[Tutor] Queued threads

Bernard Lebel python at bernardlebel.com
Wed Feb 16 02:58:15 CET 2005


I have already messed a little with simple thread programming, wich took 
this form:

from threading import Thread

def mainFunction():

Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()

Now, I have a list of "jobs", each job being a windows bat file that 
launches an executable and performs a rendering task. So I have this 
queue of jobs, and would like to launch one only when the previous one 
has finished, and in a separate window. So far I have not been having 
much success with simple stuff:

from threading import Thread

def mainFunction():
     print 'function print'
     return 1

for i in range( 0, 3 ):
     oThread = Thread( target=mainFunction ).start()

     if oThread == 1:
             print 'sleeping 3 seconds'
             time.sleep( 3 )

In this example, 'sleeping 3 seconds' not returned, and each thread is 
started without any waiting.

I'm looking at the various threading module details in the library but I 
have to admit that, well, I'm a bit at loss here.

Thanks in advance

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