[Tutor] Objects & Classes...

Chad Crabtree flaxeater at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 17 19:59:15 CET 2005

Jack Cruzan wrote:

>class Character:
>	def __init__(self, name = ' ', race = 'Human', magic = 'None'):
>		self.name=name
>		self.race=race
>		self.magic=magic
I know your going to need some other stuff.

class NewCharacter(Character):
    def __init__(self,stats,*args,**kwds):

super is a function that calls a specific function from a parent
This way you can still use the previous __init__ code and then extend

it.  *args represents a tuple of arguments of unspecified length or 
type, **kwds is a dictionary of named arguments, like name='' like 
above.  That way you capture the keywords needed to pass to the
class so that name race magic is still updated at class

This way you can extend classes.  So you *could* subclass Character
as a 
Dwarf, a Troll etc so that each class already knows about being a
eg special abilities skill bonuses and such.  If you don't understand

this, that's ok it took me quite a while.  However once I got this it

made certain tasks much easier.  I could figure out how to do
then never need to think about how it works later in the project.

>def createChar(book):
>	name = raw_input("Enter your character's name. ")
>	race = int(raw_input("What race? (1: Human, 2: Elf, 3: Ork, 4:
>5: Dwarf,)"))
>	book[name] = race
try this (untested)

races={1:'Human',2:'Elf',3:'Ork',4:'Troll',5:'Dwarf'} #this is a
print "The Name is " + name
print "The Race is " + book[name]

>def loadChar(book):
>	import os
>	filename = 'SRchargen.dat'
>	if os.path.exists(filename):
>		store = open(filename,'r')
>		while store:
>			name = store.readline().strip()
>			race = store.readline().strip()
>			book[name] = race
>		else:
>			store = open(filename, 'w')
>		store.close
I'm not sure why this doesn't work, perhaps you should post what is
'SRchargen.dat'.  You do know that this format will only work with
character?  Do you get an error? If so post that traceback message.

Anyway good luck.

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