
>             self.nodes = []
>           def parse(self):
>              for line in self.contents:
>                  if line == NodeStartTag:
>                     node = Node()
>                  if line == NodeEndTag:
>                     self.nodes.append(node)
>                  node.append(line)
>           def __del__(self): del self.nodes

Why is 'del self.nodes' needed? When the Body is del'ed the reference to self.nodes should be lost 
and the nodes list will be GC'd. Or am I missing something?

>        class Node:
>          def __init__(self,lines=[]):
>               self.lines = lines
>          def append(self,item):
>               self.lines.append(item)
>          def parse(self):
>               # your parsing method here.

You might want to extend list so a Node automatically has the behavior of a list.


From amonroe at  Thu Feb 10 12:45:41 2005
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Thu Feb 10 12:46:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Hex to Str - still an open issue
In-Reply-To: <1108014184.4623.1.camel@KMA.accesstel>
References: <>
	<> <>
	<1107856983.4603.6.camel@KMA.accesstel> <>
Message-ID: <>

> I am not so clued up on the 'base 2' and 'base 8' stuff.
> Care to explain that a little?

Easy. Imagine the numerals 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 were never invented.
You'd start counting at 0.
Next would come 1.
Now you've maxed out your first column so you have to carry to the
next column, so next would come 10.


From jsmith at  Thu Feb 10 16:22:51 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Thu Feb 10 16:22:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology (was: Are you allowed to shoot camels?)
Message-ID: <>

To all those who talked about hating the symbology in Perl and the
suggestion that it should be removed from a later version.  I just
remembered what you get for that symbology that I really do like about
Perl: variable interpolation in strings:

sprintf(newstr,"%s %d %f",s,n,r);

Becomes a little nicer in Python with:
newstr = '%s %d %f' % (s,n,r)

Although it's worse with:
newstr = s + ' ' + str(n) + ' ' + str(r)

But in my mind nothing beats the Perl statement:
newstr = "$s $n $r";

for clarity, ease of use, and maintainability.


From bill.mill at  Thu Feb 10 16:43:28 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Thu Feb 10 16:43:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology (was: Are you allowed to shoot camels?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I get the impression that many pythonistas don't like string
interpolation. I've never seen a clear definition of why. Anyway, it's
easy enough to add with the Itpl [1] module:

>>> import Itpl, sys
>>> sys.stdout = Itpl.filter()
>>> s, n, r = 0, 0, 0
>>> print "$s $n $r"
0 0 0
>>> x = Itpl.itpl("$s $n $r")
>>> x
'0 0 0'

And, of course, you can give Itpl.itpl a nicer name; I usually call it
pp(). If you don't need to change the behavior of the "print"
statement, then you don't need the Itpl.filter() line.


Bill Mill
bill.mill at

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 10:22:51 -0500, Smith, Jeff <> wrote:
> To all those who talked about hating the symbology in Perl and the
> suggestion that it should be removed from a later version.  I just
> remembered what you get for that symbology that I really do like about
> Perl: variable interpolation in strings:
> C:
> sprintf(newstr,"%s %d %f",s,n,r);
> Becomes a little nicer in Python with:
> newstr = '%s %d %f' % (s,n,r)
> Although it's worse with:
> newstr = s + ' ' + str(n) + ' ' + str(r)
> But in my mind nothing beats the Perl statement:
> newstr = "$s $n $r";
> for clarity, ease of use, and maintainability.
> Jeff
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From bill.mill at  Thu Feb 10 16:46:43 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Thu Feb 10 16:46:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology (was: Are you allowed to shoot camels?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry for the double post; I forgot one thing:

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 10:43:28 -0500, Bill Mill <> wrote:
> Jeff,
> I get the impression that many pythonistas don't like string
> interpolation. I've never seen a clear definition of why. Anyway, it's
> easy enough to add with the Itpl [1] module:
> >>> import Itpl, sys
> >>> sys.stdout = Itpl.filter()
> >>> s, n, r = 0, 0, 0
> >>> print "$s $n $r"
> 0 0 0
> >>> x = Itpl.itpl("$s $n $r")
> >>> x
> '0 0 0'

This works with arbitrary data types too, to be truer to your example:

>>> s, n, r = '0', 12, 3.4
>>> x = Itpl.itpl("$s $n $r")
>>> x
'0 12 3.4'

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From abli at  Thu Feb 10 18:22:30 2005
From: abli at (Abel Daniel)
Date: Thu Feb 10 18:21:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Perl Symbology
In-Reply-To: <> (Bill Mill's
	message of "Thu, 10 Feb 2005 10:43:28 -0500")
References: <>
Message-ID: <E1CzI1O-0000rq-Au@localhost.localdomain>

Bill Mill writes:

> I get the impression that many pythonistas don't like string
> interpolation. I've never seen a clear definition of why.
>From "import this":

     Explicit is better than implicit.

And doesn't perl's method mean that you have to escape _every_
_single_ '$' in strings? I think having to escape '\' is bad enough.
From bgailer at  Thu Feb 10 18:33:56 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Thu Feb 10 18:28:16 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(10.2)**** [Tutor] Re: python's default argument
	value handling in functions - weird syntax? problem grappling with the
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I regret my original answer since it led to frustration. I missed the point 
that the local variable is pointed to the once-created default object, and 
that reassigning to that name does NOT affect the once-created default object.

I am glad for a community in which we can cover each other's blind spots.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From bill.mill at  Thu Feb 10 19:04:48 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Thu Feb 10 19:32:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Perl Symbology
In-Reply-To: <E1CzI1O-0000rq-Au@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 18:22:30 +0100, Abel Daniel <> wrote:
> Bill Mill writes:
> > I get the impression that many pythonistas don't like string
> > interpolation. I've never seen a clear definition of why.
> >From "import this":
>      Explicit is better than implicit.
> And doesn't perl's method mean that you have to escape _every_
> _single_ '$' in strings? I think having to escape '\' is bad enough.


You've provided me with what is approximately the eleventy-seventh
explanation I've gotten as to why string interpolation is bad. I don't
think that any of them are "stupid", per se, but neither do I think
that any of them are strong enough to be convincing. In my perfect
language, string interpolation would be on by default.

That said, there are enough reasons to think that it's a bad idea that
it is warranted to avoid turning it on by default. I don't mind typing
pp("interpolate $mystring"), and although I do wish python
standardized it before version 2.4 [1], I hardly even feel that it's a
wart in the language.

I just wanted to tell the person who wanted string interpolation that
it's easy to add into the language and easy to use. One should not
take python out of consideration if one feels that string
interpolation is a killer feature.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at

From kent37 at  Thu Feb 10 19:43:21 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 10 19:43:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Python 2.4 includes a string.Template class which does much the same thing as Itpl.itpl():

  >>> from string import Template
  >>> s, n, r = '0', 12, 3.4
  >>> x = Template("$s $n $r")
  >>> x.substitute(locals())
'0 12 3.4'

If you want to bundle this up in a pp() function you have to do some magic to get the locals() of 
the caller. This seems to work:

  >>> import sys
  >>> def pp(s):
  ...   loc = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
  ...   print Template(s).substitute(loc)
  >>> pp("$s $n $r")
0 12 3.4


Bill Mill wrote:
> Jeff,
> I get the impression that many pythonistas don't like string
> interpolation. I've never seen a clear definition of why. Anyway, it's
> easy enough to add with the Itpl [1] module:
>>>>import Itpl, sys
>>>>sys.stdout = Itpl.filter()
>>>>s, n, r = 0, 0, 0
>>>>print "$s $n $r"
> 0 0 0
>>>>x = Itpl.itpl("$s $n $r")
> '0 0 0'
> And, of course, you can give Itpl.itpl a nicer name; I usually call it
> pp(). If you don't need to change the behavior of the "print"
> statement, then you don't need the Itpl.filter() line.
> [1]
> Peace
> Bill Mill
> bill.mill at
> On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 10:22:51 -0500, Smith, Jeff <> wrote:
>>To all those who talked about hating the symbology in Perl and the
>>suggestion that it should be removed from a later version.  I just
>>remembered what you get for that symbology that I really do like about
>>Perl: variable interpolation in strings:
>>sprintf(newstr,"%s %d %f",s,n,r);
>>Becomes a little nicer in Python with:
>>newstr = '%s %d %f' % (s,n,r)
>>Although it's worse with:
>>newstr = s + ' ' + str(n) + ' ' + str(r)
>>But in my mind nothing beats the Perl statement:
>>newstr = "$s $n $r";
>>for clarity, ease of use, and maintainability.
>>Tutor maillist  -
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From jsmith at  Thu Feb 10 19:59:04 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Thu Feb 10 19:59:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Perl Symbology
Message-ID: <>


No, you don't have to escape them all.  Perl treats single and double
quotes differently.  Single-quoted strings don't do interpolation and
double-quoted strings do.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Abel Daniel [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 12:23 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Perl Symbology

Bill Mill writes:

> I get the impression that many pythonistas don't like string  
>interpolation. I've never seen a clear definition of why. From "import 

     Explicit is better than implicit.

And doesn't perl's method mean that you have to escape _every_ _single_
'$' in strings? I think having to escape '\' is bad enough.
Tutor maillist  -
From bill.mill at  Thu Feb 10 19:59:58 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Thu Feb 10 20:00:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>


On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 13:43:21 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> Python 2.4 includes a string.Template class which does much the same thing as Itpl.itpl():
>   >>> from string import Template
>   >>> s, n, r = '0', 12, 3.4
>   >>> x = Template("$s $n $r")
>   >>> x.substitute(locals())
> '0 12 3.4'
> If you want to bundle this up in a pp() function you have to do some magic to get the locals() of
> the caller. This seems to work:
>   >>> import sys
>   >>> def pp(s):
>   ...   loc = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
>   ...   print Template(s).substitute(loc)
>   ...
>   >>> pp("$s $n $r")
> 0 12 3.4

I just didn't want to give an answer that only works in python 2.4,
and one furthermore which I have not tested.

You can also find a recipe to make pp() easy to make at . This
function may or may not be better than yours; I haven't used either.
the Itpl module has worked fine for me (and for the author of ipython)
for quite a while.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From kent37 at  Thu Feb 10 20:22:52 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 10 20:22:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Bill Mill wrote:
> Kent,
> On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 13:43:21 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
>>Python 2.4 includes a string.Template class which does much the same thing as Itpl.itpl():
> I just didn't want to give an answer that only works in python 2.4,
> and one furthermore which I have not tested.
> You can also find a recipe to make pp() easy to make at 
> . This
> function may or may not be better than yours; I haven't used either.

It's better, it looks at locals() and globals() as well as allowing dict and keyword args do pp() 

> the Itpl module has worked fine for me (and for the author of ipython)
> for quite a while.

I certainly didn't mean to cast any doubt on Itpl, I just thought it was worth pointing out that 
there is some support in the standard library now.


From alan.gauld at  Thu Feb 10 20:28:26 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Thu Feb 10 20:28:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology (was: Are you allowed to shoot camels?)
References: <>
Message-ID: <087d01c50fa6$b1debec0$68b78851@xp>

> Although it's worse with:
> newstr = s + ' ' + str(n) + ' ' + str(r)

You could try:

newstr = s + ' ' + `n` + ' ' + `r`

if you think thats better.
But `` is different to str() for some types.

Personally I prefer the formatting approach.

> But in my mind nothing beats the Perl statement:
> newstr = "$s $n $r";

Perl is king of string processing in modern scripting, 
without a doubt. But even here the $ prefix could have 
been used for that specific purpose without insisting 
it be used everywhere else!

BTW Anyone recall how Ruby does this?

Alan G.
Too lazy to look it up!
From bill.mill at  Thu Feb 10 20:50:34 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Thu Feb 10 20:50:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology (was: Are you allowed to shoot camels?)
In-Reply-To: <087d01c50fa6$b1debec0$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 19:28:26 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> > Although it's worse with:
> > newstr = s + ' ' + str(n) + ' ' + str(r)
> You could try:
> newstr = s + ' ' + `n` + ' ' + `r`
> if you think thats better.
> But `` is different to str() for some types.
> Personally I prefer the formatting approach.
> > But in my mind nothing beats the Perl statement:
> > newstr = "$s $n $r";
> Perl is king of string processing in modern scripting,
> without a doubt. But even here the $ prefix could have
> been used for that specific purpose without insisting
> it be used everywhere else!
> BTW Anyone recall how Ruby does this?

I don't know ruby at all, but a quick google and 30 interpreter seconds later:

irb(main):001:0> x = 12
=> 12
irb(main):002:0> '$x'
=> "$x"
irb(main):003:0> "$x"
=> "$x"
irb(main):004:0> "#{$x}"
=> ""
irb(main):005:0> "#{x}"
=> "12"
irb(main):006:0> '#{x}'
=> "#{x}"

so "#{<variable}" seems to do it. The googling shows that there are a
myriad of other ways, which I haven't even looked at. They all seem to
involve #{[symbol]<variable>} .

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From maxnoel_fr at  Thu Feb 10 20:58:55 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Thu Feb 10 20:59:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology (was: Are you allowed to shoot camels?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 10, 2005, at 19:50, Bill Mill wrote:

> so "#{<variable}" seems to do it. The googling shows that there are a
> myriad of other ways, which I haven't even looked at. They all seem to
> involve #{[symbol]<variable>} .

	Here, [symbol] refers to the scope(?) of the variable. See the 
discussion between me and Alan on this topic a while ago -- the use of 
these symbols being his main criticism of Ruby.

foo is a local variable
$foo is a global variable
@foo is an instance variable
@@foo is a class variable
FOO is a constant (which can be modded into global, instance or class 
with the appropriate use of $, @ or @@)

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From hugonz-lists at  Thu Feb 10 18:31:50 2005
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Thu Feb 10 23:06:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Perl Symbology (was: Are you allowed to shoot camels?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Smith, Jeff wrote:
> But in my mind nothing beats the Perl statement:
> newstr = "$s $n $r";
> for clarity, ease of use, and maintainability.

Only a little ease of use is lost with the following in Python, clarity 
and maintainability are kept, and it even will let you format the output 
(as in # of decimal places)

newstr = "%{s}s %(n)s %(r)s"%locals()

If you cannot assume a type you can always just use %s...


From cyresse at  Fri Feb 11 08:09:10 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb 11 08:09:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Data storage, SQL?
Message-ID: <>


I'm looking to create a prog that will store disparate bits of info
all linked together, i.e. address details for a person, transaction
records, specific themes, and the ability to search by certain
criteria, so I'm pretty sure I want a database.

Can anyone recommend a useful database library for Python that's not
too complex?
Also, I keep hearing about SQL, would this be the best way to go? I
don't know much about databases.


Liam Clarke
'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From bvande at  Fri Feb 11 09:04:27 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Fri Feb 11 09:06:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] default argument frustration
In-Reply-To: <07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 2005-02-10 02:58:

>        class Node:
>          def __init__(self,lines=[]):   # here's the zowie BvdB
>               self.lines = lines        
>          def append(self,item):         
>               self.lines.append(item)
>          def parse(self):
>               # your parsing method here.

Hi all,

I've been following the general approach that Alan suggested and have 
been happily making much headway. (The code is about twice as long as 
before and does about 4 times as many things :-) )

At first, I ended up with every single node being a copy of the first 
one processed. A bit of weeping later, I realized that this is from 
the feature [?] of Python that default arguments are evaluated just 
once. (Note the comment added above.)

Happily, I didn't need the default argument. And even if I did, 
there's the work around from the tutorial 
that's been under recent discussion in the
python's default argument value handling in functions - weird syntax? 
problem grappling with the concept

I may have missed the discussion in that thread but:

FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE can someone tell me even one reason why this 
isn't a misfeature?!?!

Sorry for the shouting, but this issue seems to come up a lot. 
Officially, I do know about it, but it often takes me considerable 
frustration to realize it's what's ruining my day. I'd be far happier 
if I could see that there was a good reason for this behaviour. 
(There'd even be a chance that I'd remember more readily--I hope so, 
these keyboards are getting expensive.) I'm sure there is one, as I 
don't believe that Dutchman are particularly given to sadism.

Thanks, and best to all,

Brian vdB

From kent37 at  Fri Feb 11 12:00:34 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 11 12:00:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Data storage, SQL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm looking to create a prog that will store disparate bits of info
> all linked together, i.e. address details for a person, transaction
> records, specific themes, and the ability to search by certain
> criteria, so I'm pretty sure I want a database.
> Can anyone recommend a useful database library for Python that's not
> too complex?

Most Python database access modules implement the Python DB-API. This is a standard API created by 
the Python community. As a result most Python database libraries are pretty similar from the 
programmer's point of view.

See the Database Topic Guide for the DB-API spec and links to modules that support it.

> Also, I keep hearing about SQL, would this be the best way to go? I
> don't know much about databases.

SQL is a standardized language for giving commands to databases. Most (all?) industrial-strength 
databases use SQL as their command language. (DB-API is actually a wrapper around SQL - it 
standardizes the API to issue a SQL command and read the results.)

SQL is kind of a strange beast and has a style and learning curve all its own. It is worth learning 
if you expect to be using databases much in your future. There are some light-weight databases that 
don't use SQL (KirbyBase and MetaKit are two) but all of the major ones do.

A couple of pages that might help you make a choice:

Note that DB-API and SQL don't provide 100% portability between databases; there are differences in 
the details that can trip you up.


> Regards,
> Liam Clarke

From matthew.williams at  Fri Feb 11 12:29:38 2005
From: matthew.williams at (Matt Williams)
Date: Fri Feb 11 12:29:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Database
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I would recommend KirbyBase as a quick starter - it's nice and simple,
and outputs text files, so you can always check things manually.


From kent37 at  Fri Feb 11 13:34:41 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 11 13:34:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Data storage, SQL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> SQL is a standardized language for giving commands to databases. Most 
> (all?) industrial-strength databases use SQL as their command language. 
> (DB-API is actually a wrapper around SQL - it standardizes the API to 
> issue a SQL command and read the results.)
> SQL is kind of a strange beast and has a style and learning curve all 
> its own. It is worth learning if you expect to be using databases much 
> in your future. There are some light-weight databases that don't use SQL 
> (KirbyBase and MetaKit are two) but all of the major ones do.

I don't know any good on-line resources for learning SQL - maybe others have a recommendation. A 
book I like is "The Practical SQL Handbook" by Judith Bowman, Sandra Emerson, Marcy Darnovsky


From kent37 at  Fri Feb 11 14:04:20 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 11 14:04:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] default argument frustration
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> At first, I ended up with every single node being a copy of the first 
> one processed. A bit of weeping later, I realized that this is from the 
> feature [?] of Python that default arguments are evaluated just once. 
> (Note the comment added above.)
> <venting>
> FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE can someone tell me even one reason why this isn't 
> a misfeature?!?!
> </venting>

I will guess...because historically it was useful, and because the alternative is problematic.

Before Python 2.1, when nested scopes were introduced, default arguments were widely used as a way
to bind values from the local environment into a function.

For example, suppose I want to write a function of one argument that returns a function of one
argument that adds the two arguments together. Today, I can write
  >>> def makeAdder(n):
  ...   def f(x):
  ...     return x+n
  ...   return f
  >>> add5 = makeAdder(5)
  >>> add5(2)

In Python 2.0 this doesn't work, add5 will not know the value of n.

The common workaround was to provide n as a default argument to f:

  >>> def makeAdder2(n):
  ...   def f(x, n=n):
  ...     return x+n
  ...   return f

Now n is bound as a default argument when f is created, and makeAdder2() works the same as makeAdder().

OK, now imagine what would happen to makeAdder2() if the default argument was evaluated at the point 
of call? It would use whatever value of n was in scope at the time. This could be confusing - n 
might well not even be defined!

What this really does is make variables in default arguments be dynamically scoped. Since other 
variables in Python are lexically scoped, this would be kind of strange.


From kent37 at  Fri Feb 11 14:05:29 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 11 14:05:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Data storage, SQL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> I don't know any good on-line resources for learning SQL

The Wikipedia entry for SQL has links to quite a few tutorials:


From jsmith at  Fri Feb 11 15:28:35 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:28:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Simple question on creating a filter
Message-ID: <>

I'm sorry to both with such a simple question but I've looked in the
normal places and don't see the quick and dirty answer I know must

I want to write a simple line selection filter that could be used like:

filter < file

In Perl I would do:

while (<>)
	print if line meets selection criteria;

I've tried what I thought would be the Python equivalent but it doesn't

for line in sys.stdin:
	if line meets selection criteria:
		print line

I get the following at runtime:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "U:\TimeKeeper\", line 2, in ?
    for line in sys.stdin:
IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

This is with Python 2.4 on Windows.

From bill.mill at  Fri Feb 11 15:38:01 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:38:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Simple question on creating a filter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 09:28:35 -0500, Smith, Jeff <> wrote:
> I'm sorry to both with such a simple question but I've looked in the
> normal places and don't see the quick and dirty answer I know must
> exist.

No worries; that's what this list is for.

> I want to write a simple line selection filter that could be used like:
> filter < file
> In Perl I would do:
> while (<>)
> {
>         print if line meets selection criteria;
> }
> I've tried what I thought would be the Python equivalent but it doesn't
> work:
> for line in sys.stdin:
>         if line meets selection criteria:
>                 print line
> I get the following at runtime:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "U:\TimeKeeper\", line 2, in ?
>     for line in sys.stdin:
> IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

I'm not quite sure how you're getting that "bad file dscriptor" error.
My code, also on windows (and cygwin) with python2.4:

/d/code/python$ cat
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
    if line.startswith('a'):
        print line.strip()

/d/code/python$ cat test_in

/d/code/python$ python < test_in

Try to run it like I did, and let me know if it gives you the same
thing; that'll give us a common point of reference.

Bll Mill
bill.mill at

> This is with Python 2.4 on Windows.
> Jeff
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From maitj at  Fri Feb 11 16:03:30 2005
From: maitj at (Jeffrey Maitland)
Date: Fri Feb 11 16:03:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Might be a silly question!
Message-ID: <>

Hello all, 

I am drawing a blank right now and can't seem to find anything on it and I 
am sure this issue has been addressed before, so here is the question. 

Can and if you can how do you set a variable as a constant? 

Example of what I mean: (this is loose and not python since variable type 
declaration is not needed in python) 

CONST int gamma = 5 

This would mean in my little mind that the variable gamma which is an 
integer of 5 can not be changed in the code and would throw an error if you 
tried. Just wondering if there is a way of doing this in Python.  This is 
just to clear this up in my mind it means nothing to my code since the way I 
write variable names any variable I want to remain unchanged I use caps to 
help distinguish easily. 



"They say the quickest way between to 2 points is a straight line, however 
where is the fun in that?"
From jsmith at  Fri Feb 11 16:26:50 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Fri Feb 11 16:26:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Simple question on creating a filter
Message-ID: <>

Good catch Bill,

I was using assoc and ftype to allow me to run my directly as
a command and using:

filter < file

Unfortunately, Windows doesn't handle this properly and I had to do

C:\Python24\python < file

To get it to work.


P.S. In retrospect, I've had the same problem with Perl but because of
my newbie status I assumed I was doin' something wrong :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Mill [] 
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 9:38 AM
To: Smith, Jeff
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Simple question on creating a filter

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 09:28:35 -0500, Smith, Jeff <>
> I'm sorry to both with such a simple question but I've looked in the 
> normal places and don't see the quick and dirty answer I know must 
> exist.

No worries; that's what this list is for.

> I want to write a simple line selection filter that could be used 
> like:
> filter < file
> In Perl I would do:
> while (<>)
> {
>         print if line meets selection criteria;
> }
> I've tried what I thought would be the Python equivalent but it 
> doesn't
> work:
> for line in sys.stdin:
>         if line meets selection criteria:
>                 print line
> I get the following at runtime:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "U:\TimeKeeper\", line 2, in ?
>     for line in sys.stdin:
> IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

I'm not quite sure how you're getting that "bad file dscriptor" error.
My code, also on windows (and cygwin) with python2.4:

/d/code/python$ cat
import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
    if line.startswith('a'):
        print line.strip()

/d/code/python$ cat test_in

/d/code/python$ python < test_in

Try to run it like I did, and let me know if it gives you the same
thing; that'll give us a common point of reference.

Bll Mill
bill.mill at

> This is with Python 2.4 on Windows.
> Jeff
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  - 
From bill.mill at  Fri Feb 11 16:38:57 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Fri Feb 11 16:39:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Might be a silly question!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:03:30 -0500, Jeffrey Maitland <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am drawing a blank right now and can't seem to find anything on it and I
> am sure this issue has been addressed before, so here is the question.
> Can and if you can how do you set a variable as a constant?
> Example of what I mean: (this is loose and not python since variable type
> declaration is not needed in python)
> CONST int gamma = 5
> This would mean in my little mind that the variable gamma which is an
> integer of 5 can not be changed in the code and would throw an error if you
> tried. Just wondering if there is a way of doing this in Python.

There is no real way to guarantee this in Python.

>  This is
> just to clear this up in my mind it means nothing to my code since the way I
> write variable names any variable I want to remain unchanged I use caps to
> help distinguish easily.

Constants are enforced by convention in Python. Any variable with a
name in ALL CAPS is considered to be a constant, and it is considered
bad programming style to change it. While it sounds like a weak
system, and I'm sure there have been problems with it, I've never
heard of one. Remember to only import the names you need from the
classes you import, and you should be fine.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From maitj at  Fri Feb 11 16:47:42 2005
From: maitj at (Jeffrey Maitland)
Date: Fri Feb 11 16:47:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Might be a silly question!
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks that's what I thought. 

Wasn't 100% sure that is what prompted me to ask the question in here. 

As for the CAPS thing for constants, I generally try and practice (to the 
best of my knowledge) proper programming consepts/styles/standards. However 
I have been reading code written before me (mind you it's C++) and the 
authors seemed to follow what ever style they wished to that day.  Oh well 
that's the nature of the beast. 

Thanks again for clearing that up for me. 


Bill Mill writes: 

> Jeff, 
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:03:30 -0500, Jeffrey Maitland <> wrote:
>> Hello all, 
>> I am drawing a blank right now and can't seem to find anything on it and I
>> am sure this issue has been addressed before, so here is the question. 
>> Can and if you can how do you set a variable as a constant? 
>> Example of what I mean: (this is loose and not python since variable type
>> declaration is not needed in python) 
>> CONST int gamma = 5 
>> This would mean in my little mind that the variable gamma which is an
>> integer of 5 can not be changed in the code and would throw an error if you
>> tried. Just wondering if there is a way of doing this in Python.
> There is no real way to guarantee this in Python. 
>>  This is
>> just to clear this up in my mind it means nothing to my code since the way I
>> write variable names any variable I want to remain unchanged I use caps to
>> help distinguish easily.
> Constants are enforced by convention in Python. Any variable with a
> name in ALL CAPS is considered to be a constant, and it is considered
> bad programming style to change it. While it sounds like a weak
> system, and I'm sure there have been problems with it, I've never
> heard of one. Remember to only import the names you need from the
> classes you import, and you should be fine. 
> Peace
> Bill Mill
> bill.mill at

From mark.brown at  Fri Feb 11 16:52:03 2005
From: mark.brown at (Mark Brown)
Date: Fri Feb 11 16:52:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
Message-ID: <>

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From zanesdad at  Fri Feb 11 17:04:11 2005
From: zanesdad at (Jeremy Jones)
Date: Fri Feb 11 17:05:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Brown wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is better 
> structure:
>    1. if not os.path.exists('filename'):
>    2. if os.path.exists('filename') == False:
My preference would be the first (if not os.path.exists).  
os.path.exists returns a boolean (I think), so the "if" will directly 
check that rather than having to setup a second truth statement (== 
False) for "if" to check.  It's more readable to me and just "feels better."

> They both work so if one preferred over the other?
> Thanks
> Mark Brown
>Tutor maillist  -

Jeremy Jones
-------------- next part --------------
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From bvande at  Fri Feb 11 17:15:25 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Fri Feb 11 17:16:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is
In-Reply-To: <07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 2005-02-10 02:58:
> Pseudo code:
>        class Body:
>           def __init__(self,content):
>             self.contents = contents
>             self.nodes = []
>           def parse(self):
>              for line in self.contents:
>                  if line == NodeStartTag:
>                     node = Node()
>                  if line == NodeEndTag:
>                     self.nodes.append(node)
>                  node.append(line)
>        class Node:
>          def __init__(self,lines=[]):
>               self.lines = lines
>          def append(self,item):
>               self.lines.append(item)
>          def parse(self):
>               # your parsing method here.

Hi all,

YAQ (Yet Another Question):

Following the general pattern, I end up with a Body object which has 
an attribute .nodes that consists of a list of Node objects.

So, something like:

My Example Body
    Node List
       Node the first
       Node the second

Is there any way to make methods of the Node class access attributes 
of `parents' of instances? I would like a Node instance such as Node 
the first above to be aware just what it is a node of and what its 
siblings are.

Does this make sense?

Best to all,

Brian vdB

PS Thanks for the reply to my venting question, Kent.

From zanesdad at  Fri Feb 11 17:27:37 2005
From: zanesdad at (Jeremy Jones)
Date: Fri Feb 11 17:29:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach
	is	morePythonic?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:

> Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 2005-02-10 02:58:
>> Pseudo code:
>>        class Body:
>>           def __init__(self,content):
>>             self.contents = contents
>>             self.nodes = []
>>           def parse(self):
>>              for line in self.contents:
>>                  if line == NodeStartTag:
>>                     node = Node()
>>                  if line == NodeEndTag:
>>                     self.nodes.append(node)
>>                  node.append(line)
>>        class Node:
>>          def __init__(self,lines=[]):
>>               self.lines = lines
>>          def append(self,item):
>>               self.lines.append(item)
>>          def parse(self):
>>               # your parsing method here.
> Hi all,
> YAQ (Yet Another Question):
> Following the general pattern, I end up with a Body object which has 
> an attribute .nodes that consists of a list of Node objects.
> So, something like:
> My Example Body
>    Node List
>       Node the first
>       Node the second
> Is there any way to make methods of the Node class access attributes 
> of `parents' of instances? I would like a Node instance such as Node 
> the first above to be aware just what it is a node of and what its 
> siblings are.
> Does this make sense?

I think so.  I haven't tested this (pseudo) code which I took from your 
above post and just modified it, but I think you want something like this:

Pseudo code:
       class Body:
          def __init__(self,content):
            self.contents = contents
            self.nodes = []

          def parse(self):
             for line in self.contents:
                 if line == NodeStartTag:
                    node = Node(self) #when you create a node, pass in 
the parent object like this
                 if line == NodeEndTag:

       class Node:
         def __init__(self, parent, lines=[]):
              self.lines = lines
              self.parent = parent #and store the parent like this
         def append(self,item):
         def parse(self):
              # your parsing method here.
         def show_siblings(self):
              print self.parent.nodes # and you can access the parent 
kinda like this.

You don't want to get too carried away with something like this, 
though.  You may want to read up on the Law of Demeter.  This (in my 
opinion) is fine, though.

> Best to all,
> Brian vdB
> PS Thanks for the reply to my venting question, Kent.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
Jeremy Jones
From kent37 at  Fri Feb 11 17:34:02 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 11 17:34:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach
	is	morePythonic?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 2005-02-10 02:58:
>> Pseudo code:
>>        class Body:
>>           def __init__(self,content):
>>             self.contents = contents
>>             self.nodes = []
>>           def parse(self):
>>              for line in self.contents:
>>                  if line == NodeStartTag:
>>                     node = Node()
>>                  if line == NodeEndTag:
>>                     self.nodes.append(node)
>>                  node.append(line)
>>        class Node:
>>          def __init__(self,lines=[]):
>>               self.lines = lines
>>          def append(self,item):
>>               self.lines.append(item)
>>          def parse(self):
>>               # your parsing method here.
> Hi all,
> YAQ (Yet Another Question):
> Following the general pattern, I end up with a Body object which has an 
> attribute .nodes that consists of a list of Node objects.
> So, something like:
> My Example Body
>    Node List
>       Node the first
>       Node the second
> Is there any way to make methods of the Node class access attributes of 
> `parents' of instances? I would like a Node instance such as Node the 
> first above to be aware just what it is a node of and what its siblings 
> are.

You have to tell it the parent. ("Explicit is better than implicit.") For example you could pass a 
reference to Body to the Node in the constructor:

            def parse(self):
               for line in self.contents:
                   if line == NodeStartTag:
                      node = Node(self)    # HERE
                   if line == NodeEndTag:

In general I think this is a bad design. I try to avoid telling components about their parents in 
any kind of containment hierarchy. If the component knows about its parent, then the component can't 
be reused in a different context and it can't be tested without creating the expected context.

Is there another way you could accomplish what you want?


> Does this make sense?
> Best to all,
> Brian vdB
> PS Thanks for the reply to my venting question, Kent.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From ryan at  Fri Feb 11 18:39:40 2005
From: ryan at (Ryan Davis)
Date: Fri Feb 11 18:39:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Larger program organization
Message-ID: <>

I'm starting to make a code-generation suite in python, customized to the way we ASP.NET at my company, and I'm having some trouble
finding a good way to organize all the code.  I keep writing it, but it feels more and more spaghetti-ish every day.
I'm going to look at the other stuff in site-packages to see if I can glean any wisdom, and have googled a bit, coming up mostly
blank or with trivial examples.  Are there any helpful links or advice anyone has for building larger systems?  
My background is mostly C#, so I'm used to the ridiculous rigidity of strongly-typed languages. I have been using python for helper
apps for a few months now, so am pretty familiar with the syntax now, but I don't know any of the patterns yet.  My nefarious goal
is to supplant C#/ASP.NET with Python, but I need to figure out how to make programs clients want to pay for before I can make any
reasonable argument.
Ryan Davis
Director of Programming Services 
-------------- next part --------------
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From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb 11 19:21:25 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:20:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Data storage, SQL?
References: <>
Message-ID: <001901c51066$80ad0b20$31d78751@xp>

> I'm looking to create a prog that will store disparate bits of info
> all linked together, i.e. address details for a person, transaction
> records, specific themes, and the ability to search by certain
> criteria, so I'm pretty sure I want a database.

Sounds a lot like it!

> Can anyone recommend a useful database library for Python that's not
> too complex?

MYSql gets a lot of fans. PostGres is also popular and both are free.
My personal favourite although I'm not sure the free version is still
available is Borland's Interbase (and there was an open source spinoff
too - Firebird - not to be confused with the mail tool!

I just checked and Interbvase is still free to download.
A comparison of all 3 can be found here:

> Also, I keep hearing about SQL, would this be the best way to go? I
> don't know much about databases.

You should learn SQL. Its a very powerful and useful tool for any
kind of serious data work and is fairly portable between databases
from MS Access on a PC to IBMs DB2 on a mainframe.

Basic use is very easy:


And you can abbreviate it as needed and add extra complexity too.

Here is a more concrete example:

SELECT Name, Age
FROM Student
WHERE Age > 30
ORDER by Name

Will return a tuple of Name, Age pairs for all records in the Student
table where the age is greater than 30 and sorted by student name.

Now think about how much Python code youd need to do that from a
flat file... Doable but much harder work.

Now lets start linking data together:

SELECT Name, Age, Course.Name
FROM Student, Course
WHERE Age > 30
AND Student.CourseID = Course.CourseID

Here we are linking the course table with the student table
so we can see which courses our mature students are studying.

There are lots of other things you can do including nesting
select statements, only having unique values output etc.

The other advantage is that if you just want to explore your
data most databases will provide an interactive prompt
(like Pythons >>>) where you can interactively type SQL
queries so the development style is very like Python and
the two can be used together very easily and naturally.

(Maybe I could do a SQL primer as part of my advanced
topics section in the tutorial... hmm. An intro to SQL then
the next topic showing how to use the Python DBAPI to
link SQL and Python - any takers for that idea?)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb 11 19:30:17 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:29:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] default argument frustration
References: <><07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <001e01c51067$bd0478f0$31d78751@xp>

> <venting>
> FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE can someone tell me even one reason why this 
> isn't a misfeature?!?!
> </venting>


Its the only sane way to implement default arguments. The whole 
point of function definitions is that they provide a single concise 
interface. The function should return the same result each time 
you call it with the same input. The only way to achieve that 
is to have the default calculated once.

The problem is that the default value can be a mutable object
(and that aspect could be argued as a mis-feature) which leads 
to apparently different behaviour for the same input as the 
recent thread illustrated. But in fact the same object is being 
returnd its just the internal content that changes...

And of course this behaviour is exploited regularly in Python 
in the same way that static variables are exploited in C. 

But I agree that it can be confusing when the default is mutable
but since the only reasonable option would have been to restrict 
default values to immutable types I think I prefer the confusion...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb 11 19:35:54 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:35:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Data storage, SQL?
References: <><>
Message-ID: <003501c51068$85c32890$31d78751@xp>

> I don't know any good on-line resources for learning SQL 

I like

Its got a live SQL prompt so you can practice with their database 
and see the results. It seems fairly clearly written too.

Caveat: I'#ve only gone through a few of the pages to check 
it out, I haven't followeed it to completion - and I already 
know SQL which always helps!

But its best to get a book that focuses on the specific dialect 
used by your database in the longer term.

Alan G.
From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb 11 19:39:27 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:39:40 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Simple question on creating a filter
References: <>
Message-ID: <004401c51069$254904c0$31d78751@xp>

> In Perl I would do:
> while (<>)
> {
> print if line meets selection criteria;
> }

You may want to check out the fileinput module.
It takes care of multiple files being passed as input and such like

> for line in sys.stdin:
> if line meets selection criteria:
> print line

>    for line in sys.stdin:
> IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

Sorry, I'm stumped - you did import sys I assume?

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb 11 19:42:02 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:41:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Might be a silly question!
References: <>
Message-ID: <004501c51069$60abf5e0$31d78751@xp>

> Can and if you can how do you set a variable as a constant? 

Only by resorting to tricks involving classes and properties.
There is a cookbook recipe if I recall correctly.

Vanilla Python doesn't have the concept of constants other 
than as a naming convention (all uppercase). Its part of the 
"we are all consenting adults" approach.

Alan G.
From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb 11 19:44:18 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:43:40 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Might be a silly question!
References: <><>
Message-ID: <005901c51069$b1d08350$31d78751@xp>

> I have been reading code written before me (mind you it's C++) and
> authors seemed to follow what ever style they wished to that day.

And that's C++ style, it has no single standard approach...

> that's the nature of the beast.

How very true.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb 11 19:45:51 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:50:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
References: <>
Message-ID: <005e01c51069$e92f0330$31d78751@xp>

> I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is
better structure:

>   1.. if not os.path.exists('filename'):
>   2.. if os.path.exists('filename') == False:

Which one reads easiest?
I'd say the first one personally. But both are OK.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb 11 19:51:19 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:50:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach
References: <><07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>
Message-ID: <006d01c5106a$ad0bb2d0$31d78751@xp>

> My Example Body
>     Node List
>        Node the first
>        Node the second
> Is there any way to make methods of the Node class access attributes
> of `parents' of instances? I would like a Node instance such as Node
> the first above to be aware just what it is a node of and what its
> siblings are.

Pass a reference to the container into the constructor of Node

class Body:
      def parse(self):
          for line in self.contents:
              if line == NodeStartTag:
                 node = Node(self)
              if line == NodeEndTag:

And modify the Node constructor to accept and assign the value
to self.parent.  This is the same approach used in Tkinter to
navigate between GUI components such as buttons and theor
containing frame.

(And to pick up on someone else's question this is why you should
put in a __del__ to tidy up the Node list when Body is destructed
- otherwise you get circular references which can cause memory
leaks by confusing the garbage collector!


Alan G.

From kent37 at  Fri Feb 11 20:19:14 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 11 20:19:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which
	approach	ismorePythonic?
In-Reply-To: <006d01c5106a$ad0bb2d0$31d78751@xp>
References: <><07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld wrote:
> (And to pick up on someone else's question this is why you should
> put in a __del__ to tidy up the Node list when Body is destructed
> - otherwise you get circular references which can cause memory
> leaks by confusing the garbage collector!

CPython has been able to GC cycles since version 2.0.

AFAIK Java has always been able to GC cycles so Jython should be OK too.


From billk at  Fri Feb 11 20:29:51 2005
From: billk at (Bill Kranec)
Date: Fri Feb 11 20:29:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Data storage, SQL?
In-Reply-To: <001901c51066$80ad0b20$31d78751@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I also recommend learning SQL.  It is not very hard to learn, and 
sometimes it may be advantageous to do data manipulation directly in the 
database, rather than with Python.  As far as databases go, I would 
recommend Firebird, as I have found that it has a good number of 
features, is free, and yet is also fairly easy to install and run, even 
on Windows (I could never get MySQL to work quite right). FlameRobin 
( is a nice GUI interface for Firebird.

>(Maybe I could do a SQL primer as part of my advanced
>topics section in the tutorial... hmm. An intro to SQL then
>the next topic showing how to use the Python DBAPI to
>link SQL and Python - any takers for that idea?)
>Alan G
I would love to read an in depth explanation of the Python DBAPI.  The 
only thing preventing me from connecting my Python and SQL programs is a 
lack of understanding of the API, which boils down to ( I think ):

1. How to actually pass SQL code to the database using the API (A good 
example is all I really need).
2. Why does the API use cursor objects to pass commands to the 
database?  Isn't this inefficient from the SQL point of view?
3. What is the best way to deal with the returned result set?  Can I 
assign it to a list or dictionary?

I apologize if any of these questions are overly ignorant, and would be 
very appreciative for any help.

From dyoo at  Fri Feb 11 20:35:41 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Feb 11 20:35:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Simple question on creating a filter
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:

> I'm sorry to both with such a simple question but I've looked in the
> normal places and don't see the quick and dirty answer I know must
> exist.
> I want to write a simple line selection filter that could be used like:
> filter < file
> I get the following at runtime:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "U:\TimeKeeper\", line 2, in ?
>     for line in sys.stdin:
> IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

Hi Jeff,

Ok there might be a problem with Windows; I see:

which sounds really similar to the problem you're seeing.

here appears to be a bug in the Windows shell that you may need to work
around.  The most common workaround I see is wrapping the program with a
'cmd' file. So you can do write a "mine.cmd" program with the following

### mine.cmd
@python %*

After which, you should be able to say:

    mine < file

and things should work again.

There's a thread about this issue here:

Best of wishes to you!

From zen45800 at  Sat Feb 12 05:21:12 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Fri Feb 11 21:21:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle needles
Message-ID: <>


Just started with Idle and Python :-)

The tutorials I am accessing with Firefox
and there seems to be a conflict in which the 
Idle editor is trying to (or reported as accessing the Net
but does not (according to the literature and warning)

More seriously I can not run Idle and Firefox together
Not quite sure what to do other than download the whole web sites?

Any help or solutions most welcome.

Very pleased with what I have learned so far :-) 

I am using Win98 Python 2.4 and Zone Alarm

Ed Jason

From bgailer at  Fri Feb 11 21:28:34 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Fri Feb 11 21:23:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 08:52 AM 2/11/2005, Mark Brown wrote:
>I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is better 

if not os.path.exists('filename'):

IMHO the above is preferable to the below. It is much more "intuitive".

if os.path.exists('filename') == False:

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 
-------------- next part --------------
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From bgailer at  Fri Feb 11 21:34:14 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Fri Feb 11 21:32:35 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 10:39 AM 2/11/2005, Ryan Davis wrote:
>I'm starting to make a code-generation suite in python, customized to the 
>way we ASP.NET at my company, and I'm having some trouble finding a good 
>way to organize all the code.

My take on doing that in Python:

Organize things into modules. Especially with an eye to potential reuse. 
Look at the module index in the docs to see how most of the "standard" 
modules focus on doing one thing well.

Within a module create classes for every conceivable object. Whenever you 
find yourself writing an if statement ask whether this would be better 
handled by subclasses. Whenever you find yourself about to write a global 
statement, consider making the variables properties of a class.

Within classes create methods applicable to those classes. Within 
subclasses create methods applicable to those subclasses.

>I keep writing it, but it feels more and more spaghetti-ish every day.
>I'm going to look at the other stuff in site-packages to see if I can 
>glean any wisdom, and have googled a bit, coming up mostly blank or with 
>trivial examples.  Are there any helpful links or advice anyone has for 
>building larger systems?
>My background is mostly C#, so I'm used to the ridiculous rigidity of 
>strongly-typed languages. I have been using python for helper apps for a 
>few months now, so am pretty familiar with the syntax now, but I don't 
>know any of the patterns yet.  My nefarious goal is to supplant C#/ASP.NET 
>with Python, but I need to figure out how to make programs clients want to 
>pay for before I can make any reasonable argument.
>Ryan Davis
>Director of Programming Services
>Tutor maillist  -

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 
-------------- next part --------------
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From project5 at  Fri Feb 11 20:07:23 2005
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri Feb 11 21:34:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Negative IF conditions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <cuivlo$ju2$>

Mark Brown wrote:
> I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is better 
> structure:
>    1. if not os.path.exists('filename'):
>    2. if os.path.exists('filename') == False:

I prefer the "if not" variety.



From kent37 at  Fri Feb 11 21:38:18 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 11 21:38:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Brown wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is better 
> structure:
>    1. if not os.path.exists('filename'):

I prefer the above.

>    2. if os.path.exists('filename') == False:
> They both work so if one preferred over the other?

Note that in Python in general, 'not x' and 'x == False' are not equivalent; 'not x' will be true 
for many more values than just False. For example
not 0
not 0.0
not []
not {}

are all True.


> Thanks
> Mark Brown
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From bgailer at  Fri Feb 11 22:09:00 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Fri Feb 11 22:03:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 01:38 PM 2/11/2005, Kent Johnson wrote:
>Mark Brown wrote:
>>I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is better 
>>    1. if not os.path.exists('filename'):
>I prefer the above.
>>    2. if os.path.exists('filename') == False:
>>They both work so if one preferred over the other?
>Note that in Python in general, 'not x' and 'x == False' are not 
>equivalent; 'not x' will be true for many more values than just False. For 
>not 0
>not 0.0
>not []
>not {}
>are all True.

Oops. 0 and 0.0 do == False.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From kent37 at  Fri Feb 11 22:11:05 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 11 22:11:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Gailer wrote:
> At 01:38 PM 2/11/2005, Kent Johnson wrote:
>> Note that in Python in general, 'not x' and 'x == False' are not 
>> equivalent; 'not x' will be true for many more values than just False. 
>> For example
>> not 0
>> not 0.0
>> not []
>> not {}
>> are all True.
> Oops. 0 and 0.0 do == False.

Uh, right. Thanks!


From bgailer at  Fri Feb 11 22:06:26 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Fri Feb 11 22:24:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 01:38 PM 2/11/2005, Kent Johnson wrote:
>Mark Brown wrote:
>>I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is better 
>>    1. if not os.path.exists('filename'):
>I prefer the above.
>>    2. if os.path.exists('filename') == False:
>>They both work so if one preferred over the other?
>Note that in Python in general, 'not x' and 'x == False' are not 
>equivalent; 'not x' will be true for many more values than just False. For 

>not 0
>not 0.0
>not []
>not {}
>are all True.
>>Mark Brown
>>Tutor maillist  -
>Tutor maillist  -

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From dyoo at  Fri Feb 11 22:36:37 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Feb 11 22:36:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle needles
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Lobster wrote:

> The tutorials I am accessing with Firefox and there seems to be a
> conflict in which the Idle editor is trying to (or reported as accessing
> the Net but does not (according to the literature and warning)


IDLE does use network connections to talk to itself --- namely, whenever
we execute a program in IDLE, it creates a new program process and runs
our program in that new process.  The IDLE environment talks to that new
process through a network socket, so all the communication is in-house,
but you might still see something from ZoneAlarm warning about that

There's a note about this here:

It's not really a bug; but it is something unexpected for folks who are
using ZoneAlarm.

> More seriously I can not run Idle and Firefox together Not quite sure
> what to do other than download the whole web sites?

What happens if you try running both of them together?  Do either of them
fail to start up?

Firefox and IDLE should not conflict; if you can tell us more details,
we'll try to figure out what's going wrong.

Best of wishes to you!

From dyoo at  Fri Feb 11 22:38:47 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Feb 11 22:38:54 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >way we ASP.NET at my company, and I'm having some trouble finding a good
> >way to organize all the code.
> My take on doing that in Python:
> Organize things into modules. Especially with an eye to potential reuse.
> Look at the module index in the docs to see how most of the "standard"
> modules focus on doing one thing well.

Hi Ryan,

And just making sure; are you using packages?

Most large Python programs that I've seen will first partition their
functionality into modules, and if that's not enough, then they further
break themselves down into packages.

Best of wishes to you!

From sigurd at  Fri Feb 11 22:44:30 2005
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Fri Feb 11 22:47:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] default argument frustration
In-Reply-To: <001e01c51067$bd0478f0$31d78751@xp> (Alan Gauld's message of
	"Fri, 11 Feb 2005 18:30:17 -0000")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 11 Feb 2005, wrote:

>> FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE can someone tell me even one reason why this 
>> isn't a misfeature?!?!

> Its the only sane way to implement default arguments. The whole 
> point of function definitions is that they provide a single concise 
> interface. The function should return the same result each time 
> you call it with the same input. The only way to achieve that 
> is to have the default calculated once.

With full lexical scope you only need to calculate the default argument
in the lexical scope it was defined in.  Look at a languale like Common

Here is first an example in Python:

.>>> def mutate_list (L=list()):
....     L.append(1)
....     return L
.>>> mutate_list()
.>>> mutate_list()
.[1, 1]

Now the same in Common Lisp:

[17]> (defun dont-mutate (&optional (L (list)))
  (push 1 L))

[18]> (dont-mutate)

[19]> (dont-mutate)


As you can see here I defined an optional argument L and as default
value a list (the same as in Python). But the difference is: each call
of that function evaluates the default argument in the lexical
environment it was defined in (`push' is a destructive function). To
make that clearer here is a second version where I shadow the definition
of `list' (with labels I can shadow the lexical function binding of a
symbol (here the symbol `list')). After the labels form is closed the
old binding of `list' is restored.

(labels ((list (&optional &rest args) (apply 'list 'shadow args)))
  (defun dont-mutate-with-shadowed-list (&optional (L (list)))
    (push 1 L)))

[21]> (dont-mutate-with-shadowed-list)

[22]> (dont-mutate-with-shadowed-list)

[23]> (list 1 2)

(1 2)

So these functions return the same result each time you call them with
the same arguments (even with mutable default arguments).

> But I agree that it can be confusing when the default is mutable
> but since the only reasonable option would have been to restrict 
> default values to immutable types I think I prefer the confusion...

You see it can be done different (I'm not sure which version is better;
both will have their advantages).

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list
From reg at  Fri Feb 11 22:52:20 2005
From: reg at (Matt Dimmic)
Date: Fri Feb 11 22:52:40 2005
Subject: [Tutor] References in loops
Message-ID: <000a01c51083$f9ef0ac0$8eaaec84@CuriousGeorge>

In Python, one bug that often bites me is this:

(example A)
aList = [1,2,3]
for i in aList:
    i += 1
print aList
--> [1,2,3]

This goes against my intuition, which is that aList == [2,3,4], probably
because so much in Python is passed by reference and not by value. Of
course I can always use range() or enumerate():

(example B)
aList = [1,2,3]
for i in range(len(aList)):
    aList[i] += 1
print aList
--> [4,5,6]

But example A seems more elegant, if only it did what I wanted it to do.
:) So pardon my ignorance if the answer is obvious, but what is the
simplest way in Python to get a reference to an element in a list? Is it
really Example B?


(My apologies if this double-posts; I accidentally sent it previously
from a non-subscribed address. Moderator, please deny the other copy.)

From tegmine at  Fri Feb 11 22:53:40 2005
From: tegmine at (Luis N)
Date: Fri Feb 11 22:53:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] elementtree, lists, and dictionaries
Message-ID: <>


This code works, but I don't like it much:

def authenticateAuthor(author, password):
    authorxml = 'author.xml'
    path = os.path.join(xml, authorxml)
    try: if not os.path.exists(path):
        authorfile = False
        authorfile = True
        tree = E.ElementTree(file=path)
        u = tree.getiterator('user')
        p = tree.getiterator('password')
        ul = []
        pl = []
        for unode in u:
        for pnode in p:
        d = {}
        for i in range(len(ul)):
            d[ul[i]] = pl[i]
        if d.has_key(author):
            if d.get(author) == password:
                auth = True
                auth = False
            return auth, authorfile

It assumes a great deal, such as that there is no chance that there
will be more users then there are passwords, etc. given an xml
document format such as:


I don't like how I'm making two lists and then turning them into a
dictionary. It seems unpythonic.

Suggestions are appreciated.
From dyoo at  Fri Feb 11 23:32:49 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Fri Feb 11 23:32:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] References in loops
In-Reply-To: <000a01c51083$f9ef0ac0$8eaaec84@CuriousGeorge>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Matt Dimmic wrote:

> In Python, one bug that often bites me is this:
> (example A)
> aList = [1,2,3]
> for i in aList:
>     i += 1
> print aList
> --> [1,2,3]
> This goes against my intuition, which is that aList == [2,3,4], probably
> because so much in Python is passed by reference and not by value.

Hi Matt,

Yes.  If we "unroll" the loop, we can better see what's going on:

aList = [1, 2, 3]
i = aList[0]
i += 1
i = aList[1]
i += 1
i = aList[2]
i += 1
print aList

This has the same meaning as Example A, and it should be clearer why the
assignment to 'i' has no affect.  'i' is just a regular local variable,
just like any other local variable.

Assignment is not the same thing as value mutation; it's actually the same
issue that we talked about earlier with the default argument thread.

When I see something like:

x = 42
y = x
y = y + 1

My visual model of this is that variable names are "arrows" to values:


     x -----------> 42            ##  x = 42


     x -----------> 42            ## y = x
     y -----------/


     x -----------> 42            ## y = y + 1

     y -----------> 43


That being said, we can do something here with a little indirection:

>>> def box(x):
...     """Put a mutable wrapper around the value x."""
...     return [x]
>>> def unbox(boxedValue):
...     """Grab the value in the box."""
...     return boxedValue[0]
>>> def incr(boxedValue):
...     """Increment the value in the box."""
...     boxedValue[0] += 1
>>> aList = [box(1), box(2), box(3)]
>>> map(unbox, aList)
[1, 2, 3]
>>> for b in aList:
...     incr(b)
>>> map(unbox, aList)
[2, 3, 4]

This might be overkill, though.  *grin*

But this shows that, if we really needed to, we could "box" everything in
some kind of mutable container.  I don't recommend this for normal Python
programming, though.

> Of course I can always use range() or enumerate():
> (example B)
> aList = [1,2,3]
> for i in range(len(aList)):
>     aList[i] += 1
> print aList
> --> [4,5,6]
> But example A seems more elegant, if only it did what I wanted it to do.
> :) So pardon my ignorance if the answer is obvious, but what is the
> simplest way in Python to get a reference to an element in a list? Is it
> really Example B?

A variation of Example B, with enumerate(), is probably the most
straightforward way to do in-place mutation on the list in Python:

aList = [1, 2, 3]
for i, x in enumerate(aList):
    aList[i] = x + 1
print aList

There are languages that magically allow us to do mutation on a list
without making it look like list mutation.  Perl is one of those languages
that adds magic syntactic sugar for doing in-place list stuff.  But Python
has no special mechanisms for doing this.

The main issue that I think people are running against is that, in Python,
numeric values are "immutable" --- they can't be changed.  When we do
things like addition:

>>> x = 7
>>> x = x + 1

we are not changing the value of '7': we're just "re-aiming" or directing
'x' to the new value '8'.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb 12 00:50:54 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb 12 00:50:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed --
	whichapproach	ismorePythonic?
References: <><07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>	<><006d01c5106a$ad0bb2d0$31d78751@xp>
Message-ID: <00a201c51094$87226670$31d78751@xp>

> > - otherwise you get circular references which can cause memory
> > leaks by confusing the garbage collector!
> CPython has been able to GC cycles since version 2.0.

Yep but it takes a lot longer. The cycle detection sweep 
only occurs periodically if I remember rightly, and if you 
are doing a lot of processing you can still get process growth.
So as a matter of course I tend to add a __del__ any time 
I create a list of objects inside another object.

Maybe its just my C++ paranoia showing through! :-)

Alan G.
From cyresse at  Sat Feb 12 01:05:52 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat Feb 12 01:05:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Might be a silly question!
In-Reply-To: <005901c51069$b1d08350$31d78751@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I suppose, you could do it like this  - 

gamma = 5,

and access with gamma[0]. But, there'd be nothing to stop you reassigning gamma.

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 18:44:18 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> > I have been reading code written before me (mind you it's C++) and
> the
> > authors seemed to follow what ever style they wished to that day.
> And that's C++ style, it has no single standard approach...
> > that's the nature of the beast.
> How very true.
> Alan G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From project5 at  Sat Feb 12 01:38:18 2005
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Sat Feb 12 01:38:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: References in loops
In-Reply-To: <000a01c51083$f9ef0ac0$8eaaec84@CuriousGeorge>
References: <000a01c51083$f9ef0ac0$8eaaec84@CuriousGeorge>
Message-ID: <cujj2b$jig$>

Matt Dimmic wrote:
> In Python, one bug that often bites me is this:
> (example A)
> aList = [1,2,3]
> for i in aList:
>     i += 1
> print aList
> --> [1,2,3]

Numbers are immutable, so the element 1 can't change into a 2 inside the 
list. If 1 was not immutable, e.g. a list you could modify it and then 
it would be "updated" in the original list too.

> This goes against my intuition, which is that aList == [2,3,4], probably
> because so much in Python is passed by reference and not by value. Of
> course I can always use range() or enumerate():

I tend to use list comprehensions for this:

     aList = [elem+1 for elem in aList]

but it's barely shorter than the explicit loop, so not necessarily an 
improvement from that point of view. But at least it prevents the bug 
from biting :).



From keridee at  Sat Feb 12 03:13:13 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Sat Feb 12 03:14:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] References in loops
References: <>
Message-ID: <004401c510a8$8246b7f0$105428cf@JSLAPTOP>

Of all the odd quirks of python, this is the only thing that has bitten be 
in the butt.
And several, several times.
List comprehensions have similar limitations as python lambdas, however, so 
I guess the only way to execute several expressions on the item in the list 
would be to pass the item to a function and return the changed item?


> On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Matt Dimmic wrote:
>> In Python, one bug that often bites me is this:
>> (example A)
>> aList = [1,2,3]
>> for i in aList:
>>     i += 1
>> print aList
>> --> [1,2,3]
>> This goes against my intuition, which is that aList == [2,3,4], probably
>> because so much in Python is passed by reference and not by value.
> Hi Matt,
> Yes.  If we "unroll" the loop, we can better see what's going on:
> ###
> aList = [1, 2, 3]
> i = aList[0]
> i += 1
> i = aList[1]
> i += 1
> i = aList[2]
> i += 1
> print aList
> ###
> This has the same meaning as Example A, and it should be clearer why the
> assignment to 'i' has no affect.  'i' is just a regular local variable,
> just like any other local variable.
> Assignment is not the same thing as value mutation; it's actually the same
> issue that we talked about earlier with the default argument thread.
> *grin*
> When I see something like:
> ###
> x = 42
> y = x
> y = y + 1
> ###
> My visual model of this is that variable names are "arrows" to values:
> --------------------------------------------------
>     x -----------> 42            ##  x = 42
> ----------------------------------------------------
>     x -----------> 42            ## y = x
>                    ^
>                   /
>     y -----------/
> ----------------------------------------------------
>     x -----------> 42            ## y = y + 1
>     y -----------> 43
> ----------------------------------------------------
> That being said, we can do something here with a little indirection:
> ###
>>>> def box(x):
> ...     """Put a mutable wrapper around the value x."""
> ...     return [x]
> ...
>>>> def unbox(boxedValue):
> ...     """Grab the value in the box."""
> ...     return boxedValue[0]
> ...
>>>> def incr(boxedValue):
> ...     """Increment the value in the box."""
> ...     boxedValue[0] += 1
> ...
>>>> aList = [box(1), box(2), box(3)]
>>>> map(unbox, aList)
> [1, 2, 3]
>>>> for b in aList:
> ...     incr(b)
> ...
>>>> map(unbox, aList)
> [2, 3, 4]
> ###
> This might be overkill, though.  *grin*
> But this shows that, if we really needed to, we could "box" everything in
> some kind of mutable container.  I don't recommend this for normal Python
> programming, though.
>> Of course I can always use range() or enumerate():
>> (example B)
>> aList = [1,2,3]
>> for i in range(len(aList)):
>>     aList[i] += 1
>> print aList
>> --> [4,5,6]
>> But example A seems more elegant, if only it did what I wanted it to do.
>> :) So pardon my ignorance if the answer is obvious, but what is the
>> simplest way in Python to get a reference to an element in a list? Is it
>> really Example B?
> A variation of Example B, with enumerate(), is probably the most
> straightforward way to do in-place mutation on the list in Python:
> ###
> aList = [1, 2, 3]
> for i, x in enumerate(aList):
>    aList[i] = x + 1
> print aList
> ###
> There are languages that magically allow us to do mutation on a list
> without making it look like list mutation.  Perl is one of those languages
> that adds magic syntactic sugar for doing in-place list stuff.  But Python
> has no special mechanisms for doing this.
> The main issue that I think people are running against is that, in Python,
> numeric values are "immutable" --- they can't be changed.  When we do
> things like addition:
> ###
>>>> x = 7
>>>> x = x + 1
> ###
> we are not changing the value of '7': we're just "re-aiming" or directing
> 'x' to the new value '8'.
> If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From nbbalane at  Sat Feb 12 03:17:01 2005
From: nbbalane at (jrlen balane)
Date: Sat Feb 12 03:17:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] What does this mean
Message-ID: <>

what does (*args, **kwargs) mean??? i'm sort of a bit confused... thanks.
From zanesdad at  Sat Feb 12 03:39:46 2005
From: zanesdad at (Jeremy Jones)
Date: Sat Feb 12 03:38:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] What does this mean
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

jrlen balane wrote:

>what does (*args, **kwargs) mean??? i'm sort of a bit confused... thanks.
>Tutor maillist  -
*args is notation for list of arguments.  **kwargs is notation for 
keyword arguments.  Here is an example:

In [1]: def foo(bar, *args, **kwargs):
   ...:     print "bar", bar
   ...:     print "args", args
   ...:     print "kwargs", kwargs

In [2]: foo('1')
bar 1
args ()
kwargs {}

In [3]: foo('1', 1, 2, 3)
bar 1
args (1, 2, 3)
kwargs {}

In [4]: foo('1', 1, 2, 3, bam=1, baz=2, boo=3)
bar 1
args (1, 2, 3)
kwargs {'bam': 1, 'baz': 2, 'boo': 3}

In the definition (at prompt [1]), I only stated 3 arguments to pass in: 
bar, args, and kwargs. 

At prompt [2], I pass in a "1" string as my only argument, which gets 
assigned to "bar". 

At prompt [3], I pass in "1", 1, 2, 3.  "1" gets assigned to foo as in 
the previous example.  (1,2,3) gets assigned to args.  The *args 
notations says, "Assign any following arguments to the args variable." 

At prompt [4], I pass in the same thing as at [3], but pass in keyword 
arguments (bam=1, baz=2, boo=3).  Everything gets assigned as it did at 
[3] except kwargs is a dictionary with keys 'bam', 'baz', and 'boo' with 
respective values 1,2,3.  The **kwargs notations says, "Assign any 
subsequent keyword arguments to kwargs."

NOTE - you don't have to use *args and **kwargs.  You just have to use 
the * and **.

Jeremy Jones
From kent37 at  Sat Feb 12 04:28:55 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb 12 04:28:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] elementtree, lists, and dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

If you iterate over the author nodes you can check the user name and password of each in turn.

Not tested code!

def authenticateAuthor(author, password):
     authorxml = 'author.xml'
     path = os.path.join(xml, authorxml)
     if not os.path.exists(path):
         return False, False
         tree = E.ElementTree(file=path)
         for authorNode in tree.getiterator('author'):
             user = authorNode.find('user').text
             pass = authorNode.find('password').text

             if author == user:
                 if password == pass:
                     return True, True
                     return False, True

         return False, True

Luis N wrote:
> Hi,
> This code works, but I don't like it much:
> def authenticateAuthor(author, password):
>     authorxml = 'author.xml'
>     path = os.path.join(xml, authorxml)
>     try: if not os.path.exists(path):
>         authorfile = False
>     else:
>         authorfile = True
>         tree = E.ElementTree(file=path)
>         u = tree.getiterator('user')
>         p = tree.getiterator('password')

Here you could say
   d = dict( (unode.text, pnode.text) for unode, pnode in zip(u, p))

>         ul = []
>         pl = []
>         for unode in u:
>             ul.append(unode.text)
>         for pnode in p:
>             pl.append(pnode.text)
>         d = {}
>         for i in range(len(ul)):
>             d[ul[i]] = pl[i]

>         if d.has_key(author):
>             if d.get(author) == password:
>                 auth = True
>             else:
>                 auth = False

     if d[author] == password:
       auth = True
   except KeyError:
     auth = False

or, if you are sure password will not be None, just skip the has_key():
   if d.get(author) == password:

(I hate using has_key() followed by a get()...
>             return auth, authorfile
> It assumes a great deal, such as that there is no chance that there
> will be more users then there are passwords, etc. given an xml
> document format such as:
> <root>
>     <author>
>         <user>authorname</user>
>         <password>authorpassword</password>
>     </author>
> </root>
> I don't like how I'm making two lists and then turning them into a
> dictionary. It seems unpythonic.
> Suggestions are appreciated.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From zen45800 at  Sat Feb 12 13:29:48 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Sat Feb 12 05:29:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle needles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:

 >>More seriously I can not run Idle and Firefox together Not quite sure
 >>what to do other than download the whole web sites?

thanks for the info Danny :-)

 >What happens if you try running both of them together?  Do either of them
 >fail to start up?
 >Firefox and IDLE should not conflict; if you can tell us more details,
 >we'll try to figure out what's going wrong.
 >Best of wishes to you!

They load up.
This is the error message I get from IDLE when trying to compile the program

Idols subprocess didn't make connection Either Idle can't start or 
personal firewall is blocking the connection

I am allowing the connection from zonealarm. Even tried allowing IDLE to 
be a server. Would I be better off using the windows only editor (do not 
want to as I will also be working in Linux)?

I tried from a fresh boot and everything seemed OK - then after looking 
at some email in thunderbird - tried to compile a new program and got 
the above message.
So maybe it is time loop based?

Appreciate the help :-)

Ed Jason
From zen45800 at  Sat Feb 12 13:40:01 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Sat Feb 12 05:39:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle needles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:

More Info

Idols subprocess didn't make connection Either Idle can't start or
personal firewall is blocking the connection

Now I am getting the added message
that the "socket connection is refused"
(recently updated to the latest Zone Alarm)

Ed Jason

From javier at  Sat Feb 12 05:55:06 2005
From: javier at (Javier Ruere)
Date: Sat Feb 12 05:51:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <cuk1s7$ofe$>

Ryan Davis wrote:
> I'm starting to make a code-generation suite in python, customized to
> the way we ASP.NET at my company, and I'm having some trouble finding a
> good way to organize all the code.  I keep writing it, but it feels more
> and more spaghetti-ish every day.
> I'm going to look at the other stuff in site-packages to see if I can
> glean any wisdom, and have googled a bit, coming up mostly blank or with
> trivial examples.  Are there any helpful links or advice anyone has for
> building larger systems? 
> My background is mostly C#, so I'm used to the ridiculous rigidity of
> strongly-typed languages. I have been using python for helper apps for a
> few months now, so am pretty familiar with the syntax now, but I don't
> know any of the patterns yet.  My nefarious goal is to supplant
> C#/ASP.NET with Python, but I need to figure out how to make programs
> clients want to pay for before I can make any reasonable argument.

  I have worked with C# + ASP.NET and liked it very much. It felt more
similar to Python than Java; and ASP.NET rules! :)
  WRT your original question: Organize the code as you would in a C#
project unless it feels unnatural. Sorry about that last condition but
it's the best I can do[1]. :) Get Bicycle Repair Man[2] or another
refactoring browser and hack away!


[1] Some usefull links:


From nbbalane at  Sat Feb 12 06:36:18 2005
From: nbbalane at (jrlen balane)
Date: Sat Feb 12 06:36:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] what is wrong with this?
Message-ID: <>

this code is for a MDIChildFrame, It has a MDIParentFrame and when I
run the MDIPrentFrame, there seems to be no problem, but when I
attempt to edit the MDIChildFrame using the designer mode in BOA (i'm
using BOA by the way), an error occurs that says:

TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)

please help. here is the code:

from wxPython.wx import *
from wxPython.grid import *
from wxPython.lib.mixins.grid import wxGridAutoEditMixin

def create(parent):
    return wxMDIChildFrame1(parent)

] = map(lambda _init_ctrls: wxNewId(), range(2))

class wxMDIChildFrame1(wxMDIChildFrame):
    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
        # generated method, don't edit
        wxMDIChildFrame.__init__(self, id=wxID_WXMDICHILDFRAME1,
              name='WXMDICHILDFRAME1', parent=prnt, pos=wxPoint(70, 147),
              size=wxSize(748, 331), style=wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
        self.SetClientSize(wxSize(740, 297))

        self.grid1 = wxGrid(id=wxID_WXMDICHILDFRAME1GRID1, name='grid1',
              parent=self, pos=wxPoint(0, 0), size=wxSize(740, 297), style=0)
        self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(0, "Time")
        self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(1, "Irradiance")
        self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(2, "Module Temperature")
        self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(3, "Ambient Temperature")
        self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(4, "Voltage")
        self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(5, "Current")
        self.grid1.SetColSize(2, 125)
        self.grid1.SetColSize(3, 127)
        self.grid1.SetColLabelAlignment(wxALIGN_LEFT, wxALIGN_BOTTOM)
    def __init__(self, parent):
From dyoo at  Sat Feb 12 08:03:31 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Feb 12 08:03:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle needles
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Lobster wrote:

> Idols subprocess didn't make connection Either Idle can't start or
> personal firewall is blocking the connection =========
> Now I am getting the added message that the "socket connection is
> refused" (recently updated to the latest Zone Alarm)

Hi Ed,

That's further evidence that suggests that Zone Alarm is fighting IDLE.

Let me see... here's a section of the IDLE documentation README that talks
about this issue:

IDLE displays a new message upon startup:  some "personal firewall"
  kinds of programs (for example, ZoneAlarm) open a dialog of their
  own when any program opens a socket.  IDLE does use sockets, talking
  on the computer's internal loopback interface.  This connection is not
  visible on any external interface and no data is sent to or received
  from the Internet.  So, if you get such a dialog when opening IDLE,
  asking whether to let pythonw.exe talk to address, say yes,
  and rest assured no communication external to your machine is taking
  place.  If you don't allow it, IDLE won't be able to start.

Just to nail this issue down: try turning ZoneAlarm off, just for a
moment, and then start up IDLE.  (You can always turn ZoneAlarm back on
after this experiment.)  If you don't see any problems with IDLE, then
it's almost certainly a ZoneAlarm vs. IDLE confrontation, and we can focus
on that.

Good luck to you!

From ejp at  Sat Feb 12 08:31:45 2005
From: ejp at (EJP)
Date: Sat Feb 12 08:31:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

 "Ryan Davis" wrote
My background is mostly C#, so I'm used to the ridiculous rigidity of strongly-typed languages. I have been using python for helper apps for a few months now, so am pretty familiar with the syntax now, but I don't know any of the patterns yet.  My nefarious goal is to supplant C#/ASP.NET with Python, but I need to figure out how to make programs clients want to pay for before I can make any reasonable argument.

without trying to make this one of those classic threads of great, do you feel you could develop fairly complex applications faster in Python than in C#/ASP.NET?  It's a rhetorical question (but I'm interested in your answer as a single data point)

Speed to market and hours/dollars of programming might resonate with some of your customers.
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From zen45800 at  Sat Feb 12 16:34:03 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Sat Feb 12 08:33:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle needles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:

>On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Lobster wrote:
>>Idols subprocess didn't make connection Either Idle can't start or
>>personal firewall is blocking the connection =========
>>Now I am getting the added message that the "socket connection is
>>refused" (recently updated to the latest Zone Alarm)
>Hi Ed,
>That's further evidence that suggests that Zone Alarm is fighting IDLE.
>Let me see... here's a section of the IDLE documentation README that talks
>about this issue:
>IDLE displays a new message upon startup:  some "personal firewall"
>  kinds of programs (for example, ZoneAlarm) open a dialog of their
>  own when any program opens a socket.  IDLE does use sockets, talking
>  on the computer's internal loopback interface.  This connection is not
>  visible on any external interface and no data is sent to or received
>  from the Internet.  So, if you get such a dialog when opening IDLE,
>  asking whether to let pythonw.exe talk to address, say yes,
>  and rest assured no communication external to your machine is taking
>  place.  If you don't allow it, IDLE won't be able to start.

Yes I did read that Danny  - many thanks

>Just to nail this issue down: try turning ZoneAlarm off, just for a
>moment, and then start up IDLE.  (You can always turn ZoneAlarm back on
>after this experiment.)  If you don't see any problems with IDLE, then
>it's almost certainly a ZoneAlarm vs. IDLE confrontation, and we can focus
>on that.
>Good luck to you!

Turned off Zone Alarm
and closed down IDLE
on opening IDLE - I got the socket error message
and the other error message
- so not zone alarm (it seems)

- closing down IDLE and pressing ctrl alt and del
I notice that 3 copies of pythonw are in memory

I closed these down and IDLE is working again

What I am going to do next is download the excellent
Byte of Python tutorial and work offline with firefox and see what happens

- any other ideas welcome
(the only other thing I have different in IDLE is I store my Python docs in
my docs rather than the default - probably irrelevant but . . .)

Thank you very much for helping with this - it is holding me up
and I am rearing to "go with the snake. . ."


Ed Jason (aka Dragon Shrimp - aka Lobster)

PS - had a look at Crimson Editor and PSpad - very good but not quite for me
I rather like IDLE - it is specific - focussed

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb 12 09:41:22 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb 12 09:45:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] default argument frustration
References: <><07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp><><001e01c51067$bd0478f0$31d78751@xp>
Message-ID: <00ef01c510de$a203f680$31d78751@xp>

> > interface. The function should return the same result each time
> > you call it with the same input. The only way to achieve that
> > is to have the default calculated once.
> With full lexical scope you only need to calculate the default
> in the lexical scope it was defined in.  Look at a languale like
> Lisp.

Sorry, you are quite right. I meant its the only sane way to do it
given the way Python works.

Lisp and others implement closures and defered evaluation quite
nicely, but I don't think it would be easy to build that into Python.
Although it might be easier now with nested functions etc...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb 12 09:52:28 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb 12 09:52:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Larger program organization
References: <>
Message-ID: <012401c510e0$2ec72910$31d78751@xp>

> without trying to make this one of those classic threads of great, 
> do you feel you could develop fairly complex applications faster 
> in Python than in C#/ASP.NET?  It's a rhetorical question 
> (but I'm interested in your answer as a single data point)

To be honest it wouldn't make a great deal of difference.
For a complex application (by which I assume you mean large 
as well as being technically difficult) you spend most of 
your time thinking not physically coding so the language
becomes less significant.

On a typical "big" project the actual coding time is likely 
to be less than 10% of the total time so even if Python were 
twice as fast you only save 5% overall.

Python may improve time to fix however since it will be easier 
to read later and therefore easier to debug and spot errors etc.

But on big projects analysis, design and testing will be 
the big contributers, actually typing in the code is a trivial 

Alan G.
From sandip at  Sat Feb 12 10:27:21 2005
From: sandip at (Sandip Bhattacharya)
Date: Sat Feb 12 10:43:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Data storage, SQL?
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 20:09:10 +1300, Liam Clarke wrote:

> Hi, 
> I'm looking to create a prog that will store disparate bits of info
> all linked together, i.e. address details for a person, transaction
> records, specific themes, and the ability to search by certain
> criteria, so I'm pretty sure I want a database.
> Can anyone recommend a useful database library for Python that's not
> too complex?
> Also, I keep hearing about SQL, would this be the best way to go? I
> don't know much about databases.

You can take a look at sqlite
( It doesn't require a client
server setup, and offers you the same sql syntax for manipulating data on

Some amazing facts about this from the website:

SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained,  
embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. Features include:

* Transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable  (ACID)
    even after system crashes and power failures. 
* Zero-configuration - no setup or administration needed. 
* Implements most of SQL92.
* A complete database is stored in a single disk file. 
* Database files can be freely shared between machines with 
  different byte orders. 
* Supports databases up to 2 terabytes (2^41 bytes) in size. 
* Sizes of strings and BLOBs limited only by available memory. 
* Small code footprint: less than 30K lines of C code, less
    than 250KB code space (gcc on i486) 
* Faster than popular  client/server database engines 
  for most common operations. 
* Simple, easy to use API.
* Well-commented source code with over 95% test coverage.
* Self-contained: no external dependencies. 
* Sources are in the public domain. Use for any purpose.

The SQLite distribution comes with a standalone command-line access
program (sqlite) that can be used to administer an SQLite database and
which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite library. 


- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya    *    Puroga Technologies   *
Work:   *    Home/Blog:

PGP/GPG Signature: 51A4 6C57 4BC6 8C82 6A65 AE78 B1A1 2280 A129 0FF3

From bvande at  Sat Feb 12 10:56:37 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sat Feb 12 10:59:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is more
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-11 11:34:
> Brian van den Broek wrote:
>> Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 2005-02-10 02:58:
>>> Pseudo code:
>>>        class Body:
>>>           def __init__(self,content):
>>>             self.contents = contents
>>>             self.nodes = []
>>>           def parse(self):
>>>              for line in self.contents:
>>>                  if line == NodeStartTag:
>>>                     node = Node()
>>>                  if line == NodeEndTag:
>>>                     self.nodes.append(node)
>>>                  node.append(line)
>>>        class Node:
>>>          def __init__(self,lines=[]):
>>>               self.lines = lines
>>>          def append(self,item):
>>>               self.lines.append(item)
>>>          def parse(self):
>>>               # your parsing method here.
>> Hi all,
>> YAQ (Yet Another Question):
>> Following the general pattern, I end up with a Body object which has 
>> an attribute .nodes that consists of a list of Node objects.
>> So, something like:
>> My Example Body
>>    Node List
>>       Node the first
>>       Node the second
>> Is there any way to make methods of the Node class access attributes 
>> of `parents' of instances? I would like a Node instance such as Node 
>> the first above to be aware just what it is a node of and what its 
>> siblings are.
> You have to tell it the parent. ("Explicit is better than implicit.") 
> For example you could pass a reference to Body to the Node in the 
> constructor:
>            def parse(self):
>               for line in self.contents:
>                   if line == NodeStartTag:
>                      node = Node(self)    # HERE
>                   if line == NodeEndTag:
>                      self.nodes.append(node)
>                   node.append(line)
> In general I think this is a bad design. I try to avoid telling 
> components about their parents in any kind of containment hierarchy. If 
> the component knows about its parent, then the component can't be reused 
> in a different context and it can't be tested without creating the 
> expected context.
> Is there another way you could accomplish what you want?
> Kent


thanks to everyone for responding. It hadn't occurred to me I could 
pass self to a class instantiation. So, that solves my issue given my 
original design intent: thanks.

As for Kent's question: I may have a better way now. I'd appreciate 
help deciding. So, if I may, I'll say a bit more about the problem 
domain. I've made the description as short as I know how.

The file format I am working with is from a `folding notebook' style 
of application (<> if anyone is interested). It's a 
2-pane editor/outliner. There is a tree of nodes with each with a (not 
necessarily unique) title, a unique id number, other metadata and an 
associated article (in plain text, html, or RTF [ugh!]). The file 
format also defines a header for the entire file.

I have a class TP_file, which, when instantiated, creates an Head 
object and, for each node, a Node object.

The program supports hyperlinks in the article text, both to other 
nodes (by unique id) and to external objects. Before posting this most 
recent question, I'd planed for the Node class to have a method that 
would scan the node's article, looking for text strings that match any 
node title and linkifying them. (I already know how to deal with 
already linkified instances of the string and cases where one string 
is the title of multiple nodes.) Since this method needs to know the 
titles of all Node objects, I thought I needed to make each Node aware 
of its TP_file object to fetch its nodes. (Hence my most recent 
question.) And, since it alters the article text of a Node, I thought 
it needed to be a method of the Node class.

But, while reflecting on Kent's question and thinking of how to 
describe my problem domain, I think I have a better idea now :-)

It still seems to me that the actual updating of the article should be 
a Node method (it is the Node object's article that is being updated, 
after all). Call it node_linkify. The new thought is to create two new 
methods for the TP_file class:

- One to build a dictionary with Node titles as keys and
   a list of the corresponding unique ids as values.

- Another to pass that list into a the node_linkify Node method,
   once for each Node object of the TP_file.

Does this seem like a reasonable approach given my description of the 

Thanks for the continued help -- it is most appreciated. I might just 
become an OOP programmer yet! ;-)

Best to all,

Brian vdB

From bvande at  Sat Feb 12 10:10:45 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sat Feb 12 10:59:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle needles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lobster said unto the world upon 2005-02-12 10:34:
> Danny Yoo wrote:
>> On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Lobster wrote:

<SNIP exchange trying to work out apparent conflict between idle and 

>> Just to nail this issue down: try turning ZoneAlarm off, just for a
>> moment, and then start up IDLE.  (You can always turn ZoneAlarm back on
>> after this experiment.)  If you don't see any problems with IDLE, then
>> it's almost certainly a ZoneAlarm vs. IDLE confrontation, and we can 
>> focus
>> on that.
>> Good luck to you!
> Turned off Zone Alarm
> and closed down IDLE
> on opening IDLE - I got the socket error message
> and the other error message
> - so not zone alarm (it seems)
> - closing down IDLE and pressing ctrl alt and del
> I notice that 3 copies of pythonw are in memory
> I closed these down and IDLE is working again


for what it's worth, I've never had issues with Firefox and IDLE when 
running Zone Alarm. (Currently running ZoneAlarm version:

But the multiple copies of pythonw seems key, and also the sort of 
thing that better Python minds than most seem to accept they have to 
live with too: 

> :-)
> Ed Jason (aka Dragon Shrimp - aka Lobster)
> PS - had a look at Crimson Editor and PSpad - very good but not quite 
> for me
> I rather like IDLE - it is specific - focussed

I've been pretty happy using IDLE supplemented by SciTe when wanting a 
better editor than that provided by IDLE.


