[Tutor] Comparing files, Counting Value

Bill Mill bill.mill at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 01:13:27 CET 2005


When you ask a question to the list, you should be more careful to
highlight your problem so that it doesn't seem like you're asking
people to write a script for you. I don't think that's what you were
doing, but just try to reduce your problem to a minimal example in the

I don't know what your script is doing; array[0, 2] is not legal as
far as I know in python (it is legal on numarray.array types, but not
on regular python lists AFAIK). I also don't know what that "in i"
stuff you're doing means. When I run your code, I get a "TypeError:
list indices must be integers" on the fields[0, 1] line. You should
try to write your code in small bites to make it easier to debug.

That said, I dig doing this sort of text processing, so I wrote my own
script to do it. Perhaps it'll help clear up some ideas for you; if
you have any questions, feel free to ask me about them:

==========begin file testprocess.py=====================
one = open('one')
two = open('two')
out = open('out', 'w')


#build dict of {(x,y): z} from 'one'
pts = {}
for line in one:
    x, y, z = [float(i) for i in line.split()]   #convert strings to floats
    pts[(x,y)] = z                                  #insert point into

#now check to find each pixel in 'two' in the pts dictionary
bigpixels = 0
for line in two:
    x, y = [float(i) for i in line.split()]       #convert strings to floats
    if (x,y) in pts and pts[(x,y)] > THRESHOLD:
        bigpixels += 1

print "%d pixels over %f" % (bigpixels, THRESHOLD)
============end file==============================

Bill Mill
bill.mill at gmail.com

On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 15:27:24 -0800, Michiyo LaBerge
<mlaberge at labergedaylight.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm very new to Python and have been trying to write a script to
> compare data from 2 files and getting a total. One of the two files
> contains x, y positions of pixels and a color value(z) of each, so it
> has three columns in the file. The other file has two columns; x1, y1.
> I'd like to get only x, y positions which match to x1, y1 of the second
> file and then look up the z value. If the z value is greater than a
> certain number, it counts 1, otherwise it moves on the next x, y
> position. Finally, I'm able to get total count of the pixels that are
> over the threshold. The script I'm using is below step by step,
> however, I haven't been able to figure out the error massage
> "IndexError: list index out of range" on z value. Any comments would be
> appreciated!
> Regards,
> Michiyo
> file 1:                                                         file 2:
>      299     189       8.543e-02                                        260     168
>      300     189       0.000e+00                                        270     180
>      301     189       0.000e+00                                        299     189
>      302     189       0.000e+00                                        300     170
>        0        188       5.095e-02                                     301     189
>        1        188       5.108e-02                                       .        .
>        .                .               .                                                 .         .
>        .                .               .                                                 .        .
> #!usr/local/bin/python
> import sys
> i=open("file 1") #value data
> o=open("file 2") #look-up file
> l=open("result", 'w')#result
> results={}
> line=i.readline()
> line=o.readline()
> while line:
>      fields=line.split()
>      x1=fields[0, 1] in i    #x,y position in file 1
>      z=fields[2] in i           #value data in file 1
>      x2=fields[0, 1] in o   #x,y position in file 2
>      if x1 == x2:
>         read(z)
>         if z >= 5.000e-02:
>            z=1
>            count(n=0)
>            print>>l, count(1)
> i.close()
> o.close()
> l.close()
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