[Tutor] here documents

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Tue Jan 4 00:54:06 CET 2005

There was a detailed thread on this recently either here
or on usenet group comp.lang.python...

The bottom line was to use string formatting and triple
quoted strings...

msg = '''
A very long string that overspills
onto multiple lines and includes
my name which is %{name}s
and a number which is my age: %{age}d

print msg % vars()


Alan G.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Powe" <michael at trollope.org>
To: <tutor at python.org>
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 10:54 PM
Subject: [Tutor] here documents

> Hello,
> In perl, I create variables of fairly involved text using here
> documents.  For example,
> $msg = <<"EOF";
>   a bunch of text here.
>   ...
> Is there an equivalent method in python?  I usually use this method
> when creating help messages for scripts -- put all the text into a
> variable and the 'print $msg' for the output.  I find it an easy way
> to produce formatted text.
> Now, I'm trying to switch over to python and want to recreate or
> my processes.
> Thanks.
> mp

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