[Tutor] Syntax Check

Chad Crabtree flaxeater at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 27 21:20:19 CET 2005

Ok I'll explain what I've done so far.  I'm using tokenize to take
file that imports macro; found by using  stack inspection and then 
tokenize it.  I look at all the string tokens to see if they match
pattern a macro should have.  Then I pass the macro string through
tokenizer again to expand this and to maintain the indentation needed

for the block.  I did this as an exercise and I thought the 'with' 
extension would be nice for my own benefit.  I thought it would be 
useful for all those syntax propositions in PEPs and stuff to
implement them to see how they work in real life.  However in it's 
current state I have to use anonymous ('''****''') strings to
the macro.  I just thought it would be nice to just have python
macro run the first few things with out looking to far into the file,
which point macro.expand() would take over.

Now that you mention it and I'm thinking about it, it would probably 
take some sort of MacroPython->Python compiler type thing.  To get
feel I'm really looking for.  I guess I was thinking it would work

import psyco

I hope I made myself clearer.

Alan Gauld wrote:

>>I'm trying to make a macro system that's work by just doing this
>OK, But to get your acros to use a language extension to python
>(the with.... syntax) you are going to have to write your own
>language interpreter/parser. Even if that just turns the 'with'
>stuff into Python.
>So why is the """ marker even necessary? Your interpreter doesn't
>need it - although it might make things easier... I'm still
>confused I think.
>Alan G.

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