Brian vdB

From cyresse at  Sat Feb 12 11:58:30 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat Feb 12 11:58:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] what is wrong with this?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Can you post the whole stack trace?

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 13:36:18 +0800, jrlen balane <> wrote:
> this code is for a MDIChildFrame, It has a MDIParentFrame and when I
> run the MDIPrentFrame, there seems to be no problem, but when I
> attempt to edit the MDIChildFrame using the designer mode in BOA (i'm
> using BOA by the way), an error occurs that says:
> TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)
> please help. here is the code:
> from wxPython.wx import *
> from wxPython.grid import *
> from wxPython.lib.mixins.grid import wxGridAutoEditMixin
> def create(parent):
>     return wxMDIChildFrame1(parent)
> ] = map(lambda _init_ctrls: wxNewId(), range(2))
> class wxMDIChildFrame1(wxMDIChildFrame):
>     def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
>         # generated method, don't edit
>         wxMDIChildFrame.__init__(self, id=wxID_WXMDICHILDFRAME1,
>               name='WXMDICHILDFRAME1', parent=prnt, pos=wxPoint(70, 147),
>               size=wxSize(748, 331), style=wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
>               title='Table')
>         self.SetClientSize(wxSize(740, 297))
>         self.grid1 = wxGrid(id=wxID_WXMDICHILDFRAME1GRID1, name='grid1',
>               parent=self, pos=wxPoint(0, 0), size=wxSize(740, 297), style=0)
>         self.grid1.CreateGrid(100,6)
>         self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(0, "Time")
>         self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(1, "Irradiance")
>         self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(2, "Module Temperature")
>         self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(3, "Ambient Temperature")
>         self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(4, "Voltage")
>         self.grid1.SetColLabelValue(5, "Current")
>         self.grid1.SetColSize(2, 125)
>         self.grid1.SetColSize(3, 127)
>         self.grid1.SetColLabelAlignment(wxALIGN_LEFT, wxALIGN_BOTTOM)
>     def __init__(self, parent):
>         self._init_ctrls(parent)
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From zen45800 at  Sat Feb 12 21:18:20 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Sat Feb 12 13:18:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle + Firefox solution - hopefully
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> - closing down IDLE and pressing ctrl alt and del
>> I notice that 3 copies of pythonw are in memory
>> I closed these down and IDLE is working again
>for what it's worth, I've never had issues with Firefox and IDLE when 
>running Zone Alarm. (Currently running ZoneAlarm version:
>But the multiple copies of pythonw seems key, and also the sort of 
>thing that better Python minds than most seem to accept they have to 
>live with too: 

Thanks Brian and Danny

Yep - I found closing down the extra versions was a solution
I also ran spybot and found a browser hijacker (just returned from a month in Linux without such hindrances) and it may be somehow related to that - the problem SEEMS to have gone . . .


    I've been pretty happy using IDLE supplemented by SciTe when wanting a
    better editor than that provided by IDLE.


    Brian vdB


Will have a look at SciTe
thanks for your help
- appreciate it . . .

Ed Jason


From kent37 at  Sat Feb 12 13:50:48 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb 12 13:50:52 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is more
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-11 11:34:
>> In general I think this is a bad design. I try to avoid telling 
>> components about their parents in any kind of containment hierarchy. 
>> If the component knows about its parent, then the component can't be 
>> reused in a different context and it can't be tested without creating 
>> the expected context.
>> Is there another way you could accomplish what you want?
>> Kent
> Hi,
> thanks to everyone for responding. It hadn't occurred to me I could pass 
> self to a class instantiation. So, that solves my issue given my 
> original design intent: thanks.
> As for Kent's question: I may have a better way now. I'd appreciate help 
> deciding. So, if I may, I'll say a bit more about the problem domain. 
> I've made the description as short as I know how.
> The file format I am working with is from a `folding notebook' style of 
> application (<> if anyone is interested). It's a 2-pane 
> editor/outliner. There is a tree of nodes with each with a (not 
> necessarily unique) title, a unique id number, other metadata and an 
> associated article (in plain text, html, or RTF [ugh!]). The file format 
> also defines a header for the entire file.
> I have a class TP_file, which, when instantiated, creates an Head object 
> and, for each node, a Node object.
> The program supports hyperlinks in the article text, both to other nodes 
> (by unique id) and to external objects. Before posting this most recent 
> question, I'd planed for the Node class to have a method that would scan 
> the node's article, looking for text strings that match any node title 
> and linkifying them. (I already know how to deal with already linkified 
> instances of the string and cases where one string is the title of 
> multiple nodes.) Since this method needs to know the titles of all Node 
> objects, I thought I needed to make each Node aware of its TP_file 
> object to fetch its nodes. (Hence my most recent question.) And, since 
> it alters the article text of a Node, I thought it needed to be a method 
> of the Node class.
> But, while reflecting on Kent's question and thinking of how to describe 
> my problem domain, I think I have a better idea now :-)
> It still seems to me that the actual updating of the article should be a 
> Node method (it is the Node object's article that is being updated, 
> after all). Call it node_linkify. The new thought is to create two new 
> methods for the TP_file class:
> - One to build a dictionary with Node titles as keys and
>   a list of the corresponding unique ids as values.
> - Another to pass that list into a the node_linkify Node method,
>   once for each Node object of the TP_file.
> Does this seem like a reasonable approach given my description of the 
> problem?

Yes. This is the kind of solution I look for - instead of having the Node class look 'outside' 
itself to find what it needs - and therefore have the Node class dependent on a particular context - 
have something poke the Node from the outside and give it the information it needs to do its job.

Do you see how this makes the Node more self-contained? For example you could write a unit test for 
node_linkify() that would just have to create a Node with some text and a helper dictionary. With 
the old design you would have to create several nodes and connect them in a Body.

It may not seem like a big deal, but in a larger program these cross-dependencies grow and knit the 
whole thing into an inseparable whole. I worked on a program where the data model was dependent on 
the GUI implementation classes (*very* bad idea). So to reuse the data model (to be able to access 
the data in a different program) you had to include the GUI classes!

A couple of notes about the general rule, though:
- In tree-structured data I often need the node objects to know about their parent. Navigating up 
the tree is often handy.
- In a GUI it can be challenging to figure out how to avoid telling the GUI classes about each 
other. For example if a button in one panel has to influence another panel. Usually I find a way but 
it gets a bit convoluted sometimes.

> Thanks for the continued help -- it is most appreciated. I might just 
> become an OOP programmer yet! ;-)

You're on your way!


> Best to all,
> Brian vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From alan.gauld at  Sat Feb 12 13:51:42 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sat Feb 12 13:51:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is
References: <><07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp><>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <013c01c51101$9a276640$31d78751@xp>

> It still seems to me that the actual updating of the article should
> a Node method (it is the Node object's article that is being
> after all).

Yes, the owner of the data should update it.

> Call it node_linkify. The new thought is to create two new
> methods for the TP_file class:
> - One to build a dictionary with Node titles as keys and
>    a list of the corresponding unique ids as values.

Which saves searching the node list each time, good idea.
This dictionary would of course be part of the Head or Body
object which manages the Nodes?

> - Another to pass that list into a the node_linkify Node method,
>    once for each Node object of the TP_file.

Since the node knows its own ID and shouldn't know about
the other nodes I wonder if it would be better for the
Body/Head object to pass only what the node needs to
create the links. Or do the links go to *all* the other
related nodes? In which case the dictionary entry is fine.

Alan G.

From kent37 at  Sat Feb 12 13:55:31 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb 12 13:55:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle needles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> But the multiple copies of pythonw seems key, and also the sort of thing 
> that better Python minds than most seem to accept they have to live with 
> too: <>

Make sure you read the next message in the thread which gives a possible cause of the problem and a 
patch that might help.


From exogen at  Sat Feb 12 14:07:05 2005
From: exogen at (Brian Beck)
Date: Sat Feb 12 14:22:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: References in loops
In-Reply-To: <cujj2b$jig$>
References: <000a01c51083$f9ef0ac0$8eaaec84@CuriousGeorge>
Message-ID: <cukv3j$ul4$>

Andrei wrote:
> Numbers are immutable, so the element 1 can't change into a 2 inside the 
> list. If 1 was not immutable, e.g. a list you could modify it and then 
> it would be "updated" in the original list too.

It doesn't have anything to do with mutability, only the scope of i. 
Consider a list of lists (lists are mutable):

py> l = [[1], [2], [3]]
py> for i in l:
         i = [0]

py> print l
[[1], [2], [3]]

Notice that even though each i (list) is mutable, rebinding the name i 
in the loop has no effect on the list.

> I tend to use list comprehensions for this:
>     aList = [elem+1 for elem in aList]

This is probably the best solution, provided that the operation you want 
to perform on each element is simple enough to fit in an expression. 
Even then, just put the operation into a function.

Brian Beck

From mark.kels at  Sat Feb 12 15:12:56 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Sat Feb 12 15:13:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Downloading from http
Message-ID: <>

Hi list.

How can I download a file from an HTTP server ?
I checked the documentation but couldn't find what I need.

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From keridee at  Sat Feb 12 15:25:10 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Sat Feb 12 15:24:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Downloading from http
References: <>
Message-ID: <001a01c5110e$ae6583f0$c15428cf@JSLAPTOP>

urllib or urllib2 or maybe httplib maybe?

        urlopen( url[, data])

  Open the URL url, which can be either a string or a Request object.
  data should be a string, which specifies additional data to send to the 
server. In HTTP requests, which are the only ones that support data, it 
should be a buffer in the format of application/x-www-form-urlencoded, for 
example one returned from urllib.urlencode().

  This function returns a file-like object with two additional methods:

    a.. geturl() -- return the URL of the resource retrieved
    b.. info() -- return the meta-information of the page, as a 
dictionary-like object
  Raises URLError on errors.

  Note that None may be returned if no handler handles the request (though 
the default installed global OpenerDirector uses UnknownHandler to ensure 
this never happens).

This is taken from the docs on urllib2. I think that's what you want, right?
The tutorial or whatever, called "Dive into python", goes into accessing web 
pages a little more in depth than the docs do, I think.  You can google for 
it, I believe.


> Hi list.
> How can I download a file from an HTTP server ?
> I checked the documentation but couldn't find what I need.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> 1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
> day they start making vacuum cleaners.
> 2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
> 3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
> And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Sat Feb 12 17:28:45 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb 12 17:28:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ryan Davis wrote:
> I'm starting to make a code-generation suite in python, customized to 
> the way we ASP.NET at my company, and I'm having some trouble finding a 
> good way to organize all the code.  I keep writing it, but it feels more 
> and more spaghetti-ish every day.

Organize your code into packages. Give each package a clear responsibility and clear dependencies on 
other packages. For example my current (Jython) project has these packages:

app - top-level application objects
data - database access - all the SQL code and database objects
dbload - helpers for initial database load
gui - gui classes
importer - classes to implement an import function
main - misc. main programs, not really part of the main app
server - embedded web server
tree - support for the Swing TreeModel that is a major part of the app
writer - generation of output files

I also use some packages that are not specific to the application:
db - generic database support
swing - generic Swing widgets and support classes
util - misc helpful stuff

In total there are 121 Python files (including test modules) and 49 Java files.

For a smaller project you might just have a few modules in one package, or just a couple of packages.


From mark.kels at  Sat Feb 12 20:47:49 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Sat Feb 12 20:47:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Downloading from http
In-Reply-To: <001a01c5110e$ae6583f0$c15428cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 09:25:10 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> urllib or urllib2 or maybe httplib maybe?
>         urlopen( url[, data])
>   Open the URL url, which can be either a string or a Request object.
>   data should be a string, which specifies additional data to send to the
> server. In HTTP requests, which are the only ones that support data, it
> should be a buffer in the format of application/x-www-form-urlencoded, for
> example one returned from urllib.urlencode().
>   This function returns a file-like object with two additional methods:
>     a.. geturl() -- return the URL of the resource retrieved
>     b.. info() -- return the meta-information of the page, as a
> dictionary-like object
>   Raises URLError on errors.
>   Note that None may be returned if no handler handles the request (though
> the default installed global OpenerDirector uses UnknownHandler to ensure
> this never happens).
> This is taken from the docs on urllib2. I think that's what you want, right?
> The tutorial or whatever, called "Dive into python", goes into accessing web
> pages a little more in depth than the docs do, I think.  You can google for
> it, I believe.
> HTH,
> Jacob
I'm sorry, but I didn't understood a thing (maybe its because of my
bad english, and mybe its because I'm just dumb :). Anyway, can you
give me a code example or a link to a tutorial that talks about this ?

Thanks alot.

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From zen45800 at  Sun Feb 13 05:25:50 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Sat Feb 12 21:25:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Idle needles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <> wrote:

>Brian van den Broek wrote:
>>But the multiple copies of pythonw seems key, and also the sort of thing 
>>that better Python minds than most seem to accept they have to live with 
>>too: <>
>Make sure you read the next message in the thread which gives a possible cause of the problem and a 
>patch that might help.

Great advice Kent - have downloaded the IDLE patch :-)

the address for the URL is wrong

it should be

Ed Jason
From bvande at  Sat Feb 12 22:34:09 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sat Feb 12 23:07:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with refactoring needed -- which approach is
In-Reply-To: <013c01c51101$9a276640$31d78751@xp>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 2005-02-12 07:51:


Thanks Alan and Kent for the replies.

I'm responding to a couple of questions Alan asked me about my 
problem. I don't think I have any further questions of my own (yet), 
though. :-)

>>Call it node_linkify. The new thought is to create two new
>>methods for the TP_file class:
>>- One to build a dictionary with Node titles as keys and
>>   a list of the corresponding unique ids as values.
> Which saves searching the node list each time, good idea.
> This dictionary would of course be part of the Head or Body
> object which manages the Nodes?

That's the plan, yes.

>>- Another to pass that list into a the node_linkify Node method,
>>   once for each Node object of the TP_file. 
> Since the node knows its own ID and shouldn't know about
> the other nodes I wonder if it would be better for the
> Body/Head object to pass only what the node needs to
> create the links. Or do the links go to *all* the other
> related nodes? In which case the dictionary entry is fine.
> Alan G.

The Node object being linkified won't know which other Node objects 
need to be linked to until the to-be-linkified Node's article text is 
scanned. So, I think the full dict is needed. The best analogy I can 
come up with for what I am trying to do is this:

Consider a wiki which only supports WikiNames rather than arbitrary 
page names and arbitrary page links. Quite often, in a wiki, people 
add text which could/should have been in the form of a wiki link, but 
they didn't format it that way. For example, there might be a page 
called ExtantWikiName and, on some other page, someone wrote `extant 
wiki name' rather than `ExtantWikiName'. So, one might want a function 
which scanned each page of the wiki, looking for strings which match 
the name of wiki pages, but don't have wiki link formatting and then 
so format them. It seems to me that this method, if a method of each 
wiki page, would need to be given knowledge of all page names in the 

That's pretty much my task, save that my target app doesn't support 
wiki linking, so I need to associate node titles (the analogue of wiki 
page names) with the unique id's of pages with the title to be able to 
generate the links.

Off to code it up!

Thanks and best to all,

Brian vdB

From bvande at  Sat Feb 12 23:03:42 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sat Feb 12 23:07:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] default argument frustration
In-Reply-To: <00ef01c510de$a203f680$31d78751@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I've combined a few email's worth of quoting as no previous post had 
all the elements I wanted to refer to.

Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 2005-02-11 13:30:
 >>FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE can someone tell me even one reason why this
 >>isn't a misfeature?!?!
 > Its the only sane way to implement default arguments. The whole
 > point of function definitions is that they provide a single concise
 > interface. The function should return the same result each time
 > you call it with the same input. The only way to achieve that
 > is to have the default calculated once.

Alan Gauld said unto the world upon 2005-02-12 03:41:
 > Karl Pfl?sterer said unto the world upon 2005-02-11 16:44:
>>With full lexical scope you only need to calculate the default
>>argument in the lexical scope it was defined in.  Look at a 
 >>languale like Common Lisp.
> Sorry, you are quite right. I meant its the only sane way to do it
> given the way Python works.
> Lisp and others implement closures and defered evaluation quite
> nicely, but I don't think it would be easy to build that into Python.
> Although it might be easier now with nested functions etc...
> Alan G.

I get that Karl was saying that other languages (eg Lisp) can do it 
differently, though the details of the Lisp comparison are lost on me. 
Alan was saying that there is no other obvious way for Python to do it.

What I am still not clear on it is why Alan's claim is true. (Not 
doubting it is, but would like to get why it is.)

Is this the rough idea this?:

The def statement is executed only once, and thus the default argument 
is calculated just the once, too (on building of the function object). 
So, any way around this feature of Python would either require that 
defs be executed each time a function is called (giant performance hit 
across the board even if doable) or require the addition of a new 
reserved word, say redef, for function defs that should be 
re-evaluated each time the function is run (again, if doable).

If that is in the vicinity of being right, I start to be less inclined 
to vent. Python's conservatism abut adding new reserved words seems a 
good thing, and enough to kill such a redef idea, if the performance 
issue wasn't. That makes the workaround a la the Tutorial seem less 

Thanks and best to all,

Brian vdB

From bvande at  Sat Feb 12 23:21:54 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sat Feb 12 23:39:03 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Gailer said unto the world upon 2005-02-11 15:34:
> At 10:39 AM 2/11/2005, Ryan Davis wrote:
>> I'm starting to make a code-generation suite in python, customized to 
>> the way we ASP.NET at my company, and I'm having some trouble finding 
>> a good way to organize all the code.
> My take on doing that in Python:
> Organize things into modules. Especially with an eye to potential reuse. 
> Look at the module index in the docs to see how most of the "standard" 
> modules focus on doing one thing well.
> Within a module create classes for every conceivable object. Whenever 
> you find yourself writing an if statement ask whether this would be 
> better handled by subclasses. Whenever you find yourself about to write 
> a global statement, consider making the variables properties of a class.


Hi all,

as readers of another concurrent thread will know, I am, with lots of 
help, just beginning to start thinking about proper OOP design.

I am curious about Bob's "Whenever you find yourself writing an if 
statement ask whether this would be better handled by subclasses."

Could you explain a bit more?

Thanks and best,

Brian vdB

From kent37 at  Sun Feb 13 01:02:58 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 01:03:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Downloading from http
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<001a01c5110e$ae6583f0$c15428cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Kels wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 09:25:10 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
>>urllib or urllib2 or maybe httplib maybe?
>>        urlopen( url[, data])
> I'm sorry, but I didn't understood a thing (maybe its because of my
> bad english, and mybe its because I'm just dumb :). Anyway, can you
> give me a code example or a link to a tutorial that talks about this ?

  >>> from urllib import urlopen
  >>> u=urlopen('')
  >>> print d[:200]
<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; 
.h{font-size: 20px;}

From kim.branson at  Sun Feb 13 04:34:54 2005
From: kim.branson at (Kim Branson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 04:35:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] cross platform gui
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

i'm interested in building a gui for some code we have. I'm after 
pointers on gui programming, and a recommendation on a cross platform 
gui library, wxpython? pythoncard, qt? What do people use. Ideally i'd 
like something that can work on windows, osx and linux. Its a science 
program so the look is a of lesser importance :)


Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)


From nbbalane at  Sun Feb 13 05:00:56 2005
From: nbbalane at (jrlen balane)
Date: Sun Feb 13 05:01:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] what is wrong with this?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

how would i find the stack trace? by the way, this is what the log says:

11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
arguments (2 given)Traceback(most recent call last):
11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
arguments (2 given)  File
line 80, in OnDesigner
11:53:16:     self.showDesigner()
11:53:16:       File
line 145, in showDesigner
11:53:16:     designer.refreshCtrl()
11:53:16:       File
379, in refreshCtrl
11:53:16:     self.initObjectsAndCompanions(objCol.creators[1:],
objCol, deps, depLnks)
11:53:16:       File
line 140, in initObjectsAndCompanions
11:53:16:     dependents, depLinks)
11:53:16:       File
line 216, in initObjProps
11:53:16:     getattr(ctrl, prop.prop_setter)(value)
11:53:16:       File "C:\PYTHON23\lib\site-packages\wxPython\",
line 973, in CreateGrid
11:53:16:     val = gridc.wxGrid_CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
arguments (2 given)
From cyresse at  Sun Feb 13 07:15:02 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 13 07:15:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] what is wrong with this?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Yup, that's what I was after, the full error message.

> val = gridc.wxGrid_CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
try this 

self.grid1.CreateGrid(self, 100, 6)

I'm pretty sure you have to explicitly pass self.

Let me know how ya go.


Liam Clarke

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:00:56 +0800, jrlen balane <> wrote:
> how would i find the stack trace? by the way, this is what the log says:
> 11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
> arguments (2 given)Traceback(most recent call last):
> 11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
> arguments (2 given)  File
> "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Models\",
> line 80, in OnDesigner
> 11:53:16:     self.showDesigner()
> 11:53:16:       File
> "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Models\",
> line 145, in showDesigner
> 11:53:16:     designer.refreshCtrl()
> 11:53:16:       File
> "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Views\",line
> 379, in refreshCtrl
> 11:53:16:     self.initObjectsAndCompanions(objCol.creators[1:],
> objCol, deps, depLnks)
> 11:53:16:       File
> "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Views\",
> line 140, in initObjectsAndCompanions
> 11:53:16:     dependents, depLinks)
> 11:53:16:       File
> "C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Views\",
> line 216, in initObjProps
> 11:53:16:     getattr(ctrl, prop.prop_setter)(value)
> 11:53:16:       File "C:\PYTHON23\lib\site-packages\wxPython\",
> line 973, in CreateGrid
> 11:53:16:     val = gridc.wxGrid_CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
> 11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
> arguments (2 given)

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Sun Feb 13 07:17:29 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 13 07:17:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] cross platform gui
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I would recommend wxPython, it seems to be cross platform. Pythoncard
is an easy to use wrapper around wxPython, and for some stuff you have
to revert back to wxPython code.
I can't on QT, and Tkinter is getting a bit old these days (imao.)

AFAIK they should all be cross-platform (query QT), so it's all a
matter of style.

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 14:34:54 +1100, Kim Branson <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all,
> i'm interested in building a gui for some code we have. I'm after
> pointers on gui programming, and a recommendation on a cross platform
> gui library, wxpython? pythoncard, qt? What do people use. Ideally i'd
> like something that can work on windows, osx and linux. Its a science
> program so the look is a of lesser importance :)
> cheers
> Kim
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
> iD8DBQFCDsrfer2hmGbHcokRAlYLAKCXGmve611OUdqprrpLUVAa2rJdDwCdGRKo
> dqMFRWAYlM60wlMyWpsLG8w=
> =bqSk
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From zen45800 at  Sun Feb 13 17:03:45 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Sun Feb 13 09:03:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] cross platform gui
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

From: Kim Branson <>

Hi all,

i'm interested in building a gui for some code we have. I'm after 
pointers on gui programming, and a recommendation on a cross platform 
gui library, wxpython? pythoncard, qt? What do people use. Ideally i'd 
like something that can work on windows, osx and linux. Its a science 
program so the look is a of lesser importance  :) 


Hi Kim,

This is the easiest I could find 
(even I was able to almost use it)

Ed Jason (Lobster)

From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb 13 09:58:51 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb 13 09:58:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] default argument frustration
References: <><07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp><><001e01c51067$bd0478f0$31d78751@xp><><00ef01c510de$a203f680$31d78751@xp>
Message-ID: <018501c511aa$3d613360$31d78751@xp>

> Alan was saying that there is no other obvious way for Python to do
> What I am still not clear on it is why Alan's claim is true. (Not
> doubting it is, but would like to get why it is.)

Doubt away, my knowledge of Python internals is largely intuitive,
I've never got round to reading the C code!

But as I understand it when Python defs a function it creates
a dictionary object at the module level that handles the naming.
When the function executes, the local names have their own namespace.
In Lisp, again as I understand it, the namespace is effectively
passed around with the function (rather than being fixed at module
level) so it is easier for the function to modify its own context.
Dynamically rebinding the default value in Python would require
an external lookup at the module level which would be more complex
and expensive.

> Is this the rough idea this?:
> The def statement is executed only once, and thus the default
> is calculated just the once, too (on building of the function
> So, any way around this feature of Python would either require that
> defs be executed each time a function is called (giant performance
> across the board even if doable) or require the addition of a new
> reserved word, say redef,

I don't know if the whole def would need to be redone but the binding
of function and parameter values would, I think. But as I say most of
this is intuitive knowledge - i.e. based on how I think *I* would have
built the behaviour I observe!

> good thing, and enough to kill such a redef idea, if the performance
> issue wasn't.

I think its probably possible to change the mechanism but I suspect
it would add significantly to the function overgead - which is already
quite high in Python.

But I'm happy to be enlightened by anyone who *really* knows how and
why this stuff works.

And in thinking about this I'm stimulated to ask, does anyone know
how default arguments work in a threaded context? What happens if
two threads try to modify the content of a mutable default argument
at the same time?

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb 13 10:06:13 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb 13 10:06:01 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger program organization
References: <><>
Message-ID: <018a01c511ab$450ce540$31d78751@xp>

> I am curious about Bob's "Whenever you find yourself writing an if
> statement ask whether this would be better handled by subclasses."
> Could you explain a bit more?

One of the basic purposes of OOP is to eliminate if/switch statements
that are conditional on the type of the object being handled.

So when writing OO code every time you see an if statement you should
ask is this really part of the logic or am I habdling a special type
of processing that should be in a separate subclass.

For example, if you were writing your Node class parsing method and
you started writing code like:

if dataType == 'Some literal value'
    # extract one format of data
    # extract another data format

Then maybe you should have two classes and rely on
polymorphism to do the two different types of extraction.

subType = DataType()

By eliminating the if/else you potentially eliminate an
ongoing maintenance headache and this is one of the big
wins of OOP.


Alan G.

From cyresse at  Sun Feb 13 10:46:36 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 13 10:46:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Data storage, SQL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

...So,  trying to get this straight - if I were going to use SQLite,
what would I actually download from

Also, would Gadfly be easier, being native Python?


Liam Clarke

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 14:27:21 +0500, Sandip Bhattacharya
<> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 20:09:10 +1300, Liam Clarke wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm looking to create a prog that will store disparate bits of info
> > all linked together, i.e. address details for a person, transaction
> > records, specific themes, and the ability to search by certain
> > criteria, so I'm pretty sure I want a database.
> >
> > Can anyone recommend a useful database library for Python that's not
> > too complex?
> > Also, I keep hearing about SQL, would this be the best way to go? I
> > don't know much about databases.
> You can take a look at sqlite
> ( It doesn't require a client
> server setup, and offers you the same sql syntax for manipulating data on
> it.
> Some amazing facts about this from the website:
> [...]
> SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained,
> embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. Features include:
> * Transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable  (ACID)
>     even after system crashes and power failures.
> * Zero-configuration - no setup or administration needed.
> * Implements most of SQL92.
> * A complete database is stored in a single disk file.
> * Database files can be freely shared between machines with
>   different byte orders.
> * Supports databases up to 2 terabytes (2^41 bytes) in size.
> * Sizes of strings and BLOBs limited only by available memory.
> * Small code footprint: less than 30K lines of C code, less
>     than 250KB code space (gcc on i486)
> * Faster than popular  client/server database engines
>   for most common operations.
> * Simple, easy to use API.
> * Well-commented source code with over 95% test coverage.
> * Self-contained: no external dependencies.
> * Sources are in the public domain. Use for any purpose.
> The SQLite distribution comes with a standalone command-line access
> program (sqlite) that can be used to administer an SQLite database and
> which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite library.
> [...]
> - Sandip
> --
> Sandip Bhattacharya    *    Puroga Technologies   *
> Work:   *    Home/Blog:
> PGP/GPG Signature: 51A4 6C57 4BC6 8C82 6A65 AE78 B1A1 2280 A129 0FF3
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb 13 10:45:49 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb 13 10:49:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] default argument frustration
References: <><07fe01c50f46$60d84240$68b78851@xp><><001e01c51067$bd0478f0$31d78751@xp><><00ef01c510de$a203f680$31d78751@xp>
Message-ID: <01a601c511b0$cd1ca510$31d78751@xp>

> I've combined a few email's worth of quoting as no previous post had
> all the elements I wanted to refer to.

>  > interface. The function should return the same result each time
>  > you call it with the same input. The only way to achieve that
>  > is to have the default calculated once.

I feel the need to clarify this statement somewhat! :-)

Imagine what would happen if you calculated the default each time
you ran the program and the def looked like:

def f(x,y=g()):
   # etc...

Everytime you called f(42) you would also call g() which could return
a completely different value, thus f(42) behaviour would be very
inconsistent and almost unpredictable.

However if g() is only evaluated once and that value used as the
default then f(42) becomes predictable again.

If you want the behaviour whereby g() gets called each time then
that is easily restored by making the function object g be the
default and then within the function definition calling it:

def g(): # whatever
def f(x,y=g):
   val = g()
   # etc...

Hmm, I'm not sure this is actually explaining what I'm trying to
Basically, I think the current behaviour is good because it gives me
a wider set of options than the alternative mechanism.

Alan G.

From krzys_kyku at  Sun Feb 13 11:41:27 2005
From: krzys_kyku at (Krzysztof Wrzalik)
Date: Sun Feb 13 11:41:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Accessing local variables from nested functions.
Message-ID: <>

Hello all,
what's the Python way of accessing local variables in nesting functions? For 
example if I have:

def p():
? var1 = 3
? def q():
? ? ?print 'var1 in p is', var1
? q()

then there's no problem in running such function, but what if I'd like to 
modify var1 so that the change were vissible in p()?

I can't label var1 as global in q, because it then creates a new var1 in the 
module scope, leaving the nested one untouched.

Thanks in advance
From sigurd at  Sun Feb 13 12:15:03 2005
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Sun Feb 13 12:16:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Accessing local variables from nested functions.
In-Reply-To: <> (Krzysztof Wrzalik's
	message of "Sun, 13 Feb 2005 11:41:27 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 13 Feb 2005, wrote:

> what's the Python way of accessing local variables in nesting functions? For 

The way you want to work with closures the Python way is not to do it
but use a class to hold the state.  That's sometimes sad but true.

> example if I have:
> def p():
> ? var1 = 3
> ? def q():
> ? ? ?print 'var1 in p is', var1
> ? q()
> then there's no problem in running such function, but what if I'd like to 
> modify var1 so that the change were vissible in p()?

There's a workaround (but see it only as one; it's not pretty).

def outer ():
    var = [1]
    def inner ():
        var[0] += 1
        return var
    return inner

Now if you call outer it's returns a function which when called changes
the value of var.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list
From project5 at  Sun Feb 13 12:45:42 2005
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Sun Feb 13 12:45:58 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Accessing local variables from nested functions.
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Karl Pfl?sterer wrote on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:15:03 +0100:

> what's the Python way of accessing local variables in nesting functions? For 

> then there's no problem in running such function, but what if I'd like to 
> modify var1 so that the change were vissible in p()?

I'd use return in the form of

def p():
    v = 3
    def q():
        return v+1
    v = q()

If you need to modify a lot of p-vars inside q, I'd say it's probably wiser
to go with a class and appropriate methods.



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From kohlerj at  Sun Feb 13 13:18:27 2005
From: kohlerj at (Johan Kohler)
Date: Sun Feb 13 13:18:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>

I still have problems pickling and unpickling.  After I couldn't get
"complicated" objects to work, i decided to use simple lists.  But now
there seems to be a difference between assigning a list value, and using
the .append method.  Please try out the code at     There are two "use cases" 
 WorkingCase() and BrokenCase.  

WorkingCase() saves data in a list using assignment, and by appending,
and then reads it back from the file.  BrokenCase performs only the
reading back step.   Now, there are no problems when the two cases are
run consecutively.  Do this once.  Then comment out the WorkingCase()
statement, and run only BrokenCase().  This should read back all the
list entries, but all the ones created by "appending" are blank!  I
should mention, that in my application I want to append items one by one
to the list.

Please can someone help me with this?  I am getting extremely frustrated
by not being able to get supposedly simple stuff to work.

Thanks in advance,

From sigurd at  Sun Feb 13 13:34:14 2005
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Sun Feb 13 13:37:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Accessing local variables from nested functions.
In-Reply-To: <> (Andrei's message of
	"Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:45:42 +0100")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 13 Feb 2005, wrote:

> Karl Pfl?sterer wrote on Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:15:03 +0100:
>> what's the Python way of accessing local variables in nesting functions? For 

I didn't wrote that; please quote correctly.  Thanks.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list
From kent37 at  Sun Feb 13 14:00:38 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 14:00:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Data storage, SQL?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> ...So,  trying to get this straight - if I were going to use SQLite,
> what would I actually download from
> ?

SQLite itself does not use / interface with Python. So you would download the appropriate version of 
SQLite for your platform from Then get the matching release of 
pysqlite from - this is the Python interface to SQLite.

> Also, would Gadfly be easier, being native Python?

Gadfly might be a little easier to install since there is only one piece. Both Gadfly and SQLite 
have DB-API compliant drivers and use SQL for their command language, so in use they will be 
similar. Gadfly keeps the database in memory so for large amounts of data it won't work. I think 
SQLite has been around longer than Gadfly so it may be more mature.

If you want a simple database with a Pythonic interface, take a look at KirbyBase. Though from your 
brief description I think you will want a database that supports joins.

There is a great variety of databases usable from Python. Most of them use DB-API and SQL for the 
interface, so you have to pick one based on features. I guess I see three rough categories.

This is a rough opinion based on reading about these databases. My own experience is with MS SQL 
Server, PostgreSQL and MS Access.

At the top of the heap are the industrial strength databases. This includes free products like 
MySQL, PostgreSQL and Firebird as well as commercial products like MS SQL Server, Sybase and Oracle. 
These databases will take anything you can throw at them with style and aplomb. (MySQL is probably 
the most limited of this category but it is widely used and clearly quite capable.) They are well 
supported with tools and they are used in a wide variety of projects.

In the middle tier are databases that are not as full featured but still very usable for small to 
midsize work. I would put SQLite and Gadfly into this category. Some people would argue that MySQL 
belongs here. These databases will be missing features like transactions, large database support, 
unicode support...

In the bottom tier are programs that are more of a persistence mechanism than a true database. I put 
KirbyBase here along with the standard Python shelve and dbm modules.

OK...I don't know if this has been any help...I suggest you look at the *features* of SQLite and 
Gadfly and see if either is missing anything you need.

Finally, you might want to look at SQLObject. This is a wrapper on top of the database that makes 
your objects persist themselves. It shields you from DB-API and SQL.


> Regards, 
> Liam Clarke
> On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 14:27:21 +0500, Sandip Bhattacharya
> <> wrote:
>>On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 20:09:10 +1300, Liam Clarke wrote:
>>>I'm looking to create a prog that will store disparate bits of info
>>>all linked together, i.e. address details for a person, transaction
>>>records, specific themes, and the ability to search by certain
>>>criteria, so I'm pretty sure I want a database.
>>>Can anyone recommend a useful database library for Python that's not
>>>too complex?
>>>Also, I keep hearing about SQL, would this be the best way to go? I
>>>don't know much about databases.
>>You can take a look at sqlite
>>( It doesn't require a client
>>server setup, and offers you the same sql syntax for manipulating data on
>>Some amazing facts about this from the website:
>>SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained,
>>embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. Features include:
>>* Transactions are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable  (ACID)
>>    even after system crashes and power failures.
>>* Zero-configuration - no setup or administration needed.
>>* Implements most of SQL92.
>>* A complete database is stored in a single disk file.
>>* Database files can be freely shared between machines with
>>  different byte orders.
>>* Supports databases up to 2 terabytes (2^41 bytes) in size.
>>* Sizes of strings and BLOBs limited only by available memory.
>>* Small code footprint: less than 30K lines of C code, less
>>    than 250KB code space (gcc on i486)
>>* Faster than popular  client/server database engines
>>  for most common operations.
>>* Simple, easy to use API.
>>* Well-commented source code with over 95% test coverage.
>>* Self-contained: no external dependencies.
>>* Sources are in the public domain. Use for any purpose.
>>The SQLite distribution comes with a standalone command-line access
>>program (sqlite) that can be used to administer an SQLite database and
>>which serves as an example of how to use the SQLite library.
>>- Sandip
>>Sandip Bhattacharya    *    Puroga Technologies   *
>>Work:   *    Home/Blog:
>>PGP/GPG Signature: 51A4 6C57 4BC6 8C82 6A65 AE78 B1A1 2280 A129 0FF3
>>Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Sun Feb 13 14:12:11 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 14:12:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] what is wrong with this?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Yup, that's what I was after, the full error message.
>  >self.grid1.CreateGrid(100,6)
>>val = gridc.wxGrid_CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
> try this 
> self.grid1.CreateGrid(self, 100, 6)
> I'm pretty sure you have to explicitly pass self.

No, that's not it. There is an asymmetry between the way a method is declared and the way it is 
invoked. In the declaration, you list 'self' as an explicit parameter, e.g.
   def CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
but at the point of call the 'self' argument is implicit, it is the object on which the method is 
invoked. So the call
   self.grid1.CreateGrid(100, 6)
will call CreateGrid with the three arguments (self.grid1, 100, 6)

I don't know what the actual problem is but I'm pretty sure this isn't the solution.

jrlen, the error trace you sent looks incomplete, it doesn't show any of your code. Is there more of it?


> Let me know how ya go.
> Regards, 
> Liam Clarke
> On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:00:56 +0800, jrlen balane <> wrote:
>>how would i find the stack trace? by the way, this is what the log says:
>>11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
>>arguments (2 given)Traceback(most recent call last):
>>11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
>>arguments (2 given)  File
>>line 80, in OnDesigner
>>11:53:16:     self.showDesigner()
>>11:53:16:       File
>>line 145, in showDesigner
>>11:53:16:     designer.refreshCtrl()
>>11:53:16:       File
>>379, in refreshCtrl
>>11:53:16:     self.initObjectsAndCompanions(objCol.creators[1:],
>>objCol, deps, depLnks)
>>11:53:16:       File
>>line 140, in initObjectsAndCompanions
>>11:53:16:     dependents, depLinks)
>>11:53:16:       File
>>line 216, in initObjProps
>>11:53:16:     getattr(ctrl, prop.prop_setter)(value)
>>11:53:16:       File "C:\PYTHON23\lib\site-packages\wxPython\",
>>line 973, in CreateGrid
>>11:53:16:     val = gridc.wxGrid_CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
>>11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
>>arguments (2 given)

From kent37 at  Sun Feb 13 14:17:19 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 14:17:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] cross platform gui
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> I would recommend wxPython, it seems to be cross platform. Pythoncard
> is an easy to use wrapper around wxPython, and for some stuff you have
> to revert back to wxPython code.
> I can't on QT, and Tkinter is getting a bit old these days (imao.)
> AFAIK they should all be cross-platform (query QT), so it's all a
> matter of style.

All three (wxPython, Tkinter and QT) will run on Mac, Windows and Linux. QT is not free on Windows 
though that is changing.

Tkinter is included with Python and simple GUIs are easy to create with it. I've heard really good 
things about QT's ease of development but I haven't tried it myself. wxPython has an extensive 
widget library.

If your GUI requirements are *very* modest, EasyGUI might fit the bill. It lets you build a series 
of dialog boxes that accept information from the user.


> On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 14:34:54 +1100, Kim Branson <> wrote:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>Hi all,
>>i'm interested in building a gui for some code we have. I'm after
>>pointers on gui programming, and a recommendation on a cross platform
>>gui library, wxpython? pythoncard, qt? What do people use. Ideally i'd
>>like something that can work on windows, osx and linux. Its a science
>>program so the look is a of lesser importance :)
>>Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
>>Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Sun Feb 13 14:37:53 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 14:38:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Pickling
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


The problem is in your class V. You have

> class V:
>     a=[]
>     def add(self, s):
>         self.a.append(s)

The problem is that 'a' is a *class* variable, not an instance variable. The correct way to define V 
is like this:

class V:
     def __init__(self):
         self.a=[]  # Now 'a' is an instance variable

     def add(self, s):

Why does this cause the behaviour you are seeing? Let's take a look at your assign() and add() 

> def assign():
>     p=V()

At this point p has no 'a' attribute of its own, just the class attribute inherited from V.

>     p.a = [1,2,3,4]

This assignment *creates* an 'a' attribute in the object p. Now when you pickle p, it gets the list 
saved with it.

>     f = open ("blah.dat", 'a')
>     print 'assign:', p.a
>     pickle.dump(p,f)
>     f.close()

OK, how about add()?
> def add():
>     p=V()
>     p.add(1);p.add(2);p.add(3);p.add(4);

This is changing the *class* attribute 'a'! The object p has no attribute 'a', so when p is pickled, 
no list is saved with it.

>     print 'add:', p.a
>     f = open("blah.dat", 'a')
>     pickle.dump(p,f)
>     f.close()

The reason you see the expected list when you run both versions is because you have changed the 
class attribute.

A little dabbling in the Python interpreter might clarify a bit more:

  >>> class V:
  ...     a=[]
  ...     def add(self, s):
  ...         self.a.append(s)
  >>> p=V()
  >>> p.a
  >>> V.a
  >>> p.add(1)
  >>> p.add(2)
  >>> p.a
[1, 2]
  >>> V.a
[1, 2]

p.a is actually accessing V.a.

  >>> p=V()
  >>> p.a = [3,4]
  >>> p.a
[3, 4]
  >>> V.a
[1, 2]

Now p has it's own a and V.a is unchanged.


Johan Kohler wrote:
> Hi
> I still have problems pickling and unpickling.  After I couldn't get
> "complicated" objects to work, i decided to use simple lists.  But now
> there seems to be a difference between assigning a list value, and using
> the .append method.  Please try out the code at
>     There are two "use cases" 
>  WorkingCase() and BrokenCase.  
> WorkingCase() saves data in a list using assignment, and by appending,
> and then reads it back from the file.  BrokenCase performs only the
> reading back step.   Now, there are no problems when the two cases are
> run consecutively.  Do this once.  Then comment out the WorkingCase()
> statement, and run only BrokenCase().  This should read back all the
> list entries, but all the ones created by "appending" are blank!  I
> should mention, that in my application I want to append items one by one
> to the list.
> Please can someone help me with this?  I am getting extremely frustrated
> by not being able to get supposedly simple stuff to work.
> Thanks in advance,
> Johan
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From bgailer at  Sun Feb 13 16:13:19 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Sun Feb 13 16:17:53 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(7.4)**** Re: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger
	program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 03:21 PM 2/12/2005, Brian van den Broek wrote:
 > I am curious about Bob's "Whenever you find yourself writing
 > an if statement ask whether this would be better handled by subclasses."

I start out writing a class like:

class A:
   def __init__(self, type):
     self.type = type
   def foo(self, ...):
     if self.type = 1:
       statements to process object of type 1
       statements to process object of type 2

The '"if statement" alerts me to consider creating subclasses for types 1 
and 2:

class A:
class A1(A);
   def foo(self, ...):
     statements to process object of type 1
class A2(A);
   def foo(self, ...):
     statements to process object of type 2

That takes less code. Eliminates the type property. I get greater 
visibility about the existence and distinction of the two (or more) 
sub-types. I now can much more easily extend each subtype.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From nbbalane at  Sun Feb 13 16:50:28 2005
From: nbbalane at (jrlen balane)
Date: Sun Feb 13 16:50:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] what is wrong with this?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

i'm using BOA to construct the GUI. The problem is in this
MDIChildFrame. The code was sort of copy and pasted from the wxpython
demo "" then edited so that it fits what i wanted. there seems
to be no problem at all when you run the whole program
(MDIParentframe). but as i attempt to open this ChildFrame in designer
mode, the error occurs.
by the way, i tried Sir Liam's suggestion but the error is still there:

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 08:12:11 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > Yup, that's what I was after, the full error message.
> >
> >  >self.grid1.CreateGrid(100,6)
> >
> >>val = gridc.wxGrid_CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
> >
> > try this
> >
> > self.grid1.CreateGrid(self, 100, 6)
> >
> > I'm pretty sure you have to explicitly pass self.
> No, that's not it. There is an asymmetry between the way a method is declared and the way it is
> invoked. In the declaration, you list 'self' as an explicit parameter, e.g.
>    def CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
> but at the point of call the 'self' argument is implicit, it is the object on which the method is
> invoked. So the call
>    self.grid1.CreateGrid(100, 6)
> will call CreateGrid with the three arguments (self.grid1, 100, 6)
> I don't know what the actual problem is but I'm pretty sure this isn't the solution.
> jrlen, the error trace you sent looks incomplete, it doesn't show any of your code. Is there more of it?
> Kent
> >
> > Let me know how ya go.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Liam Clarke
> >
> >
> > On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:00:56 +0800, jrlen balane <> wrote:
> >
> >>how would i find the stack trace? by the way, this is what the log says:
> >>
> >>11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
> >>arguments (2 given)Traceback(most recent call last):
> >>11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
> >>arguments (2 given)  File
> >>"C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Models\",
> >>line 80, in OnDesigner
> >>11:53:16:     self.showDesigner()
> >>11:53:16:       File
> >>"C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Models\",
> >>line 145, in showDesigner
> >>11:53:16:     designer.refreshCtrl()
> >>11:53:16:       File
> >>"C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Views\",line
> >>379, in refreshCtrl
> >>11:53:16:     self.initObjectsAndCompanions(objCol.creators[1:],
> >>objCol, deps, depLnks)
> >>11:53:16:       File
> >>"C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Views\",
> >>line 140, in initObjectsAndCompanions
> >>11:53:16:     dependents, depLinks)
> >>11:53:16:       File
> >>"C:\PYTHON23\Lib\site-packages\wxPython\tools\boa\Views\",
> >>line 216, in initObjProps
> >>11:53:16:     getattr(ctrl, prop.prop_setter)(value)
> >>11:53:16:       File "C:\PYTHON23\lib\site-packages\wxPython\",
> >>line 973, in CreateGrid
> >>11:53:16:     val = gridc.wxGrid_CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
> >>11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
> >>arguments (2 given)
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb 13 17:05:19 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb 13 17:05:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Data storage, SQL?
References: <><>
Message-ID: <01bb01c511e5$d0f3f8c0$31d78751@xp>

> ...So,  trying to get this straight - if I were going to use SQLite,
> what would I actually download from
> ?

Well, I haven't usd it yet but I think you need(for Windoze)

1) The Sqllite executable OR the DLL
2) The pysqlite library to interface between Pyhon DBI
   and SQLIte

and probably
3) SQLIte Explorer for a civilised SQL IDE environment

> Also, would Gadfly be easier, being native Python?

Gadfly might be easier to accomplish the task but the
knowledge would be less transferrable IMHO

The effort of learning SQL is fairly minimal (at least
to get up to basic speed) but the benefits are immense.
I strongly recommend taking the extra time to learn SQL
and SQLite looks like a fairly easy way in - it doesn't
have power user features like Oracle, Interbase,
PostGres etc, but almost all you learn in it will
transfer to those heavier weight DBs later if you
need it.

Thanks for reminding me about SQLite Sandip, I've been
meaning to try it for ages and your post was the
incentive to download it... It looks promising and
I will probably use it for my tutorial, whenever I
get round to it!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb 13 17:13:02 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb 13 17:12:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Accessing local variables from nested functions.
References: <>
Message-ID: <01c201c511e6$e565c710$31d78751@xp>

> what's the Python way of accessing local variables 
> in nesting functions? 

THats usually bad practice, and since it is a nested function 
why not just return a value?

def p():
  var1 = 3
  def q():
    print 'var1 in p is', var1
    return 42
  var1 = q()

After all var1 only exists within p() so you might as well 
assign it there. If you need to return more than one value 
recall that Python can return a tuple:

def f():
  v = 1
  u = 2
  def g()
    w = 42
    x = 24
    return w,x
  u,v = g()
  return u

Does that help?

Alan G.

PS In other words I don't know the real answer to your 
question! Other than maybe messing with locals dictionaries 
etc that  are really horrible and messy :-)

From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb 13 17:42:42 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb 13 17:42:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Data storage, SQL?
References: <>	<><>
Message-ID: <01db01c511eb$0a6b5440$31d78751@xp>

> Both Gadfly and SQLite have DB-API compliant drivers and use SQL

My apologies, I obviously gott confusd somewhere I thought Gadfly was
a non SQL DB. In which case you can ignore my previous comments
about Gadfly being less suitable than SQLite.

> .... I guess I see three rough categories.

I'd agree with Kents summary.

> At the top of the heap are the industrial strength databases.
> This includes free products like MySQL, PostgreSQL and Firebird
> as well as commercial products like MS SQL Server, Sybase and

The commercial ones all tend to scale better at the very big end
of things. But you only need to worry if you have more than a
thousand users or over a terabyte of data. For 90% plus of
the freeware ones will do fine.

> In the middle tier are databases that are not as full featured
> but still very usable for small to midsize work. I would put
> SQLite and Gadfly into this category. Some people would argue that
> belongs here.

I'd have put MySql here up until release 5 but its now pretty
solidly in tier 1 territory - especially since their tie up
with SAP and MaxDB for large data sets and with the addition
of stored procedures.

The other popular one in this tier 2 category is MS Access.

> In the bottom tier are programs that are more of a persistence
> than a true database. I put KirbyBase here along with the standard
> Python shelve and dbm modules.

The other category are the Object Databases like ZODB from Zope.
However they are so disparate in capability and architecure that
there is little in common. The big win with a SQL solution is
that the knowledge transfers easily from one DB to aother as the
size grows.

Alan G.

From nbbalane at  Sun Feb 13 17:49:36 2005
From: nbbalane at (jrlen balane)
Date: Sun Feb 13 17:49:40 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
Message-ID: <>

guys, how would i do this: 
i want to read from a text file
the text file should contain should contain data (say, decimal value
from 1-1200). there should be no other type of entry but decimal
it should contain 96 data all in all, with each data separated by a
comma or each data is numbered from 1-96 (or better yet, any
suggestions on this???)
now, the program should read each data every 5 minutes for eight hours
the data will be sent to the serial port and will be executed by an
external hardware. the serial part is ok, and the problem now is how
to read from a text file.
any help, pls.

what i know (chapter 7 of the tutorial):
1) first, to open a txt file, i can use open() say:
                f = open(*.txt, r)
a user can use the notepad to create the text file so i'll just open
it for reading. my problem now would be on reading the contents of the
2), since my data ranges from 0-1200, size = 2 for each read.
3) should i do this:
       for data in range (1, 96,1):
            time.sleep(300) # 5 minutes
4) since returns string, how would i convert this back to
decimal value, since i would need the decimal value for the serial

please help, will try to formulate some questions later to make the
problem clearer. thanks in advance...
From mark.kels at  Sun Feb 13 18:27:03 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Sun Feb 13 18:27:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] cross platform gui
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 08:03:45 -0800, Lobster <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> i'm interested in building a gui for some code we have. I'm after
> pointers on gui programming, and a recommendation on a cross platform
> gui library, wxpython? pythoncard, qt? What do people use. Ideally i'd
> like something that can work on windows, osx and linux. Its a science
> program so the look is a of lesser importance  :)
> cheers
> Kim

I think Tkinter will be the best for your needs...
Its totally cross platform (I believe it works anywhere python does)
and its the python default GUI toolkit (no additional modules needed).
Its downside is that it don't got any fancy widgets, but you don't
need them for a science program anyway.

Good luck !!

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From bvande at  Sun Feb 13 19:13:50 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sun Feb 13 19:14:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

jrlen balane said unto the world upon 2005-02-13 11:49:
> guys, how would i do this: 
> i want to read from a text file
> the text file should contain should contain data (say, decimal value
> from 1-1200). there should be no other type of entry but decimal
> it should contain 96 data all in all, with each data separated by a
> comma or each data is numbered from 1-96 (or better yet, any
> suggestions on this???)


So, you have control over the creation of the data file, too? Is it 
being created by a Python process? If so, pickling your data might 
make more sense. If the data was generated by a class with each data 
point stored as a class attribute, for instance, you could just pickle 
the class. Does this sound possible in your situation?

> now, the program should read each data every 5 minutes for eight hours
> the data will be sent to the serial port and will be executed by an
> external hardware. the serial part is ok, and the problem now is how
> to read from a text file.
> any help, pls.
> what i know (chapter 7 of the tutorial):
> 1) first, to open a txt file, i can use open() say:
>                 f = open(*.txt, r)
> a user can use the notepad to create the text file so i'll just open
> it for reading. my problem now would be on reading the contents of the
> file.
> 2), since my data ranges from 0-1200, size = 2 for each read.
> 3) should i do this:
>        for data in range (1, 96,1):
>             ...
>             time.sleep(300) # 5 minutes
> 4) since returns string, how would i convert this back to
> decimal value, since i would need the decimal value for the serial
> part.

Since you files are quite short, I'd do something like:

data_file = open(thedata.txt, 'r') # note -- 'r' not r
data = data_file.readlines()       # returns a list of lines

def process(list_of_lines):
     data_points = []
     for line in list_of_lines:
     return data_points


This assumes that each line of the data file has nothing but a string 
with an int followed by '\n' (for end of line), and that all you need 
is a list of those integers. Maybe these are bad assumptions -- but 
they might get you started.


Brian vdB

From kent37 at  Sun Feb 13 20:04:04 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 20:04:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> Since you files are quite short, I'd do something like:
> <code>
> data_file = open(thedata.txt, 'r') # note -- 'r' not r
> data = data_file.readlines()       # returns a list of lines
> def process(list_of_lines):
>     data_points = []
>     for line in list_of_lines:
>         data_points.append(int(line))
>     return data_points
> process(data)

This can be done much more simply with a list comprehension using Python's ability to iterate an 
open file directly:
data_file = open('thedata.txt', 'r') # note -- 'thedata.txt' not thedata.txt :-)
data_points = [ int(line) for line in data_file ]

then process the data with something like
for val in data_points:
   # do something with val

Alternately (and my preference) the processing could be done in the read loop like this:
data_file = open('thedata.txt', 'r')
for line in data_file:
   val = int(line)
   # do something with val


> </code>
> This assumes that each line of the data file has nothing but a string 
> with an int followed by '\n' (for end of line), and that all you need is 
> a list of those integers. Maybe these are bad assumptions -- but they 
> might get you started.
> HTH,
> Brian vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Sun Feb 13 20:06:20 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 20:06:24 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(7.4)**** Re: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger	program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Gailer wrote:
> At 03:21 PM 2/12/2005, Brian van den Broek wrote:
> [snip]
>  > I am curious about Bob's "Whenever you find yourself writing
>  > an if statement ask whether this would be better handled by subclasses."
> class A:
> ...
> class A1(A);
>   def foo(self, ...):
>     statements to process object of type 1
> class A2(A);
>   def foo(self, ...):
>     statements to process object of type 2
> That takes less code. Eliminates the type property. I get greater 
> visibility about the existence and distinction of the two (or more) 
> sub-types. I now can much more easily extend each subtype.

Also you can more easily *add* a new subtype. Using if statements, if you add a new type you have to 
find all the relevant conditionals and add another condition. With subclassing, you create a new 
subclass and define the necessary methods. The changes are localized to the subclass and much easier 
to figure out.


From kent37 at  Sun Feb 13 20:09:45 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 20:09:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] what is wrong with this?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

You might try asking for help on the Boa users mailing list.


jrlen balane wrote:
> i'm using BOA to construct the GUI. The problem is in this
> MDIChildFrame. The code was sort of copy and pasted from the wxpython
> demo "" then edited so that it fits what i wanted. there seems
> to be no problem at all when you run the whole program
> (MDIParentframe). but as i attempt to open this ChildFrame in designer
> mode, the error occurs.
> by the way, i tried Sir Liam's suggestion but the error is still there:
> On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 08:12:11 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
>>Liam Clarke wrote:
>>>Yup, that's what I was after, the full error message.
>>> >self.grid1.CreateGrid(100,6)
>>>>val = gridc.wxGrid_CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
>>>try this
>>>self.grid1.CreateGrid(self, 100, 6)
>>>I'm pretty sure you have to explicitly pass self.
>>No, that's not it. There is an asymmetry between the way a method is declared and the way it is
>>invoked. In the declaration, you list 'self' as an explicit parameter, e.g.
>>   def CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
>>but at the point of call the 'self' argument is implicit, it is the object on which the method is
>>invoked. So the call
>>   self.grid1.CreateGrid(100, 6)
>>will call CreateGrid with the three arguments (self.grid1, 100, 6)
>>I don't know what the actual problem is but I'm pretty sure this isn't the solution.
>>jrlen, the error trace you sent looks incomplete, it doesn't show any of your code. Is there more of it?
>>>Let me know how ya go.
>>>Liam Clarke
>>>On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:00:56 +0800, jrlen balane <> wrote:
>>>>how would i find the stack trace? by the way, this is what the log says:
>>>>11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
>>>>arguments (2 given)Traceback(most recent call last):
>>>>11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
>>>>arguments (2 given)  File
>>>>line 80, in OnDesigner
>>>>11:53:16:     self.showDesigner()
>>>>11:53:16:       File
>>>>line 145, in showDesigner
>>>>11:53:16:     designer.refreshCtrl()
>>>>11:53:16:       File
>>>>379, in refreshCtrl
>>>>11:53:16:     self.initObjectsAndCompanions(objCol.creators[1:],
>>>>objCol, deps, depLnks)
>>>>11:53:16:       File
>>>>line 140, in initObjectsAndCompanions
>>>>11:53:16:     dependents, depLinks)
>>>>11:53:16:       File
>>>>line 216, in initObjProps
>>>>11:53:16:     getattr(ctrl, prop.prop_setter)(value)
>>>>11:53:16:       File "C:\PYTHON23\lib\site-packages\wxPython\",
>>>>line 973, in CreateGrid
>>>>11:53:16:     val = gridc.wxGrid_CreateGrid(self, *_args, **_kwargs)
>>>>11:53:16:     TypeError: wxGrid_CreateGrid() takes at least 3
>>>>arguments (2 given)
>>Tutor maillist  -

From bvande at  Sun Feb 13 19:59:29 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sun Feb 13 20:14:55 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bob Gailer said unto the world upon 2005-02-13 10:13:
> At 03:21 PM 2/12/2005, Brian van den Broek wrote:
> [snip]
>  > I am curious about Bob's "Whenever you find yourself writing
>  > an if statement ask whether this would be better handled by subclasses."

<SNIP Bob's explanation>

Thanks Bob and Alan,

It's quite clear now :-)


Brian vdB

From bvande at  Sun Feb 13 20:32:18 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sun Feb 13 20:32:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-13 14:04:
> Brian van den Broek wrote:
>> Since you files are quite short, I'd do something like:
>> <code>
>> data_file = open(thedata.txt, 'r') # note -- 'r' not r
>> data = data_file.readlines()       # returns a list of lines
>> def process(list_of_lines):
>>     data_points = []
>>     for line in list_of_lines:
>>         data_points.append(int(line))
>>     return data_points
>> process(data)
> This can be done much more simply with a list comprehension using 
> Python's ability to iterate an open file directly:
> data_file = open('thedata.txt', 'r') # note -- 'thedata.txt' not 
> thedata.txt :-)

Gah! :-[   Outsmarting myself in public again. (At least I'm good at 
something :-) )

> data_points = [ int(line) for line in data_file ]
> then process the data with something like
> for val in data_points:
>   # do something with val
>   time.sleep(300)
> Alternately (and my preference) the processing could be done in the read 
> loop like this:
> data_file = open('thedata.txt', 'r')
> for line in data_file:
>   val = int(line)
>   # do something with val
>   time.sleep(300)
> Kent

I do get that for the minimal logic I posted, this way is much 
simpler. But, isn't my way with a separate function more easily 
extended? (To deal with cases where there is more than just ints on 
lines, or where the data needs to be similarly processed multiple 
times, etc.)

I do feel a YAGNI coming on, though :-)

Anyway, thanks for improving my attempt to help.


Brian vdB
From kent37 at  Sun Feb 13 21:06:12 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 21:06:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-13 14:04:
>> Brian van den Broek wrote:
>>> Since you files are quite short, I'd do something like:
>>> <code>
>>> data_file = open(thedata.txt, 'r') # note -- 'r' not r
>>> data = data_file.readlines()       # returns a list of lines
>>> def process(list_of_lines):
>>>     data_points = []
>>>     for line in list_of_lines:
>>>         data_points.append(int(line))
>>>     return data_points
>>> process(data)
>> This can be done much more simply with a list comprehension using 
>> Python's ability to iterate an open file directly:
>> data_file = open('thedata.txt', 'r') # note -- 'thedata.txt' not 
>> thedata.txt :-)
> Gah! :-[   Outsmarting myself in public again. (At least I'm good at 
> something :-) )
>> data_points = [ int(line) for line in data_file ]
>> then process the data with something like
>> for val in data_points:
>>   # do something with val
>>   time.sleep(300)
>> Alternately (and my preference) the processing could be done in the 
>> read loop like this:
>> data_file = open('thedata.txt', 'r')
>> for line in data_file:
>>   val = int(line)
>>   # do something with val
>>   time.sleep(300)
>> Kent
> I do get that for the minimal logic I posted, this way is much simpler. 
> But, isn't my way with a separate function more easily extended? (To 
> deal with cases where there is more than just ints on lines, or where 
> the data needs to be similarly processed multiple times, etc.)

If the processing is per line, any of the three can be extended by calling a user function instead 
of int(), e.g.
def process_line(line):
   # do something with a line
   return val

data_points = [ process_line(line) for line in data_file ]

If you need to maintain some kind of state then the list comprehension breaks down and you might 
want to use
for line in f:
   # ...

or even a class like this:

If you need to process the list of lines multiple times in different ways then using readlines() is 

I tend to prefer solutions that make fewer intermediate lists, using iterators instead. This seems 
to be the modern Python style with the introduction of list comprehensions, generator functions, 
itertools, generator expressions...


> I do feel a YAGNI coming on, though :-)

Seems appropriate :-)


> Anyway, thanks for improving my attempt to help.
> Best,
> Brian vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From ryan at  Sun Feb 13 21:47:24 2005
From: ryan at (Ryan Davis)
Date: Sun Feb 13 21:47:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <012401c510e0$2ec72910$31d78751@xp>
Message-ID: <>

My main reason right now is that I know C#/ASP.NET very well.  I don't know how to do things in Python yet.  Say I can make a C# web
app with a quality of X.  Until I know how to make a Python web app with quality X, I can't use it in a production environment.  I'm
hoping that doing some code-gen work, along with other research will help me along, but the rest of the world can't hold still while
I study.

So, in sum, I thing I could develop fairly complex applications faster in Python, but I don't know how yet.  When I do know, I'm
sure I will.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gauld [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 3:52 AM
To: EJP; Ryan Davis;
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Larger program organization

> without trying to make this one of those classic threads of great, 
> do you feel you could develop fairly complex applications faster 
> in Python than in C#/ASP.NET?  It's a rhetorical question 
> (but I'm interested in your answer as a single data point)

To be honest it wouldn't make a great deal of difference.
For a complex application (by which I assume you mean large 
as well as being technically difficult) you spend most of 
your time thinking not physically coding so the language
becomes less significant.

On a typical "big" project the actual coding time is likely 
to be less than 10% of the total time so even if Python were 
twice as fast you only save 5% overall.

Python may improve time to fix however since it will be easier 
to read later and therefore easier to debug and spot errors etc.

But on big projects analysis, design and testing will be 
the big contributers, actually typing in the code is a trivial 

Alan G.

From tim at  Sun Feb 13 22:22:39 2005
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 22:22:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
Message-ID: <>

I'm attempting to run a test cgi script on windows xp with apache
as the http server. I keep getting a not found error from IE, and the
error log shows the following error message.
No such file or directory: script not found or unable to stat: c:/program 
files/apache group/apache/cgi-bin/
Another cgi script using a different interpreter (rebol) is running 
properly. I was receiving
the same error message with the rebol script until I corrected the first 
line (she-bang).
here is the code for the script:
print "Content-type: text/html\n"
print "hello"
## I can confirm the the first line does contain the correct path to
## the python executable. I have tried it with and without the ".exe"

From tim at  Sun Feb 13 23:19:11 2005
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 13 23:19:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
Message-ID: <>

At 12:22 PM 2/13/2005, you wrote:
I'm attempting to run a test cgi script on windows xp with apache
as the http server. I keep getting a not found error from IE, and the
error log shows the following error message.
No such file or directory: script not found or unable to stat: c:/program 
files/apache group/apache/cgi-bin/
Another cgi script using a different interpreter (rebol) is running 
properly. I was receiving
the same error message with the rebol script until I corrected the first 
line (she-bang).
>here is the code for the script:
>print "Content-type: text/html\n"
>print "hello"
>## I can confirm the the first line does contain the correct path to
>## the python executable. I have tried it with and without the ".exe"

My apologies for sending the above too soon. I am working with an
unfamiliar email program. To add to the above:
the mime-type string ("Content-type: text/html\n") is consistant with
what I am used to providing in linux. I am out of ideas for
the time being. Does anyone else have any?

>Tutor maillist  -
>__________ NOD32 1.998 (20050212) Information __________
>This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.

__________ NOD32 1.998 (20050212) Information __________

This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.

From nbbalane at  Mon Feb 14 00:45:36 2005
From: nbbalane at (jrlen balane)
Date: Mon Feb 14 00:45:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

ei guys, chill out! 
what if i choose to numbered my data from 1-96 for example. how would
i be able to exclude the numbered part from the data part?

and, mind if I ask, what's a YAGNI by the way?
From nbbalane at  Mon Feb 14 00:51:58 2005
From: nbbalane at (jrlen balane)
Date: Mon Feb 14 00:52:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

and this line:

this would turn the string back to an integer, am i right?

and on this one:
    data_points = [ int(line) for line in data_file ]

this did not use any read(), is this already equal to readline()? so
this would already store all the data in the txt file to
data_points[], am i right?

thank you guys! ei, you two are not competing, are you? anyway, hope
its a friendly one. for the benifit of all those newbie like me,
From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 14 01:11:26 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 14 01:11:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
References: <>
Message-ID: <020c01c51229$ba713e70$31d78751@xp>

> what i know (chapter 7 of the tutorial):
> 1) first, to open a txt file, i can use open() say:
>                 f = open(*.txt, r)
> a user can use the notepad to create the text file so i'll just open
> it for reading. my problem now would be on reading the contents of
> file.

OK So far

> 2), since my data ranges from 0-1200, size = 2 for each

you probably want to read it line by line, either using readline
or the simpler:

for line in f:

> 3) should i do this:
>        for data in range (1, 96,1):

Nope, read is way too complicated.

> 4) since returns string, how would i convert this back to
> decimal value, since i would need the decimal value for the serial
> part.

You can convert a string to a floating point number using the
float() function.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From bvande at  Mon Feb 14 01:12:36 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Mon Feb 14 01:13:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

jrlen balane said unto the world upon 2005-02-13 18:45:
> ei guys, chill out! 
> what if i choose to numbered my data from 1-96 for example. how would
> i be able to exclude the numbered part from the data part?
> and, mind if I ask, what's a YAGNI by the way?
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -


I do hope that my reply to Kent's welcome correction of my suggestions
didn't seem defencive. I'm learning too, and I think a few of us
learners have found that trying to help is also a good way to learn. I
feel confident in trying to do so because Kent and several other
likewise much more experienced people are about to catch my slips. I
may feel a bit embarrassed by them, but I am always grateful to
those how take the time to correct them. So, no defenciveness nor
spirit of competition intended on my part (nor, I am am certain, Kent's).

YAGNI is a slogan of the Extreme and/or Agile programming community.
Stands for You Aren't Going to Need It. The idea is, if you are
thinking of doing something other than (another slogan) `the simplest
thing that could possibly work' -- don't. The rational for
complicating things only when an actual need arises to justify the
complexity is that unnecessary complexity adds maintenance issues evey
bit as much as needed complexity, but without the payoff of additional
functionality. Or, so it seems to a non-XP'er.

Best to all,

Brian vdB

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 14 01:19:09 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 14 01:19:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
References: <><>
Message-ID: <023201c5122a$ce42ae10$31d78751@xp>

> ei guys, chill out!

Its OK, we often get carried away on flights of fancy here :-)

> what if i choose to numbered my data from 1-96 for example. how
> i be able to exclude the numbered part from the data part?

You can use the string split() method to get a list of the
components. Then select the bit you want by indexing the list.

> and, mind if I ask, what's a YAGNI by the way?

Its from the XP programming camp - You Aren't Going to Need It
Basically don't build in fancy features unless you know you need
them, coz most often you won't...

It works up to a point, but if you know you *will* need them
its a lot easier to build the structure up front than to try
to bolt it on later!

Alan G.

From nixonron at  Mon Feb 14 02:01:33 2005
From: nixonron at (Ron Nixon)
Date: Mon Feb 14 02:01:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
Message-ID: <>

I'm dping something very simple in RE.

Lets say I'm trying to match an American Phone number

I write the code this way and try to match it:
import re
string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'

but I get this error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Python24/findphone", line 4, in -toplevel-
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

Do you Yahoo!? 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. 
From kent37 at  Mon Feb 14 02:02:06 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 02:02:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
	<> <>	
	<> <>	
Message-ID: <>

jrlen balane wrote:
> and this line:
>      data_points.append(int(line))
> this would turn the string back to an integer, am i right?


> and on this one:
>     data_points = [ int(line) for line in data_file ]
> this did not use any read(), is this already equal to readline()? so
> this would already store all the data in the txt file to
> data_points[], am i right?

Yes. A handy feature of Python is that a file object is iterable - you can use a for loop or list 
comprehension to iterate over the lines of the file without an explicit readline(). So this:
   data_points = [ int(line) for line in data_file ]

is roughly equivalent to this (without the list comprehension):
   data_points = []
   for line in data_file:

or this (with explicit readline()):
   data_points = []
   while True:
     line = data_file.readline()
     if not line:

only the list comprehension is much more concise and, when you get used to it, much clearer.

> thank you guys! ei, you two are not competing, are you? anyway, hope
> its a friendly one. for the benifit of all those newbie like me,
> hehehe.

Definitely friendly.


From cyresse at  Mon Feb 14 02:09:46 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 14 02:09:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tweaking list comprehensions
Message-ID: <>


I am fine tuning list comprehensions (at least my understandng
thereof), and I'm not near a Python interpreter at the moment, so I
was wondering if someone could tell me if I did OK -

def approachA(files):

	isHTML = []
	for filename in files:
		if filename.endswith('.htm') or filename.endswith('.html'):
	return isHTML

def approachB(files):

	isHTML = [filename if filename.endswith('.htm') or\
 		  filename.endswith(.html') for filename in files] 
	return isHTML

I wanted approachB to be the list comprehension verstion of approachA.
Did I get the syntax right? All seems somewhat back to front to me,
although when read the comprehension does sorta make sense in a
twisted way.

Feels almost.. Perlesque in it's perverse compactness. That said,
saving myself from the cascading sequential conditionals/loops of
approach A is good, I feel. When it's 2am in the morning, and I've run
out of coffee, 90% of my bugs have been due to the 'cascades' and one
misplaced tab.


Liam Clarke

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Mon Feb 14 02:11:10 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 02:11:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
	<>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> YAGNI is a slogan of the Extreme and/or Agile programming community.
> Stands for You Aren't Going to Need It. The idea is, if you are
> thinking of doing something other than (another slogan) `the simplest
> thing that could possibly work' -- don't. The rational for
> complicating things only when an actual need arises to justify the
> complexity is that unnecessary complexity adds maintenance issues evey
> bit as much as needed complexity, but without the payoff of additional
> functionality. Or, so it seems to a non-XP'er.

There's a little more to it than that. Adding something because you think you are going to need it 
in the future is a guess that you can predict the future. Often you will guess wrong because 
requirements will change for many reasons. Plus, time spent developing tomorrow's features is taken 
away from developing today's features. XP says, do today only what you need to meet today's 
requirements; tomorrow is soon enough to work on tomorrow's requirements.

For more info see the c2 wiki (which is a great resource for good programming practice and Extreme 


From cyresse at  Mon Feb 14 02:11:15 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 14 02:11:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Try breaking it down to

> import re
> string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
> pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'

x = re.match(pattern, string)

See if that offers any improvement.

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:01:33 -0800 (PST), Ron Nixon <> wrote:
> I'm dping something very simple in RE.
> Lets say I'm trying to match an American Phone number
> I write the code this way and try to match it:
> import re
> string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
> pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
> re.match(pattern,string).group()
> but I get this error message
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Python24/findphone", line 4, in -toplevel-
>     re.match(pattern,string).group()
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Mon Feb 14 02:22:13 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 02:22:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ron Nixon wrote:
> I'm dping something very simple in RE.
> Lets say I'm trying to match an American Phone number
> I write the code this way and try to match it:
> import re
> string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
> pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
> re.match(pattern,string).group()

Use re.match() only matches at the start of the string (as if you had ^ at the start of 
the re).


> but I get this error message
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Python24/findphone", line 4, in -toplevel-
>     re.match(pattern,string).group()
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Mon Feb 14 02:24:02 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 02:24:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tweaking list comprehensions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hello, 
> I am fine tuning list comprehensions (at least my understandng
> thereof), and I'm not near a Python interpreter at the moment, so I
> was wondering if someone could tell me if I did OK -
> def approachA(files):
> 	isHTML = []
> 	for filename in files:
> 		if filename.endswith('.htm') or filename.endswith('.html'):
> 			isHTML.append(filename)
> 	return isHTML
> def approachB(files):
> 	isHTML = [filename if filename.endswith('.htm') or\
>  		  filename.endswith(.html') for filename in files] 
> 	return isHTML

Looks good to me.

> I wanted approachB to be the list comprehension verstion of approachA.
> Did I get the syntax right? All seems somewhat back to front to me,
> although when read the comprehension does sorta make sense in a
> twisted way.

From cyresse at  Mon Feb 14 02:24:26 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 14 02:24:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

OK, so it looks like you're not matching. 
Remember match only matches at the start of a line, so try instead.

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:16:24 -0800 (PST), Ron Nixon <> wrote:
> Got the same error message after trying:
> x =re.match(patt,string)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Python24/", line 5, in
> -toplevel-
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
> 'group'
> --- Liam Clarke <> wrote:
> > Try breaking it down to
> >
> > > import re
> > > string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
> > > pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
> >
> > x = re.match(pattern, string)
> >
> >
> > See if that offers any improvement.
> >
> >
> > On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:01:33 -0800 (PST), Ron Nixon
> > <> wrote:
> > > I'm dping something very simple in RE.
> > >
> > > Lets say I'm trying to match an American Phone
> > number
> > >
> > > I write the code this way and try to match it:
> > > import re
> > > string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
> > > pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
> > > re.match(pattern,string).group()
> > >
> > > but I get this error message
> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >   File "C:/Python24/findphone", line 4, in
> > -toplevel-
> > >     re.match(pattern,string).group()
> > > AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
> > 'group'
> > >
> > >
> > > __________________________________
> > > Do you Yahoo!?
> > > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile
> > phone.
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Tutor maillist  -
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
> > 'There is only one basic human right, and that is to
> > do as you damn well please.
> > And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take
> > the consequences.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 14 02:37:56 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 14 02:37:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
References: <>
Message-ID: <027301c51235$cf8c9230$31d78751@xp>

> string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
> pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
> re.match(pattern,string).group()

> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

When match doesn't find anything it returns None, which has no 
group() method.

Why does it not find the regex?
Because you used match() which looks for a match starting 
at the beginning of the line. You need to use search() 

I discuss this in my tutorial topic on regex...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
From keridee at  Mon Feb 14 03:04:22 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Mon Feb 14 03:04:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
References: <>
Message-ID: <004601c51239$87d8dee0$445328cf@JSLAPTOP>

Dive into Python, an excellent tutorial has a case study on this very same 

The biggest problem that nobody has mentioned yet is the fact that group() 
will not have anything unless you explicitly tell it to group it.

pattern = r'(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})'

You need the parenthesis to "capture" the groups.

BTW, dive into python can be found here:


> I'm dping something very simple in RE.
> Lets say I'm trying to match an American Phone number
> I write the code this way and try to match it:
> import re
> string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
> pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
> re.match(pattern,string).group()
> but I get this error message
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "C:/Python24/findphone", line 4, in -toplevel-
>    re.match(pattern,string).group()
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From cyresse at  Mon Feb 14 03:09:24 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 14 03:09:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
In-Reply-To: <004601c51239$87d8dee0$445328cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I was wondering about that also, I've only ever used .group() when
I've got named groups using (?P<foo>)

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:04:22 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> Dive into Python, an excellent tutorial has a case study on this very same
> topic.
> The biggest problem that nobody has mentioned yet is the fact that group()
> will not have anything unless you explicitly tell it to group it.
> I.E.
> pattern = r'(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})'
> You need the parenthesis to "capture" the groups.
> BTW, dive into python can be found here:
> HTH,
> Jacob
> > I'm dping something very simple in RE.
> >
> > Lets say I'm trying to match an American Phone number
> >
> > I write the code this way and try to match it:
> > import re
> > string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
> > pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
> > re.match(pattern,string).group()
> >
> > but I get this error message
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "C:/Python24/findphone", line 4, in -toplevel-
> >    re.match(pattern,string).group()
> > AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
> >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From keridee at  Mon Feb 14 03:11:48 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Mon Feb 14 03:11:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tweaking list comprehensions
References: <>
Message-ID: <004d01c5123a$8fa02f10$445328cf@JSLAPTOP>

> Hello,
> I am fine tuning list comprehensions (at least my understandng
> thereof), and I'm not near a Python interpreter at the moment, so I
> was wondering if someone could tell me if I did OK -
> def approachA(files):
> isHTML = []
> for filename in files:
> if filename.endswith('.htm') or filename.endswith('.html'):
> isHTML.append(filename)
> return isHTML
> def approachB(files):
> isHTML = [filename if filename.endswith('.htm') or\
>    filename.endswith(.html') for filename in files]
> return isHTML

No, it should be...

isHTML = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith('.htm') or\
    filename.endswith('.html') for filename in files]


> I wanted approachB to be the list comprehension verstion of approachA.
> Did I get the syntax right? All seems somewhat back to front to me,
> although when read the comprehension does sorta make sense in a
> twisted way.
> Feels almost.. Perlesque in it's perverse compactness. That said,
> saving myself from the cascading sequential conditionals/loops of
> approach A is good, I feel. When it's 2am in the morning, and I've run
> out of coffee, 90% of my bugs have been due to the 'cascades' and one
> misplaced tab.
> Regards,
> Liam Clarke
> -- 
> 'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well 
> please.
> And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Mon Feb 14 03:12:44 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 03:12:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
In-Reply-To: <004601c51239$87d8dee0$445328cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jacob S. wrote:
> Dive into Python, an excellent tutorial has a case study on this very 
> same topic.
> The biggest problem that nobody has mentioned yet is the fact that 
> group() will not have anything unless you explicitly tell it to group it.

group() defaults to returning group 0 which is the whole match.

  >>> import re
  >>> string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
  >>> pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'


From keridee at  Mon Feb 14 03:16:49 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Mon Feb 14 03:16:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
References: <><004601c51239$87d8dee0$445328cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <006501c5123b$48e19180$445328cf@JSLAPTOP>


> group() defaults to returning group 0 which is the whole match.
>  >>> import re
>  >>> string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
>  >>> pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
>  >>>,string).group()
> '410-995-1155'
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From tameyer at  Mon Feb 14 03:22:38 2005
From: tameyer at (Tony Meyer)
Date: Mon Feb 14 03:23:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tweaking list comprehensions
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> def approachB(files):
>> isHTML = [filename if filename.endswith('.htm') or\
>>    filename.endswith(.html') for filename in files]
>> return isHTML
> No, it should be...
> isHTML = [filename for filename in files if 
> filename.endswith('.htm') or\
>     filename.endswith('.html') for filename in files]


isHTML = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith('.htm') or \

>>> files = "a.html", "b.htm", "c.txt"
>>> [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith('.htm') or
filename.endswith('.html') for filename in files]
['a.html', 'b.htm', 'c.txt', 'a.html', 'b.htm', 'c.txt']
>>> [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith('.htm') or
['a.html', 'b.htm']

FWIW, if you're getting "files" from a directory listing of a local drive,
you might be able to use 'glob.glob("*.htm?")' instead.


From kent37 at  Mon Feb 14 03:30:40 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 03:30:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tweaking list comprehensions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am fine tuning list comprehensions (at least my understandng
>> thereof), and I'm not near a Python interpreter at the moment, so I
>> was wondering if someone could tell me if I did OK -
>> def approachA(files):
>>     isHTML = []
>>     for filename in files:
>>         if filename.endswith('.htm') or filename.endswith('.html'):
>>             isHTML.append(filename)
>>     return isHTML
>> def approachB(files):
>>     isHTML = [filename if filename.endswith('.htm') or\
>>            filename.endswith(.html') for filename in files]     return 
>> isHTML
> Looks good to me.

Oops. Tony is right.
isHTML = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith('.htm') or\


From zen45800 at  Mon Feb 14 11:37:22 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Mon Feb 14 03:37:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling an external program
Message-ID: <>

- I am trying to call up an external program
with something like a "Shell" command - can not find a way of doing this
(in windows)

Any hints?

