[Tutor] Print record x in a file

Orri Ganel singingxduck at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 06:21:19 CET 2005

Jacob S. wrote:

>> This will get a random record
>> I hope you do not think the comments are patronising
>> but you did say you are new so I did not want to give
>> naked code.
>> import random
>> #the above gives the program the ability to get a
>> #pseudo random number
>> file = open('test.rantxt')
>> listcontents = file.readlines()
>> #gives you the file as a list of records or it did on
>> #(assuming each line is a record)
>> file.close()
>> lenoflist = len(listcontents)-1
>> #find the length of the list and take one of because
>> computers count from 0
> Yes, but len returns counting from 1.
> Anyway, you would have to add one to correct that anyway, wouldn't you?
> If randrange is start <= x *<=* end, then you don't have to add one, you
> just use the length.
> If randrange is start<= x < end like __builtin__ range, you have to put
> randrange(1,lenoflist+1)
>> x = random.randrange(0,lenoflist)
> I would use randint because list indices need to be integers -- unless of
> course I mistaken and
> randrange returns an integer also. (But that would be repetitive to 
> have to
> functions do the same thing)
>> print listcontents[x]
> HTH,
> Jacob
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How about random.choice() ? Ie:

 >>> print random.choice(f.readlines())

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