[Tutor] Better structure?

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Feb 3 05:11:06 CET 2005

Jacob S. wrote:
>> Try writing the code to do what lstrip actually does
>> - its much harder. So the library includes the more
>> difficult function and lets you code the easy ones.
> def lstrip(string,chars=' ')
>    string = list(string)
>    t = 0
>    for x in string:
>        if x in chars:
>            string.remove(t)
>        else:
>            break
>        t = t+1
> Okay, so it's not that difficult, 

Well, after fixing the obvious syntax error I tried
print lstrip('abcd', 'abcd')

and got
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "D:\Personal\Tutor\LStrip.py", line 11, in ?
     print lstrip('abcd', 'abcd')
   File "D:\Personal\Tutor\LStrip.py", line 6, in lstrip
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

so maybe it's not that easy either. Don't forget the unit tests! :-)


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