Ed Jason

From cyresse at  Mon Feb 14 03:54:15 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 14 03:54:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Anyone else getting these?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:59:35 -0800
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.

Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 5.0.0 MAIL REFUSED!From Dictionary Attack Spammer.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liam Clarke <>
To: Tutor Tutor <>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:09:24 +1300
Subject: Re: [Tutor] error message
I was wondering about that also, I've only ever used .group() when
I've got named groups using (?P<foo>)

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:04:22 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> Dive into Python, an excellent tutorial has a case study on this very same
> topic.
> The biggest problem that nobody has mentioned yet is the fact that group()
> will not have anything unless you explicitly tell it to group it.
> I.E.
> pattern = r'(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})'
> You need the parenthesis to "capture" the groups.
> BTW, dive into python can be found here:
> HTH,
> Jacob
> > I'm dping something very simple in RE.
> >
> > Lets say I'm trying to match an American Phone number
> >
> > I write the code this way and try to match it:
> > import re
> > string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
> > pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
> > re.match(pattern,string).group()
> >
> > but I get this error message
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "C:/Python24/findphone", line 4, in -toplevel-
> >    re.match(pattern,string).group()
> > AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
> >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From nixonron at  Mon Feb 14 04:32:28 2005
From: nixonron at (Ron Nixon)
Date: Mon Feb 14 04:32:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] writing list to new file
Message-ID: <>

How would I save a list to a new file

for example: 

If line.startswith('XXX'):
            save list to new file

But I get errors saying only stings can be saved this

Do you Yahoo!? 
Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! 

From tameyer at  Mon Feb 14 04:48:19 2005
From: tameyer at (Tony Meyer)
Date: Mon Feb 14 04:48:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] writing list to new file
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> How would I save a list to a new file
> for example: 
> If line.startswith('XXX'):
>             save list to new file
> But I get errors saying only stings can be saved this
> way. 

What do you want to do with the file afterwards?

If you want to load it back in as a list at some later point, then something
like pickle is probably what you want:

>>> l = ['1','2','3','4','5']
>>> import pickle
>>> f = open("temp.txt", "w")
>>> pickle.dump(l, f)
>>> f.close()

The file looks like this:


If you just want a human to be able to read the file, then you probably just
want to turn the list into a string, e.g.:

>>> l = ['1','2','3','4','5']
>>> f = open("temp.txt", "w")
>>> f.write(','.join(l))
>>> f.close()

The file looks like this:



From maxnoel_fr at  Mon Feb 14 05:05:50 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Mon Feb 14 05:05:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling an external program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 14, 2005, at 10:37, Lobster wrote:

> - I am trying to call up an external program
> with something like a "Shell" command - can not find a way of doing 
> this
> (in windows)
> Any hints?

	What about os.system('your_command_here')?

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From tameyer at  Mon Feb 14 05:45:12 2005
From: tameyer at (Tony Meyer)
Date: Mon Feb 14 05:45:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] writing list to new file
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I'm just trying to create a new file for all
> the lines that startswith my string. So if my original
> file looks like this:
> 1 Line 1
> 1 Line 2
> 2 Line 1
> 2 Line 2
> 3 Line 1
> 4 Line 1
> I want to read in all the ones starting with 1 and
> then save them to a new file. I can get the result I
> want there by using :
> If line.startswith('1'):
> But can't figure out how to save these lines to
> another file.

Something like this, perhaps?

def filter_file(in_fn, out_fn, to_match):
    fin = open(in_fn, "r")
    fout = open(out_fn, "w")
    for line in fin:
        if line.startswith(to_match):

Or, to be concise (but less clear):

def filter_file(in_fn, out_fn, to_match):
    open(out_fn, "w").write("".join([line for line in open(in_fn, "r") if

(That's all one line).


From python at  Mon Feb 14 06:20:40 2005
From: python at (Bernard Lebel)
Date: Mon Feb 14 06:20:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling an external program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

The os module is the answer. Use chdir() to make the target executable's 
directory the current directory, and then os.system( 'command' ) to run 
the actual command.


Lobster wrote:
> - I am trying to call up an external program
> with something like a "Shell" command - can not find a way of doing this
> (in windows)
> Any hints?
> Ed Jason

From nixonron at  Mon Feb 14 08:11:40 2005
From: nixonron at (Ron Nixon)
Date: Mon Feb 14 08:11:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Value Error message
Message-ID: <>

Trying to scrape some headlines off a newspaper with
this code:

import urllib, re
pattern = re.compile("""<h2><a
href="(.*)">(.*)</p>""", re.DOTALL)
page =
for (headline, code, description) in
    print (headline, code, description)

I'm getting the error below and can't find anything in
the documentation. Suggestions

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Python24/", line 13, in ?
    for (headline, code, description) in
ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack

Do you Yahoo!? 
Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! 

From nixonron at  Mon Feb 14 08:25:43 2005
From: nixonron at (Ron Nixon)
Date: Mon Feb 14 08:25:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Value Error solved. Another question
Message-ID: <>

Ignore my first posting. Here's what I'm trying to do.
I want to extract headlines from a newspaper's website
using this code. It works, but I want to match the
second group in <h2><a href="(.*)">(.*)</p> and print
that out.

import urllib, re
pattern = re.compile("""<h2><a
href="(.*)">(.*)</p>""", re.DOTALL)
page =
for headline in pattern.findall(page):
    print headline

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.
From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 14 10:09:46 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 14 10:09:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tweaking list comprehensions
References: <>
Message-ID: <029101c51274$ee44a6b0$31d78751@xp>

> > I am fine tuning list comprehensions (at least my understandng
> > thereof), and I'm not near a Python interpreter at the moment, so
> > was wondering if someone could tell me if I did OK -

> > def approachB(files):
> >
> > isHTML = [filename if filename.endswith('.htm') or\
> >    filename.endswith(.html') for filename in files]
> > return isHTML

The approach is OK but one thing I'd point out is a style issue.
Nor,ally a name like isHTML would indicate a predicate or
flag - that is a boolean value. A list might be better having
a plural name such as HTMLfiles or even just areHTML (which
maintains lowercase first letter convention too!)

Just a nit pick...

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 14 10:11:08 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 14 10:10:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] error message
References: <>
Message-ID: <029801c51275$1f2306f0$31d78751@xp>

> The biggest problem that nobody has mentioned yet is the fact that
> will not have anything unless you explicitly tell it to group it.

Nope, group will work OK even with a normal string regex.

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 14 10:13:41 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 14 10:13:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Tweaking list comprehensions
References: <>
Message-ID: <029f01c51275$7abe69a0$31d78751@xp>

> > isHTML = [filename if filename.endswith('.htm') or\
> >    filename.endswith(.html') for filename in files]
> > return isHTML
> No, it should be...

Well spotted, but...

> isHTML = [filename for filename in files if
filename.endswith('.htm') or\
>     filename.endswith('.html') for filename in files]

> isHTML = [filename for filename in files if
filename.endswith('.htm') or\
>     filename.endswith('.html')]

you forgot to remove the last loop!

Oh, and the line continuation slash shouldn't nbe needed since its
inside the []

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 14 10:52:13 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 14 10:52:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling an external program
References: <>
Message-ID: <02bb01c5127a$dc974b60$31d78751@xp>

> - I am trying to call up an external program
> with something like a "Shell" command - can not find a way of doing
> (in windows)

Look in the os module, there are several options depending on exactly
what you need to do. The simplest option is system(). To read the
output look at the various popen() and for more sophisticated options
try the exec() family.

If using system() on DOS you might look at the START DOS command
too for the options available there.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 14 10:54:46 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 14 10:54:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] writing list to new file
References: <>
Message-ID: <02c001c5127b$39720be0$31d78751@xp>

> If line.startswith('XXX'):
>             save list to new file
> But I get errors saying only stings can be saved this
> way. 

You can save the list if the list can be printed, but 
its usually better to save the list contents. You will 
need to convert the contents into strings or else use 
a binary file.

See my tutor topic on handling files for more, it 
includes an examople of saving an address book...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
From s.e.murdock at  Mon Feb 14 11:26:36 2005
From: s.e.murdock at (Stuart Murdock)
Date: Mon Feb 14 11:27:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Is an executable available?
Message-ID: <>


I am working from within python and want to know the best way to know if 
a certain package is installed for use on my machine.

I want to know from within python that a specific executable file is on 
my path where I could actually run the command from a prompt in a system 

I don't want to restrict exacltly where the file is and I don't want to 
do a general try catch.

Are there any simple one or two liners that anyone is aware of?




Stuart Murdock Ph.D,
Research Fellow,
Dept. of Chemistry / E-Science,
University of Southampton,
Highfield, Southampton,
SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom

From zen45800 at  Mon Feb 14 19:32:26 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Mon Feb 14 11:32:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 12, Issue 71
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

 >> - I am trying to call up an external program
 >> with something like a "Shell" command - can not find a way of doing
 >> this
 >> (in windows)
 >> Any hints?

    What about os.system('your_command_here')?


That is a good tip and seems to be the place I need to look
- not really quite sure what I am looking at in the help docs
I also have the complication of having to use is it "C:\\"
- two back slashes?

I am trying to get a wikipedia directed search that will load firefox and
search for an inputted word . . .

Anyway this is the code (only my second useful program)
eh - not working so far . . .

usually dumbing down help appreciated


Ed Jason

========= <code>

# Wikipedia search engine
# Sunday Feb 12

import os               

word_sought = raw_input("What is your wikipedia search word? ")
goto_url_location = "" +  word_sought
print goto_url_location
os.execv('C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe') + goto_url_location

======== </code>
From bvande at  Mon Feb 14 11:52:24 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Mon Feb 14 11:52:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 12, Issue 71
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lobster said unto the world upon 2005-02-14 13:32:
>  >> - I am trying to call up an external program
>  >> with something like a "Shell" command - can not find a way of doing
>  >> this
>  >> (in windows)
>  >>
>  >> Any hints?
>    What about os.system('your_command_here')?
> =====
> That is a good tip and seems to be the place I need to look
> - not really quite sure what I am looking at in the help docs
> I also have the complication of having to use is it "C:\\"
> - two back slashes?


the doubled up backslashes are needed for using backslashes in normal 
strings as the backslash is the escape character -- the character in a 
string that says 'hey, this next one's not a normal character' and is 
how you put tabs '\t' and newlines '\n' in strings.

But, a much better option is to use '/'s -- Python's smart enough to 
get the point if you use them in file paths on windows.

> I am trying to get a wikipedia directed search that will load firefox and
> search for an inputted word . . .
> Anyway this is the code (only my second useful program)
> eh - not working so far . . .
> usually dumbing down help appreciated
> =====
> Ed Jason
> ========= <code>
> # Wikipedia search engine
> # Sunday Feb 12
> import os              
> word_sought = raw_input("What is your wikipedia search word? ")
> goto_url_location = "" +  word_sought
> print goto_url_location
> os.execv('C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe') + 
> goto_url_location
> ======== </code>

It is almost 6am here, so I won't say anything more about your code 
than that given why you are using os.execv, you should look at the 
webbrowser module instead. ( would be perfect if 
firefox is your default browser, if not, I think the function is 

Best, and goodnight/morning all,

Brian vdB

From kent37 at  Mon Feb 14 12:06:38 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 12:06:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Value Error solved. Another question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ron Nixon wrote:
> Ignore my first posting. Here's what I'm trying to do.
> I want to extract headlines from a newspaper's website
> using this code. It works, but I want to match the
> second group in <h2><a href="(.*)">(.*)</p> and print
> that out.
> Sugguestions
> import urllib, re
> pattern = re.compile("""<h2><a
> href="(.*)">(.*)</p>""", re.DOTALL)
> page =
> urllib.urlopen("").read()   
> for headline in pattern.findall(page):
>     print headline

I think you want
for headline, body in pattern.findall(page):
     print body

pattern.findall() returns a list of tuples of groups. You have two groups in your regex so in your 
code headline is being assigned to a tuple with two items. In my code the tuple is split and you can 
print just the second item.

PS You might want to look at BeautifulSoup:


> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we. 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Mon Feb 14 12:15:17 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 12:15:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Tutor Digest, Vol 12, Issue 71
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Lobster wrote:
> That is a good tip and seems to be the place I need to look
> - not really quite sure what I am looking at in the help docs
> I also have the complication of having to use is it "C:\\"
> - two back slashes?
> I am trying to get a wikipedia directed search that will load firefox and
> search for an inputted word . . .

You might look at the webbrowser module, it makes it easy to load the default browser. If you always 
want firefox I don't know if it will work though:
  >>> import webbrowser
  >>> url = "" +  'Python'

> Anyway this is the code (only my second useful program)
> eh - not working so far . . .
> usually dumbing down help appreciated
> =====
> Ed Jason
> ========= <code>
> # Wikipedia search engine
> # Sunday Feb 12
> import os              
> word_sought = raw_input("What is your wikipedia search word? ")
> goto_url_location = "" +  word_sought
> print goto_url_location
> os.execv('C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe') + 
> goto_url_location

Not sure but I think this should be
os.execl(r'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe', goto_url_location)

Note the use of raw string so \ means what you want, and goto_url_location is inside the parens.


> ======== </code>
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From RPhillips at  Mon Feb 14 12:48:09 2005
From: RPhillips at (Ron Phillips)
Date: Mon Feb 14 12:48:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
Message-ID: <>

And now for something only slightly different: education research shows
that people process "positives" far more quickly and accurately than
"negatives", so for readability I often code like:
if os.path.exists('filename')
YMMV, of course.

At 08:52 AM 2/11/2005, Mark Brown wrote:
I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is better
if not os.path.exists('filename'): 

if os.path.exists('filename') == False: 

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From cyresse at  Mon Feb 14 12:50:51 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 14 12:50:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Is an executable available?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Stuart, it's a vague question, so all I can give is vague answers.
What OS are you using?

But - 

If your environment variables will contain info about the file, you
can use os.environ, however, that pulls all the env variables - i.e.,
on my WinXP -

>>> envVars = os.environ
>>> for (key, val) in envVars.items():
... 	print key, val
... 	print 



VDMSPATH C:\Program Files\VDMSound

COMMONPROGRAMFILES C:\Program Files\Common Files

PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER x86 Family 6 Model 2 Stepping 1, AuthenticAMD



PATH C:\Perl\bin\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS; 
C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\VDMSound; :\python23;c:\j2sdk1.4.0\bin




ALLUSERSPROFILE C:\Documents and Settings\All Users





COMSPEC C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe

CLASSPATH c:\javastz;c:\javastz\0_hello;c:\javastz\coscClasses;bsh.jar




APPDATA C:\Documents and Settings\Bob\Application Data





OS Windows_NT

USERPROFILE C:\Documents and Settings\Bob

That long discretion aside,  so you can grab stuff straight from os.environ - 

>>> print os.environ['SYSTEMROOT']

Alternatively, you can walk your directories. 

If you have a rough idea where it might be, that's better than walking
your whole HD, but you could.

>>> for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk('c:/python23'):
... 	if '' in filenames:
... 		print 'I know this isn\'t OS safe, but I can\'t be bothered
importing os.path'
... 		x = "%s\\" % dirpath
... 		if '/' in x:
... 			x = x.replace('/','\\')
... 		print x
I know this isn't OS safe, but I can't be bothered importing os.path
I know this isn't OS safe, but I can't be bothered importing os.path

But yeah, I would recommend (if you can control your target app's
install) that you chuck a systemenv up with the installed path and go
from there.


Liam Clarke
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 10:26:36 +0000, Stuart Murdock
<> wrote:
> Hi
> I am working from within python and want to know the best way to know if
> a certain package is installed for use on my machine.
> I want to know from within python that a specific executable file is on
> my path where I could actually run the command from a prompt in a system
> shell.
> I don't want to restrict exacltly where the file is and I don't want to
> do a general try catch.
> Are there any simple one or two liners that anyone is aware of?
> Thanks
> Stuart
> --
> Stuart Murdock Ph.D,
> Research Fellow,
> Dept. of Chemistry / E-Science,
> University of Southampton,
> Highfield, Southampton,
> SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Mon Feb 14 13:07:59 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 14 13:08:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

It (imao) really depends. If I see

if a == 'foo':
   do nothing
   do what I want

I always expect a equalling foo to be the primary result being tested
for, as it comes first. When it comes time to bug hunt, it takes a
mental readjustment to realise that I don't want a to be 'foo', and it
involves reading do nothing.


if not a == "foo" :
   do what I want
   do nothing

is much more obvious to me, I consider 'elses' to be secondary, and I
(personally speaking) always look at the first conditional, and expect
it to be the primary action, if you get my drift.

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 06:48:09 -0500, Ron Phillips
<> wrote:
> And now for something only slightly different: education research shows that
> people process "positives" far more quickly and accurately than "negatives",
> so for readability I often code like: 
> if os.path.exists('filename') 
>     #no-operation 
> else 
>     #operation 
> YMMV, of course. 
> Ron
> At 08:52 AM 2/11/2005, Mark Brown wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is better
> structure:
> if not os.path.exists('filename'): 
> if os.path.exists('filename') == False: 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Mon Feb 14 13:14:47 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 13:14:51 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Is an executable available?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Stuart Murdock wrote:
> Hi
> I am working from within python and want to know the best way to know if 
> a certain package is installed for use on my machine.
> I want to know from within python that a specific executable file is on 
> my path where I could actually run the command from a prompt in a system 
> shell.

Look at the function _iscommand() in the webbrowser module, I think it does exactly what you want - 
it searches the PATH for the file you give it, e.g.
  >>> webbrowser._iscommand('python.exe')


From zen45800 at  Mon Feb 14 21:38:29 2005
From: zen45800 at (Lobster)
Date: Mon Feb 14 13:38:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] I thank you . . .
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Dear Snake Charmers,

Many thanks and much appreciation to everyones kind help
on my attempts to open a browser and  seek a word in wikipedia
here is the code I eventually settled on:

===== <code>

# Wikipedia single word search engine
# Monday Feb 14

import webbrowser               

sought_word = raw_input("What is your wikipedia search word? ")
goto_url_location = "" +  sought_word

===== </code>

Thanks very much - I will be asking more dumb questions . . .

Over the weekend I showed Python to a friend
(a senior programmer) and he was very impressed too
- in fact within half an hour he was already writing and explaining
advanced bitwise searching (I just about grasped the concept)
within Python - and it was working . . . Good!

From dyoo at  Mon Feb 14 18:59:34 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb 14 18:59:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] I thank you . . .
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Lobster wrote:

> # Wikipedia single word search engine
> # Monday Feb 14
> import webbrowser
> sought_word = raw_input("What is your wikipedia search word? ")
> goto_url_location = "" +  sought_word

Hi Lobster,

Very cool!  *grin*

You may want to make the url-building a little more robust.  If the
sought_word contains wacky characters like spaces, the url might not be
"well-formed".  For example, we may want to make sure that ampersands '&'
aren't being treated as HTTP parameter separators.

There's a function called 'urllib.quote_plus()' that should properly
protect wacky characters like ampersands:

>>> import urllib
>>> urllib.quote_plus('r&d')

So you may want to quote_plus() the sought_word as you're constructing the

Best of wishes to you!

From dyoo at  Mon Feb 14 19:05:42 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb 14 19:05:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] calling an external program
In-Reply-To: <02bb01c5127a$dc974b60$31d78751@xp>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Alan Gauld wrote:

> > - I am trying to call up an external program with something like a
> > "Shell" command - can not find a way of doing this (in windows)
> Look in the os module, there are several options depending on exactly
> what you need to do. The simplest option is system(). To read the output
> look at the various popen() and for more sophisticated options try the
> exec() family.
> If using system() on DOS you might look at the START DOS command too for
> the options available there.

Hi Alan and Lobster,

I hope the plethora of choices isn't overwhelming!  *grin*

As of Python 2.4, there is a nicer external process caller in the new
'subprocess' module:

It tries to consolidate the major functionality of the other methods.  I
haven't played with it much, but according to the documentation, it looks
very capable.

Best of wishes to you!

From dyoo at  Mon Feb 14 19:28:38 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb 14 19:28:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Is an executable available?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Kent Johnson wrote:

> > I am working from within python and want to know the best way to know
> > if a certain package is installed for use on my machine.
> >
> > I want to know from within python that a specific executable file is
> > on my path where I could actually run the command from a prompt in a
> > system shell.
> Look at the function _iscommand() in the webbrowser module, I think it
> does exactly what you want - it searches the PATH for the file you give
> it, e.g.
>   >>> webbrowser._iscommand('python.exe')

Hi Kent,

Awesome; I didn't know about that functionality there!

But since it's marked with an underscore, it's a helper function for
webbrowser that isn't meant for public consumption.  Stewart may want to
do a copy-and-paste of the _iscommand() source code into one of his
personal library files, just to make sure the rug isn't yanked out
underneath his feet if _iscommand()'s behavior changes in the future.

That function seems really useful; I'm double checking with folks on
comp.lang.python to explore if webbrowser._iscommand() can be migrated
into os.path.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 14 21:27:10 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 14 21:26:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Is an executable available?
References: <>
Message-ID: <02ea01c512d3$902c50f0$31d78751@xp>

> I am working from within python and want to know the best way to
know if
> a certain package is installed for use on my machine.

You mean a Python package or a software package in general terms?

> I want to know from within python that a specific executable file is
> my path where I could actually run the command from a prompt in a
> shell.


> I don't want to restrict exacltly where the file is and I don't want
> do a general try catch.
> Are there any simple one or two liners that anyone is aware of?

Its partly OS dependant so we need a wee bit more info.

Alan G.

From tim at  Mon Feb 14 21:35:45 2005
From: tim at (Tim Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 14 21:36:03 2005
Subject: Fwd: Re: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
Message-ID: <>

>Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 10:25:28 -0900
>From: Tim Johnson <>
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
>To: Tim Johnson <>
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
>At 12:22 PM 2/13/2005, you wrote:
>>I'm attempting to run a test cgi script on windows xp with apache
>>as the http server. I keep getting a not found error from IE, and the
>>error log shows the following error message.
>>No such file or directory: script not found or unable to stat: c:/program 
>>files/apache group/apache/cgi-bin/
>>Another cgi script using a different interpreter (rebol) is running 
>>properly. I was receiving
>>the same error message with the rebol script until I corrected the first 
>>line (she-bang).
>>here is the code for the script:
>>print "Content-type: text/html\n"
>>print "hello"
>>## I can confirm the the first line does contain the correct path to
>>## the python executable. I have tried it with and without the ".exe"

This has been solved. Classic, just classic. I had created a test script,
and named it "". Hah! windows renamed it "", and it
was obfuscated when I edited it. One could say either:
1)Dumb windows newbie
2)Dumb windows strategy
I'll leave that one up to the reader.

>>Tutor maillist  -
>>__________ NOD32 1.998 (20050212) Information __________
>>This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.
>__________ NOD32 1.998 (20050212) Information __________
>This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.

From cyresse at  Mon Feb 14 23:18:28 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 14 23:18:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Windows, she is a woman, and woman are mysterious in their little
quirks. Unfortunately, you cannot divorce her, for she controls your
software and you really need DirectX if you want to play Sid Mier's

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:35:45 -0900, Tim Johnson <> wrote:
> >Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 10:25:28 -0900
> >From: Tim Johnson <>
> >Subject: Re: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
> >To: Tim Johnson <>
> >X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
> >
> >At 12:22 PM 2/13/2005, you wrote:
> >>I'm attempting to run a test cgi script on windows xp with apache
> >>as the http server. I keep getting a not found error from IE, and the
> >>error log shows the following error message.
> >>No such file or directory: script not found or unable to stat: c:/program
> >>files/apache group/apache/cgi-bin/
> >>Another cgi script using a different interpreter (rebol) is running
> >>properly. I was receiving
> >>the same error message with the rebol script until I corrected the first
> >>line (she-bang).
> >>here is the code for the script:
> >>#!d:\Python23\python
> >>print "Content-type: text/html\n"
> >>print "hello"
> >>## I can confirm the the first line does contain the correct path to
> >>## the python executable. I have tried it with and without the ".exe"
> This has been solved. Classic, just classic. I had created a test script,
> and named it "". Hah! windows renamed it "", and it
> was obfuscated when I edited it. One could say either:
> 1)Dumb windows newbie
>     or
> 2)Dumb windows strategy
> I'll leave that one up to the reader.
> ----
> tim
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> >>
> >>__________ NOD32 1.998 (20050212) Information __________
> >>
> >>This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.
> >>
> >
> >
> >__________ NOD32 1.998 (20050212) Information __________
> >
> >This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From maxnoel_fr at  Mon Feb 14 23:56:24 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Mon Feb 14 23:56:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 14, 2005, at 22:18, Liam Clarke wrote:

> Windows, she is a woman, and woman are mysterious in their little
> quirks. Unfortunately, you cannot divorce her, for she controls your
> software and you really need DirectX if you want to play Sid Mier's
> Pirates!

	Actually, you can find Atari ST and Amiga emulators for pretty much 
any system nowadays. :-p

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From cyresse at  Tue Feb 15 00:01:57 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue Feb 15 00:02:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hehe, I meant the new one, but yeah... :p

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 22:56:24 +0000, Max Noel <> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2005, at 22:18, Liam Clarke wrote:
> > Windows, she is a woman, and woman are mysterious in their little
> > quirks. Unfortunately, you cannot divorce her, for she controls your
> > software and you really need DirectX if you want to play Sid Mier's
> > Pirates!
>         Actually, you can find Atari ST and Amiga emulators for pretty much
> any system nowadays. :-p
> -- Max
> maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
> "Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting
> and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a
> perfect, immortal machine?"

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From michael.hall at  Tue Feb 15 01:16:37 2005
From: michael.hall at (Mike Hall)
Date: Tue Feb 15 01:17:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] newbie OSX module path question
Message-ID: <>

I'm on OS X, and I cannot get Python to import modules I've saved. I 
have created the the environment.plist file and appended it with my 
desired module path. If I print sys.path from the interpreter, my new 
path does indeed show up as the first listing, yet any attempt at 
importing modules from this directory fails with ImportError. What am I 
doing wrong?

From dyoo at  Tue Feb 15 01:47:34 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb 15 01:47:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] newbie OSX module path question
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Mike Hall wrote:

> I'm on OS X, and I cannot get Python to import modules I've saved. I
> have created the the environment.plist file and appended it with my
> desired module path. If I print sys.path from the interpreter, my new
> path does indeed show up as the first listing,

Hi Mike,

Can you show us what your sys.path looks like?  Just do a cut-and-paste so
we can quickly validate it for you.

> yet any attempt at importing modules from this directory fails with
> ImportError.

Can you show us the exact thing you're typing, as well as the literal
error that Python shows?  I don't mean to be suspicious, but we have to
check for silly things like case-sensitivity issues.  I know that Mac OS
X's file system is case insensitive, so this might not be such a big
issue, but I'd still like looking at literal error messages.

Otherwise, I'm at a loss: the import should work.  I think we'll need to
see some more before we can diagnose this.  Do you have problems doing an
import if your modules's directory is the current working directory?

Also, can you do a quick 'ls -l' on your module directory?  That'll help
us just a quick double-check on what the files look like.

Best of wishes to you!

From dyoo at  Tue Feb 15 02:41:21 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb 15 02:41:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] newbie OSX module path question
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Mike Hall wrote:

> > Can you show us what your sys.path looks like?  Just do a
> > cut-and-paste so we can quickly validate it for you.
> Thanks for the response. Here's a paste of what sys.path returns. The
> first listing is the path inside of environment.plist:
> ['', '/Local_HD/Users/mike/Documents/pythonModules',
> '/Users/tempmike/Documents/pythonModules',
> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3',
> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/plat-darwin',
> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/plat-mac',
> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages',
> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/lib-tk',
> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/lib-dynload',
> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/site-packages']
> > Can you show us the exact thing you're typing, as well as the literal
> > error that Python shows?
> I will attempt to import using 'import' followed by file name. Example:
> import module1
> The error returned will be:
> ImportError: No module named module1

[Meta: Please keep python-tutor in CC, so that all of us on the mailing
list can help you.]

Hi Mike,

Ok, can you do this at the Python prompt?

>>> import glob
>>> print glob.glob('/Local_HD/Users/mike/Documents/pythonModules/*.py')

Copy and paste the output you see.

If things go wrong, then we will have a good focus point to debug the
problem.  But if things go right --- if you see a bunch of Python module
files --- then I will be stuck and will have to think of something else.

> > Do you have problems doing an import if your modules's directory is
> > the current working directory?
> Funny you should mention that. After posting to this list, I tried
> cd'ing over to the dir I created for modules, and then launched Python.
> My modules can indeed be imported using this method.  But I'm still
> curious as to why I cannot get a successful import (when I'm not within
> my work dir) when the path is visibly defined within the sys.path
> variable? Thanks very much.

Ok, so there appears to be nothing wrong with the modules themselves or
with importing them when they're in the current working directory. We
should then focus on sys.path itself, since that's the mechanism Python
uses to lookup modules that aren't in the current directory.

For the moment, I'll assume that there's something funky with the
pathname.  As mentioned earlier, it could be as subtle as a
case-sensitivity issue.  The glob statement above will help us check to
see if Python can see those files, at least.

Best of wishes to you!

From michael.hall at  Tue Feb 15 03:22:21 2005
From: michael.hall at (Mike Hall)
Date: Tue Feb 15 03:23:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] newbie OSX module path question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hm, so if I import glob, and then execute this line:

print glob.glob('/Local_HD/Users/mike/Documents/pythonModules/*.py')

I simply get brackets returned:


...not sure what this means. Thanks again.

On Feb 14, 2005, at 5:41 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Mike Hall wrote:
>>> Can you show us what your sys.path looks like?  Just do a
>>> cut-and-paste so we can quickly validate it for you.
>> Thanks for the response. Here's a paste of what sys.path returns. The
>> first listing is the path inside of environment.plist:
>> ['', '/Local_HD/Users/mike/Documents/pythonModules',
>> '/Users/tempmike/Documents/pythonModules',
>> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
>> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
>> python2.3',
>> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
>> python2.3/plat-darwin',
>> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
>> python2.3/plat-mac',
>> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
>> python2.3/plat-mac/lib-scriptpackages',
>> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
>> python2.3/lib-tk',
>> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
>> python2.3/lib-dynload',
>> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
>> python2.3/site-packages']
>>> Can you show us the exact thing you're typing, as well as the literal
>>> error that Python shows?
>> I will attempt to import using 'import' followed by file name. 
>> Example:
>> import module1
>> The error returned will be:
>> ImportError: No module named module1
> [Meta: Please keep python-tutor in CC, so that all of us on the mailing
> list can help you.]
> Hi Mike,
> Ok, can you do this at the Python prompt?
> ###
>>>> import glob
>>>> print glob.glob('/Local_HD/Users/mike/Documents/pythonModules/*.py')
> ###
> Copy and paste the output you see.
> If things go wrong, then we will have a good focus point to debug the
> problem.  But if things go right --- if you see a bunch of Python 
> module
> files --- then I will be stuck and will have to think of something 
> else.
> *grin*
>>> Do you have problems doing an import if your modules's directory is
>>> the current working directory?
>> Funny you should mention that. After posting to this list, I tried
>> cd'ing over to the dir I created for modules, and then launched 
>> Python.
>> My modules can indeed be imported using this method.  But I'm still
>> curious as to why I cannot get a successful import (when I'm not 
>> within
>> my work dir) when the path is visibly defined within the sys.path
>> variable? Thanks very much.
> Ok, so there appears to be nothing wrong with the modules themselves or
> with importing them when they're in the current working directory. We
> should then focus on sys.path itself, since that's the mechanism Python
> uses to lookup modules that aren't in the current directory.
> For the moment, I'll assume that there's something funky with the
> pathname.  As mentioned earlier, it could be as subtle as a
> case-sensitivity issue.  The glob statement above will help us check to
> see if Python can see those files, at least.
> Best of wishes to you!

From david at  Tue Feb 15 03:26:22 2005
From: david at (David Rock)
Date: Tue Feb 15 03:28:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] newbie OSX module path question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

* Mike Hall <> [2005-02-14 18:22]:
> Hm, so if I import glob, and then execute this line:
> print glob.glob('/Local_HD/Users/mike/Documents/pythonModules/*.py')
> I simply get brackets returned:
> []
> ...not sure what this means. Thanks again.

It means it didn't find anything that matches that pattern, which
suggests that the directory does not contain *.py files. That might be a
problem. ;-)

David Rock
-------------- next part --------------
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From michael.hall at  Tue Feb 15 03:38:45 2005
From: michael.hall at (Mike Hall)
Date: Tue Feb 15 03:39:52 2005
Subject: [Tutor] newbie OSX module path question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ok, I've got it working. The environment.plist file wants a path 
beginning with /Users, not /Local_HD. So simple!  Thanks everyone.

On Feb 14, 2005, at 6:26 PM, David Rock wrote:

> * Mike Hall <> [2005-02-14 18:22]:
>> Hm, so if I import glob, and then execute this line:
>> print glob.glob('/Local_HD/Users/mike/Documents/pythonModules/*.py')
>> I simply get brackets returned:
>> []
>> ...not sure what this means. Thanks again.
> It means it didn't find anything that matches that pattern, which
> suggests that the directory does not contain *.py files. That might be 
> a
> problem. ;-)
> -- 
> David Rock
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From keridee at  Tue Feb 15 04:05:53 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Tue Feb 15 04:05:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Negative IF conditions
References: <>
Message-ID: <002c01c5130b$4a1475b0$d95428cf@JSLAPTOP>

> And now for something only slightly different: education research shows 
> that people process
> "positives" far more quickly and accurately than "negatives", so for 
> readability I often code like:

Well, that depends on whether we're optimists or pessimists... ;-)
I probably process negatives alot faster because that's what I expect... :-)

if os.path.exists('filename')

YMMV, of course.


At 08:52 AM 2/11/2005, Mark Brown wrote:

I'm a newbie and was wondering which of these IF conditions is better 

if not os.path.exists('filename'):

if os.path.exists('filename') == False:

Tutor maillist  - 

From keridee at  Tue Feb 15 04:06:51 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Tue Feb 15 04:06:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
References: <>
Message-ID: <003001c5130b$6b9a27c0$d95428cf@JSLAPTOP>

I got one or two, same recipient...

> Anyone else getting these?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: 
> <>
> Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:59:35 -0800
> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
> To:
> This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
> Delivery to the following recipients failed.
> Final-Recipient: rfc822;
> Action: failed
> Status: 5.0.0
> Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 5.0.0 MAIL REFUSED!From Dictionary Attack 
> Spammer.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Liam Clarke <>
> To: Tutor Tutor <>
> Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:09:24 +1300
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] error message
> I was wondering about that also, I've only ever used .group() when
> I've got named groups using (?P<foo>)
> On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 21:04:22 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
>> Dive into Python, an excellent tutorial has a case study on this very 
>> same
>> topic.
>> The biggest problem that nobody has mentioned yet is the fact that 
>> group()
>> will not have anything unless you explicitly tell it to group it.
>> I.E.
>> pattern = r'(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})'
>> You need the parenthesis to "capture" the groups.
>> BTW, dive into python can be found here:
>> HTH,
>> Jacob
>> > I'm dping something very simple in RE.
>> >
>> > Lets say I'm trying to match an American Phone number
>> >
>> > I write the code this way and try to match it:
>> > import re
>> > string = 'My phone is 410-995-1155'
>> > pattern = r'\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}'
>> > re.match(pattern,string).group()
>> >
>> > but I get this error message
>> > Traceback (most recent call last):
>> >  File "C:/Python24/findphone", line 4, in -toplevel-
>> >    re.match(pattern,string).group()
>> > AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > __________________________________
>> > Do you Yahoo!?
>> > Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Tutor maillist  -
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -
> --
> 'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well 
> please.
> And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
> -- 
> 'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well 
> please.
> And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From maxnoel_fr at  Tue Feb 15 04:13:14 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Tue Feb 15 04:13:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] newbie OSX module path question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 15, 2005, at 02:38, Mike Hall wrote:

> Ok, I've got it working. The environment.plist file wants a path 
> beginning with /Users, not /Local_HD. So simple!  Thanks everyone.

	Yeah, the system hard drive on Mac OS X (which is seen as "Macintosh 
HD", or in your case "Local HD" in the Finder) is mounted as the root 
of the filesystem. IOW, it's referred to as /, not /Macintosh HD.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From billk at  Tue Feb 15 05:02:58 2005
From: billk at (Bill Kranec)
Date: Tue Feb 15 05:02:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] SQL Datetimes
Message-ID: <>


I'm using Kinterbasdb to access a Firebird database through Python, and 
when I retrieve a row with a datetime value, I get a tuple like:

 >>> myCursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM table' )
 >>> for row in myCursor.fetchall():
        print row
(<DateTime object for '2004-08-09 00:00:00.00' at d41720>, 'value2', 
'value3', 'value4', 100)

I would like to get:

('8/9/2004', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 100)

The formatting of the date isn't so important, though.

Does anyone know how to convert the DateTime object into an actual 
datetime, and vice versa? I'm pretty sure what I want to do is 
documented here ( 
), but I don't understand what is going on.

Thanks for any help,

From at  Tue Feb 15 05:39:15 2005
From: at (Jeffrey Lim)
Date: Tue Feb 15 05:39:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
In-Reply-To: <003001c5130b$6b9a27c0$d95428cf@JSLAPTOP>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

perhaps it's the same Bob Gailer in this thread here? -, in
which case you should probably not see any such messages anymore.


On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 22:06:51 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> I got one or two, same recipient...
> Jacob
> > Anyone else getting these?
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From:
> > <>
> > Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:59:35 -0800
> > Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
> > To:
> >
> >
> > This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
> >
> > Delivery to the following recipients failed.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Final-Recipient: rfc822;
> > Action: failed
> > Status: 5.0.0
> > Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 5.0.0 MAIL REFUSED!From Dictionary Attack
> > Spammer.
> >
> >
From cyresse at  Tue Feb 15 06:27:22 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue Feb 15 06:27:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Fwd: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I've emailed him about it, I think it's an autodirect somewhere on his end.

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 12:39:15 +0800, Jeffrey Lim <> wrote:
> perhaps it's the same Bob Gailer in this thread here? -
>, in
> which case you should probably not see any such messages anymore.
> -jf
> On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 22:06:51 -0500, Jacob S. <> wrote:
> > I got one or two, same recipient...
> > Jacob
> >
> >
> > > Anyone else getting these?
> > >
> > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > > From:
> > > <>
> > > Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:59:35 -0800
> > > Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
> > > To:
> > >
> > >
> > > This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
> > >
> > > Delivery to the following recipients failed.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Final-Recipient: rfc822;
> > > Action: failed
> > > Status: 5.0.0
> > > Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 5.0.0 MAIL REFUSED!From Dictionary Attack
> > > Spammer.
> > >
> > >

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From dyoo at  Tue Feb 15 08:05:48 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb 15 08:05:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] SQL Datetimes
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Bill Kranec wrote:

> I'm using Kinterbasdb to access a Firebird database through Python, and
> when I retrieve a row with a datetime value, I get a tuple like:
>  >>> myCursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM table' )
>  >>> for row in myCursor.fetchall():
>         print row
> (<DateTime object for '2004-08-09 00:00:00.00' at d41720>, 'value2',
> 'value3', 'value4', 100)
> I would like to get:
> ('8/9/2004', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 100)

Hi Bill,

Just out of curiosity, can you work with the datetime object itself?  It
sounds like you want it to come out as a string, but that's somewhat
"lossy" because we lose things like the 'time' portion of a datetime.

According to the documentation here:

we can call methods on the datetime object to build something like the
date string you're looking for.  For example:

>>> import datetime
>>> now =
>>> now
datetime.datetime(2005, 2, 14, 23, 1, 21, 50304)
>>> def getDateString(d):
...     return "%s/%s/%s" % (d.year, d.month,
>>> getDateString(now)

We can go the other way (from date string to datetime instance), but it'll
take a little bit of string manipulation.

> Does anyone know how to convert the DateTime object into an actual
> datetime, and vice versa? I'm pretty sure what I want to do is
> documented here (
> ), but I don't understand what is going on.

I'd have to read into it more deeply, but I think it might be overkill to
override the default type translators between Python and the database.
My opinion is that it's probably less work to write functions to go back
and forth between the date strings and the datetime objects.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask.  Best of wishes to

From administrata at  Tue Feb 15 11:07:56 2005
From: administrata at (=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?wMwgwfi8ug==?=)
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:08:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] NewBie Question... Variables
Message-ID: <BAY22-F1374F6516CA8F78B2ABAB6C86B0@phx.gbl>

How can I do it with several variables?

I = "John"
print "%s used to love pizza" % I

About 10 or more...

HELP plz :)

?? ??? ?? ?? ??. ??? ??? MSN ???? ?????.  

From cyresse at  Tue Feb 15 11:26:06 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:26:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] DB design
Message-ID: <>


Working my way through the basics of SQL, and I can see that it's very
powerful for searching by different criteria.

I'm already hitting my conceptual troubles however, as I'm visualising
each table as a 'card'.
Always my problems, too much imagination. But yeah, it seems very 1
dimensional. But what I was wondering was is it possible within the
bounds of SQL to contain a SQL query reference as a value, so that
retrieving a certain value retrieves the results of that query i.e.

table foo

a b c

1  2 select d from bar

table bar

d e f

3 4 5 

and select c from foo retrieves d from bar? I know I'm leapfrogging
way ahead of myself, and probably confusing myself unnecessarily, but
I'm just trying to make my cards more 3D in terms of linking data....

Any assistance for my vague question gratefully appreciated.


Liam Clarke

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Tue Feb 15 11:28:20 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:28:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] NewBie Question... Variables
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F1374F6516CA8F78B2ABAB6C86B0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F1374F6516CA8F78B2ABAB6C86B0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

a = "foo"
b = "bar"
c = "duck"

print "I will say only this -  %s to your %s and no %s" % (a, b, c)

I will say only this - foo to your bar and no duck

And so forth. 

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 19:07:56 +0900, ? ?? <> wrote:
> How can I do it with several variables?
> I = "John"
> print "%s used to love pizza" % I
> About 10 or more...
> HELP plz :)
> _________________________________________________________________
> ?? ??? ?? ?? ??. ??? ??? MSN ???? ?????.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From administrata at  Tue Feb 15 11:30:32 2005
From: administrata at (=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?wMwgwfi8ug==?=)
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:31:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Variables
Message-ID: <BAY22-F31DF592234ECC7DBD47C41C86B0@phx.gbl>

How can I do it with several variables? 

I = "John" 
print "%s used to love pizza" % I 

About 10 or more... 

HELP plz :)

????. ??? ?? ?? ??, ??, ??, ?? ???  

From administrata at  Tue Feb 15 11:47:50 2005
From: administrata at (=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?wMwgwfi8ug==?=)
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:48:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Variables
Message-ID: <BAY22-F14454F18699D09D132CBB8C86B0@phx.gbl>

How can I do it with several variables? 

I = "John" 
print "%s used to love pizza" % I 

About 10 or more... 

HELP plz :)

?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? ????. MSN ??/??  

From kent37 at  Tue Feb 15 11:54:13 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:54:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] SQL Datetimes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Bill Kranec wrote:
>>I'm using Kinterbasdb to access a Firebird database through Python, and
>>when I retrieve a row with a datetime value, I get a tuple like:
>> >>> myCursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM table' )
>> >>> for row in myCursor.fetchall():
>>        print row
>>(<DateTime object for '2004-08-09 00:00:00.00' at d41720>, 'value2',
>>'value3', 'value4', 100)
>>I would like to get:
>>('8/9/2004', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4', 100)
> Hi Bill,
> Just out of curiosity, can you work with the datetime object itself?  It
> sounds like you want it to come out as a string, but that's somewhat
> "lossy" because we lose things like the 'time' portion of a datetime.

I'll second that suggestion...what is it you need to do with the date object?

Another alternative would be to change the database field to a string field, if that is really what 
you want. This may open it up to bad data, though.

> According to the documentation here:

Note that by default Kinterbasdb is using mxDateTime, not Python's (now) standard datetime, to 
represent the date. Docs for mxDateTime are here:

There is an example on the page originally cited that shows how to use Python's datetime instead of 
mxDateTime if you prefer.
scroll down until you get to the first example.


From cyresse at  Tue Feb 15 11:57:11 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:57:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: DB design
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ack, sorry, just found the advanced tutorial and 'joins'. 


(Also wondering if I spelt embarrassed right.)


Liam Clarke

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 23:26:06 +1300, Liam Clarke <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Working my way through the basics of SQL, and I can see that it's very
> powerful for searching by different criteria.
> I'm already hitting my conceptual troubles however, as I'm visualising
> each table as a 'card'.
> Always my problems, too much imagination. But yeah, it seems very 1
> dimensional. But what I was wondering was is it possible within the
> bounds of SQL to contain a SQL query reference as a value, so that
> retrieving a certain value retrieves the results of that query i.e.
> table foo
> a b c
> 1  2 select d from bar
> table bar
> d e f
> 3 4 5
> and select c from foo retrieves d from bar? I know I'm leapfrogging
> way ahead of myself, and probably confusing myself unnecessarily, but
> I'm just trying to make my cards more 3D in terms of linking data....
> Any assistance for my vague question gratefully appreciated.
> Regards,
> Liam Clarke
> --
> 'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
> And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From administrata at  Tue Feb 15 11:57:20 2005
From: administrata at (Sm0kin'_Bull .)
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:59:52 2005
Subject: [Tutor] .
Message-ID: <BAY22-F43FA3ECB83E36651E8524C86B0@phx.gbl>


?.. ?.. ?.. ?.. ?.. ?.. ?.. ?.. MSN ??  

From vishnu at  Tue Feb 15 11:56:41 2005
From: vishnu at (Vishnu)
Date: Tue Feb 15 12:00:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Variables
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F14454F18699D09D132CBB8C86B0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <000e01c5134d$08fbb3d0$0800a8c0@vishnu>



I1 = "John1" 
I2 = "John2" 
I3 = "John3" 

print "%s, %s and %s used to love pizza" % (I1,I2,I3)

use dictionaries,

name["I1"] = "John1"
name["I2"] = "John2"
name["I3"] = "John3"

print "%{I1}s, %{I2}s and %{I3}s used to love pizza" % name


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of ?? ????
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 4:18 PM
Subject: [Tutor] Variables

How can I do it with several variables? 

I = "John" 
print "%s used to love pizza" % I 

About 10 or more... 

HELP plz :)

?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? ????. MSN ??/??  

Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Tue Feb 15 12:02:59 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb 15 12:03:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] DB design
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I don't think you can do exactly that. But SQL does have powerful capabilities to do selects on 
multiple tables at once. It's called a 'join' and it is very common.

For examples suppose you have a customer database with a Customer table:
cust_id cust_name
111     Liam Clarke
222     Kent Johnson

and a Customer_Order table (way oversimplified):
cust_id  order_date
111      2004-4-22
111      2004-5-6
222      2004-1-31
111      2005-2-1

To show all customer orders with the customer id and name, you would join these two tables on the 
cust_id column:

select c.cust_id, c.cust_name, co.order_date
   from Customer c, Customer_Order co
   where c.cust_id = co.cust_id

To get just Liam's orders, add another clause to the above:
   and c.cust_id = '111'

Anyway, why don't you tell us more about what you are trying to do and we can give better suggestions.


Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi, 
> Working my way through the basics of SQL, and I can see that it's very
> powerful for searching by different criteria.
> I'm already hitting my conceptual troubles however, as I'm visualising
> each table as a 'card'.
> Always my problems, too much imagination. But yeah, it seems very 1
> dimensional. But what I was wondering was is it possible within the
> bounds of SQL to contain a SQL query reference as a value, so that
> retrieving a certain value retrieves the results of that query i.e.
> table foo
> a b c
> 1  2 select d from bar
> table bar
> d e f
> 3 4 5 
> and select c from foo retrieves d from bar? I know I'm leapfrogging
> way ahead of myself, and probably confusing myself unnecessarily, but
> I'm just trying to make my cards more 3D in terms of linking data....
> Any assistance for my vague question gratefully appreciated.
> Regards, 
> Liam Clarke

From billk at  Tue Feb 15 13:03:59 2005
From: billk at (Bill Kranec)
Date: Tue Feb 15 13:03:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] DB design
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I think what you want is called a view.  A view is a memory based table 
defined by a query as follows:

CREATE VIEW myview (
    ...   )
SELECT * FROM table1

In this example, you can now SELECT * FROM myview, and get table1.  You 
can put joined tables or use SELECT UNION inside the BEGIN, END 
statements to make the view larger, or use WHERE clauses to make the 
view a subset of the original table.

If the data in the underlying tables changes, the view will change also.

So by querying a view, you are querying the results of a query, in a 
sense, but remember that the database itself will always query the 
underlying tables, since the view doesn't physically exist.

I hope I've been helpful.  Just ask if I didn't explain anything clearly.


Liam Clarke wrote:

>Working my way through the basics of SQL, and I can see that it's very
>powerful for searching by different criteria.
>I'm already hitting my conceptual troubles however, as I'm visualising
>each table as a 'card'.
>Always my problems, too much imagination. But yeah, it seems very 1
>dimensional. But what I was wondering was is it possible within the
>bounds of SQL to contain a SQL query reference as a value, so that
>retrieving a certain value retrieves the results of that query i.e.
>table foo
>a b c
>1  2 select d from bar
>table bar
>d e f
>3 4 5 
>and select c from foo retrieves d from bar? I know I'm leapfrogging
>way ahead of myself, and probably confusing myself unnecessarily, but
>I'm just trying to make my cards more 3D in terms of linking data....
>Any assistance for my vague question gratefully appreciated.
>Liam Clarke
From vishnu at  Tue Feb 15 15:38:28 2005
From: vishnu at (Vishnu)
Date: Tue Feb 15 15:41:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Variables
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <003901c5136c$04846b70$0800a8c0@vishnu>

I am forwarding this mail, since is not added by Matt Hauser.

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Hauser [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 7:28 PM
To: Vishnu
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Variables

#Create a list of people
whoLovesPizza = ["John", "Jack", "Jimmy", "Jane", "Jerry"]

#Iterate through the list and print for each name
for lover in whoLovesPizza:
    print "%s used to love pizza" % lover

Or you could put the print statement in a function and call it with
each variable or name from a list.

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 16:26:41 +0530, Vishnu <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Method-I:
> =========
> I1 = "John1"
> I2 = "John2"
> I3 = "John3"
> print "%s, %s and %s used to love pizza" % (I1,I2,I3)
> Method-II:
> =========
> use dictionaries,
> name["I1"] = "John1"
> name["I2"] = "John2"
> name["I3"] = "John3"
> print "%{I1}s, %{I2}s and %{I3}s used to love pizza" % name
> HTH,
> Vishnu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf Of ?? ????
> Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 4:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Tutor] Variables
> How can I do it with several variables?
> I = "John"
> print "%s used to love pizza" % I
> About 10 or more...
> HELP plz :)
> _________________________________________________________________
> ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? ????. MSN ??/??
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Have you seen the dog lately?
Email -
Blog   -

From nixonron at  Tue Feb 15 17:21:44 2005
From: nixonron at (Ron Nixon)
Date: Tue Feb 15 17:21:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
Message-ID: <>

I know that you can do this to get a count of home
many times a word appears in a file

f = open('text.txt').read()
print f.count('word')

Other than using a several print statments to look for
seperate words like this, is there a way to do it so
that I get a individual count of each word:

word1 xxx
word2 xxx
words xxx


Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search.
From bill.mill at  Tue Feb 15 17:50:16 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Tue Feb 15 17:50:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


<snip>is there a way to do it so
> that I get a individual count of each word:
> word1 xxx
> word2 xxx
> words xxx
> etc.

Ron, I'm gonna throw some untested code at you. Let me know if you
understand it or not:

word_counts = {}
for line in f:
    for word in line.split():
        if word in word_counts:
            word_counts[word] += 1
            word_counts[word] = 1

for word in word_counts:
    print "%s %d" % (word, word_counts[word])

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From ryan at  Tue Feb 15 17:51:57 2005
From: ryan at (Ryan Davis)
Date: Tue Feb 15 17:52:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

You could use split() to split the contents of the file into a list of strings.

>>> x = 'asdf foo bar foo'
>>> x.split()
['asdf', 'foo', 'bar', 'foo']

Here's one way to iterate over that to get the counts.  I'm sure there are dozens.
>>> x = 'asdf foo bar foo'
>>> counts = {}
>>> for word in x.split():
...	counts[word] = x.count(word)
>>> counts
{'foo': 2, 'bar': 1, 'asdf': 1}
The dictionary takes care of duplicates.  If you are using a really big file, it might pay to eliminate duplicates from the list
before running x.count(word)


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Ron Nixon
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 11:22 AM
Subject: [Tutor] count words

I know that you can do this to get a count of home
many times a word appears in a file

f = open('text.txt').read()
print f.count('word')

Other than using a several print statments to look for
seperate words like this, is there a way to do it so
that I get a individual count of each word:

word1 xxx
word2 xxx
words xxx


Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search.
Tutor maillist  -

From exogen at  Tue Feb 15 17:51:34 2005
From: exogen at (Brian Beck)
Date: Tue Feb 15 17:54:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: count words
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <cut9bh$gpc$>

Ron Nixon wrote:
> f = open('text.txt').read()
> print f.count('word')
> Other than using a several print statments to look for
> seperate words like this, is there a way to do it so
> that I get a individual count of each word:
> word1 xxx
> word2 xxx
> words xxx
> etc.

Someone else might offer a better way of finding such information in a 
file, but for now I'll assume that this method is okay and just answer 
your original question. I'd do it like this (untested):

f = open('text.txt').read()
words = ['word', 'beef', 'nachos', 'recipe']

# This makes a list of tuples like [('word', 5), ('beef', 0), ...]
# You might also consider using a dictionary.
count = [(word, f.count(word)) for word in words]

# Now print the results.
for result in count:
    print "%s was found %d times." % result

# Dictionary method:
# Uses the same list comprehension, maybe there's a better way?
count = dict([(word, f.count(word)) for word in words])

for key, value in count.iteritems():
     print "%s was found %d times." % (key, value)

Brian Beck
Adventurer of the First Order

From zanesdad at  Tue Feb 15 17:53:25 2005
From: zanesdad at (Jeremy Jones)
Date: Tue Feb 15 17:55:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ron Nixon wrote:

>I know that you can do this to get a count of home
>many times a word appears in a file
>f = open('text.txt').read()
>print f.count('word')
>Other than using a several print statments to look for
>seperate words like this, is there a way to do it so
>that I get a individual count of each word:
>word1 xxx
>word2 xxx
>words xxx
Like this?

A                        14
AND                      1
Abantes                  3
Abarbarea                1
Abas                     1
Abians                   1
Ablerus                  1
About                    2
Abydos                   3
Acamas                   11
Accept                   2
Acessamenus              1
Achaea                   1
Achaean                  34
Achaeans                 540
Achelous                 2
Achilles                 423
Acrisius                 1
Actaea                   1
Actor                    8
Adamas                   5
Admetus                  4
Adrastus                 2
Adresteia                1
Adrestus                 8
Aeacus                   20
Aegae                    2
Aegaeon                  1
Aegeus                   1
Aegialeia                1
Aegialus                 1
Aegilips                 1
Aegina                   1
Aegium                   1
Aeneas                   86
Aenus                    1
Aeolus                   1
Aepea                    2
Aepytus                  1
Aesculapius              7
Aesepus                  2
Aesopus                  4
Aesyetes                 2
Aesyme                   1
Aesymnus                 1
wronged                  2
wronging                 1
wrongs                   1
wroth                    1
wrought                  24
wrung                    1
yard                     3
yarded                   1
yards                    2
yawned                   1
ye                       3
yea                      1
year                     13
yearling                 2
yearned                  4
yearning                 2
years                    15
yellow                   5
yesterday                5
yet                      160
yield                    10
yielded                  3
yielding                 3
yieldit                  1
yoke                     24
yoked                    11
yokes                    1
yokestraps               1
yolking                  1
yonder                   3
you                      1712
young                    44
younger                  9
youngest                 6
your                     592
yourelf                  1
yours                    7
yourself                 60
yourselves               17
youselves                1
youth                    17
youths                   18
zeal                     2

I ran the following script on "The Iliad":

#!/usr/bin/env python

import string

text = open('iliad.txt', 'r').read()
for punct in string.punctuation:
    text = text.replace(punct, ' ')
words = text.split()

word_dict = {}
for word in words:
    word_dict[word] = word_dict.get(word, 0) + 1
word_list = word_dict.keys()
for word in word_list:
    print "%-25s%d" % (word, word_dict[word])

Jeremy Jones
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From dyoo at  Tue Feb 15 17:59:17 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb 15 17:59:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Ron Nixon wrote:

> I know that you can do this to get a count of home many times a word
> appears in a file
> f = open('text.txt').read()
> print f.count('word')
> Other than using a several print statments to look for seperate words
> like this, is there a way to do it so that I get a individual count of
> each word:

Hi Ron,

Let's modify the problem a bit.  Let's say that we have a list of words:

words = """one ring to rule them all one ring to find them
           one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
           in the land of mordor where the shadows lie""".split()

What happens if we sort() this list?

>>> words.sort()
>>> words
['all', 'all', 'and', 'bind', 'bring', 'darkness', 'find', 'in', 'in',
'land', 'lie', 'mordor', 'of', 'one', 'one', 'one', 'ring', 'ring',
'ring', 'rule', 'shadows', 'the', 'the', 'the', 'them', 'them', 'them',
'them', 'to', 'to', 'to', 'where']

Would this be easier to process?

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!

From nixonron at  Tue Feb 15 18:19:38 2005
From: nixonron at (Ron Nixon)
Date: Tue Feb 15 18:19:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks to everyone who replied to my post. All of your
suggestions seem to work. My thanks


--- Ryan Davis <> wrote:

> You could use split() to split the contents of the
> file into a list of strings.
> ###
> >>> x = 'asdf foo bar foo'
> >>> x.split()
> ['asdf', 'foo', 'bar', 'foo']
> ###
> Here's one way to iterate over that to get the
> counts.  I'm sure there are dozens.
> ###
> >>> x = 'asdf foo bar foo'
> >>> counts = {}
> >>> for word in x.split():
> ...	counts[word] = x.count(word)
> ... 
> >>> counts
> {'foo': 2, 'bar': 1, 'asdf': 1}
> ###
> The dictionary takes care of duplicates.  If you are
> using a really big file, it might pay to eliminate
> duplicates from the list
> before running x.count(word)
> Thanks,
> Ryan 
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ron
> Nixon
> Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 11:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Tutor] count words
> I know that you can do this to get a count of home
> many times a word appears in a file
> f = open('text.txt').read()
> print f.count('word')
> Other than using a several print statments to look
> for
> seperate words like this, is there a way to do it so
> that I get a individual count of each word:
> word1 xxx
> word2 xxx
> words xxx
> etc.
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced
> search.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free! 

From maxnoel_fr at  Tue Feb 15 19:03:57 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Tue Feb 15 19:04:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 15, 2005, at 17:19, Ron Nixon wrote:

> Thanks to everyone who replied to my post. All of your
> suggestions seem to work. My thanks
> Ron

	Watch out, though, for all of this to work flawlessly you first have 
to remove all punctuation (either with regexes or with multiple 
foo.replace('[symbol]', '')), and to remove the case of each word 
(foo.upper() or foo.lower() will do).

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb 15 19:03:48 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb 15 19:04:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] NewBie Question... Variables
References: <BAY22-F1374F6516CA8F78B2ABAB6C86B0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <003701c51388$b3b85810$2ca88651@xp>

> How can I do it with several variables?
> I = "John"
> print "%s used to love pizza" % I

wrap them in parens:

>>> a,b = 3,4
>>> print "%d x %d = %d" % (a,b, a*b)

> About 10 or more...

Same technique but you might find it easier to use labels to 
identify the fields.

>>> sum = a+b
>>> print "%(a)d + %(b)d = %(sum)d" % locals()

My tutoroial covers some of this in the Simple Sequences topic.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb 15 19:16:10 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb 15 19:16:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] DB design
References: <>
Message-ID: <004801c5138a$6dac9a50$2ca88651@xp>

> I'm already hitting my conceptual troubles however, as I'm
> each table as a 'card'.

Maybe but the cards are made up of rows, each row with fields.
Think like a spreadsheet. Each sheet can have references to
other sheets - like Tabs in Excel....

> dimensional. But what I was wondering was is it possible within the
> bounds of SQL to contain a SQL query reference as a value, so that
> retrieving a certain value retrieves the results of that query i.e.

Not quite sure what you mean, but lets try an example.

create table foo (id number, food varchar);
create table b (id, fooID number, val varchar);
insert into foo values(1,'Spam');
insert into foo values(2,'Chips');
insert into foo values(3,'Bread');
insert into bar values(1,2,'Sauce');

Now notice that bar has a reference to foo.
And the last insert creates a row with a reference to foo id 2

So now we can do a select that finds data based on
the reference:

SELECT food, value from foo,bar
WHERE bar.fooID =


Chips, Sauce

Alternatively we can nest select statements:

SELECT value from bar
WHERE fooID in (SELECT id from foo);

The result (in this case!) should be the same but the
efficiency is a lot lower!

> I'm just trying to make my cards more 3D in terms of linking

Dunno if that clarified anything?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb 15 19:16:52 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb 15 19:16:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Variables
References: <BAY22-F14454F18699D09D132CBB8C86B0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <004f01c5138a$86a17530$2ca88651@xp>

Ahem, we heard you the first time!


Alan G.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "l
4 l'l1" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 10:47 AM
Subject: [Tutor] Variables

> How can I do it with several variables?
> I = "John"
> print "%s used to love pizza" % I
> About 10 or more...
> HELP plz :)
> _________________________________________________________________
> l&
j6 l k34 j0�l
% k9 k%4j3  m8mj2 k34l$ l l
5kk$. MSN l&
j6/m,l


From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb 15 19:33:14 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb 15 19:33:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
References: <>
Message-ID: <006e01c5138c$cf9a6b00$2ca88651@xp>

> Other than using a several print statments to look for
> seperate words like this, is there a way to do it so
> that I get a individual count of each word:
> word1 xxx
> word2 xxx
> words xxx

The classic approach is to create a dictionary.
Add each word as you come to it and increment the value by one.
At the end the dictionaru contains all unique words with the 
count for each one.

Does that work for you?

Alan G.
From bill.mill at  Tue Feb 15 19:38:24 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Tue Feb 15 19:38:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 18:03:57 +0000, Max Noel <> wrote:
> On Feb 15, 2005, at 17:19, Ron Nixon wrote:
> > Thanks to everyone who replied to my post. All of your
> > suggestions seem to work. My thanks
> >
> > Ron
>         Watch out, though, for all of this to work flawlessly you first have
> to remove all punctuation (either with regexes or with multiple
> foo.replace('[symbol]', '')), and to remove the case of each word
> (foo.upper() or foo.lower() will do).

To remove all punctuation from the beginning and end of words, at
least in 2.4, you can just use:

word.strip('.!?\n\t ')

plus any other characters that you'd like to strip. In action:

>>> word = "?testing..!.\n\t "
>>> word.strip('?.!\n\t ')

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
> -- Max
> maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
> "Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting
> and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a
> perfect, immortal machine?"
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From kent37 at  Tue Feb 15 20:39:30 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb 15 20:39:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ryan Davis wrote:
> Here's one way to iterate over that to get the counts.  I'm sure there are dozens.
> ###
>>>>x = 'asdf foo bar foo'
>>>>counts = {}
>>>>for word in x.split():
> ...	counts[word] = x.count(word)
> ... 
> {'foo': 2, 'bar': 1, 'asdf': 1}
> ###
> The dictionary takes care of duplicates.  If you are using a really big file, it might pay to eliminate duplicates from the list
> before running x.count(word)

Be wary of using the count() function for this, it can be very slow. The problem is that every time 
you call count(), Python has to look at every element of the list to see if it matches the word you 
passed to count(). So if the list has n words in it, you will make n*n comparisons. In contrast, the 
method that directly accumulates counts in a dictionary just makes one pass over the list. For small 
lists this doesn't matter much, but for a longer list you will definitely see the difference.

For example, I downloaded "The Art of War" from Project Gutenberg 
( and tried both methods. Here is a program that 
times how long it takes to do the counts using two different methods:

''' Count words two different ways '''

from string import punctuation
from time import time

def countWithDict(words):
     ''' Word count by accumulating counts in a dictionary '''
     counts = {}
     for word in words:
         counts[word] = counts.get(word, 0) + 1

     return counts

def countWithCount(words):
     ''' Word count by calling count() for each word '''
     counts = {}
     for word in words:
         counts[word] = words.count(word)

     return counts

def timeOne(f, words):
     ''' Time how long it takes to do f(words) '''
     startTime = time()
     endTime = time()
     print '%s: %f' % (f.__name__, endTime-startTime)

# Get the word list and strip off punctuation
words = open(r'D:\Personal\Tutor\ArtOfWar.txt').read().split()
words = [ word.strip(punctuation) for word in words ]

# How many words is it, anyway?
print len(words), 'words'

# Time the word counts
c1 = timeOne(countWithDict, words)
c2 = timeOne(countWithCount, words)

# Check that both get the same result
assert c1 == c2


The results (times are in seconds):
14253 words
countWithDict: 0.010000
countWithCount: 9.183000

It takes 900 times longer to count() each word individually!


From nixonron at  Tue Feb 15 20:59:58 2005
From: nixonron at (Ron Nixon)
Date: Tue Feb 15 21:00:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] RE help
Message-ID: <>

Trying to scrape a newspaper site for articles using
this code whic ws done with help from the list:

import urllib, re
pattern = re.compile("""<h[1-2]><a
href="/(.*)">(.*).</p>""", re.DOTALL)

for headline, body in pattern.findall(page):
    print body

It should grab articles from this:

<h2><a href="/stories/507/5240764.html">Sid Hartman:
Franchise could be moved</a></h2><p>If Reggie Fowler
and his business partners from New Jersey are approved
to buy the Vikings franchise from Red McCombs, it is
my opinion the franchise remains in danger of
eventually being relocated.</p>

and give me this: Sid Hartman: Franchise could be
moved</a></h2><p>If Reggie Fowler and his business
partners from New Jersey are approved to buy the
Vikings franchise from Red McCombs, it is my opinion
the franchise remains in danger of eventually being

Instead it gives me this:<b>Boxerjam</b></a>. from
this :

I know the re works in other programs I've tried. Is
there something different about re's in Python?

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search.
From bill.mill at  Tue Feb 15 21:02:30 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Tue Feb 15 21:02:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] count words
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Coupla nits:

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:39:30 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> from string import punctuation
> from time import time
> words = open(r'D:\Personal\Tutor\ArtOfWar.txt').read().split()

Another advantage of the first method is that it allows a more elegant
word counting algorithm if you choose not to read the entire file into
memory. It's a better general practice to consume lines from a file
via the "for line in f" idiom.

> words = [ word.strip(punctuation) for word in words ]

And, be careful with this - punctuation does not include whitespace
characters. Although that is no problem in this example, because
split() strips its component strings automatically, people should be
aware that punctuation won't work on strings that haven't had their
whitespace stripped.

Otherwise though, good stuff.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From kent37 at  Tue Feb 15 21:26:28 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb 15 21:26:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] RE help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Try it with non-greedy matches. You are matching everything from the first <hX><a to the last </p> 
in one match. Also I think you want to escape the . before </p> (you want just paragraphs that end 
in a period?)

pattern = re.compile("""<h[1-2]><a href="/(.*?)">(.*?)\.</p>""", re.DOTALL)


Ron Nixon wrote:
> Trying to scrape a newspaper site for articles using
> this code whic ws done with help from the list:
> import urllib, re
> pattern = re.compile("""<h[1-2]><a
> href="/(.*)">(.*).</p>""", re.DOTALL)
> page
> =urllib.urlopen("").read()  
> for headline, body in pattern.findall(page):
>     print body
> It should grab articles from this:
> <h2><a href="/stories/507/5240764.html">Sid Hartman:
> Franchise could be moved</a></h2><p>If Reggie Fowler
> and his business partners from New Jersey are approved
> to buy the Vikings franchise from Red McCombs, it is
> my opinion the franchise remains in danger of
> eventually being relocated.</p>
> and give me this: Sid Hartman: Franchise could be
> moved</a></h2><p>If Reggie Fowler and his business
> partners from New Jersey are approved to buy the
> Vikings franchise from Red McCombs, it is my opinion
> the franchise remains in danger of eventually being
> relocated.
> Instead it gives me this:<b>Boxerjam</b></a>. from
> this :
> href=""><b>Boxerjam</b></a>.
> </p></div>
> I know the re works in other programs I've tried. Is
> there something different about re's in Python?
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced search.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From nixonron at  Tue Feb 15 21:37:40 2005
From: nixonron at (Ron Nixon)
Date: Tue Feb 15 21:37:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] RE help
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Problem solved. Thanks

--- Kent Johnson <> wrote:

> Try it with non-greedy matches. You are matching
> everything from the first <hX><a to the last </p> 
> in one match. Also I think you want to escape the .
> before </p> (you want just paragraphs that end 
> in a period?)
> pattern = re.compile("""<h[1-2]><a
> href="/(.*?)">(.*?)\.</p>""", re.DOTALL)
> Kent
> Ron Nixon wrote:
> > Trying to scrape a newspaper site for articles
> using
> > this code whic ws done with help from the list:
> > 
> > import urllib, re
> > pattern = re.compile("""<h[1-2]><a
> > href="/(.*)">(.*).</p>""", re.DOTALL)
> > page
> >
> =urllib.urlopen("").read()
> > 
> > for headline, body in pattern.findall(page):
> >     print body
> > 
> > It should grab articles from this:
> > 
> > <h2><a href="/stories/507/5240764.html">Sid
> Hartman:
> > Franchise could be moved</a></h2><p>If Reggie
> Fowler
> > and his business partners from New Jersey are
> approved
> > to buy the Vikings franchise from Red McCombs, it
> is
> > my opinion the franchise remains in danger of
> > eventually being relocated.</p>
> > 
> > and give me this: Sid Hartman: Franchise could be
> > moved</a></h2><p>If Reggie Fowler and his business
> > partners from New Jersey are approved to buy the
> > Vikings franchise from Red McCombs, it is my
> opinion
> > the franchise remains in danger of eventually
> being
> > relocated.
> > 
> > Instead it gives me this:<b>Boxerjam</b></a>. from
> > this :
> >
> > </p></div>
> > 
> > I know the re works in other programs I've tried.
> Is
> > there something different about re's in Python?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 		
> > __________________________________ 
> > Do you Yahoo!? 
> > Yahoo! Mail - Find what you need with new enhanced
> search.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> > 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Do you Yahoo!? 
The all-new My Yahoo! - What will yours do? 
From python at  Tue Feb 15 22:16:44 2005
From: python at (
Date: Tue Feb 15 22:16:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Basic terminology
Message-ID: <>


I'm reading a Python book right now (Learning Python, a great book!), and there
are few terms that come are brought up a few times but without any explanation.

So what are:
- "remainders" (in the context of remainders-of-division modulus for numbers)
- "modulus" (in the same context; I have also seen it in different context, like
3D graphics programs to perform certain types of calculations).

From bill.mill at  Tue Feb 15 22:30:35 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Tue Feb 15 22:30:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Basic terminology
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

A remainder is what's left over after a division:

10/3 = 3 remainder 1
12/5 = 2 remainder 2
27/3 = 9 remainder 0

and the modulus operator (which is % in python) gives you that remainder:

10%3 = 1
12%5 = 2
27%3 = 0

See and for more formal
explanations. In particular, it explains some deeper meanings of the
word "modulus". Once you get into group theory, it can start to mean
some related but different things.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 16:16:44 -0500,
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm reading a Python book right now (Learning Python, a great book!), and there
> are few terms that come are brought up a few times but without any explanation.
> So what are:
> - "remainders" (in the context of remainders-of-division modulus for numbers)
> - "modulus" (in the same context; I have also seen it in different context, like
> 3D graphics programs to perform certain types of calculations).
> Thanks
> Bernard
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From bvande at  Tue Feb 15 23:19:37 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Tue Feb 15 23:21:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes question
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I'm still plugging away at my project of writing code to process 
treepad files. (This was the task which I posted about in the recent 
"help with refactoring needed -- which approach is more	Pythonic?" 

My present problem is how best to reorganize a long (20 elements) elif 
chain. The file format I am dealing with organizes itself with a file 
header, and then a series of nodes. Each node has a header filled with 
up to 20 different metadata elements, followed by the node content 
proper. These metadata elements can be in arbitrary order, and need 
not all be present.

My Node class defines a _parse method which separates out the node 
header, and sends those lines to a _parse_metadata method. This is 
where the elif chain occurs -- each line of the metadata starts with a 
tag like "dt=" and I need to recognize each tag and set the 
appropriate Node object attribute, such as .document_type. (I do not 
want to rely on the unhelpful names for the tags in the file format, 
preferring more self-documenting attribute names.)

I've come up with *a* way to use a dictionary dispatch, but I'll wager 
a great deal it isn't the *best* way.

Here is a minimal illustration of what I have come up with:

class A:

     def __init__(self):

	self.something = None
	self.something_else = None
	self.still_another_thing = None
     def update(self, data):

	for key in metadata_dict:
	    if data.startswith(key):
                 exec('''self.%s = """%s"""''' %(metadata_dict[key],
		# triple quotes as there may be quotes in metadata
                 # values

metadata_dict = {'something_tag=': 'something',
                  '2nd_tag=': 'something_else',
                  'last=': 'still_another_thing'}

a = A()
print a.still_another_thing
a.update('last=the metadata value for the "last=" metadata tag')
print a.still_another_thing

the metadata value for the "last=" metadata tag

So, it works. Yay :-)

But, should I be doing it another way?

Also, I know the general security concerns about things like exec. 
They make me nervous in using it, even though I am (as yet) the sole 
user. Am I right in thinking that the constrained way I am using it 
here protects me? My code uses most of the attributes as a simple 
storage container for later rewriting of the file, but in a few cases 
they enter into (safe seeming) conditionals like:

if 'text' == self.document_type:
if 'RTF' == self.document_type:

Thanks and best to all,

Brian vdB

From dyoo at  Tue Feb 15 23:26:52 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Tue Feb 15 23:26:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Basic terminology
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> A remainder is what's left over after a division:
> 10/3 = 3 remainder 1
> 12/5 = 2 remainder 2
> 27/3 = 9 remainder 0
> and the modulus operator (which is % in python) gives you that remainder:
> 10%3 = 1
> 12%5 = 2
> 27%3 = 0

Hi Bernard,

Another familiar example of modulo is checking to see if a number is even
or odd:

def isEven(n):
    """Check to see if n is divisible by 2."""
    return n % 2 == 0

The remainder of 'n' divided by 2, that is, "n modulo 2", is zero if 'n'
is even.

Another cute thing about modulo is that we can use it to evenly distribute
things.  Let's make this more concrete, or at least a little sweeter.
Imagine that it's Halloween, and we want to evenly distribute some candy
out to some trick-or-treaters:

people = ['fred', 'wilma', 'barney', 'betty']
candy = ['almond joy', 'take 5', 'cadbury', 'twizzlers',
         'reeses', 'york', 'jolly rancher', 'nestle crunch']

There are two ways we can pass candy to the folks: we can give each people
two candies each:

>>> for (i, c) in enumerate(candy):
...     print people[i / (len(candy) / len(people))], "gets", c
fred gets almond joy
fred gets take 5
wilma gets cadbury
wilma gets twizzlers
barney gets reeses
barney gets york
betty gets jolly rancher
betty gets nestle crunch

That is, since there are eight pieces of candy, and only four people, we
can give each person two pieces of candy each.  We use simple division:

    (i / (len(candy) / len(people))
    ==> i / 2

to figure out, given the index number of the candy, which person can seize
the sugary treat.  So the first two pieces belong to fred, the second two
pieces belong to wilma, and so on.

Or we can do something that looks more round-robin:

>>> for (i, c) in enumerate(candy):
...     print people[i % len(people)], "gets", c
fred gets almond joy
wilma gets take 5
barney gets cadbury
betty gets twizzlers
fred gets reeses
wilma gets york
barney gets jolly rancher
betty gets nestle crunch

And here, we use the modulo operator to figure out which person each candy
belongs to.  In this case, we see the calculation involves:

    i % len(people)

So there's this intimate relationship between division and modulo that
corresponds to two main ways we pass things out to people.

Does this make sense?

From cyresse at  Wed Feb 16 00:08:41 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb 16 00:08:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Brian, why not take it the next step and 

>         for key in metadata_dict:
>             if data.startswith(key):
>                  exec('''self.%s = """%s"""''' %(metadata_dict[key],
>                       data[len(key):]))
>                 # triple quotes as there may be quotes in metadata
>                  # values
>                 break = {}

for key in metadata_dict.keys():  #? I got confused, so I guessed.
   if data.startswith(key):

And then instead of self.x (if metadata_dict[key] = x] You just call['x']

A bit more obfuscated, but it would seem to remove the exec, although
I'm not sure how else it impacts your class.

I came across something similar when using Pythoncard, because
Pythoncard stores widgets as a dictionary.

To crate a widget via a method in your card, you'd use - 
self.components.myButton = {'properties'}
But to generate widgets based on data input, I'd use a dictionary
generated by the data -

a = raw_input('name? ')

widgDict = {a: {dict of properties}}

for (key, val) in widgDict.items():

(Which incidentally is why Pythoncard rocks)

So yeah, hope that helps a wee bit.


Liam Clarke

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:19:37 -0500, Brian van den Broek
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm still plugging away at my project of writing code to process
> treepad files. (This was the task which I posted about in the recent
> "help with refactoring needed -- which approach is more Pythonic?"
> thread.)
> My present problem is how best to reorganize a long (20 elements) elif
> chain. The file format I am dealing with organizes itself with a file
> header, and then a series of nodes. Each node has a header filled with
> up to 20 different metadata elements, followed by the node content
> proper. These metadata elements can be in arbitrary order, and need
> not all be present.
> My Node class defines a _parse method which separates out the node
> header, and sends those lines to a _parse_metadata method. This is
> where the elif chain occurs -- each line of the metadata starts with a
> tag like "dt=" and I need to recognize each tag and set the
> appropriate Node object attribute, such as .document_type. (I do not
> want to rely on the unhelpful names for the tags in the file format,
> preferring more self-documenting attribute names.)
> I've come up with *a* way to use a dictionary dispatch, but I'll wager
> a great deal it isn't the *best* way.
> Here is a minimal illustration of what I have come up with:
> <code>
> class A:
>      def __init__(self):
>         self.something = None
>         self.something_else = None
>         self.still_another_thing = None
>      def update(self, data):

> metadata_dict = {'something_tag=': 'something',
>                   '2nd_tag=': 'something_else',
>                   'last=': 'still_another_thing'}
> a = A()
> print a.still_another_thing
> a.update('last=the metadata value for the "last=" metadata tag')
> print a.still_another_thing
> </code>
> <output>
>  >>>
> None
> the metadata value for the "last=" metadata tag
> </output>
> So, it works. Yay :-)
> But, should I be doing it another way?
> Also, I know the general security concerns about things like exec.
> They make me nervous in using it, even though I am (as yet) the sole
> user. Am I right in thinking that the constrained way I am using it
> here protects me? My code uses most of the attributes as a simple
> storage container for later rewriting of the file, but in a few cases
> they enter into (safe seeming) conditionals like:
> if 'text' == self.document_type:
>     self.do_text_stuff()
> if 'RTF' == self.document_type:
>     self.do_RTF_stuff()
> Thanks and best to all,
> Brian vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From bill.mill at  Wed Feb 16 00:09:36 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Wed Feb 16 00:09:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Basic terminology
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:26:52 -0800 (PST), Da
> Hi Bernard,
> Another familiar example of modulo is checking to see if a number is even
> or odd:
<snip lots of good stuff from danny>

Since Danny got it started with the examples, I'll give another
canonical example of the use of the modulus operator. Imagine that
we're trying to figure out what number the hour hand of a clock will
be pointing at x hours from now. If it's one o'clock right now, in 5
hours, the hour hand will be pointing at the six, and in 10 hours, it
will be pointing at the 11.

However, where will it be pointing in 16 hours? Well, in 12 hours it
will be at the one, then four more hours later it will be pointing at
the five. This can be represented as:

1 + (16 % 12) = 1 + 4 = 5

In general, the hour at some point in the future will be:

(start time) + (hours in the future % 12)

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From rmkrauter at  Wed Feb 16 00:09:56 2005
From: rmkrauter at (Rich Krauter)
Date: Wed Feb 16 00:10:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
[snip text]
> <code>
> class A:
>     def __init__(self):
>     self.something = None
>     self.something_else = None
>     self.still_another_thing = None
>     def update(self, data):
>     for key in metadata_dict:
>         if data.startswith(key):
>                 exec('''self.%s = """%s"""''' %(metadata_dict[key],
>                      data[len(key):]))
>         # triple quotes as there may be quotes in metadata
>                 # values
>         break
[snip usage example and additional text]


You could use setattr(self,metadata_dict[key],data[len(key):]).

From luke.jordan at  Wed Feb 16 00:16:37 2005
From: luke.jordan at (Luke Jordan)
Date: Wed Feb 16 00:17:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Case acceptance using raw_input
Message-ID: <>

Hi all, thanks to all for running such a great list.

Is there a better way for raw_input to accept both caps and lower case
letters than:

def aFunction():
   action = raw_input("Perform an action?(y,n): ")
   if action == 'y' or action == 'Y':
   elif action == 'n' or action == 'N':


No success or discovery is an accident. It is the result of time
invested in the process.

No success or discovery is an accident. It is the result of time
invested in the process.
From cyresse at  Wed Feb 16 00:24:06 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb 16 00:24:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Case acceptance using raw_input
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

if action in 'yY':

elif action in 'nN': 

Although, that does mean that if a user enters 'nN' they'll get no,
but that shouldn't be a huge problem, and it it does, you can just do
a if len(action) != 1...


