[Tutor] sys.argv[1: ] help

Richard gelling uselinux34 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Feb 27 17:45:56 CET 2005

Danny Yoo wrote:

>>>I am reading ' Learning Python second edition' by Mark Lutz and David
>>>Ascher, and I trying the code examples as I go along. However I am
>>>having a problem with the following, which I don't seem to be able to
>>>resolve :-
>>># test.py
>>>import sys
>>>print sys[ 1: ]
>>>This I believe is supposed to print the 1st argument passed to the
>>>program. However if I try
>>>test.py fred
>>>All I get at the command line is
>Hi Jay,
>Are you sure that is what your program contained?  I'm surprised that this
>didn't error out!  The program:
>import sys
>print sys[1:]
>should raise a TypeError because 'sys' is a module, and not a list of
>elements, and modules don't support slicing.  Just out of curiosity, can
>you confirm that you aren't getting an error message?
>(I know I'm being a bit silly about asking about what looks like a simple
>email typo, but computer programming bugs are all-too-often about typos.
>When you write about a program, try using cut-and-paste to ensure that the
>program that you're running is the same as the program you're showing us.)
>Best of wishes to you!
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

Sorry for the late response, I tried all of the the suggestions, 
including correcting my typo of print sys[1:] and tried print 
sys,argv[1:], this does now work as long as I run 'python test.py fred 
joe' it returns all the arguments. If I try just test.py all I get is 
'[]' . Is there something wrong with my environmental variables in 
Windows XP, I would like to be able to just use the file name rather 
than having to type python each time. Any help would be gratefully received.

Richard G.

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