[Tutor] Re: This Deletes All my Files

Chad Crabtree flaxeater at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 4 19:22:14 CET 2005

Thank you all for answering my question.  I thought it would be some 
misunderstanding on my part.  The example Andrei made was very

Andrei wrote:

>>>>s = "d:/tests/test.txt"
>>>>class dummyfile(object):
>...     def open(self, *args):
>...         print "dummyfile.open:", args
>...     def write(self, *args):
>...         print "dummyfile.write:", args
>...     def read(self, *args):
>...         print "dummyfile.read:", args
>...         return ""
>>>>def dummyopen(filename, type):
>...     print "dummyopen:", filename, type
>...     d = dummyfile()
>...     d.open(filename, type)
>...     return d
>>>>dummyopen(s, 'w').write(dummyopen(s, 'r').read())
>dummyopen: d:/tests/test.txt w
>dummyfile.open: ('d:/tests/test.txt', 'w') <--- first open for
>dummyopen: d:/tests/test.txt r
>dummyfile.open: ('d:/tests/test.txt', 'r') <--- then for reading
>dummyfile.read: ()
>dummyfile.write: ('',)
>>spend 5 hours RTFM.  I got it to work by breaking it up to several 
>>statements, but I would like to know.
>And that's the way you *should* write it - code like this doesn't
deserve to
>work anyway :). 
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