Liam Clarke

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 15:16:37 -0800, Luke Jordan <> wrote:
> Hi all, thanks to all for running such a great list.
> Is there a better way for raw_input to accept both caps and lower case
> letters than:
> def aFunction():
>    action = raw_input("Perform an action?(y,n): ")
>    if action == 'y' or action == 'Y':
>        anotherFunction()
>    elif action == 'n' or action == 'N':
>        yetAnotherFunction()
>    else:
>        aFunction()
> Thanks!
> --
> No success or discovery is an accident. It is the result of time
> invested in the process.
> --
> No success or discovery is an accident. It is the result of time
> invested in the process.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From tameyer at  Wed Feb 16 00:33:28 2005
From: tameyer at (Tony Meyer)
Date: Wed Feb 16 00:33:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Case acceptance using raw_input
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

>> Is there a better way for raw_input to accept both caps and 
>> lower case letters than:
>>    if action == 'y' or action == 'Y':
> if action in 'yY':
> dostuff()
> Although, that does mean that if a user enters 'nN' they'll 
> get no, but that shouldn't be a huge problem, and it it does, 
> you can just do a if len(action) != 1...

Alternatively, you could do:

    if action.lower() == 'y':

This is the most readable, IMO, but is probably slower (function calls are
expensive) than 'if len(action) == 1 and action in "yY"' or 'if action ==
"y" or action == "Y"'.  (Of course, the difference in speed here is almost
certainly irrelevant).


From maxnoel_fr at  Wed Feb 16 00:34:40 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Wed Feb 16 00:34:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Basic terminology
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

	In a slightly more generic fashion (everybody started dropping 
examples), the goal of an integer (euclidian) division (say, a / b) is 
to express an integer as such:

a = b * quotient + remainder

	Where all the numbers used are integers, and 0 <= remainder < b.

	When you perform integer division in Python, a / b (a // b in 2.4+) 
gives you the quotient, and a % b gives you the remainder.

	See the other posts for examples of use :p

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From bvande at  Wed Feb 16 01:11:03 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed Feb 16 01:12:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance
	attributes	question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke said unto the world upon 2005-02-15 18:08:
> Hi Brian, why not take it the next step and 
>>        for key in metadata_dict:
>>            if data.startswith(key):
>>                 exec('''self.%s = """%s"""''' %(metadata_dict[key],
>>                      data[len(key):]))
>>                # triple quotes as there may be quotes in metadata
>>                 # values
>>                break
> = {}
> for key in metadata_dict.keys():  #? I got confused, so I guessed.
>    if data.startswith(key):
>   [metadata_dict[key]]=data[len(key):]
> And then instead of self.x (if metadata_dict[key] = x] You just call
> A bit more obfuscated, but it would seem to remove the exec, although
> I'm not sure how else it impacts your class.

<SNIP related Pythoncard example>

> So yeah, hope that helps a wee bit.
> Regards, 
> Liam Clarke


Rich Krauter said unto the world upon 2005-02-15 18:09:

 > Brian,
 > You could use setattr(self,metadata_dict[key],data[len(key):]).
 > Rich

Hi Liam, Rich, and all,

thanks for the replies. (And for heroically working through the long 
question -- if there is a tutee verbosity award, I think its mine ;-)

Rich: thanks. setattr, yeah, that's the ticket!

Liam: The reason I didn't want to take it this way is: "Flat is better 
than nested" :-)

The code I am working on is an improved (I hope ;-) ) and expanded 
class-based version of some more primitive code I had done purely 
procedurally. There, I had a dictionary approach for storing the 
metadata (akin to the dictionary you suggested above). One of 
the benefits of going OOP, in my opinion, is that instead of using 
dictionary access syntax, you can just say things like 
self.document_type. It might be little more than sugar[*], but I've a 
sweet tooth, and I'd want to avoid going back to the dictionary syntax 
if I could.

Though, absent the setattr way that Rich pointed to, I must admit the 
exec in my originally posted version would have me dithering whether 
to opt for sugar or safety. Thankfully, it's all moot.

[*] In that, if I've understood correctly, class namespaces are just 
fancily packaged dictionaries.

Thanks to all,

Brian vdB

From dyoo at  Wed Feb 16 01:26:14 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb 16 01:26:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Case acceptance using raw_input
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Tony Meyer wrote:

> >> Is there a better way for raw_input to accept both caps and
> >> lower case letters than:
> [...]
> >>    if action == 'y' or action == 'Y':
> >
> > if action in 'yY':
> > dostuff()
> [...]
> > Although, that does mean that if a user enters 'nN' they'll
> > get no, but that shouldn't be a huge problem, and it it does,
> > you can just do a if len(action) != 1...


There's one other major problem that's not obvious: watch what happens if
the user just presses Enter:

>>> if raw_input("y/n?") in "yY":
...     print "Yes!"

The empty string "" is a substring of everything.  *grin* So the length
check against the input is something we definitely need to do if we take
this approach.

Given that, it's probably safer to go with Tony's:

>     if action.lower() == 'y':

and if we end up doing a lot of yes/no questions to the user, it'll
probably be a good idea to write a helper function or two to do the grunt
work of parsing the user's input:

def isYes(choice):
    return choice.lower() == 'y'

def isNo(choice):
    return choice.lower() == 'n'

just so that we don't have to worry about the problem anymore.

I see that the original code is written using a tail-call recursion style,
such as one supported by Scheme.  Here's the code, with isYes()/isNo()

def aFunction():
   action = raw_input("Perform an action?(y,n): ")
   if isYes(action):
   elif isNo(action):

Unfortunately, Python doesn't support tail call optimization.  *sigh* This
means that the recursion here takes stack space in Python.

To get around Python's lack of tail-call optimization, you may want to use
an explicit loop here instead:

def aFunction():
    while True:
        action = raw_input("Perform an action?(y,n): ")
        if isYes(action):
        elif isNo(action):

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!

From python at  Wed Feb 16 02:39:57 2005
From: python at (Bernard Lebel)
Date: Wed Feb 16 02:40:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Basic terminology
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Well, thanks everyone who answered, much clearer now.


Max Noel wrote:
>     In a slightly more generic fashion (everybody started dropping 
> examples), the goal of an integer (euclidian) division (say, a / b) is 
> to express an integer as such:
> a = b * quotient + remainder
>     Where all the numbers used are integers, and 0 <= remainder < b.
>     When you perform integer division in Python, a / b (a // b in 2.4+) 
> gives you the quotient, and a % b gives you the remainder.
>     See the other posts for examples of use :p
> -- Max
> maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
> "Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and 
> sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
> perfect, immortal machine?"
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From python at  Wed Feb 16 02:58:15 2005
From: python at (Bernard Lebel)
Date: Wed Feb 16 02:58:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Queued threads
Message-ID: <>


I have already messed a little with simple thread programming, wich took 
this form:

from threading import Thread

def mainFunction():

Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()

Now, I have a list of "jobs", each job being a windows bat file that 
launches an executable and performs a rendering task. So I have this 
queue of jobs, and would like to launch one only when the previous one 
has finished, and in a separate window. So far I have not been having 
much success with simple stuff:

from threading import Thread

def mainFunction():
     print 'function print'
     return 1

for i in range( 0, 3 ):
     oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()

     if oThread == 1:
             print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
             time.sleep( 3 )

In this example, 'sleeping 3 seconds' not returned, and each thread is 
started without any waiting.

I'm looking at the various threading module details in the library but I 
have to admit that, well, I'm a bit at loss here.

Thanks in advance

From jeffshannon at  Wed Feb 16 03:20:09 2005
From: jeffshannon at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Wed Feb 16 03:20:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:19:37 -0500, Brian van den Broek
<> wrote:

> My Node class defines a _parse method which separates out the node
> header, and sends those lines to a _parse_metadata method. This is
> where the elif chain occurs -- each line of the metadata starts with a
> tag like "dt=" and I need to recognize each tag and set the
> appropriate Node object attribute, such as .document_type. (I do not
> want to rely on the unhelpful names for the tags in the file format,
> preferring more self-documenting attribute names.)

In addition to using setattr(), I'd take a slightly different approach
to this.  (This may just be a matter of personal style, and is not as
clearly advantageous as using setattr() instead of exec, but...)

.class Node(object):
.    metadata = {'dt': 'document_type', 'something': 'some_other_field', ...}
.    def __init__(self):  # ....
.    def update(self, **kwargs):
.        for key, value in kwargs.items():
.        try:
.            attr_name = self.metadata[key]
.        except KeyError:
.            raise ValueError("Invalid field type '%s'" % key)
.        setattr(self, attr_name, value)

For starters, I've made metadata a class attribute rather than an
unconnected dictionary.  This seems conceptually nicer to me.

In addition, update() can now modify several attributes at once, at
the cost of a bit of extra parsing up front.

Supposing that your node header looks like this:

.header = "dt=text/plain;something=some_value;last=some_other_thing_here"

Now, we can break that into fields, and then split the fields into a
name and a value --

.tags = {}
.for field in header.split(';'):
.    name, value = field.split('=')
.    tags[name] = value
.n = Node()

You can even simplify this a bit more, by rewriting the __init__():

.    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
.        if kwargs:
.            self.update(**kwargs)

Now you can create and update in a single step:

.n = Node(**tags)

You could also put all of the splitting into fields in a method, and
when __init__ gets a single string as its argument simply pass it to
that method and update with the results...

--Jeff Shannon
From maxnoel_fr at  Wed Feb 16 03:30:38 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Wed Feb 16 03:31:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Queued threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 16, 2005, at 01:58, Bernard Lebel wrote:

> Now, I have a list of "jobs", each job being a windows bat file that 
> launches an executable and performs a rendering task. So I have this 
> queue of jobs, and would like to launch one only when the previous one 
> has finished, and in a separate window. So far I have not been having 
> much success with simple stuff:
> from threading import Thread
> def mainFunction():
>     print 'function print'
>     return 1
> for i in range( 0, 3 ):
>     oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
>     if oThread == 1:
>             print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
>             time.sleep( 3 )
> In this example, 'sleeping 3 seconds' not returned, and each thread is 
> started without any waiting.
> I'm looking at the various threading module details in the library but 
> I have to admit that, well, I'm a bit at loss here.

	Okay, so basically, what you want to do is:

- Start the first bat file.
- Wait for it to finish.
- Start the second bat file.
- Wait for it to finish.
- Start the third bat file.
- Wait for it to finish.

	This just begs the following question: why are you even using threads 
to do that? This is perfectly sequential, with no element of 
simultaneity whatsoever...

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From cyresse at  Wed Feb 16 03:36:40 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb 16 03:36:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Queued threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I'm sorry, but when does oThread get the value 1?

If you're testing for it's existence via a True/False thing, try 

if oThread:

But otherwise, I'm not sure what you're expecting to get. 

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 20:58:15 -0500, Bernard Lebel
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have already messed a little with simple thread programming, wich took
> this form:
> from threading import Thread
> def mainFunction():
>         pass
> Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
> Now, I have a list of "jobs", each job being a windows bat file that
> launches an executable and performs a rendering task. So I have this
> queue of jobs, and would like to launch one only when the previous one
> has finished, and in a separate window. So far I have not been having
> much success with simple stuff:
> from threading import Thread
> def mainFunction():
>      print 'function print'
>      return 1
> for i in range( 0, 3 ):
>      oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
>      if oThread == 1:
>              print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
>              time.sleep( 3 )
> In this example, 'sleeping 3 seconds' not returned, and each thread is
> started without any waiting.
> I'm looking at the various threading module details in the library but I
> have to admit that, well, I'm a bit at loss here.
> Thanks in advance
> Bernard
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From maxnoel_fr at  Wed Feb 16 03:53:24 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Wed Feb 16 03:53:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Queued threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 16, 2005, at 02:36, Liam Clarke wrote:

> I'm sorry, but when does oThread get the value 1?
> If you're testing for it's existence via a True/False thing, try
> if oThread:
> But otherwise, I'm not sure what you're expecting to get.

	Once again, you hit the spot, Liam. It seems that a Thread object 
evaluates to False once it's terminated.
	That's probably what you're looking for, Bernard, my "threads won't be 
of any use here" argument notwithstanding.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From python at  Wed Feb 16 03:54:04 2005
From: python at (Bernard Lebel)
Date: Wed Feb 16 03:54:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Queued threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

That is an attempt to catch the death of the thread. I guess I'm not 
taking the right steps ;-)


Liam Clarke wrote:
> I'm sorry, but when does oThread get the value 1?
> If you're testing for it's existence via a True/False thing, try 
> if oThread:
> But otherwise, I'm not sure what you're expecting to get. 
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 20:58:15 -0500, Bernard Lebel
> <> wrote:
>>I have already messed a little with simple thread programming, wich took
>>this form:
>>from threading import Thread
>>def mainFunction():
>>        pass
>>Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
>>Now, I have a list of "jobs", each job being a windows bat file that
>>launches an executable and performs a rendering task. So I have this
>>queue of jobs, and would like to launch one only when the previous one
>>has finished, and in a separate window. So far I have not been having
>>much success with simple stuff:
>>from threading import Thread
>>def mainFunction():
>>     print 'function print'
>>     return 1
>>for i in range( 0, 3 ):
>>     oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
>>     if oThread == 1:
>>             print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
>>             time.sleep( 3 )
>>In this example, 'sleeping 3 seconds' not returned, and each thread is
>>started without any waiting.
>>I'm looking at the various threading module details in the library but I
>>have to admit that, well, I'm a bit at loss here.
>>Thanks in advance

From cyresse at  Wed Feb 16 04:50:07 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb 16 04:50:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Queued threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Oops, you probably want to do this then- 

for i in range( 0, 3 ):
     oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()

    while oThread: 
             print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
             time.sleep( 3 )

A if <condition> generally has an implicit else: pass clause as I
think of it, so it will just keep reiterating if the condition isn't

To see what I mean try - 

for i in range(5):   
   #The 0 is default starting for range function
   if i==15:
     print 'fifteen'
   print i 

You'll, of course, get 


It won't wait until i equals 15. 

on the other hand - 

for i in range(5): 
     while i != 15:
           print "nope"
     print i 

You'll get a runaway while, and 'nope' will cascade down your stream,
and you'll have great trouble closing Python. But i will never get
printed, as it will still be waiting for i to equal fifteen.

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:54:04 -0500, Bernard Lebel
<> wrote:
> That is an attempt to catch the death of the thread. I guess I'm not
> taking the right steps ;-)
> Bernard
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > I'm sorry, but when does oThread get the value 1?
> >
> > If you're testing for it's existence via a True/False thing, try
> >
> > if oThread:
> >
> > But otherwise, I'm not sure what you're expecting to get.
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 20:58:15 -0500, Bernard Lebel
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>I have already messed a little with simple thread programming, wich took
> >>this form:
> >>
> >>from threading import Thread
> >>
> >>def mainFunction():
> >>        pass
> >>
> >>Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
> >>
> >>Now, I have a list of "jobs", each job being a windows bat file that
> >>launches an executable and performs a rendering task. So I have this
> >>queue of jobs, and would like to launch one only when the previous one
> >>has finished, and in a separate window. So far I have not been having
> >>much success with simple stuff:
> >>
> >>from threading import Thread
> >>
> >>def mainFunction():
> >>     print 'function print'
> >>     return 1
> >>
> >>for i in range( 0, 3 ):
> >>     oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
> >>
> >>     if oThread == 1:
> >>             print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
> >>             time.sleep( 3 )
> >>
> >>In this example, 'sleeping 3 seconds' not returned, and each thread is
> >>started without any waiting.
> >>
> >>I'm looking at the various threading module details in the library but I
> >>have to admit that, well, I'm a bit at loss here.
> >>
> >>Thanks in advance
> >>Bernard
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From bvande at  Wed Feb 16 05:48:31 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed Feb 16 05:51:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance
	attributes	question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeff Shannon said unto the world upon 2005-02-15 21:20:
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:19:37 -0500, Brian van den Broek
> <> wrote:
>>My Node class defines a _parse method which separates out the node
>>header, and sends those lines to a _parse_metadata method. This is
>>where the elif chain occurs -- each line of the metadata starts with a
>>tag like "dt=" and I need to recognize each tag and set the
>>appropriate Node object attribute, such as .document_type. (I do not
>>want to rely on the unhelpful names for the tags in the file format,
>>preferring more self-documenting attribute names.)
> In addition to using setattr(), I'd take a slightly different approach
> to this.  (This may just be a matter of personal style, and is not as
> clearly advantageous as using setattr() instead of exec, but...)

Hi Jeff and all,

I am *pretty* sure I followed what you meant, Jeff. Thank you for the 
suggestions! I don't think they will fit with my situation, but that I 
think so might say more about my present level of understanding of OOP 
and design issues than about either the suggestions or the situation. :-)

> .class Node(object):
> .    metadata = {'dt': 'document_type', 'something': 'some_other_field', ...}
> .    def __init__(self):  # ....
> .    def update(self, **kwargs):
> .        for key, value in kwargs.items():
> .        try:
> .            attr_name = self.metadata[key]
> .        except KeyError:
> .            raise ValueError("Invalid field type '%s'" % key)
> .        setattr(self, attr_name, value)
> For starters, I've made metadata a class attribute rather than an
> unconnected dictionary.  This seems conceptually nicer to me.

The problem is that my Node instance live in a TP_file class instance, 
and the way my code is now, the TP_file instance also needs to see the 
metadata dict. There are a few tags, which if present in any Node of 
the file make me want to treat the entire file a bit differently. (Of 
course, here is the place where my novice-designer status is most 
likely to be bitting me.) So, that's why I have it as a module level 
object, rather than within a class. (I do, however, see your point 
about it being neater.)

> In addition, update() can now modify several attributes at once, at
> the cost of a bit of extra parsing up front.
> Supposing that your node header looks like this:
> .header = "dt=text/plain;something=some_value;last=some_other_thing_here"
> Now, we can break that into fields, and then split the fields into a
> name and a value --
> .tags = {}
> .for field in header.split(';'):
> .    name, value = field.split('=')
> .    tags[name] = value
> .
> .n = Node()
> .n.update(**tags)
> You can even simplify this a bit more, by rewriting the __init__():
> .    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
> .        if kwargs:
> .            self.update(**kwargs)
> Now you can create and update in a single step:
> .n = Node(**tags)

The metadata all occurs one element to a line in my original file. 
I've got the TP_file class breaking the nodes up and sending the 
contents to new Node instances (as Alan suggested in my previous 
thread). The Node instance has a parse method that reads the node 
contents line by line and sends the appropriate lines to the 
parse_metadata method. (All lines before a designated `header-ending' 
line.) Maybe I'm still missing a better way, but as I am processing 
line by line, each line with one element, I don't see how to use this 
cool looking multiple elements at once approach. (The other 
complication that I didn't mention is that the parse_metadata method 
has to do more than just store the metadata -- some elements must be 
converted to ints, others left as strings, and still others can have 
multiple instances in a single Node, so rather than be set they must 
be appended to an attribute list, etc. The setattr way has taken me 
from 20 elifs to just 4, though :-) )

At any rate, my whole code is (perhaps wrongly) organized around 
logical-line based processing.

> You could also put all of the splitting into fields in a method, and
> when __init__ gets a single string as its argument simply pass it to
> that method and update with the results...
> --Jeff Shannon

Anyway, such are the reasons I'm not sure the suggestions will work in 
my situation. I'm glad to have seen them, though, and am going to save 
them for the point where I actually have the whole program working and 
can think about large-scale refactoring. I may well then find that my 
current uncertainty is unwarranted. But I'd like to make the beast 
live before I make it thrive :-)

Thanks again, and best,

Brian vdB

From peateyk at  Wed Feb 16 06:45:54 2005
From: peateyk at (Peter Kim)
Date: Wed Feb 16 06:45:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] best way to scrape html
Message-ID: <>

Which method is best and most pythonic to scrape text data with
minimal formatting?

I'm trying to read a large html file and strip out most of the markup,
but leaving the simple formatting like <p>, <b>, and <i>.  For example:

<p class="BodyText" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 12pt"><font face="Times New
Roman"><b style="font-weight: normal"><span lang="EN-GB"
style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Trigger:</span></b><span lang="EN-GB"
style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt"><span style="spacerun: yes">&#160;</span>
Debate on budget in Feb-Mar. New moves to cut medical costs by better

I want to change the above to:

<p><b>Trigger:</b> Debate on budget in Feb-Mar.  New moves to
cutmedical costs by better technology.</p>

Since I wanted some practice in regex, I started with something like this:

pattern = "(?:<)(.+?)(?: ?.*?>)(.*?)(</\1>)"
result = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE |

But it's getting messy real fast and somehow the non-greedy parts
don't seem to work as intended.  Also I realized that the html file is
going to be 10,000+ lines, so I wonder if regex can be used for large

So I'm thinking of using (as in the Dive into Python
example).  Is this where I should be using  As you can
tell this is my first foray into both parsing and regex so advice in
terms of best practice would be very helpful.

Peter Kim
From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb 16 07:40:58 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb 16 07:42:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Case acceptance using raw_input
References: <>
Message-ID: <00ea01c513f2$79e150f0$2ca88651@xp>

> Is there a better way for raw_input to accept both caps and lower
> letters than:
> def aFunction():
>    action = raw_input("Perform an action?(y,n): ")
>    if action == 'y' or action == 'Y':

     if action in 'yY':

>        anotherFunction()
>    elif action == 'n' or action == 'N':

     elif action in 'nN':

>        yetAnotherFunction()
>    else:
>        aFunction()


Alan G

From alan.gauld at  Wed Feb 16 07:48:18 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Wed Feb 16 07:51:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] best way to scrape html
References: <>
Message-ID: <010d01c513f3$7fb4e770$2ca88651@xp>

> Which method is best and most pythonic to scrape text data with
> minimal formatting?

Use the HTMLParser module.

> I want to change the above to:
> <p><b>Trigger:</b> Debate on budget in Feb-Mar.  New moves to
> cutmedical costs by better technology.</p>
> Since I wanted some practice in regex, I started with something like

Using regex is usually the wrong way to parse html for anything
beyond the trivial. The parser module helps deal with the

> So I'm thinking of using (as in the Dive into Python
> example).  Is this where I should be using  As you can
> tell this is my first foray into both parsing and regex so advice in
> terms of best practice would be very helpful.

There is an html parser which is built on the sgml one.
Its rather more specific to your task.

Alan G.

From administrata at  Wed Feb 16 11:26:46 2005
From: administrata at (. Sm0kin'_Bull)
Date: Wed Feb 16 11:27:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Trivia program.
Message-ID: <BAY22-F34F89048BF494C3282FF9CC86C0@phx.gbl>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Wed Feb 16 11:34:55 2005
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Wed Feb 16 11:35:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Basic terminology
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <cuv7fh$dm5$>

Bill Mill wrote:
> However, where will it be pointing in 16 hours? Well, in 12 hours it
> will be at the one, then four more hours later it will be pointing at
> the five. This can be represented as:
> 1 + (16 % 12) = 1 + 4 = 5

Correcter is

(1 + 16) % 12 = 17 % 12 = 5

> In general, the hour at some point in the future will be:
> (start time) + (hours in the future % 12)

(start time + hours in the future) % 12

The difference can be seen in a small example: suppose it is 10 o'clock,
and you want to know what it will be in 6 hours.

Your formula gives

10 + (6 % 12) = 10 + 6 = 16

which is not correct (unless dealing with 24-hour systems of course, but
that's not the case here)

Correct is:

(10 + 6) % 12 = 16 % 12 = 4

(In 24-hour systems, just replace 12 with 24)

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From kraus at  Wed Feb 16 11:40:08 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Wed Feb 16 11:40:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Trivia program.
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F34F89048BF494C3282FF9CC86C0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F34F89048BF494C3282FF9CC86C0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <cuv7or$d78$>

. Sm0kin'_Bull wrote:
> Hi, I got a problem with this program.
> name = raw_input("Hi. What's your name? ")
> called = name * 5

called = ' '.join([name]*5)

> print "\nIf a small child were trying to get your attention, " \
>        "your name would become:"
> print called
> When i input the name like "John Goodman"
> it prints like...
> John GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn Goodman
> But i want to print it like...
> John Goodman  John Goodman  John Goodman  John Goodman  John Goodman
> How can I do it?

[name]*5 gives you a list with five items, every item is name. join uses 
a space (' ') to join all items in the list into a new string.


From maxnoel_fr at  Wed Feb 16 11:39:48 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Wed Feb 16 11:43:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Trivia program.
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F34F89048BF494C3282FF9CC86C0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F34F89048BF494C3282FF9CC86C0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 16, 2005, at 10:26, . Sm0kin'_Bull wrote:

> it prints like...
> ?
> John GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn Goodman
> ?
> But i want to print it like...
> ?
> John Goodman? John Goodman? John Goodman? John Goodman? John Goodman
> ?
> How can I do it?

	Try replacing the called = name * 5 line with:
if not name.endswith(' '):
	called = ((name + ' ') * 5).strip()
	called = (name * 5).strip()

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From pierre.barbier at  Wed Feb 16 11:46:09 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Wed Feb 16 11:44:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Trivia program.
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F34F89048BF494C3282FF9CC86C0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F34F89048BF494C3282FF9CC86C0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Mmmhh ... one very simple way would be to replace your first line by :

name = raw_input("Hi. What's your name? ") + "  "

But if you want to keep the name as it is, I bet the best way is to 
replace your second line by :

called = "  ".join([ name for i in xrange(5) ])

The advantage of this second method is the "  " is added only *between* 
the names, and not after ...


. Sm0kin'_Bull a ?crit :
> Hi, I got a problem with this program.
> name = raw_input("Hi. What's your name? ")
> called = name * 5
> print "\nIf a small child were trying to get your attention, " \
>        "your name would become:"
> print called
> When i input the name like "John Goodman"
> it prints like...
> John GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn Goodman
> But i want to print it like...
> John Goodman  John Goodman  John Goodman  John Goodman  John Goodman
> How can I do it?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! MSN Messenger 
> <> Download today it's FREE!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From cyresse at  Wed Feb 16 11:55:40 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb 16 11:55:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Trivia program.
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <BAY22-F34F89048BF494C3282FF9CC86C0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

 name = raw_input("Hi. What's your name? ")
called = "%s " % name 

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 11:46:09 +0100, Pierre Barbier de Reuille
<> wrote:
> Mmmhh ... one very simple way would be to replace your first line by :
> name = raw_input("Hi. What's your name? ") + "  "
> But if you want to keep the name as it is, I bet the best way is to
> replace your second line by :
> called = "  ".join([ name for i in xrange(5) ])
> The advantage of this second method is the "  " is added only *between*
> the names, and not after ...
> Pierre
> . Sm0kin'_Bull a ?crit :
> > Hi, I got a problem with this program.
> >
> >
> > name = raw_input("Hi. What's your name? ")
> > called = name * 5
> > print "\nIf a small child were trying to get your attention, " \
> >        "your name would become:"
> > print called
> > When i input the name like "John Goodman"
> >
> > it prints like...
> >
> > John GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn GoodmanJohn Goodman
> >
> > But i want to print it like...
> >
> > John Goodman  John Goodman  John Goodman  John Goodman  John Goodman
> >
> > How can I do it?
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! MSN Messenger
> > <> Download today it's FREE!
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> --
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille
> INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
> Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
> TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde
> 34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
> tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Wed Feb 16 11:58:07 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb 16 11:58:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> My Node class defines a _parse method which separates out the node 
> header, and sends those lines to a _parse_metadata method. This is where 
> the elif chain occurs -- each line of the metadata starts with a tag 
> like "dt=" and I need to recognize each tag and set the appropriate Node 
> object attribute, such as .document_type. (I do not want to rely on the 
> unhelpful names for the tags in the file format, preferring more 
> self-documenting attribute names.)
> I've come up with *a* way to use a dictionary dispatch, but I'll wager a 
> great deal it isn't the *best* way.
> Here is a minimal illustration of what I have come up with:
> <code>
> class A:
>     def __init__(self):
>     self.something = None
>     self.something_else = None
>     self.still_another_thing = None
>     def update(self, data):
>     for key in metadata_dict:
>         if data.startswith(key):
>                 exec('''self.%s = """%s"""''' %(metadata_dict[key],
>                      data[len(key):]))
>         # triple quotes as there may be quotes in metadata
>                 # values
>         break
> metadata_dict = {'something_tag=': 'something',
>                  '2nd_tag=': 'something_else',
>                  'last=': 'still_another_thing'}
> a = A()
> print a.still_another_thing
> a.update('last=the metadata value for the "last=" metadata tag')
> print a.still_another_thing
> </code>
> <output>
>  >>>
> None
> the metadata value for the "last=" metadata tag
> </output>
> So, it works. Yay :-)
> But, should I be doing it another way?

Another way to do this is to use dispatch methods. If you have extra processing to do for each tag, 
this might be a good way to go.

I'm going to assume that your data lines have the form 'tag=data'. Then your Node class might have 
methods that look like this:

class Node:
   def parse_metadata(self, line):
     tag, data = line.split('=', 1)
       handler = getattr(self, 'handle_' + tag)
     except AttributeError:
       print 'Unexpected tag:', tag, data

   def handle_something_tag(self, data):
     self.something = int(data) # for example

   def handle_last(self, data):
       self.another_thing.append(data) # attribute is a list
     except AttributeError:
       self.another_thing = [data]

and so on. This organization avoids any if / else chain and puts all the processing for each tag in 
a single place.

BTW the try / except / else idiom is used here to avoid catching unexpected exceptions. The naive
way to write it would be

       handler = getattr(self, 'handle_' + tag)
     except AttributeError:
       print 'Unexpected tag:', tag, data

The problem with this is that if handler() raise AttributeError you will get an unhelpful error 
message and no stack trace. Putting the call to handler() in an else clause puts it out of the scope 
of the try / except but it will still be executed only if the getattr succeeds.

> Also, I know the general security concerns about things like exec. They 
> make me nervous in using it, even though I am (as yet) the sole user. Am 
> I right in thinking that the constrained way I am using it here protects 
> me? My code uses most of the attributes as a simple storage container 
> for later rewriting of the file, but in a few cases they enter into 
> (safe seeming) conditionals like:
> if 'text' == self.document_type:
>    self.do_text_stuff()
> if 'RTF' == self.document_type:
>    self.do_RTF_stuff()

Conditionals on a 'type' flag are a code smell that suggests using subclasses. Maybe you should have 
a TextNode class and an RtfNode class. Then the above becomes just

and TextNode and RtfNode each have the appropriate implementations of do_stuff().

I'm not saying this is the right choice for you, just something you might consider.


> Thanks and best to all,
> Brian vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Wed Feb 16 12:20:22 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb 16 12:20:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] best way to scrape html
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You might find these threads on comp.lang.python interesting:

Peter Kim wrote:
> Which method is best and most pythonic to scrape text data with
> minimal formatting?
> I'm trying to read a large html file and strip out most of the markup,
> but leaving the simple formatting like <p>, <b>, and <i>.  For example:
> <p class="BodyText" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 12pt"><font face="Times New
> Roman"><b style="font-weight: normal"><span lang="EN-GB"
> style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt">Trigger:</span></b><span lang="EN-GB"
> style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt"><span style="spacerun: yes">&#160;</span>
> Debate on budget in Feb-Mar. New moves to cut medical costs by better
> technology.</span></font></p>
> I want to change the above to:
> <p><b>Trigger:</b> Debate on budget in Feb-Mar.  New moves to
> cutmedical costs by better technology.</p>
> Since I wanted some practice in regex, I started with something like this:
> pattern = "(?:<)(.+?)(?: ?.*?>)(.*?)(</\1>)"
> result = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE |
> re.DOTALL).findall(html)
> But it's getting messy real fast and somehow the non-greedy parts
> don't seem to work as intended.  Also I realized that the html file is
> going to be 10,000+ lines, so I wonder if regex can be used for large
> strings.
> So I'm thinking of using (as in the Dive into Python
> example).  Is this where I should be using  As you can
> tell this is my first foray into both parsing and regex so advice in
> terms of best practice would be very helpful.
> Thanks,
> Peter Kim
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Wed Feb 16 13:41:58 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb 16 13:42:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance
	attributes	question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> Another way to do this is to use dispatch methods. If you have extra 
> processing to do for each tag, this might be a good way to go.
> I'm going to assume that your data lines have the form 'tag=data'. Then 
> your Node class might have methods that look like this:
> class Node:
>   ...
>   def parse_metadata(self, line):
>     tag, data = line.split('=', 1)
>     try:
>       handler = getattr(self, 'handle_' + tag)
>     except AttributeError:
>       print 'Unexpected tag:', tag, data
>     else:
>       handler(data)
>   def handle_something_tag(self, data):
>     self.something = int(data) # for example
>   def handle_last(self, data):
>     try:
>       self.another_thing.append(data) # attribute is a list
>     except AttributeError:
>       self.another_thing = [data]
> and so on. This organization avoids any if / else chain and puts all the 
> processing for each tag in a single place.

One more idea. If you have 20 different tags but only four different ways of processing them, maybe 
you want to use a dict that maps from the tag name to a tuple of (attribute name, processing 
method). With this approach you need only four handler methods instead of 20. It would look like this:

metadata_dict = {
   'something_tag' : ( 'something', self.handle_int ),
   'last' : ( 'another_thing', self.handle_list ),

def parse_metadata(self, line):
   tag, data = line.split('=', 1)
     attr_name, handler = metadata_dict[tag]
   except AttributeError:
     print 'Unexpected tag:', tag, data
     handler(attr_name, data)

def handle_int(self, attr_name, data):
   setattr(self, attr_name, int(data))

def handle_list(self, attr_name, data):
   l = getattr(self, attr_name, [])
   setattr(self, attr_name, l)

I-have-to-stop-replying-to-my-own-posts-ly yours,

From zanesdad at  Wed Feb 16 13:50:24 2005
From: zanesdad at (Jeremy Jones)
Date: Wed Feb 16 13:52:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Queued threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Not to beat a dead horse, but....

Liam Clarke wrote:

>Oops, you probably want to do this then- 
>for i in range( 0, 3 ):
>     oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
Thread.start() looks like it returns None.

In [23]: from threading import Thread

In [24]: import time

In [25]: def foo():
   ....:     print "doing..."
   ....:     time.sleep(15)
   ....:     print "done...."

In [26]: t = Thread(target=foo).start()

In [27]: print t

In [28]: done....

In [28]: print t

In [29]: t = Thread(target=foo)

In [30]: t.start()

In [31]: t.isAlive()
Out[31]: True

In [32]: done....

In [32]: t.isAlive()
Out[32]: False

So, checking the return of Thread.start() doesn't seem like it would do 
what you think it would do.  You probably want to get the thread object 
and check that directly with isAlive().  Oh, and if you spawn a bunch of 
threads at once and you want to wait until the all complete before doing 
something else, do something like this:

#create a list to contain the threads
thread_list = []
for i in range(10):
    t = Thread(target=foo)
    print "creating thread", t
    #put each thread in the list

#iterate over thread list and start each thread
for t in thread_list:
    print "starting thread", t

#iterate over thread list and wait for each thread
for t in thread_list:
    print "waiting for thread", t
    while 1:
        if not t.isAlive():

It'll give you output something like this:

creating thread <Thread(Thread-35, initial)>
creating thread <Thread(Thread-36, initial)>
creating thread <Thread(Thread-37, initial)>
creating thread <Thread(Thread-38, initial)>
creating thread <Thread(Thread-39, initial)>
creating thread <Thread(Thread-40, initial)>
creating thread <Thread(Thread-41, initial)>
creating thread <Thread(Thread-42, initial)>
creating thread <Thread(Thread-43, initial)>
creating thread <Thread(Thread-44, initial)>
starting thread <Thread(Thread-35, initial)>
starting thread <Thread(Thread-36, initial)>
starting thread <Thread(Thread-37, initial)>
starting thread <Thread(Thread-38, initial)>
starting thread <Thread(Thread-39, initial)>
starting thread <Thread(Thread-40, initial)>
starting thread doing...
<Thread(Thread-41, initial)>
starting thread <Thread(Thread-42, initial)>
starting thread <Thread(Thread-43, initial)>
starting thread <Thread(Thread-44, initial)>
waiting for thread <Thread(Thread-35, started)>
waiting for thread <Thread(Thread-36, stopped)>
waiting for thread <Thread(Thread-37, stopped)>
waiting for thread done....
<Thread(Thread-38, stopped)>
waiting for thread <Thread(Thread-39, stopped)>
waiting for thread <Thread(Thread-40, stopped)>
waiting for thread <Thread(Thread-41, stopped)>
waiting for thread <Thread(Thread-42, stopped)>
waiting for thread <Thread(Thread-43, stopped)>
waiting for thread <Thread(Thread-44, stopped)>

But in this situation, I totally agree with Max.  You don't need threads 
for this.  Just use os.system.  You could use one of the popens (or the 
new subprocess module - never used that one myself), but os.system 
blocks until the called program exits.

>    while oThread: 
>             print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
>             time.sleep( 3 )
>A if <condition> generally has an implicit else: pass clause as I
>think of it, so it will just keep reiterating if the condition isn't

Jeremy Joens
From administrata at  Wed Feb 16 15:15:24 2005
From: administrata at (. Sm0kin'_Bull)
Date: Wed Feb 16 15:17:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with variables
Message-ID: <BAY22-F17A8C1AD32C527F66CE831C86C0@phx.gbl>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From administrata at  Wed Feb 16 15:16:54 2005
From: administrata at (. Sm0kin'_Bull)
Date: Wed Feb 16 15:17:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problems in making calulating program.
Message-ID: <BAY22-F296566BC841DF94519EE6DC86C0@phx.gbl>

An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From zanesdad at  Wed Feb 16 15:45:27 2005
From: zanesdad at (Jeremy Jones)
Date: Wed Feb 16 15:47:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problem with variables
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F17A8C1AD32C527F66CE831C86C0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F17A8C1AD32C527F66CE831C86C0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

. Sm0kin'_Bull wrote:

>  wrote this, It's a bit lame though
> I = "Allen"
> me = "Allen"
> my = "Allen's"
> print \
> """
> %s woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by %s. %s pillow
> was with %s. %s didn't want to wake up But, %s tried my best and woke up.
> it was so amazing!""" % (I,me,my,me,I,I)
> raw_input("\n\\t\t\t- The End -")
> But it looks like this...
> Allen woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by Allen.
> Allen's pillow
> was with Allen. Allen didn't want to wake up But, Allen tried my best 
> and woke up.
> it was so amazing
>                             - The End -
>the problem is about lining
>I want it to print like this...
>Allen woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by Allen.
>Allen's pillow was with Allen. Allen didn't want to wake up But, Allen
>tried my best and woke up. it was so amazing

This is what I got:

In [45]: I = "Allen"

In [46]: me = "Allen"

In [47]: my = "Allen's"

In [48]:

In [48]: print \
   ....: """
   ....: %s woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by %s. %s 
   ....: was with %s. %s didn't want to wake up But, %s tried my best 
and woke up.
   ....: it was so amazing!""" % (I,me,my,me,I,I)

Allen woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by Allen. Allen's 
was with Allen. Allen didn't want to wake up But, Allen tried my best 
and woke up.
it was so amazing!

It looks like it should.  If you want it to show up exactly like posted 
at the end, you need something more like this:

In [50]: print \
   ....: """
   ....: %s woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by %s.
   ....: %s pillow was with %s. %s didn't want to wake up But, %s
   ....: tried my best and woke up. it was so amazing!""" % (I,me,my,me,I,I)

Allen woke up early in the morning. But, it was unusal by Allen.
Allen's pillow was with Allen. Allen didn't want to wake up But, Allen
tried my best and woke up. it was so amazing!

Jeremy Jones

> ** 
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From bill.mill at  Wed Feb 16 16:00:30 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Wed Feb 16 16:01:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Basic terminology
In-Reply-To: <cuv7fh$dm5$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 11:34:55 +0100, Roel Schroeven
<> wrote:
> Bill Mill wrote:
> > However, where will it be pointing in 16 hours? Well, in 12 hours it
> > will be at the one, then four more hours later it will be pointing at
> > the five. This can be represented as:
> >
> > 1 + (16 % 12) = 1 + 4 = 5
> Correcter is
> (1 + 16) % 12 = 17 % 12 = 5

d'oh! thanks for the correction.

> > In general, the hour at some point in the future will be:
> >
> > (start time) + (hours in the future % 12)
> (start time + hours in the future) % 12

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From bgailer at  Wed Feb 16 17:07:57 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Wed Feb 16 17:07:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Case acceptance using raw_input
In-Reply-To: <00ea01c513f2$79e150f0$2ca88651@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 11:40 PM 2/15/2005, Alan Gauld wrote:
>  Is there a better way for raw_input to accept both caps and lower
>case letters than:
>  def aFunction():
>     action = raw_input("Perform an action?(y,n): ")

     action = raw_input("Perform an action?(y,n): ").upper()

>     if action == 'y' or action == 'Y':

     if action == 'Y':

>         anotherFunction()


Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From bvande at  Wed Feb 16 20:04:45 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed Feb 16 20:25:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance
	attributes	question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 05:58:
> Brian van den Broek wrote:

<SNIP Kent's useful explanation of how to use handlers>

>> Also, I know the general security concerns about things like exec. 
>> They make me nervous in using it, even though I am (as yet) the sole 
>> user. Am I right in thinking that the constrained way I am using it 
>> here protects me? My code uses most of the attributes as a simple 
>> storage container for later rewriting of the file, but in a few cases 
>> they enter into (safe seeming) conditionals like:
>> if 'text' == self.document_type:
>>    self.do_text_stuff()
>> if 'RTF' == self.document_type:
>>    self.do_RTF_stuff()
> Conditionals on a 'type' flag are a code smell that suggests using 
> subclasses. Maybe you should have a TextNode class and an RtfNode class. 
> Then the above becomes just
>   self.do_stuff()
> and TextNode and RtfNode each have the appropriate implementations of 
> do_stuff().
> I'm not saying this is the right choice for you, just something you 
> might consider.
> Kent

Hi Kent,

thanks for the snipped discussion on handlers -- very useful.

As for the code smell thing, I have a follow-up question. I now get 
the point of the type-based conditional being a smell for classes. (I 
get it due to a previous thread that an over-enthusiastic inbox purge 
prevents me from citing with certainty, but I think it was Bill and 
Alan who clarified it for me.)

My problem is that I've got a lot of code which was written before I 
got that point and my code doesn't yet actually do much. (I do have 
working code for parsing my original source files and storing all of 
their metadata, etc., but I haven't yet got working code for doing the 
manipulating the data in the ways I want.)

I had been thinking better to get everything working and then 
refactor. Is that an unsound approach? My worry about refactoring now 
is that I feel like I am rearranging deck-chairs when I should be 
worried about getting the ship to float :-)

Thanks and best to all,

Brian vdB

From bvande at  Wed Feb 16 20:49:16 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed Feb 16 20:49:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object
	instance	attributes	question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 14:04:
> Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 05:58:
>>> if 'text' == self.document_type:
>>>    self.do_text_stuff()
>>> if 'RTF' == self.document_type:
>>>    self.do_RTF_stuff()
>> Conditionals on a 'type' flag are a code smell that suggests using 
>> subclasses. Maybe you should have a TextNode class and an RtfNode 
>> class. Then the above becomes just
>>   self.do_stuff()
>> and TextNode and RtfNode each have the appropriate implementations of 
>> do_stuff().
>> I'm not saying this is the right choice for you, just something you 
>> might consider.
>> Kent
> Hi Kent,
> thanks for the snipped discussion on handlers -- very useful.


> I had been thinking better to get everything working and then refactor. 
> Is that an unsound approach? My worry about refactoring now is that I 
> feel like I am rearranging deck-chairs when I should be worried about 
> getting the ship to float :-)
> Thanks and best to all,
> Brian vdB

Hi all,

as applied to my particular case -- strike the above. I just spent 
some time looking at my code and playing in the interpreter and have 
come to the conclusion that, in this case at least, the refactor Kent 
suggested isn't playing with deck chairs. It's more like installing 

Thanks and best,

Brian vdB

From kent37 at  Wed Feb 16 21:02:03 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb 16 21:02:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object
	instance	attributes	question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> As for the code smell thing, I have a follow-up question. I now get the 
> point of the type-based conditional being a smell for classes. (I get it 
> due to a previous thread that an over-enthusiastic inbox purge prevents 
> me from citing with certainty, but I think it was Bill and Alan who 
> clarified it for me.)
> My problem is that I've got a lot of code which was written before I got 
> that point and my code doesn't yet actually do much. (I do have working 
> code for parsing my original source files and storing all of their 
> metadata, etc., but I haven't yet got working code for doing the 
> manipulating the data in the ways I want.)
> I had been thinking better to get everything working and then refactor. 
> Is that an unsound approach? My worry about refactoring now is that I 
> feel like I am rearranging deck-chairs when I should be worried about 
> getting the ship to float :-)

It's a hard question because it really comes down to programming style and judgement.

I like to work in a very incremental style - design a little, code a little, test a little, repeat 
as needed. I believe in 'Refactor Mercilessly' - another XP slogan. I have many years experience and 
a well-developed opinion of what is good design and bad design.

One consequence of this style is, I usually have working code and tests to go with it. It may not do 
very much, but it works.

So for me, if I smell something, and think that refactoring into subclasses - or some other change - 
is the best design for the problem as I understand it, I will probably do the refactoring. It's not 
going to be easier tomorrow :-) If it just smells a little, or the refactoring is major, I might 
think about how to get rid of the smell but put it off until I'm pretty sure it is a good idea.

I don't think of this as rearranging the deck chairs - it's more like building the right foundation. 
Clean, expressive, well-designed code is a pleasure to work with.

For you, it's probably not so cut-and-dried. If you don't have the experience to judge how bad a 
smell is, or to think through the possibilities so clearly, it's harder to know how to proceed. If 
you are in part dabbling with OOP design to learn about it, maybe you want to put off some changes 
until the code is working; then you could make the change and do a comparison and see which one 
feels cleaner to you.

I hope this helps at least a little :-)


From jeffshannon at  Wed Feb 16 21:49:38 2005
From: jeffshannon at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Wed Feb 16 21:49:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Queued threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:50:07 +1300, Liam Clarke <> wrote:
> Oops, you probably want to do this then-
> for i in range( 0, 3 ):
>      oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()
>     while oThread:
>              print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
>              time.sleep( 3 )

Probably not.  Note that, since oThread's value is not changed in the
body of this while loop, you will either never execute the body (if
oThread is false) or execute it infintely many times (if oThread is
true).  I doubt that's the desired behavior. ;)

In this case, since Thread.start() apparently always returns None, the
while loop is effectively a no-op.  However, if it *did* get
triggered, it would do so immediately after the first thread [which
returned a true value from start()] was started -- preventing later
threads from being started because the main program is stuck in this
endless loop.

You could perhaps rewrite the whole thing like this:

.for i in range(3):
.    mythread = Thread(target=mainFunction)
.    mythread.start()
.    while mythread.isAlive():
.        print "sleeping 3 seconds [main thread]"
.        time.sleep(3)

Though as others have said, if you're not starting the second thread
until the first is finished, then you might as well just make it
explicitly sequental and not bother with threads:

.for i in range(3):
.    mainFunction()

If you actually want the threads to process concurrently, and simply
wait until all of them are done, you could do this:

.threadlist = []
.for i in range (3):
.    mythread = Thread(target=mainFunction)
.    mythread.start()
.    threadlist.append(mythread)
.for thread in threadlist:
.    thread.join()

The join() method will wait until that thread is finished, and then
return.  If the thread is already finished when it's called, it
returns immediately.

Jeff Shannon
From jeffshannon at  Wed Feb 16 22:09:28 2005
From: jeffshannon at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Wed Feb 16 22:09:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 23:48:31 -0500, Brian van den Broek
<> wrote:
> Jeff Shannon said unto the world upon 2005-02-15 21:20:
> > On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 17:19:37 -0500, Brian van den Broek
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > For starters, I've made metadata a class attribute rather than an
> > unconnected dictionary.  This seems conceptually nicer to me.
> The problem is that my Node instance live in a TP_file class instance,
> and the way my code is now, the TP_file instance also needs to see the
> metadata dict. There are a few tags, which if present in any Node of
> the file make me want to treat the entire file a bit differently. (Of
> course, here is the place where my novice-designer status is most
> likely to be bitting me.) So, that's why I have it as a module level
> object, rather than within a class. (I do, however, see your point
> about it being neater.)

Okay, that makes sense.  You have two different classes (the TP_file
class and the Node class) that need access to the same information, so
yes, having it at the module level lets them share it more
effectively.  (Alternately, since it sounds like the TP_file class is
where all of the Node instances are created, you *could* decide that
the metadata belongs as part of the TP_file, which would then actively
share it with Node... but what you've got sounds like a very
reasonable plan, so at this point I wouldn't worry about it.)

> > In addition, update() can now modify several attributes at once, at
> > the cost of a bit of extra parsing up front.
> The metadata all occurs one element to a line in my original file.
> [...] Maybe I'm still missing a better way, but as I am processing
> line by line, each line with one element, I don't see how to use this
> cool looking multiple elements at once approach. 

Yes, if you know that you will only have one header per line, then
it's reasonable to process them one line at a time.  You could
alternatively have the TP_file gather all the header lines for a given
node into a list, and then process that list to create the Node
instance, but given the specifics of your case you probably wouldn't
gain anything over your current approach by doing so.

This is what makes programming so interesting -- there's so many
different choices possible, and which one is best depends on a large
number of factors.  When writing a program for some task, the best
design for a particular set of circumstances may be completely
different than the best design for a somewhat different particular set
of circumstances -- and the best design for general usage is probably
an altogether different thing still.

Good luck!

Jeff Shannon
From carroll at  Wed Feb 16 22:18:41 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Wed Feb 16 22:18:44 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Bob Gailer wrote:

> Whenever you find yourself writing an if statement ask whether this
> would be better handled by subclasses. Whenever you find yourself about
> to write a global statement, consider making the variables properties of
> a class.

Bob -- 

Brian already asked for an explanation of your first statement, and I 
found the ensuing discussion very instructive.

Can you explain the second?  As an aesthetic point, I hate globals, and 
I'd love a discussion with some examples of using class variables as a way 
of avoiding this.


From lgxjcb at  Wed Feb 16 22:37:10 2005
From: lgxjcb at (Chris Bromley)
Date: Wed Feb 16 22:42:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles
Message-ID: <>

Dear all, 

I have several thousand files in dBaseIV format that I need to convert to shapefiles for use in ArcGIS. I've written a script (see below) to automate this process but thus far have been unable to get it to work. I suspect that there's a simple reason for this, but I'm a complete novice with Python and have been unable to find it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Chris Bromley 

##Script Name: dBase Table to Shapefile
##Description: Converts dBase files to shapefiles
##Created By: Chris Bromley.
##Date: 16/02/2005

# Import system modules
import sys, string, os, win32com.client

# Create the Geoprocessor object
gp = win32com.client.Dispatch("esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1")

    # Load required toolboxes...    
    gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Conversion Tools.tbx")
    gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Data Management Tools.tbx")

    #Define & create variables to contain the source files and output file location paths
    gp.workspace = "C:\PhD\ElwhaRiverProject\Physical_modelling\Model_Data_Corrected\Tester3\One"
    out_workspace = "C:\PhD\ElwhaRiverProject\Physical_modelling\Model_Data_Corrected\Tester3"

    # Get a list of the dBase tables in the workspace
    fcs = gp.ListTables("*","dBase")
    # Loop through the list of feature classes
    fc =

    while fc:
        # Set the output filename for each output to be the same as the input filename
        output = out_workspace + fc
        # Process: Make XY Event Layer...
        gp.MakeXYEventLayer_management(fc, "x", "y", output, "")
        # Process: Feature Class To Shapefile (multiple)...
        gp.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(output, out_workspace, )
        fc =

    print gp.GetMessages(2)

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From bvande at  Wed Feb 16 22:42:46 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed Feb 16 22:43:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for
	object	instance	attributes	question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 15:02:
> Brian van den Broek wrote:


>> I had been thinking better to get everything working and then 
>> refactor. Is that an unsound approach? My worry about refactoring now 
>> is that I feel like I am rearranging deck-chairs when I should be 
>> worried about getting the ship to float :-)
> It's a hard question because it really comes down to programming style 
> and judgement.
> I like to work in a very incremental style - design a little, code a 
> little, test a little, repeat as needed. I believe in 'Refactor 
> Mercilessly' - another XP slogan. I have many years experience and a 
> well-developed opinion of what is good design and bad design.
> One consequence of this style is, I usually have working code and tests 
> to go with it. It may not do very much, but it works.
> So for me, if I smell something, and think that refactoring into 
> subclasses - or some other change - is the best design for the problem 
> as I understand it, I will probably do the refactoring. It's not going 
> to be easier tomorrow :-) If it just smells a little, or the refactoring 
> is major, I might think about how to get rid of the smell but put it off 
> until I'm pretty sure it is a good idea.
> I don't think of this as rearranging the deck chairs - it's more like 
> building the right foundation. Clean, expressive, well-designed code is 
> a pleasure to work with.
> For you, it's probably not so cut-and-dried. If you don't have the 
> experience to judge how bad a smell is, or to think through the 
> possibilities so clearly, it's harder to know how to proceed. If you are 
> in part dabbling with OOP design to learn about it, maybe you want to 
> put off some changes until the code is working; then you could make the 
> change and do a comparison and see which one feels cleaner to you.
> I hope this helps at least a little :-)
> Kent

Hi Kent,

I see my `strike that' msg. didn't get through in time, to save you 
from the reply. But, from the selfish perspective, I'm glad enough 
about that; the above does indeed help more than a little.

I get, in the abstract at least, how Test Driven Development would 
make these refactorings much easier to do with confidence. (Somewhere 
near half the point, isn't it?) The goal of my current project, beyond 
the given of having useful code, is to write a medium sized project in 
OOP. At the outset, I felt I had to choose between getting a handle on 
OOP or TDD. I felt I could only tackle one new paradigm at a time. I 
went with OOP as I didn't want to spend the effort of getting 
procedural code down using TDD and then have to redo it in OOP. But, 
not having test does make the refactoring more scary than I imagine it 
would be tests in hand.

And I would have had the need to redo it, I think. The file format I 
am working with is from an application I've been using as a 
PIM/Knowledge manager for several years. So, I've got tons of data and 
tons of plans. I'm not certain if the term is the right one, but I'm 
thinking of the code I am working on as a base toolset or `framework' 
for all the other things I want to do with the files of that format. 
Thus, subclassing and other OOP techniques are sure to be important 
for those plans.

But, I think you hit it right on the head -- my inexperience with OOP 
doesn't provide me with any metric for judgement about these things. 
Browsing through things like Fowler, Beck, Brant, & Opdyke's 
_Refactoring_, while fun, doesn't help much without my having 
struggled with my own OOP code first. Hey, yesterday I proved that 
having read about setattr numerous times is no guarantee I'll remember 
it the first time a use case comes up :-)

Thanks for the continued efforts to help me `get' it. Best to all,

Brian vdB

From bill.mill at  Wed Feb 16 22:47:26 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Wed Feb 16 22:47:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 21:37:10 +0000, Chris Bromley
<> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have several thousand files in dBaseIV format that I need to convert to shapefiles for use in ArcGIS. I've written a script (see below) to automate this process but thus far have been unable to get it to work. I suspect that there's a simple reason for this, but I'm a complete novice with Python and have been unable to find it.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Regards,
> Chris Bromley
<snip script>

What you've written translates, in newsgroup-speak, to "Will somebody
write this script for me that I need?"

Boil your question down into something smaller, and then ask it with
the appropriate information. I suggest reading .

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From bvande at  Wed Feb 16 22:49:21 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed Feb 16 22:50:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance
	attributes	question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jeff Shannon said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 16:09:
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 23:48:31 -0500, Brian van den Broek
> <> wrote:

<SNIP some of Jeff's responses to my evaluation of his earlier 

> Yes, if you know that you will only have one header per line, then
> it's reasonable to process them one line at a time.  You could
> alternatively have the TP_file gather all the header lines for a given
> node into a list, and then process that list to create the Node
> instance, but given the specifics of your case you probably wouldn't
> gain anything over your current approach by doing so.
> This is what makes programming so interesting -- there's so many
> different choices possible, and which one is best depends on a large
> number of factors.  When writing a program for some task, the best
> design for a particular set of circumstances may be completely
> different than the best design for a somewhat different particular set
> of circumstances -- and the best design for general usage is probably
> an altogether different thing still.
> Good luck!
> Jeff Shannon

Thanks Jeff,

the confirmation that my assessment made sense is very helpful. Due to 
the my lack of experience (as discussed in my response to Kent) I'm 
always uncomfortable rejecting a proposed solution -- is my assessment 
that the solution isn't the best a product of that inexperience, or am 
I on to something? So, thanks for taking the time to `bless' my 

Best to all,

Brian vdB

From bvande at  Wed Feb 16 23:04:25 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Wed Feb 16 23:06:04 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Carroll said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 16:18:
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Bob Gailer wrote:
>>Whenever you find yourself writing an if statement ask whether this
>>would be better handled by subclasses. Whenever you find yourself about
>>to write a global statement, consider making the variables properties of
>>a class.
> Bob -- 
> Brian already asked for an explanation of your first statement, and I 
> found the ensuing discussion very instructive.
> Can you explain the second?  As an aesthetic point, I hate globals, and 
> I'd love a discussion with some examples of using class variables as a way 
> of avoiding this.
> Terry

Hi Terry and all,

I'm probably not the best person to explain this, but I've got a use 
case that might help illustrate.

The thing that finally got me to write my first Class statement was a 
procedural program where I had a hard to find bug.

I wrote a debug_report function which would print out an informative 
report about the state of all the objects I suspected were implicated 
in the bug. Then, I put debug_report calls at the suspicious places. 
But, my procedural code had function call chains 4 or 5 links deep, 
and at no level did any of the functions have access to all of the 
objects of interest.

To make it work in purely procedural, I had to either make many 
objects global or litter my functions with passing objects up and down 
as parameters that weren't needed for the function's tasks, but simply 
so debug_report could see them.

I made a class, put my functions in it, and suddenly, they all could 
`see' the objects of interest without the passing and returning of 
objects just for the sake of visibility. Some `self's sprinkled around 
did the work instead.

So, even if you don't make use of further OOP features (as I am 
learning to do on other threads), classes give you a namespace option 
between globals and locals -- `continentals' if you like ;-)

HTH, and looking forward to more expert explanations,

Brian vdB

From cyresse at  Thu Feb 17 00:24:25 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu Feb 17 00:24:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

What are you getting? What are you expecting? Are you getting an
error? If so, what's it telling you? Can you email this stuff up?

I suspect you want to find the pywin documentation and go through that.


Liam Clarke

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:47:26 -0500, Bill Mill <> wrote:
> Chris,
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 21:37:10 +0000, Chris Bromley
> <> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I have several thousand files in dBaseIV format that I need to convert to shapefiles for use in ArcGIS. I've written a script (see below) to automate this process but thus far have been unable to get it to work. I suspect that there's a simple reason for this, but I'm a complete novice with Python and have been unable to find it.
> >
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Chris Bromley
> <snip script>
> What you've written translates, in newsgroup-speak, to "Will somebody
> write this script for me that I need?"
> Boil your question down into something smaller, and then ask it with
> the appropriate information. I suggest reading
> .
> Peace
> Bill Mill
> bill.mill at
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From dyoo at  Thu Feb 17 00:23:45 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb 17 00:24:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Bill Mill wrote:

> > I have several thousand files in dBaseIV format that I need to convert
> > to shapefiles for use in ArcGIS. I've written a script (see below) to
> > automate this process but thus far have been unable to get it to work.
> > I suspect that there's a simple reason for this, but I'm a complete
> > novice with Python and have been unable to find it.
> Boil your question down into something smaller, and then ask it with
> the appropriate information. I suggest reading
> .

Hi Chris,

Yes, at the moment, without even a clue what kind of problem there is,
there's little we can do.  We don't have dBase on our system, so the kind
of diagnostics we have access to is limited to what you tell us.  *grin*

We just don't have enough information, and telling us that something is
going wrong isn't enough for us to do a good analysis.  Let's try
pinpointing what you mean by "not working".

I notice that your code has the following structure:

    ## .. do a bunch of stuff
    print gp.GetMessages(2)

This is a blanket try/except block that catches everything.  This kind of
exception handler tends to disguise problems in the code that have nothing
to do with dBaseIV.  I'm also not sure at all if it's the right thing for
the program to ignore the error and try to continue working with the 'gp'

Try to make exceptional conditions yell out when an exception occurs. That
may make it much easier to see the problems at hand.  Can you add the
following import to your program?

import traceback

Also modify the except block to this:

    ## .. do a bunch of stuff

These changes use the excellent 'traceback' error-tracing module:

and traceback.print_exc() will print out the details of errors that occur
in the try block.  We have to do what we can to get some useful
information what's going wrong, before continuing to work on this problem.

Good luck to you!

From jeffshannon at  Thu Feb 17 01:52:19 2005
From: jeffshannon at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Thu Feb 17 01:52:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 21:37:10 +0000, Chris Bromley
<> wrote:

> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Others have already pointed out that we will have a hard time helping
without a bit more information.  But I've noticed something odd in
your code -- it probably doesn't have anything to do with your
problem, but it seems like an awkward idiom to me.

>     fc =
>     while fc:
>         # [...]
>         fc =

This, it seems to me, is equivalent to (but less readable than) the following:

.    for fc in fcs:
.        # [...]

If you're going to do something with every member of a list, then it's
much more straightforward to use a for loop (which automatically
tracks the iteration) than to use a while loop and manually adjusting
the loop-controlling expression.

Actually, it occurs to me that this *might* cause a confusing result
in your code.  Presuming that fcs is a standard iterator (as your
usage of next() suggests), then calling next() on an exhausted
iterator will raise a StopIteration exception.  The for loop will
automatically handle that, but with your while loop it would be caught
by the following bare except statement.  That means that you'll run
(what I presume to be) your error-handling code even when you
successfully convert every member of fcs...

Jeff Shannon
From kent37 at  Thu Feb 17 03:40:20 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 17 03:40:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Terry Carroll wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Bob Gailer wrote:
>>Whenever you find yourself writing an if statement ask whether this
>>would be better handled by subclasses. Whenever you find yourself about
>>to write a global statement, consider making the variables properties of
>>a class.
> Bob -- 
> Brian already asked for an explanation of your first statement, and I 
> found the ensuing discussion very instructive.
> Can you explain the second?  As an aesthetic point, I hate globals, and 
> I'd love a discussion with some examples of using class variables as a way 
> of avoiding this.

Global variables are one way to make state persist across function calls. Here's a toy example that 
might give you the idea. Suppose you want to write a function that keeps a running total. You could 
do something like this (not recommended!):

total = 0

def addToTotal(inc):
   global total
   total += inc

Every time you call addToTotal, total is incremented.

This is already a poor design.
- There is no encapsulation - to increment the total, you call a function, to view the total you 
look at the global variable.
- There is no API - to reset the total you would have to set the global variable.

You could try to fix this by adding more functions:

def printTotal():
   print 'Total is', total

def resetTotal():
   global total
   total = 0

That's a little better, maybe. But there are other problems:
- You can only have one total. What if you want two different totals?
- Your global namespace has extra names - total, addToTotal, etc.

For short scripts this structure can work, but for larger projects it gets unwieldy. OOP to the 
rescue! How about a Total class?

class Total:
   def __init__(self):

   def add(self, inc): += inc

   def print(self):
     print 'Total is',

   def reset(self): = 0

You can use this like this:

t = Total()

Now everything is wrapped up in a nice neat package. There is a clear, consistent API, no namespace 
pollution, and you have a reusable object.

You might also be interested in this essay:


From rcx at  Thu Feb 17 04:49:14 2005
From: rcx at (Robert Campbell)
Date: Thu Feb 17 04:49:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Active Python
Message-ID: <>

I am not a programmer, but have decided to learn Python.  I am wondering if anyone has used the Activestate ActivePython and what are the advantages/disadvantages of using it rather than the standard Python tools.

-------------- next part --------------
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From tony at  Thu Feb 17 08:21:06 2005
From: tony at (Tony Cappellini)
Date: Thu Feb 17 08:21:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Reading/writing Wave files
Message-ID: <>

After looking at the Python docs for the wave module, I'm a bit puzzled as 
to how to use it.

Does anyone have an example I can browse?

If I write to a wave file, is the data I write actually audible, if I use 
Winamp or some other wave player, or is it more complicated than that?
Is the data I write actually part of the content of the wave file, or do I 
have to manually handle the file structure of the wave file too (the part 
that is unique to wave files, that is)?


From bvande at  Thu Feb 17 09:51:07 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Thu Feb 17 09:52:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

jrlen balane said unto the world upon 2005-02-17 02:41:
> sir, what seemed to be the problem with this:
> def process(list_of_lines):
>     data_points = []
>     for line in list_of_lines:
>         data_points.append(int(line))
>     return data_points
> data_file = open('C:/Documents and Settings/nyer/Desktop/nyer.txt', 'r')
> data = data_file.readline()
> print process(data)
> here is what is written in the nyer.txt:
> 1000
> 890
> 900
> 500
> 650
> 850
> 1200
> 1100
> what i want is to print data_points:
> and this is the error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 12, in -toplevel-
>     process(data)
>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 6, in process
>     data_points.append(int(line))
> ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 


I think the traceback is my fault from an oversight in the code I sent 
you when you posted before. Sorry about that :-[

There are two problems with your code.

The immediate one, due to my advice, is that each line of your file 
ends with a newline character ('\n'). So, you cannot call int on '1000\n'.

instead. That will call int on line minus the last character (the 
The other problem is that you use data = data_file.readline(). That 
will give you a single line each time you call it. If you stick with 
this approach, I think you want data = data_file.readlines() (note the 
's' at the end.)

But, you might do well to consider some of the other suggestions you 
got. They came from more capable programmers than me!


Brian vdB

From project5 at  Thu Feb 17 09:51:49 2005
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Thu Feb 17 09:55:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Active Python
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Robert Campbell <rcx <at>> writes:
> I am not a programmer, but have decided to learn Python.  I am 
> wondering if anyone has used the Activestate ActivePython and what are the 
> advantages/disadvantages of using it rather than the standard Python 
> tools.

I use it, but I haven't used an official Python distro in quite some time, so
perhaps my info is outdated. Anyway, what I like about it is that it comes with
the Win32 stuff (including the PythonWin IDE) and that it has a better help
system. I think the official distro by now also has HTMLHelp, but I don't know
if it also includes Dive into Python, FAQ's and HowTo's like the ActiveState one
does. It's nothing that you can't download on your own for free, but it's just
more comfortable to get it all in a single package.


From bvande at  Thu Feb 17 10:01:53 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Thu Feb 17 10:02:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek said unto the world upon 2005-02-17 03:51:
> jrlen balane said unto the world upon 2005-02-17 02:41:
>> sir, what seemed to be the problem with this:


> Hi,
> I think the traceback is my fault from an oversight in the code I sent 
> you when you posted before. Sorry about that :-[


In case that confused anyone, it was only after I sent my reply to the 
list that I noticed the email that I was replying to had been sent to 
me directly. (By reflex I filled in the tutor address thinking I'd hit 
reply rather than reply all.)

I've sent the usual 'better to write to the list' explanation to the OP.

best to all,

Brian vdB

From kraus at  Thu Feb 17 10:04:47 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Thu Feb 17 10:03:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <cv1mfn$nqp$>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> jrlen balane said unto the world upon 2005-02-17 02:41:
>> data_file = open('C:/Documents and Settings/nyer/Desktop/nyer.txt', 'r')
> The immediate one, due to my advice, is that each line of your file ends 
> with a newline character ('\n'). So, you cannot call int on '1000\n'.
> Try
> data_points.append(int(line[:-1]))
> instead. That will call int on line minus the last character (the newline).
The OS is from MS, so the lines will probably end with '\r\n'. It is 
better to call strip() on each line:


From bvande at  Thu Feb 17 10:18:23 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Thu Feb 17 10:20:41 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek said unto the world upon 2005-02-17 03:51:

 > jrlen balane said unto the world upon 2005-02-17 02:41:

>> sir, what seemed to be the problem with this:
>> def process(list_of_lines):
>>     data_points = []
>>     for line in list_of_lines:
>>         data_points.append(int(line))
>>     return data_points
>> data_file = open('C:/Documents and Settings/nyer/Desktop/nyer.txt', 'r')
>> data = data_file.readline()
>> print process(data)


>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 12, in -toplevel-
>>     process(data)
>>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 6, in process
>>     data_points.append(int(line))
>> ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 

> The immediate one, due to my advice, is that each line of your file ends 
> with a newline character ('\n'). So, you cannot call int on '1000\n'.

Bollocks! Nobody read any thing I write where I am claiming to answer 

IDLE 1.1
 >>> int('1000\n')

So, sorry, I don't know what's wrong with the code you sent me, and I 
fear that if I tried to work it out, I'd do more damage. I yield the 
floor as I am off to write "Don't post untested code 1000 times.

(I will say I suspect it is the readline vs. readlines, but then 
hopefully no one is reading this ;-)


bran vdB

From dyoo at  Thu Feb 17 10:44:19 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb 17 10:44:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 12, in -toplevel-
> >>     process(data)
> >>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 6, in process
> >>     data_points.append(int(line))
> >> ValueError: invalid literal for int():

Hi Brian,

Ah, think about empty lines.

Let's look at the error message again:

    ValueError: invalid literal for int():

There's nothing visible there after the colon, and that's our hint.
Notice what happens when we pass int()  some wacky strings:

>>> int("foobar")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: invalid literal for int(): foobar

So whatever is being passed to int() should show up in the error message.
This is exactly why getting literal error messages is so wonderful.

Since we don't see anything here:

> >>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 12, in -toplevel-
> >>     process(data)
> >>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 6, in process
> >>     data_points.append(int(line))
> >> ValueError: invalid literal for int():

my best guess is that there's an empty line in the file, since we get the
same kind of error if we do this:

>>> int("")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: invalid literal for int():

Best of wishes to you!

From glingl at  Thu Feb 17 10:49:38 2005
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Thu Feb 17 10:47:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek schrieb:
> Brian van den Broek said unto the world upon 2005-02-17 03:51:
>  > jrlen balane said unto the world upon 2005-02-17 02:41:
>>> sir, what seemed to be the problem with this:
>>> def process(list_of_lines):
>>>     data_points = []
>>>     for line in list_of_lines:
>>>         data_points.append(int(line))
>>>     return data_points
>>> data_file = open('C:/Documents and Settings/nyer/Desktop/nyer.txt', 'r')
>>> data = data_file.readline()
>>> print process(data)
> <SNIP>
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 12, in -toplevel-
>>>     process(data)
>>>   File "C:\Python23\practices\opentxt", line 6, in process
>>>     data_points.append(int(line))
>>> ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 
>> The immediate one, due to my advice, is that each line of your file 
>> ends with a newline character ('\n'). So, you cannot call int on 
>> '1000\n'.
> Bollocks! Nobody read any thing I write where I am claiming to answer 
> anyone!

Unfortunately I read it. So I'll try a modest advice, too.
If I read "invalid literal for int" in the error-message,
I try out, what this literal is, by inserting one or two
simple print-statements ;-) :

def process(list_of_lines):
     data_points = []
     print list_of_lines
     for line in list_of_lines:
         print (line,)
     return data_points

Running the program n oe yields:



Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:/_/Tutorstuff/", line 12, in -toplevel-
     print process(data)
   File "C:/_/Tutorstuff/", line 6, in process
ValueError: invalid literal for int():

which indicates, that your suspicion (readline - readlines)
was right


> IDLE 1.1
>  >>> int('1000\n')
> 1000
>  >>>
> So, sorry, I don't know what's wrong with the code you sent me, and I 
> fear that if I tried to work it out, I'd do more damage. I yield the 
> floor as I am off to write "Don't post untested code 1000 times.
> (I will say I suspect it is the readline vs. readlines, but then 
> hopefully no one is reading this ;-)
> Sheepishly,
> bran vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Gregor Lingl
Reisnerstrasse 3/19
A-1030 Wien

Telefon: +43 1 713 33 98
Mobil:   +43 664 140 35 27

Autor von "Python f?r Kids"
From kent37 at  Thu Feb 17 11:42:48 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 17 11:42:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] how to read from a txt file
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> So, sorry, I don't know what's wrong with the code you sent me, and I 
> fear that if I tried to work it out, I'd do more damage. I yield the 
> floor as I am off to write "Don't post untested code 1000 times.

for i in range(1000):
   print "Don't post untested code"

(tested, seems to work OK)



From gopinathv at  Thu Feb 17 11:49:02 2005
From: gopinathv at (Gopinath V, ASDC Chennai)
Date: Thu Feb 17 11:49:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] RE: 
Message-ID: <>

robert wrote........
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 21:49:14 -0600
From: "Robert Campbell" <>
Subject: [Tutor] Active Python
To: <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I am not a programmer, but have decided to learn Python.  I am wondering if
anyone has used the Activestate ActivePython and what are the
advantages/disadvantages of using it rather than the standard Python tools.

 >  Hi robert , active state python is user friendly..infact i have
downloaded it from the net to learn it as a begginer. It is easy to use 
-------------- next part --------------
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From cyresse at  Thu Feb 17 12:27:11 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Thu Feb 17 12:27:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] DB design
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


> Anyway, why don't you tell us more about what you are trying to do and we can give better suggestions.
> Kent

I told you it was vague. ; ) 

Ok, so if you'll tolerate some bad ASCII, I've been narrowing down
what I want to do, and I think it's like this.

                          |                    Gui                    
                                    |                            A
                                    |                             |
                                    |                             |
                        _______v___________     __ |______
                        |                               |     |   Parser  |   
                        |   PySQLite wrapper  |  ? |________|
                        |__________________|         |
                                   |                              |
                                   |                              |
                                   |                              |
                       ______V_____________       /
                       |                                  |      /
                       |         DB                    |___/

So, GUI generates requests for info/enters info, wrapper translates
them into SQL, and DB responds, either directly to GUI or through
parser. Not sure if I'll need to parse anything.

Database organised - 

Client details ---- Jobs ---- Finances
                           |                     |
                           |                     Costs

It will go by client#/  and job# to reference various bits.

To be totally honest, I haven't the faintest idea how to go about this. 
I think I want go OOP for this, especially when submitting requests to
the wrapper.
First I gotta figure out how to use PySQLite... what's a cursor?


Liam Clarke
'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From Kevin.Hine at  Thu Feb 17 14:08:52 2005
From: Kevin.Hine at (Kevin Hine)
Date: Thu Feb 17 14:09:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>

Hello I'm very new to python but need to write a script to update a single
geodatabase table in arcview9 from several dbf files. If I can do this I
can then use windows scheduled tasks to up date the tables automatically.
The field names in the dbs files are or can be slightly different from
those in the geodatabase table and the information already contained within
the geodatabase table must be the ge
-------------- next part --------------
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From lgxjcb at  Thu Feb 17 17:05:58 2005
From: lgxjcb at (Chris Bromley)
Date: Thu Feb 17 17:11:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles
Message-ID: <>

Hello again,

First off, please accept my apologies for my last message, which was sorely=
 lacking in the detail department. I'm such a beginner with programming tha=
t I assumed the error would be glaringly obvious to an experienced programm=
er and would jump of the page/screen right away. This wasn't the case, thou=

Second, thanks to everyone who did reply, despite the absence of detail, an=
d the info. I got from these enable me to modify the script a little and al=
so get more information about what might be going wrong.

So, to start again, and with much more detail...=20=20

I have several thousand files of x,y,z coordinates in dBaseIV format (.dbf =
file extension) that I am trying to convert into shapefiles in order to be =
able to perform cut/fill analyses in ArcGIS 9.0. I am thus trying to automa=
te this conversion using a Python script (in Python 2.1). I=92ve taken as m=
y starting point the batch clip tool that can be found at:=20

and have tried to modify it to suit my purpose. I have replaced the clip to=
ol with the Make XY Event Layer tool (from the the Data Management Tools to=
olbox), in order to create an xy Layer from the .dbf files, and with the Fe=
ature class to Shapefile (multiple) tool (from the Conversion Tools toolbox=
) in order to turn this xy layer into a shapefile. The full script as I hav=
e modified it is below.

Prior to running the script I use the =91check=92 button in the PythonWin a=
nd the script=92s syntax is fine. When I run the script though, the message=

=91Script =91C:\ returned exit code 0=92=20=

appears in the status bar at the bottom of the PythonWin window. The follow=
ing text also appears in the Interactive window=85

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\", line 37, in ?
    GP.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(outxyLayer, outputShapefiles)
  File "", line 2, in FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion
com_error: (-2147467259, 'Unspecified error', None, None)
Executing: FeatureClassToShapefile C:/xyLayerFiles/R302190.dbf C:\Shapefile=
s C:\Shapefiles
Start Time: Thu Feb 17 14:23:09 2005
Running script FeatureClassToShapefile...
Error in script FeatureClassToShapefile.
Error in executing: cmd.exe /C C:\PROGRA~1\ArcGIS\ARCTOO~1\Scripts\FEATUR~1=
.PY  "C:/xyLayerFiles/R302190.dbf" "C:\Shapefiles" "C:\Shapefiles"

Failed to execute (FeatureClassToShapefile).
End Time: Thu Feb 17 14:23:10 2005 (Elapsed Time: 1.00 secs)

What I think my code should be doing is using the .dbf files from the "C:/O=
ne" folder, storing the xy layer files in the "C:/xyLayerFiles" folder and,=
 finally, storing the shapefiles in the "C:/Shapefiles" folder. After I've =
run the code, however, there is nothing in either of the latter two folders=

One possibilty is that there is a problem with the way that I am passing th=
e input and output variables from the first toolbox command to the second, =
and perhaps also with the way that these variable are, or are not, being sa=
ved in the folders in which I think they should be saved.

Another possibility is that all the slashes in the workspace paths in the c=
ode are forward slashes, whereas all paths appear with back slashes in the =
address bar in my computer. However, if I try changing the forward slashes =
to back slashes in the code I get a warning about syntax when I use the 'ch=
eck' button.=20=20

I=92ve been trying to automate this conversion process since Monday of this=
 week and it is beginning to drive me insane!


Chris Bromley.

Here is the script as I have modified it:

#Import standard library modules
import win32com.client, sys, os

#Create the Geoprocessor object
GP =3D win32com.client.Dispatch("esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1")

import traceback

#Set the input workspace
GP.workspace =3D "C:/One"

#Set the xyLayer output workspace
xyLayerFiles =3D "C:/xyLayerFiles"

#Set the shapefile output workspace
outputShapefiles =3D "C:/Shapefiles"

    # Load required toolboxes...=20=20=20=20
   GP.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Data       M=
anagement Tools.tbx")
    GP.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Conversion =
    #Get a list of dBase files in the input folder
    fcs =3D GP.ListTables("*","dBASE")

    #Loop through the list of dBase files
    fc =3D fcs.Next()

       while fc:
           # Set the outputname for each output to be the same as the input.
           outxyLayer =3D xyLayerFiles + "/" + fc

           #Convert each dBase table in the list into an xyLayer.
           GP.MakeXYEventLayer_management(fc, "X", "Y", outxyLayer, "")
           #Convert each xyLayer into a shapefile
           GP.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(outxyLayer, outputShapefil=
           #Move to the next fc in the list.
           fc =3D fcs.Next()

    # If an error occurred print the message to the screen
    print GP.GetMessages()

This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment
may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system:
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From kent37 at  Thu Feb 17 17:38:16 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 17 17:39:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] (no subject)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kevin Hine wrote:
> Hello I'm very new to python but need to write a script to update a 
> single geodatabase table in arcview9 from several dbf files. If I can do 
> this I can then use windows scheduled tasks to up date the tables 
> automatically. The field names in the dbs files are or can be slightly 
> different from those in the geodatabase table and the information 
> already contained within the geodatabase table must be the ge

What have you tried so far? What can you tell us about the data? Do you know how to read dbf files 
from Python? Don't expect the readers of this list to know what 'geodatabase table' and 'arcview9' 
are; if you are lucky someone will but I sure don't.

Coincidentally there seems to be someone else with a similar problem this week; see this thread:


From bvande at  Thu Feb 17 18:14:38 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Thu Feb 17 18:22:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Chris Bromley said unto the world upon 2005-02-17 11:05:


> Prior to running the script I use the ‘check’ button in the
> PythonWin and the script’s syntax is fine. When I run the script
> though, the message
> ‘Script ‘C:\’ returned exit code 0’
> appears in the status bar at the bottom of the PythonWin window.
> The following text also appears in the Interactive window…
> Traceback (most recent call last): File
> "C:\", line 37, in ? 
> GP.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(outxyLayer, outputShapefiles)
>  File "", line 2, in FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion com_error:
> (-2147467259, 'Unspecified error', None, None) Executing:
> FeatureClassToShapefile C:/xyLayerFiles/R302190.dbf C:\Shapefiles
> C:\Shapefiles Start Time: Thu Feb 17 14:23:09 2005 Running script
> FeatureClassToShapefile... Error in script FeatureClassToShapefile.
>  Error in executing: cmd.exe /C
> "C:/xyLayerFiles/R302190.dbf" "C:\Shapefiles" "C:\Shapefiles"
> Failed to execute (FeatureClassToShapefile). End Time: Thu Feb 17
> 14:23:10 2005 (Elapsed Time: 1.00 secs)


> Another possibility is that all the slashes in the workspace paths
> in the code are forward slashes, whereas all paths appear with back
> slashes in the address bar in my computer. However, if I try
> changing the forward slashes to back slashes in the code I get a
> warning about syntax when I use the 'check' button.

As to what the difficulty is, I've no idea. But the forward slash, 
backward slash thing isn't the problem.

