[Tutor] trouble getting a list to update

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Fri Jan 7 09:34:00 CET 2005

> def write_list(list_to_write, file_name):
>      "Writes elements of a list, seperated by spaces, to a file"
>      for each in list_to_write:
>          file_name.write(str(list_to_write[each]) + ' ')

This is the problem.(I think)

You are taking each element of the list then using 
it(either 0 or 1) as an index into the list, which 
means you will only ever print the first two elements!

Also you claim to be writing to a file_name, that 
needs to be an open file object...

You need:

for each in list_to_write:
    file_object.write(str(each) + ' ')

However its much easier still to just write the list in 
one go:

file_object.write(str(list_to_write) + '\n')

> ...snipped code here...
> myfile = open(....)

Ah, OK you have actually opened the file, I thought you must 
since otherwise you;'d get no output. BUt I think you should 
change the variable name above...


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

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