****SPAM(11.2)**** [Tutor] Larger program organization

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri Feb 11 22:38:47 CET 2005

> >way we ASP.NET at my company, and I'm having some trouble finding a good
> >way to organize all the code.
> My take on doing that in Python:
> Organize things into modules. Especially with an eye to potential reuse.
> Look at the module index in the docs to see how most of the "standard"
> modules focus on doing one thing well.

Hi Ryan,

And just making sure; are you using packages?


Most large Python programs that I've seen will first partition their
functionality into modules, and if that's not enough, then they further
break themselves down into packages.

Best of wishes to you!

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