Windows broke the previous standard of using '\' as an escape 
character. In a string a '\' means "this next character is to be 
treated as a special code.". Try:
print "An\texample"

So, to use backslashes in file paths, you either have to use raw 
strings or double them up. '\\' gets interpreted as "the next 
character is to be treated as special code -- no, wait, its a regular 
character backslash".

Fortunately, Python is smart enough to let you use '/' for path 
specifications, and it works out what's appropriate for your environment:

IDLE 1.1
 >>> # Look, ma, I tested *this* code
 >>> a = open('C:/sample_file.txt', 'w')
 >>> a.writelines(["I wrote to this file using /'s.\n",
	      "I read from it using \\'s.\n"])
 >>> a.close()
 >>> b = open('C:\\sample_file.txt', 'r')
 >>> for line in b:
	print line

I wrote to this file using /'s.

I read from it using \'s.



Brian vdB
From bgailer at  Thu Feb 17 20:57:59 2005
From: bgailer at (Bob Gailer)
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:58:38 2005
Subject: ****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger program organization
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

At 03:04 PM 2/16/2005, Brian van den Broek wrote:
>Terry Carroll said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 16:18:
>>On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Bob Gailer wrote:
>>>Whenever you find yourself writing an if statement ask whether this
>>>would be better handled by subclasses. Whenever you find yourself about
>>>to write a global statement, consider making the variables properties of
>>>a class.
>>Bob --
>>Brian already asked for an explanation of your first statement, and I 
>>found the ensuing discussion very instructive.
>>Can you explain the second?  As an aesthetic point, I hate globals, and 
>>I'd love a discussion with some examples of using class variables as a 
>>way of avoiding this.

Brian's response is similar to what I'd say.

>Hi Terry and all,
>I'm probably not the best person to explain this, but I've got a use case 
>that might help illustrate.
>The thing that finally got me to write my first Class statement was a 
>procedural program where I had a hard to find bug.
>I wrote a debug_report function which would print out an informative 
>report about the state of all the objects I suspected were implicated in 
>the bug. Then, I put debug_report calls at the suspicious places. But, my 
>procedural code had function call chains 4 or 5 links deep, and at no 
>level did any of the functions have access to all of the objects of interest.
>To make it work in purely procedural, I had to either make many objects 
>global or litter my functions with passing objects up and down as 
>parameters that weren't needed for the function's tasks, but simply so 
>debug_report could see them.
>I made a class, put my functions in it, and suddenly, they all could `see' 
>the objects of interest without the passing and returning of objects just 
>for the sake of visibility. Some `self's sprinkled around did the work instead.
>So, even if you don't make use of further OOP features (as I am learning 
>to do on other threads), classes give you a namespace option between 
>globals and locals -- `continentals' if you like ;-)
>HTH, and looking forward to more expert explanations,
>Brian vdB
>Tutor maillist  -

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625 home
720 938 2625 cell 

From tegmine at  Fri Feb 18 00:00:59 2005
From: tegmine at (Luis N)
Date: Fri Feb 18 00:01:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Class in a class
Message-ID: <>

Does it make sense to do this:

In [2]: class AB:
   ...:     pass
In [3]: a = AB()

In [4]: a
Out[4]: <__main__.AB instance at 0x8428bec>

In [5]: class BC:
   ...:     def __init__(self, foo):
   ...: = foo

In [6]: b = BC(a)

In [7]:
Out[7]: <__main__.AB instance at 0x8428bec>
From tegmine at  Fri Feb 18 00:02:09 2005
From: tegmine at (Luis N)
Date: Fri Feb 18 00:02:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] elementtree, lists, and dictionaries
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks that's much nicer.

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 22:28:55 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> If you iterate over the author nodes you can check the user name and password of each in turn.
> Not tested code!
> def authenticateAuthor(author, password):
>     authorxml = 'author.xml'
>     path = os.path.join(xml, authorxml)
>     if not os.path.exists(path):
>         return False, False
>     else:
>         tree = E.ElementTree(file=path)
>         for authorNode in tree.getiterator('author'):
>             user = authorNode.find('user').text
>             pass = authorNode.find('password').text
>             if author == user:
>                 if password == pass:
>                     return True, True
>                 else:
>                     return False, True
>         return False, True
From administrata at  Fri Feb 18 00:11:57 2005
From: administrata at (. Sm0kin'_Bull)
Date: Fri Feb 18 00:12:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problem in making calulator
Message-ID: <BAY22-F292660EF70256AA0D65B3AC86D0@phx.gbl>

No-one answered question
So, I e-mail it again
Help me please

I wrote this to add 2 numbers...

print "Please input data"
number1 = int(raw_input(" "))
number2 = int(raw_input("+ "))

total = number1 + number2
print total


I want to make output like this...

1 + 1 = 2

But, actually... it looks like this...

+ 1

Cheers! :)

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

From kent37 at  Fri Feb 18 00:14:01 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 18 00:14:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Class in a class
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Luis N wrote:
> Does it make sense to do this:
> In [2]: class AB:
>    ...:     pass
>    ...:
> In [3]: a = AB()
> In [4]: a
> Out[4]: <__main__.AB instance at 0x8428bec>
> In [5]: class BC:
>    ...:     def __init__(self, foo):
>    ...: = foo
> In [6]: b = BC(a)
> In [7]:
> Out[7]: <__main__.AB instance at 0x8428bec>

Absolutely. This is called composition - one object is made up of others. It's a very powerful way 
to create higher-level abstractions from component parts.

For example, I have a project that uses a database. The lowest level of access to the database is 
through a JDBC connection object. I have a generic DbAccess class that builds on the connection to 
provide easier ways to do queries and updates. I have a CbDao class that builds on a DbAccess to 
provide application-specific primitives such as saveCourse() and findCourse(). Higher-level classes 
use a CbDao to do some real work. GUI classes present the results to the user and allow the data to 
be manipulated. So the layering is

GUI - user interaction
Application functionality
CbDao - application-specific database access
DbAccess - generic database access, easy to use
JDBC connection - raw database access, not so easy to use


From alan.gauld at  Fri Feb 18 00:27:11 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Fri Feb 18 00:26:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Class in a class
References: <>
Message-ID: <009401c51548$350c14e0$2ca88651@xp>

> Does it make sense to do this:

That depends on what you are trying to do!
If its to make scrambled eggs thewn nope, no sense 
whatsoever, but if writing a programme storing an 
instance inside another instance is very common 
indeed! :-)

> In [2]: class AB:
>    ...:     pass
>    ...:
> In [3]: a = AB()
> In [5]: class BC:
>    ...:     def __init__(self, foo):
>    ...: = foo
> In [6]: b = BC(a)

Indeed you can even store a class inside an object:

class C:
  def shout(self): print 'HELLO! from C'

class D:
  def shout(self): print 'HELLO! from D'

class A:
  def __init__(self,cls):
    self.c = cls

  def speak(self):
    print 'I'm an A but I have an object that says:'

a = A(C)
b = A(D)


More commonly a method of A could also be created that 
returned an instance of C with certain A specific values.

The point of the example being simply that you can quite reasonably 
pass any PYthon object to a class/instance and it can be stored 
and later used or returned.

You can see a practical example of storing a class reference 
within an object in my Games Framework, described in the book 
of my tutorial (and the code is on Useless Python). 


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
From maxnoel_fr at  Fri Feb 18 00:29:17 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Fri Feb 18 00:29:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problem in making calulator
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F292660EF70256AA0D65B3AC86D0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F292660EF70256AA0D65B3AC86D0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 17, 2005, at 23:11, . Sm0kin'_Bull wrote:

> I wrote this to add 2 numbers...
> print "Please input data"
> number1 = int(raw_input(" "))
> number2 = int(raw_input("+ "))
> total = number1 + number2
> print total
> raw_input("")
> I want to make output like this...
> 1 + 1 = 2
> But, actually... it looks like this...
> 1
> + 1
> 2

	Do you really need to do it as the user enters the numbers? Aside from 
being a little bit confusing for him, it'd require playing around with 
bizarre special terminal control characters to go back one line -- 
every time the user hits Enter to validate his input, the newline 
character is echoed to the terminal and the cursor goes down one line.

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From kent37 at  Fri Feb 18 00:32:55 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 18 00:33:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problem in making calulator
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F292660EF70256AA0D65B3AC86D0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F292660EF70256AA0D65B3AC86D0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

. Sm0kin'_Bull wrote:
> No-one answered question
> So, I e-mail it again
> Help me please
> I wrote this to add 2 numbers...
> print "Please input data"
> number1 = int(raw_input(" "))
> number2 = int(raw_input("+ "))
> total = number1 + number2
> print total
> raw_input("")
> I want to make output like this...
> 1 + 1 = 2
> But, actually... it looks like this...
This is your input to the first raw_input:
> 1

This is the prompt and input to the second raw_input:
> + 1

This is your printed result:
> 2

It's not so easy to get the input and output all on one line. What you can do easily is format the 
output the way you like. Instead of
   print total

   print number1, '+', number2, '=', total

That will give you output the way you want it.

You can also do this with the string format operator:
   print '%d + %d = %d' % (number1, number2, total)


> Cheers! :)
> _________________________________________________________________
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From carroll at  Fri Feb 18 00:54:43 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Fri Feb 18 00:54:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Active Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Robert Campbell wrote:

> I am not a programmer, but have decided to learn Python.  I am wondering
> if anyone has used the Activestate ActivePython and what are the
> advantages/disadvantages of using it rather than the standard Python
> tools.

If you're on Windows, I recommend it.

It is the full Python, plus some Windows extensions.

The only downside I've encountered is that, as of 2.4, it no longer 
includes the Help files in their original HTML format.  Instead, there's 
just one big help file in Windows Help format.

I prefer the HTML, because I can then run searches against it from 
outside the help system.  I've gotten around this by also installing the 
help files from; that gives me everything but the 
Win32-specific stuff.

From cyresse at  Fri Feb 18 07:03:15 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb 18 07:03:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Class in a class
In-Reply-To: <009401c51548$350c14e0$2ca88651@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Kent, 

>So the layering is

>GUI - user interaction
>Application functionality
>CbDao - application-specific database access
>DbAccess - generic database access, easy to use
>JDBC connection - raw database access, not so easy to use

This sounds a lot like what I'm aiming for in a project, the layers &
objects passed up and down, are you able to provide an example of your
CbDao class for my learning edification?

(btw, is it Dao as in Lao Tzu?)


Liam Clarke

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 23:27:11 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> > Does it make sense to do this:
> That depends on what you are trying to do!
> If its to make scrambled eggs thewn nope, no sense
> whatsoever, but if writing a programme storing an
> instance inside another instance is very common
> indeed! :-)
> > In [2]: class AB:
> >    ...:     pass
> >    ...:
> > In [3]: a = AB()
> >
> > In [5]: class BC:
> >    ...:     def __init__(self, foo):
> >    ...: = foo
> >
> > In [6]: b = BC(a)
> Indeed you can even store a class inside an object:
> class C:
>   def shout(self): print 'HELLO! from C'
> class D:
>   def shout(self): print 'HELLO! from D'
> class A:
>   def __init__(self,cls):
>     self.c = cls
>   def speak(self):
>     print 'I'm an A but I have an object that says:'
>     self.c().shout()
> a = A(C)
> b = A(D)
> a.speak()
> b.speak()
> More commonly a method of A could also be created that
> returned an instance of C with certain A specific values.
> The point of the example being simply that you can quite reasonably
> pass any PYthon object to a class/instance and it can be stored
> and later used or returned.
> You can see a practical example of storing a class reference
> within an object in my Games Framework, described in the book
> of my tutorial (and the code is on Useless Python).
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From peateyk at  Fri Feb 18 07:22:47 2005
From: peateyk at (Peter Kim)
Date: Fri Feb 18 07:22:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with HTMLParseError
Message-ID: <>

I'm using to parse XHTML and invalid tag is throwing an
exception.  How do I handle this?

1. Below is the faulty markup.  Notice the missing >.  Both Firefox
and IE6 correct automatically but HTMLParser is less forgiving.  My
code has to be able to treat this gracefully because I don't have
control over the XHTML source.

<A NAME='anchor'</a>

2. Below is the current code that raises a self.error("malformed start
tag") at line 301 in due to the invalid markup.

from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

def parseHTML(htmlsource):
    class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
        def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
           print "<%s>" % tag,
        def handle_endtag(self, tag):
            print "</%s>" % tag,
    MyParser = MyHTMLParser()
    return MyParser.output()

if __name__ == "__main":
    htmlsource = r"<P><A NAME='anchor'</a></P>"
    result = parseHTML(htmlsource)

3. I think the ideal solution is to be able to do something like
below, but I don't know how.

class MyHTMLParseError(HTMLParseError):
    if self.message == "malformed start tag":

Thanks in advance for the help!
From jeffshannon at  Fri Feb 18 08:34:22 2005
From: jeffshannon at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Fri Feb 18 08:34:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Active Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:54:43 -0800 (PST), Terry Carroll <> wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2005, Robert Campbell wrote:
> > I am not a programmer, but have decided to learn Python.  I am wondering
> > if anyone has used the Activestate ActivePython and what are the
> > advantages/disadvantages of using it rather than the standard Python
> > tools.
> If you're on Windows, I recommend it.
> It is the full Python, plus some Windows extensions.

I fully agree.  ActivePython contains everything that you'd get from
the standard distribution, plus extra tools that are especially useful
under Windows.  (I like PythonWin a lot more than IDLE...)
> The only downside I've encountered is that, as of 2.4, it no longer
> includes the Help files in their original HTML format.  Instead, there's
> just one big help file in Windows Help format.
> I prefer the HTML, because I can then run searches against it from
> outside the help system.  

Interesting -- I prefer the CHM (Windows helpfile), because it's
internally indexed.  I feel that the internal search is more
convenient than external searches would be.  But I suppose that
there's room for reasonable people to disagree, here. :)

Jeff Shannon
From project5 at  Fri Feb 18 09:37:37 2005
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri Feb 18 09:41:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Class in a class
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Luis N <tegmine <at>> writes:

> Does it make sense to do this:
> In [2]: class AB:
>    ...:     pass
> In [3]: a = AB()
> In [4]: a
> In [5]: class BC:
>    ...:     def __init__(self, foo):
>    ...: = foo
> In [6]: b = BC(a)
> In [7]:

This case is not that different from what you probably already do in classes,
given the fact that all attributes are objects anyway. Compare the following two
classes which have pretty much identical structure:

class Point(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        # x and y would be simple floats, but nothing
        # stops you from using more fancy attributes,
        # like in the Line class below

class Line(object):
    def __init__(self, point1, point2):
        self.points = [point1, point2]
        # note how self.points is a complex
        # data structure (list object)!

Certainly if we can use standard objects like floats, lists or dictionaries as
attributes, we can also use objects of our own design:

class Triangle(object):
    def __init__(self, line1, line2, line3):
        self.lines = [line1, line2, line3]
        self.points = []
        for line in self.lines:
            for point in line.points:
                if point not in self.points:

And you could go even higher, to a tetraeder made out of triangles, if you
extended Point to also allow z coordinates.


From shaleh at  Fri Feb 18 11:03:32 2005
From: shaleh at (Sean Perry)
Date: Fri Feb 18 11:04:27 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with HTMLParseError
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Peter Kim wrote:
> I'm using to parse XHTML and invalid tag is throwing an
> exception.  How do I handle this?
> 1. Below is the faulty markup.  Notice the missing >.  Both Firefox
> and IE6 correct automatically but HTMLParser is less forgiving.  My
> code has to be able to treat this gracefully because I don't have
> control over the XHTML source.
> ###/
> <A NAME='anchor'</a>
> /###

what you want is to encapsulate check_for_whole_start_tag() in your own 
parser class. Call the parent's version, if it returns -1, do some fuzzy 
logic (well, maybe if I add a '>', now does it work?), and continue.
From kent37 at  Fri Feb 18 12:05:39 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 18 12:02:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Class in a class
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<009401c51548$350c14e0$2ca88651@xp>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi Kent, 
>>So the layering is
>>GUI - user interaction
>>Application functionality
>>CbDao - application-specific database access
>>DbAccess - generic database access, easy to use
>>JDBC connection - raw database access, not so easy to use
> This sounds a lot like what I'm aiming for in a project, the layers &
> objects passed up and down, are you able to provide an example of your
> CbDao class for my learning edification?
> (btw, is it Dao as in Lao Tzu?)

The Way that can be known is not the true way. Which makes it hard to provide examples. :-)

Actually DAO stands for Data Access Object which a common pattern for database access, and Lao Tzu's 
version is usually spelled Tao. Though I do appreciate the pun.

My CbDao is work code so I can't just post it. It's actually pretty long and ugly too. But the idea 
of it is simple - it includes all of the SQL code of the main application and exposes it as 
application-specific methods. For example my app has a Category object that gets linked into a tree 
and is saved to the database. CbDao has methods like
     def saveCategory(self, category):
     def saveCategoryAsChild(self, category, parent):
     def moveCategory(self, catToMove, newParent, pos):
     def deleteCategory(self, cat):
     def findOneCategory(self, uniqueGroupId, treeId):

The higher levels of the application don't have to worry about the implementation of these methods 
in terms of database operations.


From kent37 at  Fri Feb 18 13:33:09 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 18 13:33:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with HTMLParseError
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Peter Kim wrote:
> I'm using to parse XHTML and invalid tag is throwing an
> exception.  How do I handle this?

My understanding is that HTMLParser is not very forgiving of badly formed HTML. You might want to 
look at alternatives. Here are a few: and see the links at the bottom of the page


From mark.kels at  Fri Feb 18 17:29:59 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Fri Feb 18 17:30:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help with error handling in a while loop
Message-ID: <>

Hi all.
I'm trying to build a simple port scanner (just to learn sockets).
here is the code (doesn't work) :
import socket
sk=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host=raw_input("Enter name of host to scan: ")
start_port=input("Enter the start port: ")
end_port=input("Enter the end port: ")
while start_port<end_port:
        print "port",start_port,"is open on",host
        print "Port",start_port,"is closed on",host


As you can see, when there is an exception the socket closes (I run
the program from idle,  so I don't need to exit it).
An exception will be every time the connection fails (because the port
is closed ).
I want it to print the text and go back and continue the loop whenever
there is an exception, how do I do that ?

Thanks in advance.

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From apple_py at  Fri Feb 18 18:27:24 2005
From: apple_py at (Victor)
Date: Fri Feb 18 18:29:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] DB design
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:

>>Anyway, why don't you tell us more about what you are trying to do and we can give better suggestions.
>Database organised - 
>Client details ---- Jobs ---- Finances
>                           |                     |
>                           |                     Costs
>                         Resolutions
>It will go by client#/  and job# to reference various bits.
Hi Liam,

I am not a proficient Python nor OO programmer but I know my way around 
databases and SQL. I believe that before you can fully jump into coding 
or even writing SQL queries for your project, you need to get to know 
relational databases lingo and what your subject refers to: DB Design.

Basically you need to organize your data into different tables or 
"entities" and then build relationships around them. You need ot 
identify how each entity relates to each other. Database designers 
usually refer to this as an entity-relationship diagram.

For example, your entity (table) Clients describes certain attributes 
(fields) each one has. The kind of relationship the entity Client can 
have to the entity Jobs is that "one Client can hold one or more Jobs" 
(or in this case "none to many jobs"). So you define the relationship 
between entity Clients and Jobs to be a "none or one-to-many" relationship.

Additionally, there can be "one-to-one" relationships or  "many-to-many" 
(e.g. People to Jobs). I do not know the functionality you want to get 
from your application, but that will take you to define the kind of 
relationships you can build from there.

Schematically this has its own representation, but I prefer to direct 
you to some of the links I just found through googling a little bit. For 
example, look into:
which is very high level. It does not describe the details in the 
lecture, but helps as a first hand intro
More desccriptive, particularly an explanation of what normalization is, 
and how to approach the database design process.

Anybody have any other references or suggestions relating to the subject?

About Python, I assume (experts please jump in) you will build a class 
for each entity, and any record of the entity or table becomes a class 

I hope this helps.

Victor Bouffier
Finance Manager

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From ternary at  Fri Feb 18 18:56:34 2005
From: ternary at (Mike Bell)
Date: Fri Feb 18 18:56:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help with error handling in a while loop
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I haven't tried the code, but it looks like you need to increment on
connection failures, too.  I think it's more pythonic to iterate over
a range, as in the following

for test_port in range(start_port, end_port)

but it would suffice to just move the start_port+=1 outside of the try
From carroll at  Sat Feb 19 02:20:03 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Sat Feb 19 02:20:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Active Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Jeff Shannon wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:54:43 -0800 (PST), Terry Carroll <> wrote:
> > 
> > I prefer the HTML, because I can then run searches against it from
> > outside the help system.  
> Interesting -- I prefer the CHM (Windows helpfile), because it's
> internally indexed.  I feel that the internal search is more
> convenient than external searches would be.  But I suppose that
> there's room for reasonable people to disagree, here. :)

Sure, and I'd expect I'm in the minority.

I use Agent Ransack for searching files on my system.  I do a search for,
for example, a filename of html$ containing the word "socket"  and can get
a pretty good look at what I'm looking for.

I'll bet that the CHM file can do that at least as well, but since 
I use Agent Ransack for all my document searches (Python-related or 
otherwise), it's most convenient for me use one consistent mechanism.

I'll tell you, if Google desktop had a way of limiting searches to 
specific directories, I'd be in heaven.

From bill.mill at  Sat Feb 19 02:29:16 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Sat Feb 19 02:29:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Active Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 17:20:03 -0800 (PST), Terry Carroll <> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Jeff Shannon wrote:
> > On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:54:43 -0800 (PST), Terry Carroll <> wrote:
> >
> > Interesting -- I prefer the CHM (Windows helpfile), because it's
> > internally indexed.  I feel that the internal search is more
> > convenient than external searches would be.  But I suppose that
> > there's room for reasonable people to disagree, here. :)
> Sure, and I'd expect I'm in the minority.
> I use Agent Ransack for searching files on my system.  I do a search for,
> for example, a filename of html$ containing the word "socket"  and can get
> a pretty good look at what I'm looking for.
> I'll bet that the CHM file can do that at least as well, but since
> I use Agent Ransack for all my document searches (Python-related or
> otherwise), it's most convenient for me use one consistent mechanism.
> I'll tell you, if Google desktop had a way of limiting searches to
> specific directories, I'd be in heaven.

How do you live without cygwin? Just 'cd' to the directory and 'grep
-r' to search through it. It's the first thing I install on a windows
box, even before python.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From carroll at  Sat Feb 19 03:49:28 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Sat Feb 19 07:11:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Active Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Bill Mill wrote:

> How do you live without cygwin? 

I don't.  I have it installed, too.

But Agent Ransack is more convenient.  If it wasn't free, I'd pay for it.  
It's primarily to search by filename, but the grep-like capability is a 
nice plus.

From bvande at  Sat Feb 19 09:24:43 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sat Feb 19 09:25:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Active Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Mill said unto the world upon 2005-02-18 20:29:
> On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 17:20:03 -0800 (PST), Terry Carroll <> wrote:
>>On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Jeff Shannon wrote:
>>>On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 15:54:43 -0800 (PST), Terry Carroll <> wrote:
>>>Interesting -- I prefer the CHM (Windows helpfile), because it's
>>>internally indexed.  I feel that the internal search is more
>>>convenient than external searches would be.  But I suppose that
>>>there's room for reasonable people to disagree, here. :)
>>Sure, and I'd expect I'm in the minority.
>>I use Agent Ransack for searching files on my system.  I do a search for,
>>for example, a filename of html$ containing the word "socket"  and can get
>>a pretty good look at what I'm looking for.
>>I'll bet that the CHM file can do that at least as well, but since
>>I use Agent Ransack for all my document searches (Python-related or
>>otherwise), it's most convenient for me use one consistent mechanism.
>>I'll tell you, if Google desktop had a way of limiting searches to
>>specific directories, I'd be in heaven.
> How do you live without cygwin? Just 'cd' to the directory and 'grep
> -r' to search through it. It's the first thing I install on a windows
> box, even before python.
> Peace
> Bill Mill
> bill.mill at

Hi all,

I like the html docs and Agent Ransack, too. (Not yet command line 

I've lately been making use of pydoc's html documentation server. I 
started when wanting to use it on my own modules; I've been finding it 
is really useful to use for quick reference on built ins, too.


Brian vdB
From kabads at  Sat Feb 19 09:36:44 2005
From: kabads at (Adam Cripps)
Date: Sat Feb 19 09:36:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Trying out Tkinter with problems
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying out Tkinter as one of my first forays into GUI programming.
However, I'm having a couple of problems.

My intitial efforts can be seen at: or here [1].

Firstly, I'm trying to grab the contents of Entry widget entry1 with a
StringVar and take that value to another function to print the value
to the command line. However, my function 'printentry' always runs
when the application is run, without the button being pressed. Then,
when I do press the button, the function isn't called. However, this
button is just the same as all the other buttons. Why is this?

Secondly, when I try to exit the app, the quit button doesn't kill the
root, window, but just the widgets. How do I reference the root window
and all, instead of just exiting the widgets?

TIA - Adam

PGP key: 0x7111B833


from Tkinter import *
import tkFont
import tkMessageBox

class Application(Frame):
	def __init__(self, master=None, geometry="500x200-10x10"):
		Frame.__init__(self, master)

	def createWidgets(self):
		largeFont = tkFont.Font(family = "Verdana",size= "18", weight="bold")
		arialFont = tkFont.Font(family="Arial", size="12", slant="italic")
		self.quitButton = Button(self, text="Quit", command = self.exiting,
font = largeFont )
		self.saveButton = Button(self, text = "save", command =,
fg = "blue", activebackground="red")
		self.save1Button = Button(self, text = "save1", command =,
		self.save3Button = Button(self, text = "save3", command =,
state = DISABLED)
		#label = Label(self, text="This is the label text", font = arialFont)
		entry = Entry(self, text="Start here")
		# This is the entry that I'm trying to capture
		self.content = StringVar()
		entry1 = Entry(self, textvariable=self.content)
		entry1.grid(column="1", row="5")
		#And this is the button which will capture it. 
		self.save2Button = Button(self, text = "Submit", command=

		self.quitButton.grid(column=0, row=0)
		self.saveButton.grid(column=1, row = 0)
		self.save1Button.grid(column=2, row = 1)
		self.save2Button.grid(column=2, row = 5)
		self.save3Button.grid(column=4, row = 1)

		self.sexVar = StringVar() = Checkbutton (self, text = "Sex:", variable=self.sexVar,
onvalue="male", offvalue="female"), row=6)

	def printentry(self, event):
		print "ok - the submit has been pressed - I need to get  it's value"
		#print "\n", event

	def save(event):
		print "This is a save"
		print "\n event is ", event

	def exiting(self):
		if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you really wish to quit?"):

app = Application()
app.master.title("Sample Application")
From glingl at  Sat Feb 19 10:43:07 2005
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Sat Feb 19 10:41:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Trying out Tkinter with problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Adam!

I'm not a Tkinter expert, so I probably cannot provide
the best solution for your problem.
Nevertheless I tried two corrections, which adress your
problem seeminly successfully

Adam Cripps schrieb:
> I'm trying out Tkinter as one of my first forays into GUI programming.
> However, I'm having a couple of problems.
> My intitial efforts can be seen at:
> or here [1].
> Firstly, I'm trying to grab the contents of Entry widget entry1 with a
> StringVar and take that value to another function to print the value
> to the command line. However, my function 'printentry' always runs
> when the application is run, without the button being pressed. Then,
> when I do press the button, the function isn't called. However, this
> button is just the same as all the other buttons. Why is this?

This is because of


in createWidgets. Here you don't assign the method pintentry
to command, but the result of executing this method. (So it is
ececuted, when createWidget is called, but not when the command
is executed.


	self.save2Button = Button(self, text = "Submit",


	def printentry(self):
		print "ok - the submit has been pressed - \
                        I need to get  it's value"
		print self.content.get()

> Secondly, when I try to exit the app, the quit button doesn't kill the
> root, window, but just the widgets. How do I reference the root window
> and all, instead of just exiting the widgets?

self.destroy destroys the frame, not the root window.


	def exiting(self):
		if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Quit",
                                        "Do you really wish to quit?"):

I'm not sure if this is the canonical way of exiting a
Tkinter-App :-(   (Perhaps somebody knows more.)

Hope this helps,

> TIA - Adam

Gregor Lingl
Reisnerstrasse 3/19
A-1030 Wien

Telefon: +43 1 713 33 98
Mobil:   +43 664 140 35 27

Autor von "Python f?r Kids"
From kabads at  Sat Feb 19 11:00:04 2005
From: kabads at (Adam Cripps)
Date: Sat Feb 19 11:00:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Trying out Tkinter with problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 10:43:07 +0100, Gregor Lingl <> wrote:
> Hi Adam!
> I'm not a Tkinter expert, so I probably cannot provide
> the best solution for your problem.
> Nevertheless I tried two corrections, which adress your
> problem seeminly successfully
> Adam Cripps schrieb:
> > I'm trying out Tkinter as one of my first forays into GUI programming.
> > However, I'm having a couple of problems.
> >
> > My intitial efforts can be seen at:
> > or here [1].
> >
> > Firstly, I'm trying to grab the contents of Entry widget entry1 with a
> > StringVar and take that value to another function to print the value
> > to the command line. However, my function 'printentry' always runs
> > when the application is run, without the button being pressed. Then,
> > when I do press the button, the function isn't called. However, this
> > button is just the same as all the other buttons. Why is this?
> This is because of
> command=self.printentry(self.content.get())
> in createWidgets. Here you don't assign the method pintentry
> to command, but the result of executing this method. (So it is
> ececuted, when createWidget is called, but not when the command
> is executed.
> Remedy:
>         self.save2Button = Button(self, text = "Submit",
>                                    command=self.printentry)
> *and*
>         def printentry(self):
>                 print "ok - the submit has been pressed - \
>                         I need to get  it's value"
>                 print self.content.get()
> >
> > Secondly, when I try to exit the app, the quit button doesn't kill the
> > root, window, but just the widgets. How do I reference the root window
> > and all, instead of just exiting the widgets?
> self.destroy destroys the frame, not the root window.
> Remedy:
>         def exiting(self):
>                 if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Quit",
>                                         "Do you really wish to quit?"):
>                         self.master.destroy()
> I'm not sure if this is the canonical way of exiting a
> Tkinter-App :-(   (Perhaps somebody knows more.)
> Hope this helps,
> Gregor
> >
> > TIA - Adam
> >
> --
> Gregor Lingl

Gregor - many thanks!  All suggestions worked, so perhaps you
underestimate your skills? Level of skills are just relative aren't

Thanks again. 

PGP key: 0x7111B833
From kent37 at  Sat Feb 19 14:29:35 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb 19 14:29:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Trying out Tkinter with problems
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Adam Cripps wrote:
> Secondly, when I try to exit the app, the quit button doesn't kill the
> root, window, but just the widgets. How do I reference the root window
> and all, instead of just exiting the widgets?

instead of
> 			self.destroy()
> 			self.exit()


From at  Sat Feb 19 19:33:17 2005
From: at (Matt Hauser)
Date: Sat Feb 19 19:33:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] OT: Google Gmail Accounts
Message-ID: <>

If anyone is interested in an invitation to Google GMail, let me know
and I will send you a free invitation to join.  It works great for
organizing mailing lists and with 1000 MB of storage, you don't have
to manage your inbox.

Have you seen the dog lately?
Email -
Blog   -
From ismaelgf at  Sat Feb 19 21:51:57 2005
From: ismaelgf at (Ismael Garrido)
Date: Sat Feb 19 21:51:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Instance into another instance
Message-ID: <>


This is my code:
class Node:
    def __init__(self, tag, value=None, **kwargs):
        self.tag = tag
        self.value = value
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.childs = []

    def addChild(self, tag, value=None, **kwargs):
        node = Node(tag, value, kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Tag %s ; value %s ; kwargs %s ; childs %s" % (self.tag, 
self.value, self.kwargs, self.childs)
And this is what I do to test it:
 >>> ppal = Node("Test", value="Test")
 >>> ppal.addChild("test", value=2)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#75>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    ppal.addChild("test", value=2)
  File "", line 10, in addChild
    node = Node(tag, value, kwargs)
TypeError: __init__() takes at most 3 arguments (4 given)

I don't understand. Why 4 arguments are given? What can I do to solve that?

The idea of the class is to be able to create a "tree". Where each node 
can have subnodes, which in turn can have their subnodes...


From administrata at  Sat Feb 19 22:15:22 2005
From: administrata at (. Sm0kin'_Bull)
Date: Sat Feb 19 22:16:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Advanced Calculator Program...
Message-ID: <BAY22-F30E6A6F3E90F9322D58936C86F0@phx.gbl>

I want to make caculator program which enables me to
enter 2numbers and mathsmatics sign and calculates it.
I think this is too difficult for newbie like me...

Please input data

Mathsmetics Sign:

(Number1) (Sign) (Number2) = (Result)

I wrote this but, Error occurs

print "Please input data"
number1 = int(raw_input("\nNumber1: "))
sign = (raw_input("\nMathsmetics Sign: "))
number2 = int(raw_input("\nNumber2: "))

total = number1 sign number2
print number1, sign, number2, '=', total

please help me

Cheers! :)

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

From glingl at  Sat Feb 19 23:36:00 2005
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Sat Feb 19 23:34:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Instance into another instance
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ismael Garrido schrieb:
> Hello.
> This is my code:
> class Node:
>    def __init__(self, tag, value=None, **kwargs):
>        self.tag = tag
>        self.value = value
>        self.kwargs = kwargs
>        self.childs = []
>    def addChild(self, tag, value=None, **kwargs):
>        node = Node(tag, value, kwargs)
>        self.childs.append(node)
>    def __repr__(self):
>        return "Tag %s ; value %s ; kwargs %s ; childs %s" % (self.tag, 
> self.value, self.kwargs, self.childs)
>        And this is what I do to test it:
>  >>> ppal = Node("Test", value="Test")
>  >>> ppal.addChild("test", value=2)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<pyshell#75>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>    ppal.addChild("test", value=2)
>  File "", line 10, in addChild
>    node = Node(tag, value, kwargs)
> TypeError: __init__() takes at most 3 arguments (4 given)

This means, afaik, __init__() takes at most 3 non-keyword arguments
(plus an arbitrary number of keyword-arguments).

You passed 4 non-keyword - arguments, the first beeing (implicitely)
self (i. e. node), and then three more: tag, value, kwargs.
(In your case kwargs is the empty dictionary.)

I suppose you wanted to pass addChild's **kwargs
to Node's **kwargs, which goes like this:

    def addChild(self, tag, value=None, **kwargs):
        node = Node(tag, value, **kwargs)


> I don't understand. Why 4 arguments are given? What can I do to solve that?
> The idea of the class is to be able to create a "tree". Where each node 
> can have subnodes, which in turn can have their subnodes...
> Thanks
> Ismael
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Gregor Lingl
Reisnerstrasse 3/19
A-1030 Wien

Telefon: +43 1 713 33 98
Mobil:   +43 664 140 35 27

Autor von "Python f?r Kids"
From bvande at  Sun Feb 20 00:09:19 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Sun Feb 20 00:09:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Advanced Calculator Program...
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F30E6A6F3E90F9322D58936C86F0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F30E6A6F3E90F9322D58936C86F0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

. Sm0kin'_Bull said unto the world upon 2005-02-19 16:15:
> I want to make caculator program which enables me to
> enter 2numbers and mathsmatics sign and calculates it.
> I think this is too difficult for newbie like me...
> Please input data
> Number1:
> Mathsmetics Sign:
> Number2:
> (Number1) (Sign) (Number2) = (Result)
> I wrote this but, Error occurs
> print "Please input data"
> number1 = int(raw_input("\nNumber1: "))
> sign = (raw_input("\nMathsmetics Sign: "))
> number2 = int(raw_input("\nNumber2: "))
> total = number1 sign number2
> print number1, sign, number2, '=', total
> please help me
> Cheers! :)


what are you expecting this line:

total = number1 sign number2

to do?

>>> total = number1 sign number2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The Python interpreter reads the line and says 'Ah, total should equal
number1 -- hey, wait, what I am supposed to do with this other stuff
like sign?'

So, you've got to figure a way to tell the interpreter just how you
want these things combined.

Following the sort of approach you have started with, you've got some
integers and a mathematical operation sign, and you want to *eval*uate
their combination somehow. That suggests

>>> eval('5 + 6')

So, this code will work (tested!):

print "Please input data"
number1 = raw_input("\nNumber1: ")
sign = raw_input("\nMathsmetics Sign: ")
number2 = raw_input("\nNumber2: ")

print eval(number1 + sign + number2)

IDLE 1.1
>>> ================================ RESTART 
Please input data

Number1: 42

Mathsmetics Sign: *

Number2: 100

But, this isn't a very good approach, in my opinion. For one thing,
eval is dangerous.

I have an alternate suggestion. It uses several things which may be
new to you. And, as you know, I am no expert, so I make no claim this
is the *best* way. I do think it is better but think it likely that
someone else will post a better idea, still.

Anyway, take a look at this code and see if you can work it out. If
not, post again.

<tested code>

import operator

ops_dict = {'+': operator.add, '*' : operator.mul}

def perform_arithmetic():
     print "Please input data"
     number1 = int(raw_input("\nNumber1: "))
     sign = raw_input("\nMathsmetics Sign: ")
     number2 = int(raw_input("\nNumber2: "))

         result = ops_dict[sign](number1, number2)
     except KeyError:
         raise NotImplementedError, "I don't know the sign '%s'" %sign

     # add output formatting logic as desired

     return result

print perform_arithmetic()

<tested code>

Hope that helps,

Brian vdB

From glingl at  Sun Feb 20 00:12:13 2005
From: glingl at (Gregor Lingl)
Date: Sun Feb 20 00:10:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Advanced Calculator Program...
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F30E6A6F3E90F9322D58936C86F0@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F30E6A6F3E90F9322D58936C86F0@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

. Sm0kin'_Bull schrieb:
> I want to make caculator program which enables me to
> enter 2numbers and mathsmatics sign and calculates it.
> I think this is too difficult for newbie like me...
> Please input data
> Number1:
> Mathsmetics Sign:
> Number2:
> (Number1) (Sign) (Number2) = (Result)
> I wrote this but, Error occurs
> print "Please input data"
> number1 = int(raw_input("\nNumber1: "))
> sign = (raw_input("\nMathsmetics Sign: "))
> number2 = int(raw_input("\nNumber2: "))
> total = number1 sign number2
> print number1, sign, number2, '=', total

hey, bull! that's a bit tricky. You had a nice
idea, but it doesn't work in Python. The point is,
that you must not use names for operators in
arithmetic expressions. Those operators have
to be used literally.

*One* way to solve your problem is, e. g., to
use a branching statement for checking, which
operator is used.

So replace the line

total = number1 sign number2

by something similar to

if sign == "+":
     total = number1 + number2
elif sign == "-":
     total = numer1 - number2
... (for other operators ..)


> please help me
> Cheers! :)
> _________________________________________________________________
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Gregor Lingl
Reisnerstrasse 3/19
A-1030 Wien

Telefon: +43 1 713 33 98
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Autor von "Python f?r Kids"
From wilson at  Sun Feb 20 02:37:02 2005
From: wilson at (Tim Wilson)
Date: Sun Feb 20 02:37:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Attaching an uploaded file to an email
Message-ID: <>

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a little Python CGI project, but I think I'm stuck on some of
the MIME magic. I've got a Web form that collects various bit of text and,
optionally, a file can be uploaded too. The file could be almost any kind of
document from jpeg to PDF.

The form data get passed to a Python CGI script that does some light text
manipulation and generates an email with some custom headers to a certain
address. If the user uploaded a file with the Web form, I want to have that
file included as an email attachment.

I've got it all working except for attaching the file to the email. I don't
understand how all of the MIME options work in the Python email module.

Here are two relevant sections of my code:

import cgi, smtplib, time
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

# Collect form information
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
requestername = form["requestername"].value
fromaddr = form["email"].value
itemname = form["itemname"].value
description = form["description"].value
buildings = form.getlist("building")
room = form["room"].value
dateneeded = form["dateneeded"].value
po = form["po"].value
budgetcode = form["budgetcode"].value
attachment = form["attachment"].value
buildinglist = ", ".join(buildings)

**[ misc code snipped ]**

# Set some email headers
#msg = MIMEText(msgtext)
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['Subject'] = itemname
msg['From'] = "%s <%s>" % (requestername, fromaddr)
msg['To'] = toaddr
if len(buildings) != 0:
    for building in buildings:
        msg['X-HRT-Building'] = building
if po != "": msg['X-HRT-PO'] = po
if dateneeded != "":
        duedate = time.asctime(time.strptime(dateneeded, "%m/%d/%Y"))
        msg['X-HRT-Due-Date'] = duedate
    except ValueError:
msg.preamble = "Tech order request"
msg.epilogue = ""

# Attach the uploaded file

# Send the message
server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, msg.as_string(0))

In this program 'attachment' is the uploaded file.

I know there are some significant problems here, but I'm not making any
headway. Unless I'm reading them wrong, the docs for the email module don't
seem to cover a case like this.

Any ideas anyone?


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto:   aim: tis270   blog:

From dyoo at  Sun Feb 20 05:01:09 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun Feb 20 05:01:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Advanced Calculator Program...
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > I want to make caculator program which enables me to enter 2numbers
> > and mathsmatics sign and calculates it. I think this is too difficult
> > for newbie like me...
> >
> > Please input data
> >
> > Number1:
> > Mathsmetics Sign:
> > Number2:
> >
> > (Number1) (Sign) (Number2) = (Result)
> *One* way to solve your problem is, e. g., to use a branching statement
> for checking, which operator is used.
> So replace the line
> total = number1 sign number2
> by something similar to
> if sign == "+":
>      total = number1 + number2
> elif sign == "-":
>      total = numer1 - number2
> ... (for other operators ..)

One variation of this is to turn the 'sign' from a string into a function:

import operator

def getOperator(sign):
    if sign == '+':
        return operator.add
    elif sign == '-':
        return operator.sub
    elif sign == '*':
        return operator.mul
    elif sign == '/':
        return operator.div
        raise ValueError, ("I don't know about %s" % sign)

We're pulling out functions from the 'operator' module:

If we have this, then we can do:

>>> myop = getOperator("+")
>>> myop(3, 17)
>>> myop = getOperator("*")
>>> myop(42, 17)

Best of wishes to you!

From peateyk at  Sun Feb 20 07:20:41 2005
From: peateyk at (Peter Kim)
Date: Sun Feb 20 07:20:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] best way to scrape html
In-Reply-To: <010d01c513f3$7fb4e770$2ca88651@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thank you, I subclassed, borrowing ideas from
DiveIntoPython's  It appears to work:

class Scrape(SGMLParser):
	TAGS_TO_SCRAPE = ['p', 'br', 'b', 'i']
	def reset(self):
		self.pieces = []
		self.isScraping = 0 
	def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
		"""Called for each start tag, attrs is alist of (attr, value) tuples,
		e.g. for <pre class='top'>, tag='pre', attrs=[('class', 'top')]"""
		for i,v in attrs:
			if  ('name' == i) and ('anchor' in v): # name='anchor*'
				self.isScraping += 1    #begin scraping
			elif ('class' == i) and ('txtend' == v): # class='txtend'
				self.isScraping -= 1    #stop scraping
		if self.isScraping and tag in self.TAGS_TO_SCRAPE:
			self.pieces.append("<%(tag)s>" % locals())
	def unknown_endtag(self, tag):
		"""Called for each end tag, e.g. for </pre>, tag='pre'"""
		if self.isScraping and tag in self.TAGS_TO_SCRAPE:
			self.pieces.append("</%(tag)s>" % locals())
	def handle_charref(self, ref):
		"""Called for each character reference, e.g. for '&#160;', ref='160'"""
		if self.isScraping:
			self.pieces.append("&#%(ref)s;" % locals())
	def handle_entitydef(self, ref):
		"""Called for each entity reference, e.g. for '&copy;', ref='copy'"""
		if self.isScraping:
			self.pieces.append("&#%(ref)s" % locals())
			if htmlentitydefs.entitydefs.has_key(ref):
				self.pieces.append(";") # standard HTML entities end with ';'
	def handle_data(self, text):
		"""Called for each block of plain text, i.e. outside of any tag"""
		if self.isScraping:
	def output(self):
		return "".join(self.pieces) # return processed HTML as a single string

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 06:48:18 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> > Which method is best and most pythonic to scrape text data with
> > minimal formatting?
> Use the HTMLParser module.
> > I want to change the above to:
> >
> > <p><b>Trigger:</b> Debate on budget in Feb-Mar.  New moves to
> > cutmedical costs by better technology.</p>
> >
> > Since I wanted some practice in regex, I started with something like
> this:
> Using regex is usually the wrong way to parse html for anything
> beyond the trivial. The parser module helps deal with the
> complexities.
> > So I'm thinking of using (as in the Dive into Python
> > example).  Is this where I should be using  As you can
> > tell this is my first foray into both parsing and regex so advice in
> > terms of best practice would be very helpful.
> There is an html parser which is built on the sgml one.
> Its rather more specific to your task.
> Alan G.
From cyresse at  Sun Feb 20 10:59:17 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 20 10:59:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


just an expansion on Brian's query, is there a variant of getattr for
instance methods?

i.e. class DBRequest:
    def __init__(self, fields, action):
    def get(self, fields):
        print fields

Instead of self.get in _init__, the value of action to call a
function? Or, is it going to have to be dictionary dispatch?


Liam Clarke

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:49:21 -0500, Brian van den Broek
<> wrote:
> Jeff Shannon said unto the world upon 2005-02-16 16:09:
> > On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 23:48:31 -0500, Brian van den Broek
> > <> wrote:
> <SNIP some of Jeff's responses to my evaluation of his earlier
> suggestions>
> > Yes, if you know that you will only have one header per line, then
> > it's reasonable to process them one line at a time.  You could
> > alternatively have the TP_file gather all the header lines for a given
> > node into a list, and then process that list to create the Node
> > instance, but given the specifics of your case you probably wouldn't
> > gain anything over your current approach by doing so.
> >
> > This is what makes programming so interesting -- there's so many
> > different choices possible, and which one is best depends on a large
> > number of factors.  When writing a program for some task, the best
> > design for a particular set of circumstances may be completely
> > different than the best design for a somewhat different particular set
> > of circumstances -- and the best design for general usage is probably
> > an altogether different thing still.
> >
> > Good luck!
> >
> > Jeff Shannon
> Thanks Jeff,
> the confirmation that my assessment made sense is very helpful. Due to
> the my lack of experience (as discussed in my response to Kent) I'm
> always uncomfortable rejecting a proposed solution -- is my assessment
> that the solution isn't the best a product of that inexperience, or am
> I on to something? So, thanks for taking the time to `bless' my
> assessment.
> Best to all,
> Brian vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From ralfasy2k at  Sun Feb 20 11:15:10 2005
From: ralfasy2k at (Ralfas Jegorovas)
Date: Sun Feb 20 11:16:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Create list of IPs
Message-ID: <BAY101-F12ECA490FC5E061D553BD2E4600@phx.gbl>

I am wondering how I would go about making a list of IPs between two set 
This is my initial code:

<my code>

def list2str(list):
    for part in list:
        if len(ip)!=0:
    return ip

iplist = []

minip = ['1','0','0','1'] # starting IP
maxip = ['1','0','15','16'] # ending IP

currentip = minip # set currentip to value of minip

while currentip != maxip: # carry out while currentip is not the same as the 
	if currentip[2]<maxip[2] and currentip[3]<256:
		currentip[3] = currentip[3]+1

<end my code>

I'd appreciate any help.


From cyresse at  Sun Feb 20 11:43:07 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 20 11:43:10 2005
Subject: Fwd: [Tutor] Create list of IPs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <BAY101-F12ECA490FC5E061D553BD2E4600@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Liam Clarke <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 23:42:43 +1300
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Create list of IPs
To: Ralfas Jegorovas <>

Hi, you could save yourself some hassle and do

>>> minipstr = ''
>>> maxipstr = ''
>>> minip = map(int, minipstr.split('.'))
>>> maxip = map(int, maxipstr.split('.'))
>>> iplist = []
>>> for a in range(minip[2], maxip[2]+1):
...     if a < maxip[2]:
...             for b in range(minip[3], 255):
...                     iplist.append('.'.join(map(str,
[minip[0],minip[1], a, b])))
...     else:
...             for b in range(minip[3], minip[3]+1):
...                     iplist.append('.'.join(map(str,
[minip[0],minip[1], a, b])))

Eek, that's a bit Perlish, might want to break the iplist.append line into

ipintlist =  [minip[0],minip[1], a, b]
ipstrlist = map(str, ipintlist)


Liam Clarke


It's ugly, but it works, someone better will shortly post a prettier,
more elegant and efficient version.
'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Sun Feb 20 11:44:01 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 20 11:44:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Create list of IPs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <BAY101-F12ECA490FC5E061D553BD2E4600@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Oops, also change this line

for b in range(minip[3], 255):


for b in change(minip[3], 256):

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 23:43:07 +1300, Liam Clarke <> wrote:
> Erp.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Liam Clarke <>
> Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 23:42:43 +1300
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Create list of IPs
> To: Ralfas Jegorovas <>
> Hi, you could save yourself some hassle and do
> >>> minipstr = ''
> >>> maxipstr = ''
> >>>
> >>> minip = map(int, minipstr.split('.'))
> >>> maxip = map(int, maxipstr.split('.'))
> >>>
> >>> iplist = []
> >>>
> >>> for a in range(minip[2], maxip[2]+1):
> ...     if a < maxip[2]:
> ...             for b in range(minip[3], 255):
> ...                     iplist.append('.'.join(map(str,
> [minip[0],minip[1], a, b])))
> ...     else:
> ...             for b in range(minip[3], minip[3]+1):
> ...                     iplist.append('.'.join(map(str,
> [minip[0],minip[1], a, b])))
> Eek, that's a bit Perlish, might want to break the iplist.append line into
> ipintlist =  [minip[0],minip[1], a, b]
> ipstrlist = map(str, ipintlist)
> iplist.append('.'.join(ipstrlist))
> Liam Clarke
> <Disclaimer>
> It's ugly, but it works, someone better will shortly post a prettier,
> more elegant and efficient version.
> </disclaimer>
> --
> 'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
> And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
> --
> 'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
> And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Sun Feb 20 13:07:52 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 20 13:08:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Instance into another instance
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ismael Garrido wrote:
> The idea of the class is to be able to create a "tree". Where each node 
> can have subnodes, which in turn can have their subnodes...
Are you creating a tree to represent XML data? There are many packages available that do this. You 
might want to look at ElementTree which is one of the easiest to use. In fact, even if you aren't 
trying to represent XML you might find ElementTree useful.


From kent37 at  Sun Feb 20 13:26:54 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 20 13:26:58 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance
	attributes	question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi, 
> just an expansion on Brian's query, is there a variant of getattr for
> instance methods?
> i.e. class DBRequest:
>     def __init__(self, fields, action):
>         self.get(fields)
>     def get(self, fields):
>         print fields
> Instead of self.get in _init__, the value of action to call a
> function? Or, is it going to have to be dictionary dispatch?

I don't understand your example, but instance methods are attributes too, so getattr() works with 
them as well as simple values.

An instance method is an attribute of the class whose value is a function. When you access the 
attribute on an instance you get something called a 'bound method' which holds a reference to the 
actual function and a reference to the instance (to pass to the function as the 'self' parameter). 
You can call a bound method just like any other function. So:

  >>> class foo:
  ...   def __init__(self):
  ... = 3
  ...   def baz(self):
  ...     print
  >>> f=foo()

getattr() of a simple attribute:
  >>> getattr(f, 'bar')

getattr() of an instance method returns a 'bound method':
  >>> getattr(f, 'baz')
<bound method foo.baz of < instance at 0x008D5FD0>>

Calling the bound method (note the added ()) is the same as calling the instance method directly:
  >>> getattr(f, 'baz')()

Of course you can do the same thing with dot notation for attributes:
  >>> b=f.baz
  >>> b
<bound method foo.baz of < instance at 0x008D5FD0>>
  >>> b()


From kent37 at  Sun Feb 20 13:53:47 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 20 13:53:52 2005
Subject: Fwd: [Tutor] Create list of IPs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <BAY101-F12ECA490FC5E061D553BD2E4600@phx.gbl>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi, you could save yourself some hassle and do
>>>>minipstr = ''
>>>>maxipstr = ''
>>>>minip = map(int, minipstr.split('.'))
>>>>maxip = map(int, maxipstr.split('.'))
>>>>iplist = []
>>>>for a in range(minip[2], maxip[2]+1):
> ...     if a < maxip[2]:
> ...             for b in range(minip[3], 255):
> ...                     iplist.append('.'.join(map(str,
> [minip[0],minip[1], a, b])))
> ...     else:
> ...             for b in range(minip[3], minip[3]+1):
> ...                     iplist.append('.'.join(map(str,
> [minip[0],minip[1], a, b])))
> Eek, that's a bit Perlish, might want to break the iplist.append line into
> ipintlist =  [minip[0],minip[1], a, b]
> ipstrlist = map(str, ipintlist)
> iplist.append('.'.join(ipstrlist))

I don't think this will work correctly with for example
minipstr = ''
maxipstr = ''

I would break this problem up conceptually. It has maybe four different parts:
- convert a string representation of an IP address to a useful representation. Liam shows how to do 
this above, a list of ints is easy to work with.
- convert the useful representation back to a string. Again, Liam shows how to do this.
- compare two IPs. If the IPs are represented as lists of ints, you can compare them directly:
  >>> a=[1,2,1,5]
  >>> b=[1,2,3,4]
  >>> a>b
  >>> a<b
  >>> a==[1,2,1,5]

- increment an IP. This is the hardest part. You have to implement a counter that works with the 
list representation. Here is one way to do it - this function does the right thing with the last 
'digit', then if there was a carry it calls itself recursively to increment the next digit. It rolls 
over from [255, 255, 255, 255] to [0, 0, 0, 0]:

def incr(n, limit, ix=None):
   ''' Increment a number base (limit+1) represented as a list of ints '''
   if ix is None:    # initial call starts at the end
     ix = len(n) - 1
   if ix < 0:        # Off the end, give up
   if n[ix] < limit: # Normal increment
     n[ix] += 1
   else:             # Increment with carry
     n[ix] = 0
     incr(n, limit, ix-1)

incr(a, 255)
print a

incr(a, 255)
print a

incr(a, 255)
print a

incr(a, 255)
print a

a=[255,255, 255,255]
incr(a, 255)
print a

## prints
[1, 2, 1, 6]
[1, 2, 2, 0]
[1, 3, 0, 0]
[2, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0]


From mark.kels at  Sun Feb 20 16:12:54 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Sun Feb 20 16:12:58 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with .get in Tkinter
Message-ID: <>

Hi all.
First, here is the code I have a problem with (I got same problem in
my project) :
from Tkinter import *
def go():
    print e


For some reason the function is called before I click the button, and
I get .10037088 before I have done a thing.
How do I do it right ???
1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From lumbricus at  Sun Feb 20 16:18:34 2005
From: lumbricus at (
Date: Sun Feb 20 16:18:38 2005
Subject: Fwd: [Tutor] Create list of IPs
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Liam Clarke wrote:

[ snip ]

> - increment an IP. This is the hardest part. 

Why? An ip (V4) is just an 32bit integer :-)
The problem arises from the representation.
Use something like
to switch between the various representations.

> Kent

HTH and Greetings, J"o!

Wir sind jetzt ein Imperium und wir schaffen uns
unsere eigene Realit?t. Wir sind die Akteure der 
Geschichte, und Ihnen, Ihnen allen bleibt nichts,
als die Realit?t zu studieren, die wir geschaffen haben.
        -- Karl Rove zu Ron Suskind (NYT)

DSL Komplett von GMX +++ Superg?nstig und stressfrei einsteigen!
AKTION "Kein Einrichtungspreis" nutzen:
From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Sun Feb 20 16:21:00 2005
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Sun Feb 20 16:21:22 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Create list of IPs
In-Reply-To: <BAY101-F12ECA490FC5E061D553BD2E4600@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY101-F12ECA490FC5E061D553BD2E4600@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <cva9mo$c7$>

Ralfas Jegorovas wrote:
> I am wondering how I would go about making a list of IPs between two set
> IPs.

# First, list2str can be written shorter
.def list2str(lst):
.    return '.'.join(map(str, lst))

# The inverse of that is also needed
.def str2list(s):
.    return map(int, s.split('.'))

# Note that an IP address can also be represented as an integer
.def lst2int(lst):
.    return (lst[0] << 24) | (lst[1] << 16) | (lst[2] << 8) | lst[3]

# Reverse:
.def lst2int(ip_int):
.    return map(int, [ip_int >> 24,
.                     (ip_int >> 16) & 0xff,
.                     (ip_int >> 8) & 0xff,
.                      ip_int & 0xff])

# Once the IP addresses are converted to integers, we can simply
# loop from the first to the second
.def generate_iplist(minip, maxip):
.    iplist = []
.    minip_int = lst2int(str2list(minip))
.    maxip_int = lst2int(str2list(maxip))
.    for ip in range(minip_int, maxip_int+1):
.        iplist.append(list2str(int2lst(ip)))
.    return iplist

# Example:
.>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
.    for ip in generate_iplist('', ''):
.        print ip

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From s.varun at  Sun Feb 20 16:25:40 2005
From: s.varun at (Varun Soundararajan)
Date: Sun Feb 20 16:25:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Time Controlled Execution
Message-ID: <>

I want to know how to do this:
I have an executable file, which reads input from stdin provided
output at stdout or stderr.
I have to run it for a specific period of time (say 5 secs), get the
output and display it.
If i use popen(), this way:
from subprocess import *
p = Popen(["test","<"," >test.out"], shell=True) 
print p.stdin,p.stdout
I dont get output in p.stdout.Apart from this, can u say how to stop
this subprocess after 5 secs (or whatever time frame specified)?
signal SIGALRM may not work (as i want it to work in windows & unix).
From klappnase at  Sun Feb 20 17:11:05 2005
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Sun Feb 20 17:08:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with .get in Tkinter
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 17:12:54 +0200
Mark Kels <> wrote:

> Hi all.
> First, here is the code I have a problem with (I got same problem in
> my project) :
> from Tkinter import *
> def go():
>     e.get()
>     print e
> main=Tk()
> e=Entry(main)
> e.pack()
> b=Button(main,text='OK',command=go()).pack()
> main.mainloop()
> For some reason the function is called before I click the button, and
> I get .10037088 before I have done a thing.
> How do I do it right ???
> -- 

Hi Mark,

First problem:

you need to assign the command for the button without parenthesis:

b = Button(main, text='OK', command=go)

I split the line you used into two lines, because pack() returns None , so you don't have a reference
to the button once you created it. Of course you can do it the way you did if you don't need to reference
the button anymore, however there's not much use in assigning a new variable to it, just write:


Second problem:

your go() function does just what you told it to: it prints the "window name" (or however this is called) of
the entry widget. You surely meant something like this:

def go():
    contents = e.get()
    print contents

or simply:

def go():
    print e.get()

I hope this helps


From amonroe at  Sun Feb 20 17:24:36 2005
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Sun Feb 20 17:25:36 2005
Subject: Fwd: [Tutor] Create list of IPs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

>> Liam Clarke wrote:

> [ snip ]

>> - increment an IP. This is the hardest part. 

> Why? An ip (V4) is just an 32bit integer :-)

Indeed. Some early versions of MacTCP for MacOS made you input the
address as a single large decimal number :^)


From kent37 at  Sun Feb 20 18:16:05 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 20 18:16:11 2005
Subject: Fwd: [Tutor] Create list of IPs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <> wrote:
>>Liam Clarke wrote:
> [ snip ]
>>- increment an IP. This is the hardest part. 
> Why? An ip (V4) is just an 32bit integer :-)
> The problem arises from the representation.
> Use something like
> ""
> to switch between the various representations.

:-) Amazing what a difference it makes to look at a problem a different way.


From kent37 at  Sun Feb 20 18:22:49 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sun Feb 20 18:22:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Instance into another instance
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ismael Garrido wrote:
> Kent Johnson wrote:
>> Are you creating a tree to represent XML data? There are many packages 
>> available that do this. You might want to look at ElementTree which is 
>> one of the easiest to use. In fact, even if you aren't trying to 
>> represent XML you might find ElementTree useful.
>> Kent
> Yes, that was my intention. ElementTree looks very interesting. Thanks 
> for the suggestion.

You can find other ideas here:


From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb 20 19:09:06 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb 20 19:08:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] help with .get in Tkinter
References: <>
Message-ID: <015301c51777$45211430$2ca88651@xp>


There are two problems here:

> from Tkinter import *
> def go():...

> e=Entry(main)
> e.pack()

This is OK but...

> b=Button(main,text='OK',command=go()).pack()

Problem 1:
This will store None in b because pack() always returns None.

Problem 2:
> For some reason the function is called before I click the button,
> I get .10037088 before I have done a thing.

Thats because you are calling go() inside the widget specification,
you need to pass a reference to the function instead - ie miss out
the parens:


That should fix it.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From rschroev_nospam_ml at  Sun Feb 20 20:59:39 2005
From: rschroev_nospam_ml at (Roel Schroeven)
Date: Sun Feb 20 21:00:03 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Fwd: Create list of IPs
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <cvaq16$bvj$>

R. Alan Monroe wrote:
>>>Liam Clarke wrote:
>>[ snip ]
>>>- increment an IP. This is the hardest part. 
>>Why? An ip (V4) is just an 32bit integer :-)
> Indeed. Some early versions of MacTCP for MacOS made you input the
> address as a single large decimal number :^)

And you can use it in URLs too (at least in Mozilla):'s IP
address is, which is 3261958626 when represented as an
integer. Typing http://3261958626/ in the browsers address bar takes you
to the homepage :)

"Codito ergo sum"
Roel Schroeven

From mwalsh at  Sun Feb 20 21:32:13 2005
From: mwalsh at (Martin Walsh)
Date: Sun Feb 20 21:32:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Attaching an uploaded file to an email
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tim Wilson wrote:

>Hi everyone,
Hi Tim,

I'm a newb, first time posting, so please take any of the following 
advice at face value....

># Collect form information
>form = cgi.FieldStorage()
>requestername = form["requestername"].value
>fromaddr = form["email"].value
>itemname = form["itemname"].value
>description = form["description"].value
>buildings = form.getlist("building")
>room = form["room"].value
>dateneeded = form["dateneeded"].value
>po = form["po"].value
>budgetcode = form["budgetcode"].value
>attachment = form["attachment"].value
based on this cookbook recipe, it looks 
like cgi.FieldStorage() returns a file-like object for file input 
fields, having  .filename and .file attributes. the file attribute has a 
read() method which may be useful. having never used cgi I'm not sure 
what .value returns for file input fields, don't know if this is of any 

>buildinglist = ", ".join(buildings)
>**[ misc code snipped ]**
># Set some email headers
>#msg = MIMEText(msgtext)
>msg = MIMEMultipart()
>msg['Subject'] = itemname
>msg['From'] = "%s <%s>" % (requestername, fromaddr)
>msg['To'] = toaddr
>if len(buildings) != 0:
>    for building in buildings:
>        msg['X-HRT-Building'] = building
>if po != "": msg['X-HRT-PO'] = po
>if dateneeded != "":
>    try:
>        duedate = time.asctime(time.strptime(dateneeded, "%m/%d/%Y"))
>        msg['X-HRT-Due-Date'] = duedate
>    except ValueError:
>        pass
>msg.preamble = "Tech order request"
>msg.epilogue = ""
if you know that the attachment will always be a text file and your 
assignment of 'attachment' looks like this:

    attachment = form["attachment"]

then you might try the following (untested):

    part = MIMEText(
    # if I understand correctly, the 'Content-Disposition' header is 
necessary to make the file
    # appear in the message as an attachment, otherwise it may occupy 
the msg body.
    part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', 

># Send the message
>server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
>server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, msg.as_string(0))
there's a great example in the email module docs if you're dealing with 
more than just text files : (3rd example, using the 
mimetypes module)

I have collected code snippets from various sources (python docs, ASPNs 
python cookbook) into a basic MIMEMailer class, that I use fairly 
regularly in hobby projects. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to 
share, or post it here.


From ralfasy2k at  Sun Feb 20 21:41:59 2005
From: ralfasy2k at (Ralfas Jegorovas)
Date: Sun Feb 20 21:42:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Create list of IPs
Message-ID: <BAY101-F39C161EC7096C0640EF8FCE4600@phx.gbl>

Thanks alot to everyone for your help!
I'm not completely sure I understand how Roel's code works so I'll be doing 
a bit of research :-) (but it works :-D). Thanks again.

All the best,

From cyresse at  Sun Feb 20 22:54:05 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 20 22:54:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] dictionary dispatch for object instance attributes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ah, see, I should convince my bosses that I need a Python interpreter.
Of course, then they'd ask what Python was, and why I was thinking
about it at work....

Duh, I was just reading the docs, and I kept thinking that an
attribute was just a class variable.

Thanks, Kent, now I have all sorts of interesting experiments to undertake...

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 07:26:54 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > just an expansion on Brian's query, is there a variant of getattr for
> > instance methods?
> >
> > i.e. class DBRequest:
> >     def __init__(self, fields, action):
> >         self.get(fields)
> >
> >     def get(self, fields):
> >         print fields
> >
> >
> > Instead of self.get in _init__, the value of action to call a
> > function? Or, is it going to have to be dictionary dispatch?
> I don't understand your example, but instance methods are attributes too, so getattr() works with
> them as well as simple values.
> An instance method is an attribute of the class whose value is a function. When you access the
> attribute on an instance you get something called a 'bound method' which holds a reference to the
> actual function and a reference to the instance (to pass to the function as the 'self' parameter).
> You can call a bound method just like any other function. So:
>   >>> class foo:
>   ...   def __init__(self):
>   ... = 3
>   ...   def baz(self):
>   ...     print
>   ...
>   >>> f=foo()
> getattr() of a simple attribute:
>   >>> getattr(f, 'bar')
> 3
> getattr() of an instance method returns a 'bound method':
>   >>> getattr(f, 'baz')
> <bound method foo.baz of < instance at 0x008D5FD0>>
> Calling the bound method (note the added ()) is the same as calling the instance method directly:
>   >>> getattr(f, 'baz')()
> 3
> Of course you can do the same thing with dot notation for attributes:
>   >>> b=f.baz
>   >>> b
> <bound method foo.baz of < instance at 0x008D5FD0>>
>   >>> b()
> 3
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Sun Feb 20 22:57:48 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 20 22:57:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Attaching an uploaded file to an email
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Yeah, you really have to see a few examples to get the hang of
creating MIME emails, this is one area where I think the Python docs,
quite frankly, stink. I had enough trouble getting attachments from a
MIME email, let alone adding one.

(But, if I recall correctly, a MIME email has a distinct structure, to
the point that the email  module has a walk() function to traverse


Liam Clarke

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 15:32:13 -0500, Martin Walsh <> wrote:
> Tim Wilson wrote:
> >Hi everyone,
> >
> >
> Hi Tim,
> I'm a newb, first time posting, so please take any of the following
> advice at face value....
> ># Collect form information
> >form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> >requestername = form["requestername"].value
> >fromaddr = form["email"].value
> >itemname = form["itemname"].value
> >description = form["description"].value
> >buildings = form.getlist("building")
> >room = form["room"].value
> >dateneeded = form["dateneeded"].value
> >po = form["po"].value
> >budgetcode = form["budgetcode"].value
> >attachment = form["attachment"].value
> >
> >
> based on this cookbook recipe
>, it looks
> like cgi.FieldStorage() returns a file-like object for file input
> fields, having  .filename and .file attributes. the file attribute has a
> read() method which may be useful. having never used cgi I'm not sure
> what .value returns for file input fields, don't know if this is of any
> consequence.
> >buildinglist = ", ".join(buildings)
> >
> >**[ misc code snipped ]**
> >
> ># Set some email headers
> >#msg = MIMEText(msgtext)
> >msg = MIMEMultipart()
> >msg['Subject'] = itemname
> >msg['From'] = "%s <%s>" % (requestername, fromaddr)
> >msg['To'] = toaddr
> >if len(buildings) != 0:
> >    for building in buildings:
> >        msg['X-HRT-Building'] = building
> >if po != "": msg['X-HRT-PO'] = po
> >if dateneeded != "":
> >    try:
> >        duedate = time.asctime(time.strptime(dateneeded, "%m/%d/%Y"))
> >        msg['X-HRT-Due-Date'] = duedate
> >    except ValueError:
> >        pass
> >msg.preamble = "Tech order request"
> >msg.epilogue = ""
> >
> >
> if you know that the attachment will always be a text file and your
> assignment of 'attachment' looks like this:
>     attachment = form["attachment"]
> then you might try the following (untested):
>     part = MIMEText(
>     # if I understand correctly, the 'Content-Disposition' header is
> necessary to make the file
>     # appear in the message as an attachment, otherwise it may occupy
> the msg body.
>     part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
> filename=attachment.filename)
>     msg.attach(part)
> ># Send the message
> >server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
> >server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, msg.as_string(0))
> >server.quit()
> >
> >
> there's a great example in the email module docs if you're dealing with
> more than just text files :
> (3rd example, using the
> mimetypes module)
> I have collected code snippets from various sources (python docs, ASPNs
> python cookbook) into a basic MIMEMailer class, that I use fairly
> regularly in hobby projects. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to
> share, or post it here.
> HTH,
> Marty
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From gltewalt at  Mon Feb 21 01:02:05 2005
From: gltewalt at (Greg T)
Date: Mon Feb 21 01:02:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Create list of IPs
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> I am wondering how I would go about making a list of
> IPs between two set 
> IPs.
> This is my initial code:
> <my code>
> def list2str(list):
>     ip=''
>     for part in list:
>         if len(ip)!=0:
>             ip=ip+'.'+part
>         else:
>             ip=ip+part
>     return ip
> iplist = []
> minip = ['1','0','0','1'] # starting IP
> maxip = ['1','0','15','16'] # ending IP
> currentip = minip # set currentip to value of minip

> I'd appreciate any help.
> Thanks,
> Ralf

It looks like you need not concern yourself with
the ['1','0',...] part of your array(s).
Only to increment from '0','1' to '15','16'
Keeping with arrays, you could get last position
of the array and increment number until 16.
If last position > 15, stop incrementation and move to
next to last position in the array until it reaches 15
(also breaks to to adding 15 to each octet in the last
two array positions, one by one)


Do You Yahoo!?
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From cmeesters at  Mon Feb 21 11:01:26 2005
From: cmeesters at (Christian Meesters)
Date: Mon Feb 21 11:01:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Initializing with a call like:"someFile")?
Message-ID: <>


My cryptic subject is perhaps not sufficient - I'll try to make it a little better:
Assume you'd like to write something like: 

import someClass
x ="someFile")

Here '.open' should read in the data and initialize the instance - with or without calling __init__. 
How is this to implement? Up to now I rather wrote something like x = 
someClass(somePrepFunction("someFile")) where the return value of somePrepFunction was used 
to initialize x or called the conventional 'open' within __init__. But is there no direct approach like 
in my pseudo-code?
My problem is that if I simply define open as a method of someClass (with 
def open(self,file_name): 
) all I get is:
TypeError: unbound method open() must be called with someClass instance as first argument 
(got str instance instead)
Which is perfectly understandable. But what is a possible workaround? (Instead of 'open' I could, 
of course, better use some other keyword which is no Python keyword.)

Any hints?

Thanks a lot in advance.
From cvmallari at  Mon Feb 21 11:42:22 2005
From: cvmallari at (Chris Mallari)
Date: Mon Feb 21 11:42:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] database programming
Message-ID: <>

hi there! can u pls send me sample code in accessing a simple database
using python.

Chris Mallari
From lgxjcb at  Mon Feb 21 11:57:26 2005
From: lgxjcb at (Chris Bromley)
Date: Mon Feb 21 12:03:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles
Message-ID: <>

Dear All, 

Just a quick follow up for those of you who are interested. The batching script is now working and is attached below.

The intermediate step of saving the xy layer to a folder was unecessary and has been removed. The 'MakeXYEventLayer' command only creates "in memory" layers and not .lyr files on disk. Also, the 'FeatureClassToShapefile' command has been replaced by the 'CopyFeatures' command, since all that FeatureClassToShapefile does is call CopyFeatures multiple times. CopyFeatures is faster. 

Thanks again to evryone who replied to my second posting. 



#Import standard library modules
import win32com.client, sys, os

#Create the Geoprocessor object
GP = win32com.client.Dispatch("esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1")

import traceback

#Set the input workspace
GP.workspace = "C:/One"

#Set the shapefile output workspace
outputShapefiles = "C:/Shapefiles"

    # Load required toolboxes...    
    GP.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Data Management Tools.tbx")
    GP.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Conversion Tools.tbx")
    #Get a list of dBase files in the input folder
    fcs = GP.ListTables("*","dBASE")

    #Loop through the list of dBase files
    fc = fcs.Next()

    while fc:
        # Set the outputname for each output to be the same as the input.
        outxyLayer = fc.split(".")[0]

        #Convert each dBase table in the list into an xyLayer.
        GP.MakeXYEventLayer_management(fc, "X", "Y", outxyLayer, "")
        print "Made XYEvent layer %s with %i features" % (outxyLayer, gp.GetCount(outxyLayer))
        #Convert each xyLayer into a shapefile
        GP.CopyFeatures(outxyLayer, outputShapefiles + "/" + outxyLayer)
        #Move to the next fc in the list.
        print "FINISHED converting %s TO %s" % (fc, outputShapefiles + "/" + outxyLayer)
        fc = fcs.Next()

    # If an error occurred print the message to the screen
    print GP.GetMessages()

This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment
may still contain software viruses, which could damage your computer system:
you are advised to perform your own checks. Email communications with the
University of Nottingham may be monitored as permitted by UK legislation.

From kent37 at  Mon Feb 21 12:29:26 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 21 12:29:31 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Initializing with a call like:"someFile")?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Christian Meesters wrote:
> Hi
> My cryptic subject is perhaps not sufficient - I'll try to make it a little better:
> Assume you'd like to write something like: 
> import someClass
> x ="someFile")
> Here '.open' should read in the data and initialize the instance - with or without calling __init__. 
> How is this to implement? Up to now I rather wrote something like x = 
> someClass(somePrepFunction("someFile")) where the return value of somePrepFunction was used 
> to initialize x or called the conventional 'open' within __init__. But is there no direct approach like 
> in my pseudo-code?

You can make your code work as written by making open() a module-level function in 
Call the function fromFile() to avoid redefining open. Assuming the class has a constructor that 
takes a string argument:

def fromFile(f):
   data = open(f).read()
   return someClass(data)

class someClass:
   def __init__(self, data ):
     # init from data

Another way to do it, if this is the only way you create someClass instances, is to put the file 
read right in __init__():
class someClass:
   def __init__(self, f):
     data = open(f).read()
     # init from data

Finally, you can implement fromFile() as a classmethod of someClass:

class someClass:
   def __init__(self, data ):
     # init from data

   @classmethod@  # requires Python 2.4
   def fromFile(cls, f):
     data = open(f).read()
     return cls(data)

Clients would do this:
from someClass import someClass
x = someClass.fromFile("someFile")

See this thread on comp.lang.python for more discussion of a similar requirement:


> My problem is that if I simply define open as a method of someClass (with 
> def open(self,file_name): 
> 	#somecode
> 	pass
> ) all I get is:
> TypeError: unbound method open() must be called with someClass instance as first argument 
> (got str instance instead)
> Which is perfectly understandable. But what is a possible workaround? (Instead of 'open' I could, 
> of course, better use some other keyword which is no Python keyword.)

Several possibilities:
- you can make a function to do what you want:

> Any hints?
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Christian
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From bgibson at  Mon Feb 21 13:59:43 2005
From: bgibson at (Bob Gibson)
Date: Mon Feb 21 13:59:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: database programming
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> hi there! can u pls send me sample code in accessing a simple database
> using python.
> Chris Mallari
> thanks


  How about "Jython"?  Here's an article that I just wrote:

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From misha.dunn at  Mon Feb 21 15:22:54 2005
From: misha.dunn at (Michael Dunn)
Date: Mon Feb 21 15:23:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] database programming
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Chris,

If you just want to learn about databases, then sqlite is a good way
to go. It's small, it's typeless (which means you don't have to define
ahead of time what sort of thing is going to go in which bit of the
database; python is typeless too), and it is not split into client and
server (making it much simpler to install and manage, although you
can't use it for fancy stuff over a network).

You can install sqlite from if you want to play
around with the interpreter. This is a good idea if you're not used to
databases or you don't know sql, because then you'll learn better what
python is trying to do (or what you're trying to make python do).
There are plenty of one-off jobs that are easier to do directly in the
sqlite interpreter too.

To use sqlite from python you need pysqlite from If you install the binary
you don't need to install sqlite separately.

There are simple examples of usage in the manual (at, or with the installation files). A
short example is:

import sqlite
connection = sqlite.connect("my_database") # make a connection
cursor = connection.cursor() # make a database cursor
cursor.execute("select * from table1") # send a sql command to the database
results = cursor.fetchall() # get a list with the results

Cheers, Michael

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 18:42:22 +0800, Chris Mallari <> wrote:
> hi there! can u pls send me sample code in accessing a simple database
> using python.
> Chris Mallari
> thanks
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From pierre.barbier at  Mon Feb 21 16:06:51 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Mon Feb 21 16:04:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Time Controlled Execution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I really don't think you can have a common way to do this on both 
systems. First, the way to kill a process is quite different on both 
systems (the os.kill function works only on UNIX systems, and I don't 
know is there is such a function available in Python for MS Windows). 
Then, I really doubt the use of pipes will work on Windows ... In our 
labs, there was some tries to port UNIX program using pipes under 
Windows and bidirectionnal pipes did not work at all and were thus 

But try googling for some package doing something similar. If you get 
any answer, don't forget to warn the list :)


Varun Soundararajan a ?crit :
> Hi,
> I want to know how to do this:
> I have an executable file, which reads input from stdin provided
> output at stdout or stderr.
> I have to run it for a specific period of time (say 5 secs), get the
> output and display it.
> If i use popen(), this way:
> from subprocess import *
> p = Popen(["test","<"," >test.out"], shell=True) 
> p.wait()
> print p.stdin,p.stdout
> I dont get output in p.stdout.Apart from this, can u say how to stop
> this subprocess after 5 secs (or whatever time frame specified)?
> signal SIGALRM may not work (as i want it to work in windows & unix).
> -Varun
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From ryan at  Mon Feb 21 16:34:31 2005
From: ryan at (Ryan Davis)
Date: Mon Feb 21 16:34:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Initializing with a call like:"someFile")?
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

You could make the __init__ take the filename:

def __init__(self, filename=None):
   #do whatever

And then instantiate the object like:
>>>x = someClass(filename="someFile")

Alternatively, you could make the Open function a module level function, defined in, but not in the actual class

There's also a way to do it with @staticmethod, but I haven't ever touched that.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Christian Meesters
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 5:01 AM
Subject: [Tutor] Initializing with a call like:"someFile")?


My cryptic subject is perhaps not sufficient - I'll try to make it a little better:
Assume you'd like to write something like: 

import someClass
x ="someFile")

Here '.open' should read in the data and initialize the instance - with or without calling __init__. 
How is this to implement? Up to now I rather wrote something like x = 
someClass(somePrepFunction("someFile")) where the return value of somePrepFunction was used 
to initialize x or called the conventional 'open' within __init__. But is there no direct approach like 
in my pseudo-code?
My problem is that if I simply define open as a method of someClass (with 
def open(self,file_name): 
) all I get is:
TypeError: unbound method open() must be called with someClass instance as first argument 
(got str instance instead)
Which is perfectly understandable. But what is a possible workaround? (Instead of 'open' I could, 
of course, better use some other keyword which is no Python keyword.)

Any hints?

Thanks a lot in advance.
Tutor maillist  -

From mark.kels at  Mon Feb 21 18:36:32 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Mon Feb 21 18:36:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help debuging a small program
Message-ID: <>

Hi list !
Here is a small port scanner I made to practice sockets and GUI
programming ( WARNING: the program crash when scan button is clicked):

from Tkinter import * 
import socket
#----------The result GUI window function---------
def result():
    global result_t #I made result_t global so I will be able to
insert data into it from the scan function
#----------Command Functions----------
# + ---Function to get the info from the gui and start the scan---
def get_info():

# + ---The Scan---
def scan(host,start_port,end_port):
    sk=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    while start_port<=end_port:
            result_t.insert(END,"Port",start_port,"is CLOSED on",host,"\n")
            result_t.insert(END,"Port",start_port,"is OPENED on",host,"\n")
#----------The main GUI window----------        
Label(root,text="Host: ").grid(row=1,column=1)
Label(root,text="Start port: ").grid(row=2,column=1)
Label(root,text="End port: ").grid(row=3,column=1)


Why does the program crash (without any errors :-/ ) when I click the
Scan button ??

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From kent37 at  Mon Feb 21 19:21:35 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 21 19:21:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help debuging a small program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Kels wrote:
> Hi list !
> Here is a small port scanner I made to practice sockets and GUI
> programming ( WARNING: the program crash when scan button is clicked):

How far does it get? How do you know?

I would put some debug print statements in. Also you should call sk.close() in the else clause of 
scan(). Finally, I don't think you will see any output in the result window until get_info() 
returns; you have to give some time to mainloop() for it to be able to trigger the updates.

> #----------Imports----------
> from Tkinter import * 
> import socket
> #----------The result GUI window function---------
> def result():
>     global result_t #I made result_t global so I will be able to
> insert data into it from the scan function
>     r_root=Toplevel(root)
>     result_t=Text(r_root)
>     result_t.pack()
> #----------Command Functions----------
> # + ---Function to get the info from the gui and start the scan---
> def get_info():
>     result()
>     host=host_e.get()
>     start_port=int(start_port_e.get())
>     end_port=int(end_port_e.get())
>     scan(host,start_port,end_port)
> # + ---The Scan---
> def scan(host,start_port,end_port):
>     sk=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>     while start_port<=end_port:
>         try:
>             sk.connect((host,start_port))
>         except:
>             result_t.insert(END,"Port",start_port,"is CLOSED on",host,"\n")
>         else:
>             result_t.insert(END,"Port",start_port,"is OPENED on",host,"\n")
>         start_port=start_port+1
> #----------The main GUI window----------        
> root=Tk()
> Label(root,text="Host: ").grid(row=1,column=1)
> host_e=Entry(root)
> host_e.grid(row=1,column=2)
> Label(root,text="Start port: ").grid(row=2,column=1)
> start_port_e=Entry(root)
> start_port_e.grid(row=2,column=2)
> Label(root,text="End port: ").grid(row=3,column=1)
> end_port_e=Entry(root)
> end_port_e.grid(row=3,column=2)
> Button(root,text="Scan",command=get_info).grid(row=5,column=1)
> root.mainloop()
> Why does the program crash (without any errors :-/ ) when I click the
> Scan button ??

From dyoo at  Mon Feb 21 19:38:31 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb 21 19:38:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] database programming
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, Chris Mallari wrote:

> hi there! can u pls send me sample code in accessing a simple database
> using python.

Hi Chris,

You may want to look at the Database topic guide:

It has links to examples, tutorials, and other documentation.

From bvande at  Mon Feb 21 21:02:18 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Mon Feb 21 21:08:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] design?--having subclassed methods add logic in the middel
 of class methods
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I am still building my toolset for working with treepad files. (This 
is the one all my recent posts concerning Node classes have been about.)

I am exploring ways of having the methods of a sub-class insert 
additional logic into their version of a class's methods, while still 
running the original class's method logic.

All code below is pseudo-code.

My Node class has a parse method which in part looks something like:

def _parse(self, list_of_lines):

     # some parsing based on whole list_of_lines

     for line in list_of_lines:
         # Do line parsing stuff here

In a subclass of Node class, I am wanting Subclassed_Node._parse() to 
behave somewhat differently than does Node._parse(). I need the 
subclass method to insert new logic into the for line in list_of_lines 
part of _parse method.

Is this an acceptable design for doing this?

# in Node class

def _parse(self, list_of_lines):

     # some parsing based on whole list_of_lines

     for line in list_of_lines:
         # Do line parsing stuff here

def _subclass_preparse(self, line):
     '''Dummy method to override'''

# in Subclassed_Node class

def _subclass_preparse(self, line):
    '''Subclassed_Node class specific parsing, overrides Node method.'''
    # Do special parsing of the line here here

Does this scream `Danger -- spaghetti code will result down the road'? 
The method name containing `preparse' indicates I might also feel a 
need for a `postparse' structure, too.

The only viable alternative I see (copy and paste is clearly worse ;-) 
is to break my Node._parse up into a part that works on the whole 
list_of_lines and a part that works on each line as in

def _parse(self, list_of_lines):

     self._parse_list_of_lines(self, list_of_lines)

     for line in list_of_lines:

def _parse_line(self, line):
     # line parsing logic here

Then the subclass of Node would define _parse_line like so:

def _parse_line(self, line):

     # line parsing logic before the Node class line parsing logic
     # akin to _subclass_preparse above

     Node._parse_line(self, line)

     # line parsing logic after the Node class line parsing logic
     # akin to the possibly needed _subclass_postparse mentioned above

Are there general reasons to prefer one approach over the other? 
Alternative ways I've overlooked?

Best and thanks to all,

Brian vdB

From administrata at  Mon Feb 21 21:55:26 2005
From: administrata at (. Sm0kin'_Bull)
Date: Mon Feb 21 21:56:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] More Advanced Calculator.
Message-ID: <BAY22-F4056E66650D4D1F22FA8CFC8610@phx.gbl>

With your helps i managed to program Advanced Calculator.
But, I want to change(or add) some to it.

1. How can i /n/n result bit? I tired.. but, I can't

2. How can i enable it to calculate float-pointing numbers? (Which will make 
it complicated)

It should looks like this...

Please input data

Mathsmetical Sign:


And the source i got

import operator

ops_dict = {'+': operator.add, '*' : operator.mul, '-' : operator.sub,
            '/' : operator.div}

def perform_arithmetic():
     print "Please input data"
     number1 = int(raw_input("\nNumber1: "))
     sign = raw_input("Mathsmetics Sign: ")
     number2 = int(raw_input("Number2: "))

         result = ops_dict[sign](number1, number2)
     except KeyError:
         raise NotImplementedError, "I don't know the sign '%s'" %sign

     # add output formatting logic as desired

     return result

print perform_arithmetic()


Cheers! :)

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

From cyresse at  Mon Feb 21 21:58:00 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 21 21:58:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] database programming
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>import sqlite

>>>x = sqlite.connect('mysqlitedb')
>>>cx = x.cursor()

>>>cx.execute( 'create table foo (columnA varchar(15), columnB number(3))' )
>>>cx.execute ('insert into foo (columnA, columnB) values ("Parrot", 90)')
>>>cx.execute('select * from foo')
[('Parrot', 90)]
>>>cx.execute('insert into foo (columnA, columnB) values ("Sketch", 120)' ) 
>>>cx.execute('select * from foo')
[('Parrot', 90), ('Sketch', 120)]
>>>cx.execute('select * from foo where columnB < 100')
[('Parrot', 90)]

The key part to all of that is the SQL in the execute statements.
I recommend which was recommended to me by Alan.

Oh, and don't forget the c.commit() part! That had me running around
in circles all night last night.


Liam Clarke

PS Anyone know if there's a way to get a list of tables in a DB? I've
got the pragma to get a list of columns in a table, but just in the
off chance...
On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 10:38:31 -0800 (PST), Danny Yoo
<> wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, Chris Mallari wrote:
> > hi there! can u pls send me sample code in accessing a simple database
> > using python.
> Hi Chris,
> You may want to look at the Database topic guide:
> It has links to examples, tutorials, and other documentation.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Mon Feb 21 22:21:23 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:21:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] database programming
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:

> PS Anyone know if there's a way to get a list of tables in a DB? I've
> got the pragma to get a list of columns in a table, but just in the
> off chance...

AFAIK there is no standard way to do this - it is different for each database. For SQLite, see this FAQ:


From kent37 at  Mon Feb 21 22:40:30 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:40:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] design?--having subclassed methods add logic in the middel
	of class methods
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am still building my toolset for working with treepad files. (This is 
> the one all my recent posts concerning Node classes have been about.)
> I am exploring ways of having the methods of a sub-class insert 
> additional logic into their version of a class's methods, while still 
> running the original class's method logic.
> All code below is pseudo-code.
> My Node class has a parse method which in part looks something like:
> def _parse(self, list_of_lines):
>     # some parsing based on whole list_of_lines
>     for line in list_of_lines:
>         # Do line parsing stuff here
> In a subclass of Node class, I am wanting Subclassed_Node._parse() to 
> behave somewhat differently than does Node._parse(). I need the subclass 
> method to insert new logic into the for line in list_of_lines part of 
> _parse method.
> Is this an acceptable design for doing this?

Yes. This is an example of the Template Method pattern. It is a very useful technique for allowing 
subclasses to specialize an operation.

> # in Node class
> def _parse(self, list_of_lines):
>     # some parsing based on whole list_of_lines
>     for line in list_of_lines:
>         _subclass_preparse(line)
>         # Do line parsing stuff here
> def _subclass_preparse(self, line):
>     '''Dummy method to override'''
>     pass
> # in Subclassed_Node class
> def _subclass_preparse(self, line):
>    '''Subclassed_Node class specific parsing, overrides Node method.'''
>    # Do special parsing of the line here here
> Does this scream `Danger -- spaghetti code will result down the road'? 
> The method name containing `preparse' indicates I might also feel a need 
> for a `postparse' structure, too.

No, IMO it's a reasonable design.

> The only viable alternative I see (copy and paste is clearly worse ;-) 
> is to break my Node._parse up into a part that works on the whole 
> list_of_lines and a part that works on each line as in
> def _parse(self, list_of_lines):
>     self._parse_list_of_lines(self, list_of_lines)
>     for line in list_of_lines:
>         self._parse_line(line)
> def _parse_line(self, line):
>     # line parsing logic here
> Then the subclass of Node would define _parse_line like so:
> def _parse_line(self, line):
>     # line parsing logic before the Node class line parsing logic
>     # akin to _subclass_preparse above
>     Node._parse_line(self, line)
>     # line parsing logic after the Node class line parsing logic
>     # akin to the possibly needed _subclass_postparse mentioned above
> Are there general reasons to prefer one approach over the other? 
> Alternative ways I've overlooked?

They are both template methods. I would choose between them based on whether there is common 
processing between the subclasses or not. In other words, in the version with _subclass_preparse() 
is there actually some work for the base class to do after _subclass_preparse() is called? If so, 
_subclass_preparse() might be a better design; if not, you might as well just use _parse_line().

BTW I would just call it _preparse() myself.


> Best and thanks to all,
> Brian vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Mon Feb 21 22:46:04 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:46:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] More Advanced Calculator.
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F4056E66650D4D1F22FA8CFC8610@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F4056E66650D4D1F22FA8CFC8610@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

. Sm0kin'_Bull wrote:
> With your helps i managed to program Advanced Calculator.
> But, I want to change(or add) some to it.
> 1. How can i /n/n result bit? I tired.. but, I can't

You can use the print command to print your results. You can give print a list of values and it will 
print them separated with spaces. Try
   print 'Result:', number1, sign, number2, '=', result

> 2. How can i enable it to calculate float-pointing numbers? (Which will 
> make it complicated)

Actually, I think you can just replace
   number1 = int(raw_input("\nNumber1: "))
   number1 = float(raw_input("\nNumber1: "))
(etc) to make it work with floating point!


> It should looks like this...
> Please input data
> Number1:
> Mathsmetical Sign:
> Number2:
> Result:
> And the source i got
> import operator
> ops_dict = {'+': operator.add, '*' : operator.mul, '-' : operator.sub,
>            '/' : operator.div}
> def perform_arithmetic():
>     print "Please input data"
>     number1 = int(raw_input("\nNumber1: "))
>     sign = raw_input("Mathsmetics Sign: ")
>     number2 = int(raw_input("Number2: "))
>     try:
>         result = ops_dict[sign](number1, number2)
>     except KeyError:
>         raise NotImplementedError, "I don't know the sign '%s'" %sign
>     # add output formatting logic as desired
>     return result
> print perform_arithmetic()
> raw_input("")
> Cheers! :)
> _________________________________________________________________
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE! 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From ternary at  Mon Feb 21 23:58:57 2005
From: ternary at (Mike Bell)
Date: Mon Feb 21 23:59:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Time Controlled Execution
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Windows it looks like msvcrt will give you a non-blocking terminal
read -- on mac / *nix systems it looks a little trickier:

The os module in windows doesn't even have O_NONBLOCK.  That seems like trouble.

On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 20:55:40 +0530, Varun Soundararajan
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to know how to do this:
> I have an executable file, which reads input from stdin provided
> output at stdout or stderr.
> I have to run it for a specific period of time (say 5 secs), get the
> output and display it.
> If i use popen(), this way:
> from subprocess import *
> p = Popen(["test","<"," >test.out"], shell=True)
> p.wait()
> print p.stdin,p.stdout
> I dont get output in p.stdout.Apart from this, can u say how to stop
> this subprocess after 5 secs (or whatever time frame specified)?
> signal SIGALRM may not work (as i want it to work in windows & unix).
> -Varun
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From bvande at  Tue Feb 22 00:37:52 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Tue Feb 22 00:44:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] design?--having subclassed methods add logic in the middel
	of class methods
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson said unto the world upon 2005-02-21 16:40:
> Brian van den Broek wrote:
>> I am exploring ways of having the methods of a sub-class insert 
>> additional logic into their version of a class's methods, while still 
>> running the original class's method logic.
>> All code below is pseudo-code.
>> My Node class has a parse method which in part looks something like:
>> def _parse(self, list_of_lines):
>>     # some parsing based on whole list_of_lines
>>     for line in list_of_lines:
>>         # Do line parsing stuff here
>> In a subclass of Node class, I am wanting Subclassed_Node._parse() to 
>> behave somewhat differently than does Node._parse(). I need the 
>> subclass method to insert new logic into the for line in list_of_lines 
>> part of _parse method.
>> Is this an acceptable design for doing this?
> Yes. This is an example of the Template Method pattern. It is a very 
> useful technique for allowing subclasses to specialize an operation.

Hi all,

thanks for the link, Kent. I came up with something that has a 
non-pejorative name? I must be getting warmer! ;-)

<SNIP my code sketch of how to do this `Template Method Pattern'>

>> Does this scream `Danger -- spaghetti code will result down the road'? 
>> The method name containing `preparse' indicates I might also feel a 
>> need for a `postparse' structure, too.
> No, IMO it's a reasonable design.
>> The only viable alternative I see (copy and paste is clearly worse ;-) 
>> is to break my Node._parse up into a part that works on the whole 
>> list_of_lines and a part that works on each line as in

<SNIP example code sketch>

>> Are there general reasons to prefer one approach over the other? 
>> Alternative ways I've overlooked?
> They are both template methods. I would choose between them based on 
> whether there is common processing between the subclasses or not. In 
> other words, in the version with _subclass_preparse() is there actually 
> some work for the base class to do after _subclass_preparse() is called? 
> If so, _subclass_preparse() might be a better design; if not, you might 
> as well just use _parse_line().

Thanks for the advice; useful as ever. :-)

Best to all,

Brian vdB

From cyresse at  Tue Feb 22 01:15:31 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue Feb 22 01:15:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] database programming
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

/me smacks head.

Thanks Kent. Exactly what I need.


Liam Clarke

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 16:21:23 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > PS Anyone know if there's a way to get a list of tables in a DB? I've
> > got the pragma to get a list of columns in a table, but just in the
> > off chance...
> AFAIK there is no standard way to do this - it is different for each database. For SQLite, see this FAQ:
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From bgibson at  Tue Feb 22 03:24:14 2005
From: bgibson at (Bob Gibson)
Date: Tue Feb 22 04:25:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: database programming (list of tables)
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>


  I agree with Kent.  It depends.  Not only on the database, but also on
the interface (API) used to connect to the database.  For example, if you
use ODBC to connect to all of your databases, you should be able to use the


  routine.  For more details, see the following:

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb 22 05:46:13 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb 22 05:45:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] design?--having subclassed methods add logic in the
	middelof class methods
References: <>
Message-ID: <01ae01c51899$7031c520$2ca88651@xp>

> All code below is pseudo-code.
> Is this an acceptable design for doing this?
> # in Node class
> def _parse(self, list_of_lines):
>      # some parsing based on whole list_of_lines
>      for line in list_of_lines:
>          _subclass_preparse(line)
>          # Do line parsing stuff here
> def _subclass_preparse(self, line):
>      '''Dummy method to override'''
>      pass
> # in Subclassed_Node class
> def _subclass_preparse(self, line):
>     '''Subclassed_Node class specific parsing, overrides Node
>     # Do special parsing of the line here here
> Does this scream `Danger -- spaghetti code will result down the

This is a perfectly normal approach. It is even formalised in some
OO dialects which have BEFORE, AROUND and AFTER methods. They work
like this:

class Parent:
  def myMethod(...)

class Child_A(Parent)
  def myMethod(BEFORE,...)  # always execute before Parent method

class Child_B(Parent):
  def myMethod(AFTER,....)  # always execute afyter parent method

class Child_C(Parent):
   def myMethod(AROUND,...) # only execute parent if I explicitly call

Languages without such support use a system of *hooks*, which is
what you have done

class Parent:
   def pre_Method(...): pass  # only for overridding
   def method(...):
      # code here
   def postMetrhod(...): pass  # only for over ridding

> The method name containing `preparse' indicates I might also feel a
> need for a `postparse' structure, too.


Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Tue Feb 22 05:49:50 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Tue Feb 22 05:49:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] database programming
References: <><>
Message-ID: <01b501c51899$f1c241f0$2ca88651@xp>

> Oh, and don't forget the c.commit() part! That had me running around
> in circles all night last night.

Yep, I got got with lack of commit syndrome when I started with SQL
too :-)

> PS Anyone know if there's a way to get a list of tables in a DB?
> got the pragma to get a list of columns in a table, but just in the
> off chance...

Irs very DB dependant. Standard SQL doesn't have such thing but
most DB systems provide commands to do so, but they are different
for each DB.

Often there is a "meta table" somewhere that stores the details of
the data structure and you can queruy that like any other. In other
cases it is special SQL keywords... or mixture of both...

Check the doxcumentation carefully.

Alan G.

From cyresse at  Tue Feb 22 11:06:10 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Tue Feb 22 11:06:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Method/subclass
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I'm working on my first object-based-from-the-ground-up project, and I
have some queries.

Here are my two classes here. For each different function, search,
edit, view, etc. a different SQL operation will take place, and a
different child window will be returned to the main window.
Roughly speaking.

I was going to create a method for each of the different functions in
both class, but I was wondering if it would be better to subclass for
each function. I've never done this before, so it's a little

Incidentally, is this 

searchWin = genericChild

an OK way to create a class instance of genericChild? It seems to work
OK, and Pythoncard does funny things with __init__ for windows ( I
can't figure out how to pass __init__ arguments for example.)

But I'm worried that there's some unforeseen consequence of this kind
of thing, it just seems strange not finishing with ().

So yeah, should I do a method for each function, or subclass my generic classes?


Liam Clarke

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kraus at  Tue Feb 22 11:14:46 2005
From: kraus at (Wolfram Kraus)
Date: Tue Feb 22 11:14:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Method/subclass
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <cvf0fh$1os$>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on my first object-based-from-the-ground-up project, and I
> have some queries.
> Here are my two classes here. For each different function, search,
> edit, view, etc. a different SQL operation will take place, and a
> different child window will be returned to the main window.
> Roughly speaking.
> I was going to create a method for each of the different functions in
> both class, but I was wondering if it would be better to subclass for
> each function. I've never done this before, so it's a little
> confusing.
> Incidentally, is this 
> searchWin = genericChild
> an OK way to create a class instance of genericChild? It seems to work
> OK, and Pythoncard does funny things with __init__ for windows ( I
> can't figure out how to pass __init__ arguments for example.)
> But I'm worried that there's some unforeseen consequence of this kind
> of thing, it just seems strange not finishing with ().
> So yeah, should I do a method for each function, or subclass my generic classes?
> Regards, 
> Liam Clarke
I didn't look at the rest of the code, but you want
searchWin = genericChild()
instead. (Do a print searchWin to see why ;-))


From cmeesters at  Tue Feb 22 11:25:39 2005
From: cmeesters at (Christian Meesters)
Date: Tue Feb 22 11:25:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Initializing with a call like:"someFile")?
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Guys,

Guess I have to look once more into decorator functions - and guess it's worth doing so. Anyway: 
My problem is solved.
From bvande at  Tue Feb 22 11:27:48 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Tue Feb 22 11:28:58 2005
Subject: [Tutor] subclassing list -- slicing doesn't preserve type
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out how to subclass the list built-in.

.>>> class my_list(list):
          def __init__(self, sequence=None):
              list.__init__(self, sequence)
              self.spam = 1
.>>> mine = my_list((1,2,3,4))
.>>> mine.append(42)
.>>> mine
[1, 2, 3, 4, 42]
.>>> type(mine)
<class '__main__.my_list'>
.>>> damn = mine[1:3]
.>>> type(damn)
<type 'list'>
.>>> damn
[2, 3]

I had thought that by subsclassing list I got all list-like properties
for free. Append (among others) are available for my_list instances.
But slicing returns a list, rather than a my_list. I can see that this
is list-like in it's way, but I'd rather have be so in mine ;-)	

I've read in the docs that UserList is discouraged, and in the
Nutshell that the __getslice__, etc. special methods are depreciated.

So, how can I get slicing to preserve the my_list type? And why does
the above class get so much for free, but not slicing?

Best, and thanks to all,

Brian vdB

From kent37 at  Tue Feb 22 13:38:57 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb 22 13:39:05 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Method/subclass
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on my first object-based-from-the-ground-up project, and I
> have some queries.
> Here are my two classes here. For each different function, search,
> edit, view, etc. a different SQL operation will take place, and a
> different child window will be returned to the main window.
> Roughly speaking.
> I was going to create a method for each of the different functions in
> both class, but I was wondering if it would be better to subclass for
> each function. I've never done this before, so it's a little
> confusing.

I'm not really sure what you are trying to do, the code is pretty sketchy. It looks like you want to 
have a bunch of queries on your dataset, and the result of each query is displayed in a window. Is 
that right? Assuming it is, I'll continue...

First, DO NOT put any references to your GUI classes into your data access classes!! NEVER ever do that!

Excuse my shouting, but it is a really bad idea. Your data class methods should return data, not GUI 
objects. The less the data classes know about the rest of the application the better.

Why? Because you want to be able to have different clients of the data classes. Here are some 
possible clients:
- unit tests
- utility programs that do some commonly needed manipulation of the database
- reporting package
- command-line clients
- alternate GUIs (maybe you decide you don't like PythonCard, do you want to rewrite your data class 
to work with Tkinter / PyQT / whatever?)

So, how should you organize this?

I would probably have
- a data access class (DAO)
- probably some data container classes (domain objects). Your data access class methods will take 
domain objects as parameters and return them as results. The different parts of the app will 
communicate by passing domain objects around. If the domain data is very simple you might just use 
Python lists and dictionaries.
- a class for the main window
- classes for the display windows - a separate class for each kind of display. If all the displays 
are similar you might reuse a single class; if they are very different they will have their own 
classes. If there is shared behaviour you might have a common base class, otherwise inherit directly 
from the GUI classes.
- possibly one or more controller classes - the classes that provide the glue between the gui and 
the data. Some of this logic will be in the main window, some you might want to put in its own class.

A sample data flow might be
- user enters a query into the main window and clicks a 'search' button
- the search button handler is invoked. This might be a method of the main window class, or it might 
delegate to a helper class.
- in either case, the handler class must have a reference to the data access class. It forwards the 
request to the DAO, gets the results back, and creates the new window to display the results. (The 
result object might be passed directly to the window class in its constructor or by a helper method.)

By the way, DAO is just one pattern for database access, there are quite a few others. In 
particulary Active Record is used by SQLObject - in this pattern the domain object itself knows how 
to interact with the database. You might like to look into this.

> Incidentally, is this 
> searchWin = genericChild
> an OK way to create a class instance of genericChild? It seems to work
> OK, and Pythoncard does funny things with __init__ for windows ( I
> can't figure out how to pass __init__ arguments for example.)

No, this just makes searchWin an alias for the genericChild class, it doesn't create an instance fo 
the class.

BTW typical Python usage is for class names to use InitialCapitalLetters, e.g. GenericChild.


> But I'm worried that there's some unforeseen consequence of this kind
> of thing, it just seems strange not finishing with ().
> So yeah, should I do a method for each function, or subclass my generic classes?
> Regards, 
> Liam Clarke

From sigurd at  Tue Feb 22 13:53:44 2005
From: sigurd at (Karl =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pfl=E4sterer?=)
Date: Tue Feb 22 13:55:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] subclassing list -- slicing doesn't preserve type
In-Reply-To: <> (Brian van den Broek's
	message of "Tue, 22 Feb 2005 05:27:48 -0500")
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 22 Feb 2005, wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out how to subclass the list built-in.
> .>>> class my_list(list):
>          def __init__(self, sequence=None):
>              list.__init__(self, sequence)
>              self.spam = 1
> .>>> mine = my_list((1,2,3,4))
> .>>> mine.append(42)
> .>>> mine
> [1, 2, 3, 4, 42]
> .>>> type(mine)
> <class '__main__.my_list'>
> .>>> damn = mine[1:3]
> .>>> type(damn)
> <type 'list'>
> .>>> damn
> [2, 3]
> .>>>
> I had thought that by subsclassing list I got all list-like properties
> for free. Append (among others) are available for my_list instances.
> But slicing returns a list, rather than a my_list. I can see that this
> is list-like in it's way, but I'd rather have be so in mine ;-)	
> I've read in the docs that UserList is discouraged, and in the
> Nutshell that the __getslice__, etc. special methods are depreciated.

But the problem is here: list() defines a __getslice__ method.

> So, how can I get slicing to preserve the my_list type? And why does
> the above class get so much for free, but not slicing?

It gets also slicing for free but think about what happens when you call
e.g. `append'; you *mutate an existing object in place* (i.e. a
destructive operation).  So you change the already existing object which
is an instance of  Mylist.  On the other hand with slicing you get a
*new* object back; you never told Python that you also wanted that new
object to be of type Mylist.

You could do it e.g. like that:

class Mylist (list):
    def __init__(self, seq=None):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(seq)
    def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
        return self.__class__(super(self.__class__, self).__getslice__(start, stop))
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, slice):
            return self.__class__(super(self.__class__, self).__getitem__(key))
            return super(self.__class__, self).__getitem__(key) 

For simple slices Python calls `list.__getslice__' for extended slices
list.__getitem__ gets called.  So the above handles all cases.

. >>> L = Mylist((1,2,3,4))
. >>> L[1]
. 2
. >>> L[1:2]
. [2]
. >>> type(_)
. <class '__main__.Mylist'>
. >>> L[0:4:2]
. [1, 3]
. >>> type(_)
. <class '__main__.Mylist'>
. >>> 

You must also think about the other methods which return a newly
allocated object.

Please do *not* send copies of replies to me.
I read the list
From kent37 at  Tue Feb 22 14:09:43 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb 22 14:09:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] subclassing list -- slicing doesn't preserve type
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Brian van den Broek wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to figure out how to subclass the list built-in.
> .>>> class my_list(list):
>          def __init__(self, sequence=None):
>              list.__init__(self, sequence)
>              self.spam = 1
> .>>> mine = my_list((1,2,3,4))
> .>>> mine.append(42)
> .>>> mine
> [1, 2, 3, 4, 42]
> .>>> type(mine)
> <class '__main__.my_list'>
> .>>> damn = mine[1:3]
> .>>> type(damn)
> <type 'list'>
> .>>> damn
> [2, 3]
> .>>>
> I had thought that by subsclassing list I got all list-like properties
> for free. Append (among others) are available for my_list instances.
> But slicing returns a list, rather than a my_list. I can see that this
> is list-like in it's way, but I'd rather have be so in mine ;-)   

The problem is that the list methods that return a new list don't know to return an object of your 
class. You will have to override those methods with a new method that converts the new list to an 
instance of my_list. Or you can use UserList which does this for you:

class my_list(list):
     def __init__(self, sequence=None):
         list.__init__(self, sequence)
         self.spam = 1

     def __getslice__(self, i, j):
         return my_list(list.__getslice__(self, i, j))

print 'Subclass list:'
mine = my_list((1,2,3,4))
print 'mine:', mine
print 'type(mine):', type(mine)

damn = mine[1:3]
print 'damn', damn
print 'type(damn):', type(damn)

from UserList import UserList
class my_list2(UserList):
     def __init__(self, sequence=None):
         UserList.__init__(self, sequence)
         self.spam = 1

print 'Subclass UserList:'
mine = my_list2((1,2,3,4))
print 'mine:', mine
print 'mine.__class__:', mine.__class__

damn = mine[1:3]
print 'damn', damn
print 'damn.__class__:', damn.__class__

Subclass list:
mine: [1, 2, 3, 4, 42]
type(mine): <class '__main__.my_list'>

damn [2, 3]
type(damn): <class '__main__.my_list'>

Subclass UserList:
mine: [1, 2, 3, 4, 42]
mine.__class__: __main__.my_list2

damn [2, 3]
damn.__class__: __main__.my_list2

If you decide to stick with subclassing list, UserList can still be your guide for which methods 
need wrappers. Look for the calls to self.__class__() in
> I've read in the docs that UserList is discouraged, and in the
> Nutshell that the __getslice__, etc. special methods are depreciated.
> So, how can I get slicing to preserve the my_list type? And why does
> the above class get so much for free, but not slicing?
> Best, and thanks to all,
> Brian vdB
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From mark.kels at  Tue Feb 22 19:29:50 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Tue Feb 22 19:29:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help debuging a small program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 13:21:35 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> How far does it get? How do you know?
> I would put some debug print statements in. Also you should call sk.close() in the else clause of
> scan(). Finally, I don't think you will see any output in the result window until get_info()
> returns; you have to give some time to mainloop() for it to be able to trigger the updates.
I don't understand how to prevent the program from crashing right now...
I'll deal with other bugs when I'll finish this one :)
So, why does the program crashes and how can I prevent it ??

Thanks !!

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From mwalsh at  Tue Feb 22 20:11:43 2005
From: mwalsh at (Martin Walsh)
Date: Tue Feb 22 20:11:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help debuging a small program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Kels wrote:

>On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 13:21:35 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
>>How far does it get? How do you know?
>>I would put some debug print statements in. Also you should call sk.close() in the else clause of
>>scan(). Finally, I don't think you will see any output in the result window until get_info()
>>returns; you have to give some time to mainloop() for it to be able to trigger the updates.
>I don't understand how to prevent the program from crashing right now...
>I'll deal with other bugs when I'll finish this one :)
>So, why does the program crashes and how can I prevent it ??
>Thanks !!
Hi Mark,

I believe Kent has given you the solution, it's perhaps just not what 
you expected it to be. Adding debug print statements might have helped 
you to see. To demonstrate further try scanning only 1 or 2 ports.

When your app appears to be frozen or crashing, I suspect it is happily 
scanning away. Looks like you have an overly ambitious while loop in the 
scan function, which isn't giving the Tk Text widget (result_t?) time to 

Someone more experienced that I will certainly have a better way, but 
you might try adding root.update() at the end (but inside) the while 
loop to force an update.

# + ---The Scan---
def scan(host,start_port,end_port):
    sk=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    while start_port<=end_port:
            result_t.insert(END,"Port",start_port,"is CLOSED on",host,"\n")
            result_t.insert(END,"Port",start_port,"is OPENED on",host,"\n")
        root.update() #<<-- add this

and have a look here

 >>> import Tkinter
 >>> help(Tkinter.Tk)
Help on class Tk in module Tkinter:
 |  update(self)
 |      Enter event loop until all pending events have been processed by 
 |  update_idletasks(self)
 |      Enter event loop until all idle callbacks have been called. This
 |      will update the display of windows but not process events caused by
 |      the user.

From klappnase at  Tue Feb 22 20:26:59 2005
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Tue Feb 22 20:24:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] UnicodeDecodeError
Message-ID: <>

Hello list,

I've encountered an (at least for me) weird error in the project I'm working on (see the traceback below).
Unfortunately there are several of my application's modules involved, so I cannot post all of my code here.
I hope I can explain in plain words what I'm doing.

The line in the traceback that seems to cause the problems:

    if self.nextfile == _('No destination file selected'):

"self.nextfile" is a variable that contains either the path to a file (the destination file for sound recording)
or the gettext string you see above.
For some reason I get the error below when "self.nextfile" contains a special character *and* the gettext string
holds the german translation, which contains a special character, too (of course '\xe4' as 23rd character).
It looks like there are no problems when I remove the german translation or when there are no special characters
in the filename, but as soon as I have special characters on both sides of the equation the error occurs.

Error: 1
UnicodeDecodeError Exception in Tk callback
  Function: <bound method Snackrecorder.start of <snackrecorder.Snackrecorder instance at 0xb77fe24c>> (type: <type 'instancemethod'>)
  Args: ()
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/", line 1747, in __call__
    return apply(self.func, args)
  File "/usr/local/share/phonoripper/", line 305, in start
    if self.nextfile == _('No destination file selected'):
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 22: ordinal not in range(128)


I've looked into, but I couldn't figure out what's going on, so I hope that someone
here can give me a hint.

Thanks in advance and best regards

From kent37 at  Tue Feb 22 20:27:07 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Tue Feb 22 20:27:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Help debuging a small program
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	
Message-ID: <>

Mark Kels wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 13:21:35 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
>>How far does it get? How do you know?
>>I would put some debug print statements in. Also you should call sk.close() in the else clause of
>>scan(). Finally, I don't think you will see any output in the result window until get_info()
>>returns; you have to give some time to mainloop() for it to be able to trigger the updates.
> I don't understand how to prevent the program from crashing right now...
> I'll deal with other bugs when I'll finish this one :)
> So, why does the program crashes and how can I prevent it ??

I don't know either. Put some print statements in so you can see how far it is getting. Or you might 
be able to run it with the IDLE debugger, I don't know if that works to debug Tk programs.

I would rewrite scan() like this and see what you get:

def scan(host,start_port,end_port):
     print 'Scanning', host, start_port, end_port
     sk=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     while start_port<=end_port:
             print 'Trying port', start_port
             import traceback
             result_t.insert(END,"Port",start_port,"is CLOSED on",host,"\n")
             print "Port",start_port,"is OPENED"
             result_t.insert(END,"Port",start_port,"is OPENED on",host,"\n")

Actually, I just tried the program and it didn't crash at all. I searched from port 80 to 90 and it 
returned correct info. It takes a long time, though - the timeout on the connection seems to be 
pretty long. It doesn't show any output until it is done, and the UI is dead, so it seems crashed 
but it isn't.


> Thanks !!

From bvande at  Tue Feb 22 20:26:32 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Tue Feb 22 22:05:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] subclassing list -- slicing doesn't preserve type
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Karl Pfl?sterer said unto the world upon 2005-02-22 07:53:
> On 22 Feb 2005, wrote:
>>I'm trying to figure out how to subclass the list built-in.
>>.>>> class my_list(list):
>>         def __init__(self, sequence=None):
>>             list.__init__(self, sequence)
>>             self.spam = 1

<SNIP my examples of behaviour: notably, slicing doesn't preserve 
my_list type>

>>So, how can I get slicing to preserve the my_list type? And why does
>>the above class get so much for free, but not slicing?
> It gets also slicing for free but think about what happens when you call
> e.g. `append'; you *mutate an existing object in place* (i.e. a
> destructive operation).  So you change the already existing object which
> is an instance of  Mylist.  On the other hand with slicing you get a
> *new* object back; you never told Python that you also wanted that new
> object to be of type Mylist.
> You could do it e.g. like that:
> class Mylist (list):
>     def __init__(self, seq=None):
>         super(self.__class__, self).__init__(seq)
>     def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
>         return self.__class__(super(self.__class__, self).__getslice__(start, stop))
>     def __getitem__(self, key):
>         if isinstance(key, slice):
>             return self.__class__(super(self.__class__, self).__getitem__(key))
>         else:
>             return super(self.__class__, self).__getitem__(key) 
> For simple slices Python calls `list.__getslice__' for extended slices
> list.__getitem__ gets called.  So the above handles all cases.

<SNIP Karl's similar output, but with desired behaviour ;-) >

> You must also think about the other methods which return a newly
> allocated object.
>    Karl

Thanks Karl (and Kent in another response),

use of super is new to me; from a quick glance at the docs, I am glad 
to have been pointed at it. For the quick and dirty, I think I will go 
the __getslice__ way, deprecation be damned. But, learning how to do 
it the way you have above is high on the list of things to do.

Thanks and best,

Brian vdB

From administrata at  Tue Feb 22 22:25:41 2005
From: administrata at (. ,)
Date: Tue Feb 22 22:26:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] How can i use both float and int? 
Message-ID: <BAY22-F290714B2F342F76F505982C8620@phx.gbl>


number1 = raw_input(float int("Number1: ")

But, I think error will occur...

Cheers! :)

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

From carroll at  Tue Feb 22 22:49:05 2005
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Tue Feb 22 22:49:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] How can i use both float and int? 
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F290714B2F342F76F505982C8620@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, . , wrote:

> like...
> number1 = raw_input(float int("Number1: ")
> But, I think error will occur...

You have some syntax issues here.

What you want, I think, is to use raw_input to get input, and then convert 
that to float.  try this:

number1 = float(raw_input("Number1: "))

From misha.dunn at  Tue Feb 22 22:54:01 2005
From: misha.dunn at (Michael Dunn)
Date: Tue Feb 22 22:54:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] How can i use both float and int?
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F290714B2F342F76F505982C8620@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F290714B2F342F76F505982C8620@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

Hi .,,

An error will certainly occur (you should always try it and see).

You could do something like:

n = raw_input("Number1: ")
try: number1 = int(n)
except ValueError: number1 = float(n)

This will make number1 an integer if possible, and a float otherwise.
But (and wiser heads may correct me here) I'm not sure this is a good
idea. Couldn't you just use floats throughout, given that floats are
at least sometimes acceptable?
I'm just guessing what you need here, but if you really are trying to
avoid floats whereever possible, and if you're using python version
2.4, you might find that the decimal type is what you need. As I
understand it, it allows you to specify the precision of your number,
so 1 will be come out as to 1.00000000 and not 1.00000001 (or
whatever). I'm not using 2.4 myself yet, so ask the list if you need
examples or explanation.


On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 21:25:41 +0000, . , <> wrote:
> like...
> number1 = raw_input(float int("Number1: ")
> But, I think error will occur...
> Cheers! :)
> _________________________________________________________________
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From python at  Tue Feb 22 22:58:57 2005
From: python at (Lloyd Kvam)
Date: Tue Feb 22 22:59:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] subclassing list -- slicing doesn't preserve type
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 13:53:44 +0100
> From: (Karl Pfl?sterer )
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] subclassing list -- slicing doesn't preserve type
> To:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On 22 Feb 2005, wrote:
> > I'm trying to figure out how to subclass the list built-in.

> You could do it e.g. like that:
> class Mylist (list):
>     def __init__(self, seq=None):
>         super(self.__class__, self).__init__(seq)
>     def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
>         return self.__class__(super(self.__class__, self).__getslice__(start, stop))
>     def __getitem__(self, key):
>         if isinstance(key, slice):
>             return self.__class__(super(self.__class__, self).__getitem__(key))
>         else:
>             return super(self.__class__, self).__getitem__(key) 

I've written code like this and then gotten burned.  It's atractive in
that you avoid hard-coding class names and it becomes simple
boiler-plate that could be pasted anywhere.  The problem comes when you

class Mybetterlist(Mylist):

When a Mybetterclass instance provides the self, 
	super(self.__class__, self)
is Mylist.  So you recurse into the same __getslice__ that you started
with instead of getting Mylist's super class.

I think (untested) that you really want
	return self.__class__(super(Mylist, self).__<method name>__(<args>)

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

From shitizb at  Tue Feb 22 23:23:17 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Tue Feb 22 23:23:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] killing a thread
Message-ID: <>


Is there a way to terminate a thread from another


Do You Yahoo!?
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From bill.mill at  Wed Feb 23 00:08:53 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Wed Feb 23 00:08:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] killing a thread
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

If I recall correctly, there is not a direct way. Instead, you're
going to want to have your worker thread check a queue it shares with
the parent every so often to see if the supervisor thread has sent a
"quit" message to it.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 14:23:17 -0800 (PST), Shitiz Bansal
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to terminate a thread from another
> thread?
> Shitiz
> __________________________________________________
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> Tutor maillist  -
From isrgish at  Wed Feb 23 01:17:40 2005
From: isrgish at (Isr Gish)
Date: Wed Feb 23 01:18:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] UnicodeDecodeError
Message-ID: <>

Michael Lange"<> wrote:
   >Hello list,

This part of the error is saying what the problem is.

   >UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 22: ordinal not in range(128)
Thatthe ascii codec that's being used can't decode any ascii code above 128. And the code 0xe4 is higher then that.
You would have to use a different encoding, like msbc.
If i remmeber correctly you should do something like the following.

self.nextfile = self.nextfile.encode('msbc')
Then it should work.

If it doesn't work try posting what error you get.

All the best

From isrgish at  Wed Feb 23 01:27:14 2005
From: isrgish at (Isr Gish)
Date: Wed Feb 23 01:27:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] UnicodeDecodeError
Message-ID: <>

Forgot something in previOuse post.

You can set the defualt encoding to something other then 'ascii'.
This is done with the function Qsys.setdefualtencoding('mbcs')".
I think that this has to be done in the module sitecostomize, because  the function is deleted after the module site is run. And this module gets run when yo_ start up python.

All the best,

From dyoo at  Wed Feb 23 01:29:47 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb 23 01:29:51 2005
Subject: [Tutor] subclassing list -- slicing doesn't preserve type
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > > I'm trying to figure out how to subclass the list built-in.
> > You could do it e.g. like that:
> >
> > class Mylist (list):
> >     def __init__(self, seq=None):
> >         super(self.__class__, self).__init__(seq)
> >     def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
> >         return self.__class__(super(self.__class__, self).__getslice__(start, stop))
> >     def __getitem__(self, key):
> >         if isinstance(key, slice):
> >             return self.__class__(super(self.__class__, self).__getitem__(key))
> >         else:
> >             return super(self.__class__, self).__getitem__(key)

We might want to bring up that using inheritance here might be an
inappropriate OOP construct here.  It might be better to handle this sort
of thing by wrapping a list in a wrapper, and work through delegation.
In fact, that's essentially what UserList is.

I'm not sure I agree with the documentation of:

where it says that subclassing 'list' is usually appropriate.  It seems
awfully messy to have to overload every method that can potentially
produce a new list.

And besides, all that work is being done in UserList already:

>>> from UserList import UserList
>>> class MyList(UserList):
...     pass
>>> l = MyList()
>>> l.append('a')
>>> l.append('b')
>>> l.append('c')
>>> l2 = l[1:]
>>> isinstance(l2, MyList)

From maxnoel_fr at  Wed Feb 23 03:37:41 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Wed Feb 23 03:37:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] killing a thread
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Feb 22, 2005, at 23:08, Bill Mill wrote:

> If I recall correctly, there is not a direct way. Instead, you're
> going to want to have your worker thread check a queue it shares with
> the parent every so often to see if the supervisor thread has sent a
> "quit" message to it.
> Peace
> Bill Mill
> bill.mill at

	Using "direct" killing methods is not safe, because you never know at 
which point of its execution you terminate the thread. That's a Bad 

	So instead, the Right Thing is to implement an end() method in the 
object you're using as a thread. That end() method just sets a flag 
(say, isToTerminate) to True.
	Since the thread is running a loop, all you then have to do is have it 
check the isToTerminate flag at the beginning of each loop. If it's 
True, exit the loop (thus terminating the thread as it reaches the end 
of its run() method).

-- Max
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From kent37 at  Wed Feb 23 06:00:53 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb 23 06:00:58 2005
Subject: [Tutor] killing a thread
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Max Noel wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2005, at 23:08, Bill Mill wrote:
>> If I recall correctly, there is not a direct way. Instead, you're
>> going to want to have your worker thread check a queue it shares with
>> the parent every so often to see if the supervisor thread has sent a
>> "quit" message to it.
>> Peace
>> Bill Mill
>> bill.mill at
>     Using "direct" killing methods is not safe, because you never know 
> at which point of its execution you terminate the thread. That's a Bad 
> Thing(TM).
>     So instead, the Right Thing is to implement an end() method in the 
> object you're using as a thread. That end() method just sets a flag 
> (say, isToTerminate) to True.
>     Since the thread is running a loop, all you then have to do is have 
> it check the isToTerminate flag at the beginning of each loop. If it's 
> True, exit the loop (thus terminating the thread as it reaches the end 
> of its run() method).

This recipe shows one way to do it:


> -- Max
> maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
> "Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and 
> sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
> perfect, immortal machine?"
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From cyresse at  Wed Feb 23 07:13:00 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Wed Feb 23 07:19:43 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Method/subclass
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kia ora, 

> I'm not really sure what you are trying to do, the code is pretty sketchy. It looks like you want to
> have a bunch of queries on your dataset, and the result of each query is displayed in a window. Is
> that right? Assuming it is, I'll continue...

What I'm doing here is very sketchy, both in my mind and code. So
yeah, my apologies, I probably should have put more effort into the
question. ESR would flame me for sure.

> First, DO NOT put any references to your GUI classes into your data access classes!! NEVER ever do that!

Point noted. That was me trying to grasp the concept of returning
objects, and then I thought I could be clever....

> I would probably have
> - a data access class (DAO)
> - probably some data container classes (domain objects). Your data access class >methods will take domain objects as parameters and return them as results. The different >parts of the app will communicate by passing domain objects around. If the domain data >is very simple you might just use
> Python lists and dictionaries.
> - a class for the main window
> - classes for the display windows - a separate class for each kind of display. If all the >displays are similar you might reuse a single class; if they are very different they will have >their own classes. If there is shared behaviour you might have a common base class, >otherwise inherit directly from the GUI classes.
> - possibly one or more controller classes - the classes that provide the glue between the >gui and the data. Some of this logic will be in the main window, some you might want to >put in its own class.
> A sample data flow might be
> - user enters a query into the main window and clicks a 'search' button
> - the search button handler is invoked. This might be a method of the main window class, >or it might delegate to a helper class.
> - in either case, the handler class must have a reference to the data access class. It >forwards the request to the DAO, gets the results back, and creates the new window to >display the results. (The result object might be passed directly to the window class in its >constructor or by a helper method.)

Thank you for that Kent, your shouting has been heeded, and it makes
perfect sense not to return GUI objects. Of course, hindsight is great
like that, the answer to the cryptic crossword clue is obvious once
you know the answer.

 I'm not sure I understand your response fully, so I've described how
I would do this in accordance with my understandinf of the method
described above. Any feedback/corrections are gratefully welcomed.

But first, a wee bit of explanation. As I said, this is very sketchy.
I've run into the issue of not knowing where to start. This is my
first database type project, so I want
 to go about this the right way from the get go, which means my
progress is quite hesitant/non-existent. Ultimately I want to follow
good methods of coding as much as I can, as I dream of actually being
able to make a living out of this at some stage.

 So, as I don't actually know how to do this, on account of never
having done similar, I need to layout in my mind what I'm going to do,
before I do it. I had a look at UML, but it doesn't look helpful .
Perhaps it's a way of thinking that I need to learn that'll make UML

So, looking at your dataflow above Kent, I'm planning - 

my main GUI runs, and upon initialisation creates self.DAO a data access object.

The handlers in the main and each child window, submit requests by
calling an appropriate method of self.DAO (or self.parent.DAO) as the
case may be, passing any needed data as a dictionary/list, as it's not
going to be overly complicated.

The DAO then creates an SQL request as necessary, and creates a
dictionary/list out of any retrieved data, and returns it to the
handler. (Or an acknowledgement if data was entered, or similar.)

If a new window needs to be opened (in response to a query or
requested table) then the handler then instantiates a new child window
using the dictionary after it's been appropriately twiddled. (As a lot
of handlers are going to be doing this, perhaps a function of  my
parent window can hold a method for the twiddling.)

Is this going to violate any best practise type methodologies? Sheesh,
I get so confused.
I've spent all this time trying to keep 'logic and gui' separate, with
the result that I stuck my gui related logic in daft places.

I dunno, I was thinking perhaps do this one in Java, so I'm forced to
learn how to use objects (particularly passing them around) properly.
The temptation to use many, many, functions is there. I've never
(consciously) used objects as arguments and returned values,
aside from what 3rd party packages have required. To put it a better
way, I've never written code where two objects I've written have
passed an object that I've also written between them.

Of course, then I'd have to rewrite this in Python once done as Swing
is yuck, and I don't like waiting for five minutes for the JRE to kick
in. Actually, I don't like Java at all.

If anyone has any links to recommended OO best practises, I'd be grateful. 
I googled DAO, & domain objects, and found a lot of confusing stuff.

Of course, it would probably help if I didn't have cold as well.

Thanks in advance for any advice offered.


Liam Clarke

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From shitizb at  Wed Feb 23 10:06:44 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Wed Feb 23 10:06:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python sizeof()
Message-ID: <>

Is there a python equivalent of c's sizeof function.
If not, then what are the typical sizes of the
BoundedSemaphore object in python?


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From kent37 at  Wed Feb 23 12:40:14 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb 23 12:40:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Method/subclass
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
>  I'm not sure I understand your response fully, so I've described how
> I would do this in accordance with my understandinf of the method
> described above. Any feedback/corrections are gratefully welcomed.
> But first, a wee bit of explanation. As I said, this is very sketchy.
> I've run into the issue of not knowing where to start. This is my
> first database type project, so I want
>  to go about this the right way from the get go, which means my
> progress is quite hesitant/non-existent. Ultimately I want to follow
> good methods of coding as much as I can, as I dream of actually being
> able to make a living out of this at some stage.

Start small :-)

Get a little bit of the database working. Write unit tests for it. Get a little piece of GUI working 
that uses that part of the database. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Refactor as your understanding of the 
problem grows.

It's been a long time since I even tried to figure out how a whole project would look before 
starting it.

>  So, as I don't actually know how to do this, on account of never
> having done similar, I need to layout in my mind what I'm going to do,
> before I do it. I had a look at UML, but it doesn't look helpful .
> Perhaps it's a way of thinking that I need to learn that'll make UML
> useful.
> So, looking at your dataflow above Kent, I'm planning - 
> my main GUI runs, and upon initialisation creates self.DAO a data access object.
> The handlers in the main and each child window, submit requests by
> calling an appropriate method of self.DAO (or self.parent.DAO) as the
> case may be, passing any needed data as a dictionary/list, as it's not
> going to be overly complicated.

I would pass the child a reference to the DAO rather than a reference to the parent. That's another 
of my fairly firm rules - don't tell children about their parents if you can avoid it.

> The DAO then creates an SQL request as necessary, and creates a
> dictionary/list out of any retrieved data, and returns it to the
> handler. (Or an acknowledgement if data was entered, or similar.)
> If a new window needs to be opened (in response to a query or
> requested table) then the handler then instantiates a new child window
> using the dictionary after it's been appropriately twiddled. (As a lot
> of handlers are going to be doing this, perhaps a function of  my
> parent window can hold a method for the twiddling.)
> Is this going to violate any best practise type methodologies? Sheesh,
> I get so confused.
> I've spent all this time trying to keep 'logic and gui' separate, with
> the result that I stuck my gui related logic in daft places.

Other than the note above, this sounds good.

> I dunno, I was thinking perhaps do this one in Java, so I'm forced to
> learn how to use objects (particularly passing them around) properly.


> The temptation to use many, many, functions is there. 

And the problem with that is what? Functions are good. Functions that work on the same data become 

I've never
> (consciously) used objects as arguments and returned values,
> aside from what 3rd party packages have required. To put it a better
> way, I've never written code where two objects I've written have
> passed an object that I've also written between them.
> Of course, then I'd have to rewrite this in Python once done as Swing
> is yuck, and I don't like waiting for five minutes for the JRE to kick
> in. Actually, I don't like Java at all.
> If anyone has any links to recommended OO best practises, I'd be grateful. 
> I googled DAO, & domain objects, and found a lot of confusing stuff.

The c2 wiki has a wealth of information about software patterns and extreme programming.

Robert Martin's book "Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices" is one of the 
best I know of for teaching good OO practices. Quite a few sample chapters are available.

There are a lot of other good articles available from Object Mentor as well

You might also like Martin Fowler's articles

> Of course, it would probably help if I didn't have cold as well.
> Thanks in advance for any advice offered.
> Regards, 
> Liam Clarke

From klappnase at  Wed Feb 23 13:05:58 2005
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Wed Feb 23 13:03:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] UnicodeDecodeError
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 19:17:40 -0500
"Isr Gish" <> wrote:

> This part of the error is saying what the problem is.
>    >UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 22: ordinal not in range(128)
> Thatthe ascii codec that's being used can't decode any ascii code above 128. And the code 0xe4 is higher then that.
> You would have to use a different encoding, like msbc.
> If i remmeber correctly you should do something like the following.
> self.nextfile = self.nextfile.encode('msbc')
> Then it should work.
> If it doesn't work try posting what error you get.
> All the best
> Irr 
Thanks for the reply,

it looks to me however that the problem is rather the gettext part; once I discovered this problem
I can produce similar errors at other points in my app that *seem* to only occur when a gettext string
gets combined with a string that is returned by user input from some Tkinter widget. The final
complaint in the traceback is always about a (german) special character in the translated gettext string:

UnicodeDecodeError Exception in Tk callback
  Function: <function <lambda> at 0xb72ec304> (type: <type 'function'>)
  Args: ()
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/", line 1747, in __call__
    return apply(self.func, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/", line 153, in <lambda>
    command=lambda self=self, name=name: self._doCommand(name))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/", line 132, in _doCommand
    return command(name)
  File "/usr/local/share/phonoripper-0.6.2/widgets/", line 206, in go
    if not self.ok():
  File "/usr/local/share/phonoripper-0.6.2/widgets/", line 201, in ok
    return self.fo_handler.create_ok(self.full_path)
  File "/usr/local/share/phonoripper-0.6.2/", line 43, in create_ok
    message=_('File already exists:\n"%s"\nDo you want to overwrite it?') % filename)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xfc in position 19: ordinal not in range(128)


The german translation of 'File already exists:\n"%s"\nDo you want to overwrite it?' contains a special
character ('\xfc'), filename is of course simply the complete path to a file as it is returned by a "Save as..."
dialog box. I get this error for some reason if I choose '\xe4.wav' as basename for "filename" but not
if I choose 'A\xe4.wav' . Like I said in my first post, there are no errors if I remove the german .mo file,
so gettext uses the english strings. 

What seems really weird to me here is that it looks like both the translated gettext string and the special
characters in my "filename" variable *can* be decoded, but not both at a time - but only under (rare) circumstances
( setting "filename" to "/somepath/A\xe4.wav" works but "/somepath/\xe4.wav" not).

I'm really lost here, so any further hints are very appreciated.

Thanks and best regards


From kent37 at  Wed Feb 23 13:21:40 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb 23 13:21:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] UnicodeDecodeError
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Lange wrote:
> Hello list,
> I've encountered an (at least for me) weird error in the project I'm working on (see the traceback below).
> Unfortunately there are several of my application's modules involved, so I cannot post all of my code here.
> I hope I can explain in plain words what I'm doing.
> The line in the traceback that seems to cause the problems:
>     if self.nextfile == _('No destination file selected'):
> "self.nextfile" is a variable that contains either the path to a file (the destination file for sound recording)
> or the gettext string you see above.
> For some reason I get the error below when "self.nextfile" contains a special character *and* the gettext string
> holds the german translation, which contains a special character, too (of course '\xe4' as 23rd character).
> It looks like there are no problems when I remove the german translation or when there are no special characters
> in the filename, but as soon as I have special characters on both sides of the equation the error occurs.

This is a part of Python that still confuses me. I think what is happening is
- self.nextfile is a Unicode string sometimes (when it includes special characters)
- the gettext string is a byte string
- to compare the two, the byte string is promoted to Unicode by decoding it with the system default 
encoding, which is generally 'ascii'.
- the gettext string includes non-ascii characters and the codec raises an exception.

I don't know what the best solution is. Two possibilities (substitute your favorite encoding for 
- decode the gettext string, e.g.
   if self.nextfile == _('No destination file selected').decode('latin-1'):

- set your default encoding to latin-1. (This solution is frowned on by the Python-Unicode 
cognoscenti and it makes your programs non-portable). Do this by creating a file 
site-packages/ containing the lines
import sys


> ######################################################################
> Error: 1
> UnicodeDecodeError Exception in Tk callback
>   Function: <bound method Snackrecorder.start of <snackrecorder.Snackrecorder instance at 0xb77fe24c>> (type: <type 'instancemethod'>)
>   Args: ()
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/", line 1747, in __call__
>     return apply(self.func, args)
>   File "/usr/local/share/phonoripper/", line 305, in start
>     if self.nextfile == _('No destination file selected'):
> UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 22: ordinal not in range(128)
> ######################################################################
> I've looked into, but I couldn't figure out what's going on, so I hope that someone
> here can give me a hint.
> Thanks in advance and best regards
> Michael
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From ismaelgf at  Wed Feb 23 15:53:44 2005
From: ismaelgf at (Ismael Garrido)
Date: Wed Feb 23 15:53:25 2005
Subject: Refactoring and Domain Objects was Re: [Tutor] Method/subclass
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:

> Start small :-)
> Get a little bit of the database working. Write unit tests for it. Get 
> a little piece of GUI working that uses that part of the database. 
> Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Refactor as your understanding of the problem 
> grows.

Talking about refactoring. I couldn't get Bicycle repair man to work 
with IDLE and python 2.4. Does anyone know if and how that works?

You talk about Domain Objects. Could you explain more about their use? 
Or point to some URL with examples? (My googling didn't yield attractive 

From shitizb at  Wed Feb 23 18:50:43 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Wed Feb 23 18:50:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
Message-ID: <>


I am trying to build a traffic network simulator using
python, for my degree project.

I need to run at least 5-6000 cars simultaneously.I
wanted to run each car in a separate thread.
However , after about 400 threads i am unable to
create new threads.

Here's the code:
>>> cars=range(1000)
>>> for i in cars:

>>> for i in cars:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#24>", line 2, in -toplevel-
error: can't start new thread

Is there a way out.Also, are there any tips on
performance issues?

Here is the class car:

class car(threading.Thread):
    def traverse_track(self,p1,p2):
        while self.adjls[p1][counter].to!=p2:
        if self.speed>self.track.speed:
        while self.pos!=self.track.length:
            if self.track.state.has_key(self.pos):
            if self.pos!=0:
        if self.stats['avgspeed']:
        if self.track.stats['avgspeed']:
    def cross_junction(self,juncls,juncid,orig,dest):
        if juncls[juncid].free.has_key(marker):
            while not
    def run(self):
        for i in path[:1]:
            if not counter==len(path)-1:

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From dyoo at  Wed Feb 23 19:30:06 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb 23 19:30:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python sizeof()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Shitiz Bansal wrote:

> Is there a python equivalent of c's sizeof function.

Unfortuntately, no, not as a standard builtin.  However, there is a
third-party library called mxTools that does include a sizeof() function:

Best of wishes to you!

From kent37 at  Wed Feb 23 19:35:25 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb 23 19:37:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shitiz Bansal wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to build a traffic network simulator using
> python, for my degree project.
> I need to run at least 5-6000 cars simultaneously.I
> wanted to run each car in a separate thread.
> However , after about 400 threads i am unable to
> create new threads.

There does seem to be a limit on how many threads you can create, mostly due to the memory allocated 
to each thread. Search comp.lang.python for "can't start new thread" - with quotes - or follow the 
link below to find some discussion.

Could you implement your cars as state machines and have a loop that runs through all the cars and 
gives each one a chance to increment its state?

Do you know about SimPy?


> Here's the code:
>>>>for i in cars:
> 	cars[i]=cars[i]=car(1,10,2,1,adjls,juncls)
>>>>for i in cars:
> 	i.start()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#24>", line 2, in -toplevel-
>     i.start()
> error: can't start new thread
> Is there a way out.Also, are there any tips on
> performance issues?
> Here is the class car:
> class car(threading.Thread):
>     def
> __init__(self,carid,speed,dest,orig,adjls,juncls):
>         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>         self.speed=speed
>         self.finished=0
>         self.carid=carid
>         self.dest=dest
>         self.orig=orig
>         self.adjls=adjls
>         self.juncls=juncls
> self.shortest=find_shortest_path(adjls,self.dest,self.orig)
>         self.calc=findpaths(adjls,self.dest,self.orig)
> self.stats={'currtrsp':0,'avgspeed':0,'distcov':0,'totaltime':0}
>     def traverse_track(self,p1,p2):
>         counter=0
>         time=0
>         while self.adjls[p1][counter].to!=p2:
>             counter=counter+1
>         self.track=self.adjls[p1][counter]
>         self.pos=0
>         if self.speed>self.track.speed:
>             speed=self.track.speed
>         else:
>             speed=self.speed
>         while self.pos!=self.track.length:
>             if self.track.state.has_key(self.pos):
>                 self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
>             else:
> self.track.state[self.pos]=threading.Semaphore(value=self.track.lanes)
>                 self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
>             if self.pos!=0:
>                 self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
>             self.pos=self.pos+1
>             sleep(1.0/speed)
>             time=time+1.0/speed
> self.stats['currtrsp']=float(self.track.length)/time
>         if self.stats['avgspeed']:
> self.stats['avgspeed']=float(self.stats['distcov']+self.track.length)/(self.stats['distcov']/self.stats['avgspeed']+self.track.length/self.stats['currtrsp'])
>         else:
> self.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
> self.stats['totaltime']=self.stats['totaltime']+time
>         if self.track.stats['avgspeed']:
> self.track.stats['avgspeed']=(self.track.stats['avgspeed']*self.track.stats['traffictotal']+self.stats['currtrsp'])/(self.track.stats['traffictotal']+1)
>         else:
> self.track.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
> self.stats['distcov']=self.stats['distcov']+self.track.length
> self.track.stats['traffictotal']=self.track.stats['traffictotal']+1
>     def cross_junction(self,juncls,juncid,orig,dest):
>         marker=str(orig)+'-'+str(dest)
>         if juncls[juncid].free.has_key(marker):
>             self.track.state[self.pos].release()
>         else:
>             while not
> juncls[juncid].signalled['green'].has_key(marker):
>                 sleep(0.2)
>             self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
>     def run(self):
>         path=self.shortest
>         counter=1
>         for i in path[:1]:
>             self.traverse_track(i,path[counter])
>             if not counter==len(path)-1:
> self.cross_junction(self.juncls,path[counter],i,path[counter+1])
>             counter=counter+1
>         self.finished=1
>         self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From shitizb at  Wed Feb 23 19:40:52 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Wed Feb 23 19:40:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Googling for my problem i found the following page:

It doesnt make much sense to me.It seems that the
author is implementing a series of routines rather
than  running them sumultaneously as threads are
supposed to do.Am i missing the point?

--- Shitiz Bansal <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to build a traffic network simulator
> using
> python, for my degree project.
> I need to run at least 5-6000 cars simultaneously.I
> wanted to run each car in a separate thread.
> However , after about 400 threads i am unable to
> create new threads.
> Here's the code:
> >>> cars=range(1000)
> >>> for i in cars:
> 	cars[i]=cars[i]=car(1,10,2,1,adjls,juncls)
> >>> for i in cars:
> 	i.start()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#24>", line 2, in -toplevel-
>     i.start()
> error: can't start new thread
> Is there a way out.Also, are there any tips on
> performance issues?
> Here is the class car:
> class car(threading.Thread):
>     def
> __init__(self,carid,speed,dest,orig,adjls,juncls):
>         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>         self.speed=speed
>         self.finished=0
>         self.carid=carid
>         self.dest=dest
>         self.orig=orig
>         self.adjls=adjls
>         self.juncls=juncls
> self.calc=findpaths(adjls,self.dest,self.orig)
>     def traverse_track(self,p1,p2):
>         counter=0
>         time=0
>         while self.adjls[p1][counter].to!=p2:
>             counter=counter+1
>         self.track=self.adjls[p1][counter]
>         self.pos=0
>         if self.speed>self.track.speed:
>             speed=self.track.speed
>         else:
>             speed=self.speed
>         while self.pos!=self.track.length:
>             if self.track.state.has_key(self.pos):
>                 self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
>             else:
>                 self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
>             if self.pos!=0:
> self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
>             self.pos=self.pos+1
>             sleep(1.0/speed)
>             time=time+1.0/speed
> self.stats['currtrsp']=float(self.track.length)/time
>         if self.stats['avgspeed']:
>         else:
> self.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
> self.stats['totaltime']=self.stats['totaltime']+time
>         if self.track.stats['avgspeed']:
>         else:
> self.track.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
>     def
> cross_junction(self,juncls,juncid,orig,dest):
>         marker=str(orig)+'-'+str(dest)
>         if juncls[juncid].free.has_key(marker):
>             self.track.state[self.pos].release()
>         else:
>             while not
> juncls[juncid].signalled['green'].has_key(marker):
>                 sleep(0.2)
>             self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
>     def run(self):
>         path=self.shortest
>         counter=1
>         for i in path[:1]:
>             self.traverse_track(i,path[counter])
>             if not counter==len(path)-1:
>             counter=counter+1
>         self.finished=1
>         self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more.
From maxnoel_fr at  Wed Feb 23 19:43:49 2005
From: maxnoel_fr at (Max Noel)
Date: Wed Feb 23 19:43:54 2005
Subject: Fwd: [Tutor] threads
Message-ID: <>

Some day I'm actually going to learn how to hit the "Reply All" button. 
I swear.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Max Noel <>
> Date: February 23, 2005 18:42:37 GMT
> To: Shitiz Bansal <>
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] threads
> On Feb 23, 2005, at 17:50, Shitiz Bansal wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to build a traffic network simulator using
>> python, for my degree project.
>> I need to run at least 5-6000 cars simultaneously.I
>> wanted to run each car in a separate thread.
> 	Mmh... Sounds like a bad design decision to me. This doesn't scale up 
> well, slows your system down to a crawl (especially if it's 
> single-CPU), and some vehicles may never get to act if your OS doesn't 
> have an efficient scheduler. Not to mention that due to the way 
> threads are run, you probably won't ever get twice the same result 
> when running a given simulation multiple times with the same 
> parameters.
> 	Instead, you should fake it: have one thread running for all the 
> cars. This thread has a for loop that iterates over all the cars and 
> makes each of them "step".
> 	Coincidentally, I'm writing something that's more or less similar for 
> my final-year project at Uni: a crowd simulation in a shopping center. 
> I released the code under the GPL on Sourceforge (I've become a CVS 
> addict), which you can find at .
> 	It's Java, not Python, but it's well-commented and written in a 
> readable way (or at least I like to think so). Feel free to examine 
> it. What you're looking for, I guess, is the run() method in the Mall 
> class.
> -- Max
> maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
> "Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
> and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge 
> a perfect, immortal machine?"
maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
"Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting 
and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a 
perfect, immortal machine?"

From kent37 at  Wed Feb 23 20:26:34 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Wed Feb 23 20:28:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Shitiz Bansal wrote:
> Hi,
> Googling for my problem i found the following page:
> It doesnt make much sense to me.It seems that the
> author is implementing a series of routines rather
> than  running them sumultaneously as threads are
> supposed to do.Am i missing the point?

The point is to maintain a list of independent, resumable 'processes' *without* using threads. It's 
a neat hack on generators.

I suggest you read enough of this link
to understand what a generator is, then take a look at SimPy which takes the concepts that David 
Mertz is talking about and builds a user-friendly, well-documented simulation package around it.


From dyoo at  Wed Feb 23 20:32:12 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Wed Feb 23 20:32:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Shitiz Bansal wrote:

> I am trying to build a traffic network simulator using python, for my
> degree project.
> I need to run at least 5-6000 cars simultaneously. I wanted to run each
> car in a separate thread. However , after about 400 threads i am unable
> to create new threads.


Python is using your operating system's native thread implementation; it's
possible that you're running into a platform-specific issue.

>From looking at the error message:

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#24>", line 2, in -toplevel-
>     i.start()
> error: can't start new thread

I see the error message "error: can't start new thread".  I did a Google
search and found that Windows reports this error if we hit it with
thousands of threads at a time:

You may need to raise the thread limit on your operating system.  That
being said, doing a simulation through threads might not be the easiest
thing to do.

Instead of representing each car as a thread, you may be able to make
things work by keeping all car in a priority queue, and do a kind of
discrete simulation without threads.

For example, here is a program that simulates people who say that they are

import heapq
import random

"""Demo of heapq for doing discrete simulation."""

class Scheduler:
    """A scheduler keeps track what the current time is, and what
    event should occur next."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.currentTime = 0
        ## self.queue will be a list of (scheduledTime, callable) tuples.
        self.queue = []

    def after(self, delay, event):
        """Adds a new event to the queue."""
        timeAndEvent = (self.currentTime + delay, event)
        heapq.heappush(self.queue, timeAndEvent)

    def hasNext(self):
        """Returns true if there are still events to be processed."""
        return len(self.queue) > 0

    def next(self):
        """Returns the time and next event to be executed.
        Precondition: we have more events."""
        assert self.queue
        if self.queue:
            timeAndEvent = heapq.heappop(self.queue)
            self.currentTime = timeAndEvent[0]
            return timeAndEvent

class Person:
    """A person knows their name, and what scheduler they belong to."""
    def __init__(self, name, sched):, self.sched = name, sched

    def neutralState(self):
        """In a neutral state, a person can either eat or get hungry."""
        print, "is making a choice..."
        nextState = random.choice([self.sleepingState,
        self.sched.after(4, nextState)

    def sleepingState(self):
        """A person will wake up in 12 minutes."""
        print, "snores..."
        self.sched.after(12, self.wakeState)

    def wakeState(self):
        print, "wakes up!"
        self.sched.after(1, self.neutralState)

    def hungryState(self):
        print, "is hungry.  Food..."
        self.sched.after(3, self.eatingState)

    def eatingState(self):
        print, "is eating.  Yum."
        self.sched.after(10, self.neutralState)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    scheduler = Scheduler()
    sam = Person("sam", scheduler)
    max = Person("max", scheduler)
    ## Let's start up the initial conditions: sam will be eating, and
    ## max will be sleeping.
    scheduler.after(0, sam.eatingState)
    scheduler.after(0, max.sleepingState)

    for i in range(10):
        time, event =
        print "time:", time

This is a somewhat hacky program, but it's amusing to watch:

time: 0
sam is eating.  Yum.
time: 0
max snores...
time: 10
sam is making a choice...
time: 12
max wakes up!
time: 13
max is making a choice...
time: 14
sam is hungry.  Food...
time: 17
sam is eating.  Yum.
time: 17
max snores...
time: 27
sam is making a choice...
time: 29
max wakes up!

It sounds like you want to hit the road with your car simulation; a
discrete simulation approach might be the most straightforward.  If you
make each event discrete enough, it should work ok.

There are systems that support enormous amounts of concurrency; If you
really want to simulate each car with a thread, you may want to try
Stackless Python; it's a Python variant that supports the concept of
lightweight "tasklets".

Also, you may want to also look at Erlang:

Erlang is a programming language that's designed with concurrency in mind,
and I've heard that its concurrency support is second to none.

I hope this helps!

From klappnase at  Wed Feb 23 21:29:06 2005
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Wed Feb 23 21:26:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] UnicodeDecodeError
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 07:21:40 -0500
Kent Johnson <> wrote:

> This is a part of Python that still confuses me. I think what is happening is
> - self.nextfile is a Unicode string sometimes (when it includes special characters)
> - the gettext string is a byte string
> - to compare the two, the byte string is promoted to Unicode by decoding it with the system default 
> encoding, which is generally 'ascii'.
> - the gettext string includes non-ascii characters and the codec raises an exception.
Thanks Kent,

now it looks like the total confusion seems to clear up (at least partially). After some googling it
seems to me that the best bet is to use unicode strings exclusively. When I set the unicode flag
in gettext.install() to 1 the gettext strings are unicode, however there's still a problem with the
user input. As you guessed, "self.nextfile" is unicode only *sometimes*; I tried and changed the line
from the old traceback into:

    if unicode(self.nextfile, 'iso8859-1') == _('No destination file selected'):

Now when self.nextfile is an existing file "\xe4.wav" that was clicked on in the file dialog's file list this works,
however when I type "\xe4.wav" into the file dialog's entry field I get:

TypeError Exception in Tk callback
  Function: <bound method Snackrecorder.start of <snackrecorder.Snackrecorder instance at 0xb774518c>> (type: <type 'instancemethod'>)
  Args: ()
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/", line 1747, in __call__
    return apply(self.func, args)
  File "/usr/local/share/phonoripper-0.6.2/", line 304, in start
    if unicode(self.nextfile, 'iso8859-1') == _('No destination file selected'):
TypeError: decoding Unicode is not supported

At least this might explain why "A\xe4" worked and "\xe4" not as I mentioned in a previous post.
Now the problem arises how to determine if self.nextfile is unicode or a byte string?
Or maybe even better, make sure that self.nextfile is always a byte string so I can safely convert
it to unicode later on. But how to convert unicode user input into byte strings when I don't even
know the user's encoding ? I guess this will require some further research.

> I don't know what the best solution is. Two possibilities (substitute your favorite encoding for 
> latin-1):
> - decode the gettext string, e.g.
>    if self.nextfile == _('No destination file selected').decode('latin-1'):
> - set your default encoding to latin-1. (This solution is frowned on by the Python-Unicode 
> cognoscenti and it makes your programs non-portable). Do this by creating a file 
> site-packages/ containing the lines
> import sys
> sys.setdefaultencoding('latin-1')
> Kent

Unfortunately the latter is no option, because I definitely need portability. I guess I should probably use

Thanks and best regards


> > 
> > ######################################################################
> > Error: 1
> > UnicodeDecodeError Exception in Tk callback
> >   Function: <bound method Snackrecorder.start of <snackrecorder.Snackrecorder instance at 0xb77fe24c>> (type: <type 'instancemethod'>)
> >   Args: ()
> > Traceback (innermost last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/Pmw/Pmw_1_2/lib/", line 1747, in __call__
> >     return apply(self.func, args)
> >   File "/usr/local/share/phonoripper/", line 305, in start
> >     if self.nextfile == _('No destination file selected'):
> > UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 22: ordinal not in range(128)
> > 
> > ######################################################################
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From billk at  Thu Feb 24 00:21:52 2005
From: billk at (Bill Kranec)
Date: Thu Feb 24 00:21:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Method/subclass
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

This article might also be helpful, as it is a little more concrete:  I found it by Googling for 
'python database access object'.  Is this the kind of thing that you are 
referring to, Kent?



Liam Clarke wrote:

>Kia ora, 
>>I'm not really sure what you are trying to do, the code is pretty sketchy. It looks like you want to
>>have a bunch of queries on your dataset, and the result of each query is displayed in a window. Is
>>that right? Assuming it is, I'll continue...
>What I'm doing here is very sketchy, both in my mind and code. So
>yeah, my apologies, I probably should have put more effort into the
>question. ESR would flame me for sure.
>>First, DO NOT put any references to your GUI classes into your data access classes!! NEVER ever do that!
>Point noted. That was me trying to grasp the concept of returning
>objects, and then I thought I could be clever....
>>I would probably have
>>- a data access class (DAO)
>>- probably some data container classes (domain objects). Your data access class >methods will take domain objects as parameters and return them as results. The different >parts of the app will communicate by passing domain objects around. If the domain data >is very simple you might just use
>>Python lists and dictionaries.
>>- a class for the main window
>>- classes for the display windows - a separate class for each kind of display. If all the >displays are similar you might reuse a single class; if they are very different they will have >their own classes. If there is shared behaviour you might have a common base class, >otherwise inherit directly from the GUI classes.
>>- possibly one or more controller classes - the classes that provide the glue between the >gui and the data. Some of this logic will be in the main window, some you might want to >put in its own class.
>>A sample data flow might be
>>- user enters a query into the main window and clicks a 'search' button
>>- the search button handler is invoked. This might be a method of the main window class, >or it might delegate to a helper class.
>>- in either case, the handler class must have a reference to the data access class. It >forwards the request to the DAO, gets the results back, and creates the new window to >display the results. (The result object might be passed directly to the window class in its >constructor or by a helper method.)
>Thank you for that Kent, your shouting has been heeded, and it makes
>perfect sense not to return GUI objects. Of course, hindsight is great
>like that, the answer to the cryptic crossword clue is obvious once
>you know the answer.
> I'm not sure I understand your response fully, so I've described how
>I would do this in accordance with my understandinf of the method
>described above. Any feedback/corrections are gratefully welcomed.
>But first, a wee bit of explanation. As I said, this is very sketchy.
>I've run into the issue of not knowing where to start. This is my
>first database type project, so I want
> to go about this the right way from the get go, which means my
>progress is quite hesitant/non-existent. Ultimately I want to follow
>good methods of coding as much as I can, as I dream of actually being
>able to make a living out of this at some stage.
> So, as I don't actually know how to do this, on account of never
>having done similar, I need to layout in my mind what I'm going to do,
>before I do it. I had a look at UML, but it doesn't look helpful .
>Perhaps it's a way of thinking that I need to learn that'll make UML
>So, looking at your dataflow above Kent, I'm planning - 
>my main GUI runs, and upon initialisation creates self.DAO a data access object.
>The handlers in the main and each child window, submit requests by
>calling an appropriate method of self.DAO (or self.parent.DAO) as the
>case may be, passing any needed data as a dictionary/list, as it's not
>going to be overly complicated.
>The DAO then creates an SQL request as necessary, and creates a
>dictionary/list out of any retrieved data, and returns it to the
>handler. (Or an acknowledgement if data was entered, or similar.)
>If a new window needs to be opened (in response to a query or
>requested table) then the handler then instantiates a new child window
>using the dictionary after it's been appropriately twiddled. (As a lot
>of handlers are going to be doing this, perhaps a function of  my
>parent window can hold a method for the twiddling.)
>Is this going to violate any best practise type methodologies? Sheesh,
>I get so confused.
>I've spent all this time trying to keep 'logic and gui' separate, with
>the result that I stuck my gui related logic in daft places.
>I dunno, I was thinking perhaps do this one in Java, so I'm forced to
>learn how to use objects (particularly passing them around) properly.
>The temptation to use many, many, functions is there. I've never
>(consciously) used objects as arguments and returned values,
>aside from what 3rd party packages have required. To put it a better
>way, I've never written code where two objects I've written have
>passed an object that I've also written between them.
>Of course, then I'd have to rewrite this in Python once done as Swing
>is yuck, and I don't like waiting for five minutes for the JRE to kick
>in. Actually, I don't like Java at all.
>If anyone has any links to recommended OO best practises, I'd be grateful. 
>I googled DAO, & domain objects, and found a lot of confusing stuff.
>Of course, it would probably help if I didn't have cold as well.
>Thanks in advance for any advice offered.
>Liam Clarke
From keridee at  Thu Feb 24 01:56:28 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Thu Feb 24 01:56:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
References: <>
Message-ID: <008f01c51a0b$b77e7e50$a35328cf@JSLAPTOP>

I find it's convenient to get rid of that problem.

The easy thing to get to folder options
You can
1) Go to control panel and click folder options
2) Open a folder, click the view menu, and choose folder options

Either way it's the same screen.
Now, in the middle tab, there is a checkmark about halfway in the viewable 
scrollbox that says something like "Hide extensions for known file types" 
Unclick that and click apply. Click OK.

This should show all extensions, except the .lnk and .pif extensions on 
their appropriate shortcuts, and therefore you can change the file type and 
not cause the problem you have all by using rename! Much better and 
understandable IMHO.


>>Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 10:25:28 -0900
>>From: Tim Johnson <>
>>Subject: Re: [Tutor] Problems with test cgi script on windows XP/Apache
>>To: Tim Johnson <>
>>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
>>At 12:22 PM 2/13/2005, you wrote:
>>>I'm attempting to run a test cgi script on windows xp with apache
>>>as the http server. I keep getting a not found error from IE, and the
>>>error log shows the following error message.
>>>No such file or directory: script not found or unable to stat: c:/program 
>>>files/apache group/apache/cgi-bin/
>>>Another cgi script using a different interpreter (rebol) is running 
>>>properly. I was receiving
>>>the same error message with the rebol script until I corrected the first 
>>>line (she-bang).
>>>here is the code for the script:
>>>print "Content-type: text/html\n"
>>>print "hello"
>>>## I can confirm the the first line does contain the correct path to
>>>## the python executable. I have tried it with and without the ".exe"
> This has been solved. Classic, just classic. I had created a test script,
> and named it "". Hah! windows renamed it "", and it
> was obfuscated when I edited it. One could say either:
> 1)Dumb windows newbie
>    or
> 2)Dumb windows strategy
> I'll leave that one up to the reader.
> ----
> tim
>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>>__________ NOD32 1.998 (20050212) Information __________
>>>This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.
>>__________ NOD32 1.998 (20050212) Information __________
>>This message was checked by NOD32 Antivirus System.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From keridee at  Thu Feb 24 02:11:11 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Thu Feb 24 02:10:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Interpreter level objects
Message-ID: <000301c51a0d$c02c8f90$a35328cf@JSLAPTOP>

Hi everyone!

    Let's see, my topic of discussion for today is this.

If the psyco package can work on an interpreter level--I don't know if 
that's the right terminology, but this is what it does.

Say I put the code

import psyco

and run a random file that I have already got an average execution time of.
Then I run it again, with the above implemented. My execution time is has 
Which brings me to believe that psyco monitors all subprocesses and all 
So this being the case, why haven't the volunteers set up from __import__ 
division so that you can put it in and get it to run 
whenever you start python?
I know why it doesn't work,... because division is in the sitecustomize 
namespace. But why didn't they set it up like the psyco people (no pun 
intended--but it is pretty funny) did?

Anyways, this all came up because several modules that used psyco.full() 
would greatly be hindered if they imported another module that did the same. 
So I got the great idea, why not put it in Then I got the 
idea, why not put from __import__ division in the, too? 
psyco.full() worked, from __import__ division did not.

Any ideas?

From guillermo.fernandez.castellanos at  Thu Feb 24 03:37:58 2005
From: guillermo.fernandez.castellanos at (
Date: Thu Feb 24 03:37:02 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
Message-ID: <>

Nothing to do, but did you think about SimPy?

It may make your life much simpler.


On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 11:32:12 -0800 (PST), Danny Yoo 
<> wrote:
 > On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Shitiz Bansal wrote:
 > > I am trying to build a traffic network simulator using python, for my
 > > degree project.
 > >
 > > I need to run at least 5-6000 cars simultaneously. I wanted to run each
 > > car in a separate thread. However , after about 400 threads i am unable
 > > to create new threads.
 > Hello!
 > Python is using your operating system's native thread implementation; 
 > possible that you're running into a platform-specific issue.
 > >From looking at the error message:
 > > Traceback (most recent call last):
 > >   File "<pyshell#24>", line 2, in -toplevel-
 > >     i.start()
 > > error: can't start new thread
 > I see the error message "error: can't start new thread".  I did a Google
 > search and found that Windows reports this error if we hit it with
 > thousands of threads at a time:
 > You may need to raise the thread limit on your operating system.  That
 > being said, doing a simulation through threads might not be the easiest
 > thing to do.
 > Instead of representing each car as a thread, you may be able to make
 > things work by keeping all car in a priority queue, and do a kind of
 > discrete simulation without threads.
 > For example, here is a program that simulates people who say that 
they are
 > hungry:
 > ######
 > import heapq
 > import random
 > """Demo of heapq for doing discrete simulation."""
 > class Scheduler:
 >     """A scheduler keeps track what the current time is, and what
 >     event should occur next."""
 >     def __init__(self):
 >         self.currentTime = 0
 >         ## self.queue will be a list of (scheduledTime, callable) tuples.
 >         self.queue = []
 >     def after(self, delay, event):
 >         """Adds a new event to the queue."""
 >         timeAndEvent = (self.currentTime + delay, event)
 >         heapq.heappush(self.queue, timeAndEvent)
 >     def hasNext(self):
 >         """Returns true if there are still events to be processed."""
 >         return len(self.queue) > 0
 >     def next(self):
 >         """Returns the time and next event to be executed.
 >         Precondition: we have more events."""
 >         assert self.queue
 >         if self.queue:
 >             timeAndEvent = heapq.heappop(self.queue)
 >             self.currentTime = timeAndEvent[0]
 >             return timeAndEvent
 > class Person:
 >     """A person knows their name, and what scheduler they belong to."""
 >     def __init__(self, name, sched):
 >, self.sched = name, sched
 >     def neutralState(self):
 >         """In a neutral state, a person can either eat or get hungry."""
 >         print, "is making a choice..."
 >         nextState = random.choice([self.sleepingState,
 >                                    self.hungryState])
 >         self.sched.after(4, nextState)
 >     def sleepingState(self):
 >         """A person will wake up in 12 minutes."""
 >         print, "snores..."
 >         self.sched.after(12, self.wakeState)
 >     def wakeState(self):
 >         print, "wakes up!"
 >         self.sched.after(1, self.neutralState)
 >     def hungryState(self):
 >         print, "is hungry.  Food..."
 >         self.sched.after(3, self.eatingState)
 >     def eatingState(self):
 >         print, "is eating.  Yum."
 >         self.sched.after(10, self.neutralState)
 > if __name__ == '__main__':
 >     scheduler = Scheduler()
 >     sam = Person("sam", scheduler)
 >     max = Person("max", scheduler)
 >     ## Let's start up the initial conditions: sam will be eating, and
 >     ## max will be sleeping.
 >     scheduler.after(0, sam.eatingState)
 >     scheduler.after(0, max.sleepingState)
 >     for i in range(10):
 >         time, event =
 >         print "time:", time
 >         event()
 > ######
 > This is a somewhat hacky program, but it's amusing to watch:
 > ###
 > time: 0
 > sam is eating.  Yum.
 > time: 0
 > max snores...
 > time: 10
 > sam is making a choice...
 > time: 12
 > max wakes up!
 > time: 13
 > max is making a choice...
 > time: 14
 > sam is hungry.  Food...
 > time: 17
 > sam is eating.  Yum.
 > time: 17
 > max snores...
 > time: 27
 > sam is making a choice...
 > time: 29
 > max wakes up!
 > ###
 > It sounds like you want to hit the road with your car simulation; a
 > discrete simulation approach might be the most straightforward.  If you
 > make each event discrete enough, it should work ok.
 > There are systems that support enormous amounts of concurrency; If you
 > really want to simulate each car with a thread, you may want to try
 > Stackless Python; it's a Python variant that supports the concept of
 > lightweight "tasklets".
 > Also, you may want to also look at Erlang:
 > Erlang is a programming language that's designed with concurrency in 
 > and I've heard that its concurrency support is second to none.
 > I hope this helps!
 > _______________________________________________
 > Tutor maillist  -
From kent37 at  Thu Feb 24 05:16:20 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 24 05:16:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] UnicodeDecodeError
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Lange wrote:
> now it looks like the total confusion seems to clear up (at least partially). After some googling it
> seems to me that the best bet is to use unicode strings exclusively. 

I think that is a good plan.

When I set the unicode flag
> in gettext.install() to 1 the gettext strings are unicode, however there's still a problem with the
> user input. As you guessed, "self.nextfile" is unicode only *sometimes*; I tried and changed the line
> from the old traceback into:
>     if unicode(self.nextfile, 'iso8859-1') == _('No destination file selected'):

How about
   n = self.nextfile
   if not isinstance(n, unicode):
     n = unicode(n, 'iso8859-1')

> At least this might explain why "A\xe4" worked and "\xe4" not as I mentioned in a previous post.
> Now the problem arises how to determine if self.nextfile is unicode or a byte string?
> Or maybe even better, make sure that self.nextfile is always a byte string so I can safely convert
> it to unicode later on. But how to convert unicode user input into byte strings when I don't even
> know the user's encoding ? I guess this will require some further research.

Why do you need to convert back to byte strings?

You can find out the console encoding from sys.stdin and stdout:
  >>> import sys
  >>> sys.stdout.encoding
  >>> sys.stdin.encoding

IIRC there is also an encoding associated with the current locale, I'm not sure how to use that.

> Unfortunately the latter is no option, because I definitely need portability. I guess I should probably use
> utf-8. 

UTF-8 is your friend :-)


From klappnase at  Thu Feb 24 11:27:13 2005
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Thu Feb 24 11:24:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode issues (was: UnicodeDecodeError)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 23:16:20 -0500
Kent Johnson <> wrote:

> How about
>    n = self.nextfile
>    if not isinstance(n, unicode):
>      n = unicode(n, 'iso8859-1')
> ?
> > At least this might explain why "A\xe4" worked and "\xe4" not as I mentioned in a previous post.
> > Now the problem arises how to determine if self.nextfile is unicode or a byte string?
> > Or maybe even better, make sure that self.nextfile is always a byte string so I can safely convert
> > it to unicode later on. But how to convert unicode user input into byte strings when I don't even
> > know the user's encoding ? I guess this will require some further research.
> Why do you need to convert back to byte strings?
> You can find out the console encoding from sys.stdin and stdout:
>   >>> import sys
>   >>> sys.stdout.encoding
> 'cp437'
>   >>> sys.stdin.encoding
> 'cp437'

I *thought* I would have to convert the user input which might be any encoding back into
byte string first (remember, I got heavily confused, because user input was sometimes unicode and
sometimes byte string), so I can convert it to "standard" unicode (utf-8) later on.
I've added this test to the file selection method, where "result" holds the filename the user chose:

    if isinstance(result, unicode):
        result = result.encode('iso8859-1')
    return result

later on self.nextfile is set to "result" .

The idea was, if I could catch the user's encoding, I could do something like:

    if isinstance(result, unicode):
        result = result.encode(sys.stdin.encoding)
    result = unicode(result, 'utf-8')

to avoid problems with unicode objects that have different encodings - or isn't this necessary at all ?

I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm afraid I'm a complete encoding-idiot.

Thanks and best regards


From kent37 at  Thu Feb 24 13:51:04 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 24 13:51:07 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode issues
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Lange wrote:
> I *thought* I would have to convert the user input which might be any encoding back into
> byte string first 

How are you getting the user input? Is it from the console or from a GUI?

I think the best strategy is to try to keep all your strings as Unicode. Unicode is the only 
encoding that can represent characters from any locale. (That's the point of Unicode, actually.) So 
I would convert the user input to unicode, not to a byte string.

> (remember, I got heavily confused, because user input was sometimes unicode and
> sometimes byte string), so I can convert it to "standard" unicode (utf-8) later on.

Careful! I wouldn't call utf-8 "standard unicode". UTF-8 is a standard *encoding* of Unicode. 
Unicode is a 16-bit code.

> I've added this test to the file selection method, where "result" holds the filename the user chose:
>     if isinstance(result, unicode):
>         result = result.encode('iso8859-1')
>     return result

This will fail if result includes characters that are not in the iso8859-1 repertoire.

> later on self.nextfile is set to "result" .
> The idea was, if I could catch the user's encoding, I could do something like:
>     if isinstance(result, unicode):
>         result = result.encode(sys.stdin.encoding)
>     result = unicode(result, 'utf-8')

This is broken code that will corrupt your result string. Here is what it does:
if result is a unicode string, convert it to a byte string in the standard encoding. Then, assume 
that the byte string is in utf-8 encoding and convert it back to Unicode. Do you see why that is 
unlikely to have a good result?

If your intent is to create a unicode string, try this:
     if not isinstance(result, unicode):
         result = result.decode(sys.stdin.encoding)

> to avoid problems with unicode objects that have different encodings - or isn't this necessary at all ?
> I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm afraid I'm a complete encoding-idiot.

This article gives a lot of good background:

I have written an essay about console encoding issues. At the end there is a collection of links to 
more general Python and Unicode articles.


> Thanks and best regards
> Michael
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From jsmith at  Thu Feb 24 15:04:25 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Thu Feb 24 15:04:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Precompiling to bytecode
Message-ID: <>

I notice that python only pre-compiles imported modules and not the main
script.  The only way I seem to be able to get this to happen is to run

python -c "import mainscript"

Am I missing something?

From hugonz-lists at  Thu Feb 24 18:36:01 2005
From: hugonz-lists at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Hugo_Gonz=E1lez_Monteverde?=)
Date: Thu Feb 24 18:36:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

OK, as ignorant as I may be on threads, I have read a bit on Stackless 
Python's tasklets. Suppossedly they require much less memory than 
python's threads.

Information is at


Shitiz Bansal wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to build a traffic network simulator using
> python, for my degree project.
> I need to run at least 5-6000 cars simultaneously.I
> wanted to run each car in a separate thread.
> However , after about 400 threads i am unable to
> create new threads.
> Here's the code:
>>>>for i in cars:
> 	cars[i]=cars[i]=car(1,10,2,1,adjls,juncls)
>>>>for i in cars:
> 	i.start()
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#24>", line 2, in -toplevel-
>     i.start()
> error: can't start new thread
> Is there a way out.Also, are there any tips on
> performance issues?
> Here is the class car:
> class car(threading.Thread):
>     def
> __init__(self,carid,speed,dest,orig,adjls,juncls):
>         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>         self.speed=speed
>         self.finished=0
>         self.carid=carid
>         self.dest=dest
>         self.orig=orig
>         self.adjls=adjls
>         self.juncls=juncls
> self.shortest=find_shortest_path(adjls,self.dest,self.orig)
>         self.calc=findpaths(adjls,self.dest,self.orig)
> self.stats={'currtrsp':0,'avgspeed':0,'distcov':0,'totaltime':0}
>     def traverse_track(self,p1,p2):
>         counter=0
>         time=0
>         while self.adjls[p1][counter].to!=p2:
>             counter=counter+1
>         self.track=self.adjls[p1][counter]
>         self.pos=0
>         if self.speed>self.track.speed:
>             speed=self.track.speed
>         else:
>             speed=self.speed
>         while self.pos!=self.track.length:
>             if self.track.state.has_key(self.pos):
>                 self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
>             else:
> self.track.state[self.pos]=threading.Semaphore(value=self.track.lanes)
>                 self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
>             if self.pos!=0:
>                 self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
>             self.pos=self.pos+1
>             sleep(1.0/speed)
>             time=time+1.0/speed
> self.stats['currtrsp']=float(self.track.length)/time
>         if self.stats['avgspeed']:
> self.stats['avgspeed']=float(self.stats['distcov']+self.track.length)/(self.stats['distcov']/self.stats['avgspeed']+self.track.length/self.stats['currtrsp'])
>         else:
> self.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
> self.stats['totaltime']=self.stats['totaltime']+time
>         if self.track.stats['avgspeed']:
> self.track.stats['avgspeed']=(self.track.stats['avgspeed']*self.track.stats['traffictotal']+self.stats['currtrsp'])/(self.track.stats['traffictotal']+1)
>         else:
> self.track.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
> self.stats['distcov']=self.stats['distcov']+self.track.length
> self.track.stats['traffictotal']=self.track.stats['traffictotal']+1
>     def cross_junction(self,juncls,juncid,orig,dest):
>         marker=str(orig)+'-'+str(dest)
>         if juncls[juncid].free.has_key(marker):
>             self.track.state[self.pos].release()
>         else:
>             while not
> juncls[juncid].signalled['green'].has_key(marker):
>                 sleep(0.2)
>             self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
>     def run(self):
>         path=self.shortest
>         counter=1
>         for i in path[:1]:
>             self.traverse_track(i,path[counter])
>             if not counter==len(path)-1:
> self.cross_junction(self.juncls,path[counter],i,path[counter+1])
>             counter=counter+1
>         self.finished=1
>         self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From luke.jordan at  Thu Feb 24 19:02:44 2005
From: luke.jordan at (Luke Jordan)
Date: Thu Feb 24 19:02:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Print text position problems when using triple quotes
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I've tried a lot of experimenting and searching through various
tutorials, and I haven't been able to come up with a solution to this,
ostensibly simple, problem.

I'm writing a simple game (run in command line) in which narrative
text is printed in response to a user's decisions. The problem I'm
running into is that triple quotes used in an indented block preserves
the indentation when it prints. I'm writing code like this:

if userInput == 1:
        some stuff
        print """
        question within a question
        if userInput == 1:
                print """
        elif userInput == 2:
                print """

to preserve the text's position at left when I run it in the
command-line. The blocks get distorted and it becomes painful to read.

Is there a way to preserve the readability of the code and have
printed text from indented blocks, say, nested conditionals, appear
flush at left, not printed exactly where I've written them in the

I know I can accomplish this using single quotes instead of triple
quotes, but I'm holding out hope that I can avoid putting each
sentence in a separate print statement.

if userInput == 1:
        print "here's 80 characters"
        print "now another 80"

Also, I've tried string.ljust(), but either I'm doing it wrong or it
isn't the trick I'm looking for.

Thanks for the help.

"If you think that was good, wait 'til you taste the antidote!"
From bill.mill at  Thu Feb 24 19:14:13 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Thu Feb 24 19:14:17 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Print text position problems when using triple quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 10:02:44 -0800, Luke Jordan <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've tried a lot of experimenting and searching through various
> tutorials, and I haven't been able to come up with a solution to this,
> ostensibly simple, problem.
> I'm writing a simple game (run in command line) in which narrative
> text is printed in response to a user's decisions. The problem I'm
> running into is that triple quotes used in an indented block preserves
> the indentation when it prints. I'm writing code like this:
> if userInput == 1:
>         some stuff
>         print """
> texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
>         """
>         question within a question
>         if userInput == 1:
>                 print """
> texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
> texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
>                 """
>         elif userInput == 2:
>                 print """
> owowowowowowowowowowow
>                 """
> to preserve the text's position at left when I run it in the
> command-line. The blocks get distorted and it becomes painful to read.
> Is there a way to preserve the readability of the code and have
> printed text from indented blocks, say, nested conditionals, appear
> flush at left, not printed exactly where I've written them in the
> script?

Why not just take them out of the block, and either make them global
to the module or create a string module? i.e.:

prompt1 = """This is a long string with %s string variables
%s scattered all over the place
            as well as odd indentation %s
    and funny lines

class foo:
    def bar(self):
        print prompt1 % (var1, var2, var3)

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From bill.mill at  Thu Feb 24 19:15:41 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Thu Feb 24 19:15:44 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Print text position problems when using triple quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 13:14:13 -0500, Bill Mill <> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 10:02:44 -0800, Luke Jordan <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've tried a lot of experimenting and searching through various
> > tutorials, and I haven't been able to come up with a solution to this,
> > ostensibly simple, problem.
> >
> > I'm writing a simple game (run in command line) in which narrative
> > text is printed in response to a user's decisions. The problem I'm
> > running into is that triple quotes used in an indented block preserves
> > the indentation when it prints. I'm writing code like this:
> >
> > if userInput == 1:
> >         some stuff
> >         print """
> > texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
> >         """
> >         question within a question
> >         if userInput == 1:
> >                 print """
> > texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
> > texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
> >                 """
> >         elif userInput == 2:
> >                 print """
> > owowowowowowowowowowow
> >                 """
> >
> > to preserve the text's position at left when I run it in the
> > command-line. The blocks get distorted and it becomes painful to read.
> >
> > Is there a way to preserve the readability of the code and have
> > printed text from indented blocks, say, nested conditionals, appear
> > flush at left, not printed exactly where I've written them in the
> > script?
> Why not just take them out of the block, and either make them global
> to the module or create a string module? i.e.:
> prompt1 = """This is a long string with %s string variables
> %s scattered all over the place
>             as well as odd indentation %s
>     and funny lines
>    ------------------
>                ============"""
> class foo:
>     def bar(self):

Sorry, I forgot that if it's in the module, you should declare prompt1
as global by using "global prompt1" right here.

>         print prompt1 % (var1, var2, var3)
> peace
> Bill Mill
> bill.mill at
From luke.jordan at  Thu Feb 24 19:57:24 2005
From: luke.jordan at (Luke Jordan)
Date: Thu Feb 24 19:57:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Print text position problems when using triple quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Many Thanks,


On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 13:15:41 -0500, Bill Mill <> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 13:14:13 -0500, Bill Mill <> wrote:
> > On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 10:02:44 -0800, Luke Jordan <> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I've tried a lot of experimenting and searching through various
> > > tutorials, and I haven't been able to come up with a solution to this,
> > > ostensibly simple, problem.
> > >
> > > I'm writing a simple game (run in command line) in which narrative
> > > text is printed in response to a user's decisions. The problem I'm
> > > running into is that triple quotes used in an indented block preserves
> > > the indentation when it prints. I'm writing code like this:
> > >
> > > if userInput == 1:
> > >         some stuff
> > >         print """
> > > texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
> > >         """
> > >         question within a question
> > >         if userInput == 1:
> > >                 print """
> > > texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
> > > texttexttexttexttexttexttexttext
> > >                 """
> > >         elif userInput == 2:
> > >                 print """
> > > owowowowowowowowowowow
> > >                 """
> > >
> > > to preserve the text's position at left when I run it in the
> > > command-line. The blocks get distorted and it becomes painful to read.
> > >
> > > Is there a way to preserve the readability of the code and have
> > > printed text from indented blocks, say, nested conditionals, appear
> > > flush at left, not printed exactly where I've written them in the
> > > script?
> >
> > Why not just take them out of the block, and either make them global
> > to the module or create a string module? i.e.:
> >
> > prompt1 = """This is a long string with %s string variables
> > %s scattered all over the place
> >             as well as odd indentation %s
> >     and funny lines
> >    ------------------
> >                ============"""
> >
> > class foo:
> >     def bar(self):
> Sorry, I forgot that if it's in the module, you should declare prompt1
> as global by using "global prompt1" right here.
> >         print prompt1 % (var1, var2, var3)
> >
> > peace
> > Bill Mill
> > bill.mill at
> >

"If you think that was good, wait 'til you taste the antidote!"
From dyoo at  Thu Feb 24 20:04:49 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb 24 20:04:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Precompiling to bytecode
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Smith, Jeff wrote:

> I notice that python only pre-compiles imported modules and not the main
> script.  The only way I seem to be able to get this to happen is to run
> python -c "import mainscript"

Hi Jeff,

Python automatically tries to compile module code on an 'import'

Main programs aren't automatically imported, so that's why you're not
seeing bytecode for them.

Hope this helps!

From dyoo at  Thu Feb 24 20:23:25 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb 24 20:23:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Interpreter level objects
In-Reply-To: <000301c51a0d$c02c8f90$a35328cf@JSLAPTOP>
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005, Jacob S. wrote:

> Say I put the code
> import psyco
> psyco.full()
> in and run a random file that I have already got an
> average execution time of. Then I run it again, with the above
> implemented. My execution time is has dropped. Which brings me to
> believe that psyco monitors all subprocesses and all subobjects.

Hi Jacob,

Yes, psyco.full() will do so, by patching itself in the Python runtime.
But normally, people will run psyco on specific functions that they know
are hot-spots in their code by using psyco.bind().

> So this being the case, why haven't the volunteers set up from
> __import__ division so that you can put it in and get
> it to run whenever you start python?

One thing is that psyco only works on the x86 platform.  It's also a bit
experimental; in the Drawbacks section in Psyco's introduction:

the page mentions that the behavior of certain programs will change under
Psyco, and that's not ideal.  Finally, Psyco uses a lot of memory, and
that's probably the biggest drawback.

In short, Psyco is intrusive enough that it's probably not a good idea to
turn it on by default.

> Anyways, this all came up because several modules that used psyco.full()
> would greatly be hindered if they imported another module that did the
> same.  So I got the great idea, why not put it in

I think the current thinking is that individual modules are responsible
for calling psyco on themselves --- that is, the authors of a module would
know best what functions would benefit most from Psyco's JIT compilation.

Calling Psyco on everything is probably not a good idea, just because it
does use a lot of memory, and because there is a time cost involved in
doing the JIT stuff itself.  If some code is going to be run just once
anyway, there's really not much gain in JIT-ing it first, since all that
analysis is probably going to cost more than running the code once.

Psyco can work wonders on things like inner loops, but it's not so
effective on top-level code.

> Then I got the idea, why not put from __import__ division in the
>, too?  psyco.full() worked, from __import__ division
> did not.

The statement:

from __future__ import division

is module specific; it won't automatically affect division throughout the
system, but limits itself to the particular module where it's been
declared.  So in your example, new-style division actually is being turned
on only for

This is briefly mentioned in:


    - The future division statement, spelled "from __future__ import
      division", will change the / operator to mean true division
      throughout the module.

If we want to make new-style division work throughout the system, we can
call Python with the '-Q new' command line argument.

Best of wishes to you!

From kent37 at  Thu Feb 24 20:23:28 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 24 20:23:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Print text position problems when using triple quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Bill Mill wrote:
>>class foo:
>>    def bar(self):
> Sorry, I forgot that if it's in the module, you should declare prompt1
> as global by using "global prompt1" right here.
>>        print prompt1 % (var1, var2, var3)

No, you only need the global statement if you want to assign to a global variable. Read-only 
reference will work without the global.


From dyoo at  Thu Feb 24 20:34:34 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb 24 20:34:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Print text position problems when using triple quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > > > I'm writing a simple game (run in command line) in which narrative
> > > > text is printed in response to a user's decisions. The problem I'm
> > > > running into is that triple quotes used in an indented block
> > > > preserves the indentation when it prints.

[text cut]

> > > Why not just take them out of the block, and either make them global
> > > to the module or create a string module?

[text cut]

> Excellent.

Side note: one other nice thing about Bill's solution is that it becomes
easier to just pass that 'string module' off to someone else for
maintenence.  Your game can be easily translated to other languages!
(GNU gettext, for example, is a system for internationalizing programs,
and it keeps a program's messages in language-specific message files.)
This approach is also the heart of things like "template" languages.

From s.varun at  Thu Feb 24 20:45:29 2005
From: s.varun at (Varun Soundararajan)
Date: Thu Feb 24 20:45:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python Online Programming Contest
Message-ID: <>

Hi Friends,
Department of Information Technology, Madras Institute of Technology,
Anna University
is conducting a technical symposium, Samhita. As a part of samhita, an
Online Programming Contest is scheduled on Sunday, 27 Feb 2005.

This is the first Online Programming Contest in India to support Python !!!!.
Other languages supported are C and C++.

For Registration and Rules of the contest,
For details about samhita

-Online Programming Contest team
From bill.mill at  Thu Feb 24 20:51:35 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Thu Feb 24 20:51:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Print text position problems when using triple quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 14:23:28 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> Bill Mill wrote:
> >>class foo:
> >>    def bar(self):
> >
> >
> > Sorry, I forgot that if it's in the module, you should declare prompt1
> > as global by using "global prompt1" right here.
> >
> >
> >>        print prompt1 % (var1, var2, var3)
> No, you only need the global statement if you want to assign to a global variable. Read-only
> reference will work without the global.

This is correct. I do it for myself, just to be as explicit as
possible about it, since it's something I don't like to do. Putting
the strings into another module is really a much better solution.

Thanks for the correction.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From klappnase at  Thu Feb 24 21:10:21 2005
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Thu Feb 24 21:07:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode issues
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 07:51:04 -0500
Kent Johnson <> wrote:

> Michael Lange wrote:
> > I *thought* I would have to convert the user input which might be any encoding back into
> > byte string first 
> How are you getting the user input? Is it from the console or from a GUI?

It's a (Tkinter) gui, but anyway, I think I now understand why this idea is total nonsense.

> If your intent is to create a unicode string, try this:
>      if not isinstance(result, unicode):
>          result = result.decode(sys.stdin.encoding)
Ok, user input must be checked whether it's unicode or not and if necessary be decoded to
unicode with system encoding. For internal operations I should then use only unicode strings
and if I need to print something to stdout I must encode it again with system encoding, right?

> This article gives a lot of good background:
> I have written an essay about console encoding issues. At the end there is a collection of links to 
> more general Python and Unicode articles.
> Kent
That's great! Exactly the kind of articles I've been looking for but couldn't find.


From kent37 at  Thu Feb 24 21:22:38 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Thu Feb 24 21:22:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Unicode issues
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>	<>	<>	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Michael Lange wrote:
> Ok, user input must be checked whether it's unicode or not and if necessary be decoded to
> unicode with system encoding. For internal operations I should then use only unicode strings
> and if I need to print something to stdout I must encode it again with system encoding, right?

I think that is the best plan.


From misha.dunn at  Thu Feb 24 21:48:17 2005
From: misha.dunn at (Michael Dunn)
Date: Thu Feb 24 21:48:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Print text position problems when using triple quotes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Luke,

> Is there a way to preserve the readability of the code and have
> printed text from indented blocks, say, nested conditionals, appear
> flush at left, not printed exactly where I've written them in the
> script?

you can use the textwrap module for this.

>>> from textwrap import dedent
>>> print dedent("""\
...     some
...     indented
...     text""")

"dedent" is a utility function of the textwrap module that trims every
line by an equal amount. The trick here is the backslash so that the
first line doesn't count. The "fill" and "wrap" functions of textwrap
might also interest you:

Cheers, Michael
From kabads at  Thu Feb 24 23:19:42 2005
From: kabads at (Adam Cripps)
Date: Thu Feb 24 23:19:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
Message-ID: <>

I'm trying to create recursive Tkinter buttons with:

		for i in range(0,10):
			print i
			buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
			button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
			button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)

However, Tkinter doesn't seem to like it with

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 83, in ?
    app = Application(root)
  File "", line 28, in __init__
  File "", line 79, in createWidgets
    button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
  File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\lib-tk\", line 1146, in __setitem__
    self.configure({key: value})
  File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\lib-tk\", line 1139, in configure
    return self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
  File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\lib-tk\", line 1130, in _configure, cmd)) + self._options(cnf))
  File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\lib-tk\", line 997, in _options
    if k[-1] == '_': k = k[:-1]
TypeError: unsubscriptable object

What is a good method for producing recursive Tk widgets?

PGP key: 0x7111B833
From misha.dunn at  Thu Feb 24 23:43:20 2005
From: misha.dunn at (Michael Dunn)
Date: Thu Feb 24 23:43:23 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Reading Tutor with gmail: monospace fonts
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

This is slightly off topic, but I've noticed a lot of people are using
gmail accounts to post to tutor and I just wanted to share a useful
trick I just learned for making gmail display and edit mail with a
monospace rather than proportional font. I'm sure anyone who's tried
it agrees that significant whitespace means that python and
proportional fonts don't play well together...

Basically, you need to get your browser to override the stylesheet of
the page with the following snippet of css:

div.msg div.mb, .cm, .tb {
        font-family: monospace !important;
        font-size: 12px !important;

In Firefox, you add it to the userContent.css file in your preferences
(you'll probably have to create this, see With Safari on MacOSX
you make a css file anywhere you like (I used
~/Library/Safari/MyPrefs.css), add this snippet, and then select the
file from the "Advanced" tab in Safari's Preferences. I don't know
about other browsers, but the same sort of thing is almost certainly

Cheers, Michael
From dyoo at  Thu Feb 24 23:50:11 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Thu Feb 24 23:50:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Adam Cripps wrote:

> I'm trying to create recursive Tkinter buttons with:
> 		for i in range(0,10):
> 			print i
> 			buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
> 			button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> 			button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)

Hi Adam,

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by "recursive" buttons.
I'll assume, for the moment, that you mean composing widgets within

I think that only widgets that are designated as "containers" can contain
other widgets.  A Frame is an example of a widget that can contain other

>>> from Tkinter import *
>>> root = Tk()
>>> frame = Frame(root)
>>> for i in range(5):
...     b = Button(frame, text="button " + str(i))
...     b.pack()
>>> frame.pack()

There's an object hierarchy here that we construct:

    root <----- frame <------ button 0
                              button 1
                              button 2
                              button 3
                              button 4

As far as I can tell, only Frames and Toplevels can contain other widgets
in Tkinter.  Extensions to Tkinter (like Python MegaWidgets) may have
extended the system with more container types.

Best of wishes to you!

From jfouhy at  Fri Feb 25 00:07:42 2005
From: jfouhy at (
Date: Fri Feb 25 00:07:48 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Quoting Danny Yoo <>:

> I think that only widgets that are designated as "containers" can
> contain other widgets. A Frame is an example of a widget that can contain 
> other widgets:

This is (I think) true; but the root can also contain widgets, and it is the
default if no other master is specified.

For example:

>>> from Tkinter import *
>>> def foo():
...  print 'foo'
>>> Button(text='foo', command=foo).pack()

This will produce a window with a button which, when clicked, will print 'foo'
to stdout.

To be honest, I'm a bit stumped by Adam's problem.  Here is some code I just
wrote which works perfectly (it produces a window with a column of buttons
labeled 'field 0' through 'field 9'; each button (when clicked) prints out its

>>> from Tkinter import *
>>> def p(x):
...  print x
>>> for i in xrange(10):
...  buttonName = 'field ' + str(i)
...  b = Button(text=buttonName, command=lambda i=i: p(i))
...  b.grid(row=i)

From johnp at  Fri Feb 25 00:15:47 2005
From: johnp at (John Purser)
Date: Fri Feb 25 00:15:53 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Reading Tutor with gmail: monospace fonts
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks for the tip.

John Purser 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Dunn
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 14:43
Subject: [Tutor] Reading Tutor with gmail: monospace fonts

Hi all,

This is slightly off topic, but I've noticed a lot of people are using
gmail accounts to post to tutor and I just wanted to share a useful
trick I just learned for making gmail display and edit mail with a
monospace rather than proportional font. I'm sure anyone who's tried
it agrees that significant whitespace means that python and
proportional fonts don't play well together...

Basically, you need to get your browser to override the stylesheet of
the page with the following snippet of css:

div.msg div.mb, .cm, .tb {
        font-family: monospace !important;
        font-size: 12px !important;

In Firefox, you add it to the userContent.css file in your preferences
(you'll probably have to create this, see With Safari on MacOSX
you make a css file anywhere you like (I used
~/Library/Safari/MyPrefs.css), add this snippet, and then select the
file from the "Advanced" tab in Safari's Preferences. I don't know
about other browsers, but the same sort of thing is almost certainly

Cheers, Michael
Tutor maillist  -

From kent37 at  Fri Feb 25 03:26:29 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 25 03:26:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Adam Cripps wrote:
> I'm trying to create recursive Tkinter buttons with:
> 		for i in range(0,10):
> 			print i
> 			buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
> 			button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> 			button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)
> However, Tkinter doesn't seem to like it with

Please show us the whole program. This works for me:

from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()
button = {}
for i in range(0,10):
     print i
     buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
     button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
     button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)



> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 83, in ?
>     app = Application(root)
>   File "", line 28, in __init__
>     self.createWidgets()
>   File "", line 79, in createWidgets
>     button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
>   File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\lib-tk\", line 1146, in __setitem__
>     self.configure({key: value})
>   File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\lib-tk\", line 1139, in configure
>     return self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
>   File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\lib-tk\", line 1130, in _configure
>, cmd)) + self._options(cnf))
>   File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\lib-tk\", line 997, in _options
>     if k[-1] == '_': k = k[:-1]
> TypeError: unsubscriptable object
> What is a good method for producing recursive Tk widgets?
> TIA. 
> Adam

From ismaelgf at  Fri Feb 25 07:08:43 2005
From: ismaelgf at (Ismael Garrido)
Date: Fri Feb 25 07:08:19 2005
Subject: [Tutor] SubClassing
Message-ID: <>


My code is like this:

class Parent:
    def __init__(self, bunch, of, variables):
       self.bunch, self.of, self.variables = bunch, of, variables

class Son(Parent):
    def __init__(self, bunch, of, variables, new):
       self.bunch, self.of, self.variables, = bunch, of, 
variables, new

What I want to know is, is there a better way to write Son class? One in 
which I don't have to copy&paste the parent's init?

From shaleh at  Fri Feb 25 07:45:40 2005
From: shaleh at (Sean Perry)
Date: Fri Feb 25 07:46:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] SubClassing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Ismael Garrido wrote:
> Hello
> My code is like this:
> class Parent:
>    def __init__(self, bunch, of, variables):
>       self.bunch, self.of, self.variables = bunch, of, variables
> class Son(Parent):
>    def __init__(self, bunch, of, variables, new):
>       self.bunch, self.of, self.variables, = bunch, of, 
> variables, new
> What I want to know is, is there a better way to write Son class? One in 
> which I don't have to copy&paste the parent's init?

yep. call 'Parent.__init__(this, that)' then do ' = new'

def __init__(self, this, that, new):
     Parent.__init__(this, that) = new
From kabads at  Fri Feb 25 07:53:56 2005
From: kabads at (Adam Cripps)
Date: Fri Feb 25 07:53:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 21:26:29 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> Adam Cripps wrote:
> > I'm trying to create recursive Tkinter buttons with:
> >
> >               for i in range(0,10):
> >                       print i
> >                       buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
> >                       button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> >                       button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)
> >
> > However, Tkinter doesn't seem to like it with
> Please show us the whole program. This works for me:
> from Tkinter import *
> root = Tk()
> button = {}
> for i in range(0,10):
>      print i
>      buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
>      button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
>      button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)
> root.mainloop()
> Kent

Sorry guys for not be clear - recursive isn't the correct term  -
that's what you get when you fire off an email late at night.

I want to create 10 buttons through a loop, each with different text
and passing a different var to another function. My current code is:
(the bit I'm currently working on is near the bottom)

#!/usr/bin/env python
from Tkinter import *
from tkFont import *
from string import *
from sys import* 
from re import *

class Application(Frame):
	def __init__(self, master=None, geometry="500x200"):
		"""Starts the application off"""

	def quit(self):

	def save(self):
		print "saving..."

	def open(self):
		print "opening..."
	def about(self):
		print "about"

	def addMenu(self):
		menu = Menu(root)

		filemenu = Menu(menu, tearoff=0)
		menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=filemenu)
		filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.quit)

		helpmenu = Menu(menu, tearoff=0)
		menu.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=helpmenu)
		helpmenu.add_command(label="About...", command=self.about)

	def createWidgets(self):
		"""This creates all the widgets in the main frame"""
		titleLabel = Label(text="Squawk report generator")
		titleLabel.grid(column = 0, row=0)
		firstNameLabel = Label(text="First name: ")
		firstNameLabel.grid(column = 0, row  = 3, sticky = NW)
		self.firstname = StringVar()
		firstNameEntry = Entry(textvariable = self.firstname)
		firstNameEntry.grid(column =1, row=3, sticky = NW)
		surNameLabel = Label(text="Surname: ")
		surNameLabel.grid(column = 0, row = 4, sticky = NW)
		self.surname= StringVar()
		surNameEntry = Entry(textvariable=self.surname)
		surNameEntry.grid(column = 1, row=4, stick=NW)
		button = Button(text ="hello")
		#Now we will loop around showing the entry fields
		button = []
		for i in range(0,10):
			print i
			buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
			button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
			button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)

root = Tk()
app = Application(root)
app.master.title("Squawk Report Generator")

The current error is:

  File "", line 80, in createWidgets
    button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
IndexError: list index out of range

PGP key: 0x7111B833
From cyresse at  Fri Feb 25 08:19:15 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb 25 08:19:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

>                 for i in range(0,10):
>                         print i
>                         buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
>                         button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
>                         button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)
> The current error is:
>   File "", line 80, in createWidgets
>     button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> IndexError: list index out of range
 button = []
for i in range(0,10):
     print i
     print button[i]

Will cause the exact same error as button[i].append. Why? button=[],
it has no index.
Perhaps you just mean button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)?


Liam Clarke
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 06:53:56 +0000, Adam Cripps <> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 21:26:29 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> > Adam Cripps wrote:
> > > I'm trying to create recursive Tkinter buttons with:
> > >
> > >               for i in range(0,10):
> > >                       print i
> > >                       buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
> > >                       button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> > >                       button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)
> > >
> > > However, Tkinter doesn't seem to like it with
> >
> > Please show us the whole program. This works for me:
> >
> > from Tkinter import *
> >
> > root = Tk()
> > button = {}
> > for i in range(0,10):
> >      print i
> >      buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
> >      button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> >      button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)
> >
> > root.mainloop()
> >
> > Kent
> Sorry guys for not be clear - recursive isn't the correct term  -
> that's what you get when you fire off an email late at night.
> I want to create 10 buttons through a loop, each with different text
> and passing a different var to another function. My current code is:
> (the bit I'm currently working on is near the bottom)
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> from Tkinter import *
> from tkFont import *
> from string import *
> from sys import*
> from re import *
> class Application(Frame):
>         def __init__(self, master=None, geometry="500x200"):
>                 """Starts the application off"""
>                 Frame.__init__(self,master)
>                 self.grid()
>                 self.addMenu()
>                 self.createWidgets()
>         def quit(self):
>                 self.master.quit()
>         def save(self):
>                 print "saving..."
>         def open(self):
>                 print "opening..."
>         def about(self):
>                 print "about"
>         def addMenu(self):
>                 menu = Menu(root)
>                 root.config(menu=menu)
>                 filemenu = Menu(menu, tearoff=0)
>                 menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=filemenu)
>                 filemenu.add_command(label="Open",
>                 filemenu.add_command(label="Save...",
>                 filemenu.add_separator()
>                 filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.quit)
>                 helpmenu = Menu(menu, tearoff=0)
>                 menu.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=helpmenu)
>                 helpmenu.add_command(label="About...", command=self.about)
>         def createWidgets(self):
>                 """This creates all the widgets in the main frame"""
>                 titleLabel = Label(text="Squawk report generator")
>                 titleLabel.grid(column = 0, row=0)
>                 firstNameLabel = Label(text="First name: ")
>                 firstNameLabel.grid(column = 0, row  = 3, sticky = NW)
>                 self.firstname = StringVar()
>                 firstNameEntry = Entry(textvariable = self.firstname)
>                 firstNameEntry.grid(column =1, row=3, sticky = NW)
>                 surNameLabel = Label(text="Surname: ")
>                 surNameLabel.grid(column = 0, row = 4, sticky = NW)
>                 self.surname= StringVar()
>                 surNameEntry = Entry(textvariable=self.surname)
>                 surNameEntry.grid(column = 1, row=4, stick=NW)
>                 button = Button(text ="hello")
>                 #Now we will loop around showing the entry fields

> Adam
> --
> PGP key: 0x7111B833
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From ismaelgf at  Fri Feb 25 08:53:54 2005
From: ismaelgf at (Ismael Garrido)
Date: Fri Feb 25 08:53:36 2005
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons]
Message-ID: <>

Sent only to Liam... Forwading..

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
Date: 	Fri, 25 Feb 2005 05:45:00 -0200
From: 	Ismael Garrido <>
To: 	Liam Clarke <>
References: 	<> 
<> <> 

Liam Clarke wrote:

>>                for i in range(0,10):
>>                        print i
>>                        buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
>>                        button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
>>                        button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)
>>The current error is:
>>  File "", line 80, in createWidgets
>>    button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
>>IndexError: list index out of range
> button = []
>for i in range(0,10):
>     print i
>     print button[i]
>Will cause the exact same error as button[i].append. Why? button=[],
>it has no index.
>Perhaps you just mean button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)?
Nope, that will give an Array Out of Bounds exception. Remember buttons = []

What he meant is:

button.append( Button(text=buttonlabel) )

(I tested it, too!)


From ismaelgf at  Fri Feb 25 08:54:39 2005
From: ismaelgf at (Ismael Garrido)
Date: Fri Feb 25 08:54:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] SubClassing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Sean Perry wrote:

> yep. call 'Parent.__init__(this, that)' then do ' = new'
> def __init__(self, this, that, new):
>     Parent.__init__(this, that)
> = new


Though it should be:
def __init__(self, this, that, new):
    Parent.__init__(self, this, that)  #note self = new

Thanks again!
From shaleh at  Fri Feb 25 09:01:07 2005
From: shaleh at (Sean Perry)
Date: Fri Feb 25 09:02:12 2005
Subject: [Tutor] SubClassing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ismael Garrido wrote:
> Sean Perry wrote:
>> yep. call 'Parent.__init__(this, that)' then do ' = new'
>> def __init__(self, this, that, new):
>>     Parent.__init__(this, that)
>> = new
> Thanks.
> Though it should be:
> def __init__(self, this, that, new):
>    Parent.__init__(self, this, that)  #note self
> = new

been doing a bunch of C++ programming. C++ -> python I always forget 
about self. python -> c++ I always forget the semicolons (-:
From cyresse at  Fri Feb 25 09:45:05 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb 25 09:45:10 2005
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons]
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

*click* Oh yeah. What you said. Oops. :\


On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 05:53:54 -0200, Ismael Garrido
<> wrote:
> Sent only to Liam... Forwading..
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:        Re: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
> Date:   Fri, 25 Feb 2005 05:45:00 -0200
> From:   Ismael Garrido <>
> To:     Liam Clarke <>
> References:     <>
> <> <>
> <>
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> >>
> >>                for i in range(0,10):
> >>                        print i
> >>                        buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
> >>                        button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> >>                        button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)
> >>
> >>The current error is:
> >>
> >>  File "", line 80, in createWidgets
> >>    button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> >>IndexError: list index out of range
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > button = []
> >for i in range(0,10):
> >     print i
> >     print button[i]
> >
> >
> >Will cause the exact same error as button[i].append. Why? button=[],
> >it has no index.
> >Perhaps you just mean button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)?
> >
> >
> Nope, that will give an Array Out of Bounds exception. Remember buttons = []
> What he meant is:
> button.append( Button(text=buttonlabel) )
> (I tested it, too!)
> Bye
> Ismael
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Fri Feb 25 10:24:56 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb 25 10:25:00 2005
Subject: [Tutor] OT SQL (but through Python...)
Message-ID: <>


Hope I don't annoy anyone by asking this here, if I do, let me know. 

When you're doing a SQL select statement, what would be better? Say
you're searching by name, should I do -
j = cx.execute
j('select * from foo where first == %s and last == %s') % (a,b)
q = cx.fetchall()
if not q: 
    j('select * from foo where first like %s%% and last like %s%%') % (a,b)

or just use 

j('select * from foo where first like %s%% and last like %s%%') % (a,b)

straight off the bat?

The first method gives me direct match, and searches for alternatives
if none are found,
the second may not give me a direct match if there is one. 


first             last

Tim           Johns
Timothy    Johnston

the 1st method will find the 1st row for a='Tim' b = 'Johns's, but the
2nd method will find both.

I'm asking more from a user perspective really, would the quicker
action of the first outweigh the inconstant UI resulting from a

I ask because a database I use heavily at work obviously uses 'like
%s%', which is great for the lazy typers such as myself, but sometime
I wish it would go directly to the only legitimate match, when it has
x number of precisely matching fields.

S'pose it's one of those better/best practises things. I remember
reading somewhere regarding Linux this pithy saying - 'The problem
(with KDE/Gnome etc. ) is that programmers can't design UI.' After my
experiences with KDE, I would tend to agree.


Liam Clarke
'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Fri Feb 25 11:50:44 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 25 11:50:49 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Adam Cripps wrote:
> 		button = []
> 		for i in range(0,10):
> 			print i
> 			buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
> 			button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> 			button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)

You are misusing the button list. You can't use an index until you have added the item to the list. 
The above two lines should be written something like this:

			aButton = Button (text=buttonlabel)
			aButton.grid(column=3, row = i+3)

By the way you are reusing the name button (you use the name for the 'hello' button) and if you are 
not going to use the button list you don't need to create it (just omit 'button.append(aButton)')


From kent37 at  Fri Feb 25 12:15:05 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 25 12:15:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] OT SQL (but through Python...)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi, 
> Hope I don't annoy anyone by asking this here, if I do, let me know. 
> When you're doing a SQL select statement, what would be better? Say
> you're searching by name, should I do -
> j = cx.execute
> j('select * from foo where first == %s and last == %s') % (a,b)
> q = cx.fetchall()
> if not q: 
>     j('select * from foo where first like %s%% and last like %s%%') % (a,b)
> or just use 
> j('select * from foo where first like %s%% and last like %s%%') % (a,b)
> straight off the bat?

First, a code correction. You should never substitute user values into your SQL. Use the database 
driver's capabilities instead. That will ensure that special characters are escaped correctly.

The syntax to do this varies for each database - the 'paramstyle' attribute of the database driver 
will tell you which style to use; the docs should also mention it.

IIRC you are using SQLite, which says,
  >>> import sqlite
  >>> sqlite.paramstyle

The docs have this example:
  >>> cu.execute("insert into test(u1, u2) values (%s, %s)", (u"\x99sterreich", u"Ungarn"))

so I think your code should be
   j('select * from foo where first == %s and last == %s', (a,b))

(note the final '%' is now a comma and (a, b) is a parameter passed to j.)

Why should you care? Imagine a user searches for "Tim" "John'son". Then your SQL becomes
   select * from foo where first == Tim and last == John'son
which will probably give you a syntax errer.

Worse, this opens you up to malicious attacks. What if I search for "Tim" "Johnson; delete table 
foo"? Now your SQL is
   select * from foo where first == Tim and last == Johnson; delete table foo


Finally, some databases will optimize repeated queries. If you substitute the string yourself you 
don't get this benefit because the query string is different each time.

Two more minor notes about the SQL - I use =, not == - actually I'm surprised == works. And if you 
are going to have string literals in your SQL put them in 'quotes'.

> The first method gives me direct match, and searches for alternatives
> if none are found,
> the second may not give me a direct match if there is one. 
> i.e 
> first             last
> Tim           Johns
> Timothy    Johnston
> the 1st method will find the 1st row for a='Tim' b = 'Johns's, but the
> 2nd method will find both.
> I'm asking more from a user perspective really, would the quicker
> action of the first outweigh the inconstant UI resulting from a
> search?

This isn't really a database question but a UI question. Who are the users? Can you ask them what 
they would prefer? If it is just for you, what do you prefer?

Maybe you want an "Exact match" checkbox in your GUI?

I wouldn't decide on the basis of speed, for any decent database you won't notice the difference.


From klappnase at  Fri Feb 25 12:21:18 2005
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Fri Feb 25 12:18:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 20:19:15 +1300
Liam Clarke <> wrote:

> >                
> >                 for i in range(0,10):
> >                         print i
> >                         buttonlabel = "field " +str(i)
> >                         button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> >                         button[i].grid(column=3, row = i+3)
> > 
> > The current error is:
> > 
> >   File "", line 80, in createWidgets
> >     button[i].append = Button (text=buttonlabel)
> > IndexError: list index out of range
> > 
>  button = []
> for i in range(0,10):
>      print i
>      print button[i]
> Will cause the exact same error as button[i].append. Why? button=[],
> it has no index.
> Perhaps you just mean button[i] = Button (text=buttonlabel)?
> Regards,
Or :

buttonlist = []
for i in range(0, 10):
    print i
    buttonlabel = "field" + str(i)
    b = Button(text=buttonlabel)
    b.grid(column=3, row=i+3)

Remember what you are doing when you call "button[i].append = Button(text=buttonlabel)":
button is a list of Tkinter.Button objects, so button[i] is the "i-th" item in this list
and that's exactly one more than the list actually contains, so you get an IndexError .
However, if this IndexError wouldn't occur, it didn't help much, because you would
probably get an AttributeError, saying something like "Tkinter.Button instance has no attribute 'append'".
Even without this AttributeError nothing would be won, because the list's append() method returns None,
so you would have:  None = Button(text=buttonlabel) which is probably not what you intended.

You see, in my example above I called the list "buttonlist" instead of "button"; maybe this naming
helps avoid confusion .

Best regards

From cyresse at  Fri Feb 25 12:38:00 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb 25 12:38:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] OT SQL (but through Python...)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

A light dawns, and I now understand how SQL code injection attacks can happen.

Looks like I'm going to have to rethink & re-examine some docs....



On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 06:15:05 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Hope I don't annoy anyone by asking this here, if I do, let me know.
> >
> > When you're doing a SQL select statement, what would be better? Say
> > you're searching by name, should I do -
> > j = cx.execute
> > j('select * from foo where first == %s and last == %s') % (a,b)
> > q = cx.fetchall()
> > if not q:
> >     j('select * from foo where first like %s%% and last like %s%%') % (a,b)
> >
> > or just use
> >
> > j('select * from foo where first like %s%% and last like %s%%') % (a,b)
> >
> > straight off the bat?
> First, a code correction. You should never substitute user values into your SQL. Use the database
> driver's capabilities instead. That will ensure that special characters are escaped correctly.
> The syntax to do this varies for each database - the 'paramstyle' attribute of the database driver
> will tell you which style to use; the docs should also mention it.
> IIRC you are using SQLite, which says,
>   >>> import sqlite
>   >>> sqlite.paramstyle
> 'pyformat'
> The docs have this example:
>   >>> cu.execute("insert into test(u1, u2) values (%s, %s)", (u"\x99sterreich", u"Ungarn"))
> so I think your code should be
>    j('select * from foo where first == %s and last == %s', (a,b))
> (note the final '%' is now a comma and (a, b) is a parameter passed to j.)
> Why should you care? Imagine a user searches for "Tim" "John'son". Then your SQL becomes
>    select * from foo where first == Tim and last == John'son
> which will probably give you a syntax errer.
> Worse, this opens you up to malicious attacks. What if I search for "Tim" "Johnson; delete table
> foo"? Now your SQL is
>    select * from foo where first == Tim and last == Johnson; delete table foo
> ...oops
> Finally, some databases will optimize repeated queries. If you substitute the string yourself you
> don't get this benefit because the query string is different each time.
> Two more minor notes about the SQL - I use =, not == - actually I'm surprised == works. And if you
> are going to have string literals in your SQL put them in 'quotes'.
> >
> > The first method gives me direct match, and searches for alternatives
> > if none are found,
> > the second may not give me a direct match if there is one.
> >
> > i.e
> >
> > first             last
> >
> > Tim           Johns
> > Timothy    Johnston
> >
> > the 1st method will find the 1st row for a='Tim' b = 'Johns's, but the
> > 2nd method will find both.
> >
> > I'm asking more from a user perspective really, would the quicker
> > action of the first outweigh the inconstant UI resulting from a
> > search?
> This isn't really a database question but a UI question. Who are the users? Can you ask them what
> they would prefer? If it is just for you, what do you prefer?
> Maybe you want an "Exact match" checkbox in your GUI?
> I wouldn't decide on the basis of speed, for any decent database you won't notice the difference.
> Kent
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Fri Feb 25 15:24:48 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Fri Feb 25 15:24:52 2005
Subject: [Tutor] OT SQL (but through Python...)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>


Well thanks Kent, after a bit of puzzlement I feel like I'm getting it. 
Pysqlite takes care of correct quotation marks for me, but it's only
good for parameters.

so to generate 'select * from foo if A = "Bat"' I can hand cx.execute
'Bat', but I still have to
insert A.

So, my select statement generation now looks like this, bit rough at mo.

def searchTable(self, table, fields):
        initReq = 'select * from %s where ' % table
        for (column, values) in fields.items():
            if not values:
                #Don't search for None/NULLs 
            reqs.append('%s = %%s' % column)
            values = self.checkForBad(values)
        request = initReq + " and ".join(reqs)
        table_data = self.execRequest(request, flatTuples)
        return table_data 

So it'll pass a string stating 'select * from foo where A = %s and B =
%s' to execute, along with the two parameters to insert. But, it runs
each user entered value through this first:

def checkForBad(stringA):
        if ';' in stringA:
            stringA.replace(';', '')
        return stringA

to catch semi-colons, there will be no legitimate reason for them in this db. 
Are there any other special characters I should be checking for? Is
there anyway to allow semi-colons without  opening up the nasty
vunerability, as I may need semicolons galore one day...

This is execRequest, for completeness - 

def execRequest(self, request, params = None):
        cx = self.connection.cursor()
        if params:
            cx.execute(request, params)
        data = cx.fetchall()
        return data

Thanks ever so much for the pointers.


Liam Clarke
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 00:38:00 +1300, Liam Clarke <> wrote:
> A light dawns, and I now understand how SQL code injection attacks can happen.
> Looks like I'm going to have to rethink & re-examine some docs....
> Cheers,
> Liam
> On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 06:15:05 -0500, Kent Johnson <> wrote:
> > Liam Clarke wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Hope I don't annoy anyone by asking this here, if I do, let me know.
> > >
> > > When you're doing a SQL select statement, what would be better? Say
> > > you're searching by name, should I do -
> > > j = cx.execute
> > > j('select * from foo where first == %s and last == %s') % (a,b)
> > > q = cx.fetchall()
> > > if not q:
> > >     j('select * from foo where first like %s%% and last like %s%%') % (a,b)
> > >
> > > or just use
> > >
> > > j('select * from foo where first like %s%% and last like %s%%') % (a,b)
> > >
> > > straight off the bat?
> >
> > First, a code correction. You should never substitute user values into your SQL. Use the database
> > driver's capabilities instead. That will ensure that special characters are escaped correctly.
> >
> > The syntax to do this varies for each database - the 'paramstyle' attribute of the database driver
> > will tell you which style to use; the docs should also mention it.
> >
> > IIRC you are using SQLite, which says,
> >   >>> import sqlite
> >   >>> sqlite.paramstyle
> > 'pyformat'
> >
> > The docs have this example:
> >   >>> cu.execute("insert into test(u1, u2) values (%s, %s)", (u"\x99sterreich", u"Ungarn"))
> >
> > so I think your code should be
> >    j('select * from foo where first == %s and last == %s', (a,b))
> >
> > (note the final '%' is now a comma and (a, b) is a parameter passed to j.)
> >
> > Why should you care? Imagine a user searches for "Tim" "John'son". Then your SQL becomes
> >    select * from foo where first == Tim and last == John'son
> > which will probably give you a syntax errer.
> >
> > Worse, this opens you up to malicious attacks. What if I search for "Tim" "Johnson; delete table
> > foo"? Now your SQL is
> >    select * from foo where first == Tim and last == Johnson; delete table foo
> >
> > ...oops
> >
> > Finally, some databases will optimize repeated queries. If you substitute the string yourself you
> > don't get this benefit because the query string is different each time.
> >
> > Two more minor notes about the SQL - I use =, not == - actually I'm surprised == works. And if you
> > are going to have string literals in your SQL put them in 'quotes'.
> >
> > >
> > > The first method gives me direct match, and searches for alternatives
> > > if none are found,
> > > the second may not give me a direct match if there is one.
> > >
> > > i.e
> > >
> > > first             last
> > >
> > > Tim           Johns
> > > Timothy    Johnston
> > >
> > > the 1st method will find the 1st row for a='Tim' b = 'Johns's, but the
> > > 2nd method will find both.
> > >
> > > I'm asking more from a user perspective really, would the quicker
> > > action of the first outweigh the inconstant UI resulting from a
> > > search?
> >
> > This isn't really a database question but a UI question. Who are the users? Can you ask them what
> > they would prefer? If it is just for you, what do you prefer?
> >
> > Maybe you want an "Exact match" checkbox in your GUI?
> >
> > I wouldn't decide on the basis of speed, for any decent database you won't notice the difference.
> >
> > Kent
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> --
> 'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
> And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From kent37 at  Fri Feb 25 15:47:59 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 25 15:48:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] OT SQL (but through Python...)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hi, 
> Well thanks Kent, after a bit of puzzlement I feel like I'm getting it. 
> Pysqlite takes care of correct quotation marks for me, but it's only
> good for parameters.

Right, you still hard-code the rest of the query.
> so to generate 'select * from foo if A = "Bat"' I can hand cx.execute
> 'Bat', but I still have to
> insert A.

Yes, assuming you mean 'still have to insert A into the SQL'

> So, my select statement generation now looks like this, bit rough at mo.
> def searchTable(self, table, fields):
>         initReq = 'select * from %s where ' % table
>         reqs=[]
>         flatTuples=[]
>         for (column, values) in fields.items():
>             if not values:
>                 #Don't search for None/NULLs 
>                 continue
>             reqs.append('%s = %%s' % column)
>             values = self.checkForBad(values)
>             flatTuples.append(values)
>         request = initReq + " and ".join(reqs)
>         table_data = self.execRequest(request, flatTuples)
>         table_data.append(self.tableColumns[table])
>         return table_data 

Looks good.

> So it'll pass a string stating 'select * from foo where A = %s and B =
> %s' to execute, along with the two parameters to insert. But, it runs
> each user entered value through this first:
> def checkForBad(stringA):
>         if ';' in stringA:
>             stringA.replace(';', '')
>         return stringA

Should be
   stringA = stringA.replace(...)
as strings are immutable.

> to catch semi-colons, there will be no legitimate reason for them in this db. 
> Are there any other special characters I should be checking for? Is
> there anyway to allow semi-colons without  opening up the nasty
> vunerability, as I may need semicolons galore one day...

I don't think you need checkForBad() at all. When you pass the parameters to the db, it becomes the 
db's responsibility to do any necessary quoting.


From shitizb at  Fri Feb 25 17:17:42 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Fri Feb 25 17:17:46 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

Thanx everyone for all your suggestions.I used a
separate thread for every car as I wanted my cars to
run in real time, to coordinate effectively with other
systems like traffic lights for eg. which I cant edit,
hence which cant use the variable time defined by me.

I figured out two ways to achieve this....

On Linux... ulimit -s 64, limits the stacksize of each
thread to 64Kb, and i was able to generate 8000
threads.However upgrading my program to support more
cars was a problem.

Another way was to spawn 1000 threads, handling abt 10
cars each...this way the diff in real time and my
program time was limited.

I tried my hands at Stackless too... but still had
problems implementing the concept.

Can anyone guide me on how to spawn simultaneously( or
pseudo simultaneously) running microthreads using

Here is what i tried..

ef gencars(num,origin,dest,speed):
    global adjls
    global cars
    global juncls
    for i in range(num):                              
             task.setup('Bind using Setup')

Now this is what i copied from somewhere...i dont
claim to understand fully what is happening.Here is a process which takes a long time to

What happens on execution is....One car is initialised
and then the program waits for its run method to
complete before proceeding.

I also feel that there is no clear documentation on

Show me the light.


--- Hugo González Monteverde <>

> OK, as ignorant as I may be on threads, I have read
> a bit on Stackless 
> Python's tasklets. Suppossedly they require much
> less memory than 
> python's threads.
> Information is at
> Hugo
> Shitiz Bansal wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am trying to build a traffic network simulator
> using
> > python, for my degree project.
> > 
> > I need to run at least 5-6000 cars
> simultaneously.I
> > wanted to run each car in a separate thread.
> > However , after about 400 threads i am unable to
> > create new threads.
> > 
> > Here's the code:
> > 
> >>>>cars=range(1000)
> >>>>for i in cars:
> > 
> > 	cars[i]=cars[i]=car(1,10,2,1,adjls,juncls)
> > 
> > 	
> > 
> >>>>for i in cars:
> > 
> > 	i.start()
> > 
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "<pyshell#24>", line 2, in -toplevel-
> >     i.start()
> > error: can't start new thread
> > 
> > Is there a way out.Also, are there any tips on
> > performance issues?
> > 
> > Here is the class car:
> > 
> > class car(threading.Thread):
> >     def
> > __init__(self,carid,speed,dest,orig,adjls,juncls):
> >         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
> >         self.speed=speed
> >         self.finished=0
> >         self.carid=carid
> >         self.dest=dest
> >         self.orig=orig
> >         self.adjls=adjls
> >         self.juncls=juncls
> >        
> >
> >        
> self.calc=findpaths(adjls,self.dest,self.orig)
> >        
> >
> >     def traverse_track(self,p1,p2):
> >         counter=0
> >         time=0
> >         while self.adjls[p1][counter].to!=p2:
> >             counter=counter+1
> >         self.track=self.adjls[p1][counter]
> >         self.pos=0
> >         if self.speed>self.track.speed:
> >             speed=self.track.speed
> >         else:
> >             speed=self.speed
> >         while self.pos!=self.track.length:
> >             if self.track.state.has_key(self.pos):
> >                
> self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
> >             else:
> >                
> >
> >                
> self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
> >             if self.pos!=0:
> >                
> self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
> >             self.pos=self.pos+1
> >             sleep(1.0/speed)
> >             time=time+1.0/speed
> >        
> >
> self.stats['currtrsp']=float(self.track.length)/time
> >         if self.stats['avgspeed']:
> >            
> >
> >         else:
> >            
> > self.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
> >        
> >
> self.stats['totaltime']=self.stats['totaltime']+time
> >         if self.track.stats['avgspeed']:
> >            
> >
> >         else:
> >            
> >
> self.track.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
> >        
> >
> >        
> >
> >     def
> cross_junction(self,juncls,juncid,orig,dest):
> >         marker=str(orig)+'-'+str(dest)
> >         if juncls[juncid].free.has_key(marker):
> >             self.track.state[self.pos].release()
> >         else:
> >             while not
> > juncls[juncid].signalled['green'].has_key(marker):
> >                 sleep(0.2)
> >             self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
> >     def run(self):
> >         path=self.shortest
> >         counter=1
> >         for i in path[:1]:
> >             self.traverse_track(i,path[counter])
> >             if not counter==len(path)-1:
> >                
> >
> >             counter=counter+1
> >         self.finished=1
> >         self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> > 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
From bill.mill at  Fri Feb 25 18:04:42 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Fri Feb 25 18:04:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Hugo,

> I tried my hands at Stackless too... but still had
> problems implementing the concept.
> Can anyone guide me on how to spawn simultaneously( or
> pseudo simultaneously) running microthreads using
> stackless.
> Here is what i tried..
> ef gencars(num,origin,dest,speed):
>     global adjls
>     global cars
>     global juncls
>     for i in range(num):
>              cars.append(car(orig,dest,speed)
>              task=tasklet(cars[i].run())
>              task.setup('Bind using Setup')
> Now this is what i copied from somewhere...i dont
> claim to understand fully what is happening.Here
> is a process which takes a long time to
> execute.
> What happens on execution is....One car is initialised
> and then the program waits for its run method to
> complete before proceeding.
> I also feel that there is no clear documentation on
> stackless.
> Show me the light.

You might want to tighten this question up and ask it on python-list.
This is pretty specialized knowledge for the python-tutors list, and I
know for a fact that there are several people who have used greenlets
on python-list.

Just a thought.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From ternary at  Fri Feb 25 19:00:16 2005
From: ternary at (Mike Bell)
Date: Fri Feb 25 19:00:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

If what you want is something that scales up, then you're attacking
the Wrong Problem.  Rather than focus on getting your thread overhead
as small as possible in order to support as much real-time concurrency
as you can, you should (as has been suggested) try to get
simulation-time concurrency without worrying about what happens in
real-time. Then you can have arbitrarily many things happening at

This introduction to discrete event simulation explains the idea:

From luke.jordan at  Fri Feb 25 20:04:11 2005
From: luke.jordan at (Luke Jordan)
Date: Fri Feb 25 20:04:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Functions Calling Functions
Message-ID: <>

Hi - 

I'm working on a command-line game. Is there anything wrong with
having each 'chapter' of the game be a function that links to other
chapters by calling them? I only ask because when a recent traceback
returned about 40 lines worth of error message, I realized that the
functions are all being run 'within each other' (ah-ha!).


"If you think that was good, wait 'til you taste the antidote!"
From bill.mill at  Fri Feb 25 20:10:22 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Fri Feb 25 20:10:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Functions Calling Functions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 11:04:11 -0800, Luke Jordan <> wrote:
> Hi -
> I'm working on a command-line game. Is there anything wrong with
> having each 'chapter' of the game be a function that links to other
> chapters by calling them? I only ask because when a recent traceback
> returned about 40 lines worth of error message, I realized that the
> functions are all being run 'within each other' (ah-ha!).

for your own debugging sanity, you'll likely want to have a supervisor
function which calls the chapter functions in order. There's nothing
technically wrong with what you're doing, as long as you don't exceed
the maximum recursion depth, but it's a pain to debug and takes up a
whole bunch of memory you don't need.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From kent37 at  Fri Feb 25 20:29:37 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Fri Feb 25 20:29:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Functions Calling Functions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Luke Jordan wrote:
> Hi - 
> I'm working on a command-line game. Is there anything wrong with
> having each 'chapter' of the game be a function that links to other
> chapters by calling them? I only ask because when a recent traceback
> returned about 40 lines worth of error message, I realized that the
> functions are all being run 'within each other' (ah-ha!).

Technically it's OK but conceptually it isn't really right. After all, when you finish a chapter you 
don't go back to the chapter you came from!

I would use a central dispatcher. Each chapter function could return a token indicating which 
chapter is next, or it could return the actual next chapter function.

Here is a simple example:


def dispatch(chapter):
     while chapter is not None:
         chapter = chapter()

def chapter1():
     print 'This is chapter 1'
     raw_input('Press return to continue')
     return chapter2

def chapter2():
     print 'You see a heffalump.'
     yn = raw_input('Do you kill the heffalump? ')
     if yn == 'y':
         return chapter3
         return chapter4

def chapter3():
     print 'The heffalump is dead. Congratulations, you win!'
     return None

def chapter4():
     print 'The heffalump kills you and eats you.'
     print 'You have died!'
     return None




From project5 at  Fri Feb 25 21:11:42 2005
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri Feb 25 21:12:08 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Functions Calling Functions
References: <>
Message-ID: <bt03779pw50r$.1k8doa41wd81q$>

Luke Jordan wrote on Fri, 25 Feb 2005 11:04:11 -0800:

Hi Luke,

> I'm working on a command-line game. Is there anything wrong with
> having each 'chapter' of the game be a function that links to other
> chapters by calling them? I only ask because when a recent traceback
> returned about 40 lines worth of error message, I realized that the
> functions are all being run 'within each other' (ah-ha!).

For a quick'n'dirty prototype while learning Python, I'd say it's
acceptable - although it's likely to end up costing you more time than if
you took a more thought-out approach. If it's something that you intend to
develop, distribute and maintain, I think it's not a good idea at all. It
would be better to find the functionality that your game offers, split it
into separate functions and call those functions using data form a

E.g. let's say you have a game with three rooms arranged in a triangle. In
each room the user can play some mini-game or go to one of the connected
rooms. Having functions call each other could end up in the program
crashing if the user just walks from room to room, because you've in effect
got a recursive function going on, basically doing this:

  >>> def a(): c()
  >>> def c(): a()
  # huge traceback here

Instead, you could have the data in a format like this:

rooms = {
         1: ['First room', guess, 2, 3],
         2: ['Second room', hangman, 3, 1],
         3: ['Third room', safecracker, 1, 2],

The keys in the dictionary are the room numbers. The properties of each
room are described in the form of a list, giving a room name, a mini-game
(which is the name of a function implementing the actual mini-game), the
number of the room to the left and the number of the room to the right.

Now all you'd need is to impelement a "while True" main loop which would
call a function DiplayRoom using one of the room-lists as argument.
DisplayRoom would display the name of the room and offer the user the
choice to play the mini-game or leave to the left or to the right.
Once the user chooses to leave, the new room number is returned as result
and the main loop calls DisplayRoom again, but this time using the
properties list of the new room. 

This approach offers the following advantages:
- you'll never be more than three functions deep or so (depending on the
precise implementation), so it's impossible for the user to crash your
program just by walking around.
- it's very easy to extend the program with new rooms or re-arrange the
'map', since you just have to modify the data. Modifying data is safer and
easier than modifying code.
- it's easier to debug than when you have a billion lines of call stack.
- I expect it to consume less memory



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From uselinux34 at  Fri Feb 25 22:35:57 2005
From: uselinux34 at (Richard gelling)
Date: Fri Feb 25 22:36:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
Message-ID: <>


I am reading ' Learning Python second edition' by Mark Lutz and David 
Ascher, and  I trying the code examples as  I go along. However I am 
having a problem with the following, which I don't seem to be able to 
resolve :-

import sys

print sys[ 1: ]

This I believe is supposed to print the 1st argument passed to the 
program. However if I try fred

All  I get at the command line is


If I try :-

python fred

I get


as I believe you are supposed to. I can run other examples,I have typed 
in by just using the file name, but not this particular example. Could 
anyone shine any light on what I am missing or have not configured 
correctly. I am runnung Python 2.4 on a windows XP box.

Thanks a lot

Richard G.
From TValone at  Fri Feb 25 23:14:59 2005
From: TValone at (Valone, Toren W.)
Date: Fri Feb 25 23:14:15 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie simple question
Message-ID: <>

I need to know how to read the next line while in the "for line in" loop.
Readline does not read the next line (I watched it in debug) I think it has
something to do with the for line loop but I have not found any
documentation in the doc's or tutor for any functions for line..

Thanks, please forgive the sloppy code. 

#This Python App will simply remail emails that cannot be remailed from the

import smtplib
from string import *
from Email import *
#def main():                              #define function or class main
       # Email the results
 #         Email('',                   
 #           R  emailTo,
 #               sub,
 #           results)

remailfile = open('remail2.txt', 'r') #future address/file from outlook
resendfile = open('resend.txt', 'w') #currently these files are in Python24
EmailReport = open('erprt.txt', 'w') #Report of bad emails etc
for line in remailfile:              #loops thru all emails,

     #print "test"

     if line.startswith("Subject: Undeliverable Mail"):
     elif line.startswith("MVSSY4.TEALE.CA.GOV unable to deliver
             toaddr  = line[4:80]                          #Set line to
             #toaddr  = lstrip("<")                       #Strip less than 
             #toaddr  = rstrip(">")                       #Strip greater
             print len(toaddr)
     elif line.startswith("TO:"):
         #if toaddr != '':          
             #toaddr = line[4:25]
             #toaddr = lstrip(toaddr)
             remailfile.readline()      #read the next line to get subject
             #print RemailTo
     elif line.startswith("SUBJECT:"):
             subj = line[9:30]          #Strip out Subject 
             #print sub 
             remailfile.readline()     #need to read line
     elif line.startswith("At"):          
     elif line.startswith("Date:"):       
     elif line.startswith("From:"):
     elif not line:
     elif line.startswith("We"):
              body = line
     elif line.startswith("File"):
              body = line
     elif line.startswith("with"):
              body = body + line
              #print results
              #print len(fromaddr)
              #print len(toaddr)
              #print len(subj)
              #print len(body)



From python at  Sat Feb 26 04:33:50 2005
From: python at (Jay Loden)
Date: Fri Feb 25 23:36:25 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Should be: 

import sys

def main():
  '''prints out the first command line argument'''
  print sys.argv[1]


On Friday 25 February 2005 04:35 pm, Richard gelling wrote:
> Hi,
> I am reading ' Learning Python second edition' by Mark Lutz and David
> Ascher, and  I trying the code examples as  I go along. However I am
> having a problem with the following, which I don't seem to be able to
> resolve :-
> #
> import sys
> print sys[ 1: ]
> This I believe is supposed to print the 1st argument passed to the
> program. However if I try
> fred
> All  I get at the command line is
> []
> If I try :-
> python fred
> I get
> ['fred']
> as I believe you are supposed to. I can run other examples,I have typed
> in by just using the file name, but not this particular example. Could
> anyone shine any light on what I am missing or have not configured
> correctly. I am runnung Python 2.4 on a windows XP box.
> Thanks a lot
> Richard G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
From python at  Sat Feb 26 04:37:44 2005
From: python at (Jay Loden)
Date: Fri Feb 25 23:40:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie simple question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You want readlines() not readline() and it should work something like this:

remailfile = open("remail2.txt", r)
remails = remailfile.readlines()

for line in remails:
  #do something


On Friday 25 February 2005 05:14 pm, Valone, Toren W. wrote:
> I need to know how to read the next line while in the "for line in" loop.
> Readline does not read the next line (I watched it in debug) I think it has
> something to do with the for line loop but I have not found any
> documentation in the doc's or tutor for any functions for line..
> Thanks, please forgive the sloppy code.
From project5 at  Fri Feb 25 23:50:00 2005
From: project5 at (Andrei)
Date: Fri Feb 25 23:50:42 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Newbie simple question
References: <>
Message-ID: <y90irctm5ya6$>

Valone, Toren W. wrote on Fri, 25 Feb 2005 14:14:59 -0800:

> I need to know how to read the next line while in the "for line in" loop.

If you want to skip some of the lines (whatever their source may be), I
think you should *not* use a loop, but a while loop, in which you
read/skip lines manually as needed.



Real contact info (decode with rot13):
cebwrpg5@jnanqbb.ay. Fcnz-serr! Cyrnfr qb abg hfr va choyvp cbfgf. V ernq
gur yvfg, fb gurer'f ab arrq gb PP.

From cyresse at  Sat Feb 26 00:30:18 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sat Feb 26 00:30:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Remember computers count from 0, so sys[1] is the 2nd argument, sys[0]
is always the filename.

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 22:33:50 -0500, Jay Loden <> wrote:
> Should be:
> import sys
> def main():
>   '''prints out the first command line argument'''
>   print sys.argv[1]
> main()
> On Friday 25 February 2005 04:35 pm, Richard gelling wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am reading ' Learning Python second edition' by Mark Lutz and David
> > Ascher, and  I trying the code examples as  I go along. However I am
> > having a problem with the following, which I don't seem to be able to
> > resolve :-
> >
> > #
> > import sys
> >
> > print sys[ 1: ]
> >
> > This I believe is supposed to print the 1st argument passed to the
> > program. However if I try
> >
> > fred
> >
> > All  I get at the command line is
> >
> > []
> >
> > If I try :-
> >
> > python fred
> >
> > I get
> >
> > ['fred']
> >
> > as I believe you are supposed to. I can run other examples,I have typed
> > in by just using the file name, but not this particular example. Could
> > anyone shine any light on what I am missing or have not configured
> > correctly. I am runnung Python 2.4 on a windows XP box.
> >
> > Thanks a lot
> >
> > Richard G.
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From dyoo at  Sat Feb 26 00:57:24 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sat Feb 26 00:57:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> > I am reading ' Learning Python second edition' by Mark Lutz and David
> > Ascher, and I trying the code examples as I go along. However I am
> > having a problem with the following, which I don't seem to be able to
> > resolve :-

> > #
> > import sys
> >
> > print sys[ 1: ]
> >
> > This I believe is supposed to print the 1st argument passed to the
> > program. However if I try
> >
> > fred
> >
> > All I get at the command line is
> >
> > []

Hi Jay,

Are you sure that is what your program contained?  I'm surprised that this
didn't error out!  The program:

import sys
print sys[1:]

should raise a TypeError because 'sys' is a module, and not a list of
elements, and modules don't support slicing.  Just out of curiosity, can
you confirm that you aren't getting an error message?

(I know I'm being a bit silly about asking about what looks like a simple
email typo, but computer programming bugs are all-too-often about typos.

When you write about a program, try using cut-and-paste to ensure that the
program that you're running is the same as the program you're showing us.)

Best of wishes to you!

From shitizb at  Sat Feb 26 01:08:10 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Sat Feb 26 01:08:14 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

I have run into a problem again.
I thought about simulation time concurrency and
figured an inherent problem with the approach.
The main objective of my project is to simulate
traffic  behavious under congested conditions.Hence I
was using semaphores to lock the areas already
occupied by the cars.A car wanting to move ahead
acquires the semaphore right ahead, releases the
semaphore on its old position, and so on...
Now, if i use the one thread approach, or use pseudo
threads like greenlets or tasklets, a deadlock occurs.
A car cant acquire the next semaphore until it is
released by the next car. The next car on the other
hand cant release it because the thread of control is
busy trying to acquire the semaphore inside the old
car's run method.
The way out could be maintaining a database of every
position on the road, in binary format, which would be
more efficient memory wise as well.
Any comments?
Another issue is...since the speed of every car is not
same but follows a random distribution,I was updating
the car positions after every 1/speed seconds.
To be able to apply the above database (or even
semaphoes for that matter)i would need a fixed number
of car positions.Hence I have to continue updating the
position after every 1/speed second. Hence I would
need a HCF(fraction) of all the 1/speeds(which are
actually floats, but approximations can be made). How
do i calculate this HCF??
Remember that I am generating cars even while the
simulation is running, hence calculating this HCF at
the beginning is not going to work. 
Any comments?
--- Shitiz Bansal <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanx everyone for all your suggestions.I used a
> separate thread for every car as I wanted my cars to
> run in real time, to coordinate effectively with
> other
> systems like traffic lights for eg. which I cant
> edit,
> hence which cant use the variable time defined by
> me.
> I figured out two ways to achieve this....
> On Linux... ulimit -s 64, limits the stacksize of
> each
> thread to 64Kb, and i was able to generate 8000
> threads.However upgrading my program to support more
> cars was a problem.
> Another way was to spawn 1000 threads, handling abt
> 10
> cars each...this way the diff in real time and my
> program time was limited.
> I tried my hands at Stackless too... but still had
> problems implementing the concept.
> Can anyone guide me on how to spawn simultaneously(
> or
> pseudo simultaneously) running microthreads using
> stackless.
> Here is what i tried..
> ef gencars(num,origin,dest,speed):
>     global adjls
>     global cars
>     global juncls
>     for i in range(num):                            
>              cars.append(car(orig,dest,speed)
>              task=tasklet(cars[i].run())
>              task.setup('Bind using Setup')
> Now this is what i copied from somewhere...i dont
> claim to understand fully what is happening.Here
> is a process which takes a long time to
> execute.
> What happens on execution is....One car is
> initialised
> and then the program waits for its run method to
> complete before proceeding.
> I also feel that there is no clear documentation on
> stackless.
> Show me the light.
> Shitiz
> --- Hugo González Monteverde
> <>
> wrote:
> > OK, as ignorant as I may be on threads, I have
> read
> > a bit on Stackless 
> > Python's tasklets. Suppossedly they require much
> > less memory than 
> > python's threads.
> > 
> > Information is at
> > 
> > Hugo
> > 
> > Shitiz Bansal wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I am trying to build a traffic network simulator
> > using
> > > python, for my degree project.
> > > 
> > > I need to run at least 5-6000 cars
> > simultaneously.I
> > > wanted to run each car in a separate thread.
> > > However , after about 400 threads i am unable to
> > > create new threads.
> > > 
> > > Here's the code:
> > > 
> > >>>>cars=range(1000)
> > >>>>for i in cars:
> > > 
> > > 	cars[i]=cars[i]=car(1,10,2,1,adjls,juncls)
> > > 
> > > 	
> > > 
> > >>>>for i in cars:
> > > 
> > > 	i.start()
> > > 
> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
> > >   File "<pyshell#24>", line 2, in -toplevel-
> > >     i.start()
> > > error: can't start new thread
> > > 
> > > Is there a way out.Also, are there any tips on
> > > performance issues?
> > > 
> > > Here is the class car:
> > > 
> > > class car(threading.Thread):
> > >     def
> > >
> __init__(self,carid,speed,dest,orig,adjls,juncls):
> > >         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
> > >         self.speed=speed
> > >         self.finished=0
> > >         self.carid=carid
> > >         self.dest=dest
> > >         self.orig=orig
> > >         self.adjls=adjls
> > >         self.juncls=juncls
> > >        
> > >
> >
> > >        
> > self.calc=findpaths(adjls,self.dest,self.orig)
> > >        
> > >
> >
> > >     def traverse_track(self,p1,p2):
> > >         counter=0
> > >         time=0
> > >         while self.adjls[p1][counter].to!=p2:
> > >             counter=counter+1
> > >         self.track=self.adjls[p1][counter]
> > >         self.pos=0
> > >         if self.speed>self.track.speed:
> > >             speed=self.track.speed
> > >         else:
> > >             speed=self.speed
> > >         while self.pos!=self.track.length:
> > >             if
> self.track.state.has_key(self.pos):
> > >                
> > self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
> > >             else:
> > >                
> > >
> >
> > >                
> > self.track.state[self.pos].acquire()
> > >             if self.pos!=0:
> > >                
> > self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
> > >             self.pos=self.pos+1
> > >             sleep(1.0/speed)
> > >             time=time+1.0/speed
> > >        
> > >
> >
> self.stats['currtrsp']=float(self.track.length)/time
> > >         if self.stats['avgspeed']:
> > >            
> > >
> >
> > >         else:
> > >            
> > > self.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
> > >        
> > >
> >
> self.stats['totaltime']=self.stats['totaltime']+time
> > >         if self.track.stats['avgspeed']:
> > >            
> > >
> >
> > >         else:
> > >            
> > >
> >
> self.track.stats['avgspeed']=self.stats['currtrsp']
> > >        
> > >
> >
> > >        
> > >
> >
> > >     def
> > cross_junction(self,juncls,juncid,orig,dest):
> > >         marker=str(orig)+'-'+str(dest)
> > >         if juncls[juncid].free.has_key(marker):
> > >             self.track.state[self.pos].release()
> > >         else:
> > >             while not
> > >
> juncls[juncid].signalled['green'].has_key(marker):
> > >                 sleep(0.2)
> > >            
> self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
> > >     def run(self):
> > >         path=self.shortest
> > >         counter=1
> > >         for i in path[:1]:
> > >             self.traverse_track(i,path[counter])
> > >             if not counter==len(path)-1:
> > >                
> > >
> >
> > >             counter=counter+1
> > >         self.finished=1
> > >         self.track.state[self.pos-1].release()
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> __________________________________________________
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> > protection around 
> > > 
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Tutor maillist  -
> > >
> > > 
> > 
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around 
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more.
From amonroe at  Sat Feb 26 01:14:13 2005
From: amonroe at (R. Alan Monroe)
Date: Sat Feb 26 01:14:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] threads
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Remember that I am generating cars even while the
> simulation is running, hence calculating this HCF at
> the beginning is not going to work. 
> Any comments?

This won't help you much in writing your program, but you might find
it interesting and vaguely similar to what you're doing:


From michael.hall at  Sat Feb 26 01:18:46 2005
From: michael.hall at (Mike Hall)
Date: Sat Feb 26 01:18:55 2005
Subject: [Tutor] gensuitemodule?
Message-ID: <>

I'm seeing it used in a Python/Applescript tutorial, though am unclear 
on it's exact purpose or usage. Can someone fill me in?

From kent37 at  Sat Feb 26 02:36:47 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb 26 02:36:52 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Functions Calling Functions
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Kent Johnson wrote:
> I would use a central dispatcher. Each chapter function could return a 
> token indicating which chapter is next, or it could return the actual 
> next chapter function.

Look here for an *extensive* example of this style:


From kent37 at  Sat Feb 26 02:40:50 2005
From: kent37 at (Kent Johnson)
Date: Sat Feb 26 02:40:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Newbie simple question
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Valone, Toren W. wrote:
> I need to know how to read the next line while in the "for line in" loop.
> Readline does not read the next line (I watched it in debug) I think it has
> something to do with the for line loop but I have not found any
> documentation in the doc's or tutor for any functions for line..

I think
   line =
will do what you want. Give it a try.


From mark.kels at  Sat Feb 26 14:12:53 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Sat Feb 26 14:12:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] 3 questions for my port scanner project
Message-ID: <>

Hi list.

Here are the questions (-:
1. How do I make a progress bar in Tkinter ?
2. I got a while loop which does the port scan itself. How can I end
it while its working ?
3. For some reason the scan is too slow (2-3 seconds for a port). Is
there a way to make it faster (other port scanner work allot faster...
) ?

Thanks in advance !! 

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From nick at  Sat Feb 26 14:46:12 2005
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Sat Feb 26 14:45:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] 3 questions for my port scanner project
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1109425572.7233.0.camel@fuzzbox.local>

Nr 3. If your using python sockets try socket.settimeout(x) 

Nick .

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 15:12 +0200, Mark Kels wrote:
> Hi list.
> Here are the questions (-:
> 1. How do I make a progress bar in Tkinter ?
> 2. I got a while loop which does the port scan itself. How can I end
> it while its working ?
> 3. For some reason the scan is too slow (2-3 seconds for a port). Is
> there a way to make it faster (other port scanner work allot faster...
> ) ?
> Thanks in advance !! 

From mwalsh at  Sat Feb 26 16:28:03 2005
From: mwalsh at (Martin Walsh)
Date: Sat Feb 26 16:28:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] 3 questions for my port scanner project
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mark Kels wrote:

>Hi list.
Hi Mark,

>2. I got a while loop which does the port scan itself. How can I end
>it while its working ?
previous message with code: **
**I'm not totally sure of this, but you might try adding another 
conditional to your while loop that can be toggled by a Scan and Stop 
button in your Tkinter app.

global ok_to_scan
ok_to_scan = 1 # or True
while (start_port <= end_port) and ok_to_scan:
    # ... do scan ...

then bind a function to a Stop button which toggles 'ok_to_scan' to 0 
(or False), also as previously suggested you should close the sockets 
that find an open port (sk.close()) inside your while loop.

From kabads at  Sat Feb 26 20:48:25 2005
From: kabads at (Adam Cripps)
Date: Sat Feb 26 20:48:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 12:21:18 +0100, Michael Lange 
> You see, in my example above I called the list "buttonlist" instead of "button"; maybe this naming
> helps avoid confusion .
> Best regards
> Michael

Many thanks for the help here. 

I got all my buttons displayed and stored in the list with: 

for i in range (1, 11):
			submittext = ">>> "
			self.s = Button(text=submittext, command = self.showButton)
			self.s.grid(column=4, row=i+4)

 - however, when I click the button, I want self.showButton to know
which one of them was pressed. I've seen in other gui programming the
idea of an id or identifier - I can't see that here. Ideally, I would
like to know the value of i in self.showButtons - but when I use
self.showButtons(i) showButtons gets called straight at run time.

Any ideas? 


PGP key: 0x7111B833
From shitizb at  Sun Feb 27 12:24:30 2005
From: shitizb at (Shitiz Bansal)
Date: Sun Feb 27 12:24:33 2005
Subject: [Tutor] 3 questions for my port scanner project
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> 2. I got a while loop which does the port scan
> itself. How can I end
> it while its working ?

using the break statement anywhere inside the loop
will exit the loop.

> 3. For some reason the scan is too slow (2-3 seconds
> for a port). Is
> there a way to make it faster (other port scanner
> work allot faster...

The ports which do not respond are the ones which take
most of the time.You can use the timer object to fix
the time for each port.For eg. if a port does not
respond within .1 sec it can reasonably be expected to
be closed.The exact implementation will depend upon
your code.You can also use threads to ping more than
one port simultaneously.

And I loved your microsoft quote :).

> -- 
> 1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't
> suck is probably the
> day they start making vacuum cleaners.
> 2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about
> it's friends.
> 3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is
> very, very good.
> And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. -
> Dick Brandon
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Do you Yahoo!? 
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 
From klappnase at  Sun Feb 27 15:38:14 2005
From: klappnase at (Michael Lange)
Date: Sun Feb 27 15:35:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 19:48:25 +0000
Adam Cripps <> wrote:

> On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 12:21:18 +0100, Michael Lange 
> <snip>
> > 
> > You see, in my example above I called the list "buttonlist" instead of "button"; maybe this naming
> > helps avoid confusion .
> > 
> > Best regards
> > 
> > Michael
> Many thanks for the help here. 
> I got all my buttons displayed and stored in the list with: 
> for i in range (1, 11):
> 			submittext = ">>> "
> 			self.s = Button(text=submittext, command = self.showButton)
> 			self.s.grid(column=4, row=i+4)
> 			submitlist.append(self.s)
Hi Adam,

note that there's no use in making the button an attribute of its parent class with

    self.s = Button(text=submittext, command = self.showButton)

because self.s gets overridden on every iteration in the for-loop; it's not a bug, but
might be a source of confusion, when you try to access self.s later in your code; you don't
need the reference anyway, because you keep the references to all buttons in the list.

>  - however, when I click the button, I want self.showButton to know
> which one of them was pressed. I've seen in other gui programming the
> idea of an id or identifier - I can't see that here. Ideally, I would
> like to know the value of i in self.showButtons - but when I use
> self.showButtons(i) showButtons gets called straight at run time.
> Any ideas? 

You have two options here:

1. use a lambda expression as button command, lambda allows you to pass an argument to the callback:

    s = Button(text=submittext, command = lambda index=i: self.showButton(index))

2. if you don't like lambdas, you can use the button's bind() method instead of the command option:

    s = Button(text=submittext)
    s.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.showButton)
    s.bind('<KeyRelease-space>', self.showButton)

bind() passes an event to the callback which allows you to find out which widget sent the event via the
event's widget attribute:

    def showButton(self, event):
        button = event.widget
        print button['text']

I hope this helps


From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb 27 17:00:12 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb 27 16:59:39 2005
Subject: [Tutor] 3 questions for my port scanner project
References: <>
Message-ID: <00b701c51ce5$6bf39060$a6388651@xp>

> Here are the questions (-:
> 1. How do I make a progress bar in Tkinter ?

One option:
Use a set up gif images and update the image periodically
Use a canvas and redraw a rectangle slightly larger every
time through the scanning loop.

The first is easiest the second smoother but much more work!

> 2. I got a while loop which does the port scan itself. How can I end
> it while its working ?

The best way is to have the loop running in a seperate thread
to the GUI and checking a flag on each iteration. Then you can
have a stop button on the GUI that sets the flag.
Its generally a bad idea in a GUI to have long running processes
within an event handler, better to put them in a separate thread.
Unfortunately this is a lesson that Microsoft's programmers don't
appear to have learned yet!

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Sun Feb 27 17:06:32 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Sun Feb 27 17:05:52 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
References: <><>
Message-ID: <00be01c51ce6$4ef5e200$a6388651@xp>

>  - however, when I click the button, I want self.showButton to know
> which one of them was pressed. I've seen in other gui programming
> idea of an id or identifier - I can't see that here. Ideally, I
> like to know the value of i in self.showButtons - but when I use
> self.showButtons(i) showButtons gets called straight at run time.

The easy way to do this is to use a defrault parameter in a lambda:

submittext = ">>> "
for i in range (1, 11):
   b = Button(text=submittext, command = lambda n=i:
   b.rid(column=4, row=i+4)

Notice the button creation line now uses a lambda with default
parameter set to i. That lambda calls your method but now passes
in the value of i for that button. (You need to modify your method
to accept that value of course!)


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

From mark.kels at  Sun Feb 27 17:16:02 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Sun Feb 27 17:16:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] 3 questions for my port scanner project
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 03:24:07 -0800 (PST), Shitiz Bansal
<> wrote:
> The ports which do not respond are the ones which take
> most of the time.You can use the timer object to fix
> the time for each port.For eg. if a port does not
> respond within .1 sec it can reasonably be expected to
> be closed.The exact implementation will depend upon
> your code.You can also use threads to ping more than
> one port simultaneously.
Thank you very much for yuor help !!
Now I only need to figure out how to make a progress bar and my
trubles are over :)

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From uselinux34 at  Sun Feb 27 17:45:56 2005
From: uselinux34 at (Richard gelling)
Date: Sun Feb 27 17:45:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Danny Yoo wrote:

>>>I am reading ' Learning Python second edition' by Mark Lutz and David
>>>Ascher, and I trying the code examples as I go along. However I am
>>>having a problem with the following, which I don't seem to be able to
>>>resolve :-
>>>import sys
>>>print sys[ 1: ]
>>>This I believe is supposed to print the 1st argument passed to the
>>>program. However if I try
>>> fred
>>>All I get at the command line is
>Hi Jay,
>Are you sure that is what your program contained?  I'm surprised that this
>didn't error out!  The program:
>import sys
>print sys[1:]
>should raise a TypeError because 'sys' is a module, and not a list of
>elements, and modules don't support slicing.  Just out of curiosity, can
>you confirm that you aren't getting an error message?
>(I know I'm being a bit silly about asking about what looks like a simple
>email typo, but computer programming bugs are all-too-often about typos.
>When you write about a program, try using cut-and-paste to ensure that the
>program that you're running is the same as the program you're showing us.)
>Best of wishes to you!
>Tutor maillist  -

Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions, 
including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print 
sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python fred 
joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all I get is 
'[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in 
Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather 
than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.

Richard G.
From nick at  Sun Feb 27 18:05:49 2005
From: nick at (Nick Lunt)
Date: Sun Feb 27 18:04:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1109523949.8105.4.camel@fuzzbox.local>


if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain sys.argv[0]
then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .

Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but here's
what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.


$ cat

import sys
print sys.argv[1:]


./ a b c
['a', 'b', 'c']

Is that what your getting ? 

> Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions, 
> including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print 
> sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python fred 
> joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all I get is 
> '[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in 
> Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather 
> than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.
> Richard G.
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From xifxif at  Sun Feb 27 18:07:07 2005
From: xifxif at (Xif)
Date: Sun Feb 27 18:07:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] How do you share a method (function) among several objects?
Message-ID: <>


There are several different objects. However, they all share the same

Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
common superclass.

So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that

The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that contains
just a single function seems like an abuse.


From javier at  Sun Feb 27 18:46:35 2005
From: javier at (Javier Ruere)
Date: Sun Feb 27 18:44:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How do you share a method (function) among several
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <cvt0kd$v30$>

Xif wrote:
> Hello
> There are several different objects. However, they all share the same
> function.
> Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
> common superclass.
> So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that
> function?
> The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
> module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
> good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that contains
> just a single function seems like an abuse.
> Thanks,
> Xif

   Could you give an example?


From uselinux34 at  Sun Feb 27 18:55:54 2005
From: uselinux34 at (Richard gelling)
Date: Sun Feb 27 18:56:04 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <1109523949.8105.4.camel@fuzzbox.local>
References: <>	<>
Message-ID: <>


No What I get if I was to type in
./ a  b c

All I get is

If i type at the command prompt

python a b c

I get ['a','b','c']  as expected

All the other programs and examples I have typed in work fine just by 
typing in the file name, I don't have to preced the file name with 
python, only this example. I hope this makes it clearer

Richard G.

Nick Lunt wrote:

>if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain sys.argv[0]
>then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .
>Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but here's
>what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.
>$ cat
>import sys
>print sys.argv[1:]
>./ a b c
>['a', 'b', 'c']
>Is that what your getting ? 

>>Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions, 
>>including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print 
>>sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python fred 
>>joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all I get is 
>>'[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in 
>>Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather 
>>than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.
>>Richard G.
>>Tutor maillist  -
>Tutor maillist  -

From xifxif at  Sun Feb 27 19:20:19 2005
From: xifxif at (Xif)
Date: Sun Feb 27 19:20:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How do you share a method (function) among several
In-Reply-To: <cvt0kd$v30$>
References: <> <cvt0kd$v30$>
Message-ID: <>

Javier Ruere wrote:

> Xif wrote:
>> Hello
>> There are several different objects. However, they all share the same
>> function.
>> Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
>> common superclass.
>> So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that
>> function?
>> The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
>> module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
>> good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that contains
>> just a single function seems like an abuse.
>> Thanks,
>> Xif
>   Could you give an example?
> Javier
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
> at the Tel-Aviv University CC.
Sure, I can describe my particular case.

It's a program that retrieves / updates Microsoft Excel spreadsheet data.

There are two major classes:

1) an Excel class, that represents of the whole Excel program
2) a Cells class, that abstracts retrieval  and editing of cells.

Both classes use a function called getCells() as part of their 
__getitem__() methods.

getCells() parses the __getitem__() call arguments, and returns an 
iterator over the appropriate cells.

The difference between the 2 classes is that a Cells instance just 
converts the generator into a list and returns it:

return list(getCells(self.sheet, cells))

while an Excel instance returns the values of the cells:

return [cell.Value for cell in getCells(self.sheet, cells)]

As you can see, both use the getCells() function.

So my question is, where is the best way to put it so instances of both 
classes can use it?

From cyresse at  Sun Feb 27 19:22:49 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 27 19:22:54 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <1109523949.8105.4.camel@fuzzbox.local>
Message-ID: <>

Are you using XP still? I've never seen this before -  
> ./ a  b c

But anyhoo, I tried out just 
as opposed to 
'c:\python23\python' and
while will run, it doesn't echo to the console, as on my
machine running a .py file runs it through pythonw.exe - I'd check it
out for your machine, it's probably the same. You'd need to change the
association to python.exe, but that would mean that you always got a
DOS box for every Python script you ran, which is annoying with GUIs.

Erm, if you don't want to type in python each time, either change the
association or create a batch file called x or a or something that
runs Python  and stick it in a directory that's in your PATH system
variable. Only problem with that is passing command line variables....

...might just be better to type python....

Good Luck, 

Liam Clarke

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +0000, Richard gelling
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> No What I get if I was to type in
> ./ a  b c
> All I get is
> []
> If i type at the command prompt
> python a b c
> I get ['a','b','c']  as expected
> All the other programs and examples I have typed in work fine just by
> typing in the file name, I don't have to preced the file name with
> python, only this example. I hope this makes it clearer
> Richard G.
> Nick Lunt wrote:
> >Richard,
> >
> >if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain sys.argv[0]
> >then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .
> >
> >Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but here's
> >what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.
> >
> >[]
> >
> >$ cat
> >#!/usr/bin/python
> >
> >import sys
> >print sys.argv[1:]
> >
> >
> >./
> >[]
> >
> >./ a b c
> >['a', 'b', 'c']
> >
> >Is that what your getting ?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions,
> >>including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print
> >>sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python fred
> >>joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all I get is
> >>'[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in
> >>Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather
> >>than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.
> >>
> >>Richard G.
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From cyresse at  Sun Feb 27 19:25:44 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 27 19:25:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How do you share a method (function) among several
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <cvt0kd$v30$>
Message-ID: <>

You could a real generic superclass for the classes, it only needs to
contain that one function.

Personally, I see nothing wrong with chucking one function in a module
on it's own, it's whatever works for you. You could create a class for
it also, and give each of the other classes an instance of that
function's class.


Liam Clarke

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 20:20:19 +0200, Xif <> wrote:
> Javier Ruere wrote:
> > Xif wrote:
> >
> >> Hello
> >>
> >> There are several different objects. However, they all share the same
> >> function.
> >>
> >> Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
> >> common superclass.
> >>
> >> So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that
> >> function?
> >>
> >> The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
> >> module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
> >> good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that contains
> >> just a single function seems like an abuse.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Xif
> >
> >
> >   Could you give an example?
> >
> > Javier
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Tutor maillist  -
> >
> >
> > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> > This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
> > at the Tel-Aviv University CC.
> >
> Sure, I can describe my particular case.
> It's a program that retrieves / updates Microsoft Excel spreadsheet data.
> There are two major classes:
> 1) an Excel class, that represents of the whole Excel program
> 2) a Cells class, that abstracts retrieval  and editing of cells.
> Both classes use a function called getCells() as part of their
> __getitem__() methods.
> getCells() parses the __getitem__() call arguments, and returns an
> iterator over the appropriate cells.
> The difference between the 2 classes is that a Cells instance just
> converts the generator into a list and returns it:
> #<code>
> return list(getCells(self.sheet, cells))
> #</code>
> while an Excel instance returns the values of the cells:
> #<code>
> return [cell.Value for cell in getCells(self.sheet, cells)]
> #</code>
> As you can see, both use the getCells() function.
> So my question is, where is the best way to put it so instances of both
> classes can use it?
> Xif
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From uselinux34 at  Sun Feb 27 19:28:18 2005
From: uselinux34 at (Richard gelling)
Date: Sun Feb 27 19:28:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
	<1109523949.8105.4.camel@fuzzbox.local>	<>
Message-ID: <>

Yes, I use both Wndows XP and Linux( at work ) . I left that in by 
mistake I am actually just typing in

arg1,py a b c

at the windows XP command prompt

Sorry for the confusion.

Liam Clarke wrote:

>Are you using XP still? I've never seen this before -  
>>./ a  b c
>But anyhoo, I tried out just 
>as opposed to 
>'c:\python23\python' and
>while will run, it doesn't echo to the console, as on my
>machine running a .py file runs it through pythonw.exe - I'd check it
>out for your machine, it's probably the same. You'd need to change the
>association to python.exe, but that would mean that you always got a
>DOS box for every Python script you ran, which is annoying with GUIs.
>Erm, if you don't want to type in python each time, either change the
>association or create a batch file called x or a or something that
>runs Python  and stick it in a directory that's in your PATH system
>variable. Only problem with that is passing command line variables....
>...might just be better to type python....
>Good Luck, 
>Liam Clarke
>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +0000, Richard gelling
><> wrote:
>>No What I get if I was to type in
>>./ a  b c
>>All I get is
>>If i type at the command prompt
>>python a b c
>>I get ['a','b','c']  as expected
>>All the other programs and examples I have typed in work fine just by
>>typing in the file name, I don't have to preced the file name with
>>python, only this example. I hope this makes it clearer
>>Richard G.
>>Nick Lunt wrote:
>>>if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain sys.argv[0]
>>>then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .
>>>Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but here's
>>>what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.
>>>$ cat
>>>import sys
>>>print sys.argv[1:]
>>>./ a b c
>>>['a', 'b', 'c']
>>>Is that what your getting ?
>>>>Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions,
>>>>including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print
>>>>sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python fred
>>>>joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all I get is
>>>>'[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in
>>>>Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather
>>>>than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.
>>>>Richard G.
>>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>Tutor maillist  -

From cyresse at  Sun Feb 27 19:33:26 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 27 19:33:29 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <1109523949.8105.4.camel@fuzzbox.local>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Yeah, right click on a .py and check if it's associated with pythonw
or python.exe


Liam Clarke 

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 18:28:18 +0000, Richard gelling
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes, I use both Wndows XP and Linux( at work ) . I left that in by
> mistake I am actually just typing in
> arg1,py a b c
> at the windows XP command prompt
> Sorry for the confusion.
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> >Are you using XP still? I've never seen this before -
> >
> >
> >>./ a  b c
> >>
> >>
> >
> >But anyhoo, I tried out just
> >'c:\python23\'
> >as opposed to
> >'c:\python23\python' and
> >while will run, it doesn't echo to the console, as on my
> >machine running a .py file runs it through pythonw.exe - I'd check it
> >out for your machine, it's probably the same. You'd need to change the
> >association to python.exe, but that would mean that you always got a
> >DOS box for every Python script you ran, which is annoying with GUIs.
> >
> >Erm, if you don't want to type in python each time, either change the
> >association or create a batch file called x or a or something that
> >runs Python  and stick it in a directory that's in your PATH system
> >variable. Only problem with that is passing command line variables....
> >
> >...might just be better to type python....
> >
> >Good Luck,
> >
> >Liam Clarke
> >
> >On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +0000, Richard gelling
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>No What I get if I was to type in
> >>./ a  b c
> >>
> >>All I get is
> >>[]
> >>
> >>If i type at the command prompt
> >>
> >>python a b c
> >>
> >>I get ['a','b','c']  as expected
> >>
> >>All the other programs and examples I have typed in work fine just by
> >>typing in the file name, I don't have to preced the file name with
> >>python, only this example. I hope this makes it clearer
> >>
> >>Richard G.
> >>
> >>
> >>Nick Lunt wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Richard,
> >>>
> >>>if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain sys.argv[0]
> >>>then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .
> >>>
> >>>Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but here's
> >>>what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.
> >>>
> >>>[]
> >>>
> >>>$ cat
> >>>#!/usr/bin/python
> >>>
> >>>import sys
> >>>print sys.argv[1:]
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>./
> >>>[]
> >>>
> >>>./ a b c
> >>>['a', 'b', 'c']
> >>>
> >>>Is that what your getting ?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions,
> >>>>including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print
> >>>>sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python fred
> >>>>joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all I get is
> >>>>'[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in
> >>>>Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather
> >>>>than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.
> >>>>
> >>>>Richard G.
> >>>>_______________________________________________
> >>>>Tutor maillist  -
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>_______________________________________________
> >>>Tutor maillist  -
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From pierre.barbier at  Sun Feb 27 19:42:33 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Sun Feb 27 19:40:51 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How do you share a method (function) among several
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <cvt0kd$v30$>
Message-ID: <>

Well, for me, the more logical answer is : multi-inheritance !
If part of your class is the same, (same semantic, same implementation), 
then you want to have a base class for that.

If you dislike this kindof inheritance, then your function should be an 
external one. Even more because it's 'just' an implementation function. 
The user don't need it as a method ... So why bother add it to your object ?


Xif a ?crit :
> Javier Ruere wrote:
>> Xif wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> There are several different objects. However, they all share the same
>>> function.
>>> Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
>>> common superclass.
>>> So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that
>>> function?
>>> The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
>>> module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
>>> good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that contains
>>> just a single function seems like an abuse.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Xif
>>   Could you give an example?
>> Javier
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -
>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
>> at the Tel-Aviv University CC.
> Sure, I can describe my particular case.
> It's a program that retrieves / updates Microsoft Excel spreadsheet data.
> There are two major classes:
> 1) an Excel class, that represents of the whole Excel program
> 2) a Cells class, that abstracts retrieval  and editing of cells.
> Both classes use a function called getCells() as part of their 
> __getitem__() methods.
> getCells() parses the __getitem__() call arguments, and returns an 
> iterator over the appropriate cells.
> The difference between the 2 classes is that a Cells instance just 
> converts the generator into a list and returns it:
> #<code>
> return list(getCells(self.sheet, cells))
> #</code>
> while an Excel instance returns the values of the cells:
> #<code>
> return [cell.Value for cell in getCells(self.sheet, cells)]
> #</code>
> As you can see, both use the getCells() function.
> So my question is, where is the best way to put it so instances of both 
> classes can use it?
> Xif
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From uselinux34 at  Sun Feb 27 19:41:19 2005
From: uselinux34 at (Richard gelling)
Date: Sun Feb 27 19:41:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
	<1109523949.8105.4.camel@fuzzbox.local>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>


It is actually associated with just 'python', changed it to associate 
with 'pythonw' and I got nothing on the same example not even the [], so 
I am assuming that 'python' is the correct one?

Liam Clarke wrote:

>Yeah, right click on a .py and check if it's associated with pythonw
>or python.exe
>Liam Clarke 
>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 18:28:18 +0000, Richard gelling
><> wrote:
>>Yes, I use both Wndows XP and Linux( at work ) . I left that in by
>>mistake I am actually just typing in
>>arg1,py a b c
>>at the windows XP command prompt
>>Sorry for the confusion.
>>Liam Clarke wrote:
>>>Are you using XP still? I've never seen this before -
>>>>./ a  b c
>>>But anyhoo, I tried out just
>>>as opposed to
>>>'c:\python23\python' and
>>>while will run, it doesn't echo to the console, as on my
>>>machine running a .py file runs it through pythonw.exe - I'd check it
>>>out for your machine, it's probably the same. You'd need to change the
>>>association to python.exe, but that would mean that you always got a
>>>DOS box for every Python script you ran, which is annoying with GUIs.
>>>Erm, if you don't want to type in python each time, either change the
>>>association or create a batch file called x or a or something that
>>>runs Python  and stick it in a directory that's in your PATH system
>>>variable. Only problem with that is passing command line variables....
>>>...might just be better to type python....
>>>Good Luck,
>>>Liam Clarke
>>>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +0000, Richard gelling
>>><> wrote:
>>>>No What I get if I was to type in
>>>>./ a  b c
>>>>All I get is
>>>>If i type at the command prompt
>>>>python a b c
>>>>I get ['a','b','c']  as expected
>>>>All the other programs and examples I have typed in work fine just by
>>>>typing in the file name, I don't have to preced the file name with
>>>>python, only this example. I hope this makes it clearer
>>>>Richard G.
>>>>Nick Lunt wrote:
>>>>>if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain sys.argv[0]
>>>>>then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .
>>>>>Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but here's
>>>>>what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.
>>>>>$ cat
>>>>>import sys
>>>>>print sys.argv[1:]
>>>>>./ a b c
>>>>>['a', 'b', 'c']
>>>>>Is that what your getting ?
>>>>>>Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions,
>>>>>>including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print
>>>>>>sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python fred
>>>>>>joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all I get is
>>>>>>'[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in
>>>>>>Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather
>>>>>>than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.
>>>>>>Richard G.
>>>>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>Tutor maillist  -

From uselinux34 at  Sun Feb 27 19:57:30 2005
From: uselinux34 at (Richard gelling)
Date: Sun Feb 27 19:57:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>	<>
	<1109523949.8105.4.camel@fuzzbox.local>	<>
	<>	<>
Message-ID: <>


It is actually associated with just 'python', changed it to associate
with 'pythonw' and I got nothing on the same example not even the [], so
I am assuming that 'python' is the correct one?

Liam Clarke wrote:

>Yeah, right click on a .py and check if it's associated with pythonw
>or python.exe
>Liam Clarke 
>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 18:28:18 +0000, Richard gelling
><> wrote:
>>Yes, I use both Wndows XP and Linux( at work ) . I left that in by
>>mistake I am actually just typing in
>>arg1,py a b c
>>at the windows XP command prompt
>>Sorry for the confusion.
>>Liam Clarke wrote:
>>>Are you using XP still? I've never seen this before -
>>>>./ a  b c
>>>But anyhoo, I tried out just
>>>as opposed to
>>>'c:\python23\python' and
>>>while will run, it doesn't echo to the console, as on my
>>>machine running a .py file runs it through pythonw.exe - I'd check it
>>>out for your machine, it's probably the same. You'd need to change the
>>>association to python.exe, but that would mean that you always got a
>>>DOS box for every Python script you ran, which is annoying with GUIs.
>>>Erm, if you don't want to type in python each time, either change the
>>>association or create a batch file called x or a or something that
>>>runs Python  and stick it in a directory that's in your PATH system
>>>variable. Only problem with that is passing command line variables....
>>>...might just be better to type python....
>>>Good Luck,
>>>Liam Clarke
>>>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +0000, Richard gelling
>>><> wrote:
>>>>No What I get if I was to type in
>>>>./ a  b c
>>>>All I get is
>>>>If i type at the command prompt
>>>>python a b c
>>>>I get ['a','b','c']  as expected
>>>>All the other programs and examples I have typed in work fine just by
>>>>typing in the file name, I don't have to preced the file name with
>>>>python, only this example. I hope this makes it clearer
>>>>Richard G.
>>>>Nick Lunt wrote:
>>>>>if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain sys.argv[0]
>>>>>then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .
>>>>>Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but here's
>>>>>what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.
>>>>>$ cat
>>>>>import sys
>>>>>print sys.argv[1:]
>>>>>./ a b c
>>>>>['a', 'b', 'c']
>>>>>Is that what your getting ?
>>>>>>Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions,
>>>>>>including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print
>>>>>>sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python fred
>>>>>>joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all I get is
>>>>>>'[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in
>>>>>>Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather
>>>>>>than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.
>>>>>>Richard G.
>>>>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>>>Tutor maillist  -
>>Tutor maillist  -

From xifxif at  Sun Feb 27 19:58:09 2005
From: xifxif at (Xif)
Date: Sun Feb 27 19:58:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How do you share a method (function) among several
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <cvt0kd$v30$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Ok, so keeping getCells() as an external function makes sense.

But where exactly do you recommend I'd put it?

In a seperate module, like I currently do, even though it's going to be 
the only piece of code contained inside that module?


Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:

> Well, for me, the more logical answer is : multi-inheritance !
> If part of your class is the same, (same semantic, same 
> implementation), then you want to have a base class for that.
> If you dislike this kindof inheritance, then your function should be 
> an external one. Even more because it's 'just' an implementation 
> function. The user don't need it as a method ... So why bother add it 
> to your object ?
> Pierre
> Xif a ?crit :
>> Javier Ruere wrote:
>>> Xif wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> There are several different objects. However, they all share the same
>>>> function.
>>>> Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
>>>> common superclass.
>>>> So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that
>>>> function?
>>>> The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
>>>> module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
>>>> good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that 
>>>> contains
>>>> just a single function seems like an abuse.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Xif
>>>   Could you give an example?
>>> Javier
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tutor maillist  -
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
>>> at the Tel-Aviv University CC.
>> Sure, I can describe my particular case.
>> It's a program that retrieves / updates Microsoft Excel spreadsheet 
>> data.
>> There are two major classes:
>> 1) an Excel class, that represents of the whole Excel program
>> 2) a Cells class, that abstracts retrieval  and editing of cells.
>> Both classes use a function called getCells() as part of their 
>> __getitem__() methods.
>> getCells() parses the __getitem__() call arguments, and returns an 
>> iterator over the appropriate cells.
>> The difference between the 2 classes is that a Cells instance just 
>> converts the generator into a list and returns it:
>> #<code>
>> return list(getCells(self.sheet, cells))
>> #</code>
>> while an Excel instance returns the values of the cells:
>> #<code>
>> return [cell.Value for cell in getCells(self.sheet, cells)]
>> #</code>
>> As you can see, both use the getCells() function.
>> So my question is, where is the best way to put it so instances of 
>> both classes can use it?
>> Xif
>> _______________________________________________
>> Tutor maillist  -

From mark.kels at  Sun Feb 27 20:14:54 2005
From: mark.kels at (Mark Kels)
Date: Sun Feb 27 20:14:57 2005
Subject: [Tutor] 3 questions for my port scanner project
In-Reply-To: <00b701c51ce5$6bf39060$a6388651@xp>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 16:00:12 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> One option:
> Use a set up gif images and update the image periodically
> OR
> Use a canvas and redraw a rectangle slightly larger every
> time through the scanning loop.

Thats think this is the easy part...
The hard part is to make the bar move "with" the program (so every
port it finishes the bar will slightly move, which depends on the
total number of ports to scan...).

> The best way is to have the loop running in a seperate thread
> to the GUI and checking a flag on each iteration. Then you can
> have a stop button on the GUI that sets the flag.
> Its generally a bad idea in a GUI to have long running processes
> within an event handler, better to put them in a separate thread.
> Unfortunately this is a lesson that Microsoft's programmers don't
> appear to have learned yet!

I knew I will have to learn threads some day...
Are they hard ?
Can you give me some good and simple tutorials ? (I found some, but
they look scary)

> Alan G.

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
From kabads at  Sun Feb 27 20:32:27 2005
From: kabads at (Adam Cripps)
Date: Sun Feb 27 20:32:30 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
In-Reply-To: <00be01c51ce6$4ef5e200$a6388651@xp>
References: <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 16:06:32 -0000, Alan Gauld <> wrote:
> >  - however, when I click the button, I want self.showButton to know
> > which one of them was pressed. I've seen in other gui programming
> the
> > idea of an id or identifier - I can't see that here. Ideally, I
> would
> > like to know the value of i in self.showButtons - but when I use
> > self.showButtons(i) showButtons gets called straight at run time.
> The easy way to do this is to use a defrault parameter in a lambda:
> submittext = ">>> "
> for i in range (1, 11):
>    b = Button(text=submittext, command = lambda n=i:
> self.showButton(n))
>    b.rid(column=4, row=i+4)
>    submitlist.append(b)
> Notice the button creation line now uses a lambda with default
> parameter set to i. That lambda calls your method but now passes
> in the value of i for that button. (You need to modify your method
> to accept that value of course!)
> HTH,
> Alan G
> Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Yay! Thanks for the tips Michael/Alan - works a treat, although I must
admit, I'm not sure what Lambda does.


PGP key: 0x7111B833
From godoy at  Sun Feb 27 20:22:33 2005
From: godoy at (Jorge Godoy)
Date: Sun Feb 27 20:34:56 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How do you share a method (function) among several
References: <> <cvt0kd$v30$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <87wtstzu2u.fsf@jupiter.g2ctech>

Xif <> writes:

> Ok, so keeping getCells() as an external function makes sense.
> But where exactly do you recommend I'd put it?
> In a seperate module, like I currently do, even though it's going to be the
> only piece of code contained inside that module?

I don't see any problem with this.

If this is all you need to share, why not?

Be seeing you,

From pierre.barbier at  Sun Feb 27 20:39:41 2005
From: pierre.barbier at (Pierre Barbier de Reuille)
Date: Sun Feb 27 20:38:01 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How do you share a method (function) among several
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <cvt0kd$v30$>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

The position to put it is a design choice and there is no single best 
solution. What I'd do is to gather all the small "homeless" functions in 
a single separate module. And if they come to be too numerous, I'll sort 
them in some modules, ...

But that's because I don't like having a single function in a module ^_^
Of course, if this is a complex function, that can make sense ...

I hope I helped and didn't make things worst ;)


Xif a ?crit :
> Ok, so keeping getCells() as an external function makes sense.
> But where exactly do you recommend I'd put it?
> In a seperate module, like I currently do, even though it's going to be 
> the only piece of code contained inside that module?
> Xif
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
>> Well, for me, the more logical answer is : multi-inheritance !
>> If part of your class is the same, (same semantic, same 
>> implementation), then you want to have a base class for that.
>> If you dislike this kindof inheritance, then your function should be 
>> an external one. Even more because it's 'just' an implementation 
>> function. The user don't need it as a method ... So why bother add it 
>> to your object ?
>> Pierre
>> Xif a ?crit :
>>> Javier Ruere wrote:
>>>> Xif wrote:
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> There are several different objects. However, they all share the same
>>>>> function.
>>>>> Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
>>>>> common superclass.
>>>>> So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that
>>>>> function?
>>>>> The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
>>>>> module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
>>>>> good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that 
>>>>> contains
>>>>> just a single function seems like an abuse.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Xif
>>>>   Could you give an example?
>>>> Javier
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Tutor maillist  -
>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>> This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
>>>> at the Tel-Aviv University CC.
>>> Sure, I can describe my particular case.
>>> It's a program that retrieves / updates Microsoft Excel spreadsheet 
>>> data.
>>> There are two major classes:
>>> 1) an Excel class, that represents of the whole Excel program
>>> 2) a Cells class, that abstracts retrieval  and editing of cells.
>>> Both classes use a function called getCells() as part of their 
>>> __getitem__() methods.
>>> getCells() parses the __getitem__() call arguments, and returns an 
>>> iterator over the appropriate cells.
>>> The difference between the 2 classes is that a Cells instance just 
>>> converts the generator into a list and returns it:
>>> #<code>
>>> return list(getCells(self.sheet, cells))
>>> #</code>
>>> while an Excel instance returns the values of the cells:
>>> #<code>
>>> return [cell.Value for cell in getCells(self.sheet, cells)]
>>> #</code>
>>> As you can see, both use the getCells() function.
>>> So my question is, where is the best way to put it so instances of 
>>> both classes can use it?
>>> Xif
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Tutor maillist  -

Pierre Barbier de Reuille

INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde

tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
From cyresse at  Sun Feb 27 22:40:06 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 27 22:40:10 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <1109523949.8105.4.camel@fuzzbox.local>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

Yeah, python.exe is the right one... bizarre... I'll have a poke at it
when I get home from work.
Sorry I haven't been more helpful. 


Liam Clarke

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 18:57:30 +0000, Richard gelling
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> It is actually associated with just 'python', changed it to associate
> with 'pythonw' and I got nothing on the same example not even the [], so
> I am assuming that 'python' is the correct one?
> Liam Clarke wrote:
> >Yeah, right click on a .py and check if it's associated with pythonw
> >or python.exe
> >
> >GL,
> >
> >Liam Clarke
> >
> >
> >On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 18:28:18 +0000, Richard gelling
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>Yes, I use both Wndows XP and Linux( at work ) . I left that in by
> >>mistake I am actually just typing in
> >>
> >>arg1,py a b c
> >>
> >>at the windows XP command prompt
> >>
> >>Sorry for the confusion.
> >>
> >>
> >>Liam Clarke wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Are you using XP still? I've never seen this before -
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>./ a  b c
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>But anyhoo, I tried out just
> >>>'c:\python23\'
> >>>as opposed to
> >>>'c:\python23\python' and
> >>>while will run, it doesn't echo to the console, as on my
> >>>machine running a .py file runs it through pythonw.exe - I'd check it
> >>>out for your machine, it's probably the same. You'd need to change the
> >>>association to python.exe, but that would mean that you always got a
> >>>DOS box for every Python script you ran, which is annoying with GUIs.
> >>>
> >>>Erm, if you don't want to type in python each time, either change the
> >>>association or create a batch file called x or a or something that
> >>>runs Python  and stick it in a directory that's in your PATH system
> >>>variable. Only problem with that is passing command line variables....
> >>>
> >>>...might just be better to type python....
> >>>
> >>>Good Luck,
> >>>
> >>>Liam Clarke
> >>>
> >>>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +0000, Richard gelling
> >>><> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>>No What I get if I was to type in
> >>>>./ a  b c
> >>>>
> >>>>All I get is
> >>>>[]
> >>>>
> >>>>If i type at the command prompt
> >>>>
> >>>>python a b c
> >>>>
> >>>>I get ['a','b','c']  as expected
> >>>>
> >>>>All the other programs and examples I have typed in work fine just by
> >>>>typing in the file name, I don't have to preced the file name with
> >>>>python, only this example. I hope this makes it clearer
> >>>>
> >>>>Richard G.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>Nick Lunt wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Richard,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain sys.argv[0]
> >>>>>then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but here's
> >>>>>what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>[]
> >>>>>
> >>>>>$ cat
> >>>>>#!/usr/bin/python
> >>>>>
> >>>>>import sys
> >>>>>print sys.argv[1:]
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>./
> >>>>>[]
> >>>>>
> >>>>>./ a b c
> >>>>>['a', 'b', 'c']
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Is that what your getting ?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions,
> >>>>>>including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print
> >>>>>>sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python fred
> >>>>>>joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all I get is
> >>>>>>'[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in
> >>>>>>Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather
> >>>>>>than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Richard G.
> >>>>>>_______________________________________________
> >>>>>>Tutor maillist  -
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>_______________________________________________
> >>>>>Tutor maillist  -
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>_______________________________________________
> >>>>Tutor maillist  -
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Tutor maillist  -
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From jeffshannon at  Sun Feb 27 22:56:24 2005
From: jeffshannon at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Sun Feb 27 22:56:28 2005
Subject: [Tutor] SubClassing
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <>
Message-ID: <>

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 05:54:39 -0200, Ismael Garrido
<> wrote:
> def __init__(self, this, that, new):
>     Parent.__init__(self, this, that)  #note self
> = new

If the paren's init t has a lot of possible arguments, it may be
easier to do things this way:

class Child(Parent):
    def __init__(self, new, *args, **kwargs):
        Parent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) = new

This way, the Child class doesn't need to know or care about what
parameters get passed on to Parent; it uses the ones it needs, and
passes all the rest on.

Jeff Shannon
From cyresse at  Sun Feb 27 23:04:13 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Sun Feb 27 23:04:16 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How do you share a method (function) among several
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <cvt0kd$v30$>
	<> <>
	<> <>
Message-ID: <>

yeah, I do the same thing for those useful functions that don't really
fit anywhere else.
I call it helperFunctions or something, so when your're importing
helperFunctions and calling helperFunctions.getCells() it's pretty
obvious what's happening.

Liam Clarke

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 20:39:41 +0100, Pierre Barbier de Reuille
<> wrote:
> The position to put it is a design choice and there is no single best
> solution. What I'd do is to gather all the small "homeless" functions in
> a single separate module. And if they come to be too numerous, I'll sort
> them in some modules, ...
> But that's because I don't like having a single function in a module ^_^
> Of course, if this is a complex function, that can make sense ...
> I hope I helped and didn't make things worst ;)
> Pierre
> Xif a ?crit :
> > Ok, so keeping getCells() as an external function makes sense.
> >
> > But where exactly do you recommend I'd put it?
> >
> > In a seperate module, like I currently do, even though it's going to be
> > the only piece of code contained inside that module?
> >
> > Xif
> >
> > Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
> >
> >> Well, for me, the more logical answer is : multi-inheritance !
> >> If part of your class is the same, (same semantic, same
> >> implementation), then you want to have a base class for that.
> >>
> >> If you dislike this kindof inheritance, then your function should be
> >> an external one. Even more because it's 'just' an implementation
> >> function. The user don't need it as a method ... So why bother add it
> >> to your object ?
> >>
> >> Pierre
> >>
> >> Xif a ?crit :
> >>
> >>> Javier Ruere wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Xif wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hello
> >>>>>
> >>>>> There are several different objects. However, they all share the same
> >>>>> function.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
> >>>>> common superclass.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that
> >>>>> function?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
> >>>>> module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
> >>>>> good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that
> >>>>> contains
> >>>>> just a single function seems like an abuse.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>> Xif
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>   Could you give an example?
> >>>>
> >>>> Javier
> >>>>
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> Tutor maillist  -
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >>>> This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
> >>>> at the Tel-Aviv University CC.
> >>>>
> >>> Sure, I can describe my particular case.
> >>>
> >>> It's a program that retrieves / updates Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
> >>> data.
> >>>
> >>> There are two major classes:
> >>>
> >>> 1) an Excel class, that represents of the whole Excel program
> >>> 2) a Cells class, that abstracts retrieval  and editing of cells.
> >>>
> >>> Both classes use a function called getCells() as part of their
> >>> __getitem__() methods.
> >>>
> >>> getCells() parses the __getitem__() call arguments, and returns an
> >>> iterator over the appropriate cells.
> >>>
> >>> The difference between the 2 classes is that a Cells instance just
> >>> converts the generator into a list and returns it:
> >>>
> >>> #<code>
> >>> return list(getCells(self.sheet, cells))
> >>> #</code>
> >>>
> >>> while an Excel instance returns the values of the cells:
> >>>
> >>> #<code>
> >>> return [cell.Value for cell in getCells(self.sheet, cells)]
> >>> #</code>
> >>>
> >>> As you can see, both use the getCells() function.
> >>>
> >>> So my question is, where is the best way to put it so instances of
> >>> both classes can use it?
> >>>
> >>> Xif
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Tutor maillist  -
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> --
> Pierre Barbier de Reuille
> INRA - UMR Cirad/Inra/Cnrs/Univ.MontpellierII AMAP
> Botanique et Bio-informatique de l'Architecture des Plantes
> TA40/PSII, Boulevard de la Lironde
> 34398 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France
> tel   : (33) 4 67 61 65 77    fax   : (33) 4 67 61 56 68
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From gltewalt at  Sun Feb 27 23:08:55 2005
From: gltewalt at (Greg T)
Date: Sun Feb 27 23:08:58 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Learning python as a thing to do
Message-ID: <>

I am a Rubyist, but I've decided to learn Python so
that when a conversation springs up about the merits
of the two languages amd how they compare, I will be
well informed. As it stands now, what you usually see
is people well versed in one or the other, making
generalizations when they dont really know the other

At any rate, so far Python seems to be a very good
language. Not a great language, but still very good.

So far, some things I dont care for and have me
scratching my head:
immutable strings
no case statement
lack of internal iterators
The mixing of functions and methods

Some things that I like:
-list comprehensions
-the indentation scheme (I know alot of people dont
it at first experience, but I do)
-'one way to do it' philosophy (I dont have a problem
with 'more than one way to do it', but it makes a
language easier to learn with a 'one way' philosophy)

Are there any good books/documents that actually
examine the ruby way vs python way? (by someone that
knows both languages)

The other day I saw a post from a gentleman trying to
do a basic prompt and add type of calculator.
He wanted to assign the +, or * operator to a variable
to use, but I believe he was told you have to use the
literal +, or *.

Are these operators constanst in Python?
If so, is there not a way to send that constant to
act apon another variable or variables that refer to

In ruby, you can rerence the * operator
operator = :*   
num1 = 4
num2 = 6
which returns 24

Have a nice day :-)

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From jeffshannon at  Sun Feb 27 23:12:06 2005
From: jeffshannon at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Sun Feb 27 23:12:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: How do you share a method (function) among several
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <cvt0kd$v30$>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 20:20:19 +0200, Xif <> wrote:
> There are two major classes:
> 1) an Excel class, that represents of the whole Excel program
> 2) a Cells class, that abstracts retrieval  and editing of cells.
> [...]
> The difference between the 2 classes is that a Cells instance just
> converts the generator into a list and returns it:
> #<code>
> return list(getCells(self.sheet, cells))
> #</code>
> while an Excel instance returns the values of the cells:
> #<code>
> return [cell.Value for cell in getCells(self.sheet, cells)]
> #</code>

Why not have the Excel class make use of the Cells class?  That is,
you construct a Cells object with the appropriate parameters, use it
to get the list of cells, and then iterate over that list getting
values?  You could probably find many other places in the Excel class
where it could be simplified by delegating to a Cells instance, too...

Jeff Shannon
From dyoo at  Sun Feb 27 23:28:08 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun Feb 27 23:28:13 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> >(I know I'm being a bit silly about asking about what looks like a
> >simple email typo, but computer programming bugs are all-too-often
> >about typos. *grin*
> Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions,
> including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print
> sys,argv[1:],

Hi Richard,

Please, please copy and paste your code literally whenever you're talking
about code.  You have another email typo here, when you put a comma
instead of a period in:


I know that's not what you meant, but I'm really trying to stress the idea
that computers are not forgiving of typos.  There are actually a large
class of programming bugs that are simple typos.

Make things easier for us: just copy and paste the code that you're
talking about, and we'll be better able to replicate the situation that's
on your side.

I think there's been a lot of confusion on this thread, so let's backtrack
again and make sure we're on the same page.  I'll assume for the moment
that your program looks like this:

import sys
print sys.argv[1:]

> this does now work as long as I run 'python fred joe' it returns
> all the arguments.

I expect to see:

['fred', 'joe']

because sys.argv should contain the list:

    ['', 'fred', 'joe']

> If I try just all I get is '[]'.

Ok, this is also expected.  If we give no command line arguments to our
program, then we should get back an empty list from sys.argv[1:].  So at
the moment, I actually have no clue what problem you're running into.

What exactly are you getting stuck on?

> Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in Windows XP,
> I would like to be able to just use the file name rather than having to
> type python each time.

Wait.  Ok, I think I understand the question now.

I think you are trying to say that if you enter the command:

C:\> fred joe

at your Windows command prompt, that Python responds with:


Does this sound right?  If so, then you are asking a question that's
specific to Windows.

The Windows command shell has a bug that has bitten folks before: Windows
doesn't appear to correctly pass command line arguments to Python programs
if we try to call the program directly.  A workaround is to create a
'.CMD' wrapper for your Python program.

Add a file called 'test.cmd' in the same directory as your ''
program with the following content:

python test.cmd %*

Once you have this file, try:

C:\> test fred joe

at your command line.

You may find the discussion underneath:

useful, as the folks there further discuss this issue.

Let's backtrack for a moment again: the reason we were not able to answer
your question better was precisely because you were paraphrasing way too

> ... as I run 'python fred joe' it returns all the arguments. If
> I try just all I get is '[]'.

If you had shown us exactly what you were entering into the command line,
we would have caught the real cause of the problem much earlier.  Ok, I'll
stop ranting about this now.  *grin*

Best of wishes to you.

From dyoo at  Sun Feb 27 23:35:34 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Sun Feb 27 23:35:38 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Add a file called 'test.cmd' in the same directory as your ''
> program with the following content:
> ###
> python test.cmd %*
> ###

Scratch that!  *grin* Sorry, meant to write that the test.cmd should

python %*

Darn it, but I don't have a Windows box handy to test this.  Can someone
double check this to make sure I haven't screwed up again?

Sorry about that; I should never post anything without testing it first.

From dyoo at  Mon Feb 28 00:00:41 2005
From: dyoo at (Danny Yoo)
Date: Mon Feb 28 00:00:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Learning python as a thing to do
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005, Greg T wrote:

> I am a Rubyist, but I've decided to learn Python so that when a
> conversation springs up about the merits of the two languages amd how
> they compare, I will be well informed.

Hi Greg,

Welcome aboard!  That sounds great; you can help us understand Ruby better
when we have questions.  *grin*

> So far, some things I dont care for and have me scratching my head:

Ok, we'll try addressing some of your head-scratching questions:

> immutable strings

Immutable strings aren't unique to Python: technically, string literals in
C are also supposed to be immutable (that's why GCC supports the
'-fno-const-strings' flag!) , and they're also immutable in Java.

The other thing is that Python follows a model where values are objects,
and variable names are just references to values.  So when we do something

>>> message = "hello world"
>>> anotherMsg = message

Both 'message' and 'anotherMsg' both refer to a single string value.  We
can see this using the id() function:

>>> id(message)
>>> id(anotherMsg)

So there isn't any string copying going on here.

We can simulate mutable strings by turning a string into a list:

>>> myBuffer = list("hello world")
>>> myBuffer[1] = 'a'
>>> msg = ''.join(myBuffer)
>>> msg
'hallo world'

> no case statement

If you're doing a case analysis based on a single value, then a dispatch
table may be able to do what you want.  You may find:


> lack of internal iterators

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "internal iterators".  There is an
iterator protocol that objects can support:

where lists, files, and strings conform to the protocol and can be
iterated across with a 'for' loop.

> Question(s):
> Are there any good books/documents that actually examine the ruby way vs
> python way? (by someone that knows both languages)

I haven't seen one yet; if you find one, let us know.  I'm actually quite
interested in Ruby, since a friend of mine is writing Ruby code that I'll
probably have to maintain soon.  *grin*

> The other day I saw a post from a gentleman trying to do a basic prompt
> and add type of calculator. He wanted to assign the +, or * operator to
> a variable to use, but I believe he was told you have to use the literal
> +, or *.

The 'infix' operators aren't first-class in Python.  That being said,
there are first-class function equivalents in the 'operator' module:

and these are first class, so it's possible to writing something like

>>> import operator
>>> sumOfNumbersUpToTen = reduce(operator.add, range(1, 11))
>>> factorialTen = reduce(operator.mul, range(1, 11))
>>> sumOfNumbersUpToTen
>>> factorialTen

> In ruby, you can rerence the * operator
> operator = :*
> num1 = 4
> num2 = 6
> num1.send(operator,num2)
> which returns 24

Ok, I see, so in Ruby, numbers can receive a 'multiply' message.  This can
happen in Python too, although it's really not quite Pythonic:

>>> num1 = 4
>>> num1.__mul__(6)

Numbers in Python do have a fixed list of methods that they respond to:

but most Python numeric code will just use infix operators on numbers and
avoid an explicit message-passing style.

Best of wishes to you!

From jeffshannon at  Mon Feb 28 00:12:21 2005
From: jeffshannon at (Jeff Shannon)
Date: Mon Feb 28 00:12:26 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
	<> <1109523949.8105.4.camel@fuzzbox.local>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +0000, Richard gelling
<> wrote:
> No What I get if I was to type in
> ./ a  b c
> All I get is
> []

It sounds as though the command shell is not passing along the
additional parameters.  Try opening Windows Explorer, and go to the
Folder Options (in the Tools menu, IIRC).  Go to the "File Types" tab,
find PY (Python File), and click the "Advanced" button.  In the
resulting dialog, select the "open" action and click "edit", then look
at the command line that it's using.  You want something that looks

    "C:\Python23\python.exe" "%1" %*

The '%*' bit at the end is what I suspect may be missing in your settings.

(There's some chance that cmd.exe uses a different set of settings
than Windows Explorer does, in which case you'll have to research that
independently.  I know that you can use the "assoc" command to
associate the .py extension with the Python.File filetype, but I'm not
sure how to create filetypes or change actions that are taken upon
filetypes if it's different from the Explorer settings....)

Jeff Shannon
From keridee at  Mon Feb 28 00:27:59 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Mon Feb 28 00:27:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] How do you share a method (function) among several
References: <>
Message-ID: <000801c51d23$ff201280$a35428cf@JSLAPTOP>

Is it possible to put all of those objects in their own module, having the 
function you describe as a module defined function? For example pseudo 

### ###
def function(x):
    return stuff

class C1:
    def __init__(self):
        init stuff
    def funct(self,arg):
        return function(arg)

class C2:
    def __init__(self):
        init stuff for this class
    def clone(self,arg):
        return function(arg)


Usage of this module could be simple enough.

import Lib

a = Lib.C1()

b = Lib.C2()

The methods defined funct and clone do the same things.


> Hello
> There are several different objects. However, they all share the same
> function.
> Since they are not the same or similar, it's not logical to use a
> common superclass.
> So I'm asking, what's a good way to allow those objects to share that
> function?
> The best solution I've found so far is to put that function in a
> module, and have all objects import and use it. But I doubt that's a
> good use-case for modules; writing and importing a module that contains
> just a single function seems like an abuse.
> Thanks,
> Xif
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

From keridee at  Mon Feb 28 00:42:50 2005
From: keridee at (Jacob S.)
Date: Mon Feb 28 00:42:21 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Recursive Tkinter buttons
References: <><>
Message-ID: <001701c51d26$115800f0$a35428cf@JSLAPTOP>

> Yay! Thanks for the tips Michael/Alan - works a treat, although I must
> admit, I'm not sure what Lambda does.
> Adam

Lambda is basically a function without a name that can be used inline.
Take for example, this code.

def funct(x):
    return sin(x)

is the same as

funct = lambda x: sin(x)

There seems to be a running debate over whether lambdas are worth the 
trouble. I believe it's a matter of preference.


From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 28 01:20:38 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 28 01:19:59 2005
Subject: [Tutor] 3 questions for my port scanner project
References: <>
Message-ID: <00c801c51d2b$55fab4a0$a6388651@xp>

> > Use a canvas and redraw a rectangle slightly larger every
> > time through the scanning loop.
> Thats think this is the easy part...
> The hard part is to make the bar move "with" the program (so every
> port it finishes the bar will slightly move, which depends on the
> total number of ports to scan...).

But since you know the range of ports you can calculate the total
number. If you keep a count of how many scanned you can work out
the percentage scanned. You then draw a rectangle the same percentage
of the total width. After each port scanned recalculate the
percentage and redraw the rectangle.

Where's the problem? :-)

Alan G.

From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 28 01:53:26 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 28 01:52:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Learning python as a thing to do
References: <>
Message-ID: <013101c51d2f$ea15e8e0$a6388651@xp>

> I am a Rubyist, but I've decided to learn Python 

Welcome, could be interesting. I'm a pythonista and 
have learned Ruby but not used it for anything significant 

> At any rate, so far Python seems to be a very good
> language. Not a great language, but still very good.

There is only one great language: Lisp :-)

> So far, some things I dont care for...
> immutable strings
> no case statement

Yes, most folks find those concepts pretty strange.
Personally I don't miss case statements (see a recent thread) 
I usually find Pythons stricture means I rethink the design 
and usually manage to avoid the need (and potential bugs that 
are inherent in case structures...) but mutable strings would 
be nice, although potentially dangerous for dictionary keys.

> lack of internal iterators

NOt sure what you mean by this one, can you expand?

> The mixing of functions and methods

You mean the fact that Python doesn't insist on everything 
being an object? That simply reflects that Python can be 
used in several difreent paradigms. Functional Programming 
is the biggest "modern" alternative to OOP and support for 
functions as first class objects supports that style. Ruby 
can fake it with its top level "invisible" object, but Python 
just makes that style a natural part of the language.

OTOH if you mean the inconsistencies in the use of methods 
versus functions in the base language (eg files have a close 
method but an open function) then I agree and Python is slowly 
removing those with each release. The biggest step being 
the introduction of strings as objects/methods and another 
step forward being the new-style classes in v2.x

This is one area where Matz learned lessons from Perl/Python 
when he invented Ruby - the advantage of going second (or 
third or fourth...)

> Question(s):
> Are there any good books/documents that actually
> examine the ruby way vs python way? (by someone that
> knows both languages)

NOt that I know of.

> The other day I saw a post from a gentleman trying to
> do a basic prompt and add type of calculator.
> He wanted to assign the +, or * operator to a variable
> to use, but I believe he was told you have to use the
> literal +, or *.

Thats possible using the operator module.

> Are these operators constanst in Python?

Not really, in that you can override them 
(__add__, __Sub__, __mul__ etc) and the operator module 
gives access to the common ones in a generic kind of way.

> If so, is there not a way to send that constant to
> act apon another variable or variables that refer to
> numbers?

I didn't see the post but it sounds as if the poster should 
have been able to do what [s]he wanted.

> In ruby, you can rerence the * operator
> operator = :*   
> num1 = 4
> num2 = 6
> num1.send(operator,num2)

In Python:

import operator
num1 = 4
num2 = 6

Alan G.

> which returns 24
> Have a nice day :-)
> __________________________________ 
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From linux236r4 at  Mon Feb 28 00:18:16 2005
From: linux236r4 at (dm)
Date: Mon Feb 28 07:10:37 2005
Subject: [Tutor] open a socket from a named file on linux
Message-ID: <1109546297.14526.9.camel@bioblue>

Hello, I am trying to open a socket connection to a named file on my
computer and can not seem to get it working.  Any help or advice would
be great.

The details

I attempting to control xfmedia, , via it's remote from
python and I can not get a connection.

connection information from readme file
Xfmedia has a remote control system, which consists of a UNIX socket
in /tmp, xfmedia_remote.$UID.$SESSION_ID, where $UID is the uid of the
user running xfmedia, and $SESSION_ID is a number (starting from zero)
corresponding to the instance of xfmedia.  (For example, if you're
one copy of xfmedia, $SESSION_ID will be 0.  If you start a second
its $SESSION_ID will be 1.  And so on.)

when attempting to creat a connection with this command

s = socket.fromfd('/tmp/xfmedia_remote.1001.0', socket.AF_UNIX,

i get this error

</xfmedia_remote.1001.0', socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?

which i understand i need to use the file descripter instead but i can
not not get the file descripter because when i attempt to open 
/tmp/xfmedia_remote.1001.o with the open command i get an error

f = open('/tmp/xfmedia_remote.1001.0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
IOError: [Errno 6] No such device or address:

yet ls shows the file exists, xfmedia is working fine.

From bvande at  Mon Feb 28 08:02:22 2005
From: bvande at (Brian van den Broek)
Date: Mon Feb 28 08:27:32 2005
Subject: [Tutor] puzzling traceback -- what to do with it?
Message-ID: <>

Hi all,

I just ran a program of mine and got the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\idlelib\", line 233, in asyncqueue
     self.putmessage((seq, request))
   File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\idlelib\", line 333, in putmessage
     raise IOError

This stumps me, as I've almost no idea what, putmessage, and
asyncqueue are. (A quick glance at the code made me realize my
code-reading skills and knowledge of IDLE aren't up to tracking this 
down on my own.)

Furthermore, the code that produced this runs just fine via other 
methods (running from within SciTe, the python command line, etc.) 
And, sometimes, but not always, closing the offending code, running 
something else, and then trying again with the code that caused the 
traceback makes it work.

I'm thinking IDLE bug, but also that it would be a good idea to 
solicit opinions/expertise here before running off screaming BUG to 
the IDLE folks :-)

Any suggestions for what the problem might be, or how to narrow it 
down before reporting?

Thanks and best,

Brian vdB

From potus98 at  Mon Feb 28 15:05:44 2005
From: potus98 at (John Christian)
Date: Mon Feb 28 15:05:47 2005
Subject: [Tutor] variable name based on variables (expansion?)
Message-ID: <>

a python 2.3 noob asks:

# I have some lists

# I want to change specific list elements
print GameLogic.varList0

# But I want the assignment
# to be based on variables


# But the variable assignment above does not work.
# Python complains of a syntax error.
# I've also tried variations of eval(), single ticks,
# back ticks, quotes, etc... but I just can't seem
# to get the syntax right.
# Can someone please provide a working example?

# In case it matters, here are additional details:
# My python script imports a module named GameLogic.
# My script is called fresh every time it's used; 
# therefore, some variables must be stored in
# such as GameLogic.varA, GameLogic.varB, etc... so 
# they are available for later use. It all works fine
# if I hardcode things, but I'd rather use variables
# since I will eventually have 20 lists with at least
# 10 positions in each list.


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
From mwalsh at  Mon Feb 28 15:44:47 2005
From: mwalsh at (Martin Walsh)
Date: Mon Feb 28 15:44:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] variable name based on variables (expansion?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

John Christian wrote:

># But I want the assignment
># to be based on variables
 >>> help(getattr)

Help on built-in function getattr:

    getattr(object, name[, default]) -> value

    Get a named attribute from an object; getattr(x, 'y') is equivalent 
to x.y.
    When a default argument is given, it is returned when the attribute 
    exist; without it, an exception is raised in that case.


*getattr*( 	object, name[, default])

    Return the value of the named attributed of object. name must be a
    string. If the string is the name of one of the object's attributes,
    the result is the value of that attribute. For example, |getattr(x,
    'foobar')| is equivalent to |x.foobar|. If the named attribute does
    not exist, default is returned if provided, otherwise AttributeError
    is raised. 


LIST = 1

getattr(GameLogic, 'varList'+str(LIST))[POSITION] = 0

>Do You Yahoo!?
>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
>Tutor maillist  -

From bill.mill at  Mon Feb 28 16:38:40 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Mon Feb 28 16:38:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] variable name based on variables (expansion?)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 06:05:44 -0800 (PST), John Christian
<> wrote:
> a python 2.3 noob asks:
> # I have some lists
> GameLogic.varList0=[1,1,1,1]
> GameLogic.varList1=[1,1,1,1]
> GameLogic.varList3=[1,1,1,1]
> # I want to change specific list elements
> GameLogic.varList0[2]=0
> print GameLogic.varList0
> [1,1,0,1]
> # But I want the assignment
> # to be based on variables
> LIST=1
> GameLogic.varList$LIST[$POSITION]=0

Most likely you want to have a 2-dimensional list. Like so:

#note the lists inside a list

Then, to get to the second element in the first list, do:


Or the third element of the second list:


In general, using zero-based counting of rows and columns, accessing
the array is done with:


so access like you have above is just:


Assuming that LIST and POSITION are zero-based counts.

Also note that all-CAPS variables in python are traditionally used
only for constants. This is a pretty strong tradition which, if you
break, will confuse anyone trying to read your code. Variables are
traditionally either camel case or all lower-case with underscores.

> # But the variable assignment above does not work.
> # Python complains of a syntax error.
> # I've also tried variations of eval(), single ticks,
> # back ticks, quotes, etc... but I just can't seem
> # to get the syntax right.
> #
> # Can someone please provide a working example?

the $ is not a syntactic character in python. Single quotes simply
delimit strings in python. Back ticks are equivalent to the str()
function which creates strings (or is it repr()? I can't remember;
it's generally bad form to use back ticks anyway). Double quotes are
the same as single quotes.

Please read the tutorial at .

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From bill.mill at  Mon Feb 28 16:49:33 2005
From: bill.mill at (Bill Mill)
Date: Mon Feb 28 16:49:36 2005
Subject: [Tutor] puzzling traceback -- what to do with it?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 02:02:22 -0500, Brian van den Broek
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just ran a program of mine and got the traceback:
> >>>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\idlelib\", line 233, in asyncqueue
>      self.putmessage((seq, request))
>    File "C:\PYTHON24\lib\idlelib\", line 333, in putmessage
>      raise IOError
> IOError
> This stumps me, as I've almost no idea what, putmessage, and
> asyncqueue are. (A quick glance at the code made me realize my
> code-reading skills and knowledge of IDLE aren't up to tracking this
> down on my own.)
> Furthermore, the code that produced this runs just fine via other
> methods (running from within SciTe, the python command line, etc.)
> And, sometimes, but not always, closing the offending code, running
> something else, and then trying again with the code that caused the
> traceback makes it work.
> I'm thinking IDLE bug, but also that it would be a good idea to
> solicit opinions/expertise here before running off screaming BUG to
> the IDLE folks :-)

Looks like an IDLE bug to me. Either it's a bug with them, or you're
interfering with something they do; either way it looks like those
guys are likely gonna have to help you out. The fact that the errors
are in idlelib leads me to this conclusion - unless you're importing
idlelib into your program, an error there is an error with idle.

Having used IDLE (maybe) once or twice, you should take this with a
grain of salt, but asking them about this error seems to be a good

> Any suggestions for what the problem might be, or how to narrow it
> down before reporting?

I would just give them a link to the smallest bit of source code you
can get to reproduce this problem, and an exact list of steps for how
to repeat it consistently. Also tell them your OS, python version, and
IDLE version.

I'm also assuming you already googled the traceback and searched their
mailing list to see if it's a well-known problem.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
From jsmith at  Mon Feb 28 18:57:30 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Mon Feb 28 18:57:34 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
Message-ID: <>


I have no problems running your example.  It would be helpful in the
future ot let us know which version and variant of Python you are
running.  I am using the canonical (as oppose to ActiveState) Python

>From the command prompt, type

assoc .py

and you should see


Then type

ftype Python.File

which should return

Python.File="C:\Python24\python.exe" "%1" %*

If the last one isn't correct (with approriate path and assoc type
associations) then you can correct it with


As an added bonus, you can also create a system environment variable
called PATHEXT and set it to .py and you won't even have to type the .py
to execute the script.  I added all the following to my PATHEXT:

While you're at it, you should also check the assoc/ftype for .pyw as

Python.NoConFile="C:\Python24\pythonw.exe" "%1" %*

Good luck,

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard gelling [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help


It is actually associated with just 'python', changed it to associate 
with 'pythonw' and I got nothing on the same example not even the [], so

I am assuming that 'python' is the correct one?

Liam Clarke wrote:

>Yeah, right click on a .py and check if it's associated with pythonw or

>Liam Clarke
>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 18:28:18 +0000, Richard gelling 
><> wrote:
>>Yes, I use both Wndows XP and Linux( at work ) . I left that in by 
>>mistake I am actually just typing in
>>arg1,py a b c
>>at the windows XP command prompt
>>Sorry for the confusion.
>>Liam Clarke wrote:
>>>Are you using XP still? I've never seen this before -
>>>>./ a  b c
>>>But anyhoo, I tried out just
>>>as opposed to
>>>'c:\python23\python' and
>>>while will run, it doesn't echo to the console, as on my 
>>>machine running a .py file runs it through pythonw.exe - I'd check it

>>>out for your machine, it's probably the same. You'd need to change 
>>>the association to python.exe, but that would mean that you always 
>>>got a DOS box for every Python script you ran, which is annoying with

>>>Erm, if you don't want to type in python each time, either change the

>>>association or create a batch file called x or a or something that 
>>>runs Python  and stick it in a directory that's in your PATH system 
>>>variable. Only problem with that is passing command line 
>>>...might just be better to type python....
>>>Good Luck,
>>>Liam Clarke
>>>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +0000, Richard gelling 
>>><> wrote:
>>>>No What I get if I was to type in
>>>>./ a  b c
>>>>All I get is
>>>>If i type at the command prompt
>>>>python a b c
>>>>I get ['a','b','c']  as expected
>>>>All the other programs and examples I have typed in work fine just 
>>>>by typing in the file name, I don't have to preced the file name 
>>>>with python, only this example. I hope this makes it clearer
>>>>Richard G.
>>>>Nick Lunt wrote:
>>>>>if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain 
>>>>>sys.argv[0] then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .
>>>>>Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but 
>>>>>here's what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.
>>>>>$ cat
>>>>>import sys
>>>>>print sys.argv[1:]
>>>>>./ a b c
>>>>>['a', 'b', 'c']
>>>>>Is that what your getting ?
>>>>>>Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions, 
>>>>>>including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print 
>>>>>>sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python 
>>>>>>fred joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all 
>>>>>>I get is '[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental 
>>>>>>variables in Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the 
>>>>>>file name rather than having to type python each time. Any help 
>>>>>>would be gratefully received.
>>>>>>Richard G. _______________________________________________
From jsmith at  Mon Feb 28 19:03:42 2005
From: jsmith at (Smith, Jeff)
Date: Mon Feb 28 19:03:50 2005
Subject: [Tutor] gensuitemodule?
Message-ID: <>

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Hall [] 
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 7:19 PM
Subject: [Tutor] gensuitemodule?

I'm seeing it used in a Python/Applescript tutorial, though am unclear 
on it's exact purpose or usage. Can someone fill me in?

Tutor maillist  -
From uselinux34 at  Mon Feb 28 20:21:05 2005
From: uselinux34 at (Richard gelling)
Date: Mon Feb 28 20:21:09 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Thanks a lot to everyone that replied. I was missing the %* in the 
following line, in the File associations I just had upto the "%1". 
Adding %* cured my problem.

Python.File="C:\Python24\python.exe" "%1" %*

Sorry for the typos in some of my examples, every keyboard I've tried appears to have the same fault on it!

Anyway thanks a lot again,

Richard G.

Smith, Jeff wrote:

>I have no problems running your example.  It would be helpful in the
>future ot let us know which version and variant of Python you are
>running.  I am using the canonical (as oppose to ActiveState) Python
>>From the command prompt, type
>assoc .py
>and you should see
>Then type
>ftype Python.File
>which should return
>Python.File="C:\Python24\python.exe" "%1" %*
>If the last one isn't correct (with approriate path and assoc type
>associations) then you can correct it with
>As an added bonus, you can also create a system environment variable
>called PATHEXT and set it to .py and you won't even have to type the .py
>to execute the script.  I added all the following to my PATHEXT:
>While you're at it, you should also check the assoc/ftype for .pyw as
>Python.NoConFile="C:\Python24\pythonw.exe" "%1" %*
>Good luck,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Richard gelling [] 
>Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 1:41 PM
>Subject: Re: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
>It is actually associated with just 'python', changed it to associate 
>with 'pythonw' and I got nothing on the same example not even the [], so
>I am assuming that 'python' is the correct one?
>Liam Clarke wrote:
>>Yeah, right click on a .py and check if it's associated with pythonw or
>>Liam Clarke
>>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 18:28:18 +0000, Richard gelling 
>><> wrote:
>>>Yes, I use both Wndows XP and Linux( at work ) . I left that in by 
>>>mistake I am actually just typing in
>>>arg1,py a b c
>>>at the windows XP command prompt
>>>Sorry for the confusion.
>>>Liam Clarke wrote:
>>>>Are you using XP still? I've never seen this before -
>>>>>./ a  b c
>>>>But anyhoo, I tried out just
>>>>as opposed to
>>>>'c:\python23\python' and
>>>>while will run, it doesn't echo to the console, as on my 
>>>>machine running a .py file runs it through pythonw.exe - I'd check it
>>>>out for your machine, it's probably the same. You'd need to change 
>>>>the association to python.exe, but that would mean that you always 
>>>>got a DOS box for every Python script you ran, which is annoying with
>>>>Erm, if you don't want to type in python each time, either change the
>>>>association or create a batch file called x or a or something that 
>>>>runs Python  and stick it in a directory that's in your PATH system 
>>>>variable. Only problem with that is passing command line 
>>>>...might just be better to type python....
>>>>Good Luck,
>>>>Liam Clarke
>>>>On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:55:54 +0000, Richard gelling 
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>No What I get if I was to type in
>>>>>./ a  b c
>>>>>All I get is
>>>>>If i type at the command prompt
>>>>>python a b c
>>>>>I get ['a','b','c']  as expected
>>>>>All the other programs and examples I have typed in work fine just 
>>>>>by typing in the file name, I don't have to preced the file name 
>>>>>with python, only this example. I hope this makes it clearer
>>>>>Richard G.
>>>>>Nick Lunt wrote:
>>>>>>if you try to print sys.argv[1:] when sys.argv only contain 
>>>>>>sys.argv[0] then you are bound to get an empty list returned, [] .
>>>>>>Im not sure I understand the problem you think you've got but 
>>>>>>here's what happens with sys.argv for me, and it's correct.
>>>>>>$ cat
>>>>>>import sys
>>>>>>print sys.argv[1:]
>>>>>>./ a b c
>>>>>>['a', 'b', 'c']
>>>>>>Is that what your getting ?
>>>>>>>Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions, 
>>>>>>>including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print 
>>>>>>>sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python 
>>>>>>>fred joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just all 
>>>>>>>I get is '[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental 
>>>>>>>variables in Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the 
>>>>>>>file name rather than having to type python each time. Any help 
>>>>>>>would be gratefully received.
>>>>>>>Richard G. _______________________________________________

From administrata at  Mon Feb 28 20:48:00 2005
From: administrata at (. ,)
Date: Mon Feb 28 20:51:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Edonkey Automatic Search Program?!
Message-ID: <BAY22-F3413B8AC3564F145C86CA6C8580@phx.gbl>


I just want to know whether this program can be programmed by python or not.

p2p program like edonkey is very very complicated (I think so..)

but, is searching program for edonkey complicated too?

Should the search program be connected to edonkey? (I think so..)

The Edonkey Automatic Search Program should be like...

i input some words and the prgram automatically  download files

which are related to words by days, hours.

I'm looking forward to see your replys...

Cheers! :)

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

From john.ertl at  Mon Feb 28 21:00:09 2005
From: john.ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Mon Feb 28 20:58:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python and a web image map 
Message-ID: <>


I have been doing Python for a bit now but I am trying to make a clickable
map of the world on a web page that gives me the latitude and longitude of a
location selected.  I have done little with HTML beyond forms and have done
no Java script.  Is this a problem Python can solve or is this a HTML / Java
script issue.  


John Ertl 
From cyresse at  Mon Feb 28 22:10:02 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 28 22:10:06 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Edonkey Automatic Search Program?!
In-Reply-To: <BAY22-F3413B8AC3564F145C86CA6C8580@phx.gbl>
References: <BAY22-F3413B8AC3564F145C86CA6C8580@phx.gbl>
Message-ID: <>

You sure could write a client for the eDonkey p2p protocol using
Python, the original BitTorrent protocol and client was written in
Python. You can download the source somewhere on

But yeah, good luck with that.


Liam Clarke

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 19:48:00 +0000, . , <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just want to know whether this program can be programmed by python or not.
> p2p program like edonkey is very very complicated (I think so..)
> but, is searching program for edonkey complicated too?
> Should the search program be connected to edonkey? (I think so..)
> The Edonkey Automatic Search Program should be like...
> i input some words and the prgram automatically  download files
> which are related to words by days, hours.
> I'm looking forward to see your replys...
> Cheers! :)
> _________________________________________________________________
> Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 28 22:19:39 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 28 22:18:35 2005
Subject: [Tutor] variable name based on variables (expansion?)
References: <>
Message-ID: <017d01c51ddb$37afd240$a6388651@xp>

> # I have some lists
> GameLogic.varList0=[1,1,1,1]
> GameLogic.varList1=[1,1,1,1]
> GameLogic.varList3=[1,1,1,1]


GameLogic.varLists = [[1,1,1,1],

> # But I want the assignment
> # to be based on variables
> LIST=1
> GameLogic.varList$LIST[$POSITION]=0

GameLogic.varlists[LIST][POSITION] = 0

> # I've also tried variations of eval(), single ticks,
> # back ticks, quotes, etc... but I just can't seem
> # to get the syntax right.

You could use eval but its nasty and should be avoided if possible. 
Its usually better to eitrher use lists or dictionaries.

> # if I hardcode things, but I'd rather use variables
> # since I will eventually have 20 lists with at least
> # 10 positions in each list.

In that case using variables will be messy, far better to use 
a single variable which is a container. If for some reason 
your lists cannot be contigious then you should opt for a 
dictionary and manipulate the key names:

GameLogic.varLists = {'list0' : [1,1,1,1],
                      'list1' : [1,1,1,1],
                      'list3' : [1,1,1,1]}

key = 'list' + str(LIST)
GameLogic.varlists[key][POSITION] = 0


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor
From alan.gauld at  Mon Feb 28 22:23:14 2005
From: alan.gauld at (Alan Gauld)
Date: Mon Feb 28 22:22:11 2005
Subject: [Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help
References: <>
Message-ID: <018801c51ddb$b6c00cd0$a6388651@xp>

> As an added bonus, you can also create a system environment variable
> called PATHEXT and set it to .py and you won't even have to type the

Well, well, well, you live and learn! :-)

Thanks for that neat tip.

Alan G.

From cyresse at  Mon Feb 28 22:27:17 2005
From: cyresse at (Liam Clarke)
Date: Mon Feb 28 22:27:20 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python and a web image map
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I would say it's best done as a Javascript thing.

<script type = "text/javascript">
function goFunc(e){
x = e.clientX
y = e.clientY
alert("X=" + x + " Y=" + y)
<script type = "text/javascript">
window.onload = function(e){document.onclick = goFunc;};
Javascript or Python?

Save the above as an HTM and click, it should give you the x,y co-ords
for the browser window excluding scrolbars etc.

Shouldn't be too hard to create a window that matches the size of your
map, and convert window co-ords into image co-ords.

Good luck with that, though, Javascript is a funny beast, but there's
some good tutorials out there.


Liam Clarke

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 12:00:09 -0800, Ertl, John <> wrote:
> All,
> I have been doing Python for a bit now but I am trying to make a clickable
> map of the world on a web page that gives me the latitude and longitude of a
> location selected.  I have done little with HTML beyond forms and have done
> no Java script.  Is this a problem Python can solve or is this a HTML / Java
> script issue.
> Thanks,
> John Ertl
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
From john.ertl at  Mon Feb 28 22:43:14 2005
From: john.ertl at (Ertl, John)
Date: Mon Feb 28 22:41:24 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Python and a web image map
Message-ID: <>


Thanks for the code chunk and the advice.  Java script here I come.

John Ertl 

-----Original Message-----
From: Liam Clarke []
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 13:27
To: Tutor Tutor
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Python and a web image map

I would say it's best done as a Javascript thing.

<script type = "text/javascript">
function goFunc(e){
x = e.clientX
y = e.clientY
alert("X=" + x + " Y=" + y)
<script type = "text/javascript">
window.onload = function(e){document.onclick = goFunc;};
Javascript or Python?

Save the above as an HTM and click, it should give you the x,y co-ords
for the browser window excluding scrolbars etc.

Shouldn't be too hard to create a window that matches the size of your
map, and convert window co-ords into image co-ords.

Good luck with that, though, Javascript is a funny beast, but there's
some good tutorials out there.


Liam Clarke

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 12:00:09 -0800, Ertl, John <>
> All,
> I have been doing Python for a bit now but I am trying to make a clickable
> map of the world on a web page that gives me the latitude and longitude of
> location selected.  I have done little with HTML beyond forms and have
> no Java script.  Is this a problem Python can solve or is this a HTML /
> script issue.
> Thanks,
> John Ertl
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
Tutor maillist  -
From alipolatel at  Tue Feb  1 09:20:19 2005
From: alipolatel at (Ali Polatel)
Date: Fri Mar  4 07:38:18 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Programming challenge (C++ and Python)
Message-ID: <>

    Dear Python friends,
    I need a favor.I play chess at a chess server with the name ICC( I want to write a plugin for their interface using Python.
    I don't have any idea about how to write a plugin but I found out that the server administrator has written a Plugin Development Kit in C++ for those who wish to write plugins for the interface.I don't know C++ so I cannot convert this kit into python scripts.Can anyone do this for me? or can anyone examine those scripts and tell me a way how to write those with python?The development kit is avaliable at the site
under the name
Any kind of help is appreciated.
Ali Polatel 

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From cchuiernieliew at  Sat Feb 26 07:25:09 2005
From: cchuiernieliew at (liew choon chui)
Date: Fri Mar  4 07:41:45 2005
Subject: [Tutor] Re: Q & A
Message-ID: <>

Here are two question to need some solution.
1. Explain the difference between an object and a class (Objec Class). Give  one specific example.
2. What is the differences between white box testing and black box testing approches.
Thank You.
Ernie Liew

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